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wake upii;€¦ · session oi the decennial period. The couniies of Franklin, Licking, Mont-gomery...

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- CONSTITUTE: THE STATE OF OHIO. ' CKXCtrOKD FKM FOTRTH PAGE ARTICLE XVI. AMENOfllEtfTS. 15kc 1. Either brunch of the Gen ml As- - sciiiu'y mny propose amendment i this constitution; and. if the same shall be aaroed t ), by ihie-firih- s of the members elected 10 each House, such proposed nmendmcrts shull be entered on the journnls, with the yens rind nays, and shall be published in tit Ihbsi oao nowspapcr in pach county of the Smii. where a newspaper; is published, fur si month precoding ihu next election for Senators and Representatives, at which time the sum a shull bo submitted to the electors, for thoir approvul or rejection; and if a ma ,ol the electors, voiin) at such elec tion, snail a I jut such amendments, the same shall or co mo a part of the Constitu- tion. When more .than ono amendment shall be submitted m itie same time, they shull bo so suhmiued, as to enable the e- - lectors l) vote on rucli amendment, sepur ately. Sec 2. Whutevnr two-thir- of the mem- bers elected to each branch of the General Assembly, shall think it .necessary to cull n Convention, to revise, amend, or change tins constitution, nicy snail recommend to the electors to vote, at the n xi election for of the General Assen bly, for or ufiiunM a Convention; and il u major jiv o till the electors, voting at said election, shall have voted for a Conveiiiion, the Genern Assembly shall, at their next session, pro vide, by law, for railing the same. The i ne convention shall consist ot as many members as the liousa or Itupreseninuvos, who shall bo choson in ilio sumo manner, anU shall meet within throe months alter their election, for ihu purpose aforesaid Six. 3. At the general election, to bo held in the year ono tl ousund eight hundred and seventy ono, and in each twentieth year thereafter, tho question: "Slut' I there be a Convention to tevis . alter, or anion 1 ill Constitution." shall bo submitted to the elec- tors of the Stale; and, in cuse n majority of all the electors, votini at such election. shull decide in favor of a Convention, tho Ucnernl Assembly, at iis mxi session, shall provide, by law, for ilio election of delegates, and the assembling of such Convention, as is provided in tho preceding section; but no amendment of this Consnnion, agreed upon vy imy convention, assembled in pursuance oi mis article, shall take ellect. untl th sumo shall have been submitted to tho eloc tors of tho Siote, and adopted by a majority oi 111030 voting thereon. SCHEDULE. bEC I. All laws ol this State, in lorce on the first day of September, ono thousand eight hundred and fifty ono, not inconsistent with tins constitution, shall continue in force until uim-nd.-- or repealed. Sec. 2. Tho first election for members ol tho Generul Assembly, under this constitu lion, shall be held on ihe second Tuesday of October, one thousand eight hundred and liliy on?. Sec. 3. The first election for Governor, Liouienani Governor, Auditor, Treasurer and Secretary of Stat" and Attorney Genu ral, shal bo held on the second Tuesday o October, ono thousand eight hundred niid fifty one. The persons, holding said offices on the first duy of September, one thousand eiuhl hundred and filly ono, shall continue ' therein, until tlj second Monday ol Janu-ur- y, one thousand eight hundred and fil'iy two. tw.-i--rire-(- !rm ftr jniigcs or the supreme court, courts of common plea, und probate Courts, sud Clerks of the court of common pleus. shall be held on the sec- ond Tuesday of October, one thousand eight hundred and liliy one, and the ..lliciul t rtn of suid Judgos and clerks, to chcted, shall commence on tho second Monday of Febru- ary, ono thousand eight hundred and fifty iwo. Judges and clerks of the courts ol common pleas and supreme court, in office oh lho first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty one, shall continue in ollice tvnli their present powcrg and du- ties, until tho second Monday of February, one thousand eight hundred and fil'iv two. Wo suit or proceeding, pending in nny of tne courts oi mis etato, shall bo allected by the adoption cfiliis constitution. Sue '5. The Register and Receiver of the land ofiicc. Directors of the Penitentiary, Di- rectors of tho Benevolent Institutions of the. Slate, the Siato Libruriun, and all other of- ficers, not otherwise provided for in this Constitution, in office .n the first day ol September, one thousand eilu hundred and filiy one, shull continue iu office, until their terms expire, respectively, unless the Gene ral Assembly shall otherwise provide. Six. 6 The Superior und Cimimerciaf!jr' of Cincinnati, and tho Superior Couri of Cleveland, shall remain, until otherwise provided by law, with their present powers . and jurisdiction; and the Judges and clerks of said courts, in ofiko on tho first day of September, ono thousand eight hundred and fil'iy one, shall carnitine in office, until the expiration of iheir terms of or, uniil otherwise provided by law; but neither of said courts shall continue af- ter ihe Monday of February, one thousand eight hundred and fifty three; and iio suit shall he commenced in suid two first ineniumed courts, ufler th second Monthly of February,. one thousand hundred anj fifty two, nor in said last mentioned court, after the second Monday in August, one thousand eight hundred and fifty two; and all business in either ol said courts, not uispnsud of within the time limited for their continuance as aforesaid, shull be transfer- red to the court of common pleas. Sec. 7. All County and Township officers and Justices of the pence, in office on ihe first duy of September.one thousand eight hundred and fifty one, shall continue in of- fice until their terms expire, respectively. Sec. 8. Vacancies in office, occurring of-tc- r the first day of September, ono thousand eight hundredandfift me, shall bofilledasis now by law, and until ofJicers are elected or and quulified i rider this constitution. Sec. 9. This Constitution shall inke on tile first du September, one lliousund eight hunJred and fifty one. Skc. 10. All officers shall contitiun in officii, until their successors shall bo chosen and qualified. Skc. II. Suits pending in the Supreme Court iu Bank, shall , bo transferred to the Supreme Court, provided for in this consti- tution, and be proceeded in according to law. Skc 12. The district courts shall, In tbeir icfectire counm., Le the successors of the present Supreroj Court; and all suits, prose judgments; records arru proceedings, pen Jin,; and remaining: In stitu Supreme Court, in the counties of any district, shal bo transferred to the respective d'u rict courts of such counties, and be proceeded in, as though no Change lino been made in said Supreme Court. Sec. 13. The said courts of common pleas, shalj bo the" successors .of the present courts of coin iron pirns in the coun ties, except as to probate jurisdiction; and all i tits, proceeding, records and judgments, pending or in said last mention hi courts, except as alore&uiu, shall bo transferred to tho courts of common pleas created by this constitution, and proceeded n, as though the same had bujn therein in - ' " " " 6tituted. '. Ssc. 14. The Probate courts provided for ti tins Constitution, as to all mailers wiiuin he jurisdiction conferred upon said courts, shall be the successors, in the several coun- ties, of tho present courts of common pleus; and the records, lilos and papists, business and proceedings, appertaining to said shall be nansferrud to said courts of probate, and bo there proceeded in, accord ing to law. 6bo. 15. Until oihrrwiso provided by law, elections for Judges und shall be held, and the poll books returned, as is provided for Governor, and the abstract there- from, certified to the Secretary of Statu, shall be by linn opened, in the presence oT the Governor, who shall declure the and issue commissions to the persons elected. Sec. 16. Wltoro two or more counties aro joined in u Senatorial, Represc:ua:ive,or Judicial district, tho returns of doctors shall be sent to the county, having the largest pop- ulation. Sec. 17. The foregoing constitution shall b ; submitted in the electors of the State, nt an election to k be held on the third Tuesday ' of Juno, ono thou-Au- eilit hundred and fifty one, in the several election districts of this Suite. The ballots at such election shall bo written or primed as follows: Those in fa tor of the constitution, "N Constitution, Yes; those against ilu constitution "New No." The polls ot said election shall be opened between th t hours of eight and ten o'clock A. tl., und closed at six o'clock P. M., and the said election shull bo conducted, and the returns thereof mudo and certified, to tho Secretary of Slat ;, as provided by law for annual elect.ons of State and County of ficers. Within tweniy days after such e- - lection, the Secretary of S.ato shall open the returns thereof, in the presence of the Governor; and, il it shall appear that t ma jority ofuli tho v les, cast at such election, are in favor of the constitution, the Governor shall issue his proclamation, stating that fact, and suid constitution shall be tho con stitution of thoS.uio of Ohio, and not other Wi6U. Sk:. 