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Vtáx exÑÉÜà - World Health Organization...management of huge bezoars. Endoscopy 1998;...

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© Sudan JMS Vol. 7, No.4. Decem Vtáx exÑÉÜà Trichobezoa Moawia Elbalal Abstract: A bezoar is an agglomeration of ruminants. It can be classified as commonest site for bezoar forma malnutrition. They present wi Trichobezoars are associated w Sudanese girl who presented wi reported from Sudan. Key words: Bezoar, Trichobezoa ezoars are incompletely d or fibrous material accumulate and caus obstruction. The term bezoar either the Arabic "badzehr" "pazehr" or Hebrian "beluzaar" t antidote or counter poison 1 .T [ingestion of hair] are most children and adolescents with disorders 2 . Symptoms of abdomi intestinal obstruction are trichobezoar size and 2500gm reported 3 . Its complications inclu obstruction, gut perforation, acu necrosis, obstructive jaundice, anaemia, vitamin B12 defi abdominal mass 4 . Some patien have evidence of hair loss. Howe is a common accompanying diagnosis is based on histo examination, and radiologic evid surgical intervention may be requ Case report: A 17-yearold Sudanese girl prese months history of a mild and upper abdominal pain not relat She complained of early sati vomiting or weight loss. She adm ________________________________________________________________________________ 1,2.Department of medicine, Faculty University of Gezira. *Correspondant:moawiaelbalal@yahoo B mber 2012 259 ar: Case Report and Literature Revi l Mohammed 1* , Mustafa Idris Abdelrah Elmustafa O. M 2 f food or foreign material in the intestinal tr trichobezoar (hair) or phytobezoar (plant ma ation, which may result in obstruction, gastr th abdominal pain, small bowel obstruc with trichotillomania. This is a case report ith abdominal pain. This to our knowledge ar, Trichotillomania, Sudan. digested food that may se intestinal comes from or Persian that all mean Trichobezoars common in h behavioral inal pain and related to m has been ude bleeding, ute pancreatic hypochromic iciency and nts may not ever, alopecia g sign 5 .The ory, physical dence. Urgent uired 6, 7 . ented with six d dull-aching ted to meals. iety, but no mitted to pull ____________ y of Medicine, .com. and swallow her hair. rather short depresse responding to q examination was reve 15x15cm, firm and tend studies were within norm of the abdomen showe with multiple well defin bag full of worms fillin of the gastric wall and e duodenum (Fig2). Endo mass of hair occupyin stomach and reaching th Figure 1: the epigastric Removal of the bezoa endoscopically using a polypectomy snare with was then removed surgi 22 cm ad weighted 10 The postoperative cou Psychiatric consultation iew hman 2 , ract usually noticed in aterial). Stomach is the ric wall ulceration and ction or malnutrition. of trichobezoar in a is the first case to be . Clinically she was ed, shy and poorly questions. Physical ealed epigastric mass der (Fig 1). Laboratory mal limitsbut CT scan ed distended stomach ned, linear mass like a ng the posterior aspect extending down to the oscopy showed a huge ng the lumen of the he duodenum(Fig3). mass ar was initially tried dormia basket and a hout success. The mass ically. It measured 9 x 000gm (Fig 4 and 5). urse was uneventful. n was requested.
Page 1: Vtáx exÑÉÜà - World Health Organization...management of huge bezoars. Endoscopy 1998; 30:371-374. 19. De Backer A, Van Nooten V, Vandenplas Y. Huge trichobezoar in 10 years-old

© Sudan JMS Vol. 7, No.4. December

Vtáx exÑÉÜà Trichobezoar: Case Report and Literature Review

Moawia Elbalal Mohammed

Abstract: A bezoar is an agglomeration of food or foreign material in the intestinal tract usually noticed in ruminants. It can be classified as trichobezoar (hair) or phytobezoar (plant material). Stomach is the commonest site for bezoar formation, which malnutrition. They present with abdominal pain, small bowel obstruction or malnutrition. Trichobezoars are associated with trichotillomania. This is a case report of trichobezoar in a Sudanese girl who presented with abdominal pain. This to our knowledge is the first case to be reported from Sudan. Key words: Bezoar, Trichobezoar, Trichotillomania, Sudan.

