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VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC...

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Business VRF Series The most advanced commercial air conditioning system
Page 1: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched


VRF Series

The most advanced commercial air conditioning system

Page 2: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched
CALOR SRL - Str. Progresului nr. 30-40, sect. 5, Bucuresti tel: 021.411.44.44, fax: 021.411.36.14 www.calorserv.ro - [email protected] - www.calor.ro
Page 3: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched


The most advanced commercial air conditioning solution

By the 1980s Toshiba had a broad

product off ering. Toshiba was the fi rst

to introduce the inverter driven unit in

1981 and the twin-rotary compressor

in 1988.

Toshiba entered the VRF market in

1993 with the advanced two-pipe

Super Multi system, and after a very

fast upgrading, in 2004 launched the

new Super Modular Multi system,

optimised for use with energy-

effi cient, non-ozone-depleting R410A

refrigerant, followed by the Super

Heat Recovery Multi, the 3 pipe

modular system.

In 2006 Toshiba completed the current

VRF range with the addition of the

new compact MiNi-SMMS system, this

is a fl exible system that bridges the

capacity gap between VRF and Multi

systems – ideal for commercial and

private applications.

For the last 47 years Toshiba’s

ambitious objective has been to

design and manufacture the most

state-of-the-art air conditioning,

with innovative technologies in all

areas. From superior performance to

reduced power consumption, from air

treatment to expert assistance.

VRF technology off ers the best

solution for large commercial and

industrial buildings: including hotels,

hospitals, leisure and shopping

centres. The dual inverter compressor

guarantees high effi ciency levels,

operating fl exibility and reduced

maintenance requirements. The wide

range of indoor units makes VRF

system the most fl exible choice to

satisfy any kind of requirement.

As a world-wide leader in electronics

Toshiba not only develops new

technologies but provides products

and systems that improve health and


Our objective is to serve the needs of

all, our customers, shareholders and

employees, by implementing forward-

looking corporate strategies in a

responsible and responsive manner.

As good corporate citizens, we seek

to further the goals of society. By

developing innovative technologies

focused on electronics and energy, we

strive to create products and services

that enhance human life and lead to a

thriving, healthy society. We constantly

seek new ways to help realise the goals

of the world’s community, including

global environmental challenges.

Page 4: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched


Toshiba: VRF delivers maximum power and energy savings

With the new generation of Variable

Refrigerant Flow units, MiNi-SMMS,

SMMS cooling only and heat pump

and SHRM heat recovery ranges,

Toshiba sets new technological

standards, incorporating DC twin-

rotary compressors in all outdoor

units, compatible with the high-

density refrigerant R-410A. Thanks

to the use of these dual-compressor

systems, the system operation load

is distributed more evenly, with a

special controller regulating the

operating sequence of outdoor units

and individual compressors. This

innovative technology also allows

optimisation and balancing of the

operating time for each component,

considerably enhancing the reliability

of the complete system. When the

system is in operation, the latest

Toshiba control systems select the

heat exchanger and compressor to

supply the required capacity in the

most effi cient way. This operating

method continuously optimises

the power input compared with a

traditional on/off system and can

reduce it by up to 30%.

DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units

Vector controlled inverter


Fan motor

All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor

(switched to “all inverters” type)

R410A VRF outdoor units

Page 5: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched






Only quality, pure and simple

Toshiba has been studying, designing

and creating innovative air conditioning

systems for 30 years and as a result

has always off ered the highest

performance in the market. Quality

and technology have always been

Toshiba’s strength and will remain the

trademark that will diff erentiate

Toshiba air conditioners from the

competition. This is the philosophy

behind every Toshiba product.

With the use of the special inverter

controlled compressors, the new

MiNi-SMMS, SMMS and SHRM ranges

off er a signifi cant reduction in

mechanical and electrical stress. This

is due to the more gradual start-up

compared with traditional on/off

compressors, increasing the durability

and reliability of the components.

