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Vote 15- Arts and Culture - National Treasury budget/2010/Budget Stat… · VOTE 15 Arts and...

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599 VOTE 15 Arts and Culture Operational budget R 355 597 510 MEC remuneration R 1 420 490 Total amount to be appropriated R 357 018 000 Responsible MEC Mrs W. G. Thusi, MEC for Arts, Culture, Sport and Recreation Administrating department Arts and Culture Accounting officer Head: Arts and Culture 1. Overview Vision The vision of the department is: Prosperity and social cohesion through arts and culture. Mission statement The department’s mission is to provide world class services in arts and culture for the people of KwaZulu-Natal by: Developing and promoting arts and culture in the province and mainstreaming its role in social development; Collecting, managing and preserving the archival, museum and other forms of information resources; Developing and promoting the previously marginalised languages and enhancing the linguistic diversity of the province; and Integrating and providing seamless art and culture services to the communities of the province. Strategic objectives The following represent the department’s strategic objectives: To provide efficient, effective and economical administrative support to all stakeholders in an equitable manner; To ensure cultural diversity and the advancement of artistic disciplines into viable industries; To accelerate the transformation of the country’s heritage landscape by establishing and managing museum services; To promote multi-lingualism, redress past linguistic imbalances and develop previously marginalised languages; To provide library and information services which are free, equitable and accessible, provide for information, reading and learning needs of people and promote a culture of reading, library usage and lifelong learning; and To render archival and records management services for records of national and provincial significance, proper management and care of public records, and equitable access and use of archives.
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VOTE 15 Arts and Culture Operational budget R 355 597 510 MEC remuneration R 1 420 490 Total amount to be appropriated R 357 018 000 Responsible MEC Mrs W. G. Thusi, MEC for Arts, Culture, Sport and Recreation Administrating department Arts and Culture Accounting officer Head: Arts and Culture

1. Overview


The vision of the department is: Prosperity and social cohesion through arts and culture.

Mission statement

The department’s mission is to provide world class services in arts and culture for the people of KwaZulu-Natal by:

• Developing and promoting arts and culture in the province and mainstreaming its role in social development;

• Collecting, managing and preserving the archival, museum and other forms of information resources;

• Developing and promoting the previously marginalised languages and enhancing the linguistic diversity of the province; and

• Integrating and providing seamless art and culture services to the communities of the province.

Strategic objectives

The following represent the department’s strategic objectives: • To provide efficient, effective and economical administrative support to all stakeholders in an

equitable manner; • To ensure cultural diversity and the advancement of artistic disciplines into viable industries; • To accelerate the transformation of the country’s heritage landscape by establishing and managing

museum services; • To promote multi-lingualism, redress past linguistic imbalances and develop previously marginalised

languages; • To provide library and information services which are free, equitable and accessible, provide for

information, reading and learning needs of people and promote a culture of reading, library usage and lifelong learning; and

• To render archival and records management services for records of national and provincial significance, proper management and care of public records, and equitable access and use of archives.

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


Core functions

The core functions of the department encompass the development of arts, culture, museum, archive and library services.

Legislative mandates

The department is governed by the following pieces of legislation and policy directives:

• The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act No. 108 of 1996)

• Culture Promotion Act (Act No. 35 of 1993)

• Cultural Affairs Act (Act No. 65 of 1989)

• South African Geographical Names Council Act (Act No. 118 of 1998)

• National Language Policy Framework, 2003

• Pan South African Language Board Act (Act No. 59 of 1995)

• KwaZulu-Natal Parliamentary Official Languages Act (Act No. 10 of 1998)

• The KwaZulu-Natal Archives Act (Act No. 5 of 2000)

• KwaZulu-Natal Libraries Act (Act No. 18 of 1980)

• Public Service Act (Act No. 103 of 1994, as amended) and Public Service Regulations of 2001

• Labour Relations Act (Act No. 66 of 1995)

• Employment Equity Act (Act No. 55 of 1998)

• Public Finance Management Act (Act No. 1 of 1999 as amended), and Treasury Regulations

• KZN Provincial Supply Chain Management Policy Framework of 2006

• Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (Act No. 5 of 2000)

• Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act (Act No. 13 of 2005)

• Natal Provincial Museum Ordinance (Ordinance 26 of 1973)

2. Review of the 2009/10 financial year

Section 2 provides a review of the 2009/10 financial year, outlining the main achievements and progress made by the department during the year, as well as providing a brief discussion on the challenges facing the department and new developments.

Administration The department continued with the placement of all employees into its micro structure, which is its sub-programme structure. Within Supply Chain Management (SCM), posts were filled to capacitate the component. The department also achieved 40 per cent female representation at SMS level and 58 per cent at all other levels. Departmental programmes were aligned to the social cluster programme of action.

The department received an unqualified audit report for 2008/09, and, in addition, was placed first in the province, and fourth in the country, by the Southern African Institute of Government Auditors for accuracy in the preparation of the annual financial statements.

Arts and culture As part of its mandate of promoting social cohesion and nation building, the department hosted a number of cultural events, such as the National Freedom Day Celebration, Heritage Day Commemoration,

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Vote 15: Arts and Culture


Multicultural Expośe, Indigenous Indian Music Festival, Wildsfees and King Shaka Day Celebration. Financial support was also provided to various arts and culture institutions and arts centres. In line with the provincial flagship programme, visual arts and craft development programme workshops were conducted for a number of artists, targeting poor communities in the most deprived areas. The department also continued its infrastructure projects such as the renovation and building of art centres, halls and campsites. Among others, the construction of the Osizweni and Bulwer community art centres commenced, and the planning of four other art centres was finalised.

The department also continued to partner with various craft exhibition organisers, such as Art in the Park and Kizo Art Gallery, as part of its visual arts and craft promotion programme aimed at providing markets to visual artists and crafters. The performing arts and theatre development and promotion projects continued with music, song and dance competitions being done in all districts, which ultimately resulted in the winners being mentored as part of skills development. The department also participated in the provincial government flagship programme. The critical projects driven collectively through this programme include food security (‘one home one garden’), creating healthy and sustainable communities and integrated programmes for youth and women empowerment. Officials of the department served as task team members of this programme at provincial level in all districts. In its endeavour to promote positive values and in the fight against social ills, such as crime, teenage pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, drug and subsistence abuse, the department conducted moral regeneration programmes in partnership with other government structures such as Correctional Services, municipalities, the Department of Health and non-governmental organisations such as Love Life.

Language services The department continued with its mandate of providing translation, interpreting and editing services to government institutions. In addition, the provincial language policy was rolled out to provincial departments. The 2010 communication booklet, with 350 isiZulu and English terms, was completed and has been standardised by the National Language Board. Administrative support was also provided to the KZN Provincial Geographical Naming Committee. Recommendations were provided to the National Minister of Arts and Culture on applications for name changes and research was also conducted in the Ilembe, uThungulu and Uthukela district municipalities. Funds were sourced for literature writing competitions and publishing and the department successfully hosted literature writing workshops.

Museum services This function was transferred from Vote 1: Office of the Premier in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation. The sixth draft policy document for the proposed Museum’s Bill was finalised. The Zululand historical museum is in the process of being revamped, with phase three of the revamping having commenced. In addition, outreach programmes targeting schools were rolled out. All transfer payments to affiliated museums were processed during the course of the year.

Library services The library building projects in Tugela Ferry, Eshowe, Ezinqolweni and eMadlangeni were completed. The Mbazwana library and depot, funded from the Community Library Services conditional grant, is anticipated to be completed towards the beginning of 2010/11, and planning is underway for the construction of the Maphumulo and Umzumbe library buildings. The department also commenced with the tender processes for the KwaNdwalane library project and is expected to be on site towards the latter part of 2009/10. This project’s implementation was delayed due to the implementation of the Cabinet-approved Provincial Recovery Plan.

Free internet access cafeś were established in rural libraries. The department also continued with the ongoing services of providing books, magazines, audio-visual material, training and support to affiliated libraries. The migration to the new automated library system commenced, with pilot projects being implemented in the Msunduzi and uMhlathuze libraries.

The department contributed to the support of early childhood development, through the acquisition and distribution of toy materials to all libraries. The department is in the process of installing head count systems in 20 libraries, which will assist with collecting library usage data.

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


Archives The department continued to respond to the increasing demand for records management systems, through training and approving records classification systems. A number of underprivileged schools were exposed to archival collections at the repositories. The department also embarked on and finalised a project to record the experiences of KwaZulu-Natal women in hostels. Measures were also implemented to slow the natural process of ageing of archival documents and to conserve and protect these records from deterioration. The department is in the process of engaging with the Office of the Premier in the development of a records management policy, and made presentations on the audit of state records to various cabinet clusters.

3. Outlook for the 2010/11 financial year

Section 3 looks at the key focus areas of 2010/11, outlining what the department is hoping to achieve during the year, as well as briefly looking at the challenges and proposed new developments.

Arts and culture The department, through its regional offices, will continue with and improve on its programmes aimed at providing institutional support to strategic structures, such as arts and culture fora. The department identified the need to have its own arts and culture volunteers/cadres, as its contribution to the provincial government endeavours to empower youth and women. In addition, the department will also continue with its mandate of promoting and developing performing artists, visual artists and crafters include music, song and dance competitions, theatre development, visual arts and craft training. Performing artists and visual arts and craft practitioners will be provided with platforms (at local, district, provincial, national and international level) to showcase their talents and artistic products, with the aim of benefiting from the opportunities presented by the 2010 World Cup. Further, the department will continue to disburse funds to art centres and arts and culture institutions that contribute to its mandate. Renovations to the halls and campsites of the department, and the construction of art centres, will continue. Eleven community art centres will be constructed in the eThekwini Metro and the Uthukela, uThungulu, Amajuba, Umkhanyakude and Sisonke District Municipalities. In addition, the department will continue to host the main cultural events such as Freedom Day, Umkhosi kaNomkhubulwane, Reed Dance, Heritage Day, Umkhosi Wezithungo and First Fruit Ceremony. The department will also continue to promote moral regeneration, social cohesion and nation building through the implementation of the strategic implementation framework on social cohesion.

Language services The department will continue with its mandate of providing translation, interpreting and editing services to government institutions. Priority will be given to the promotion and development of literature and terminology. The outsourcing of translation and editing services, aimed at providing employment to those with expertise, will be maintained. The literature development writing programme will be intensified, to encourage and sustain the culture of writing and reading.

Museum services Museum services will continue to support its 35 affiliated museums through the payment of subsidies. This is in keeping with the mandate to provide quality service to all provincially affiliated museums. Two projects have been identified to promote museums and museum work. The first is the 2010 South African Museum Association Conference, which will be open to all museum professionals in the country. The second project titled, ‘Time Travels’, has been introduced through the Swedish government, and entails a new concept of teaching history through the enactment of a chosen historical period. The department will also be providing training workshops to all museum professionals, who will be participating in this new concept. Port Shepstone has been identified as the first venue to host the ‘Time Travels’ workshop.

Library services The department will continue with its community library infrastructure programme, and new library buildings and upgrades will be implemented. In addition, counting systems to measure actual usage of

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libraries by the public will be installed in a further 20 libraries. The implementation of the Community Library Services conditional grant will continue in the 2010/11 MTEF in terms of the approved business plan. It is also planned to purchase a mobile library bus to promote services to remote rural areas where there are no libraries. As part of its mandate, the department will continue to provide library materials and services to 175 affiliated public libraries. In addition, more internet cafès will be installed in libraries staffed by computer library assistants (cyber cadets). These facilities will provide free access to Information Communication Technology (ICT) and internet for the public, with skills training provided by the cyber cadets.

With the additional funding provided for the phased in provincialisation of public libraries, the issue of the unfunded mandate will be addressed over time. In terms of Schedule 5 of the Constitution, the provision of library services is an exclusive provincial competency and, as such, the province is responsible for the funding of public libraries. The department plans to implement the provincialisation of libraries by means of a pilot study in the Umkhanyakude district. This will be used as a model for the approach, to be adopted in taking over other public libraries, in terms of the provincialisation of public libraries process.

Archives The department will be responding to the increasing demand for sound records management practices in governmental bodies in the province. In keeping with its mandate, the department will conduct on-site assessments of records management practices at government offices, present training courses to registry officials and records managers, ensure the compilation and implementation of file plans at offices, and also provide advice and guidance on all aspects of records management. The draft KZN Archives Bill, which will be presented to the Provincial Legislature when complete, also contains additional sections aimed at ensuring that all spheres of government across the province keep proper records. The department also plans to issue its records management policy which will provide further guidance to all government offices. In addition, a comprehensive audit on the state of records management will be embarked upon in order to gain a more accurate sense of the state of records management within the province, and there will be continuous feedback to the cabinet clusters on progress and compliance in this regard.

4 Receipts and financing

4.1 Summary of receipts and financing

Table 15.1 provides the sources of funding and own receipts for Vote 15 over the seven-year period 2006/07 to 2012/13. The table also compares actual and budgeted receipts against actual and budgeted payments. Details of departmental receipts are given in the Annexure – Vote 15: Arts and Culture.

Table 15.1: Summary of receipts and financing

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Provincial allocation 182 769 188 544 230 471 222 285 223 442 223 442 318 736 283 090 309 505 Conditional grants - 13 950 26 195 34 147 34 147 34 147 38 282 45 401 48 619

Community Library Services grant - 13 950 26 195 34 147 34 147 34 147 38 282 45 401 48 619 Total 182 769 202 494 256 666 256 432 257 589 257 589 357 018 328 491 358 124 Total payments 179 290 206 435 253 289 256 432 267 323 264 323 357 018 328 491 358 124 Surplus/(Deficit) before financing 3 479 (3 941) 3 377 - (9 734) (6 734) - - - Financing

of which Provincial roll-overs - 5 737 666 - 1 442 1 442 - - - Provincial cash resources - - 5 752 - 8 292 8 292 - - - Suspension to ensuing year

Surplus/(deficit) after financing 3 479 1 796 9 795 - - 3 000 - - -

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate

Medium-term Estimates


The provincial allocation for the vote shows a steadily increasing trend from 2006/07 to 2008/09. The allocation then decreases in the 2009/10 Main Appropriation, before increasing in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation primarily due to the function shift of Museum Services from Vote 1: Office of the Premier, as well as additional funding for the higher than anticipated 2009 wage agreement. The allocation in

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


2010/11 increased significantly due to once-off funding for the costs of renovations to the halls and campsites of the department, as well as the building of arts centres. The allocation increases in 2012/13 due to increased funding for the provincialisation of libraries.

Community Library Services conditional grant funding, which was introduced in 2007/08, increases steadily over the period. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, conditional grant funding of R1.442 million was rolled-over in respect of commitments from 2008/09 which were only paid in 2009/10. The allocation grows steadily over the 2010/11 MTEF.

In the 2009/10 Main Appropriation, the Tourism function was shifted to Vote 4: Economic Development and Tourism as part of the provincial reconfiguration. At this time, the historic figures of the department were restated. The historic figures were further adjusted in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, when the Museum Services function was shifted from Vote 1: Office of the Premier to the department.

In 2006/07, the department reflected a surplus of R3.479 million which was due to the late finalisation of SCM processes for the awarding of a music recording contract, the unspent portion of the transfer payment to the Stable Theatre, committed capital expenditure that was not processed before the closure of the financial year, as well as funds committed for the leave gratuity for the previous Head of Department.

The surplus of R1.796 million in 2007/08 was predominately due to under-spending in personnel costs resulting from delays in the processing of performance bonuses and the 1 per cent pay progression, as well as capital commitments for which invoices were only received in the new year.

The surplus of R9.795 million at the end of 2008/09 was due to delays in infrastructure projects because of problems in sourcing the necessary expertise for the development of specifications and in obtaining an Environmental Impact Assessment for one of the arts centres.

In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, the department received funds for the higher than anticipated 2009 wage agreement (R1.157 million), the function shift of Museum Services from Vote 1: Office of the Premier (R7.292 million), 2010 arts and craft development programme (R1million), as well as the approved roll-over of funds for the Community Library Services conditional grant (R1.442 million).

