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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-632034507 National Library of Australia \"'~ )lit H lll , \1111 111 ... w,,,
Page 1: w,,, - americanradiohistory.com...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 3 nla.obj-632034761 National Library of Australia WEEKLY AJoum(I/ /'Jn'olt>i,folhe

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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\"'~ )lit H lll, \1111

111 ... w,,,

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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'l'h11rsd11y, ...\pril lith, 1!!:.!-t WIRELESS WEEKLY

I ---· --------·-! UNITED...... Transformers I I

I ,.


T ype A · ( UNITED

Ratio 5 to I T Jpe A-2 UNITED

Ratio 3 : to I

Let Us Once and for All Times Settle This Question of Audio Amplification

Trunsforn1en;. in t•rrtrr to }.!il"e 1,er.fect audio nmplificalivn ,uust h,n·p " !:har adrristh· rur ve as near tn :1 "t rniuht line ns possible.

United Audio Trans formers have just suf'!.1 ·, ,•un-t• a~ ~•:ru hl' seen from the above chart.

\ perie,·t 'lUtlio tru u~fo rmPr nt:'<.·e:s.si­f:1tt1s f lte h••...,t uf c•UrP :111,l wiudiu~ de­"ll,!,!ll :ulil l'Oll'ltr111• t iou In the United tbe best of core iron is used, a proper air gap is another rea­son for their perfect performance, and the winding construction and imped­ance further combine to make it the absolute best.

The Good United Transformers have solved both questions 1n an admirable manner.

l.11,1, lmt r e:uly f i rst, a perfel't. audio tr:m,formc.r niu,1 give perfed practi­e.il results.

Recently. Unitod Audio Transformers ca me out FIRST in tests conducted by the University of California-conclus­ive proof tha t United Is supreme.

Ask your dealers to show you these transformers, and other United effici­ent Radio parts. Variable Oonsensers, plain and vernier.

The win<ling rnt io nnd shielding pre• s1,nl olher il eni. neeessnry 1o n per fect Try them a.nd convince yours&!!. Re-l ra nsfor ruer. suits speak louder than advertisements.

Try a United Radio Frequency Transformer. Now on the market EVERY RADIO DEALER SELLS U NITED

United Distributing Coys. (N.S. WJ L1d. (WHOL ESALE ONLYJ

Manufacturer of Radiovox Sets 28 CLARENCE ST., SYDNEY and at 592 BOURKE ST., MELBOURNE

. ..

~~·--------------------------- ----=··---------

Page 3: w,,, - americanradiohistory.com...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 3 nla.obj-632034761 National Library of Australia WEEKLY AJoum(I/ /'Jn'olt>i,folhe

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 3nla.obj-632034761National Library of Australia

WEEKLY AJoum(I/ /'Jn'olt>i,folhe lnfertesf.s

of' Wireless &ihtt,1,sias.t.s bp h, "A11te1teu r anaPrOt'l!ssumal

orn• AL ORCA!'i

,,,.1 3. , 1,r,,111•.· .\ prtl lith l' I:.!+


,,xp r 11.,,111 r, ~• t •11 or ~1

a .. r 11rn\ lit•. t. ,p,,, rh~ a"ur. n ·• ,.f ) l r Hr,m u r,'pr, -

, 1 r 11 I" , .. ,- 11, r 'i, n, rnl th 11 tlw }•1 .... 1 11 •1t•r 1 .. •m•rnl 1111,I ,l,•tl11i1, I) ~,,.,,,,I tli,,t 11 dt r flit~ hruud a ... t 11- "'"h• lllf 1lu• r1111i, ... ur

1 1 .- 1i;p•t"l l 1w111tr, \\ ,ull I,,. ~r•1!.!Ull1'tl11I. tht'I \\'11·•·1•·-- hi-111tt1t'. 11!,i,•I , 1•·pr,·-1·nt 111\•• 11 th'! 111.1in hntlY uf • x1u rim, lltPr, ,houhl pl,,.., 11, ,•u .. 1 lu1f11rr 11 ,· P ,,1111n-,1•r (;,.,u•rul ll tlu•

Hr! , ... , 1• , ..... 1 ,I, 111 1 1 ttt ·1 h, t I lnH .. d,·.hl 11..! ,. HIJlllo.\ ,1111111,1 oh.1 ,•t

tu th,• ul fH 11111..! 11f 111 •'Xjl('l"llllt 11t.1l lh·••tJ..,..i• p U't•h i1.,r th,• puq11 .... or 11,h!llllt!? 10 l1n1,11l• n,t1111 t, 11•rf,.1h· 1n111r.1l 111,I 111111 1h•·rl' 11·,·

1 numh,·J· "Ito trh1l,, 1111 ti t•1r hl·,~r1t•e .. tor thh ,. , .• , 1111rpn,, ,n11r,t l,t ,l,•111111. h11 1 "hit,• 1here ar,• ,rdl otlwr\\ht r-ttt, uni 11 •1 pl,• \\ho 111, i,1 1ha1 th,• ,·xp1•n111• ut •r.. 1r,• i-,,uq•o,t•il lur!!t"h c-d IIHfllhHl\t ... mull hoy, 111 1 ,uke~ 111..!"

"Ii" ll r," p,rt, ,h,·11 il ,, hi,rh llll11' rhut ,1i~ ~•·11ti1n,•11i, .... lht i • 1111,111• ••~qu~ra1ru•111t•f' w,•r..-1ru1 .. 1ni1t, 1l i11 ,,11111 n11d •tt1111i"'1 1k.ll1Jt t•·rui--. tn tlu• ti11a l u111ho111, ,11 tilt' •1111•,timt &lw I' ,,i111.1,t••1-f ,1•1u•r.1I

1 1 1

Roster (or Week ending I 6th April, I 924 1 i ,,.,uu,u,,t""''"'"'"'"uuN ; I rhur. A.pr 10 2\t~ to}tR :·~ lo/j~ 8.3~ ~i9-o 9 io ~~ /~~ to2~~r lO tz~.3o l ! Friday, 11 2 IJ 2 G-R




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:-atuntn, t:? 1 R \ 2 l..R 2 IJ ',umtn; . 13 21U 2 CR \fon~ . 14 2 R.\ : CR 2 TJ ~:, fur-.. 15 2 U

W' .. dne,~ .. 16 1 II.A l GR 2 lJ I : __ , .. ,._i._ ,_ , ............................... , n , .... ,,.u n .............. , ,~, ..... , ................. ""'''UHUfltlHUtHIIJHIIH,,, ,111.11uu.nounuut1uU• 1UU1u,uu,uuou,1ftHIIIIOi~

Page 4: w,,, - americanradiohistory.com...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 3 nla.obj-632034761 National Library of Australia WEEKLY AJoum(I/ /'Jn'olt>i,folhe

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 4nla.obj-632034892National Library of Australia

:? WIRELESS WEEKLY Th11 1·~cla.1. April l,11t, 111~-t

The Broadcasting Con(erence .

Im hued \\llh the ~pir ir ur ..:l'niet.' tu 1hr µulilic. nnd enli~hteneJ l11 t!oe <·on•.eq11ence-,,; oi Llw 1111.!olUkt"S mo.Je at lhr• ('IJJ1fon·rw1• in l\[dbo11rtw Ju:,11 ,f'ar. reprf'i-,entol1\·,~~ of tl1r broadca~tin~ rmn11uuie-., Jnd th~ puhlir of i\.-..., \\ ., \°ktur ia. Qut·•~u!,buHl. ""intllh \u--1rnli:1 an,! We,t \u,trnliu, 111•1 ,u th,, G.l'.O., '\J.n.-,. ,111 \pril Hth rlu-•i, rni-..,iun ,~,, ... tu an omvli ... h 1\\11 thin~-: I It Tn dit-,•u-. ... wn)-. J.ntl mrar1'- u( Jb11li~hir1g 5~olrd r1·L'c•.i\:C'f-; (2) lo drn~, up and .,ulmtJL tu lllf• Po~tmo..::tt•r--Ci.:nt·ral o.1

\'f1rkulih .. ~ ... d,,·me ~ht'rel,l hron<k.a--t· ing n,ulcl he f'DITiPtl nu ju Aw,tralia "ith a ..,,'!Jtt·m of op~u rP.,·P-ivrr.;i and :rn .1:-:-111r.11wt th;H an ndr-qmllt· finunrinl rl'lurn ~"1uhl h1• «,hluirwd fl\- thi,:-1• r1rmpamr-" d1.,•..;,1rintr. llJ lm1a,ica'.'o-L

Uwiu;.! 1Ji,, hr .. l cln) • ... h1J .. ino ... ~, dw f1.1lh,v. in~ dc·IP,rnlt'.~ \H'rt' ptl~r111 un• ,lt·r thr t hairman ... laip nf \l;1jor !\Jarr, \I fl.IL au.J ,-;1h \It H. I'. Brij,,n. 'r-r-rt·l.Jr\ nr 111, .. P11 ... tal. I ~1P£!:Hll1h mul f ... ,,..,,Jtou,-- n1-pl ~ rrptl"·t'UI int! th .. I' \IJ •. , II '\1,rUlan l'upr ,11J :-. f::. \\ ii-un I l.1rnwr ,m,1 Ct> .. Litt I, 11. \ . 1'11up,•f I"· ~\u .. l1ali.1 H.Hliu ,\ .. -.ut ., • J rltum-.un t \'\~,. .. , A1htrn1iun far11w1••: ( H·op,. Lt1l). \Yith nJ111m \\-ll"" u--.-.m·1 .3lt<cl \\ . E. Coxi1n .a.ci h'C]u11t..1I a,h·i-.,•r, It. \\ ilkc, ! \\ ,·,t Au-tTnlwn llarli" A,­"'4•1·1il11mP. [, P. n. Bran (Qu1..·t•11-­land Radin h"'1c1at11,111. J D,•rliam C Vidori:m HoOin A'-""i(1cirui1111 l ~ P far T()ll 1Yic-1Hn.a11 ltadio h..;,1wia11onl, \ , 1. Brnwn I \ .... nriftt,·d Ra,lin l.1, .. 1.tt.1.1. E. J I· a.11,-1 , \.S, \\. A~-<•eial1,011 t·c.•r O,AH•lnJtUlt"fll ni \Y1rrJ,, .. ..,.1. "\Y. J. ,1 • ..iunlv l [hnud,u,h•r•. s,,1,,,.) IJJ ,. \\ ll. 'rnll ,,ml f ll. flu1l.,IJ1h t 'i. ""\'\: \...;,,,wia1i1111 f111 Il1·\1·lup11w111 r\f \\'irel...,,1 .

011 IIH' .::,•l·uml ,la, ~;f 1he ,·unfer• t·ni c \11. IL F_ C:ar,inn r1•rla,·,·d 'f1. \ T. nro\\Jt J':; niµr,)"'l•nlati\t• 11r A-..

ooci•tt·,I lfodi11 C:r,., T.td. oml \I,_ E. ll11llriwn, re1,lac,·d 1\lr. I'. t.arroll us H'JJJ••:-.1• nl:tlt\"1· nf tli, .. , 1r1nrirtn Radio As..;orialinn. Tht \li!l.-.,H'lftd C:ompan>·~ 11f .-\dcl,Ji1lt• \Ht .. nnl ut an) tuue re• ,,rP--rnted.

Tit,~ d1airmlll1 rf"'aJ nut ,1 it'ltf"T ::-i~rned h, \IP!-1"'-R. AuLhon) Hortl,·rn ... Ltd,, 'lrw <:,--teru l r•l~pl111ne, 1'1). Ltd. Mutl'u, Clark L1J., \J.,rl- Fm·- L1<I .. UaninJtton.s Ltd.. Ila, i,l .lnrw, T.t,I., antl Lii~'-f'ltPr·~ Ltd.. djsa:.-soriatin~ 1hf"m,f•IYf''-- fr,,m an, hu1 di,· pri1wi11l,· of ,1111• Iii~ l1rnadrasti11p ~tntion.

.... ,,,,,,, .... , ......... 0, ............ , ........... .

In opf-'11in~ the bu,:,;,inc-..s~ )lr T>. ..:;,-nu I prt·"'-iJ1·n1 A--... ,wieLion r111 Ol·· n•luµmr11t uf Wirch--.-..J "4°trt'""t•d tLP fut·t th:.t the oL_it.•t.·t 111 he kt:l}l con­:-.picuoullh in vit·\., h} dw dt>lo~ete.~ YdJ!"I the- uJtimalt• l,en~fit thol cuulJ i.P

dt:rncd from IJri,adcastin~ Ly tlu~ p ub­lir of Au1-1ralrn. a.nu µointerl out that 1f t•.tT) 1lplp,_ga.1t• \\af fuli) .J1\ot' :1• the p,, ....... iidlitir-·'-- ol IHut1deu .. Ling, then the 11~ .. ull of dk 1 111tft>renr~ must lie 11<.·­ce,~Jul. They "<'re gutlwrt:<l, ,,,i,1 \Ir. .~n•lt, a=,. h·pre~t."nlati,t"& of the publit: "t·Uatr. "'·ig.l111~tl \,i1h lwa.,} lt'l'tpon• ..-jf,,jJi1ie..:. ,.,hidL 11 wa ... Litt• ,luty 111 t.•\ 1·n d1•lt•gal~ 10 n,n..,itl,·1 f111 t·mH-..t Tlir 1liffi1•11hi.,.. 1i,a1 loud r'-••t~,I in 1h,, pa.-..1 tlH" Lillernr;.;;-. 1l1a1 hnd ariH·u lw-1,u•,·11 thl' Lroatlcastiut uiu.•rt> ... t- and tlu• ulher lllf'mlwri, or 1111" i'nmmun.it~. "nul,1 ull l,c swept a\\U) ol all dw d, lr~ulf'-:- hure in rnirnl thut dit..· real ohJet't uf rlu~ u,nfor~nCl' w,:h, 1.he ear­rn•-.t 1•1J(l11a\uur l o ('n111·iliute. nnd ,\·eld t11J?eth('r th~ ,ari11tb h111li,·s afl't•t·lecl h) l1ro,uh·a~ting, .rnJ. :ill ("11mhine to g:i,,. 1111 1111loli<· th,- J,..,,1 thal ,·,.ul,l i'"'"iLly lit· tttt nUI ui ln'oa,J,-;1,tinf!.