18. At the t'mo when votes of the electors shull be taken for the adoption or rejection of this constitution, the additional section, in tho words following, to wit: "No to traffic in intoxicuting liquors shi II hereafter b grunted iu this State; but the General Assembly may, by law, provide a gainst evils resulting therefrom," shall be separately submitted to the electors for a' doptiou or rejection, in form following to wit; A sepurute ballot may bo given by every elector and deposited in a separate box. Upon the bullois given lor said sepurate a mendineni shull be written or printed, or purtly written and partly primed, the words; "Licejiso to sell intoxicating liquors, Yes;" und upon tho ballots against said a tnendment, iu like manner, the words: "Li oense to sell intoxicating liquors, No." If, ut ih' said election, u majority uf all the votes given for and oguinst said amendment shull contain the words: "License to anil in' toxicrtiin liquors, No," then the suid amend- - . ........ w.,. -- 1...I1 I ! - mewl cuuii uu ii orjiuiuie section oi article lilieen ol the constitution. Sec. 19. 1 he apportionment for the Houso of Ropr sentutives, during tho first ueccmuui period utider this consiiiution,sliall be aj lollows: 'Pi. ....... . I ... . . mo counties oi Auains, Allen, Athens, Auglaize, curroll, Champaign, Clark, Ctin ton, Crawford, Durke, Delaware, Erie, Fay. ette, Gallia, Gi uuya.Greeno, Hancock, liar risen, Hocking, Holmes, Lake, Lawrence. Logan, Madison, Marion, Meigs, Morrow, , Pi.:kuway, Pike, Preble, Sandusky, ocioio, aneiby and Union, shall, severally, be entitled to ono Representative, in each session oi the decennial period. The couniies of Franklin, Licking, Mont- gomery and Stark, shall each be entitled to two Representatives, in each session of the decennial pd'ioJ. I ho couniies of Ashland. Coshocton, Highland, Lorain, Mahoning, Me dina. Miami. Porta-M- , Seneca. Summit and Warren, shall, severally, bo entitled to ono Ke)iusen:anve, in ouch session; and one ad- ditional Representative, in the fifth session pi the decouuia. period. L Tho couniies of Ashtabula. Brown. P.m. son, ivnox,aioinoe,Worgun, Richlund.Truni' bull, luscarawaj and Washington, shall, severally, be entitled to ono Representative, in each session; und two additional sentatives, ono in the third, and one in the lourih session, ol the decennial period. ilie couniies ol Belmont, Columbiana, ttossand tvuyno, shall, severully, bo enti- tled to one Representative, in each session; and three additional Kepresetnatives, ono in the Inst, ono in ilio second, and one in the third session, of tlin decennial period. The of Muskingum shull be enti- tled to ivvQ.Represjiimtives in.each session; and one additional Representative, in the fifth session of lho decennial periods The couiuy ol Cuyahoga shall bo entitled to two Kepreseniaiives, in each session; and two additional Representutives.onein ihoth n and one in the lourih sessions, of the decen- nial eriod. Tho county of Hamilton shall bo entitled to seven Representatives, in each session; and four additional Representatives, one in the first, one in ilio second, one in the und or.o in lho fourth session, of tho decen- nial period. The following couniies, until they shall have acquired a sufficient population to en- title tliem to bloct under the fourth sic.ion ol the eleventh article, shall form districts in manner following, to wit: The coumks of Jackson and Vinion, one district; the counties of and Fulton, ono district; the counties of Wyandot and lluidin.ono districtjtho counties of Mercer und Van Wei i, one district; the counties of Pauld- ing, Defiance and Williams, one district; the counties of Putnam and Henry, one district; nndtJie counties of Wood and Ottawa, one diftnet: each of which districts shall bo en- titled to one Representative, in every session of lho decennial period. Done in Convention, at Cincinnati, the t mh day ofMurch, in ihu year of our one thousand eight hundred and filiy one, Clermont, Fuirlield, Guernsey, Jeffer Courts office, respec- tively, neennd eight prescribed oppointed, ef- fect, cutions, several several prosecutions, being juris- diction, Cieiks result, Constitution, license given IJuron, Renre county third, sopuratoly, Lucus Lord, nd of the Indeoond noe of the United Siifes, the sejrenty fifth. ? f" WILLIAM ML'.niLL. President. Kami Wm. II Gat, Secretary, i '. L S.J.Andrews; j j .Thai. J. Lnrsh, J f William Burbio, 'William Lkwtittea.'- - i ...... i. a .. ' John 4UBt-p- i UUTIIUll,-- Lirwill, -- . Uavid Burnet, . Robert Leech, Win. S. Bates, D. P. Loadbjtwr, A. J, J3jnnati,; -- t j- - wuHy, tttfftf fnhn H'. H!ir? 1 - Charles McCl.uUuV- - - Jacob SlickensderfcrH, S, .Manni Van Brown, Samson Mason, R. W.Cuhill,- - .', . Mat how M. Mitchell, L. Case. Isaiah Moiris, David Chambers, S. F. Njrris, John Chany, w.s.c.'(;ii,! ; 11. D. Clark, Chas. J; Orion, ' v George Collings, " Thomas Patterson, ' Friend Cooke, ; Danl. Pack, Otway Currv, Jacob Perkins, .' : i G. Volney Dorsey, Saml. Quigley, j Thru. VV. Ewari, R. P. Ranney, John Lwing, Chas. Reeinelin, Joseph M. Farr, Adam N. Riddle, Elias Florence. Edward C. Roll, Robert Forbes, Win. Sawyer, ' H.N. Gilleit, Subirt ckoit, John Graham, John Sellers, Jacob J. Greene, John A. Smith, John L. Green, George J. Smith, Henry H.Gregg, B. P. Smith, W.S. Groesbeck, Henry Stanbery, C. S. Hamilton, B. Star.ion, V" ; D. D. T. Hard, Alvert V. Siebbins, A. Harlan, E.T.Stickney,.; William Hawkins, llarman Siidger, James P. Henderson, James Strubl Peter Hitchcock, J. R. Swan, i ivt J. McCorniick, , L. Swift... V.B. Horton, , James W. Taylor, " G. VV. Holmes, Norton S Townsht nd Geo. B. Hoh. r Elijah Vance, ; -- Wm. John J, llootmnn, M. Warren,' John E. Hunt, Thomas A. Wav. Saml. Humphreville, J. Milton Williams, J. Dan. Jones, blzey Wilson, John Johnson, Jas. T. Wonljingion, o. j. ivirKwooa, n. u. Woodbury, . James B. King, H. C. Gray, James Loudon, Edward Archbold, Reuben HitchcocJc. Secretary of State's Officr. Coldmbus, March 29, 181. I hereby certify that the foregoing is cor reetly copied from the original roll deposi ted in this office. . HENRY VV. KING, Secretary of State. Auditor's Office, Meigs Co. Ohio, Pomeroy, April 18, 1851. 