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chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · w SBSTiaSSSSJBrWSSiCS! TO THE IPlfeLIO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION....

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w SBSTiaSSSSJBrWSSiCS! TO THE IPlfeLIO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY APPEAL.' One copy, one jye- -r .. -- ive .? 12 oo cejiiw, one year. luOW jfiftm own, wr yrar- - - Tventg-- f fvc co.lrt, one tettr u- - - JW w WEHKLV An EAT. Oh copy, one year.. Tier evmet.one veer as .M) Tew Ofpits, one ear. E"u .A- - WErKLY or IAt rei r-- o copy t ATM OP AUVERTISIHG. J VV - l HnUflT. " W jCSSr&ZeZ. m JaSi ,r2Vi WFJCY -- aoP"6 - tohd ntnparre. nntrRESPOflDENCE. axiszjji; eeatixu & co. IlIPMIS AFPlASi. THURSDAY itOUNlKG, SEPT- - 17, 1S6S .HORATIO BKYHOCB. sr iyfOTifetK.. ter l'iee-- J eH- - ....'KAl.li tr. us-ai- s. TENNB33EE. SISHTH:0O5OBKi.lOSAI. DISTBtCT. Mir lflcetvr . iAl'BUAa. THE STEWS. ' Ih China every child ten yeara of ago can read and 'write the aa-tiv- tangas. Tbe receipts of peiehfB in ClmJinnati average aboot 15,8 bushels per wefc. An industrious man nt Bangor has Ills garden lighted by go? so that lie can work at it hyntgfct. Edward Yrke, tlw Cwnderof Ibe pub- lic setoool MCKa or LoaiaBa. dkU a few days ace. In UC3, New York, ten children were lying (laid one day wcatiy.&oM otOlng unripe iruk. A ship kdof Indian sctlps has arriv-e- d n rrt, to appear a lasWonable heads nest se&soa. ATontieal is to have & diamond ball in a few weeks. On Jady promhes to wear ieo,- - urnrlh. Dr. Eilioisoa, the inventor of the stetfaoseope. aad friend of Ibackery, has ju died at London. The Democrats cf the fourth Massa-cUawrt- ts Jtettlel have Peter HaiAT " Xor Congress. The Demoorats of the seeoad Mtane- - sataTdUtrlet Uav nominated Kosv.-a- c WlUoa.of HlnBeapoUs, for congress. General E. D. Keys, a corps oom- - roander la the Army of the Potomac. Is ulump-4n- g QiSMmM9T Seymour and Blair. In a personal difficulty near iBka, on Saturday lat, between Henry Cotrarn and "tt'a Spark, the latter to Slued. - Tho mother of tbe notorious Keno oretbers, who are eMrfffd wiih tho exprt t jotibtry. Dear Seymonr, Jau.iBa, dKd '"' weet oi a broken hem t. The Sahool Board of Cint innali the aBfml! llanoy Opera Jfcurf al lBteed to convert It into a Pp:eadld puMic literary bulldlug. The JUdiesla ciaim a niajoriiy o? tweaty thouaad Jar the Ueket In ilalaa on Monday. Tsluleas man4JidrisnalrafOMiy. Georga Ticknor Curtis w. "It 5 a vry terloHS question- whether two enlliely dKtinct raei cub exlet peaceably toge-he- in coKraunily." Hesowrite8tot!ii.-i?oiiHiIte- . "Grant's fooUteps cauuot be mis- - tiken." saj- - a Kadleal orator. Varlly, lie spcakse troth Tiws" ureas auwroui in thf " Wl.deraes " ftslhe Minds ttpoa the sea Miorc The Union City Herald bears of neigh hoods In his cotntrr where i orn will soil at 30 cent a bujhel this .all, aul uie I resU producs aeerns enough to .fatten all t lye hogs. The Corinth Sews says thete'ha3 been for tease time pt a vry fi'al dteasi among the oiitte in that ntiRhborhood. A large som- ber of cows hava died reeesHy, ueneraMy whh-I- a day or'twoartrbelgrrttked. Tbe HutabWt Segister reports the Xrvada of a t aad mobt valuable clBBlbu- mio, larxe mgajj-i- i to supply tbe world with qalcksilver fBraRiBy years. Tbe mine lsb'.tuatfed abuut fifty jullSs wtt of Union vl le. It is said that the Radical committee at WafchlBBlo'i advised the expansion of the nesroes from the Ucorgta LejWatore In order to foraUh au czeuM for a Septemb 3r essuon of CoBgress, aad oonsequenuy Biare rctxrasiruc tlon tintering. The- - Grenada Sentinel says : " We can hardly teu anything about the crops in this rezkm. One man sajRhlb 11 entirely gene. while snotbr HiIdUs be will gathercn average yield, at least. Tft e can only 4appa thatthey are neither bo good or so had at the; might be. The Grenada Sentinel says : " Tbe Etekneas in oar city and county a ems not lobe abauec- - Jf mber of neiriy every family ere either stk or unwell. Colli, biliouo fever and sevre eotds stem to Le the most general causes of eomplaiat. James A. Wharton, Esq., father-i- n law of Hon. Frederick W. Heward. Assistant tfeerMary of Stale, of tbs United Statu, died yesitriay at bte resKienee In Oreeabush, New York. Mr. Wharton was in the siHy-nr- it year or sn age, and wan a wt ft known and esteemed otttzen. The vestry of Ckrlfti Church. (Epitco pal), Tuvealoosa. Alabama, decleted that the Hector of that ehnrch " has almsed the trust conMed U hiaa, la a maaner which is dis- graceful to tbe c.'eiiwl profession, as well aa a breach ef his otdlnation vow," and have ap- - pom tea a committee of four vestrymen to pre- - ler charges against Him. Tbe abstract of the report of Gea. Meade of his action and that of tbe mllKaly offieers unler him, in tbe ruatter of the priso ners ensrged with c omplicity in tae murder of Asobrn, at Columbus, Ua .shows thst the for the proiecntlon wore subjected to the most eraet tortures in order to extort from them a coafssstpn that would enable tbe prosecution ta maze ap a case against the prisot era. The revival of old institutions of learn l nc and tbe i nan oration of new ones, ssys the asbrHle JSsnuxr, and the inultip'icatlon of thennmber r piMaary schools in the country, Arc among the signs of sociJ improvement in the coantrj'. which renders us hopeful of the future of our people, whose every effort 10 se cure pr&teerlty Is more or lea Interfered with by the epprerttoBS of radicalism. Tbe negro members of tho Georgia IrfgWaUjre, lately declared ineligible, have published a protsat. addreued to the Speaker and aeSBbers of tie Iloase, ta vrhlch they en- ter a solemn protest egalnet tie cutre perpe- trated on their race, and say they will appeal at the proper tiase to OoDgreis. It is tlgned by twenty-eigh- t expslled members, and twelve lljpublleau memberf, accoBnpaii'ed by a de- mand that tbe protestbe eoteted oa the Jour- nal of the House, which the lloase refused to petmlt. so Tbe business men of Great Britain have mutuol protective throagbout tbe United Klngdota for supplying commercial information. co!lesliog duM. nd other matters. 3 beee societies nw poswes JO branches, anl number about m.mo merib for whom, daring the last year, "7, 00s iarulr.ee liave ben made, 5t,?tfJ applied : r, and 1 Jt. :,- - O'u oo.levted, beatdtt, other a&at irue rendered The Lynchburg ( Va.) &V" says the mineral resources of Virginia are Inezliausti-bi- f. Kew dlkeoveries of iron, copper, lead, manjiaM', coat, etc., are being made every day. Tbe siBgte eeanty o." Amoentl contains a Humdeat number of valuable ore banks to sup-- pi t a thousand furnaces It 1 1 a sad comment- ary npou tbe wantofenlerjr scin our country, that pig metal should be Imported to our shorn from foreign countries. The Xew York correspondent of the LoulnvlUe Ourfarsays: I'age, the artist who painted Farragot lashel to the mast. Is doing a M crlpturftl piece, our Saviour and t&o Twelve, Knd ha Hiked Taoodoro Tllton to sit for Christ. It bounds blasphemous to write it. and it it j4vertlon. I wonder if he had been " MttlBg" when I met him on Broadway to-d- arrayed like a sporting character In a velvteen rho coat checkered trowstrs. Not much of the "meek and lowly" of costume. People, (cpedally ladles, talk: of bis salut'y coanteu-nnc- e To me his long flawing hair and beard- less face I00K like some s:ft, overgrown te achooi.bjy. In repose his features are heavy and stolid. A Entile llghU np bis conn ten in c. but not with a 1 rty light. Mr. Pane hasn't selected a model for JutLu Iseariot. Il finds It hard to choose where so many are compstenUrlckremefoy sngfotls Mr. rtowen. also orlttia Jntfjyowelwtfi-anda- a Plymouth ' Churcli injlar,forUiemaa'wlia4Erv yet Tin: issue jiadi: up. p V t. ' The telegraph this morning "brings i' the'intolllgeace that Governor BeOwn-- 1 W Hrb ordered tho orgauizition of the militia In every part of the State ; com- panies to report to him at Jisshville, vwher9 ho wM.reeeivai.or rejectthcoa, as hp may oloot. -- Tho presumed.- - Radi- cal triumphs in. .New England, and tho approaching session of Congress, have incited tho old demon and desperate yiljaiu to tcat .the strength cf the Eresui's promises to tbe Coneer-vatiy- es of tho country, that he would nolparmif the existence of a standing army in any State of the Unl.c. God, for some wise pnrpoic, not yet .eseen, permits Tennesseetto Le cursed by the presence of this disgrace to humauKy this palsied wretch, who vents & spleen engendered by physical inflrmitleB, upon a people who permitted him a promi- nence among that them he never de- - deserved, unless, indeed, a tendency to blackguardism and extremes in politics gave him original title to it. It will be a eore test of forbearance, bnt we coun- sel the utmost caution on tho part of the people, and the most extreme stretch of patience. We must not 'icae the victory over Radicalism, now -- uroVjwlthiniour grasp, by any excitementii of BpowaOW o: his troop of hell-hound- s, . s s TIIK EAItTUUUAKU. The appalling calamity telegraphed us on Sunday as having occurred recently in Peru and Equador, by which cities with large aa l active papulations were suddenly i?.'e;.t from the earth or ed in vast tidal waves, the more thoroughly detailed, baepmes the more heart-rendi- and ' distressing. No pen can ever describe the hor- rors that the survivors of this awful and eublimb convulsion of nature must have experienced, when suddenly, as in " the twinkling of an eye," they were called upon to eee transformed from liviugj sentient bings, to iivid. manzled eorrwen. tho eister. wife or mother, and wtlnUI that made lifa dear, swept into'nameiess ruin. The de tails of this frightful upheaval have, in part, been received and ibey confirm the first report, if, Indeed, they do not make it more terrible in severity and horrifying iu loas.of life. ' : The city of Areqaip, and the towns cf Moquegna and Locumba, located up- on the coast mountain range, and those of Arica, Iquique and. I'istqua, built up- on the seaslda of Saufberrr Peru, were entirely destroyed, with large portions of their population; ships were dashed to pieces on the beach, or borne hundreds cf yards inland, by the tidal wavet., and hopelessly stranded. . Tho whole Ions of life by this ft ight.ui ( oaiamity 13 rougniy estimated at twdniy five to thirty-tw- o thousand, and property supposed to be worth three hundred mil lions was ruined or engulfed. VfJiile among the most awful of tha visitations of this charactgr upon record. it is by no means tbe first either :n I0.