1 ttf• quid,r---1 "'.1' h• apprttJrh 1lu­m..111n \o,,a .. to dt•firutt-h 11!-r,•rt.iin th,· ,111i1udL· ul 111, ,h•lt•,i,:,1t,~"' uu th,· t1Ut• ... tiurt uf .. ,•alt•d ..... ,~ \f'l"'l-ll ... 11p1 11 ri~,·r-i,·­,.,.. .... unJ upun Lhi ... llf"int,.!. 1,ut lu tht· 11tr•r>ting, d1t prr-.r-ul d .. c.·'ar, 11 1lwm,.,1•I ,,-.., dt·fin 1t1 h i11 fo\our ol tl1f' prinC'ipl~ of O}Jf'n h•ff'i\·t•r~. (Jfo\'ldt'd lltt> int1•r• t·-it'-- of rl1t· J,ro::uJ.-.~-.,inz- •·ornp~mic~~ 1,._, ..t1h.•4uu1~I) 1unlr1"1Pd

In r•'pl~ to u leudrng c111r-.1l11n \h. """· E. \\ jJ .. 1111, ,d111 ,lt·rl,Hn·d rh,11 1•,u• 1111-•1 und C11 •• L1d .• lm.d pr11h.1lil) don,· 111,111• for ltr11:1d,·a .. ftn~ than :11t)·o111· ,•l:-1 in \ustn11it1 ,\"t1Uld. n,, m..-tlf~r "liu1 ..dwm1· \\I.I!-- 111 fnn't'" 1!11 lhf'il' ntmn~t 111 11rf1vidt- rltr pnlilif' wilL 1)1,• mu1.i

mnrn pffo·in1n u( hroudt•a ... 1ini,! pn.:.--.il,ll" un<l.1·1 lilt' r~i:=;11ln1i,1n-... llr- hmJ i1 .... (inilt' infurmatinn tlrnt rh1• ... t:ali•tl n•k 4.'t:lH~r wu...-.. ul1!if.lutr-l,· ('ffirit•nt uut.l 1u1 dtrr .,.ra1t.·d tht.1.t whr n I 'an11t•r nn41 Lo .. L1tl. 1 ntt·red intu o c-ontract lht·)- 110

!'t·rH•ri it 1n tlw lt>lter. \Ir. 'Wil1.1m ~:iitl Iha! f drlllt'f'-1 Wl'rl' prPp:lff'd ffl --uhmit J ~lwnw ln th,.. P M.G.. l111t whrn pre'--..l·,I hy \Ir. lie.:an tn d;~lr• --t' tlw 1rntur ... of 1lw -.,•lu.-nu.• i11 -..o far u .. it t•11nl'n1tt:>d tht> 1rnUJit•. ..,tatf",l I hat rht> prh.111- 1111-.111,•..-... intt>r,•--t .. n( 1-J.tmer-. wt·rt'" ..;o du!-f'h alJi,•d lt1 t!i,_, ,;;c_•l.:,~mr 1h::at tliry wt"rP forrrrl tn rt.~-:if'r\t' tht

<letad, lur 1he ear .,f th,· I' ,1.1:, am! lliPn only upon a dt>lmitt. 111,i1nt1,.1u,

i\ nwli1111 hy \1r Bean r,_..n~urmJ! 1Ji.., d.tjuude r,f Fanru•r..- rn rt.'fu,;.lnJ! f~ ,h~ 1'U3.~ 1lwir ~hf'mr al 1hr ( .nnfc..1r11t·c ,,a~ wlthtlrnwn 11111" ;.d1,·r \1,•:t,.--.r~. l'op" .rnd \Yi l-,un 1ltr~ate1wd lo wi1hdr:iw.

Tlw pn,µu:,,.al .. r th~ .\-. .. oriaJion Tor 1he dnt•lopmr-nt of \X'irt"lr .... \\:t.,; 1h..-, rrnd nut i,, \lr. -;roll.

Scheme Devised by lhe A~so­ciation for the Development

of r.Vireless in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji.

The foJlo'\\ 111i (•on..,rit11h- t111, li,. rlau~,·-- nmluwtJ 111 1hc A ... :-.ot'1Jt nu' .. n·1 un!ilrnc-tht• ,,wlu~mc for hT01Hka~ting. I I ,houlrl lie no1o·d that a uwoh~r of llu· nif->mhns nf 1he asSoc,ution arP de ri11itt•h a~uiu .. t 1hi,s; -.thrme

, I • Th~ public 111 he allmve,I to use oµ~n .:r,t.:; "ith11u1 1:H1~ re..-trwt iu•, wli;Jtc'\t!r.

12) Tl1i~ ig.sut' ul ,1 n1.m..w11n Iii r7ce r, ...11 0"1wr .. 1d radio ft->l ,•iyin~ ~t't m -HI ... f•t'r annum. 1"1lr 1ht~ lmuuk ~, ing s11l,11rnplirHl!--. n.xrlu-.i,,· nf 5 !Jct

annum for the C11°tL~mm,·nt. The l,ruatlt·a:.--t ing sulk-rripl i1,u i.. her,..m• ,,her ,·all•·•l ti,~ revenul'. and shall t,., ,•xdu~h,· .-f :111 ro}·allw~, ii an~.

I.~ 1 Earh licence •hall loe pem1an· ,•nth r"'°hihitt>d in 111•• rnom 111 v.l1id1 tlu· .. t'I j.., u,<,if, A Jtt--'mtlt)' of not lc-'E'~ t1wu £~0 for hou ... -.ing a ..,~t "·id111u1 tbt!' Jin .. nrP.

(..JI Bro,.ulnl.:liJU! lit"t1?H"1•--. t•"' l11• 11f IWO kin,l!'l-. JldUlel;-. "'A0 nt·rnrc.·, the h11lffer, of wl1id1 ~hall t,,. ri·munr"rMrrl from lht re-,cnue: un ... Jil"Pnt·•·. \\o}tit Ii

.... hu.11 he i-:1o'-m·J to prr~in:,:. ,J,_.,..i11n,!! 1 , hrn;.uka-.1 ·,, itliom rt-'mtmt~rntwn fr11Ui I h1• fl•\ en UC'.

t ,i:;, 1\1, J)Pr-;nn, rurpnr.111ou nuu Jiany .-1r fir 111, --:f1n1I in :in) 011e ,:'\t.1te h,. 4lir1·,·1h hr imlire-tli}' intPrP,.ft•d 1r1

11wr1· 1ha11 •111r- 1.A•· -.;tatinn hnt,1rlca.5 ltJJ1~m•11tn~ t in·n~1• Tl1i..;, \\ill nut ii, tf"r {HI\ 1·11nrl'rn rmm OJ.)t"TTlt fn,:. in ttlor-e th.cm 011,• 'Int, .. nr ruJ1ninf,! it-- n,,n pro• ~l"dtlllllf' \\ it liin tl1c Stntt• f .\ ltro.,d ou• line•. 1\umbf'r of ''A" rlm~i:, bro1,, rai,tiu.µ- lir1•11-f"~ In IH1 fimjti•c.1 tn tltrt"C in ~-~.\\ three in Yieroria. t,.,1, in l)wTn~fmul. lvm i11 '-;outh .Au .. trnli.i m,l 1,.,,·n in W,·:.-t1•m AmHralia.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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UI J l,n •t..il ,,. t l,.-,

11.al uuq 111 of 11\ ~ ,2:.: Tl prf' ,,n1 ~1, l(:r·• I rm '"

l :r, l,1i1 ,I lmt Ill.,. pru'"i,-iuu fu1 tit(' Ir ,du 11°0 "' ' Ji,,11 I I,\ 11,,. l Ufi.. I 111 r 11I" ~111111,·il Rllll \I II \, J 1\1, l'llOl'll•.\l nt

lift •Ill Ill \I '- I Ii \11 \\ I: \lllll IO.

\loch i l, ... .-u ... 01 1 mk pl11 ;· "'tll ,-.. ~Jr•I 111 tit"' .. i rl.au .. ·- 0111'1,1 I 11t tl1f" ~ '1rnt4:'", \Ir I u--Mk I hall-rnJmJ th,· l,r,.l 1.111- UJt••n tfi,.. )!r11111 rl- 1luu fi"- I lfo uml r of ft- ntlt>..,..Sflllfl_ J!"n Tarmri Yi •- 111'" bui:1-ru 1h.-1. aft,r l,r, 1,lc»•' ni:: .... -,,11111n- 1~ tu Ii,· l111utL.,.f "'"rJJ."-0, 1-11~r1~•w•· in v.1rrl.-~ l1r 111 :l rn \i•111r1a: { 111 \ . ... \\ : '.! 111 d.-f lu d ""1111,I } ,, '" hr n --1r1, 1,...1 m \\ \ • ' 111 "'· \.: '.2 111 IJwr, .. JaHil. :.nd \o-·ulla \Ir \\1IL,-- p111n1.-,I 0111 that I 111 l .ll-m,ulla..

ft'.?rn•rnl11•n hncl t...LU~nJ 11,,ul,lt· \\, •• ,, .!. f t I!~ fi 141 I ,l,c1,h·1i J., I ~ )"rn,-r Pllt.alt ur 1,~10--uu.i--1on \\&.'> l•rod•l ~•llll~ .. mp,ur - \ulh 1l11 •II'

«. 1n 1'Jm·ol I 11 Ii lul!h pu"-t'f hh>a1I 111 ,,.al ul 1111 \luut-lrt Lit f"II~ ft-."!

• a.-.1,11:. 11 \, i ... .1 hu 111r tl1Jt tl1 11 u~,t t11 111 ,111 111t Ju .. 11, 11tw lot" on• il, tt-d. ,,1 •lf", t•i 111 w.:a...,, r"uh l ( 1JI t t ,, I I ,11 Ir.-: I I, 1·h

r•l !IJ"" llib powl l hr ,JL. lJ_ .... 1 ,r1 •r- ,., 111 I- u, ,I h1 tJ11• l•IJl,111 liy U\)

Tnot> 1li-1nrti1111lr-- 11111,i,• i- .1 f,•dlllrl' "1111 '\, I 1. \I. Cr~ -wl H,•,·l ifi,•.11 inn

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l1111u(ka ... 1i11~ n1mpJ.11~·::- .HTJ'i•tll1cd

l.lj!• nt ••r au~ p,i,..I 11ffire. L Th .. puldi, 11 tl'"i-irlr \\ l1i1·l1 1 om­

_t'U ll\ 1hn " 1U JtJl 111111- Rni,uh ,li-1 4

inl,.! r·ump:ml, ... dml dt•ul1 , .. t·11uld dr-­muu:--lrnh ,, ith thf' d11ulilt-- vurvo--,• 11( tllu,~iu~ jud~m1·nt n l r1u.dilY ,,( 1m1 •

!-,:l Hllllh'-- aml dfh icn, \ .Ir n•t't'I\ in 11: ap•

lH'lfAIII:--, l \ u .. ,·atinn •if wan• lrnµtlt-.. VI tll

, J1111irnlll' tl1,· ra e~,iT~ 111 111ning. 6 I Plllf•d HoJrd 1 , t"ot1..,i.:.1 uf th,

PI'. \I,~ 11f ·.1 1i ._,,t,H•· a- t'h.ii,m,rn 111 r,·,Hc , 111:1ti\r' 1d •J.rh l1it,.1il,~,1i.f111JJ.

1um11an, .• wd ,1. .. 111 rn, l,road, 1 .. 1111µ; • 1,11111;111\ .. ul, .. ,•1Jli<·1, ,l- th,·rt" 1 trf" lir11,\llta ... 1111J! ('0WP,,'.H111·-., Tlu• 1:tller Ju lit no1111nnt1•1I 1,, ul,..,t·t ilu·t• : .. ind pr1J'-tu-1 t1,,• li1of ·nrr ....

-;, Ht,,, 1\111~ fi<'tS 111 he •H i"on-.1n11 r­• d tl1<1t 111,•\ • 1.111,iol ru~ ... dilt· e811'"t' t\11

J1'11a1 '" 11-.eill111,·. 8. I tw n .. :nd ,1f t '11\ltul 10 lw rt••

-.p,,u~uhlr l11r tl11 f'la .... nl tnatl,·r hrnJil f"a .. t,·tl.