1 comfy the foregoing 'Constitution" to be correct, according to the copy furnished SAMUEL HALLWAY, County Auditor, For the Meigs Co. Telegraph. Ma. Editor: I have noticed in the col umns of tho Tulegroph some very specula live notions in relation to the destinv of Pomeroy and its vicinity. Picturing to the mind its plunk roads, rail roads, stratums and s, coal, salt, and subtcrrane-o- n cities &c., making in the aggregate "The place what is a place." I am not objecting to those fanciful pic tures, but am of the opinion that we ought to pay moro attention to the moro import am maiiers, wnicn atlects our present as well as our future destiny. We have to do with mind &s well ns matter, and much mora depends on the siato of morals than on tho extent of om coal roina, or urrorgth and quantity ol our sail waior, From ihe fuel of these nateral advan tages, it is now, and always will be our lot, to be a community composed of ciiizens Trom nearly all parts of the world, speak ing different languages, having imbibed dif lurent religions and political notions, and consequently some of them are apt to view our laws and customs as they did those of their own country, as operating only as system of oppression. Therefore it is noi only the business but the duty of every true citizen, to aid in disseminating the true principles of law and morais; teaching that society based on any other foundation must, in the very nature of ihings fail to accom plish the most desirable and beneficial re . . . ..l, LV. !. .i suuo. rur a is impossible mat any man should, in the issue, bo a loser in doing his duty, lor while he is faiihlul in the discharge oi evory duty, he is most effocually con suiting his own happiness as well as that ofothers. lie only who in all cases does what he ought to do, is the perfect man, the btit citizen, or lho true christian. One of the laws of our naturo Is, that guilt makes man at variance with himself; he sees and knows that he is not what hd'aught to be, and ieels that he has fallen from the disnitv of his nature, and sold his real worth for a thing of no valuo. Yea, more, he feels on abiding consciousness of demerit, and can not avoid the diead of meeting with its re- - warI On .L .1 I, i aiu. .no inner nana, ne wno pays a sacred regard to duty cannot fail of a pres ent reward, proportioned to the exertion re- - QUiled ill . pernrmmg -- it.TK better established by experience than thai ihey ho in opposiii in to strong temptation, by a noble effort, have mainioined their in- tegrity, have realized the greatest amount of happiness, and honor, attainable on earth, and their positions are the most to be envied. The man firmly established in this position, feels a cc nsciousness of in ward worth, which gives strength lo his heart, stability and firmness to his purposes, enabling him to realize that amidst the most severe conflicts are to be found the brightest gems ond the most lasting honors. There- fore lot us all adopt the favorite motto ol old Zack "Do jour duty ond let conse- quences take care of themselves." OPTION. 03" The puzzling name of "Tariff" is de- rived from the town of Tarira, ot the mouili of lho Straits of Gibralier. Ii was lho last stronghold which tho Moors disputed with ilio Christians ; and when the former held possession of both the pillursof Hercules, It washere that ihey levied contributions foi vessels entering the Mediterranean, whence came lho generic. tWtip (Eo Stlegtapl). 'rillETIM. :pomkroy; ohio. THURSDAY,:: ::i:j::::::MAY 1, 1851 FOR PRESIDENT, , GEN..WINFJELD SCOTT "wake up"ii; The public seem to forget that four weeks since our office was burned, and we' sub jected to an outlay of 8600 10 repair the lossj ' We wanf ftoneyj krid What is inpre i WE WILL HAVE IT. ' 1 1 ' 03" Anotues Firs. On Thursday night last about 10 o'clock our town was alarmed by another cry of fire, which was discovered to be in the Foundry of R.' R Grant. The fire soon spread to the adjoining engine shop, entirely.; consuming both buildings. The Foundry and Engine shop were both occupfed by John C. Deprw, whose entire stock of patterns', tools, lathes, 6ic, were destroyed. . Sevsial engines were in the shop, some completed and. others in differ ent' singes" of progress, which have "been greatly damaged.' His loss cunnot fall' be low $4000.. No insurance on the building or contents. . Although confined to the one establishment,' ret it has boon most disas trous in its effectt. Mr. Depew had work ed himself into a lucrative business,' after several years struggling against adverse cir cumstances. and was fast gaining a position of competence and profit. Mr. Grant, too, has been most singularly unfortunate.' But a few years ago he had a tannery burned down on the same premises, and had not yei emirtly recovered from his losses ere this double calamity has fallen upon him. It is hard thus to see the accumulation swept years away in a moment, leaving us at middle age to recommence the struggle of life anew , y tho active exertions of our ciiizens (ome of them) the adjoining buildings were saved. We say, some, becnuso at this, as well as the former fire, wo saw crowds of hale, hearty, robust men, stand with their hands In their puckeis, looking carelessly on, while- - dulicato women labored and toiled in the effort to extinguish tho flames, and would not even so much as get out of the way, but obstruct the efforts of others by th obtrusion of ihsir superfluous carcasses. There soems to be a fatal inaction among our people in relation to securing a pioper fire apparatus. With n a month fire has destroyed over $30,000 worth of property yet no step is taken to avert such calamities in future. Will they not do something We can get up a tremendous excitement if a worthless, debauched, drunken vagabond is found committing some act which his de based instincts compel him to but to the protection of the hard earned fruits of labor we turn a leaden ear, while we join full cry in the chorus of commiseration for ihe mor- al condition of some abandoned vagrant, who is unab'e to distinguish between the moral attendants of a funeral procession or n fox-chas- It Is to be hoped that the day of such ihings is past, ond that Pomeroy, at least, will do something for the protection of itself the preservation of the proceeds of its industry, and enterpilse. 03" The Buckeye Stale and Messenger on last week's race excited the highest enthusi- asm among the partizans. As they passed Pomeroy our boys brought out old ' Rough and Ready," who talked as of old most el- oquently. The following is the time to Wheeling: Buckeye State, 35 hours 30 minutes. Messenger, 39 4 Barnum, was thus completely hoaxed for once. Sharp as ho has the reputation of be- ing, he is not well posted up in Western steamboating. is again on the advance-busi- ness is t eviving improvements are in contemplation and proseeution, which w'len perfected will add greatly to the prosperity of the city. By and bye when a bank is lo- cated here, under tho new law, we shall bid good bye to towns, and step into the compa- ny of Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland,. Dayton, &c. 03"PEorLE's Circus. By reference to, on advertisement in another column, it Will bo seen that the Circus, with clowns, horsel, ponies, tumblers, actors, dec. dec, will be I town next week. Great tunes for ihe bo and the rest of mankind. ; 03" Kerr of the Cincinn&ti passed up the river on Sunday we know this from; the fact that'our devil had hard work to bring iwlMD..ihai.bundLeiif.iuipprslefLto ihe -- 'Esq," of this establishment. Mr. K. isnn "Boss." 03" The Board of Aldermen of Boston, have refused the use of raneuil Hall to Daniel Webste.i. Nothing in the onnals of political warfare in this country can equal the vindictlveness with which tho in furiated fanatics of the country are pursuing the great statesman of New England. How execrable a thing is fanatacism. The same Board of Aldeimcn refused a sjiort timeogo, to invite President Fillmore to visit Boston. A short time beforo Geo. Thompson, the British Abolitionist, ond Fied. Douglass, the negro libeller of the memory of Washington, were greeted by this same Board with all the demonstration of filial regard, and permitted to fulminate treason against the Union and blassphemy against God, within the hallowed walls of the cradle of liberty. Con such men longer ware the garb of Philanthropy. 03" 1 1 was reported by telegraph on Sat- urday that Mi.Sumnfr had and had not been e'ected U. S. Senator from Massachusetts. Wo inclined to the opinion that the "had not" R'pori is ilio true one. 03" Ptmrs. We have noticed for some timei at the Court house in this placoi a now style of pump, which is called "Newman's Double Acting Force aid Lift Pump," which wa think surpasses' anything of the kind now In use combining the properties of the Lift and Force pumps, with the greatest simplicity and durability of construction. vTJhe pump exhibition j)as a cylinder 2) inches in diameter, and 6 inches stroke of piston, can bo worked by a child of five years old, and discharges 11 gallons of water in 30 strokes about half a minute. By attach- ing a hose two feet long you can convert it into a fire engine capable of extinguishing a fire on the roof of any building or by lengthening it to suit lho purpose, it can be made ihe most valuable auxiliary in garden cultivation, enabling the owner to water his garden at all times without the least trouble in draining or carrying water for the'pur-pos- e It being a complete irrigator. In fact it is the ne plus ultra in pumps. Accident. On Wednesday evening last, as the steamer Messenger was passing Pome roy, with Jenny Lind on board, and while some of our people were engaged in firing i salute in honor of lho Nightingale, a juantity of powder ignited, while passing it to the mouth of the cannon, severely inju ring three young men engaged in firin- g- burning their arms, breasts and faces in a shocking manner. The persons burned were Josiah Pratt, Wm. M'Cain. and Valentine Inoleiiabdt. We learn howev er, that they are now considered out of dan ' ger.