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W A Warp Rift R P The Battlefleet Gothic netzine R I F T I S U · PDF fileThe Battlefleet...

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W A R P R I F T I S S U E 11 H O R I Z O N Warp Rift The Battlefleet Gothic netzine Issue 11 Tobari Raiders Q’orl QSV Predestined Imperial Navy Tactics Gothicomp 2006 The Pure and the True …and more…
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Warp Rift The Battlefleet Gothic netzine

Issue 11 Tobari Raiders Q’orl QSV Predestined Imperial Navy Tactics Gothicomp 2006 The Pure and the True …and more…

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Submissions All types of article are desperately needed, to keep this publicationalive. In some cases, submission includes inclusion on the web siteat: www.epic40k.co.uk, or through www.tacticalwargames.net.Please include a note with your submission if you would like thisclarified. Submission via e-mail implies approval for publication. Send your submissions to: [email protected] or [email protected]

Warp Rift Publication Team Roy (blackhorizon) – Void Stalker II Iain (Cybershadow) – Watcher in the Dark Sigoroth – Tactical High Command Ray Bell – Admirality Chris French - Incoming Credits: Cover Picture – John Reed Additional Graphics & Pictures – John Reed, USABOB, Roy Amkreutz, Erwin Leufkens, Draconis T’sai

Warp Rift: Issue Eleven March 2007


From the Nexus Publishing House

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Passing the Torch

I would like to thank the unsung heroes ofthis publication – the section editors, whoadvertised, chased up and in many cases

How many of us don’t have our own shipclasses, our own new races, an intricatebackground story piece, or an idea how toput together a new model or space stationfor the game? So, send it in. Become a partof the game itself, more than just a passivespectator.

Good Hunting, CyberShadow


Bear with me, Battlefleet Gothic fans, as Iattempt to steer this brief section betweenan Oscar acceptance speech and a ‘when Iwas a kid’ lecture. So, you see before you anew edition of Warp Rift – and a long timecoming it is too. I wish that I could take thecredit for it, but the truth is that this issuemarks a new evolution of the publication. Warp Rift was started with the goal ofproviding both an outlet for the BFGcommunity to showcase some of theirexcellent ideas, and as a source ofinspiration for players to try somethingnew. I must admit that I never planned to

wrote many of the articles themselves, in adesperate bid to keep things going. Thanksguys. I also want to thank everyone whocontributed pictures, articles, stories,covers and any other of the hundred thingsthat go together to form each issue…. Oh,to hell with it… I would like to thank myagent, and all of the people who believed…. The reason that the publication schedulebecame ‘loose’ around issues 9 and 10 wassimply that the number of articles andenthusiasm dropped off. Fan producedpublications rely completely on thesubmissions generated by the players.

O hand this publication over, but it became

clear that I simply don’t have the time tofully do it justice. While Roy had always

There is a feedback effect as well – fewcontributions lead to reduced interest in thegame, which makes submissions even


been one of the more active members ofthe BFG community (he is, after all, onehalf of the team before the Eldar MMSrules), he also decided that the best way toget another issue of Warp Rift deliveredwas to take a front seat role and at thesame time bug me as much as possible.However, it all backfired on him when Iasked him to take it over! I will continue to play as active a part as Ipossibly can in this publication, and I willalways feel that it is in some way my child,but as you can see from this issue, somefresh blood can really have a regeneratingeffect.

rarer. A selection of quality articlesgenerates ideas and enthusiasm, leading tomore players and more submissions. It canbe difficult at times, when it seems that wehave not seen many new releases for thegame. But, Warp Rift is the ideal place tomake a statement, and to show the makersthat there is a market who are active andenthusiastic about its development. So please, do consider putting somethingtogether for this publication. It stands orfalls on the quality and volume of thematerial that it displays. We are not allmaster painters or converters, we can’t allpen deep tactical essays, but everyone hassomething that they’re able to put together.

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Picking up the Torch What to write after those great words fromCybershadow? Lets try… The very moment Cybershadow asked meto become the new editor of Warp Rift wasa true honour to me. I always like readingthe fanzine made by fans of this game weall love to play. At first my reaction was to be wary but assoon as I started working on this issue itfelt good. And I intend to get Warp Riftback on track as a regular publishedfanzine. Now if this is once a month, oncein two months or once every three monthsis not clear at this very moment. It alldepends, like Cybershadow already said, onthe quality and quantity of articlessubmitted to Warp Rift. When I am scouring the various internetforums I come across many talentedpainters and converters but I also witnessmany people with tactical knowledge andideas. Other people are just enthusiasticabout playing the game while others canwrite great stories regarding the BattlefleetGothic Universe and this game. It is up to all of you, surely after SpecialistGames own magazine went from weekly tomonthly, to keep this game alive andbreathing with all your models, conversionsand ideas. And this fanzine, Warp Rift, is an excellentplace to gather all this!


Issue Eleven – Contents:

Encyclopedia Gothica

Khareshi Expanse – Tobari (Roy Amkreutz)i 5 Q’orl - QSV Predestined (Gary Carney) 8


Gothicomp 2006 10 Tactical Command

The Imperial Navy (Sigoroth) 13 Officers Mess

The Pure and the Tue – Chun the Unavoidable 18 Void Stalker

Elerianath’s Gift (Roy Amkreutz) 30

Ship Lexicon 33

My task is it to bring you a fanzine of greatquality. And I promise you it will be great,just keep an eye on me scouring theinternet looking for cool stuff made anddone by you!

Well, now quickly to this new edition ofWarp Rift. The thing that you already havenoticed is the landscape format. In myopinion every Battlefleet Gothic relatedrelease should be in landscape format, thisis to stay true to the rulebook. This issue features as an eye catcher thesix finalists of Gothicomp 2006, the

successful painting competition hosted bythe Tactical Command Boards. Also, this issue features another winner,namely the winner of the short storycompetition hosted at the Black Libraryforums. And of course more exciting stuff like theQ’orl QSV Predestined and an extensivearticle on the almighty fleet of the ImperialNavy.

Cheers, your personal Void Stalker,Roy ‘Horizon’ Amkreutz


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Alien race

Tobari Raid rom the Khareshi Expanse oy ‘Horizon’ Amkreutz

Note from the author: These rules sprang forth fr mms. The starting points were two kit bashed alien escort vessels. Thanks to Magusfor the ‘Tobari’ name, Xisor for the extensive back y about Lord Inquisitor Revic and Ray Bell for his feedback on the rules. The coming issues of Warp Rift will feature more of thes . At the moment the Tactical Command Forum offers a great pool of resources for further alienraces to shine on these pages but do not hesitate to subm lien races!

The Kharesh What is the KhareshiImperial administratum,a forgotten and non imthe Eastern Fringe. Thiswith various kind of rthem capable of warp obeen reported that somstarting to leave their Nthe last decennia. vessels have been targeby them. But since prioKhareshi Nebula, no thohas been carried out, onTraders travel there in the hopes of findingprofit and renown.

O minor races from theK xpanse is the TobariR ce utilising fast & agilee vessels used for raidingm nd other less protecteds

On the left a Light Tobari Raider and on the right aHeavy Tobari Raider vessel.



Encycl aedia Gothica leets of the Galaxy

F esse ading ath owa elic. brow te withb ing orangel ng a , verya eir els flewi patte ng theirr erc


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n, ordinaarmatures,round themdesign vessrn. Initiati


i Expanse

Expanse? To the nothing more thanportant Nebula in

Nebula is clutteredaces, almost all ofr FTL travel. It hase of these races areebula more often inImperial merchantted more and morerity lies not in therough investigationly foolhardy Rogue

ers fBy R

om Gothicoground stor

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ne of the hareshi Eaiders. A rascort sized erchants a



our small vigh speed tThe dark ronze lookights flashincient in thn a close aid on the M


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The Testimony of Inquisitor Lord Revic to the Forum of


An old man approached the brass-etchedpulpit, ascending the stairs to inner section.Struggling to stand, he coughed, clearinghis throat. Leaning on his staff, he began. “Long after I departed with Dregan and hisTarellian band, I received word that myacquaintance within the Thurmbrotherhood, Akrhan Phyllokk, hadsuccessfully returned to his kin, in thevicinity of Pech. Unfortunately he wasunable, though I suspect unwilling, to takeme any further on my journey to CondehKhar. The subject of the Tobari was atroubled one it would seem, and he wasunforthcoming except to wish me fortuneand prosperity in such a dangerousendeavour. “As we journeyed, we were waylaid manytimes, once only just escaping aconfederation of alien pirates that boardedas far as the command core of the Tarelliancarrack. Fortunately Dregan’s warriorsretaliated with sufficient swiftness toprevent the carrack from being totallyoverrun. On the borders of Berelan Spacewe encountered the drifting hulks of adozen smaller starships that, according toDregan, were left as a result of anapocalyptic war between two of the minorraces fleets in the near area.

“Soon we arrived at the Caredlio Portal, agap in the obscuring dust clouds thatborder the Khareshi expanse. There weallowed some of the crew to leave, throughtheir choice, and we continuednortheastward through the portal. Afterseventeen months within the expanse, wediscovered one of the reputed hulk sites. Anaeon old graveyard, the twisted andstripped hulks spiralling through theExpanse, appearing derelict andabandoned. “At that point, unknown to ourselves, theexpanse was not dead. Deep within theslowly arcing hulks energy signaturesappeared, many. Within scant moments theexpanse was alive with signatures.” Revicwinced momentarily, recoiling from someistant memory it seemed. d

He let his staff fall, grasping the rail hesteadied himself. “They took the ship, andthe crew. I saw no more of Dregan in allmy voyages since. I will not say how Iescaped the expanse, suffice to say that itwas at extreme cost.” A deep, distantwhirring sounded from Revic, he raised hisarm and pondered his coppered andbronzed forearm, glinting with the hint ofancient polish, which had dulled over thedecades. “I was compensated, and myobjective achieved, but I now know whyAkrhan Phyllokk spoke with such forebodingpessimism of the Expanse. Truly, he waswise beyond his years to be sceptical ofthat place.

