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„ rana, po kojoj je jezero dobilo ime, sagrađena je na njegovu kraju što gleda na sjever, a bila je važna u minulim vremenima i pripadala je templarima. Tu je stolovao veliki prior koji je ponekad stjecao toliku moć da je bivao najvažnija lič-nost u poslovima kraljevstva… Kaštel, nazvan u doba osnutka u pravom smi-slu riječi Brana ili Vrana, sada je strahovita gomila ruševina; u to ga je stanje dovelo mletačko topništvo… Vrijedan je pažnje han koji je blizu tih razvalina… Ovaj što se vidi pokraj Vrane sagrađen je bez škrtarenja. Pročelje mu ima 150 stopa, a dug je 175.“Alberto Fortis: Put po Dalmaciji, Venecija 1774. Mnogi narodi i kulture žude za ostavštinom svojih predaka koja im može ispričati njihovu povijest. Vrana to ima. Naime, Vrana je u jednom povijesnom razdoblju bila poprište važnih događaja koji su obilježili kako njezinu tako i hr-vatsku povijest. Dugo je Vrana pomalo padala u zaborav te se s razlogom mogla zvati „uspavnim svjedokom prošlosti“. Danas je stanje mnogo bolje. Zahvaljuju-ći djelovanju Općine Pakoštane, Turističke zajednice Općine Pakoštane te udruzi Vitezova vranskih, Vranu slobodno možemo nazvati „probuđenim svjedokom prošlosti“.

Many nations and cultures yearn for the legacy of their ancestors that can speak to them about their history. Vrana has this. Namely, in a particular historical period Vrana was the scene of many important events which marked both its and Croatia’s history. For a long period of time Vrana slowly drifted towards oblivion, and could rightly be called the “sleeping witness of the past”. Today the situation is much better. Thanks to the work of the Municipality of Pakoštane, the Tourist Board of the Municipality of Pakoštane, and the Knights of Vrana Association, we can truly call Vrana an “awakened witness of the past”.

“Vrana, for which the lake was named, was built along the edge that looks north. It was important in times gone by and belonged to the Templars. Here the grand prior, who sometimes acquired such power that he was the most important actor in the affairs of the kingdom, kept court.... The kaštel (castle), upon its founding called Brana or Vrana in the true meaning of the word, is today a huge pile of ruins; it was rendered such by Venetian artillery... Worthy of attention in the ‘Han’ (Turkish for roadside inn) located close to these ruins... This one seen next to Vrana was built with no expense spared. Its facade has 150 feet, and is 175 long.” Alberto Fortis: Put po Dalmaciji (Travels around Dalmatia), Venice 1774.

Vitez templar Templar Knight

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U današnje vrijeme kada je život ispunjen brojnim tehničkim pomagalima i uglavnom provodimo vrijeme u zatvore-nom prostoru često nemamo sposobnost uočiti bogatstvo prošlosti koje nas okru-žuje. Sigurni smo da Vrana svima može pružiti zanimljivu priču kada bismo joj pružili šansu. Stoga ćemo vam u ovom kratkom pregledu prošlosti Vrane poku-šati približiti njezine najsvjetlije trenutke – srednjovjekovno razdoblje, doba vitezo-va i utvrda.Iako je zbog svog položaja i obilja vode područje Vrane bilo naseljeno od naj-ranijih dana, srednjovjekovna povijest Vrane ostavila nam je najviše podataka i nalaza, te je s razlogom možemo nazvati

„zlatnim dobom Vrane“. Ravni kotari, u kojima se nalazi i Vrana, bili su središnji dio najstarije hrvatske državnosti. Uz činjenicu da je naseljavanje Hrvata na tom području bilo najizraženije, Vrana je i okružena hrvatskim kraljevskim gra-dovima – Biogradom, Ninom, Kninom i Šibenikom. Sama tvrđava oko koje se kasni-je razvilo naselje spominje se već u 9. stoljeću. Moguće je da već kroz 10. stolje-će u Vranu dolaze i benediktinci. Od 11. stoljeća sa sigurnošću možemo govoriti o prisutnosti benediktinaca u Vrani. Dokaz o prisutnosti benediktinaca u Vrani je tekst krunidbene prisege hrvatskog kralja Dmitra Zvonimira koju je 1075. godine