- - ; i I. 03" Pomeroy and Portsmouth Pack' ets. We believe that there aro two steam ers running between this place and Ports mouth, bo it is said in the papers below. Persons however, who read the ' Telegraph" usually travel on the Ohio and Lady Byron, because they know from tho advrtisements that they are engaged regulurly in the busN ness. Not being advised by the owners ol the other boats, we are unable to give their days of leaving port. ICTJENNy biNO would only sins one nig it in Pittsburgh, owing to the unmanner ly conduct of the people of that city. They protest thai it was ull meant kindly, but like ihu fisherman wiih bear's hut. Jenny tho that their way of showing ihir affection was raiher rough. Served them right if she had only stopped in Porteroy, she would have been greeted, in suh a manner as a refined people know howio extend such fa vors. But Piusburh-4sha- w, who could expect any thing else tnan rowdyism in a city that elected Joo Barker Mayor. It is said that myriids of grasshoppers have made their appearance in the southern towns of Ashtabula county, The Telegraph hopes that the lie fold weather they I ave had there has effect Jally disposed W the crop of them now on hand 03"The Washington RepubHc, of the 1 7th inst, contain a list of the awards of the Commissiones of the Mexican claims. The whole numjfer of memorials presented, was 272. Thenumber rejected as insuffi cient was 40. The sum appropriated was $3,250,000. The aggregate of all the a wards was $3203 523; leaving the sum of $46,477 to bopaid back to the Mexican Gov ernmeni. 03"Greier,the Whig Poet andSiate Li brnrian, ha accepted the appointment of In dian Ageni in New Mexico, and has left for that lerriwry. The etitor of the Ironton Register thinks that Iroiion will have a population of 1500 by the u st of January next. At present it contains 933, and is not twenty-tw- o months old. The 'Democratic' Senators of ihe New Yorj Legislature, with two exceptions, ab squatulated, in order to prevent the passage of the Erie Canal enlargement bill. This disgraceful method of thwarting the will of ihu majority is becoming loo common. The Steubenville Herald says that the Whigs in that Senatorial and Congressional LDistrict will vast iheir ballots aguinsithe new euiiBinuiiuu. 03"Persons calling at this office on bust ness with ihe firm of Davis 4 Morion, car ponters, are informed that ihey have removed to the foundry building below bugar run, where they will be happy to wait on iheii friends. This building is no longer the place of hand saws ond jack-plane- s, but of "wise saws" and and plain facts. DAnwux " eat. Sims,- - tho ftigittvc slave about whom so much fuss was made in Boston two weeks ago, has been purchused from his owners by a patent medicine vend er in that city, who Intends to employ him as a peddler of his preparations. This ihe last phase of speculation as well as of philanthropy. On the last trip of the steamer Messenger, the passengers on board were robbed to the amount of $1500. On arriving at Cincin nail before landing, the yawl was sent ushore for a police officer, who on boarding the boat, immediately recognized two old well known thieves, Bill Burke and Theophllus George, together with a third person named Jas. C. Morgan, who were all taken to the lock up. Much praise is due Capt. Fisher for his efforts io arrest the villuins. 03" From some cause unknown to our renders, but very clear to us, we do not feci like giving much editorial matter this week. We hope our selections, however, will more than atono for this omission, and that our readers will thank us for substituting the scissors for iho pen. Laws of Ohio-Publi- shed by Authority. No. 48. AN ACT to tx hanks and back sud other stocks ' the same as other property is now taxable by the laws of Oris State. . p SoO. 1.-- : IU it mm if A Km Clmrrn At. sembly of the State of Ohio, Thai it shall be . . . L J ..r .L I. i i um uuiy ut me i rcsiueni ana casnicr oi each and tvery banking institution incorpo- rated by the laws of this State, and having the right to issue bills or notes for circula- tion, at ihe lime for listing personal proper- ty under the laws of this State, to list tho capiial stock of such banking institution, un- der oath, aMis iruo value in money, and re- turn the same, with the amount of surplus and contingent fund belonging to such bank ing insiiiuiion, to ine assessor ol the town- ship or ward in which such banking insiitu. linn is located; and the amount so returned l hall be . placed on the trrnnil (Innllnninof ih - o 1 proper county, and upon the city duplicate for n!m . i- - ...I L vi. iu.ci, in iuaca micro sucn cny iui-doe- s es not BO unnn ihn nrnnH Hunlienio hm is collected by the city officers, and taxed for the same nurnoses. and in ihn mkm pv. tent thai personal property is or may be re- - quireu 10 oe laxou, in tne place where such bank is located : and aueh i nlmll ha mi. leciod and paid over i n the same manner thai . . a I I nixes on oiner personal property are required vy iuw iu uu coneciea ana paia over; pro- vided, however, that the capital stock of any bsnk shall not be returned or inxerl for a Iocs amount than its capital stock n&id in. r. . .1 Obc. z. li,ach assessor, nl nnv inurnehin word, within the limits of which any bank DanKing company may bo located, shall, case any resident or Cushinr nf nrh ink or banking comoanv. shall rnAieA r i i . r . .. - r neuieei to mane out ana on ivnr in tho n. sessor tne statement herein required, enter ,s ine amount oi capital, bo per cent, in ddilion 10 the amount of ihn rnniinl ciwk of said bank or banking company, and shall iciuru iiiu ouuio iu wecoumv anniinr. nr in such other officer as tho law regulating his duties may require j provided, that in cases where city taxes are assessor) nnd nllrtori by the city authorities, the taxes upon banks as provided for in this act, shall be assessed and collected the same as city taxes upon oiner propeny, lor tne lime Doing, are as sessel and collected in such ciiv. Sec. 3. The Ohio Life Insurance and Irusi company shall bo taxes upon its cap Hal StOCk. loaned in the ennmia. which shall be roiurncd by iho president or casmeroi me company, under oaih, to the several county auditors, in the month oi May annually, me average rate per cent, ol Ihe taxes for all purposes levied upon thoicnl and personal property of such couniies; ond if iho paid company shull fuil to return to .!, ... .!:.. r .u- - i . uu uuuuui ui iim eoverai counties, the amount of its capital stock loaned in each county, before the first dnv nf Jnnn onn,,,.l. ly, the county auditor shall ascertain from the record of mortgages or oiher evidence, the amount of the louns made by suid c. in his countv. and ha shll nlnm. iU I m J ' fritAW amount so returned, or ase.TtninpH. unnn 1K0 duplicate, and levy thereon the avurairoraio ur peroeni. oi me taxes lovica lor all pur- poses, upon the real and personal properly ui me uuuiuy, which lax snail oe collected by the countv treasure!, and distriliiiiml Im giving to the State its proportion, according . .1 l ..i i r .. ci . o io uiu rate levieo lor state purposes, and to the county, townships, towns, corporations, and rural districts, their share of the balance, respectively, in proportion to the several amounts on which lho averogo rates shall have been determined: and in ensn rirnii shall bo mdo in the payment of such tax. wiimn tne nine limited by law, it hull bo ihe duly of ihe county treasurer to proct eJ to collect "tho same ; and for that purpose ho may file a bill in chancery in ihe couri of common pieus ot tne propel county, sotting lortn ine amount ol taxes assessed ogainsi said company, and the names nf ihudubiois of said company, as u.hous by the records of such county, and it shall be ihe uuiy oi 6uca.coun to