The department is projecting to under-spend its Adjusted Appropriation for 2009/10 by R3 million as its contribution to the Cabinet-approved Provincial Recovery Plan, and is reflecting a balanced budget over the 2010/11 MTEF.

4.2 Departmental receipts collection

Table 15.2 below indicates the estimated departmental receipts for Vote 15. The main sources of revenue of the department are fees in respect of the cultural hall and two campsites which fall under its control, as well as funds received from public libraries for lost/stolen library material. Details of departmental receipts are presented in the Annexure – Vote 15: Arts and Culture.

Table 15.2: Details of departmental receipts

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Tax receipts - - - - - - - - - Casino taxes - - - - - - - - - Horse racing taxes - - - - - - - - - Liquor licences - - - - - - - - - Motor vehicle licences - - - - - - - - -

Sale of goods and services other than capital assets 112 176 286 273 273 176 186 196 206 Transfers received - - - - - - - - - Fines, penalties and forfeits - - - - - 163 156 164 173 Interest, dividends and rent on land 10 16 1 - - - - - - Sale of capital assets - - - - - - - - - Transactions in financial assets and liabilities 511 255 235 180 180 17 - - - Total 633 447 522 453 453 356 342 360 379

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


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In an effort to increase revenue collection, the department introduced the charging of fees for the issue of tender documents for the first time in 2008/09. This source of revenue falls under the category Sale of goods and services other than capital assets and explains the increased revenue from this source in 2008/09. The department plans to continue charging this fee over the 2010/11 MTEF. This category also includes fees for the hire of cultural halls and the two campsites of the department. The department is projecting a reduction in revenue collection from this source due to the transfer of three halls within the eThekwini Metro to the Department of Education, as these halls reside on school premises. A further contributing factor is that two campsites, namely R.S Skinner and the Cathedral Peak campsite, will be closed while under renovation in 2010/11.

The fairly high revenue against Transactions in financial assets and liabilities from 2006/07 to 2008/09 relates to receipts in respect of lost/stolen library material, which were previously incorrectly allocated against expenditure. From 2009/10 onward, the revenue collected for lost/stolen library material has been correctly allocated to Fines, penalties and forfeits. This explains the nil revenue forecast against Transactions in financial assets and liabilities, as well as the revenue forecasts against Fines, penalties and forfeits over the 2010/11 MTEF. The revenue from this category is projected to decrease over the 2010/11 MTEF, due to the installation of security systems in public libraries, which will mean that fewer books will be stolen and therefore less revenue will be collected for lost books. The revenue for lost books is now allocated to this category, as mentioned above.

5. Payment summary

This section provides information pertaining to the vote as a whole at an aggregated level, including payments and budgeted estimates in terms of programmes and economic classification. Further details are given in Section 6 below, as well as in the Annexure – Vote 15: Arts and Culture.

5.1 Key assumptions

The department applied the following broad assumptions when compiling the budget:

• Salary increases of 5.3 per cent in 2010/11, 5.5 per cent in 2011/12 and 5 per cent in 2012/13, effective 1 July each year. Provision is also made for the carry-through costs of these increases;

• Pay progression of approximately 1.5 per cent of the wage bill effective from 1 July each year;

• Inflation related items have been based on CPIX projections;

• The cost-cutting measures as defined in Provincial Treasury Circular PT (11) of 2009/10 will be adhered to by the department over the 2010/11 MTEF; and

• Provision has been made for the filling of vacant posts. However, if the moratorium on the filling of non-critical posts is not lifted, these funds may be reallocated in the Adjustments Estimate process.

5.2 Additional allocation for the 2008/09 - 2010/11 MTEF

Table 15.3 shows the additional funding received by the department over the three MTEF periods: 2008/09 2009/10 and 2010/11. Note that the table reflects only the provincial allocations and excludes additional allocations in respect of conditional grants.

The purpose of such a table is two-fold. Firstly it shows the quantum of additional funding allocated to the department in the past and current MTEF periods. Secondly, it indicates the policies and purposes for which the additional funding was allocated.

The carry-through allocations for the 2008/09 MTEF (i.e. for the financial years 2011/12 and 2012/13) are based on the incremental percentage used in the 2009/10 MTEF and 2010/11 MTEF. A similar approach was used for the carry-through allocations for the 2009/10 MTEF.

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


Table 15.3: Summary of additional provincial allocations for 2008/09 to 2010/11 MTEF R thousand 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

2008/09 MTEF period 26 640 8 676 66 961 10 619 11 150 Personnel inflation adjustment 682 1 140 1 394 1 478 1 552 Government Employees Medical Scheme 828 974 2 020 2 141 2 248 Philharmonic Orchestra 2 000 2 500 3 000 3 180 3 339 Infrastructure investment 19 297 - 56 943 - - 2010 build-up projects 3 833 4 062 3 604 3 820 4 011

2009/10 MTEF period 3 577 3 799 4 015 4 216 Carry-through of 2008/09 Adjustments Estimate - 2008 wage agreement 3 577 3 799 4 015 4 216

2010/11 MTEF period 25 363 32 775 46 674

Carry-through of 2009/10 Adjustments Estimate - 2009 wage agreement 3 198 3 574 3 954 Provincial priorities 22 165 29 201 42 720

Museum Services function shift from Vote 1 7 869 8 320 8 825 Provincialisation of public libraries 14 244 20 826 33 837 Policy on Incapacity Leave and Ill Health Retirement (PILIR) 52 55 58

Total 26 640 12 253 96 123 47 409 62 040

In the 2008/09 MTEF, the department was allocated costs for the 2008/09 personnel inflation adjustment, adjustments in respect of the Government Employees Medical Scheme, the additional transfer payment to the Philharmonic Orchestra, funding for infrastructure projects, as well as funding for 2010 build-up projects. The high allocation to infrastructure projects in 2010/11 was due to funding for renovations to the halls and campsites of the department, as well as the building of arts centres.

Additional funding was provided over the 2009/10 MTEF for the carry-through costs of the higher than anticipated 2008 wage agreement.

The additional funding over the 2010/11 MTEF makes provision for the carry-through costs of the higher than anticipated 2009 wage adjustment, funding to address the Policy on Incapacity Leave and Ill Health Retirement, as well as funding for the provincialisation of public libraries, thus beginning to address the issue of the unfunded mandate relative to libraries. Schedule 5A of the Constitution clearly places public libraries as a provincial competency. The service is currently run on a co-operative basis with the province providing infrastructure, library material, professional support and other services, with the local municipalities funding staffing and operational costs.

5.3 Summary by programme and economic classification

Tables 15.4 and 15.5 provide a summary of payments and budgeted estimates by programme and economic classification, respectively, for the period 2006/07 to 2012/13.

The programmes of the department are aligned to the uniform budget and programme structure for the Arts and Culture and Sport and Recreation sector.

There is a steady increase for the vote as a whole from 2006/07 to 2010/11. The peak in the allocation in 2010/11 relates to once-off funding for infrastructure projects, and this accounts for the lower 2011/12 allocation.

Table 15.4: Summary of payments and estimates by programme

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

1. Administration 41 946 45 821 60 111 65 977 66 702 66 702 73 069 76 607 80 366 2. Cultural Affairs 62 013 69 463 85 391 72 215 81 689 81 689 143 585 92 197 97 070 3. Library and Archive Services 75 331 91 151 107 787 118 240 118 932 115 932 140 364 159 687 180 688 Total 179 290 206 435 253 289 256 432 267 323 264 323 357 018 328 491 358 124 Note: Programme 1 includes MEC remuneration: Salary: R1 420 490

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


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Table 15.5: Summary of payments and estimates by economic classification

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Current payments 136 820 162 116 193 632 188 249 192 408 192 408 230 052 249 638 270 703 Compensation of employees 60 332 66 848 84 629 96 813 101 410 101 410 119 768 126 442 132 736 Goods and services 76 488 95 268 109 003 91 436 90 998 90 998 110 284 123 196 137 967 Interest and rent on land - - - - - - - - -

Transfers and subsidies to: 37 169 39 734 46 235 47 211 44 323 41 323 39 289 47 353 54 999 Provinces and municipalities 18 949 23 223 22 627 23 907 19 556 16 556 13 643 20 813 27 385 Departmental agencies and accounts 5 000 5 000 5 350 5 751 5 751 5 751 6 096 6 462 6 786 Universities and technikons - - - - - - - - - Foreign governments and international organisations - - - - - - - - - Public corporations and private enterprises - - - - - - - - - Non-profit institutions 10 220 11 501 17 857 17 553 18 951 18 951 19 550 20 078 20 828 Households 3 000 10 401 - 65 65 - - -

Payments for capital assets 5 301 4 579 13 419 20 972 30 582 30 582 87 677 31 500 32 422 Buildings and other fixed structures 3 416 867 7 312 15 000 24 845 24 845 80 999 27 473 28 312 Machinery and equipment 1 720 3 712 6 107 5 972 5 737 5 737 6 678 4 027 4 110 Heritage assets - - - - - - - - - Specialised military assets - - - - - - - - - Biological assets - - - - - - - - - Land and sub-soil assets - - - - - - - - - Software and other intangible assets 165 - - - - - - - -

Payments for financial assets - 6 3 - 10 10 - - -

Total 179 290 206 435 253 289 256 432 267 323 264 323 357 018 328 491 358 124

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate

Medium-term Estimates


The high growth in 2008/09 in respect of Programme 1: Administration is due to the cost of upgrading the security of the MEC’s residence, the costs of an expanded security contract for the department, the costs of economic cluster launches and the marketing of departmental projects. The increased 2009/10 Main Appropriation relates to the movement of the Special Projects unit to this programme, in line with the revised organisational structure. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, additional funding was allocated to this programme to fund 2010 arts and craft programmes, which will be administered by the Special Projects unit. Funding was also provided for the higher than anticipated 2009 wage agreement. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF increases due to the filling of critical posts, as well as the carry-through costs of the higher than anticipated 2009 wage agreement.

It should be noted that, due to the moratorium on the filling of posts in terms of the Cabinet-approved Provincial Recovery Plan, the department will only fill critical posts.

Programme 2: Cultural Affairs reflects a substantial increase in 2008/09 due to the once-off costs of renovations to the building occupied by Language Services, the costs of renovations to halls and campsites of the department, the construction of arts centres, as well as a once-off increased transfer to the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra. No funding was provided for the renovations to the halls and campsites and the building of arts centres in the 2009/10 Main Appropriation. This was addressed in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation by reprioritisation of funding from other programmes. In addition, the Museum Services function was shifted from Vote 1: Office of the Premier as part of the Adjusted Appropriation process. Historic figures were adjusted in respect of this function shift for comparison purposes. The peak in 2010/11 relates to substantial once-off additional funding for renovations to halls and campsites and the construction of arts centres. This explains the reduced allocation from 2011/12 onward.

The high growth in Programme 3: Library and Archive Services in 2007/08 relates to the Community Library Services conditional grant allocated to the department for community libraries from that year. The continued high growth in 2008/09 relates to lease payments for archive buildings, as well as increased conditional grant spending. The increased 2009/10 Main Appropriation relates to a further substantial increase in the conditional grant. The reduction in the 2009/10 Revised Estimate reflects the department’s contribution to savings in terms of the Cabinet-approved Provincial Recovery Plan. The significant increase over the 2010/11 MTEF is due to additional funding for the provincialisation of public libraries, as well as continued conditional grant funding.

Compensation of employees spending increased in 2008/09 due to the higher than anticipated 2008 wage agreement, as well as the carry-through costs of key posts filled in terms of the approved organisational structure. The 2009/10 Main and Adjusted Appropriation reflect the carry-through costs of filled posts, the carry-through costs of the 2008 wage agreement, as well as additional funding for the 2009 wage

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


agreement. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF increases due to the carry-through costs of these wage agreements and the filling of additional posts to implement and manage the provincialisation of libraries.

Goods and services includes the costs of the main events hosted by the department. The increase in 2007/08 relates to the Community Library Services conditional grant allocated from that year for the purchase of tertiary books for libraries. The substantial increase in 2008/09 was largely due to several once-off costs including marketing departmental projects, economic cluster launches, as well as the cost of an expanded and revised security management contract. The 2009/10 Main Appropriation included increased allocations to Compensation of employees, the introduction of several new transfer payments, as well as increased transfers to libraries for operational costs from the conditional grant funding. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, funding was reprioritised from this category to provide for a portion of the cost of the department’s infrastructure projects. This reduction was offset by the function shift of Museum Services from Vote 1: Office of the Premier, as well as the shift of funding for 2010 craft development projects from Vote 1. The increased allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF allocation relates to additional funding for the provincialisation of libraries.

The allocation to Transfers and subsidies to: Provinces and municipalities provides for transfers to municipalities in respect of the library building programme, as well as for operational costs funded from the conditional grant. The increase in 2007/08 relates to conditional grant funding which was allocated in that year. The reduction in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation was due to the policy decision that the department would undertake all infrastructure projects itself, and hence the funding was shifted to Buildings and other fixed structures. The reduction was offset by the function shift of Museum Services from Vote 1: Office of the Premier. As a result of the shift of Museum Services to the department, provision had to be made under this category, to provide for the subsidies paid to museums run by Boards of Trustees, to cover operational and staffing costs. The reduced 2009/10 Revised Estimate reflects the department’s contribution to the Cabinet-approved Provincial Recovery Plan. The 2010/11 MTEF allocation reflects transfers to municipalities, in respect of the conditional grant, for operational costs, transfers to the above-mentioned museums, as well as funding for the provincialisation of public libraries.

Transfers and subsidies to: Departmental agencies and accounts reflects the transfer payment made to the Playhouse Company. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF reflects an inflationary adjustment to the transfer to this entity.

The category Transfers and subsidies to: Non-profit institutions covers transfers made to the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra, arts councils, arts centres and museums managed by Boards of Trustees. In addition, support is also provided to various arts organisations. The high growth in expenditure against this category in 2008/09 relates to a number of new transfer payments, such as the MTN Jazz Festival and Umlazi Arts Festival, to name a few, which were introduced in that year and were continued in 2009/10. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, a number of new once-off transfer payments, such as the Love Life, and Young Fashion Designers transfers were introduced. In line with available funds, not all transfers were increased by inflationary amounts over the MTEF. Section 5.8 below provides details of these transfers.

The spending against Transfers and subsidies to: Households in 2006/07 relates to the exit package of the former Head of Department amounting to R3 million, while the allocation in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation relates to the costs of exit packages for staff who terminated service with the department during the course of 2009/10.

With regard to Buildings and other fixed structures, the substantial increase in the 2008/09 Audited figure relates to the renovation of the halls and campsites and the construction of community art centres. The 2009/10 Main Appropriation includes the increased costs of construction of the Mbazwana library and depot project. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, funding was reprioritised from other programmes to provide for renovations to the halls and campsites and the building of arts centres. In addition, provision was made for additional costs related to the Mbazwana library and depot project. Since all library infrastructure projects are managed by the department, and no longer paid as transfers to municipalities, this allocation increases significantly over the 2010/11 MTEF. The peak in 2010/11 relates

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to funding for the continued renovations to the hall and campsites, as well as the building of arts centres, and explains the reduced funding in 2011/12 and over the remainder of the MTEF.

Machinery and equipment shows a significant increase in expenditure in 2007/08 as a result of the roll-over of capital expenditure from 2006/07, the purchase of an official vehicle and the acquisition of computer hardware and ICT infrastructure for libraries, from conditional grant funding. The 2008/09 Audited figure relates primarily to the cost of the upgrading of hardware systems in public libraries, the purchase of motor vehicles and equipment, as well as the purchase of capital equipment on behalf of municipalities in order to cut down on delivery times. The 2009/10 Main Appropriation provided for the costs of the installation of head count systems in various libraries. This was reduced in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation to make provision, under Goods and services, for purchases that were incorrectly budgeted for as capital, as well as to provide for additional costs of the Mbazwana library and depot building project under Buildings and other fixed structures. This reduction was offset by the roll-over of capital commitments from 2008/09, in respect of the conditional grant, as well as the movement of funding from Transfers and subsidies to: Provinces and municipalities to provide for the installation of head count systems in libraries. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF is mainly for the continued installation of head count systems in libraries.

