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Waip 8 28 15

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Garland Independent School District -School Leadership Communication- Date: August 28, 2015 Audience Topic Action Required Sender(s) (Department & Contact Number) Page(s) All Principals Planning and Preparation Time Yes - Action Required Dr. Jovan Wells 487-3157 5-8 All Principals Procurement Card Compliance No - Information Mark Booker 487-3086 9 All Principals and Assistant Principals Superintendent Certification Meeting 2 nd Notice Yes - Action Required Tara Major 487-3022 10 All Principals Security Realignment of Supervisors No - Information J. Pat Lamb 214-893-5596 11 All Principals School Pest News – Back to School Health Issue No - Information Paul Gonzales, Sr. 487-4126 12-16 All Principals Guidelines for Health and Safety Assessment No - Information Maggie Willis 487-3268 17-19 All Principals 2015-2016 Employee Flu Shot and Health Screening Schedules No - Information Liz Kiertscher 487- 3164 20-26 All Principals Council PTA Meeting No - Information Caren Rodriguez 487-3108 27 All Principals Salute to Business and Education Luncheon Yes - Action Required Lisa Cox 487-3253 28 All Principals New Grant Categories for GISD Education Foundation No - Information Lisa Cox 487-3253 29-30 All Principals and Assistant Principals Campus Volunteer Website Yes - Action Required Ramona Aguilar 487-4525 31 All Principals and Assistant Principals Documentation of Extended Day Classes in Skyward Yes - Action Required Dr. Butch Sloan 487-3684 32-34 All Principals and Assistant Principals Skyward Distribution and Grade Reporting Deadlines for 15-16 No - Information Dr. Butch Sloan 487-3684 35-36 Weekly Administrative Information Packet 1 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

-School Leadership Communication-

Date: August 28, 2015

Audience Topic Action Required

Sender(s) (Department &

Contact Number)


All Principals Planning and Preparation Time

Yes - Action Required

Dr. Jovan Wells 487-3157


All Principals Procurement Card Compliance

No - Information

Mark Booker 487-3086


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Superintendent Certification Meeting

2nd Notice

Yes - Action Required

Tara Major 487-3022


All Principals Security Realignment of Supervisors

No - Information

J. Pat Lamb 214-893-5596


All Principals School Pest News – Back to School Health Issue

No - Information

Paul Gonzales, Sr. 487-4126


All Principals Guidelines for Health and Safety Assessment

No - Information

Maggie Willis 487-3268


All Principals 2015-2016 Employee Flu Shot and Health

Screening Schedules

No - Information

Liz Kiertscher 487- 3164


All Principals Council PTA Meeting No - Information

Caren Rodriguez 487-3108


All Principals Salute to Business and Education Luncheon

Yes - Action Required

Lisa Cox 487-3253


All Principals New Grant Categories for GISD Education


No - Information

Lisa Cox 487-3253


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Campus Volunteer Website

Yes - Action Required

Ramona Aguilar 487-4525


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Documentation of Extended Day Classes in


Yes - Action Required

Dr. Butch Sloan 487-3684


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Skyward Distribution and Grade Reporting

Deadlines for 15-16

No - Information

Dr. Butch Sloan 487-3684


Weekly Administrative Information Packet

1 WAIP 8-28-15

All Principals and Assistant Principals

Content Filter No - Information

Dr. Brooks Knight 487-3666

Laurie Vondersaar 487-4901


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Email Distribution Lists No - Information

Laurie Vondersaar 487-4901


All Principals GISD Non-Residential Employees

Yes - Action Required

Student Services 494-8255


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Attendance Awareness Month

Yes - Action Required

Student Services: Attendance 494-8685


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Student Code of Conduct & Handbook Hardcopy


Yes - Action Required

Student Services 487-4369


All Principals Section 504 for Campus Coordinators and Data


No - Information

Wendy Brower 494-8255


All Principals and Assistant Principals

CoolClix 2015-16 No - Information

Jasmine Preston 487-3265


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Local Assessment Calendars for 2015-16

School Year

No - Information

Dr. Mida Milligan 487-3197


All Principals MAP Trainings Yes - Action Required

Dr. Pam Neblett 487-3205

Eboney Fortè 487-3209


All Principals Mandatory Fall Assessment Training

Yes - Action Required

Courtney Clearfield 487-3212


All Principals Implementation of New Student Assessment


No - Information

Courtney Clearfield 487-3212


All Principals Out of School Testing Location Beginning

December 2015

No - Information

Courtney Clearfield 487-3212


All Principals Spring 2016 English III & Algebra II STAAR EOCs

No - Information

Courtney Clearfield 487-3212


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Student Support Team Training for Counselors

and Administrators

Yes - Action Required

Carra King 487-3267


All Principals Ron Clark Academy Opportunity – 1st Notice

Yes - Action Required

Nelson Orta 487-4504


All Principals Required and Recommended Videos

3rd Notice

Yes - Action Required

Nelson Orta 487-4504

Kathy Miller 487-3084


All Principals Required & Recommended Videos Viewing Evidence – 1st


No - Information

Nelson Orta 487-4504

Kathy Miller 487-3084


2 WAIP 8-28-15

All Principals and Assistant Principals

Campus Professional Development Sessions

1st Notice

No - Information

Nelson Orta 487-4504


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Understanding MAP Through SRI Protocols –

1st Notice

Yes - Action Required

Nelson Orta 487-4504

Mary Huschle 487-4503


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Digital Learning Opportunities for the Fall Semester– 2nd Notice

No - Information

Angie Cheatham 487-4510


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Vanguard Leadership Series – 2nd Notice

No - Information

Angie Cheatham 487-4510


All Principals and Assistant Principals

Code.org Training for Teachers and Librarians

Yes - Action Required

Jasna Aliefendic 487-3094

Dr. Mida Milligan 4873197


All Principals and Assistant Principals

STEAMposium Save the Date

2nd notice

No - Information

Tina Garrett 487-3147


All Principals “No-Show” Folder Exchange

Yes - Action Required

Nidia Parra 487-3303


All Principals Love and Logic Parent Groups

No - Information

Nidia Parra 487-3303


All Principals CIP Review Meeting Schedule – LOCATION


Yes - Action Required

Area Directors 487-3157

Christi Allen 487-3184


All Elementary Principals

Grading and Grouping / First Grade Spelling


No - Information

Dr. Rhonda Davis 487-3176


All Elementary Principals and Middle School


SSI Beginning-of-Year Letters for all Students in Grades 5 and 8

Yes - Action Required

Christi Allen 487-3184

Courtney Clearfield 487-3212


All Elementary Principals and Middle School


Renaissance Learning Purchases for 2015-16-UPDATED/REVISED

Yes - Action Required

Dr. Mida Milligan 487-3197


All Middle School Principals

Math Lab Training Yes - Action Required

Carra King 487-3267


All Middle School Principals and

Assistant Principals

Istation and Small Group Instruction Training

Yes - Action Required

Carra King 487-3267


All High School Principals and

Assistant Principals

Achieve 3000 Intervention Training

Yes - Action Required

Carra King 487-3267


3 WAIP 8-28-15

All Secondary Principals

Professional Development

Opportunities for ELL Language Lab and Literacy Workshop


No - Information

Deb Tietjen 487-4619


All Secondary Principals

CBE Schedule and Registration Form

No - Information

Ruby Armstrong 487-3194


All Secondary Principals and

Assistant Principals

Secondary Math - TI MathForward

Registration AND TI Teacher Leader

Cadre (TLC) Selection

Yes - Action Required

Kevin Massey 487-3149


4 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: All Principals

FROM: Dr. Jovan Wells Associate Superintendnet Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

RE: Planning and Preparation Time _______________________________________________________________________

There continues to be feedback from the Board of Trustees to Dr. Morrison that a few principals are asking teachers to participate in activities or meetings during their planning and preparation time. Per Dr. Morrison, there should not be any violations or exceptions to Texas Education Code (TEC) 21.404 and GISD Board Policy DL (Legal).

TEC Section 21.404 states:

Each classroom teacher is to have at least 450 minutes within each two-week period for instructional preparation including parent-teacher conferences, evaluating students’ work, and planning. A planning and preparation period may be not be less than 45 minutes within the instructional day. During that time, a teacher may not be required to participate in any other activity.

GISD Board Policy DL (Legal) represents TEC Section 21.404 and states:

Planning and preparation time must occur during the time that students are receiving instruction at the school where the teacher is located. CanutilloEducators Ass’n v. Canutillo Indep. Sch. Dist. Tex. Comm’r of Educ. Decision No. 042-R10-203 (April 30, 2010)

If you have any questions in regards to planning and preparation time, please contact me for clarification.

Action Required

5 WAIP 8-28-15

Texas Association of School Boards • Legal Services P.O. I3ox 400 • Austin, Texas 78767-0400 • 512.467.3610 • 800.580.5345 • legal.tasb.org • le.galatasb.org

Serving Texas Schools Since 1949

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Teacher Planning Periods

Texas Education Code section 21.404 guarantees each classroom teacher a planning period. Specifically, each classroom teacher is entitled to at least 450 minutes within each two-week period for instructional preparation including parent-teacher conferences, evaluating students' work, and planning. A planning period may not be less than 45 minutes within the instructional day. During a planning period, a classroom teacher may not be required to participate in any other activity.'

Q: Which employees are entitled to planning periods?

A: The statute provides that classroom teachers are entitled to planning periods. A classroom teacher is an educator who: 2

• Is employed by a school district, and;

• Teaches in an academic instructional setting or a career and technology instructional setting, not less than an average of four hours each day

Teacher aides and full-time administrators are not classroom teachers.

There are two components to this definition. First, the employee must be a certified educator engaged in teaching duties. Therefore, an employee who is not a certified teacher is not entitled to a planning period. 3 Second, the employee must teach full-time. Thus, a teacher who teaches fewer than four hours per day, on average, is not entitled to a planning period.

Q: What is the required length of a planning period?

A. A single planning period must be at least 45 minutes long. 4 Thus, for example, a 45 minute planning period cannot be divided into one period of 15 minutes and one period of 30 minutes.'

Tex. Educ. Code § 21.404. 2

Tex. Educ. Code § 5.001(2). 3

See Fenter v. Quinlan lndep. Sch. Dist., Texas Comm'r of Educ. Decision No. 021-R10-1001(2002) (holding librarian was not a "classroom teacher" as that term is used in Section 21.404.)


Tex. Educ. Code § 21.404. 5

Texas Education Agency Teacher FAQs, question 10,


© 2015. Texas Association of School Boards, Inc. All rights reserved.

TASB Legal Services

6 WAIP 8-28-15

Page 2

Total planning time must be at least 450 minutes in each two-week period. 6 The 450-minute provision allows districts that use block scheduling to have longer periods on fewer days.' For example, a teacher could have five 90-minute conference periods within a two-week period, rather than a 45-minute conference period each day. 8

Q: What does "instructional day" mean?

A. A teacher's planning period must be within the instructional day: the time when students are receiving instruction at the school where the teacher is located. 9 Thus, a district violated Section 21.404 when teacher planning periods were scheduled after classes ended for the day.' °

The commissioner of education has applied this definition to an itinerant teacher—a teacher who moves from one campus to another. The teacher began her workday at one high school and finished her workday at another. The district gave the teacher a planning period at the end of her workday. This time was within the instructional day of the campus on which she began her work day, but after the end of classes on the campus at which she ended her workday. The commissioner held that the district violated Section 21.404 because no students were receiving instruction at the campus at which the teacher was located during her planning period."

Q: Can the district require a teacher to attend meetings during planning periods?

A: Not without the teacher's agreement. The statute provides that planning periods are for instructional preparation, including parent-teacher conferences. Accordingly, a district cannot

require teachers to participate in faculty meetings during planning periods, even if the purpose of the meetings is to discuss group planning: "The statute clearly relieves the teacher of any duty during this period of time and prohibits the district and its administration from requiring the teacher to engage in any other activity the administration determines to be useful and important." 12 Similarly, a district violated the predecessor to Section 21.404 when it required teachers to attend in-service faculty meetings during planning and preparation time, even though the meetings involved parent/teacher conferencing techniques, planning and preparation, and other areas: 13

The school district argues that the purpose of the in-services was to train the teachers, to assist

them in making the best use of the time allotted to them for parent-teacher conferences and planning and preparation in their various fields of discipline. There is, however, a difference

between being allowed time to actually conference with parents and being required to attend a meeting to learn how to conference with parents; there is a difference between actually

planning and preparing for future class periods and attending training concerning how to plan

and prepare; and there is a difference between grading students' work and attending an in-service concerning parent-teacher conferences and planning and preparation.

6 Tex. Educ. Code § 21.404. 7

Texas Education Agency Teacher FAQs, question 10,

www.tea.state.tx.us/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=2147503758. 8

Texas State Teacher Association, Planning and Preparation Time, tcta.org/node/13129. 9 Carbajal v. El Paso Indep. Sch. Dist., Tex. Comm'r of Educ. Decision No. 035-R10-0308 (2012).

Canutillo Educators' Assn v. Canutillo Indep. Sch. Dist., Tex. Comm'r of Educ. Dec. No. 042-R10-203 (2010).

Carbajal v. El Paso Indep. Sch. Dist., Tex. Comm'r of Educ. Decision No. 035-R10-0308 (2012).

12 Chaffin v. Los Fresnos Indep. Sch. Dist., Tex. Comm'r of Educ. Decision No. 128-R10-1290 (1991).

13 Strater v. Houston Indep. Sch. Dist., Tex. Comm'r of Educ. Decision No. 129-R8-685 (1986).

© 2015. Texas Association of School Boards, Inc. All rights reserved. TASB Legal Services

7 WAIP 8-28-15

Page 3

In another decision, the commissioner concluded that a principal violated the statute when she

directed a teacher to meet with her during the teacher's planning period.' 4

Q: Can a teacher voluntarily relinquish his or her planning period?

A: It depends on whether the teacher will be performing teaching or non-teaching duties during the

planning period.

Non-teaching activities: The commissioner has held that a teacher may voluntarily give up a planning

period for non-teaching activities, such as staff development training, as long as attendance at the

activity is not mandatory. 15 Similarly, a district may ask a teacher to attend an ARD meeting during her

planning time, although this should be a rare occurrence to protect the teacher's planning and

preparation time. TASB Legal Services advises districts to document a teacher's voluntary decision to

use planning time for district-related functions.

Teaching activities: Conversely, the commissioner has held that Section 21.404 prohibits a district

from assigning teaching duties during a teacher's planning period, even if the teacher agrees to the

duties. 16 The commissioner reasoned that a district cannot contract for teaching duties in exchange

for monetary compensation outside of a Chapter 21 contract.

Surplus planning time: An exception to the above rule regarding teaching activities applies where a

district provides more than the statutorily required time for planning periods. For example, some

districts provide 600, 750, or 900 minutes of planning time in each two-week period. The

commissioner has held that Section 21.404 would not be violated if a teacher gave up surplus

planning time to teach a class.''

Q: Are there any activities a teacher cannot engage in during a planning period?

A: A teacher must use his or her planning period for instructional preparation, including parent-teacher

conferences, evaluating students' work, and planning. 19 A planning period should not be used for

personal pursuits. As one teacher association stated: "[A] planning and prep period is duty time,

not a free time when employees could leave campus or engage in non-school related activities." 2°

For more information on this and other school law topics, visit TASB School Law eSource online at schoollawesource.tasb.org .

This document is provided for educational purposes only and contains information to facilitate a general understanding

of the law. It is not an exhaustive treatment of the law on this subject nor is it intended to substitute for the advice of

an attorney. Consult with your own attorneys to apply these legal principles to specific fact situations.

14 Gonzalez v. South San lndep. Sch. Dist., Tex. Comm'r of Educ. Decision No. 086-R10-704 (2007). 15

Chaffin v. Los Fresnos lndep. Sch. Dist., Tex. Comm'r of Educ. Decision No. 128-R10-1290 (1990). 16

Bledsoe v. Huntington lndep. Sch. Dist., Tex. Comm'r of Educ. Decision No. 033-R10-1103 (2014). 17

Aielli v. Austin lndep. Sch. Dist., Tex. Comm'r of Educ. Decision No. 020-R10-1106 (2009).