ezoars are incompletely digested food or fibrous material that may accumulate and cause intestinal

obstruction. The term bezoar comes from either the Arabic "badzehr" or Persian "pazehr" or Hebrian "beluzaar" that all mean antidote or counter poison1.T[ingestion of hair] are most common in children and adolescents with behadisorders2. Symptoms of abdominal pain and intestinal obstruction are related to trichobezoar size and 2500gmreported3. Its complications include bleeding, obstruction, gut perforation, acute pancreatic necrosis, obstructive jaundice, hypoanaemia, vitamin B12 deficiency and abdominal mass4. Some patients may not have evidence of hair loss. However, alopecia is a common accompanying signdiagnosis is based on history, physical examination, and radiologic evidence. Urgent surgical intervention may be required

Case report: A 17-yearold Sudanese girl presented with months history of a mild and dullupper abdominal pain not relatShe complained of early satiety, but vomiting or weight loss. She admitted___________________________________________________________________________________________

1,2.Department of medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira. *Correspondant:[email protected]


mber 2012 259

ar: Case Report and Literature Reviewl Mohammed1*, Mustafa Idris Abdelrahman

Elmustafa O. M2

f food or foreign material in the intestinal tract usually noticed in trichobezoar (hair) or phytobezoar (plant material). Stomach is the

ation, which may result in obstruction, gastric wall ulceration and th abdominal pain, small bowel obstruction or malnutrition.

with trichotillomania. This is a case report of trichobezoar in a ith abdominal pain. This to our knowledge is the first case to be

ar, Trichotillomania, Sudan.

digested food that may

se intestinal comes from or Persian

that all mean Trichobezoars

common in h behavioral inal pain and related to

m has been ude bleeding,

ute pancreatic hypochromic iciency and nts may not ever, alopecia g sign5.The

ory, physical dence. Urgent uired6, 7.

ented with six d dull-aching ted to meals. iety, but no

mitted to pull ____________

y of Medicine,


and swallow her hair. Clinically she was rather short depressed, shy and poorly responding to questions. examination was reveal15x15cm, firm and tender (Fig 1). Laboratory studies were within normal limitsbutof the abdomen showed distended stomach with multiple well defined, linear mass like a bag full of worms filling the posterior aspect of the gastric wall and extending down to the duodenum (Fig2). Endoscopy showed a huge mass of hair occupying the stomach and reaching the duodenum(Fig3).

Figure 1: the epigastric mass

Removal of the bezoar was initially tried endoscopically using a dormia basket and a polypectomy snare without success. The was then removed surgically22 cm ad weighted 1000gThe postoperative course was uneventfulPsychiatric consultation


ract usually noticed in aterial). Stomach is the ric wall ulceration and ction or malnutrition.

of trichobezoar in a is the first case to be

. Clinically she was ed, shy and poorly questions. Physical ealed epigastric mass der (Fig 1). Laboratory mal limitsbut CT scan ed distended stomach ned, linear mass like a ng the posterior aspect extending down to the oscopy showed a huge ng the lumen of the he duodenum(Fig3).


ar was initially tried dormia basket and a

hout success. The mass ically. It measured 9 x 000gm (Fig 4 and 5). urse was uneventful.

n was requested.

Page 2: Vtáx exÑÉÜà - World Health Organization...management of huge bezoars. Endoscopy 1998; 30:371-374. 19. De Backer A, Van Nooten V, Vandenplas Y. Huge trichobezoar in 10 years-old

Moawia E. Mohammed et alTrichobezoar: Case Report and Literature Review

© Sudan JMS Vol. 7, No.4, December

Discussion: Trichobezoars are gastrointestinal masses formed from ingested hair. They grow slowly in the stomach and sometimes extend to the small bowel7. The typical patient is a teenage girl, however, trichobezoar has been described in all age groups8. The disorder has a female preponderance among the age group of 10 - 19 years2.Trichobezoars are generally seen in patients, suffering from trichotillomania9.