-- 3 of life or properly. In 115 there occurred at Antioch, in Syria, an oarthquske by which that oity w,a9 nearly ,ieatio$til, ann egain in oar, nworciog to fcMD&oni when 250.030 people psrtehed with an untold wealth, the refcult of ages of industry. The gnat con vulsion .n l"oo, dnrlng which Lis- bon w.f wrecked and lost 60.000 of her ..tisrsg, although one hundred and thirteen yara gone is wtll remem Bereel by eery student of our schools. We may mention, these of lv. in Ja. maica, when the capltal'of thb !lsnd, i"ort iloyal, was altogether eubcsrgJif iu les3 than a minute; that which oc curred on the Island of Java, in 1772 when a mountain flfteen milea long and ix wide, with forty villages upon' it, sunk from slgbt, and 2,957. persons per tsbed; also that of Caraccas, in 1812, whieh cost the loss of 12,000 lives ; and again in 1626, when that town was en- tirely destroyed, with a teas of 12.000 live. Those of Naples and Maxico, in 1857 and 1858, are fresh In the memories of our readers, occasioning jointly'a loss of life variously estimated from 40,000 to 60,000 souls. Ubo Mississippi valley, especially the part of It inhabited by us, has not bfen exempt from these terrible upheavals of nature. There are those among us who remember the earthquake of. Naw .Mad rid, extending a length of 300 milesfrDm the mouth orthe Ohio to the St. Fran cis, when the earth rose and sank in great undulations, and lakes were formed only to bo drained in comparatively an in stant af-e- r. Many of theso lakes, the result of the latest and finishing quake of mother eartb, still exist on both sides of the JJfesiasippi near this city. Reel- - foot Lake 13 ono, as familiar as Main street toour citizens. The fatniiiar haunt ofeportemen, it has furnished themea for many btraDge stories, not the least sensational being those set nfloat by that waggish, witty and polished wri- ter Col. Loois J. Dupjib now of tbe St Louis Times. One of his sto ries runs that there is a subterraneous pasMif between R3elfoot and the river, and that away under Onion City, and extending even to Memphis, there are underground streams, that may at any time lead to our engulphmtnt. All our rsadern ramember his sene&tlon as to the underground passages, when Mem phi was last visited by n shock that proved to us ihat we are scarcely lees iiable to an awful visitation than tbe people of the laud of volcanoes, who, for the thousandth time, have iust been fearfully wrecked. THE KLEOroitAL CK.LIi(ir.. The followlnr; will show tbenumhfr ot electoral votes, to which ach State u entitled in the Electoral Collfice. I President and ! Alabama 8 Misourl.. 11 Aikaneas 8 Nebravka.. , 8 l'jltfOrola. 6 Nevada Conneetleal New Hampshire. Delaware- - S New Jersey . 7 Florida New YorK... .23 Ueorfla.. . 6 North Carolina... 9 IlliDU... ie Ohio . -- .1 Indiana l Oreeon .. 3 Inwa. 8 Pennsylvania..... Kansas 8 Rhode Islanu. 1 Kentucky . 11 Bouiii Carolina 6 Loelsuina- - . .. 7 Tenaestes. Mali.e 7 Texas... .. . . a Maryland...... ... 7 Vermont- -. S . ..12 Vlrglnta .. . .10 chlgan. . . . S W-s- t Virginia. a ,. .. 4 Wlscanriij .. . 7 T)tal It requires 150 (o elect, in case the votes of all the States are counted. Should Ik votes of Virginia, Mississippi and Tesi lie rejected under the bill of by Congress, passed over the veto of the President, Juli 0, 1S0S, then the Elec- toral College will be composed of SO, of which 148 will be necessary tolooi.f, tbe We notice .that some of our coUHnpo r&ries includo Colorado iimon? iThjs cal a? Territory. - ' " ' -- - j-- . q . ...; j - . . T T THE STATE DEJIOCItATICXXEOUTlTEl coMJirrrEjc Tha Democratic state .Executive uom mitteo of Tennessee have resolved" upon' a vigorous and activa prosecution of the campaign for the national presidential ticket for Saymourand Rlair? The Hon. iEdmhrfd Cooper lias been .ppolnted !Elecfof for tho Sft65Plargo? vice Hon., Gep&W. Jones, resigned, and has accepted the position. A Committee of Fiuanchas.beea-- . pointed Dy.tue committee, consisting 01 tho following named gentlemen : L. F. Beech, E?q., Chairman; ,W. Matt Brown, A. Gf. Adams, Samuel D. Morgan, Sam- uel R. Anderson, of Davidson county; John Baxter, of Knox, and M. D. L. Stewart, of Shelby. Tbe Democrats and Conservatives of each Electoral District "are requested tdj hold conventions, and nominate candi- dates for District Electors by or before the 21st of September. Jn the event of a failure to hold euch" Convention in any District, tbeState, Executive Committee will designate a candidate. Democratic papers throughout the State are requested to publish the, an- nouncement. By order of the Chairman. ALBERT JtDBEBTS, Becretary pro tern. GEORGE J. 8TUBBLEFIELB, Chairman Ex.. StRte:Commlttc. A xaixe. ' By telegraph published thi3 morning, it will be seen ,by put raaders. that the Radical majority-i- Maine has been re- duced froni 0,000, a3 at first reported, ,to 14,003, which, as compared with tho re- sult of the election of .1806, makes n gain .for the Dambsracy of 13690. la that year parties were brought squarely into' the field on party issues; in the year iff, lowing, 1S67, it was different. Then they had a local temperance law that divided attention. As inIS66,sqit has been this year; there were no efde issues, Thei contest has been waged on purely politi- cal ground?, the Rspubli6ans exciting every unusaal .means to secure a favora- ble result. In this they have signally failed. As above stated, they have not achieved w.ithln 13,690 votes as large a majority es in '63t when they fought the Democracy- a square ..fight-o- n poll tics! issues alone. 1 - THE CAXVAHS. "The prosecution of tho canvass eo far " baa resulted favorably to' the JJemo-"crat- ic party. In figures tho total, of " the Democratic gains this year-reache- s ' to 49,400. The. total of tho Radical "gains for tho samotlme is 5,000. " Counting- - the votes' as they will ar in' the ujctpral collfge, they 'Intend as follows: Electoral itsjoiillet ". Votes.: Conrbrticul, Democratic- - 1,700 6; QrfEon,.leraocrtUC 110 Kentucsy, DsniocratlCo, ieon&a,ueiuocniuc.. 3 TtJtal., Rhcde Island. Eadlcil. Vermont; Bafcai.',i.;.:.., IB.SW 53 Total . 31,500 Uemccratlc mnlorlties .'93,700 tUdlcal tnsjor ltlci .33,cOJ Democrals ateal thus far,..fea 1G " We ueedigar np losses at that rate. "Colorado, numbering three votes, has ".been cast Radical, which would reduce " tbe" Democratic niojorlty In the electo-- " ral vote' to thirteen. It is to be noticed, "in. this respect Ujat while.Kcntucky ii, "and always basbeen Dernocratlc, f,- Oregon and Nebraska were "Radical, and are gains to theDemoc-"rac- y, while .Colorado and Vermont " were always Radical, and there is nei--" ther gain nor iosa to the Dsmccracy in " the result.'' - riGU-Krisxo- tax-payek- s. Here are some figures which It will be well for tax-payw- d to look over. They o&aw the difference between Democratic economy an J Radical . extravagance In a timaof peace': . ' Expenrei for Congress, including biokt , 1S.-- .1 . .S10M.iG2 22 1HB , j;ujl,.S 7S; uspen-e- s for collecucg revenue lor.cusuims: 1K.5 Vtf.Ka T7 VOf . 56,45- - C7. r.xpcn&Bs ror citu eervisq S,D10,t29 67 ' Su)87,ili CS Fxpinses for wrpurpos;s; 1S53 : 1SH as itiiiifttod i,vSecietarvbf the -- ' Treasury i$,Sa,S51 89 Eipeuscs for 5ayyi)ep.ut:nentl: f ' ' IWii esUmaTedTTyN'avy Depart- - mont ;. p...... sj.eiOj 95 ItxpsnwSs or admlalitratlon j , 7i,tU2,T92 20 IS ... 22 HOUTHEIt.ar UISI.ATORS. Two Radical members cf (tte South Csroliua Legislature a neg'ro and a carpet-- bagger iiad an angry, altercation. Said tho. carpet-bagg- er :' " You infornal " black rascal,' you had better go'back to "Burns' atd brush white peopla'u.boots An' you white-livere- d scoundrel, you "better go backto Blng-Sin- and' fiarve "odt your full 'prenticeship at stonc-"cuttirij- ." Specimen bricks; these, of Southern Radical legislation. I jf n. PAssiioni:. Mr. Passmore returned to tho city yes terday by the 2:40 p.m. train on the JkXempbls aud. Ohfo. Rsliroad, and by ; three o'clock had forwarded to ilayor iftwich his withdrawal of his rcrjg- - nation. This, we presume, means that ; aa u niii taio kuo au 1 tug uuvt t uj j some, days ag?, and elemanoTan investi- gation of the charges of fraud and cor- ruption, ' nlleged .against him. Tun Red Rivrr. Settlement,' in British America, Is threatened with famine. Prorn'nenifc.clergymoa ,0'f- - 'sev eral denominations in that country have- - united iu Bsyicg that not one bushel of grain will be hftrr ested there this year'; that tho potato crop is also a failure; that. tbe buffalo hunters have returned not only, without their auuual supply of meat and skins, but In an' almost starv ing condition, and that not even eood nougn remains muio setiiemeni for next years crop, ah appeal is. maue io the generosity of tho Canadians and the' people or tno united states. Less than fifty years ago the entire bu- siness of the New York Foatofflce was ., done in one small room of a private dwelling. The '" Great Southern Mail"-wa- carried to the river in a wheolbar- -' row, androwed over to the Jersey side lh small open boar, and sent thence In wagons to Philadelphia, Baltimore and groat Southern mall exceeds a hundred I tons per week, and a' thousand men are omployed ,to perforin, the, work In the way of mailing Southern letters end pa- pers, that fifty years ago .was perfprniea ono man. " fS1 WHAT THE NEUHOES COST, It has cost the peoPW about $2500 since war for each negro, that baa been taade ri.voterifor the benefitof the Radi v. Whlto. laboring" nserr In'ithe iNorth work five days for themselves and one tor the negro,ieaoU3reeE.ui ' o t ti :Josvm e; wn B Illegrfph aAepTmbefMtVTh parsed the nouss uui giving to the Ulate the Georgia Air Line Railroad. BOSTON. Boston, September- - IS Tno telegram an- nouncing the defeat of Ben Butler as tho eon-dila- fox re.alootlan to 'ongrcss, is uutrco. The com ontlonuas uo. yet been lielij. LYKCnni-1.0- , September' U. 8. Cavalry, under command of Col. W. 11. lloyall, passed tuiough here this mernlnz on a special train, eti rdute for Nashllkv ' ". GEORGIA.1 ! tho House eirlidiigneero serving ou junea ,w reconsioerea 10 uay. ice liousa, alter a stormy debate,, declaio J that negro .members claiming only one eighth .negro bleoa iDelit'.ble, by a u aiinlmons TOtr.' ' Blxty, nine KepuElicans lefosed to vote. '1 Ottawa, C. W.j 6eptenjt)er II Au applica- tion lor a new trial in Iuh case of Wlialeu be made to'the Judges at Toronto li' JSotem1-- - Dor. oneoi'icw groanaon wnten inesppuca-tionwl-ll bexnauo la; that, the Judges iju the. trial refused to al'ow the. baltiigos ,o!ridrorj! before the fertmptory chjdlenge' e,f Jurora was exhausted.' ttcinlDent lawyer tblnk that the grounds will no goou anttfechutanuaicnaj. " Trrr r ' av4 New YObit, Sepfembar 16. Mrs. BneHgtnV formerly Mrs. tieu.Katott; obtained a warrant yesterday from Justlca Bodge, for ihe arrest of herhnfibsnd, on the charge lof abdncting and seducing her- - gtand-'danghte- rf Miss Itahdolpb. Ho has not been arrested.- - ' . , Additional accounts of, the. earthquake state that at AIr;ci, the shecjj 'was preceded by a' Eonndlltothat-o- adlaiant'temptst, then tae eronnd shook from ttbutn'to-Nurt- h. A nalm res remains stanalcg untouched, and a.t green'1 as ever, la the miust or ,ub now uetoiaieu country. JFOitEXGK. LosDOr, September. J8.7-T- he Importatlou ol hay lrom-th- ' United Btatcs Will hereafter be allowed under iUenae ironl tno Privy Council. The prevaiearw t,t tho rattle disease lu various purta of the United States ijs tho cum o of this tt p Pahis, September 18. In an'articleln the last lieilew Vietix Haruiei, by Uiilzot, be Sjy 1 be has npdouit "f Ills dtsire of Napoleon lor the posjg Ion oi LVJ., "nd urges a redneilah of the army m the uiuy etfeclive jdtdgd of pedce. liKittiN, September ,lSc-Con- nt Bistnark has ordered by hlspliy&leianslogo to England PTh's heslth. EKOM TUB.FJLAIXS. FoT.TWAlr.xor, September-16- . Reports it triattl)is post ut neon to-d- , taie that- - a pitty of tveaty-flv- e , Indians ran orr twenty ruulrsfroni Clark it Co., hay & ntractors". wltlilu a half mile dr Pan Crty, at Jourmileslrom' here. They wts pursued by tbe owners and citizens, but not overtaken. About 13 o'clock the Indians tvere seen making iorthemeun-toln- s, half a .mile from this point, but they turned back1 tvhen they discovered that the herd had been driven bsck into the corral. At 2pm. tea citizens came In it porting that a band of Indians froni Pond City hadjrst stampeded 120 head from a hef d of i5C0 caitle, mules and horses TThlca ruixied here yedeiday en rout for California. Tula herd belongs to a family of twenty Taxans who have their,f,tml-lie- s 7 with tkem. Cnpt. Carpenter, w&dr'-wit- the 10th company of the United State colored- - cavalry; fcTrited here to-d- lrcm Fort Hayes, WrfS Immediately sentln'pa-sulto- therlcdiang. 