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Volvo-EF Installation Manual

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Installation Instructions for Installing a new Volvo Engine and Drive in your boat.
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Engines 30GSMEFS 43GLPEFS 50GLPEFS 74GIPEFS DPX385XEFS 30GSPEFS 43GIPEFS 50GIPEFS 74GSIPEFS DPX415XEFS 57GSPEFS 82GSIPEFS 57GSIPEFS Transom Shield and Sterndrives SX-M, -MACLT, -MDA, -MDB, -MHP, -MLT, -MTD DP-E; DP-S, -S1, -S2; DP-SM, -SMTD DPX-R; DPX-S, -S1 Safety Considerations These instructions will alert you to certain things you should do very carefully. If you don't, you could – hurt yourself or bystanders – hurt the boat operator or bystanders – damage the machinery Safety symbols appear next to information important to prevent you and others from being hurt. A symbol appears next to information important to keep machinery from being damaged. IMPORTANT! The safeguards and instructions appearing in this publication cannot cover all possible conditions or situations that occur. The person following these directions must use common sense, caution, and care. Product Reference and Illustration When reference is being made to a brand name, product, or specific tool, an equivalent product may be used in place of the referred to product. Substitute products used must have equivalent characteristics, including type, strength, and material. Incorrect substitution may result in product malfunction and possible injury to the opera- tor and/or passengers. All photographs and illustrations used may not necessarily depict actual models or equipment, but are intended only for reference. Specifications used are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication. Installation Instructions Publ. No. 7797282 03-1999 ®
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Transom Shield and SterndrivesSX-M, -MACLT, -MDA, -MDB, -MHP, -MLT, -MTD

DP-E; DP-S, -S1, -S2; DP-SM, -SMTDDPX-R; DPX-S, -S1

Safety Considerations

These instructions will alert you to certain things you should do very carefully. If you don't, you could

– hurt yourself or bystanders

– hurt the boat operator or bystanders

– damage the machinery

Safety symbols appear next to information important to prevent you and others from being hurt.

A symbol appears next to information important to keep machinery from being damaged.


The safeguards and instructions appearing in this publication cannot cover all possible conditions orsituations that occur. The person following these directions must use common sense, caution, andcare.

Product Reference and Illustration

When reference is being made to a brand name, product, or specific tool, an equivalent product may be used inplace of the referred to product. Substitute products used must have equivalent characteristics, including type,strength, and material. Incorrect substitution may result in product malfunction and possible injury to the opera-tor and/or passengers.

All photographs and illustrations used may not necessarily depict actual models or equipment, but are intendedonly for reference. Specifications used are based on the latest product information available at the time ofpublication.

Installation Instructions

Publ. No. 779728203-1999


Page 2: Volvo-EF Installation Manual

Important! This batch with its accompanying instructionsis produced for Volvo Penta’s service workshops, boat-builders,machine manufacturers and other authorized workshops whichhave personnel with qualified professional training.

The installation instructions are only produced for professionaluse and are not intended for non-professional use. Volvo Pentawill not assume any liability whatsoever for damage incurred,either damage to materials or personal injury, which may resultif the installation instructions are not followed or if the work iscarried out by non-professional personnel.

Wichtig! Dieser Satz mit vorliegender Einbauanleitung istfür Volvo Penta Kundendienst-werkstätten, Werften,Maschinenbauer und für andere ermächtigte Werkstätten mitberuflich geschultem Personal vorgesehen.

Die Einbauanleitung ist nur für den berufsmäßigen Gebrauchvorgesehen und nicht für unprofessionelle Anwendung gedacht.Volvo Penta übernimmt nicht die geringste Haftung fürirgendwelchen Schäden an Personen oder Sachen, die alsFolge einer Nichtbefolgung der Einbauanleitung oder wegenAusführung der darin beschriebenen Arbeiten durch nichtberuflich geschulte Personen entstehen.

Important ! Ce kit, avec instructions de montage, estdestiné aux ateliers de service Volvo Penta, aux constructeursde bateaux et autres ateliers de construction agréés avec unpersonnel qualifié.

Les instructions de montage sont exclusivement conçues pourune utilisation professionnelle. Volvo Penta se dégage de touteresponsabilité pour d’éventuels endommagements, corporelsou matériels, résultant du non respect des instructions ou d’untravail effectué par un personnel non compétent.

Importante! El presente juego con las instrucciones demontaje se destina a los talleres de servicio Volvo Penta,constructores de embarcaciones y máquinas y a otros talleresautorizados que cuentan con personal capacitado.

Las instrucciones de montaje están destinadas únicamente parauso profesional, por lo que Volvo Penta no aceptaráresponsabilidad alguna por cualquier daño, tanto personal comomaterial, resultado de no haber seguido las instrucciones demontaje o de haber sido efectuado el trabajo por personal queno está debidamente capacitado.

Importante! Questo kit e le relative istruzioni di montaggiosono stati realizzati per le officine di servizio Volvo Penta, icantieri, i fabbricanti di macchine e tutte le altre officineautorizzate il cui personale ha ricevuto un addestramentoqualificato e specializzato.

Le istruzioni di montaggio sono state redatte esclusivamenteper uso professionale e non sono adatte all ’uso nonprofessionale. La Volvo Penta non si assume alcunaresponsabilità per eventuali danni alle cose o alle persone,derivanti da trascuratezza nel seguire le istruzioni di montaggiooppure dall’esecuzione dei lavori da parte di personale nonqualificato.

Viktigt! Denna sats med föreliggande monteringsanvisningär framtagen för Volvo Pentas serviceverkstäder, båtbyggare,maskintillverkare och övriga auktoriserade verkstäder som harpersonal med kvalificerad fackutbildning.

Monteringsanvisningen är enbart framtagen för yrkesbruk ochär inte avsedd för icke yrkesmässig användning. Volvo Pentapåtager sig inget som helst ansvar för eventuella skador, såvälmateriella som personskador, som kan bli följden ommonteringsanvisningen ej följs, eller om arbetet utförs av ickeyrkeskunnig personal.

Vigtigt! Dette sæt med tilhørende monteringsvejledninger blevet udviklet for Volvo Pentas serviceværksteder,bådebyggere, maskinproducenter og andre autoriseredeværksteder, som har medarbejdere med kvalificeret, fagliguddannelse.

Monteringsvejledningen er udelukkende beregnet ti lprofessionel anvendelse og ikke til hobby- eller fritidsbrug. VolvoPenta påtager sig intet som helst ansvar for eventuelle skaderpå såvel materiel som personer, som kan være en følge af atmonterings-vejledningens anvisninger ikke blev overholdt, ellerhvis arbejdet blev udført af ikke-professionelt personale.

Tärkeää! Tämä sarja ja asennusohje on tarkoitettu VolvoPentan huoltokorjaamoille, veneenrakentajille, konevalmistajilleja muille valtuutetuille korjaamoille, joiden henkilökunta onsaanut pätevän ammattikoulutuksen.

Asennusohje on tarkoitettu ainoastaan ammattikäyttöön. VolvoPenta ei vastaa mahdollisista materiaali- tai henkilövahingoista,joita asennusohjeen laiminlyöminen tai ammattitaidottomanhenkilökunnan suorittama asennustyö voi aiheuttaa.

Belangrijk! Deze set met de bijgevoegde montage-aanwijzing is ontwikkeld voor de werkplaatsen van Volvo Penta,botenbouwers, machinefabrikanten en overige bevoegdewerkplaatsen, die personeel hebben met een gekwalificeerdevakopleiding.

De montage-aanwijzing is alleen ontwikkeld voor professioneelgebruik en is niet bedoeld voor niet-professioneel gebruik. VolvoPenta neemt geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid op zich vooreventuele schade, zowel materiële schade als persoonlijk letsel,die het gevolg kan zijn als de montage-aanwijzing niet wordtgevolgd, of als het werk wordt uitgevoerd door niet-vakkundigpersoneel.

Importante! Este jogo, juntamente com as respectivasinstruções de montagem, foi concebido para as oficinas deserviço da Volvo Penta, construtores navais, construtores demáquinas e outras oficinas autorizadas, com pessoaldevidamente formado.

As instruções de montagem foram concebidas unicamente parautilização profissional e não se destinam a utilização nãoprofissional. A Volvo Penta não se responsabiliza por quaisquerdanos eventuais, tanto materiais como pessoais, que possamresultar no caso de as instruções de montagem não seremseguidas, ou se os trabalhos forem executados por pessoalnão profissional.

Prosoxq! To periexómeno aytoú toy pakétoy mazí me tiwodhgíew synarmológhshw poy to akoloyuoún eínai eidikáepilegméno gia synergeía sérbiw thw Volvo Penta, nayphgeía,kataskeyastéw mhxanön kai gia loipá ejoysiodothménasynergeía poy diauétoyn ejeidikeyméno prosvpikó.

Oi odhgíew synarmológhshw proorízontai móno giaepaggelmatikq xrqsh kai den aposkopoún gia xrqsh apó mhepaggelmatíew. H Volvo Penta den analambánei apolútvwkamia eyuúnh gia piuanéw zhmiéw, tóso ylikéw óso kaiprosvpikéw, poy mporoún na proklhuoún epeidq denakoloyuoúntai oi odhgíew synarmológhshw q epeidq h ergasíaekteleítai apó mh ejeidikeyméno prosvpikó.


