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Voyage: A Spiritual Travelogue of a Noble Soul

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Sh. Devinder Kumar( Addressed as 'Bauji' by his friends and associates) took to spiritualism almost a decade ago. After intense meditation and hard penance under the guidance of a spiritual teacher he was able to have vision of his soul and later on traversed on his way to the abode of almighty God after the realisation of his tenthe(spiritual) opening or DASAM DWAR. He narrated his all the various experiences in Punjabi to one of his friends which was published as "SAFAR" a few years ago.This document VOYAGE is the English translation of the same by me.
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Published By :

Basant Singh, Santokh Singh#167-Partap Nagar, Amritsar

(also available online at : www.scribed.com)



Translated By :

Prof. Parminder S. Bhogal

a spiritual travelogue of a noble soul

By Sh. Davinder Kumar Ji

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Prof. Parminder S. Bhogal [email protected], 2011, Ludhiana.

Translator's Note

Translation of any text is a complex job. Apart from the languages, a sufficient familiarity with the cultural & thematic background of the text to be translated is also required.

About a year ago, I had a chance meeting with “Bauji” as all his associates and friends address him. He has been so kind in holding my hand and in guiding me to get initial experiences of spiritualism through meditation. This was altogether a new dimension being added to my life. I was equally impressed by the unassuming and simple persona of 'Bauji' and the selfless mission on which he has been “set by the Almighty Lord Himself.”

A few years ago, his associates had published a brief account of his mystical experiences all along the path up to the Almighty's Abode, in Punjabi language. According to him, through focused meditation & intense penance, the soul is able to travel from this mortal world right up to the Abode of God and be fused into the eternal light that HE is. One day during our meeting Bauji asked me to translate the above mentioned Punjabi text into English language for the benefit of all those who can't read Punjabi. I was surprised and submitted before him that I was the least competent to undertake the translation of such a text as I was still not much exposed to the world of mysticism. But he said that I must go ahead with a clear and dedicated mind and all the mysteries of the spiritual journey, as narrated by him, will go on unraveling themselves before me and find appropriate expression. It happened just like that and it is now before you. I hope that I have been able to do justice to the job that was entrusted to me by the noble soul.

Readers may like to know that I am a student of social sciences (Politics) and my only other experience of translation (amateur) so far is the Punjabi translation of great African leader Nelson Mandela's voluminous autobiography “Long Walk To Freedom” ( Published by Punjabi University Patiala) which is originally in English.

My special thanks to S. Kanwarjit Singh Sandhu (PPS), Mr.Raman Soni, Prof. (Mrs.) Anjali Soni & Mr. Sunny for all their co-operation and valuable inputs.

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Ever since my childhood, I have been inclined to visit religious places and be in the company of saints and ascetics. I always longed to come across an enlightened soul who would, one day, bless me with true knowledge and guide me on to the path of the abode of Almighty. Years later, in the year 2000, I ultimately came across a personality who is indeed in communion with God. This blessed soul has achieved an intimate enlightenment originating from the tenth (spiritual) opening of the human body. He has now taken it on himself as a mission to guide people to that ultimate truth and meditation of the holy syllabic sound (SHABD'). Whosoever comes to him for seeking the divine knowledge, he guides him/her to the path of truth, irrespective of the caste or religion and without any consideration. No one is asked to bow before him nor does he take on him any titles like 'Guru' or 'Baba'. He is in a government job and runs his livelihood from the salary that he gets and serves the people coming to him as SANGAT (people gathered for religious or spiritual purpose). He himself has remained in penance for about fourteen years and whatever knowledge and light the Almighty has bestowed upon him, he devotedly bestows the same to one and all who come to him looking for it . There are 20-25 persons who have taken to the path of spirituality and at least ten amongst these have had the experience of vision of the threshold of Almighty's abode as well as the ultimate truth of their own souls. Here I am attempting to narrate the account of experiences of his vision while in deep meditation, as dictated to me by him.

Your Friend

Basant Singh

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Palace of God Shiv Loke

Yog Maya Mandal

Tap Mandal

Vishnu Loke

Brahm Loke

Yug Loke

Yama Loke

Pitr Loke

Swarga (Paradise)

Narak (Hell)

Mritu Loke

Patal Loke



f E





Just as stars are countless, in the same way all the various celestial regions (KHAND), circles (MANDAL), and cosmoses (BRAHMAND) created by the Almighty are infinite and eternal. Just as one has to pay toll while entering a city; similarly, by His order, while traversing through each of the circles one has to pay through HIS devoted meditation (SIMRAN). Here I am attempting to describe these circles created by the Almighty as directed by HIM. This is not at all an attempt to count these. I can never even dare to think about such an attempt.