') \du r11 .. 111 • l11 iw lllu,,r·il onh 111

ll'\!'IIIJ•• t•JHniti,: --ta1iun ... 1 lw rr·\1 nw· -..l1all l1,1 upp11tt10ne1J

1- f1, lln\;,; .... 111 dH· r..:1 ... ,d1, r thnt .irr


twn :-.I.Jt1nn'--. To rhe nominated sle-­lfnn. l"1'.o•tl1inl.. 11f 1hr rr•,,,~nne, the 11·11rni1 ,lt~r 10 1h11 otlwr '-lal ioJL \\ ~wt•· tlll'Ji art• Liln:i..· hrnatl• (''.J"-lmf! .. f;,tiPTI!-. ~ti (H'1 t'""f"lll- .. r th ... J1•\1·rt1Jt• ..;hall L~ ;1ppnr l 1L11wd to rhe 11,1n11n:1trd ~talion. ,ln1l 21 pl't c1•t1 1 ,·.J, h ro li11 11tlu.·r~. Dural~ ,l 1,:.,•nrral d 1-.1•u-.. .. 1n11, \Ir Th11m.,nn r,,i ... ,·,1 1h1 primnn 1111,-... 1irin 11! t11,,\ T4:·

,~nu,• wa 10 Ill' all1•1I 1! fatrh- I • 1111· hr,1.111-:tt•tiu~ r·otttpanit'-. lrt I ,.",µlai1w,, tl1at dJi..trl frMJJ tl11• l..td 1!t.u1 Ii,.. "\\71" tl,c-rr .. 11Jd\· In a,lvanc-, .. tiff' inli·r~·-.. t .. 11{ Iii~ ,·otupaII), tllt'fl' Wl 11• 1.Nloun l'i•U·

d11ion., p,·1 :il i.ir r•• \\ . \ . tliut mu'-t hf' <'11n.!'li,lnt·d 'Whil+ ln~f"I\' ,ul111i11i11g llw JiJHlt 1pJ1· ttf 1111 .. ••Pt'Jl ft'fi·ivc:r. hi..; !.••rrtpun,· mti..-..l !o-Pf' an .:ulr•1J1i.11t· rt'IUrn

h,•fon.· c:-11m1m1tm:;:: it .. elf In •m}rhin::t. l'h• ( ,.nfrrrmT 1hn1 ... r•tt1,,,1 1lov.u

111 .1 p:1•n,·n11 tli-., 11, ... iun UJ1on tlit• 1111-th­ud of ullunllinJ? lf'"\rrlJJP whf•r1~ 1linP ,.,i ... 1,·d n1ur,· thau ,11w ··A•· r·ln-.. ... l.u11a1l­r~,._,,11~ ('Olllpa n,. am) upon \Ir. rhntu• --1•11 ohj1•~ 1i11g ,,l rli,· d,,111~,· lurri11L?

, .. l 1u ....... ,~uio11-. frum ::11h1•r1i-=.lt1J,:. .:\Ir 81•a1t 1·\.Jdai1lf'1l drnt tl11·r,· ,\a~ no thi":.: '" 111,•,1·nt !Hl ·-A~. , fao;,.: .:fdion

Th111·,\1n~, .\pril l ,ll1, l\t~+.

t·,illt'rting f t '\t"IHh.! fron, jlrfl\"l .. 1111 r .t

prngramrnr O\-t'r rt--'rldm hour-- owl I li1 1 +llltpmHlitally r unw·rting 11 .. ,,u UII ,l "Fr' r?J-.. ... -,lilli,,n fL1r 1fu .. 1nuvos1• uf adHrt i-inJ:!. ''\I'll tlinu~h tl1, '!Um~ .ip~ parJlll .... '"'rt• U!:-1.•11. J Iii~ \Tr lloll11\\llY 1h.1 ..:rrilwd ai.. c·um,,ulluJ!,t'. hut \1r. \'\.'ilk.f'"~ ,-,xp1a1n,~d tk11 a!- 1lie1L \\a .... nn­t111nc: 111 pr,•\"1•rU .1 ,·ompa.ri,- op••r.dt1r1g an "".\ 1 J..., .. ~ .;,hil 11111 irom a.I-.•• operet• 1111,!, ;i ··n·· ,•lu~... ..ldlt11TI, tht fa, I

that 1l1t .,.wtu,11 ~lppar~Hu" u ... , t'i in hntlr ~ta,inn'"' \\t•tt• 111w ar11l Lill' -,1.IJ:11• \I.a!\ p nr,· 1~ ll IU Hli·r .1t" 1-1·u1Jolll\

l pon <,;f'\f'ral u ... •a~l11n-.., th,- ( rinlt>r r-11,, .. nlj1mmt-1I l it 1li .. t·11~,. l"t•rt .. tin mat !1•1~ 11riHtlrly ,-111!1 lalr' ·n tl1r 1r rt:n 1,n 11f tli, 101h I Fri,la,·1 ,l "1 l1, m, \\'' 1 h ,,111J.udiefl ,·ntuin .. t tlit• , hiu--t iii d,,. ,, .. n, ia1i1111· .. 1iropn..:aL-. tn~i thrr Ylllt lrt>..._L pi n11r, .. ,1 1... ,q1f11nilt1•1I 11) \I Tliom ... nn \\3:0 ~ldCL'd l,d"r" 1h df'lt: ~ut~. hut II v,:a..: fiuall\ ,:t~~ndf"rl tJ I hl·forc ,li-..1:ll~-:,in~ th1i,. iullv an 111,11.1 tion ht" '-Pnl In th,~ firm~ nnl rqir r11' 1·d. \ i,. IJarrinetun-.. Ltil.. ~t>W °' h -n I eh·pJ,.,,,,., P1y.. 11,L .\ llnr,I .. r 1.t.J.. \brl.. y.,,, 1 1 .J • \[.,,, u, I lari.

("mifinued ,m 11t111•' r,

Cash Bargains for Experimenters

\\ L>. 11 \ uh,·,. I.I ,uh, .25 Jnrr. 37 6: \luUanl "Orn:· 20 -: WccMelve;, f.J ,oil, .25 ump .. 37 6; ~ \lullunl 5',cke~, 2 . ; 199 or 299 i.:11rkt"1~. -t. ; Po1enti11metcrs, 12 6 an\1 14/6: Radii'I Frt-41ue11ry Tran1.. § § lnrm,'rs, 200-600 m -ire-. 30 •: 200-5000, ,15 -: Audio Frn,1ucncy Trnn•fnnnn,. 3(1 -; r II. Batter) ~ I '";,el,~~•~:•:o~•;.,,~~:~~::~~'.'.' COMPANY i I -, .. '.' ~~:;:? ::::~:~~.~r~;·:~3~~..... I ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli'lllllllllllllllllllllllillillllllllllllllllllllllll/lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllli

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Gilfillan USE

Radio P arts Highest in Quality E conomical in 'Price

Welby Radio Company 13 Royal Ar,ade. Sydne)

1,1,plion, MJ4;


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nuatmit~d Imm par.JC! .J

l.td l>.i, 111 Jom-•:-- I .t(l., and L1.. ..... l.'lt1•r ... Lid .. lri elrl'I OfW d1•l1•~ak lo rt•µn·•t-'nl 1h11•1 firm,. 1111 111111\Ln .. \pril l lth.

Tht foll11w111~ rnuwin !,~ ,tr. Ht•llo "0Y \\hkh \\il ... 1H lh1 rtUIIU(' ul U

homl.-..l1t-ll ,,a-- n11t ... t•1 "nd,·d .. tnd tlwr~­f11rt• lap~•it,

\1 1L ll<111 II\\\\·.., \Ill no\,

Ir , i, \\ 11f 1Jij .. t 111111· 1•111 1 uo\\ nut ~t·inµ l'u!I, n---prr .. t'nl,1t1,,· of a11 tlir p,nt11·-. iutl'rt•t,l-"•I ii I!'> .. 1l1,1rlnr ln i1r4, t't t·tl IU1ll1t•r. I llt• n•lurt"" 111•)\of' llrnl lht" prupi,,..al~ alr,·:uh d,•all '"'Jth hY tlw Cunf, r, 111 ,. Ji~ --11tu11 111-t! 111 tl11 1'.>t. (,., ,, 11h a n q1w-.1 duo a romm1tte,· of fl\, un,l a dwirmun lu-• app11int,·,I m1 nw,li,,11·!, I,, II, 1•_\1,1:. ,,. ~•• lull) int11 ufl llit! m·lfl\ pr11p,1,.1I ...... 11lirnir1,-.,I to tlw I' \I.(,. li, all pJrt.,·--. Ul141 'iUd1

1 1 111miu,-ro ,f1,J 11 ,lr.1fl dt•!i1,i11• ri n1m~

n1t·11JJl111u .. ,u11l ... 11lm1i1 al ,~m 1u .-. lull C,,n(1•tt0 Tlf'f"" ,.{ iulrt• r-lt·•l JJUrli,- lo lw lo·hl ju \1,,Jl,.,1irrw \\.llliiu tit• tw\l It'll .ti, ...

n1 ... I 11ll1rtlllllt -l1 111 (·un•i--• uf 1114•

lh,urman • .i It illt>f.(•nall t\1• ur !11t• P.1\1. (, and luur I rpr(':--t·111.a1 i\r-,..._ nl 1 Ii,• , .. 1r,•l1 - inti it·--h ••

\Ir J ll, """'' •tut,·d I bJt \Ir 1lnl h1l\.l\' \,,, ... nnt -..111tin11,. 1111 ,k1\'1 nf llw \ lf'IIIIIJTl lti11h11 \--.-.w utinn. l1111 t11t•r1•h thu-.t• ni YPv . ...:.,-1 ·m T,·lr·phun­f•-. Pi, • I .rt! ( • u--Hl1• 1l111 rlii..ru--• "'iufl ••n-.UJ•4I lJJ1tlll th~· 1po··--1ion ,,f Lhr pn•-.,·nt nr·, •••--itf ,,f ,..,p-·rlln nl!'r- pru­.Jul lllp litt'l1 .. t'"' 111 !nri• 1 •irtf .dl11\\1•,l 111 purdta~i• '\\ir,·'• .... p.1rt-:, rnd \Ir l\llllfll'r ,1:--k1·d ,d1.11 ,,,Hr'tI 1,,-.. tlu• r••· qJ]t 11 J ru.:rn "111 11 ,,.11t 1•J-111 111,i

l11..,r11 I- w:1, lr'1Jlllr1 ,I I•• p 1Hlur1• a dn: hrt•n-.,·

<Jt f -.flll\ ell L'\l'l lll\JL\lb:.lt~. \Ir r.,111•, l'fOJltf-~d tl1t• ine!U:-'{1111 ul

a dJU-t Ill Llw finul 11rnrm ... al 11ro"\1tlinv: 1ha1 r'<V1·:-1m1'1lh.'f':'> he ull, \\1•d t11 t'Jlr,

1)1l fr,_.,. nf all Ii, t·n .. t· 1• >1°"- TIit' pio::.-­J'f-'l'I J\t' 1·xpt•r11111·11li'i' \\11uld lw H"flllir• ed ln p:1--"' nn t·Xum'n.11;1,n in l,nil1 tr.ui-.111ilt111i,1 :ind r,•1 ••:,.inµ,· ,,f ... u fnr ,...1, mnm \\11nl- llff mrn11l1· i11 lh1· \l,,r ... ,• ,-t,dt·.

E"·rn ,,,,w, •1111•1111·r ~\ 11111 l\f• H.'

quirri l tu kf'rp u lug. ~mtl ... u.l,mit it t11 Lht• lhttl i i• ln --1,e1't1•r , •,rry t..i \ 1w1nth"-. :\I r. F ,1li,•~ --ra ti~tl thnt 1,, .... liud <·11mmuni­('at1·d \d1l1 '\11 . l'J1; l Ren'-'lln\\. thr m:111 1u \\lh\11! all t''.([u.•rimt•J\111r- Wt'fC fn,)k• llli;!, anM 1'1:u cc-IH lem3•1 Ind Pxprl'.:.,_t•fl him-.clf R!:- hr1n;! t-nli1t·h i11 a,.-rurd ,, il '1 th,.., propo..,itin11 \lr · Fuh~~ ,Ht! not makt• ir ,~ 't'u ,. h..iht:• ~l r B,-•,1-..ha,._. ,,a~ f'\llTf'~--i n l,!" Ji:_ n ,\n prfn1t,• oIJinion ur thal t•f 11w ,•,11rrim•·111,•:--.. I\l r. K;m1wr ...:t..:tt~~J 1ha1 1b• C'unf,-.n•11L't" had nulldn" ur all 111 d,, ,,,:1h tk'-pPri111CHl·


,•r~. 1111,I '".a-- purPI) n Rruatl••.a.,.:t in_:t C ,unf PrPncr. \Ir. ,~, ilkt""9. (lropo:,;..-<j that u.11 ill'Plicanl- frn e,pc·rl.Jo.,-ntnl liu'll· ~t ... hr ('°X,)U1111ed II)' thf" Radio ln-:,1wc·• lur nr a:--- an o ltt-'rnutn <' c1 hoard com• pri-.,~41 nf r,•pr,• ... 1·11 tJli,,· ... 11r t lw f ' \I C: llr~part11w111, Un1adrn--ting Cr11npUu} nml u luuh n~prr'-•'nLint 1h1 ••xtwd-1111·01,•r-.. \lr. TltuU1...,11n '-a.ii i 1hat in lJj .. 411Jiui1111 •'\l'J\ f'XJ1f"tirn•·n1n w11uld (.,, ~la,l 1n pa~ llw lu,,adl'a--tin~ "'11h• ~nJ~•l111u.

\Ir Rr•au -Hth-tl thUL 111· ,,a~ t-1nlir..,h n --i,111pdtll\ \\illi llw m,m wh,1 ,\·a-.

