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W JeRf Roll Becipe i -...

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W JeRf Roll Becipe i Oaly Two Etfs Required ' Hy Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill , Editor 4 the Boston Cooking School Magazine This Jelly Roll is fast becoming very popular 011 account of the way it keeps fresh. With proper handling it should keep fresh a whole week, providing it Isn't eaten up in the meantime, for it is every bit as good as it looks. 33 EC Jelly Boll _ One cuf sifted flour} scant half tea• spoonful salt; 2 level teaspoonfuls K C Baking Powder; grated rind of J lemon; 2 egg* beaten light; 1 cup sugart H cup hot milk; glass of jelly} pow- dered sugar. Beat the sugar into the eggs; add the lemon rind, then the flour, sifted three times with the salt and baking powder; and, lastly, the milk. Bake in a but- tered dripping pan; turn out on a damp cloth, trim off the crisp edges; spread with jelly and turn over and over into a roll while still warm. Dredge the top with powdered sugar. Hot milk used in the jelly roll en- ables it to be rolled without danger ov- eracting. Have the milk scalding hot, also be careful to have the eggs and sugar r together until very light and crfcainy. Bake in a moderate oven. K C Jelly Roll is illustrated on page thirty-two of the new and handsomely illustrated 64-page K C Cook's Book, which n; ay be secured free by sending the c-n.i:lcate packed in every 25-cent can of K C Baking Powder to the Jaques Mfg. Co ., Chicago, HI. P1ERZ .iouvual (24;: ^irs. Louis returned from the hospital Falls Tuesday, where she had '.•going an operation . :e< went to Minneapolis Satur- r>'turned Sunday with his fam- s auto. They will make their :he Wm. Preimesberger house : town. ."•iule^er and family went to n.iiv moniinjr to visit Mr. Zul- .J0?. and John, and Svauti-i in Lit- 1 . ui. .Jo*, r 'lav a :.,' ilv in liome ii. in rppt F ru a 1 Bice s»r. ey«r! - or- 'hers, their t".-.rn'.lies. Math AVi.ienbach of Little Falls, visited " ."ii his brother. Pet*'r Weiden- ba-di. fr Sunday. Gre.iT-- r Vanbeck of Hastings was an over-S.ii.-.ay visitor with the Herman Kofrii:;; f until v. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil (COMPOUND) For* Flies or Hemorrhoids, Extern.! or Internal, Blind or Bieec.n ~, Itching or Burning. One a: plication brings relief. Two 23c. and $1.00, at all druj jists or mailed. 'end r : Sample Cll lo '.30 William Sick The " " i*n: : ii-.eiisrs of Horses, Cattle. a Docs m-: Fowls, is given in Dr. Hr.r.:; vV Vcf^rin.uy Manual, mailed free. HanipLreys' V - r'n-ry Remedies, 158 William St., I v rk. BUCKMAN June 29.—Mrs. Mike Sand returned from St. Cloud Wednesday where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Wintermeyer. Frank Sand returned from North Dakota Wednesday where he had teen employed since spring. The Bonellenfitseh family had their picture taken in Pierz Tuesday. A. A. Hesch had a shingling bee Thursday. About 20 were there. We sure slapped 'em on. Mrs. John Wintermeyer returned to her home in St. Cloud Mondav after a week's visit here with relatives. Some corn weather! Some farmers are cutting their first crop of clover, which isn't bad for this year. Mrs. Mary Hesch called on her son Theo. in Morrill Wednesday. He hus a saloon there. Mrs. Chas. Meyer went to Morrill Wednesday to visit friends and rela- tives. Mrs. Frank Shubilla of St. Paul is here the past ten days left for Pierz John Janson of New Munich is here visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Joe Jan- son. The J. L. Shaw show which had been here the past ten days left for Pierz Saturday. It was sure a good one and we hope it will soon return. Robert Mann and wife of Barney were here on business Friday. A. A. Hesch now has his 34x74 barn done. Say, that there barn looks good. Pocken Bros, went to Little Falls Sunday to visit their parents. Gerhard Block of Pierz called on his brother Henry here Sunday. Sam Wildasin and wife of Bamey were here Friday to see the Shaw show. John Meyer and Joe Swe.iack of Mor- rill were here on business Friday. The party which was held at the home of Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Kahl Sun- day was well attended and all had a fine time. While the J. L. Shaw show was here votes were given with each ticket and the lady getting the most votes was the most popular one in town. Each one could vote his own ticket and did so. Gertie Mueller got the most and is now the most popular lady in town. She had 11,970 votes. Beinie Mueller had 7,740. Gertie Mueller got a gold watch for a present. Peter and Annie Mueller, Agnes Hesch, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown and Frank Sitzman went to Bice Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mueller. Joe Otremba, who is cook for a wrecking crew in Duluth, is home on a visit. Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock Joe Weis was married to Lena Otremba.— Morp next week. John Xaber made a business trip to Bii'e Sunday. Dan Gohl, who is employed in Minne- apolis is home on a visit with his par- ents. Bichard Boilen of Minneapolis is here visiting old time friends. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Bonellenfitseh made a business trip to Pierz Monday. Ig. Kobilka and wife of Warren are home on a visit this week. Mrs. Clem Prelenvitz is here visit- ing friends and relatives. Theo. Kobilka and wife of Little Falls called on Mr. and Mrs. John Kobilka Sunday. John Hesch lost a good dog Monday. Peter Guse was a county seat visitor Tuesday. Ben Kohler left for Minneapolis Fri- FOE CHOICE CUTS OF M E A T 1 CALL AT THE Union Provision Co. MOEGLEIN & SONS, Props. IF THE MEAT PLEASES YOU TELL OTHEBS—IF NOT, TELL US of day where he will spend tmf Rev. Anton left for St. John's Col- j Clyde Bartee spent Tuesday in lege Monday after a two weeks' visit nea "0^g here with his parents, Ig. Ronellen-, Mr a*nd rMg F H> Campbell fitseh and wife. , Butte, Mont., are guests at the home Mrs. Joe toeitert of Little Falls called ani| prank Renick, having °\r her here . l un ;^- V *, . , ' arrived Monday evening. ^5 S " Dehler ot St. Cloud is here Mrs. Edward Luckel came up from visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ^ Minneap0li8 for a visit with relatives. ST er \ 3 t t ^Jrs. J. A. Kennedy and daughter Frank Mischke autoed to St. Joe on Alice are in the cit from Baudette business Thursday. | aU(^ make an extended visit with Mrs. Wm. Shoen and daughter Mary i Mrs Rennedv's mother, Mrs. C. B. left for Swanville Wednesday atter a jjUckman two months ^ home with her j r8- ,j0hn Flv of Fargo is visiting parents, Chas. Heurung and wite. 1 relatives in the "eitv Mrs. Chas. Heurung and daughters Migg c,ariee chl.-8tenf who has been Rose and Bomana, went to St. Joe Thursday to visit with relatives and friends. * Katie Suess, Augusta Nevencamp and Mary and Lucv Hesch had dinner with the most popular ia ly ^mday. Rolland Hartman of St. Paul is here visiting his grandparents, Martin JIart- inan and wife. A hair switch was found at the L Bonellenfitseh home. Lawrence Billig and Henry Dengel moved the J. L. Shaw show to Pierz Saturday. Those that were at the Math Zen- ner home to attend the party Sunday are Mary Mischke, Cecilia, Frank and Wm., Pohlkamp. Joe and Aug Kaps- ner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kapsner, John Rose and Ramona Heurung, Bertha Lizzy and Annie Herwis. Lawrence and Herman Billig. Joe Herwis and wife, Peter Mouse and wife and Fred Harris and wife. The evening was speut playing games and cards and at mid- night lunch was served.. All had u good time. Lena Bloomingen left for St. Paul Tuesday after visiting her sliter, Mrs. Ed Kohler. here the past two w.'eks. Now if you aii want a good time, come to Buckman July Hrd. Horse and foot races, shooting, cane racks, etc. So be sure and «ome to- a good time. BRICKYARDS •Tune no.—Mrs. M. M. Williams en- tertained the little folks at a party Thursday afternoon. Games were the amusement after which dainty re- freshments were served. J. E. and daughter Delia and Mrs. L. Birch and daughter Mary and Wm. Manbeck motored to Long Prairie Sunday where the Misses Quine and Birch will stay to attend summer school. Rev. Anderson of Alexandria held a religious meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holm Saturd v evening. Mr and Mrs. A. Anderson and daughter Ella of Cashing visited a few days last week at the home of T. Birch. J. Olson returned home Monday from a business trip to Todd county. Misses Helen Bing and Anna Peter- son of Little Falls were '-isitors at A. Strom's Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mr«. E. A. Savage and Sam Everett and Mrs. M. Scott visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Vansile of Litt 1 " Falls Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Lindquist of Lit- tle Falls were callers at F. Miller's Sunday. Vern Savage of Be wins visited over Saturday at his home here. 1 Edward Bir.-h and sisters Lottie and Bessie attended the Swedish Baptist Mission circle which was entertained at the home of Mrs. J. Peterson of Twin Lakes on Sunday. 1 Mrs. C. Lar«on and sou Waldemar and Mr. and Mrs. N. Twist of Elm- dale motored to Brainerd Sunday for', a visit with relatives. 