5.4 Summary of payments and estimates by district municipal area

Table 15.6 shows spending within each district municipal area excluding operational costs, including conditional grant spending.

Table 15.6: Summary of payments and estimates by district municipal areaRevised

Outcome Estimate R thousand 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 eThekwini 41 283 37 844 50 199 48 212 53 853 Ugu 14 675 17 920 18 440 17 927 14 489 uMgungundlovu 10 681 9 266 17 536 12 696 13 196 Uthukela 5 188 4 289 14 289 5 024 5 206 Umzinyathi 5 647 4 532 4 164 4 434 4 600 Amajuba 4 338 3 526 13 710 3 460 3 593 Zululand 9 682 7 957 11 476 14 041 17 272 Umkhanyakude 6 823 17 930 26 928 10 484 12 985 uThungulu 10 845 8 004 17 799 26 903 44 498 Ilembe 7 840 6 504 11 423 11 512 9 466 Sisonke 5 386 3 422 14 267 7 524 4 183 Total 122 388 121 194 200 231 162 217 183 341

Medium-term Estimates Audited

The eThekwini Metro reflects the highest spending over the seven-year period, as a result of the construction of an art centre in this district, as well as the transfer payments to the Playhouse Company and the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra.

The bulk of the funding for new library material from the conditional grant is also allocated to the eThekwini Metro, as a result of approximately 40 affiliated libraries that fall within this area.

The second highest spending is in the Umkhanyakude district municipal area, due to additional funding for the provincialisation of public libraries being planned to be spent in this district as part of the first phase of this project. In addition, funding for the construction of the Mbazwana art centre is allocated in the 2010/11 year, together with continued funding for the completion of the Mbazwana library and depot, which is anticipated to be completed in 2010/11.

In the Ugu District Municipality, funds have been allocated for the construction of library building projects which will commence in 2010/11, with anticipated completion in 2012/13.

The high allocation to the uMgungundlovu district municipal area in 2010/11 reflects once-off funding for renovations to the halls and campsites of the department within this area.

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


The uThungulu District Municipality receives funding in 2010/11 for the construction of a community art centre. In 2011/12 and 2012/13, funding has been allocated for library building programmes, thus explaining the increased funding in these two years.

The high allocation to the Ilembe District Municipality in 2010/11 and 2011/12 relates to the construction of libraries in this area.

The fluctuation in the allocations for the remainder of the districts, specifically Uthukela, Amajuba, and Sisonke, for the first year of the 2010/11 MTEF, is as a result of the construction of community art centres in these districts.

5.5 Summary of conditional grant payments and estimates

Tables 15.7 and 15.8 show the amounts allocated to the department in respect of the Community Library Services conditional grant. Table 15.7: Summary of conditional grant payments and estimates by name

Outcome Audited Audited Audited

R thousand 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Community Library Services grant - 13 967 24 753 34 147 35 589 35 589 38 282 45 401 48 619 Total - 13 967 24 753 34 147 35 589 35 589 38 282 45 401 48 619

Medium-term Estimates


Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate

Main Appropriation

Table 15.8: Summary of conditional grant payments and estimates by economic classification

Outcome Audited Audited Audited

R thousand 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Current payments - 7 375 12 536 7 546 8 827 8 827 17 882 23 901 27 240

Compensation of employees Goods and services - 7 375 12 536 7 546 8 827 8 827 17 882 23 901 27 240 Interest and rent on land

Transfers and subsidies to: - 4 741 6 251 7 101 6 320 6 320 9 400 10 500 10 500 Provinces and municipalities - 4 741 6 251 7 101 6 320 6 320 9 400 10 500 10 500 Departmental agencies and accountsUniversities and technikonsForeign government and international organisationsPublic corporations and private enterprisesNon-profit institutionsHouseholds

Payments for capital assets - 1 851 5 966 19 500 20 442 20 442 11 000 11 000 10 879 Buildings and other fixed structures - - 2 419 15 000 17 827 17 827 8 000 10 000 10 000 Machinery and equipment - 1 851 3 547 4 500 2 615 2 615 3 000 1 000 879 Heritage assetsSpecialised military assetsBiological assetsLand and sub-soil assetsSoftware and other intangible assets

Payments for financial assets

Total - 13 967 24 753 34 147 35 589 35 589 38 282 45 401 48 619

Medium-term Estimates


Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate

Main Appropriation

The Community Library Services conditional grant was introduced in 2007/08 and is aimed at enabling communities to gain access to knowledge and information that will improve their social, economic and political situation.

In 2007/08, the department fully spent the allocated amount. In 2008/09, the grant was under-spent against Machinery and equipment in respect of a mobile library bus that was procured, and Buildings and other fixed structures in respect of the Mbazwana library and depot project. In this regard, an amount of R1.442 million was approved as a roll-over to 2009/10, which explains the increase in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation.

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With regard to Goods and services, the high expenditure in 2008/09 relates to the costs of educational support material for the school curriculum, which was purchased for the first time in that year. This explains the slightly lower allocation in the 2009/10 Main Appropriation. The 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation includes additional funding for an increased demand for library materials. The substantial increase over the 2010/11 MTEF relates to funding for the purchasing of library material, connectivity costs to be paid for internet access, and the costs of implementing the new library control system.

The category Transfers and subsidies to: Provinces and municipalities increases steadily from 2007/08 onward. The decrease in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation is due to the reprioritisation of funding to cater for the increased demand for library material, from projects which had not yet commenced. The substantial increase over the 2010/11 MTEF includes a transfer of R4.500 million to eThekwini for the purchase of library material, as well as funds for the acquisition of ICT facilities. The Msunduzi Municipality will also receive funding for the purchase of library material. The remainder of the funding is to provide for the salaries of the cyber cadets at 47 existing internet cafes, as well as new appointments at new sites. This explains the higher amounts transferred to some of the larger municipalities such as Newcastle, uMhlathuze and Hibiscus Coast.

The increase in Buildings and other fixed structures in the 2009/10 Main Appropriation relates to the Mbazwana Library and depot project. The funding over the 2010/11 MTEF is for the completion of this project and for the initial stages of planning of the library in Qudeni in the Nkandla area.

With regard to Machinery and equipment, the high allocation in 2008/09 relates to funding for the upgrading of hardware systems in public libraries. The 2009/10 Main Appropriation relates to funding for the installation of head count systems in various libraries. This allocation was reduced in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation to provide for capital purchases that were incorrectly budgeted for under Goods and services. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF will be directed to the upgrading of computer equipment in libraries converting to the new library control system.

5.6 Summary of infrastructure payments and estimates

Table 15.9 below shows the amounts allocated by the department in respect of infrastructure spending, including both capital and current expenditure. Full details of the projects to be undertaken appear in the Annexure – Vote 15: Arts and Culture.

Table 15.9: Summary of infrastructure payments and estimates

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

New and replacement assets 2 461 - 5 982 15 000 23 628 23 628 69 947 27 473 28 312 Existing infrastructure assets 955 867 1 330 - 1 217 1 217 11 052 - -

Upgrades and additions - 752 - - - - - - - Rehabilitation, renovations and refurbishments 955 115 1 330 - 1 217 1 217 11 052 - - Maintenance and repairs

Infrastructure transfers 24 250 17 400 15 286 16 806 12 090 9 090 - - - CurrentCapital 24 250 17 400 15 286 16 806 12 090 9 090 - - -

Capital infrastructure 27 666 18 267 22 598 31 806 36 935 33 935 80 999 27 473 28 312 Current infrastructure - - - - - - - - -

Total 27 666 18 267 22 598 31 806 36 935 33 935 80 999 27 473 28 312

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate

Medium-term Estimates


The 2006/07 spending in respect of New and replacement assets relates to the costs of completion of the extensions to the building occupied by Library Services. The spending against this category in 2008/09 was for the building of arts centres, as well as for the building of libraries. The 2008/09 and 2009/10 Main Appropriation include the costs of the Mbazwana library and depot project. The allocation to this project was further increased in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation and provision was also made for other new library buildings and the construction of community arts centres. The substantial 2010/11 allocation relates to once-off funding for the building of community arts centres. This explains the lower allocation in the outer year of the 2010/11 MTEF, which relates to allocations for library building projects.

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


The costs of maintenance and repairs to the halls and campsites of the department are provided for under Rehabilitation, renovations and refurbishments. The high expenditure in 2006/07 relates to the cost of renovations to the Ulundi Archive Repository, while 2008/09 includes commitments that were rolled over from 2007/08 in respect of the costs of renovations to the building occupied by the Language Services directorate, as well as the cost of renovations to the department’s halls and campsites. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, the department identified further funding for these renovations. The 2010/11 allocation relates to once-off funding to continue with the renovations to the halls and campsites.

Infrastructure transfers reflects transfers made by the department to municipalities for the building of libraries. The spending against this category from 2006/07 to 2008/09 relates to transfers to various municipalities in this regard. The 2009/10 Main Appropriation for these library building projects was reduced in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, due to the change in the department’s strategy where the department now undertakes the building of libraries itself, rather than using municipalities as implementing agents. No funding was provided in the 2010/11 MTEF due to this change in strategy.

5.7 Transfers to public entities listed in terms of Schedule 3 of the PFMA

Table 15.10 below reflects the transfers made to the Playhouse Company, which is listed as a national public entity, reside under Programme 2: Cultural Affairs.

Table 15.10: Summary of departmental transfers to public entities listed in terms of Schedule 3 of the PFMA

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

The Playhouse Company 5 000 5 000 5 350 5 751 5 751 5 751 6 096 6 462 6 786 Total 5 000 5 000 5 350 5 751 5 751 5 751 6 096 6 462 6 786

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate

Medium-term Estimates


The Playhouse Company is a cultural institution promulgated under the Cultural Institutions Act of 1998. Its primary mandate is to develop and promote artistic works that are representative of the diverse South African artistic and cultural heritage. The department entered into an agreement with the entity based on projects which the Playhouse will embark upon and which are linked to the mandate of the department. The allocation provided over the 2010/11 MTEF to this entity was increased by an inflationary percentage.

5.8 Transfers to other entities

Table 15.11 provides a breakdown of transfers made to other entities. The institutions set out in the table below are categorised as Transfers and subsidies to: Non-profit institutions.

Funding is provided by the department to the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra which is a non-profit institution committed to ensuring development of artists through nurturing local talent and skills and providing cultural entertainment. It was established in terms of an association incorporated under Section 21 of the Companies Act. In 2008/09, this entity received an inflationary adjustment, as well as additional funding of R2 million. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF has been increased by an inflationary adjustment, as well as the carry-through costs of the additional funding.

Apart from the Jambo Art centre, the department continues to fund the arts centres that are listed, which contribute substantially to the development and training of artists and which provide access to cultural infrastructure. The transfer payment to the Jambo Arts Centre was cancelled in 2008/09 due to it not being operational. Although the allocations of arts centres were not increased in 2009/10 due to budget constraints, inflationary adjustments have been made over the 2010/11 MTEF.

Two new transfers have been introduced in the 2010/11 MTEF for the community arts centres currently being constructed by the department in Osizweni and Bulwer.

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Table 15.11: Summary of departmental transfers to other entities Outcome

Audited Audited Audited R thousand 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 KZN Philharmonic Orchestra 4 200 4 410 6 719 7 573 7 573 7 573 8 377 8 880 9 324 Arts centres 2 767 3 940 3 937 3 937 3 938 3 938 4 534 4 760 5 001

Bat Centre 500 525 552 552 552 552 580 609 639 Bulwer Arts Centre - - - - - - 200 210 221 Ekhaya 200 210 221 221 221 221 232 244 256 Gobhela 150 158 166 166 166 166 174 183 192 Indonsa Art Centre 1 200 1 260 1 349 1 349 1 349 1 349 1 416 1 487 1 562 Infusion - - 150 150 150 150 158 165 174 Jambo 150 158 - - - - - - - Osizweni Arts Centre - - - - - - 200 210 221 Rorkes Drift - - 150 150 150 150 158 165 174 Stable Theatre 567 1 629 1 349 1 349 1 350 1 350 1 416 1 487 1 562

Arts and Culture support to: - 800 4 475 4 370 4 454 4 454 3 590 3 290 3 290 Absa Inniriet Festival - - - - 10 10 - - - African Sinakho Trust - - - - 95 95 - - - Amandla Production Centre Trust - - - - 50 50 - - - Art in the Park - - 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Arts in school - - 250 - - - - - - Centre for Creative Arts UKZN - - - - 15 15 - - - Comrades Marathon Association - - - - - - 30 30 30 Crown Gospel Music Award - - 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Dolosfees - - 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Durban Arts Association - - - - 50 50 - - - Fodo Cultural Village - - - - - - 80 80 80 Hilton Arts Festival - - 100 150 150 150 100 100 100 Imvunge Choral Music Association - 100 250 250 250 250 - - - Inter-cultural food tasting - - - - 66 66 100 100 100 iTunga Development (Street Parade) - - - - 300 300 300 - - Iziko Gospel Music Convention - - 250 - - - - - - Kizo Heritage Arts Festival (prev. Visual Arts Festival) - - 150 370 370 370 300 300 300 KZN African Film Festival (prev. Film Making & Festival) - - 400 600 300 300 300 300 300 KZN Indigenous Music (incl Isihlahla & Indig. Orchestra) - - 300 700 700 700 500 500 500

Ladysmith Black Mambazo - - 20 - - - - - - Love to live - - - - 80 80 80 80 80 MTN Fashion Week - - 100 100 - - - - - MTN Jazz Festival - - 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Performing Arts Network of SA - - - - 18 18 - - - River Arts Festival - - 150 150 - - - - - SACMA Opera Stars - - 105 - - - - - - SATMA - 700 700 500 500 500 500 500 500 Ugu Jazz Festival - - 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Ukhozi FM Magic Tour - - 150 150 - - - - - Umlazi Arts Festival - - 300 - - - - - - Ushaka Marine - - 100 250 250 250 250 250 250 Wildsfees - - 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Young Fashion Designers - - - - 100 100 - - - Zindala Zombili - - 100 100 100 100 - - -

Arts councils 1 789 1 297 1 469 1 673 1 473 1 473 1 473 1 473 1 473 Bhambatha Lodge 475 - - - - - - - - Museum subsidies: 989 1 054 1 257 - 1 513 1 513 1 576 1 675 1 740

Baynesfield Museum - - - - 243 243 240 252 262 Comrades House Museum - - - - 187 187 180 190 198 Deutshe Schule - - - - 94 94 120 130 135 East Griqualand Museum Trust - - - - 125 125 140 150 156 Himeville Museum - - - - 86 86 120 130 135 Macrorie House Museum - - - - 272 272 240 254 264 Natal Arts Trust - - - - 30 30 30 30 30 The Richmond, Byrne and District Museum - - - - 143 143 151 160 166 Utrecht Museum - - - - 93 93 120 130 135 Vukani Museum - - - - 240 240 235 249 259 Other museums subsidies-historic 989 1 054 1 257 - - - - - -

Total 10 220 11 501 17 857 17 553 18 951 18 951 19 550 20 078 20 828

Medium-term Estimates


Adjusted Appropriation

Main Appropriation

Revised Estimate

With reference to the Arts and Culture sub-category, funding is provided by the department to these organisations to assist with providing a platform for emerging artists. In 2008/09, a number of new transfers were allocated funding.

In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, two transfer payments, River Arts Festival and Ukhozi FM Magic Tour, were discontinued and the transfer in respect of KZN African Film Festival was reduced by R300 000. The transfer payment originally allocated to MTN Fashion Week was redirected to the Young Fashion Designers for the same amount. In addition, nine new transfer payments were introduced.