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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Service Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Warranty Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5References, Illustrations and Specifications . 5

Safety Alert Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Installation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Transom Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Prepare for Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Special Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Sealants and Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Model Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Static Water Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Steering System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

External Power Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Locate Transom Centerline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Twin Engine Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Locate Transom Baseline and X-Dimension . 9Centerline Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Procedure A: Transom Drill Fixture . . . . . . . 12Procedure B: Transom Template . . . . . . . . 14

Finish Transom Cutout Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Install Transom Shield Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . 19Install Trim/Tilt Pump Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Prepare for Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Required Tools and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Locate Forward Engine Mount Holes . . . . . . . . 25

Install Steering Cylinder / Steering Tube . . . 27Procedure A: Power Steering . . . . . . . . 27Procedure B: Mechanical Steering . . . . 30

Exhaust Pipe Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Thru-Transom Exhaust Only . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Thru-Gearcase Exhaust Only . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Install Drain Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Connecting Raw Water Pump Hoses . . . . . 34Remove Engine from Pallet . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Install and Align Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Install Cables and Hoses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Install Battery Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Fuel System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Install Power Steering Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Single Engine, or Starboard Engine of DualInstallations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Port Engine of Dual Installations Only . 39

Throttle Cable Lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Remote control throttle cable: . . . . . . . . 40Throttle Cable Installation . . . . . . . . . . . 40

General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Engine Combustion Air Inlet Size Requirements 41Engine Compartment/Room Ventilation Air Inlet

Size Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Battery Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Battery Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Prepare for Shipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Sterndrive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Prepare for Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Special tools required: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Sealants and Lubricants as Required: . 45

Installing Drive Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50Check and Adjust Trim Sending Unit . . . . . . . . . 52

Shift Cable Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Remote control shift cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Check installation of shift cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53All Models: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Twin Installations, SX Models Only: . . . . . . 53Check Remote Control Shift Cable Stroke . 53

Shift Cable Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Shift System Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57Start-in-Neutral-Only Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Propeller Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57SX Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57DP-S Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Pre-delivery Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Static Water Line Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60On-Water Tests and Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Check Engine Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Trim Tab Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Models With Power Steering . . . . . . . . . . . 62Models Without Power Steering . . . . . . . . . 62Tie Bar Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Duoprop Drive Unit Twin Installations: . . . . . . . 62

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This installation instruction covers Volvo Pentaequipment manufactured by Volvo Penta to be usedon Volvo Penta products. Any use other than thosespecified in these instructions may give unpredict-able results. These instructions provide the installerwith the necessary information to make a single ordual engine installation of a Volvo Penta sterndrive.

Proper preparation is extremely helpful for efficientservice work. A clean work area at the start of thejob will minimize tools and parts becoming mis-placed. Before you start work, gather all tools,instruments, and parts needed for the job. Interrupt-ing a job to locate special tools or repair kits causesneedless delay.

CAUTION Anyone who uses an installationprocedure or tool that is not recommended mustfirst be satisfied that neither their nor the user’ssafety will be jeopardized by the installationmethods selected.

This sterndrive marine propulsion system, asmanufactured, meets or exceeds all applicable U.S.Federal Regulations covering recreational boats asrequired under Title 46 of the United States Codeenacted by Public Law 98-89, August 26, 1983. Therequirements under this Code encompass allrecreational boats to be sold in the United States,Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, AmericanSamoa, the District of Columbia, the NorthernMariana Islands, and any other territories or pos-sessions of the United States.

Three technical booklets of special importance tohelp boat manufacturers understand and complywith these U.S. Federal Regulations are

• Electrical System Compliance Guideline, AD/A-049-638

• Fuel System Compliance Guideline,AD/A-047-767

• Ventilation System Compliance Guideline,AD/A-114-507

These and other technical publications are availablefrom the National Technical Information Service(NTIS), U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield,Virginia 22161; (703) 487-4650

Telephone NTIS to obtain a quotation coding andcost of publication. This information must be in-cluded with your booklet order.


Page 5: Volvo-EF Installation Manual

Service Policy

Whether within or following the warranty period,Volvo Penta has a constant interest in its products.

It is Volvo Penta's policy to provide dealers withservice knowledge so they can give professionalservice demanded by today's consumer. The VolvoPenta service schools, frequent mailing of servicebulletins, letters and promotions, special tools, andthese instructions represent Volvo Penta's efforts ingiving consumers the best and most prompt servicepossible. If a service question does not appear tobe answered in these instructions, you are invited tocall, write, or e-mail the Volvo Penta ServiceDepartment for additional help. Always be sure togive complete information, including engine modeland serial number.

Be sure you are familiar with Volvo Penta's war-ranty. If you have any questions, call, write, ore-mail the Volvo Penta Service Department. If otherthan genuine Volvo Penta parts and componentsare used, Volvo Penta may refuse subsequentwarranty claims involving that engine.

When a brand-name product or particular tool isspecified, another item may be used. However, thesubstitute must have equivalent characteristics,including type, strength, and material. You mustdetermine if incorrect substitution could result inproduct malfunction and personal injury to anyone.To avoid hazards, any equivalent products usedmust meet all U.S. Coast Guard Safety Regulationsand ABYC standards.

Volvo Penta has specially-designed tools tp simplifysome disassembly and assembly operations. Thesespecial tools are listed in this instruction. All VolvoPenta special tools may be ordered from VolvoPenta Parts Order.

Warranty Responsibility

CAUTION It is the responsibility of the boatmanufacturer, dealer, or engine installer toposition and install the sterndrive and engineproperly. An installation that permits water toenter the engine through the exhaustmanifold(s) will not be covered by warrantyunless damage is due to defective part(s).

References, Illustrations andSpecifications

Volvo Penta reserves the right to make changes atanytime, without notice, to specifications, models,and procedures. Also, the right to change anyspecifications or parts at any time without incurringany obligation to equip same models manufacturedprior to date of such change. All information,illustrations, and specifications contained in theseinstructions are based on the latest informationavailable at the time of printing. The right is re-served to make changes at any time without notice.

Photographs and illustrations used in this instructionmay not depict actual models or equipment. Thecontinuing accuracy of this installation instructioncannot be guaranteed.

Use the general torque specification for all fastenersunless otherwise specified in the instructions.

Carefully observe the safety alert symbols below fordangers, warnings, and cautions. They alert install-ers and operators of possible dangers or importantinformation contained in this manual.

Warnings alone do not eliminate hazards, nor arethey a substitute for safe boat handling and properaccident prevention measures!

Safety Alert Symbols

DANGER Failure to comply with a danger sym-bol will result in serious injury or death to boat opera-tor, boat occupants, and/or others.

WARNING Failure to comply with a warning mayresult in injury or death to boat operator, boat occu-pants and/or others.

CAUTION Failure to comply with a caution mayresult in failure or damage to the equipment.

Note! Special attention should be used to preventincorrect assembly or disassembly.

Installation Procedures

Proper installation is important for the safe, reliableoperation of all mechanical products. In theseinstructions we recommend and describe effectiveprocedures you should follow when installing VolvoPenta sterndrive products. Some of these methodsrequire the use of tools especially designed for thepurpose. These tools should be used wheneverrecommended.


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6 2000 VPA/TSK

Transom Shield

Special Tools

• Transom Drill Fixture, P/N 3851081or

• Transom Template— All models except 7.4 GSI & 8.2 GSi, P/N3850029— 7.4 GSI & 8.2 GSi models only, P/N 3857256

Sealants and Lubricants

• Volvo Penta water resistant grease, P/N 828250• White sealing compound for drives P/N 1141570

Before beginning the installation, it is the installer’sresponsibility to determine that the boat transommeets the following requirements:• Maximum transom thickness: 2-1/4 in. (57 mm)• Minimum transom thickness: 1-3/4 in. (44 mm)• Inside transom area must be flat within 1/8 in.

(3.17 mm)• Outside transom area must be flat within 1/16 in.

(1.57 mm)• Inside and outside transom area must be parallel

within ± 1/8 in. (3.17 mm)

Prepare for Installation

Follow these steps in the order listed to perform acomplete installation of a Volvo Penta transomshield assembly:

1. Prepare for installation

2. Test static water line height

3. Steering system recommendations

4. External power steering recommendations

5. Locate transom centerline

6. Locate transom baseline and X-dimension

7. Drill and cut transom

8. Finish transom cutout area

9. Model identification

10. Install transom shield assembly

11. Install trim/tilt assembly

Read installation instructions completely, and collectall tools, instruments, and parts needed for the jobbefore you start work.


• Wrenches and sockets, 1/4 in. to 1 in.• Electric drill with 1/2 in. (12 mm) chuck• Drill bits• 1-1/32 in. (8.73 mm)• 1/2 in. (13 mm)• Electric reciprocating or saber saw

(e.g. Sawzall)• Hole saw• 1 in. (25.5 mm)• 1-3/4 in. (45 mm)• Combination level/protractor• Torque wrench• Screwdrivers• Carpenter’s square• Protractor• Drift punch• Hammer• Pliers set• Portaline drilling fixture

Transom Shield

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72000 VPA/TSK

Transom Shield

Model Identification

All sterndrive system components most be matchedfor either single or dual engine installations. Theengine, transom shield, and drive unit modelnumbers must correspond according to the ModelMatrix shipped with the Sterndrive.

CAUTION Failure to properly match engineand drive unit will result in poor boat perfor-mance, and risk damage to engine and drivebecause of incorrect drive gear ratio.

Static Water Line

Determine if the engine meets the static water lineheight requirements after the engine and drive unithave been installed in the boat. The boat must be inwater with its recommended load capacity distrib-uted aboard.

CAUTION The static water line height must betested before the engine is started for the firsttime. This will prevent the ingestion of water intothe engine and resultant damage.

(To determine the static water line height, Follow theinstructions in the Drive Unit Installation Instructionsunder “On Water Tests and Adjustments.”)

Note! An installation that permits water to enterthe engine through the exhaust manifold(s) willnot be covered by warranty, unless damage isdue to defective part(s).

Steering System


Duoprop® equipped, dual engine installation boatswith a top speed of 60-70 MPH require a combina-tion of internal and external tie bars. A dual trimlimiter (P/N 3857242-6), should always be installedwhen a combination of internal and external tie barsare used to prevent high stresses from the differ-ence in trim angles. (Such stresses may occur, forexample, if only one drive is tilted.)

CAUTION An external tie bar must never beused as the only tie bar, but must always becombined with an internal tie bar.

External Power Steering


External power steering is required for boats with atop speed of mote than 70 MPH or any applicationwhere the boat and sterndrive may occasionallycome out of the water. External tie bars and exter-nal power steering systems can be obtained from:

Mayfair Marine

Opalocka, Florida

The following part numbers apply:

MM VOLSCSD (Single Sterndrive/SingleCylinder/Full Hydraulic)

MM VOLDCSD (Single Sterndrive/Dual Cyl-inder/Full Hydraulic

MM VOLDCDD (Dual Sterndrive/Dual Cylin-der/Full Hydraulic

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8 2000 VPA/TSK

Transom Shield

Locate Transom Centerline

1. Draw a line parallel to the boat side at the port and starboardchines.
















2. Draw an intersecting line parallel to the boat bottom at theport and starboard chines. Lightly mark the points of intersec-tion. These points will be the centers of arcs drawn to find thetransom centerline.