1 Misses Clara Larsen and Minnie Srrom attended the Luther League at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Axel John- ~<-r. of Little Falls on Thursday even- ing. Steve Smuda has finished siding and paintintr J. Lemonszik's house. 1 The Sunday s -hool children and their parents of the Swedish Methodist church of Little Falls enioyed a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. Melberg Sunday. i Bev. J. Watson will hold services at the Assembly hall Sunday at 3 p. m. Evervbodv welcome. Note the Tread F1SK NON-SKID Safety Service Satisfaction At Low PRICES Lower Than The Prices On Plain Treads Of Many Other Standard Makes FISK NON- SKIDS Compare With Plain Tread Casing Prices Of Other Standard Makes 31x30 - 12.20 4ix34 - 27.30 4 x33 - 20.00 4>x36 - 28.70 4 x34 20.35 S x37 3&90 There is no Better, no Safer Tire! There is no Organ- ized Service in the industry to compare with that back of FISK TIRES. ^ 1 Fis£ Tires For SaleBy) LITTLE FALLS, MINN. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Macho at Spooner, Wis., returned home Tues- day. Miss Bertha Reed, of the Business college, left Tuesday for a visit at her home in Moberly, Mo. Miss Leoua Wolf of Stillwater is visiting relatives and friends for a few days. Boy Mathieson, who has been visit- ing at his home in Little Elk. left j Tuesday for Devils Lake, X. D.. where j he is employed. J. B. MacPherson left for Monti- cello Tuesday where he will visit rela- tives. B. B. Brower was in the city from St. Cloud Tuesday on legal business before the district court. C. W. Woodworth visited with his son. Xeill Woodworth. euroute to points in southern Minnesota. Miss Myrtle Olson of Brainerd vis- ited. friends in the city this week. 'Mr. and, Mrs. X. Ahles of Foley we-re in the city Tuesday enroute to Pierz for a visit. C. B. Hubbard left Monday ^v.^n-ng for Frederic, Wis., where he will join Mrs. Hubbard for a two week's vaca- tion. Mrs. Dan Bell and Miss Mae Drax- ton, who have been visiting relatives at Akeley for a few days, returned . Saturday. 1 Mrs. Frafik Iviewel and children left Tuesdav morning for Stanley. X. D., near which place they will visit a cou- ple of months ^-ith Mrs. Kiewel 's par- ents, Mr. and rMs. Henry Green for- mery of this city. Mr. anil Mrs. Leigh Cary were up from St. Cloud over Cuiidav. Miss Edith Aim, who will teach in a summer school at Vallev City, X. D., 1 left for that place Sunday. i F. E. Hall was in Bovalton Monday. t ' M. S. Jacobson, who is conducting a j transfer line in St. Paul, was in the city the fivst of the week on business matters. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Yasaly have re- turned from a visit at Stillwater. Emery Close returned Fridav from a \ 1 visit to his mother, who is living in Michigan. j L. t>. Brown returned Friday from a business trip to th% twin cities. j Miss Celia Blair, who was vi-iring . relatives in Minneapolis, returned Fri- day evening. ' Boss Dunphy spent Sunday at Ward . Springs. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Thompson re- turned to their home in Chicago Sat- urday, after having spent several j months at the home of rheir daughter, Mrs. F. W. Lyon. The Misses Mabel and Ella Kielshus ' after a visit at Swanville. returned ' home Saturday. i Miss Begiua Burton returned Tliurs- j day from Milwaukee, where she has been attending college. Mrs. C. H. Brown has returned from 1 a few days' visit at Glenwood. j H. Hills went to Warroad Saturday. A. T. Wherry of St. Paul, T>. K. Burem of Conrad. Til.. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Thompson of Paxtou. ill., and E. J. Knudson and Xoian Nelson of Sw>ea City. Iowa, return-. 1 , to -heir re- ! sp«ctiv,e home* the latter par- .,r last .•W.e*k. aiter a visit at the huino jf j Charlies Knudson of Little Elk. j J. S. Guerin visited his daughter. , Miss Delia Guerin of Minneapolis, over ! Sunday. j Mrs. Frank Droski and children of j East Grand Forks left Saturday for a ; visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. i Grzeca. ! Mrs. E. B. Bickerson raid son Karel j have returned from a visit at Randall, j Miss Pearl Longley returned Satur- j dav from a short visit at the Richie cottage at Birch lake. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lyon and daughter Gertrude spent Sunday at their cottage at Ward Springs. Deputv T". S. Marshal C. B. Buck- man made a business trip to the White Earth reservation the first of the week. Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Sykora of Brainerd visited relatives in this city Sunday. 