Grafika Vrane iz doba turske vladavine

Today when life is filled with a mul-titude of technical devices, and we spend most of our time indoors, it is rare that we have the opportunity to observe the richness of the past surrounding us. We are certain that Vrana can provide an interesting story for everyone if we give it a chance. Therefore through this brief overview of Vrana’s history we will attempt to depict for you its brightest moments - the medi-eval period, the era of knights and fortresses. Although due to its position and abun-dance of water, the Vrana area was inhabited even in the earliest days, the majority of data and findings have been left to us from the me-dieval history of Vrana, and it is with good rea-son that we may call it the “Vrana’s golden age”. The region of Ravni Kotari, in which Vrana

is located, was the central part of the oldest Croatian statehood. Along with the fact that the colonisation of this region by Croats was most pronounced, Vrana is also surrounded by Croatian royal cities - Biograd, Nin, Knin and Šibenik. The fort which later developed into a settlement was mentioned for the first time back in the 9th century. It is possible that the Benedictines came to Vrana through the 10th century. We can speak with certainty of the presence of the Benedictines in Vrana from the 11th century. The coronation text of the Croatian King Dmitar Zvonimir, given in 1075 by Pope Gregory VII, is evidence of the presence of the Benedictines in Vrana. Part of the coronation oath in which Zvonimir

Print of Vrana in the time of Turkish rule

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dao papi Grguru VII. Dio krunidbene prisege u kojoj Zvonimir papi Grguru VII. dariva samostan Sv. Grgura u Vra-ni glasi: „…K tome poklanjam, ustupam i potvrđujem apostolskoj stolici samostan Sv. Grgura, koji se zove Vrana, s cijelom njegovom riznicom, naime sa srebrnom škrinjicom u kojoj se nalaze ostaci svetog tijela spomenutog blaženog Grgura, s dva križa, s kaležom i pliticom, s dvije zlat-ne krune urešene draguljima, s knjigom evanđelja u srebru kao i sa svim njego-vim pokretnim i nepokretnim dobrima, da bi zauvijek legatima Sv. Petra služili kao gostinjac i bio trajno u njihovoj vlasti, uz ovaj samo uvjet, da se ne predade nijed-noj drugoj vlasti, nego da za sva vremena bude vlasništvo Sv. Petra. Ja i moji na-sljednici branit ćemo njegovu sloboštinu i sigurnost za svakoga čovjeka…“ Ovim činom samostan je postao sastavni dio papinskih posjeda, što je nastavio biti i u sljedećim povijesnim razdobljima, izuzet od feudalnih davanja. Samostan je ispunjavao i obvezu uzdržavanja papin-skih legata, koji su bili papinski nunciji, i njihove pratnje. Stoga možemo reći da je Vrana bila prvo poznato diplomatsko predstavništvo na području Hrvatske. Budući da su benediktinci poticali razvoj pismenosti i kulture, samostani su po-stali središta srednjovjekovnog razvoja. Iz te činjenice možemo vidjeti koliko je bio veliki značaj dolaska benediktinaca u Vranu. Prema vjerovanju u Vrani su se tada nalazili i znakovi kraljevskog dostojanstva koji su se koristili prilikom krunjenja hrvatskih i hrvatsko-ugarskih kraljeva. Osim benediktinaca u Vrani su djelovali i duhovno-viteški redovi nastali u vrijeme križarskih ratova. To su bili templari i ivanovci. Glavni zadatak bio im je uz obranu križarskih posjeda u Svetoj zemlji i briga za hodočasnike, bo-lesne i slabe. Sastojali su se od vitezova, svećenika i pomoćnika. Templari, koji u Vranu kao glavni posjed u Hrvatskoj dolaze najvjerojatnije Vitezovi templari na vranskoj gradini

gives Pope Gregory VII the monastery of St. Gregory in Vrana states: “... Thus I give as a gift, cede and confirm to the Apostolic See, the monastery of St. Gregory, which is called Vrana, with all its treasury, namely with the silver chest holding within it the remnants of the holy body of the mentioned blessed Gre-gory, with two crucifixes, with a chalice and plate, with two golden crowns adorned with jewels, with the book of the Gospel in silver, as well as all its moveable and immovable assets, to forever serve as a guest house for legates of St. Peter and be permanently under their authority, with only this condition, that it is never submitted to another rule, rather that it remains the property of St. Peter for all time. My descendants and I shall defend its freedom and security for all men...” With this act, the monastery became an integral part of the Pope’s possession, which it continued to be even in the following historical periods, exempt from feudal contributions. The mona-stery also fulfilled the obligation of supporting the papal legate, who were Papal Nuncios, and their entourage. Therefore it can be said that Vrana was the first known diplomatic mission on the Croatian territory. Given that the Benedictines promoted the development of literacy and culture, the monasteries became the centres of medieval development. The great significance of the Benedictines in Vrana is more than evident from this fact. According to beliefs in Vrana, here too were signs of kingship which were used on the occasion of crowning Croatian and Croatian-Hungarian kings. Aside from the Benedictines, spiritual - knight orders that came into being during the Crusades were also active in Vrana. These were the Templars and Knights Hospitaller. Along with defending Crusade estates in the Holy Land, their main task was also to care for the pilgrims, sick and weak. They consi-sted of knights, priests and helpers. The Templars, who probably arrived in Vrana between 1165 and 1169 as the main estate in Croatia, were recognisable for their red cross on a white cape. The Templars were a very closed order which could not be easily joined. This could only be done by very influ-Templar Knights on the Vrana hill fort