Note! The vertical centerline of the transom is most accuratelyfound by using a beam compass. A workable beam compassmay be made by clamping a pivot point and a pencil to a bar.A stiff wire with loops at each end for pivot point and pencilwill also work, if used carefully.

3. Strike an are at the top of the transom from one chine pointand an intersecting are from the other chine point withoutchanging beam compass length. The exact same radius mustbe used to strike both arcs to locate the upper transom centerpoint accurately. Repeat the procedure to locate the lowertransom center point, with a different radius if necessary.



4. If the boat bottom is fiat or a very shallow “V,” a lower centerpoint may be found by measuring across the transom fromchine point to chine point and marking the midpoint on thetransom.

5. Draw a straight vertical line through the upper and lowercenter points. This transom centerline will be used for thetransom shield centerline on single engine installations and asa reference line on twin engine installations. For single enginetransom layout, continue on to Locate Transom Baseline andX-Dimension.


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92000 VPA/TSK

Transom Shield


7. Make similar measurements from the transom centerline nearthe bottom of the boat to locate the bottom points.



6. Use a carpenter’s square to mark the transom. Place a mark

at A of the selected engine centerline distance to port of thetransom centerline. Place a second mark B at of the selectedengine centerline distance to starboard of the transomcenterline.

8. Use a carpenter’s square or straight edge to connect both portand starboard transom shield centerline marks. Check thedistance at both top and bottom to ensure the transom shieldcenterlines are equal distance from transom centerline usedas a reference.

162-08 Locate Transom Baseline and X-Dimension

Note! The transom baseline is the horizontal centerline for thetransom shield fixture and template. Boat transom angle andanti-ventilation plate height need to be known to determine thetransom baseline position on the transom. The X-dimension isthe distance from the hull bottom to the intersection of thetransom baseline (crankshaft centerline) and verticalcenterline.

1. The boat’s transom angle can be measured with severaldifferent protractors or shop devices. Two commonly usedprotractors are the machinist’s adjustable protractor and theuniversal plumb and level protractor. Both of these protractorscan be obtained locally and should be used to determine thetransom angle of the boat.



Twin Engine Installation

Centerline Spacing

Note! The minimum engine centerline distance fortwin engine installation determines the transomshield centerline and engine spacing. Use thefollowing chart for all centerline dimensions.

Engine/Drive Recommended Minimum3.0 SX 29.25 in. (743 mm) 26.5 in. (673 mm)4.3 SX/DP 35.4 in. (890 mm) 32.3 in. (820 mm)5.0 SX/DP 34.25 in. (870 mm) 31.5 in. (800 mm)5.7 SX/DP 34.25 in. (870 mm) 31.5 in. (800 mm)7.4 SX/DP 35.9 in. (911 mm) 33.1 in. (841 mm)8.2 DP 35.9 in. (911 mm) 33.1 in. (841 mm)

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10 2000 VPA/TSK

Transom Shield




1A. Machinist’s Adjustable Protractor: Place a 4 ft. (1.2 m)straight edge E against the boat bottom or pad near thecenter of the transom. Do not place the straight edge on thekeel. Place the protractor’s movable turret against the straightedge. Adjust the protractor’s straight edge C to fit the tran-som angle. Measure the transom angle directly from theprotractor in number of degrees from perpendicular. Recordthe actual transom angle of the boat for later reference inselecting the X- dimension.

1B. Universal Plumb and Level Protractor: Place a 4 ft. (1.2 m)straight edge on the boat bottom or pad near the center of thetransom. Do not place the straight edge on the keel if the boathas one. Place the protractor on the straight edge. Level it byraising or lowering the front of the boat. E





3. With the boat in a level position, place the protractor againstthe transom. Record the transom angle reading for laterreference in selecting the X-dimension.

4. Place a 4 ft. (1.2 m) straight edge along bottom of boat attransom shield vertical centerline for single engine installa-tions, or at and for twin engine installations. Measure thedimension selected from the chart, from top of straight edge .Follow the transom angle to get an accurate measurement.Place a mark on the transom. This will become the transomshield horizontal baseline.





5. Use a carpenter’s square to extend the transom shieldbaseline (X-dimension) to port and starboard perpendicular tothe vertical centerline.



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Transom Shield

13" (10"-16")

Measure "X" along slant of transom.



Center line of the engine

Center line of the engine

Refer to installation drawingsfor minimum center distance.



13" (10"-16")






The figures in the chart on this page will give ananti-ventilation plate height of ¾ in. above the boatbottom for a SX models and ¼ in. above the boatbottom for DP-S model. These dimension will givethe optimum installation height for most applica-tions. If changes are necessary, adjustment must bemade using the ¾ in, figure for SX models and ¼ in,figure for DP-S models as a reference point. Theangle of the transom must also be known beforestarting.

If the optimum location of the anti-ventilation plate inrelation to the boat bottom is unknown, use thefollowing chart as a guide.

Transom AngleDegrees inches mm

10° 13-13/16 351

11° 13-55/64 352

12° 13-15/16 354

13° 13-31/32 355

14° 14-1/64 356

15° 14-3/32 358

16° 14-11/64 360



Note! Above figures to be used in conjunctionwith the specific engine installation drawing.

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Transom Shield

Two devices and procedures can be used to drill and cut the boat transom. Follow either:

• Procedure A: Transom Drill Fixture, P/N 3851081, see below. A metal fixture is used to cut out transom.

• Procedure B: Transom Template, P/N 3850029 or 3857256. A paper template is used to cut out transom.

Note! Twin engine installations require two holes be cut in the transom. Either procedure for marking andcutting the hole will work, but must be done twice, once for each hole. A new paper template must beused for the second cutout if Procedure “B” is used.

Procedure A: Transom Drill Fixture, P/N 3851081

1. Center punch transom at the intersection of the transomshield baseline (X-dimension) and vertical centerline . Use aPortalign drill guide to ensure drilling a perpendicular holethrough the transom. Drill a 9/16 in. (14 mm) hole at thecenter punch point.

B 3


2B E





2. Align notches of drill fixture with vertical centerline andtransom shield baseline (X-dimension) . Secure drill fixture totransom with 1/2 in. (13 mm) bolt, flat washers, and nutsupplied with drill fixture. Install a wood screw in either one ofthe two small holes to keep the transom fixture from rotating.


3. Mark transom cutout area using the drill fixture as a guide.

4. Drill seven 9/16 in. (14.3 mm) holes A .



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5. Drill two ¼ in. (6.4 mm) guide holes.



8. 7.4Gi, 7.4GSI & 8.2GSI Models with SX-MHP transomshield Only: Drill two 9/

16 in. (14.3 mm) holes A . Remove drill

fixture from transom.




9. Draw a line (dotted line) around outside edge of saw pilot hole,and connect points D and E . This corner of lower transomcutout (shaded area) must be removed when making transomcutout.

10. Draw a line connecting vertical lines on both sides of cutout.F


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11. Remove drill bit from 1-3/4 in. (45 mm) hole saw. Replace drillbit with a 6 in. (15.2 cm) long, 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) pilot rod (drillrod). Cut two 1-3/4 in. (45 mm) holes following the guideholes.


12. Use a straight edge to mark a horizontal line G across thetop of the 1-3/4 in. (45 mm) holes. Cut transom followingmarked cutout. Use either a drilled 1-3/4 in. (45 mm) hole or-




inner 9/16

in. (14 mm) hole I as a starting point. Keep bladeperpendicular (90°) to transom. Proceed to Finish TransomCutout Area found elsewhere in this instruction sheet.

Note! Cutting on the marked line is important. Cutting too farinside will make the transom shield difficult to install. Cuttingtoo far outside will weaken the transom shield stud mountingholes.



Procedure B: Transom Template

P/N 3850029, All Models Except 7.4Gi, 7.4GSi & 8.2 GSi

P/N 3857256, 7.4 GSi & 8.2 GSi Models Only

1. Carefully cut out center diamond of template.



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2. Position the transom template on the boat transom. Align thetemplate centerlines and with the vertical centerline and thetransom shield baseline (X-dimension) marked on the boattransom. Tape template securely to transom.

3. Center punch lower template holes.



5. Center punch tiller arm cutout holes.


4. Center punch lower bolt holes.

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Transom Shield

6. Use a Portalign drill fixture or equivalent to drill the two 60°holes and the up to eight perpendicular 90° holes through thetransom.


9. Drill the two 60° angle 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) guide holes at the pilotholes drilled in Step 5.





8. Adjust rods to attain a 60° angle to the transom, using a 30°triangle.



7. Attach a power drill to the drilling fixture. Drill two 1/4 in. (6.4mm) pilot holes to a depth of 3/8 in. (9 mm) perpendicular totransom for the two 60° steering clearance holes. This willprevent the drill from “walking” when drilling at a 60° angle.

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10 Remove drill bit from 1-3/4 in. (45 mm) hole saw and replacewith a 6 in. (15.2 cm) long, 1/4 in. (6,4 mm) pilot rod (drill rod).Follow the guide holes with the pilot rod and cut two 1-3/4 in.(45 mm) holes.

11. 7.4 GSi & 8.2 GSi Models Only: Drill two perpendicular holesE using a 9/16 in. (14,3 mm) drill bit. Drill six perpendicularholes F using a 9/16 in. (14,3 mm) drill bit.





12. Drill two 1 in. (25 mm) holes at bottom of transom template forstarter holes to cut out transom.

13. Cut transom following shaded area of template. Use a drilled1-¾ in. (45 mm) holeas a starting point. Keep blade perpen-dicular (90°) to transom at all times.

Note! Cutting on the marked line is important. Cutting too farinside will make the transom shield difficult to install. Cuttingtoo far outside will weaken the transom shield stud mountingholes.


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Or use a 1 in. (25 mm) hole as a starting point. Keep bladeperpendicular (90°) to transom at all times.

Note! Cutting on the marked line is important. Cutting too farinside will make the transom shield difficult to install. Cutting toofar outside will weaken the transom shield stud mounting holes.

Finish Transom Cutout Area



1. Clean and file off all rough saw blade marks. Chamfer bottominside edge of cutout to clear exhaust pipe on boats with themaximum transom thickness of 2-1/4 in. (57 mm).