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There may not have been as wretched and sinful a person as myself. The story of my life is a story of complete change, a change of heart or metamorphosis after having experienced the climax of sinful extremes.

In the year 1988 at the age of about 39-40 years I turned and began to explore such metaphysical issues, what is spirituality; what is God: What is this eternal light (JYOT)? What are all these countless life forms (AAND) – cosmic regions (KHAND) and universes (BRAMAND)? From where have all these come and into what are these diffusing? Who am I, a puppet made up of five basic elements plus a soul? Who is the ultimate force behind all this? It is a voyage that starts from the mortal world and reaches up till the abode of Almighty. Ordained by the Almighty God, here I am narrating the same experiences as HIS own dog and nothing else.

Various people get varying experiences, and no one's experience can be negated. However here I am narrating my experiences about the path that led me to the abode of the Almighty God.

From 1988 – 1992, I remained in search of a worthy spiritual teacher (MURSHAD) who would lead me to an ultimate syllabic 'sound' (word) upon which I shall focus my meditation rather than focusing it on his(teacher's) own self , and also who would wean me away from worldliness (MAYA) and absolve me of the fear of death. During all these four years I meditated on the MOOL MANTRA (as given in Guru Granth Sahib), 'RAM-RAM', 'ALLAH-ALLAH' and 'WAHEGURU'. However I was clear about the ultimate fact that the Supreme Power of my quest is in the form of a light and is beyond the cycle of life and death. All the religious books that I had studied, irrespective of the differences of language and expression, convey the same message. While all agree that Almighty God is formless, some describe Him in the form of a light, some as holy flame (JYOT) while some others as a holy lamp (CHIRAG).

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I thus prayed that I meet my worthy teacher (GURU or MURSHAD)who, instead of putting his own self in the focus of my meditation, may lead me on to the true path and bless me with a word of meditation, through which I be able to obtain knowledge of the DASAM DWAR or the tenth (spiritual) opening . At last in 1992 my wandering ended as one fine day I ultimately met my spiritual teacher or guide who said that he was just a fellow traveler and not a guru. He then steered me to the 'word' (SHABAD) which indeed was to be my guru and was to lead me to the tenth (spiritual) opening of the body. The knowledge that was imparted by Lord Krishna to Arjun in the sixth chapter of 'Geeta', the same was given to me by this spiritual teacher in a simple straight forward way and without any presumptions. Along with this he also delineated a 'code of conduct' for me to follow for the rest of my life. This code of conduct must get incorporated into one's nature as its integral part and should become the beacon of one's routine life. It is like various restrictive/preventive measures advised by a doctor along with a therapeutic prescription.

This 'code of conduct' is as follows:

• For men, all women except one's wife are to be treated like one's mother. Similarly for women all men except one's husband are to be treated like her father.

• Livelihood must be earned honestly and conscientiously.

• The elders are to be respected and cared.

• Shun falsehood, deception and duality of character. Elders as well as youngsters should be given due regard. Women, irrespective of relation, are to be respected.

• Needy must be helped as per one's capacity. Nobody should ever be humiliated. Love all and serve sincerely with love and humility.

• Everyone should maintain one's own decorum of faith


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(MARYADA) and should respect the decorum of other's faith as well.

Sun gaze meditation ( Suraj Abhyas ):

I was so fond of Sun gazing in my childhood that I would often do it quite a long over. When I met my spiritual mentor and told him about my Sun gazing habit, he directed me do the same like this: Look at the Sun for a few moments, bow before it (NAMASKAR) and then sit aside with eyes closed for some time (may be ten minutes or so) in complete silence, keeping one's focus of mind at the nose tip. One should therefore do Sun gazing every day for a few moments ( as per one's capacity & keeping the safety of eyes in mind) one and a half hour after the Sun rise, and one and a half hour before Sun set and sit aside with closed eyes, silent, focused and composed. When I repeatedly went through this practice, I was able to have the vision of my soul present right in front of me.