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


The allocations to this category will be maintained at similar levels as in 2009/10, over the 2010/11 MTEF. Some of the transfer payments under this category have been amended or cancelled in the 2010/11 MTEF. These are as follows:

• The transfers to Imvunge Choral Music Association and Zindala Zombili have been cancelled as a result of budgetary constraints;

• The transfer to the Visual Arts Festival has been reduced and renamed Kizo Heritage Arts Festival;

• The transfer ‘Film making and festival’ has been renamed KZN African Film Festival;

• The transfers relating to Isihlahla Sobantu and Indigenous Orchestra have been combined, reduced and renamed KZN Indigenous Music; and

• Two additional transfer payments, to the Comrades Marathon Association and the Fodo Cultural Village, are introduced in the 2010/11 MTEF.

The amount reflected under Arts Councils is paid directly to properly constituted arts, culture and craft organisations that promote, develop and preserve arts and culture in the province. The 2009/10 Main Appropriation was reduced by R200 000 in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation. This amount was moved to Goods and services to provide for the stipend and travel and subsistence costs paid to the arts and culture council. The allocation for this category remains fairly constant over the 2010/11 MTEF.

As a result of the function shift of Museum Services from Vote 1: Office of the Premier in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, a new category, Museum subsidies, was introduced from 2009/10. Funding is provided to non-profit institutions to cover operational and staffing costs. The museums listed under this category are managed by a Board of Trustees and a large portion of the funding transferred is to cover the salaries paid to curators. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF was adjusted for inflation.

5.9 Transfers to municipalities

Tables 15.12 and 15.13 provide a summary of transfers made to municipalities. Details of the amounts reflected per grant type and per municipality are given in the Annexure – Vote 15: Arts and Culture.

Table 15.12: Summary of departmental transfers to municipalities by category

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Category A 145 2 544 4 626 - 2 634 2 634 4 642 5 650 5 658 Category B 18 660 20 539 18 001 - 13 922 13 922 6 001 6 163 6 227 Category C 144 140 - 16 306 3 000 - - - - Unallocated/unclassified - - - 7 601 - - 3 000 9 000 15 500 Total 18 949 23 223 22 627 23 907 19 556 16 556 13 643 20 813 27 385

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


Table 15.13: Summary of departmental transfers to municipalities by grant name Outcome

Audited Audited Audited R thousand 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Regional Service Council Levy 40 - - - - - - - -

Library building projects 17 600 17 400 15 286 16 806 12 090 9 090 - - - Community Library Services grant - 4 741 6 251 7 101 6 320 6 320 9 400 10 500 10 500 Museum subsidies 1 309 1 082 1 090 - 1 146 1 146 1 243 1 313 1 385

Provincialisation of libraries - - - - - - 3 000 9 000 15 500 Total 18 949 23 223 22 627 23 907 19 556 16 556 13 643 20 813 27 385

Medium-term Estimates


Adjusted Appropriation

Main Appropriation

Revised Estimate

Funds are transferred to municipalities by the department in respect of four different grant types.

Library Building Projects relates to the subsidy paid to municipalities for public libraries. This subsidy is paid to assist municipalities in funding the building, upgrading, and equipping of public libraries. At the time of the preparation of the budget for 2009/10, the planning for the various library building projects to be undertaken was not finalised, and the budget was allocated to the various district municipalities under

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Category C. When this planning was completed, the necessary re-allocations were made and the funds allocated to Category B as part of the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation process. This explains the increase in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation for Category B and the reduced Adjusted Appropriation for Category C in 2009/10. As mentioned previously, the reduced allocation to Category B over the 2010/11 MTEF reflects the change in the department’s policy regarding the building of libraries, whereby the department undertakes certain library building projects itself.

A portion of the Community Library Services grant is paid to municipalities to assist at local level with operational costs in respect of library services. The allocation to Category A from 2007/08 onward relates to a new transfer to the eThekwini Metro, from conditional grant funding, in respect the operational costs of libraries in that area. The increase in the allocation to Category B in 2007/08 relates to the introduction of the conditional grant. The amount allocated against the conditional grant was reduced in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation due to an increased demand for library material under Goods and services. The increased allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF relates to transfers for library material and ICT facilities.

The funding provided for museum subsidies was introduced in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation as a result of the function shift of Museum Services from Vote 1: Office of the Premier. This subsidy is to assist municipalities with the operational cost of museum services. The historical figures were also adjusted during this process. This allocation increases steadily over the 2010/11 MTEF.

From the 2010/11 MTEF, a new transfer payment has been introduced to provide for the provincialisation of public libraries, which will address the issue of the unfunded mandate for public libraries. In terms of Schedule 5 of the Constitution, the provision of library services is an exclusive provincial competency and, as such, the province is responsible for the funding of public libraries. The department plans to address this by the transfer of funding to certain designated libraries in order to provide for staffing costs.

5.10 Transfers and subsidies.

Table 15.14 below provides a summary of spending on Transfers and subsidies by programme and main category.

Table 15.14: Summary of transfers and subsidies by programme and main category

Audited Audited Audited R thousand 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 1. Administration 3 014 - 200 200 695 695 430 130 130

Provinces and municipalities 14 - - - - - - - - Regional Service Council Levy 14 - - - - - - - -

Non-profit institutions - - 200 200 695 695 430 130 130 Various transfers managed by Special Projects Unit - - 200 200 695 695 430 130 130

Households 3 000 - - - - - - - - Payment to ex HOD 3 000 - - - - - - - -

2. Cultural Affairs 16 540 17 593 24 385 23 104 25 153 25 153 26 459 27 723 28 869 Provinces and municipalities 1 320 1 082 1 090 - 1 146 1 146 1 243 1 313 1 385

Regional Service Council Levy 11 - - - - - - - - Museum subsidies 1 309 1 082 1 090 - 1 146 1 146 1 243 1 313 1 385

Departmental agencies and accounts 5 000 5 000 5 350 5 751 5 751 5 751 6 096 6 462 6 786 The Playhouse Company 5 000 5 000 5 350 5 751 5 751 5 751 6 096 6 462 6 786

Non-profit institutions 10 220 11 501 17 657 17 353 18 256 18 256 19 120 19 948 20 698 Various transfers - See Table 15.11 10 220 11 501 17 657 17 353 18 256 18 256 19 120 19 948 20 698

Households - 10 288 - - - - - - Termination benefits of ex employees - 10 288 - - - - - -

3. Library and Archive Services 17 615 22 141 21 650 23 907 18 475 15 475 12 400 19 500 26 000

Provinces and municipalities 17 615 22 141 21 537 23 907 18 410 15 410 12 400 19 500 26 000

Regional Service Council Levy 15 - - - - - - - - Library Building Programme 17 600 17 400 15 286 16 806 12 090 9 090 - - - Community Library Services grant - 4 741 6 251 7 101 6 320 6 320 9 400 10 500 10 500 Provincialisation of libraries - - - - - - 3 000 9 000 15 500

Households - - 113 - 65 65 - - - Termination benefits of ex employees - - 113 - 65 65 - - -

Total 37 169 39 734 46 235 47 211 44 323 41 323 39 289 47 353 54 999

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate

Medium-term Estimates


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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


The category Transfers and subsidies under Programme 1: Administration relates to projects managed by the Special Projects unit of the department. Some of these projects include the Young Fashion Designers and iTunga Development transfers, to name a few.

Programme 2: Cultural Affairs makes a number of transfer payments under the following categories:

• Transfers and subsidies to: Provinces and municipalities relates to the Regional Service Council Levy, which was discontinued after 2006/07. In addition, this category consists of subsidies paid to municipalities for the operational costs of museums. This function was shifted to the department in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation. The historic figures have been adjusted accordingly. This allocation grows steadily over the seven-year period;

• Transfers and subsidies to: Departmental agencies and accounts relates to the subsidies paid to the Playhouse Company. The allocation grows steadily over the MTEF;

• Transfers and subsidies to: Non-profit institutions cover a multitude of different transfers, including transfers to the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra, various arts centres, various arts organisations, the Arts Council and subsidies to museums which are run by Boards of Trustees; and

• The allocation to Transfers and subsidies to: Households relates to staff exit costs.

Programme 3: Library and Archive Services also makes a number of transfer payments, mainly under Transfers and subsidies to: Provinces and municipalities, the foremost being transfers to municipalities for library building projects. It is noted that, in terms of a policy decision, the department now undertakes these library building projects itself. This explains the termination of these transfers in 2009/10.

This category also includes transfers made to municipalities in respect of the operational costs of libraries funded from conditional grant funding. The allocation to this transfer increases steadily over the MTEF.

From the 2010/11 MTEF a new type of transfer payment has been introduced to provide for the provincialisation of public libraries which will address the issue of the unfunded mandate for public libraries. In terms of Schedule 5 of the Constitution, the provision of library services is an exclusive provincial competency and as such the province is responsible for the funding of public libraries. The department plans to implement the provincialisation of libraries by means of a pilot study in the Umkhanyakude district. This will be used as a model for the approach to be adopted in taking over other public libraries, in terms of the provincialisation of public libraries process. Substantial amounts have been allocated to this category, especially in the last two years of the MTEF.

6. Programme description The services rendered by this department are categorised under three programmes, as discussed in greater length below. The payments and budgeted estimates for each programme are summarised in terms of economic classification, details of which are given in the Annexure – Vote 15: Arts and Culture.

6.1 Programme 1: Administration

The purpose of this programme is to provide for effective management and administration of the department and to ensure effective and efficient use of financial and human resources. This programme now comprises two sub-programmes, Office of the MEC and Corporate Services, as per the prescribed structure of the sector.

Tables 15.15 and 15.16 below summarise payments and estimates for the period 2006/07 to 2012/13.

Table 15.15: Summary of payments and estimates - Programme 1: Administration

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Office of the MEC 7 013 7 293 8 670 8 553 8 244 8 244 8 798 9 354 9 847 Corporate Services 34 933 38 528 51 441 57 424 58 458 58 458 64 271 67 253 70 519 Total 41 946 45 821 60 111 65 977 66 702 66 702 73 069 76 607 80 366

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


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Vote 15: Arts and Culture


Table 15.16: Summary of payments and estimates by economic classification - Programme 1: Administration

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Current payments 38 562 44 803 59 056 65 493 65 613 65 613 72 339 76 160 79 897 Compensation of employees 19 735 22 103 29 199 34 633 35 133 35 133 40 698 42 979 45 127 Goods and services 18 827 22 700 29 857 30 860 30 480 30 480 31 641 33 181 34 770 Interest and rent on land - - - - - - - - -

Transfers and subsidies to: 3 014 - 200 200 695 695 430 130 130 Provinces and municipalities 14 - - - - - - - - Departmental agencies and accounts - - - - - - - - - Universities and technikons - - - - - - - - - Foreign governments and international organisations - - - - - - - - - Public corporations and private enterprises - - - - - - - - - Non-profit institutions - - 200 200 695 695 430 130 130 Households 3 000 - - - - - - - -

Payments for capital assets 370 1 012 852 284 384 384 300 317 339 Buildings and other fixed structures - - - - - - - - - Machinery and equipment 205 1 012 852 284 384 384 300 317 339 Heritage assets - - - - - - - - - Specialised military assets - - - - - - - - - Biological assets - - - - - - - - - Land and sub-soil assets - - - - - - - - - Software and other intangible assets 165 - - - - - - - -

Payments for financial assets - 6 3 - 10 10 - - -

Total 41 946 45 821 60 111 65 977 66 702 66 702 73 069 76 607 80 366

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


The high 2008/09 spending of the Office of the MEC sub-programme includes the costs of upgrading the security of the MEC’s residence. The 2010/11 MTEF allocation reflects an inflationary increase.

The increase in the Corporate Services sub-programme in 2008/09 was due to the costs of a revised security contract for the department, economic cluster launches and the marketing of departmental projects. The increased 2009/10 Main Appropriation relates to additional funding for the Special Projects unit. The 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation includes additional funds for 2010 arts and craft programmes, which will be administered by the Special Projects unit, as well as funding for the higher than anticipated 2009 wage agreement. The allocation increases substantially in 2010/11 due to the planned filling of critical posts, which will be undertaken in line with the Cabinet-approved Provincial Recovery Plan.

Compensation of employees spending increased in 2008/09 due to the movement of the Special Projects directorate to this programme, as mentioned above. The higher than anticipated 2008 wage agreement also contributed to the high spending in that year. The increased allocation to this category in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation relates to funding allocated for the higher than anticipated 2009 wage agreement. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF reflects the carry-through costs of these wage agreements.

The high growth in 2007/08 against Goods and services was due to contractual obligations in respect of the Corporate Services sub-programme. The substantial increase in 2008/09 was due to the costs of marketing departmental projects, economic cluster launches, as well as an expanded and revised security contract. The slight reduction in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation reflects the funds reprioritised to the department’s infrastructure projects, to fund renovations to the department’s halls and campsites, as well as the building of arts centres. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF increases by inflation.

The expenditure against Transfers and subsidies to: Non-profit institutions from 2008/09 onward relates to transfers to projects managed by the Special Projects unit, which were moved to this programme from 2009/10. The comparative figures have been adjusted accordingly, however, it should be noted that the Special Projects unit only came into existence in 2008/09. The allocation to this category was increased in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation to make provision for the introduction of a number of new once-off transfer payments such as the Young Fashion Designers and iTunga Development transfers, to name a few. Transfers relating to 2010 projects conclude in 2010/11, which explains the reduction in the allocation to this category in 2011/12 and 2012/13.

The spending against Transfers and subsidies to: Households in 2006/07 relates to the exit package of the former Head of Department amounting to R3 million.

Machinery and equipment shows high spending in 2007/08 as a result of the roll-over of capital commitments from 2006/07, and the provision of additional funds for the purchase of an official vehicle.

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


The 2008/09 expenditure relates to the purchase of motor vehicles and equipment. The allocation to this category was increased in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation to make provision for capital purchases that were incorrectly budgeted for under Goods and services. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF will mainly be utilised for the costs of the upgrading of existing equipment.

6.2 Programme 2: Cultural Affairs

The purpose of this programme is to provide for projects and interventions in the arts, culture, language and museum services. The aim of the programme is to provide an environment conducive to the celebration, nourishment and growth of these sectors.

The main aim of the Arts and Culture sub-programme is to ensure cultural diversity and the advancement of artistic disciplines into viable industries.

The focus of the Language Services sub-programme is the promotion of multi-lingualism and development of historically marginalised languages, as well as the facilitation of access to the information and services rendered by this directorate. These services include the facilitation of access to government information and services through translation, interpretation and ensuring respect for language rights.

A new sub-programme, namely Management, was introduced in 2009/10 in line with the uniform programme for the sector, and historic figures were adjusted accordingly.

As a result of the function shift of Museum Services from Vote 1: Office of the Premier in 2009/10, a sub-programme was introduced, with historic figures being adjusted accordingly. The main aim of the Museum Services sub-programme is to act as the custodian of tangible and intangible artefacts in order to preserve, protect, conserve and appreciate them for future generations.

Tables 15.17 and 15.18 below summarise payments and estimates for the period 2006/07 to 2012/13.