luKejunsdiciion thero of, and to grant an injunction, appoint a ro ceiver, and make such other and further or der. as mav be necessnrv to mihippi ilio in teresl accruing on the loans of said company to the satisfaction of the tax aforesaid, with the penalties and interest thereon as provi ded bv law : and all ihe ranlial stnek nf comnnnv. not loaned in ihn spvoml fnnn .. r .i. c.. .i i .. j . lies ui iiiu uiuie, unu UI1U laxeu 8S aloresaid, snail be listed lor taxation, anc returned by the president and cashier of sail institution, under oath, at its true value ii money, and entered, together with the sur plus and contingent fund of suid company upon ihe grand levy for Hamilton county and taxed for the same purposes and to th soma extant that other nersnnnl nr.nurin ! - tr taxed in the in hich the office of said company is kept. Sec. 4. It shall be ihe dutv nf nvnrv n sessor in whose jurisdiction there shall be located any bank or banking company, to leave with some nroDer officer of said hm or banking cornnsnv. a notion tn mnlni nm and duliver tho statement renuired in ihn firi section oi tins act. Sec. 5. The taxes levied and collected in pursuance of the provisious of this act, shall be in lieu of any taxes which such bank or banking company would, by exist- ing laws, bo required to pay on its dividends or prohts, Sec 6. Stocks or shares held in bank banking companies or banking association , or in other incorporated companies or asso ciationsin other States, and State stocks of other Statuii held by corporations or citizens of this State, rither for ihomtolvoa or as agents or guardians, shall be subiuct to laxa lion, the same as bonds, mortgages, notes or other evide ices of debts, held by ciiizens of this State, aro now taxable by the laws of this siato. Sec 7. All laws or parts of laws incon sistent with the provisions of this uct are hereby repealed. JOHN F. MORSE. Speaker of the House of Rep's. CHAS. C. CONVERS, Speaker of the Senate. March 21, 1851. Loss of Life on the Mississippi Senitor Rusk in tho course of a speech against the River and Harbor Bll, at tho close of the session, made the following re mark : The short litno thru I have been here there has been upwarps of one thousand livos lost on the Mississippi river. The nmouui of propeny destroyed is incalcula- ble." The Lakes odd several hundreds to this appalling list of lives lost. And yet Messrs Rusk; Cass Ar Co. utterly refuse all assis tance to these great interests. Milwankie Sen. The owners of the sicomers Buckeye Siate and Messenger havo como lo a mutual ' understanding and ogr?emeni, wh'.-rcb- tho opposition and the racing will Ikj dispensed with in foturo . ' t . 03" Tho Posi Offico has been removed m Front street, below Cmiri. t III r Go it. Boots.-M- rs. Bams, of Pciinsvl- - vania, has left her husband, Mr. Boots, and sirayed to pans unknown. Wo presume that a pair of bonis aro rights and lefts. e cannot say. however, ihnt Mrs. Boots is right; but there is no mistake thai Boois is lejt. Monster Ox for the World's Fair lie magnificently groat Ox raised by Col. . C. Baldwin, of ibis city, will soon bo sent i a pilifrimnL'e to ihn WnrM'a Vnr ii,. has been fed and fattened fnreiirhi now weighs the enormous figures of 4,000 .i,r,J. IH... ir...i "... '. . pu.iuc. ine r ona may sorely bj chal- lenged 10 produce his rniml A m,U day Is his longest land journey. Ho will be uaiwpuncu linsi oy waior, and from Boston w. iiceu a preiiy goou sea croft for his comfort. How John Bull's mouth will water in tho sight of the Buckeyo Ox' Cleveland Herald. A rather novel case was brought beforo one of ihe Philadelphia Aldermen on Satur- day. A married woman was bound over lo answer ihe charge of misdemeanor in sedu-cin- g a young num. Sho had rented a room during ihe pasi winter, where she kepr him. The innocent victim is about eighteen years of age, nnd the suit was hrnnnh. i, i,: father, . --- .. . TABLE OP WEIGHTS, Established by Statute for buying and sel- ling Produce, Wheat 60 lbs. for a bushel. : Rye 66 lbs. for a bushel. Flaxseed 56 lbs. for a bushel. Corn 56 lbs. for a bushel. Barley 48 !hs. for a bushol. Clover Seed 60 Ibo. for a bushel. Oais 32 lbs. for a bushel. Stone Coal 2688 cubic inches to the bushel. Coke 2688 cuoic inches to the bushel. Unslacked Lime 2688 cubic inches to the bushel. DIED, In Rutland, on the 25th April, 1851, at the age of 3 years, 10 months and 26 days, Mary Catha- rine, daughter of T. A. and S. A. Plants, of Pomeroy, Muigs county, Ohio. As the bird tn iis sheltering nest, Where the stonnson the hills is abroad, So her spirit hath flown from this world of unrest, To repose' on the bosom of God I Where the sorrows of earth never more May fling o'er its brightness a stain; Where, in rapture and love, it shall ever adore, With a gladness uumingled with painj And its thirst shall be slaked by the waters which spring Like a river of light, from the throne of the Kixu! There is weeping on earth for the lost; There is bowing in grief to the ground; But rejoicing and praise 'mid the sanctified host, For a spirit in Paradise found I Though brightness hath passed from the earth, Yet a star is new-bor- n in the sky, ' And a soul hath gone home tethe land of its birth, Where are pleasures aud fulness of joy ! And a new harp is strung, and a new song is given To the breezes that float o'er tho gardens of Heaven I 03" We feel ourselves bound to speak of McAllister's All Healing Ointment, as n simple, yet groat and good medicine. From the high standing it has attained all over the country, and I'roui our own personal knowl- edge; we must say that not onother article of putent mcdicino would we bu willing io exchange for this Oiniment. For all dis- eases of ihe Skin, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Gout, Scrofula, and a great many other com- plaints, we do not b dieve it can, or ever will be surpassed. See Pamphlets in hands of agents. Who would jot rather enjov the pleasures of health, and the agreeable con- sciousness of well-bein- to the griping pains of disease ihe bitter continuance of nnd the chilling thoughts of never recovering! But of all diseases who is not most anx- ious io cscope a disease of the Lungs I The very idea of falling a victim io Consuir.p-lion- , sends a tremor to the heart-string- s of life. But oh how joyful the thoughts that lifk and health aro still our own, when just before despair had spread her dark can- vass over us. Such, kind reader are ihe pleasurable sen- sations experienced by hundreds who by tho use of Dr. Wisiar's Balsam of Wild Cher- ry, have this dire disease slowly but surely driven from their system, ond health rosy healthagain restorod to thoir languishing bodies. 03" See advertisement. .: ; HOLD ON THEREI ANDY HAS BUSINESS WITH YOU I T is, we believe, not generally understood as 1 Vet. t int tho. ftheanMt nlnwi In. n Pomeroy. is at thn N sinr nf a t L. Front street, between Lind and Sycamore, in Mar- tin's old gtant . Thi. :. il r. . """"i"" uieiciore em- braced to proclaim the intwstina f.M . ,.. i i .no wuim at large. Having opened business for himself, hfl invites those lie has so faithfully served for years. rA Pot t m .L f w .v., mi iii yon wic lavurs received: lie has i list recnivpii rhni best quality or goods in the market, embracing alt r'l" J, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Summer bu:uc, rnnrs, i.awns, Laces, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, rnromines. Ao. Alan. Rrnn. cV v.:.,. Knacks, and Jim Cracks. In short, every thing uuucai, inuuBinous ana economical people may need. Give him a call, as Andy is the boy to give you good bargains. A. LOUBNER, Pomeroy, May 1, 1851 n30tf New Conforllnnarv. rpilE SUBSCRIBER has just opened a new - .., mi. iviut pueci, ftOOTy Lind, whore he offers for sale every article in his GROCERIES, CANDIES, ' NUTS, - - CAKES, BREAD, CIGARS, ORANGES, LEMONS, iS&gte, CRACKERS, DurillflT thft warm ufoaU.o .a ii o "' w uv will Hr t l hr choicest LEMONADE, and other who leswie iem- - His stock is choice and of the very best quality. He invites theloven nf ,i i.;.. :. i k;. - 0vx UllllitO Wl' II1IU tl call. HORKHT a Giiipiii-rn- M I'omemy, Mar l, iM5,i;(i'f
Page 1: wake upii;€¦ · session oi the decennial period. The couniies of Franklin, Licking, Mont-gomery and Stark, shall each be entitled to two Representatives, in each session of the