7 t t t $ $ t A T The VARIETY STORE 10? First Street S. E. Two Doon North of Fostofflce WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY HOISERY Ladies', Children's and Misses' hose, colors black, white and tan. Per pair 10, 15, 25 and 2 pair for 25c MEN'S HOSE Black and tan. Per pair - - -10c, 15c and 25c Compare this line quality for quality and price for price, the result will give us a good share of your business. PAPRUS PICNIC PLATES Adapted for picnics, camping, etc. One dozen in sealed package 5c. % STRUCK GRANITE LEDGE The crew working on the new sewer Gus Franzeu. town clerk a3. in the outlet on Second avenue southest, : business. struck quite a ledge of granite, and it was necessary to employ dynamite to remove it. Bosing, Sa' i:rd 1." t;v.ii»acting Mr. Franzi-ii is one of the pioneers of that territory and says that that section could take care of a number of new settlers very nieelv. FAWNDALE June 29.—Those who were Little Falls callers last Saturday were J. Pointek and son Johnny and B. Hamm. H. M. Kinney and Joe Cichon spent Sunday at Pike Eapids. Simon Sobiek has his large barn completed. There was a ball game at the home of Nick Kuka last Sunday afternoon and a large crowd attended. We had a very severe hail storm last Sunday evening. There was a picture show and speak- ing at the St. Stanislaus church last Sunday evening. Miss Bose Myers of Montevideo is ! visiting with Esther Larson of Fawn- dale this week. Corn is not doing well. Too much wet weather. It is reported that twin girls arriv- ed June 18, at Mr. and Mrs. J. E. O'Donnell's of Warroad. Mr. and Mrs. O 'Donnell moved there this spring. F. Firkus and Mike Zintek were vis- itors at the home of John Lvshik last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lyshik, Sr., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Homer Leiner, at Brainerd. Mr. and Mrs. Kruzel of Swan River attended the Tasteke-Kaminske wed- ding in Flensburg last Monday. Nick Kuka and John Ci"hon autoed to Gilman last Sunday. Mrs. M. Rossa and son Tony and John Stiller were in Flensburg one day last week. John Wilczek and twQ sons of Pike Creek called on Frank Baudgis last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Masog of Little Falls were out last Sunday to visit relatives; they also took in the Swan Eiver show. Mrs. Steve Perovitz is very ill again and is not expected to live. (THE <frOOP JUDGE, HEARS op CONVERTS*) SAY OUPQE, A BUNCH OF CONVERTS ARE HITTIN* THE TRAIL FOR THE REALTOBACCO CHEW] THAT SHOWS MEN ARE NOT SATISFIE WITH THE OLD KIND 1 yES SIR,RAILROAD .MINERS,RANCHERS FACT NEARLY BODy IS LOOKING rCR . THE LITTLE CHEW THAT J *TL CHERS | ' EVER*- M EN line up for the Real Tobacco Chew because jt's what they've been wanting right along whether they knew it or not. And the ones who saw it first like to get together and watch the move- ment grow. That's why so much is heard about it. A little ch^v of pure, rich, mellow tobacco—seasoned and sweetened just enough—cuts out so much of the grinding and spitting. THE FWLAL TOOACCO CK£W IS NOW CUT TWO WAYS!! W-B CUT IS LONG SHRED. RIGifrCUT IS SHORT SHRED. Take less than one-quarter the old size chew. It vrill be more satisfying than a mouthful of ordinary tobacco. Just take a t ibbie of it until you find the strength chew that suits you, then see how easily and evenly the real tobacco taste comes, how it satisfies, how much less you have to spit, how lew chew3 you take to be tobacco satisfied. That's why it is The Real Tobacco Chew. That's why it costs less in the end. The taste of pure, rich tobacco does not need to be covered up. An. excess of licorice and sweetening makes you spit too much. One small chew takes the place of two big chews of the old kind. ((Notice bow the salt brings oat tbe rich tobacco taste.)) WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, SO Union Sgnare, New York City (BUY FROM DEALER OR SEND I05STAMPS TP US 3 (si This Horse Collar Pfeveftts-Sore Shoulders Notice the illustration below. See those five eyelets in face of collar? They're ventilators—air holes that permit free circulation of air throughout interior of collar. That's why we keeping stuffing dry, sweet and clean, call it "The Collar that Breathes-'*. "The Collar that Breathes" Old fashioned unventilated horse collars be- come damp, foul and musty—the leather becomes poisoned; and this poisonous condition of the leather is one of the most common causes of galled should- ers. Sore shoulders are done away with—hot, uncomfortable sweat pads are eliminated—the horse feels better and works better when you get him the O* Claire Collar. This new, different, betttr collar costs you no more than old fashioned kind, quality considered. Call *nd see** Tht Collar that Breathes'* er writefar circular. s Eich & Seifert i