18 To be sufficient, notice of a reduction in pay—including reduction or discontinuation of a stipend—must be

formal and specific. To be formal, the notice must be in writing from a person in a position of authority. To be

specific, the notice must convey how much of a reduction of salary is possible. The question to be answered is

whether the employees actually knew or reasonably could have known, before the penalty-free resignation

date, the amount their salaries could be reduced. Brajenovich v. Alief Indep. Sch. Dist., Tex. Comm'r of Educ.

Decision No. 021-R10-1106 (Mar. 6, 2009) (denying appeal where administrator could determine possible

salary reduction from district's salary schedule).

19 Tex. Educ. Code § 21.404. 20

Texas Association of Federated Teachers, Know Your Rights: Planning and Prep Periods,

aldine.tx.aft.org/files/article assets/188EF486-E150-10F3-71366390C2F531661.pdf.

© 2015. Texas Association of School Boards, Inc. All rights reserved.

TASB Legal Services

8 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Principals Administrators FROM: Mark A. Booker, Director of Purchasing RE: Procurement Card Compliance _______________________________________________________________________ Effective September 1, 2015, all potential procurement card violation notices shall be forwarded to the Deputy Superintendent of Business for investigation. If sufficient evidence suggest a violation has occurred, the immediate supervisor of the cardholder will be notified. Upon determination that an offense has indeed taken place, a strike is issued and the immediate supervisor is notified. If the supervisor was involved by failing to properly reconcile the P-Card transaction, a strike will also be issued to the administrator. The only change from previous years is the deputy superintendent of business will perform the investigation and issue strikes. There are two areas that appear to be problematic when making and approving purchases-split purchases and using an unapproved supplier without purchasing approval.

Split purchases are purchases to a single vendor that would normally be made with one transaction but have been split to avoid the single transaction limit, which is $500 for most cards. Split purchases are easily prevented by using a purchase order (PO) for purchases that have the potential to exceed $500. If the vendor does not accept a purchase order, request a profile change to accommodate the purchase amount. When reviewing receipts, check the date and time for transactions to the same supplier. Merchandise can be returned to the supplier if a split purchase has been identified before the goods are used or the service provided.

Purchases to unapproved suppliers must have purchasing approval prior to the purchase. The approval is normally provided with an email from a buyer in the purchasing department. Purchases to unapproved suppliers for travel expenses, offsite dining, offsite instructional programs, memberships, registrations and purchases made with fund 865 or 876 do not require prior approval.

The Director of Purchasing is available to provide onsite staff development for cardholders and administrators if needed. Contact Diane Fields at 972.487.3086 or [email protected] to schedule an onsite meeting with your school or department.



9 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Directors, Coordinators, Principals and Assistant Principals FROM: Tara E. Major RE: Superintendent Certification Meeting, 2nd Notice _______________________________________________________________________ The Superintendent Certification Meetings will begin on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 @ 1:30pm in the Superintendent’s Conference Room on the 3rd floor of the Harris Hill building. This meeting will be held every Tuesday at the same time and place for the duration of the school year. The purpose of the class is to help those who are interested in gaining a Superintendent’s certification or are enrolled in the courses. If you are interested in attending, please send your name, campus and contact information to Tara E. Major [email protected].

Action Required

10 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Principals FROM: J. Pat Lamb Director of Security and Telecommunications RE: Security Realignment of Supervisors ______________________________________________________________________ LP Nolen, Security Supervisor for patrol and dispatch officers, has announced his retirement, effective December 31, 2015. Mr. Nolen has been a member of the district for many years and will be greatly missed in our department. Until his departure, he will be providing oversight to several special projects. As a result, effective immediately, Kiel Pankonien, Security Supervisor for emergency management, will assume responsibility for the district security patrol and dispatch section. Should you have any needs, questions or concerns about the patrol office or dispatch center, please contact Mr. Pankonien at 972-487-4247 (office) or 214-869-1805 (cell). Should you have needs concerning security systems, to include cameras, the Raptor system, telephones, public address systems or keyless entry, please continue to call Keith Chapman, Security Systems Supervisor, at 972-487-4259 (office) or 214-876-9128 (cell). Thank you.


11 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Principals FROM: Maintenance RE: School Pest News – Back to School Health Issue _______________________________________________________________________

School Pest News, Volume 14, Issue 8 August 2015

To provide the best professional integrated pest management training and advice for

school districts and other environmentally sensitive institutions in Texas and the Southwest.

To view this entire newsletter online follow this link HERE Texas School Health Advisory Committee (TSHAC) Resources, Recommendations and Research SHAC Guide for Texas School Districts - Revised July 2015 The School Health Program of the Department of State Health Services produced this helpful School Health Advisory Councils Guide for Texas School Districts for help to get started while building a successful SHAC. The guide has been updated with the most current information available in support of efforts to provide school health education and services through the district's SHAC. To access the guide, go to http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/schoolhealth/sdhac.shtm. To find out if your school district has a SHAC, who is in charge and how you can be involved or get more information, contact the district's administrative office and schedule a time to meet with the staff person that has oversight for the SHAC.


12 WAIP 8-28-15

The TSHAC has resources, and recommendations and research schools and district School Health Advisory Councils (SHAC) can use to meet legislative requirements and support important issues schools may face. Go to www.dshs.state.tx.us/schoolhealth/shadviserecommendations.shtm to access the following Research and Recommendation documents created by the TSHAC:

Recommendations and Research on Benefits to Students in School Districts that Prohibit Physical Activity as Punishment

Recommendations and Research on Health Education for all Texas Students, Kindergarten through 12th Grade

Recommendations and Research on Offering Physical Activity Outside of the School Day

Recommendations and Research on Physical Education

Recommendations and Research on Recess and Physical Activity: Impact on Student Health and Academic, Social and Emotional Development

Go to www.dshs.state.tx.us/schoolhealth/shadviseresources.shtm to access the following resources and more for schools and SHACs developed by the TSHAC:

School Health Services Staff Roles

School Health Advisory Council Self-Assessment

Annual SHAC Progress Report to Local School Boards

School Health Initiative Screening Tool

Resources for Students and Families: Dealing with the Economic Crisis

SHAC Meeting Agenda Topics Communicable Disease Chart and Notes for Schools and Child-Care Centers Revised June, 2013, the Communicable Disease Chart and Notes for Schools and Child-Care Centers is available. To order the wall size poster, go to https://secure.immunizetexasorderform.com/default.asp and request item number 6-30. To access a copy on line, go to https://www.dshs.state.tx.us/idcu/health/schools_childcare/resources/. This chart includes information about prevalent diseases/conditions for school and child-care facility staff members to be used in day-to-day operations. Other groups might find the chart helpful as well. The following information is included for 43 conditions:



Signs and symptoms

Exclusion and readmission criteria

Whether it's a reportable condition

13 WAIP 8-28-15


Comments on prevention, treatment etc.

In the "Notes" section there is information about when a communicable disease is suspected, hand washing, diapering, environmental surfaces and personal items, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette, standard precautions, immunization, and antibiotic use. Back to School with Green and Healthy Products Maintaining a healthy learning environment is an important part of making sure that every child can learn. But all too often, conventional products-from computers to paints to cleaning supplies-expose school occupants to toxic chemicals that can pollute the indoor air. Children and staff who can't concentrate or miss school or are uncomfortable in class will not succeed this year. Fortunately, reducing toxic chemicals in products will reduce air pollutants inside schools and thus will benefit all occupants. There are a few ways to help the school use a wide range of greener products.

Select nontoxic (low emission) school supplies, such as nontoxic markers and pens, and notebooks and binders made without PVC plastics.

Select EPEAT-rated electronics to minimize toxic chemicals, reduce the disposal costs of outdated electronics, and save on energy. (EPEAT is a certification system for greener electronics).

Do not send cleaning or disinfecting products from home to school to use in classrooms.

Ask your local school if it is using money-saving, third-party certified green cleaning products (reliable certifiers are Green Seal (US) and UL-E (EcoLogo). If the school is already using green products, those can be diluted with plain water for wiping up sticky spills in classrooms.

Ask the school if it plans to do any interior painting in the coming year, and if so, ask it to buy low-emission, third-party certified interior wall or ceiling paints. These will help reduce indoor air pollutants.

To find resources and tip sheets to help get started on reducing chemical hazards inside schools, go to http://healthyschools.org/coalitionactionkit.html and http://www.cleaningforhealthyschools.org/. Check out these resources from National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) New search mechanism for pesticide product information! NPIC Pesticide Research Online (NPRO) Webinar explaining NPRO (30+ minutes) For help getting started with NPRO, call us at 1-800-858-7378.

14 WAIP 8-28-15

New Video! Pesticides on Clothes: How do I clean them? (1.5 minutes) … also available in Spanish New web pages! Beneficial Insects - A quick list - In the lawn - In the garden - In agriculture

New FAQs: What does it mean when food is organic? ... also available in Spanish Is 'food grade' diatomaceous earth okay for pest control? ... also available in Spanish What can I do after a flood? ... also available in Spanish Newly revised & updated web pages: Protecting Wildlife from Pesticides Problem Wildlife in the Garden & Yard Problem Wildlife in the House New podcast! Is 'food grade' diatomaceous earth okay for pest control? In case you missed it, mouse-over the circles on our new web page: Natural and Biological Pesticides You will learn about the similarities and differences between the terms "organic", "biopesticide" and "minimum risk pesticide." If you have any questions, please call us at 800-858-7378, Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm (Pacific), 11:00 am - 3:00 pm (Eastern). National Pesticide Information Center Oregon State University Department of Environmental & Molecular Toxicology (800) 858-7378 Email: [email protected] School Indoor Air Quality Assessments Go Mobile / EPA Launches School IAQ Assessment Mobile App By: Julia P. Valentine, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today launched a new mobile app to assist schools and school districts with performing comprehensive indoor air quality (IAQ) facility assessments to protect the health of children and school staff. The School IAQ Assessment mobile app is a "one-stop shop" for accessing guidance from EPA's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Action Kit. "Kids learn best in a healthy school environment. Now there's an app for that! This app puts a powerful tool in the hands of people at the state, district and school level to protect children's health" said Janet McCabe, assistant administrator for EPA's Office of Air and

15 WAIP 8-28-15

Radiation. "This mobile app is our latest effort to provide updated, user-friendly guidance to help schools identify, resolve and prevent indoor air quality problems, using low- and no-cost measures." The mobile app provides schools and school districts with an efficient, innovative technology integrated with proven strategies for addressing critical building-related environmental health issues such as ventilation, cleaning and maintenance, environmental asthma triggers, radon, and integrated pest management. Schools that want to develop, sustain or reinvigorate their IAQ management programs can use this tool to identify and prioritize IAQ improvements. The School IAQ Assessment mobile app complements existing IAQ management programs and can become the central tracking mechanism schools and districts use to organize building assessments and prioritize IAQ improvements. To continue reading follow this link HERE OR Visit http://www.epa.gov/iaq/schools/iaq_schools_mobile_app/ to download the new mobile app and www.epa.gov/schools for other valuable school environmental health resources. Remember to share this newsletter with school staff, coworkers and others. Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. Janet A. Hurley, MPA Extension Program Specialist III - School IPM Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service 17360 Coit Road Dallas, TX 75252 Phone: 877-747-6872 or 972-952-9213 Fax: 972-952-9632 Email: [email protected] Web: https://schoolipm.tamu.edu Facebook: http://facebook.com/SchoolIPMTexas Web for bats: http://agrilife.org/batsinschools/ For more information about school IPM, go to http://schoolipm.tamu.edu

16 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Principals FROM: Maggie Willis, Director of Health Services RE: Guidelines for Health and Safety Assessment _______________________________________________________________________ Principals, Attached are the guidelines for the Health and Safety Assessment (formerly Impairment Assessment), as well as the document the RN will complete. Please read the guidelines carefully. These assessments have always been done only for the health and safety of the student. The assessment has never been a pass/fail by the school nurse. The nurse has never stated a diagnosis. The nurse will only report objective findings from his/her assessment. Based on the findings, the nurse may call 911, have the parent pick up the child to be taken to the doctor, or sent back to the administrator requesting the assessment. Also note, the assessment may only be requested by a school administrator, not a staff member. Finally, the nurses have been advised to request the presence of an administrator or SRO officer during the assessment. This is to prevent any false allegations against the nurse performing the assessment. Privacy must also be provided in order to protect the student’s confidential health issues. Please give me a call (972-487-3268) if you have any questions. Thank you.


17 WAIP 8-28-15


Guidelines for Health and Safety Assessment Philosophy

There are many factors that can precipitate a student to exhibit a change in normal health processes:

emotional, physical, and/or mental. In an effort to provide a safe and effective school environment for all students and staff, it sometimes becomes necessary to remove a student from the classroom and to make an objective assessment of that student. It is in the student’s and District’s best interest that the assessment and documentation be consistent and non-judgmental. The Garland ISD Health and Safety Assessment provides a mechanism for both. The data from the assessment will aid the school RN, campus administrators, and parents in determining:

1. Is an intervention necessary? 2. The nature of the help needed.

The assessment may be valuable as an initial statement along with other input to determine student needs. It is not intended as the definitive diagnosis of a student problem.


The request for a student to have a Health and Safety Assessment must come from a campus administrator.

The student must be searched by a campus administrator or SRO officer before the assessment. No back pack, jackets, etc will be allowed in the assessment area.

The location of the assessment is mutually agreed upon by the school nurse and campus administrator. It is imperative that the location maintain privacy for the student.

If the student is uncooperative, verbally abusive, or aggressive, a campus administrator or SRO officer must remain with the student during the assessment. If the student is cooperative, the school nurse will make a decision if it is necessary to have a campus administrator or SRO present during the assessment.

From the time of the referral, the student should be approached with a perspective of concerned caring, not subjective judgment. Explain to the student that he/she has exhibited a behavior or made statements that resulted in the referral for assessment. Explain that the purpose of the assessment is to gather information to help decide the best intervention.

Unless there is an obvious change in the student’s physical or mental status, the student should not be subjected to multiple assessments.

The Health and Safety Assessment report is confidential and the results may be shared only with those school personnel directly involved with the referral, assessment, and disposition of the student, and that student’s legal guardians.

Documentation should be objective and accurately reflect student responses. Specific abnormal findings are noted. The assessment tool does not have a pass or fail nursing diagnosis.

Documentation is recorded in the student’s electronic clinic record. A copy of the electronic clinic record may be given to the appropriate school personnel as defined above or to the student’s legal guardian, if requested.

Unless there is a medical reason for the school nurse to continue observation and assessment of the student in the clinic, the student is returned to the campus administrator for monitoring. This ensures the student’s right to confidentiality.

Forms/ClinicManagement HealthAssmt0815 18 WAIP 8-28-15

Chest pain No – CCPN Yes – CCPA Runny nose No – NNSNN Yes – NNSDR

Any other symptoms (vomiting, incontinence, etc.)