Laryngeal meditation (Kanth Abhyas):

When the spiritual teacher leads to the ultimate syllabic sound (DHUNI) or word then one should meditate on the same from the larynx (KANTH) which is the center of throat.

While thus meditating one's focus should remain on DASAM DWAR or the spot of tenth opening. It is not a physical opening but a spiritual one only (top most point of the human body, as shown in diagram - 3). All along, the above mentioned code of conduct must be observed strictly and one should become as tough on one-self as like an enemy so as to conquer one's weaknesses of character. And while doing so keep on praying to the Almighty God for the grant of enlightenment to the path to His Abode.


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When we regularly meditate with our mind focused at the tip of our nose, with the passage of time the focus begins to shift to the spot of tenth (spiritual) opening (DASAM DWAR). Then a syllabic sound (DHUNI or note) begins to resonate and an inverted lotus flower begins to appear in its backdrop. Then as the meditation reaches advanced stages, the inverted lotus begins to turn up-wards and bloom. At this stage one can visualize oneself sitting right in front in meditative posture. Beyond this the word from the sound leads the soul from the DASAM DWAR or the tenth (spiritual) opening and takes it on to the celestial journey.

Dasam Dwar Tenth Opening(Spiritual)

Dasam DwarPsychic Screen

Nasika (Nose)

Nabhi (Naval)

Diagram - 1

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The word of meditation bequeathed by the spiritual mentor or “guru” in the mortal world, led the soul upwards into the celestial world and into the “TAP-MANDAL”. Here beginning from a side, the visions of all the various universes (BRAHMAND) began to appear. And then while in the “TAP-MANDAL”, a musical note began to resonate. I prayed to the Almighty God to be enlightened about as to what all the music was. About fifteen days thereafter I was granted the sound or the word 'OM'

Tap Mandal

Shabd (Any syllabic sound)


Diagram - 2

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After the syllabic sound of 'OM' was granted in the “TAP-MANDAL”, it brought the soul downwards and gave direct visions of “PATAL LOKE”, “MRITU LOKE”, ”NARAK (hell)”, “SWARAG (Paradise)” “YAMA LOKE or KAL YUG”, “BRAHAM LOKE” and “VISHNU LOKE”

Thereafter I meditated on this sound “OM” keeping the focus at “ATAM RAM” (a spiritual spot just behind the naval in the abdomen). Then this word led the soul back through larynx to the “last point” or “controlling Power” and led the soul again up into the celestial world.

Tap Mandal

Controlling Power

Atam Ram( The point just

behind naval)

Kanth or larynx


Diagram - 3

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After the “TAP MANDAL” I had the divine vision of “YOG-MAYA”. For six months I prayed before “YOG-MAYA” but also continued the meditation of “OM” This word or sound carried my soul to the abode of Almighty and gave me the experience of its fusion in to the eternal light of the almighty God. Thus after, it was complete bliss. The voyage of soul had reached its target, to its ultimate contentment. I was ordained by Him to spread his message and knowledge of the tenth (spiritual) opening (DASAM DWAR) to one and all without any presumption, reservation or consideration. From then onwards I have been on to my job, as His own dog.

Palace of A


hty God


Diagram - 4

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Nine Openings

• The First opening is the urino-genital organ. It gets reined in by observing strictly the code: every woman other than one's wife is like one's mother. Similarly every man other than one's husband is like one's father. In other words strict moral discipline of sexuality.• The Second opening is the anus. It gets reined in by controlling the oral intakes (Food – eatables, etc.): eat to live, not live to eat; eat simple homemade food. Careless eating anywhere & everywhere to satisfy the taste buds and greed must end.• The Third opening is mouth. It gets reined in when false speaking, backbiting, slander, etc., is shunned and instead sweet soothing speech without malice towards one and all is cultivated.• The Fourth and Fifth openings are the two ears. When evil speech, backbiting and slander is ignored (left unheard) and instead good words, praise of Lord, saintly utterings, the SATSANG (religious or spiritual congregation) and the celestial sound permeating the entire universe are heard, these get reined in.• The Sixth and Seventh openings are the two nasal openings. These get reined in by avoiding the evil & provocative smells whetting the instincts of lust and greed. Instead one should enjoy the whiff (spirit) of SATSANG.• The Eighth and Ninth openings are the two eyes. Do not look with an 'evil eye' (shun lusty, greedy and malicious eyes). Look at people honestly maintaining the dignity of relations. (Occasionally close the eyes and have your own introspective vision). All this will rein in these openings.