W JeRf Roll Becipe i Oaly Two Etfs Required '

Hy Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill, Editor 4 the Boston Cooking School Magazine This Jelly Roll is fast becoming very

popular 011 account of the way it keeps fresh. With proper handling it should keep fresh a whole week, providing it Isn't eaten up in the meantime, for it is every bit as good as it looks. 33

EC Jelly Boll _ One cuf sifted flour} scant half tea•

spoonful salt; 2 level teaspoonfuls K C Baking Powder; grated rind of J lemon; 2 egg* beaten light; 1 cup sugart H cup hot milk; glass of jelly} pow­dered sugar.

Beat the sugar into the eggs; add the lemon rind, then the flour, sifted three times with the salt and baking powder; and, lastly, the milk. Bake in a but­tered dripping pan; turn out on a damp cloth, trim off the crisp edges; spread with jelly and turn over and over into a roll while still warm. Dredge the top with powdered sugar.

Hot milk used in the jelly roll en­ables it to be rolled without danger ov­eracting. Have the milk scalding hot, also be careful to have the eggs and sugar r together until very light and crfcainy. Bake in a moderate oven.

K C Jelly Roll is illustrated on page thirty-two of the new and handsomely illustrated 64-page K C Cook's Book, which n; ay be secured free by sending the c-n.i:lcate packed in every 25-cent can of K C Baking Powder to the Jaques Mfg. Co., Chicago, HI.

P1ERZ .iouvual (24;: ^irs. Louis

returned from the hospital Falls Tuesday, where she had

'.•going an operation . :e< went to Minneapolis Satur-r>'turned Sunday with his fam-s auto. They will make their :he Wm. Preimesberger house

: town. ."•iule^er and family went to

n.iiv moniinjr to visit Mr. Zul-.J0?. and John, and

Svauti-i in Lit-1.

ui. .Jo*, r

'lav a:.,' ilv in liome ii. in rppt

F ru a 1 Bice s»r. ey«r!-or- 'hers, their t".-.rn'.lies.

Math AVi.ienbach of Little Falls, visited " ."ii his brother. Pet*'r Weiden-ba-di. fr Sunday.

Gre.iT-- r Vanbeck of Hastings was an over-S.ii.-.ay visitor with the Herman Kofrii:;; f until v.

HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil

(COMPOUND) For* Flies or Hemorrhoids,

Extern.! or Internal, Blind or Bieec.n ~, Itching or Burning. One a: plication brings relief. Two 23c. and $1.00, at all druj jists or mailed.

'end r : Sample e£ Cll lo

'.30 William

Sick The " " i*n: • : ii-.eiisrs of Horses,

Cattle. a Docs m-: Fowls, is given in Dr. Hr.r.:; • vV Vcf^rin.uy Manual, mailed free. HanipLreys' V - r'n-ry Remedies, 158 William St., Ivrk.

BUCKMAN June 29.—Mrs. Mike Sand returned

from St. Cloud Wednesday where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Wintermeyer.

Frank Sand returned from North Dakota Wednesday where he had teen employed since spring.

The Bonellenfitseh family had their picture taken in Pierz Tuesday.

A. A. Hesch had a shingling bee Thursday. About 20 were there. We sure slapped 'em on.

Mrs. John Wintermeyer returned to her home in St. Cloud Mondav after a week's visit here with relatives.

Some corn weather! Some farmers are cutting their first

crop of clover, which isn't bad for this year.

Mrs. Mary Hesch called on her son Theo. in Morrill Wednesday. He hus a saloon there.

Mrs. Chas. Meyer went to Morrill Wednesday to visit friends and rela­tives.

Mrs. Frank Shubilla of St. Paul is here the past ten days left for Pierz

John Janson of New Munich is here visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Joe Jan­son.

The J. L. Shaw show which had been here the past ten days left for Pierz Saturday. It was sure a good one and we hope it will soon return.

Robert Mann and wife of Barney were here on business Friday.

A. A. Hesch now has his 34x74 barn done. Say, that there barn looks good.

Pocken Bros, went to Little Falls Sunday to visit their parents.

Gerhard Block of Pierz called on his brother Henry here Sunday.

Sam Wildasin and wife of Bamey were here Friday to see the Shaw show.

John Meyer and Joe Swe.iack of Mor­rill were here on business Friday.

The party which was held at the home of Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Kahl Sun­day was well attended and all had a fine time.