Fig 2: CT abdomen showing a wormsmass.

Fig 3: Endoscopic appearance oftrichobezoar

The swallowed hair becomes black due to the denaturation of hair protein by the gastric acid10.The symptoms depend on the size and time of presentation. The bezoar we have extracted was weight of 1000gm compared tothat reported in the literature2500gm.Our patient's symptoms are in keeping with that mentioned in the literature as epigastric pain, weight loss, poor appetite, vomiting and halitosis6. Lamertondescribes the large firm epigastric masspatient admitted ingesting her own hair; however alopecia is a common accompanying

hobezoar: Case Report and Literature Review

mber 2012 260

tinal masses y grow slowly extend to the t is a teenage

has been e disorder has the age group are generally ring from



ack due to the y the gastric

n the size and oar we have gm compared

3 which was oms are in

the literature poor appetite, merton sign ic mass11.Our r own hair; ccompanying

sign, yet, some patientsevidence of hair losspressure necrosis was lesser curvature in 10% of the patients

Fig 4: gastrostomy showing thebezoar

Fortunately unlike our case, sabscess was described in two casesLikewise, thirteen cases Rapunzel syndrome wherestrands extends from the main mass in the stomach along the small bowel to reach the caecum or beyond, onlyanaemia is a common associationshows well defined ovoid intraluminal heterogeneous mass15. Ton clinical suspicion and confirmed on conventional radiography and barium meal study16.Sonographic features are not pathognomonic, but a hyper echoic curvilinear dense strip at the anterior margin of the lesion with acoustic shadowing may suggest the diagnosis17.

Fig 5: The extracted bezoar

Small trichobezoars can be removed endoscopically from the stomach like any foreign body by various methods and techniques e.g: after fragmentation by water, jet or injecting cellulose, or a drill device or a


nts, might not show s7. Unlike our case s reported along the of the patients9.

wing thebezoar

ur case, subphrenic ed in two cases12.ses were reportedas

here a long tail of hair the main mass in the all bowel to reach the nly13. Iron deficiency association14. CT scan

ovoid intraluminal The diagnosis is based

and confirmed on hy and barium meal features are not

a hyper echoic at the anterior margin

oustic shadowing may


can be removed he stomach like any arious methods and agmentation by water, e, or a drill device or a

Page 3: Vtáx exÑÉÜà - World Health Organization...management of huge bezoars. Endoscopy 1998; 30:371-374. 19. De Backer A, Van Nooten V, Vandenplas Y. Huge trichobezoar in 10 years-old

Moawia E. Mohammed et alTrichobezoar: Case Report and Literature Review

© Sudan JMS Vol. 7, No.4, December 2012 261

tripod forceps, or polypectomy snare, or a dormia basket, or a mechanical lithotripter or Laser18. However, surgery remains the treatment of choice7. Laparoscopic removal of large trichobezoars was attempted, but it was all tedious and time consuming19.Conclusion Trichobezoar is rare for which high suspicion index is required for its diagnosis particularly when psychic disorder is suspected.

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6. Kaushik NK, Sharma YP, Negi A, et al. Images- gastric trichobezoar. Indian J Radiol Imaging.1999; 9:137-139.

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8. Guerrier G. Trichobezoar in a 3-year-old girl deprived of affection. Pediatrie 1968; 23:559-623.

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19. De Backer A, Van Nooten V, Vandenplas Y. Huge trichobezoar in 10 years-old girl: case report with emphasis on endoscopy in diagnosis and therapy. JPaediatric Gastroenterol and Nutr 1999; 28:513-515.

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Moawia E. Mohammed et al Trichobezoar: Case Report and Literature Review

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