,·n~agt·•I It• n· .. ,·.irrh \\urk ,,ho ill Ji, .. 11pi11[1111 \\ib tli1• OHi) l!t.:11Uint· t'\flf'li• rn,·ntPt Bruadt·a .. 1111µ ,,,•ultl 11fTt'r 111ud1 m11r1• .. , upi fm 1lii~ r,-..:1•tir1·h \\url..: ill1t l thn ... t' nti•n intf-'l11·, tualh· fi t II• tlH

1hal work \HT1• n,11 1m1wrunio1J"'- aml \\nultl 11,1r quil,l,,t p,,-r pin in):! tlw lull lirn,uh-a ... 11n~ -.ul,"'("TJJl!ion. C, nnim· 1·\111•rinw11t• ·t.. \,1•·,· nw11 of i..'i<"nn·. an,1 l1t· 1•1,ul,l lturdh J'nlh ,·i,,· pf Au-11 d1:1 h1·i11~~ rlow•tl witl1 1ho11-.:,nd- 11f 1111·n Pn~U!.!1·tl in r,•o..••Jr,·lt h11rl ir1 \\oir,·­!,, .. i.. \\'Jiil,.. nn 11ho..L1d,· -li11uld l1• pl.J,·•·•I in tlw \\o~I\ uf wl 'll \fr R,·;rn t·llar,1t·1ni .. ,•t( .1 ... ,·I,,· u••n11irw •·'ip1•1 uu­' 111,·r. )11 '-l,11t-d tl1at tlt,• J--111'111 l,11~ \\a'-­rwt \\11rtl1,· 111' 1 ull..,Jtl.-rahoJt. ln rt>-ph lu A .. 1nri-m1•nl 11, \ t i. l'a\u,, tit.ii d,;

TlrnrsJu,1, .\]>t·il I TH1. l!l'.J I

,., 11,·ri11w111,·r rc•pn•~~,urd a £111 n:: 1hat m;h pu ..... ilth up .. ,·1 tlw hnrinun, 11l rli,· l,m.i.dru'"Tting -.i , htm,---. \fr. B, ·a~ ..;,talr-,1 1l1111 Ii,• ,l id wit Hm:;..idr·r th:11 ,1--1•1tl

nf•c.·d b1· d!"'''u ... -.,•d. ,md 111:.11 1h1 bl.J.iu thinSL tn Ill' t·nn~i1ln~d wa• tlw vrn t1•1·ti,,n uf th, hri)adra.,tin,r: m!1•rt·t--t..;

\fr fdl 1n 111 d1w.upiou.n,! rhc , a11-.1 of tlJt~ ,·,p1·rinwn11•r-... ... tn·r,I th.11 \t'f\ ft~\\ 1,r lht'm li:--lt'Jll•(l In l1tu,1,J­r:a ... ting. l'h,·~ ''"c·r1· 111,1~1h t·nittt..:t••J in 11·--.1•iittli ,.,.orh.. lit" ~u~2:,-... 1t•d 1li.1t 11w 11t1111b1·1 1•l hr,·n--1•- Ii,.,. narn1w~:d 1lnwn to inrlu1l,• u11I} j,!l"Hll n,.. ( •qwri­nwnlN'-

l\lL- Hrm\ u. H 1"1 ~111,1i:-"" f11 a att l!t' 1111·111 l,y \ Ir. Uran 111.11 -·1wc· l1ruc1~­•·aHiniz ('nmm,·m 1·d tli·ri· luiJ Lt·1 ·11 1 111-.lJ !tu ,.,.,,e 11111•11tul 1in·n-(.•~. ,1u11t1 ii tlll' t·11mp..uuth,~ fie.ur1'!-I f11r :\ .~.W . . 1~ fotlnw~: flr·r-t"mlwt llJ21. ~'.()~ lin·n<'t .. _; ~lard, )~2~. r ,l[; Jmw. l' 23. JI 11: .;"'eptPmlw1 llJ~.1. 16lH. l>1.:r,•nd1t-r., 1'12'-l. 17:!.'i: \lard,. l\12J . • l~O~

Th1· fi:rnn .... for ',,A \ 11 •• \\' .\, mri T.1-.mama \1t1·r,~ lhf-'11 pi 11t•il. .anJ i, u --111111-.1• 1~ .1 ..:u1t·nwnr In· \lr l'al1M th;ll 1hi-. 1L1I 1101 ... J1 .,,., 1lw u1111s1ltir 11 :n .. ,rra,.,r .1 .. --11L!!.!;t .... \1·d by '\lJ. lJ.-:w. 1h, 1..itt,, 11ru1 •· •--1 •d 1h11 111,· ( 1,rik:t•n(1 ,\., ... t,• n,1 furth•r t.in• ,, tlJl ti,,.. m ftt•t

ror1tJIIUt'd On [l{l(]t' {f

§lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli!; I Our Radio Depa rtment I =~=========:==· 1s now 111 frill sw111g and w..- c.:.; n suprlv y<'u wirb I a full range of .. WIRELESS SUPPLIES." Bcmg

agents for the well known FEDERA!:.. EQUIP.

MENT we are in a position to quote you ·• GOOD

PRICES.'· Send along your Radio Problems, we

are always AT YOUR SERVICE.

Price List on ApplicaMon.

The Home Electric 106a

l' hone n 5563.

Kino· b

Street, Syd nt"y



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Tli111·,,l;11, \ pril 1 ii l1, 1'1:!-l WIRELESS WEEKLY

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! The Colville-Moore Wireless Supplies Ltd. I



A High Resistanee Head set

of Reliable Construnio11 and

Good Appearn nc0

PRICE 25s. per Set

Guaranteed British Make \\'e11?ht , nlv 10 ,m. 4000 OHMS ReS1~tancc­\Vou11d to g11·e maximum number ol turn, proportiuual to remtance Sta!lny D,aphrams, Alum1mmum Head

BanJ, Self a lign111enl to thl" ea.rs. DF LLXE HAJ\D-PHONI- For Ladies L5e.

Tlus I lilnd Set has a ,pecial adJU51ing nut for alt<'ring I ·e pressure al(atrst the ears. The Handles are of F romri~ and made 10 black, hlu~. red and whlle, 1vh1ch

give, smartne$s to an)' \\'ireles, '-et

PRICE jQ • c11mplete with Cordi.

While th.e slock lasll from

The Colville-Moore Wireless Supplies Ltd. 10 ROWE STREET, SYDNEY



I == =

_ l'r.11I,· I 111p11rit•• ~ \lr h. ff LT) ., l'Oh. F-.. \lontnnJ 11 ,,u,e. h.111~ -., .. ~\1111<·\ '--------- ~ ~ \l.11111!,11·1urc·r-· ll1·pre~,·111111h,· Price 1 S 9 e ach = i1,11111111m1111111111111111111111111111•111111m1111m111111m111111111111111111111111111111111m11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•,1 m11111111111111111111111m11m111111111111111

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Crmtlrwttti. Imm pCIJtt li \h. ( .u:-.u:..L in ... upportinµ -\lr. 13(-au r,·lnrrd 10 rlw , a lual.Jt> Wf•rk heing d1111t• b) LoH'I unwut Uu1lio ln~1wrtor--~ anJ ht tlit• f..u·1 1J1a1 Hl11111rdt\ HuJio In• -.p,·•·lnr--- WP.ft" J.ll"n n----i--t IIIJ! .1nLI u .. ,. t·uuhl lw 111.uli 1d th,·rn in tlu• futurt'. 'Ir. ~n1l1 r,•mimlt•d dtc• ( :onfrrrnn• tl1JL lilt' 1•,JJrrim1·n1,·1 ,,a ... in exi~tt·n<'.'t' l11nl! lwf.,r,· l,r,,.atl,:u--tiuµ: .• m,I d,·~en· t·•i t·\t·n L'un .. i,tt•r;1l1nn. A Hoard :-l10ultl ,.,. lor-uu ti to J•rt1\1tl1• f111 1lic exam111a• 110n of .appliraul•, tlu ba.-.i~ In lw 1ir1•f1nt 11n Ill •w111lmg nnd ft•f'el,·m~.

\Jr, 1:1,·an 11p11p-.1•d 1hi ... "fl 1l1t• ~round th.II 1111• lllt'ff' ... ,•mlin~ ol ,Jut~ ,u11l J..1 .. f11-~ di•I n••I ,·nn-.111111~ r,•.,.,,•,1rr·h ,,nrl. \lL1Jur \fun -..LJlt•tl thal 1ii~1•

~huulil lw ,tn ,H~e limit. and tlt;,it in lti-. npiniun .1 11lau ,,,,., 10 t·onl•l not J,•at n lht" l\lflr .. t- • 111)1 . ..\ pu. ... ~ut· Lit

i.ll'tn .. 11n·urr1·1I h<·l\\-1·1•!( '\Yr. --=1·nll unfl :\Jr. B1•.1n~ d11 1.uta r --tatinll, 1k11 h,"> h;nf 1w,r•r l1•.1rrn•,J d1t· , 111Jc~ amJ ,-..a~ Ot'\f'[ lik1h· 111.

\Ir. II I' RH"'" ll1n, ~tatt·,I tl1at in ,lll'i hro,:1d,-,1,tinf: -• lwm,• !lw P ,1. c:, ,\;,uld pr11kl'I d1,• 1· ~ht, of the ,·,1wrin11·nt,r-.

finafh 'lr 'nifl pH1pt1ii.·d 1h.1t 1b,­ma11,, Ii,• l,,fl ou•1 f1ir vrhat,· f11nfi"r• ,·n, ,. 1m,I 1!11• ,lr·lt•!.!.111" ... 1lit•n udjou,w·d 11111il \f,,,11Ja, . \1,1il 11th.


.\ fo•ture ,,r l~" ConferPOlC~ wa- 1h,· t"').lraunJinurv palienc~ t>xhihitf-rl b~ '''- IL r. nro,,n. ,,ho IDU"-l IJc COil·

j.!,ratultut.'d uµon Jij..., aLilit, tu ~it for !tour:--. <1il~nl JnJ inactiH·. anJ vt>t pm-­in~ lht· '-trJctc~t attcnlwn tv Lhe tlcbatcs ol th,· cl,·lt'~Jll'S, rh, """''"rfulli !oo)mpatLf•l1f tllt1t11dt• mt1intn.ined b~ \fuJnr \larr '\\a ... n)!i=:. il markt·d f,·at• ur,· dllJ ,, l1i.:n nm-.1J1·rmµ Llt<· fat l 1ha1 Iii-. :1ltPn1Jam•r al tl1f"' Cnnfor,,.nrr prt-• l lu,lr'.fl liim rrnm !akin&£ PJI I in im1>orl• J.rll 1,11l1Li, fum li••n'- t·1•1m,·, tr1l with 1h..- , ... ii 11( llit-< Fll•1•l; funr1iun\l :11 ,,l1id1, nut anli<'lpatini tlw Hr111rel'l,•4J twturr of t1w l.11nft•r1•Jltt•_ ,1ajor \brr ti,,tl ltHilll!!"t'd t11 ht• prt•sPnt. I h,•n a

~Jll'l:lal \ut, ~,r 1ho.11ks -11111d(I he pa~1;..ed l11 111m (or 1h1• ~pirit wh.id1 promµ1i:d him tn l'311C'f'l all orrangPment.. 1n ru,· 111 11{ th, I )i•\t•lupm+·r1I of Wirt•le--.. in \1i-tr.11iu

,m1E EXPRES--10:'iS or OPIXIOX

Tn tLI" t.ltr,•t· tlt..•lL'~.ilt---. ,,hu )lr•ipn-.,•,1 J hrnJ1ka~1in~ ~rlwmt'. Ll1io1 paper pul a l1•01tlin~ ,111t·'"tion ~l,111~ 1lw fo1lf1winp: linh: ··no )OIi l'llhl(iJ,•r 1ha1 a 1•latbt ...,h,111M lw 111 .. r-rtt-fi in y11ur -,chrme pn,. , itlm~ fur th,· ,,,..,mptit1n of 1•,,-;prri• mt>ntt>T- fr,1m tLP p,1' 111t·ul 11f 111 L•J.d­t.·a~tinp. ... uh~, rqH111n"" ? ..

Th11r,ua~·. J,pril 17th. l'.l:!4.

Sot•· 1hc r,•plir..;:

Mr. R. F. Gardner I A,,. ....... ...,f ll.1 tlio C.ompan}', Limited•· •·A" outlint"<I an my prnpo.:-al1 the P:XJlf'Tirncuter-.; ::trf" not to be taxed. 'lo ltrn:.Hit~-t ni! ~t:ht~OJI• t•.1m ht.· t·un~itlnt>tl fair ur e•· 1

-.ihlr un it>'--.!\ 1hi~ pro\:h,.iun 1-.. mad,~ .. .., ~Jr, S (. Cu•o•·k 1<; A Ha.Ji., ( 1•111•

pan~ J • I prt·ft:r not tu ~w .. ,· 1l1e lfllf>.:.tl111i.·

\Ir. \\. U. SN,tl ( prc--i<lu11 uf tit, J\'-!-Ot'iation tor th, [)1•\"(·!11puu-n1 ,.r \\ irf>Jt-*~1'1 '.


!:'.,pcakinJ! f,,1 111\!-ot"!I llll(I

for the os~m:1ali11n. I c·nn~1tlrr 1hdl th~ l'\(Jt•ruuL·ntt>r hu'."> tn~t'll th<- 1n1·a11.-.. 1 fnn•t f,1r lht"' :uhant~tnwnt oi w1relt1

in A11 ... 1 rali~. and tluu ht' :-..h1111!.J re i;:i-i\,· 1'\l'r) c:-on:-..idf'ratinn l think th"' lw'-1 ruv.:tn, of tlr1t-rmi111r11:.:. tlw (tt'11U• int' t.•1:p1·1imt·ult'r w1,uJd lu-- Uu- cc.tab li-..hn1t·111 1,r H lh1drtl. ,·ompo-,;,•d nf unr (l"IJI't'"l.;Plllali,t• rn,m 1.,•ad1 of d.1c follu" ing huclics: The l'.\I.G·,. U,•partm•nl. the A~~ocfatiim for tl11• Dn·f'lnpmt nl ,1{

" irdr:.i....i., and a hoch repr,•c,•ntal , tl1t" wholt: of 1ht t•\pc.·rimcnt,·r~.'

Tell yolll· fri,·rnl, about

.. W ireless '\\ ct•lh ··


Wireless Receiving Sets ll

Spare Parts and Equipment


1 19a and 123 Pitt Street

Call in and listen to Farmers' and Broadcasters' daily Pro rarome

t-:x,•,•llt•ut \fir1.•l(~-.i Bro:-.,h'a,I i11g 1-.; l1c,in~ l'OU

dnut(•d d:1ily ln· l[e-..:--.r~. l' ·ttJUt r~' Ll•I., :mil nroa!I ,•,isl er•', L1,l ..