SMMS and SHRM models also feature

the active Oil Management System

that constantly checks the oil level in

each compressor and automatically

transfers oil from another outdoor

unit, if an oil shortage is detected in

any compressor.

Energy savings according to Toshiba

The advanced electronic technology in

these systems permits capacity control

that results in signifi cant energy

savings. This objective is achieved

thanks to the use of sophisticated

inverter control and modulating

control valves in each indoor unit.

These permit linear variation of the

refrigerant fl ow in any circuit, directly

proportional to the thermal load,

resulting in further energy savings. In

fact the power input of the outdoor

unit is dramatically reduced with the

heat load reduction in the areas served.

Another factor of energy savings and

management cost savings is that the

systems are sized for the maximum

load, and usually operate at part load.

Compactness and beyond

In 2006, Toshiba complemented the

VRF range with the addition of the

new compact MiNi-SMMS system.

This new range has been designed to

guarantee the most fl exible solutions

for both commercial and private


VRF off ers important features:

performance, low noise levels,

sophisticated and precise control

systems, energy savings and respect

for the environment. In fact, Toshiba’s

commitment to the research and the

development of new technologies

grants always the maximum care of

the environment: all the VRF systems

are designed to operate with non-

ozone-depleting refrigerant (R-410A)

and the sophisticated dual inverter


Page 6: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched

Precision is our top priority

Sophisticated inverter control permits

matching the actual refrigerant fl ow

to the capacity required by the

application for each indoor unit.

This results in optimised effi ciency of

the refrigerant cycle and increased

precision in maintaining the required

temperature, improving comfort for

the occupants.

The required capacity and the related

technical parameters for each indoor

unit are electronically transmitted to

the outdoor unit in order to optimise

the zone load calculation and to

control the actual refrigerant fl ow to

each indoor unit, using the special

Pulsed Modulating Valves (PMV).

Unlimited flexibility

Optimised product choice

The ultimate inverter system

Minimised consumption

Page 7: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched

Compressor development and ecology

This consists of one inverter-driven

compressor and one fi xed-speed

compressor. Each scroll compressor

comprises a fi xed scroll (spiral) and

an oscillating scroll. The oscillating

scroll fi ts within the fi xed scroll.

Refrigerant is drawn from the outside

of the meshing spirals and squeezed

towards the centre of the scrolls,

thereby pressurising the refrigerant.

To minimise leakage, the contact force

required between the two scrolls is

considerable and the scroll surfaces

must be lubricated. At low compressor

speeds lubrication effi ciency is

reduced, resulting in increased

compressor wear.

This consists of two inverter-driven

twin-rotary compressors. A twin-rotary

compressor has two fi xed compression

chambers. An off -centre roller

orbits each chamber to squeeze the

refrigerant. The two rollers are both

mounted on the same shaft, but are

off set to provide counter balance to

each other. The contact force required

between the roller and chamber wall

is lowered. This means that smaller

bearings can be used and lubrication

demand is reduced, saving weight and

making this type of compressor more

suited to lowspeed operation.

Dual DC twin-rotary


Oil Flow of oil









Leading Technologies

Benefi ts of using R410A refrigerant

zero ozone-depleting potential• signifi cant increase in energy • effi ciency

reduced pressure loss• for improved performance•

Comparison of refrigerant

boiling points (liquid and gas)

Blend of two

types with similar

boiling points

Blend of three

types with diff erent

boiling points




unlikely R410A








–60 Approximately same

boiling point

High boiling point

–51,8 –48,5 –26,18

R32 R125 R134a

ISO 14001: environmental care from manufacturing

Conventional 2-in-1 scroll

Incorporating the energy-effi cient,

non-ozone-depleting R410A

refrigerant in air conditioning systems

delivers multiple benefi ts:

SMMS-SHRM Dual DC Twin-Rotary

MiNi-SMMS DC Twin Rotary

Compressor 2-in-1 scroll DC twin-rotary Benefi t

Effi ciency Standard 20% improved Greater energy savings

Weight (comparative, %) 92 kg × 1 (100%) 25,2 kg × 2 (55%)Lighter and more compact

