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Wait until you see What's next

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Wait until you see What’s next

Chatham RecorderThe country’s oldest alumnae magazine continuously published since 1883

EditoR-in-ChiEf Bill Campbell

dEsign Landesberg Design Krista A. Terpack, MBA ’09

ContRibutoRs Robert Dvorchak

PhotogRaPhy John Altdorfer Annie O'Neill Larry Rupple

CoRRECtions to thE sPRing 2013 issuE:

In the advertorial about scholarships in action, Anne Putnam Mallinson’s name was misspelled.

In the story about Chatham Eastside, the photo of the East Liberty Freight Yards should have been credited to the Pittsburgh City Photographer Collection, 1901-2002, AIS.1971.06, Archives Service Center, University of Pittsburgh.

The Chatham Recorder is published biannually by the Office of Marketing and Communications, Dilworth Hall, Woodland Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15232. Letters or inquiries may be directed to the managing editor by mail at this address, by e-mail at [email protected], or by phone at 412-365-1125.

as we begin a new year at Chatham, “what’s next?” is a question we have been asking ourselves for 144 years about the new ideas, initiatives and inspiration that will guide our students, faculty, and the university ever forward.

From our earliest days of providing high-quality education to women when few options existed, to evolving into a leader in professional graduate programs, to launching the world’s first campus in the world built from the ground up for the study of sustainability, “what’s next” has always been where Chatham is going.

in this spirit, i'm thrilled that this Recorder launches to you — our alumni community — Chatham’s new fundraising campaign, NEXT: The Campaign for Chatham. a $100 million capital campaign focused on the people, place, and purpose that power the university. this special next-themed issue of the Recorder provides you more information on the campaign and takes a cue in

its design from the fresh, new look of next that you will see more of this year.

in addition, this issue contains a special feature article on the largest gift Chatham has ever received — a $15 million gift from the Falk Foundation. With this gift, the Falk Foundation has

completed more than 50 years of transformational support to Chatham, and has brought our next fundraising efforts to-date to $75 million of our $100 million goal. it’s an incredible story about the power of philanthropy to create the future you want to see possible, and we know it is just the beginning.

there may be no greater representation of what’s next more than Chatham’s new eden hall Campus. nearing the completion of the first stage of phase one construction, the new eden hall campus will be “open for business” in early 2014. in honor of this momentous occasion, Chatham hosted a very special behind-the-scenes preview unveiling of the campus for Chatham’s Board of trustees, the media, and members of the Chatham community, including students, faculty, alumni, neighbors, and partners. it was an amazing event and incredible to see this splendid vision quickly becoming a reality.

as always, this issue of the Recorder contains everything you’ve told us you love about your magazine, including alumni news, events, and Class notes. We hope you enjoy reading this special issue of the Recorder, and we look forward to continuing to provide a modern and engaging alumni magazine that, like Chatham, honors the past, yet always embraces what’s next.

What's Next?

from the desk of

Bill CampBell | Vp of marketing & CommuniCations

FSC Logo


in this issue


Foundation Gift

4Eden Hall

Campus Preview Event

8NEXT: The

Campaign for Chatham

14Alumni Events

18Class Notes

chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 2013chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 20132

the falk foundation

A testament to imagination

“Sigo Falk is a remarkable visionary. His family’s foundation always had in mind the biggest issue of the day, from early childhood education to funding the best hospitals. Sustainability is the most important issue of our day.”President esther BaraZZone

Earlier this year, Sigo Falk, chairman of the Falk Foundation, handed an envelope to President Esther Barazzone with instructions to keep the contents sealed until she was well on her way aboard a flight to China.

The Chatham University president thought it was a way of being let down gently by Sigo Falk, one of the University’s trustees, that his family foundation was closing and would no longer be giving money to the school.

Somewhere over Inner Manchuria, she opened the packet and read nearly 50 pages of documents detailing the foundation’s plan to close. Then the realization sunk in that Falk’s closing gift was a donation of $15 million to Chatham, the largest gift in the school’s 144-year history.


President Esther Barazzone and Sigo Falk on October 10, the sneak peak into Chatham’s new Eden Hall Campus.

always believed in are caring for our natural resources, making the world work in an economical way and social justice.”

“The people at Chatham embody those ideals. When I started on the board of trustees, Chatham was a struggling, 500-student women’s college. Now it has 2,200 students and it’s growing,” added Falk. “I think of Eden Hall as a start-up venture. Our tradition has always been to try risky grant-making, to do breakthrough grant-making. Now we have to make it work.”

When Maurice Falk established the foundation during the Great Depression, he believed each generation should devote resources to new problems and fresh needs. His philosophy was to attack core problems, conduct research to discover root causes and develop the means to prevent problems from reoccurring.

The foundation’s support of Chatham, which dates to 1952, has included the establishment of the Laura Falk Hall of Social Studies, the Maurice Falk Endowment of Undergraduate Teaching and the Sigo Falk Chair in Social Justice and Sustainability.

“Philanthropy is a very American thing. It represents the best of democracy in creating the future you want to see possible. This gift in so many ways is the very best of philanthropy. The foundation board thought beyond extending its own life. It is perpetuating its own mission by giving us the opportunity to carry on its goals. This kind of philanthropy is unheard of. They’ve given of themselves to make other things work,” she added.

While Chatham has been given the big responsibility of making the Falk Foundation’s goals happen, the gift is seen as confirmation the university is headed in the right direction.

“Do you see why I cried on the airplane?” Dr. Barazzone said.

y seatmates must have thought that someone on the airplane had lost her mind, or that I was reading one heck of a romance novel, because the tears were flowing,” Dr. Barazzone recalled.

She shared the story from the stage of a refurbished barn preceding a “sneak peak” tour of Chatham’s Eden Hall Campus on October 10, 2013, held for members of the media, Chatham’s board and project partners.

The grant will help attract new faculty, develop internship programs and enable the expansion of the Rachel Carson Institute. Part of the gift will also fund the endowed Sigo Falk Faculty Chair in Social Justice and Sustainability. Chatham’s pioneering School of Sustainability & the Environment will be renamed the Falk School of Sustainability in recognition of the gift and the Falk Foundation’s legacy of giving to causes directly impacted by the work of the school.

“This gift means everything in pushing forward,” Dr. Barazzone said. “It creates more momentum for Chatham by giving us the means to meet the challenge of transforming a vision into reality. It gives us the means to create a critical mass in recruiting and enrollment. To us as an institution, it’s a vote of confidence. But it goes well beyond that. This gift stands as a testament to imagination. I cannot say enough about the inspiration it provides.”

One of the most significant aspects of the gift is that it will essentially terminate the entity that is bestowing it. The Falk Foundation, created in 1929, has an 85-year history of philanthropy – a half-century more than its expected life span. The foundation ultimately came to the decision that it could serve no better purpose than to make its final donation to an institution that mirrored its own goals.

“I’ve always loved the outdoors,” said Sigo Falk, strolling about the campus that is emerging in Pittsburgh’s North Hills. “Three things I’ve


chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 2013chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 20134

The future of sustainability is right here,” Bill Peduto tweeted to his followers near the end of a day set aside for a behind-the-scenes impact tour of a construction project dedicated to strengthening the region’s standing as an academic hub and a world leader in healthier living.

It was four weeks before he was elected mayor of Pittsburgh when Peduto shared his impressions of Chatham University’s emerging Eden Hall Campus from his vantage point at the rain garden adjoining the new amphitheater.

Busloads of Chatham faculty, staff, alumni, and invited guests got their first peek at the initial stage of construction at the October 10, 2013 preview event of Eden Hall, being built in North Hills of Allegheny County as the first community in the world built from “below the ground up” for the study and practice of sustainable living, learning and development. Transformation

eden hall


TransformationThe vision becomes a reality at Chatham’s Eden Hall Campus

Eden Hall Campus and Falk School of Sustainability Preview Event October 10, 2013

chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 2013chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 20136

With the energy and water infrastructure, field labs, café, Hilda M. Willis amphitheater and landscape architecture nearing com-pletion (and the groundwork laid for future construction of the dining and residence halls), the initial first phase of the new Eden Hall Campus officially “opens for business” at the beginning of 2014.

“It’s a joy and a thrill to see an idea becoming a reality, to see it all coming to life,” said Dr. David Hassenzahl, dean of the Eden Hall-based Falk School of Sustainability.

“As just one example, this is a place where people can come to see how to deal with storm water. Like most major cities, Pittsburgh has a run-off problem. But a place in China, a place in Africa can also visit us,” he added. “All of our rainwater will be collected for non-potable uses. All wastewater on site will be treated through a system of constructed wetlands. We don’t want sustainability to be what our students study, but what they live. Far from being isolated, we want the world to know how it works. We can’t wait to get to the next phase.”

The land itself is an example of giving a new mission to an old purpose, which is the soul of sustainability. Originally, the property was a farm owned by Sebastian Mueller, a German immigrant who came to Pittsburgh to work for his cousin, Henry J. Heinz (see sidebar).

“[Eden Hall’s] greatest legacy will be its impact in other places that will produce food, clean energy, clean water, and healthy air. The best thing it will grow is the next generation of environmental stewards and leaders.” david GoldBerG, President and architect, mithun

eden hall

Attendees mingle and enjoy the festivities


T he architects converting Eden Hall into a state-of-the-art campus are guided by the word “palimpsest,” which applies to the ancient practice of recycling an old parchment for the writing

of a new manuscript. Chatham is preserving as much as it can of the old while etching the blueprint for the future in the bold language of practicing what it teaches.

What was once a large barn is being transformed into a meeting place and lecture hall. Another barn, after being lifted up and moved five feet, will serve as the Dairy Barn Café. Its exterior is enveloped like a thermos made of sustainable insulation. Inside, bovine shadows will be etched into the floor to remind students of its farming past as they sip coffee. The original farm had a root cellar that preserved food by using the natural cooling powers of the earth; a new root cellar is also being built that will dwarf the size of the original.

“It may sound odd for an architect to say this, but great campuses aren’t about build-ings. Great campuses are about spaces, and buildings help make those spaces,” said David Goldberg, president of the Seattle-based architectural firm Mithun, a national leader in sustainable design since 1949.