2VASUVIliEiE. . NA'UVjj.r.E.Septeinb,?: 16, Tho Banner re- ceived tte Proclamation by telegraph y from Kooxvllla, ahd Issued itlu eatrri 'form. It declares tbat there are urnied bauds of tecret cDiupliators again ttho Stye, who have teen committing, and couti. u iff commit entrants upon dcffenseleaa and unotfenaiug loyal rtcltfd in tho Act of the glvms him tho power to call cut the AJllltla, and siys.r "In pursuance of the Act 1 call upon the trood', Ioya! and p.lriotlo people, whlteucd colortd.'pf every caunty In iheljlate to proceed without delay, and raise bodies or loyal and able-bodie- d oen and report the same to me at Whether tiny of the companies white or colored; Klllbe actually called iutothe' field, willdepentl entirely uioa the conduct of the people themselves. In tho several counties. I earnestly u ge that tuere-- ill be na occasion to call.aut tnese troops, t".tthat the efforts of all tbecit'zeostoproervo tbe po-c- e, will sne- ered, and thm obv.ate. ihe resort 01 this rn necesH.-ty- ; but If, nnhaprlliy. b rttrtoanclU dq not prevail and order is not r. stored And I am compelled to put down armed marauders by force,I propose to meet htmsvith such cumber and in luclia mshneras tte exigency thallde rnand.i..ad whatever may oe the coaso-flueoct- s, L will not bo deterred from the dia-- cnarge t, my auiy ncren, uy uireauor vio lonco 1:6m rebel spenktrs or rebel newsiiapers. nor byarrr.-Dtae- r raeins or Intimidation.' The. Governor adds that he crefcrs that, the troops snaii ne.rausea in jieanestee, ana tueieiore-uoe- s nor. irinii irzonumyer oi compa- nies In any county. In referencj to the rrom-lS'- Federal troops to keep tbe peace; he save. " Should the Department Commander bs 'arnlhod'wltn a sufficient tcrce to ttep order, i,wiii cjie.eDujiy ujm, ana, in ttat eveut, tie State Uuards may not be called Into berylce." " .WASHPTGTOX., LomavrtLfi. Eeotembar 10 The 'Courfer". ttDediti sarj mat nreiiminarv to n. Radicals have agreed to week uu r ruin; , auu uu.u. m aaenunovw-iw- , In. wB.Ch the-- , political fitu.tlrn wll be as well as affalis'.of iheitevenu'eDj-partmen- t. It is hintel that some ngly.devel-op- nts have been, made', which mayMleter-mic- e them to to the deposition of Com- - Kolllns. The ItedlcaU cxprcts alarm at the condition of tbe c4uvta In Indiana 'and Ohio. They vixtaaliy roncede thp- election of Hei.drlckf, andthslcs offsreral C6aeresmen In Ohlri including Egletvn aid Kcheuvk.. .. ; The Odtuinibsl'iner c f "In'terhdr 'Revcnne'has. deciied tbkt ex 'onersjonfitbrics made exclus-lv'el- y of tax-pji- d coft n, a o ent'tled to a uraw-bc- k whoa-ve- r lb? muy ba exported; bat if (lit! Ial.riss,ijri Jir;d3 of, material upon rrf Thich rnaits us Jjdjn'pard, noiraw-- 1 ba k o. l,e ailowo I, " Let'eru tlw ab vj elTvct-hsv- bseo, sent to a-- iraronnienemii(if.f'o.i. Blucklnj'J (lemandtbst btinc1 Mtst-ilns- by the PiesldculiQ jvei I to tiw VVlilta lluaa to tenCerhlMrrtlgi nttvii lotbe Prccldeut lu pcr-eo- i, bdtvr.s uiiuscaded by friends vrhoguvo til lonndeiMtJiad'tlMt the ddntuodrys hls lu tte luvti!ia-t- l nluNeTY-r- k U l?4 that he shall o dlect and rraup anl TmnlM'elt to ll:u cjshlatiu of Ciknruie , wl wi I b? em-pl- oi efl specl.ily to cdiiduut lbeca-e,courtn- y ' onnc ion therewith tclog oaly m mloal Sanford fhureh is likely to" 'bo up, olnted, 0-- 1 the pait ef.th- - Oovernrjionl.-fortnisdutj'- '. Tire work of rttreuf hlfer'thn Mnpnwt nf Af. led ug custom, la sc oru uewlth tUe section oran act of Cccrisf ulm-nls- lnciri.r:nria. tiouslor tbj.t service, litln pKuJrtM. Tho JnmaV Vr asul dk ton ;rn Vital sayg tb'e Democrati' of. the dfy . re well ajtlsffeu with iresvflt f the canvas in Maine, andelairua sdHtantlalTrlctorr. The Republican TOsJarlty helbw the majority of 1 35i. A prominent member of the. Jowlih rcrua. gffi S.Siyi!l0.to ' 'tni YABa.11? di?ing thern of the cae ta lhlacountrr. sa lmimuui ...,.. with the.lmportance, to ttMin.'o: the mceess 4t tho Jlemoeta y in the coining eleotioo. that -,- tuuiuflujieailliu POJllJCal or- - Mnliailons. for the purpose of aiding tbat tleket. h jmetulog lure nnkuown in the his-if- ? f crecil? thelr vote w-- i be cast for the - yai.uuuva tiltt UtiU ;TE30iailAPllio ESAliKEXS. . . , ? j JTew lortt STarltet. kbit- - lour. tptember 16. Cotton adlra L2iE;i)for V Wetteit? WhlSi ilooey-T- be market la easy and' steadr. uZh loans os j. riterilDg qultt Galdifti. Thetranmertons me ineavy' many ot tbe cha&era beicr .Carmnn t..n.. "VL""; alsaon theMresistuat war was rtmrntaent LryEOods-Prl- nU declined r. Amoifaxi.U ; lower aualitl4 l rt?T?.ii biaa prints &. ' New Orleans Jtai-ker- , b middling r?rw OatSASd, Ms; saiVs iCtVt rwflr,U5 sJff?5 M3S- - NewYork slgnt dlsconntJ iff io . , ... Tn, extra " " u u. nm6i w. Oats dull. 62a SWi", fi Jf291 Jl""i tV 2501 Port Bacon rn'ni jm:."r: . Lonlsrll 1 e Ka rk et, fair to an, iu ajj srTzrvJ supernne 3 isfHf.l ' OaM 60Gc Uar, ' - ..uu. .wc; clear Mil I'M iec, Lard In tierces ISo, J frer. tgh wines Jl 32a Clrtclnnatl Jlorhet. Wntaky. borlried'':0in JiesJ ISj: Bulk. sides eai9 JJKlSlsk. BsS'anaWenT .55?' 2- F eed 8 49, Hay imSs & urwetivv mm. Ht? Lonis 'siar&et. e.?t-:S.b.- ? JiiA-to- .; SS&SSSU'lr Bcon,.clcl5 "f-- w "iy--- i i .o'3iMjc 'it' .wverpool, eeptemoer ttou. closed llrmnr nadhlgh;veales looolbalesTread- - iun;ii-- a Hl?5lir OB V- - I Jl" 0. payors closed at Si; UBfiten (tatei's.a)' 72.' other Southern points. To.day the samei:";" jRilB: party, jMshangj. Ml CLABKE-AVKs-eepten- bsrp, 1868, at vuo residence oi uro tmaa s latcer, Mr. W.EVK- - "r. and B. Claiikk. of this city, to Miss Julia T. Avziit, or Norwich, Conn. lf ABONIO NOT1QB The 1TX memoers or soum Meiuphls Lode So. 118. are hereby notified to attend sneclaL communication this miarrin-- U. degiee. -- j All r.C.'s"are" fraternally invited. By order of .A. J, WHEELER, Wl M. Btir. K. Puu.nr, Scc'y. Memphis. Beptemberir, feg. - ? sep!7 It T fi9T OR tlHTjA'rr) TVlnn!r nTorht Jr. LlSS)3; dated April ISflsss, payable to- - my or- - rounterslzaed by John -- Loazne. June 9. 1MT. I'urUts are hereby nonfled hot to. trade lor the same.as payment nas oeen Dsneu 8l N0UKW BENKERT. W.'otice,.. " MB. D. T.;l50YX,E became a momber of par. on the 1st lmt the firm, style r- - . -- Harris, cochran rx. Eeptembtr 18, 1S3S. septT lnt , Attention, 3ilUa. I W' HITE AXIS UOLORED raeihbars of the late enroUed MlliUa DUI rlct of West upon thesrrrderslgned, at their earlleit convenience at hiiodoe, aajje Is about to make ono'more (and. he.treLu ves, a a. final) ecort to oblsln py from lhe-- United. Hiatea WovernmenL wllhbut any ;c&!t, whatever to tho memberj. ' t ' Capt. KELSETiOND. Madam Vincent- lilock, corner CMrt and . second ttreitsj 'spl7lw IfOTlCEl mHE firm of NATHAN Hi'OTirKRa Co L wsla this daydlasolved 'by mutual consent, jic.jv auubuimsu;. jne Business wi;iie continued by remaining parlnen, Jullns and Jgldor .Nathan, under the firm name NaT AN BKOTHER8, they a sumlng all labilities of tbe Ute Arm, and are Alone authorized to collect idlonutindtcgdebrs of inie. .' ' JULiua Nathan, ISlDORiVATHANj - ' Memphis. September in. W. sepl73t JCnjT E. j. Wrtsosr HicAxit CHICKASAW Foundry - " AND Maolaine Sli o BINDLK & HEiTE, Proprietors, S.C Gor.SecoBd aad Wfaebestcr Streets, OPPOSITE COURT SQUAJZE, , Eapl7w3tal. . ' J. W.ilOOKES,.-- - 1 - J. J, V0BTPS- Qf Memphis, Tenn.-- . Xate Brlggs Norton MO ORES c0 NOUXOIf, OOTTON FACTORS 1 AWD. QIVL tOMMISBIO !T JS SRfJHANIo', ' N0.31S PRONT STREET, MEMPH-19- , TKNJjj -- variicniar atuntron paid to FUlins or- ders for Plantation Supplies and the Sale of all Country Produce. Uoeral advances made on consignment In store. sepl7 lm HPiJAOl'E, SOUiE eSTCO., Commission Merchants, BOSTON, MASS.; REPtESr'TED IN MEMPHIS BY THOEiS TROUT & SONS, . . J 'qOS Front Street. ',' advances made on consignments ,of Cotton-t- the above house ; and, If deelred, will be held as shipper may direct. sepl7 8m M8KET PI0-NI- 0 or THE Sons of Xemperance, AT ' James' Park, bead of VauceStr.ect, ON TUESDAY., THE S2ND INSTANT. The best of music In attendance and a A UoldUeadrd CAKE.W1U b4 voted to the most popular political Club. Now all you who pride younelves on your particular club, come to Jamet'Park on Wean-ida- t- and ihnvit or vote in the city, as third will be voting pla- - ail U". aiiecw The overtcn Druff Stbre. Renkert's Drog Storo, corner Main aad Market . a'reela.1-1- . . C.C.Var J i Bro's Drug Store, cornerilain aad Chandln Drug Store, Main, between' JlfArsan and Court slieets. - Qray i3arradall'a Drog.Storeomer Second J. C. JJyrlah' News Depot, 810 Main street, ' larrvHarmstad'a Wharf brat. JT Plc Nlo tickets, SO ,cenu,-fo- r sale nt the SB. JAMES, TORMERLY PFJAllfca' Tirir nrvspiTA r. llol... 1? Oua'oiu 1 DEA House . - street. 1 . . . - . New 11 Orleans, . . (estab . - - .isucu ajt ,ui me. im seven years i oca leu in Chicago, and celebrated throucoout the coun try In the tuccesjfut treatment or Pbivatx uiu uu corraaenruuiy consuitou at his office and parlors; 91 'and 63 Randolph street, corner of Dearborn street, or by letter x usLuiuce uxawer osoa . Dr.'iAMfKtieats OHRONI "MERCURIAL. SYPHIBITIO, BLOOD and SKIN DlBEASKa, and aB DISORDERS' of a 'CDNf AQlOUtJ Vi NEREALC HARACTER which he cures with- out tbe use of mercury, lodldaibotassli. arsenic or spy poison, but with his tsEUTKA IZEtt, a positive enre for all humors and. blood pobous. ORGANIC WEAK K ES-- , such as WUA1CNFJ43, NOCTURNAL aad DIURNAL KMIsaiuNs, brought nn by abu'e of the or- gans, early Indiscretions, eJtesses, or entailed neredliarny, oauslng ion ot memory, confu- sion, depression, dtmnfss of Vision and oflen- - tlrnpjt litAAnf tv. with n itpn nruhlu tiHitn nfflfl,.. .'nymptom, treated and radically cured by an luiaijiuio lueiuua, taYioirMme ana expense. All dkea-e- s pechtlaf to the sexual organs, cf a private character, radically and permanently cured. Old diseases of the, most ho.rlbloelass, wkere tlie biKl has beoo-u- jiolsoaed, prcduclng ijieicues oanne isce, small watery misters, pMns in the head and bocci, ulcerated throat and nose, soreSbn the limbs and body, scrofula, together with art endless number of sufferings; erflectuallyand rcrmanontly cured. Pit. JAilEsit reoom mended by the pressor tbe country, by proieor of medical oollrgen, and by tue medical profw-lo- n general'y. Those amic'cd should apply to hilo, And be cured at 01 ce. The JIosrroB,by D, James. 0 treatise' upoa tecuiiar to me sexual organs 01 either sjx, can ?. effeCtsa'nd theirremetllM. mmnHnl from an experience' bf twenty yeais practice' In the excuuive treatment of those dkeases.- eeh(to nnrtddross.weHrely rappr-d.- ' Price One Dollar. Pamphlet on SrnKUATOiiBHEA, or one, oh "Sji-mij- sept in sealed envelope uponxeoelnt of nofltftrrvtwri.mf fciAmna. An. dresi Dr. JAMES, Postomee: Drawer S401. Chi- - ergo, mine-Is- seplTU HUGH TORflAKCe, . GOTTOISr FAG i'OE AXO q Qeikl OonimlfiSIou.Merciiantr JVa. 10, JEFFERSON. S BLOCK, OPl-p- a Jl BpOMStKIlCIAL 310TEL, MEMPHIS, - TENNESSEE bepio uu jj .... MURRAY & RIOCELY, HBBCHllI TAILORS, f3 Hadhon Siree't, TT AVE Insi reeTved "thefr magniicent apd PA3CEt A3J1 'WKXEn GOODS, , The Rest ancT ha'n'lK)hl8tc ever hroncfat ta.thi uiuAci. vunuieomBoaine puonc WIltp:easei ""f H" ior tuo uoeral paironp.se hcTetoforeTje towed upoa ns. J3qplng tormsrlt acontlnoadeeof the same In tbefuture, weln- - as wm.iiMj cmniia examine oar stocs. RIDD1CK. forme rl v of J. IT, wu.n a-- iv. 