Student’s Name_ Grade _ID# Date_

Administrator Requesting (RE1) _Time in/out_ _/ Disposition

Vital Signs (first) time: Vital Signs (second) time:




Pulse_ Reg/Irreg B/P

Resp Reg/Irreg Temp

Pulse_ Reg/Irreg

Resp Reg/Irreg

OTC/RX within last 24 hrs? Yes – ZMDY No – ZMDN

Food/Drink intake today? Normal – GITN Abnormal – GITA

Sleep Normal – ZSPN Abnormal – ZSPA

Physical Appearance

Neat/Clean – ZPHN Disheveled/Unclean – ZPHA

Level of Orientation (to time/place/person)

Alert/Oriented – NMNAO Disoriented – NMNDD Incoherent – NMNIN


Normal - NCOON Abnormal – NCOOA Tremors present – NTRM

Activity Level

Normal – PACN

Abnormal – PACA hyperactive irritable belligerent silly slow restless dazed

Behavior and Thought Process

Normal – PBTN

Abnormal – PBTA agitated anxious excited euphoric relaxed drowsy paranoid lethargic hallucinating uncooperative nervous confused


Unremarkable – NSPN Abnormal – NSPA rambling slurred slow rapid



General Observation Normal – NEGN Abnormal – NEGA bloodshot watery contacts glasses

PERRLA Normal – NPPN equal reactive

Abnormal – NPPA constricted dilated slowed non-reactive

Conjunctiva Normal – NECJN Abnormal – NECJA

Rebound Dilation Not Present – NPPRN Present – NPPRA

Smooth Pursuit: R Not Present R Present L Not Present L Present


Move the stimulus from center to side in approx. 2 seconds, then back from side to center in approx. 2 seconds. Check both eyes twice.

Distinct Nystagmus @ R Present R Not Present Maximum Deviation: L Present L Not Present


Move the stimulus from center to the side until there is no more of the white of the eye showing in the corner, and hold for at least 4 seconds. Check both eyes twice.

Onset of Nystagmus R Present R Not Present prior to 45 degrees: L Present L Not Present


Move the stimulus from the center to side very slowly (at least 4 seconds) and watch for the first twitch/jerk, hold and ensure it continues. Check each eye twice.

Vertical Nystagmus: Present Not Present NEVRA NEVRN

Move the stimulus upward and hold for at least 4 seconds. Repeat.

Convergence: Not Present Present NECVA NECVN

Make two circles in front of the face and bring the stimulus in and touch the bridge of the nose. Check if the eyes were able to converge (cross).

19 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Principals Department Heads FROM: Liz Kiertscher, Coordinator of Employee Wellness and Nutrition RE: 2015-2016 Employee Flu Shot and Health Screening Schedules _______________________________________________________________________ Baylor Garland will be providing health screenings and flu shots at most district locations for the 2015-2016 school year. If they are not coming to your location I have already spoken with you regarding the date for the location closest to you that your staff may attend. Please see the included schedules for the date Baylor will be at your location. If you have staff that are unable to attend the health screening and/or flu shot clinic at your location they may attend at another GISD location. The specific times for the flu shots and health screenings at your location will be posted in your building, on the intranet, and communicated to your location specifically. Flu Shots No appointment is required to receive a flu shot. The Wellness Registration form (included) must be completed and brought along with a driver’s license and insurance card to the flu shot clinic.

Health Screenings Appointments will be scheduled through www.baylorhealth.com/GarlandISD unless your site requested paper registrations. If so, the Wellness Registration form must be completed by staff who want to participate in the health screening with the time requested for an appointment listed at the top of the form. Baylor will pick up all registration forms the day before your event. The health screening will include:

Lab work: Complete Blood Count, Chemistry Panel (electrolytes, kidney function, liver function, and blood glucose), Lipid Panel (Total Cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and Triglycerides), Thyroid Function (TSH), Hemoglobin A1c

Height, weight, and calculated BMI Waist circumference Blood pressure and pulse


20 WAIP 8-28-15

Health Guide that explains the results Individualized review of your results mailed to your home within 2 weeks of your


*If your health screening and flu shot clinic is on the same day and staff want to receive a flu shot only they do not need to register online. They need to complete the Wellness Registration form and bring it to the event along with their driver’s license and insurance card. If they want to receive a health screening and a flu shot or just a health screening they need to register online* Cost: The health screening and flu shot will be run through the medical plan as a preventive claim. TRS ActiveCare covers preventive care at 100% from in network providers. If you have staff with another insurance provider, they need to check with their insurance provider to determine their coverage for preventive care and network providers Posters have been distributed to all district locations and employees will be notified via email as well. Please help to promote these events as they provide a great benefit to all GISD staff. Materials will be available in Spanish. I will send those out as soon as I receive them from Baylor. Please contact me with any questions: [email protected] 972-487-3164

21 WAIP 8-28-15

Cost: The flu shot will be billed through your insurance plan. TRS ActiveCare plans cover preventive immunizations at 100%

from in network providers. If you do not have a TRS ActiveCare plan please check with your insurance company to

determine your coverage for preventive immunizations.

Day of the event: Information will be sent out and posted at your location regarding the specific time of the flu shot clinic at

your location. No appointment is required to receive a flu shot. A registration form, that will be provided, will need to be

completed and your driver’s license and insurance card is required to receive a flu shot.

Contact: Please contact Liz Kiertscher, Coordinator of Employee Wellness and Nutrition, for questions or more information.

[email protected] 972-487-3164

Family Events 3p-5:30p

September 23: North Garland HS September 30: South Garland HS

Bring your family members to receive flu shots. Children must be 9 years of age or older. Any child ages 3-8 years may

receive a flu shot only if they have received one the prior year with no complications.

September 8

Beaver Technology

Bradfield Elementary

Bullock Elementary

Davis Elementary

Hickman Elementary

Lister Elementary

Northlake Elementary

September 9

Caldwell Elementary

Centerville Elementary

Daugherty Elementary

Hillside Academy

Kimberlin Academy

Memorial Pathway Academy

Roach Elementary

Southgate Elementary

Weaver Elementary

September 10

Dorsey Elementary

Heather Glen Elementary

Liberty Grove Elementary

Montclair Elementary

O’Banion Elementary

Park Crest Elementary

Sam Houston Middle School

Stephens Elementary

Williams Elementary

September 11

Ethridge Elementary Freeman Elementary Garland High School North Garland High School Parsons’ Pre-K Pathfinder Achievement Center PDC Student Services Building Technology Building

September 14

Back Elementary

Cisneros Pre-K

Coyle Middle School

Herfurth Elementary

Keeley Elementary

Pearson Elementary

Rowlett High School

Schrade Middle School

Steadham Elementary

September 15

Abbett Elementary

Armstrong Elementary

Hudson Middle School

Luna Elementary

Naaman Forest High School

Sachse High School

Sewell Elementary

Spring Creek Elementary

Webb Middle School

September 16

Brandenburg Middle School

Couch Elementary

Handley Elementary

Harris Hill

Jackson Middle School

Club Hill Elementary

Lakeview Centennial High School

Lyles Middle School

South Garland High School

September 17

Alternative Education Center

Austin Academy

Bussey Middle School

Cooper Elementary

Golden Meadows Elementary

Padgett Building

Sellers Middle School

Shorehaven Elementary

Watson MST

September 21

Carver Elementary

Rowlett Elementary

Shugart Elementary

Toler Elementary

Vial Elementary

Walnut Glen

Employee Flu Shot Clinic Schedule

Employee Flu

Shot Clinic


Baylor Garland will be coming onsite to the locations listed below to provide

flu shots for Garland ISD employees on the following dates:

22 WAIP 8-28-15

Costo: La vacuna contra la gripe se facturará a través de su plan de seguro. Los planes de TRS ActiveCare cubren las vacunas preventivas al 100% administradas por proveedores dentro de la red. Si no tiene un plan de TRS ActiveCare

consulte con su compañía de seguros para determinar su cobertura para las vacunas preventivas.

Día del evento: Se enviará y publicará información en su ubicación sobre el horario de las vacunaciones contra la gripe en su ubicación. No se requiere cita para recibir la vacuna contra la gripe. Un formulario de inscripción, que se

proporcionará, deberá completarse y se requerirá la licencia de conductor y la tarjeta del seguro para recibir la vacuna contra la gripe.

Contacto: Comuníquese con Liz Kiertscher, Coordinadora de Bienestar y Nutrición de los Empleados, para preguntas o más información. [email protected] 972-487-3164

Eventos para la familia 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

23 de septiembre: North Garland HS 30 de septiembre: South Garland HS

Traiga a sus familiares para que reciban vacunas contra la gripe. Los niños deben tener 9 años de edad o más. Cualquier

niño de 3-8 años de edad puede recibir una vacuna contra la gripe solamente si recibió una el año anterior sin


8 de septiembre

Beaver Technology

Bradfield Elementary

Bullock Elementary

Davis Elementary

Hickman Elementary

Lister Elementary

Northlake Elementary

9 de septiembre

Caldwell Elementary

Centerville Elementary

Daugherty Elementary

Hillside Academy

Kimberlin Academy

Memorial Pathway Academy

Roach Elementary

Southgate Elementary

Weaver Elementary

10 de septiembre

Dorsey Elementary

Heather Glen Elementary

Liberty Grove Elementary

Montclair Elementary

O’Banion Elementary

Park Crest Elementary

Sam Houston Middle School

Stephens Elementary

Williams Elementary

11 de septiembre

Ethridge Elementary Freeman Elementary Garland High School North Garland High School Parsons’ Pre-K Pathfinder Achievement Center PDC Student Services Building Technology Building

14 de septiembre

Back Elementary

Cisneros Pre-K

Coyle Middle School

Herfurth Elementary

Keeley Elementary

Pearson Elementary

Rowlett High School

Schrade Middle School

Steadham Elementary

15 de septiembre

Abbett Elementary

Armstrong Elementary

Hudson Middle School

Luna Elementary

Naaman Forest High School

Sachse High School

Sewell Elementary

Spring Creek Elementary

Webb Middle School

16 de septiembre

Brandenburg Middle School

Couch Elementary

Handley Elementary

Harris Hill

Jackson Middle School

Club Hill Elementary

Lakeview Centennial High School

Lyles Middle School

South Garland High School

17 de septiembre

Alternative Education Center

Austin Academy

Bussey Middle School

Cooper Elementary

Golden Meadows Elementary

Padgett Building

Sellers Middle School

Shorehaven Elementary

Watson MST

21 de septiembre

Carver Elementary

Rowlett Elementary

Shugart Elementary

Toler Elementary

Vial Elementary

Walnut Glen

Calendario de vacunación contra la gripe para los empleados


Flu Shot



Baylor Garland acudirá a las ubicaciones indicadas a continuación para administrar

vacunas contra la gripe a los empleados de Garland ISD en las siguientes fechas:

23 WAIP 8-28-15

Baylor Medical Center at Garland brings health and wellness screenings to

Garland Independent School District’s employees at their work site.

Please note, this health screening is fully covered by TRS ActiveCare under the annual preventative benefit. If you have already completed your annual preventative

health screening with your personal physician for this insurance year, a charge will be incurred. If you are covered by other insurance this health screening may be

covered based on your coverage plan.


Blood test: Lipid Panel, Chemistry Panel, Complete Blood Count, thyroid function (TSH), blood glucose level, and a diabetes marker (Hemoglobin A1C). Your blood test

results will be reviewed by a health care provider, and personalized recommendations made.

Screenings: Blood pressure, pulse, height, weight, calculated BMI, and waist circumference.

You will receive: Two copies of your lab results with an accompanying interpretation form, along with a personal Health Guide with detailed instructions on how to improve

your numbers.

Sept 9 – Southgate Elem

Sept 10 – Montclair Elem

Oct 5 – Stephens Elem

Oct 6 – Bradfield Elem

Oct 14 – Dorsey Elem

Oct 15 – Armstrong Elem

Oct 16- Sewell Elem

Oct 20 – Ethridge Elem

Oct 22 – Hillside Academy

Oct 28 – Freeman Elem

Oct 29 – Lister Elem

Nov 2 – Shorehaven Elem

Nov 3 – Hickman Elem

Nov 4 – Cooper Elem

Nov 10 – Toler Elem

Nov 13 – Pearson Elem

Nov 18 – Weaver Elem

Nov 19 – Williams Elem

Dec 2 – Golden Meadows Elem

Dec 3 – Caldwell Elem

Dec 9 – Heather Glen Elem

Dec 14 – Beaver Elem

Dec 16 – Bullock Elem

Jan 8 – Park Crest Elem

Jan 11 – Kimberlin Academy

Jan 12 – Keeley Elem

Jan 13 – Vial Elem

Jan 20 – Daugherty Elem

Jan 21 – Club Hill Elem

Jan 28 – Centerville Elem

Jan 29 – Couch Elem

Mar 2 – Davis Elem

Mar 3 – Abbett Elem

Mar 15 – Liberty Grove Elem

Mar 16 – Shugart Elem

Mar 17 – Rowlett Elem

Mar 23 – Carver Elem

Apr 4 – Steadham Elem

Apr 7 – Roach Elem

Apr 8 – Handley Elem

Apr 12 – Watson MST

Apr 14 – Herfurth Elem

Apr 19 – Northlake Elem

Apr 21 – Luna Elem

Apr 27 – Back Elem

May 3 – Walnut Glen

May 4 – Spring Creek Elem

** dates subject to change

24 WAIP 8-28-15

Baylor Medical Center at Garland brings health and wellness screenings to

Garland Independent School District’s employees at their work site.

Please note, this health screening is fully covered by TRS ActiveCare under the annual preventative benefit. If you have already completed your annual preventative

health screening with your personal physician for this insurance year, a charge will be incurred. If you are covered by other insurance this health screening may be

covered based on your coverage plan.


Blood test: Lipid Panel, Chemistry Panel, Complete Blood Count, thyroid function (TSH), blood glucose level, and a diabetes marker (Hemoglobin A1C). Your blood test

results will be reviewed by a health care provider, and personalized recommendations made.

Screenings: Blood pressure, pulse, height, weight, calculated BMI, and waist circumference.

You will receive: Two copies of your lab results with an accompanying interpretation form, along with a personal Health Guide with detailed instructions on how to improve

your numbers.

Sept 11 – Parson’s Pre-K

Sept 15 – Naaman Forest HS

Sept 17 – Alternative Education

Oct 7 – Professional Development Center

Oct 8 – Jackson Math & Science Tech

Oct 13 – Memorial Pathway

Oct 21 – North Garland HS

Oct 27 – Sellers MS

Nov 5 – Cisneros Pre-K

Nov 11 – Technology Center (Print Shop, Technology,


Nov 12 – Rowlett HS

Nov 17 – Padgett Center

Nov 20 – South Garland HS

Dec 8 – Student Services & Tax Office

Dec 10 – O’Banion MS

Dec 15 – Harris Hill Admin

Jan 7 – Sachse HS

Jan 22 – Austin Academy

Jan 26 – Lyles MS

Jan 27 – Schrade MS

Mar 1 – Hudson MS

Mar 22 – Pathfinder Academy

Mar 24 – Garland HS

Apr 5 – Coyle MS

Apr 6 – Bussey MS

Apr 13 – Classical Center at Brandenburg

Apr 20 – Lakeview Centennial

Apr 22 – Sam Hosuton MS

May 2 – Webb MS

** dates subject to change 25 WAIP 8-28-15

SSN: Núm. de Seg. Soc.:

Gender: M or F: Sexo: M o F:

DOB: Fecha de Nac.:

Marital Status: Estado Civil:

Street Address:


City: State: Zip: Ciudad: Estado: Código Postal:

Prim Phone#: Teléfono Prim.

Preferred Language: Idioma preferido:

Race: Raza:

Ethnicity: Hispanic Origin or Non-Hispanic Etnicidad: Origin hispano o no hispano

Name: Nombre:

Relationship to Patient: Relación con el paciente:

Street: Calle:

Emerg Contact Phone#: Núm. de tel. del contacto de emergencia:

City: State: Zip: Ciudad: Estado: Cód. Postal:

Emerg Contact 2nd Phone#: 2ndo núm. de tel. del contacto de emergencia:

Name of Insured: DOB: Nombre del asegurado: Fecha de nac.:

Phone: Teléfono:


Patient Demographics Datos demográficos del paciente

Patient Name (Last, First, Middle): Nombre del

paciente (Apellido, Primer Nombre, Segundo Nombre)

Religion: Religión:

Email Address (Required) : Correo

electrónico (Requerido):

Family Physician (PCP) Médico Familiar (PCP)



Employer Information Información del Empleador

Patient's Employer: Empleador

del paciente:

Employer Address: Dirección del empleador:

City: State: Zip: Ciudad: Estado: Código Postal:

Occupation: Oficio:

Employment Status: Estado

de empleo:

Insurance Information Información del Seguro Médico

Primary Insurance Co: Cía. de seguro médico primario:

Insurance PH No: Núm. de tel. del seguro:



Policy#: Núm. de la póliza:

Group#: Núm. del grupo:

Group Name: Nombre del grupo:

Emergency Contact Information Información del contacto de emergencia

26 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Principals FROM: Caren Rodriguez, Communications RE: Council PTA meeting _______________________________________________________________________ Welcome back, Kick-start 2015-16 by connecting with those who volunteer their time and energy to student success. Please join Council PTA at its first general meeting of the year at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 2, in the Garland/Rowlett room at Harris Hill. Superintendent Bob Morrison, Garland Mayor Doug Athas, Rowlett Mayor Todd Gottel and Sachse Mayor Mike Felix are scheduled to speak. Thank you for supporting the PTA and PTSA units in our schools. We hope to see you there.