“The old barn, for example, has a soul to it. We didn’t want to replace the essence of this place,” Goldberg added. “Eden Hall is a visionary place. It’s a new model for higher education that has never been done before. It’s not only unique, but timely. Its greatest legacy will be its impact in other places that will produce food, clean energy, clean water and healthy air. The best thing it will grow is the next generation of environmental stewards and leaders.”

Students at Eden Hall will study more than sustainability, but the essence of the new cam-pus is to educate future generations who will integrate sustainable living techniques into all aspects of life. The mission is to address problems that defy simple solutions – global climate change, an environment in crisis and dwindling natural resources. Its graduates will be ready to compete for jobs and leadership positions in the growing field of sustainability.

“Colleges and universities are in the van-guard in taking climate change seriously, but few have the opportunity that we have,” said Dr. Esther Barazzone, president of Chatham. “When I talk to people, they are stunned at the scope of this challenge and our willingness to take it on. Pursuing the goals of sustainability is not only the right thing for Chatham to do; it’s the smart thing to do.”


eden hall is desiGned to secure a sustainaBle future throuGh the followinG:

• Improving air quality and reducing a

community’s carbon footprint while itself

having zero carbon emissions.

• Incorporating comprehensive methods to

manage storm and wastewater on-site

and thereby offering solutions to cities and

towns with aging, over-taxed water lines.

• Employing a diverse mix of energy

generation such as solar, geothermal, and

natural gas fuel cells to produce more

energy than it consumes.

• Constructing new, green buildings while also

preserving and updating existing structures.

• Pursuing sustainable agriculture methods to

produce food for itself and for the region.

history of eden hall

sebastian Mueller (1860–1938) was a German

immigrant who came to Pittsburgh in 1884

to work for his cousin, henry J. heinz. Mueller

became heinz’s second-in-command,

managing manufacturing operations for what

is now the h.J. heinz Company, and later

married elizabeth heinz. a tireless advocate

for and supporter of working women, Mueller

willed his entire estate, including eden hall

Farm in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, to

benefit women. the farm served as a resort

and retreat destination for the women of

heinz until 2008, when eden hall Foundation

gifted the land to Chatham; the university has

long shared Mr. Mueller’s vision and devotion

to enhance the lives of women through

higher education.

The Hilda M. Willis Amphitheater

chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 2013chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 20138

Since being founded 144 years ago, we could not always predict what was next. But we did know this — what was next were the most exciting times of our students’ lives. Next meant getting to the unknown. Next was where they were going, where they would be and what was about to happen. Next was what they were looking for. What Chatham had prepared them for. To always look around the corner, at the wonder, the hope, and the promise. Like Chatham itself. Why we became a university. Why we created innovative and in-demand graduate programs. Why we are helping young women break the mold. Why we’ll soon have the world’s first campus that lives and breathes sustainability. Next. It has always been where Chatham is going. Join us.

neXt: the camPaiGn for chatham

Introducing ...


Chatham is pleased to announce NEXT: The Campaign for Chatham, a comprehensive $100 million capital campaign engineered to guide Chatham and its surrounding communities to new heights, new frontiers, and new discoveries. The capital campaign is essential for the expansion of the reputation, reach, and recognition of the University.

The campaign is already three-quarters to its total with $75 million raised to-date from the contributions of the Falk Foundation, the Eden Hall Foundation, the Richard King Mellon Foundation, Dollar Bank, and PNC Trust, and many more donors.

When fully funded, NEXT will mean the investment of $21 million in students and faculty, $65 million in enhancement and renewal of three campus locations, and $14 million for academic program support and innovation, technology, and the annual fund.

“Private institutions such as ours live or die by the donations of those who benefitted from it,” said Dr. Esther Barazzone, Chatham’s president. “We’re well on our way, but there’s lots of work to be done. The last $25 million will be difficult to raise because it involves so many smaller gifts. We need them all as an investment in our future. There is no other way.”

The University’s primary mission is to continue to attract the brightest students to be shaped, inspired, and mentored by the brightest and most dedicated teachers. With the resources of NEXT creating a critical mass, Chatham believes

its best will get even better, and that land- scape of the mind will be more magnificent.

For those who want to know what's NEXT, $8 million is being earmarked for scholarships to attract top students. And while 90 percent of Chatham’s faculty have a Ph.D. or terminal degree for their field, $5 million is being set aside for faculty chairs as a way of attracting other scholars who are the best in their field.

In addition to its development of the new Eden Hall Campus, Chatham is also preserving its treasures. Through NEXT, we are investing in our historic Shadyside Campus, which includes the 39-acre Woodland Road arboretum. We also putting money into the seven-acre Chatham Eastside facility, which houses the University’s graduate health science and interior and landscape architecture programs.

A gift to NEXT will help Chatham preserve its legacy and pre-eminence in fostering women's leadership and preparing students to succeed in an interconnected world that can use Earth’s resources without compromising the needs of future generations. The goal is to create a brighter, healthier tomorrow for all.

“This is an opportunity for other members of our community to chip in their $100, $5,000 or $50,000 gifts to a cause of terrific importance,” Dr. Barazzone said. “We’re asking people to give whatever they can in order to make a statement about what's valuable to them. In many ways, it’s a measure of customer satisfaction. We want to remind people how important the institution is to them and how important they are to the institution.”


chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 2013chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 201310

NEXT, The Campaign for Chatham, is a comprehensive $100 million campaign designed to push Chatham and our community to new heights, new frontiers, and new discoveries. It will increase our reach, recognition, and reputation. Chatham will invest in the People, Place, and Purpose that power the institution with $21 million in students and faculty, $65 million in development and renewal of our three campus locations, and $14 million in academic program support and innovation, technology, and the Annual Fund. Giving opportunities include:

neXt: the camPaiGn for chatham

to learn more,

please contact

the office of

Major and

Planned Gifts at


or elongchari@



2,200 students make Chatham the fastest growing college or university in the Pittsburgh region during the past decade. We welcome gifts in support of scholarships, internships, fellowships, and assistantships at any level.

scholarshiP your gift of an endowed Chatham College for Women scholarship opens doors of opportunity for generations of young women to come.

fellowshiP With an endowed graduate student fellowship, Chatham can remain competitive in recruiting, retaining, and graduating the best master’s and doctoral prepared professionals in their fields.

Chatham’s campuses are unlike any in the world. no other institution combines the beauty of Woodland Road, the dynamic urbanism of Chatham eastside, and the innovative splendor of eden hall Campus. shadyside help restore Mellon’s historical beauty, install solar thermal panels on the aFC, or preserve and maintain Chatham’s beautiful arboretum.

eastside Give back to your own graduate program by enhancing PA, OT, and PT classrooms and skills labs, or help install windmills on the eastside roof.

eden hall your gifts will help build the most innovative sustainable campus in the world. From buildings to rain gardens to an orchard, the giving opportunities at eden hall allow you to play an active role in creating a brighter, healthier tomorrow through the work of eden hall and our students.

Fostering women’s growth as leaders, creating a sustainable future for all, preparing students to succeed in an interconnected world, and driving academic innovation and research — these are the mission initiatives of Chatham university.

technoloGy Purchase state-of-the-art equip-ment, provide for related ongoing maintenance to keep our laboratories cutting-edge, or equip incoming students with computers.

mission support outreach, academic, and program development across our mission initatives.

study aBroad transform a student’s educational experience, expanding horizons far beyond the classroom into a global, interconnected world.

Place PurPosePeoPle


855-MYCHATHAM (692-4284)

When you give to the Annual Fund,

you help support annual operating

costs for some of the University’s

highest priorities – student

scholarships, financial aid, faculty

research, and campus improvements.

A robust Annual Fund is an essential

part of the University and our NEXT

campaign, because it provides revenue

for current needs – those we are

prepared for and those we cannot



Annual Fund

neXt: the camPaiGn for chatham


We’re here to help you get started…

Office of Major and Planned Gifts

412-365-1652 or [email protected]

Shirley “Kerch” Kerchner ’51 had a life-long passion for both her college education and the close friendships that resulted from her years at Chatham. Shirley graduated from Chatham, then the Pennsylvania College for Women, in 1951 with a degree in sociology. Shirley took pride in the friendships she shared with her college classmates – true friendships that lasted a lifetime and were held together by a shared sisterhood and a love of the game of bridge.

After graduation from Chatham, Shirley worked tirelessly on behalf of emotionally challenged Pittsburgh-area children and their families. Along the way, she earned an advanced degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work.

Even after her passing in February 2013, Shirley made sure future generations of women have the same opportunities she did: to receive an excellent education and make life-long friends at Chatham. Through her estate, Shirley established the Shirley “Kerch” Kerchner Scholarship at Chatham University to provide financial support for undergraduate women. These scholarships will not only help young women afford an education, but they will also allow new generations of Chatham women to discover the sisterhood that Shirley held so deeply in her heart.

Planned Giving


The IRA Charitable

Rollover is back for

2013! Taxpayers, age

70.5 or older, are

eligible to transfer

up to $100,000

directly from an IRA

to Chatham without

paying income tax on

the distribution.

Every gift counts. make a lasting difference for

generations to come. thoughtful gift planning

enables you to provide a much greater impact

than you ever imagined.

chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 2013chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 201314

1. Carlita Johnson-Head ‘93, Tiffany Tupper ‘11, Kathie Olsen ‘74, Quayla Allen ‘12, Mary Whitney ‘91, and Amber Phillips ‘12 represented Chatham at the release of The Princeton Review’s Guide to 322 Green Colleges: 2013 Edition in Washington, DC in April. Chatham was one of only 21 colleges and universities selected to Princeton Review’s Green Honor Roll.

2. Leah Thompson ’93 and Lisa Kulick ’92 enjoyed lunch with Dr. Bill Lenz at the Gate House in May. Dr. Lenz delighted attendees with his research on souvenir culture.

3. Residents of Longwood at Oakmont reminisce over old yearbooks during an alumnae luncheon.

4. Graduate students from a variety of programs celebrated their upcoming commencement at the Graduate Student Reception.

5. Members of the class of 2013, Ashlee Pavetti, Shamin Mason, Julianne Speeney, and Katie Maloney, make the most of their last days at Chatham during Senior Toast at Beatty House.

6. Ashten Omstead, Brianna Britos-Swain, and Tara Grumbine are all smiles on graduation day at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall.