Until such ato act in foeven such foremost spall Imperiallight year o

The Tobari who resideAccording tLord Inquistime wild. Sfew Merchaof the raidof fast escprey on wshipping. Oengaged larThe vessel The weapodestroy enethe vesselsescaping th



time, as the Imperium is ablerce to quarantine the region, ifa thing is now possible, then Ieak for the immediate return of agents within the one hundredf the locale…”

Tobari Raiders

are one of the many alien races inside the Khareshi Expanse.o the highly classified report ofitor Revic and the, most of thetories by Rogue Traders or thentmen who survived an attackers the Tobari utilise two typesort sized vessels. They mostlyeak or unprotected mercantilen some small occasions theyge cruisers in larger numbers. harbour sophisticated weaponry.ns are not primarily used tomy vessels but more to damage and make them incapable ofeir clutches.


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Once the Tobari damaged a merchantmenough they fly alongside them

Disruptor weapon: This short ranged but advanced weadoes not bring direct dabeing hit but it cuts threlectrical functions and dis

The Disruptor negates shi5+. Apply the following re

• On a 5+ it inflicts a criti

• On a 6+ it inflicts a crita Blast Marker on the ship

dvanced as has been previously found. They foundssing its shields. they can make 1 teleport raid against any enemyage on the ship but instead loot as much of worth

heir own ship.

higher as the enemy vessel has remaining shields

the Teleport Raid:

thus the result of D6x5 is the number of victory

ships, thus the result of D6x10 is the number of







Advanced teleport attack: The Tobari have teleport technology more aa way to teleport onto another ship by bypaWhen the Tobari get within a 10cm range ship in range. The Tobari will not inflict damas they can find before teleporting back to t Per teleport attack roll a D6, if the result isthe raid is successful. Roll another D6 to see what the result is from Multiply the result with 5 against escorts, points you gain. Multiply the result with 10 against capital victory points you gain.


teleport aboard the merchantmen. Tteleporters are reported to be madvanced then standard Imperial telepdevices as they can penetrate to still acshields. Once aboard they raid the ship and takeequipment they can get hold of. Even mworrying are the reports of crew beabducted by the Tobari, never to be sagain. Once the Tobari are ready tteleport back to their ships and leave mer hants at their fate.

Tobari Special Rules


ponTobari Raider Fleet list

………………………….………………55 pts



…………………..……………………45 pts




mage to the shipough to the coreables those.

elds and hits on asults:

cal hit.

ical hit and places being targeted.

g rolled using thearts. Brace foral.


TYPE/HITS SPEEEscort/1 25cm

ARMAMENT Prow disruptor

Dorsal weapons battery


TYPE/HITS SPEEEscort/1 35cm

ARMAMENT Prow disruptor

Dorsal weapons battery

Note: Critical hits are beinstandard critical hit chImpact is allowed as norm



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Q’orl – the QSV Predestined hip artwork by Chris Schwager

k Xenology. More background information on this mysterious race can be found Nerroth on the various forums, took on the task of creating a fleet for the Q’orl to bring you the QSV Predestined, a special ship from the Q’orl fleet list.

location: http://www.epic40k.co.uk/images/Qorl-Swarmhood-5-0-3.pdf

Since the first reports of Q’orl capturing and




by the Endeavour-classan and its attendant squadronclass escorts, on patrol alongl-Q’orl frontier. This xenogenerged from the Warp at the

head of a small raiding force, yet unlike inprevious encounters bore no obvious marksof Imperial or other alien devices on its

and most of her escorts werenly the Falchion-class Kliper

safety. Upon arrival at theshipyards, the news of thisreeted with conste

lications of the evethe Imperium; the a human Navigatpilot. The scienthave at length s first of what theedicated sub-specessels in the ethe

is but the first vess

to have such a useful personnel assetaboard. The Predestined leads a dedicated squadronof Warp-capable Chainships, a ‘proof-of-concept’ for the Swarmfleet as it learns tohandle the fickle tides of the Empyrean.Mercifully for the Swarmhood’s enemies,such vessels remain rare, as the Q’orl haveyet to replicate the creation process on amore viable scale.

‘In age of [...] queen, far did the swarm reach intostar-ocean. Faced was the swarm by Fungus-Larvae.By Larvae of the Dead Man- Queen. By Most-greatEnemy that is Once-Friend. By [...] enemy. ByBurrow-Dwellers, in great swarm-movement. Eachdid the swarm drive away. Each reduced by […]ocean craft. Great [...] queen commands swarm togreat future-destiny. Determination in swarm-larvaeto realise queen-order. Onwards.’ - Text-glyph translation of first stanza of‘Current Age of Great [...] Queen’ as recordedon marker-monolith at the edge of the Orionussystem, 925.M41

rnation, yetnt remained Predestinedor, but on aists of theucceeded iny hope willies, able tor realm. Theel in service

By Gary Carney, S

The Q’orl are an alien race that featured in the Black Library booin this splendid book. Gary Carney, who goes with the name of use in the Battlefleet Gothic game. In this issue of Warp Rift we The complete set of rules can be downloaded from the following

Q’orl Unique vessel




encounteredstarship Burof Falchion-the Imperiastarship em


enslaving of Navis Nobilite adepts in804.M41, the Imperium has feared thatthese industrious xenos would eventuallymake use of the captured Navigators tosynthesise their own breed of warp-pilot,capable of guiding their starships throughthe Sea of Souls. Similarly, concern hasbeen raised regarding the possibility thatthe Q’orl would manage to successfullyreverse-engineer the Warp drives ofcaptured alien starships, allowing them toproduce their own drive systems. As of 997.M41, such fears have becomemanifest to High Admiralty of BattlefleetPacificus. The Q’orl Chainship referred to byits creators as the Predestined was



ull. h The Buran lost, with oescaping toHydraphur attack was gthe full impunknown to relies not onQ’orl warp-Swarmhood creating thebecome a dguide their vredestined P


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The QSV Predestined must take the following Segment modules. It includesa Navigator for free. On the Segment Modules: it must take two weaponbattery segments.


TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS Escort/1 25cm 90º

ARMAMENT RANGE Weapons battery 30cm


TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS Escort/1 25cm 90º



TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS Escort/1 25cm 90º

ARMAMENT RANGE Weapons battery 30cm

So how doeIn a nutshefollows: A Segment Mthe battle. etc. At the may decidModules. FModule couthat the Cand firepowAll rules can

Not all Q’orl ships are refitted with Imperial warp engines. However ifthey are, such as the QSV Predestined is, a Q’orl vessel can have aNavigator aboard as a ‘guest’. The Navigator provides a strategicadvantage but on a smaller tactical level the benefit is limited. TheNavigator does give the vessel the bonus of re-rolling a failedcommand check when they are trying to navigate a Warp Rift. This only applies to the Core module and attached Segment modules.

Note: Each Support Segment Module take and Turret value by 1 while attached to th

T MODULE…………30 pts



……………………………..40 pts



E……………………………40 pts



s it work? ll the principle of the Q’orl is asCore module has one or moreodules attached at the start ofIncreasing firepower, hit points,start of his turn the Q’orl playere to detach the Segmentrom then on the Segmentnts as an escort vessel. Note

ore module loses the hit pointer from the detached module. be found in the Q’orl list.

n increases the Chainship’s Shield e Core module.

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2006 finalists

All entries where once again of very highquality. On these pages we will show youthe six vessels who managed to getthrough to the final heat. On the last pageof the Dry Dock it will feature theGothicomp painting 2006 winner, the KarDuniash Rogue Trader by Unseelied. Butbefore you get there you will also spot theConversion Prize winner, the Nimrod byedram. R

case ls of the Galaxy



5th. The Emperors Mercy by Arglyle.


In the latter part of 2006 the websitewww.epic40k.co.uk organised its secondBattlefleet Gothic Painting Competition.Much thanks goes to Andy Hall andSpecialist Games for providing the pricesfor Conversions and Painting winners.


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4th. The Emperors Might by Reaver.


3rd. An Eldar Void Stalk

3rd. The Nimrod by Redram. The Conversion Prize winner. 2nd.



4th. The Emperors Might by Reaver.

er by Blackhorizon.

The Gorkanort by Kr00za.

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Well then here it is, the Gothicomp 2006 winner, a Kar Duniash Rogue Trader byUnseelied. Congratulations! At the right side of this page some other pictures of his amazing Kar Duniashpattern fleet. From the top: the Fleet, a Light Cruiser and finally a Mars Class Battle Cruiser.

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l Command Tactics & Strategy


perial Navy By Sigoroth

fleet it functions pretty much as a collectionof fine individual ships. The IN on the otherhand get better as more ships are added.They've a better "Force Multiplier" aspectthan most other fleets. As for general tactics well the line abreastformation works fine for them. Basicallyyou point your armoured prows at theenemy, move forward in a line, firetorpedoes at point blank range (30cm orless) and try to split the enemy ranks tofire both broadsides. You can form up into 2 or more lines if youwish. Possible candidates for the secondline are the Dominator and Mars or anyother NC armed vessels. The Emperorshould be placed abeam of the opposing

remain to the rear, only moving get within 60cm range if outside

Another possibility for the second or eventhird line would be for escorts such as theFirestorm or Sword. Cobras should be outon the flanks sniping away with theirtorpedoes and Falchions can be placed onthe second line and fire their "defensive"torpedoes through the gaps in the line.Dauntless can be placed as perSwords/Firestorms. Once within rangethese ships should "pounce". Ie, moveforward at b nd open up witheverything th This buys moretime for the c y to achieve bothroadsides. b

The idea wit armoured shipsbeing behind ines is to try toprevent them fired at. This isdone partly th ology (people

tend to focus on the closer ships) andpartly through the rules (they must take aLeadership test to avoid shooting at theclosest ship). However, canny players will know to fire atthese weak high firepower ships and the Ldtest really isn't that much of a defence. Assuch they're a liability in most battle fleetsof 1000 points or higher. If you send themforward on the flanks with the concealmentof terrain then their survivability rate goesup. This depends upon the battlefield layoutthough. There's a lot more to the IN than this briefoverview and there's even a lot of blanks tofill in with that but it should be enough toget you started and thinking about howsuch a fleet could be used.