Tenth (spiritual) opening (DASAM DWAR).

While all the above mentioned openings are physically present on the human body and need to be reined in and disciplined as mentioned above, the tenth opening is metaphysical or spiritual and is to be realized through intense meditation.

It gets realized at the central spot on the fore head (top


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most point of the human body, as shown in diagram - 3). It is here that one can have the vision of one's soul. In order to realize this spiritual opening one's meditative concentration must remain focused on the nasal tip or the raised point between the two nasal openings. Beyond this, upward towards the head is the raised part of head, the apex of the human body. This is called the 'controlling power' or 'controlling point'. In scientific parlance it is also called “the little brain”.


My own experience has been like this: close the eyes, think only of the formless Almighty God who is the Supreme Lord of the entire creation and its infinite cosmic circles and universes, meditate with whatever sound or word has been obtained from the spiritual guide, teacher or guru, all the while keeping the focus of mind on the nasal tip (No physical entity including the image of any deity, living guru, etc. should ever become the point of focus of the meditation).This alone will enlighten the path and accomplish the voyage beginning from the mortal world (MRITU LOKE) and ending at the Abode of the Almighty God. It is not mandatory to adopt any one particular body posture while meditating (traditional practice is sitting cross-legged and straight). One can meditate in any posture, sitting, standing, lying down, sitting in a chair, walking or even doing one's daily chores. Only the focus of meditation, as I have repeated time and again, should be maintained on the point over nasal tip. While meditating during walk, the focus of vision should remain in between the feet. Beyond all this it is His Will and grace as to whom so ever, where so ever and when so ever may He choose to shower His kindness on. It will be appropriate to mention here that all known spiritual personalities and mendicants have referred to the DASAM DWAR or the 'tenth (spiritual) opening in their respective utterances or writings.

In 1992 I religiously (in rigorous discipline) began to follow the above mentioned 'code of conduct', and began to meditate on the 'word' given to me by my spiritual mentor. After a few months the mother Earth desired me to rise and traverse over


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it. Thereafter for five years i.e. from 1992 to 1997 I began to circumambulate the city of Amritsar. While thus walking , I would keep the focus of my vision between my feet and continued my meditation in this way. Thus while I kept on traversing during all these five years, various experiences kept on dawning upon me and ushering me closer and closer to the Abode of Almighty God.

In March 1997 I could have the vision of my soul. It appeared right in front of me and proclaimed, “I am just one spec out of the countless others coming off the Almighty God, having no existence of my own. None belongs to me: the five basic elements, the body, the soul, my own self, meditation or the penance. Oh! What do I know, who am I?’’. The meditation of the 'word' or the sound that I got in the mortal world (MRITU LOKE) and the soul then fused into one and these traveled to the “TAP MANDAL ( cosmic circles of penance)” of “PATAAL LOKE”, “MAAT LOKE”, “NARAK” (hell) ,“SWARAG” (paradise) ,“PITR LOKE”, “DHARAMRAJ LOKE” ,“YUG LOKE”, “ BRAHAM LOKE”, “VISHNU LOKE” and “SHIV LOKE”. When finally I experienced the realization of DASAM DWAR or the tenth (spiritual) point and when the soul reached the “TAP MANDAL”, beginning from a side, I began to envision all the various circles of the “TAP MANDAL” which were formless & like infinite lights. Its celestial regions and universes are beyond count and are infinite. While in “TAP MANDAL” I began to experience a musical note. Initially I could experience each sound distinguishingly. Afterwards all these musical notes began to reverberate in unison at a pitch high enough to rip open my body. It was just like a musical performance while an emperor ascends his throne. Initially each instrument plays individually and later on, in the climax, all the musical instruments are played in unison and the pitch is raised to provide an environment of glory and power.

I humbly requested the Lord (Almighty God) to be enlightened about this grand musical resonance and what it was all about.