Table 15.17: Summary of payments and estimates - Programme 2: Cultural Affairs

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Arts and Culture 48 750 56 742 69 545 62 742 65 031 65 031 124 652 72 184 75 995 Language Services 5 682 5 367 7 539 7 034 7 013 7 013 7 851 8 334 8 751 Management 1 258 1 338 1 446 2 439 2 353 2 353 2 613 2 759 2 899 Museum Services 6 323 6 016 6 861 - 7 292 7 292 8 469 8 920 9 425

Total 62 013 69 463 85 391 72 215 81 689 81 689 143 585 92 197 97 070

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


Table 15.18: Summary of payments and estimates by economic classification - Programme 2: Cultural Affairs

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Current payments 44 698 51 445 55 874 48 951 52 524 52 524 60 413 64 294 68 001 Compensation of employees 19 394 21 809 26 241 27 234 31 396 31 396 35 769 37 737 39 596 Goods and services 25 304 29 636 29 633 21 717 21 128 21 128 24 644 26 557 28 405 Interest and rent on land - - - - - - - - -

Transfers and subsidies to: 16 540 17 593 24 385 23 104 25 153 25 153 26 459 27 723 28 869 Provinces and municipalities 1 320 1 082 1 090 - 1 146 1 146 1 243 1 313 1 385 Departmental agencies and accounts 5 000 5 000 5 350 5 751 5 751 5 751 6 096 6 462 6 786 Universities and technikons - - - - - - - - - Foreign governments and international organisations - - - - - - - - - Public corporations and private enterprises - - - - - - - - - Non-profit institutions 10 220 11 501 17 657 17 353 18 256 18 256 19 120 19 948 20 698 Households - 10 288 - - - - - -

Payments for capital assets 775 425 5 132 160 4 012 4 012 56 713 180 200 Buildings and other fixed structures 107 115 4 560 - 3 502 3 502 56 543 - - Machinery and equipment 668 310 572 160 510 510 170 180 200 Heritage assets - - - - - - - - - Specialised military assets - - - - - - - - - Biological assets - - - - - - - - - Land and sub-soil assets - - - - - - - - - Software and other intangible assets - - - - - - - - -

Payments for financial assets - - - - - - - - -

Total 62 013 69 463 85 391 72 215 81 689 81 689 143 585 92 197 97 070

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


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The substantial increase in spending against the sub-programme: Arts and Culture in 2008/09 relates to the cost of renovations to the halls and campsites of the department, as well as the construction of community arts centres in various areas. The lower allocation in the 2009/10 Main Appropriation was due to the fact that no funding was allocated to this project due to budget constraints. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, further funding was allocated for the renovations to the halls and campsites of the department, through reprioritisation from Goods and services from within the programme. The peak in the allocation for 2010/11 is due to once-off additional funding for the construction of arts centres, and the cost of renovations to the halls and campsites of the department. This explains the reduced allocation to this sub-programme in 2011/12, with an inflationary increase in 2012/13.

The high 2006/07 expenditure against the Language Services sub-programme relates to the once-off costs of translation equipment and explains the lower expenditure in 2007/08. The 2008/09 expenditure includes the once-off costs of renovations to the building occupied by the unit. This explains the lower 2009/10 Main Appropriation. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF reflects an inflationary increase.

The sub-programme: Museum Services caters for function shift of Museum Services from Vote 1: Office of the Premier in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, with prior year trends adjusted accordingly for comparative purposes.

Due to this function shift, provision had to be made under Transfers and subsidies to: Provinces and municipalities for the subsidies paid to museums run by Boards of Trustees in respect of operational and staffing costs. An inflationary increase has been made to these subsidies over the 2010/11 MTEF.

With regard to Compensation of employees, the increases in the 2008/09 Audited figure and 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation reflect the costs of the 2008 and 2009 wage agreements. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF includes the carry-through costs of these wage agreements.

Goods and services includes the costs of the main events hosted by the department. The expenditure against this category was reduced in 2006/07 to fund spending pressures in other areas and explains the increased expenditure from 2007/08. The allocation to this category was significantly decreased in the 2009/10 Main Appropriation to provide for increased allocations to Compensation of employees, as well as the introduction of several new transfer payments. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF shows steady growth.

Transfers and subsidies to: Departmental agencies and accounts reflects the transfer payment made to the Playhouse Company. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF reflects an inflationary adjustment.

Transfers and subsidies to: Non-profit institutions provides for transfers to the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as arts councils, arts centres and museums managed by Boards of Trustees. In addition, support is also provided to various arts organisations. In 2008/09, a number of new transfer payments were introduced, which continued in 2009/10. As mentioned previously, in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, the allocation to this category was increased due to the function shift of Museum Services from Vote 1: Office of the Premier. Historic figures have been adjusted to take account of this function shift. As a result of budgetary constraints, the support to arts organisations transfers were not adjusted for inflation, but the other transfers have been increased.

Buildings and other fixed structures reflects high spending in 2008/09 due to the roll-over of commitments from 2007/08 for renovations to the building occupied by Language Services, as well as the cost of renovations to the department’s halls and campsites. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, additional funding for these renovations was reprioritised from other programmes to enable the project to continue. Further once-off funding for these renovations has been allocated in 2010/11, with no funding allocated in the two outer years of the MTEF.

The high expenditure against Machinery and equipment in 2006/07 was due to the once-off costs of translation equipment, while the 2008/09 Audited figure includes the cost of official vehicles required for effective service delivery. The increase in this category in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation is due to the acquisition of motor vehicles, computer equipment and office furniture.

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


Service delivery measures – Programme 2: Cultural Affairs

Table 15.19 illustrates the main service delivery measures relevant to Programme 2: Cultural Affairs.

Every attempt was made to align service delivery measures with those of the sector. However, only those service delivery measures that are applicable to the activities of the department have been incorporated into the department’s 2010/11 Annual Performance Plan. Due to the significance of the non-standardised measures, these have also been included in the table below.

Table 15.19: Service delivery measures – Programme 2: Cultural Affairs Outputs Performance indicators Estimated

performance Medium-term targets

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

1 Arts and Culture standardised performance measures 1.1

To establish structures and to provide institutional support

• No. of co-ordinating structures established • No. of SLAs concluded • No. of sponsorships awarded

82 19 36

71 25 40

71 25 40

71 25 44

1.2 To facilitate access to facilities and programmes

• No. of events organised • No. of participants attracted (diversification

demographic mix) • No. of significant days hosted • No. of artists trained • No. of cultural administrators trained

n/a 64 030


60 1

44 80 580


2 540 2

46 80 580


2 560 2

44 80 580


2 560 2

1.3 To facilitate capacity building • No. of learnership programmes initiated • No. of performance programmes offered to develop

“acclaimed artists”

1 2

2 2

2 2

2 2

2 Arts and Culture non standardised performances measures 2.1 To facilitate access to facilities and

programmes • No. of programmes per facility • No. of participants attracted:

Male Female Youth Children People with disabilities Previously disadvantaged beneficiaries

• No. of types of cultural activities • No. of prog. that provide a multicultural experience • No. of sector integrated programmes delivered


15 300 20 600 25 700

3 100 55

61 030 2

12 17


16 745 22 055 27 560 2 375

355 66 350

4 22 7


27 300 38 600 45 700

7 375 505

91 030 4

22 7


27 300 38 600 45 700

7 375 505

91 030 4

22 7

2.2 To facilitate capacity building • No. of non accredited programmes provided • No. of documents/guidelines procedure manuals

developed implemented and monitored









2.3 To facilitate and support excellence enhancing programmes

• No. of performance programmes to enhance sustainability of cultural practitioners

• No. of cultural practitioners supported to participate at the following levels: Local Provincial National International level


1 000 2 300

650 50


2 900 2 250

400 30


2 900 2 300

400 30


2 900 2 300

400 30

• No. of community arts centres established n/a 4 n/a n/a

3 Language Services standardised performance measures 3.1 To establish and support structures • No. of language co-ordinating structures established 34 3 3 3

3.2 To provide language services • No. of literary exhibitions conducted • No. of documents translated • No. of multi-lingual audio-visual products developed and


n/a 200


1 72 6

1 70 5

1 70 6

4 Language Services non standardised performance measures 4.1 To provide language services • No. of language planning programmes:

Status Planning Corpus Planning • No. of documents edited • No. of literary development and promotion prog. • No. of multilingualism promotion programmes

2 3

20 4 0

2 3


4 2

2 3


4 2

2 3


4 2

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6.3 Programme 3: Library and Archive Services

The aim of this programme is to provide library and information services, as well as archive services.

The central function of the Archives sub-programme is to acquire, preserve and manage public and non-public records in order to ensure public access to the nation’s archival heritage. This includes the acquisition and preservation of public records with historical value, ensuring accessibility of records and promotion of their utilisation, the proper management and care of all public records, and the collection of records with potential provincial value and significance.

The Library Services sub-programme caters for the provision of a public library service to affiliated municipal public libraries throughout the province. Its aims to include the improvement of public library access to all communities by building, upgrading and automating public libraries, as well as developing and sustaining a reading culture.

In 2007/08, the sub-programme: Recapitalisation of Community Libraries was introduced to cater for the Community Library Services conditional grant. In 2009/10, a fourth sub-programme was introduced for Management, to ensure compliance with the sector specific programme structure.

Tables 15.20 and 15.21 below summarise payments and estimates relating to these functions for the period 2006/07 to 2012/13.

Table 15.20: Summary of payments and estimates - Programme 3: Library and Archive Services

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Archives 12 968 11 714 15 012 14 451 13 701 13 701 15 402 16 432 17 254 Library Services 62 363 65 470 66 722 68 242 68 242 65 242 85 374 96 464 113 351 Recapitalisiation of Community Libraries - 13 967 24 753 34 147 35 589 35 589 38 282 45 401 48 619 Management - - 1 300 1 400 1 400 1 400 1 306 1 390 1 464

Total 75 331 91 151 107 787 118 240 118 932 115 932 140 364 159 687 180 688

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


Table 15.21 Summary of payments and estimates by economic classification - Programme 3: Library and Archive Services

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Current payments 53 560 65 868 78 702 73 805 74 271 74 271 97 300 109 184 122 805 Compensation of employees 21 203 22 936 29 189 34 946 34 881 34 881 43 301 45 726 48 013 Goods and services 32 357 42 932 49 513 38 859 39 390 39 390 53 999 63 458 74 792 Interest and rent on land - - - - - - - - -

Transfers and subsidies to: 17 615 22 141 21 650 23 907 18 475 15 475 12 400 19 500 26 000 Provinces and municipalities 17 615 22 141 21 537 23 907 18 410 15 410 12 400 19 500 26 000 Departmental agencies and accounts - - - - - - - - - Universities and technikons - - - - - - - - - Foreign governments and international organisations - - - - - - - - - Public corporations and private enterprises - - - - - - - - - Non-profit institutions - - - - - - - - - Households - - 113 - 65 65 - - -

Payments for capital assets 4 156 3 142 7 435 20 528 26 186 26 186 30 664 31 003 31 883 Buildings and other fixed structures 3 309 752 2 752 15 000 21 343 21 343 24 456 27 473 28 312 Machinery and equipment 847 2 390 4 683 5 528 4 843 4 843 6 208 3 530 3 571 Heritage assets - - - - - - - - - Specialised military assets - - - - - - - - - Biological assets - - - - - - - - - Land and sub-soil assets - - - - - - - - - Software and other intangible assets - - - - - - - - -

Payments for financial assets - - - - - - - - -

Total 75 331 91 151 107 787 118 240 118 932 115 932 140 364 159 687 180 688

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


The peak in 2008/09 in respect of the sub-programme: Archives relates to the payment of leases for archive buildings. However, from 2009/10 onward all leases have been centralised under Programme 1: Administration, which explains the decrease in the 2009/10 Main Appropriation. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, the allocation was reduced to make provision for the increased demand for library material, as well as to assist with the costs of the departmental infrastructure projects such as repairs to

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


the halls and campsites of the department and the building of arts centres. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF reflects an inflationary increase.

The Revised Estimate for 2009/10 in respect of the sub-programme: Library Services reflects savings of R3 million as part of the department’s contribution to the Cabinet-approved Provincial Recovery Plan. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF increases significantly because of the additional funding received for the provincialisation of public libraries.

In 2007/08, the department received a Community Library Services conditional grant for community libraries. This grant is catered for within the sub-programme: Recapitalisation of Community Libraries and funding increased substantially in 2008/09 and 2009/10. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, the grant was increased by R1.442 million due to the roll-over of unspent conditional grant funds from 2008/09 in respect of a mobile library bus, as well as the Mbazwana library and depot project. The allocation grows steadily over the 2010/11 MTEF.

The sub-programme: Management was created in 2009/10, with comparative figures from 2008/09 being adjusted, as there was no Management sub-programme in place prior to this period.

Compensation of employees increased in 2008/09 and in the 2009/10 Main Appropriation due to the costs of the 2008 wage agreement, as well as the carry-through costs of filled posts. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF provides for the carry-through cost of the 2009 wage agreement, as well as the filling of additional posts to implement and manage the provincialisation of libraries project in line with the provisions of the Cabinet-approved Provincial Recovery Plan. As mentioned above, these posts will only be filled once the moratorium on the filling of posts is lifted.

Goods and services increased in 2007/08 and 2008/09 due to the implementation of the Community Library Services conditional grant, specifically for the purchase of tertiary books for libraries. The reduced 2009/10 Main Appropriation partly relates to increased transfers to libraries for operational costs from the Community Library services conditional grant, rather than direct conditional grant spending such as the purchase of library material. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation, the allocation was increased by the reprioritisation of funding from Transfers and subsidies to: Provinces and municipalities and Machinery and equipment, to provide for the increased demand for library materials. The significant increase over the 2010/11 MTEF relates to additional funding for the provincialisation of libraries.

The category Transfers and subsidies to: Provinces and municipalities provides for transfers to municipalities for the library building programme, as well as for operational costs funded from the conditional grant. The increase in 2007/08 relates to the introduction of the Community Library Services conditional grant for the capitalisation of community libraries. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation this category was reduced, due to the policy decision that the department would undertake all infrastructure projects itself. The reduced 2009/10 Revised Estimate reflects the department’s contribution to the Cabinet-approved Provincial Recovery Plan. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF reflects transfers to municipalities, in respect of the conditional grant, for operational costs, as well as funding for the provincialisation of public libraries.

The 2006/07 and 2007/08 Audited figures in respect of Buildings and other fixed structures represent the cost of renovations to the Ulundi Archives Repository, as well as the cost of extensions to the building occupied by Library Services. The 2008/09 Audited figure includes the cost of the regional library depot and community library in the Mbazwana area. In the 2009/10 Main and Adjusted Appropriation, the department reprioritised further funding for this project. Since all library infrastructure projects are managed by the department and no longer paid as transfers to municipalities, the 2010/11 MTEF allocation increases significantly. The 2010/11 MTEF allocation includes conditional grant funding for the construction of community libraries, as well as funding for the Mbazwana depot and library.

Machinery and equipment reflects high spending from 2007/08 onward due to the acquisition of computer hardware and ICT infrastructure for libraries from conditional grant funding. The high spending in 2008/09 was due to the purchase of capital equipment on behalf of municipalities in order to cut down on delivery times. The further increase in this category in the 2009/10 Main Appropriation was to provide for

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the costs of the installation of head count systems in various libraries. As mentioned previously, this category was reduced in the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation to provide for the additional costs of the Mbazwana library and depot building project under Buildings and other fixed structures. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF relates to funding for the installation of head count systems in libraries.

Service delivery measures – Programme 3: Library and Archive Services

Table 15.22 below illustrates the main service delivery measures relevant to Programme 3: Library and Archive Services.

Every effort was made to align the performance measures for Library and Archive Services with the measures determined for the sector. Only those measures that were applicable to the activities of the department were incorporated in the department’s Annual Performance Plan, and are reflected below. Once again, certain non standardised performance measures were also included.