15kc 1. Either brunch of the Gen ml As- -

sciiiu'y mny propose amendment i thisconstitution; and. if the same shall be aaroedt ), by ihie-firih- s of the members elected 10

each House, such proposed nmendmcrtsshull be entered on the journnls, with theyens rind nays, and shall be published in titIhbsi oao nowspapcr in pach county of theSmii. where a newspaper; is published, fursi month precoding ihu next election forSenators and Representatives, at which timethe sum a shull bo submitted to the electors,for thoir approvul or rejection; and if a ma

,ol the electors, voiin) at such election, snail a I jut such amendments, thesame shall or co mo a part of the Constitu-tion. When more .than ono amendmentshall be submitted m itie same time, theyshull bo so suhmiued, as to enable the e--

lectors l) vote on rucli amendment, sepurately.

Sec 2. Whutevnr two-thir- of the mem-bers elected to each branch of the GeneralAssembly, shall think it .necessary to culln Convention, to revise, amend, or changetins constitution, nicy snail recommend tothe electors to vote, at the n xi election for

of the General Assen bly, for orufiiunM a Convention; and il u major jiv otill the electors, voting at said election, shallhave voted for a Conveiiiion, the GenernAssembly shall, at their next session, provide, by law, for railing the same. Thei ne convention shall consist ot as manymembers as the liousa or Itupreseninuvos,who shall bo choson in ilio sumo manner,anU shall meet within throe months altertheir election, for ihu purpose aforesaid

Six. 3. At the general election, to bo heldin the year ono tl ousund eight hundred andseventy ono, and in each twentieth yearthereafter, tho question: "Slut' I there be aConvention to tevis . alter, or anion 1 illConstitution." shall bo submitted to the elec-tors of the Stale; and, in cuse n majorityof all the electors, votini at such election.shull decide in favor of a Convention, thoUcnernl Assembly, at iis mxi session, shallprovide, by law, for ilio election of delegates,and the assembling of such Convention, asis provided in tho preceding section; but noamendment of this Consnnion, agreed uponvy imy convention, assembled in pursuanceoi mis article, shall take ellect. untl thsumo shall have been submitted to tho eloctors of tho Siote, and adopted by a majorityoi 111030 voting thereon.


bEC I. All laws ol this State, in lorceon the first day of September, ono thousandeight hundred and fifty ono, not inconsistentwith tins constitution, shall continue in forceuntil uim-nd.-- or repealed.

Sec. 2. Tho first election for members oltho Generul Assembly, under this constitulion, shall be held on ihe second Tuesdayof October, one thousand eight hundred andliliy on?.

Sec. 3. The first election for Governor,Liouienani Governor, Auditor, Treasurerand Secretary of Stat" and Attorney Genural, shal bo held on the second Tuesday oOctober, ono thousand eight hundred niidfifty one. The persons, holding said officeson the first duy of September, one thousandeiuhl hundred and filly ono, shall continue

' therein, until tlj second Monday ol Janu-ur- y,

one thousand eight hundred and fil'iytwo.

tw.-i--rire-(- !rm ftr jniigcs orthe supreme court, courts of common plea,und probate Courts, sud Clerks of the courtof common pleus. shall be held on the sec-ond Tuesday of October, one thousand eighthundred and liliy one, and the ..lliciul t rtnof suid Judgos and clerks, to chcted, shallcommence on tho second Monday of Febru-ary, ono thousand eight hundred and fiftyiwo. Judges and clerks of the courts olcommon pleas and supreme court, in officeoh lho first day of September, one thousandeight hundred and fifty one, shall continuein ollice tvnli their present powcrg and du-

ties, until tho second Monday of February,one thousand eight hundred and fil'iv two.Wo suit or proceeding, pending in nny oftne courts oi mis etato, shall bo allected bythe adoption cfiliis constitution.

Sue '5. The Register and Receiver of theland ofiicc. Directors of the Penitentiary, Di-

rectors of tho Benevolent Institutions of the.Slate, the Siato Libruriun, and all other of-ficers, not otherwise provided for in thisConstitution, in office .n the first day olSeptember, one thousand eilu hundred andfiliy one, shull continue iu office, until theirterms expire, respectively, unless the General Assembly shall otherwise provide.

Six. 6 The Superior und Cimimerciaf!jr'of Cincinnati, and tho Superior Couri

of Cleveland, shall remain, until otherwiseprovided by law, with their present powers

. and jurisdiction; and the Judges and clerksof said courts, in ofiko on tho first day ofSeptember, ono thousand eight hundred andfil'iy one, shall carnitine in office, until theexpiration of iheir terms of

or, uniil otherwise provided by law;but neither of said courts shall continue af-

ter ihe Monday of February, onethousand eight hundred and fifty three; andiio suit shall he commenced in suid two firstineniumed courts, ufler th second Monthlyof February,. one thousand hundredanj fifty two, nor in said last mentionedcourt, after the second Monday in August,one thousand eight hundred and fifty two;and all business in either ol said courts, notuispnsud of within the time limited for theircontinuance as aforesaid, shull be transfer-red to the court of common pleas.

Sec. 7. All County and Township officersand Justices of the pence, in office onihe first duy of September.one thousand eighthundred and fifty one, shall continue in of-

fice until their terms expire, respectively.Sec. 8. Vacancies in office, occurring of-tc- r

the first day of September, ono thousandeight hundredandfift me, shall bofilledasisnow by law, and until ofJicers areelected or and quulified i rider thisconstitution.

Sec. 9. This Constitution shall inkeon tile first du September, one lliousund

eight hunJred and fifty one.Skc. 10. All officers shall contitiun in

officii, until their successors shall bo chosen

and qualified.Skc. II. Suits pending in the Supreme

Court iu Bank, shall , bo transferred to theSupreme Court, provided for in this consti-

tution, and be proceeded in according to

law.Skc 12. The district courts shall, In tbeir

icfectire counm., Le the successors of the

present Supreroj Court; and all suits, prosejudgments; records arru proceedings,

pen Jin,; and remaining: In stitu SupremeCourt, in the counties of any district,shal bo transferred to the respective d'u rictcourts of such counties, and be proceeded in,as though no Change lino been made in saidSupreme Court.

Sec. 13. The said courts of commonpleas, shalj bo the" successors .of the presentcourts of coin iron pirns in the counties, except as to probate jurisdiction; andall i tits, proceeding, recordsand judgments, pending or in said lastmention hi courts, except as alore&uiu, shallbo transferred to tho courts of common pleascreated by this constitution, and proceededn, as though the same had bujn therein in

- ' " " "6tituted. '.

Ssc. 14. The Probate courts provided forti tins Constitution, as to all mailers wiiuinhe jurisdiction conferred upon said courts,

shall be the successors, in the several coun-

ties, of tho present courts of common pleus;and the records, lilos and papists, businessand proceedings, appertaining to said

shall be nansferrud to said courts ofprobate, and bo there proceeded in, according to law.

6bo. 15. Until oihrrwiso provided bylaw, elections for Judges und shallbe held, and the poll books returned, as isprovided for Governor, and the abstract there-from, certified to the Secretary of Statu, shallbe by linn opened, in the presence oT theGovernor, who shall declure the andissue commissions to the persons elected.