'in i. .,,., . .. 1 . v 7 VJi ivsill UU.1V1UU11 Uld uiiuvuuiwiiiu seniosm V -- M in . 111 - ;Sr l tn 3i S W m s t: r. . .ii11 "w, .w an .Hi' feA(s -- utii i- -'l MtofiP ifT i. Lbs IxsMau mmgt WW-- a - ' OJP MEMPHIS, 'Oapitali Mistook, : . : M. J. WICKSi President, BOTZli:, Secrecy, , BOABD OF 1tsji wicks, 1 W. I VANCE, atpebson; J. J. PSTTIT, Fj TITUH, - -- NAPOLKON- W. R. HUNT, HILL, J. Q.XONBDAUE, TEiSTlSTESSEEr rsStrjEa 'Pplldea either Participating or on arftherlmpraved Plans of JJH Nd Restrictions on Travel or Besldence within tbe settiedaimlU of the United BtateaorBrlllth. North --America. - All odcles for their SnnltAbl&Valne JC ,. The Offloers and Directory of this I are determined, by a Jndlclaoi acdeoonomirs taanagement of Jits .analrs, to secure . or t ths success which It merits e4 a reliable InsUtuUoE.1 ' j?JiI!TCLPAL QlPJFICEy 291 MAttt STREET. FEKaUSON" &. PRITETT, " No. 11 Madlbon Street, AKeHlsforTeHHeseec. Jell dtfawlm - THE OLDEST DRY GOODS HOUSE IN MEMPHIS . Wo take t i Oi ' Om PATHOSU8 AfyD THE PUBLIC, That toe are now receiving and efcpo&Uig for sale; one of meaargcstaeocKa oj BUY GOODS, C2&THIN& NOTIONS. ' BOOTS, SHOES. AKD, HATS, ;;. .. , IN Sto Txi3bL'o a ai St . ., . .. . . Which tae offer on as REASONABLE TEsiMS as any Hoibse in this or any other city ' ' '., ' - OTJ3R, WBCOL.' E'S Ili'EJ ,STOCE Is worthy the attention of ALL DEALERS throughout the Country, as each line comjtriscs a1 full assortment, and yoill bjssbldasJtiaasany house villi sell .them, South of Mason's aha Dixon's 'Unci BETATL STOCK ' It under the immediate supervision of cue of the jiaxtners of ihe con- cern. Our facilities in Uie Eastern Market enable us to at all times TiavSdn hand th latest styles of all kind cf Goods in our line, including a large liiie of b Mm, Tires Goods, Cloaks, Mantillas, Buttons, Dress Trimmings, etc., etc. Ve.make no pretensions. All tv6 ask iV for you to THY' J7P, and judge for yourstlves. sep6.6m - A. SEESSEL & SON, 959 MAIN" 8T.OPP. OOURT SQUARE. Hs COWPERTHWAIT, L Hi CHAPMAN, W..F. .BOYLE CO WPEKTHWA1T, CHAPMAN & CO., BOGESSLLSES, .STATIONERS, JRINTEIZS ANJD BINDERS, 370 L-- 2. 31 XIX STREET, : r : MElIPHIf, TESJT. we have tbe larcest ttork of Stationery tn tbe Soiithwest; M'vellaseous, School and Medl;al Eooks. Alte, a large tusoitmept of Prayer, Hymn end JInsle Broks for 11 All the laU Novels, "Foul Pliy," by Chas. Reade; "Mnonsioae,,T-- Wi- llie .Collins; "Into tha Light," and "Simplicity aud .Fascination," "Planchettey "The' tdttle Winder." We will Mil at the lowest price . cp6 lm ROVSTERi TREZEVaHT & CO., .Real Estate Brokers, fAtJCXlONEERS, -- AND- Oo!iiiiiissioh Mer ehaiits, .. 2f.B.-Ctr- . Mditi Jb STefferson- - Sis. Fublle "Baler- - et' lEcal Estate, " l , :At'lilert!li:aMs?' Exchange,. - (ODD FELLOWS' HALL) Ori TliursdayV Qctober 1, .1 AjTIIwill offer at the above- - dice and time, I t and at-Li- i wnauur Kisiciivx., i. n r: A 2fcatly, Mulshed Cotlage, Oil Dnnlap Avenue, second house south of the Memphis and' Chorlistoa Rallrod;"beIng Lot HO. i oi ua, rugi4a ouoaivisiou w rrom oy ituiieei in ueriu.ik ywj. umijiuu, Siwiciliriuu Picrau. uv-..- .-, making a desirable home for a , . . '. and balance in mx. TesjiS Half Cash, ... , r i r a. --ALSO Jnsl west of the aboVo, on Kagland AverxiO, a tor thOBamodzeon wmcais '. rA. Comfortable Cottage, Tsiiits-Caji.- ', , ' .. , : .These are gnlrs which parties" mayot-ten- d wltli conflileneetliat Hiey nre Per- - cmiitorv and wlttiont' Kcaeryu ' in , , i a ' - .U ! - Ii! if OTHER Property can be added 16 tbl? Sale n to be inserted ln'Our AdvertlcmeaU.. jfwA it-'- f IHE Chamberf,CQmaieree have, tondierftl the use or tnetr Ataii-io- sates .04 iuu cutiii Sind we hope itViU be found a great conven- ience for all PabUdBaJes ofReal Estate as far practicable to be made at that point. Auction Sale6f Merchandise; - - . . TfTE solicit consignments of any Description of Merchandise to be sold at Auction liavlcffone of tbeint' convenient sales- rooms, agmlrbl4-60ite- d foi display "of U00us,auu is 9ueof tae mwiiiijvaat,,iauujui me cjiji - . ....,,. . REAL EE TATS Bt'HtVATESAIiE. I ui 01 uiiy iuiu i.aaai7. nopeiiy- - . OUK 8ale is. afalttlme-- . very fall, .anw ln.rnm.Ms . . h.1,1 -- l hriM, ,t,.f ,nnl I UIW.J " " fa. r command purchaaerSj and , - OUB RENTAL AGENT XK. GTJION, HVlrm dnd favoramv known In this comma. nltvuft LtuiDess man.will dve bis undivided Altentioa to Betm2 Ucntes. Collecting Rents, ii Pavine Taxearfor those who place their- - prOpei'lU UUl JUV1&.CV UiabilUIUMl. WE are, prcpared.wlth ample facilities for QonoralL,C b mm ission BusineKs, ... , . Ai ai . - And will irlve Special Attention. to Oonslcn. Irientsiof.-- ; Goods at ' Private .Sale, , foUowlns xeitsm 4 titiddflob 00 niiTTinnr-- an 1 Mitm torn 161,883. 46 J. br. PETTIT, Vlce-rrwiltlc- iit. DJREOTOBS. , WM.JPINKB, . j ?,W SMITH, Nv. a,yjaUCE, A. BEESSEIv W. B. GREENLAW, B. K. PULLEN; JAMES PHEIiANi --' inelhtd to inform , . . ..It. . THE IHSTJEA3TCE. FIRE & .MARINE INSURANCE MERCHANTS' IirSUEANOE COMPANY .CAPITAL, : t : $200,000 Ofilcc So. 10 Matlisaa St., l' At J MEMPHIS, ' ': : ;: : TENNESSEE DIREJOTOR8: f. Surr' M. E. COCHRAN. .W. 3. WALDKA.N. J.T. FAROABON. t' NAPOLEON HILL" W.AUOUDWYN, . .JOHN T. STtiATTON, . J. r, fcilAISK. ' . , OITFIOKRB: R. xcDAYITT, --- -- Preslfleat. i. W. SMITH, .... TIce Prcaldeiit. B. A. lUEEE, .... Secretary. BTOOKHOLDBR'a i 'Allison Ero&, O. W. Gilmora, Thoa. MolTet, w. 11. Anflrews-Una- uumoxe, Jesse Moore, M. A. Allen, C. W. Oojer, A. J. Mnrray, Ben). Eabb. II. L Bacon. R. Dl Geodlett.il. C. C BllL Wi H. Goodlett J. Overton,,Jr Ut n, udugisi u uv., IX. i--. ru, D. W. Bowman,Dr. D. Gober. H.-- Partoe, W.H. Bruce. Joan Gunn, Parteet A.Har- - Co., " D. P. Hadden. bctt, P.H.Bryson, 4 Co.. J. S. J. Camp, A. L. Harris, J. 3. Powers, F. V. Cash, WmJ. Hardin, W;P. Prondnt, atXCIay. A. HatcheU. W.Q.Balney. a T. Chamber- - J. P. Bill 4 CO..H. p. Bead., lis, LMiUlU, KF.Rlski ' W, H. Cherry. Napoleon HOI, ,L; B. Eleharas m. r uoenran, j.w. uoisi suutiaor tosea-- A. Cochran, H-'- HowelL bach, (Curtis, Howell, Wood M.J.KosmI. F. H. Davis.. . A Co.. . . Jl T. Ktraltaa. J.K.Day, JP. rroiTmon J.T.Swayae. uoBoto uans:, j. Steele A lrf i.m,-- ?. v. 4 CO il.D,Jne, Wi Il'.firsahewt. u. xjow, Jvua .uousiar. w. esuu, j. A. Taylor, 3.H.Dqnacqmb,Jahn B. Leech, A. Vcoearo, Edmonds, u.H.Aouaere.iK.P. wait. tlcrew & Co.. TS. H. Lekir. W. B. Waldraxt. W.lLFan T. Macta't, C. a Ward, . . miuwijuii,' a. i, J.'T. Fareason. E. Marshall. R. D. Ward. J.K.ranktCp,IaxiflId. Geo. W. Wlble, j 1). r ray sex, a'uw, jn. u.vvicks, J- - W. Fowler. E. McJJarUt JfflA. WlBlam. N.Ford is Ca, 3". H." McDar.tt, son, W.C. Foster, LB.MroNY B. W. WUkms. W. A. Gage, Geo. Mitchell., James JUWWlt- - WJJ. Greenlaw. ..1 tJeOlSmad VEHICLES. WOODHUFJET & CO.. Alerripliis',: rt": eirnessee. r T. -- DEALERS IN- - ROCKAWAYS.BAROTJCHXS, .AfD.AXJCXlirDe or our CflmflffO flnd Wfledll SLaterUUi Is 1 oi Xron, Springs, -- Axles, Bbtls, fti y . ''spokes,, liuis Alii HeIed Leather, Eaelel Isek 8. detlia, BamasV, Carpets, Wfeite Lead, Paints and Oils, A 11 of which are offered, at'lo w price.' ' spS 7m- - ' 1 - f r 4 tW. J. JOHNSON,. set U No. 7H Madlsou Street. IKSUSA1TCE. MISSISaiPri. VALLEY. BIlAJi Oil MutuaT 'T$l6:a Insurance. . Co., lu MEMPHIS, TEltM.1. J 8, 3s. 18 Xnkierbocteri-Ealldlr- g. " Aweta, ...r. : : $1,000,000 Foticiet SuMerL cf OifQSUt en-a- Hie popular plant, and (At Qcnervi MvflrUu acted on iKe tarns term at wiOi ''. Of Home OSlee o tW ' ' CompanjT DIBXCTORS AT MEMPHD3 : ,: HENDEESON OWEN, of ifeaas. Oirea, He-2- ? ntt & C04 STiSsRi?1 Mectrs. Newton FordACo. W.H. CHEEBYreiMentMerchanu'Nauonal Rank - , ALBERT PIKE, Attorney at Law : B. J. HEUMEd, of Mewrs. B. J.KemmesiA Co CHARLES UPARTEE, of MesTParteV Harbert: isjsa CHARLES feORTBECHT. Attorney at l&vr JOHN Mesirs. Boyer . TrezeTant A Co JOHN MHOON, of Messrs. MXoon A a GREEN of M ewrs N. B. Ureen Co.: J. BTANWOOD MENKEN, of Xessri Meakea l Merrrredr; W1I- - ' "MEDICAL EXAMINERS : R. W.MTTCHBT.T., M-- Dj FRANK RICE, iLD. ., GENERAL AOENT, 1 JOHN F. WILKEKSON. ror West Tennessee aad" North Mississippi. MANAQERS: 5.. E. CjLASKE tic CO. febis ST. LOUI3 MUTUAL ... i a LIEE, IMSUBAMCE COMPANY. H0X . 0I1IC2, .Jo. i 515 qilie Binet, ST. L8UIS. D. A. JANUARY, President: JAS. H. IUOAS. Vlce-Proerido- 't. WM. T. SELBY, Secretary. J. S. MILLER. Aas't Secretary. WM. N. BNTON. Gen'l Aent-- DIRECTORS : - . .', Tn TT Y MMo. a n&l Tlf,,l vellle, Charles H. Peck, Robert K. Vfood. Jnlea Vslle. Ueo.lt. Robtnson. Robert R. John F. Thornton, David K. Ferguaon; Hod. John Hoi an, Henry Overstols, ruebolaH Schaeffer. William T. Oay, Wm. C. Jamison, R. P.Han-enkam- p, L. H. Baker, D. A. January, Wm. J. Lewis; 1. Rosier, Jr., Jacob Timra. JLSSeta, Jnae 1, 1805, over 83,000,000 i Itsces PoUclea on ALT. THE HdSTif- - PJtOVED PiASS, ob ea good tsrms aa say Company. 2Te SalrletSom vpon AtxUmaUd Tariau. tr U RESIDES CS OR TRXVEt. MSMPHIB BOABD QFBEFERENCSj WormelT.Joy i Co.. Avdlett, Robinson CoU.M.Webb t Co.,Toot,PhUilps it Go., r eey McGhee, N.CoroonaL A. E Frankr-u- ,, Jacob Alexander, Clapp, Vance 4 General w. B. Forrest. General J. R. ' hhT2" ruthers, Kev. &. H. Koni JJ-r- fVoSvea! Judge Phineas T. Sercscs, OV' 4"av Halted Cow,lteScto Insurance, eon street, Kit " ndCMAHON OTIS, D. i A genu for West Tennessee, N. B. jT' t jr. it rt a n nfi lestm - - 2NS U EAJJCiE. V r Fire & Inland ffaYigalion BLiKs MUMPHIS ffiSUEANCH A6SH07, SSliatlisoii Street. mHE. FOLLOWING 8TAUNCH.P.ELIABLB JL and weU known Insurance CompanleSaro represented at the Memphis Inenranca'Agency. No. 22 Madison street, Memphl, Term.: XKA OP HARTFORD. Total Losaea- - Pald a,2JI,872 HARTFOROjOF HARTFORD. INCOReORATED, AJ, AaaeU. v : , ,02020 XT. A. LITTLETON, Agen t. SOM OF NEW 70BK. Aseta SECTJRITT OF KEW YORK. Assets. ,. n,fT777 ENTERPRISE OF CIKCIrTBATI. Capiti 5 1. 000,000 Tredenbtxrgk tfc Sylvester, Ag'ts. losses Paid at tMa Agency. for Marine' and Accident Insurance promptly attended to. Jen 3m' THEnSSISSIPBrY-AlrTrTi- T AND-KARI- WS IHBU'liTHJB. COMPAHY T.- - '' ' OF MEMPHIS .V 1 OAPITAIji : $300,006 C j?. XeXBIS rreiiaent. j; j.atCKpanr .Vice-Preside- 3."SC B1EBBISH. ecretary. DIKEOTOK8: lstbAVIH, J. W.JEFFERSON, J. MUKrax, L. M". WOLCOTT, r t . unrTtr ow.itii N COBONNA, NAPOLEON HILL, B.M. GATES, tXJVSMITH. a U. PAttTEt.rii H. LOWJtiNaiillJI, THOMAS riaHEB, W. R. MOCRB. J. B. MtSKES; v B. EB4EMAN, W.W.SCHOoLFIELDl F. MACKALL, THOMAS K. SMITU51' B. a - Qiu x. A. SEfefcUAKL. lel .l H ER NAN D'Q:.' INSTJEANOE GOMPM He. 17 Xadiien Street. - rpHIH Company la now doing a General In-J- L surance Bnalness. It stock, la owned by dry merchants anl bs&sess men.' Its aim to do a safe local buslnens to the advantage beth the Cotapany and the Policy Holder. ; 5 j 'A 8.B. WIIJiUMSeJ, : : : President. EM XII, 1 ! : : i : Secretary. BZKBGTORSt' ' iS. ILDUNBOOMB,- - - ' 1 B. WILLIAMSON, M.L.MEACHAM. HENRY IiAtKD, E.MODAY1TT, D. H. TOWNSKND." ' " JylOtf JOHN E. HURKC, JUSTICEtOF THE PEACE, , .'Or rioi-No- . SI , Union street, betweemMaIn and Second. KLDONHlQH, Deputy constable. au2v lm 1 7
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · w SBSTiaSSSSJBrWSSiCS! TO THE IPlfeLIO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY APPEAL.' iveOne copy, one jye--r ..-- .? 12 oo cejiiw, one year. jfiftm own,wr