While the J. L. Shaw show was here votes were given with each ticket and the lady getting the most votes was the most popular one in town. Each one could vote his own ticket and did so. Gertie Mueller got the most and is now the most popular lady in town. She had 11,970 votes. Beinie Mueller had 7,740. Gertie Mueller got a gold watch for a present.

Peter and Annie Mueller, Agnes Hesch, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown and Frank Sitzman went to Bice Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mueller.

Joe Otremba, who is cook for a wrecking crew in Duluth, is home on a visit.

Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock Joe Weis was married to Lena Otremba.— Morp next week.

John Xaber made a business trip to Bii'e Sunday.

Dan Gohl, who is employed in Minne­apolis is home on a visit with his par­ents.

Bichard Boilen of Minneapolis is here visiting old time friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Bonellenfitseh made a business trip to Pierz Monday.

Ig. Kobilka and wife of Warren are home on a visit this week.

Mrs. Clem Prelenvitz is here visit­ing friends and relatives.

Theo. Kobilka and wife of Little Falls called on Mr. and Mrs. John Kobilka Sunday.

John Hesch lost a good dog Monday. Peter Guse was a county seat visitor

Tuesday. Ben Kohler left for Minneapolis Fri-


M E A T 1


Union Provision Co. MOEGLEIN & SONS, Props.



day where he will spend tmf Rev. Anton left for St. John's Col- j Clyde Bartee spent Tuesday in

lege Monday after a two weeks' visit nea "0^g

here with his parents, Ig. Ronellen-, Mr a*nd rMg F H> Campbell fitseh and wife. , Butte, Mont., are guests at the home

Mrs. Joe toeitert of Little Falls called ani| prank Renick, having °\rher here. lun;^-V*, . , ' arrived Monday evening.

• ^5S" Dehler ot St. Cloud is here Mrs. Edward Luckel came up from visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ^ Minneap0li8 for a visit with relatives.

STer\ 3 t t ^Jrs. J. A. Kennedy and daughter Frank Mischke autoed to St. Joe on Alice are in the cit from Baudette

business Thursday. | aU(^ make an extended visit with Mrs. Wm. Shoen and daughter Mary i Mrs Rennedv's mother, Mrs. C. B.

left for Swanville Wednesday atter a jjUckman two months ^ home with her j \£r8- ,j0hn Flv of Fargo is visiting parents, Chas. Heurung and wite. 1 relatives in the "eitv

Mrs. Chas. Heurung and daughters Migg c,ariee chl.-8tenf who has been Rose and Bomana, went to St. Joe Thursday to visit with relatives and friends. *

Katie Suess, Augusta Nevencamp and Mary and Lucv Hesch had dinner with the most popular ia ly ^mday.

Rolland Hartman of St. Paul is here visiting his grandparents, Martin JIart-inan and wife.

A hair switch was found at the L Bonellenfitseh home.

Lawrence Billig and Henry Dengel moved the J. L. Shaw show to Pierz Saturday.

Those that were at the Math Zen-ner home to attend the party Sunday are Mary Mischke, Cecilia, Frank and Wm., Pohlkamp. Joe and Aug Kaps-ner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kapsner, John Rose and Ramona Heurung, Bertha Lizzy and Annie Herwis. Lawrence and Herman Billig. Joe Herwis and wife, Peter Mouse and wife and Fred Harris and wife. The evening was speut playing games and cards and at mid­night lunch was served.. All had u good time.

Lena Bloomingen left for St. Paul Tuesday after visiting her sliter, Mrs. Ed Kohler. here the past two w.'eks.

Now if you aii want a good time, come to Buckman July Hrd. Horse and foot races, shooting, cane racks, etc. So be sure and «ome to- a good time.

BRICKYARDS •Tune no.—Mrs. M. M. Williams en­

tertained the little folks at a party Thursday afternoon. Games were the amusement after which dainty re­freshments were served.

J. E. and daughter Delia and Mrs. L. Birch and daughter Mary and Wm. Manbeck motored to Long Prairie Sunday where the Misses Quine and Birch will stay to attend summer school.

Rev. Anderson of Alexandria held a religious meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holm Saturd v evening.

Mr and Mrs. A. Anderson and daughter Ella of Cashing visited a few days last week at the home of T. Birch.

J. Olson returned home Monday from a business trip to Todd county.

Misses Helen Bing and Anna Peter­son of Little Falls were '-isitors at A. Strom's Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mr«. E. A. Savage and Sam Everett and Mrs. M. Scott visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Vansile of Litt1" Falls Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Lindquist of Lit­tle Falls were callers at F. Miller's Sunday.