2. Round off sharp corners J of steering arm area.



3. Cut or file a channel K on inside edge of cutout to draintrapped water into the bilge. This will keep the transom dryand free from rot.


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4. Seal transom opening with a suitable sealant to prevent waterabsorption and deterioration of transom.

Install Transom Shield Assembly

1. Remove protective packing.

Note! Do not remove tie straps from trim/tilt cylinders at thistime. They will be removed before installation of the drive unit.

2. Check contents of transom shield hardware kit:

Note! 7.4 GSi and 8.2 GSi models use two extra flat washers,two long screws, and two seals.

1 2 3

6 7 4 5



3. Cut tie straps retaining the hoses and wires.

4. Remove and save nuts retaining trim/tilt pump assembly totransom shield.

5. Remove trim/tilt pump assembly from the transom shield.


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Transom Shield

7. 7.4 GSi and 82 GSi Models Only: Remove the backing fromseals. Press the seals into position over the screw holes onthe upper inside surface of the transom shield.








6. Remove and discard packing hardware A from the transomshield studs. Make sure the outer transom seal B andexhaust outlet seal C , are properly seated in their grooves.Hydraulic line fittings D at the transom shields and pumpshould be tight and not leaking. Check the transom shieldalignment tube E for nicks or burrs that would make installa-tion difficult.


8. Move transom shield assembly close to transom cutout. Placetrim/tilt pump assembly and shift cable sleeve and connectorassembly through transom cutout.


9. Install outer transom shield into cutout of transom. Guidestuds through drilled holes in transom. Route the trim/tilt pumpassembly lines over top of port stud next to water tube.

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10. Apply a light coat of Volvo Penta water resistant grease,828250-1, to inner transom plate alignment sleeve. Applywhite sealing compound for drives to all transom shield studs.






11. All models except 7.4 GSi & 8.2 GSi: Install inner transomplate over steering arm and water tube. Route trim/tilt sendingwire through inner transom plate. Position trim/tilt hydrauliclines A in channel on port side of transom shield. Install flatside of bearing plate 3 against transom. Install three flatwashers 2 and four lock nuts 5 and one lock nut B retainedfrom trim pump. Do not tighten at this time.

13. Attach ground lead C to remaining transom shield stud.Install last washer 2 and one lock nut B retained from trimpump. Do not tighten at this time.C



2, 4

3 52, 5

B, 5

2, 5



12. 7.4 GSi & 8.2 GSi models only: Install inner transom plateover steering arm and water tube. Route trim/tilt sending wirethrough inner transom plate. Position trim/tilt hydraulic lines inchannel A on port side of transom shield. Install flat side ofbearing plate 3 against transom. Install five flat washers, 2

two long screws 4 coated with white sealing compound P/N828250, and four lock nuts 5 and one lock nut B retainedfrom trim pump. Do not tighten at this time.

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Transom Shield

14. Apply sealing compound P/N 828250 to threads of alignmentscrews 1 . Install and tighten alignment screws until headcontacts the inner transom plate. Do not tighten screws atthis time.

Note! The alignment screws must contact the transom plate orthe threads may be damaged in the final tightening operation.



17. Tighten the two alignment screws 1 to 12-14 ft. lb. (16-19N•m). 1 1


15. All models except 7.4 GSI & 8.2 GSi: Tighten the six locknuts in a cross pattern, as shown, starting from center of innertransom plate. Tighten to 20-25 ft. lb. (27-34 N•m).




24 5


16. 7.4 GSi & 8.2 GSi models only: Tighten the six lock nuts andtwo long screws in a cross pattern, as shown, starting fromcenter of inner transom plate. Tighten to 20-25 ft. lb. (27-34N•m).









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Transom Shield

4. Remove reservoir cap. Remove and discard shipping plug.Install cap and tighten securely.



18. Attach inner transom plate ground strap to steering arm withwasher and screw.

Install Trim/Tilt Pump Assembly


1. Position trim/tilt pump assembly in an area accessible forfuture service. Pump may be positioned on the transom or ona stringer. Hold trim/tilt pump in selected area with oil reservoiron the bottom. Mark the two lag screw mounting holes.

CAUTION Be sure the hydraulic hoses are routed awayfrom the steering arm and will not chafe against hoses belts orwires.



2. Center punch holes. Place a piece of tape 1 in. (25 mm) fromthe tip of a 7/32 in. (5.5 mm) drill bit to prevent drilling throughthe transom and to ensure the proper pilot hole depth. Drillpilot hole to depth of the tape.

3. Install trim/tilt pump assembly to transom and secure with two5/16 in. x 1-1/4 in. (7.94 mm x 31.75 mm) lag screws, avail-able locally. Tighten the screws securely.



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Required Tools and Equipment

Special Tools:

— Engine Mount Drill Fixture,P/N 3851082-2, for V6 and V8 models

— Alignment Tool, (3851083-0)— Universal Drive Handle (3850609-3)

Additional Equipment Required:

— Steering wheel, helm, and cable— Remote control, throttle, & shift cables— Fuel system— Instrument/trim harness assembly— Emergency stop switch— Battery cables

Sealants and Lubricants:

— Volvo Penta water resistant grease(828250-1)

— Volvo Penta white sealing compoundfor drives (1141570-0)


Test the static water line height before you start theengine for the first time. This will prevent theingestion of water into the engine and resultantdamage.

Determine if the engine meets the static water lineheight requirements after the engine and drive unitshave been installed in the boat. The boat must be inwater with its recommended load capacity distrib-uted aboard. Follow the instructions in the DriveUnit Installation Instructions under the section titled,“On Water Tests and Adjustments.”


An installation that permits water to enter the enginethrough the exhaust manifold will not be covered bywarranty, unless damage is due to defective part(s).

Proper installation is important for the safe, reliableoperation of all mechanical products. In theseinstructions we recommend and describe effectiveprocedures you should follow when installing VolvoPenta sterndrive products. Some of these methodsrequire the use of tools especially designed for thepurpose. These tools should be used wheneverrecommended.

Follow these steps in the order listed to perform acomplete installation of a Volvo Penta engineassembly:

1. Prepare for installation

2. Test static water line height

3. Locate forward engine mount holes

4. Install steering cylinder or tube

5. Exhaust pipe installation

6. Install drain plugs

7. Remove engine from pallet

8. Install battery cables

9. Shift and throttle cable lengths

10. Shift cable installation

11. Install and align engines

12. Install cables and hoses

13. Install power steering lines

Prepare for Installation

Read installation instructions completely, and collectall tools, instruments, and parts needed for the jobbefore you start work.

Regular Tools:— Wrenches and sockets, ¼ in. to 1 in.— Electric drill with ½ in. (12 mm) chuck— Drill bits — 11/32 in. (8.73 mm)

½ in. (13 mm)— Torque wrench— Screwdrivers— Drift punch— Hammer— Pliers set— Hoist and sling with a minimum

capacity rating of 1,500 lb. (680 kg)


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Locate Forward Engine Mount Holes

1. On the drawing below, select the letter that corre-sponds to the engine model being installed, for thelocation of the forward engine mount pads. The di-mension locates the center of the forward enginemount pads.

A 3.0 and V6 models . . . . . . . 16¼ in. (41.3 cm)

B V8 models . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20¾ in. (52.7 cm)

C Rear engine mount positions

D V6 and V8 front mount centerline is 11¼ in.(28.6 cm) to port and starboard of the enginecenterline.

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2. Check rear engine mounts and hardware:

Ref. Name of Part Qty.1 Mounting Screw 42 Washer 43 Rear Engine Mount 2

3. Secure rear engine mounts to transom bracket with washersand screws. Tighten screws to 20-25 ft. lb. (27-34 N•m).

The engine mount drill fixture (3851082-2) has two functions:

• Locate or check the engine front mount pad height andangle.

• Locate front engine mount pilot holes.

Note! The drill fixture is used to locate the forward enginemount holes for all models EXCEPT the 3.0 liter models.

4. Install drill fixture on rear engine mounts of inner transomplate. Center steering arm. Attach height fingers onto innertransom plate.

5. Position engine mount pads ¼ in. (6.35 mm) below bottom ofdrill fixture feet. Mark and secure pads to boat.







6. Select correct guide holes for the engine being installed. Drillfour 11/32-in. (8.73 mm) pilot holes to a depth of 2½ in. (63mm).

D 3.0 and 4.3 modelsE V8 models




1 1







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7. Remove engine mount drill fixture from inner transom plate.Drill a ½-in. (13 mm) diameter counter bore hole, not toexceed ½ in. (13 mm) in depth, through each pilot hole.



Install Steering Cylinder / Steering Tube

The sterndrive must be coupled to a mechanical push-pull cablesteering system. The boat’s steering system is important forcontrol of the boat. It is also critical to the safety of persons in theboat or in its general area.

We recommend that the installer follow the American Boat andYacht Council’s Safety Standards P-17 and P-22 for all aspects ofthe steering system to ensure that each component meets theminimum requirements.

To obtain a copy of the current ABYC Standards P-17 and P-22,write to

American Boat and Yacht Council3069 Solomon’s Island RoadEdgewater, MD 21037 U.S.A.Phone: 410/956-1050Fax: 410/956-2737

The helm, steering wheel, and steering cable should be installedfollowing the steering system manufacturer’s installation instruc-tions and specifications.

There are two types of steering systems: power steering andmechanical steering. For their installation, follow either ProcedureA (Power Steering), or Procedure B (Mechanical Steering).

Procedure A: Power Steering

Note! Accessibility may require the steering cable be installedprior to installation of the power steering cylinder. Make thisdetermination before proceeding. If this is the case, make thenecessary modifications to the following procedures.

1. Remove power steering box from engine box shelf and checkcontents of kit:

Ref. Name of Part Qty.1 Bolt 22 Large Cotter Pin 23 Cotter Pin 24 Pin 15 Pin 16 Cylinder Assembly

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4 C




6. Apply Volvo Penta water resistant grease (828250-1) to large

pin 4 . Pull hydraulic arm assembly B over steering arm.

Align holes and install large pin 4 from top of arm. Install

cotter pin 3 . Spread prongs of cotter pin to secure largepin.