+++Tactical High Command+++



est speed aey've got. ruisers to tr

h these 5+ the front l from beingrough psych



The Imperial Fleet The IN fleet is just that; a fleet. WhereasChaos has many fine individual ships as a

fleet and forward tothat.



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Imperial Ships

Emperor - Battleship Hands down the best battleship of the IN.This ship combines the power andversatility of 8 Attack Craft with thefirepower of 16 Weapon Batteries at 60cmrange. On top of which it's one of only twoships the IN have that can take a-boats andthe better of the two being able to take 8.Further it grants a +1 Leadership bonus,which allows for the purchase of a cheaperadmiral and it only costs 345-350. Bargain. Oberon - Battleship Originally almost a clone of the Emperor it swapped out 2AC each side for 2 lances at 60cm range each side for 10 pts less. This made it a better long range weapons platform but only a so-so fleet carrier. Still


Imperial Navy Carriers: Defiant – Light Cruiser A light carrier. Overcosted; missing one ofthe traits that makes taking a Light Cruiserworthwhile (ie, speed), and requires youtake an Endeavour to include. To makematters worse, to get 4 Attack Craft out ofthese ships it'd cost you 260 pts. Blech. Dictator - Cruiser Cheapest full carrier for the IN, butovercosted by 10 pts and outclassed by the


undercosted Chaos Devastation. The shortrange on its guns and its prow torpedoessees it most useful when used as a ship of

Mars – BaLong ran typrice tag ercarrier th its rts m aN va Can esa 60cm atA ack Cr heM rs is o heg e. Its ono many hef t that vaC nnon c.T hnical orw at it stp ple ov

it was a useful alternative to the Emperor if you were more interested in taking a long range weapon platform, and you could still take a-boats, albeit only getting 4 instead of the Emperors 8, and still support the fleet with its Attack Craft. Since they nerfedthe stats for the Oberon though it has been relegated to the worst IN Battleship, behind the Apocalypse even in my opinion (because the point behind the ship has been defeated).

Top: Dictator Class Cruiser. Below: Endeavour Class Light Cruiser.

the line which isn't where you'd normallyplace a carrier (though it can do quite wellthere). Exorcist – Grand Cruiser Mid range carrier that costs only 10 ptsmore than the Dictator. Has betterfirepower at better range. It's lack of prowarmour and torpedoes means that it can goabeam to make use of its range bonus andits extra shield and 2 hits sees it moredurable than the Dictator when it does goabeam. This is a very good alternative tothe Dictator when you've got the battlecruiser slots spare and don't want yourcarrier in the front lines.




ttle Cruiser ge carrier that comes with a hef. Without a doubt the best cruisat the IN have however as

edium ranged broadside guns, non for fleet support and 2 lancrange for fleet support. Given thaft is a fleet support weapon tne of the best support ships in t inclusion allows for the selectidifferent vessels by virtue of tyou needn't take as many No

armed vessels or carriers, etly it's still overcosted by 10 pts fgives, quantitatively, but moerlook this due to the role it fills.

poot ttaamf acaecheo

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Imperial Navy Gunships: Endeavour – Light Cruiser A light cruiser. The best of a bad bunchreally. The Endeavour, Endurance andDefiant class ships are all overcosted andsomewhat confused as to their roles. Ifthey had 6+ prow armour you could seethem as a light ship of the line, if they had25cm speed you could see them in the roleof the Dauntless, an escort hunter. Thehave neither and they suffer for it. Endurance – Light Cruiser Simply an alternative weapon version of theEndeavour but worse, if only due to the factthat you need to take an Endeavour inorder to field it. Dauntless – Light Cruiser The archetypal light cruiser, the model that

fleet level rather than a ship level.Specialist ships, generalist fleet is mymotto. Perhaps best against Necrons wherethe differing weapon systems can allow fora staggered attack which, with the option ofredirection, can put more pressure on theNecron player regarding his bracedecisions. Gothic - Cruiser Usually only made by players that wish tomake a Dominator/Tyrant/Overlord anddon't have enough parts. One of the mostoverlooked ships in the game. They makeexcellent support ships when you need tofocus a lot of firepower on a single ship.Also good for targeting enemy ships thatwould otherwise be in a bad position, suchas abeam escorts, or ships with 6+ prows,etc. Good against Necrons to force the BFIand excellent against Space Marines.

Dominator – Cruiser The crème de la crème of the IN cruisers,this ship has the best broadside firepowerpotential of any of the IN cruisers and hasthe Nova Cannon for fleet support. It'sremarkably cheap given the Nova Cannonand the Weapon Batteries take over whenthe Nova Cannon cuts out. A very goodship. Tyrant – Cruiser This ship is almost useless; without therange upgrade it is useless. The IN gets bywell enough with only 30cm range andmost ships only have this range. The Tyranttries to cover a weakness without making ita strength, which doesn't really work. Thepoint/problem of the IN is that to pay fortheir ability to close (6+ prow armour) andtheir torpedoes on the way in, they have tofire both broadsides or else they'reovercosted and they won't win. For this yousimply don't need range. Not only does ithave less firepower than the (cheaper)Nova Cannon armed Dominator but whenutilising that extra range it gets evenworse, since Weapon Batteries suffer whenshooting at over 30cm range. On top ofwhich it's 5 points overcosted. This triplewhammy makes the Tyrant almost entirelyuseless. There are occasions where youwant the range to either support otherships or to take on fleets that wouldotherwise totally outmanoeuvre you, suchas Eldar, etc.




all other Light Cruisers are held up to see ifthey're up to par. A fairly good ship in itsown right, usually formed up into huntercadres of 2 or 3 ships. A favourite fleetcomposition for 750 point IN fleets is 1Emperor and 3 Dauntless. Good escorthunter and good for outmanoeuvringenemy cruisers when used properly. Lunar – Cruiser The archetypal attack cruiser, the modelthat all other cruisers are held up to see ifthey're up to par. A fairly utilitarian ship,nothing outstanding about it. A lot ofpeople claim that its versatility is its sellingpoint but I myself prefer my versatility at a

Gothics are good at support and filling theholes in a fleet where optimum firingconditions can't be achieved with Weaponatteries. b

Sword Class Escort.


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Overlord – Battle cruiser This battle cruiser is an attempt at a longrange weapons platform on a cruiser hull.In this role it fails pretty dismally. Thiscruiser is roughly two thirds the value of aRetribution class battleship at about twothirds the cost. The problem here is thatthe Retribution is a bad ship. It comes backto the problems with the Tyrant. In order topay for the prow armour and torpedoes youneed to open up with both broadsides onthe enemy. Range isn't a necessity for thisand sacrificing firepower to get that rangeis counterproductive. To use the rangeyou'd need to go abeam early on to presentyour guns at which point the prow armourand torpedoes become useless. A conflictedand overcosted design. Never use. Armageddon – Battle cruiser Here we see yet another battle cruiser that

(rubbish) Tyrant to 45cm costs only 10points. So we're at 220 points (maximfor the Armageddon with only the lancerange upgrade to go. Since the 2 lances areequivalent in firepower to the 6 WeaponBatteries normally the upgrade would costthe same except that lances don't suffer acolumn shift so let's say 15 points for them.That makes the total 235 pts. Even payingbloated option prices for a rather uselessupgrade it'd cost 10 points less than thisovercosted piece of poo. I'd rather just takea Lunar and spend the 65 points elsewherethan take this ship. Maybe pay 10 points totake a Dominator instead and maybe payanother 10 to take an Exorcist over aDictator and then get a Firestorm with thelast 45 points.

Avenger – Grand Cruiser This grand cruiser would be a real niceaddition to the fleet if it had a 6+ prow andsome torpedoes. Unfortunately, as itstands, the range on its guns demands acharge yet it has nothing to fire at theenemy on the way in and will take anabsolute pounding as one of the few closingcap ships with a 5+ prow. Even with theextra hits and shield it simply won't be ableto stand up to the punishment the enemywill dish out. Some might use it to soakfirepower but this is always risky and in theend it's just not worth taking. Vengeance – Grand Cruiser Better than the Avenger due to the rangeboost. It's cheaper than the Overlord and

Armageddon Class Battle cruiser



wastes points on unnecessary rangeupgrades. If we take the example of theMurder/Hades we can see that adding 2lances with a LFR fire arc at 60cm range toa cruiser, making it a battle cruiser, shouldcost 30 points. Since the Armageddon is anupgraded Lunar (a ship I'm not to fond ofto begin with) this process should take thecost of the Armageddon to 210 points.Since the only difference yet to beaccounted for is the range, we can see thatthe increase in range costs 35 pts. This is aludicrously high price. Firstly, it isn'toptional, therefore it should be cheaperthan if it were optional. The option ofupgrading 6 Weapon Batteries on the



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can get nearly as much firepower at 60cmand better firepower at 45cm all the whilebeing much more survivable. It doesn'thave the torpedoes (which I think it shouldfor no extra cost) but it isn't a huge problem. The fact that the lances don'thave 60cm range is slightly more worryingbut I'd take this ship if you really wanted along range weapon platform, particularlyagainst Eldar. Retribution – Battleship The most debated of the IN battleships.Some people swear by them. Don't knowwhy because they're rubbish. The fact isthat they're undergunned. I'd rather pay 20pts less and get slightly less firepower andtake the Emperor. The perks of theEmperor far outweigh anything the Ret hasto offer. Basically, with its speed, prowarmour and torpedoes the Retribution isgeared to charge the enemy, obviously withthe intent of unleashing both broadsides.The problem here is that those broadsidesare only the strength of a cruiser. It simplyis not worth its cost. If it had 18WBs at30cm range (it has 3 Weapon Battery hardpoints compared to the Dominators 2) thenit would be able to do what it was designedfor. If it had 18 Weapon Batteries at 45cmrange then it would be able to compensatefor its lack of manoeuvrability (being aBattleship). If it had 18 Weapon Batteriesat 60cm range then it could do all that andalso have the option of being used as a longrange weapon platform.