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između 1165. i 1169. godine, prepoznatljivi su po crvenom križu na bijelom plaštu. Templari su bili vrlo zatvoren red u koji se nije moglo lako pristupiti. To su mogli učiniti samo vrlo utjecajni i provjereni članovi plemstva. Po primitku, novi vitez je morao redu prepisati sva svoja dobra. Tako su se u njega slijevala imanja i dra-gocjenosti, te su ubrzo postali najmoćniji viteški red. Razloge dolaska templara u Vranu treba tražiti u činjenici da se Vra-na nalazila uz važne putove kojima se se hodočasnici i ratnici kretali prema Svetoj zemlji. Po dolasku u Vranu templari su podigli čvrstu utvrdu koja je u kasnijim povijesnim zbivanjima doživjela i prei-nake. Zahvaljujući djelovanju templara

kroz 12. i 13. stoljeće Vrana je značajno utjecala na politički život u Hrvatskoj. U prilog toj činjenici govore i podaci da su Vranu za vrijeme boravka templara u njoj posjetila i dva hrvatsko-ugarska kralja - Andrija II. i Bela IV., kao i ban Pavao Šubić. Uz templare se često, što nije bez osnove, vezuju i priče o velikom bogat-stvu. Nakon progona templara 1307. go-dine i njihova formalnog ukidanja 1312. godine postavlja se pitanje što se zbilo s njihovim bogatstvom. Je li se nešto od toga bogatstva skrivalo i u Vrani? Legenda kaže da su nakon ukidanja u Vrani zakopali zlatnu kočiju. Možda bi vrijedilo i pokušati naći skriveno blago.

Vitezovi templari

ential and trusted members of nobility. Upon acceptance, the new knight had to transfer all his goods over to the order. In this way estates and valuables poured into the order, and it quickly became the most powerful order of knights. The reasons for the arrival of the Templars in Vrana may be found in the fact that Vrana was located along important routes along which pilgrims and warriors travelled along towards the Holy Land. Upon their arrival in Vrana, the Templars erected a solid fortress which in later historical events was also subjected to alterati-ons. Due to the activities of the Templars thro-ughout the 12th and 13th century, Vrana signi-ficantly influenced political life in Croatia. This is supported by the fact that during the time the Templars spent in Vrana, it was also visited by two Croatian-Hungarian kings - Andrija II and

Bela IV, as well as Ban Pavao Šubić. The Templars are also often, not without a solid basis, connected to stories of great wealth. After the persecution of the Templars in 1307 and their formal disso-lution in 1312, the question about what hap-pened to their wealth imposes itself. Was something of this wealth hidden in Vrana? Legend states that after they were disban-ded, they buried a golden carriage in Vrana. It might just be worthwhile trying to find the hidden treasure. However, historical sources say that, after hearing the news about the persecution of the Templars, the Vrana Templars stored their valuables in the monastery of St. Chrysogonus (Sv. Krševan) in Zadar. From letters of a Zadar

Templar Knights

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Međutim, povijesni izvori kažu da su vranski templari nakon što su čuli vijesti o progonu templara svoje dragocjenosti pohranili u samostanu sv. Krševana u Zadru. Iz pisma zadarskog kneza mle-tačkom duždu upućenog 19. travnja 1308. godine saznajemo da su vranski templa-ri pohranili sljedeće dragocjenosti: „Tri ruke svetaca koje se nalaze u srebrenim pozlaćenim rukama; govori se, da jedna od njih pripada sv. Plakonu, druga sv. Grguru, treća sv. Nastaziji. Zatim jedan križ od posrebrena željeza, na kojemu su dva svijećnjaka, jedan malen i drugi velik. Zatim drugi križ, veći, od željeza, obložen limom od pozlaćena srebra. Zatim drveni križ, obložen zlatnim limovima. Zatim jedna drvena slika, prekrivena srebrnim pozlaćenim limom, u kojem je izrezana Kristova slika. Zatim jedna škrinjica od

bjelokosti s moćima svetaca u njoj. Za-tim dvije torbice, jedna platnena, a druga od crvene tkanine, u kojoj su moći sveta-ca i kamenčići. Zatim tri srebrna kaleža, od kojih su dva pozlaćena, s patenama. Zatim jedna srebrna kadionica. Zatim dvije posude za posluživanje oltara vodom i vinom kod bogoslužja. Zatim jedna srebrna posuda za čuvanje hostija.“ Iz kasnijih izvora saznaje se kako je tim dragocjenostima upravljao hrvatski ban Pavao Šubić, a što je dalje bilo s njima, ostaje nepoznanica. Nakon što je papa Klement V. i službeno raspustio templare 1312. godi-ne, o sudbini vranskih templara nema pouzdanih informacija. Budući da nisu zabilježena stradanja templara u Hrvat-skoj, najvjerojatnije nije bilo nikakvih dramatičnih događanja, već su vranski