27 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Campus Principals FROM: Lisa Cox, Garland ISD Education Foundation RE: Salute to Business and Education Luncheon ____________________________________________________________________ As part of a unique partnership event, the Garland, Rowlett and Sachse Chambers of Commerce are jointly hosting the Garland ISD Education Foundation’s Salute to Business and Education Luncheon on Sept. 28 from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The luncheon will be held at The Atrium at the Granville Arts Center. In addition to Dr. Morrison’s annual State of the District address, the program will recognize 2014-15 Teachers of the Year from each of GISD’s 71 campuses, 2014-15 District Teachers of the Year and corporate Foundation supporters. Each campus principal and 2014-15 Teacher of the Year is invited to attend the luncheon. The meal cost for the principal and teacher will be sponsored by the Division of Communications and Public Relations or a community partner. Please RSVP to Becki Collins at [email protected] by Monday, Sept. 21. If you have questions, please contact me at 972-487-3253 or [email protected].

Action Required

28 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Principals/Department Heads FROM: Lisa Cox, Garland ISD Education Foundation RE: New grant categories for GISD Education Foundation ____________________________________________________________________ The Garland ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors voted on Aug. 19 to establish a new grant structure beginning with the 2015-16 school year. Attached is the new structure. The Foundation will no longer fund grants through Donors Choose. Please share this with your staff.


29 WAIP 8-28-15

Grant Structure 2015‐16 


Teacher and Classroom Grant  

Teachers may apply for these classroom funds for their classrooms to improve and enrich the learning experience of GISD students. 

$500 maximum request per application 

Fall Application Deadline: Nov. 2, 2015 

Fall Grants Awarded: Dec. 2‐3, 2015   Grade and Department Grant 

Entire grade levels and departments may apply for these funds to improve and enrich the learning experience of GISD students. 

$1,500 maximum request per application 

Fall Application Deadline: Nov. 2, 2015 

Fall Grants Awarded: Dec. 2‐3, 2015   Campus and District Grant 

Campuses and district admintration may apply for these funds to improve and enrich the learning experience of GISD students. 

$2,500  maximum per application.  

Fall Application Deadline: Nov. 2, 2015 

Fall Grants Awarded: Dec. 2‐3, 2015  Innovation, Growth and Imagination Grant 

Campus and district administration may apply for the Innovation, Growth and Imagination Grant to improve and enrich the learning experience of GISD students 

$10,000 maximum request per application 

Contact the Foundation for information and procedures to apply for this grant 

30 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Principals and Assistant Principals FROM: Ramona Morin Aguilar, Ed. D. Director of Family and Community Engagement RE: Campus Volunteer Website _______________________________________________________________________ Jasmine Preston, Coordinator of Web Services, has created a volunteer webpage on each campus website. All webmasters were notified that this page was created and they were asked to add campus volunteer information. They were asked to add details so that site visitors know how they can help and who prospective volunteers may contact at your campus for more information. The volunteer link is now on the main menu of your campus website. Please take time to review your campus volunteer webpage to ensure that it includes all campus volunteer opportunities and partnerships currently available. The campus volunteer websites may include information about the following:

Volunteer opportunities Mentoring and internship opportunities Organizations or committees available Service projects available Donation of goods that are needed Partnering with your school

When the department of Family and Community Engagement is contacted by community and business members who are interested in finding a campus to partner with, we will use your campus volunteer site as a resource to assist our community members.

Action Required

31 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Campus Administrators FROM: Dr. Butch Sloan, Chief Instructional Technology Administrator RE: Documentation of Extended Day Classes in Skyward _______________________________________________________________________

In order for the Transportation staff to route eligible students participating in Extended Day classes before school, after school, or on Saturdays, all campuses are being asked to create special classes in Skyward. The two pages attached to this memo were distributed to campus secretaries attending the Business Office budget trainings on August 13 and 14, 2015.

Note that many of the guidelines regarding the timelines and costs associated with bus transportation for Extended Day have not changed, but the method for identifying the students has changed significantly as we move from MAPPER to Skyward.

Campuses interested in requesting bus transportation for Extended Day classes will need to identify an appropriate staff person to receive training on creating Extended Day classes and enrolling students in these Extended Day classes in Skyward. Secondary campuses would want to identify a counselor for this role. Elementary campuses would want to identify the campus Data Clerk or the Assistant Principal for this role. Skyward users already familiar with the scheduling process in Skyward will quickly pick up this new structure for these Extended Day classes, but training classes for Extended Day will be scheduled as needed throughout the school year. Campus staff members needing that training are asked to contact [email protected] to schedule a training session.

Note that a campus must have the Extended Day class created and students enrolled at least 10 school days prior to the date of the first Extended Day class. The first date that campuses can request Extended Day buses is Monday, September 28, 2015.

Action Required

32 WAIP 8-28-15

Transportation for Extended Day and Saturday Classes 

1. GISD bus transportation for extended day and Saturday classes will not be available until Monday, September 

28, 2015.  Please call the Transportation office at 972‐494‐8530 (option 2) to advise the route supervisor of your 

plans for extended day or Saturday classes. 

2. Most extended day drivers cannot arrive at your campus prior to 5:00 pm due to their regular routes. 

3. There should be no extended day classes scheduled on Fridays or on early release days. 

4. Extended day class transportation cost for 5:00 pm dismissal is $60.00 per bus and $90.00 per bus for a 6:00 pm 

dismissal.  Saturday class transportation cost is $40.00 per hour with a 5 hour minimum. 

5. If you need to cancel extended day or Saturday classes, please notify the Transportation office prior to 3:00 pm 

of the extended day class (or Friday before a Saturday class) or the campus will be billed for a cancellation fee. 

6. Students participating in extended day or Saturday classes will need to be enrolled in special classes in Skyward 

at least ten (10) school days prior to the start date of these classes in order that the Transportation staff can 

determine each student’s eligibility for bus transportation and recruit drivers for the routes.  Once the students 

are routed, you will be able to print a list of students by bus number. 

7. To enroll students in an extended day class, the first step will be to identify the specific course key starting with 

the letter X for the class based on the following chart: 



TERM Grading Cycle 

TERM Start Week 

Number of 


  Day(s) of Week 

  Source of Funding 

1  1  1  M – Monday only  1 – Title I  

2  2  2  T – Tuesday only  2 – Local Campus  

3  3  3  W – Wednesday only   3 – State Comp  

4  4  4  R – Thursday only  4 – Academy  

5  5  5  S – Saturday only   5 – Fine Arts 

6  6  6  1 – Monday & Tuesday  6 – ESL  

  7  7  2 – Tuesday & Wednesday  7 ‐  

    8  3 – Wednesday & Thursday  8 ‐  

    9  4 – Monday & Wednesday   

    T (10)  5 – Tuesday & Thursday         U (11)  6 – Monday & Thursday   EXAMPLES 

Course  Course Title  Description X216M4 XD T2 MON AC Classes on Mondays for 6 weeks starting week 1 of term 2 supported by Academy 

funding X311S1 XD T3 SAT T1 Classes on Saturday for 1 week starting week 1 of term 3 supported by Title I funding X45T53 XD T4 T-R SC Classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 10 weeks starting week 5 of term 4 supported 

by State Comp funding X46UW2 XD T4 WED LC Classes on Wednesdays for 11 weeks starting week 6 of term 4 supported by Local 

Campus funding 


8. In addition to the six‐character course key, staff at each campus can assign a 3‐character “Section Code” for each 

extended day or Saturday class.  This 3‐character section code can be any combination of letters and numbers, 

and can, therefore, be used to identify the purpose of the class.  Training and documentation will be made 

available to campuses to support the creation of these classes in Skyward. 

9. Please feel free to call the Transportation Department at 972‐494‐8530 (option 2) or the Technology 

Department (Student Information Systems) at 972‐494‐8531, if you have any questions. 33 WAIP 8-28-15

Extended Day Calendar 2015‐2016

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Term 1 Week 1 8/24/2015 8/25/2015 8/26/2015 8/27/2015 8/28/2015 8/29/2015

Term 1 Week 2 8/31/2015 9/1/2015 9/2/2015 9/3/2015 9/4/2015 9/5/2015

Term 1 Week 3 9/7/2015 9/8/2015 9/9/2015 9/10/2015 9/11/2015 9/12/2015

Term 1 Week 4 9/14/2015 9/15/2015 9/16/2015 9/17/2015 9/18/2015 9/19/2015

Term 1 Week 5 9/21/2015 9/22/2015 9/23/2015 9/24/2015 9/25/2015 9/26/2015

Term 1 Week 6 9/28/2015 9/29/2015 9/30/2015 10/1/2015 10/2/2015 10/3/2015

Term 2 Week 1 10/5/2015 10/6/2015 10/7/2015 10/8/2015 10/9/2015 10/10/2015

Term 2 Week 2 10/12/2015 10/13/2015 10/14/2015 10/15/2015 10/16/2015 10/17/2015

Term 2 Week 3 10/19/2015 10/20/2015 10/21/2015 10/22/2015 10/23/2015 10/24/2015

Term 2 Week 4 10/26/2015 10/27/2015 10/28/2015 10/29/2015 10/30/2015 10/31/2015

Term 2 Week 5 11/2/2015 11/3/2015 11/4/2015 11/5/2015 11/6/2015 11/7/2015

Term 3 Week 1 11/9/2015 11/10/2015 11/11/2015 11/12/2015 11/13/2015 11/14/2015

Term 3 Week 2 11/16/2015 11/17/2015 11/18/2015 11/19/2015 11/20/2015 11/21/2015

11/23/2015 11/24/2015 11/25/2015 11/26/2015 11/27/2015 11/28/2015

Term 3 Week 3 11/30/2015 12/1/2015 12/2/2015 12/3/2015 12/4/2015 12/5/2015

Term 3 Week 4 12/7/2015 12/8/2015 12/9/2015 12/10/2015 12/11/2015 12/12/2015

Term 3 Week 5 12/14/2015 12/15/2015 12/16/2015 12/17/2015 12/18/2015 12/19/2015

12/21/2015 12/22/2015 12/23/2015 12/24/2015 12/25/2015 12/26/2015

12/28/2015 12/29/2015 12/30/2015 12/31/2015 1/1/2016 1/2/2016

Term 4 Week 1 1/4/2016 1/5/2016 1/6/2016 1/7/2016 1/8/2016 1/9/2016

Term 4 Week 2 1/11/2016 1/12/2016 1/13/2016 1/14/2016 1/15/2016 1/16/2016

Term 4 Week 3 1/18/2016 1/19/2016 1/20/2016 1/21/2016 1/22/2016 1/23/2016

Term 4 Week 4 1/25/2016 1/26/2016 1/27/2016 1/28/2016 1/29/2016 1/30/2016

Term 4 Week 5 2/1/2016 2/2/2016 2/3/2016 2/4/2016 2/5/2016 2/6/2016

Term 4 Week 6 2/8/2016 2/9/2016 2/10/2016 2/11/2016 2/12/2016 2/13/2016

Term 4 Week 7 2/15/2016 2/16/2016 2/17/2016 2/18/2016 2/19/2016 2/20/2016

Term 5 Week 1 2/22/2016 2/23/2016 2/24/2016 2/25/2016 2/26/2016 2/27/2016

Term 5 Week 2 2/29/2016 3/1/2016 3/2/2016 3/3/2016 3/4/2016 3/5/2016

3/7/2016 3/8/2016 3/9/2016 3/10/2016 3/11/2016 3/12/2016

Term 5 Week 3 3/14/2016 3/15/2016 3/16/2016 3/17/2016 3/18/2016 3/19/2016

Term 5 Week 4 3/21/2016 3/22/2016 3/23/2016 3/24/2016 3/25/2016 3/26/2016

Term 5 Week 5 3/28/2016 3/29/2016 3/30/2016 3/31/2016 4/1/2016 4/2/2016

Term 5 Week 6 4/4/2016 4/5/2016 4/6/2016 4/7/2016 4/8/2016 4/9/2016

Term 5 Week 7 4/11/2016 4/12/2016 4/13/2016 4/14/2016 4/15/2016 4/16/2016

Term 6 Week 1 4/18/2016 4/19/2016 4/20/2016 4/21/2016 4/22/2016 4/23/2016

Term 6 Week 2 4/25/2016 4/26/2016 4/27/2016 4/28/2016 4/29/2016 4/30/2016

Term 6 Week 3 5/2/2016 5/3/2016 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 5/6/2016 5/7/2016

Term 6 Week 4 5/9/2016 5/10/2016 5/11/2016 5/12/2016 5/13/2016 5/14/2016

Term 6 Week 5 5/16/2016 5/17/2016 5/18/2016 5/19/2016 5/20/2016 5/21/2016

Term 6 Week 6 5/23/2016 5/24/2016 5/25/2016 5/26/2016 5/27/2016 5/28/2016

Term 6 Week 7 5/30/2016 5/31/2016 6/1/2016 6/2/2016 6/3/2016 6/4/2016

LEGEND 9/7/2015   No Extended Day classes can be scheduled on this date

8/24/2015   Start Date of Term 6/3/2016  End Date of Term

Multi‐week classes will not be scheduled during weeks when the class day is not a school day.

34 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Campus Administrators FROM: Dr. Butch Sloan, Chief Instructional Technology Administrator RE: Skyward Distribution and Grade Reporting Deadlines for 15-16 _______________________________________________________________________

1. Every Skyward user has a home page displayed when the user logs in for the first time each day (or clicks on the Home button). A new “widget” called District News is now set to display by default for all staff, whether logging in to Student Management as an admin user…

or to Educator Access Plus as a classroom teacher.


35 WAIP 8-28-15

2. The postings under the District News widget will display the teacher gradebook

deadlines for Progress Notices and Report Cards for the current grading cycle. 3. The postings under the District News widget will be updated for each grading cycle

as we move through the school year. 4. The hyperlink titled “Distribution/Posting Dates for Skyward Family Access” will

open a new browser window to display the page on the district’s public website containing the dates when Progress Notices and Report Cards will be distributed to students (or mailed for secondary students at the end of cycles 1 and 6). Note that these dates also represent the dates when the Progress Notices and Report Cards will be posted online in the students’ Portfolios so that students and parent/guardians can access them online through Skyward Family Access.

5. If events (bad weather closures, etc.) warrant any changes in these deadlines as we move through the school year, the online postings will be modified to display the updated information.

36 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Campus Administration FROM: Dr. Brooks Knight, District Coordinator Laurie Vondersaar, Technology Bond Manager RE: Content Filter _______________________________________________________________________ Please see below the directions on the following page to log in as a teacher, and override the content filter in the event that you are blocked from a particular site, such as YouTube. If the instructions below do not solve your access issue, please contact your Campus Technology Professional (CTA/CTS). These instructions can be found on the intranet at: http://home/Web_Filter_Bypass.pdf


37 WAIP 8-28-15

38 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Campus Administration FROM: Laurie Vondersaar, Technology Bond Manager RE: Email Distribution Lists _______________________________________________________________________ The following email distribution lists are now available in Outlook for district staff. Membership in the lists will be updated automatically based on staff information in Oracle. The email addresses are located in the global Outlook address book and can be found by searching on the group name.