Apocalypse – Battleship This battleship is a nice idea but it fallsdown in the execution. Firstly, paying 365points to get a Nova Cannon isn't veryefficient. If you wanted a Nova Cannonthen you'd simply take cruisers. Still it isn'ta terrible downfall either. The 30cm rangebroadside, prow armour and Nova Cannonmake this ship a prime candidate for acharge. Unfortunately it only has 15 cmspeed and Weapon Batteries would bebetter for such close quarters fightinganyway. So, if you turn to use its specialrules to use it as a long range weaponsplatform you lose the practical benefit of

the armouralso could fof the enemturns firepotest you takfurther, andamage! Tconflicted, Nice concep




ed prow and Nova Cannon. Youail your test and be out of rangey, losing a wer. Even if you do pass youre an engine critical, slowing youd what's worse, a point ofaken all together the ship isovercosted and self-destructive.t and model though.

ctical High Command+++

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Black Library Short Story Competition Winner:

re and the True un the Unavoidable hapter I: Perversions

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Officer’s Mess Lounge time

They say the blink of a Navigator' orms on theother side of the galaxy. It is fa ces of suchmagnitude are, at thei miniscule.And it is therefore fitting that th brought theImperium of Man to its knees b int of view,with nothing.

to fall backuch neededombat, herrp engines -gitating thetuated,

Black Library Short Story Competition With the re-launch of Warp Rift new stories where needed as well. A quick thinking of mind led me to the Fan-Fiction Forum at the Black Libraryforums. Black Library forum member Gizamaluke came quickly with the excellent idea of starting a short story competition. I want to thank every single one of the people who entered there story in this small competition. This issue of Warp Rift features the winner of theshort story competition. Congratulations!

now yawning open, now snapping closed - too inconstant to riskpassage. It was as if the warp itself didn't want the ship to leave andfought against it. Truth is, thought Captain Alexander Chanj, That may be exactly whatit's doing. "Propulsion, can you not bring those engines to heel?" "I'm doing my best, Sir." Across the darkened, elongated sickle of thebridge, the young ensign standing in for Chief Engineer Vench atstation did not look up from her madly flickering schematic, nor didher fingers hesitate in their dash across keys and studs. Admirablecontrol for a juvenile. "Hm. Perhaps now would be the time for a sudden order-of-magnitude increase in ability, Ensign Jute." He stroked a touchpad on

The PuBy Ch


s eye can cause warp stscinating that occurrenr inception, so e origin of events that egan, from a certain po

s battleship, struggled ut of dry dock and mvolved in devastating c

ble locations and her waonflicting frequencies, adow into real space fluc


The Penitenziagite, Emperor-clasinto real space. Far too long ooverhaul, and far too recently inshields were buckled at innumerabadly out of phase- pulsed at cImmaterium in her locale. The win

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his chair's serpent-embossed arm, "Mr Vench, your subordinate is'doing her best' up here. While I admire her obvious capability, thesituation is pressing. Can the Machine Spirit be appeased?" Chanting interspersed with coughs and splutters filled the bridge,barely masking an inconstant whine that set the captain's teeth onedge. A shout, "Captain! My apprentices drone the rites like angrybees, and you can't breathe down here for incense. Short ofsacrificing one of 'em, I don't know what else to do!" The captain smiled wryly, "No need to go that far, Mr Vench. Not yet,at any rate. Bridge out." Chanting, coughs, and annoying whine, were silenced. Chanj notedthe young ensign smiling too, though somewhat grimly. His gaze turned to the heavy hatch set into the floor just before hiscommand chair. With a smartly-booted toe he straightened out oneof the dozen-or-so prayer slips stuck to its stylised star-embossedsurface, gave the crimson wax sealing its lip a cursory inspection. Nocracks. Chaplain Kirtz will be pleased. "Honoured Navigator, is the warp still miffed at our little ship's fauxpas?" Suppressed titters around the bridge. Good. His officers werebearing up to this latest misfortune. Trusted veterans all, heexpected nothing less. But would still advocate extended leave foreveryone -order it, for certain individuals- when the Penitenziagitereached home. They had more than earned it.Harsh, rapid breathing now filled the air. Chanj sat forwards, alarmrising within him - his Navigator was scared. "Captain, we're brewing up a storm. We should never have crossedwith out-of-sync drives - the Immaterium won't tolerate suchdisrespect." "'Disrespect' is not how I would describe things, Honoured Navigator.I'm sure you recall we had little choice in our flight. We could notrepel borders against a hundred Chaos Idolators." "Of course, Captain. Nevertheless, matters are thus: the Golden Pathis obscured."

Lost in the warp! Without the guidingany idea of their whereabouts. "DNavigator? Calm the waters, so to sp"Too late for that. We have instigCaptain, one already far beyond anyit. It can only tear itself apart now. AAllowing a trace of annoyance to enfrom Navigators and their sense oyourself, Sir. What, then, are your re A harsh laugh. Chanj raised an eyebrto practice restraint. A year at a Navefor any Navigator piloting for The Flthe Navis Nobilte's power is such thaat our disciplines is done with the fTerra?” "Something amuses you, Navigator?"Captain, as you are fond of such arfrom prehistory. I suggest you 'baEmperor protect us! Tsunami to poKlaxons blared deafeningly. The bridbeat breath from lungs, quickly dropin momentary free-fall. Ambient ligterrifying moments, relit to somethScreens and projectors flickered into once more. Chanj, gasping for air, crawled back his officers slowly did the same, wensign - she remained where she felher forehead. The bridge lurched agyelp of panic from someone). "Mute that blasted alarm! Reportsforwards his commander, Gabriel Tengineering station. The huge man sbefore strapping himself to station. Though its wail was still audiblnevertheless quiet enough for Chan

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beam of the Astronomican, the o you recommend shut-down,eak?" ated a full-blown warp storm,thing we may attempt to "calm"nd us with it, of course." ter his tone (Emperor deliver usf drama!), Chanj said, "Calm


ow. “Michael, you really do needl Academy should be de-rigueur

eet. But how likely is that whent turning their collective nose upull backing of the High Lords of

" cana, I will employ terminologytten down the hatches' and -rt! Impact imminent! Brace -"

ge shuddered, rose so sharply itped to leave anything unsecuredhting flickered, blinked out foring less than its former level.static before settling to legibility

into his chair. Around the bridgeith the exception of the youngl, blood oozing from a wound inain (provoking an uncontrolled

! Now." The captain signalledhorn, indicating the now emptytepped over the stricken ensignThe bridge klaxon was silenced.e through bulkheads, it wasj to hear his officers' stertorous

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assist, and with a sharp cra"Don't open it! I'm looking straight at Instinctively, both captain and cabin clang. "Apologies, my Captain. I'm alrightout. Ughn. Let me just get up. Glorious Emperor, my head!" Chanj resumed his chair and directeHe took a deep breath, ran a hand "Very well, Navigator. You gave us eye and I will send down a medic." "Kind of you, Sir, but. No time. The wback given the chance. The Materiueven then." Even then? What did that mean? generate a stable egress." "Not at our behest, certainly. But whExpect better control from her?" The ship's avatar. The Penitenziagiteand deviated in many ways from theEmperor-class battleships. One suchpersona, Penny - so integral to ship-usual manner would result in adismantlement. The decision was theCompulsion - that is, force complicityautonomous action where major shArtificial intelligences might well Mechanicus, but an Emperor Class ba prize to simply scrap. Captain Chanj was loathe to relinquisbe? The mind was old. Madness and p

breathing as they resumed their duties - each employing their chairs'restraints in the process. Covertly, Chanj did the same. Fractures and bruises were the worst of the physical injuries. Shieldshad been severely tried but had not yet given way - the hull wasintact. The engines laboured even more at odds with each other."The immediate danger is passed, silence all alarms. Mr Vench, to thebridge - leave the Machine Spirit's appeasement to your journeymen.Honoured Navigator, what of the warp? Can we expect morebuffeting? .Pedson, do you hear me? Michael?" The Navigator was silent. Cold washed Chanj's spine. If Pedson weredead, what hope for the Penitenziagite? No-one else aboardpossessed the ability and training to pilot the warp. The ship wouldbe stranded beyond all hope of rescue short of a miracle. Momentarily unable to prevent it, Chanj's mind ran over possibleoutcomes to such a nightmare scenario. Millennia hence, the shipmight be discovered: a drifting hulk of corpses to be pondered overand scavenged. Perhaps there wouldn't be corpses. Perhaps the crewwould interbreed, each generation more mutated than the last, untilthe Penitenziagite's denizens became indistinguishable from theworst Chaotic abominations. The quiet-yet-clear voice of Admiral Pitsmith, stratagems tutor duringChanj's last year at the Academy, filled his mind. Calm yourself. Suchdaydreams serve no purpose. Ascertain the situation; do notsuccumb to useless conjecture. Plucking a knife from his belt, Chanj knelt to scratch away the waxseal on the Navigator's hatch. Once done, he turned the ornateOuroboros wheel, tearing through prayer-slips in the process. Themechanism released, he began to pull. The Navigator's voice spluttered from the speakers, weak andpanting for breath, "Chaplain Kirtz will be displeased - you know.Know how he hates the very notion of Navigators. Spent an hourover his seals and prayers. You'll contaminate the crew." Relief flooded Chanj. Nevertheless, he continued to pull. Vestiges ofwax resisted him. He waved a somewhat dazed cabin boy over to

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ck! the hatch was freed. it!"

boy let go. The hatch fell with a

. Banged my head and blacked

d the cabin-boy back to station.through his rapidly greying hair.a considerable scare. Mask your

arp's. Getting worse. Break ourm is our only safe option. And

"Navigator, the engines cannot

at of Penny? Can we not expect.