Table 15.22: Service delivery measures – Programme 3: Library and Archive Services Strategic objectives Performance indicators Estimated

performance Medium-term targets

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

1 Library Services standardised performance measures 1.1 Provide infrastructure required for public


• No. of new libraries built • No. of library facilities upgraded • No. of library facilities provided with ICT


3 1


2 1


3 1


2 1


1.2 Provide library materials, books and other formats to public libraries

• No. of new library materials provided

70 000

75 000

70 000 70 000

1.3 To promote the awareness of libraries to enhance usage

• No. of promotional projects 4 4 4 4

1.4 Monitor and support public libraries • No. of visits to libraries by provincial staff • No. of training programmes for public library staff

170 4

100 4

100 4

100 4

1.5 Provide special services to library users • No. of special services established 4 16 12 12

2 Library Services non standardised performance measures 2.1 Develop a strategy for transfer of community

libraries to the provincial sphere of government • No. of libraries incorporated into provincial

management 7 8 9 10

2.2 Provide library materials, books and other formats to public libraries

• No. of comprehensive collection assessment reports carried out at information hubs

20 15 15 15

2.3 To promote user awareness of libraries and culture of reading

• No. of libraries with system for counting library users

20 20 20 20

3 Archive Services standardised performance measures 3.1 To ensure sound records management services

within governmental bodies • No. of records classification systems assessed • No. of records classification systems approved • No. of governmental bodies inspected • No. of records managers trained • No. of disposal authorities issued • No. of enquiries received • No. of enquiries processed

12 8

81 4 5

1 100 1 100

14 12 90 4 6

1 380 1 380

14 12 90 4 6

1 460 1 460

14 12

90 4 6

1 550 1 550

3.2 To effectively manage archives at repositories • No. of data coded entries submitted on National Automated Archive Information Retrieval System (NAAIRS) datasets

• No. of researchers visiting repositories • No. of archival groups arranged for retrieval • No. of archivalia (documents) restored • No. of ICT facilities provided for public use • No. of linear meters arranged • No. and linear meters of transfers received from

governmental bodies

4 000

2 200 3 5 1

30 30

4 000

2 200 3 5 3

30 200

4 000

2 200 3

5 3

30 100

4 000

2 200 3 5 3

30 100

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


Table 15.22: Service delivery measures – Programme 3: Library and Archive Services Strategic objectives Performance indicators Estimated

performance Medium-term targets

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

3.3 To promote awareness and use of archives • No. of awareness programmes rolled out to communities

• No. of oral history programmes conducted • No. of events participated in provincially • No. of events participated in nationally


3 3 1


3 2



3 2



3 2


4 Archive Services non standardised performance measures 4.1 To ensure sound records management services

within governmental bodies • No. of records staff trained 240 300 300 300

4.2 To promote awareness and use of archives • No. of information sessions presented to governmental bodies

4 6 6 6

7. Other programme information

7.1 Personnel numbers and costs

Table 15.23 below provides details of the personnel numbers per programme.

It should be noted that the historic data has been adjusted as a result of the function shift of Museum Services from Vote 1: Office of the Premier during 2009/10.

The increase in personnel numbers from 2007 to 2009 under Programme 1: Administration pertains to the filling of posts in a number of key areas within this programme which included the development of a SCM component. The increase in the personnel numbers from 2009 to 2010 relates to the provision for the filling of critical posts.

It should be noted that the unit cost as at March 2007 is not a true reflection, as an exit package was paid to the previous Head of Department in 2007, which distorts the unit cost for this year and also explains the lower unit cost for March 2008.

The increase in personnel numbers in respect of Programme 3: Library and Archive Services from March 2011 onward relates to the appointment of staff to implement the provincialisation of libraries, for which additional funding was allocated. From 2010/11 onward, the number of posts remains constant at 508.

Table 15.23: Personnel numbers and costs per programme

Personnel numbers As at 31 March 2007

As at 31 March 2008

As at 31 March 2009

As at 31 March 2010

As at 31 March 2011

As at 31 March 2012

As at 31 March 2013

1. Administration 91 100 114 131 132 132 132 2. Cultural Affairs 106 114 119 122 132 132 132 3. Library and Archive Services 172 197 203 216 244 244 244 Total 369 411 436 469 508 508 508 Total personnel cost (R thousand) 60 332 66 848 84 629 101 410 126 442 126 442 132 736 Unit cost (R thousand) 164 163 194 216 249 249 261

Table 15.24 below provides details of the personnel numbers and costs of the department over the seven-year period. Most of the posts within the Human Resources and Finance component have been filled to ensure effective service delivery.

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Vote 15: Arts and Culture


Table 15.24: Details of personnel numbers and costs Outcome

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Total for departmentPersonnel numbers (head count) 369 411 436 469 469 469 508 508 508 Personnel cost (R thousand) 60 332 66 848 84 629 96 813 101 410 101 410 119 768 126 442 132 736

Human resources componentPersonnel numbers (head count) 30 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 Personnel cost (R thousand) - 6 368 6 884 6 788 6 863 6 863 8 045 8 496 8 921

Head count as % of total for department 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 Personnel cost as % of total for department - 10 8 7 7 7 7 7 7

Finance componentPersonnel numbers (head count) 25 35 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 Personnel cost (R thousand) 4 298 6 969 8 164 9 174 9 275 9 275 10 930 11 543 12 120

Head count as % of total for department 7 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 Personnel cost as % of total for department 7 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9

Full time workersPersonnel numbers (head count) 369 411 436 469 469 469 508 508 508 Personnel cost (R thousand) 60 332 66 848 84 629 96 813 101 410 101 410 119 768 126 442 132 736

Head count as % of total for department 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Personnel cost as % of total for department 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Part-time workersPersonnel numbers (head count)Personnel cost (R thousand)

Head count as % of total for department - - - - - - - - - Personnel cost as % of total for department - - - - - - - - -

Contract workersPersonnel numbers (head count)Personnel cost (R thousand)

Head count as % of total for department - - - - - - - - - Personnel cost as % of total for department - - - - - - - - -

Main Appropriation

Revised Estimate

Medium-term Estimates


Adjusted Appropriation

7.2 Training

Table 15.25 below provides details of expenditure on training by the department over the seven-year period. The reduction in the 2008/09 Audited figure can be attributed to the department optimising on the training opportunities that are offered by the Public Service Training Academy which are free of charge. In the 2009/10 Adjusted Appropriation expenditure on training was reduced in line with the department’s cost containment plan. The allocation over the 2010/11 MTEF reflects an inflationary increase.

Table 15.25: Payments on training Outcome

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

1. Administration 1 583 1 033 635 1 312 1 312 1 006 1 146 1 224 1 282 2. Cultural Affairs3. Library and Archive Services Total 1 583 1 033 635 1 312 1 312 1 006 1 146 1 224 1 282

R thousand

Adjusted Appropriation


Main Appropriation

Revised Estimate

Medium-term Estimates

Table 15.26 illustrates the number of staff affected by the various training programmes and initiatives. It also includes a gender breakdown, an indication of the types of training, as well as details of the number of bursaries and learnerships.

Table 15.26: Information on training Outcome

Audited Audited Audited

2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Number of staff 369 411 436 2 491 469 469 508 508 508

Number of personnel trained 148 57 246 278 278 278 278 278 278 of which

Male 67 30 66 97 97 97 97 97 97 Female 81 27 180 181 181 181 181 181 181

Number of training opportunities 148 57 278 278 278 264 278 278 278 of which

Tertiary 24 22 24 24 24 10 24 24 24 Workshops 20 3 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Seminars 10 3 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Other 94 29 194 194 194 194 194 194 194

Number of bursaries offered 24 22 24 45 45 10 45 45 45 Number of interns appointed 16 20 22 50 50 22 50 50 50 Number of learnerships appointed 10 36 34 40 40 40 40 40 40 Number of days spent on training 40 45 120 200 200 200 200 200 200

Revised Estimate

Medium-term Estimates


Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


The department has prioritised a skills audit for 2010/11 and training provided will be in line with the outcome of the skills audit. The department will continue to place emphasis on the appointment of both interns and learnerships over the 2010/11 MTEF. In addition, bursaries are being awarded in order to address skills shortages in the arts and culture sector.

Most of the training opportunities under the category Other refers to non-accredited training. The department utilises the Provincial Public Service Training Academy for ‘soft skills’, which include customer care, diversity coaching and mentoring.

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Annexure - Vote 15: Arts and Culture



Table 15.A: Details of departmental receipts

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Tax receipts - - - - - - - - - Casino taxesHorse racing taxesLiquor licencesMotor vehicle licences

Sale of goods and services other than capital assets 112 176 286 273 273 176 186 196 206 Sale of goods and services produced by dept. (excl. capital assets) 112 176 286 273 273 176 186 196 206

Sales by market establishmentsAdministrative fees Other sales 112 176 286 273 273 176 186 196 206

Of whichRent for parkingHousing rent recoveriesTransport of officersOther 112 176 286 273 273 176 186 196 206

Sale of scrap, waste, arms and other used current goods (excluding capital assets)

Transfers received from: - - - - - - - - - Other governmental unitsUniversities and technikonsForeign governmentsInternational organisationsPublic corporations and private enterprisesHouseholds and non-profit institutions

Fines, penalties and forfeits - - - - - 163 156 164 173 Interest, dividends and rent on land 10 16 1 - - - - - -

Interest 10 16 1 - - - - - - Dividends Rent on land

Sale of capital assets - - - - - - - - - Land and subsoil assetsOther capital assets

Transactions in financial assets and liabilities 511 255 235 180 180 17 - - - Total 633 447 522 453 453 356 342 360 379

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


Table 15.B: Details of payments and estimates by economic classification

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Current payments 136 820 162 116 193 632 188 249 192 408 192 408 230 052 249 638 270 703 Compensation of employees 60 332 66 848 84 629 96 813 101 410 101 410 119 768 126 442 132 736

Salaries and wages 51 907 57 669 73 638 84 226 88 228 88 228 104 198 110 005 115 481 Social contributions 8 425 9 179 10 991 12 587 13 182 13 182 15 570 16 437 17 255

Goods and services 76 488 95 268 109 003 91 436 90 998 90 998 110 284 123 196 137 967 of whichAdministrative fees - - - - - - - - - Advertising - - - - - - - - - Assets <R5000 - - - - - - - - - Audit cost: External - - - - - - - - - Bursaries (employees) 554 170 159 700 700 415 473 505 529 Catering: Departmental activities - 3 669 4 273 4 483 4 483 4 483 4 707 4 942 5 190 Communication - - - - - - - - - Computer services 6 681 5 626 9 270 7 344 7 344 7 942 5 138 5 430 5 741 Cons/prof:business & advisory services - - - - - - - - - Cons/prof: Infrastructre & planning - - - - - - - - - Cons/prof: Laboratory services - - - - - - - - - Cons/prof: Legal cost - - - - - - - - - Contractors 3 269 5 853 4 780 5 283 5 283 5 283 5 547 5 824 6 116 Agency & support/outsourced services - - - - - - - - - Entertainment - - - - - - - - - Government motor transport - - - - - - - - - Housing - - - - - - - - - Inventory: Food and food supplies - - - - - - - - - Inventory: Fuel, oil and gas - - - - - - - - - Inventory:Learn & teacher support material 21 250 28 651 27 841 18 655 19 186 19 186 21 428 22 714 24 076 Inventory: Raw materials - - - - - - - - - Inventory: Medical supplies - - - - - - - - - Medsas inventory interface - - - - - - - - - Inventory: Military stores - - - - - - - - - Inventory: Other consumbles - - - - - - - - - Inventory: Stationery and printing - - - - - - - - - Lease payments 1 829 3 161 5 087 7 750 7 750 8 600 10 516 11 063 11 643 Owned & leasehold property expenditure 1 018 1 599 1 888 2 771 2 771 1 070 1 134 1 202 1 274 Transport provided dept activity 3 748 3 954 2 555 4 642 4 642 4 642 4 874 5 118 5 374 Travel and subsistence - - - - - - - - - Training & staff development 1 583 1 033 458 1 312 1 312 682 723 766 812 Operating expenditure - - - - - - - - - Venues and facilities - - - - - - - - - Other 36 556 41 552 52 692 38 496 37 527 38 695 55 744 65 632 77 212

Interest and rent on land - - - - - - - - - Interest - - - - - - - - - Rent on land - - - - - - - - -

Transfers and subsidies to 37 169 39 734 46 235 47 211 44 323 41 323 39 289 47 353 54 999 Provinces and municipalities 18 949 23 223 22 627 23 907 19 556 16 556 13 643 20 813 27 385

Provinces - - - - - - - - - Provincial Revenue Funds - - - - - - - - - Provincial agencies and funds - - - - - - - - -

Municipalities 18 949 23 223 22 627 23 907 19 556 16 556 13 643 20 813 27 385 Municipalities 18 949 23 223 22 627 23 907 19 556 16 556 13 643 20 813 27 385 Municipal agencies and funds - - - - - - - - -

Departmental agencies and accounts 5 000 5 000 5 350 5 751 5 751 5 751 6 096 6 462 6 786 Social security funds - - - - - - - - - Entities receiving funds 5 000 5 000 5 350 5 751 5 751 5 751 6 096 6 462 6 786

Universities and technikons - - - - - - - - - Foreign governments and international organisations - - - - - - - - - Public corporations and private enterprises - - - - - - - - -

Public corporations - - - - - - - - - Subsidies on production - - - - - - - - - Other transfers - - - - - - - - -

Private enterprises - - - - - - - - - Subsidies on production - - - - - - - - - Other transfers - - - - - - - - -

Non-profit institutions 10 220 11 501 17 857 17 553 18 951 18 951 19 550 20 078 20 828 Households 3 000 10 401 - 65 65 - - -

Social benefits - 10 401 - 65 65 - - - Other transfers to households 3 000 - - - - - - - -

Payments for capital assets 5 301 4 579 13 419 20 972 30 582 30 582 87 677 31 500 32 422 Buildings and other fixed structures 3 416 867 7 312 15 000 24 845 24 845 80 999 27 473 28 312

Buildings 3 416 867 7 312 15 000 24 845 24 845 80 999 27 473 28 312 Other fixed structures - - - - - - - - -

Machinery and equipment 1 720 3 712 6 107 5 972 5 737 5 737 6 678 4 027 4 110 Transport equipment - 629 2 562 - - - - - - Other machinery and equipment 1 720 3 083 3 545 5 972 5 737 5 737 6 678 4 027 4 110

Heritage assets - - - - - - - - - Specialised military assets - - - - - - - - - Biological assets - - - - - - - - - Land and sub-soil assets - - - - - - - - - Software and other intangible assets 165 - - - - - - - -

Payments for financial assets - 6 3 - 10 10 - - -

Total 179 290 206 435 253 289 256 432 267 323 264 323 357 018 328 491 358 124

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


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Annexure - Vote 15: Arts and Culture


Table 15.C: Details of payments and estimates by economic classification - Programme 1: Administration

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Current payments 38 562 44 803 59 056 65 493 65 613 65 613 72 339 76 160 79 897 Compensation of employees 19 735 22 103 29 199 34 633 35 133 35 133 40 698 42 979 45 127

Salaries and wages 17 194 19 230 25 414 30 130 30 566 30 566 35 407 37 392 39 261 Social contributions 2 541 2 873 3 785 4 503 4 567 4 567 5 291 5 587 5 866

Goods and services 18 827 22 700 29 857 30 860 30 480 30 480 31 641 33 181 34 770 of whichAdministrative feesAdvertisingAssets <R5000Audit cost: ExternalBursaries (employees) 554 170 159 700 700 415 473 505 529 Catering: Departmental activitiesCommunicationComputer services 3 639 2 340 1 249 3 935 3 935 1 452 1 525 1 600 1 681 Cons/prof:business & advisory servicesCons/prof: Infrastructre & planningCons/prof: Laboratory servicesCons/prof: Legal costContractorsAgency & support/outsourced servicesEntertainmentGovernment motor transportHousingInventory: Food and food suppliesInventory: Fuel, oil and gasInventory:Learn & teacher support materialInventory: Raw materialsInventory: Medical suppliesMedsas inventory interfaceInventory: Military storesInventory: Other consumbles Inventory: Stationery and printingLease payments 1 829 3 161 5 087 7 750 7 750 8 600 10 516 11 063 11 643 Owned & leasehold property expenditure 1 018 1 599 1 888 2 771 2 771 1 070 1 134 1 202 1 274 Transport provided dept activityTravel and subsistenceTraining & staff development 1 583 1 033 458 1 312 1 312 682 723 766 812 Operating expenditureVenues and facilitiesOther 10 204 14 397 21 016 14 392 14 012 18 261 17 270 18 045 18 831

Interest and rent on land - - - - - - - - - InterestRent on land

Transfers and subsidies to 3 014 - 200 200 695 695 430 130 130 Provinces and municipalities 14 - - - - - - - -

Provinces - - - - - - - - - Provincial Revenue FundsProvincial agencies and funds

Municipalities 14 - - - - - - - - Municipalities 14 - - - - - - - - Municipal agencies and funds

Departmental agencies and accounts - - - - - - - - - Social security fundsEntities receiving funds

Universities and technikonsForeign governments and international organisationsPublic corporations and private enterprises - - - - - - - - -