1 2

3 4









7. Chatham staff and biology professor, Dr. Lisa Lambert, enjoyed meeting alumnae for brunch in Boston in June.

8. Cousins, Jessica Szalla ‘97 and Becky Willis ‘05, enjoy an afternoon of Pirates baseball at PNC Park.

9. Kari Garber-Hynek ’08, Susan Scott Schmidt ’81, and Alexis Smith Macklin ’92 enjoy the alumni reception prior to a tour of the 2013 Carnegie International.

10. Chatham alumnae Ann Turnock ’69 (2nd from left) and Sherry Shadrach ’90 (right) mingle with friends at the at Carnegie Museum of Art.

11. Caitlin Miller ’14, Meredith Weber ’06, Christina Sahovey ’11, Tahmina Tursonzadah ’17, and Abigail Beckwith ’17 participated in Chatham Trivia Night hosted by the Student Alumni Association after this year’s Song Contest.

12. Alumni Association Board Member Carol Fris ’91 imparts words of wisdom to first-year students at the annual Ice Cream Social.



chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 2013chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 201316

All roads led back to Chatham for the 2013 Alumnae Reunion WeekendNearly 200 alumnae from 23 states and Canada, representing the years 1943 to 2012, took part in Chatham’s 2013 Alumnae Reunion Weekend. Reunion was a celebration of a shared past; of the innovative teaching and learning taking place at Chatham today; and of the pleasure of being in the company of bright, engaging alumnae, faculty, and friends.

Alumnae Reunion Weekend

1. The Class of 1963 gathers together to celebrate their milestone 50th Reunion.

2. Alumnae reconnect during the Heritage Club Luncheon in historic Mellon Center.

3. 2011 grads, Christina Sahovey and Kate Rubino, prepare to cheer on the 3’s and 9’s during Reunion’s Parade of Classes.

4. Marianne Boggs Campbell ’48 and friend Janice Thaler catch up with Virginia Long Carlson ‘48 and daughter Erika Carlson Van Sickel ’80 at the President’s Reception at Gregg House.

5. President Esther Barazzone (6th from l) and Alumni Association Board President Gail Ruszczyk Emery ’84 (3rd from l), strike a congratulatory pose with award winners (l to r) Barbara Heffer ’68, Jane Grisell Murphy, Ph.D. ’68, Lois Michaels ’53, Leslie Beres-Sochka ’83, the Honorable Mary Jo Wills ’73 and Buky Williams ’03.

2 3




"The Alumnae Award winners were a ll so inspiring!"

"I love Chatham. I love Pittsburgh. It was great to reconnect with my former roommate and I loved how welcoming my classmates were."



6 Meg Alexander Sprenkle ‘63 gets up close and personal with the MPAS program’s medical skeleton during a tour of Chatham Eastside.

7. 2003 grads reconnect on campus at the Bloody Mary and Mimosa reception.

8. Alumnae took an interactive tour of Eden Hall Campus’s learning lab and learned more about Chatham’s initiatives in both sustainability and food studies.

9. 1999 alumna and keynote speaker, Dr. Lisa Hinkelman, returned to campus to inspire guests with her expertise on issues facing girls and women. Lisa’s book, Girls Without Limits, was published in January 2013.

10. The class of 1998 celebrated 15 years with a class party in the Mellon Living Room.



8 "It was nice to walk through the campus and remember how it looked when I was there. I loved getting to know alumnae from other classes and catching up with old friends."

“ Reunion was fantastic down to the tiniest detail. Everyone who attended took home the very happiest memories of a wonderful weekend.”

“ I enjoyed the tour of Eden Hall. It is such a beautiful location,

and it was interesting to hear about Chatham ’s plans for the

sustainability program. ”



ss No


Class NoTEs


’41 Jan Ayres Widgery is still painting, writing poetry, and editing novels written

in earlier years. The most recent novel celebrates early Pennsylvania Female College in 1876-77, and it includes old Pittsburgh scenes and historical events. There are some advantages in having a lifespan of 93 years! Her last three novels are still available via print on demand. Her hearing, eyesight, and voice power are failing and she must use a walker since having two strokes. All these limit her travel, but she still enjoys life.

’42 Jean Burchinal Purvis is still on the board as secretary of the Community Health

Clinic of Butler County, of which she is the founder. The Volunteers in Medicine clinic provides medical/dental care for working poor who lack access to the healthcare system. She is also on the Foundation Board of Butler County Community College.

’43 Amy McKay Core has lived at Passavant Retirement Community in Zelienople

for 15 years and is still taking classes: painting, drawing, and writing – which is so much easier with a computer! She talks with roommate Jean Archer Rothermel ‘43 weekly. Amy missed the Heritage Luncheon this spring, but had attended with three classmates in 2012. She is thrilled with the growth to university and new programs.

’44 Martha McCullough Lohmeyer hopes her classmates have found the way

to submit class notes electronically. No such thing in their college days. Remember how the dorm folks had to share a phone at the end of the hall? Smoking in class was also allowed, and students ate their meals family-style at assigned tables with the house mother seated at Table One.

’46 Martha (Marty) Yorkin Berman is living in a retirement community. She

recently had lunch with Sally Villing Hughes ’46 and loved it. She wishes that her classmates who are still around could have an opportunity to gather. She is looking forward to hearing about everyone, and sends her love.

’47 Ruth De Haven says hello to the class of 1947. She is happy to say that she feels

blessed to live where she wishes and do what she likes, with age-appropriate health and her loving family nearby.

Priscilla Gersmannen Joseph celebrated a big weekend when her whole Seattle family went to Pittsburgh to celebrate her oldest grandchild’s wedding. She is still Brailling, and would like to hear from old friends.

Else Greger Miller and her husband are both doing well in a lovely retirement community, Forwood Manor. They welcomed their third great-grandchild, Zohra Crumchaud, a beauty!

’48 Elizabeth Johnston Scheide is now retired from her part-time clinical

psychology practice (2007) and her full-time position as Pupil Personnel Director at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit (1990). Because of several falls, she requires a wheelchair for mobility and thus is confined to her home much of the time.

’50 Jeanne Wilkofsky Bloomstein just returned from a family reunion in Rancho

Palos Verdes, CA, where her daughter Marcia and family moved. She saw her granddaughter Elissa, whose 11th birthday was August 20th, and hopes to return for Thanksgiving. She is busy with her exercise class, volunteer work, and luncheons. She recently retired from serving as Lorain Education Retired Teachers Association vice president for the past ten years.

’51 Gwen Bach Lammert’s granddaughter, Sarah, graduated from Furman University

in May, and Gwen was in Greenville, SC for this festive affair. Sarah started graduate school at Duquesne University. Her brother, Joshua, graduated from Hempfield High School in Greensburg in June and is off to George Mason University. Her daughter, Amy Lammert ‘84, is a professional actress and appeared in All My Sons at the Pittsburgh Playhouse in September.

Beverly Sandberg Minor is retired as of August 2003 and doing well. Her sincerest wishes go out to her fellow alumnae for their health and well-being!

Alice-Ann Jones Winner was invited to the 25th Anniversary of the United Nations International School of Hanoi, the school she started in Vietnam. The school is thriving: it has 1,000 K-12 students, and a large faculty and campus. Her son, Chris, accompanied her, and they had a fabulous time.

’52 Doris Warner Brown made the decision early this year to get out of the

family home and move to a retirement community. She brought her dog along and they are enjoying all the new people and activities.

Barbara Stephenson Bruner just finished over six years on her condo board as vice president, secretary, and finally president. She is writing from her place in Florida – great golf and sunny! Her biggest accomplishment this past year has been losing 85 pounds and keeping it off! Barbara is planning ahead – only four more years until her 65th Reunion!

To submit a Class Note or photo

for publication in the Chatham

Recorder, visit chatham.edu/classnotes. For more information,

contact the Office of Alumni

Relations at [email protected]

or 412-365-1255.

Submissions may be edited for

length and clarity.


Martha McLaughlin Ellers thinks she is probably the last one in her class to have a child get married. Daughter Elizabeth married Gene Gulland in Leesburg, VA on June 29. She is a vice president for Univision and he is a partner with Covington & Burling, a law firm in Washington, DC. Martha and Richard then enjoyed two weeks at Chautauqua Institute in July.

Barbara Mills Foresti moved in June 2011 to Ridenwood Village, a retirement community about four miles from the house they built in 1967. Her son Carl’s oldest daughter was married one year ago and is living in Houston, Abe is a nursing student, and Sam and Ben are finishing high school in South Plainfield, NJ. Her daughter Lois is still in Orlando, with a family computer business that includes her son, Brian. Her son Michael is engaged to be married next spring.

Marcia Mamolen Stewart had a wonderful time at Reunion last fall even though her class was few in members – she’s just glad to be in touch. She went to London in March on the Post-Gazette Theater Tour and is planning a trip to Williamsburg, VA in April. She and Mervin are both relatively well, so life is good!

’53 Lois Glazer Michaels was honored to be a Cornerstone Awardee for her work

in Public Health at her 60th Reunion. It was equally joyous to hear and see how Chatham’s excellent progress is recognized worldwide – calls from ’53 classmates Alice Sedinger Domineske, Joan Fischer Boyd and Cordy Soles were a treat. She and Milt will celebrate their 60th anniversary in reasonable health and high spirits. They welcomed son Jay and family back to the USA after four years abroad, and all children and grandchildren are thriving.

Elizabeth Frantz Purdum wonders if anyone can really remember how beautiful the campus was in 1953 and how beautiful all of her classmates were in 1953? She sends her best wishes to all.

’54 Barbara Bolger Collett has lived in Gainesville since 1968, when her husband

Bill became the third faculty member of the first college of dentistry in Florida. She and Bill have five grandsons, and the oldest, Bobby Gates, is on the PGA Tour. Their youngest grandchild, Magen, is their only granddaughter; she is almost five. Son Tom is the University of Florida volleyball announcer, traveling with the team and doing the radio play. Dianne is with Hearts on Fire Diamonds and travels nationwide. The youngest, Debbie, will turn 50 and lives nearby Ocala.

Sally Ernst Peterson returned with family to Venezuela, Columbia, Panama and points south for another great visit last spring, plus a wonderful family reunion near Chicago. She is so pleased to report the birth of great-granddaughter Payton Elizabeth this summer! Sally and her family had a truly bountiful harvest from their orchard and their Koi are fat and sassy still! Wonderful memories of PCW years – would be pleased to hear from classmates!