\\"ith th1.:• remt1,·af ur till· nl• j11 .. 1 ionuhl,• r••gula t ,nus whi,!11 h~l1! 111, tlu• ct:tlt=t ni r1•N•i,·in'.! 'il'U,

t•y1-rrn1w i11 \n"l.tr:1lU.1 will 111• 1·l:.11uom·W~ fur :1 ,(It :I~ ~~IIHI ;t", n11•,,· l'ilH affor11 tt, Jltlr('ha.;;,,_ \\'ht'tlH•r it 1,t> r, {1ry-itnl St1 t, t•u:--tiu~ on1.v a fe,,· pou1111s. or a :4t•I llt\ Luxt.•, t•O"i.liug !lfl'.'rlhiug fr11111 £71j to t~;'")I),

110 mu~ 1~ likE'h to he withont one.

'flw onl,v proh 1e111 to owlvP l>t\ing a~ lo lht' type ur -;pt it i~ intt'rnl P,l to pur<·lla~(•-tutU tltat l.:.i 1-\·bL'rP w,• 111:~Jrl· to l.H.' of ussist1w1•1' to you.

\\.t• lnn-t• 01w of tl1e finest "'l'IP1·t in1L'l ,,r l{t=-t!'h

iHg ~l't ... ln H,rrlm•v, n1nnuT!H.'tt11·1'ti li.v th,• ,\111·dg-a m:1tt~d \V:irt'lt'~:! !'11 .• Ltil., tla~ lnite1l T>b.tril1t1l itts,!

C'o .. T.t,t.. a111J by Hriti~l1 l'r•u1p:t11i11~.

.\ lsn \,-,, ha \'e ont• of th· bebi w1.rt•fes:; 1:-xperh iu .\usrralia \\·ho ,;dl\ mukl? :,:011 a s('t to onh•r ,Jt1uwnslrotl- tJ,r seti"\ 1111 hn111l. aud ght> xon all tla nr·•·e~~mrr jufomrntiuu to 1q)t'rul,· nT to lmilil ~·r,ur tH\l1 :ert' with thtl JWJ'ls whil'l1 Wt' sttwk.

w~ und(:r:lkC' tp prcH•11rt• :ill lic•Pnst~~ or 111•r111it~, a11ct \() nin.kt• I ll~ t1t·t•es"':1ry ;1rt':1UJ.rl!lll~l11~ tn t~n:.hlL, ,·on f o Jisteu in to all tU ... wiret<~-"'s pro~1T111,11,,,., ·from ;n1thori~1.•rl ltwal "'!uurt-t. .. s.

The Wireles; Supply Centre-of Sydney - 1s Swains, 119a and 123 Pitt Slreet

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Th11rs,I ,,,, .\pril l,!11, l'l:!.l

\\II 1111 \'\ 1r,r, I)'\ I <l\\ \\ I\ L I F'\1, Ill "

~-. 1-.11.nL,ll\f. l:\l'E.IU\l.l'\I


\\" oh••n lu,,I 11n :!110 mdt•~ \\h .. d 1 .. ,. flf n•tl rlu· ~h11f,, dtin• , ,to i, .. .a.ttnh­ut,•il lo t!lf •lu,rt ~-\! ..... I ,mt ljol Jll.­

JMn·d . et d u.;, ~ nllOJ,1, 111 ~,, l•r11h-ahlJ run I ,.r .. , , ... , ,m .. 111.. \\ 111 h•,1111

u-- m,,r1 uh, 1ut 11

l\h 1•uq .. 1.,,- ., ru 1 .. k d th,•r 1o11fh i.-n1 numl~r "' ,,,ur rnr-11 1n11


1- m,•1r1· F r.alhr \hmu:;<>r I•"" You m1~1I n"k •"ITI"" ,d ,.,11r

1!11h-11r lt1 Ji .. 11 u oo IO:ii 1,1 1.! t 111~t

n·- ._ .. • numl)('I' ,11 l-.ur11J .. "l-tn, ~ .• ;mad l rl J.J11l \ m,•ru a1, ,1111J1t ur~ ., .. " I'" rafm~ 111111t .. ,.-a,lih.

,, .. ,, 11 fn rnal, If \\nr1l1 "lid .. 111 ('OIi•

,lu,1 - ,u,r -1 nll • l\r ,,_,, Ju:; ' " 11tl BOOKS ON WI 1<1!.Ll.SS tnrt.-r .. tr Joiwrr i i ,,,u ¥.1-11 111, lr"!-1-.. unf ,r1u11J.kh. mu~ fw ... ,mr"'lt l r,·-111 lr,I ,. .. l.,r ""' lrt111"'Ut ,t-,u,n in 11ur .11n1.111 ur-. 1-. 1 111·1·t111 1 ,1, ,1ur t,11110 fa~ ,lryr-... 11••1 l'f. 11 11 J=,f'IU'/111 1111Wl t1Jl IH. r·n I'{'' 111 ~, lu-J '" 1 ~• mrt,·1:,, L,1)('11 ,, urn.I 1.1n1 n ut.J) U!lt" 1111\ "11,,.

1, n,:tJ1 lul' ,·\11r1un1111o1I •111L. h111 ri, I f, r III aatt tr.tffi~

Pr1M11- h> II · tuu, t ,~ • uul.l I'< un.m , .! H •~r , al,1.-. ""'" rutl\ lL ,,l"I u th11nc• In ,h,.. "·'" .. J.-n,uh rtiu1Jhu11• 11r ¥11• m.t \ 4,l11.M1n I luu1l•tl J,lanl.tl ~11.itli •tit\ 1111 llt l r•I O,u 11 t J II 111 t 11111,•ff f;-,I

Ir 1h, 111(• 1 1nrrl• ~1th thf" nr"" ,,I , ,ur :.arr 11r1n rn,J If )''" ti •I r 11 fl\"" t.11ot11 1111 tho!" ~liurt ""'"l I Ju,uf,I I"" r;la1I r11 lir 11 fr,1111 ,n,, ;U In t uh ,I h 'llilh Jou1 prof 1• I• .i• lo 11 f1

IIRlr', 11111 J1Jrnt1 •n of 1111 II 1J.. \\ crl \.in,Jr,.., r1 i:ard I" Ii, n rn

I 1, "" f 11r R ,la, /J111:!tum$ unJ 1/,1<1I, I I • ,11 r f)~al ,llhfl \ udm11 Hrc ,-1, itt~ i..;;d• J'ru--<' •• 1 1 JI•• lr<1l

I /\',r,,,,: lt,t'III' l low fu \fair., r11rr 3 3 I I lt•1l

Rnd~ /'111111 t ",10I ..,,,., If.,_, I(> \f•kf"' l'nrf" l :l 1•ct1-1.-,I

Hr/fr Nr urrr. ll11w 11 \bk~ Pnrr-,. r,,-1, ...

Ritlt ... r,, '" ,.,., '4m11l1h,·r1 Ht1 I lfllt ttJ " l,t' 1',rm n, J \l .. rJ l'r, ... I 8 1w,1.1,-d

.S.W. Bookstall Cc. Ltd 1 r1h,1lh ,miu. t II "-f'll\11 1 I\\\ Ub -....'"Orff' S1i,-rt {·,,,.

0,.,-, ... , ... , ................. , .. , ............ , .... , .... , ........ , ............ , ....... , ............... , ...................... , .. , .... , ......................................................................... , .. ·0


I j i u r~ n.f1•- '11p1•riu r ! ~l alo 111 ,1 To n,• i I ll'a•l-,·1 " 1th pol-l nrit"· 111d it-atinµ


I 401-I -=~


\_LL ;,m111-.u "l•I LO 1'111>\J, 1

V11 /\"ul.11t/ Cumwr:t/011 . ..,, tlwn/r .. Ft,~/-Ptot>f I 'l·ttJ &n:~lllt t. l]ltt/ C/,..u1 t/.-llu11· Tom.'

nu, nu rm 10-;rT 4,111111 1111111-. 2 5 / • "'l'\c..ll: II \~D l'lllli'lt: 1.01111 18/ 6


Urunr lu•-. 10 .a.lJ ~l1.1~.-..

31 ....... , ........ ,,; .. , ............. " ........ , ... , ... 1,,,,, .. , ......... " .'"'''""UUH•Nllt•IIO!•Uh••'l••"" '""''" '''"''"""""''"'''"''"''""'"·'"''"''j'''"'''"j'l•Hll,01nu•••n••••ltltllllli••rtl

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J(I WIRELESS WEEKLY 'l' l, 111·,,l ay . • \pnl 17th. ]!l~-1.


ILES' WONDERFUL WIRELESS ----•·---·--~--- -~0----.~ -·=·---·-·-·--~ -r

QN Exhibition a t Royal Agricultural Show, 15th to 23rd Inst., Stand No. 74

I i f i I

Desmond Road, opposite Draughts' and i 1 Trotters' I-Iorse Pavilion l . l ' I ~ You will he interested in having ! I d1e latest of the World's Electrical and 1

! , Radio products demonstrated by Experts I -I ~ ; ... _, . _ _ ,-,i_ .. _ _ _ , _ _ ~,,~~ - ,-.,•- ·-~--,_..,._, ______ ,~,

I \V. HARRY WILES i -~=-==;=_===---==_- - - . 60-6 2 GOU LB URN STREET (One D om from Pitt S 1reel)


Electrical and Radio Engineers


~ -~1111111111111111111111111111u1111"111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u1111111m111111111!;1•1!1

: llllillllllllllh,f1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~

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r I r ( \ ,,,•11 l,th, 1'1:!-1 WIRELESS WEEKLY I I

A Crystal Set for 5 /-.. ,,, ............... ,, .... ,,,,[:J, .... , .... , .... , ............ ,.

lh .. ,n-.ul 11,,r

ul r u f I I tl/HJlo1tit,. IN h1J 11rt1dt iu,t u t'I. n J I 11.'i t l',m, f. f n :J.lf J 1 " fod, th ,:111/ md ._r,,/ /,t11. UI i/ir <UC;/ • 11" 11Jm,l\ lhat ti U o lrplo,uM • b111 1• mt, •' I that iii 11161 It I

an I,,, rr l ,ir Juu ,I Jnt J " 1 ,,,f .1houl1 II 1/J "'n

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I Broadcal:c!::eiv;:;m:ets and I

I Together with•••:~~•"'::•:•:••:ERVICE of I l Broadcasters (Sydney) Limited !,:_

may be obtained from the following

L, P. R. Benn & Co. Ltd.

22g L'asUer<'agh 8t , Sydney. 'l'deplton(': Cjty 353.

United Distributing- Coys. (N .S. W.) Ltd. (Wholesalers)

28 Clarence Street, Sydnl'y. 'l'elephoue: City 3566.

W. Harry Wile~ i;o-62 (}i,ulhurn Street Sy<lney.

Telephone C.1y 3688 1 door from P,u S,

Wireless Supplies Ltd.

21 Royal Arcade, Sydney 'l'elepb.ono: M 3378.

E. R. Cullen !J6 nathurst Street

'reJcphoncs: City 869, 2596.

It:i.dio House

lil9 George Street Sydney '1\·ll'phone: City 1487.

Coh1llc Moore Wire.less Supplies

Tcll'p!ionc: B2261.

Ramsay. Sharp & Co. lld. :.l.17 George Street, Sydney.

TPleplwuc: Cily 3176.

The Home Electric

106a Kini!' St rcct, Sydney. Telephone: D 5565.

Swains Ltd.

11 !l-123 Pitt Street, Sydney.

&], .. 11111• 11111,11+ot0111llltlll•1n,,.,,, ... , .. ,, ... , ........ ,., •• ,,, .... , .. ,, ... , .... , 111111111u,01lU•• ..... . ... ...... , u, .. ,11,11ut11111111111•UIIOIOl•11,111111111111111111n111110111111111111111011111111u1tltH{!?

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Alllll JH,:\~ lU \./. J IL\\:,. \11 ITl\l, 1 \IJ_-,,

... ,. ~1. lo1 "11 J.11 lr(\\I

l•un, ,Im II \I, I c r1ihl H .. •nuo

, llllo•1l n.. \f, C 1·111\.111. 18 C11.1t11

\ 1rth I I I \ al'r, ll111

I f --.. ,11 1rN (:umhr l 1n.t ... t r,, d n

Croydon Radio School

Ling-st., Croydon

A Special Class •1111 lw hl'lol , u·n

rm n..;:n \, f'fltlllllt4Jlf'Jtl:,! ~. Iii

\lar.-11, fur '''l"'ri­mcnJ,,.r.. '" hu \\ i,,,,Ji In ht•,·1,mr 111on·

l1rnfidt•n1 in \rur .. e. 'u11il- 11 ill ul,o lw

"'lu-t·ialf \ t-.,iwlu·d 111

pr•·l'Jr•• 1lw111 for C,u,,•runwn t L,am­innl inn fnr'l ran .. m;f. 1inµ 11ncl .H(•r,~h-in!!

l ,u·,•111•1· ...

Fee : 2 /- per lesson 7 :rn f>,tn, to 'l.311 p.u,.


l•IIIIIJ l\lltl;J L'-'-l hr 11ho10, I 1\11 ti tl1t' r JI .tfl I loop

u I Ii th, 1 h mad It\ 111..- \\ uf!JIA H.t1! 11 f lo-It 1l"1all ,,f ~h1tlt ,,,rr,. iml~-1 hi ,i 111 a rrfrrtJ 1-11oou(' ,.f \\ Ht ft . .,,

\\ .,., L.h rlu dud f111ul,J1• 1·11 ••Ulllf'I

• l ••"' 1hr • .. ,~II .. lt••tn J l rl\. ~11011 l ,uf,J Ju• ,1h11m, 1o-ard •hil1· t1M." rn• pm• v. ....._ .. ru11ru111,:.. ..,,11u•J'- I •~t'"\f::r ~,,,,., "t) d,-4.1h, rt·, t"i\r1l 11t ll\.f"I .! tnJ!r,. fr,11t1 lli, 1>lutlun I Liu H1\tf• IIW \\ ud1 ~ ' u1111lt~ ru.

4!.llllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll II 111· 111l,lllllllllllilllllllll'l"llllllllllllllll'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt~




\\ ir<'l,·,, Sttpplil'• l.i111it1·d.