Vern Savage of Be wins visited over Saturday at his home here. 1

Edward Bir.-h and sisters Lottie and Bessie attended the Swedish Baptist Mission circle which was entertained at the home of Mrs. J. Peterson of Twin Lakes on Sunday. 1

Mrs. C. Lar«on and sou Waldemar and Mr. and Mrs. N. Twist of Elm-dale motored to Brainerd Sunday for', a visit with relatives. 1

Misses Clara Larsen and Minnie Srrom attended the Luther League at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Axel John-~<-r. of Little Falls on Thursday even­ing.

Steve Smuda has finished siding and paintintr J. Lemonszik's house. 1

The Sunday s -hool children and their parents of the Swedish Methodist church of Little Falls enioyed a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. Melberg Sunday. i

Bev. J. Watson will hold services at the Assembly hall Sunday at 3 p. m. Evervbodv welcome.

Note the Tread F1SK


Safety Service Satisfaction


Low PRICES Lower Than The Prices On Plain Treads Of Many

Other Standard Makes



Compare With Plain Tread Casing Prices Of Other Standard Makes

31x30 - 12.20 4ix34 - 27.30 4 x33 - 20.00 4>x36 - 28.70 4 x34 • 20.35 S x37 • 3&90

There is no Better, no Safer Tire! There is no Organ­ized Service in the industry to compare with that back of FISK TIRES. ^

1 Fis£ Tires For SaleBy)


visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Macho at Spooner, Wis., returned home Tues­day.

Miss Bertha Reed, of the Business college, left Tuesday for a visit at her home in Moberly, Mo.

Miss Leoua Wolf of Stillwater is visiting relatives and friends for a few days.

Boy Mathieson, who has been visit­ing at his home in Little Elk. left j Tuesday for Devils Lake, X. D.. where j

he is employed. J. B. MacPherson left for Monti-

cello Tuesday where he will visit rela­tives.

B. B. Brower was in the city from St. Cloud Tuesday on legal business before the district court.

C. W. Woodworth visited with his son. Xeill Woodworth. euroute to points in southern Minnesota.

Miss Myrtle Olson of Brainerd vis­ited. friends in the city this week. 'Mr. and, Mrs. X. Ahles of Foley

we-re in the city Tuesday enroute to Pierz for a visit.

C. B. Hubbard left Monday ^v.^n-ng for Frederic, Wis., where he will join Mrs. Hubbard for a two week's vaca­tion.

Mrs. Dan Bel l and Miss Mae Drax-ton, who have been visiting relatives at Akeley for a few days, returned

. Saturday. 1 Mrs. Frafik Iviewel and children left

Tuesdav morning for Stanley. X. D., near which place they will visit a cou­ple of months ^-ith Mrs. Kiewel 's par­ents, Mr. and rMs. Henry Green for-mery of this city.

• Mr. anil Mrs. Leigh Cary were up from St. Cloud over Cuiidav.

Miss Edith Aim, who will teach in a summer school at Vallev City, X. D., 1 left for that place Sunday. i

F. E. Hall was in Bovalton Monday. t

' M. S. Jacobson, who is conducting a j transfer line in St. Paul, was in the city the fivst of the week on business matters.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Yasaly have re­turned from a visit at Stillwater.

Emery Close returned Fridav from a \ 1 visit to his mother, who is living in •

Michigan. j L. t>. Brown returned Friday from a

business trip to th% twin cities. j Miss Celia Blair, who was vi-iring .

relatives in Minneapolis, returned Fri­day evening. '

Boss Dunphy spent Sunday at Ward . Springs.

Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Thompson re­turned to their home in Chicago Sat­urday, after having spent several j months at the home of rheir daughter, • Mrs. F. W. Lyon.

The Misses Mabel and Ella Kielshus ' a f ter a vis i t at Swanvi l le . re turned ' home Saturday. i

Miss Begiua Burton re turned Tliurs- j day from Milwaukee, where she has been attending college.

Mrs. C. H. Brown has returned from 1 a few days' visit at Glenwood. j

H. Hills went to Warroad Saturday. A. T. Wherry of St. Paul, T>. K.

Burem of Conrad. Til.. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Thompson of Paxtou. ill., and E. J. Knudson and Xoian Nelson of Sw>ea City. Iowa, return-.1, to -heir re- ! sp«ct iv ,e home* the la t ter par- . , r las t .•W.e*k. aiter a visit at the huino jf j Charl ies Knudson of Li t t le Elk. j

J. S. Guerin visited his daughter. , Miss Delia Guerin of Minneapolis, over ! Sunday. j

Mrs. Frank Droski and children of j East Grand Forks lef t Saturday for a ; visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. i Grzeca. !

