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VTA'S BART SILICON VALLEY AD HOC COMMITTEE Monday, May 15, 2017 10:00 AM VTA Conference Room B-106 3331 North First Street San Jose, CA AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS: This portion of the agenda is reserved for persons desiring to address the Committee on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to 2 minutes. The law does not permit Committee action or extended discussion on any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Committee action is requested, the matter can be placed on a subsequent agenda. All statements that require a response will be referred to staff for reply in writing. CONSENT AGENDA 3. ACTION ITEM- Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2017. REGULAR AGENDA 4. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive an update on VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Tunneling Comparative Analysis. (Verbal Report) (Gonot) 5. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive an update on Diridon Facilities Master Plan Update/Overall Diridon Effort. (Verbal Report) (Hedayat) 6. INFORMATION ITEM -Receive a report on VTA's BART Berryessa and Milpitas Garage Parking Program.
Page 1: VTA'S BART SILICON VALLEY AD HOC COMMITTEEvtaorgcontent.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/Site_Content/... · 2017-05-12 · VTA’S BART SILICON VALLEY AD HOC COMMITTEE Monday, March 13,


Monday, May 15, 2017

10:00 AM

VTA Conference Room B-106

3331 North First Street

San Jose, CA





This portion of the agenda is reserved for persons desiring to address the Committee on

any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to 2 minutes. The law does not

permit Committee action or extended discussion on any item not on the agenda except

under special circumstances. If Committee action is requested, the matter can be placed

on a subsequent agenda. All statements that require a response will be referred to staff

for reply in writing.


3. ACTION ITEM- Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2017.


4. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive an update on VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II

Tunneling Comparative Analysis. (Verbal Report) (Gonot)

5. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive an update on Diridon Facilities Master Plan

Update/Overall Diridon Effort. (Verbal Report) (Hedayat)

6. INFORMATION ITEM -Receive a report on VTA's BART Berryessa and Milpitas

Garage Parking Program.

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Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

VTA's BART Silicon Valley Ad Hoc Committee May 15, 2017

Page 2

7. INFORMATION ITEM -Receive the VTA BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension

(SVBX) Project and Silicon Valley Rapid Transit (SVRT) Program updates/key

activities. (Ratcliffe)

8. Open/Pending issues (Verbal Report)



In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title VI of the Civil Rights

Act of 1964, VTA will make reasonable arrangements to ensure meaningful access to its

meetings for persons who have disabilities and for persons with limited English proficiency who

need translation and interpretation services. Individuals requiring ADA accommodations should

notify the Board Secretary’s Office at least 48-hours prior to the meeting. Individuals requiring

language assistance should notify the Board Secretary’s Office at least 72-hours prior to the

meeting. The Board Secretary may be contacted at (408) 321-5680 or

[email protected] or (408) 321-2330 (TTY only). VTA’s home page is www.vta.org

or visit us on www.facebook.com/scvta. (408) 321-2300: 中文 / Español / 日本語 /

한국어 / tiếng Việt / Tagalog.

All reports for items on the open meeting agenda are available for review in the Board

Secretary’s Office, 3331 North First Street, San Jose, California, (408) 321-5680, 72 hours prior

to the meeting. This information is available on VTA’s website at http://www.vta.org and also at

the meeting.

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Monday, March 13, 2017


3331 North First Street ∙ San Jose, CA 95134-1927 ∙ Administration 408.321.5555 ∙ Customer Service 408.321.2300


The Regular Meeting of the VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Ad Hoc Committee was called

to order at 10:02 a.m. by Chairperson Pro Tem Chavez in Conference Room B-106, VTA’s

River Oaks Campus, 3331 North First Street, San Jose, California.


Attendee Name Title Status

Cindy Chavez Present

Lan Diep Absent

Teresa O’Neill Present

Raul Peralez Absent

Ken Yeager Present

A quorum was not present and a Committee of the Whole was declared.

2. Public Presentations

Roland Lebrun, Interested Citizen, expressed concern with the Caltrain funding gap created

by San Mateo County and the amount of funds VTA has contributed to Caltrain.

The Agenda was taken out of order.

5. VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Single Bore Technical Studies

Krishna Davey, SVRT Project Controls Manager, provided a brief overview of the report,

highlighting the following: 1) Overview; 2) Single bore tunnel alignment;

3) Tunnel typical sections; 4) Station configuration; 5) Station interior; 6) Tunnel and

station ventilation; 7) Ventilation analysis; 8) Ventilation summary; 9) Point of safety;

10) Emergency egress; 11) Cross-passages at transitions; 12) Deeper transit stations and

point of safety; and 13) examples of deeper transit stations in the United States.

Member O’Neill arrived at the meeting at 10:16 a.m. and took her seat. A quorum was


The Committee discussed the following: 1) capacity levels; 2) ingress and egress during

emergencies; 3) service at downtown San Jose Station and Diridon Station; 4) safety zones;

5) crossovers and cross passages; 6) forced air ventilation and emergency system; and

7) examples of cases where the emergency evacuation has been tested.

Chairperson Chavez requested the following: 1) present complex topics in written format

in the future; 2) provide slides to the Committee three days in advance; 3) present more


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VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Page 2 of 4 March 13, 2017

information on ventilation to the Committee; 4) plan a field trip for Board Members

interested in seeing ventilation areas; 5) invite safety experts to make a presentation on

safety; 6) research placement of stations and underground crossings; 7) use consistent

language and less acronyms to allow for better understanding; 8) use animation to show

and better explain what is being considered; and 9) present simulations and visuals to the


Public Comment

Mr. Lebrun expressed the need for having a full understanding of how tunnel ventilation

works. He commented on the 2016 fire on Barcelona Metro noting lessons learned.

Davide Vieira, Interested Citizen, questioned how the Citizens Advisory Committee will

weigh in on BART Phase II issues.

Carolyn Gonot, Interim Director, Planning and Program Development and Committee

Staff Liaison, indicated the Citizens Advisory Committee will receive presentations on the

project and the Ad Hoc Committee will receive information on the technical aspects.

On order of Chairperson Pro Tem Chavez and there being no objection, the Committee

received a presentation on VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Single Bore Technical


4. 2017 VTA's BART Silicon Valley Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Schedule

M/S/C (Yeager/O’Neill) to approve the 2017 VTA's BART Silicon Valley Ad Hoc

Committee Meeting Schedule.








Ken Yeager, Member

Theresa O’Neill, Member

Chavez, O’Neill, Yeager

None None

Carr None

3. Committee’s Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for 2017

Member Yeager nominated Member Chavez to serve as Chairperson and Member O’Neill

to serve as Vice Chairperson for 2017.

M/S/C (Yeager/O’Neill) to close nominations and appoint Member Chavez as the

Committee’s Chairperson for 2017.








Ken Yeager, Member

Chavez, Member

Chavez, O’Neill, Yeager

None None

Carr None


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VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Page 3 of 4 March 13, 2017

M/S/C (Yeager/Chavez) to close nominations and appoint Member O’Neill as the

Committee’s vice chairperson for 2017.








Ken Yeager, Member

Chavez, Chairperson

Chavez, O’Neill, Yeager

None None

Carr None

6. VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Tunneling Risk Assessment

Mr. Davey provided a brief overview of the independent risk assessment highlighting the

tunneling methodology.

On order of Chairperson Chavez and there being no objection, the Committee received

an update on VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Tunneling Risk Assessment.

7. Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement/Subsequent Environmental Impact


Leyla Hedayat, Project Manager, Transportation Planning, provided a brief overview of

the summary draft of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) and the

Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) public comments.

Public Comment

Mr. Lebrun noted his previous comments during the scoping period were ignored and noted

it was the reason why he did not provide comments on the SEIR.

On order of Chairperson Chavez and there being no objection, the Committee received

an update on VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Supplemental Environmental Impact

Statement/Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIS/SEIR).

8. VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension Project and VTA’s BART Silicon

Valley Extension Program

Dennis Ratcliffe, Interim Director, Engineering and Transportation Infrastructure

Development, gave a presentation, highlighting: 1) BART Silicon Valley (BSV) Phase I

update schedule; 2) Status of contracts; 3) Program cost summary; and 4) Construction


The Committee discussed the completion schedule and opening for revenue service.