Public corporations - - - - - - - - - Subsidies on productionOther transfers

Private enterprises - - - - - - - - - Subsidies on productionOther transfers

Non-profit institutions - - 200 200 695 695 430 130 130 Households 3 000 - - - - - - - -

Social benefitsOther transfers to households 3 000 - - - - - - - -

Payments for capital assets 370 1 012 852 284 384 384 300 317 339 Buildings and other fixed structures - - - - - - - - -

BuildingsOther fixed structures

Machinery and equipment 205 1 012 852 284 384 384 300 317 339 Transport equipment - 629 415 - - - - - - Other machinery and equipment 205 383 437 284 384 384 300 317 339

Heritage assetsSpecialised military assetsBiological assetsLand and sub-soil assetsSoftware and other intangible assets 165 - - - - - - - -

Payments for financial assets - 6 3 - 10 10 - - -

Total 41 946 45 821 60 111 65 977 66 702 66 702 73 069 76 607 80 366

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


Table 15.D: Details of payments and estimates by economic classification - Programme 2: Cultural Affairs

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Current payments 44 698 51 445 55 874 48 951 52 524 52 524 60 413 64 294 68 001 Compensation of employees 19 394 21 809 26 241 27 234 31 396 31 396 35 769 37 737 39 596

Salaries and wages 16 809 18 974 22 830 23 693 27 315 27 315 31 119 32 831 34 449 Social contributions 2 585 2 835 3 411 3 541 4 081 4 081 4 650 4 906 5 147

Goods and services 25 304 29 636 29 633 21 717 21 128 21 128 24 644 26 557 28 405 of whichAdministrative feesAdvertisingAssets <R5000Audit cost: ExternalBursaries (employees)Catering: Departmental activities - 3 669 4 273 4 483 4 483 4 483 4 707 4 942 5 190 CommunicationComputer servicesCons/prof:business & advisory servicesCons/prof: Infrastructre & planningCons/prof: Laboratory servicesCons/prof: Legal costContractors 3 269 5 853 4 780 5 283 5 283 5 283 5 547 5 824 6 116 Agency & support/outsourced servicesEntertainmentGovernment motor transportHousingInventory: Food and food suppliesInventory: Fuel, oil and gasInventory:Learn & teacher support materialInventory: Raw materialsInventory: Medical suppliesMedsas inventory interfaceInventory: Military storesInventory: Other consumbles Inventory: Stationery and printingLease paymentsOwned & leasehold property expenditureTransport provided dept activity 3 748 3 954 2 555 4 642 4 642 4 642 4 874 5 118 5 374 Travel and subsistenceTraining & staff developmentOperating expenditureVenues and facilitiesOther 18 287 16 160 18 025 7 309 6 720 6 720 9 516 10 673 11 725

Interest and rent on land - - - - - - - - - InterestRent on land

Transfers and subsidies to 16 540 17 593 24 385 23 104 25 153 25 153 26 459 27 723 28 869 Provinces and municipalities 1 320 1 082 1 090 - 1 146 1 146 1 243 1 313 1 385

Provinces - - - - - - - - - Provincial Revenue FundsProvincial agencies and funds

Municipalities 1 320 1 082 1 090 - 1 146 1 146 1 243 1 313 1 385 Municipalities 1 320 1 082 1 090 - 1 146 1 146 1 243 1 313 1 385 Municipal agencies and funds

Departmental agencies and accounts 5 000 5 000 5 350 5 751 5 751 5 751 6 096 6 462 6 786 Social security fundsEntities receiving funds 5 000 5 000 5 350 5 751 5 751 5 751 6 096 6 462 6 786

Universities and technikonsForeign governments and international organisationsPublic corporations and private enterprises - - - - - - - - -

Public corporations - - - - - - - - - Subsidies on productionOther transfers

Private enterprises - - - - - - - - - Subsidies on productionOther transfers

Non-profit institutions 10 220 11 501 17 657 17 353 18 256 18 256 19 120 19 948 20 698 Households - 10 288 - - - - - -

Social benefits - 10 288 - - - - - - Other transfers to households

Payments for capital assets 775 425 5 132 160 4 012 4 012 56 713 180 200 Buildings and other fixed structures 107 115 4 560 - 3 502 3 502 56 543 - -

Buildings 107 115 4 560 - 3 502 3 502 56 543 - - Other fixed structures

Machinery and equipment 668 310 572 160 510 510 170 180 200 Transport equipment - - 86 - - - - - - Other machinery and equipment 668 310 486 160 510 510 170 180 200

Heritage assetsSpecialised military assetsBiological assetsLand and sub-soil assetsSoftware and other intangible assets

Payments for financial assets

Total 62 013 69 463 85 391 72 215 81 689 81 689 143 585 92 197 97 070

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


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Annexure - Vote 15: Arts and Culture


Table 15.E: Details of payments and estimates by economic classification - Programme 3: Library and Archive Services

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Current payments 53 560 65 868 78 702 73 805 74 271 74 271 97 300 109 184 122 805 Compensation of employees 21 203 22 936 29 189 34 946 34 881 34 881 43 301 45 726 48 013

Salaries and wages 17 904 19 465 25 394 30 403 30 347 30 347 37 672 39 782 41 771 Social contributions 3 299 3 471 3 795 4 543 4 534 4 534 5 629 5 944 6 242

Goods and services 32 357 42 932 49 513 38 859 39 390 39 390 53 999 63 458 74 792 of whichAdministrative feesAdvertisingAssets <R5000Audit cost: ExternalBursaries (employees)Catering: Departmental activitiesCommunicationComputer services 3 042 3 286 8 021 3 409 3 409 6 490 3 613 3 830 4 060 Cons/prof:business & advisory servicesCons/prof: Infrastructre & planningCons/prof: Laboratory servicesCons/prof: Legal costContractorsAgency & support/outsourced servicesEntertainmentGovernment motor transportHousingInventory: Food and food suppliesInventory: Fuel, oil and gasInventory:Learn & teacher support material 21 250 28 651 27 841 18 655 19 186 19 186 21 428 22 714 24 076 Inventory: Raw materialsInventory: Medical suppliesMedsas inventory interfaceInventory: Military storesInventory: Other consumbles Inventory: Stationery and printingLease paymentsOwned & leasehold property expenditureTransport provided dept activityTravel and subsistenceTraining & staff developmentOperating expenditureVenues and facilitiesOther 8 065 10 995 13 651 16 795 16 795 13 714 28 958 36 914 46 656

Interest and rent on land - - - - - - - - - Interest

Rent on land

Transfers and subsidies to 17 615 22 141 21 650 23 907 18 475 15 475 12 400 19 500 26 000 Provinces and municipalities 17 615 22 141 21 537 23 907 18 410 15 410 12 400 19 500 26 000

Provinces - - - - - - - - - Provincial Revenue FundsProvincial agencies and funds

Municipalities 17 615 22 141 21 537 23 907 18 410 15 410 12 400 19 500 26 000 Municipalities 17 615 22 141 21 537 23 907 18 410 15 410 12 400 19 500 26 000 Municipal agencies and funds

Departmental agencies and accounts - - - - - - - - - Social security fundsEntities receiving funds

Universities and technikonsForeign governments and international organisationsPublic corporations and private enterprises - - - - - - - - -

Public corporations - - - - - - - - - Subsidies on productionOther transfers

Private enterprises - - - - - - - - - Subsidies on productionOther transfers

Non-profit institutionsHouseholds - - 113 - 65 65 - - -

Social benefits - - 113 - 65 65 - - - Other transfers to households

Payments for capital assets 4 156 3 142 7 435 20 528 26 186 26 186 30 664 31 003 31 883 Buildings and other fixed structures 3 309 752 2 752 15 000 21 343 21 343 24 456 27 473 28 312

Buildings 3 309 752 2 752 15 000 21 343 21 343 24 456 27 473 28 312 Other fixed structures

Machinery and equipment 847 2 390 4 683 5 528 4 843 4 843 6 208 3 530 3 571 Transport equipment - - 2 061 - - - - - - Other machinery and equipment 847 2 390 2 622 5 528 4 843 4 843 6 208 3 530 3 571

Heritage assetsSpecialised military assetsBiological assetsLand and sub-soil assetsSoftware and other intangible assets

Payments for financial assetsTotal 75 331 91 151 107 787 118 240 118 932 115 932 140 364 159 687 180 688

R thousand

Outcome Main Appropriation

Adjusted Appropriation

Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


Table 15.F: Payments of infrastructure by categoryProject name Region Municipality Total available

R Thousands

Project/admin block; water;

electricity; sanitation; etc

Units (i.e. number of facilities)

Date: Start Date: finish 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

New and replacement assets1. Arts Centre - Umkhumbane Metro eThekwini Arts Centre 2010/04/01 2010/10/31 Cultural Affairs 3 600 3 600 - - 2. Arts Centre - Mnambithi Uthukela Emnambithi Arts Centre 2010/04/01 2010/10/31 Cultural Affairs 4 000 4 000 - - 3. Arts Centre Uthungulu Uthungulu Arts Centre 2010/04/01 2010/10/31 Cultural Affairs 7 891 7 891 - - 4. Arts Centre - Osizweni Amajuba Newcsatle Arts Centre 2009/10/01 2010/08/31 Cultural Affairs 10 000 10 000 - - 5. Arts Centre - Mbazwana Umkhanyakuda Umkhanyakuda Arts Centre 2010/04/01 2011/02/28 Cultural Affairs 10 000 10 000 - - 6. Arts Centre - Bulwer Sisonke Ingwe Arts Centre 2009/10/01 2010/08/31 Cultural Affairs 10 000 10 000 - - 7. Costruction of Library Ugu Umzumbe Library Library and Archive Services 11 200 4 000 5 922 8. Construction of library Ugu Vulamehlo Library Library and Archive Services 12 000 - 500 5 500 9. Construction of library Ugu Hibiscus Library Library and Archive Services 10 000 6 000 - - 10. Construction of library Amajuba Dannhauser Library Library and Archive Services 1 262 456 - - 11. Construction of library Uthungulu Ntambanana Library Library and Archive Services 11 500 500 500 5 500 12. Construction of library Uthungulu Nkandla Library Library and Archive Services 4 812 - 2 729 6 412 13. Construction of library llembe Maphumulo Library Library and Archive Services 11 000 5 000 4 322 900 14. Construction of library Sisonke Umzimkhulu Library Library and Archive Services 4 000 500 3 500 - 15. Construction of library Umkhanyakuda Umhlabuyalinga Library Library and Archive Services 25 419 8 000 - -

Other Construction of library CG Uthungulu uMhlathuze Library Library and Archive Services 20 000 - 10 000 10 000 Total new and replacement assets - 156 684 - 69 947 27 473 28 312

Upgrades and additionsRehabilitation, renovations and refurbishments

1. Campsite Umgungundlovu Umgeni Campsite Cultural Affairs 5 500 5 500 - - 2. Campsite Uthukela Okhahlamba Campsite Cultural Affairs 5 562 5 552 - -

Total rehabilitation, renovations and refurbishments - 11 062 - 11 052 - - Maintenance and repairsInfrastructure transfers - currentInfrastructure transfers - capital

Total Vote 15 Infrastructure - 167 746 - 80 999 27 473 28 312 Note: Total costs represent total estimated payments of a particular project of which the project life span may not coincide fully with the MTEF period. Where projects are of a recurrent nature, the total costs are not depicted.

MTEF forward estimatesType of infrastructure Project duration Budget programme name EPWP budget for current

financial year

Total project cost

Payments to date from

previous years

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Annexure - Vote 15: Arts and Culture


Table 15.G: Summary of transfers to municipalities (RSCL, Library Building Projects, Recapitalisation and Provincialisation) Outcome

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

A KZN2000 eThekwini 145 2 544 4 626 - 2 634 2 634 4 642 5 650 5 658 Total: Ugu Municipalities 756 2 928 6 956 9 306 9 316 6 316 710 724 733 B KZ211 Vulamehlo - - - - - - - - - B KZ212 Umdoni 81 776 4 591 - 4 733 4 733 190 190 190 B KZ213 Umzumbe - - - - - - - - - B KZ214 uMuziwabantu - 89 61 - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ215 Ezinqolweni 337 1 774 2 034 - 80 80 90 95 95 B KZ216 Hibiscus Coast 338 289 270 - 1 413 1 413 335 344 353 C DC21 Ugu District Municipality - - - 9 306 3 000 - - - - Total: uMgungundlovu Municipalities 2 989 2 113 497 - 1 343 1 343 1 173 1 219 1 231 B KZ221 uMshwathi - - - - - - - - - B KZ222 uMngeni 102 1 125 122 - 158 158 168 172 176 B KZ223 Mpofana 28 - 25 - 41 41 42 45 49 B KZ224 Impendle 1 832 648 59 - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ225 Msunduzi 897 256 206 - 964 964 773 812 816 B KZ226 Mkhambathini - - 85 - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ227 Richmond 40 84 - - - - - - - C DC22 uMgungundlovu District Municipality 90 - - - - - - - - Total:Uthukela Municipalities 816 5 348 866 - 637 637 530 544 559 B KZ232 Emnambithi/Ladysmith 72 72 210 - 57 57 168 172 176 B KZ233 Indaka - - - - - - - - - B KZ234 Umtshezi 93 184 164 - 185 185 194 200 207 B KZ235 Okhahlamba 134 72 - - 68 68 73 77 81 B KZ236 Imbabazane 517 5 020 492 - 327 327 95 95 95 C DC23 Uthukela District Municipality - - - - - - - - - Total: Umzinyathi Municipalities 627 3 313 2 140 - 1 337 1 337 522 535 543 B KZ241 Endumeni 72 164 63 - 159 159 169 173 177 B KZ242 Nqutu 72 178 - - 180 180 190 190 190 B KZ244 Msinga 411 2 899 1 998 - 930 930 90 95 95 B KZ245 Umvoti 72 72 79 - 68 68 73 77 81 C DC24 Umzinyathi District Municipality - - - - - - - - - Total: Amajuba Municipalities 451 1 631 548 750 248 248 358 362 366 B KZ252 Newcastle 451 1 631 548 - 248 248 358 362 366 B KZ253 eMadlangeni - - - - - - - - - B KZ254 Dannhauser - - - - - - - - - C DC25 Amajuba District Municipality - - - 750 - - - - - Total: Zululand Municipalities 72 161 392 750 158 158 523 552 556 B KZ261 eDumbe - - 86 - - - 90 95 95 B KZ262 uPhongolo - - 78 - 90 90 90 95 95 B KZ263 Abaqulusi 72 161 149 - 68 68 253 267 271 B KZ265 Nongoma - - 79 - - - 90 95 95 B KZ266 Ulundi - - - - - - - - - C DC26 Zululand District Municipality - - - 750 - - - - - Total: Umkhanyakude Municipalities 1 524 794 162 - 474 474 475 475 475 B KZ271 Umhlabuyalingana - - 79 - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ272 Jozini 201 242 - - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ273 The Big 5 False Bay - - - - - - - - - B KZ274 Hlabisa 292 217 - - 114 114 95 95 95 B KZ275 Mtubatuba 1 031 335 83 - 180 180 190 190 190 C DC27 Umkhanyakude District Municipality - - - - - - - - - Total: uThungulu Municipalities 270 2 094 5 119 5 000 2 893 2 893 992 1 010 1 018 B KZ281 Umfolozi - 115 - - - - - - - B KZ282 uMhlathuze 168 1 811 864 - 2 557 2 557 644 648 652 B KZ283 Ntambanana - - - - - - - - - B KZ284 uMlalazi 72 168 4 170 - 148 148 163 172 176 B KZ285 Mthonjaneni 30 - 85 - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ286 Nkandla - - - - 98 98 90 95 95 C DC28 uThungulu District Municipality - - - 5 000 - - - - - Total: Ilembe Municipalities 8 515 1 914 673 500 248 248 353 362 366 B KZ291 Mandeni - - 79 - - - 90 95 95 B KZ292 KwaDukuza 4 667 1 086 231 - 158 158 168 172 176 B KZ293 Ndwedwe 3 848 828 363 - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ294 Maphumulo - - - - - - - - - C DC29 Ilembe District Municipality - - - 500 - - - - - Total: Sisonke Municipalities 2 784 383 648 - 268 268 365 380 380 B KZN431 Ingwe 2 121 243 323 - - - 90 95 95 B KZN432 Kwa Sani - - - - - - - - - B KZN433 Greater Kokstad 269 - 79 - - - 90 95 95 B KZN434 Ubuhlebezwe 340 - 59 - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZN435 Umzimkulu - - 187 - 178 178 90 95 95 C DC43 Sisonke District Municipality 54 140 - - - - - - - Unallocated/unclassified - - - 7 601 - - 3 000 9 000 15 500