Mrs. E. B. Bickerson raid son Karel j have returned from a visit at Randall, j

Miss Pearl Longley returned Satur- j dav from a short visit at the Richie cottage at Birch lake.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lyon and daughter Gertrude spent Sunday at their cottage at Ward Springs.

Deputv T". S. Marshal C. B. Buck-man made a business trip to the White Earth reservation the first of the week.

Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Sykora of Brainerd visited relatives in this city Sunday.




t $ $ t

A T The VARIETY STORE 10? First Street S. E. Two Doon North of Fostofflce


HOISERY Ladies', Children's and Misses' hose, colors black, white and tan. Per pair 10, 15, 25 and 2 pair for 25c

MEN'S HOSE Black and tan. Per pair - - -10c, 15c and 25c

Compare this line quality for quality and price for

price, the result will give us a good share

of your business.

PAPRUS PICNIC PLATES Adapted for picnics, camping, etc. One dozen in

sealed package 5c.


STRUCK GRANITE LEDGE The crew working on the new sewer

Gus Franzeu. town clerk a3. in the

outlet on Second avenue southest, : business. struck quite a ledge of granite, and it was necessary to employ dynamite to remove it.

Bosing, Sa' i:rd 1." t;v.ii»acting

Mr. Franzi-ii is one of the pioneers of that territory and says that that section could take care of a number of new settlers very nieelv.

FAWNDALE June 29.—Those who were Little

Falls callers last Saturday were J. Pointek and son Johnny and B. Hamm.

H. M. Kinney and Joe Cichon spent Sunday at Pike Eapids.

Simon Sobiek has his large barn completed.

There was a ball game at the home of Nick Kuka last Sunday afternoon and a large crowd attended.

We had a very severe hail storm last Sunday evening.

There was a picture show and speak­ing at the St. Stanislaus church last Sunday evening.

Miss Bose Myers of Montevideo is ! visiting with Esther Larson of Fawn-dale this week.

Corn is not doing well. Too much wet weather.

It is reported that twin girls arriv­ed June 18, at Mr. and Mrs. „ J. E. O'Donnell's of Warroad. Mr. and Mrs. O 'Donnell moved there this spring.

F. Firkus and Mike Zintek were vis­itors at the home of John Lvshik last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lyshik, Sr., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Homer Leiner, at Brainerd.

Mr. and Mrs. Kruzel of Swan River attended the Tasteke-Kaminske wed­ding in Flensburg last Monday.

Nick Kuka and John Ci"hon autoed to Gilman last Sunday.

Mrs. M. Rossa and son Tony and John Stiller were in Flensburg one day last week.

John Wilczek and twQ sons of Pike Creek called on Frank Baudgis last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Masog of Little Falls were out last Sunday to visit relatives; they also took in the Swan Eiver show.

Mrs. Steve Perovitz is very ill again and is not expected to live.








MEN line up for the Real Tobacco Chew because jt's

what they've been wanting right along whether they knew it or not.

And the ones who saw it first like to get together and watch the move­ment grow. That's why so much is heard about it.

A little ch^v of pure, rich, mellow tobacco—seasoned and sweetened just enough—cuts out so much of the grinding and spitting.


Take less than one-quarter the old size chew. It vrill be more satisfying than a mouthful of ordinary tobacco. Just take a t ibbie of it until you find the strength chew that suits you, then see how easily and evenly the real tobacco taste comes, how it satisfies, how much less you have to spit, how lew chew3 you take to be tobacco satisfied. That's why it is The Real Tobacco Chew. That's why it costs less in the end.

The taste of pure, rich tobacco does not need to be covered up. An. excess of licorice and sweetening makes you spit too much.

One small chew takes the place of two big chews of the old kind.

((Notice bow the salt brings oat tbe rich tobacco taste.))

WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, SO Union Sgnare, New York City



This Horse Collar Pfeveftts-Sore

Shoulders Notice the illustration

below. See those five eyelets in face of collar? They're ventilators—air holes that permit free circulation of air throughout interior of collar.

That's why we keeping stuffing dry, sweet and clean, call it "The Collar that Breathes-'*.

"The Collar that Breathes"

Old fashioned unventilated horse collars be­come damp, foul and musty—the leather becomes poisoned; and this poisonous condition of the leather is one of the most common causes of galled should­ers. Sore shoulders are done away with—hot, uncomfortable sweat pads are eliminated—the horse feels better and works better when you get him the O* Claire Collar. This new, different, betttr collar costs you no more than old fashioned kind, quality considered.

Call *nd see** Tht Collar that Breathes'* er writefar circular. s

Eich & Seifert