DAILY APPEAL.'One copy, one jye- -r ..--

ive.? 12 oo

cejiiw, one year.luOWjfiftm own, wr yrar- -

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Oh copy, one year..Tier evmet.one veer as .M)Tew Ofpits, one ear. E"u

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axiszjji; eeatixu & co.



.HORATIO BKYHOCB.sr iyfOTifetK..ter l'iee-- J eH- - ....'KAl.li tr. us-ai- s.


Mir lflcetvr . iAl'BUAa.


' Ih China every child ten yeara of ago

can read and 'write the aa-tiv- tangas.

Tbe receipts of peiehfB in ClmJinnatiaverage aboot 15,8 bushels per wefc.

An industrious man nt Bangor hasIlls garden lighted by go? so that lie can workat it hyntgfct.

Edward Yrke, tlw Cwnderof Ibe pub-

lic setoool MCKa or LoaiaBa. dkU a few daysace.

In UC3, New York, ten children werelying (laid one day wcatiy.&oM otOlng unripeiruk.

A ship kdof Indian sctlps has arriv-e- d

n rrt, to appear a lasWonable heads nestse&soa.

ATontieal is to have & diamond ball ina few weeks. On Jady promhes to wear ieo,- -

urnrlh.Dr. Eilioisoa, the inventor of the

stetfaoseope. aad friend of Ibackery, has judied at London.

The Democrats cf the fourth Massa-cUawrt- ts

Jtettlel have Peter HaiAT"

Xor Congress.The Demoorats of the seeoad Mtane- -

sataTdUtrlet Uav nominated Kosv.-a- c WlUoa.ofHlnBeapoUs, for congress.

General E. D. Keys, a corps oom- -

roander la the Army of the Potomac. Is ulump-4n-g

QiSMmM9T Seymour and Blair.In a personal difficulty near iBka, on

Saturday lat, between Henry Cotrarn and"tt'a Spark, the latter to Slued. -

Tho mother of tbe notorious Kenooretbers, who are eMrfffd wiih tho exprt tjotibtry. Dear Seymonr, Jau.iBa, dKd '"'weet oi a broken hem t.

The Sahool Board of Cint innalithe aBfml! llanoy Opera Jfcurf

al lBteed to convert It into a Pp:eadld puMicliterary bulldlug.

The JUdiesla ciaim a niajoriiy o?

tweaty thouaad Jar the Ueket In ilalaa onMonday. Tsluleas man4JidrisnalrafOMiy.

Georga Ticknor Curtis w. "It 5

a vry terloHS question- whether two enllielydKtinct raei cub exlet peaceably toge-he- incoKraunily." Hesowrite8tot!ii.-i?oiiHiIte- .

"Grant's fooUteps cauuot be mis- -

tiken." saj- - a Kadleal orator. Varlly, liespcakse troth Tiws" ureas auwroui in thf" Wl.deraes " ftslhe Minds ttpoa the sea Miorc

The Union City Herald bears of neighhoods In his cotntrr where i orn will soil at 30

cent a bujhel this .all, aul uie I resU producsaeerns enough to .fatten all t lye hogs.

The Corinth Sews says thete'ha3 beenfor tease time pt a vry fi'al dteasi amongthe oiitte in that ntiRhborhood. A large som-ber of cows hava died reeesHy, ueneraMy whh-I-

a day or'twoartrbelgrrttked.Tbe HutabWt Segister reports the

Xrvada of a t aad mobt valuableclBBlbu- mio, larxe mgajj-i- i to supply tbeworld with qalcksilver fBraRiBy years. Tbemine lsb'.tuatfed abuut fifty jullSs wtt of Unionvl le.

It is said that the Radical committeeat WafchlBBlo'i advised the expansion of thenesroes from the Ucorgta LejWatore In orderto foraUh au czeuM for a Septemb 3r essuon ofCoBgress, aad oonsequenuy Biare rctxrasiructlon tintering.

The- - Grenada Sentinel says : " Wecan hardly teu anything about the crops inthis rezkm. One man sajRhlb 11 entirely gene.while snotbr HiIdUs be will gathercn averageyield, at least. Tft e can only 4appa thattheyare neither bo good or so had at the; might be.

The Grenada Sentinel says : " TbeEtekneas in oar city and county a ems not lobeabauec- - Jf mber of neiriy every family ereeither stk or unwell. Colli, biliouo fever andsevre eotds stem to Le the most general causesof eomplaiat.

James A. Wharton, Esq., father-i- n

law of Hon. Frederick W. Heward. AssistanttfeerMary of Stale, of tbs United Statu, diedyesitriay at bte resKienee In Oreeabush, NewYork. Mr. Wharton was in the siHy-nr- it yearor sn age, and wan a wt ft known and esteemedotttzen.

The vestry of Ckrlfti Church. (Epitcopal), Tuvealoosa. Alabama, decleted that theHector of that ehnrch " has almsed the trustconMed U hiaa, la a maaner which is dis-graceful to tbe c.'eiiwl profession, as well aa abreach ef his otdlnation vow," and have ap--pom tea a committee of four vestrymen to pre- -ler charges against Him.

Tbe abstract of the report of Gea.Meade of his action and that of tbe mllKalyoffieers unler him, in tbe ruatter of the prisoners ensrged with c omplicity in tae murder ofAsobrn, at Columbus, Ua .shows thst the

for the proiecntlon wore subjected to themost eraet tortures in order to extort from thema coafssstpn that would enable tbe prosecutionta maze ap a case against the prisot era.

The revival of old institutions of learnl nc and tbeinan oration of new ones, ssys the

asbrHle JSsnuxr, and the inultip'icatlon ofthennmber r piMaary schools in the country,Arc among the signs of sociJ improvement inthe coantrj'. which renders us hopeful of thefuture of our people, whose every effort 10 secure pr&teerlty Is more or lea Interfered withby the epprerttoBS of radicalism.

Tbe negro members of tho GeorgiaIrfgWaUjre, lately declared ineligible, havepublished a protsat. addreued to the Speakerand aeSBbers of tie Iloase, ta vrhlch they en-ter a solemn protest egalnet tie cutre perpe-trated on their race, and say they will appealat the proper tiase to OoDgreis. It is tlgned bytwenty-eigh- t expslled members, and twelvelljpublleau memberf, accoBnpaii'ed by a de-mand that tbe protestbe eoteted oa the Jour-nal of the House, which the lloase refused topetmlt. soTbe business men of Great Britainhave mutuol protectivethroagbout tbe United Klngdota for supplyingcommercial information. co!lesliog duM. ndother matters. 3 beee societies nw poswes JO

branches, anl number about m.mo meribfor whom, daring the last year, "7, 00s iarulr.eeliave ben made, 5t,?tfJ applied : r, and 1 Jt. :,- -

O'u oo.levted, beatdtt, other a&at irue renderedThe Lynchburg (Va.) &V" says the

mineral resources of Virginia are Inezliausti-bi- f.

Kew dlkeoveries of iron, copper, lead,manjiaM', coat, etc., are being made everyday. Tbe siBgte eeanty o." Amoentl contains aHumdeat number of valuable ore banks to sup-- pi

t a thousand furnaces It 1 1 a sad comment-ary npou tbe wantofenlerjr scin our country,that pig metal should be Imported to our shornfrom foreign countries.

The Xew York correspondent of theLoulnvlUe Ourfarsays: I'age, the artist whopainted Farragot lashel to the mast. Is doing a M

crlpturftl piece, our Saviour and t&o Twelve,Knd ha Hiked Taoodoro Tllton to sit for Christ.It bounds blasphemous to write it. and it itj4vertlon. I wonder if he had been " MttlBg"when I met him on Broadway to-d- arrayedlike a sporting character In a velvteen rhocoat checkered trowstrs. Not much of the"meek and lowly" of costume. People,(cpedally ladles, talk: of bis salut'y coanteu-nnc- e

To me his long flawing hair and beard-less face I00K like some s:ft, overgrown te

achooi.bjy. In repose his featuresare heavy and stolid. A Entile llghU np bisconn ten inc. but not with a 1 rty light. Mr.Pane hasn't selected a model for JutLu Iseariot.Il finds It hard to choose where so many arecompstenUrlckremefoy sngfotls Mr. rtowen.also orlttia Jntfjyowelwtfi-anda- a Plymouth 'Churcli injlar,forUiemaa'wlia4Erv yet

Tin: issue jiadi: up. pV t. '

The telegraph this morning "brings i'the'intolllgeace that Governor BeOwn-- 1

W Hrb ordered tho orgauizition of themilitia In every part of the State ; com-

panies to report to him at Jisshville,

vwher9 ho wM.reeeivai.or rejectthcoa, as

hp may oloot. --Tho presumed.- - Radi-

cal triumphs in. .New England, and

tho approaching session of Congress,

have incited tho old demon and

desperate yiljaiu to tcat .the strength cfthe Eresui's promises to tbe Coneer-vatiy- es

of tho country, that he would

nolparmif the existence of a standingarmy in any State of the Unl.c. God,

for some wise pnrpoic, not yet .eseen,permits Tennesseetto Le cursed by thepresence of this disgrace to humauKythis palsied wretch, who vents & spleen

engendered by physical inflrmitleB, upona people who permitted him a promi-

nence among that them he never de- -

deserved, unless, indeed, a tendency to

blackguardism and extremes in politicsgave him original title to it. It will be

a eore test of forbearance, bnt we coun-

sel the utmost caution on tho part of thepeople, and the most extreme stretch of

patience. We must not 'icae the victoryover Radicalism, now -- uroVjwlthiniour

grasp, by any excitementii of BpowaOWo: his troop of hell-hound- s, . s s

TIIK EAItTUUUAKU.The appalling calamity telegraphed us

on Sunday as having occurred recentlyin Peru and Equador, by which citieswith large aa l active papulations weresuddenly i?.'e;.t from the earth or ed

in vast tidal waves, the morethoroughly detailed, baepmes the moreheart-rendi- and ' distressing. Nopen can ever describe the hor-rors that the survivors of thisawful and eublimb convulsion ofnature must have experienced, whensuddenly, as in " the twinkling of aneye," they were called upon to eeetransformed from liviugj sentient bings,to iivid. manzled eorrwen. tho eister. wifeor mother, and wtlnUI that made lifadear, swept into'nameiess ruin. The details of this frightful upheaval have, inpart, been received and ibey confirmthe first report, if, Indeed, they do notmake it more terrible in severity andhorrifying iu loas.of life. ' :

The city of Areqaip, and the townscf Moquegna and Locumba, located up-on the coast mountain range, and thoseof Arica, Iquique and. I'istqua, built up-

on the seaslda of Saufberrr Peru, wereentirely destroyed, with large portions oftheir population; ships were dashed topieces on the beach, or borne hundreds cfyards inland, by the tidal wavet., andhopelessly stranded. .

Tho whole Ions of life by this ft ight.ui (

oaiamity 13 rougniy estimated at twdniyfive to thirty-tw- o thousand, and propertysupposed to be worth three hundred millions was ruined or engulfed.

VfJiile among the most awful of thavisitations of this charactgr upon record.it is by no means tbe first either :n I0.--3

of life or properly. In 115 there occurredat Antioch, in Syria, an oarthquske bywhich that oity w,a9 nearly ,ieatio$til,ann egain in oar, nworciog to fcMD&oni

when 250.030 people psrtehed withan untold wealth, the refcult ofages of industry. The gnat convulsion .n l"oo, dnrlng which Lis-bon w.f wrecked and lost 60.000of her ..tisrsg, although one hundredand thirteen yara gone is wtll rememBereel by eery student of our schools.We may mention, these of lv. in Ja.maica, when the capltal'of thb !lsnd,i"ort iloyal, was altogether eubcsrgJifiu les3 than a minute; that which occurred on the Island of Java, in 1772when a mountain flfteen milea long andix wide, with forty villages upon' it,

sunk from slgbt, and 2,957. persons pertsbed; also that of Caraccas, in 1812,whieh cost the loss of 12,000 lives ; andagain in 1626, when that town was en-tirely destroyed, with a teas of 12.000live. Those of Naples and Maxico, in1857 and 1858, are fresh In the memoriesof our readers, occasioning jointly'a lossof life variously estimated from 40,000to 60,000 souls.