Volume (comparative, %) 50 l (100%) 15 l (30%)

Lubrication requirement (100%) (2,5%) = 1/40 Higher reliability

Area Sites Date Certifi ed Certifying body

Japan Toshiba Carrier Fuji site Obtained April 1997 (ISO 14001) JACO (Japan Audit and Certifi cation Organization for Environment and Quality)

Thailand Toshiba Carrier Thailand Obtained May 1998 (ISO 14001) AJA (Anglo Japanese American)

Page 8: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched


Toshiba – focussed on energy conservation

Toshiba has made a signifi cant

investment into researching and

developing technologies that focus on

protecting the environment and saving

energy. The inverter control used for

Toshiba’s VRF range incorporates more,

smaller steps to deliver only the required

power and achieve the temperature

desired by the occupant much faster.

The increase in control steps ensures a

more precise and stable temperature

and eliminates power surges common

in standard, non-inverter systems. This

increases energy effi ciency, compressor

life and user comfort.Toshiba aims to:

Reduce CO• 2 emissions and prevent global warming.

Recycle and reduce waste emissions.• Ensure 90% of the components • used in the R410A VRF are recyclable.

Design only products optimised for • HFC refrigerants.

Reduce power consumption with • each product feature.

Use lead-free solder.•

Compact and modular in design.

The extremely compact design of

the new MiNi-SMMS guarantees a

signifi cant volume reduction for the

outdoor unit and enables installation

on balconies and patios to be fast and


The SMMS and SHRM outdoor units

have the same modular design and

dimensions, even with diff erent


This is of particular benefi t when an

application requires a combination of

the two systems, the result is a smart

and consistent appearance on site. The

units can also fi t into a standard lift

making installation quick and easy.

Page 9: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched

Conventional system

Reliability and savings

With dual-rotation, the load on the

compressors is distributed more evenly.

The operating sequence of the SMMS

and SHRM outdoor units and the

individual compressors within them is

rotated to spread the operating hours

more evenly. As the compressors are

all inverter driven, power surges are

eliminated. Over or under-utilisation of

power, typical for non-inverter

compressors, is eliminated, and there is

no on/off power surge as the systems

adjusts to the demand required by the

occupant. The use of inverter

compressors with the MiNi-SMMS also

reduces the risk of compressor failure,

more common in standard non-

inverter systems.

During operation the SMMS and SHRM

systems select which outdoor unit and

which compressor are to operate to

deliver the required power.

Inverter systems save energy as

continuous operation off ers the same

capacity with lower power consumption.

This benefi ts all occupants by

maintaining even room temperatures,

as well as the environment by

reducing energy consumption.


Base Extension a Extension b


























Operate Stop

On On Off Off

Fixed speed




1 2 3 4

Fixed speed


Fixed speed


Effi ciency declines with one outdoor

unit (heat exchanger)

System with controlled

Safety & Savings

Operate Operate

On On On Off

1 2 3 4 He






Using many outdoor units (heat exchangers) is

more effi cient









Page 10: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched


Smooth control

By using all inverter-driven

compressors, Toshiba is able to

signifi cantly reduce the electrical and

mechanical stresses that are placed on

fi xed-speed compressors during start-

up. Current absorption on an inverter-

driven compressor is smoothed out at

start-up thus reducing the wear on the

electrical and mechanical components

and increasing reliability.

Stable operation

The active oil management system

continually monitors the level of oil in

all compressors, should an oil shortage

be detected in any compressor, oil

is automatically transferred from a

compressor in another outdoor unit.

The two compressors in an individual

SMMS-SHRM outdoor unit are

connected by way of an oil balancing

pipe to ensure a uniform oil levels

within the two compressors.

Back-up function

In the unlikely event of one

compressor within an outdoor

unit failing, it is possible in most

circumstances to operate the second

compressor on its own simply by

setting a switch on the interface PCB.