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About fifteen days later I began to hear the sound 'Om' emanating out of this musical resonance. Then this sound entered my head through the 'last point', passed through the larynx and reached “ATAM RAM ” behind the naval. For another fifteen days it continued to resonate from the naval and would reach the larynx. After another fifteen days this sound of OM, absorbed in my total consciousness, passed through the larynx and carrying the soul with it, escaped the body through the last point. This was a unique experience. It can be compared with a bucket that is lowered in a well, tied to a rope passing over a pulley rotating on a fixed bar. The sound of the lowering bucket, when it hits the water horizon in the well, brings a sense of deep contentment and begins to quench the thirst. In the same way our body is like the 'bar', brain is the 'pulley', the soul is the 'rope' and the sound or the word is the bucket. This sound (OM) ferries the soul through all the celestial regions on way to the abode of God and there the soul becomes a part of the infinite God. The soul gets contented. The musical resonance, the sound of OM and the soul all these three become one. Again it is just like one has to approach a well in order to quench one's thirst. The soul acts like a rope and the sound of OM like the bucket. The bucket tied to the rope goes down and touches the water in the well producing that great satisfying sound. First of all the bucket fills itself and thereby gets contented , later on it returns and quenches the people's thirst. In the same way the 'SHABAD' or sound is like a bucket, it carries the soul up through the 'last point' where the “AMRIT KUND” is also situated. Then it merges the soul in to the Almighty and thus quenches it. Then these return to 'MRITU LOKE' and quench people's quest by His Supreme Will. Thereafter this sound initiating me from the “PATAL LOKE” led up to the “TAP MANDAL” giving me frontal manifestations of all these.

Once at “TAP MANDAL” the sound of 'M' of OM ceased and now it was only the sound of 'O' that was resonating. This sound of 'O' led me to the abode of Almighty God, and further inside it.

Right at the entrance to His abode, the 'YOG MAYA' appeared as “KALI” with a skull garland on her. A divine

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proclamation then ordained me to pray and meditate and thus please 'YOG MAYA' in order to obtain passage to the House of God. So I meditated on 'YOG MAYA' for six months and then got the passage. It was complete bliss thereafter, abound and eternal. Beyond this the narration of the inside experiences of the Abode of Almighty God is forbidden.

A friend of mine, himself an ascetic, said that I should now keep up the meditation up till my last breath. I am therefore on to it since 1999. A year later this sound or 'SHABAD' got “ realized ” (SIDH). I, however, continued the meditation even after this. Then finally in the year 2000 the Divine Light appeared and I found myself presented right before the Almighty God where I was initiated to the task of enlightening the people about the knowledge of DASAM DWAR or the tenth (spiritual) opening all the while without any worldly consideration and presumption whatsoever. I then became His humble dog and am on to the job of spreading His message among the people ever since.

Also, I am continuing my meditation upon Him all along since then. As the Almighty Himself is abound and eternal so is his meditation. It has no end, therefore it has to go on forever.

In 2005 even the sound of 'OM' ceased and another sound was granted by the Almighty which is to remain beyond pronounce and pen. While I was granted this sound or 'SHABAD', I was asked to pass it on to my guru in 'MRITU LOKE' and reclaim it from him just as a son obtains something from the father. A living guru or a teacher is always required in 'MRITU LOKE' or this mortal world. I thus conveyed this 'SHABAD' to my guru and he bequeathed it back to me as his son.

However before the grant of this 'SHABAD' I had the vision (DARSHAN) of Almighty God manifesting Himself as a great light.

Also I had the visions of several celestial regions and universes and saw their end. I then took to the meditation of this 'SHABAD'. As mentioned above, this syllabic sound is not to be


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relayed to anyone except one's guru in this mortal world (MRITU LOKE). The meditation of this sound carried me far and beyond all, what may be called as “the Palace of God”, “SACHKHAND”, “House of WAHEGURU” or House of ALLAH”. It was beyond all these. It did not appear like a castle of light. All the God's Will is executed by “YOG MAYA.” A syllabic note is continuously resonating around there.

Let me say it again that I do not mean to denounce or downplay any one's divine experiences at all. I only wish to describe my walk along the path that heralded me to His Abode. When a man begins his determined voyage towards absolution (NIRVANA) then the Almighty Lord Himself begins to unravel the mysteries of the path that leads to His Abode. We human beings then ultimately realize that we are nothing more than puppets whose cords are firmly in His hands. We are only dancing to His tunes in His universe. At the end, where everything ends (MAHA PARLO or MAHA PRALEY) only a dot like point is left. All, the DEV LOKE, the YOG MAYA and all those meditating His sound and all the celestial regions and universes then begin to be engulfed into this “dot” like a whirlpool and disappear in to it. Even the resonating syllabic sound gets lost in it. Thereafter there descends a complete dark and a silent haze. Everything that, in the end, has to lose itself into something definitely has no existence of its own. Thus all the gods and goddesses, universes and all the celestial regions (KHANDS) owe their existence to Him and so in the end lose their beings by losing themselves into 'Him'. Now only HE is there, all alone, pervading all over. Nothing else is there, the 'sound' or even the 'YOG MAYA'. He alone is there all around and everywhere, infinite and abound. HE IS GOD.