’55 Carla Norberg Gaut is preparing her house to go on the market as she plans

to move to a senior residence in Houston and is busy closing out all of her volunteer jobs. She is so looking forward to a new life with new friends.

’56 Lori Barry Hoskins and Bill are still in their home of 41 years, and loving it. She

keeps active walking daily, playing duplicate bridge and watching movies with a girlfriend. She travels once a year to Europe (river cruises) with the same friend, and soon they’re going from Berlin to Prague on the Elbe. She and Bill take a short cruise once a year out of San Pedro, and this fall will go with close friends up the California coast. She’s having trouble coming to terms with being 80 this February.

Grace Nardulli Regutti sends greetings. She and Carl downsized in 2011, to a condo four miles from their previous house. They have done little traveling this year because of Carl’s medical problems, but did vacation last summer with some of their family at Myrtle Beach. Grace continues with yoga and has a great group of yoga friends.

Patricia Egry Wilson had another busy year of travel. Winter was spent in Sun Valley, ID for four months of skiing and hiking in spring and summer included Utah with a five day whitewater rafting trip. Later she went on to Austria and Switzerland for hikes in the Alps, and stops in Vienna and Zurich. Her family visited Sun Valley in winter and her sister Carol and family came for hiking and tennis in August.

’57 Helen Davis Rowe currently spends time taking care of young grandchildren,

especially over the summer. She and Bob travel very little – they do go to Boston to the theater and also spend a week in Key West in January.

Kathryn Iannuzzo Wassermann and Joe will celebrate their 44th anniversary in November. They live in a co-op on Fifth Avenue in Oakland, and are both retired but extremely active. Joe is involved in local and statewide disability committees, and is an adjunct professor in the Special Education department at Pitt. Kathryn is in charge of the volunteer Braille Team at the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children, and over the past year

their work has earned about $4,200 for the school and provided a much-needed community service. She and Joe’s symphony and theater subscriptions keep them entertained, while she still enjoys cooking and baking, and cannot resist collecting recipes.

’58 Carole Ashman Briggs moved into a retirement community in June and

into great-grandmotherhood in July. It gives one pause about the rapidity with which life passes! Seems like yesterday when the baby she had in 1957 became the subject for that lecture in Human Growth & Development! Writing, gardening, lots of bridge, and traveling with Darr enrich her life, along with keeping up with eight grandchildren and now the next generation!

Kay Harper Kerr worked at New England Ski Museum in Franconia Notch, NH and also at Women’s Rural Entrepreneurial Network (WREN), a great entrepreneurial support for the north country of Vermont and New Hampshire. She loves being with family.

Lois Ingham Peeler met Kay Harper Kerr ‘58 for lunch in Bethlehem, NH with husband York Peeler. Lois continues to be involved in the United Church of Christ, music, and attending Planet Fitness. She and Kay would love to hear from Chatham alumnae who are in the northeast.

’59 Carol Parker Berkman and her family (including Aiden, her beagle mix) are all

doing well. She hopes all is well with all of you.

Harriet Lewis Franklin’s only change is her age: everything else remains the same and better. She’s still working – training and writing for companies, traveling for work to Jordan and to Barcelona, and to Provence, Paris, and Myanmar for fun. She is still running, playing tennis, and dancing – Zumba, hip hop, and African dance. Theater, opera, and films are main interests – she started a film club (Pittsburgh-on-the-Move) which is celebrating 13 years. Also, she speaks for the Women’s Center and Shelter of Pittsburgh to help abused women. Harriet is still married to a wonderful man after 52 years, and has two great children and two grandchildren.

Fran Venardos Gialamas sends warm regards to all. She recently displayed a solo exhibition of her work at Ceres Gallery in New York City. Fran has four grandchildren. She and Cynthia Vanda ‘59 had the pleasure of visiting with Libby Bernardi ’59 in July in Pittsburgh.

Earla Sue Smith McNaull says the highlight of the year was her 52nd anniversary. She went back to Newport for a sail on a 12-meter boat and a night in a lighthouse on Rose Island in Narragansett Bay.

chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 201320

Class NotesClass Notes

Diana Montgomery writes, “All is well here; hope the same is true for you. Cheers.”

’60 Dibbie Spurr Appleton continues to stay involved with her church, serving on

the vestry, chairing outreach, doing altar guild, and writing newsletters. She has five grandchildren in the area (nine altogether) and enjoys seeing her two local daughters often. Her son Will and his wife are still in the Seattle area. She sends her best to all of her classmates!

Nancy Cohen Stein is still doing social work as a Wish Granter for Make-A-Wish. Anyone in the Los Angeles area, give her a call.

’61 Janet Bryan Kilgore is well. Her children, all married, keep her busy. She

has two boys and a late daughter: Jan was lost on July 27, 2013. Tim, the oldest, lives in Charlotte, NC – two children and two steps. Jeff is in Melbourne, FL and has two children, a boy and a girl, who are in college now. Janet and her husband are traveling as much as they can: France, England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Italy, Japan and the National Parks, Hawaii, etc.

Sarah Williams Vasse believes that a good thing about liberal arts education (thank you Chatham!) is that life is never dull. She enjoys life in her university town in New York’s Hudson Valley, with New York City two hours away. Her life includes playing flute, choral singing, being president of a professional chamber ensemble; also family archive research and writing, their CSA farm, gardening, cooking, concerts, church, friends, walking, and visits with Mary and their two grandchildren.

’62 Sherwood Trautman Freeman retired to southern Maryland in 2004 and

built a new home with the Potomac River as the backyard. She has four wonderful children and seven grandchildren aged twenty-five to five. The love of her life, Bill, passed away in 2010. They collected antiques, and she loves traveling, reading with a book club, meeting with an investment club, chairing a holiday house tour for the garden club, serving on her property owners’ board, and playing Mah Jongg and bridge.

Linda “Katie” Kerrigan Miller is enjoying spending time between Texas and Pennsylvania, where she has three wonderful grandchildren. She visited her home in Florida and spent time with her college roommate Fran Dunlap Frydman ‘62 this summer.

crucible (which made commercial solar cell production possible), founder of the world’s largest solar energy plc, winner of the the Queens Award for Export, has guest lectured worldwide (including at Penn State), and is now retired.

’65 Virginia Powell Hargrave is still working full-time with her pottery supply

company, Carolina Clay Connection in Charlotte, now in its 17th year! She teaches pottery there, but mainly runs the business. Earlier this year, she went to Italy for a two-week workshop in Tuscany. Virginia has one granddaughter, Anna (2), in Austin, TX. Son Jordan still works for Dell and is an extreme traveler (having been to almost every country in the world) who writes a travel blog.

Lynne Swartz Jacobson writes that everyone is healthy and in Pittsburgh! Her twin granddaughters are beginning kindergarten, and her daughter and son-in-law are moving into their new home. She and Blair anticipate a great trip to Antarctica, and she is still trying unsuccessfully to say “no” to volunteer jobs. She is Development Chair, Board of Trustees at Rodef Shalom Congregation, co-chair of Hillel Jewish University Center’s “Campus Superstar” fundraiser, and working on Gilda’s Club Conversation with Sully Sullenberger and Paul O’Neill.

Nancy Speck is still in Frederick, still single. She just turned 70 and is still in good health and busier than ever! She has become a quilter and is enjoying stretching her creativity. She is also managing their hospital’s gift shop. She does some travel, which is mostly close to home.

’66 Louise DeCarl Adler supposes she should think about retiring after 29 years

on the bench, but she is still having a good time! She has been doing a lot of “exotic” traveling – Southeast Asia, Kenya and Tanzania, with India planned for November – so she’s not exactly chained to her desk. Her son is still living in Mexico City which affords another reason to travel.

Patty Williamson Baker and her husband spent a second summer in their remodeled/enlarged Wisconsin house. Both of their kids are moving this fall- one family to Evanston, the other 15 blocks closer in Chicago. They love time with their four grandchildren.

Elizabeth Pincus Candler has lost over 100 pounds following bariatric surgery. She visited Kristin Jellison MacLeod ‘66 in February. Elizabeth is happily retired and happy being a grandmother.

Paula Mysell Evans left her position in 2012 as Head of School at the charter school she founded in Cambridge, right in the heart of Kendall Square, and is working half-time to raise money so that

’63 Judy Launer Palkovitz thought her 50th Reunion was great! Enjoyed seeing

everyone who came. In July, she and Debbie Wolowitz Cowan ‘63 visited Albert J. Ossman in Virginia. He looks wonderful, and they had a great time reminiscing. He sends greetings to everyone.

Mary Ann Conti Sheline is one of the retirees that have returned to work, but for only two days a week at Grand Valley State University working on special projects. She still has time to travel and enjoy her four grandchildren, and plans for this year include a month in Italy and a tour of Scotland and Ireland.

Judy Paulsen Webb is doing well in retirement with her husband Dick on their little harbor! They will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in December. They married at Chatham, whose staff also catered an elegant holiday reception at Mellon. Some of you were there! Both sons and families have lived and worked in the Los Angeles area for decades, and her trips to see them are fun and informative with so much to see en route.

’64 Mary MacConnell Ferry has retired from her law firm but still maintains a

small private practice, and Bill will follow suit at year’s end to allow more freedom to travel. They tested the waters this August with an African safari to the Tarangire and Serengeti National Parks in Tanzania. 2014 travel starts with Reunion.

Wendy Haskell is planning to retire from her private practice in part and from fee-for-service work at a mental health clinic, but she will continue working with social work students at Smith College School for Social Work and doing disaster work in Boston. Working with survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing was her last assignment. She sees Gwenn Gurnack ‘64, who is well, and hopes to get to New York City to visit Sue Haskell ’64 sometime soon!

Sue Johnson Hoffmann and Dick have been cruising frequently, traveling through the Panama Canal, visiting the Arctic Circle, the Baltic and sailing the Atlantic from England to Boston with an overnight in Iceland. They may actually see the end of reconstruction on their Superstorm Sandy destroyed home in Lavallette, NJ sometime this fall. They look forward to next summer at the Jersey Shore!