Public Comment

Mr. Lebrun questioned why the signal engineers could not have handled Fremont to

Berryessa as one segment.


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VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Page 4 of 4 March 13, 2017

Mr. Ratcliffe responded different contractors, contract commitments, configurations and

the changing nature of the Warm Springs completion date did not allow for it to be one


On order of Chairperson Chavez and there being no objection, the Committee received

an update on VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension Project and VTA’s BART

Silicon Valley Extension Program.

9. Next Steps

Member Yeager expressed concern with the Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) for

BART Phase II and what effect that could have on the timeline considering what has

happened with Caltrain Electrification funding. Chairperson Chavez requested that the

discussion be agendized for the full Board.

Ms. Gonot indicated staff can add a discussion on the specific funding plan for Phase II at

the May Committee meeting and a discussion on overall federal funding for transit projects

can be had at the April Board of Directors meeting.

Chairperson Chavez requested staff report back to the Committee in writing about how this

will be approached.

On order of Chairperson Chavez and there being no objection, the Committee reviewed

the Next Steps.

10. Announcements

Ms. Gonot announced the Opening Celebration of the BART Warm Springs Extension on

March 24, 2017, and indicated the station will open for passenger service on

March 25, 2017.

11. Adjournment

On order of Chairperson Chavez and there being no objection, the meeting was

adjourned at 11:32 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Menominee L. McCarter, Board Assistant

VTA Office of the Board Secretary


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Date: May 10, 2017

Current Meeting: May 15, 2017

Board Meeting: N/A


TO: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

VTA's BART Silicon Valley Ad Hoc Committee

THROUGH: General Manager, Nuria I. Fernandez

FROM: Interim Director - Planning & Program Development, Carolyn M. Gonot

SUBJECT: VTA BART Berryessa and Milpitas Garage Parking Program



This memorandum provides additional information in advance of a presentation at the May 15,

2017 meeting of the BART Silicon Valley Ad Hoc Committee.

The two new BART stations that the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) is

constructing for the Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension will contain a total of 3,126 parking

spaces in a combination of a multi-story parking garage and adjacent surface parking at each

station. A state of the art Parking Access and Revenue Control System (PARCS) that

incorporates parking industry best practices has been installed to assist transit riders in finding

available parking spaces as well as to manage collection of parking fees.

Later this year VTA will hire an experienced parking garage operator to manage the PARCS

system. VTA will need to adopt a parking program that addresses how and when transit patrons

can use the parking structure, including the rates that will be charged for parking. This action has

to precede the opening of the garages for public use when BART revenue service commences.


VTA staff has been conducting research and evaluating options for a parking program based on

simplicity, efficiency, and ease of use for transit riders. The parking programs for BART, Metro

(Los Angeles), and King County Metro and Sound Transit (Seattle) have been reviewed. The

challenges these and other transit agencies face include: the trade-offs between keeping parking

rates low versus ensuring spaces are always available; how to meet the needs of various types of

parkers, such as occasional versus frequent users; and how to respond to continually evolving

changes in parking usage and parking demand.


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Page 2 of 3

These new BART garages and surface lots provide a variety of parking options and services,

including: spaces for carpools and van pools; spaces for electric and fuel efficient vehicles;

electric vehicle charging stations (operated by ChargePoint pursuant to its contract with VTA

with a fee while charging is occurring); and designated parking areas for motorcycles. Staff is

also currently working with corporate and public shuttle bus providers on a policy that provides

safe access by them to VTA controlled facilities, including designated shuttle bays at the new

BART stations. The PARCS system consists of hardware and software that offers a high degree

of flexibility that can be modified to support different parking designations for various areas

(e.g., short-term vs. all-day parking), as well as complex rate structures. A combination of sensors track parking usage in real time and are linked to signs that guide

parkers to available spaces. Dynamic signs will provide real-time information when driving into

the station on total available spaces, and signs at parking entry points will provide information on

available parking at each area and on each floor of the garages.

A combination of sensors track parking usage in real time and are linked to signs that guide

parkers to available spaces. Dynamic signs will provide real-time information when driving into

the station on total available spaces, and signs at parking entry points will provide information on

available parking at each area and on each floor of the garages.