2. Install anchor bolts 1 flush with the inside of the inner tran-som plate.

3. Apply Volvo Penta water resistant grease (828250-1) to both

bushings A of steering cylinder.

4. Install steering cylinder assembly 6 into inner transom plate.Align bushings of steering cylinder with anchor bolts. As theanchor bolts are tightened, make sure they pilot into thebushings. Tighten both anchor bolts to 40-45 ft. lb. (54-61N•m).

CAUTION If anchor bolts do not align with steering cylindermounting holes, the mounting bosses on transom plate will breakwhen bolts are tightened.

5. Install cotter pins 2 through holes in transom plate fromtransom side. Spread prongs of cotter pins to secure anchorbolts.

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G E6. Remove both protective plastic plugs G and E from steering




7. Turn the steering wheel to fully extend the steering cable ram.Lubricate the full length of the steering ram with Volvo Pentawater resistant grease (828250-1).

8. Retract steering ram and install into steering tube.



9. Hold anchor nut back on cable casing to seat steering cable inend of steering tube.

10. Push steering cable against end of steering tube. Threadanchor nut onto tube until anchor nut bottoms on end ofsteering tube.



11. Hold the steering tube with a wrench. Attach a crowfootwrench to a torque wrench at a 90° angle. Tighten the steer-ing cable anchor nut to 120 in. lb. (14 N•m).

12. Turn steering wheel to extend ram. Align hole of steering cableram with hole of hydraulic arm assembly. Apply Volvo Pentawater resistant grease (828250-1) to small pin. Install pin fromtop of arm through cable hole. Install cotter pin). Spreadprongs of cotter pin to secure small pin. Continue to ExhaustPipe Installation.

5 I

F 323955

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1 2 3 4 5



Procedure B: Mechanical Steering

Note: Accessibility may require the steering cable be installedprior to installation of the mechanical steering tube and bushingassembly. Make this determination before proceeding. If this isthe case, make the necessary modifications to the followingprocedures.

1. Check contents of the mechanical steering kit:

Ref. Name of Part1 Anchor Bolt2 Large Cotter Pin3 Pin4 Small Cotter Pin5 Steering Pin Bushing6 Tube Anchor and Bushing Assy

2. Install anchor bolts flush with the inside of the inner transomplate.







3. Apply Volvo Penta water resistant grease (828250-1) to bothanchor block bushings.

4. Position anchor block inside transom plate. Align bushingswith anchor bolts. As the anchor bolts are tightened, makesure they pilot into the bushings. Tighten both anchor bolts to40-45 ft. lb. (54-61 N•m).

CAUTION If anchor bolts do not align with steering cylindermounting holes, the mounting bosses on transom plate will breakwhen bolts are tightened.

5. Install cotter pins through holes in transom plate. Spreadprongs of cotter pins to secure anchor bolts.

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6. Turn the steering wheel to fully extend the steering cable ram.Lubricate the full length of the steering ram with Volvo Pentawater resistant grease (828250-1).

7. Retract steering cable ram and insert into steering tube. Holdanchor nut back on cable casing to seat steering cable in endof steering tube. Make certain it is fully seated.

8. Thread anchor nut onto tube until anchor nut bottoms on endof steering tube.

9. Attach a crowfoot wrench to a torque wrench at a 90° angle.Tighten the steering cable anchor nut to 120 in. lb. (14 N•m).

10. Turn steering wheel to extend ram. Install steering pin bush-ings in top and bottom holes of steering arm.




11. Apply Volvo Penta water resistant grease (828250-1) to pin.Install steering arm pin down through top steering arm bush-ing, steering cable ram, and bottom bushing.

12. Install cotter pin through steering arm pin. Spread prongs ofcotter pin to secure steering arm pin.

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13. Turn steering wheel lock-to-lock. Full steering arm travel mustbe present when fully extending and retracting the steeringcable ram. Steering arm must not contact inside of transomcutout in either direction. Center steering wheel and checkcentering of steering arm.

14. If adjustment is necessary, refer to Steering Section ofappropriate service manual.





Exhaust Pipe Installation

1. Remove cardboard box, plastic top and supports from engineand pallet.

2. Determine if the boat will have thru-transom or thru-gearcaseexhaust, and refer to the appropriate following section.

Note! All Volvo Penta sterndrive models meet state and locallaws for noise pollution when they leave the factory. Modifica-tion of the exhaust system that alters the noise level of theengine is the responsibility of the person modifying thesystem.

Thru-Transom Exhaust Only

1. Inspect seal around transom shield exhaust opening to becertain it is within its groove.

2. Install the exhaust block-off plate kit (3850889-1). Coat thefour screws provided with the kit with Volvo Penta whitesealing compound for drives and install them. Tighten thescrews to 22-25 ft. lb. (30-34 N•m).

CAUTION Use only the screws provided with the kit. Use ofany other length screws could allow water entry into the boat.

3. The exhaust hose between the high-rise elbow and thethru-transom fitting must have a ½ in. (12.7 mm) drop forevery 12 in. (30.5 cm) of exhaust hose length.

CAUTION A drop of less than ½ in. (12.7 mm) can allowwater to flow back into the engine and cause severe internaldamage. This damage will not be covered under warranty.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation of thethru-transom hardware kit. Install thru-transom exhaust system.

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Thru-Gearcase Exhaust Only

1. Loosen two upper hose clamps on each end of exhaust pipe.For ease of removing exhaust pipe, spray under upper (loose)end of hoses with water. Cut tie strap securing the exhaustpipe to the plastic pallet, and pull exhaust pipe off engine.

2. Check exhaust pipe mounting screws:

Ref. Name of Part Qty.Exhaust PipeMounting Screws 4

3. Check flapper valve position and operation. Long lip must bedown and it should pivot with ease.

4. Inspect exhaust seal of transom shield to be certain it is withinits groove.

5. Position bottom of exhaust pipe against bottom of exhaustseal. Apply white sealing compound for drives to the fourexhaust pipe mounting screws. Hold pipe against exhaustopening without disturbing the seal, then install and tighten thefour screws to 20-25 ft. lb. (27-34 N•m).

Install Drain Plugs

All drain plugs, drain caps, hose clamps, and the positive (B+)battery cable protective cover are enclosed in a bag. If the engineis going to be water tested, install the drain plugs and drain capswhile engine is resting on the pallet.

3.0 liter models only: Install drain plugs into exhaust manifoldand engine block.

All V-6 and V-8 models: Install drain plugs into port and star-board engine block, and drain caps or plugs onto exhaust mani-fold drain locations. Secure caps with hose clamps.

EFI models only: If lower water hose has been removed fromMOAS, reinstall and secure with hose clamp.

Note! Before shipping engine after it has been water tested,Remove the drain plugs and raw water pump hoses, drain allwater from the engine and manifolds. Enclose drain plugs andhose clamps in a separate bag and attach them to the enginefor shipment.

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Connecting Raw Water Pump Hoses

Install the lower raw water pump hose connection to the thermo-stat housing hose. Connect the upper hose connection to thetransom shield hose.

CAUTION If hoses are connected incorrectly, the enginecould be severely damaged.

Remove Engine from Pallet

1. Remove nuts and flat washers securing engine to pallet.

2. Use a lifting sling and hoist with a minimum capacity of 1,500lb. (680 kg). Attach hoist to lifting brackets of engine.

DANGER Do not use the alignment eye attached to thethermostat housing A as a lifting eye to suspend the engineduring installation. The alignment eye will not support theweight of the engine.

The lifting eye adjacent to the outboard starboard position of thethermostat housing should be used for engine suspension duringinstallation. The alignment eye, attached to the thermostat hous-ing, is only intended to help maneuver the engine during drivesystem alignment. Lift and level engine.






2. Lower engine onto rear engine mounts.

Install and Align Engine

1. Check engine mount hardware:

Ref. Name of Part Qty.1 Tie Strap 12 Rear Mount Locknut 23 Rear Mount Flat Washer 2



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3. Install flat washer 3 into recess of engine bracket and secure

to mount with a locknut 2 . Tighten locknut to 28-30 ft. lb. (11N•m).

CAUTION DO NOT use an impact type power wrench totighten the rear engine mounting nuts. Thread damage willoccur and make nut removal difficult.

4. Correct engine alignment is essential to engine drive train Use

Alignment Tool, P/N 3851083-0 H , with Universal Handle,3850609-3 G , to test engine alignment. Slide alignment toolthrough driveshaft gimbal bearing. Reposition the engine untilalignment tool engages engine coupler. If the alignment toolbinds going into engine coupler, the engine must be adjusted“up” or “down,” or “side to side,” as required, until alignmenttool slides in and out of engine coupler with ease.

Note! After alignment has been completed, do not disturbengine position.

5. Loosen middle nut B on engine mount stud(s). Adjust thefront engine mounts until they rest on the boat’s mountingpad(s).

6. While holding middle nut with an open end wrench, tighten theupper nut to 100-120 ft. lb. (135-165 N•m).

After mounts have been properly adjusted and tightened, fully re-lease engine from hoist. Recheck engine alignment Step 4, andmake further adjustments if necessary.





7. Obtain locally four ½ in. x 3 in. (12.7 mm x 76.2 mm) lagscrews and four ½ (12.7 mm) flat washers. Slide flat washersonto forward mount lag screws. Apply a coating of a highquality marine caulk to the threads of the screws. Install andtighten each screw until the hex head and washer make firmcontact with the engine mount.

8. Tighten each lag screw an additional ¼ to ½ turn to ensureeach is engaged securely. Lag screw thread engagementmust be secure. Failure to have secure thread engagementcould cause engine to come loose.

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Install Cables and Hoses

1. Slide exhaust hoses up onto exhaust elbows. Exhaust bellowsmust be installed on exhaust elbow far enough to allow thetwo hose clamps to firmly grip exhaust elbow. Position allhose clamps between ribs of exhaust hoses and tightensecurely.

CAUTION DO NOT install hose clamps in expanded area A

of hoses. Cooling system water flow will be restricted, andengine damage due to overheating will occur if the clamps areimproperly installed.

3. 3.0 liter models: Secure inner transom plate ground wire to

flywheel housing screw D .

3. V-6 and V-8 Models: Install inner transom plate ground wire

to engine ground stud E and secure with lock washer andnut.