Sec. 16. Wltoro two or more countiesaro joined in u Senatorial, Represc:ua:ive,orJudicial district, tho returns of doctors shallbe sent to the county, having the largest pop-

ulation.Sec. 17. The foregoing constitution shall

b ; submitted in the electors of the State,nt an election to


be held onthe third Tuesday ' of Juno, ono thou-Au-

eilit hundred and fifty one, in theseveral election districts of this Suite. Theballots at such election shall bo written orprimed as follows: Those in fa tor of theconstitution, "N Constitution, Yes; thoseagainst ilu constitution "NewNo." The polls ot said election shall beopened between th t hours of eight and teno'clock A. tl., und closed at six o'clock P.M., and the said election shull bo conducted,and the returns thereof mudo and certified,to tho Secretary of Slat ;, as provided by lawfor annual elect.ons of State and County officers. Within tweniy days after such e- -

lection, the Secretary of S.ato shall openthe returns thereof, in the presence of theGovernor; and, il it shall appear that t majority ofuli tho v les, cast at such election,are in favor of the constitution, the Governorshall issue his proclamation, stating thatfact, and suid constitution shall be tho constitution of thoS.uio of Ohio, and not otherWi6U.

Sk:. 18. At the t'mo when votes of theelectors shull be taken for the adoption orrejection of this constitution, the additionalsection, in tho words following, to wit: "No

to traffic in intoxicuting liquors shi II

hereafter b grunted iu this State; but theGeneral Assembly may, by law, provide against evils resulting therefrom," shall beseparately submitted to the electors for a'doptiou or rejection, in form following to wit;A sepurute ballot may bo given by everyelector and deposited in a separate box.Upon the bullois given lor said sepurate amendineni shull be written or printed, orpurtly written and partly primed, the words;"Licejiso to sell intoxicating liquors, Yes;"und upon tho ballots against said atnendment, iu like manner, the words: "Lioense to sell intoxicating liquors, No." If,ut ih' said election, u majority uf all thevotes given for and oguinst said amendmentshull contain the words: "License to anil in'toxicrtiin liquors, No," then the suid amend- -

. ........w.,. -- 1...I1 I ! -mewl cuuii uu ii orjiuiuie section oi articlelilieen ol the constitution.

Sec. 19. 1 he apportionment for theHouso of Ropr sentutives, during tho firstueccmuui period utider this consiiiution,sliallbe aj lollows:

'Pi. ....... . I ... . .mo counties oi Auains, Allen, Athens,Auglaize, curroll, Champaign, Clark, Ctinton, Crawford, Durke, Delaware, Erie, Fay.ette, Gallia, Gi uuya.Greeno, Hancock, liarrisen, Hocking, Holmes, Lake, Lawrence.Logan, Madison, Marion, Meigs, Morrow,

, Pi.:kuway, Pike, Preble, Sandusky,ocioio, aneiby and Union, shall, severally,be entitled to ono Representative, in eachsession oi the decennial period.

The couniies of Franklin, Licking, Mont-gomery and Stark, shall each be entitled totwo Representatives, in each session of thedecennial pd'ioJ.

I ho couniies of Ashland. Coshocton,Highland, Lorain, Mahoning, Medina. Miami. Porta-M- , Seneca. Summit andWarren, shall, severally, bo entitled to onoKe)iusen:anve, in ouch session; and one ad-ditional Representative, in the fifth sessionpi the decouuia. period.L Tho couniies of Ashtabula. Brown. P.m.

son, ivnox,aioinoe,Worgun, Richlund.Truni'bull, luscarawaj and Washington, shall,severally, be entitled to ono Representative,in each session; und two additionalsentatives, ono in the third, and one in thelourih session, ol the decennial period.

ilie couniies ol Belmont, Columbiana,ttossand tvuyno, shall, severully, bo enti-tled to one Representative, in each session;and three additional Kepresetnatives, onoin the Inst, ono in ilio second, and one inthe third session, of tlin decennial period.

The of Muskingum shull be enti-tled to ivvQ.Represjiimtives in.each session;and one additional Representative, in thefifth session of lho decennial periods

The couiuy ol Cuyahoga shall bo entitledto two Kepreseniaiives, in each session; andtwo additional Representutives.onein ihoth nand one in the lourih sessions, of the decen-nial eriod.

Tho county of Hamilton shall bo entitledto seven Representatives, in each session;and four additional Representatives, one inthe first, one in ilio second, one in theund or.o in lho fourth session, of tho decen-nial period.

The following couniies, until they shallhave acquired a sufficient population to en-

title tliem to bloct under thefourth sic.ion ol the eleventh article, shallform districts in manner following, to wit:The coumks of Jackson and Vinion, onedistrict; the counties of and Fulton,ono district; the counties of Wyandot andlluidin.ono districtjtho counties of Mercer undVan Wei i, one district; the counties of Pauld-

ing, Defiance and Williams, one district; thecounties of Putnam and Henry, one district;

nndtJie counties of Wood and Ottawa, onediftnet: each of which districts shall bo en-

titled to one Representative, in every sessionof lho decennial period.

Done in Convention, at Cincinnati, thet mh day ofMurch, in ihu year of ourone thousand eight hundred and filiy one,

Clermont, Fuirlield, Guernsey, JefferCourts

office, respec-tively,























nd of the Indeoond noe of the UnitedSiifes, the sejrenty fifth. ? f"

WILLIAM ML'.niLL. President.Kami Wm. II Gat, Secretary, i '. L

S.J.Andrews; j j .Thai. J. Lnrsh, J f

William Burbio, 'William Lkwtittea.'- -

i ...... i. a .. ' John4UBt-p- i UUTIIUll,-- Lirwill, -- .Uavid Burnet, . Robert Leech,Win. S. Bates, D. P. Loadbjtwr,A. J, J3jnnati,; -- t j-

- wuHy, tttfftffnhn H'. H!ir? 1 - Charles McCl.uUuV- - -

Jacob SlickensderfcrH, S, .ManniVan Brown, Samson Mason,R. W.Cuhill,-

- .', . Mat how M. Mitchell,L. Case. Isaiah Moiris,David Chambers, S. F. Njrris,John Chany, w.s.c.'(;ii,! ;

11. D. Clark, Chas. J; Orion, ' v

George Collings, " Thomas Patterson, '

Friend Cooke, ; Danl. Pack,Otway Currv, Jacob Perkins, .' : i

G. Volney Dorsey, Saml. Quigley, jThru. VV. Ewari, R. P. Ranney,John Lwing, Chas. Reeinelin,Joseph M. Farr, Adam N. Riddle,Elias Florence. Edward C. Roll,Robert Forbes, Win. Sawyer, '

H.N. Gilleit, Subirt ckoit,John Graham, John Sellers,Jacob J. Greene, John A. Smith,John L. Green, George J. Smith,Henry H.Gregg, B. P. Smith,W.S. Groesbeck, Henry Stanbery,C. S. Hamilton, B. Star.ion, V" ;

D. D. T. Hard, Alvert V. Siebbins,A. Harlan, E.T.Stickney,.;William Hawkins, llarman Siidger,James P. Henderson, James StrublPeter Hitchcock, J. R. Swan, i ivtJ. McCorniick, , L. Swift...V.B. Horton, , James W. Taylor, "

G. VV. Holmes, Norton S Townsht ndGeo. B. Hoh. r Elijah Vance, ; --

Wm.John J, llootmnn, M. Warren,'John E. Hunt, Thomas A. Wav.Saml. Humphreville, J. Milton Williams,J. Dan. Jones, blzey Wilson,John Johnson, Jas. T. Wonljingion,o. j. ivirKwooa, n. u. Woodbury, .

James B. King, H. C. Gray,James Loudon, Edward Archbold,

Reuben HitchcocJc.Secretary of State's Officr.