Ubo Mississippi valley, especially thepart of It inhabited by us, has not bfenexempt from these terrible upheavals ofnature. There are those among us whoremember the earthquake of. Naw .Madrid, extending a length of 300 milesfrDmthe mouth orthe Ohio to the St. Francis, when the earth rose and sank in greatundulations, and lakes were formed onlyto bo drained in comparatively an instant af-e- r. Many of theso lakes, theresult of the latest and finishing quakeof mother eartb, still exist on both sidesof the JJfesiasippi near this city. Reel- -foot Lake 13 ono, as familiar as Mainstreet toour citizens. The fatniiiar hauntofeportemen, it has furnished themeafor many btraDge stories, not the leastsensational being those set nfloat by thatwaggish, witty and polished wri-ter Col. Loois J. Dupjib now oftbe St Louis Times. One of his stories runs that there is a subterraneouspasMif between R3elfoot and the river,and that away under Onion City, andextending even to Memphis, there areunderground streams, that may at anytime lead to our engulphmtnt. All ourrsadern ramember his sene&tlon as tothe underground passages, when Memphi was last visited by n shock thatproved to us ihat we are scarcely leesiiable to an awful visitation than tbepeople of the laud of volcanoes, who, forthe thousandth time, have iust been

fearfully wrecked.

THE KLEOroitAL CK.LIi(ir..The followlnr; will show tbenumhfr ot

electoral votes, to which ach State uentitled in the Electoral Collfice. I

President and !

Alabama 8 Misourl.. 11Aikaneas 8 Nebravka.. , 8l'jltfOrola. 6 NevadaConneetleal New Hampshire.Delaware- - S New Jersey . 7Florida New YorK... .23Ueorfla.. . 6 North Carolina... 9IlliDU... ie Ohio . -- .1Indiana l Oreeon .. 3Inwa. 8 Pennsylvania.....Kansas 8 Rhode Islanu. 1Kentucky . 11 Bouiii Carolina 6Loelsuina- - . .. 7 Tenaestes.Mali.e 7 Texas... .. . . aMaryland...... ... 7 Vermont- -. S

. ..12 Vlrglnta .. . .10chlgan. . . . S W-s- t Virginia. a

,. .. 4 Wlscanriij.. . 7

T)talIt requires 150 (o elect, in case the

votes of all the States are counted.Should Ik votes of Virginia, Mississippiand Tesi lie rejected under the bill of byCongress, passed over the veto of thePresident, Juli 0, 1S0S, then the Elec-toral College will be composed of SO, ofwhich 148 will be necessary tolooi.f, tbe

We notice .that some of our coUHnpor&ries includo Colorado iimon? iThjs cal

a? Territory.

- ' " ' -- - j-- . q. ...; j - . . T TTHE STATE DEJIOCItATICXXEOUTlTEl

coMJirrrEjcTha Democratic state .Executive uom

mitteo of Tennessee have resolved" upon'a vigorous and activa prosecution of thecampaign for the national presidentialticket for Saymourand Rlair?

The Hon. iEdmhrfd Cooper lias been.ppolnted !Elecfof for tho Sft65Plargo?

vice Hon., Gep&W. Jones, resigned, andhas accepted the position.

A Committee of Fiuanchas.beea-- .pointed Dy.tue committee, consisting 01

tho following named gentlemen : L. F.Beech, E?q., Chairman; ,W. Matt Brown,A. Gf. Adams, Samuel D. Morgan, Sam-uel R. Anderson, of Davidson county;John Baxter, of Knox, and M. D. L.Stewart, of Shelby.

Tbe Democrats and Conservatives ofeach Electoral District "are requested tdjhold conventions, and nominate candi-

dates for District Electors by or beforethe 21st of September. Jn the event ofa failure to hold euch" Convention in anyDistrict, tbeState, Executive Committeewill designate a candidate.

Democratic papers throughout theState are requested to publish the, an-

nouncement.By order of the Chairman.

ALBERT JtDBEBTS,Becretary pro tern.

GEORGE J. 8TUBBLEFIELB,Chairman Ex.. StRte:Commlttc. A

xaixe.' By telegraph published thi3 morning,it will be seen ,by put raaders. that theRadical majority-i- Maine has been re-

duced froni 0,000, a3 at first reported, ,to14,003, which, as compared with tho re-

sult of the election of .1806, makes n gain.for the Dambsracy of 13690. la thatyear parties were brought squarely into'the field on party issues; in the year iff,lowing, 1S67, it was different. Then theyhad a local temperance law that dividedattention. As inIS66,sqit has been thisyear; there were no efde issues, Theicontest has been waged on purely politi-cal ground?, the Rspubli6ans excitingevery unusaal .means to secure a favora-ble result. In this they have signallyfailed. As above stated, they have notachieved w.ithln 13,690 votes as large amajority es in '63t when they fought theDemocracy- a square ..fight-o- n poll tics!issues alone. 1 -


"The prosecution of tho canvass eo far" baa resulted favorably to' the JJemo-"crat- ic

party. In figures tho total, of" the Democratic gains this year-reache- s

' to 49,400. The. total of tho Radical"gains for tho samotlme is 5,000.

" Counting- - the votes' as they will ar

in' the ujctpral collfge, they'Intend as follows:

Electoralitsjoiillet ". Votes.:

Conrbrticul, Democratic- - 1,700 6;QrfEon,.leraocrtUC 110Kentucsy, DsniocratlCo,ieon&a,ueiuocniuc.. 3


Rhcde Island. Eadlcil.Vermont; Bafcai.',i.;.:.., IB.SW 53

Total . 31,500

Uemccratlc mnlorlties .'93,700

tUdlcal tnsjor ltlci .33,cOJ

Democrals ateal thus far,..fea 1G

" We ueedigar np losses at that rate."Colorado, numbering three votes, has".been cast Radical, which would reduce" tbe" Democratic niojorlty In the electo-- "

ral vote' to thirteen. It is to be noticed,"in. this respect Ujat while.Kcntucky ii,"and always basbeen Dernocratlc, f,-

Oregon and Nebraska were"Radical, and are gains to theDemoc-"rac- y,

while .Colorado and Vermont" were always Radical, and there is nei--"

ther gain nor iosa to the Dsmccracy in" the result.'' -

riGU-Krisxo- tax-payek- s.

Here are some figures which It will bewell for tax-payw- d to look over. Theyo&aw the difference between Democraticeconomy anJ Radical . extravagance Ina timaof peace': . '

Expenrei for Congress, including biokt ,

1S.--.1 . .S10M.iG2 221HB , j;ujl,.S 7S;

uspen-e- s for collecucg revenue lor.cusuims:1K.5 Vtf.Ka T7VOf . 56,45- - C7.

r.xpcn&Bs ror citu eervisqS,D10,t29 67

' Su)87,ili CS

Fxpinses for wrpurpos;s;1S53 :1SH as itiiiifttod i,vSecietarvbf the

-- ' Treasury i$,Sa,S51 89

Eipeuscs for 5ayyi)ep.ut:nentl:f' 'IWii esUmaTedTTyN'avy Depart- -

mont ;. p...... sj.eiOj 95ItxpsnwSs or admlalitratlon j

, 7i,tU2,T92 20IS ... 22

HOUTHEIt.ar UISI.ATORS.Two Radical members cf (tte South

Csroliua Legislature a neg'ro and a carpet--

bagger iiad an angry, altercation.Said tho. carpet-bagg- er :' " You infornal" black rascal,' you had better go'back to"Burns' atd brush white peopla'u.boots

An' you white-livere- d scoundrel, you"better go backto Blng-Sin- and' fiarve"odt your full 'prenticeship at stonc-"cuttirij- ."

Specimen bricks; these, ofSouthern Radical legislation.


jf n. PAssiioni:.Mr. Passmore returned to tho city yes

terday by the 2:40 p.m. train on theJkXempbls aud. Ohfo. Rsliroad, and by ;

three o'clock had forwarded to ilayoriftwich his withdrawal of his rcrjg- -

nation. This, we presume, means that ;

aa u niii taio kuo au 1 tug uuvt t uj jsome, days ag?, and elemanoTan investi-gation of the charges of fraud and cor-


nlleged .against him.

Tun Red Rivrr. Settlement,' inBritish America, Is threatened withfamine. Prorn'nenifc.clergymoa ,0'f- - 'several denominations in that country have- -

united iu Bsyicg that not one bushel ofgrain will be hftrr ested there this year';that tho potato crop is also a failure; that.tbe buffalo hunters have returned notonly, without their auuual supply ofmeat and skins, but In an' almost starving condition, and that not even eoodnougn remains muio setiiemeni for

next years crop, ah appeal is. maue iothe generosity of tho Canadians and the'people or tno united states.

Less than fifty years ago the entire bu-

siness of the New York Foatofflce was . ,done in one small room of a privatedwelling. The '" Great Southern Mail"-wa-

carried to the river in a wheolbar- -'

row, androwed over to the Jersey side lhsmall open boar, and sent thence In

wagons to Philadelphia, Baltimore and

groat Southern mall exceeds a hundred I

tons per week, and a' thousand men areomployed ,to perforin, the, work In theway of mailing Southern letters end pa-

pers, that fifty years ago .was perfprnieaono man. " fS1

WHAT THE NEUHOES COST,It has cost the peoPW about $2500 since

war for each negro, that baa beentaade ri.voterifor the benefitof the Radi

v.Whlto. laboring" nserr In'itheiNorth work five days for themselves andone tor the negro,ieaoU3reeE.ui ' ot ti :Josvm e; wn

B Illegrfph

aAepTmbefMtVThparsed the nouss uui giving to the Ulate theGeorgia Air Line Railroad.


Boston, September- - IS Tno telegram an-nouncing the defeat of Ben Butler as tho eon-dila-

fox re.alootlan to 'ongrcss, is uutrco.The com ontlonuas uo. yet been lielij.

LYKCnni-1.0-, September' U. 8.

Cavalry, under command of Col. W. 11. lloyall,passed tuiough here this mernlnz on a specialtrain, eti rdute for Nashllkv ' ".


tho House eirlidiigneero servingou junea ,w reconsioerea 10 uay. ice liousa,alter a stormy debate,, declaio J that negro.members claiming only one eighth .negrobleoa iDelit'.ble, by a u aiinlmons TOtr.' ' Blxty,nine KepuElicans lefosed to vote. '1

Ottawa, C. W.j 6eptenjt)er II Au applica-tion lor a new trial in Iuh case of Wlialeube made to'the Judges at Toronto li' JSotem1-- -Dor. oneoi'icw groanaon wnten inesppuca-tionwl-ll

bexnauo la; that, the Judges iju the.trial refused to al'ow the. baltiigos ,o!ridrorj!before the fertmptory chjdlenge' e,f Jurora wasexhausted.' ttcinlDent lawyer tblnk that thegrounds will no goou anttfechutanuaicnaj.

" Trrr r '


New YObit, Sepfembar 16. Mrs. BneHgtnVformerly Mrs. tieu.Katott; obtained a warrantyesterday from Justlca Bodge, for ihe arrest ofherhnfibsnd, on the charge lof abdncting andseducing her- - gtand-'danghte- rf Miss Itahdolpb.Ho has notbeen arrested.- - ' . ,

Additional accounts of, the. earthquake statethat at AIr;ci, the shecjj 'was preceded by a'Eonndlltothat-o- adlaiant'temptst, then taeeronnd shook from ttbutn'to-Nurt- h. A nalmres remains stanalcg untouched, and a.t green'1

as ever, la the miust or ,ub now uetoiaieucountry.


LosDOr, September. J8.7-T- he Importatlou olhay lrom-th- ' United Btatcs Will hereafter beallowed under iUenae ironl tno Privy Council.The prevaiearw t,t tho rattle disease lu variouspurta of the United States ijs tho cum o of thistt p

Pahis, September 18. In an'articleln the lastlieilew Vietix Haruiei, by Uiilzot, be Sjy 1 behas npdouit "f Ills dtsire of Napoleon lor theposjg Ion oi LVJ., "nd urges a redneilah of thearmy m the uiuy etfeclive jdtdgd of pedce.

liKittiN, September ,lSc-Con- nt Bistnark hasordered by hlspliy&leianslogo to England

PTh's heslth.


FoT.TWAlr.xor, September-16- . Reports it

triattl)is post ut neon to-d- , taie that- - apitty of tveaty-flv- e ,Indians ran orr twentyruulrsfroni Clark it Co., hay & ntractors". wltlilua half mile dr Pan Crty, at Jourmileslrom'here. They wts pursued by tbe owners andcitizens, but not overtaken. About 13 o'clockthe Indians tvere seen making iorthemeun-toln- s,

half a .mile from this point, but theyturned back1 tvhen they discovered that theherd had been driven bsck into the corral.

At 2pm. tea citizens came In it porting thata band of Indians froni Pond City hadjrststampeded 120 head from a hef d of i5C0 caitle,mules and horses TThlca ruixied here yedeidayen rout for California. Tula herd belongs to afamily of twenty Taxans who have their,f,tml-lie- s

7with tkem.Cnpt. Carpenter, w&dr'-wit- the 10th company

of the United State colored- - cavalry; fcTritedhere to-d- lrcm Fort Hayes, WrfS Immediatelysentln'pa-sulto- therlcdiang.