Group Email Address

All Elementary Principals [email protected]

All Elementary Assistant Principals [email protected]

All Middle School Principals [email protected]

All Middle School Assistant Principals [email protected]

All High School Principals [email protected]

All High School Assistant Principals [email protected]

All Principals [email protected]

All Assistant Principals [email protected]

All Nurses [email protected]

All Counselors [email protected]

All GISD Teachers [email protected]

All GISD Professionals [email protected]

All GISD Paraprofessionals [email protected]


39 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Principals and GISD Departments FROM: Department of Student Services and School Choice RE: GISD Non-Residential Employees Please advise all full-time employees, if they currently live outside the district and have a child/children who attend a G.I.S.D. school, they are required to complete and submit the “Interdistrict Non-Residential Employee Transfer” form to the Department of Student Services and School Choice, if they have not already done so. Should an employee move throughout the school year or has already moved (ex: over the summer) to a residence outside of the district and would like their child/children to remain in G.I.S.D., the form must be completed accordingly. This will not alter where their child/children currently attend school, but such information must be documented as required by TEA. Again, employees that already have the paperwork filed with the district do not need to re-submit. This only applies to employees who have not filed the necessary interdistrict transfer form. The “Interdistrict Non-Residential Employee Transfer” form can be accessed through the intranet at http://home.garlandisd.net/SP1016-fillable_english.pdf. For additional questions or concerns, please contact the Department of Student Services and School Choice at 972-494-8255.

Action Required

40 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Administrators, Clerks FROM: Student Services: Attendance RE: Attendance Awareness Month _______________________________________________________________________ Attendance Awareness Month begins on September 1, 2015. We are using this occasion to collect the required attendance agreements referred to in the Texas Education Code. Please help us disseminate the information to our students and parents. Attendance Agreement Campuses will receive copies of the Attendance Agreement for every student on or before Monday August 31, 2015 from the Print Shop. The agreements are to be sent home with students September 1, returned to and housed in a central location on the campus. A Skylert message will be sent to parents concerning the need to read, sign, and return agreements to the campus with their student. Education Code 25.095 requires notice be sent to parents at the beginning of the school year concerning attendance expectations and the possibility of prosecution and referral to truancy court. Attendance Posters As a part of Attendance Awareness Month we are asking campuses to publically exhibit posters about Attendance Expectations and Benefits. The posters will be sent to campuses. House Bill 2398 requires that school districts adopt truancy prevention measures. Public posted expectations and norms are considered a prevention measure. www.attendanceworks.org has supplemental ideas and supports for truancy prevention.

Action Required

41 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Campus Administrators FROM: Department of Student Services and School Choice RE: Student Code of Conduct & Handbook Hardcopy Requests Please be advised, beginning September 8th each campus may submit the total number of 15-16 Student Code of Conduct & Handbook hardcopies requested for their campus to Student Services. Requests will not be taken prior to September 8th. Please submit the exact number of hardcopies requested to Liza Crowe in Student Services at [email protected], no later than 4:30 pm on September 10, 2015. Student Services will ensure each campus receives extra copies, so again, only submit the exact number of hardcopies requested, as indicated on the student’s “Electronic Distribution Acknowledgement” forms. For additional information or concerns, please contact Liza Crowe at 972-487-4369 or [email protected]. Thank you!

Action Required

42 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Campus Principals, Campus 504 Coordinators, and Campus Data Clerks FROM: Wendy Brower, Student Services Coordinator RE: Section 504 for Campus Coordinators and Data Clerks _______________________________________________________________________ The comprehensive Section 504 training scheduled for Thursday, September 3, 2015, will be rescheduled. New training dates will be available in next week’s WAIP.


43 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Principals, Assistant Principals, Area Directors FROM: Jasmine Preston, Coordinator of Web Services RE: CoolClix 2015-16 _______________________________________________________________________ Campus website CoolClix challenges are underway. We will announce the first winners of the year at the September 10 Team GISD meeting. We will begin reviewing the sites on Thursday, September 3. The August/September CoolClix Challenge topic is Attendance Matters. For this challenge we want to see that all the traditional back to school information is updated on your site so that parents and kids can start off on the right foot. It’s also Attendance Awareness Month so we want parents to know the benefits of regular attendance. We want students to feel welcomed and encouraged to attend. Before a site can earn recognition for their creative efforts on the challenge topic, it must meet our standards for content and formatting. Out-of-date or inaccurate content and non-standard use of headings, links and related formatting are just a few of the ways a site could get knocked out of the running. If your site makes it past the first cut, then it’s just a matter of who we believe has the most creative responses to the challenge. Participation in at least one of the monthly challenges is encouraged but not required. See the attached list of challenge topics for the year to see which themes fit best with your campus goals. Winning webmasters and their principals will be recognized at our annual CoolClix Luncheon in May. Please be sure to encourage all of your staff to assist webmasters in the challenges by providing information, ideas, photos, etc. Showcasing the success of your students and staff takes teamwork and the “coolest” sites reflect that. Thanks for all you do to support the campus websites and your webmasters.


44 WAIP 8-28-15

Tell your stories · Tell your stories · Tell your stories · Tell your stories · Tell your stories · Tell your stories

CoolClix Challenges 2015-2016

Challenge Month Challenge Topic See below table for information about each topic

Tentative Recognition Dates Judging begins 4-5 work days before each date

August/September Attendance Matters September 10

October Volunteer Insider October 15

November Parents Corner November 12

December Wrap it up, make it pretty December 10

January/February Showcase your school February 11

March Academic report March 17

April Spotlight on the arts April 14

May Best sites of the year May 19

Attendance Matters: Important to think of this two ways. 1st – Taking care of matters related to attending school. This

means updating all of the traditional back to school information. What do parents and students need to know so the

kids start off on the right foot? 2nd – Attending school is important. We want students to feel welcomed and encouraged

to attend. We want parents to know the benefits of regular attendance. September is Attendance Awareness Month.

Volunteer Insider: While related content is good throughout the site, the main focus will be on your Volunteer page.

Help potential volunteers be “in the know” about how they can contribute to your school. Specific needs and contact

information along with creative ways to recognize and encourage volunteers are all important items to include.

Parents Corner: While related content is good throughout the site, the main focus will be on your Parents page.

Recognize and encourage parental involvement. Highlight Skyward’s Family Access. Provide resources and information

to keep your parents connected and more able to support their student’s success.

Wrap it up, make it pretty: We won’t be looking for any specific content but instead want to see your sites cleaned up

and ready for the new semester. Formatting issues should be resolved by this point. Holiday content is fine but evidence

of preparing for the new year/semester should be present.

Showcase your school: Looking for creative storytelling about what makes your school special. Feature stories, images,

videos, etc. can all be used to highlight your school’s personality and programs in time for Choice of School.

Academic report: While related content is good throughout the site, the main focus will be on your Academics page.

Highlight engaging classroom lessons, quality teaching, instructional resources. STEM, reading – any subject area works.

Spotlight on the arts: While related content is good throughout the site, the main focus will be on your Arts page.

Showcase your fine arts programs. Share feature stories of students and their creative activities.

Best sites of the year: Current state of site is combined with performance on challenges throughout the year.

To make the first cut or “short list” each month, your site must not contain any formatting errors, out-of-date or

missing content. Missing permission documentation or other issues can also “disqualify” you.

Each month, sites on the “short list” will be revisited to find those that stand out from the crowd.

“Short-list”, honorable mentions, and winners for each month earn points that are used in determining Best

Sites of the Year.

45 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: All Campus Administrators Area Directors

FROM: Mida Milligan, Ed.D., Director of Curriculum and Instruction

RE: Local Assessment Calendars for 2015-16 School Year _______________________________________________________________________

The local assessment calendars for unit and semester assessments for the 2015-2016 school year are available on the Curriculum and Instruction intranet page at http://home.garlandisd.net/Curriculum-and-Instruction and are also attached here for your convenience. Teachers have dates for all assessments in the district curriculum through blueprints and pacing calendars.

Please note that keys will be uploaded once the window for the assessment is open. Assessments can continue to be scanned after the window closes.

All unit assessments will be uploaded into the blueprints so that teachers have access at the beginning of each unit to ensure that they can plan with the end in mind.

If you need any assistance of have any questions, please contact me at 972.487.3197 or email me at [email protected].


46 WAIP 8-28-15


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First day of school

2015-2016 Elementary Assessment Calendar

Student Holidays Last day of school

Sept. 23- 29 MA_01_UA01

Sept. 23- 29 MA_04_UA02

Sept. 25-Oct. 1 SC_04_UA01

Sept. 30-Oct. 6 SC_05_UA01

Sept. 30-Oct. 6 MA_05_UA02

Oct. 1-7 RE_03_UA01

Oct. 1-7 RE_04_UA01 Oct. 1-7 RE_05_UA01 Oct. 1-7 WR_03_UA01 Oct. 1-7 WR_04_UA01 Oct. 1-7 WR_05_UA01

Oct. 1- 7 SC_02_UA01

Oct. 2- 8 SC_01_UA01

Oct. 2- 8 MA_03_UA02Oct. 19-30 SS_05_UA01 Oct. 21- 27 MA_02_UA03Oct. 21- 27 MA_04_UA03

Oct. 21- 27 MA_05_UA03

Oct. 23-29 SC_03_UA01

Oct. 27-Nov. 2 SC_01_UA02

Oct. 29-Nov. 4 SC_05_UA02

Nov. 2-6 RE_03_UA02

Nov. 2-6 RE_04_UA02

Nov. 2-6 RE_05_UA02

Nov. 2-6 WR_03_UA02

Nov. 2-6 WR_04_UA01

Nov. 2-6 WR_05_UA02

Nov. 3- 9 SC_02_UA02

Nov. 3- 9 SC_04_UA02

Nov. 16-20 SC_03_UA02

Nov. 16- 20 MA_01_UA03

Nov. 18-Dec. 1 SC_05_UA03

Nov. 30-Dec. 4 MA_03_UA04

SS_05_SA01 MA_04_SA01

Dec. 14-18 MA_02_UA05

MA_03_SA01 MA_05_SA01SC_01_SA01 SC_02_SA01 SC_03_SA01 SC_04_SA01 SC_05_SA01 RE_03_SA01 RE_04_SA01 RE_05_SA01 WR_03_SA01 WR_04_SA01 WR_05_SA01


Jan. 25-29 SC_05_UA05

Jan. 27-Feb. 2 SC_02_UA04

Feb. 3- 9 MA_02_UA07

Feb. 3- 9 MA_05_UA07

Feb. 3- 9 SC_01_UA04

Feb. 9- 15 SC_04_UA04

Feb. 12- 18 SC_02_UA05

Feb. 16- 22 SC_05_UA06

Feb. 17- 23 MA_01_UA06 Feb. 24-Mar. 1 MA_03_UA07

Feb. 24-Mar. 1 MA_04_UA07

Feb. 24-Mar. 1 MA_05_UA08

Feb. 29-Mar. 4 MA_02_UA09 Feb. 29-Mar. 4 RE_03_UA03

Feb. 29-Mar. 4 RE_04_UA03

Feb. 29-Mar. 4 RE_05_UA03

Feb. 29-Mar. 4 WR_03_UA03

Feb. 29-Mar. 4 WR_04_UA03

Feb. 29-Mar. 4 WR_05_UA03

Feb. 29-Mar. 4 SC_02_UA06

Feb. 29-Mar. 4 SC_03_UA05

Mar. 14-18 SC_01_UA05

Mar. 2- 22 SC_05_UA07

Mar. 23- 30 MA_01_UA07

Mar. 29-Apr. 4 SC_02_UA07

Apr. 1-15 SS_05_UA02

Apr. 6- 12 MA_03_UA08

Apr. 6- 12 MA_04_UA08

Apr. 11-15 RE_03_UA04

Apr. 11-15 RE_04_UA04

Apr. 11-15 RE_05_UA04

Apr. 11-15 WR_03_UA04

Apr. 11-15 WR_04_UA04

Apr. 11- 15 WR_05_UA04Apr. 11- 15 SC_01_UA06



Apr. 20-26

Apr. 21-27

Apr. 25- 29 SC_04_UA06

May 4-10 MA_01_UA09 May 6-12 SC_01_UA07


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SC_05_SA02 WR_03_SA02 MA_01_SA01 MA_02_SA01 SS_05_SA02 SC_03_SA02 SC_02_SA02 SC_04_SA02 SC_01_SA02














Semester AssessmentsMay 23-June 3

Semester AssessmentsDec. 14-18

Feb. 5-11

47 WAIP 8-28-15


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First day of school


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2015-2016 Middle School Assessment Calendar


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Student Holidays

Last day of school


Math Science

Social Studies

First Semester

Sept. 2- 9 Sept. 2- 9

Sept. 9-15

Sept. 14- 18 Sept. 14-18

Sept. 21- 25 Sept. 22-25 Sept. 23- 29

Sept. 24- 30 Sept. 25-Oct 1Sept. 28-Oct. 2

Oct. 6-14

Oct. 13-19

Oct. 19-23Oct. 20-26 Oct. 20-26 Oct. 22-28 Oct. 23-29

Oct. 26-30 Oct. 26-30


Sept. 1-8

Sept. 11-17

Sept. 17-23

Sept. 30-Oct 6

MA_08_UA01 MA_06_UA01

SC_07_UA01 SS_08_UA01 SS_06_UA01

MA_07PAP_UA01 SC_06_UA01 SS_07_UA01

MA_07_UA01 SC_08_UA01

ELA_08_UA01 MA_08_UA02

SS_06_UA02 MA_06_UA02

ELA_o6_UA01 MA_06PAP_UA01

SS_08_UA02 SS_07_UA02 SC_07_UA02 SC_08_UA02

ELA_07_UA01 SS_06_UA03


Sept. 8-14


Oct. 23-29

Oct. 8-16 MA_06_UA03 MA_07_UA02 SC_06_UA02

MA_07PAP_UA02 SS_07_UA03

MA_06PAP_UA02 SC_07_UA03

ELA_08_UA02 SC_08_UA03

MA_08_UA04 MA_06_UA04


Sept. 2-9 Sept. 3-10

Sept. 10-16

Sept. 18-24

Sept. 23-29 Sept. 24-30

Sept. 28-Oct. 2


Nov. 5- 11 Nov. 10-17

Nov. 12- 18 Nov. 16-20 Nov. 16- 20

Nov. 16-20

Nov. 18-24

SS_07_UA04 SS_06_UA04 SS_08_UA04

MA_07_UA03 SC_08_UA04

ELA_07_UA02 MA_07PAP_UA03

MA_08_UA05 SC_07_UA04

MA_06_UA05 MA_06PAP_UA03

MA_07_UA04 ELA_06_UA03

SS_07_UA05 SC_06_UA03

SS_06_SA01 SS_07_SA01 SS_08_SA01 MA_06_SA01 MA_07_SA01 MA_07PAP_SA01 MA_08_SA01 MA_06PAP_SA01 SC_06_SA01 ELA_06_SA01 SC_07_SA01 ELA_07_SA01 SC_08_SA01 ELA_08_SA01


Dec. 14-18

Nov. 11-17 Nov. 12-18

Nov 4-10

Nov. 16-20

Nov. 2-6 Nov. 4-10 Nov. 4-10

Nov. 17-30

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Semester Assessments

48 WAIP 8-28-15


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First day of school


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10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

2015-2016 Middle School Assessment Calendar


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Student Holidays

Last day of school


Math Science

Social Studies

Second Semester

N O V E M B E R S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Jan. 8-14 SC_06_UA04a