Kovački zanat iz srednjeg vijekaPrikaz srednjovjekovne borbe

count, to a Venetian dodge sent on 19 April 1308, we discover that the Vrana Templars stored the following valuables: “Three hands of saints inside sliver, gold plated hands; it has been said that one of them belonged to St. Plakon (Sv. Plakon), the other St. Gregory (Sv. Grgur), and the third to St. Anastasius (Sv. Nastazij). Then a crucifix of silver plated iron, on which there were two candle holders, one small and one large. Then another crucifix, larger than the iron one, plated with a sheet of gold plated silver. Then a wooden crucifix, plated in gold metal sheets. Then one wooden picture, covered in silver, gold plated metal sheets, in which Christ’s image has been carved. Then an ivory chest with the relics of saints in it. Then two bags, one made of cloth and the other from a red material, both containing relics of saints and stones. Then three silver

chalices, of which two are gold plated with patinas. Then a silver thurible. Then two vessels for serving water and wine on the altar during Mass. Then a silver vessel for holding the Eucharist.” From later sources it was discovered that these valuables were in the charge of the Croatian Ban Pavao Šubić, but what happened to them later remains a mystery. After Pope Clement V officially dissolved the Templars in 1312, there is no reliable information about the fate of the Vrana Templars. Given that the fall of the Templars in Croatia were not documented, it is most likely that there were no dramatic events, rather the Vrana Templars, after the Hospitaller Knights took over Vrana, only changed their name, that is, moved into the order of the Hospitaller Knights. The Hospitaller Knights, today

Depiction of a medieval battle Blacksmiths trade from the Middle Ages

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templari nakon što su ivanovci preuzeli Vranu promijenili samo ime, odnosno prešli u red ivanovaca. Ivanovci, danas poznati kao Vite-zovi malteškog reda, nakon ukidanja tem-plarskog i prelaska Vrane u njihove ruke svoje sjedište također prenose u Vranu. Prepoznatljivi su po crnom plaštu s bijelim križem raskoljenih krakova (osam šiljaka). Po dolasku u Vranu svoju redovničku pokrajinu nazvali su Vranski priorat, a vranski prior postaje vrhovna upravna i sudbena vlast. S vremenom vranski priori, uz pravnu i svjetovnu funkciju koju imaju, postaju i kraljevski namjesnici, a dobivaju i titule hrvatskih hercega i banova. Funkcija vranskog prio-ra odobravana je i od strane Svete Stoli-ce. Među brojnim znamenitim vranskim

priorima ističu se Ivan Paližna i Petar Berislavić. Vranski prior hrvatski ban Ivan Paližna, odnosno od Paližne, bio je jedan od ključnih sudionika u burnim po-litičkim prilikama u Hrvatsko-ugarskom kraljevstvu krajem 14. stoljeća. Naime, nakon smrti hrvatsko-ugarskog kralja Ludovika I. Anžuvinca, istaknuo se kao jedan od vođa pobune protiv hrvatsko-ugarske kraljice Elizabete Kotromanić i njezine kćeri Marije. Početkom 16. stoljeća Hrvatska je bila izložena žestokim prodorima Osmanlija. U takvim prilikama 1513. godine hrvat-ski ban je postao vranski prior Petar Berislavić koji je iste godine porazio Osmanlije u bitci kod Dubice na rijeci Uni. Sljedećih godina Osmanlije nisu uspijevale osvojiti ni jedan dio hrvatskog

Svečani postroj vitezova u čast kralja Zvonimira

known as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, after the dissolution of the Templars and the transfer of Vrana into their hands, also relocated their seat to Vrana. They are recognisable for their black cape with whi-te cross with double pointed arms (eight points). Upon their arrival in Vrana, they called their monastic region the Vrana pri-ory, and the Vrana prior became the supre-me administrative and judicial authority. In time the Vrana priors, with its judicial and civil function, also became regents, and re-ceived the titles of Croatian Herceg and Ban. The function of the Vrana prior was also approved by the Holy See. Among many outstanding Vrana priors, Ivan Paližna and Petar Berislavić especially stand out. The Vrana prior, the Croatian Ban, Ivan Paližna, that is, of Paližna, was one of the

key participants in the turbulent political circumstances in the Croatian-Hungarian kingdom at the end of the 14th century. Namely, after the death of the Croatian-Hungarian king Ludwig I Anžuvnica, he is depicted as one of the leaders of the revolt against the Croatian-Hungarian Queen Eli-zabeta Kotromanić and her daughter Marija. At the beginning of the 16th century, Croatia was exposed to fierce raids by the Turks. In such circumstances, the Vrana prior Petar Berislavić became the Croatian Ban in 1513, in which year he also defeated the Turks in the battle near Dubica on the Una river. In the years to follow, the Turks did not succeed in conquering any Croatian territories. In the battle against the Turks in 1520, near Korenica, Petar Berislavić was killed. The busts of the renowned Vra-