:!l Jfo,al .\.1·,·u1I,.

s, tlm ~

Bo·;_! LH aJHlllllllt''' drnl fut' d w f'Oll"'lli<-111·1· ,,r tlwit


( lt:1r~• tl11•11· Ballt·ri,·-


Ask U S about thr: Scheme


= ~

= =


I l

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2n; Th1· lt1lltH, in:,:. c.1n1 I nm 31:H) ( .•I\.

1·ir ' h,1, rea, h,,,I Ila, 111-·,p I~){; I. Y"ut ( \'LH' \°' .tnd 11h11n,• -.i,!.!... ,\ork,~,I lwr,• 11f1,.·11 .11 -.lrt'n!lll A C,Jll\l ....t 11me- l,ad. l)ll '\ lo;1,I (,),-, 1,,,.1 fa, linc nil. H t'lT'.\1· 1. :! lunt.'fl IH 11.•t.. 21 I I -~d I \ I aml ll,·1 . un ,1m. l[J \ 1· lwar,J \till 11n 1rnl11ur l i,p. Jn•J h:ir,• l11~trl l ,r1,r f ,, ,\llf'n , 1111r Jill\\( I \\i:f'-' .no~ WOii!-,

fh, 11111h1 ut :? YC, ,d1i1·l1 , ... ;1 m1,d,·I uf 1·nmpaf'!nt'-.. ~rnd 1·f1w1,·n,, ,dll lw lu l\ ck- r.h d ,it ;i la.1t· r iiJtt• i11 " \\ irr1t \\ ""~h •• 11 i~ jl l il11H111HI

lll'4'lll rt·tu·•· la:,· \ l •1 2 ) C tn ( 1ndm t l\\11 ,,tn ,,h ,m 1 1n1,,•·- t1nn ,, th '-•"' 71·c1Lm,l.

To C/ul, ,iir•('1·,,rc1(il s

f f ti, ,Ill, ,m l'l(.11 (JI I. \/J ,-l. m r ,,.,_, ..,:, t ,.,a//l .. Ir ,ri h.H I:, ,./J) ,,111/rl !, f,ft1l r p11h• fl /, fl 1r •·11t·t.' ll\t (lj Rt1il10 fltth., ~t'n,rm,,·., ,.,r- th,r,. /111 11~l ,·,i (n fr,r,1 ,ud 111 1hr rnl /cu int: pm-t:1 ,,1m o; • \umr rd ,lufi. a,{,/,,)~. r1111t.'. da1 , an,! p/,,.,, rd 1•: ,t·rJi:. ~ra1t,1r1'.,_ 1;m11, ,u,,/ ml /11,\-.., ,i 11mlin 11t

n• ml,as m ,'uh.


!,HI 1 \ llf ~ ',fl 'lG 1n;:il LT'- O F Tll E E l ECTTO"\S.

~.11unL~ Ju .. t \\U"" 1h,· (}tiling d.ry f,,r tlw " lot,· \l ••u~ .... 11f l'ouli..1m.-,11 in :--. ,utb --\11--trHlio. ,ind ·n 11.1• t" l"ni11·•. 1h· \JJ11~"1'...__:\,• , ... 1 1 t,f th• 1..,,unt iu 11 1' ti:, • ,11'-=- \"a" l1in::1lt-ai.lt·tl In llt, ~-111th \ u-.: 1ul1..1 11 Hathu t .r, . -\d·•luiJ •.

I l1l l,:-n.idc·ai--t1rtft .,r re~u lt,-; ,,( tlw k:11"1 1 om1m•nr~tl 1.11 a lr111t tJ pm .1n- l 1 -r11.11•wtl ,HHi~ \• ,-II 1Jftn 111'1h:Jrh,

Jh .. :dt .. 1.J tr11tl nµ: r,u·t1-... nkk>. ~m,I 1:lw· s-p r:-.. \H"'1· a1--·1 hroJ.tJi.a. ..... Ll'rl 1h~ 1 rr ,:.r,w,mr- I" i11µ nt•'t'"P' ro..,,d \\itlt m11 • 1 . • ',•1· 1 .. n ..

t •:-I .. lf• ,J.;:irr..;. \•. ,, ir1 r>\·idt>n f' i11 r• t1,1,( nf dt ltH,n. aol lanu

~. ih· ,-1 I I lwJ:- Iii• r,-·,:r-. Tl•" .... Iii 1:r,t~d tc1 h,, 1h1 i1 r-..t

11 ,, th~t •·i11•1• .... h:i- h·••n u--1•1l iu \•, ,t I rur d1r 1,11:p ,. n( htn,:111,

1 T .,.1 t:t, 1 rr-.u'I-.

ltl \I \!Iii. \Ill F IU:!'LI\ f.TL

I ,11· tlu pa l 11-.1, 11,uth ... lb r,uiin ,11·Ji.trtn11•11t 11l \lr. 11.trn \\ if1•.;. 1:0111 l111rn "'lrr•t'I. -..Hlr.1·\·. li:1 .. h1•1·n c\Jlf'ri 1111-?tt 11.! ,. nli 1l1wl. nt rdl,~x. c·ln·1111-..

I· ,h·rn .. in ,. 1, .;1~ lu,1 proH' I thilt 1h1· 11r41vtr whwh ,,1H h,· d,• .. ,rilw l in 1hr" T'C':\t 1- .. llr 11f "" ii,·l,·--- '\°\·(·,·L.fy'' pM\ -

1 d t,1 111 d 1 Ill"'"' ,•tfo , 1 rl f 1 1.11\ ,1 11111nm11·11 ,if ,·,,111 11.J... 1'11'" dr.-u:1 j ..

Tl111r,da,v, April 17th, l!':.>~.

i1 ,·omhinntion nf the fwnuu. ... C-rimr,-: Tn , t•r;.~ n11plc~ am] llllt' 11-f ~,.,11 Tn'!• .r;art'c; not1· 1,·~•·m·ruli"'' ,•11·r111t-

Thrct.· ndn•$ .1ctuulh do 1he ,,-.. rk n{ lhc; IY..11 radif•. nnc · ,Jr•trc·. urid 1,,, nud io. It J)W\'r~ an t•};,·t·ll1·T11 ltr11.11l ca.;t rPr,+~••r. ,mJ g:i,·Pi- unhmn, cl

•'IIPI'" r11r 1h,· t'Xp1Arinw:11t "'h11 i ,111 11, J.!,L·\ n.x. ~, nrk. \\"i 1}1 tlu-.. ('1(1 u" 1't \ . \~"" /r>.1lautl. Im ... IH n h,ar,I • lu111I -.pPokPT -.fr<.'n!.!t h.

~C:(,). ,, ,~ rl"~r,•t ,hal III a r1•ft•n1 j .... 11 ... w1

!Hthli-.Jwd th,• 1 J.11 ~1;,!ll 1d ,tu I l11on ,,( \\lr R1rl1l\\ \rrmdJI,. ., .. 2f I,) Tiu~ ... hnul d ha,,· read :!t:rJ



New or Second-hand, Bought, Sold or Exchanged


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I I i ;;~«;EY I I I

j THIS WEEK we a re featuring all the necessary I i parts required to make tile CRYSTAL I ; SET as deserihed by '·INSULATOR" in this issue. (

} We are prepared at any time to answer questions covering I i any points not quite understood by readers of the article. f I CALL FOR OUR £)(PERT ADVICE l I I f u- e·-----a-i-,.-»11_, __ .~..---•:• ·=·--- -",_,.,_, - ..... _,,_, _ _,_~·-··C-...---•·-0- - ·-

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\ s 11





.\p ii Jjrh. t••~l

Trnmm;lfi,,ll Calls

( /J/1. IU ii J


u•rnlWI t i ,;;:t,.

l" n ··Wann-:ts" \,, ~l1trll < l -. rdirJlm" ...

R nd,., l II U•I ll ,1,n~ ' J ,

JI .. 1'..arm.,n .. l,eh. e, n r I \I ••t

R llu • r ,,

WIRELESS WE:_i:!.. '1

Y. \ - K ,ti. W <,., 2~ U,rr"" Rd

.:./( I 1\·m1,.• on \f U,, tf't1

'"IU flra n. ... r R~ m,'Jll I ""I \ Ii I I

Of I ,t,!.t t, J ' If r 1t 1t 't {)ctn,11111 u

_zf :\ .. 1, •n I) Ir I{ ),1 l I

r ,,u1 R h.111 ...,, \ .,_,


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I n,,rr .. 1I J rrtn n , ti I I' '1 ,.

Ila~ r-. II I, \, 11ril HJ ,,J., ll I ., I

ti. < I

< o \ Bn: ... lo \ , ',.) ""'1

•m 11a JU,

i The Haron Electnc Co. ! I I .. ,,u It'·'" ' J' !,.,,., r " I ! "u"'m 111 I ; or I


rfTH I n1 I --- -..----- --•. 'I .. ')·,J- !!/It

I' '.7.T I I , ru 11 i}.,_ull

\\. ••~ r.s \\,-. !.ll \\, , I,.. W',·,·k l, ..

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UUR liP!::CJ.4/, Ll.\'E

PEERLESS ff <'ad Phones

11/tlfl Ohm.,

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f.3-15-0 I

of 'Pa,11> lo n alee tho uhon.' S I 36/ 6 Po '••• I f6

HOUSE 619 George Street. S:ydney

--__ , ______ - -----·-----------•:•

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I Ill 11-.,H !Ill \llllT \ \II 111'-Tlm.r n 111111 :--01 11:n

l II l lr of 1 ~• ' n• nt Wt•Jtl , r 1, 11-

•llt1nt1'-. r1., ..... "·'"' dll .. , ,.1,,.,11 a! It ml utl r o! ft1 mlir,.. ! 1'1,- I 1'1"1d1lw1th uul Dt?itt;, I J: dm ... ,,, ..r, •• 11 1h, -;:;tJ

1, rral rnr,·1 11~• h•ltl 11t 111, 1 lu l1 r, t•IU. l ... ,, lnl ll'-lf!!I .... fl,·1· l. \nnan,l.tl1\ 1111 I 11,·1o;1Ln .. \prd Hth

1'11,· 111,t111 fiu .. I!+'~ ,,f 1h1• , v JJ w!

,,1-. th, lrl1h 1, llllt' 1.f tl11• fl•'\\ .• ,-, lb, 1111 ..... I n 'nl f lff'U11'" llllfl TI1rH (".i,nr --lrm·t11•11;• ~• 1 t l· •\\il lt11 l.lt·lin·H l1\

\Ir r H, 'I Ill. b111. a~ th.:11 f!t•ntlf"m.rn J,uil int,tnJh·rl l• .. inahifw, h h·" 1,r,

r,I .ti 1111~ ...,,el•t1.!. \lr L J. Fox 1H1tl1 1 lnu~ I --•rp if'I• Iii 11~1 Jrh ,ii hou II •ll• !'. e 11d ,lid ~) in i.111 t''UTl­

l1•JJI m rn·•·. fh· ti lf,•tt nt tqu. ul


, n~:iJI l'IITui t~~ u~ill¥ 1,ariou!"' kin1I.:- of mdu<·l.aun ...... v.prf' fuJly dral t 'Aith. 0r1tJ t1~t r,·ttllr t:'" pf/1\f'fl H•ry lntn1· ... 1in1.: arnJ n•llurth, In .,ill 1111~i·nt. Tlw u..,uul '• lf'I, 11( 11ui· .. 1i,,u .. f111lu~-v1~rl 1'1, 11-"C'

I tr.• • ..afll•r ,d1ld1 .1 ., ., .. of thank:-- hy , l 1n1:1t:r,11 w.:,~ n1 ... c1inl~I ,tr. Fn, f,,r

l .. t•1f 111 ....

i l:r· importur. t malf1•r ol affilintion ! 1h, W1rdi•!-,, ln;;;111111c of \u-l rn•

u, .. I •·i·n l ._, , ...... ,1 .H r·1111 ... 1.J1·r;1ltl1·

th. 11 • 1,p 1,1 till' prn-1·111 ,,,. final• 1[\ r, i-, h en ,,·,1• lit-ii T11 , ..... ,. .. , rn,·m h~ .., f .. , ·Tn<"' In 1 ,11· : .... ·1m \fr Phil. H1 n .. b.t,,. l lnu '""i·t" ·tan 11I th i11• •t1 u1,. I· "' k 111dh 101, ... ni,.. I 111 11 pr4'

t 111 at tlir :-7111 t~·11n.1 l m1--rtin~. lu 111• IL,-1,l Htl I tw--d,H, \pril :.!2,1,l. Jnr rl1P pur-1111~ , • 11( p11Lti11•! th,· ln--l1tu11:-.

11t j r ,;,.,.,.. ht· lur,• lllt>mliN-. :'I'- \\f"-11 a"' 111 1t·ph 111 tHl•.""l Clll'". unrl tn --1111111\• ,m,, ml11rma11on "' ln1 11 m,·mfwr~ hJ\• 101 re:1,h f.!1 . .il '" 'tli r•·~a, d t11 tl1i., ,., 11.c r. "hi.-11 II j .. ~•·n,·-n!l~ H'f'fl~• ni~""tl 1 .. rif th· crciJlf'• ... • imp tttlalH'c-. l,1 11 1, 1'1 Pll lt1 \Ir fi,·, -..lun~• .. \1 ... 1t, llw 'l'·qh h·rtu .. 1~ ,ii lli•• -i\·llalm-.. i-. ... , 1 ,1 ,,,n hir ,l··lh·,·" h, \lr. F. I 1·11 1

\\-I 11 \\di r 1lk ,111 tl1~ll ruo--t intt· ,,·--t in,:; ul -..uhjt•,r ... "\3h·•·--.'~ ... 11. "id, ll11• ... , 1

Tl111rsilar . . \ p1·il 17th. l !l:.!-t.

twn illl1.mnan1 martf'T-il 1111 th~ 1tu,.i-11t..,_,. paµn. t l11 ·re .,.J1onJ.J l..- 1 tr-C11"il

ulte11danc·p ur Jllt1JUlwr ...