Jan. 13-19

Jan. 20-26

Jan. 14-21

Jan. 15-22 Jan. 19-22

Jan. 26-Feb 1

SC_08_UA06 MA_07_UA06 MA_08_UA07




SS_07_UA08 MA_GEO_UA04

Jan. 20-26

Jan. 11-15 SS_07_UA07

Jan. 20-26

Jan. 25-29


MA_06PAP_UA04 MA_08_UA08 SC_06_UA04b ELA_06_UA05 ELA_08_UA04

MA_07_UA07 SC_08_UA07

MA_06_UA08 SS_08_UA07 SS_07_UA10 SC_07_UA07 ELA_07_UA04 SS_06_UA06

MA_08_UA09 SC_08_UA08 SC_06_UA05

Feb. 5-11 Feb. 8-12 Feb. 8- 12

Feb. 9- 15

Feb. 16- 22 Feb. 16-22

Feb. 23-29

Feb. 2-8 Feb. 5-11

Feb. 9-15

Feb. 21-25

Feb. 10-16 Feb. 10-16 Feb. 15-19

Feb. 17-23


Feb. 23-Mar. 4

SS_07_UA11 MA_06_UA09 MA_07_UA08 MA_08_UA10 ELA_08_UA05

MA_06PAP_UA05 SS_07_UA12 SS_06_UA07

March 15-18

March 14-18 March 14-18

March 15-21

March 2-15March 2-15

March 18-24 March 28-April 1


April 1-7 April 4-8

April 13-19


April 7-13

April 13-19

April 6-12

April 11-15

April 4-April 8

April 13-20 April 13-20

April 15- 22 April 19-25 April 20-26April 27-May 3 April 26-May 2 April 26-April 29April 29 -May 4

SS_08_UA09 SC_06_UA06

ELA_06_UA06 MA_06_UA10

MA_06PAP_UA06 SS_07_UA13 SS_06_UA08 SS_08_UA10

MA_07_UA09 ELA_07_UA05

SC_07_UA09 SC_08_UA10

MA_06PAP_UA07 MA_06_UA11

SS_07_UA14 ELA_06_UA07


SS_06_SA02 MA_06_SA02 SS_07_SA02 SS_08_SA02 MA_06PAP_SA02 MA_07_SA02 MA_08_SA02 SS_06_SA02 SS_08_SA02 SC_06_SA02 SC_07_SA02 ELA_07_SA02 ELA_08_SA02 SC_08_SA02 ELA_06_SA02

May 3-9 SC_07_UA10May

May 9-13 SS_07_UA15 May 11-17 SS_06_UA09

Semester AssessmentsMay 23-June 3

49 WAIP 8-28-15

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1 4









First day of school

Last day of school

Student Holidays



2015-2016 High School Local Assessment Calendar First Semester


Sept. 9-15

Sep 10-16 Sept. 10-17

Sept. 16 -23Sept. 16-23 Sept. 18-24 Sept. 23-29

Sept. 24-30 Sept. 24-30 Sept. 24-30 Sept. 24-Oct.1

Sept. 28- Oct. 2 Sept. 28- Oct. 2

OctoberOct. 2-8 Oct. 5-13 Oct. 6-15 Oct. 8-19Oct. 8-16Oct. 14-20

Oct.28 -Nov.4



Oct.29-Nov.4 MA_ALG1PAP_UA02 MA_ALG2_UA03Oct. 30-Nov. 5

Oct. 30-Nov. 6 SC_IP_UA03

Oct. 20-26 Oct. 21-27 Oct. 22-29 Oct. 26-30

Sept. 28-Oct. 2










Sept. 24-30

Sept. 10-16Sept. 10-16

NovemberNov. 2-6 Nov. 3-9 Nov. 3-9 Nov. 3-9 Nov. 4-10 Nov. 4-10 Nov. 4-10 Nov. 4-10 Nov. 5-11 Nov. 9-13 Nov. 9-6 Nov. 13-19


Nov. 16-20 Nov. 16-20 Nov.16-30 Nov. 17- Dec. 1



DecemberDec. 4-10 Dec. 7-11 Dec. 8-14




Sept. 9-15Sept. 9-15

Sept. 23-29

Sept. 28-Oct. 2 SS_GOV_UA02Sept. 28-Oct. 2 SS_ECO_UA02

Sept. 9-15

Oct. 15-21 Oct. 19-23





Nov. 16-20 Nov. 16-20 Nov. 16-20







Semester Assessments

50 WAIP 8-28-15

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23 24 25 26 2730

21 22 23 24 2528 29 31

1 4









First day of school

Last day of school

Student Holidays

2015-2016 High School Local Assessment Calendar


Jan.15-25 SC_CH_UA05

Jan. 22-27 SC_PH_UA04Jan. 22-29 SC_IP_UA06

FebruaryFeb. 1-5 Feb. 3-10

Feb. 9-16 Feb. 9-15

Feb. 11-17

Feb. 15-19 Feb. 15-19 Feb. 15-19 Feb. 17-23

Feb. 19-25 Feb. 23-29 Feb. 23-29 Feb. 29-Mar. 4 Feb. 29- Mar.14








MarchMar. 5-22 Mar. 16-22 Mar. 16-22 Mar. 17-23 Mar. 21-24

Mar. 30-Apr. 6




SS_US_UA13 SS_WH_UA12&13


AprilApr. 4-8 Apr. 4-11April 6-12

Apr. 11-15 Apr. 11-15Apr. 12-18 Apr. 13-19 Apr. 13 -20

Apr. 13-20 Apr. 15-22


Apr. 15-25Apr. 15-22 Apr. 20-26Apr. 22-29 SC_IP_UA10

MayMay 4-10 SC_PH_UA08May 5-12 SC_CH_UA10

May 12-19 May 16-20 May 16-20



May 23-June 3




Jan.11-15 SS_WH_UA08

January 20-26 SS_US_UA09January 20-26 SS_GOV_UA01January 20-26 SS_ECO_UA01Jan. 20-26 SS_WG_UA07

Jan. 25-29 SS_WH_UA09

Feb. 10-16

Feb 15-19

Feb. 29-Mar. 4 SS_WG_UA09Feb. 29-Mar. 4 SS_WH_UA11Feb. 29-Mar. 4 SS_US_UA12

February 17-23 February 17-23 February 17-23

February 3-9

April 13-20 April 13-20






May 5-11 SS_GOV_UA05May 5-11 SS_ECO_UA05

May 11-17 May 9-13 SS_WH_UA15

Second Semester

Mar.21-28 Mar. 22-29 Mar. 23-30 Mar. 29-Apr. 5

Semester Assessments

51 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Campus Principals FROM: Dr. Pam Neblett, Coordinator Eboney Forté, Assessment Support Manager Research, Assessment & Accountability RE: MAP Trainings _______________________________________________________________________ Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, all campus administrators and instructors with MAP access will also have proctor access added to their accounts. Proctor access is necessary to create and manage testing sessions in the MAP system.

With that in mind, RAAD will offer four webinars that will cover how to build student test sessions and administer the MAP assessment. Each session is 45 minutes long, and webinar links are located in SCHED. One of these sessions will be recorded and posted to the RAAD intranet site (http://home/RAAD-Measures_of_Academic_Progress).

Date Time Location SCHED Link

Tuesday, September 1 8:00-8:45 a.m. Webinar Click Here Tuesday, September 1 12:00-12:45 p.m. Webinar Click Here Tuesday, September 2 8:00-8:45 a.m. Webinar Click Here Tuesday, September 2 3:00-3:45 p.m. Webinar Click Here

RAAD will also offer two MAP Reports trainings for teachers the week of August 31st. These trainings will focus on accessing and reading MAP reports and are approximately one hour in length. Both sessions will take place at the Technology Center and are therefore limited to 25 participants each. Date Time Location SCHED Link

Tuesday, September 1 4:00-5:00 p.m. Technology Center-Lab 4 Click Here Thursday, September 3 4:00-5:00 p.m. Technology Center-Lab 4 Click Here

Please contact Pam Neblett ([email protected] 972-487-3205) or Eboney Forte ([email protected] 972-487-3209) with any questions.

Action Required

52 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Principals & Campus Testing Coordinators FROM: Courtney Clearfield District Testing Coordinator Research, Assessment, & Accountability Department RE: Mandatory Fall Assessment Training _______________________________________________________________________ This memorandum is to inform of upcoming mandatory assessment training for the fall semester. Please mark your calendars accordingly. In addition to this WAIP, emails containing registration links for Sched will go out to the campus testing coordinators and any designated personnel closer to the event. New Secondary Campus Testing Coordinator Boot Camp September 2—9:00 AM (2 hours) Sachse Room, Harris Hill New High School and Middle School Campus Testing Coordinators http://sched.co/4AS5 New Elementary Campus Testing Coordinator Boot Camp September 4—9:00 AM (2 hours) Garland Room, Harris Hill New Elementary Campus Testing Coordinators http://sched.co/4ASk EOC Roundtable Meeting September 8—9:00 AM (1.5 hours) Sabine Room, Harris Hill High School Campus Testing Coordinators http://sched.co/4ASm

Action Required

53 WAIP 8-28-15

Fall Assessment Training for High School September 25—9:00 AM (2 hours) Sabine Room, Harris Hill High School Campus Testing Coordinators http://gisdprofessionallearning2015.sched.org/event/f7ebaa913c9365427fcd25b0387f3859 Accommodations & ARD Committee Decision Making (choose 1) September 30—9:00 AM (2 hours) Garland/Rowlett Rooms, Harris Hill All CTCs, Special Ed Staff not requiring subs (recommended) http://sched.co/4ASp October 1—9:00 AM (2 hours) Garland/Rowlett Rooms, Harris Hill All CTCs, Special Education Staff not requiring subs (recommended) http://sched.co/4ASr October 2--1:00 PM (2 hours) Garland/Rowlett Rooms, Harris Hill All CTC, Special Ed Staff not requiring subs (recommended) http://sched.co/4ASt December EOC Training for High School November 10—9:00 AM (2 hours) Sabine Room, Harris Hill High School Campus Testing Coordinators http://gisdprofessionallearning2015.sched.org/event/1a46fc432e4964106bf8ac9bc413811e

54 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Principals & Campus Testing Coordinators FROM: Courtney Clearfield District Testing Coordinator Research, Assessment & Accountability RE: Implementation of New Student Assessment Contracts _______________________________________________________________________ The purpose of this WAIP is to provide information about the implementation of the student assessment contracts. AWARD OF 2015–2019 STUDENT ASSESSMENT CONTRACTS

On May 18, 2015, the Texas Education Agency announced its intent to award the various components of the 2015–2019 contract for student assessment services to two separate contractors. Educational Testing Service (ETS) was awarded the Program Integration and State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) components of the contract. The Program Integration component includes coordinating all activities associated with the student assessment program. The STAAR component incorporates all testing activities related to the general STAAR grades 3–8 and end-of-course (EOC) assessments as well as STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, and STAAR A assessments. Pearson was awarded the STAAR Alternate 2, Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS), and Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) components of the contract. As a result of the awards, beginning in the 2015–2016 school year, there will be some changes to the processes associated with the student assessment program as the contractors launch/update their test management and online testing platforms to meet the overall needs of the program.


55 WAIP 8-28-15


The current test management system, the Texas Assessment Management System (TAMS), delivered via PearsonAccess, will remain operational for the STAAR program, as outlined below. Campuses can use TAMS during this time to complete the following activities.

View and retrieve 2015 STAAR grades 3–8 reports and data files with mathematics scale

scores and performance standards applied: Date posted through September 25th.

Look up student scores through TAMS or the Student/Parent Portal: Now through

September 18th.

Retrieve any previous STAAR grades 3–8 and EOC reports and data files: Now through

September 18th.

From September 19th–27th, STAAR grades 3–8 and EOC data will be transferred from Pearson to ETS. During this period of time, districts should not make changes/corrections to student information and test-administration information, and STAAR grades 3–8 and EOC reports and data files will be unavailable. The current version of TAMS will still be available for all test-administration activities related to STAAR Alternate 2, TELPAS, and TAKS through mid-October. Beginning on September 28th, ETS’s test management platform, the Test Operation Management System (TOMS), will be available for all STAAR grades 3–8 and EOC testing activities. On October 12, 2015, Pearson’s updated test management platform, PearsonAccess Next, will be launched for all STAAR Alternate 2, TELPAS, and TAKS activities (with the exception of the October TAKS exit level test administration). Once the new test management platforms have been launched, they will be accessible at http://www.texasassessment.com. This internet address will also contain links to the current version of TAMS (for TAKS through January 2016), the Texas Data Portals, and the new TELPAS Teacher Training System when these new systems become available.


All activities related to the October 2015 TAKS exit level test administration will remain unchanged from previous TAKS test administrations and will be managed through the current version of TAMS.

56 WAIP 8-28-15


The December 2015 STAAR EOC assessments will be administered in paper format only. Therefore, there will be no registration for online testing for this administration. Beginning in spring 2016, all EOC administrations will be offered both online and on paper. Participation collections for the December 2015 administration will be managed in the current version of TAMS and will begin on August 19th and end on September 4th. This participation collection will differ from previous submissions in that districts will be asked to update counts for STAAR L and STAAR A for delivery in paper format only. Pearson will provide ETS with a file of STAAR EOC non-masters so that the file can be loaded onto ETS’s test management platform. These non-masters are STAAR, STAAR L, and STAAR A students for whom a document was submitted in spring or summer 2015 and who did not pass one or more of the EOC assessments. Beginning September 28th, districts will be able to add students or update information for non-master students through ETS's test management platform. A supplement to the 2015 District and Campus Coordinator Manual will be available online by November 15, 2015, and will outline new processes and procedures for the paper-only administration of the December 2015 STAAR EOC assessments.


Online training materials and modules will be available for the new test management platforms beginning September 28th. These materials and modules will be accessible at http://www.texasassessment.com.

57 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Principals & Campus Testing Coordinators FROM: Courtney Clearfield District Testing Coordinator Research, Assessment & Accountability RE: Out of School Testing Location beginning December 2015 _______________________________________________________________________ The purpose of this WAIP is to provide information about the testing location for students that have completed their high school course credits but still have not been successful on one or more STAAR EOCs. These students are considered Out of School testers. For the past few years, Memorial Pathway Academy has been the campus all of our Out of School (OOS) testers attend to take the Exit Level TAKS retest. Due to some significant program changes at MPA and an increased number of OOS testers now that STAAR EOC will also have OOS participants, it has been decided to transition back to rotating the OOS campus every two years. Sachse High School will be the OOS campus beginning in December 2015 and will host all TAKS and STAAR EOC out of school testing opportunities through July 2017. More information will be provided to CTCs and Counselors prior to each testing opportunity.


58 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Principals & Campus Testing Coordinators FROM: Courtney Clearfield District Testing Coordinator Research, Assessment & Accountability RE: Spring 2016 English III & Algebra II STAAR EOCs _______________________________________________________________________ In Spring 2016, TEA will make available an optional Algebra II STAAR EOC and an optional English III STAAR EOC. Per TEA, these tests are to be given to all students that are enrolled in and will be completing the course or no students at all. The state does not give the option of giving this tests to a selection of students. This memo is to notify you that Garland ISD will NOT be administering the optional Algebra II and English III STAAR EOCs to any of our students in the Spring of 2016.


59 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: All Principals Assistant Principals Counselors

FROM: Carra King, Director of Intervention

RE: Student Support Team Training for Counselors and Administrators _______________________________________________________________________

The Intervention Department along with Student Services is providing SST training for counselors and administrators on Monday, September 14, in the Garland /Rowlett Rooms at Harris Hill. Each campus is required to send representatives. Please determine who will be attending the appropriate session as indicated below:

Session Time Audience SCHED Enrollment Link Secondary 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Administrator,2

counselors, RTI Facilitator http://sched.co/4AFe

Elementary 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Administrator and counselor


Please ask participants to register in SCHED for the appropriate session listed under SST Training for Counselors and Administrators. Please do not hesitate to contact me to answer any questions you may have at [email protected] or 972.487.3267.

We look forward to working with your campus.