Official echelon of knights in honour of King Zvonimir

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prostora. U bitci protiv Osmanlija 1520. godine, kod Korenice, poginuo je i Petar Berislavić. Poprsja znamenitih vranskih priora Ivana Paližne i Petra Berislavića danas se nalaze u Zagrebačkoj katedrali, a nasljedna prava na samostan i njegovu imovinu također su pripali Zagrebačkoj katedrali. Poslije bitke i poraza na Mohač-kom polju 1526. godine, nakon koje je nestalo vitezova ivanovaca u Hrvatskoj, ne postoji više organiziran otpor osman-

lijskim prodorima. Stoga i Vrana ubrzo pada u osmanlijske ruke 1538. godine i ostaje pod njihovom vlašću sve do 1647. godine, a konačno oslobođenje područja Vrane uslijedilo je 1699. godine. Sma-tra se da je velik dio stanovnika Vrane pobjegao pred Osmanlijama i sklonio se na otok Murter, a neki i u Istru. Nakon toga Vrana je naseljena, uz kršćansko i muslimanskim stanovništvom. U Vrani su tada postojale i dvije džamije, ali i katolička crkva za stanovnike katoličke

Nočna bitka, turska opsada Vrane

na priors Ivan Paližna and Petar Berislavić are today located in the Zagreb Cathedral, while the inherited rights to the monastery and its property also belongs to the Zagreb Cathedral. After the battle and defeat on the Mo-hačko field in 1526, after which the Knights Hospitaller disappeared from Croatia, there was no longer any organised resistance to the Turkish onslaughts. Therefore even Vrana soon fell into the hands of the Turks in 1538 and remained under their rule all up

until 1647, while the final liberation of the Vrana area took place in 1699. It is belie-ved that a large majority of the inhabitants of Vrana fled the Turks and settled on the Island of Murter, while some even went as far as Istria. After this, Vrana was settled by both a Christian and Muslim populati-on. At the time, in Vrana, there were even two mosques, however there was also a Catholic church for those inhabitants of the Catholic faith. Of the public buildings that existed at the time in Vrana, we must men-

Night battle, Turkish siege of Vrana

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vjere. Od javnih građevina koje su tada postojale u Vrani potrebno je spomenu-ti kupalište. Najpoznatija građevina iz osmanlijskog razdoblja svakako je han Jusufa Maškovića, koji je najvjerojatnije bio rodom iz Vrane. Han je trebao poslu-žiti kao rezidencija samoga Maškovića kada se povuče iz Carigrada, u kojem je postao zapovjednik osmanlijske morna-rice, u rodnu Vranu. Međutim, njegovom smrću obustavljena je gradnja i han nika-da nije dovršen. Među brojnim kršćanskim stanov-nicima Vrane koji su se iselili u vrijeme osmanlijskih prodora i osmanlijske vlasti u Vrani ističe se Ivan iz Vrane. On je

u mletačkoj ratnoj mornarici postigao najviše časti i činove, a istaknuo se u Lepantskoj bitci 1571. godine u kojoj je obnašao jednu od najviših dužnosti – admirala na ratnoj galiji. Uz gore spomenute osobe koje su obilježile povijest Vrane, svakako je potrebno spomenuti i braću Vranjanin. Lucijan Vranjanin (1420.-1482.), Lucia-no di Laurana, bio je poznati renesansni graditelj i arhitekt. Djelovao je u Italiji i ostavio značajan trag na vojvodskim palačama i kućama u Urbinu, Riminiju, Napulju i Pesari. Njegovo najznačajnije djelo je vojvodska palača u Urbinu. Frane Vranjanin (1425.-1502.), Francesco di

Karta Zadarsko-šibenskog područja iz 1570. god.

tion the baths. The most well known buil-ding from the Turkish period was definitely the Han (Turkish for roadside inn) of Jusuf Mašković, who was most likely born in Vra-na. The Han was to serve as a residence for Mašković when he withdrew from Istanbul, in which he had become the commander of the Turkish Navy, in the place he was born, Vrana. However, with his death the construction stopped and the Han was never completed. Among the many Christian inha-bitants of Vrana who emigrated during the Turkish onslaught and Turkish rule in Vrana, Ivan of Vrana particularly stands out. In the Venetian wartime navy he achie-

ved the highest honours and ranks, and was pivotal in the Lepantska battle in 1571 in which he conducted one of the highest duties - admiral of a war time galleon. Along with the above mentioned individuals who marked Vrana’s history, it is also necessary to mention the Vranjanin brothers. Lucijan Vranjanin (1420 - 1482), Luciano di Laurana, was a well known Renaissance builder and architect. He wor-ked in Italy and left a significant mark on the palaces and house of dukes in Urbino, Rimini, Naples and Pesaro. His most signi-ficant work is the duke’s palace in Urbino. Frane Vranjanin (1425 - 1502), Francesco di Laurana, just like his brother Lucijan,