In the case of a complete outdoor unit

failure, operation of the system may

continue by selecting another outdoor

unit to be the master unit. In multiple

outdoor unit systems any unit can be

selected to be the master.

Start-up using all inverter-driven compressor



Fixed-speed unit:

sudden start-up


gradual start-up

Start > Drive



Fixed-speed unit:

5-7 times drive current

No more than

inverter drive current

Start > Drive



Fixed-speed unit:

c. 3 times normal drive

Inverter: almost same

as during normal drive

Start > Drive


oil surface



Fixed-speed unit





Little lowering

of oil surface

Temporary fall

in oil surface due

to sudden outfl ow

of refrigerant and oil

Page 11: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched


Silence is golden

As a result of detailed improvements

such as the fan drive circuit, fan

blade design and construction of

the outlet duct our design teams

have successfully reduced outdoor

unit noise levels. These studies have

eliminated the peak noise levels at

start up, normally associated with

fi xed-speed systems, by using soft

start controls. An optional night

operation/sound deadening control

circuit board is available for reducing

noise levels overnight by limiting the

system’s maximum operation. This

has resulted in operating noise levels

below 50 dB(A). The exclusive use

of inverter-driven compressors also

signifi cantly contributes to reduce

noise emissions.

Accurate refrigerant fl ow

Refrigerant fl ow is adapted rapidly

to match the capacity required,

irrespective of each indoor unit

type, position or length of piping.

This results in optimum effi ciency

in the refrigerant cycle and precise

temperature control creating

improved comfort for the occupant.

The characteristic values of each

indoor unit are input into the outdoor

unit, and optimum refrigerant

control is achieved through continual

monitoring and adjustment. By

measurement of refrigerant conditions

within each indoor unit, the load

requirement is calculated and the fl ow

of refrigerant to each indoor unit is

regulated. The operating capacity of

the outdoor units is matched to meet

the overall system requirement.

Enlarged fan blade

for smother air fl owNew propeller

fan design

with large

diameter for

better air fl ow

New heat transfer pipe design

– for greater energy effi ciencyHigh-effi ciency

DC fan motor

Page 12: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched

Wide range of applications

The MiNi-SMMS heat pump is available

in three models, 4, 5 and 6 HP, delivering

cooling capacities from 12.1 kW to 15.5

kW and heating capacities from 12.5 to

18 kW. One outdoor unit can operate

up to nine indoor units.

The SMMS heat pump can incorporate

28 outdoor unit models with 22 cooling

capacities from 14 kW to 135 kW and

heating capacities from 16 kW to 150

kW, enhancing application fl exibility.

Whilst the SHRM, heat recovery system

off ers a range of 10 outdoor models

with capacities from 22.4 kW to 84 kW

cooling and 25 kW to 95 kW heating. A

very fl exible and energy effi cient option.

There are 13 diff erent indoor unit

models available in 81 sizes ensuring

system fl exibility.

The following confi gurations hold for all VRF range: MiNi-SMMS, SMMS and SHRM

Line branching after header branching - Unique system

Header branching after header branching - Unique system

Header joint

Header branching after line branching

Line branching

Branching joint

Indoor unit

Complete fl exibility

The versatility of VRF Toshiba systems

means that virtually any imaginable

confi guration of the refrigerant y-type

branches and/or header piping can

be used in an application to give

the shortest, most cost-eff ective

piping installation. The piping can

be run in any direction to facilitate

refurbishment work. In addition, the

pipe runs have been extended to off er

total fl exibility.

Page 13: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched

VRF.The freedom of choice

Variable refrigerant fl ow off er the

advantages of direct expansion

linked to inverter control and the

most sophisticated electronics. This

technology has many advantages,

from the system design to the

installation and operation phase. The

wide range of indoor units makes

VRF the most fl exible choice to

satisfy any requirement. The 3 VRF

ranges can meet any kind of need:

SMMS (Super Modular Multi System)

provides cooling or heating, SHRM

(Super Heat Recovery Multi) provides

simultaneous heating and cooling and

MiNi-SMMS, the new compact system

provides cooling or heating to smaller

commercial or private premises.