Action Required

60 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Principals FROM: Nelson Orta Director of Professional Development/Organizational Learning RE: Ron Clark Academy Opportunity – 1st Notice

Strategic Plan Goal 5 _______________________________________________________________________ We are excited to announce that GISD will send teacher cohort # 2 to the Ron Clark Academy in the fall of 2015. Each campus will recommend one teacher to attend the RCA in Atlanta, Georgia (guidelines below). We will be traveling to Atlanta on October 14th, attending the RCA on October 15th and 16th and return to Garland on October 17th, 2015. Travel to and from Atlanta will be aboard a chartered bus. One difference from last year is that teachers will have the opportunity to fly to Atlanta at their own expense for the dates specified above. Teachers that decide to do so will have to cover the following expenses:

Their air fare to and from Dallas/Atlanta Their transportation cost to and from the airport to the hotel Their transportation cost to and from the hotel to the RCA

Teachers who decide to ride the bus will not have to cover any transportation expenses. We are asking for you to submit the name of a teacher you would consider to be a “runner”. This will be a fantastic experience for a number of GISD teachers and leaders. Please submit your runner’s name by clicking the link below on or before September 4th, 2015. More specific details regarding travel and lodging will follow soon. RCA 2015 Teacher Recommendation

Action Required

61 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: Elementary Principals Secondary Principals

FROM: Nelson Orta, Director of Professional Development/Organizational Learning Kathy Miller, Digital eLearning Facilitator - Department of PD

RE: Required and Recommended Videos, 3rd Notice

All GISD Required and Recommended Videos are ready to be accessed by all employees through the following link http://geo2.garlandisd.net/.

A series of multiple choice questions from a randomized item bank will follow each video to assess content knowledge.

Step-by-step instructions for accessing GISD Required and Recommended Videos for employees and staff is attached.

These instructions have also been updated at the top of the Garland ISD staff page linked here.

All videos and assessments must be completed by Monday, November 30, 2015.

Please contact Kathy Miller ([email protected]) for questions or comments.

Action Required

62 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: Elementary Principals Secondary Principals Department Directors Supervisors

FROM: Nelson Orta, Director of Professional Development/Organizational Learning Kathy Miller, Digital Learning eFacilitator

RE: Required & Recommended Videos Viewing Evidence – 1st Notice _______________________________________________________________________

A number of questions have been raised concerning how teachers are providing evidence of past and current viewed required and recommended videos.

For the current 2015-16 school year, teachers have an opportunity to print a certificate of completion once they have viewed the videos and taken a short quiz in the Required & Recommended Videos course (linked here). Instructions were provided in the August 13th and 19th WAIP for teachers to print two copies of their certificate, one for their records and one to share with their administrator.

PD360 was contacted and they provided viewing history for the 2014-15 school year. If you would like your campus information, please contact Kathy Miller.


63 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Principals Assistant Principals FROM: Nelson Orta, Director of Professional Development/Organizational Learning RE Campus Professional Development Sessions – 1st Notice Strategic Plan Goal:5 _______________________________________________________________________ In an effort to support our campuses effectively, maintain accurate documentation of scheduling and use of campus funding sources for professional development, the following learning opportunities should be communicated with and through the Department of Professional Development/Organizational Learning:

Kagan Structures for Engagement. Project Lead: [email protected] School Reform Initiative (SRI) Workshops for effective PLC’s and instructional

conversations. Project Lead: [email protected] Ron Clark Academy campus based visits. Project Lead:[email protected]

Please contact the project leads listed above with information about learning opportunities you are considering with these providers.




64 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Principals Assistant Principals FROM: Nelson Orta Director of Professional Development/Organizational Learning Mary Huschle Organizational Learning Specialist RE: Understanding MAP Through SRI Protocols – 1st Notice Stragegic Plan Goal 5 _______________________________________________________________________ The Professional Development Department is announcing the opportunity for secondary assistant principals, department heads and or teacher/leaders to attend the acclaimed ½ day session “Understanding MAP Through SRI Protocols” facilitated by Thomas Van Soelen from SRI. The session, scheduled to take place on September 10, 2015 is a repeat of the sessions facilitated for campus leaders during the GISD 2015 summer learning series. We are excited to help build fidelity and capacity in GISD for the facilitation of PLC’s related to MAP Data. Space is extremely limited; please register through the links below ASAP. Two alternatives for registration purposes: register for either the 8:00 to 11:30 session or the 1:00 to 4:30 session. Registration through Sched is required to attend. In case subs are needed for teacher attendance, they will have to be provided via individual campus funds. Understanding MAP DATA through SRI Protocols - AM Session Understanding MAP Data through SRI Protocols - PM Session

Action Required

65 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Campus Administrators FROM: Angie Cheatham, Digital Learning Coordinator Department of Professional Development RE: Digital Learning Opportunities for the Fall Semester– 2nd Notice Strategic Plan Goal: 5 _______________________________________________________________________ We are offering various digital learning sessions for district teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators. These sessions focus on maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of using the iPad in the classroom and on the integration of the ISTE student standards within instruction. Please make your staff members aware of these beneficial learning opportunities. Please see the following flier with session dates and links to register in Sched and feel free to forward to campus staff. For questions, please contact Angie Cheatham.


66 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Campus and District Leadership FROM: Angie Cheatham, Digital Learning Coordinator Department of Professional Development RE: Vanguard Leadership Series – 2nd Notice

Strategic Plan Goal: 5 _________________________________________________________________ The Department of Professional Development is pleased to announce that the Apple Vanguard Program for Leadership is back! Based upon the success, feedback, and requests we are continuing the program and opportunity for any campus or district leader to attend. The Vanguard program is a training series that dives deep into the process of integrating Apple products into instruction. At this time, we are inviting all campus and district leaders to participate in the Vanguard Leadership Series. Attendees can select to register for one or more training topics, with the option of becoming an Apple Authorized Vanguard member. Please refer to the following flier with session dates and links to register in Sched (also linked here). You will notice that each session listing will tell you what device is required for the attendee to bring. For questions, please contact Angie Cheatham. Goal 5: We will promote and support innovative and exemplary curriculum, professional development, and instructional practices in order to continuously enhance teaching and extend learning.


68 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All Campus Principals and Assistant Principals FROM: Jasna Aliefendic, Ed.D., Coordinator of Technology Applications Mida Milligan, Ed.D., Director of Curriculum and Instruction RE: Code.org Training for Teachers and Librarians _______________________________________________________________________ GISD Strategic Plan Goal #2: We will develop processes and applications to achieve the equitable distribution of digital resources, along with adequate training and support for implementation. The Curriculum and Instruction Department has organized a Code.org training session for all interested teachers and librarians. Please share the attached fliers with your teachers, and encourage them to register for Saturday, September 19, at 9:00 a.m. at Sachse High School. To register, please go to the following link: http://sched.co/46oF. All participants will receive free swag bags, coding classroom curriculum, supplies to begin coding in their classrooms, and certificates at the end of the day. Breakfast and afternoon snacks will be provided. One of our goals this school year is to engage all GISD campuses in the global Hour of Code (https://hourofcode.com/us) event during the week of December 7th. Coding has become an essential skill for students. By integrating coding in the classroom, teachers help future leaders become creators, not simply consumers, of digital technology. In some countries, coding is a daily subject taught like math, reading or science. Coding, in its basic definition, is telling a computer what to do by giving it step-by-step commands for the computer to follow. Coding can help students pursue interests in greater career options and job security for the future. With code, students have the opportunity to design apps, buildings, fashion, programs, and find solutions to world problems. Please share the training information with your staff, and mark your calendars for the week of December 7th Hour of Code.

Action Required

70 WAIP 8-28-15

What is coding?

Coding, in its basic definition, is telling a computer what to do by giving it step by step

commands for the computer to follow.

Why should teachers use coding in their classrooms?

Coding has become an essential skill just like reading, writing,

and math. By integrating coding in the classroom, teachers help future leaders become creators, not simply consumers, of digital


How is coding beneficial to students?

Coding can help students pursue interests in greater

career options and job security for the future. With

code, students may design apps, buildings, fashion,

programs, and find solutions to world problems.

Before/After School Clubs

Enrichment Activities

Think Tank Extensions


71 WAIP 8-28-15


Presents:  Free  Code.org  Professional  Development  Workshop  

           Location:   Sachse  High  School    

3901  Miles  Road  Sachse,  TX  75048  

 Time:    Date:    

 9:00  a.m.  –  3:00  p.m.    Saturday,  September  19,  2015  

 Details:        Registration:    

 Teachers  will  receive  free  swag  bags,  curriculum,  classroom  supplies  to  begin  coding  in  their  classrooms,  and  certificates  at  the  end  of  the  day.  Breakfast  and  afternoon  snacks  will  be  provided.      Please  use  the  link  below  to  sign  up  for  this  workshop:  http://sched.co/46oF    

Contact:   Kimberly  M.  Lane                                                                                      Dr.  Jasna  Aliefendic  Code.org  K-­‐5  Affiliate                                                                        Technology  Applications  Coordinator  601-­‐209-­‐9000                                                                                                    469-­‐766-­‐5350  [email protected]                                                                                    [email protected]  




The  courses  are  flexible  so  educators  can  tailor  them  to  their  classes,  based  on  their  students’  developmental  levels  and  prior  experiences.  The  lessons  align  to  CSTA  Computer  Science  and  ISTE  standards  and  reinforce  concepts  and  skills  taught  in  other  subject  areas  by  integrating  national  math,  English  Language  Arts,  and  science  standards.    

72 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: All District Stakeholders FROM: Tina Garrett, STEM Coordinator RE: STEAMposium Save the Date – 2nd notice

o Specific Result 2: Design specific projects that enable students to master skills and meet multiple standards through critical thinking and use of real-world experiences.

o Action Step: Implement STEAMposium district wide ______________________________________________________________________ The curriculum and instruction department is excited to begin preparation for the second annual STEAMposium extravaganza. Please mark Saturday, April 16, 2016, on your calendars so that you have ample time to prepare and participate. To help you prepare, we will hold several training opportunities for teachers. Please see the chart below for training dates and times, and use the following link to register for one of the training options: https://gisdprofessionallearning2015.sched.org/?s=STEAM#.VdzLv9NVikp Audience Date Time Location

Prek-5th grades September 8, 2015 4:30-5:30 Harris Hill – Rowlett Room September 9, 2015 4:30-5:30 Harris Hill – Rowlett Room September 10, 2015 4:30-5:30 Harris Hill – Garland Room

6th-8th grades September 15, 2015 4:30-5:30 Harris Hill – Sabine Room September 16, 2015 4:30-5:30 Harris Hill – Garland Room September 17, 2015 4:30-5:30 Harris Hill – Sachse Room

High School September 22, 2015 4:30-5:30 Harris Hill – Garland Room September 23, 2015 4:30-5:30 Harris Hill – Garland Room September 24, 2015 4:30-5:30 Harris Hill – Sachse Room


73 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 Approval: Dr. Linda Chance Deputy Superintendent TO: Principals FROM: Nidia Parra Director of Special Education RE: “No-Show” Folder Exchange _____________________________________________________________________ The Special Education “No-Show” folder exchange will take place on Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at the Curtis Culwell Center Ballroom. Follow the process outlined in the attached procedures. cc: Campus Facilitators Secondary Department Chairs Diagnosticians Shelly Mussman Attachment: Step 4- “No-Show” Folder Exchange

Action Required

74 WAIP 8-28-15

Sending School: 2014-2015 Receiving School: 2015-2016 STEP 4 – ‘NO-SHOW’ FOLDER EXCHANGE SITE PROCESS 1. Receiving school will identify and prepare for the ‘NO SHOW’ FOLDER


EXCHANGE DATE: September 9, 2015, 8:00 AM (Wednesday) PLACE: Curtis Culwell Center Ballroom

2. Receiving school will ensure that the red and orange folders, and contents, are

put back into the “No Show” folders. 3. Receiving school will mark an “X” in the space on the folder exchange form for

no-shows. 4. Receiving schools ‘no show’ folders will be brought to the ‘no show’ Folder

Exchange on Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 8:00 AM at the Curtis Culwell Center.

5. Receiving school representative will initial folder exchange forms, keeping the

Canary copy. 6. Original/sending school will initial receipt of the ‘no show’ folders, keeping the

White copy. 7. Before leaving the Curtis Culwell Center from the ‘no show’ folder exchange, the

original white exchange form goes to Shelly, she will mail you a copy. 8. After this exchange day: all other folder exchanges as a result of choice

changes will have to be communicated school to school and then documented on folder exchange forms. (form is also in eSped under eStar Docs) Please document all folder exchanges. Do not send student folders through school mail.

75 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Principals Approval: Dr. Linda Chance Deputy Superintendent FROM: Nidia Parra Director of Special Education RE: Love and Logic Parent Groups ______________________________________________________________________ The Garland ISD Special Education Department will continue to offer Love and Logic sessions for parents/guardians who reside within the GISD school boundaries. During the fall session, three series of classes will be held on Tuesday nights, beginning September 2015 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. at the Professional Development Center, 870 W. Buckingham Road, Garland, 75040. Free child care (ages 3-11) will be provided for family members attending the sessions. Parents are required to pre-register for the sessions and request their free childcare by calling the phone number listed on the flyers as space is limited. Please post a copy of each flyer in a family visible location on your campus. Elementary/Secondary Group - English Love & Logic Facilitators: Khristy Love and Angelita Washington All GISD Families (2nd – 12th grade) Meets for 6 weeks on the following Tuesdays: 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 Pre-K Group - English Love & Logic Facilitators: Jennifer Marshall and Karen Vance All GISD Families (age 3 – 6) Meets for 6 weeks on the following Tuesdays: 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 Spanish Group Love & Logic Facilitator: Mary Ford All GISD Families (Pre K – 12th grade) Meets for 6 weeks on the following Tuesdays: 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 cc: Campus Support Coaches Bilingual/ESLTeachers

School Counselors LSSPs Diagnosticians Facilitators


76 WAIP 8-28-15


The Special Education Department is offering

Parenting with

Love & Logic

Gain Confidence and Understand Your Parenting Role

Learn: Strategies for resolving conflicts How to discipline using options The four steps for developing responsibility in children Practical techniques for sharing control

Registration is required for the six week parenting program conducted in English for parents of children second to twelfth grade. Make your childcare (ages 3 - 11) reservations by calling the phone number listed below as space is limited. Classes will be held on the following dates: 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27

Dates: Tuesday Evenings Time: 6:30 – 8:00 PM Where: Professional Development Center (PDC)

870 W. Buckingham Road Garland, Texas 75040

For Information and to register, please call the Special Education Department

@ 972-487-3331

77 WAIP 8-28-15


Los Departamentos De Bilingüe/ESL y Educación Especial Les Ofrece


Un servicio gratis para todos los padres/tutores del Distrito Escolar De Garland

Tenga confianza en sus habilidades como padre y comprenda su papel de padre

Aprenda: Estrategias para resolver conflictos Disciplinar usando opciones apropiadas Los cuatro pasos para el desarrollo de la responsabilidad en los niños Aprenda técnicas para compartir el control

Inscríbase a este programa de seis semanas ofrecido en español para padres/tutores de estudiantes desde el Pre-K hasta la secundaria. Se ofrece guardería gratis con reservaciones para niños (edades de 3 hasta 11 años) de familias que asistan a las clases.

Fechas: Los siguientes martes: 22 y 29 de septiembre; 6, 13, 20 y 27 de

octubre Horas: 6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Lugar: Professional Development Center (PDC)

870 W. Buckingham Road Garland, Texas 75040

Para más información o para inscribirse, llame a la Sra. Stephanie Mitchell en el Departamento de Educación Especial al 972-487-3326 entre las 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM.

78 WAIP 8-28-15


The Special Education Department is offering

Love & Logic Preschool Curriculum

(Parents of children ages 3-6)

Gain Confidence &

Get a Head Start in Raising Responsible Kids

Learn how to: Have toddlers who go to bed the first time asked Put an end to misbehavior in public Make potty training fun Show tots that whining and arguing do not pay Deal with oppositional little ones

Registration is required for the 6 week parenting program conducted in English. Make your childcare reservations by calling the phone number listed below, space is limited. Classes will be held on the following Tuesdays:

9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27

Dates: Tuesday Evenings Time: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Where: Professional Development Center (PDC)

870 West Buckingham Road Garland, Texas 75040

To register, please call the Special Education Department @ 972-487-3331.