Whil!-t J numhr-r of 11th,•r duhs 1•· 1.war tu lw t•:cpnli•111 mt ifjfll<'ulh 111

ltr1ltlinu th, ;r rnr,-ml,t•r-. tn).!• th,•r it rt•-fr,-~hinit, to not1• 1hat 1111• I .. j, 1,hm,h • .... fll lt'l~ ,,a .. lll'\t"( in u flllitt• l11JU£1 1!

mg ,·n111iiti11n. .\hhon~h I 111,·t tn J!'" .1r,• h,·1<1 8" fn·111wntly 1~ 0111.:t" l r \\ I'll, 1h1·1,,· c.trt· i11n1ridhh ,,,,LI tf" ,I •·•l uml.. 1,, 11 g-n•.11 <':i.!f•nl, it i~ f., 1 rlw1 thi1a. i-. 11111· t o tl11· r-, 1 •hnt r , ... ,rk inc: 11• 1 pr11ir.mun•·• .h it 11,, ,

\1 pp· .. r•t1l U ~" ll.,Lu-. ul \l'f\ 111tnt~t in!! anJ in!-tru1•tht" Jr1 tun•~ i-; li, in~ l'OrriPcl out. and ml"n,l,, r-. ki1n" l t'f,,rt" lta111I c-,acth ¼hat i-£: 1,1 h, tl1 1nt• 11 1'1c mt", tint.t"' !Jhcad. ' l'lw It t'IUr~·!'i or mail, tlq11Jily intPrr-..tinl! hy 1hf'! foC"t that lhro,; ar,• all 1f1•1iv,·n•tl !iv nwmhn~ of tl, -..•1f' \ t'I\·, 1t lwin!? ti;,. 1·111!1"-. tinllr, tu 1·,111 rin,-. it.. l1•1'1111t"... to m1,rnhf"r"5 UHlt h d'- 1111 ..... ihlt". nr f"t)llf"t-. nut, 1"'

11 --~i-..li.1.nt"t' i -. £ar hum lwing tli...J11in<"•I ,)-.. h,I'- lt,•t-n pn1\1•'1 '" tl11• ra. t th t -.udl J: 1 utlt nwn ,t-:-- \lr \, f Cunn, 11 inil \Ii . \'\;atkin Brown h.,n• ilf'lin!r,.tl '"!"f"t ' ,tllv .aJ1Jm·ciu111d 1,·(_111f •-.. in tu pu.;;t. f,t1 1 if 11 ,:-: pm, ... il1fr fo un;- nwm






T lu• fl1llowing- j-. · • purl it•u of :r lt>L1rr r1·1,.'{'in,,i hy 11-..: froTil ont1 (>four 1·U?ilomt,r~ n~~ufin~

flfl tln-. f.;outh ("o w-ti :

'' <ha 1ht• l !'th '\l :1r1•l11

al H.i r,m .. l henT1I 1hcr follow-in,; a.nno11twl.'nH·Ui; Pa,·ifi 1!

C'on~t ~tati1111 J(.U.O .• (ttkl:tn•I C,nli fflr11i;i, tr:m<.1udlliHg frotu f:.1. Frm11.·-i"' · Ilt.1lel <.'u11 tlut'tor. Th11Te ,v,·n-- ~d1.•di<H1s f or rorty f i\·•· 111iuu1l,.:i., an1l the [email protected] wns very 1•!,•nr :nHl lllnin. l0:i11•h it,, ,u l:istcti from 7 to ' minutes. 'Phe pr1\J,!r :1m11w was heard h.v t hrc·• penpl1·, wh1, rm, fr'II ify 111 tl1(.• g,•uui t1t'Jh'% of thL1 n•,•Pipl ion.·' 1,1111 e•nt~trm1Hug tP:1t11r,, n f tlt iK rt•t.·oril is thnt it ,y!u~ ac<'ollq1lishetl on a 171ret.• Yuh~1

~wt, u~ill;.!-1 r>1 •tPl1 fuJ·. a wl :! .\utl.iv Vrt•11Ut>Uv~· Ynlnt -1. Tl1is ~et. W:t~ dt•:,,; j~ne,1 11111 hun· hv t111' l1:1,1i1J Ent..:int--•r at J)ftd•l .Tcn1cts' \\'1• ht•li1•v1• thnt t:tkiug 11110 ;1f'1•ouut !hi" C.:.t'•

,,:1,tl :1111[ th~ 1·011ti111 ·t.,· of •lie prOj.!tamrn ·c1•eh·rtl, t1,i,; i!-1 n worl,1 ·~ rt•(•nr,1.

D A V I D J 0 N ES

Radio Section, 252 York Street , S ydne y

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r ,It} •• \pr1I lith, l!•:!-i WIRELESS WEEKLY

#!:¥?# c½# :§§§§§ t,;¾e;e;.e;www S§SAfAS§S

MANHATTAN 1.1..:111 ,our l>n I.il l Tuitt• ~11 1,

Red Seal Dry Batteries 1J.n1l ,.nurr 1011 ... ,•r M"l"\11, a l l,1" 40•1

\II mlt·rr t,·11 in (..l11j1lih R.111i1• \1111,1r.nu .. "'II ri111I

Red Seal Radio Headsets htt\f• m,Ul\ ,-.,mt .. o l .:uh1m1.a~r awl .. u,~rinrit,

\l.1"r + 1111uiri, a litHII 1l,,

Manhattan Loud Speaker "i1!, I 111',1 rn I \111111 I \I• Ill

Ir ri c:rt·.au·., Li.tt' \l,ofk 1,r Hrua1l,;1, .. Lt11~ -\1u~1-

Argus Lightning Arrester -\J•pru,r~I It, '-at111n~1I Bu,1nl uf f llr \ ml,•r\flonlrt•

\ .. I,. ,our ilralt r ~l,1:111l 1l1,-...c "t"-·nuf11u~ 111ml

Fada Neutrodyne Receivers and Parts

Atkins Maclean Ltd., 350 George Street, Sydney

·- * ¥-• ea

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18 WIRELESS WEEKLY 'l'linr~dnr .• \.pril 17th. Hl:l-l-.

The M oore Fund ~1aruial. hut H a elt,-Ef' ~tud} i'- mud,· uf tlJt• ll'-l"' it will ht· ~cen that almo~t 80 pn rcnl ,,t thf" 111ta1 amnunl hJ-: ht•1•u ~11h"i.l·nhrd h) 11 mt-rt h~11ulful of flnn~ encl P).pnim .... nl1.1~

\-1,-.. :,,r... 8~..;il ( 111,k,·. Phil , H1·u-.haVi Jml J \\' 1{11\,·n--.nn 1hrl'l" ,,t"ll k.nu\\n .1malt•ur ...

Thi• rr, .. pon--.1• "'hid1 l.t1.1-- 111,1·11 mn,11· U1 11H• appeat (ur l1111il .. in .-,ul ,.f th'" wid,,w ,1rnl i.;hil•lrrll 111 1h1• lat, \1r, I'. L. \ln1lTf', whn \'Hi'- rlrt•tftJl'lilt"il \\hil .. t c:orr)mJ; uut \'t l ft•1r .... 1•~l-wtjm+·ut, al h_j., hum,· ,11 I l,il11•riwlil. ha~ l.,-1•n franhl) 1li-..J(l\luin1111~.

~·h,H i-. I Ii~• ulatter with vnu. ~lr. \ nrn.t,•ur ! "'IUr,·h )tl\l reah~c ·1hat it ~ \,ullr dut, 111 do J{l-t o l.ittk l,i1 1n hr'p ~tlon,:! 1111' v.Jdm\ uu(I kid1lit·- 111 mw 11l

i.011r f,•llow 1·ul hn~ta.. ... h ,

\.+rn . ~rr L ,p•·riowntn. do nut 1li• lar. ' rn,l along :,,--iur ...;;ul1-.,·rq1I i•H1 11!


Contril..u1ions l~ d11e:

P1 np r t·l11·• \\ 11,·1e .. :-. \Vi:d,!y l1nitf'1I ffo-.1nhu1ing

fn rlirt, ii Ill.I\ 11u k trutldulh l..­'-3itl th.11 th,• po11r 11 .... vun-.e 1·u~t .. a tli ... 1it1t'l ,di, 1 ti,,n m1 th, 1·\pc-rim1•111Jl m1Htllll'UI ;.!' nt·t.dh.

In '\r," "11111li \\4d1·-. the rn art ll1n1r­th,u1 :u~oo 1111•11 .. 1•11 amat,·llr \\in·l,-.... m,·n. \l11rl1 ... "'1id rr}!,.it,linu; tlu- Ir·, I in~ ,,f u11i1r ,"111, Ii 1,1•r,~ult·- 1h,. m,i, ,._ lllt'llt, ,m, I , ,-t 111 tlw luf,• 111 du· t'\

tn·m1•ly ponr Ir· pun ... , \\ i1h ""ltldi th,• n1.)1wal [or f1J11d .. lta .. m•· I. 1111,• j .. ti mpt ~«l In D•l ,d1,·th,·r il1\ ... f,·dml!, 11·,dh clor-... t·'\i--t. or , .. l1t·th,•r 1t i.:. J ft·1•lin in nnmr uuh

r\o ummm t 11,•,-d hf' r 11n- i1h1 r, .. l 1w1

... mHII 11 ,.,u c·au 11111) --ii.at,· 6,L. ~•·ntl 1t ulon~ In -~\\ in·lt• ..... \l/f>PJ..h:· nnll it ,, il l lu- 1hoHikJ11II\ n·~l'i\.rtl. ·

~tw~ 1 uc)111 l lult-- ltu\t' tllkf•n u p o.l I {1ll1•t·I tun IJJ1 h,•hal r of 1hr fun!I. and ,u a L.111 trnou11t h(I ... h,·t•IJ luindt·d 111,

•·\\u,·l,~.:. \\t·trl..h0• 111111...., 111 t·\1'1"\

• luli u, :-:luit ;1 Ji-..L. ancl lo fon,·ur~l .J:-. t·,11\\. :1 ... po.--....il,k 1\11• :11111,unl t·nl• 1,•,·H·tl .

~Ir. (l,111 '.,. Wir,,J. ....... \\',·rk)y S1a1T I' Hi 11~11 .. , Mr. J n11<:-. (,. Toyl .. r • , J. w H,,bi11._1,n f. Basil C1,11kt:

0 ~.1111lrl Mr. Al'i.:r111 .. \Ir ~Jllflrl,.1 .. .. Ih,1,cri 11. Di•~·ll' Mi-, U:i.1

\. F Prit•t• .. .. ll. c. ~lo rsden A. lla11· \I. ,\l..! 1111,•!i l 011h 11,. ~l,,nrc - I l,·rl r

<;:: ml,•r--.

"-lu f.11 t:111n 1, h h,J., l11 rll (·11ll1•ttt•,l

thn1u~l1 uur 1·0!1111t11-. and an urnnunt -.liJ?hth· 111111•·1 1h, ... h~11r1 ha.,. lw ·n r,· 1·1•nt>d I•\ ,1111 ,-.. f1•t•m1·d n\rtl1·ltlfior:.H) .. Haili,·."' 'I h,• • h •11n· .. m,n .. ,~l"m , ult·

Ro1.·1111•mhrr, 1hnt n11l a ..,iri.i:.l,· 1n•nn)' p1ctT nf tilt' nwt11•\ ,-.ill lw IL-,•J v\.ct.-p l f,1r 11 ,. purpc1 .. ,-. frn ,\hJC'li it i ... in­lt·rnl,·.J . Tin-rt> h,-1 .. nut l,('(•11.., an1l ¼.ill not lu•. an)' -..p,·nt 111 ,1dmini'-l rn.fi,, ,,. \II ,•, p,•n--•·- lt,:H•· l1c•t•n 1,Mnt· qui lt· 1u1-i,l1• 111· 1J1,· hm1l. anil 1he u, tual li.rnillini.: of tlw 11111nt•) i'- ill tlu- hand ... 1,f 1 }11,,mJ 11f I I u-.ll'c• ... ,,,,,,.~i .. Liu~ nl f'rt1H'11tt\ fhd,11 ('1111

, I ,Ill

,,11 , 11,1u11,u1,,,,,,,,,,11111+111u•••••••111111 1,,,,11111 111,111to 11,,1,11u11111,,,,,,11111111101111111111110•11i,uu111111,1u11111uu1111

ANNOUNCEMENT 10llt!OllllltltollllOOtOIHIIIIIIO,OIIUUU .. 11ru11,1111,1111-uu1 ............................ 1,u10nU..,_ -••u • ., ...... ·"''' •• ,, ...... .

American Radio Apparatus Wholesale Only



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\11ril 17th, 102.1 WIRELESS WEEKLY l'l


0 12 6 5 S 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 2 6 I l 0 1 l 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 S 0 0 S 0 I U O U S 0 0 S 0 0 !! b

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ltaclm Gl11J1 C.ro"1lon R.uli,1 tluh • • • t ('ii l1h,1tth rn .. tri( I R:a1fi,


1\.-1111 11 .. H ••liu Club '.\ I' Olsen l. I' II ll,011 anti I", I td J ,lin DanL~ in,1 :""Ion, f'ty .•

Lt,I . t . Jlpffnun,: and U•., l.1d. \\«' tl"lff Elt<t·lrh 4.-,. f \u-...i

Ltd. \\ t'tol•·rn ~ul u1h! Amnc-ut

\\ 1nl~, \--111t:l&U1111. G ll < lutllct1~('t .• .\,u1h1 rn '&.ihwlb ll.1tl1u

\Kiic:1 t1nu

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f'r, 11,I ., j,

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Characlerislics o/ Copper IV;,,. (Bare)

H 'I

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,JJ6 8 18 Jl).I lO IR

()<I~ 1.1.UI os r;:

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Ml l!OO!Ji••~I ,)).,,t•IO ------------------------~ ... : . ..., .....