Map of the Zadar - Šibenik area from 1570

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Laurana, kao i njegov brat Lucijan izra-dio je niz svjetovnih i sakralnih objekata u doba renesanse. Djelovao je na područ-ju Italije i Francuske. Vrhunac njego-vog kiparskog stvaralaštva predstavlja mramorno poprsje Eleanore Aragonske. Braća Lucijan i Frane su proslavili ime Vrane. Njihova imena pod nazivom Laurana (Vrana) nalaze se po mnogim talijanskim gra-dovima koji su im u znak zahvalnosti dali nazive svojih trgova i ulica.Uz dobro poznatu, gore ispričanu, političku povi-jest Vrane pokušat ćemo vam nešto reći i o načinu života stanovnika Vrane u srednjem vijeku. Za to nam najbolje može poslužiti malo poznati Vranski zakonik koji nam pruža dragocjene podatke o društvenom životu naših predaka, o odnosima između njih kao i o obvezama koje su imali. Vran-ski zakonik predstavlja zbirku običajnog prava šireg po-

dručja Vrane, ali i cijelog hrvatskog srednjovjekovlja. Nastao je nakon prije-laza Vrane i njezinog područja pod vlast Venecije, vjerojatno zbog opasnosti od gubitka starih običaja. Budući da su neki od tih običaja sadržani u odredbama Za-konika, može se govoriti o određenoj vr-sti samouprave koju je Vrana imala pod vlašću Venecije. Potječe iz 1454. godine, a sastoji se od 38 članaka. Analizom Zakonika vidi se da je i tada zemljorad-Kapudan Jusuf Mašković, ilustracija

constructed a series of civic and sacral building during the Renaissance period. He worked in the regions of Italy and France. The pinnacle of his sculpting creativity ma-nifested itself in the marble bust of Eleanor of Aragon. The brothers Lucijan and Frane made the name of Vrana famous. Their

names under the title Laurana (Vrana) was visible in many Italian cities

who as a sign of their gratitude named squares and streets

after them. Along with the well known, above stated, political history of Vrana, we will also attempt to say something about the way of life of the Vrana inhabitants in the Middle Ages. This

will be best done by using the little known Vrana Code which

provides us with valuable details about the social lives of our ance-stors, about their mutual relations,

and the obligations they had. The Vrana Code represents a

collection of custo-mary law of the

wider Vra-na area, however

also of the

Croatian Middle Ages. It came into being upon the return of Vrana and its surroun-ding area under Venetian rule, probably due to the danger of the loss of old customs. Given that some of these customs are contained within the provisions of the Code, we may speak of a certain type of self rule which Vrana had under Venetian rule. It originated in 1454, and consists of 38 Articles. Upon analysing the Code, it is evi-dent that even then, the cultivation of land, Captain Jusuf Mašković, illustration

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nja, uz vinogradarstvo i maslinarstvo, bila glavna gospodarska djelatnost. Uz navedene djelatnosti razvijena je bila i trgovina, te se trgovalo poljoprivrednim proizvodima, vinom i stokom. Postojao je i organizirani prijevoz između Zadra i Vrane. Iz odredbi Vranskog zakonika vidljivo je i da na području Vrane u 15. stoljeću postoji više slojeva stanovništva. To su vlasnici zemlje, seljaci i skuplja-či poreza. Uz njih, izdvojeni sloj čine i vojnici koji su bili smješteni u vranskoj utvrdi. Vrana je tada bila i sudsko-ad-ministrativno središte. U njoj se nalazio stalni sud, sastavljen od dvojice sudaca i podsuca, koji je bio podčinjen kaštela-nu (zapovjedniku utvrde). Istaknuta je i važnost svjedoka, jer se pravo na nekret-ninu i pokretnine trebalo dokazati s tri vjerodostojna svjedoka, dok se štetu na polju dokazivalo s jednim vjerodostojnim

svjedokom. I tada, kao i danas, život je bio vezan uz jezero te neki članci govore o obvezama seljaka vezanih uz jezero. Tako su seljaci trebali „dati put vodi“, odnosno održavati kanale za navod-njavanje. Također nisu imali pravo na slobodan lov i ribolov na jezeru, već su trebali svake godine tražiti dozvolu i za to platiti. Neke odredbe govore i o stanovitoj zaštiti koju su stanovnici Vrane pružali jedni drugima. Tako su svi stanovnici Vrane imali obvezu poći u potjeru za kradljivcem. Isto tako, i žene su uživale stanovitu zaštitu, te se nije smjelo potjerati udovicu sa zemlje ako je ispunjavala svoje obveze, a silovanje se kažnjavalo protjerivanjem iz Vrane.