There will be no entry gates at the entrance or exits to parking lots and garages, instead patrons

will be notified that payment needs to be made after parking and prior to entering the transit

station. For those who establish a preauthorized account, no further action will be required when

they park. All other patrons will have two options for paying for parking: those with smartphones

will be able to enter their license plate information and use a credit or debit card to pay for

parking (with a small convenience fee for use of the smartphone); or use of pay kiosks located on

the ground floor of the garages and near lot entrances to enter license plate information and make

payment using cash or credit or debit cards. VTA’s parking consultant expects that 50% or more

of all patrons will establish a preauthorized account.

Parking revenue collection will be enforced through use of a License Plate Reader (LPR) system.

The LPR system uses small cameras mounted on a vehicle that travels through the parking areas

recording the license plates of vehicles that are parked in the garage. This information is then

compared to a list of preauthorized parkers and those who have paid that day by smartphone or at

kiosks. If the system shows that someone has parked at the garage and not paid a parking citation

will be issued. The LPR vehicle operator will also be able to issue citations for other parking

violations (e.g., parking in an ADA space without the proper plate or placard). Parking citations

will be processed by Data Ticket, Inc., the ticket processor used by Santa Clara County and

VTA, and those receiving citations will have an opportunity to make an appeal.

Staff is currently completing a review of potential parking charges in advance of the Committee

meetings, and will present a fee structure for discussion at the meeting.

When BART revenue service begins it is expected that there will be a greater supply of parking

than there is demand. This expectation is due to the garages and lots being sized to accommodate

growth in transit ridership, and the tendency for it to take some time for customers to appreciate

the facilities and services that are available. While a substantial number of spaces is being

provided, it is expected that a minority of BART patrons at the new stations will drive, with the

majority arriving on foot, bike, other transit, or being dropped off. As a matter of policy, VTA


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Page 3 of 3

seeks to maximize station access by modes other than solo drivers in private automobiles. It may

take 12 to 24 or more months before the new parking areas approach full utilization.

An important consideration will be how to manage parking demand as the garages become full.

BART’s existing parking garages for the most part fill up very early in the morning, with limited

or no parking for those who arrive later than 7 am or 8 am, and lengthy waiting lists for those

who wish to obtain reserved monthly parking permits. VTA’s parking program should

continually evaluate parking usage and patterns and be prepared to consider adjustments in

parking designations, rates, and rules in order to rebalance parking demand and supply when

demand exceeds parking. Consideration of these options in advance can result in quicker action

than if new policies and practices begin development only after garages and lots are full. From a

market perspective, pricing is the most effective and efficient method to balance supply and

demand. Other methods to allocate limited parking can include letting parking be strictly first-

come, first-served; or using waiting lists.

The discussion at the Committee meeting will assist staff in formulating a proposed parking

program and rates that is anticipated to be presented at the September Board of Directors


Prepared By: Ron Golem

Memo No. 6122


Page 10: VTA'S BART SILICON VALLEY AD HOC COMMITTEEvtaorgcontent.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/Site_Content/... · 2017-05-12 · VTA’S BART SILICON VALLEY AD HOC COMMITTEE Monday, March 13,

Date: May 9, 2017

Current Meeting: May 15, 2017

Board Meeting: N/A


TO: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

VTA's BART Silicon Valley Ad Hoc Committee

THROUGH: General Manager, Nuria I. Fernandez

FROM: Interim Director - Engr & Transp Infra Dev, Dennis Ratcliffe

SUBJECT: VTA BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension (SVBX) Project and Silicon

Valley Rapid Transit (SVRT) Program Update



Staff will present updates/key activities on VTA's VTA BART Silicon Valley Berryessa

Extension (SVBX) Project and Silicon Valley Rapid Transit (SVRT) Program.