,-~ \ X X < > I - X ( ' 1,; .\1 E ~ ' I '

We are pleased to notify our customers, both Wholesale and Retail, that we ate now ready to quote for the erection of aerial masts from 30ft. to 200ft. in either Wood or Iron, alao £or Hags of any design.

B. I I . H H ETT ~ :-:< > X r-,; LT I >. AVl:NUI: B ll~l.\l :-1 EASTJ

Phqne W IZO;

- ----------

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:.,t11t111t1111111n1u,uu 11111111n11tuuu1u111n11, .......... .,.,:

I ;::d::u I · Radio l :~=ent l I ~::::::s. I I Wireless I

I Ex::u:oinfspte:hce• 1.

i tion , ! big display l i : i of j I

i ~

I :

i : ~ ~ i i

i i

eve rything

that is new in the world of Wireless,

is invitetl.

CNireless -- Second Floor)

I:, Anthony Hordero & Soos . Limited, ~ ; foick.Geld Hill. Sydney I Pbon• Ci•r 9'40. ffo1 2712 C .P.U,

~ ... ,, .. ,,.,u1u111""'11111un1111<olllllflUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIII;



.:\ Olt'r-'I IHJ! ,,r tlw Junior St",·t iun or tit,· ..... A. [lj\·jl"lihJl W.1~ lidtl vn w ~dl1('',• ,lni. \la,r 11 2nth. in th,· l'1i111•e ol Wn\•~ Thl'Jll c.

( h \ int!, to huJ \H_•a,lier dw au,·rnl• am. t:- ,q,.: mll 3"- ~mat a~ it ~hrnild hti•.-e ht·\.•n. 1ml 1:-I ill .J ver) t·11J11ynble and 1111..1rnrt ht• ,•\cnin g: ,,n~ ~pc.nl.

1 lw rhair ''"-"I"" •)\fnpk il h) ~l r. C. E. \ m , .... \\ho in 11µt-11.in1,t tlw mt'Pt in~ n··

,1nc-"'lf;><l w~1nhr•-r.: to t:.ndt-Rvour to gl•l 111hrr mrmher--. au d fr i1·1u]., to a twnJ tlw~cJ mN•t ini;:~.

\fr. R1ant1 gave a \' f"f\ interesting lc1..·tu rt on the Elcmt·ntnry P rinr-ipfos uf Wirele•s Tl'leirrnphy at the conr b s· ion of which he o.n.swered quite a num• h.-r of question•.

ThC"~"'P mt'ctin[!'!' hn,~ h~en ... wrted for 1he purpo'-f) of gi, inl! i11--1nwlion on<l a(h•it.·,· to I.ht• )OUngrr inutnher ...

ahhttt1~h many of Lht' nlrlr-r one..: ¼ill no tlo11 h1 oent:fil uy a1ten1lin~. thl' \\hi .It· uf llll' t•\f'ning hl'inp: <ll"voted lo l1•t·1un""I and ,li~•·u .. i;:;inn.

1 lu .. munthly grnnul meeting- of dw ~nutlt Aui-traliau rli \ i~i11n ttf 1hr- Wire• 1,, ..... l11-.1i10ii~ nf Au .. trulin wa~ lwl<I in llw l'r111t·,• o f \Vu l~ L,•1•tnre Tlit:alrf>'. Adelnirlt• l ni,c•r..;il), t1U \'Vt<<ln,·..,flay. April 2n<I

T ht•rr ,\a'- u l1.1r-!'.,~ nt1 t•11tla•1,·e a nd \ Ir n 8. ( ,Jil,..,,IJ pr..-.:,letl.

J li1• m inult'" of ' !1p pre, in u ., llH.',~t­lOJ! v.t>r•· rP;11l ncl •·unfinnt:d,

A lf-'l t-£'1 wa~ n·c·tin~J froin 1l1t \\ j, :,..... \\'fekl ) t·cli1 or. r et1t1e~tin g. thut rnf,,rmn tic,n conrt•rnin~ rn<lio a('­ll\ 11~..,... i i i 1hi~ ~ la tr. ht· forwnrtln l t•::1d1 ,\ ef"k f nr " uhli,nti11n in tlta t juurnul.

(',..mmu11lr:i1ium , \\t•f f" rt·cc.:hecl fr, ,m tlw \ ' i(-tnria n and N.5.W . U i\.i~ion!- rc­jl;Ufl int dv~ fl' '-1 rktl,m~ on ~1~ U?' of rt•,1,•n .... rnthc rM~•lq~r...,. 1lw )\: rw Sout h \\ a1

1,.., r)i-..~inn rt>ip1ei-1 in~ tha t we ap­prt•LJ<"h 1hr Ch ief .\la~agN T r!e~rJJ?hs an,1 \'V in•IP'-' "' ith a. \ Jl' \\ w ~bol1i,.l11n~ Ilk n•.:trittinn!'-.

,. • .. · ,,., h··· .,lrf'lJth ._1pprrnu;i1Pd , 1r. )[ol , nP nn t hdl m alltr i.rn<l Lh1· 5ec.ri_•tun wns ret111P"'lf'd t n nolify 1h1~ I\~ \r. lli't·i~ion ltt 1ha 1 dft'l' l.

Tbn•f' fl<~\11 m ,~111lin,;;: w(•r(• t•lf'ct1·d H1

memlu r~h in. \lr. r.1,ok tltrn mo \·cd 1 ltc1v' n~ gh .-n not il·t• "t a p n •, iou.,

Pu/Jli.,lied t,,, A. W. Watt. ''Strnrhaird." F:n.,t Crrsrent St., M cMahon's Point, far rh~ proprietors and printers, Pub• /i,ity Pm,s l.td, 331'7 Regent St .. Sw/rrny.

'l'hnrsda~·, Apl'il 17tl1. 1!124.

meetinp. I tha t tettniu of ou r rult .. shou ld 1,. a lten•tl. :\Jr. Cook·- m<o• tion wn~ nep;al iH!<l. on l} tw-0 memhp· .. \ oling for tht: 11 lternt1on.

\ tr. llonn11r tht:n mo,·t!d lhat d ._pt-t• ial nwetiu~ he t·alletl for April 1-hh 1111 t !lt" 1rnrpo•w nf 1,~,mi.iut'-.rin,.: tlit

ruJ.;~. th i..-. \\a'- tarrif'tl unnrnimou-..h \ Ir. H. ,\I. 1Jurkc1 lak of Radio C.e11-

1 ral .'.'J,," York. g--.i.vt• a very intf"resti nµ. 1alk on Hjnt'!I to Amateurs~ gi\i1l~ a numbf•T uf eJrcuit~. ¥1hich be :ilat.rcl 1ha.t e\'ery experi.rncnter ~hould LrJ out. h .. also ill11,1rn11•d a numher of tliff,,,. ent wa"t:, of ronn t>rlinf! up .u dHul,I,.._ p11le cl~uLlr- thrnw ~\\itch for vnnuu~ purpo,~• .

• \[r • .Barker of,.., ~xplain,d tlic lorr,1~.­mrthN I or c•nnnPrting c•kctrnlytir 11Tti lier~ fnr traw,:mitt ing. ~els and nl!-o the audio fr1•q u.,.nq tr:iµ fihl'r c1rc-u11 whit'h ht• ,•lai m~ to ~,·f' e'!Xccllenr n·• .;;uJt:,,;.

Ht" lhf"n ~pokt> ltr idh, nn hruud <'at-ti n~ m AI11e1 ira and ,·xploin.-,1 th,· po,;;iti1111 of d tf' ama1rur tlwn•.

The- ~,•rn•tary intrttrlurPrl 1lw m,1tt,·r nf hril<lin~ ~n,11hrr ~odal ami racli11

113m.·t· in tlw· lll'Sr fotu.n.·. anrl a I in• mill Pt' (•tin'lii-lin.u i,f I\Ir. IL J ,.., Au!-Lin. Mt. K. \'11sdham. ""<l Mr. C. 1::. Am•­wai, appninl1·1l to orp:snii.;f" 1h..i~ fun,

lion. Att::-ntion o l tlw me.mher!", ,va. .. tlwn

c·n11etl trl tlw \loon• Fund wltich i .. iu op('raliDn -in ~y<lnry ,md ii ""a"" 1I,•r1,l.-,l 1lm1 t lw sum of .C.2 2 • bt' 1lnna1t·d lo

help tlw " id,,., an<i l'l1il<irrn <>I \Ir. '1oort ~ho L111fortunatdy fost hi-. lit-= whi lP car-1 ying 11u1 r xpr-rlnv·nt ... in lrnn .. -



Mr. J. !-. Mark, 12cr: 1 ha, r,•rei•• t>d w o rd (rom Stanl,·) Prie1·. uf C.hur,·h ill. Q1ieen,lanrl. thnt hi, ~vn•ch anrl r..w. t'tUne 1hrnu,::h willJ remarl uhle punrh ant.I rlarih ioOf" mJ;e,ht rt••

l'~nllv. 2GR ba• also rcccive,I excrl lenl · rirp<1rtQ [rnm Porr ~fore,.h, .1n,t ~ U \"ll.

fl.I. for ..

G'JlQ1JflN 1.JranJ

Paper Cylinders & Staters

G:ROSE & DflNIE LL Whot•sal~ only

63 Mountain Scr«I • · • CIIJI

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The Vital Spot In the Radio Set

u tht> trnm,forrn..,.r Th•· d · hnta~tt of usin11 JRl•'FEHSO.~ Tll.\>ih f'ORl1£R~ ~,rn rs.r know)Jei,tt' 1 hy hu..u1lurl11 of tbf')uoi.anJs of u~t•n thl" wurl1l i)\ er.

'rhu.r,;day, April 17th, 1924.

•;,..,. II Jl:.Hl:.IC>Ul\


8tnMhty of u11l'.tfttlon i J-'rc1 lmu frou1 Ol•lt.1rt111n: M 1ricuu.u1 \uq,Uft t•atlon! Tbo1C1: Brf' lhct r.harndt"nt tlo rJ,•rn 1h,ft•,l of 1,an,tur1t1 r 1 1.u,J 1?11 ,. nr<! th,, ~1u.11Htiu wldth tun-• m11oi~ ,Tlffl'Fn:-ox Tlli\ :>.!<FORM 1 R~ thit mo,1 p•11 ulnr 1mo11~ t1. p,-rin1~nteu1

fmro(lui nt,; J..irt·~n - ~ I \R"

4 REASONS WHY ! .. ,. -\ J n r~u ~t: t!.llllt.lra.1-1)' tl 81.ntd •

.?n,I The \\ nding6 :tro ~.1re.tuJ, ly n• ·ul.1tt•,1 IP proiiuee tno per r1•nt, aml'lificaUoa

tbt',) are not butlt up to ft ratio.

fol The J, !1 r, >n line ~mbrar, P9: a \ r etv of :1mplitier1 to mrrt t-\!ery tJrmaod -a.1.1 ,.-\udJo an,t tn"o .Rndio li'rtqutnty I .n,e,.

Ith. At rioa('f'.: tran~t'r,rmar 1nanufn,~tunrs., Jpffer.on hn~rnt:era fle-.;dgned andio aruphCiec• Ion!{ lo•fore a,.. dib r4'arhf'd it.s 11r~.llent, pop­u.lA.r11y. \ nu will apprec• bto Jd!'~rsun'1t txtra year, ut l'X(>er~nr~.

"No. 4i" JU f 1,:m,o~ Amplifying T ramformer


·world 11 Le.a.dinsr Tr.1ntrfnrm,r'lll

•toeked hy Cohill•-Yoore. R,~i~ lfouoo, B.tadio Co., ,\, Rordern and ~on", Ram.,n.y ~hRrp1 Unl\·onal El••lrir. Wlr,I.,, Sopr1ieo T,ta., llA.n-y Wile., Oavld Jonr• U,1., 11:trk Foy, LM .• llona1t.rlifl"1 Me-lbnu.rne; J. O. J 'rit"f'1 Bri~bane; Adt•lulde Radio Co., and iall L••~ln;: Wirel"'5

fi1ore1 lhroUJlbOU[ A u•tr~n •.

8011 Agrnt1 for .. .\uatrn.liZJ

Fox & MacGillycuddy Limited

Daily Trl•11rap1t Buildtugs, KL'\"G '-T .. SYDXEY 'Pbooo: ClTY 300!?.

Buy an

Amplifyer h1r "folll ,1 will ,fo

'l hro '""t"n•rr ii will


l h~ tone- ant.I \ 11lu.o1t>

1l\\il1 prc.wluc,e-

Results Count!

, ou mtro,lm fl I on 1~r r t'.:nt ~ ,rnlih, dfo it nn rnlO ,our ~or-t \,I, fuw u,u rn"t..l



F reque.acy T raa1former1

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WIRELESS WEEKLY Tl1ursrlay. April 17th, 1924,

:---·•--·-------·- -·-·-·- ·-·----I


" Th.e flt/as "

' ~-~;-~1-~ ~- . ~ -~ .. ,, -' .

. .... ~ ' , .. . i


.• ~ :- .... --... ,.,""~' . ':I: _ I• ~ :: : l : : l ~ y • ·,.;.•, · • ·G· -~- :,

0 .~ 0 0 ° :·'

Broadcast and Experimental - Radio Receiving Sets -

Range up to 1,000 miles Prices: Crystal Sets from £4

Valve Sets £16 - £75

As Illustrated Three valve receiver complete with Baldwin Phone, Radio­tron Valves, Atlas Speaker, Batteries, Aerial Materials, etc


I l

fl Loud Speaker of D istinction £45

Radio Broadcasting 1~~:'"J_,:-1

i solves all your Home 1·

Entertainme nt

t 00


0 Problems __ " I

I •it-: ====== ,,, !

]I The Colville-Moore Wireless Supplies Ltd. I


••--"-•-..,•-"--c ___ -o_,_ --,- ~--•-•----•-- ..... -",