Pripremanje hrane u srednjem vijeku

along with viticulture and olive growing, were the main economic activities. Along with the aforementioned activities, trade was also developed, and the agricultural products of wine and livestock were traded. There was also organised transport betwe-en Zadar and Vrana. From the provisions of the Vrana Code, it is evident that in the area of Vrana, in the 15th century, there were class distinctions in the population. These were landowners, serfs and tax collectors. Along with these, another separate class was comprised of soldiers who were located in the Vrana fortress. At this time, Vrana was a judicial-administrative centre. It had a permanent court, comprised of two judges and judicial officers, who answered to the commander of the fortress. The importance of witnesses was also emphasised, because rights to real estate property and movables had to be proven by three witnesses, whi-

le damage in a field was proven by one reliable witness. Then, as today, life was connected to the lake, and some Articles speak about the obligations of serfs regar-ding the lake. So that the serfs had to “give water a path”, that is, maintain the canals for irrigation. Furthermore, they did not enjoy the right to free hunting and fishing on the lake, rather they had to request a license for this and pay for it. Some provisi-ons also speak of a type of protection which the inhabitants of Vrana provided for each other. So, for example, all the inhabitants of Vrana were obliged to give chase to a thief. Similarly, women too enjoyed a specific protection, and a widow could not be forced off the land if she fulfilled her obligations, and rape was punished by forced exile from Vrana.

Preparing food in the Middle Ages

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Ovo su neki od članaka Vranskog zakonika:

II.Nadalje, da za sve kuće ili vrtove koje načine spomenuti kmetovi, kad sami odu iz

Vrane i okolnih sela, a u njih se dosele drugi kmetovi, treba uposliti tri procjenitelja koji će spomenute kuće i vrtove procijeniti, pa onaj tko se doseli na parcelu mora

onome tko bude odlazio isplatiti svotu koju procjenitelji odrede ili o kojoj se dvojica od njih slože.

VIII.Nadalje, da su općinski kmetovi dužni raditi 12 dana godišnje za činovnike koji ubiru


XI.Nadalje, da se onaj tko bude htio loviti ribu u Jezeru mora dogovoriti s poreznikom u Vrani, a u protivnom ne smije loviti ribu bez poreznikova dopuštenja kako je običaj, pri čemu se podrazumijeva da se riba ne smije loviti cijelu godinu bez dopuštenja ili

ako nema dogovora s poreznikom.

XXI.Nadalje, ako je tko posjedovao zemljište ili što drugo, a prošlo je trideset godina

otkako to dobro posjeduje, nitko mu to ne može osporavati niti mu ometati posjed.

XXIII.Nadalje, da je svatko dužan čistiti odvode u poljima i omogućiti da voda protječe tako da se ne potopi žito te da su to jednako dužni činiti vlastelini kao i ostali, pod prijet-njom kazne od dvije lire po osobi u korist Svetoga Marka, to jest stanovnici mjesta dužni su održavati zemljišta koja pripadaju mjestu, a kmetovi zemljišta u svojemu

kraju na svaki zahtjev vlasnika zemljišta.

XXX.Nadalje, da su svi kmetovi u Vrani i njezinu okrugu dužni čistiti opkop oko vranskoga

dvorca, podjednako iznutra kao izvana, kao što su činili u prošlosti.

XXXVIII.Nadalje, da je svatko tko dođe na sajam svetoga Grgura, a ne bude iz Vrane i njezine okolice i okružja, dužan i mora platiti za sve što bude prodao ili kupio 1 novčić po liri

prometa, a pritom se podrazumijeva da se spomenuti sajam održava osam dana prije i osam dana poslije blagdana svetoga Grgura.

Tako nalažemo i propisujemo na zadovoljstvo i dobrobit svih ljudi i stanovnika mje-sta Vrana i njegova okruga da se gore navedene Odredbe moraju bespogovorno

poštivati po cijenu gore navedenih kazni i globa kakve su uvriježene i u skladu s obi-čajima, a iste će odredbe i običajna pravila vrijediti i trajati po nahođenju i volji nas i naših nasljednika, koji će ove Odredbe i povlastice smjeti i moći objavljivati i tumačiti te preinačivati i ispravljati te ovim Odredbama i povlasticama dodavati ili oduzimati po nahođenju i volji samih naših nasljednika, prema tome kako se njima bude činilo

da je uputnije.Dopustili smo i naložili da se ovaj zapis sastavi kao ovjera i svjedočanstvo

o navedenome.Nadnevak: Doneseno u Zadru, prvoga dana mjeseca travnja, druge indikcije, godine

1454. od Utjelovljenja Našega Gospodina.