18 949 23 223 22 627 23 907 19 556 16 556 13 643 20 813 27 385

Adjusted Appropriation


Medium-term Estimates


Main Appropriation

Revised Estimate R thousand

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


Table 15.H: Transfers to municipalities - Library Building Projects Outcome

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

A KZN2000 eThekwiniTotal: Ugu Municipalities 611 2 750 6 601 9 306 8 753 5 753 - - - B KZ211 VulamehloB KZ212 Umdoni 81 776 4 506 - 4 653 4 653 - - - B KZ213 UmzumbeB KZ214 uMuziwabantu - - 61 - - - - - - B KZ215 Ezinqolweni 337 1 774 2 034 - - - - - - B KZ216 Hibiscus Coast 193 200 - - 1 100 1 100 - - - C DC21 Ugu District Municipality - - - 9 306 3 000 - - - - Total: uMgungundlovu Municipalities 2 725 1 701 261 - - - - - - B KZ221 uMshwathiB KZ222 uMngeni 29 963 59 - - - - - - B KZ223 MpofanaB KZ224 Impendle 1 832 559 59 - - - - - - B KZ225 Msunduzi 824 95 143 - - - - - - B KZ226 MkhambathiniB KZ227 Richmond 40 84 - - - - - - - C DC22 uMgungundlovu District MunicipalityTotal:Uthukela Municipalities 579 5 020 422 - 237 237 - - - B KZ232 Emnambithi/Ladysmith - - 61 - - - - - - B KZ233 IndakaB KZ234 Umtshezi - - 61 - - - - - - B KZ235 Okhahlamba 62 - - - - - - - - B KZ236 Imbabazane 517 5 020 300 - 237 237 - - - C DC23 Uthukela District MunicipalityTotal: Umzinyathi Municipalities 483 2 902 1 998 - 850 850 - - - B KZ241 Endumeni - 3 - - - - - - - B KZ242 Nqutu 72 - - - - - - - - B KZ244 Msinga 411 2 899 1 998 - 850 850 - - - B KZ245 UmvotiC DC24 Umzinyathi District MunicipalityTotal: Amajuba Municipalities 379 1 381 401 750 - - - - - B KZ252 Newcastle 379 1 381 401 - - - - - - B KZ253 eMadlangeniB KZ254 DannhauserC DC25 Amajuba District Municipality - - - 750 - - - - - Total: Zululand Municipalities - - - 750 - - - - - B KZ261 eDumbeB KZ262 uPhongoloB KZ263 AbaqulusiB KZ265 NongomaB KZ266 UlundiC DC26 Zululand District Municipality - - - 750 - - - - - Total: Umkhanyakude Municipalities 1 524 - 83 - 24 24 - - - B KZ271 UmhlabuyalinganaB KZ272 Jozini 201 - - - - - - - - B KZ273 The Big 5 False BayB KZ274 Hlabisa 292 - - - 24 24 - - - B KZ275 Mtubatuba 1 031 - 83 - - - - - - C DC27 Umkhanyakude District MunicipalityTotal: uThungulu Municipalities 126 1 684 4 663 5 000 2 128 2 128 - - - B KZ281 Umfolozi - 115 - - - - - - - B KZ282 uMhlathuze 96 1 473 556 - 2 128 2 128 - - - B KZ283 NtambananaB KZ284 uMlalazi - 96 4 107 - - - - - - B KZ285 Mthonjaneni 30 - - - - - - - - B KZ286 NkandlaC DC28 uThungulu District Municipality - - - 5 000 - - - - - Total: Ilembe Municipalities 8 443 1 719 367 500 - - - - - B KZ291 MandeniB KZ292 KwaDukuza 4 595 1 014 83 - - - - - - B KZ293 Ndwedwe 3 848 705 284 - - - - - - B KZ294 MaphumuloC DC29 Ilembe District Municipality - - - 500 - - - - - Total: Sisonke Municipalities 2 730 243 490 - 98 98 - - - B KZN431 Ingwe 2 121 243 244 - - - - - - B KZN432 Kwa SaniB KZN433 Greater Kokstad 269 - - - - - - - - B KZN434 Ubuhlebezwe 340 - 59 - - - - - B KZN435 Umzimkulu - - 187 - 98 98 - - - C DC43 Sisonke District Municipality - - - - - - - - - Unallocated/unclassified - - - 500 - - - - -

Total 17 600 17 400 15 286 16 806 12 090 9 090 - - -

Revised Estimate R thousand

Main Appropriation

Medium-term Estimates Adjusted Appropriation


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Annexure - Vote 15: Arts and Culture


Table 15.I: Transfers to municipalities - Recapitalisation of Community Libraries Outcome

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

A KZN2000 eThekwini - 2 400 4 500 - 2 500 2 500 4 500 5 500 5 500 Total: Ugu Municipalities - 178 85 - 425 425 565 570 570 B KZ211 VulamehloB KZ212 Umdoni - - 85 - 80 80 190 190 190 B KZ213 UmzumbeB KZ214 uMuziwabantu - 89 - - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ215 Ezinqolweni - - - - 80 80 90 95 95 B KZ216 Hibiscus Coast - 89 - - 175 175 190 190 190 C DC21 Ugu District MunicipalityTotal: uMgungundlovu Municipalities - 268 85 - 1 167 1 167 975 1 010 1 010 B KZ221 uMshwathiB KZ222 uMngeni - 90 - - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ223 MpofanaB KZ224 Impendle - 89 - - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ225 Msunduzi - 89 - - 897 897 690 725 725 B KZ226 Mkhambathini - - 85 - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ227 RichmondC DC22 uMgungundlovu District MunicipalityTotal:Uthukela Municipalities - 89 278 - 180 180 285 285 285 B KZ232 Emnambithi/Ladysmith - - 86 - - - 95 95 95 B KZ233 IndakaB KZ234 Umtshezi - 89 - - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ235 OkhahlambaB KZ236 Imbabazane - - 192 - 90 90 95 95 95 C DC23 Uthukela District MunicipalityTotal: Umzinyathi Municipalities - 267 79 - 350 350 375 380 380 B KZ241 Endumeni - 89 - - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ242 Nqutu - 178 - - 180 180 190 190 190 B KZ244 Msinga - - - - 80 80 90 95 95 B KZ245 Umvoti - - 79 - - - - - - C DC24 Umzinyathi District MunicipalityTotal: Amajuba Municipalities - 178 85 - 180 180 285 285 285 B KZ252 Newcastle - 178 85 - 180 180 285 285 285 B KZ253 eMadlangeniB KZ254 DannhauserC DC25 Amajuba District MunicipalityTotal: Zululand Municipalities - 89 329 - 90 90 450 475 475 B KZ261 eDumbe - - 86 - - - 90 95 95 B KZ262 uPhongolo - - 78 - 90 90 90 95 95 B KZ263 Abaqulusi - 89 86 - - - 180 190 190 B KZ265 Nongoma - - 79 - - - 90 95 95 B KZ266 UlundiC DC26 Zululand District MunicipalityTotal: Umkhanyakude Municipalities - 794 79 - 450 450 475 475 475 B KZ271 Umhlabuyalingana - - 79 - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ272 Jozini - 242 - - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ273 The Big 5 False BayB KZ274 Hlabisa - 217 - - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ275 Mtubatuba - 335 - - 180 180 190 190 190 C DC27 Umkhanyakude District MunicipalityTotal: uThungulu Municipalities - 266 330 - 628 628 845 855 855 B KZ281 UmfoloziB KZ282 uMhlathuze - 266 245 - 360 360 570 570 570 B KZ283 NtambananaB KZ284 uMlalazi - - - - 80 80 90 95 95 B KZ285 Mthonjaneni - - 85 - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ286 Nkandla - - - - 98 98 90 95 95 C DC28 uThungulu District MunicipalityTotal: Ilembe Municipalities - 123 243 - 180 180 280 285 285 B KZ291 Mandeni - - 79 - - - 90 95 95 B KZ292 KwaDukuza - - 85 - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ293 Ndwedwe - 123 79 - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZ294 MaphumuloC DC29 Ilembe District MunicipalityTotal: Sisonke Municipalities - 89 158 - 170 170 365 380 380 B KZN431 Ingwe - - 79 - - - 90 95 95 B KZN432 Kwa SaniB KZN433 Greater Kokstad - - 79 - - - 90 95 95 B KZN434 Ubuhlebezwe - - - - 90 90 95 95 95 B KZN435 Umzimkulu - - - - 80 80 90 95 95 C DC43 Sisonke District Municipality - 89 - - - - - - - Unallocated/unclassified - - - 7 101 - - - - -

- 4 741 6 251 7 101 6 320 6 320 9 400 10 500 10 500



R thousand Main

Appropriation Adjusted

Appropriation Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates

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Estimates of Provincial Expenditure


Table 15.J: Transfers to municipalities - Museum Services Outcome

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

A KZN2000 eThekwini 145 144 126 - 134 134 142 150 158 Total: Ugu Municipalities 145 - 270 - 138 138 145 154 163 B KZ211 VulamehloB KZ212 UmdoniB KZ213 UmzumbeB KZ214 uMuziwabantuB KZ215 EzinqolweniB KZ216 Hibiscus Coast 145 - 270 - 138 138 145 154 163 C DC21 Ugu District MunicipalityTotal: uMgungundlovu Municipalities 224 144 151 - 176 176 198 209 221 B KZ221 uMshwathiB KZ222 uMngeni 73 72 63 - 68 68 73 77 81 B KZ223 Mpofana 28 - 25 - 41 41 42 45 49 B KZ224 ImpendleB KZ225 Msunduzi 73 72 63 - 67 67 83 87 91 B KZ226 MkhambathiniB KZ227 RichmondC DC22 uMgungundlovu District Municipality 50 Total:Uthukela Municipalities 237 239 166 - 220 220 245 259 274 B KZ232 Emnambithi/Ladysmith 72 72 63 - 57 57 73 77 81 B KZ233 IndakaB KZ234 Umtshezi 93 95 103 - 95 95 99 105 112 B KZ235 Okhahlamba 72 72 - - 68 68 73 77 81 B KZ236 ImbabazaneC DC23 Uthukela District MunicipalityTotal: Umzinyathi Municipalities 144 144 63 - 137 137 147 155 163 B KZ241 Endumeni 72 72 63 - 69 69 74 78 82 B KZ242 NqutuB KZ244 MsingaB KZ245 Umvoti 72 72 - - 68 68 73 77 81 C DC24 Umzinyathi District MunicipalityTotal: Amajuba Municipalities 72 72 62 - 68 68 73 77 81 B KZ252 Newcastle 72 72 62 - 68 68 73 77 81 B KZ253 eMadlangeniB KZ254 DannhauserC DC25 Amajuba District MunicipalityTotal: Zululand Municipalities 72 72 63 - 68 68 73 77 81 B KZ261 eDumbeB KZ262 uPhongoloB KZ263 Abaqulusi 72 72 63 - 68 68 73 77 81 B KZ265 NongomaB KZ266 UlundiC DC26 Zululand District MunicipalityTotal: Umkhanyakude Municipalities - - - - - - - - - B KZ271 UmhlabuyalinganaB KZ272 JoziniB KZ273 The Big 5 False BayB KZ274 HlabisaB KZ275 MtubatubaC DC27 Umkhanyakude District MunicipalityTotal: uThungulu Municipalities 144 144 126 - 137 137 147 155 163 B KZ281 UmfoloziB KZ282 uMhlathuze 72 72 63 - 69 69 74 78 82 B KZ283 NtambananaB KZ284 uMlalazi 72 72 63 - 68 68 73 77 81 B KZ285 MthonjaneniB KZ286 NkandlaC DC28 uThungulu District MunicipalityTotal: Ilembe Municipalities 72 72 63 - 68 68 73 77 81 B KZ291 MandeniB KZ292 KwaDukuza 72 72 63 - 68 68 73 77 81 B KZ293 NdwedweB KZ294 MaphumuloC DC29 Ilembe District MunicipalityTotal: Sisonke Municipalities 54 51 - - - - - - - B KZN431 IngweB KZN432 Kwa SaniB KZ5a3 MatatieleB KZN433 Greater KokstadB KZN434 UbuhlebezweB KZN435 UmzimkuluC DC43 Sisonke District Municipality 54 51 - - - - - - - Unallocated/unclassified

1 309 1 082 1 090 - 1 146 1 146 1 243 1 313 1 385 Total

R thousand Main

Appropriation Adjusted

Appropriation Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


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Annexure - Vote 15: Arts and Culture


Table 15.K: Transfers to municipalities - Provincialisation of Libraries Outcome

Audited Audited Audited 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

A KZN2000 eThekwiniTotal: Ugu Municipalities - - - - - - - - - B KZ211 VulamehloB KZ212 UmdoniB KZ213 UmzumbeB KZ214 uMuziwabantuB KZ215 EzinqolweniB KZ216 Hibiscus CoastC DC21 Ugu District MunicipalityTotal: uMgungundlovu Municipalities - - - - - - - - - B KZ221 uMshwathiB KZ222 uMngeniB KZ223 MpofanaB KZ224 ImpendleB KZ225 MsunduziB KZ226 MkhambathiniB KZ227 RichmondC DC22 uMgungundlovu District MunicipalityTotal:Uthukela Municipalities - - - - - - - - - B KZ232 Emnambithi/LadysmithB KZ233 IndakaB KZ234 UmtsheziB KZ235 OkhahlambaB KZ236 ImbabazaneC DC23 Uthukela District MunicipalityTotal: Umzinyathi Municipalities - - - - - - - - - B KZ241 EndumeniB KZ242 NqutuB KZ244 MsingaB KZ245 UmvotiC DC24 Umzinyathi District MunicipalityTotal: Amajuba Municipalities - - - - - - - - - B KZ252 NewcastleB KZ253 eMadlangeniB KZ254 DannhauserC DC25 Amajuba District MunicipalityTotal: Zululand Municipalities - - - - - - - - - B KZ261 eDumbeB KZ262 uPhongoloB KZ263 AbaqulusiB KZ265 NongomaB KZ266 UlundiC DC26 Zululand District MunicipalityTotal: Umkhanyakude Municipalities - - - - - - - - - B KZ271 Umhlabuyalingana - B KZ272 JoziniB KZ273 The Big 5 False BayB KZ274 HlabisaB KZ275 MtubatubaC DC27 Umkhanyakude District MunicipalityTotal: uThungulu Municipalities - - - - - - - - - B KZ281 UmfoloziB KZ282 uMhlathuzeB KZ283 NtambananaB KZ284 uMlalaziB KZ285 MthonjaneniB KZ286 NkandlaC DC28 uThungulu District MunicipalityTotal: Ilembe Municipalities - - - - - - - - - B KZ291 MandeniB KZ292 KwaDukuzaB KZ293 NdwedweB KZ294 MaphumuloC DC29 Ilembe District MunicipalityTotal: Sisonke Municipalities - - - - - - - - - B KZN431 IngweB KZN432 Kwa SaniB KZ5a3 MatatieleB KZN433 Greater KokstadB KZN434 UbuhlebezweB KZN435 UmzimkuluC DC43 Sisonke District MunicipalityUnallocated/unclassified - - - - - - 3 000 9 000 15 500

- - - - - - 3 000 9 000 15 500 Total

R thousand Main

Appropriation Adjusted

Appropriation Revised Estimate Medium-term Estimates


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