Install Battery Cables

1. Determine distance from engine to battery and select batterycables of the correct gauge wire. Do not use aluminum batterycables; each battery cable must be a copper-stranded con-ductor.

— 0 to 10 ft. (3.05 m) require a 1/0 AWG (90 MWG) cable

— 10 to 15 ft. (3.05 to 4.6 m) require a 2/0 AWG (100 MWG) ca-ble

— 15 to 20 ft. (4.6 to 6.1 m) require a 4/0 AWG (130 MWG) ca-ble

2. Install the red positive (B+) battery cable to starter solenoidterminal, and secure with lock washer and nut. Positionprotective cover over terminal.







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372000 VPA/eng

Note! If inlet hose is not installed properly, underside of hosemay collapse. This would restrict water flow to the engine andcause overheating. Check underside of hose for properinstallation and adjust hose as required. Tighten hose clampsecurely.

4. Loosen water inlet hose clamp and slide back onto hose.Lightly lubricate inside of water inlet hose and install onto inlettube. Position the clamp on inlet hose and tighten securely.Ensure the water inlet hose from the transom shield tothe oil cooler is positioned away from the steering mecha-nism or steering control could be lost.

5. Push round connector of trim/tilt sender into connector ofengine harness and secure with wire retainer. Secure trim/tiltsender wire to water inlet hose with tie strap.

6. Align round plastic two-wire plug of trim/tilt motor with engineharness receptacle, push together to lock.

7. Apply a light coat of Volvo Penta water resistant grease(828250-1) to trim/tilt plug. Align marks on plug and receptacleand press together. Route the instrument cable receptacle tojoin engine cable plug on engine. Be sure cable is routed toprevent cutting or chafing on any sharp object or movingengine component which could result in an electrical short,and contribute to fire and explosion in the engine compart-ment.










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38 2000 VPA/eng





Install Power Steering Lines

Single Engine, or Starboard Engine of Dual Installations

1. Cut tie strap retaining hydraulic hoses and coupler.

CAUTION Route the power steering hoses away fromsteering arm, exhaust pipes or belts that may chafe or entaglethe hoses. Be sure the hoses are secured so they cannot gettangled in the steering mechanism and cause a loss ofsttering.

Fuel System

CAUTION U.S. Coast Guard regulations require installationof an antisiphon valve in any installation in which any portionof the fuel supply line is below the top of the fuel tank. Anadequately sized antisiphon valve must be used to preventfuel flow restriction.

DANGER Use only fuel hoses approved for marine use, andmake certain all fuel line connections are leak free. Fuelleakage can result in fire or explosion. Make sure fuel line isrouted properly to prevent damage from belts and pulleys.

9. EFI Engines: The fuel supply hose to the engine requires aminimum inside diameter of 3/8 in. (10 mm). Remove plasticprotective plug from fuel inlet of the MOAS filter/pump assem-bly. Install 3/8 in. x ¼ in. NPTF fitting, using pipe sealant onthreads. Securely attach boat fuel line to fitting.

10. Carbureted Engines: The fuel supply hose to the enginerequires a minimum inside diameter of 3/8 in. (10 mm).Remove plastic protective plug from fuel inlet of fuel filter.Install 3/8 in. x ¼ in. NPTF fitting, using pipe sealant onthreads. Securely attach boat fuel line to fitting.

8. Loosen hose clamp on large round engine cable plug andapply a light coat of Volvo Penta water resistant grease(828250-1) to plug. Align terminals of plug and receptacle andpress together. Slide hose clamp over connector junction andtighten securely.


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392000 VPA/eng



2. Remove small hose fitting from coupler. Remove smallprotective plastic cover B from steering cylinder. Attach smallhose fitting to actuator.

3. Remove large hose fitting from coupler. Remove large protec-tive plastic cover C from steering cylinder. Attach large hosefitting to actuator.

4. Tighten small hose fitting to 10-12 ft. lb. (14-16 N•m).



5. Tighten large hose fitting to 15-17 ft. lb. (20-23 N•m).


Port Engine of Dual Installations Only

Do not cut strap supporting both steering hoses. Do not removepower steering pump belt. Make sure that the hoses are clear ofbelts and pulleys and properly secured with the tie strap. Tightensmall hose fitting to 10-12 ft. lb. (13.6-16.3 N•m). Tighten largehose fitting to 15-17 ft. lb. (20,3-23 N•m).

Note! If engine is run or tested, refill power steering reservoirwith power steering fluid supplied with engine. If engine is notrun or tested, ship fluid with the boat.



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40 2000 VPA/eng

Throttle Cable Lengths

Measure the proposed route of the remote control shift andthrottle cables. All bends must have a radius greater than 6 inches(15.2 cm).

Remote control throttle cable:

Add D + E + F plus 4 in. (10.1 cm), ( F is to center of throttlearm pin). Round up to next cable length.

CAUTION Remote control shift and throttle cables must beSAE type cables. When removing shift and throttle cablesfrom the packing box, DO NOT bend the cables tighter than a6 inch radius.

Check installation of throttle cable. Throttle cable should “PULL” toopen and “PUSH” to close. D




Throttle Cable Installation

V6 and Small Block V8 Models Only: The engine throttle cableanchor block bracket has several sets of anchor block holes. Thesets of holes marked with a “V” are used for Volvo Penta engines.The set of holes marked “GSI” are for 5.0 and 5.7 liter EFI mod-els. The set of holes marked “43” are for 4.3 liter 2V (2 barrel) and4V (4 barrel) carburetor models. Holes are for all 5.0 and 5.7 liter,2V and 4V carburetor models. The anchor block will be set at thecorrect position from the factory for your particular engine.

1. Move remote control handle to the NEUTRAL detent position.Turn propeller shaft and shift into the forward gear detentposition, and then pull HALFWAY BACK towards NEUTRAL.This positions the control for proper throttle cable adjustment.Failure to follow this procedure can bind the shift linkage inthe control, and produce “hard shifting”.










2. Align internal bosses of trunnion with throttle cable groovePress trunnion on throttle cable until seated.

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412000 VPA/eng

General Information

Engine Combustion Air Inlet Size Requirements

Note! The engine consumes a certain amount of air for the com-bustion process, which requires a certain minimum area for the airflow. The area can be calculated using the one of the following for-mulas:

For gasoline engines only

Area in inches2 = 0.16 x engine power output in HP

For metric calculations

1.38 x engine power output in kW = Area in cm2

The value applies for nonrestricted intake and up to 3.3 feet ofduct length with only one 90° bend. The bending radius should beat least twice the diameter.

If longer ducts or more bends are used, the area is corrected bymultiplying the coefficient from the table below.

Number ofbends

3.3 (1) 6.6 (2) 9.8 (3) 13.1 (4) 16.4 (5)1 1 1.04 1.09 1.13 1.22 1.39 1.41 1.43 1.45 1.493 — 1.7 1.72 1.74 1.78

Feet (meters) of duct length





4. Install throttle cable connector L onto the throttle cable. Pullconnector forward to remove all end play from remote controlthrottle cable, then turn the connector in until hole aligns withthe throttle arm.

CAUTION Throttle cable connector L must have aminimum of 9 full turns or ¼ in. of throttle cable threadengagement. If throttle arm connector hole cannot be ad-justed to align with the throttle arm, check for proper cableinstallation in the remote control box.

6. Install connector onto throttle arm. Install washer and cotter

pin, and spread prongs of cotter pin O . Tighten the jam nut P

against the connector.

3. Install open end of trunnion in anchor block. Install screw inanchor block and position throttle cable assembly in selectedset of holes. Lock nut must be against the anchor bracket,tighten it securely.




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42 2000 VPA/eng

Engine Compartment/Room Ventilation Air InletSize Requirements.

Note: To keep the engine compartment/room temperature downto permitted values, a great deal of the radiant heat must betransported out or the engine compartment/room.

The same dimension must be chosen for the inlet and outlet ductsto achieve low flow speeds and noise levels.

The area for the inlet air can be calculated using the one of thefollowing formulas:

For gasoline engines only

Area in inches2 = 0.19 x engine power output in HP

For metric calculations

1.65 x engine power output in kW = Area in cm2

Battery Requirements

WARNING Batteries should be handled with care. If electro-lyte contacts any part of the body, immediately flush theexposed area with water and seek medical attention as soonas possible.

Note! Read and understand the information supplied with yourbattery BEFORE you begin installation. Batteries must beheavy-duty marine construction and either vented/refillable, ormaintenance-free with a CCA or INCA rating.

3.0 GS, 4.3 GL and GS models only: Use a 12 volt batteryhaving a minimum rating of 360 Cold Cranking Amps at 0°F (-18°C), and a 115 minute reserve capacity rating at 80°F (27°C).

All other models: Use a 12 volt battery having a minimum ratingof 650 Cold Cranking Amps at 0°F (-1 8° C), and a 165 minutereserve capacity rating at 80°F (27° C).

Battery Connections

CAUTION Use bolts or nuts to secure battery cables to thebattery terminals. Do not use wing nuts, even if they weresupplied with the battery. Wing nuts do not provide a secureconnection for battery cables. Loose connections could causepermanent damage to electrical components. An internal starlock washer must be used with either a nut or screw to securebattery cables to the battery.

CAUTION Service electrical components only while theengine is not running. Be careful when identifying positive andnegative battery cables and terminals. If you touch the wrongterminal with a battery cable, even briefly, the engine’s electri-cal system could be damaged.



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432000 VPA/eng

CAUTION The key switch must be in the “OFF” position tosafeguard against permanent damage to electrical compo-nents while connecting or disconnecting the battery cables.

Connect the B+ starter solenoid cable to the positive B+ batteryterminal. Position protective cover over terminal. This will providecurrent to the entire engine and instrument panel electrical sys-tem.

CAUTION The battery terminal connections must always beinsulated. Install protective covers if the battery mountingsystem does not cover the connections. This will help preventshorting or arcing at the battery terminals.

Note! Connect the black engine ground cable to the negativebattery terminal. The engine electrical system will be operablewhen this connection is made.

Prepare for Shipment

1. If the Sterndrive will not be installed before shipment, makesure the paper or plastic gimbal housing cover is in place toprevent damage during shipment. This cover is part of thepacking material shipped with the transom shield and isremoved when the drive unit is installed.

