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w e b s i t e A L L I A NCE =GG=JSW8#S# N h o s t c o … · A L L I A NCE A NNU A L D I NNE R AN...

Date post: 06-Oct-2018
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ALLIANCE ANNUAL DINNER AN EVENING OF RECONNECTING The In the complicated and ever-changing field of health policy, we know that the work by leaders, experts, policymakers, press members, and other stakeholders is never easy – and never done alone. That’s why we want to celebrate the people who have kept and continue to keep the conversation going. We invite you to support the Alliance for Health Policy for an evening of reconnecting with friends and colleagues you've met throughout your health policy journey, as well as an opportunity to meet new friends along the way. The dinner will bring together dedicated professionals and emerging leaders in health, and acknowledge people like you who recommit every day to supporting and shaping a better future for health and health care solutions. Eight dinner tickets Designate one person to host committee Logo recognition in program and on our website Four dinner tickets Designate one person to host committee Logo recognition in program and on our website Two tickets to the dinner Logo recognition in program and on our website One ticket to the dinner Listed recognition in the program For further information about the dinner and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Kelly Appenzeller, assistant director of external affairs. 202-789-2300 • [email protected] allhealthpolicy.org/dinner





In the complicated and ever-changing field of health policy, weknow that the work by leaders, experts, policymakers, pressmembers, and other stakeholders is never easy – and neverdone alone.  That’s why we want to celebrate the people whohave kept and continue to keep the conversation going.

We invite you to support the Alliance for Health Policy for anevening of reconnecting with friends and colleagues you'vemet throughout your health policy journey, as well as anopportunity to meet new friends along the way.  The dinnerwill bring together dedicated professionals and emergingleaders in health, and acknowledge people like you whorecommit every day to supporting and shaping a better futurefor health and health care solutions.

LEADER - $ 15 ,000

Eight dinner ticketsDesignate one person  tohost committee Logo recognition inprogram and on ourwebsite

PARTNER - $ 10 ,000

Four dinner ticketsDesignate one person tohost committeeLogo recognition inprogram and on ourwebsite

FRIEND - $5 ,000

Two tickets to the dinnerLogo recognition inprogram and on ourwebsite

SUPPORTER - $ 1 ,000

One ticket to the dinnerListed recognition in theprogram

F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e d i n n e r a n d s p o n s o r s h i po p p o r t u n i t i e s , p l e a s e c o n t a c t K e l l y A p p e n z e l l e r , a s s i s t a n td i r e c t o r o f e x t e r n a l a f f a i r s .     2 0 2 - 7 8 9 - 2 3 0 0 • k a p p e n z e l l e r @ a l l h e a l t h p o l i c y . o r g