Prepared By: Rosemarrie Gonzalez

Memo No. 6125


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VTA’s BART Silicon Valley

May 15, 2017

Phase II Tunneling Comparative Analysis

Agenda Item #4

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• Independent risk assessment of tunneling alternatives, twin-bore and single-bore under consideration

• Assessment to evaluate risks (cost, schedule, performance) associated with tunneling alternatives

• Scope of work includes:

• Interviews with technical experts and stakeholders

• Qualitative & quantitative assessment

• Development of risk profiles and report

• Proposals received in early January, evaluated by a joint VTA/ BART review panel

• Contract awarded to Aldea Services LLC, Maryland

• Study anticipated to be completed in June 2017

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Data Collection


Activities Underway

• Review of key project documents

• Discussions with design teams, subject matter experts, and key stakeholders

• Fire, Life, Safety

• Safety & Security

• Operations & Maintenance

• Tunnels & Cross Passages

• Stations & Surface elements

• Cost & Schedule

• Review of technical data, schedule and cost data for two tunneling alternatives

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Current Activities & Next Steps


Current Activities

• Quantitative assessment of the two alternatives with the two design teams

• Discussions with peer agencies

• Discussions with tunnel boring machine manufacturers

• Discussions with tunneling contractors

• Risk Workshops with design teams, subject matter experts, and key stakeholders

Next Steps

• Development of risk register

• Complete qualitative assessments of each tunneling alternative

• Complete quantitative assessments of each tunneling alternative

• Establish risk profiles of each tunneling alternative

• Present risk profiles to VTA management, and VTA/BART project team

• Finalize assessment report

• Present assessment overview at the August 2017 VTA Board Workshop

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Sample Risk Identifier


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VTA’s BART Silicon Valley

May 15, 2017

Diridon Transportation Facilities Master Plan Update

Agenda Item #5

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Study Context

• Develop a functional and operational program for the Diridon Station

• Incorporates High-Speed Rail and BART Extension Plans

• Ensure that transportation investments are optimized through seamless intermodal connectivity

• Continue collaborative process with transit operators to build a functional facility that enhances and integrates with future development


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Project Goals

Transportation Performance

Passenger Experience

A Good Neighbor & Civic Gateway

A station that works

A plan that fits

Flexible, adaptable concepts

Convenient, comfortable energetic, inspiring

Compatible with existing neighborhoods and future development

Respect an historic setting

A new landmark

Photo of happy passengers, retail,



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Technical Stakeholder Guidance


• Transit operators (JPB, ACE, CCJPA, VTA, & BART) and city engaged on a monthly basis.

• Provided data, service plans, facility and operational needs, and technical criteria.

• Ensure that the facility design will function properly, and is integrated with current and future plans.

• Review, identify, and resolve conflicts among technical requirements.

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Primary Activities: Master Plan Study

Define Functional Needs

Develop Scenarios Evaluate the Scenarios

Functional Space Needs

Multi-Modal Connections

Access Requirements

Fit the required program elements to the site

Accommodate wide range of outcomes

Develop transparent,measureable criteria

Determine strengths and weaknesses


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Existing vs. Future Boardings and Alightings at Diridon Station


Existing (2016) Future (2040)

Daily Boardings 8,733 69,070

Daily Alightings 8,733 69,070

Daily Boardings and Alightings 17,466 138,140

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Future 2040 Transit Transfer Flows


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Multi-Modal Access Planning


• Multi-Modal Service Needs: transit ridership, service plans, mode of access and egress, intermodal transfers

• Access Study: auto, bicycle, pedestrian, drop off/pick up, transit buses, shuttles, special event circulation paths

• Parking Policy: joint development and station based vehicular uses (zipcars, future autonomous vehicles, public spaces, rental cars)

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Functional Space Program


• Identifies the functional space required for the station to operate in year 2040

• Program developed from data gathered through station design guidelines, site visits, transit operator interviews, and evaluation of similar facilities

• Program results in a total square footage required for the transportation facility

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Building Infrastructure



Plumbing & Fire


Passenger Services

Information Desk(s)

Lost & Found

Seated Waiting Areas


Station Management

Loading/ Trash

Maintenance & Cleaning


Terminal Administration

Transit Operations

Baggage Handling



Operator Support

Staffed Ticketing

Ticket Vending


Ticketing & Accounting






By Category


Car Share

Electric Car Charging Stations

Joint Development


Replacement Parking

Short-Term Parking

Transit Parking

Curbside Space

Bicycle Facilities

Bicycle Storage

Bike Station

Facilities Program Database


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Identification of Scenarios


• Scenario: a concept for placing transit uses on the site• Identified four scenarios that incorporate the variables below