2. If engine was water tested, and is to be stored or shipped,remove all water drain petcocks and rubber drain caps fromengine. Make sure all water is removed from engine andmanifolds.

CAUTION V-6 Models: Remove the drin plug from star-board front of the intake manifold and tilt engine forward tocompltely drain the water from the intake manifold. Any waterleft in the intake could freeze and cause engine damage.Freeze damage is not covered under Volvo Penta’s LimitedWarranty.

3. Remove and drain hose from the raw water pump to thethermostat housing. Crank engine for approximately 2 sec-onds (DO NOT START). This will purge the water from the rawwater pump.

4. Reconnect the hose. Tighten hose clamp securely.

5. Store all fittings in bag and attach to engine. Refill powersteering reservoir with power steering fluid supplied withengine. If engine is not run or tested, ship fluid with the boat.

6. Check the engine, transom shield, and drive unit for thecorrect model numbers before shipping the boat (see separatesheet shipped with the drive unit.)

CAUTION Failure to properly match engine and drive unitwill result in poor boat performance, and risk damage toengine and drive because of incorrect drive gear ratio.






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Proper installation is important for the safe, reliable operation of all mechanical products. In these instructionswe recommend and describe effective procedures you should follow when installing Volvo Penta sterndriveproducts. Some of these methods require the use of tools especially designed for the purpose. These toolsshould be used whenever recommended.

Follow these steps in the order listed to perform a complete installation of a Volvo Penta engine assembly:

Prepare for Installation

Read installation instructions completely, and collect all tools, instruments, and parts needed for the jobbefore you start work.

Special tools required:

Volvo Penta “Solo” Drive Unit Cart, P/N 9990001Lifting Eye (½ in.- 13 threads)Grease GunAlignment Tool, P/N 3851083Universal Handle, P/N 3850609Prop Nut Tool Kit, P/N 3855516

Sealants and Lubricants as Required:

Volvo Penta Water Resistant Grease, P/N 828250Volvo Penta DuraPlus GL 5 Synthetic Gear Lube, P/N qt. 3851128, gal. 3851129, 5 gal. 3851133Volvo Penta Trim/Tilt and Power Steering Fluid, P/N 3851039White Sealing Compound For Drives P/N 1141570


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2. Remove and discard flat shipping washers from transomshield studs.

3. Remove and retain oil level dipstick and gasket.






C E47543


4. Fully thread lifting eye into oil indicator hole.

1. Support trim/tilt hydraulic cylinders before cutting tie straps toprevent damage to hydraulic lines. Remove each tie strap andcarefully lower hydraulic cylinders. Remove and retain retain-ing nuts . Remove and discard shipping board . Remove andretain e-clip, washer, and pivot rod.

Note! All sterndrive system components must be matched foreither single or dual engine installations. The engine, transomshield, and drive unit model numbers must correspond accord-ing to the separate sheet shipped with the drive unit. Seepictures found on the sheet shipped with the drive unit for themodel number locations. Failure to properly match the engineand drive unit will result in poor boat performance, and riskdamage to the engine and drive because of incorrect drivegear ratio.

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5. Use a suitable hoist to remove drive unit from shipping carton.Remove and discard protective cardboard support fromdriveshaft.

6. Remove plastic bag from greased drive shaft. Check contentsof the drive unit hardware kit. The four lock nuts G and twotrim/tilt pin covers H are for attachment of the drive unit.

7. Remove the drive unit model and serial number identificationplate . Remove and discard protective cardboard from propel-ler shaft, and inspect propeller mounting hardware.








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Mechanical steering models only: A trim tab for the drive unit hasbeen shipped with the engine. This trim tab must be used with amechanical steering engine.

WARNING Failure to use the trim tab could result loss ofcontrol of the boat and possible injury to the operator andoccupants.

9. Remove the plastic plug at the rear of the anti-ventilation plate.Install trim tab and secure with screw Position the trim tabparallel to the centerline of the propshaft as a preliminaryadjustment. Tighten the screw to 14-16 ft. lb. (19-22 N•m).

10. The boat transom design may require the transfer of the driveunit from a hoist onto a drive unit cart.

11. Remove lifting eye bolt from upper housing. Check oil levelwith dipstick and, if required, fill to indicator plug mark withVolvo Penta DuraPlus™ GL 5 Synthetic Gear Lube.






12. Reinstall oil level dipstick and gasket. Tighten oil level dipsticksecurely.

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13. Inspect the tapered end of the bearing housing to ensure it isfree of nicks and dents. Apply a light coat of Volvo Penta waterresistant grease, P/N 828250-1, to tapered end E of bearinghousing.





14. Inspect molded rubber seal ring for proper fit in its groove.Inspect and lightly lubricate U-joint bellows lip with VolvoPenta water resistant grease, P/N 828250-1.




15. Slide alignment tool P/N 3851083-0 through gimbal bearing.The alignment tool must slide through the gimbal bearing andinto engine coupler with ease. If the alignment tool binds goinginto engine coupler, the front engine mount(s) must be ad-justed either “up” or “down,” as required, until alignment toolslides in and out of engine coupler with ease.




16. Remove and retain the three rear cover screws and cover.

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17. Shift drive unit into gear by rotating the eccentric piston armeither up or down.




18. Apply white sealing compound for drives or water resistantgrease, P/N 828250-1, to the six studs.




Installing Drive Unit

1. Slide driveshaft through gimbal bearing. Slide universalcoupler into U-joint bellows.

2. To align the driveshaft splines, rotate propeller shaft(s) untilthe driveshaft splines engage the flywheel coupler. Use a softjaw pliers to rotate the propeller shaft(s) if it is difficult to turnby hand.

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3. Slide drive unit onto the six studs until it is completely seatedagainst the pivot housing. Install six lock nuts (three on eachside).



4 5




4. Tighten the nuts in two steps. Use 3/8 in. drive, 5/

8 in. swivel

socket to tighten nuts to an initial setting of 25 ft. lb. (34 N•m).Start with the center nut and work in a crisscross pattern tosecure the drive unit to the pivot housing. Use the samecrisscross pattern to tighten all six lock nuts to a final settingof 50 ft. lb. (68 N•m).




5. If a drive unit cart has been used, remove it at this time forinstallation of the trim/tilt cylinders. Apply Volvo Penta waterresistant grease, P/N 828250-1, to the trim/tilt pivot pin.



6. Align trim/tilt cylinder end with upper housing boss. Slide trim/tilt pivot pin through trim/tilt cylinder and upper housing.

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7. Align and slide pivot pin through trim/tilt cylinder end. Installflat washer and e-clip.

Note! The e-clip must be installed on the inner groove ofthe pivot pin. The washer must be installed inside the e-clip.



8. Install rod end covers onto pivot pin.



Check and Adjust Trim Sending Unit

1. Push trim/tilt switch to the down position. Drive unit must be ina full trim-down position before adjusting the trim sending unit.

2. Loosen trim gauge sending unit screws on starboard side ofgimbal ring.


3. Rotate trim gauge sending unit as required to achieve a “fulldown” reading on the trim gauge.

4. Tighten trim gauge sending unit screws to 24 in. lb. (2.7 N•m).




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3. Mark cable core wire at end of casing with control in theneutral detent position.


Shift Cable Installation

1. If the remote control shift and throttle cables are installed inthe remote controls, proceed to Check Remote Control ShiftCable Stroke.

2. If the remote control shift cable has not been installed, thefollowing procedure will permit you to order the correct lengthremote control shift cables.

3. Measure the proposed route of the remote control shift cable.All bends must have a radius greater than 6 inches (15.2 cm).

Remote control shift cable

Add D + E plus 20 in. (50.8 cm), round up to next cable length.

CAUTION When removing shift and throttle cables from thepacking box, DO NOT bend the cables tighter than a 6 inch radius.

Check installation of shift cable

All Models:

Shift cable should “PULL” for forward gear on right-hand rotationSX drives and DP-S applications.

Twin Installations, SX Models Only:

Shift cable should “PUSH” for forward gear for left-hand rotationpropeller applications. This change is accomplished at the remotecontrol.

CAUTION Check installation of throttle cable. Throttle cableshould “PULL” to open and “PUSH” to close.


INCHES 1 2 3



Check Remote Control Shift Cable Stroke

1. Move the remote control handle to the Wide Open Throttle(WOT) position in the direction needed to retract the shiftcable. Pull out the cable core wire to remove end play. Markthe cable core wire at the end of the casing.

2. Return remote control shift handle to the neutral detentposition. Measure and record the distance between mark andend of casing.



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INCHES 1 2 3





4. Move the remote control handle to the Wide Open Throttle(WOT) position in the direction needed to extend the shiftcable. Push in on cable core wire to remove end play. Mea-sure and record the distance between mark and end of casing.

The distance between forward and neutral must be no less than 1¼in. (31.8 mm) and no greater than 13/

8 in. (35.0 mm).

The distance between neutral and reverse must be no less than 1¼in. (31.8 mm) and no greater than 13/

8 in. (35.0 mm).

Note! If your measurements are not within these specifications,check your remote control installation instructions. Make surethe cables are attached correctly inside the control box beforecontinuing.

CAUTION All control boxes must meet these minimum andmaximum specifications in order for the shift system to func-tion properly.


Shift Cable Installation

Note! Remote control shift and throttle cables must be SAE typecables. If shift cable was previously installed in the transomshield, skip to step 5.

1. If the throttle cable is attached to the throttle arm and anchorblock, remove it from both. The throttle cable must be discon-nected from the throttle arm prior to shift cable installation andadjustment to prevent “loading” the control box and adverselyaffecting shift adjustments.

2. Note position of small seal F and large seal G of the shiftcable. Remove and retain jam nut, small seal, and large sealfrom the shift cable.

3. Retract inner core wire of shift cable. Apply a light coat ofVolvo Penta water resistant grease, P/N 828250-1, to the endof the remote control shift cable casing. Slide shift cablethrough transom sleeve and connector assembly until itappears on the outside of the transom.

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4. For ease of installation of shift cable, turn drive unit to port.Reinstall the large seal G and small seal F onto the shiftcable in the same position as noted in step 2.

5. Loosen cable anchor clamp A and slide to starboard.



6. Slide shift cable through pivot housing and drive unit. Slideanchor clamp in, engaging the shift cable anchor groove.Tighten anchor clamp screw securely.