All the mysteries that I have narrated above, I have not read about these anywhere. In fact after envisioning Him, the human consciousness goes beyond all worldly knowledge and study. It is just as, a son is never able to unravel the mystery of the existence of his father; only the father can reveal it. In the same way when we are able to please the Almighty through his perpetual meditation, HE, to HIS own pleasure and will, reveals His mystery upon the meditating souls. Just as a “golden touch”


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has the capability to convert anything that it touches, into gold, in the same way the Almighty Lord forgives and accepts even the wretched of the wretches' once they take to meditation(SIMRAN) and step on towards the path to His Abode.

All the above mentioned knowledge dawned upon me through HIS kindness and enlightenment only. Blessings of my spiritual teacher or 'GURU' and those of my parents, good friends and companions and my brothers and sisters, all became instrumental in invoking HIS eternal kindness upon me.

My life now is like that of a woman who gets separated from her husband and spends the rest of her life in the hope that she may one day get reunited with her husband . Similarly in this age of “KAL YUG” which has proved to be very precious for me, I have been able to experience my union with God. This 'union' was repeated over and over, and after each 'union' there was separation. I am therefore now living, ever longing for my final reunion with HIM. Whenever shall I die and my body be cremated, my soul shall go and reunite with HIM. Thus for me death is nothing more than a medium that shall set me free and on to the final path of re-union with my Master. I am thus living through all the hardships of this mortal world under the blissful realization that after my death my soul shall travel to His Abode and be lost into HIM, never ever to be separated.

This eternal divine knowledge (BRAHM GYAN) can only be granted by HIM and HIM alone. It originates from HIM and then finally loses into HIM. HE can ordain any one at His Will, to spread HIS word and knowledge about it. I am thus only narrating my experiences as ordained by HIM, like HIS humble dog, for all those who may desire to benefit from it. It is free of any cost, never ever for sale. It is “SACHA SAUDA” or the 'True Deal'. There is no discrimination of any sort. It is open to all, rich or poor, of any class or cast. The poor who are unable to reach us shall have the privilege of our visit to them at our own cost so that they do not remain deprived of this ultimate knowledge just because they are poor. Under mentioned are the telephones numbers of friends who have taken to the path of spirituality. Who so ever desires to


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obtain this knowledge, who so ever longs for the ultimate union with the Supreme Lord, may contact these persons. They will guide you to me.

98782 72314 94647 47484

In the end I very humbly call upon all:

Please adopt the code of conduct as mentioned here in this booklet and take to the meditation of a 'SHABAD, or a syllabic sound. This 'SHABAD, or the sound will alone be one's guru and only it has to remain in one's focus of meditation, no one else and nothing else. No living GURU, any idol or any other physical symbol can substitute it. (One may of course need a spiritual teacher or a mentor in this world for guidance. Even I have one, but this teacher or guru cannot be the focus of one's meditation. That place only belongs to the ''SHABAD,' or the syllabic sound of meditation.). Always with this spirit on, ever solicit ultimate union with the Almighty Lord. Let then this meditation be lifelong. Whatever be the 'SHABAD, or syllabic sound that one may chose to meditate upon, it will lead him/her to the Supreme Destination like a determined traveler who ultimately reaches his desired destination. These are experiences of my voyage beginning from this mortal world (MRITU LOK) up till the Abode of Almighty God. The purpose is to share it with all, as per His Will. From those all, who may not like these or may like to differ with these, I very humbly beg to be pardoned.

• •


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When the soul fuses into the Almighty God then this 'SHABAD' or the sound begins to resonate perpetually in our body. Then three drops of nectar (SWATI BOOND) from the 'AMRIT KUND' fall into the larynx (KANTH). These bring in total contentment. Another drop of nectar comes thereafter, and then the Almighty God accepts the soul as one more flower in the garland around Him

Experiences beyond this are forbidden to be communicated

Amrit Kund(Repository of nectar)

Controlling Power (Last Point)







Shabd Shabd Shabd