Val Valentine is still in England working as a freelance writer and photography nut with a 16th century farm house to sell. She lost her partner to cancer in 2007. She met David in 2008 on a photography course: he is an experimental physicist, Oxford lecturer, inventor of the cold


they can purchase their school buildings. She is also doing consulting, most recently in Los Angeles. She and Rob continue to live in Newton; their sons are in Virginia and Los Angeles. They have two fabulous grandchildren, Charlotte (8) and Will (7).

Hannah Gilman had a wonderful trip to China in June with her Chinese friend, Bo. They attended Bo’s college reunion, saw all the sights and were treated royally by Bo’s family and friends! Hannah’s favorites were the Panda preserve in Chengdu and the terracotta warriors in Xi’an.

Jacqueline Cain Miller is fully retired from a career as a social work executive. She and Phil have moved to an 18th century farmhouse in Connecticut, and he is still working. Jackie serves on nonprofit boards, plays paddle tennis and bridge, and has plenty of room for guests from Chatham.

Judith Parry Pike got a divorce two years ago after 43 years of marriage, and she is enjoying the single challenge as well as spending more time with her children, in-law children, and grandchildren. Judith continues working for the Army with family violence, sexual assault, and soul and spirit wounds of soldiers returning from combat. She is happier than she has been in years. If you are in southern Arizona, she has lots of space for guests.

’67 Audrey Smith Bensy retired last March and downsized to a lock-it-and-leave-it

condo. Her first grandson was born in November, so she visits him in California, sees family in Virginia, and visits her 24-year-old daughter in DC. Audrey attended her first Chatham Reunion event last year! She’s about to go to her 50th high school Reunion.

Elizabeth Claytor loved seeing classmates at her 45th Reunion in the fall of 2012. Her daughter, Mary, a 2009 Chatham alumna, is doing well and working for Lifetouch Studios. Mary credits the beloved Dr. Cooley for teaching her everything that she knows about photography, and both women miss him very much.

Penelope Anderson Gladwell is enjoying retired living with husband, Dave. Hedges Chapel provides preaching and Bible study opportunities for her, and she is helping to put together a strategic plan for the historic congregation. Playing golf is always a challenge, while raising two kittens to adulthood is laughs and giggles galore, and learning Mah Jongg keeps the little gray cells awake. She enjoys connecting with classmates on Facebook, too.

Lucy Finger Harding has been loving being home in Maine to welcome her daughter Molly and her partner Greg's first child, Violet Read Winston-Harding. She just got back to Los Angeles and 100 degree heat!

Beverly Blazey Palmer is teaching an online Sport and Fitness Psychology Certificate Program after retiring from being a full-time professor in psychology at California State University. She created a doctoral program in clinical psychology at Saybrook University and taught there for the past nine years. She still has a private practice in clinical psychology in Torrance, CA. During the past ten years, she has also had three Fulbright awards – to Malaysia, Borneo, and Barbados.

Janet Lois Walker is having a wonderful retirement, teaching Scottish Country Dance work-shops in the USA and Canada, playing piano duets, taking Italian conversation classes, and traveling.

’68 Nancy Banchiere Bisbe is still working in the library and trying to slow the

aging process by biking and staying in shape. She is not ready to retire but thinking of it. She says “hi” to all of the class of ’68.

Susan Schmerer-Haacke continues to work as an attorney for families involved with the juvenile dependency system, which she finds rewarding. Though she hasn’t found Chatham grads living in her area, she exchanges messages with Betty Shapiro Kaplan ‘68 and Ann Kessler Guinan ‘68.

Kathleen Kratt Neeley is retired and living in Lawrence, Kansas, with Jim, her husband of 45 years. Her children Alan and Laura are married and live nearby. Laura has two children of her own, making Kathleen a grandmother!

Eleanor (Lea) Wait is excited to share that Shadows on a Cape Cod Wedding, the sixth in her Shadows Antique Print Mystery Series, was published this spring. She has also just signed a three-book contract with Kensington for a new mystery series, and will have a new historical novel for ages 8-14 published next spring. Lea also blogs with nine other Maine mystery writers at mainecrimewriters.com.

’69 Sarah Bornstein is still working as the Human Resources Director at a social

service agency that serves adults with disabilities. She had a great vacation in August visiting Chatham roommate Annie Rosch Duffield ’69 at her beautiful home in Bluff, UT. Much to her surprise and delight, Sarah recently acquired a great boyfriend who lives and works in her neighborhood.

Ann Turnock came home to Pittsburgh this spring after 40 years in California. She found a great place in Penn Hills and is rejoicing in the seasons, birds, and greenness. She is just two miles from her 92 year-old father and has made connections to the church she grew up in and her high school class. Ann is looking forward to doing the same with Chatham.

’70 Evelyn Lewis Freeman continues to work part-time at The Ohio State

University. She and husband Harvey spent most of April traveling in Australia and visiting friends in New Zealand. Evelyn was happy to see Bonnie Smith ‘70 and have a mini-reunion in Chicago with Chatham roommates, Gail Pelsue Wagner and Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan ‘70. It has been wonderful to visit Chatham as a member of the Alumni Association Board. Pam Bradley ‘70 and Evelyn roomed together in Rea when they helped with the June 2013 Reunion Weekend.

Lisa Garber’s daughter Tess was married in June at their house. It was a lovely ceremony. Lisa and her husband Jim have travelled a little bit. Retirement is good!

Cynthia Plotkin-Mervis recently moved to Delaware from the Phoenix area. Both of her girls are married and settled in the suburbs of Philadelphia. This past winter each had a new baby, so now there are three grandchildren. The beach lets her and her husband to have their own place that is also somewhere the kids to want to visit. They still have their business, and Cynthia is planning on getting to Chatham for her 50th, but not before.

’71 Diane Peterson is retired, healthy, and happy, and she appreciates her blessings.

One of the highlights of recent travel was a week on a paddle wheeler on the Mississippi River, and another was a week with the extended family at Jumby Bay, near Antigua to celebrate her husband’s 70th birthday. A two-week Mediterranean cruise in October will get them to Tunisia, they hope! Diane recently spent time with ’71 classmates Adele Grunberg in Houston, Carol Kaempfer in Phoenix, and Chris Walker in Pittsburgh.

’72 Suzanne Robblee enjoyed visiting with Jene Schiros Wilson ‘72 and Terri Rupani

Nagel ’72 in June at Jene’s home in Cleveland. Jene was recovering from a broken leg and wrist, but her spirit was unbroken.

Jene Schiros Wilson had a great time at her 40th Reunion last year. Seeing so many old classmates was very fun, and she recommends Reunions to everyone.

Jean Swantko Wiseman continues to reside in the Twelve Tribes Communities – presently near Hickory, NC.

’73 Susan Ifft Christie is enjoying retirement and traveling a lot with her

husband. Her dogs Max (6) and Ernie (3) continue to be very spoiled and exceptionally cute.

chatham University • RECoRdER • Winter 201322

Class NotesClass Notes

Ruth Abbott Clark is starting her 17th year teaching elementary general music in the North Reading Public Schools. Her three granddaughters and four daughters were with her on her birthday this year! Ruth joined “Get in Shape for Women” and feels fitter than ever before.

Joann Brandt Grisetti would like to hear from classmates.

Amy Ingraham thought it was great to see the folks who turned out for the reunion in June 2013. Seeing the campus reminds her of the fictional Terence Mann’s words: “...it’ll be as if they’d dipped themselves in magic waters. The memories will be so thick, they’ll have to brush them away from their faces” (Field of Dreams). She and her classmates adopted Barbara Campsie ’92 to their class. Peace, love, and rock and roll, see you in ten years.

Ellen Britton Kennedy’s first grandchild, Max, was born April 2 to daughter Katy, while her middle child Tracey got her master’s from London School of Economics in December, and her youngest, Karen, got her master’s this year from University of St. Andrews. Ellen’s husband, Larry, had a massive stroke last year, and it has been devastating in every way imaginable. She is single-handedly running their business and doing the caregiving night shift as he is paralyzed on the left side. It has been a challenging year!

Sandy Kuritzky welcomed the Greater Philadelphia Regional Alumnae chapter to her home last spring. Since then, she has been busy helping to inaugurate the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Alumni Association. The chapter had three events in the fall, including a docent-led tour of the Philadelphia Zoo. Her husband, Dave Schaffer, was volunteered to lead the group, and the tour included the Zoo’s “sex” tour as well as a look at the new KidZooU.

Christine McClure had fun seeing everyone at the 40th Reunion and touring the Eden Hall campus. She can now define what “sustainability” really means.

Susan O’Neil is still enjoying leading her New Hampshire team of search and digital marketers at Website Publicity, plus finding time to spend at her home at the Maine coast. She is having fun planning the June wedding of daughter Bligh to Matt, a widower with adorable son, Devin. Susan’s poor husband has lived all these years with four females and looks forward to evening up the odds a bit. Their twins Grace and Elizabeth are finishing up their degree programs. She asks, “How are other Woodland ’Zoo‘ members?”

is on Facebook if you want to look her up, and would love to communicate with her old friends!

’76 Sharon Citron Elman continues to stay busy with her general dentistry practice

in Cleveland. She is also active in the Zonta Club of Cleveland and chairs the scholarship committee. Daughter Emily just celebrated her second wedding anniversary and is an attorney in a Manhattan law firm. Her son Noah just purchased a franchise and is a Mac Tools distributor.

Allyson Fried decided to go back to school since she was no longer practicing podiatric surgery due to her back disability. She just finished medical school last week and now can claim to be a doctor squared. She is now a Medical Doctor and Doctor of Podiatric Medicine!

Brenda Marsh wrapped up her career at Barnes & Noble in May, and is looking forward to her next adventure. She enjoyed the Annual “Cape May” at Anita Zeiler Vergne’s ‘76 in Easton, MD, with Helen Mills ‘77, Gaye Torrance ‘77, and Susie Silverstein ‘78 as well as fun in Philadelphia and Maine with Louise Turan George ‘76 and New Year’s in Boston with Muffy Gaisford ‘76 and Kerry Tucker ‘77. Brenda loves serving as an Alumna Trustee for Chatham- great things are happening at her alma mater.

Paula Martinac moved back to Pittsburgh with her partner, Katie, and their dog in 2003 after two decades of living in New York City. She has been busy building a private nutrition consulting practice, with offices in Highland Park and Allison Park. She specializes in midlife weight loss and reversing metabolic syndrome, and she also writes for various websites and blogs on health and nutrition topics. Who knew when she was at Chatham studying French history that she would like science so much?