was ancient beyond knowledge, official criteria and blueprints of "deviation" was her still-extantsystems that her deletion in the dead hull, worthy only ofrefore taken to place her under with any given order, and denyip's functions were concerned.be anathema to the Adeptusattleship was much too valuable

h control. What captain wouldn'teculiarity of all orders were

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re-aligning!" repohe doing that?" stars!"

urself, too, Astronf the hull's eyes en the window oussuming it was bigm the Navigator:

solidification. The

ammed upwards arawled across the

desperately at thwas worrying at itost hear the angr

Come on, stern, Captain. Ch to scream. "It a tantrum, "Let go Vench bellowed, "! She'll cascade u

ttered over the toukey the correct co suddenly discerna Venge, "She's fry

Then, abruptly, there was peace. No vibration. No noise save for the teChanj tapped the code into his complaints from Penny as she onceBut the avatar remained silent. SateAstronavigation, status." The mingled disbelief and abject relievoice was plain. "We have attainthrough."

control. Please remember we don't all share your perversions." Chanjtapped another code into his touchpad. The shuddering abruptly ceased, leaving the captain wondering if ithadn't somehow been generated by the avatar herself as anencouragement. A frightening thought. But not one for this moment,Mr Chanj. Admiral Pitsmith again. Doubtless the storm eased its holdmomentarily. Concentrate. The events of Now are of the only import.


rted Venge. "Phase-cycles are

avigation." But Chanj permittedwere picking up stars, natural,t of the warp was stable enough enough, of course. "Captain, something emerges towarp's -"

gain, was shaken from side-to- ensign, pinning her to the floore chief engineer's chair leg.

s toy now, trying to disintegratey growls. Her spine will break ifPenny, pull us through!aotic ingress!"

burns! It burns!" Then, like a of me!" She's cranked the engines pasts! Override, Captain! SHUT THE

chpad, but the bridge shook sode. The outraged roar of over-ble through the bulkheads. "My

ing my boys 'n' girls."

"The engines aremirroring! How is s"I see stars! I see "You can calm yohimself a smile. IMaterium stars, thto pass through. AA sudden shout frostern. There's a. A The bridge was slside. The medic spas he grabbed The mastiff really it. Chanj could almthis continues. "Shields buckled toThe avatar beganrestrained child in "Emperor's balls!"design parametersENGINES DOWN!" Chanj's fingers skimuch he couldn't taxed engines wasboys 'n' girls," said

inescapable factors when dealing with antique intelligences, nomatter their origins. Particular to Penny was masochism. However,Michael does have a point - we are in dire straits. He tapped a code rapidly into his chair's touchpad. Immediatelyafter, an almost comically feminine moan filled the bridge and causeda collective wincing amongst the officers. "Ohhh. My skin burns. Mybowels churn. My bones ache. Why do you torture me so?" You know you love it. "You are no doubt aware of our predicament,Honoured Vessel?" "Yes, Sir. I have run simulations - I believe I can exit theImmaterium. If I cannot, you must punish me." At that moment Chief Engineer Vench, left arm trussed, entered thebridge accompanied by a medic. Passing the captain to relieveCommander Thorn, he muttered, "Doubtless she'd prefer punishmenteither way." Catching sight of the still-unconscious ensign, his usualstoic expression softened into a concern that passed only when themedic assured him the girl's injuries were minor.The Navigator spoke again, "Captain, we ride a swell. Whirlpools andtyphoons surround us. Converge on us. We must attain real space orbe broken!" As if emphasising the point, the bridge shuddered again. Andcontinued to shudder. The Penitenziagite, millions of tonnes ofadamantium and plasteel, shook as if it were a rag doll in the jaws ofa mastiff. The klaxon again began to howl. Someone immediatelymuted it. "The pain! The glorious pain!" "Calm yourself, Honoured Vessel. I have no choice, then. I relinquish

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rrified panting of his officers. touchpad, expecting to hear

more relinquished self-control.d with pain, no doubt. "Status.

f in Astronavigator Vader Book'sed real space, Captain. We're

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Chanj took a deep breath, "AstrEmperor's Graces are we?" Full seconds elapsed before the respto figure that out." "It is, after all, what you're trained fo"Indeed, Sir, but I have little to woactivate the main screens you'd see w Cameras capped during warp travel screens flared into life around the bastonished grunts of officers. In a hushed voice, Chanj asked, "Is tThe Astronavigator sighed, "I bloodylight years above the galactic plane being the galactic plane of another ga "Show respect, Mr Book," warned Cthe insubordination go without comhypnotised by the glory of stars depwhirlpool of light and colour, bexpressing. Untarnished and pure heartache it harboured. Or, in fact, hand purely in terms dictated by the sas history had still to actually hapgenerations of his ancestors didn't Man didn't exist! Duties, Chanj, duties. Admiral Pitsmit "Pretty, isn't it? Personally I prefer iget back, shall we? All stations, youreport." There came a cough from behind. Cwho nodded towards the Navigator'she hadn't heard from Pedson and sireminder. Was he still conscious? "Hare over for the moment. Report to th

"Very well. Engineering, status." Chief Engineer Vench did not immediately reply. Chanj could onlyimagine the conditions in the cathedral-like engine rooms as thewarp mechanisms were forced to near-obliteration. At last, in littlemore than a whisper, Vench said, "Engines powering down. Down.Off-line, Captain. Dead." Chanj wondered exactly what that last word referred to. "Then there is no pressing reason for you to be here. Take stock, MrVench. Do what you have to do. You have permission to leave thebridge." Vench glanced at the stricken ensign as the medic broke a capsuleunder her nose to revive her. Would she have friends in the engineroom? Siblings? Lovers? Vench looked away as her eyes flickeredopen, departed the bridge without meeting his captain's gaze.Perhaps he blamed Chanj for what he was about to face? There aremore immediate concerns, Chanj. Accept responsibility later. "We're adrift, then. Defence, you said something about Chaoticingress?" "We have buckled shields all over the stern, Sir. Something hit usdamn hard, and, well. It seemed to keep hold, Sir, and, sorry, Sir,but it squeezed." Chanj envisaged a gargantuan hand laying hold of his ship, trying topull it back into the Immaterium. And just how far is that from literaltruth, I wonder? "I take it we've acquired hitchhikers?""Surface senses are all destroyed back there, Sir. But there aregeneral reports of scratching, tapping, and, uh, slithering on the hullacross a wide area." "Deploy a couple of servitors. Cleanse the infection, Mr Avrills." "Very well, Sir." "Sir, His Redemption is asking for an update." Lieutenant Jat atcommunications. Chanj had all but forgotten the wreck of the Space Marine strikecruiser clamped to the Penitenziagite's keel - even though that shipwas the reason they were in such sorrowful condition. "Elucidatethem, Comms. In fact, patch bridge feeds directly to them."

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onavigation, where in all the

onse came. "Sir, I'm still trying

r, Mr Book." rk with. Perhaps if you were tohat I mean, Sir."

were uncovered, previously darkridge - quickly followed by the

hat our galaxy, Mr Book?" hope so. Is being fifty thousandnot bad enough, Sir, without itlaxy?"

ommander Thorn. But Chanj letment. He found himself almosticted before him. A scintillating

eautiful beyond any hope ofin spite of all the conflict andad yet to harbour. This far out,peed of light, much Chanj knewpen. He didn't exist. Countlessexist. The bloody Imperium of


t from the inside - let's try and have one hour to submit a full

hanj turned to his commander, hatch. Chanj suddenly realisedgnalled thanks to Thorn for theonoured Navigator, your dutiese medics."

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Pedson's reply was blessedly prompt, and much more assured thanpreviously. "I thank you, Captain, but I think it would be wiser foryou to send a medic to me. I need to remain here amongst myaugmentations and sensors. The warp's a maelstrom, Captain, andshowing no signs of calming. Quite the opposite, in truth." Emperor love us! Just a few moments' peace! "Are you telling me eruption is a possibility, Honoured Navigator?" "I'd say a likelihood, Captain. We should vacate the area with allavailable speed - inoperative shielding reduces our chances ofsurviving an eruption to virtually nil. Were we actually within thegalaxy instead of out here in this Void Amongst Voids, then we couldhide behind a handy asteroid or some-such, but. Distance is our onlyoption." "Mr Vreez, engage the conventionals - as much power as you canmuster, Mister." "Aye, Sir. Conventional drive cycling. We are in motion." "Course, Captain?" asked Book. Chenj gestured at the screens. "Just generally point her in thedirection of that, for now, Mr Book." "Very well, Sir. Sir, sensors are picking something up in our vicinity.Planetoid. Could we not put that between us and the eruption?" Chanj was about to ask for details, when the Navigator beat him toit, "Planetoid? Where? There's nothing out here, Book." "Beg to differ, Navigator Pedson. Try looking through your humaneyes." "Enough, Mr Book! You'll be sent from the bridge if there's any moreof that," barked Thorn. We will have words, Mr Book. But now is hardly the time. "What's theproblem, Honoured Navigator?" "Captain, that planetoid doesn't exist." "Plainly it does, Navigator. Whatever our Mr Book's faults, he's a bitof a whiz with his telescopes." "I'm getting telemetry from his station - I can indeed see it with mytwo human eyes. It's my blasphemous mutant eye it's obscuredfrom. Captain, for all that the two realms are disparate, there is

correspondence between the Materobject here has a shadow, a presencthere. It is part of a Navigator's traithings and infer significance from ththis rule. None. If I cannot see an indThird Eye then it cannot exist." The uneasiness in Pedson's voice Though what the Navigator said seemready to defer to the other's superio"Perhaps the tempest affects your vis"Unlikely. The planetoid would perturbations, like waves breaking detect these. There are none. The stcannot exist, My Captain. It should nof the universe."


[Type?[Xenos vessel. Xen


[Atomic. Seethe[Course

[Interception. Vessel has instigated [Shall I aw

[No. I will watch. I will report.