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Evaluation of Scenarios


• Develop Screening Criteria

• Evaluate Transportation Facility and Access Scenarios

• Compare Scenarios – no single winner

• Refine Final Scenarios(s)

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Transportation Performance

Passenger Experience

GreatCivic Asset

“A Station That Works” “A Superior Passenger Experience”

“Community andContext”

Evaluation Criteria


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Overview Schedule


Phase 2: Alternatives Analysis

Diridon Technical Advisory Group

Final Report

Phase 1: Objectives & Criteria

Multi Modal Access

Scrng Criteria

Facility Programming

ID Alts

Develop Alternatives

Evaluate Alts

Jan Feb Mar Apr JulNov May Aug SepJunDec

Diridon Operators Management Group

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VTA’s BART Silicon Valley

May 15, 2017

Berryessa Extension Project Parking Program

Agenda Item #6

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1. System Overview

2. Parking Accounts

3. Potential Fees

4. Program Management



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Milpitas Station Parking Structure


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San Jose - Berryessa Station Parking Structure


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System Overview

SPACES MilpitasSan Jose -Berryessa

Surface Lot 435 355

Structure 1,182 1,154

Total 1,617 1,509


• Electric vehicle charging spaces

• Carpool/Vanpool spaces

• Fuel Efficient Vehicle spaces

• Motorcycle parking

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Parking Access and Revenue Collection System

• Parking Guidance System

• Ultrasonic sensors

• Master panel signs

• Garage level signs


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Parking Access and Revenue Collection System

• Gateless parking structure

– Can close as needed

• Multiple payment options

tied to vehicle license plate

• License Plate Reader

enforcement system


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Payment Options

• Prepaid parking account set up on parking website

• Smartphone, pay per use: $0.35 convenience fee

• Multiple pay kiosks: cash, credit or debit cards


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License Plate Recognition

• Vehicle mounted cameras

• License plate recognition

• Vehicle mounted entry screen, citation printer


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Potential Fee Program

• Program and fee proposal for September Board of Directors

• Daily fee: $3 per day, 7 days per week

• Monthly accounts: approximately 15% discount ($56/month)

• All parkers pay, including ADA, carpool, electric vehicles

– Designated motorcycle area is free

• Airport/Long-Term: reserved spaces at $7 per day


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Options for Parking Program Management

• Expect greater supply of spaces than demand first few years

• Prepare for when parking demand approaches supply

• Potential options:

– Use parking fee increases to balance supply and demand

– Variable parking pricing strategy

– Designate areas to ensure parking throughout the day

• Limited parking time, e.g. 2 or 4 hours

• Reserved areas with guaranteed spaces at a premium

• Thresholds to update parking fees, rules, configuration, etc.


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Next Steps

• Finalize Staff recommendation for parking program, fees

• Present to Committees, Board of Directors for adoption

• Solicit parking vendor to operate PARCS system

• Parking garages open when revenue service commences


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VTA’s BART Silicon Valley

May 15, 2017

Berryessa Extension Project and SVRT Program

Updates/Key Activities

Agenda Item #7

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Berryessa Extension Summary Schedule

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Critical Milestones/Activities