Rachel Richman continues to enjoy her work as Policy and Political Director of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 21 in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is gearing up for state and local elections in 2014. Rachel enjoys recruiting women union members to become more active in leadership. She and partner Jim spent three weeks in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia earlier this year. She stays in touch with Rosanna Lane ‘71 and hopes for one more Caribbean sailing trip together next year.

’77 Lois Momeyer Hollinsworth is now teaching choral music, piano, and guitar at

Brashear High School in the Pittsburgh Public School district. Her husband Jay retired and subsequently unretired this past year. Lois and Jay welcomed their first grandchild, Cora Rose Berman, in March 2013.

Mary Ann Hood Slavin just had a great vacation with her kids Scott and Melanie, Melanie’s husband, and their 18-month-old grandson Mason in the Bahamas. She tried surfing for the first time in Hawaii this spring and had a lot of fun without hurting herself. She and Neil still volunteer, travel, and do various jobs for fun in their retirement.

Barbara Wilhelm had a great time at the Reunion in June. It was wonderful to reconnect with classmates and see Chatham’s new ventures. She hopes to see more of her class next time! Barbara’s new book featuring the story of the Chatham Memorial Window, In Your Dreams, is available at Lulu.com and Amazon.com. Son Derek has completed a Master’s in Culinary Education and is working in Boston, and son Shane graduated from Cal U and has recently started medical school.

’74 Pam Fabish Allison is looking forward to retirement March 1, 2014!

Susan Fetterolf spent three weeks at her loft in Tribeca in NYC this summer while Abigail attended a summer writing program at Columbia University. Abigail started her second year at Miss Porter’s School in Farmington, CT, and turned 16 in July. Susan just finished renovating a barn into a studio, so she is looking forward to getting back to painting. She is hoping to attend her 40th reunion next year. She is in touch with quite a few friends from the class of ‘74 and would love to see everyone.

Lynn Emberg Purse is fortunate to have a sabbatical from teaching this fall to pursue an extensive music/multimedia composition project. For A Year in Penn’s Woods, she will create and incorporate field audio and video recordings of natural habitats in Western PA as the basis for several pieces that reflect the beauty and singularity of the local area throughout the calendar year. Lynn is pursuing connections with local environmental groups for unique performance opportunities.

’75 Janice Cederstrom Ciampa’s husband Ralph is retiring as head of Pastoral Care at

the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Their youngest child has finished college at Penn, and three of their four children are now married with a wedding in July. Janice took a wonderful celebration tour this summer in Switzerland, Italy, and Denmark. The psychiatry business is steady, and Janice hopes to see some of you at the Philadelphia regional Chatham events.

Shelley Gibson has had a hectic year! The house has reached its 30 year mark, and requires all the usual updates. She is mulling over the idea of selling it, and moving to a small condo, for maintenance reasons. Shelley has been to Montreal to visit the family, and has traveled to Florida for some R&R. She


Beth Hydovitz’s mother passed away at her home in Florida in December. Beth is glad to say they’d made peace and had no unfinished business. She is counting down to her 20th anniversary at BNY Mellon next year, where she works on an IT help desk for employees of the Wealth Management sector.

Deborah Morrison is still happily retired and living in Miami. She recently became a volunteer Art Deco District Tour Guide in South Beach for the Miami Design Preservation League. She took a trip this spring to Havana, Cuba, just before her youngest daughter Julia’s wedding in Boulder, CO.

Kaye Kim Reiber is teaching kindergarten in her home school district. She graduated with a master’s degree in early childhood Eeducation in May. She loves to continue learning!

’78 Roslyn Maholland is living happily in Crafton, PA with her husband, Bud Murock.

She is working at the Thomas Merton Center (TMC) in the Garfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh. TMC is Pittsburgh’s Peace and Justice Center since 1972.

’79 Karen Calmeise Darden is still holding the position of Administrative

Law Judge for the District of Columbia. Greer (18) graduated in June 2013. Karen could not convince her to head to Chatham – she wanted a southern venue for pre-vet studies. Drew (16) is in the 11th grade, and he is looking at science or tech fields, while Mike is holding his pediatrics practice.

Doreen DiMento Farthing is pleased to report that all three of her children have now graduated from college. She and husband Jim are enjoying this next stage of life and are delving into planning some international trips for 2014. She would love to discover if any other alums live in the Nashville, TN area.

Judith Nass Frohman is still living in the San Francisco Bay Area with her partner, Linda. She is now working at Oracle and travels with work quite a bit. She sees Jennifer Curley ’79 every once in a while and would love to see Lynn Vannucci someday soon.

Carrie Pevarnik Swing is an adjunct professor of music at West Virginia State University. She led a workshop at a recent West Virginia Music Educators conference with her presentation, “Helping Flute Players Get a Good Start – Tips and Tricks for Non-Flutists.” Carrie continues to teach flute privately and to participate in local musical groups – both playing and singing. Her summer was taken up with caring for husband Jeff, who recently suffered a mild heart attack and broken leg. He is on the mend – thanks be to God and the care of wonderful medical folk.

’83 Leslie Beres-Sochka was honored to be selected to receive a Cornerstone

Award during the 2013 Reunion. Her family is fine and attended Reunion with her! She is no longer on the Alumni Board, but she continues to volunteer for Chatham. Leslie continues to work for the New Jersey State Health Department. She had a lot of work-related events this past year, including contributing to two articles in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. She is the president of the National Birth Defects Prevention Network.

Gretchen Rittmeyer McCabe still sings in the choir at St. Alexis. She and her husband, Larry, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in April and their 18th grandchild is on the way. Still enjoying a very active life with the five grandchildren in the Pittsburgh area and traveling to visit the others.

’84 Gail Ruszczyk Emery’s son CJ (14) graduated from middle school and son

Chris (12) is a 7th grader. Gail had a wonderful time at the June 2013 Reunion, where she caught up with Sharon Nuskey ‘83 and Leslie Beres Sochka ‘83. She had a fabulous stay at Rea House for Reunion and looks forward to doing it again in June 2014 for her 30th Reunion! Class party plans are already underway – ‘84 had over 30 return for the 25th, would love to see more for the 30th! Send Gail a text message or email, she’ll get you on the list!

Virginia Lunde Mayne has had an interesting couple of years. She was recently promoted to associate registrar at Gordon College in Wenham, MA, and recently divorced; the two are not related. She has moved, and she is breathing deeply the atmosphere of peace, calm, and fresh start. Her daughters (20 and 16) are adjusting as best they can, but overall, things are good.

’85 Pinette Sofranko retired in 2011 and moved to Tennessee to be near her

daughter and two grandchildren. She is incredibly happy to watch both her granddaughter and grandson grow. She plays golf every week with a league comprised of amazing women who range in age from mid-40’s to 80 years-old. She also just

’80 Meg Lawless Crossett graduated with her MSW degree from VCU in 2010.

She is working as a consultant/parent with the local children’s hospital to bring a palliative care program to the hospital. Meg volunteers many hours supporting families who have a child with cancer through two local DC organizations – DC Candlelighters and Teardrops to Rainbows. She enjoys spending time with her husband, children, and grands.

Renee Unico Eaton, her husband, and son started a 3D printing company in 2010. RapidMade offers rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing, engineering services and promotional products. They scan objects or download computer-aided design drawings and then print them in color. Popular jobs include architectural and industrial models and product prototypes.

’81 Susan Scott Schmidt continues to live within walking distance of Chatham with

her husband, Tom. It has been a difficult health year, because of pulmonary fibrosis, but she is enjoying trips to her Florida Beach cottages and spas. Schmidt joined her ex-roommate Judy Smith-Bogad ‘81 for a Chatham trip to the Barnes Foundation art collection in Philadelphia.

’82 Jill Goldstein Balagur-Conn retired from the University of Pittsburgh School

of Social Work in 2004 and moved to Austin, TX. She taught one semester at the University of Texas School of Social Work as she built a private practice in suburban Austin as a psychotherapist and workplace consultant. Jill has followed her passion for travel, visiting the Galapagos in 2011, and soon going on a safari in Tanzania.

Susan Peirce joined Broward College as executive director of development and campaigns. She is also chairing an international fundraising conference, serving on the board of HOPE South Florida to transition families out of homelessness, and cooking on weekends at Boca Helping Hands. Life is crazy good and busy! Please keep the alumnae tradition of making your annual gift to Chatham!

’86 Jill Hood Underhill lives in Richmond, TX with husband of 23 years,

Bill, and their two sons, Will (15) and Charlie (13). They enjoy boating at their place on Lake Somerville. In July of 2013, they vacationed in Washington state and Victoria, BC. Jill has been practicing yoga for 21 years, and instructing since 2005. She is passionate about teaching beginners, “seasoned” citizens, and veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Jill had a lovely visit chez Patty McGough Swenson ‘86 in April 2012 in Santa Barbara!

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landed a part-time job to keep herself busy and her mind active.

’86 Denice Hallstein continues to live in Northampton, MA with her wife Zita, two

dogs, and only one of three sons left at home. She and Zita traveled several times this year including a trip to Portugal and a trip to Paris. Denice now has a graduate degree in animal behavior and has her own business as an animal behavior consultant helping people to solve their pet’s behavior problems.

’87 Danna Aitken-Bigenho just held a rally in Goshen, NY to support the

Second Amendment and to repeal the NY Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act as a member of the New York Revolution. In addition, she recently received her certification as a drug and alcohol counselor. She is working on her dissertation in order to complete her PhD in General Psychology via Capella University.

Sharon Elder Thayer earned her Master of Education from Anna Maria College in May and is working in a school in Oxford, MA.

’88 Jen Mathis McAllister is an attorney in solo practice in San Jose, CA, where she

practices business and employment law and legal risk management.

’89 Lisa Yelson Levin is happily living by the beach in Los Angeles with her

husband, Dan, and son, Alex. She and Dan will celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary this year, and their family will be traveling to Barcelona for Alex’s bar mitzvah. Lisa is enjoying a successful career in real estate. She’s sorry to have lost connection with fellow alums and hopes to reconnect soon.

Hilari Lipton has completed her mid-life career change by graduating from Capital University Law School this past May. Hilari has returned to New Mexico, where she is temporarily working as a Senior Child Welfare Policy analyst for the New Mexico Supreme Court while looking for her dream job in the child welfare field. She and Lori are excited about a return to a normal life away from the rigors of law school.