Typical applications and advantages

VRF systems off er safety, reliability,

comfort, fl exibility, ease of installation,

durability and energy savings. More and

more commercial centres, shopping

centres, offi ce towers, hospitals and

hotels, all typically requiring the benefi t

of energy savings, have selected this

type of system.

Now, these systems also play an

important role in prestigious residential

installations, where more than one

room needs to be air-conditioned. In

addition, direct-expansion indoor

units off er many benefi ts: easy and

low-cost installation and precise

performance. The range also includes

a complete series of heat exchanger

ventilation units to supply fresh air for

the rooms in a building.

Page 14: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched


Offi ces.

Retail.With the addition of the MiNi SMMS

to the VRF portfolio the fl exibility

of the Toshiba VRF range ensures

the ideal solution for a multitude

of commercial buildings. For larger

buildings the SHRM and SMMS

are ideal, and for smaller premises

the MiNi-SMMS. There is a system

solution for all commercial buildings,

whether large or small, including

restaurants, high-street shops, luxury

apartments, supermarkets right

through to hotels and hospitals.

The air-conditioned area can be

divided into small or larger individual

zones and here too the large choice

of indoor units, including cassettes,

ducted, fl oor-mounted and many

other unit types always guarantees

the perfect solution.

The system is very effi cient and

unobtrusive, making VRF an

excellent investment!

In this type of application up to

48 indoor units can be installed in

a single refrigerant circuit, and it

is possible to reduce the capacity

of one or more indoor units down

to the minimum operating limit.

This results in considerable energy

savings and ensures a faster payback

of the investment and optimised


This system also off ers the ideal

solution for dual-aspect buildings

that require simultaneous heating

and cooling, leading to further

energy savings and making the

systems a reliable choice for many

prestigious applications.

Shopping centres.VRF systems off er maximum

fl exibility. They can be used for even

the smallest commercial rooms. The

main features include providing

the required cooling or heating

capacity and comfort levels, ease

of installation, maximum energy

effi ciency and reliability.

Page 15: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched
Page 16: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched

Non-ozone depleting R410A refrigerant

Excellent efficiency (EER and COP)

Compact dimensions

SMMS range:unbeatable performance

SHRM range:heating and cooling

The Toshiba SHRM VRF system introduces

important innovations with the possibility to

provide simultaneous heating and cooling

to diff erent zones or rooms.

They satisfy the most demanding needs and

off er superior performances with COPs of

3.97 (8 HP), 3.61 (10 HP) and 3.68 (12 HP).

The compact fl ow selector enables the

system to heat and cool simultaneously and

can be used in restricted spaces. The cooling

capacity range is from 22.4 to 84 kW and the

heating capacity range from 25 to 95 kW.

Up to 48 indoor units can be connected to a

single system.

With innovative, sophisticated Toshiba

technology the SMMS system ensures

extraordinary fl exibility in any application.

The most advanced heat pump system on

the market off ers a COP of 4.25 in its 22.4

kW size. Units are available with capacities

from 14 to 135 kW in cooilng and from 16

to 150 kW in heating, and their exceptional

effi ciency permits a reduction of up to 50%

in annual energy consumption.

Page 17: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched



Dual DC twin-rotary compressors

Protection devices

Discharge and suction temperature • sensors

Internal overload relay• Compressor over current relay• Over-current sensor• High-pressure switch• Low-pressure sensors•

SMMSVRF Outdoor unit

Key features

High COP: (4.25 with 22.4 kW size)

for reduced energy consumption and

increased savings.

Best in class in partial load and precise

control based on dual inverter

compressors in each unit.

Pipe runs up to 300 m: greater

application fl exibility.

Advanced compressor Oil

Management System: it guarantees

improved reliability.