Install WSX Tail Track Train Control

Install SVBX Train Control / Dynamic Testing

Begin Pre-Revenue Testing

Ready for Revenue Service

Supporting Activities

Radio System

Traction Power

Train Control Static Testing

Stations Construction/Testing

Passenger Vehicles

FFGA Revenue Service Deadline

Berryessa Extension Project - Summary Schedule to Revenue Service

Key Project Completion Activities

2017 2018

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

May 15, 2017

Install WSX Tail Track Train Control

Install SVBX Train Control

Begin Pre-Revenue Testing

Revenue Service

FFGA Buffer Float

BART Controlled Activities

VTA Controlled Activities

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SVRT Program Cost Summary


$Millions - Year of Expenditure

SVRT Program Element Estimate


To-Date* Status

SVRT Project Development

Project Development Through 2009 209.2 209.2 Closed

Project Development 2010 and Ongoing 73.7 68.6 Ongoing

Project Development Total $ 282.9 $ 277.8

SVRT Corridor Establishment And Maintenance

CEM Program-wide (CEMPW) 3.0 3.0 Closed

UPRR-Performed Activities (UPRR) 60.6 59.2 Ongoing

Newhall Yard Property (NHY) 42.6 40.6 Ongoing

Mitchell Block Property (MBP) 39.5 34.6 Ongoing

Kato Grade Separation Project (KGS) 56.0 55.3 Closeout

Mission Warren Truck-Rail (MWT) 160.2 151.7 Closeout

Lower Berryessa Creek Project (LBC) 81.2 77.6 Closeout

Montague Reconstruction Project (MRP) 22.0 9.7 Under Construction

Upper Penitencia Creek Trail Connector (UPC) 2.5 1.3 Under Construction

Montague Pedestrian Overcrossing (MPOC) 0.8 0.1 Environmental & Design

Berryessa Garage Solar Panels 2.0 1.8 Closeout

Corridor Establishment And Maintenance Total $ 470.4 $ 434.9

BART Silicon Valley Extension

SVBX - Berryessa Extension Project 2,421.3 1,773.4 Under Construction

SVSX - Future Extension to Santa Clara** 4,304.4 149.0 Under Development

Newhall Maintenance Facility** 388.3 25.9 Under Development

BART Core System Modifications (BCS) 264.6 138.4 Ongoing

BART Silicon Valley Extension Total $ 7,378.6 $ 2,086.7

BART Warm Springs Extension

Warm Springs Extension (WSX)*** 9.6 9.6 VTA Funding Commitment

SVRT PROGRAM TOTALS $ 8,141.5 $ 2,785.4* Incurred through March 31, 2017; The totals may differ from SAP totals due to rounding.

** Source: Short Range Transportation Plan FY2014-2023.

*** Program Estimates adjusted to reflect assignment of grant funds appropriated between VTA and BART.

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SVBX Project Cost Summary


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SVBX Project Status of Contracts


Contract Value NTP % Comp.1 Notes

C610 – Water, Storm, and Sewer Util. Relo. at Piper Drive $3,130,084 12/22/11 100% Complete

C750 – SVBX Residential Noise Improvement Program 1 $758,048 07/15/13 100% Complete

C751 – SVBX Residential Noise Improvement Program 2 $771,752 10/21/13 100% Complete

C752 – SVBX Residential Noise Improvement Program 3 $715,444 01/20/14 100% Complete

C753 – SVBX Residential Noise Improvement Program 4 $1,142,214 04/15/14 100% Complete

C792 – Environmental Mitigation $179,200 06/10/15 100% Complete

C700 – SVBX Line, Track, Stations, and Systems $898,768,828 02/16/12 96% Construction

C730 – Design/Build Campus Parking Structures $91,996,832 10/02/14 99.6% Closeout

C740 – Milpitas Surface Parking & Roadway Improvements $6,018,957 03/13/15 99.6% Closeout

C742 – Berryessa Station Campus Area and Roadway $28,419,911 09/15/15 97% Construction

C640 – Montague Expy. & S. Milpitas Blvd. Improvements $20,979,114 01/11/16 53% Construction

C754 – SVBX Residential Noise Improvement Program 5 $155,242 05/16/16 100% Complete

C671 – VTA Communications Backbone Network $4,546,400 07/08/16 46% Construction

C741 – Milpitas/Berryessa Campus Landscaping $5,830,462 04/07/17 0% Construction

C650 – Completion of SVBX Civil Elements $4,000,000 07/15/172 0% Procurement

1 As of May 2, 20172 VTA Board Approval projected in June2017

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Construction Progress


Milpitas Station with exterior cladding installed.


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Construction Progress (cont.)


Parking garage and campus at the Milpitas Station.


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Construction Progress (cont.)


Interior of the concourse at the Milpitas Station.


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Construction Progress (cont.)


Platform-level finishes, including art tile, installed at the Milpitas Station.


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Construction Progress (cont.)


Berryessa Station and parking garage.



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Construction Progress (cont.)


Bus loading and passenger drop off areas at the Berryessa Station.


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