NA'UVjj.r.E.Septeinb,?: 16, Tho Banner re-ceived tte Proclamation by telegraph y

from Kooxvllla, ahd Issued itlu eatrri 'form.It declares tbat there are urnied bauds of tecretcDiupliators again ttho Stye, who have teencommitting, and couti. u iff commit entrantsupon dcffenseleaa and unotfenaiug loyal

rtcltfd in tho Act of theglvms him tho power to call cut the AJllltla,and siys.r "In pursuance of the Act 1 call uponthe trood', Ioya! and p.lriotlo people, whlteucdcolortd.'pf every caunty In iheljlate to proceedwithout delay, and raise bodies or loyal andable-bodie- d oen and report the same to me at

Whether tiny of the companies white orcolored; Klllbe actually called iutothe' field,willdepentl entirely uioa the conduct of thepeople themselves. In tho several counties. Iearnestly u ge that tuere-- ill be na occasionto call.aut tnese troops, t".tthat the efforts ofall tbecit'zeostoproervo tbe po-c- e, will sne-ered, and thm obv.ate. ihe resort 01 this rnnecesH.-ty- ; but If, nnhaprlliy. b rttrtoanclU dqnot prevail and order is not r. stored And I amcompelled to put down armed marauders byforce,I propose to meet htmsvith such cumberand in luclia mshneras tte exigency thalldernand.i..ad whatever may oe the coaso-flueoct- s,

L will not bo deterred from the dia--cnarge t, my auiy ncren, uy uireauor violonco 1:6m rebel spenktrs or rebel newsiiapers.nor byarrr.-Dtae- r raeins or Intimidation.'

The. Governor adds that he crefcrs that, thetroops snaii ne.rausea in jieanestee, anatueieiore-uoe- s nor. irinii irzonumyer oi compa-nies In any county. In referencj to the rrom-lS'-

Federal troops to keep tbe peace; hesave. " Should the Department Commander bs'arnlhod'wltn a sufficient tcrce to ttep order,i,wiii cjie.eDujiy ujm, ana, inttat eveut, tie State Uuards may not be calledInto berylce." "


LomavrtLfi. Eeotembar 10 The 'Courfer".ttDediti sarj mat nreiiminarv to n.

Radicals have agreed toweek uu r ruin; , auu uu.u. m aaenunovw-iw- ,In. wB.Ch the--

, political fitu.tlrn wll beas well as affalis'.of iheitevenu'eDj-partmen- t.

It is hintel that some ngly.devel-op-nts have been, made', which mayMleter-mic- e

them to to the deposition of Com- -Kolllns.

The ItedlcaU cxprcts alarm at the conditionof tbe c4uvta In Indiana 'and Ohio. Theyvixtaaliy roncede thp- election of Hei.drlckf,andthslcs offsreral C6aeresmen In Ohlriincluding Egletvn aid Kcheuvk.. .. ;

The Odtuinibsl'iner c f "In'terhdr 'Revcnne'has.deciied tbkt ex 'onersjonfitbrics made exclus-lv'el- y

of tax-pji- d coft n, a o ent'tled to a uraw-bc- kwhoa-ve- r lb? muy ba exported;

bat if (lit! Ial.riss,ijri Jir;d3 of, material uponrrf Thich rnaits us Jjdjn'pard, noiraw--1ba k o. l,e ailowo I,


Let'eru tlw ab vj elTvct-hsv- bseo, sent toa-- iraronnienemii(if.f'o.i.Blucklnj'J (lemandtbst btinc1 Mtst-ilns- bythe PiesldculiQ jvei I to tiw VVlilta lluaa totenCerhlMrrtlgi nttvii lotbe Prccldeut lu pcr-eo- i,

bdtvr.s uiiuscaded by friendsvrhoguvo til lonndeiMtJiad'tlMt theddntuodrys hls lu tte luvti!ia-t- lnluNeTY-r- k U l?4 that he shallo dlect and rraup anl TmnlM'elt toll:u cjshlatiu of Ciknruie , wl wi I b? em-pl- oi

efl specl.ily to cdiiduut lbeca-e,courtn- y 'onnc ion therewith tclog oaly m mloalSanford fhureh is likely to" 'bo up, olnted, 0-- 1

the pait ef.th- - Oovernrjionl.-fortnisdutj'- '.

Tire work of rttreuf hlfer'thn Mnpnwt nf Af.led ug custom, la sc oru uewlth tUe sectionoran act of Cccrisf ulm-nls- lnciri.r:nria.tiouslor tbj.t service, litln pKuJrtM.

Tho JnmaV Vr asul dk ton ;rn Vital sayg tb'eDemocrati' of. the dfy . re well ajtlsffeu withiresvflt f the canvas in Maine, andelairuasdHtantlalTrlctorr. The Republican TOsJarlty

helbw the majority of 1 35i.A prominent member of the. Jowlih rcrua.

gffi S.Siyi!l0.to' 'tni YABa.11? di?ing thern of thecae ta lhlacountrr. sa lmimuui ...,..

with the.lmportance, to ttMin.'o: the mceess 4ttho Jlemoeta y in the coining eleotioo. that

-,- tuuiuflujieailliu POJllJCal or- -Mnliailons. for the purpose of aiding tbattleket. h jmetulog lure nnkuown in the his-if- ?

f crecil? thelr vote w--i be cast for the

- yai.uuuva tiltt UtiU

;TE30iailAPllio ESAliKEXS.. ., ? j

JTew lortt STarltet.kbit- - lour. tptember 16. Cotton adlraL2iE;i)for V Wetteit? WhlSiilooey-T- be market la easy and' steadr. uZh

loans os j. riterilDg qultt Galdifti.Thetranmertons me ineavy' many ot tbecha&era beicr .Carmnn t..n.. "VL"";alsaon theMresistuat war was rtmrntaent

LryEOods-Prl- nU declined r.Amoifaxi.U ; lower aualitl4 l rt?T?.iibiaa prints &. '

New Orleans Jtai-ker- , b

middlingr?rw OatSASd,

Ms; saiVs iCtVt rwflr,U5 sJff?5M3S- - NewYork slgnt dlsconntJ

iffio. , ... Tn, extra" " u u. nm6i w. Oats dull. 62aSWi", fi Jf291 Jl""i tV 2501 PortBacon rn'ni jm:."r: .

Lonlsrll 1 e Ka rk et,

fair to an, iu ajj srTzrvJsupernne 3 isfHf.l '

OaM 60Gc Uar,

' - ..uu. .wc; clear Mil I'Miec, Lard In tierces ISo, Jfrer. tgh wines Jl 32a

Clrtclnnatl Jlorhet.

Wntaky. borlried'':0in JiesJISj:Bulk.

sideseai9 JJKlSlsk. BsS'anaWenT

.55?' 2- F eed 8 49, Hay imSs &urwetivv mm.

Ht? Lonis 'siar&et.e.?t-:S.b.- ? JiiA-to-


SS&SSSU'lr Bcon,.clcl5"f--w "iy--- i i .o'3iMjc 'it'.wverpool, eeptemoer ttou. closedllrmnr nadhlgh;veales looolbalesTread- -iun;ii-- a Hl?5lir OB V- - I Jl"0. payors closed at Si;UBfiten (tatei's.a)' 72.'

other Southern points. To.day the samei:";" jRilB:


jMshangj. MlCLABKE-AVKs-eepten- bsrp, 1868, at

vuo residence oi uro tmaa s latcer, Mr. W.EVK- -

"r. and B. Claiikk. of this city, to Miss Julia T.Avziit, or Norwich, Conn.

lfABONIO NOT1QB The1TX memoers or soum Meiuphls LodeSo. 118. are hereby notified to attendsneclaL communication this miarrin--

U. degiee. --jAll r.C.'s"are" fraternally invited.By order of .A. J, WHEELER, Wl M.Btir. K. Puu.nr, Scc'y.Memphis. Beptemberir, feg. - ? sep!7 It

T fi9T OR tlHTjA'rr) TVlnn!r nTorht Jr.LlSS)3; dated April ISflsss, payable to-- my or--rounterslzaed by John --Loazne. June 9. 1MT.I'urUts are hereby nonfled hot to. trade lor thesame.as payment nas oeen Dsneu


W.'otice,.. "

MB. D. T.;l50YX,E became a momber of par.on the 1st lmt the firm, style r- -

. --Harris, cochran rx.Eeptembtr 18, 1S3S. septT lnt

, Attention, 3ilUa. IW' HITE AXIS UOLORED raeihbars of thelate enroUed MlliUa DUI rlct of West

upon thesrrrderslgned,at their earlleit convenience at hiiodoe, aajjeIs about to make ono'more (and. he.treLu ves, aa. final) ecort to oblsln py fromlhe-- United. Hiatea WovernmenL wllhbut any;c&!t, whatever to tho memberj.

' t ' Capt. KELSETiOND.Madam Vincent- lilock, corner CMrt and. second ttreitsj 'spl7lw

IfOTlCElmHE firm of NATHAN Hi'OTirKRa CoL wsla this daydlasolved 'by mutual consent,jic.jv auubuimsu;. jne Business wi;iiecontinued by remaining parlnen, Jullns andJgldor .Nathan, under the firm name NaT ANBKOTHER8, they a sumlng all labilitiesof tbe Ute Arm, and are Alone authorized tocollect idlonutindtcgdebrs of inie. .' '

JULiua Nathan,ISlDORiVATHANj- '

Memphis. September in. W. sepl73t

JCnjT E. j. Wrtsosr HicAxit


Maolaine Sli oBINDLK & HEiTE, Proprietors,

S.C Gor.SecoBd aad Wfaebestcr Streets,OPPOSITE COURT SQUAJZE,

, Eapl7w3tal. . '

J. W.ilOOKES,.-- - 1 - J. J, V0BTPS-Qf Memphis, Tenn.-- . Xate Brlggs Norton


1 AWD.


N0.31S PRONT STREET, MEMPH-19- , TKNJjj-- variicniar atuntron paid to FUlins or-

ders for Plantation Supplies and the Sale of allCountry Produce. Uoeral advances made onconsignment In store. sepl7 lm


Commission Merchants,BOSTON, MASS.;



J 'qOS Front Street. ','

advances made on consignments,of Cotton-t- the above house ; and, If deelred,will be held as shipper may direct. sepl7 8m


Sons of Xemperance,AT '

James' Park, bead of VauceStr.ect,

ON TUESDAY., THE S2ND INSTANT.The best of music In attendance and a

A UoldUeadrd CAKE.W1U b4 voted to themost popular political Club. Now all you whopride younelves on your particular club, cometo Jamet'Park on Wean-ida- t- and ihnvitor vote in the city, as third will be voting pla--ail U". aiiecwThe overtcn Druff Stbre.

Renkert's Drog Storo, corner Main aad Market. a'reela.1-1- . .

C.C.Var J iBro's Drug Store, cornerilain aadChandln Drug Store, Main, between' JlfArsan

and Court slieets. -

Qray i3arradall'a Drog.Storeomer SecondJ. C. JJyrlah' News Depot, 810 Main street, '

larrvHarmstad'a Wharf brat.JT Plc Nlo tickets, SO ,cenu,-fo-r sale nt the

SB. JAMES,TORMERLY PFJAllfca' Tirir nrvspiTA r.

llol...1? Oua'oiu

1 DEAHouse. -

street.1 . . . - .


Orleans,. .

(estab. - -.isucu ajt ,ui me. im seven years iocaleu inChicago, and celebrated throucoout the country In the tuccesjfut treatment or Pbivatx

uiu uu corraaenruuiy consuitou athis office and parlors; 91 'and 63 Randolphstreet, corner of Dearborn street, or by letterx usLuiuce uxawer osoa .

Dr.'iAMfKtieats OHRONI "MERCURIAL.SYPHIBITIO, BLOOD and SKIN DlBEASKa,and aB DISORDERS' of a 'CDNfAQlOUtJ ViNEREALC HARACTER which he cures with-out tbe use of mercury, lodldaibotassli. arsenicor spy poison, but with his tsEUTKA IZEtt, apositive enre for all humors and. blood pobous.

ORGANIC WEAK K ES-- , such asWUA1CNFJ43, NOCTURNAL aad DIURNALKMIsaiuNs, brought nn by abu'e of the or-gans, early Indiscretions, eJtesses, or entailedneredliarny, oauslng ion ot memory, confu-sion, depression, dtmnfss of Vision and oflen- -tlrnpjt litAAnf tv. with n itpn nruhlu tiHitn nfflfl,..

.'nymptom, treated and radically cured by anluiaijiuio lueiuua, taYioirMme ana expense.All dkea-e- s pechtlaf to the sexual organs, cf aprivate character, radically and permanentlycured.

Old diseases of the, most ho.rlbloelass, wkeretlie biKl has beoo-u- jiolsoaed, prcduclngijieicues oanne isce, small watery misters,pMns in the head and bocci, ulcerated throatand nose, soreSbn the limbs and body, scrofula,together with art endless number of sufferings;erflectuallyand rcrmanontly cured.

Pit. JAilEsit reoom mended by the pressortbe country, by proieor of medical oollrgen,and by tue medical profw-lo- n general'y.Those amic'cd should apply to hilo, And becured at 01 ce.

The JIosrroB,by D, James. 0 treatise' upoatecuiiar to me sexual organs 01 eithersjx, can ?. effeCtsa'nd theirremetllM. mmnHnl

from an experience' bf twenty yeais practice'In the excuuive treatment of those dkeases.-eeh(to nnrtddross.weHrely rappr-d.-' PriceOne Dollar. Pamphlet on SrnKUATOiiBHEA,or one, oh "Sji-mij- sept in sealed envelopeuponxeoelnt of nofltftrrvtwri.mf fciAmna. An.dresi Dr. JAMES, Postomee: Drawer S401. Chi- -ergo, mine-Is- seplTU



Qeikl OonimlfiSIou.MerciiantrJVa. 10, JEFFERSON. S BLOCK,

OPl-p- a Jl BpOMStKIlCIAL 310TEL,

MEMPHIS, - TENNESSEEbepio uu jj ....


HBBCHllI TAILORS,f3 Hadhon Siree't,

TT AVE Insi reeTved "thefr magniicent apd


The Rest ancT ha'n'lK)hl8tc ever hroncfat ta.thiuiuAci. vunuieomBoaine puonc WIltp:easei

""f H" ior tuo uoeral paironp.sehcTetoforeTje towed upoa ns. J3qplng tormsrltacontlnoadeeof the same In tbefuture, weln- - aswm.iiMj cmniia examine oar stocs.