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ium and Immaterium - everye, of some form or another, overning to be able to decipher suchem. There are no exceptions toication of that planetoid with my

was starting to worry Chanj.ed trifling to him, he was quite

r knowledge in Matters Chaotic.ion?" evidence itself by causingon rocks. I would be able to

orm rages through that world. Itot. It is a perversion in the fabric

n.] ] os unknown.] nt?] le.] on?] -capable.] ?]

possible Seethe break-through.] aken?] I will initiate the Engines.]

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The Pure and the True Chapter II – Part I: Past Madness

Navy’s cruisers and battleships, nhonesty of design – which was, of cdestruction on a massive scale. Sdemonstrated this design perfectly abroadside that ruptured the Chaos sreturn fire. Eagle-beaked rapid strikclosed with the intricate, two-tined and softening them into submission and their boarding crews. It was a t retaliation, with Angels Ve when they evensmall emb ent to see the oscans of t t’s surface definemanoeuvr dingly. Like droplewounds, T hawks –bulky, fumother sh nched en masse fstreaked t the vision of prehiworld.

As if this w nal, the trap was s The Navig ard Our Wrath bareinbounds!” common channelirised open g more black Idola Their orbit h, their relative pospace. No had they appearedsalvo of m each wave alternaBut the s wasn’t total. The stronger e resence and were ordnance w cted to confuse the

Sergeant Proppul Kleige of the Blood Angels did not know the nameof the planet they had been sent to purge, out beyond theSegmentum Pacificus, only that it was some garden world popular asa holiday destination for the sector’s rich… And was, at the lastAstropathic transmission, in the process of being invaded byunknown Chaotic hoards. Such an attack, of course, would beintolerable under any circumstances, but one so boldly deep withinthe Imperium of Man was also highly embarrassing. So, for once, theAdministratum expedited its issue of a joint retaliation order to theBlood Angels and their sister-chapter, the Angels Vermillion. Scouts to the stricken world reported a single orbiting SlaughterClass cruiser escorted by three Idolator raiders. None of the vesselsdisplayed insignia, and all were coloured a uniform matt black. Otherships were suspected to be in the vicinity, as a single Slaughter Classdid not have the capability to carry the large ground forces currentlyoverrunning the world’s meagre defences. Kleige never learned thesize of the Vermillion dispatch, but Carantz Taturus, Blood AngelMaster of the Fleet, saw fit to send two battle barges, Sanquinius’Will and Our Wrath, both Leviathan class, their launch-bays filledwith Thunderhawk dropships and various small attack boats.Accompanying the massive vessels were a full retinue of rapid strikecraft of varying design. The flotilla’s crew consisted of three hundredmarines and over a thousand attending serfs. Like impossibly huge chunks of flesh spilling from a fatal injury, thered ships dropped out of warp at a forty-five degree rotation to themurderous, elongated wedge of the cruiser, and almost directly ontop of it. The bull-nosed, utalitarian battle barges, lacking the elegance of the

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evertheless retained a certainourse, the dealing of death andanquinius’ Will and Our Wraths they commenced a combinedhip’s hull before she could evene craft –smaller lumps of gore–forks of the Idolators, harryingin preparation for assault boats

no losses. What was more, thetually arrived, would suffer norbital battle already won. Briskd landing zones, and the flotillats of blood exploding from bolt-nctional design mirroring theirrom the battle barges’ bays andstoric Terra that was the target


ly had time to scream, “Multiple, before a dozen warp windowstors into the Materium.

sitions spread over a wide arc of than they launched salvo uponting between the battle barges.Blood Angels had suspected aprepared for it. Clouds of anti- incoming missiles;

extbookrmillion,arrassmhe planeed accorhunder

ips’– lauowards

as a sig

ator abo on the, spewin

was higsooner issiles, urprise nemy pere eje

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manoeuvring thrusters flared blindingly, dumping velocity andbringing the gigantic craft about at speeds that would make theirdesigners weep. The rapid strike craft immediately abandoned theoriginal, now-drifting, Idolators to form into two separate groups.These accelerated to the outer edges of the enemy’s formation, firingas they went. The anti-ordnance erupted with white light as it intercepted themissiles, accounting for more than half of the total salvo. Theremainder passed through, hesitating as their tiny minds sought tore-acquire the battle barges’ signatures, before shooting onwardsagain with renewed purpose. They were now too close to warrantanother spread of anti-ordnance. Only the barges’ shields were left toprotect them. A pure white inferno engulfed both ships, totally obscuring them asthe missiles impacted in rapid succession… And quickly fading tonothing as the vessels –physically unscathed though their stressedshields coruscated purple– continued manoeuvres and brought theirguns to bear.

But the jaws of the Chaos trap were still closing. The Idolators,exhibiting an undeniable daring and unheard of capability inmanipulating the Immaterium, suddenly winked out of existence – toreappear below the battle barges and in the trail of theThunderhawks, now mere kilometres from the planet’s outeratmosphere. Missile bays exhausted after their attack on Sanquinius’Will and Our Wrath, the Idolators’ lance batteries now spat withsurgical precision. Each shot pinned a Thunderhawk engine cluster toturn it into a rapidly expanding globe of luminescence. Again the battle barges underwent desperate course-changes,attempting to bring heavy fixed weaponry to bear on the Idolators.Weaker, though manoeuvrable, batteries fired in the interim, bothmissiles and various classes of energy. Concentrated and co-ordinated, this barrage managed to account for two of the Chaoscraft. Nevertheless, the remainder completed their mission,destroying every one of the Thunderhawks – then again winked outof the Materium.

Scanners and sensors madly flickstraining for any kind of warp tell-tWill fired their plasma drives for higOr was this a mere lull in the terrible Twenty warp windows opened in a each birthing an Idolator. Then, encompassed the milling strike cfloating in an almost gloating matowards their prey. Even then the dYet further out, positions correspondChaos armada’s sphere, four huge sleek, vaguely coffin-shaped Repulsiinto existence. A lull, then. For a moment the tableau held. Thecruiser, as if the whole assembly appearance of its king, the largest spilled the awesome silhouette –in handgun of an impossible giant– of a The Blood Angel rapid strike craft inwards to the defence of the battle engaged by the outer shell of Idolawith rainbows of light as they simultaignited their lances, and applied fulTheir valiant effort to escape thedestruction of four Idolators and set bathed in light, though this time not Idolators returned fire. Shields werein numerous locations. Still theSanquinius’ Will actually ramming ththe process. They had breached the iAs the remaining Idolators jockeyeforward lances of Our Wrath –Sanqbut a mangled, glowing stump– beships of the outer shell in aid of the b

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ing over the void, Navigatorsale, Our Wrath and Sanquinius’her orbits. Was the attack over? proceedings?

rough sphere about the barges,in greater sphere that also

raft, another thirty appeared,nner, batteries angled inwardsreadful revelation was not over.ing to the compass poles of thewindows gaped open, and fourve Class Grand Cruisers slipped

n, out beyond the northernmostwere a entourage awaiting therip yet in the Materium’s fabricprofile nothing so much as the Despoiler Class battleship.

made the first move, poweringbarges. Immediately, they weretors. The battle barges eruptedneously launched their missiles,l thrust to their plasma drives. inner sphere resulted in thetwo more adrift. Again they wereof their own making – the other buckled, broken, hulls ruptured battle barges powered on,rough the spine of an Idolator innner sphere. d to reposition themselves, theuinius’ Will’s prow nothing nowgan to desperately cut into theeleaguered strike craft.

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Then, like a master pulling his upstart puppy to heel, the four grandcruisers chose that moment to join the fray. Ruby beams leapt fromeach of them to pierce the hull of Our Wrath. In perfectsynchronisation they cut along the barge’s skin, slicing her in twofrom stern to prow. There was no explosion until her mighty engineswere reached and a perfect sphere of rapidly-expanding blue lightvaporised the ship. The ruby beams were shut off. Sanquinius’s Will dorsal batteries retaliated against the northerncruiser, but the range was too far – yellow shield-flare was the onlyresult. She resumed her fire on the closer Idolators, destroying afurther two. Her captain’s only intention now was maximising thecost of his ship’s inevitable destruction. The end came soon. No Imperial weapons of similar nature werecapable of cycling around to firing readiness so quickly. No Imperialship could manipulate the warp as these Idolators had. Dark gifts hadbeen given to this Chaos fleet, whoever they were. The four ruby beams lanced out, were held back for scant seconds bySanquinius’s Will’s somewhat stronger shielding, before the secondterrible dicing commenced. Another tiny star of blue light brieflyblazed. Sergeant Kleige watched the wreckage of the fleet drift past on HisRedemption’s screens. Early in the conflict, his strike craft had beenen route to Our Wrath in order to pick up a waiting chaplain. Herengines had been irreparably damaged by a seemingly stray missile,and she had been set adrift. The resulting secondary explosionswithin the ship injured six marines, three terminally, and damagedthe weapons array controls beyond field repair. And so, helplessly,Kleige had witnessed the systematic destruction of almost a third ofthe Blood Marine chapter and nearly half of its fleet – his feelingscontinuously flicking from despair, outrage, and consumingnumbness. Who were these Traitor Marines? Their astounding shipsbore no insignia, they made no communication, whether to gloat orotherwise. They had almost faultlessly out-classed and out-manoeuvred the most famous space marine chapter in the Imperiumof Man’s history. It was an unprecedented, impossible catastrophe.

On the screens the last two strike crarespite amongst the tumbling aSanquinius’s Will. Two perfectly-aimgrand cruiser and they were gone. His Redemption was now the only ext A servitor spoke. “Ship scanned, massive scale. Ship hailed.” “Let’s hear it.” A low voice, dryer than a dessert winship, little ship, did you like that? Waprovide, whether vermillion or red. QThe voice paused, obviously awaitingto say. “Shy, Little Ship? We can do somethyour inhibitions. Let’s continue the ewhat you carry. Black hull, red crossMarines place in symbols! Do you sefeel the wounds Horus cut into him?voice? Ah, the legendary Death Comyou till last. You are the headlexpectations. Prepare to be boarOblitorators.” The communication was cut. Kleigeface of Chaos he recognised: gloatinAt least now there would be some Retribution did indeed carry the Dsuccumbing to the all-consuming visthe hands of the heretical Horus. Suof grandeur, unable to distinguishhistory, they believed they were Primto overcome their unfortunate madagonising and drawn-out demise. Hooften imparted a powerful psychoexploited to legendary lengths on galaxy.