79 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: Principals

FROM: Area Directors

Christi Allen Asst. Director of Special Programs

RE: CIP Review Meeting Schedule – LOCATION UPDATE _______________________________________________________________________

As discussed in the CIP training, we will be meeting with each principal to discuss, review and provide feedback to the Campus Improvement Plan. The purpose of the review meeting is to provide support and assistance in finalizing the CIP for submission to the Board of Trustees in October. As a reminder, the CIP should be completed in plan4learning no later than 3:00p.m on September 11.

The following areas will have a representative at the meeting: Intervention Professional Development

Curriculum and Instruction Area Directors Title I Advanced Academics RAAD

The review meeting schedule is attached to this memo.

**Review meetings will be held in the Special Programs Conference Room on the 2nd floor of Harris Hill.

Action Required

80 WAIP 8-28-15

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

14‐Sep 15‐Sep 16‐Sep 17‐Sep 18‐Sep 21‐Sep 22‐Sep 23‐Sep 24‐Sep 25‐SepArea 1 Area 1/2 Area 2/3 Area 3 Area 4 Area 4/5 Area 5 Area 6 Area 6/7  Area 7

7:30‐8:30 Garland HS Walnut Glen


Garland HS


Garland HS



HS Shugart


Forest HS Rolwett HS Sachse HS



8:30‐9:30 Freeman Williams Montclair Beaver Carver Toler Cooper Dorsey Abbett Luna



Meadows Caldwell Roach Bradfield Centerville Vial Hickman Herfurth Armstrong Sewell

10:30‐11:30 Hillside Club Hill Southgate Bullock Couch Shorehaven Lister Keeley Rowlett ES Back

1:00‐2:00 Kimberlin Daugherty Watson Davis Handley Spring Creek Northlake Pearson Steadham



2:00‐3:00 Park Crest


Glen Cisneros Ethridge Lyles Weaver Sellers Coyle Stephens Hudson

3:00‐4:00 Austin Obanion Parsons Jackson Brandenburg Webb Schrade PAC

4:00‐5:00 Bussey


Houston AEC

81 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: Elementary Principals

FROM: Dr. Rhonda Davis, Director of Special Programs

RE: Grading and Grouping / First Grade Spelling clarification _______________________________________________________________________

The edits and updates to the Elementary Grading and Grouping manual this year included placing Grade One into the same category as Grades Two – Five for the purpose of


However, spelling grades are not given for Grade One students during the first semester. This fact was omitted in this year’s guidelines.

The question has arisen, what will happen (in Skyward) to a student’s grade if no grades are given for spelling during the first semester? Dr. Sloan has provided the following answer, “If the teachers do not enter spelling grades for semester 1, the gradebook would spread the 15% weight over the other 3 categories composition (53%), grammar (41%), and handwriting (6%).”

Please ensure that your first grade teachers understand this information. The online Grading and Grouping document will be updated to reflect this information.


82 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: Elementary and Middle School Principals

FROM: Christi Allen, Special Programs Courtney Clearfield, RAAD

RE: SSI Beginning-of-Year Letters for all Students in Grades 5 and 8 _______________________________________________________________________

The Office of Special Programs and the Research, Assessment & Accountability Department have joined efforts to distribute the beginning-of-year (BOY) Student Success Initiative (SSI) parent notification letters that must be provided to parents of all students in grades 5 and 8.

Next week, elementary and middle school campuses will receive a delivery from RAAD that contains two packages:

1) An envelope containing copies of the SSI parent notification letter (double-sidedEnglish/Spanish), and

2) A box that contains TEA-provided parent brochures that should accompany theletters.

These parent notification letters and brochures should be sent home together with every student in grades 5 and 8 between September 4, 2014 and September 10, 2015.

If you have any questions about this information, please contact Christi Allen (ext. 73184) or Courtney Clearfield (ext. 73212).

Thank you.

Action Required

83 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: Elementary Principals Middle School Principals

FROM: Mida Milligan, Ed.D., Director of Curriculum and Instruction

RE: Renaissance Learning Purchases for 2015-16-UPDATED/REVISED _______________________________________________________________________

If your campus is interested in purchasing Renaissance Learning Accelerated Reader (AR), STAR Reading and/or STAR Reading Spanish products for the 2015-16 school year, please note that the Curriculum and Instruction department helps facilitate this process in order to receive a reduced rate. To gather information about how many licenses your campus needs, we have created a survey for principals to complete at Renaissance Learning Purchasing Survey for you convenience. Please complete the survey by August 31st.

To give you an idea of cost, updated pricing is included below:

AR Enterprise Annual License per Student-$5.85

STAR Reading Service License per Student-$2.40

STAR Reading Enterprise per student (online dashboards and reports) -$3.80

STAR Reading Spanish Annual License per Student-$5.30

All product hosting fee – (1 fee per campus covers all products for 1 year) - $599**This was previously listed erroneously as Spanish only. The abovehosting fee is for all products.

We will get discounted pricing on some products depending on the volume once we submit our numbers. Additionally, if your campus has not purchased one or more of these products in the last 12 months, a $299 product reactivation fee is also included. If your campus has not purchased the product before at all, a $1599 (please note-this is an updated price from previous memo) one-time set up fee must be included, for each product. This includes the addition of STAAR Reading Spanish. It is considered a “new” product even if the campus already has STAAR Reading Service or Enterprise.

Once we have the number you wish to order and a quote from the company, we will provide you with invoice information. Each campus will then go into the Oracle Main Store to purchase. We will provide you with detailed instructions at that time so you can make your purchase.

Action Required

84 WAIP 8-28-15

To further assist you in determining what you want to order, each principal who purchased last year will receive an email from Donna Eurek in Technology with details about the number of units purchased last year and the number actually used. ACTION-If you plan to purchase, click on the link above to complete the survey indicating the number of accounts you wish to purchase by August 31, 2015. If you already responded, but you wish to make adjustments, please complete the survey again. If you are not interested, please disregard. For any questions or clarification, please contact me at [email protected].

85 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: Middle School Principals Math Lab Teachers

FROM: Carra King, Director of Intervention

RE: Math Lab Training _______________________________________________________________________

On Tuesday, September 22, Math Lab teachers will have a training/planning session from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.at the PDC in room B06. The training will provide teachers with the following:

Math Lab Expectations Data Analysis Resources/Curriculum Instructional Strategies Planning with other teams across the district

Your teachers will be working collaboratively with other Math Lab teachers across the district. Please ask your teachers to bring all planning materials, resources they are currently using for Math Lab, and their iPads.

Registration for the Math Lab Training is on SCHED, the digital catalog, using the link http://sched.co/4AC6 . Please use sub code 93.

Please direct any questions to Lea Ann Schkade, Intervention Coordinator at [email protected] or 214.929.3976.

We look forward to working with your teachers.

Action Required

86 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: Middle School Principals Assistant Principals

FROM: Carra King, Director of Intervention

RE: Istation and Small Group Instruction Training _______________________________________________________________________

On Thursday, September 17, training for middle school reading teachers new to Istation will be provided from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. in Lab 3 at the Technology Center. Please ask your teachers to register in SCHED and secure a sub using code 93. http://sched.co/4AEw

Friday, September 25, an Istation training will be provided for middle school reading department heads. The session will equip these teachers to train the reading department on the new features and lessons provided by Istation. Please have your department head register in SCHED and secure a sub using code 93. The training will be from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. in Lab 3 at the Technology Center. http://sched.co/4Ahx

We will continue visiting each campus throughout the year to support Istation as a component of small group instruction in regular reading classes.

Please direct any questions to Christie Creel, Secondary Intervention Trainer, by email [email protected] or 214-675-2812.

Action Required

87 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: High School Principals Assistant Principals HS EOC ELA Intervention Teachers

FROM: Carra King, Director of Intervention

RE: Achieve 3000 Intervention Training _______________________________________________________________________

On Wednesday, September 9, all Reading I, Reading II, Reading III and Practical Writing teachers will be trained on Achieve 3000. The training will be in Lab 3 at the Technology Center. There will be two sessions. The morning session will begin at 7:30 a.m. and end at 10:30 a.m. focusing on teachers who have never used Achieve 3000. The afternoon session will begin at 12:00 p.m. ending at 3:00 p.m. and will be for teachers who used Achieve 3000 last year.

The training schedule allows two teachers to share the same sub. Please work out a schedule with your teachers to determine which teachers are sharing a sub, and who is entering the sub code for the training day. The sub code is 93. Please ask your teachers to register in SCHED, the digital catalog, for the appropriate session listed under Achieve 3000 Intervention Training. You will find the link to each session below:

Session Name Time Place SCHED Enrollment link New Teachers to

Achieve 3000 7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Technology Lab 3 http://sched.co/4AAn

Achieve 3000 Update 2015

12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Technology Lab 3 http://sched.co/4AC2

After the training, teachers will be ready to level set their students the next day. We will be visiting each high school campus to support effectively utilizing Achieve 3000 as a component of small group instruction throughout the year.

Please direct any questions to Lea Ann Schkade, Intervention Coordinator, by email [email protected] or 214.929.3976.

We look forward to working with your campus.

Action Required

88 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Secondary Principals Secondary LPAC Administrators FROM: Deb Tietjen, Coordinator BE/ESL RE: Professional Development Opportunities for ELL Language Lab and

Literacy Workshop Teachers _______________________________________________________________________

The following professional development sessions will be provided in support of High School ELL Language Lab teachers and Middle School Literacy Workshop teachers. All teachers will be notified directly. Please note the September 2 date is divided into two half-day sessions allowing teachers on the same campus to share a substitute teacher. Thank you for encouraging your teachers to attend.



CODE Register here

09/02/2015 Wednesday 7:30 – 10:45 a.m. PDC 24 http://sched.co/4AFh 09/02/2015 Wednesday 12:00 – 3:15 p.m. PDC 24 http://sched.co/4AEX



CODE Register here

09/16/2015 Wednesday 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. PDC KRONOS 936


10/07/2015 Wednesday 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. PDC KRONOS 936


11/04/2015 Wednesday 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. PDC KRONOS 936


12/02/2015 Wednesday 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. PDC KRONOS 936




CODE Register here

09/16/2015 Wednesday 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. PDC KRONOS 936


10/07/2015 Wednesday 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. PDC KRONOS 936


11/04/2015 Wednesday 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. PDC KRONOS 936


12/02/2015 Wednesday 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. PDC KRONOS 936



89 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District

DATE: August 28, 2015 TO: Secondary Principals Secondary Counselors FROM: Ruby Armstrong, Director Guidance and Counseling

Standra Johnson, Coordinator CIA - LOTE RE: CBE Schedule and Registration Form ____________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 74. Curriculum Requirements Subchapter C. Other Provisions

§74.24. Credit by Examination.

(a) General provisions.

(1) A school district must provide at least one window to test between January 1 and March 31, one window to test between April 1 and June 30, one window to test between July 1 and September 30, and one window to test between October 1 and December 31 annually when each examination for acceleration for each primary school grade level and for credit for secondary school academic subjects required under Texas Education Code, §28.023, shall be administered in Grades 1-12 unless the examination has an administration date that is established by an entity other than the school district. A student may take a specific examination only once during each window. The testing window must be designed to meet the needs of all students. The dates must be publicized in the community.

The following CBE schedule has been designed to comply with the above rule:

Standra Johnson, LOTE coordinator, will provide materials and test administration instructions to the campuses. Counselors will work with the language teachers to identify eligible students.

Test Date Registration Deadline Test Place

September 1-9 August 28 Spanish Campus

September 12 September 2 Vietnamese SGHS

November 7 October 22 Spanish SGHS


February 6 January 22 Spanish NFHS


May 21 May 6 Spanish NFHS Vietnamese


90 WAIP 8-28-15

Garland Independent School District DATE: August 28, 2015

TO: All Secondary Campus Principals and Assistant Principals

Math Department Chairs

Math Instructional Support Personnel All Secondary Math Teachers

FROM: Kevin Massey, Secondary Math Coordinator

RE: Secondary Math - TI MathForward Registration AND TI Teacher Leader Cadre (TLC) Selection


MathForward Registration

TI MathForward training for middle school math and all Algebra teachers (MS and HS) is coming to your campus soon to assist teachers with how to use new Nspire calculators and more in their classrooms. Please see the cohort breakdown table below for registration information by campus. Middle school principals, if your grade level teams have common conference periods, please have those teams register for the same cohort to ensure the team will work with the same TI MathForward coach. In an effort to reduce sub impacts on campuses, and decrease the number of TI coaches per campus, each campus has been split between cohorts where possible. All MathForward training will take place at the Professional Development Center (PDC).

MathForward Action Items for Principals and APs who Supervise Math Departments

1. Share this information with all Math 6 - Algebra 1 (both HS and MS Algebra 1) teachers and instructional support personnel.

2. Ensure all math teachers, including instructional coaches/interventionists that are helping in math classrooms, have registered for the appropriate cohort day linked below.

3. Teachers will use sub code 55 for MathForward training days.

Cohort #1

Bussey - 5 Teachers

Coyle - 5 Teachers

Hudson - 4 Teachers

Jackson - 5 Teachers

Schrade - 4 Teachers

Sellers - 3 Teachers

Webb - 4 Teachers

NGHS - 2 Teachers

RHS - 2 Teachers

Register 9/14

Day 1 of 3 Register 9/15

Day 2 of 3

Register 10/26

Day 3 of 3

Cohort #2

Bussey - 7 Teachers

Sam Houston - 5 Teachers

Schrade - 6 Teachers

Sellers - 6 Teachers

Register 9/16

Day 1 of 3 Register 9/17

Day 2 of 3

Register 10/27

Day 3 of 3

Action Required

91 WAIP 8-28-15

GHS - 2 Teachers

NFHS - 8 Teachers

NGHS - 5 Teachers

SHS - 4 Teachers

Memorial/AEC/PAC - TBD

Cohort #3

Austin - 4 Teachers

Brandenburg - 4 Teachers

Lyles - 6 Teachers

O’Banion - 7 Teachers

Sam Houston - 5 Teachers

LCHS - 2 Teachers

SGHS - 4 Teachers

Register 9/21

Day 1 of 3 Register 9/22

Day 2 of 3

Register 10/28

Day 3 of 3

Cohort #4

Austin - 5 Teachers

Brandenburg - 5 Teachers

Lyles - 6 Teachers

O’Banion - 6 Teachers

LCHS - 2 Teachers

SGHS - 4 Teachers

GHS - 2 Teachers

Register 9/23

Day 1 of 3 Register 9/24

Day 2 of 3

Register 10/29

Day 3 of 3

Cohort #5

Coyle - 5 Teachers

Hudson - 6 Teachers

Jackson - 8 Teachers

Webb - 5 Teachers

RHS - 3 Teachers

Register 9/28

Day 1 of 3 Register 9/29

Day 2 of 3

Register 10/30

Day 3 of 3

Teacher Leader Cadre (TLC) Selection

Each high school campus will also select 4 math teacher leaders who are not participating in the MathForward program to participate in the TI Teacher Leader Cadre to provide campus-based math training and leadership.

Selected candidates should exhibit the following characteristics: 1 - Committed to exceptional teaching and learning

2 - Capable of “turning around” learning and training peers on campus

3 - Strong desire to collaborate, communicate, create, and think critically with others

Selected candidates must commit to attending each of the 9 TLC training days listed below:

Phase I - 9/30, 10/1, 10/2

Phase II - 11/16, 11/17 Phase III - 1/19, 1/20

Phase IV - 3/2, 3/3

Please submit the names of selected candidates via this Google Form. Please have form completed by September 11, 2015. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected].

92 WAIP 8-28-15