Latest Inverter Technology with the

Intelligent Power Drive Unit (IPDU).

TCC Link: state-of-the-art

communication bus system with

automatically confi gured addressing.


The 2-pipe VRF Super Modular Multi

System (SMMS) operates with R-410A

refrigerant and incorporates the latest

inverter technology in all outdoor unit

models. In addition, the SMMS

incorporates twin-inverter compressors

in every outdoor unit. The capacities

range from 14 to 135 kW in cooling

mode and 16 to 150 kW in heating

mode with the capability to serve up

to 48 indoor units.

Page 18: VRF Series - calor...DC Twin-rotary compressor in all outdoor units Vector controlled inverter DC Fan motor All combination outdoor units fi tted with DC twin rotary compressor (switched

Model name Cooling capacity Heating capacity Outdoor units in combinationMax. number of indoor


MMY-MAP0501HT8-E 5 HP 14 kW 16 kW 1 8

MMY-MAP0601HT8-E 6 HP 16 kW 18 kW 1 10

MMY-MAP0801HT8 8 HP 22.4 kW 25 kW 1 13

MMY-MAP1001HT8-E 10 HP 28 kW 31.5 kW 1 16

MMY-MAP1201HT8-E 12 HP 33.5 kW 37.5 kW 1 20

MMY-AP1401HT8-E 14 HP 38.4 kW 43 kW 2 (22.4 kW + 16 kW) 23

MMY-AP1601HT8-E 16 HP 45 kW 50 kW 2 (22.4 kW + 22.4 kW) 27

MMY-AP1801HT8-E 18 HP 50.4 kW 56.5 kW 2 (28 kW + 22.4 kW) 30

MMY-AP2001HT8-E 20 HP 56 kW 63 kW 2 (28 kW + 28 kW) 33

MMY-AP2201HT8-E 22 HP 61.5 kW 69 kW 3 (22.4 kW + 22.4 kW + 16 kW) 37

MMY-AP2211HT8-E 22 HP 61.5 kW 69 kW 2 (33.5 kW + 28 kW) 37

MMY-AP2401HT8-E 24 HP 68 kW 76.5 kW 3 (22.4 kW + 22.4 kW + 22.4 kW) 40

MMY-AP2411HT8-E 24 HP 68 kW 76.5 kW 2 (33.5 kW + 33.5 kW) 40

MMY-AP2601HT8-E 26 HP 73 kW 81.5 kW 3 (28 kW + 22.4 kW + 22.4 kW) 43

MMY-AP2801HT8-E 28 HP 78.5 kW 88 kW 3 (28 kW + 28 kW + 22.4 kW) 47

MMY-AP3001HT8-E 30 HP 84 kW 95 kW 3 (28 kW + 28 kW + 28 kW) 48

MMY-AP3201HT8-E 32 HP 90 kW 100 kW 4 (22.4 kW + 22.4 kW + 22.4 kW + 22.4 kW) 48

MMY-AP3211HT8-E 32 HP 90 kW 100 kW 3 (33.5 kW + 28 kW + 28 kW) 48

MMY-AP3401HT8-E 34 HP 96 kW 108 kW 4 (28 kW + 22.4 kW + 22.4 kW + 22.4 kW) 48

MMY-AP3411HT8-E 34 HP 96 kW 108 kW 3 (33.5 kW + 33.5 kW + 28 kW) 48

MMY-AP3601HT8-E 36 HP 101 kW 113 kW 4 (28 kW + 28 kW + 22.4 kW + 22.4 kW) 48

MMY-AP3611HT8-E 36 HP 101 kW 113 kW 3 (33.5 kW + 33.5 kW + 33.5 kW) 48

MMY-AP3801HT8-E 38 HP 106.5 kW 119.5 kW 4 (28 kW + 28 kW + 28 kW + 22.4 kW) 48

MMY-AP4001HT8-E 40 HP 112 kW 126.5 kW 4 (28 kW + 28 kW + 28 kW + 28 kW) 48

MMY-AP4201HT8-E 42 HP 118 kW 132 kW 4 (33.5 kW + 28 kW + 28 kW + 28 kW) 48

MMY-AP4401HT8-E 44 HP 123.5 kW 138 kW 4 (33.5 kW + 33.5 kW + 28 kW + 28 kW) 48

MMY-AP4601HT8-E 46 HP 130 kW 145 kW 4 (33.5 kW + 33.5 kW + 33.5 kW + 28 kW) 48