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ft desperately sought temporarynd yet-glowing wreckage ofed blasts from the southern

ant ship of the flotilla.

massive scale. Ship targeted,

d, filled the small bridge. “Littles it fun? What sport you Angels

uite entertaining.” a response. Kleige had nothing

ing about that. We can releasentertainment, shall we? I knowes? How much store you Spacee what Sanquinius saw? Do you Do you rant and rave with hispany – it is only fitting I save

iner. I hope you live up toded. I think we’ll start with

nodded to himself. This was ag, revelling in evil and insanity.reckoning in mêlée combat. Hiseath Company – Blood Angelsions of their Primarch’s death atffering the ultimate in delusions present reality from ancientarch Sanquinius. Those unable

ness would ordinarily suffer anwever, their altered personalitysomatic prowess and ferocity,the myriad battlefields of the

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Kleige himself did not suffer the Blessed Visions (though at thismoment he wished he did). He had been given the honour ofchaperone, assistant the chaplain who was supposed to lead thecrazed troops in combat. Nevertheless, he was prepared to rival hischarges in the threatened boarding. The communication servitor again spoke. “Despoiler Class battleshipapproaching transporter range.” Kleige nodded grimly. So be it. He opened his mouth to issue the order that would release therestraints on the Death Company in the ship’s hold, but before hecould utter a sound proximity klaxons suddenly blared into life. There was no need for a ship to manoeuvre so close for teleportation– and what now filled His Redemption’s screens was not a Chaosvessel. A wall of shadow and light flowed past like some baroqueriver, all towers and gun emplacements, sensor clusters and domes,glowing portals and strike-ship bays. Kleige watched in abject wonderas the wall slowed, came to a relative halt. Looking down upon him,smile so slight it may have been imagined, was the beautiful face ofan angel. Her hands were pressed together in prayer, her flowingrobes seemed to billow and curl in an impossible wind, her long hairlikewise. Huge feathered wings spread out behind and above herhead. Kleige felt his knees weaken. He wanted to prostrate himselfbefore this holy vision of beauty and grace. A small voice in the backof his mind tried to tell him he faced a mere statue (one scores ofmeters tall, admittedly, but a statue nevertheless) – but herunexpected appearance amid so much destruction, just prior to hisown immanent demise, had, for him, the power of epiphany. …Swiftly, and rudely shattered by an obviously male voice shouting:“Marine vessel, this is Captain Chanj of the Penitenziagite. Preparefor docking clamp. Let’s get you out of here, shall we?” Oh the enemy’s rage as their plaything was snatched from theirgrasping hands! Such pounding the great battleship endured!Idolators –surely exhausting their complement– spat missiles; rubybeams from the Grand Cruisers lanced out;

even the hyper-heavy guns of the azure beams of terrible force to thwhose focus was the Penitenziagite. laid down in a time when Man’s acutheir long-passed peak. For as mucdocking clamp and secure His Redebarrage. There was even retaliation:and a fourth crippled before a windship powered into the Immaterium.

Immediately she was millions of kiloof any Materium-located Navigator tof such rare ability. And now Kleige was to meet his savio Captain Chanj stepped on to His Redwrinkling his nose at the sickening obridge’s perimeter, strapped uprightdozen limbless servitors twitched spathe vessel’s governing systems, fedcable-looms. Two adjacent servitorsmoke curling from the ears of oneother. Capabilities overloaded in thcause of the stench that so offended A twitch on the shadowy floor drew black tubing snaked back to a centraso much as an incongruous metal trof the bridge. Each tube terminatedmacabre vine. Occasionally, in resimpulse, a desiccated tongue would milky, sightless eye would reveal itsebeyond these tiny motions there awareness left to the heads. Vertebrabrass sockets, they were not even rservitors. They were merely so mucused and replaced as necessary from

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Chaos battleship spoke, addinge brew of destructive power atBut the Navy battleship was old,ity rivalled that of the Eldar at

h time as it took to deploy themption, her shields resisted the three Idolators were destroyedow was forced and the mighty

metres away, beyond the abilityo track – even those possessed


emption’s tiny, darkened bridge,dour of burnt flesh. Around the to supportive metal frames, astically to the unheard music of to them via torso-puncturings slumped on their frames –, the empty eye-sockets of thee recent action, they were thethe captain.

his attention. Tangles of greasyl hump that resembling nothingee-stump growing in the centre in a human head – fruit of aponse to some errant nerve-loll from a sagging mouth, or alf behind a slowly rising lid. Butwas not the least vestige ofe and neck-stumps plugged into

egarded as in the same class ash extra processing power to be the ship’s cryo-chests.

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Unnoticed in the gloom, Kleige watched the captain from the bridge’sonly station. How clean you are, My Saviour. Uniform pressed daily,no doubt. And your boots! Shiny enough to mirror the vainestteenage girl. Have you ever scuffed that footwear in the heat andstink and screaming of combat, unshielded by the hull of yourexemplary battleship? The marine’s augmented eyes sharpened theirfocus on Chanj’s face, noting the greying hair just visible beneath hispeaked hat, the thick wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, the grimflat line of his mouth – and thought to recognise the air of one whohad indeed experienced conflict at close quarters. Perhaps I judgeyou too quickly. We will see. “Forgive me, Captain Chanj. I would have you piped aboard, butthere is no-one else to blow the whistle.” The captain started slightly at Kleige’s deep voice, but quicklymasked it. He squinted to the bridge’s forward end. “I do not requiresuch honours, Sergeant Kleige. However, I do require illumination.” “Forgive me again. Lux! I said lux!” Orange spots flickered into weak life, barely enough to reveal themarine. Kleige knew he cast an imposing figure, as did any spacemarine, but in his case it was further amplified by huge bulk (he wasat least a head taller than the average), and extreme ugliness. Hisun-helmeted and completely depilated head was a fright to behold.Unevenly gridded with roughly healed-over wounds, it seemednothing so much as a pink mound of lumped-together flesh, smallblack eyes and lipless mouth plunged into it as an afterthought. Hisred Blood Angel tactical dreadnaught armour was criss-crossed withscars, pitted with the glancing hits of bolts and other projectiles,indented with teeth-marks in wildly varying patterns – all in darkcompliment to his head. He was a parchment upon which the pen ofbattle had been writing for centuries – a work he displayed with somepride. The marine watched for Chanj’s reaction. He had known grown mento actually lose control of their bladders at first sight of him, and wastherefore vaguely surprised, if not a little disappointed, to instigate

nothing more than a raised eyebrowNavy captain should be, of course. seen some sights not to count me as “How are your men, Sergeant?” “Three will be with the Emperor withiare in stasis to await the ministrationThe remainder pray in the chapel.” Chanj sighed. “Sergeant, I knowCompany. ’Prey in the chapel?’ Isstrapped to benches, are they not?” The marine bridled. Does he dare moall those who died?! Chanj noted the other’s anger. “Fodisrespect. I know the high regard those who experience SanquiniusApothecaries are highly skilled, and nPerhaps they could help?” Kleige felt his face, indeed his wholpiles upon insult! Chanj had no idearescued His Redemption from thesuggested curing the Death Companyknow so much, My Saviour, party to fail to realise a man of lower status wthose words. “Captain Chanj, I decline your offer.”but he resisted the impulse to slide hhe would prove himself above this notions of morality. “I understand tshould give thanks for our rescue. Hthat I cannot be grateful. If you kknow what its fate should have beinterference. And you think your owlearned than those of our order, wmalaise from the Blood Angel geneunknown centuries ago? The Visions

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. Cool and reserved. Just what aNevertheless, I think you haveparticularly remarkable.

n a matter of days. Three otherss of our chapterhouse surgeons.

this ship carries the Death that a euphemism? They are

ck me? Mock my brothers? Mock

rgive me, Sergeant. I mean noin which the Blood Angels hold’ visions. The Penitenziagite’sot only in the physiological arts.

e head, begin to redden. Insult of what he had done when he Chaos armada, and now he of their Holy Affliction? Oh youmy order’s secrets. And yet youould be eviscerated for uttering

His power-sword was at his hip,is hand warningly over its hilt –Navy captain and his blinkeredhat, from your point of view, Iowever, understand from mine

now this ship’s cargo then youen – a fate thwarted by yourn Apothocaries so much more

ho have striven to remove this-type since its first appearanceof Sanquinius are our incurable

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thers, but until thour immediate c

, even ventured ae situation’ is thusreat of local warp bshelter of a nearput the jitters up ensive repair, whid engineer’s staff nicked actions. O I’m not too sure

ughtfully, ran a hawell under control,in the day?” hreatened to becoething similar had themselves, awmanic. arine, I haven’t fe cake. Our warp

as accounted for through the hull.”tic infestation?” ulent, too. Nature t in visual range. I

look it over.” Kleige’s almost-smile vanished comp

our shuttle.” thought you’d nev

in his rescue of His Redemption – had, admittedly, risked much in theprocess. Moreover he was able to acknowledge fault – all facts that

last part of thWarp Rif


en I must delay proper eulogy.oncern, Captain. What is our

slight smile. “Spoken like an old: we are mired in the Materiumreach. As such we are powering

by planetoid whose mysteriousmy Navigator. Our warp enginesch my chief engineer has yet tois dead or badly injured due myh, and we’re so far above the if the Emperor has even been

nd over his ruined visage. “You then? I can expect return to my

me a smile puckered Kleige’sppened to Chanj’s, too. Both,are that any laughter could all-

inished yet. There is a rather-egress has left us with a stern-three well-armed servitors, and

unknown – it took the servitors’m about to send out a shuttle to

letely. “Captain, put the Death

er ask.”

is thrilling story in t 12!