RIDD1CK. forme rl v of J. IT, wu.n a- - iv.'in i. .,,., . .. 1 . v 7VJi ivsill UU.1V1UU11 Uld

uiiuvuuiwiiiu seniosm



- ;Sr l


3i S W m s t:

r. ..ii11 "w, .w an

.Hi' feA(s--utii i- -'l MtofiP

ifT i. Lbs IxsMau mmgt

WW-- a

- ' OJP MEMPHIS,'Oapitali Mistook, : . :

M. J. WICKSi President,BOTZli:, Secrecy,

, BOABD OF1tsji wicks, 1 W. I VANCE,

atpebson; J. J. PSTTIT,Fj TITUH, - --




rsStrjEa 'Pplldea either Participating or on arftherlmpraved Plans of JJHNd Restrictions on Travel or Besldence within tbe settiedaimlU of the United

BtateaorBrlllth. North --America. - All odcles for their SnnltAbl&Valne JC,. The Offloers and Directory of this I are determined, by a Jndlclaoi acdeoonomirstaanagement of Jits .analrs, to secure . or t ths success which It merits e4 a reliable InsUtuUoE.1' j?JiI!TCLPAL QlPJFICEy 291 MAttt STREET.

FEKaUSON" &. PRITETT," No. 11 Madlbon Street, AKeHlsforTeHHeseec.Jell dtfawlm -


. Wo take t iOi '

Om PATHOSU8 AfyD THE PUBLIC,That toe are now receiving and efcpo&Uig for sale; one of

meaargcstaeocKa oj



Sto Txi3bL'o a ai St. ., . .. . .

Which tae offer on as REASONABLE TEsiMS as anyHoibse in this or any other city ' ' '.,


OTJ3R, WBCOL.' E'S Ili'EJ ,STOCEIs worthy the attention of ALL DEALERS throughout the

Country, as each line comjtriscs a1full assortment, and yoillbjssbldasJtiaasany house villi sell .them, South ofMason'saha Dixon's 'Unci


It under the immediate supervision of cue of the jiaxtners of ihe con-

cern. Our facilities in Uie Eastern Market enable us to at all timesTiavSdn hand th latest styles of all kind cf Goods in our line, includinga large liiie of b Mm, Tires Goods, Cloaks, Mantillas, Buttons, DressTrimmings, etc., etc. Ve.make no pretensions. All tv6 ask iV for youto THY' J7P, and judge for yourstlves.






370 L--2. 31 XIX STREET, : r : MElIPHIf, TESJT.

we have tbe larcest ttork of Stationery tn tbe Soiithwest; M'vellaseous, School andMedl;al Eooks. Alte, a large tusoitmept of Prayer, Hymn end JInsle Broks for 11

All the laU Novels, "Foul Pliy," by Chas. Reade; "Mnonsioae,,T-- Wi-llie .Collins; "Into tha Light," and "Simplicity aud .Fascination," "Planchettey "The'tdttle Winder." We will Mil at the lowest price . cp6 lm


.Real Estate Brokers,


-- AND-

Oo!iiiiiissioh Merehaiits,

.. 2f.B.-Ctr-. Mditi Jb STefferson- - Sis.

Fublle "Baler- - et' lEcal Estate,


, :At'lilert!li:aMs?' Exchange,.


Ori TliursdayV Qctober 1,.1AjTIIwill offer at the above- - dice and time,

I t and at-Li- i wnauur Kisiciivx.,i. n r:

A 2fcatly, Mulshed Cotlage,

Oil Dnnlap Avenue, second house south of theMemphis and' Chorlistoa Rallrod;"beIng LotHO. i oi ua, rugi4a ouoaivisiou wrrom oy ituiieei in ueriu.ik ywj. umijiuu,Siwiciliriuu Picrau. uv-..- .-,

making a desirable home for a, . . '.and balance in mx.TesjiS Half Cash,... ,r i r

a. --ALSO

Jnsl west of the aboVo, on Kagland AverxiO, ator thOBamodzeon wmcais

'. rA. Comfortable Cottage,Tsiiits-Caji.- ', , ' .. , :

.These are gnlrs which parties" mayot-ten- d

wltli conflileneetliat Hiey nre Per--cmiitorv and wlttiont' Kcaeryu ' in

, , i a ' - .U ! - Ii! ifOTHER Property can be added 16 tbl? Sale

n to be inserted ln'OurAdvertlcmeaU.. jfwA it-'- f

IHE Chamberf,CQmaieree have, tondierftl

the use or tnetr Ataii-io- sates .04 iuu cutiiiSind we hope itViU be found a great conven-

ience for all PabUdBaJes ofReal Estate as farpracticable to be made at that point.

Auction Sale6f Merchandise;- - . .

TfTE solicit consignments of any Descriptionof Merchandise to be sold at Auction

liavlcffone of tbeint' convenient sales-rooms, agmlrbl4-60ite- d foi display "ofU00us,auu is 9ueof tae mwiiiijvaat,,iauujui

me cjiji - . ....,,. .


ui 01 uiiy iuiu i.aaai7. nopeiiy-- .OUK 8ale is. afalttlme-- . very fall,.anw ln.rnm.Ms. . h.1,1 --l hriM, ,t,.f ,nnl IUIW.J " " fa. r

command purchaaerSj and , -


HVlrm dnd favoramv known In this comma.nltvuft LtuiDess man.will dve bis undividedAltentioa to Betm2 Ucntes. Collecting Rents,

ii Pavine Taxearfor those who place their- -

prOpei'lU UUl JUV1&.CV UiabilUIUMl.

WE are, prcpared.wlth ample facilities for

QonoralL,C b mm ission BusineKs,... , . Ai ai . -

And will irlve Special Attention. to Oonslcn.Irientsiof.-- ; Goods at ' Private .Sale, , foUowlns


4 titiddflob 00niiTTinnr--an 1 Mitm

torn 161,883. 46J. br. PETTIT, Vlce-rrwiltlc-iit.



inelhtd to inform , .


..It. .THE




.CAPITAL, : t : $200,000

Ofilcc So. 10 Matlisaa St.,l' At J




. J. r, fcilAISK. '

. , OITFIOKRB:R. xcDAYITT, --- -- Preslfleat.i. W. SMITH, .... TIce Prcaldeiit.B. A. lUEEE, .... Secretary.

BTOOKHOLDBR'a i'Allison Ero&, O. W. Gilmora, Thoa. MolTet,w. 11. Anflrews-Una- uumoxe, Jesse Moore,M. A. Allen, C. W. Oojer, A. J. Mnrray,Ben). Eabb.II. L Bacon. R. Dl Geodlett.il.C. C BllL Wi H. Goodlett J. Overton,,JrUt n, udugisi u uv., IX. i--. ru,

D. W. Bowman,Dr. D. Gober. H.-- Partoe,W.H. Bruce. Joan Gunn, Parteet A.Har--

Co., " D. P. Hadden. bctt,P.H.Bryson, 4 Co.. J.S. J. Camp, A. L. Harris, J. 3. Powers,F. V. Cash, WmJ. Hardin, W;P. Prondnt,atXCIay. A. HatcheU. W.Q.Balney.a T. Chamber- - J. P. Bill 4 CO..H. p. Bead.,

lis, LMiUlU, KF.Rlski 'W, H. Cherry. Napoleon HOI, ,L; B. Eleharasm. r uoenran, j.w. uoisi suutiaor tosea--

A. Cochran, H-'- HowelL bach,(Curtis, Howell, Wood M.J.KosmI.F. H. Davis.. . A Co.. . . Jl T. Ktraltaa.J.K.Day, JP. rroiTmon J.T.Swayae.uoBoto uans:, j. Steele Alrf i.m,-- ?. v.

4 CO il.D,Jne, Wi Il'.firsahewt.u. xjow, Jvua .uousiar. w. esuu,j. A. Taylor,3.H.Dqnacqmb,Jahn B. Leech, A. Vcoearo,Edmonds, u.H.Aouaere.iK.P. wait.

tlcrew & Co.. TS. H. Lekir. W. B. Waldraxt.W.lLFan T. Macta't, C. a Ward,

. . miuwijuii,' a.i,J.'T. Fareason. E. Marshall. R. D. Ward.J.K.ranktCp,IaxiflId. Geo. W. Wlble,j 1). r ray sex, a'uw, jn. u.vvicks,J- - W. Fowler. E. McJJarUt JfflA. WlBlam.N.Ford is Ca, 3". H." McDar.tt, son,W.C. Foster, LB.MroNY B. W. WUkms.W. A. Gage, Geo. Mitchell., James JUWWlt- -

WJJ. Greenlaw. ..1 tJeOlSmad



Alerripliis',: rt": eirnessee.r




.AfD.AXJCXlirDe orour

CflmflffO flnd Wfledll SLaterUUi Is1 oi

Xron, Springs, --Axles, Bbtls, ftiy

. ''spokes,, liuisAlii

HeIed Leather, Eaelel Isek 8.

detlia, BamasV, Carpets,

Wfeite Lead, Paints and Oils,A 11 ofwhich are offered, at'lo w price.' '

spS 7m- - ' 1 - f r 4


set U No. 7H Madlsou Street.



MutuaT 'T$l6:a Insurance. . Co.,

lu MEMPHIS, TEltM.1. J

8, 3s. 18 Xnkierbocteri-Ealldlr- g.


Aweta, ...r. : : $1,000,000Foticiet SuMerL cf OifQSUt en-a- Hie popular

plant, and (At Qcnervi MvflrUuacted on iKe tarns term at wiOi ''.

Of Home OSlee o tW' 'CompanjT

DIBXCTORS AT MEMPHD3 : ,:HENDEESON OWEN, of ifeaas. Oirea, He-2- ?ntt & C04STiSsRi?1 Mectrs. Newton FordACo.W.H. CHEEBYreiMentMerchanu'NauonalRank -


ALBERT PIKE, Attorney at Law :B. J. HEUMEd, of Mewrs. B. J.KemmesiA CoCHARLES UPARTEE, of MesTParteVHarbert: isjsaCHARLES feORTBECHT. Attorney at l&vrJOHN Mesirs. Boyer

. TrezeTant A CoJOHN MHOON, of Messrs. MXoon Aa GREEN of M ewrs N. B. Ureen Co.:J. BTANWOOD MENKEN, of Xessri Meakea

l Merrrredr; W1I- -'"MEDICAL EXAMINERS :


JOHN F. WILKEKSON.ror West Tennessee aad" North Mississippi.


5.. E. CjLASKE tic CO.febis




0I1IC2, .Jo.i

515 qilie Binet,


D. A. JANUARY, President:JAS. H. IUOAS. Vlce-Proerido- 't.

WM. T. SELBY, Secretary.J. S. MILLER. Aas't Secretary.WM. N. BNTON. Gen'l Aent--

DIRECTORS : - . .',

Tn TT Y MMo. a n&l Tlf,,lvellle, Charles H. Peck, Robert K. Vfood. JnleaVslle. Ueo.lt. Robtnson. Robert R. JohnF. Thornton, David K. Ferguaon; Hod. JohnHoian, Henry Overstols, ruebolaH Schaeffer.William T. Oay, Wm. C. Jamison, R. P.Han-enkam- p,

L. H. Baker, D. A. January, Wm. J.Lewis; 1. Rosier, Jr., Jacob Timra.

JLSSeta, Jnae 1, 1805, over 83,000,000

iItsces PoUclea on ALT. THE HdSTif- -PJtOVED PiASS,

ob ea good tsrms aa say Company.

2Te SalrletSom vpon AtxUmaUd Tariau. tr U


MSMPHIB BOABD QFBEFERENCSjWormelT.Joy i Co.. Avdlett, Robinson

CoU.M.Webb t Co.,Toot,PhUilps it Go., reey McGhee, N.CoroonaL A. E Frankr-u- ,,Jacob Alexander, Clapp, Vance 4General w. B. Forrest. General J. R. ' hhT2"ruthers, Kev. &. H. Koni JJ-r- fVoSvea!Judge Phineas T. Sercscs, OV' 4"av HaltedCow,lteScto Insurance,

eon street, Kit "ndCMAHON OTIS,D. i A genu for West Tennessee,

N. B. jT' t jr. itrt annfilestm - -


Fire & Inland ffaYigalion BLiKs


SSliatlisoii Street.

mHE. FOLLOWING 8TAUNCH.P.ELIABLBJL and weU known Insurance CompanleSarorepresented at the Memphis Inenranca'Agency.No. 22 Madison street, Memphl, Term.:


Total Losaea- - Pald a,2JI,872


AaaeU. v : , ,02020



SECTJRITT OF KEW YORK.Assets. ,. n,fT777


Tredenbtxrgk tfc Sylvester, Ag'ts.

losses Paid at tMa Agency.for Marine' and Accident

Insurance promptly attended to. Jen 3m'






OAPITAIji : $300,006

C j?. XeXBIS rreiiaent.j; j.atCKpanr .Vice-Preside-

3."SC B1EBBISH. ecretary.


J. MUKrax, L. M". WOLCOTT,rt. unrTtrow.itii N COBONNA,



B. a - Qiu x. A. SEfefcUAKL. lel .l

H E R NAN D'Q:.'


He. 17 Xadiien Street. -

rpHIH Company la now doing a General In-J- L

surance Bnalness. It stock, la owned bydry merchants anl bs&sess men.' Its aim

to do a safe local buslnens to the advantagebeth the Cotapany and the Policy Holder.

; 5 j 'A8.B. WIIJiUMSeJ, : : : President.EM XII, 1 ! : : i : Secretary.



D. H. TOWNSKND." ' "JylOtf


.'Or rioi-No- . SI ,Union street, betweemMaInand Second.

KLDONHlQH, Deputy constable. au2v lm