The following are some of the Articles of the Vrana Code:

II.Furthermore, that for all houses and gardens made by the mentioned serfs, when they

leave Vrana and the surrounding villages, and other serfs inhabit these, three appraisers should be hired who will valuate the mentioned houses and gardens, so he who settles

on this land plot must given him who has left the amount the appraiser determines or the amount the two of them agree upon.

VIII.Furthermore, that municipal serfs shall be obliged to work 12 days annually for the clerks

who collect taxes.

XI.Furthermore, that he who would fish in the Lake must come to an agreement with the

tax collector in Vrana, on the contrary he may not fish without the permission of the tax collector as is customary, whereupon it is understood that fish may not be fished throu-ghout the entire year without permission or without an agreement with a tax collector.

XXI.Furthermore, if anyone shall have possession of land or anything else, and thirty years

have passed since he gained possession of the asset, no one may dispute or hinder posse-ssion thereof.

XXIII.Furthermore, that everyone shall be obliged to clean the drains in the fields and enable the flow of water so that it does not flood the wheat, and that lords as well as others are equ-ally obliged to do this, under the threat of a fine of two lira per person in favour of Saint

Mark, that is, the inhabitants of a locality are obliged to maintain the land pertaining to the locality, while serfs on the land in their area upon the request of the land owner.

XXX.Furthermore, that all the serfs in Vrana and its surrounding area are obliged to clean the moat around the Vrana castle, equally inside as outside, as they have done in the past.

XXXVIII.Furthermore, that anyone who comes to the fair of Saint Gregory, and is not from Vrana or its surrounding area, shall be obliged and must pay for everything he sells or buys, 1 coin per lira of trade, and in doing so it understood that the mentioned fair is held eight

days before and eight days after the feast day of Saint Gregory.

Hence forth we order and stipulate for the satisfaction and welfare of all people and inha-bitants of the locality of Vrana and its surrounding area that the above listed Provisions must be obediently abided by at the expense of the above listed penalties and fines as are usual and in accordance with traditions, while the same provisions and customary rules shall be valid and endure according to the discretion and will of ourselves and our heirs,

who shall be able to conduct and interpret these Provision, alter and correct them, and add or deduct from these Provisions and privileges according to their discretion and will of

our heirs, according to what they shall deem fit. We have permitted and ordered for this notation to be drafted as an attestation and witne-

ss thereof. Date: Brought to Zadar, on the first day of the month of April, second indiction, in the year

of Our Lord 1454.I, Lorenzo Loredan, Knight of Zadar, affixed my signature thereto.

I, Benedetto de Mula, captain, affixed my signature thereto. While I, Antonio Campolongo of the deceased Master Albert of Padua, notary public by Imperial authorisation and chancellor of the above mentioned Master Knight of Zadar,

noted and entered the above listed provisions and above listed privileges.[...]

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… tome poklanjam, ustupam i potvrđujem apostolskoj stolici samostan Sv. Grgura, koji se zove Vrana, s cijelom njegovom riznicom, naime sa srebrnom škrinjicom u kojoj se nalaze ostaci svetog tijela spomenutog blaženog Grgura, s dva križa, s kaležom i pliticom, s dvije zlatne krune urešene draguljima, s knjigom evanđelja u srebru kao i sa svim njegovim pokretnim i nepokretnim dobrima, da bi zauvijek legatima Sv. Petra služili kao gostinjac i bio trajno u njihovoj vlasti, uz ovaj samo uvjet, da se ne predade nijednoj drugoj vlasti, nego da za sva vremena bude vlasništvo Sv. Petra. Ja i moji nasljednici branit ćemo njegovu sloboštinu i sigurnost za svakoga čovjeka…“

“... Thus I give as a gift, cede and confirm to the Apostolic See, the monastery of St. Gregory, which is called Vrana, with all its treasury, namely with the silver chest holding within it the remnants of the holy body of the mentioned blessed Gregory, with two crucifixes, with a chalice and plate, with two golden crowns adorned with jewels, with the book of the Gospel in silver, as well as all its moveable and immovable assets, to forever serve as a guest house for legates of St. Peter and be permanently under their authority, with only this condition, that it is never submitted to another rule, rather that it remains the property of St. Peter for all time. My descendants and I shall defend its freedom and security for all men...”

Darovnica kralja Zvonimira King Zvonimir’s bestowment

Nakladnik Publisher: TZO Turistic board Pakoštane Piše Text by: prof. Šime Labar, Fotografije i dizajn Photo & design by: Jakov Đinđić