Company aboard y“Sergeant Kleige, I

should be valued. He did not deserve to have Kleige’s anger, guilt,and absolute dismay vented upon him. “We understand one-another then, Captain. The situation, I think,was the better of us both. We should not let different perspectivesmake us enemies – are we not all the Emperor’s?” He took a breathso deep his cuirass actually creaked. I will sing your names in our

Read the


cathedral, my bro“The present is situation?” Chanj nodded oncetutor of mine. ‘Thunder imminent thfor the negligible nature has rather are in need of extassess. Half of saiship’s avatar’s pagalactic plain thatborn yet!” Kleige nodded thohave the situation chapterhouse withA grimace that tknotted lips. Somhowever, restrainetoo easily become “Oh, my good mChaotic icing on thinfestation that hseems to be eating“Infestation? Chao“Indeed. Quite virout before they go

curse, Captain Chanj, but they are a glory also. You have denied theDeath Company their right to noble demise. You have denied me myright to die alongside so many of my brothers. I could not stand anymore of your help, Captain. Return us to our chapterhouse soonest –that is all I require from you.” Chanj regarded him wordlessly for a long moment, face grimly set.Kleige expected a show of returned anger and insult, and so wasentirely surprised when the other sighed with apparent sadness, andsaid, “An expected response for any wiser than I. Forgive me – Imean no dishonour. We were en route to Martian dry dock when ourAstropath heard the Angels Vermillion transmissions on the otherside of your target world. We arrived too late – nothing but a cloud ofexpanding debris and a frightening amount of warp eddies when wegot there. I was therefore determined to be of use when we detectedwhere the conflict had relocated. Again, though, and thinking purelyin terms of lives and hardware lost, we were too late. Your strikecraft was all that remained, and I admit to a certain pride setting mymind to your rescue, no matter the risk – both to my ship and yoursensibilities.” He sighed again, shaking his head slightly. “I do notagree with your point of view, Sergeant – the Navy’s notion ofhonour differs from that of the Adeptus Astartes. I would perform thesame actions wherever required, and with a clear conscience. But Ido respect it, and so offer my apologies for the intervention. Not tomention my utterly mindless suggestion.” Kleige felt his anger drain away. If this captain could remove hismetaphorical blinkers then he –as Mankind’s supposed epitome–must be capable of the same. Chanj had remained true to his ideals

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Void Stalker Scenario’s & Campaigns


Eliarenath’s Gift By Roy ‘Horizon’ Amkreutz

Introduction The Eldar starship Eliarenath’s Gift earned its name from the strange circumstances surrounding its first encounter with Imperial vessels. It wasseveral months after the Battle of Gethsemane when a patrol fleet, led by Captain Durhan of the Daecis III, encountered a lone Eldar ship movingstealthily through the dense asteroids fields of Melian Secundus. When confronted, the Eldar pirates, who called their ship Eliarenath’s Gift,claimed they had located an Ork lair and where preparing to attack. Captain Durhan proposed a joint venture, which the Eldar readily accepted.The Eldar ship led the Imperial Fleet deep into the asteroid field, where they did indeed find evidence of a large Orkish presence. Before theassault began, the Eldar fell out of formation, claiming that their mainsail had been damaged by a collision with a small asteroid. Captain Durhand rks where waiting for him. The Ork attack was fast and brutal, and only the severe damagedD I Eldar thems Eliarenath is a figure from Eldar legend; she reputedly betrayed thef rue identity enath’s Gift was never discovered.



elves, that of the Eliar


uly continued the attack, only to discover that the Oaecis III and a lone Sword class evaded destruction.

t was only later that Durhan was to learn, from the olk hero Eldanesh to the Eldar war god, Khaine. The t

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Forces Imperial Navy: Select a fleet worth up to 1000 points, atleast 50% of the fleet must be escorts. PlusCaptain Durhan commands a Lunar classcruia lava OrkSeleleas EliaCorvesby leadavaves


Deployment The Eliarenath’s Gift is placed 60cm awayfrom the sunward table edge, exactly in themiddle of the long table edges.

contact markers in the 2 table partsopposed of the sunward table edge. Theymay not be closer then 40cm to theEleneriath’s Gift and no marker may becloser then 50cm together.

First turn The Eliarenath’s Gift takes first turn. Thenthe Ork player may move his contactmarkers, see the special scenario rules.



ser, the Daecis III. Captain Durhan haseadership value of 8 and 1 re-rollilable.

s: ct a fleet worth up to 1250 points, att 50% of the fleet must be escorts.

renath’s Gift: sair Eldar Eclipse Class Cruiser. Thissel is commanded by the Ork player ora third player. The vessel has a

The Imperial Navy is deployed up to 30cmaway from the sunward table edge, nocloser then 30cm to the long table edges. Split the Ork fleet in four parts, assign eachpart to a contact marker. Deploy the


ership value of 10 and 1 re-rollilable which may only be used on thissel.


battlefield is 180cm x 120cm. Played outer reaches. Determine one shle side to be sunward. Divide the tathways in three equal parts (60cmcm). Place D3+3 asteroid fields in tdle table part. Place D6+4 asters in the table third opposing tward table edge.

inortble xheoidhe

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Special Scenario Rules The Ork player may move his contactmarkers up to 15cm. There is no need tokeep the distance of 50cm apart. Wheneveran Imperial Navy vessel comes within 30cmof a contact marker the marker isactivated. At the end of the Imperial Navy’smovement turn the Ork part assigned tothe marker is deployed. Also, from turn 2 and onwards the Orkplayer may voluntarily activate a contactmarker. Because of its deceiving nature and the factit wants to lure the Imperial Navy into atrap the Eliarenath’s Gift makes no use ofits second move until the Ork have sprungtheir trap. Once the trap is sprung the Eldarvessel may attack and move as normal, theImperial Navy may attack the Eldar vesselas normal from now on.

Victory Conditions Standard victory conditions are applied.

Sub plots

The Ork player gains 100 victory points ifthe Eliarenath’s Gift escapes of the shorttable edge opposing the sunward tableedge.

The Imperial Navy gains 200 victory pointsfor the first ship or escort squadron thatmoves of the short table edge opposing thesunward table edge. This to reflect theuseful intelligence the crew gathered aboutthe Ork hide-out and the nature of theEliarenath’s Gift. Have fun! With this fast and furiousscenario.




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Lounge time

: Death Singer Current commander : Velnas Lorithon Assigned to fleet : currently member of Dream ReaveColour scheme : Black hull, red blood like stripes a

forward from it’s centreline



Dark Eldar Torture Class Cruiser

Death Singer By Zhai Morenn

Historical: This vessel has become notorious in several sectors for it'slightning fast strikes and immense firepower. The Death Singerhas most notably been sighted in battle against Necron vessels,seeming to harbour some grudge against the ancient enemy. Inone engagement above the gas giant Talim IX, the Death Singerlured a Necron Scythe class harvest ship into the depths of theplanet's gravity well and launched a calculated counter attackthat forced the Necron vessel to continuously redirect power toit's defensive systems and away from it's propulsion. ByLorithon's cunning, the Necron warship was pulled into thedepths of the planet's gravity well and destroyed by the colossalpressures in the lower atmosphere. The Death Singer thenreturned to the main engagement and participated in thecrippling of another Scythe and forced the disengagement of aCairn class tombship.

Race : Dark Eldar Class : Torture Name : Death Singer Current commander : Velnas Lorithon Assigned to fleet : currently member of Dream ReaveColour scheme : Black hull, red blood like stripes a

forward from it’s centreline

Ship Lexicon Your ships

rs Kabal rcing rs Kabal


Tactica: Torture class cruisers such as the Death Singer are uniqueamong all Eldar cruiser type craft in that their primary andsecondary armament are all batteries and lance type weaponry.Where other vessels follow a cannon and ordnance arrangementof one sort or another, this type of ship never needs to concernitself with ordnance and thus is tactically more free to operate asa gunship. It should be noted that very few cruisers are capableof matching this level and quality of direct fire.

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Race : Imperial Navy Class : Overlord mkII Name : HDMS Countess Caroline Current commander : Fleet-Admiral Ferdinand Max Assigned to fleet : 2nd Cruiser Squadron of BattlegColour scheme : Silver Hull/Blue markings

The Countess Caroline is an Overlord Class cruiser with its portand starboard weapon batteries upgraded to strength 12.

Historical: The Countess Caroline was founDictator-class cruiser HDMS Empatrols. HDMS Emperor’s Zeal toto the Danubius Space Dock for rof the Countess Caroline were toher last encounter which left her made to refit her with shorter ranbatteries. After commission, theFerdinand Max took command oafter the destruction of his own fforces. HDMS Countess Caroline Cruiser Squadron of Battlegroup

Tactica: The new weapons batteries provover the older longer range batteable to bring much more firepoweis able to fight at medium to shnew weapons load out of the Cowith the shorter ranges of the oSquadron, giving the Squadron sbeing a liability at close range. In battle, the Countess Caroline using her longer ranged weaposhorter ranged ships. She is nbreaker, as opposed to other Ovto serve in a long range support r

Imperial Navy Overlord Class Cruiser

HDMS Countess CaroBy Yannick van Straalen

d floating in deep space by theperor’s Zeal, during one of herwed the Countess Caroline backefit. The main weapons batteriestally destroyed, probably duringa floating hulk. The decision wasged, but much heavier weapons newly promoted Fleet Admiralf the HDMS Countess Caroline,lagship Emperor’s Zeal by chaosserves as the flagship of the 2nd


ed to be a great improvementries of the Overlord-class. Beingr to bear, the Countess Caroline

ort ranges quite effectively. Theuntess Caroline works quite wellther cruisers of the 2nd Cruiserome standoff capability without

forms the core of the formation,ns to support the surrounding

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ow primarily used as a line-erlord class vessels, which tendole.