Veronica Stevenson-Moudamane recently relocated to Macau to assume the position of Director of Libraries for the International IB School of The Nations located in Taipa, Macau S.A.R.

Teri Andres Walter has had a successful Mary Kay business which has earned her three cars in three years and replaced her full-time income. Son Brad medaled at the Youth National Crew

’93 Christie Champion Benton made a career change after 16 years

as Communications Director/Assistant Director of Rodef Shalom Congregation in the Oakland/Shadyside area of Pittsburgh. In August 2012, she became Development Director at Saint Joseph High School in Natrona Heights, PA, and she is thrilled to be making a difference in her own community. Christie is married to her husband of 17 years, Eric Benton. They are devoted owners of a 13-year-old English Bulldog, Mabel, and a 14-year-old Pomeranian, Penny.

’95 Heidi Clark Bonwell’s passion for creativity and art history has brought her

full circle to what she does for a living. She is the founder and co-owner of Scarlet Clover Designs. Heidi designs and builds handbags that subtly and cleverly revolve around her Judeo/Christian heritage. Through inventive designs with symbolism, she quietly shares her faith in God’s word through art on handbags.

Bethany Fulton is finishing her dissertation from Ohio University and volunteering at a local hospice. She is presenting at two conferences, sharing her work on schizophrenic auditory hallucinations. In 2014, her first book chapter will be published in a volume on mentoring in the mental health professions.

Najaa Young started NaRa Films with her business partner in 2009 while living in Los Angeles and began filming the documentary, American Africans. Shortly thereafter, her mother became seriously ill and she returned to Ohio to help care for her. Her mother’s recovery has been miraculous and while she still has a little ways to go, Najaa has been able to go back to film work. She recently wrote and directed her first feature film, Blood First, which was shot in Pittsburgh, and will be released later this year.

’97 Becky Alperin, Ph.D. joined the private practice of Psychological

Resources, Ltd. in April 2013. She also became a part-time instructor at the University of Toledo, where she taught a graduate-level course in the Clinical Psychology program during the spring semester of 2013. She continues to run and participate in 5K’s, and meets for dinner with Rachel Lenzi ‘98, who moved to Toledo last year.

Cinde Eash Boyden, Ed (Husband), Emma (10) and Eli (8) have had a great year. They traveled to Maine this summer – Acadia, Baxter State Park, and Moosehead. Cinde is a literacy coach and spends the rest of her time in the garden, kitchen, and running back and forth between gymnastics, soccer, archery, and piano. She’s been blogging about kids and kitchen at iwouldstillplantmyappletree.blogspot.com and really enjoys chronicling her days.

Championship and is searching for the perfect engineering/crew college. Daughter Heather competitively dances and cheers and has qualified to go to the National All American Pageant which teaches young girls interviewing skills and confidence. Husband, Mike, is a great supporter of everyone in the family!

’90 Patti Gordon has an internet radio show, hempradio.com, and is the Orange County

Representative for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) Women’s Alliance. Her latest project is to help the planet by replacing plastic and paper bags with the Hemp Grocery Tote that she has designed and produced.

’91 Lori Framiglio is still living spitting distance from the campus, and is working

at the GNC corporate office in Product Development and launching lots of exciting new products. She enjoyed a second trip to Switzerland this summer with a fun group of Pittsburghers – vineyards with the Alps in the distance as a backdrop!

Betsy Hershey went to veterinary school after Chatham and obtained her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Minnesota in 1996. She specializes in cancer treatment for dogs and cats and has her own practice in Phoenix, AZ. Betsy has a stepson, Shane, who is a junior in high school. Her daughter Lily (5) started kindergarten this year and her son Tristan turned three in October.

Maria Majors Marriott has been teaching music to Preschool children for about ten years. Last year, she returned to college to complete her coursework for Early Childhood Education. After receiving her Site Supervisor License, she now teaches in the classroom at Friends Nursery School, a program in Palo Alto, CA.

’92 Jennifer Kusenko Keth will be celebrating her 17th year of self-

employment as a Massage Therapist. She is an active member in the Clarion Rotary Club and a Board Member of the Clarion Area Chamber of Business and Industry. Abigail will be ten and is busier than ever with dance and violin.

Dawn Kulick is the Felony Division Chief, Miami State Attorney’s Office. Her work focuses on prosecution of homicides and death penalty cases. Dawn previously served in Gang Strike Force, prosecuting violent street crimes.

Barbara Brown Virany is a Senior Portfolio Manager with Morgan Stanley, and her son, Derek Brown, joined her practice in 2011, becoming an integral part of the team. Robert is in high school and Walter is in middle school.


Jessica Jones Szalla recently celebrated her 17th service anniversary with Giant Eagle, Inc. She works in the Information Services Department providing leadership and operational direction for Application Support.

Christina Valentine-Hess is currently working at Industrial Scientific Corporation as a people & leadership analyst. She is excited to start taking a class this fall for her SPHR Certification exam. Fairly recently and finally divorced, she has two boys, one starting middle school and one starting kindergarten this year. She would love to hear from former classmates that she has not found on Facebook.

’98 Amy Burgess LaSota and her husband, Bill, had a busy year. In addition

to a wedding and honeymoon in the Loire Valley, France, they also bought a house in Dormont and Bill bought a veterinary practice in Heidelberg, PA. Amy still works as the recruitment director for the College of Creative Arts at West Virginia University and enjoys meeting up with fellow Chatties during her recruitment travels. She and Bill are planning to return to Scotland this fall for the third time.

’99 Christy Dennison joined the staff of the Carlow University Advancement

Office as donor relations administrator in 2011. She has loved growing both professionally and personally in this new role. She currently lives in the Edgewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh, across the street from her “bestie,” Lisandra Rodriguez White ‘99 and Lisandra’s beautiful family. Not a day goes by when Christy doesn’t feel grateful for her Chatham education. You can find her on Facebook and LinkedIn.

’00 Stephanie Fantauzzo Johnson, MOT ’02 stepped down from her

management position as Team Leader of Inpatient Rehab Occupational Therapy at a level I trauma hospital in Dayton, OH to stay at home with Sofia

Irene (born 1/2012). While “staying at home” is far from her reality, she currently works as an OT PRN on inpatient rehab, runs her own photography company (Dolce Photography), and will be having baby #2 in December 2013. Follow her photography at facebook.com/dolcephotog.

Rebekah Heilman resides in Freehold, NJ with her partner Joe and is mom to Joey (2) and Adrianna (4). She maintains an appellate practice from home, without childcare, thanks to start-up help from Laura Rybka ‘00. Her days are potty runs, sibling rivalry, timeouts, tantrums, and bed invasions, and despite exhaustion, she enjoys working quietly at night. She and Adrianna enjoyed Amy Dahl’s ‘00 shower. She enjoyed a Jersey Shore summer and her role in Face the Music to benefit New Jersey Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts.

’01 Michele Agosti has been quite busy the last couple years: she and her husband,

Nathan, moved from Los Angeles to Seattle in August 2011, moved into their first house in November 2011, and welcomed their first child, daughter Taylor Samantha Bingham, in December 2011. Since then it has been a whirlwind of settling into Seattle, being new parents, and making new friends. They love their new home, city, and all the challenges of parenthood.

Dale Ross Arnberg is living in north central Washington state where her husband of six years grew up. Their oldest (6) started first grade and their twins, Diego and Rafaela, turn two in November. Dale is in her third year with UPS as a supervisor and would love to get in touch with classmates that are out west.

Crystal Gemuenden Cochran and her husband, Patrick, welcomed a baby girl, Quinn, last summer. Quinn is now a wild, happy, funny toddler and keeps her parents on their toes. Crystal loved her visit from Morgan Gable ‘04 and Rachael Bieltz ‘01 and had a blast forging the canoe through the Boundary Waters. Next time they should remember to bring the paddles.

Jasmine Hunter Penter graduated from USC with her Master’s of Social Work in May. She started a new job as a medical social worker in June, and opened a counseling private practice in September. She’s accepting clients both in-person and online, so consider referring clients to her. Jasmine celebrated her fourth wedding anniversary in August.

Jackie Spycher continues to serve as field staff for the National Network of Presbyterian College Women helping to coordinate leadership development for young women at the denominational level. This past spring, she led a group of 13 young women to the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women working as faith-based advocates to help

eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls. This fall, she will begin divinity school at Yale University. She is seeking ordination in the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Stephanie Swift-Antill says that this year marked the first time she went skydiving – and definitely not the last! In fact, she is jumping out of another perfectly good airplane in a few weeks. Also, Stephanie returned to the Scarehouse as Ghoul Interrupted after a four-year hiatus. As for her day job, Stephanie is in her second year with Automatic Data Processing, Inc. in the area of benefit sales.

’02 Sarah Grey loves the freelance life and is proud to say that she actually uses her

philosophy/cultural studies degree on the job every day. She started Grey Editing LLC (greyediting.com) in 2010 and has been editing books, writing copy, and coaching writers (from CEOs to grad students to rabbis) ever since. She lives in the Fishtown section of Philadelphia with her partner Joe and their daughter Lucia, and gets her Chatham on whenever she can with Eliza Johnson ‘03!

Kelly McKown and her boyfriend, Brian, are just past a year without killing each other, despite being a couple divided between the Bucs and the Reds. After seeing ’02 classmates Kristin DeLuca, Bridget McNamee, Krista Kowalok, Laura Voelker Glisan, and

’98 Deborah Shields Harris earned her Doctorate in Management and

Organizational Leadership from the University of Phoenix in 2013.

’00 Kelly Rabenstein Donohoe was married at the Chatham chapel

last year, and the new couple welcomed their honeymoon baby when Eleanor Isabella (Ella) was born in November 2012. Kelly is finishing up her doctoral degree and working towards becoming a licensed psychologist. She’ll be teaching at Chatham in the master’s psychology program, because she loves Chatham and never wants to leave.

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Melissa Sosanko on a trip to the ‘Burgh in April, their sights are now set on Antigua in November. Kelly is still working for the state community college system and reading as much as possible in her spare time.

’03 Nichole Bayliss has returned to the “bubble” as an instructor in the social

work/criminology and psychology departments...and even has a few tutorial students! She is working hard on finishing her dissertation so she can finally become an assistant professor.