7. Rotate eccentric piston arm B to extend bellcrank.






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9. Thread cube halfway onto remote control cable end. Rotateshift lever back to neutral detent position, then move remotecontrol handle to its neutral detent position. Turn cube IN orOUT until it aligns with center of bellcrank slot

10. Install flat washer E and cotter pin.

11. Bend prongs of cotter pin F . Install jam nut G and tightensecurely against cube to keep cable from turning in cube.

8. Remove cotter pin, flat washer, and cube from bellcrank D .

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Propeller Installation

SX Models

A propeller was not shipped with your sterndrive. The correctpropeller must be selected to match engine and boat as a unit togive the best engine life, fuel economy, and performance. Theboat manufacturer has performed tests to determine the optimumpropeller for each boat and engine combination. Consult the boatmanufacturer for their recommendations on the correct propellerto initially install or refer to the propeller selection charts found inthe Propeller section of the Drive Unit/Transom Shield servicemanual.

1. Coat the full length of the propeller shaft with Volvo Pentawater resistant grease, P/N 828250-1.

2. Place thrust bushing on propeller shaft with inner taper towardgearcase to match the taper on propeller shaft.

3. Slide propeller onto propeller shaft, align splines, and pushpropeller onto thrust bushing until splines are exposed.

4. Place thrust washer on propeller shaft splines.

5. Shift the remote control into REVERSE gear to lock thepropeller shaft.

6. Install and tighten the propeller nut to 70-80 ft. IT (95-108N•m).

12. After shift system tests are performed, and all adjustments aremade, reinstall the rear cover using the original screws.


Shift System Test

Shift unit into forward and reverse gear several times. Ensure fullforward and reverse gear engagement occurs. Boat must move indirection of selected gear (i.e., with control handle in forward, boatmoves forward). Refer to the remote control manufacturer’sservice manual to correct any deficiencies before delivery of boat.

Note! When shifting from neutral into forward and reverse gear,the movement of remote control handle required to obtain gearengagement should be approximately equal in both directions. Ifnot, the shift cable trunnion has to be readjusted to obtain acentered shift stroke.

Start-in-Neutral-Only Test

CAUTION Operate bilge blower as recommended by boatmanufacturer before starting engine, to prevent explosion.Open engine cover or hatch before starting engine if the boatis not equipped with a blower. Leave it open until after enginehas started.

WARNING The remote control should be designed to allowstarting in NEUTRAL only. If control handle is in an “in gear”position, engine should not crank. Test to make certain enginewill not crank in forward or reverse gear positions, and willcrank only when control handle is in neutral position.

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7. Index keeper on propeller nut until aligned with cotter pin hole

8. Install cotter pin and bend prongs to secure (use new cotterpin if necessary).

9. Shift the remote control into NEUTRAL. Propeller should turnfreely.

The propeller spacer, nut, keeper, and cotter pin must be installedas shown.

CAUTION Failure to install all components could result inloss of the propeller when boat is operated in REVERSE.

DP-S Models

Propellers were not shipped with your sterndrive. The correctpropellers must be selected to match engine and boat combina-tion to give the best engine life, fuel economy, and performance.The boat manufacturer has performed tests to determine theoptimum propellers for each boat and engine combination. Consultthe boat manufacturer for propeller recommendations, or refer tothe Power and Propeller Performance Charts, P/N 7797205,published by Volvo Penta. Tools for removing and installing thepropellers are contained in Volvo Penta’s propeller tool kit, P/N3855516-5.

CAUTION D-series aluminum propeller sets used onDuoprop applications are not recommended for use on boatand engine combinations capable of speeds in excess of 40MPH. F-series stainless steel propeller sets should be used inthese applications. If you use D-series aluminum propellersets, you must also use an in-trim limiter kit, P/N 3857598-1.

1. Coat the full length of both propeller shafts with Volvo Pentawater resistant grease, P/N 828250-1.

2. Place the remote control in the FORWARD gear position tolock the propeller shafts. Install the front propeller.

3. Install the front propeller nut and tighten to 45 ft. lb. (60 N•m).Use propeller tool, P/N 3851615-9.

CAUTION Be sure the chamfered edge of the propeller nutis facing forward. Failure to install the propeller nut correctlycould result in a propeller coming loose and damage to thelower unit and/or the propeller.





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4. Place the remote control in the REVERSE gear position tolock the propeller shafts.

5. Install the rear propeller.

6. Install the rear propeller nut and tighten to 50 ft. lb. (70 N•m).Use a propeller tool, P/N 3851616-7.

CAUTION Failure to install the propellers as indicated couldresult in the loss of the rear propeller and damage to the lowerunit.

7. Shift the remote control into NEUTRAL. Both propellersshould turn freely.

Pre-delivery Checklist

1. Install boat drain plug.

2. Install and tighten all water drain petcocks. Install exhaustmanifold end cap and clamps. Tighten clamps securely. Checkand tighten all hose clamps.

3. Check all battery and electrical connections for tightness.

4. Check engine, power steering, and drive unit oil levels.

5. Fill gas tank for initial testing.

6. DANGER Check all fuel line and hose connections forfuel leaks.

7. Check operation of gauges, bilge pump and blower.

8. Check operation of anchor light, running lights and dash lights.

9. Check trim/tilt reservoir oil level. Level should be between the“MIN” and “MAX” marks on the reservoir. Check trim/tiltoperation.





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Static Water Line Test

CAUTION The static water line height must be tested before the engine is started for the first time. Thiswill prevent the ingestion of water into the engine and resultant damage. Determine if the engine meets thestatic water line height requirements after the engine and drive unit have been installed in the boat. The boatmust be in water with its recommended load capacity distributed aboard.1. Place a level on top of transom,measure from bottom of level to top of elbow and record measurement.

2. Measure from bottom of level to static water line and record measurement.

3. Subtract measurement from measurement and record result. Measurement should not be less than 14 in.(35.6 cm).

4. When the engine installation does not meet these specifications, contact the Volvo Penta service depart-ment for information on high rise extension kits. Make sure this is corrected before the engine is startedfor the first time.

Note! An installation that permits water to enter the engine through the exhaust manifold(s) will not becovered by warranty, unless damage is due to defective part(s).




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On-Water Tests and Adjustments

Launch boat for water test of static water line, engine, steering,trim/tilt, correct propeller, and the shift system.

Check Engine Operation

1. The fuel system may have to be primed prior to starting. Shiftinto neutral. Turn key switch and crank engine for approxi-mately 10 seconds. Return key switch to off position, thenrepeat the cycle until engine starts. Do not crank the enginelonger than 10 seconds. This will prevent damage to thestarter motor.

CAUTION The electric fuel pump used on some modelscannot be run dry for longer than 20 seconds. Running thepump for longer time periods will result in pump failure.

2. Check the oil pressure gauge. The gauge should indicateengine oil pressure within seconds of the engine starting. Shutthe engine down if no or low pressure is indicated.

3. WARNING Check the fuel system for leaks and correctas necessary.

CAUTION Tie boat securely to dock to prevent forward orbackward motion.

4. Check the engine water temperature gauge. The watertemperature should be within an acceptable heat range, asfollows:

Engine Acceptable heat range

3.0 GS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157-175°F (70-80°C)4.3 GL, 4.3 Gi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157-175°F (70-80°C)5.0 GL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157-175°F (70-80°C)5.7 GSi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157-175°F (70-80°C)7.4Gi, 7.4GSi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140-150°F (60-66°C)

5. Check the voltmeter. The voltmeter should indicate thatcharging and electrical systems are operating properly.

6. Check the steering operation. The steering wheel must haveequal number of turns to port and starboard from centeredposition. Bow of boat must move in direction steering wheel isturned. Check power steering pump reservoir after engine isshut down for proper fluid level.

7. Check trim/tilt system and trim gauge operation through full upand down tilt range.

8. Check for exhaust system water/exhaust leaks.

9. Check operation of all boat accessories.

Page 61: Volvo-EF Installation Manual



Tie Bar Adjustment

A toe-in condition should be created on deep V-shaped boat hullsfor improved performance and efficiency. A commonly used toe-in

condition is one in which D dimension will be 1/4 in. to 3/8 in. (6.35

to 9.53 mm) less than dimension E . Remove the steering tie bar

from the port tiller arm. Loosen the port jam nut F of the tie bar.Turn jam nut out 1/16 to 3/32 in. (1.59 to 2.38 mm) G as required,

and screw in port steering tie bar end H . Retighten the jam nutF .

CAUTION Threads of the port tie bar must be visible throughthe inspection hole I to insure adequate thread engagementbetween the rod and tube. Failure to ensure proper threadsengagement could result in component failure resulting inpossible loss of steering control.

Duoprop Drive Unit Twin Installations:

The drive unit must be adjusted so operation is free from Ventila-tion. To adjust, measure the distance between the center line ofthe two transom shields. Adjust tie bar so the distance betweenthe center of the anti-ventilation plate is equal to distance. Holdthe drive units when measuring.








Trim Tab Adjustment

Models With Power Steering

Trim tab adjustment is not required on power steering installations.

Models Without Power Steering

CAUTION Improper trim tab adjustment can cause difficult steering.

An adjustable trim tab is provided to compensate for propeller torque and allows you to balance steeringeffort in either direction. Test the boat to see if further adjustment is needed.

With a firm grip on the steering wheel and the weight in the boat evenly distributed, run the boat at full throttlein a straight line. Do this in an area where current and wind will not be a factor.

Turn the steering wheel to port and starboard. Determine which direction requires the least amount of steer-ing effort.

CAUTION When adjusting the trim tab, stop the engine and raise the drive unit out of the water.

• If less steering effort was required in a port turn, loosen the trim tab screw and move the rear edge of thetrim tab slightly to the port. Tighten screw.

• If less steering effort was required in a starboard turn, loosentrim tab screw and move the rear edge of the trim tab slightly tothe starboard. Tighten screw.

Repeat the above procedure until steering effort is equal in bothdirections.

After adjustment is complete, tighten the trim tab screw A to 14-16ft. lb. (19-22 N•m).

Page 62: Volvo-EF Installation Manual

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Chesapeake Virginia 23320 P





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