MMY-AP4801HT8-E 48 HP 135 kW 150 kW 4 (33.5 kW + 33.5 kW + 33.5 kW + 33.5 kW) 48

Technical specifi cations heat pump

Technical specifi cations outdoor units

Outdoor unit CO MAP0501T8-E MAP0601T8-E MAP0801T8-E MAP1001T8-E MAP1201T8-E

HP MAP0501HT8-E MAP0601HT8-E MAP0801HT8-E MAP1001HT8-E MAP1201HT8-E

5 HP 6 HP 8 HP 10 HP 12 HP

Cooling capacity1 kW 14 16 22.4 28 33.5

Power input, cooling % 3.65 4.64 5.67 7.67 11.92

EER W/W 3.84 3.45 3.95 3.65 2.81

Energy effi ciency class, cooling A A A A C

Running current, cooling A 5.85 7.28 8.62 11.55 18.30

Heating capacity2 kW 16 18 25 31.5 37.5

Power input, heating % 3.84 4.56 5.88 7.97 10.19

COP W/W 4.17 3.95 4.25 3.95 3.68

Energy effi ciency class, heating A A A A A

Running current, heating A 6.09 7.08 8.93 11.98 15.65

Peak demand current, heating3 A 20 20 30 30 30

Air fl ow m3/h – l/s 9000 – 2520 9000 – 2520 9900 – 2750 10500 – 2917 10500 – 2917

Sound pressure level dB(A) 55 56 57 58 59

Operating range – db, cooling °C –5 to 43 –5 to 43 –5 to 43 –5 to 43 –5 to 43

Operating range – wb4, heating °C –20 to 16 –20 to 16 –20 to 16 –20 to 16 –20 to 16

Dimensions (H x L x D) mm 1800 × 990 × 750 1800 × 990 × 750 1800 × 990 × 750 1800 × 990 × 750 1800 × 990 × 750

Weight kg 228 228 258 258 258

Compressor type Hermetic Hermetic Hermetic Hermetic Hermetic

Refrigerant charge R410A kg 8.5 8.5 11.8 11.8 11.8


Suction line type – diameter in Flare – 5/8 Brazed – 3/4 Brazed – 7/8 Brazed – 7/8 Brazed –1–1/8

Liquid line type – diameter in Flare – 3/8 Flare – 3/8 Flare – 1/2 Flare – 1/2 Flare – 1/2

Discharge line connection type – diameter in Flare – 3/8 Flare – 3/8 Flare – 3/8 Flare – 3/8 Flare – 3/8

Maximum equivalent length separation m 175 175 175 175 175

Maximum actual piping separation m 150 150 150 150 150

Maximum pipe length m 300 300 300 300 300

Maximum lift (Indoor unit above/below)5 m 40/50 40/50 40/50 40/50 40/50

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50 400-3-50 400-3-50 400-3-50 400-3-50

1 Based on an indoor air temperature of 27 °C db/19 °C wb and an outdoor air temperature of 35 °C db2 Based on an indoor air temperature of 20 °C db and an outdoor air temperature of 7 °C db/6 °C wb3 If outdoor units are combined, refer to the installation manual4 The unit can be operated even if outdoor temperature gets down to –20 °C, however note that the warranty covers only up to –15 °C because operation beyond that temperature is out of specifi cation. When outdoor air temperature falls to under –15 °C, it may cause shortening the product lifetime.5 If the height diff erence between indoor units exceeds 3 m and if the indoor unit is above, max. lift is reduced to 30 m