Adrienne Yingling Oxley received her PhD from the University of Pittsburgh in 2009. She and her husband (Sam Oxley, MA ’09) currently live in Lexington, SC with their two children: Noah, who is almost two, and Columbia – “Bia”– who is nearly four. Adrienne is an assistant professor of chemistry at Columbia College.

October. She will be continuing her job full-time while also attending class full-time.

’08 Maryam Kamran went on to obtain a Master’s in Biology from Youngstown

State and is currently pursuing a PhD in Biological Sciences with a focus on Animal Behavior at Bowling Green State University.

’10 Jasmine Davis recently attended Gen Con in Indianapolis as a finalist in the

Tabletop Deathmatch, a national board game design competition. She is one of 16 finalists to have her game, Cool Table, published. When she’s not designing games, she’s busy working in social media for a Pittsburgh startup.

Amanda Vranka Ostendorf is a Special Education Teacher in Baltimore County Public Schools and has a two year-old son.

’10 Alese Underwood began her career in TV news reporting in Erie,

PA at WJET. Now she has been living in Shreveport, LA reporting for NBC affiliate KTAL-NBC 6. Alese loves her southern life, Cajun cooking, and Mardi Gras! The picture is with main anchor/mentor Nick LaFave broadcasting live from the Krewe of Gemini float loading party.

’03Jen Novotny writes, “How to report summer 2013? A time whose

equal has not been seen. After years of study in archaeology, she is now officially a PhD! And if that hadn’t left her crazed and harried, she also managed to get married. On a rainy June day in old Glasgow, Dr. Johnston wed Dr. No. Then home to PA to celebrate a second wedding on a second date. Though missing Reunion left her glum, she still managed to see her Chatham chums. All in all, a wonderful year, that’s left her smiling from ear to ear.”

’04 Jamie Baker graduated with her Master’s in Public Health in May from

University of South Florida. She works at a local Area Agency on Aging as the Director of Healthcare Initiatives. Jamie oversees the Care Transitions Program that includes hospital partnerships working to reduce readmission rates, a charge in the Affordable Healthcare Act. She also oversees the evidence-based health and wellness education programs and seasonal health initiatives. She hopes to see classmates at Reunion!

Amanda Mosley Butts is still keeping the Howe-Childs Gate House afloat and loves seeing all of her repeat guests and working closely with the student employees of the Gate House. Adam and Amanda welcomed their third child in September 2013, another baby boy, Beau Regis, who joined Brady Alexander and Blake Nicholas!

’05 Patricia Chicka will be pursuing certification in massage therapy at the

Pittsburgh School of Massage Therapy starting in

Chaquica Shipman recently completed the Basic Science portion of medical school and is currently living in Shadyside studying for the USMLE Step 1 Exam. After spending almost two years abroad, it feels good to be back home in Pittsburgh and right down the street from her alma mater.

’12 Elizabeth Dorssom has been selected as an intern for the U.S. State Department.

Throughout the year-long internship, she will be analyzing USAID project evaluations. She is very excited and honored to be selected, as there were over 2,600 applicants for this internship.

Alexis Spencer can’t believe it’s been a year, but she’s excited to have the privilege of coming back to Chatham for PT school. She can’t wait to see old friends and make new ones too.

’13 Rose Smiechowski has accepted a position as an AmeriCorps Public Ally

in Pittsburgh, and will be working as a program coordinator for Pittsburgh Botanic Garden during her term.

In MemoryWe mourn to passing of alumni and friends

of Chatham and celebrate their lives at our

annual memorial service during Reunion

Weekend. Information about deceased

alumni may be submitted to the office of

alumni Relations at [email protected]

or by mail to Chatham University, office

of alumni Relations, Woodland Road,

Pittsburgh, Pa 15232.

Thelma Golden Charen ’36Marjorie Stewart Smoyer ’37Ruth Patton Kamuf ’42Phyllis Tross Blackshaw ’43Virginia Speer Baldwin ’44Ruth Jenkins Horsburgh ’45Virginia Vogt McDermott ’46Janet Bovard Poole ’46Norma MacMillen Morris ’48Marilyn Rickel Hetzel ’50Nancy Baker Fekety ’51Janet Geiersbach Barr ’53Joan Frasher Koerner ’54Joyce T. Schafer ’54Sally Schmidt Gregerson ’57Sara Dalglish Tulczyjew ’62Jane Hanley ’67Marjorie Wolff Klingener ’79Grania Feddis Anderson ’79Leonoor Mastboom Zehner ’80Robyn Ross ’81Holly Brown-Kmetz ’84Georgianna Hillenbrand ’86Mary Pamela Kilgore ’87Donna Weaver ’95Lori Rollin ’03Kasia Mitchell, MSCP ’06


’00 Laura Banta Huth, MOT and her family welcomed Claire last October

and have had fun watching Katie and Mary turn into fabulous big sisters. Laura is working part-time as an occupational therapist and helps out at Chatham most semesters, so she doesn’t have much downtime! She and her family have been to Gettysburg and spent lots of time boating this summer. She and Patrick are planning a trip to the Finger Lakes for some sunshine and wine!

’06 Laura Bell, MAOCP has served as Program Director in the Department of

Family and Community Health at the University of Maryland School of Nursing in Baltimore, MD since 2011. Prior to that, she spent six years as Program Manager for the NIH K12 Roadmap Initiative career development program at the University of Maryland’s School of Medicine.

’08 John Yeager, MSCP and his wife welcomed their daughter, Alexandria Grace

Yeager, into the world on May 26, 2013.

’09 Penny Schnarrs, MBA completed a master’s certificate in organizational

learning from Northeastern. She also married her partner Melissa last October. They moved back to Pittsburgh after living in Arlington, VA for three years and purchased their first home. They now are residents of historic Glenshaw. Penny is also excited to return to higher education when she begins her new position of director of donor relations and development communications at Point Park University this fall.

Jacqueline A. Travisano, MBA was recognized by the Boys & Girls Club of Broward County, FL as one of the 100 Outstanding Women of Broward County.

’10 Pamela Herron, MFACW will have her first book of poetry published this November

by Unsolicited Press. En L’air is a collection of nature poems, most of which were written while flying far above the earth. She also has a poem in the upcoming anthology Dog Days by Lost Tower Publications. She teaches English, Humanities, Confucianism and Chinese Culture at the University of Texas at El Paso.

Adrienne Dodd Steppe, MOT was married on June 8, 2013 to Adam Steppe.

’11 Melanie Linn Gutowski, MPW is the author of Pittsburgh’s Mansions (Arcadia

Publishing), a pictorial history of the area’s stately homes releasing in August 2013. Many Chatham buildings are featured.

’12 Melissa Bender, MOT was recently voted Fitness Magazine’s Reader’s Choice

Winner in the Face of Fitness Competition. There were over 2,000 entrants in the competition. Her interview can be found on Fitness Magazine’s website at fitnessmagazine.com/health/superstars/face-of-fitness-finalists.

Sue Nelko Carr, MFACW recently published the first in a series of guest blogs on the Mrs. Green’s World website (mrsgreensworld.com) about her journey of “going green” as a frugal mom

Laura Jackson, MPW is currently seeking employment in the fields of graphic design, web design, and writing.

Kathryn Zaksek, MBA has continued to work for the Bank of New York Mellon since graduating from Chatham. She currently works in their Voluntary Corporate Actions department.







Class NoTEs

’11 Brenda L. Douglass, DNP writes: “This year our ‘Chatham

Chicks’ group enjoyed a lovely Caribbean Cruise. Besides excellent academic opportunities, Chatham was a special place where friendships formed and bonds have remained. We were missing two ‘chicklin’s’ who were not able to be with us but were in spirit – Nancy Dhonau and Karen Gregory.”

there’s no place like chatham Reunion WeekendJune 6-8, 2014


There’s no place like Chatham’s campus to

reconnect with friends, faculty, and classmates

. . .Oh my! •Follow the Yellow Brick Woodland Road to

traditional events like the All Alumnae President’s Reception, University Update, and Bloody Mary & Mimosa Reception.

•Who’s the Man Behind the Curtain? It’s revered professor, Tom Hershberger, Ph.D. who served Chatham for nearly 40 years, returning to campus to share his “last lecture” with alumnae.

•And you’ll be off to see Chatham Eastside and Eden Hall Campus to explore Chatham’s plans for the future.

•You’re not in Kansas anymore! Relive your residential experience in on-campus housing available at Rea House.

Use your magic to inspire your classmates to attend Reunion and welcome them back to Chatham by serving as a Reunion Class Ambassador! Contact [email protected] or 412-365-1255 to learn more.

Click your heels. . .then click here for more info: chatham.edu/reunion


ting classes ending in 4s and 9s


Join Chatham University in celebrating the 2013-14 Global Focus: Year of the andes

The Best of

Peru & Ecuador a 16-Day andean adventureTravel with President Esther Barazzone

April 23-May 8, 2014

Your 16-day journey will begin in Lima, Peru, and continue

on through ruins in Cusco, Ecuador, an Inca fortress in

Ollantaytambo, the sacred citadel of Machu Picchu, and the

beautifully preserved colonial city of Cuenca, Ecuador. At

every site, professional guide Sebastian Jurado (an Andean

native with a master’s degree in social sciences and sustainable

development) will provide contextual background and historical

information under the aegis of Blue Odyssey Travel and Perry

Robertson, son of Anne Nerin ’51.

The tour can accommodate between eight and 20 guests, with

costs starting at $5,995 per person. Price includes all lodging,

meals, guiding, entrance fees, and land transportation, but does

not cover flights, taxes, or insurance.

For more information or to register, contact Cori Begg, director

of alumni relations, at 412-365-1255 or [email protected].

Chatham University’s new Eden Hall Campus is here.Eden Hall Campus is the first in the world built from the ground up for the study of

sustainable living, learning, and development. Using the latest in environmentally

responsible technology and innovation, it will be self-sustaining in every way

– emitting zero carbon emissions, producing more energy than it consumes,

and managing all storm and waste water on-site. Home to the Falk School of

Sustainability and undergraduate and graduate programs in sustainability, food

studies, and more, Eden Hall will help create a brighter, healthier tomorrow for us all.

Visit chatham.edu/edenhall for the latest information.

There’s something new on the horizon.

Beatty HouseWoodland RoadPittsburgh, PA [email protected]