Coldmbus, March 29, 181.I hereby certify that the foregoing is cor

reetly copied from the original roll deposited in this office. .

HENRY VV. KING,Secretary of State.

Auditor's Office, Meigs Co. Ohio,Pomeroy, April 18, 1851.

1 comfy the foregoing 'Constitution" tobe correct, according to the copy furnished

SAMUEL HALLWAY,County Auditor,

For the Meigs Co. Telegraph.Ma. Editor: I have noticed in the col

umns of tho Tulegroph some very speculalive notions in relation to the destinv ofPomeroy and its vicinity. Picturing to themind its plunk roads, rail roads, stratumsand s, coal, salt, and subtcrrane-o- n

cities &c., making in the aggregate "Theplace what is a place."

I am not objecting to those fanciful pictures, but am of the opinion that we oughtto pay moro attention to the moro importam maiiers, wnicn atlects our present aswell as our future destiny. We have to dowith mind &s well ns matter, and muchmora depends on the siato of morals thanon tho extent of om coal roina, or urrorgthand quantity ol our sail waior,

From ihe fuel of these nateral advantages, it is now, and always will be our lot,to be a community composed of ciiizensTrom nearly all parts of the world, speaking different languages, having imbibed diflurent religions and political notions, andconsequently some of them are apt to viewour laws and customs as they did those oftheir own country, as operating only assystem of oppression. Therefore it is noionly the business but the duty of everytrue citizen, to aid in disseminating the trueprinciples of law and morais; teaching thatsociety based on any other foundation must,in the very nature of ihings fail to accomplish the most desirable and beneficial re

. . ...l, LV. !. .isuuo. rur a is impossible mat any manshould, in the issue, bo a loser in doing hisduty, lor while he is faiihlul in the dischargeoi evory duty, he is most effocually consuiting his own happiness as well as thatofothers.

lie only who in all cases does what heought to do, is the perfect man, the btitcitizen, or lho true christian. One of thelaws of our naturo Is, that guilt makesman at variance with himself; he sees andknows that he is not what hd'aught to be,and ieels that he has fallen from the disnitvof his nature, and sold his real worth for athing of no valuo. Yea, more, he feels onabiding consciousness of demerit, and cannot avoid the diead of meeting with its re--warI On . L .1 I, iaiu. .no inner nana, ne wno pays asacred regard to duty cannot fail of a present reward, proportioned to the exertion re- -QUiled ill . pernrmmg --it.TKbetter established by experience than thaiihey ho in opposiii in to strong temptation,by a noble effort, have mainioined their in-

tegrity, have realized the greatest amountof happiness, and honor, attainable onearth, and their positions are the most to beenvied. The man firmly established inthis position, feels a cc nsciousness of inward worth, which gives strength lo hisheart, stability and firmness to his purposes,enabling him to realize that amidst the mostsevere conflicts are to be found the brightestgems ond the most lasting honors. There-fore lot us all adopt the favorite motto olold Zack "Do jour duty ond let conse-quences take care of themselves."


03" The puzzling name of "Tariff" is de-

rived from the town of Tarira, ot the mouiliof lho Straits of Gibralier. Ii was lho laststronghold which tho Moors disputed withilio Christians ; and when the former heldpossession of both the pillursof Hercules, It

washere that ihey levied contributions foivessels entering the Mediterranean, whencecame lho generic.

tWtip (Eo Stlegtapl).'rillETIM.

:pomkroy; ohio.THURSDAY,:: ::i:j::::::MAY 1, 1851



"wake up"ii;The public seem to forget that four weeks

since our office was burned, and we' subjected to an outlay of 8600 10 repair thelossj ' We wanf ftoneyj krid What is inpre i

WE WILL HAVE IT. ' 1 1 '

03" Anotues Firs. On Thursday nightlast about 10 o'clock our town was alarmedby another cry of fire, which was discoveredto be in the Foundry of R.' R Grant.The fire soon spread to the adjoining engineshop, entirely.; consuming both buildings.The Foundry and Engine shop were bothoccupfed by John C. Deprw, whose entirestock of patterns', tools, lathes, 6ic, weredestroyed. . Sevsial engines were in theshop, some completed and. others in different' singes" of progress, which have "beengreatly damaged.' His loss cunnot fall' below $4000.. No insurance on the buildingor contents. . Although confined to the oneestablishment,' ret it has boon most disastrous in its effectt. Mr. Depew had worked himself into a lucrative business,' afterseveral years struggling against adverse circumstances. and was fast gaining a positionof competence and profit. Mr. Grant, too,has been most singularly unfortunate.' Buta few years ago he had a tannery burneddown on the same premises, and had not yeiemirtly recovered from his losses ere thisdouble calamity has fallen upon him. Itis hard thus to see the accumulationswept years away in a moment, leaving usat middle age to recommence the struggleof life anew ,

y tho active exertions of our ciiizens(ome of them) the adjoining buildings weresaved. We say, some, becnuso at this, aswell as the former fire, wo saw crowds ofhale, hearty, robust men, stand with theirhands In their puckeis, looking carelesslyon, while- - dulicato women labored and toiled

in the effort to extinguish tho flames, andwould not even so much as get out of theway, but obstruct the efforts of others by thobtrusion of ihsir superfluous carcasses.

There soems to be a fatal inaction amongour people in relation to securing a pioperfire apparatus. With n a month fire has

destroyed over $30,000 worth of propertyyet no step is taken to avert such calamitiesin future. Will they not do somethingWe can get up a tremendous excitement ifa worthless, debauched, drunken vagabond

is found committing some act which his de

based instincts compel him to but to theprotection of the hard earned fruits of laborwe turn a leaden ear, while we join full cryin the chorus of commiseration for ihe mor-

al condition of some abandoned vagrant,who is unab'e to distinguish between the

moral attendants of a funeral procession or nfox-chas- It Is to be hoped that the day ofsuch ihings is past, ond that Pomeroy, atleast, will do something for the protection ofitself the preservation of the proceeds ofits industry, and enterpilse.

03" The Buckeye Stale and Messenger on

last week's race excited the highest enthusi-

asm among the partizans. As they passed

Pomeroy our boys brought out old ' Roughand Ready," who talked as of old most el-

oquently. The following is the time to

Wheeling:Buckeye State, 35 hours 30 minutes.Messenger, 39 4

Barnum, was thus completely hoaxed for

once. Sharp as ho has the reputation of be-

ing, he is not well posted up in Westernsteamboating.

is again on the advance-busi- ness

is t eviving improvements are in

contemplation and proseeution, which w'lenperfected will add greatly to the prosperityof the city. By and bye when a bank is lo-

cated here, under tho new law, we shall bid

good bye to towns, and step into the compa-ny of Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland,.Dayton, &c.

03"PEorLE's Circus. By reference to,

on advertisement in another column, it Will

bo seen that the Circus, with clowns, horsel,ponies, tumblers, actors, dec. dec, will be I

town next week. Great tunes for ihe bo

and the rest of mankind. ;

03" Kerr of the Cincinn&ti passed up the

river on Sunday we know this from; thefact that'our devil had hard work to bring

iwlMD..ihai.bundLeiif.iuipprslefLto ihe --'Esq,"of this establishment. Mr. K. isnn "Boss."

03" The Board of Aldermen of Boston,

have refused the use of raneuil Hall to

Daniel Webste.i. Nothing in the onnals

of political warfare in this country canequal the vindictlveness with which tho in

furiated fanatics of the country are pursuingthe great statesman of New England. How

execrable a thing is fanatacism.The same Board of Aldeimcn refused a

sjiort timeogo, to invite President Fillmoreto visit Boston. A short time beforo Geo.Thompson, the British Abolitionist, ond

Fied. Douglass, the negro libeller of thememory of Washington, were greeted by

this same Board with all the demonstrationof filial regard, and permitted to fulminatetreason against the Union and blassphemyagainst God, within the hallowed walls ofthe cradle of liberty. Con such men longerware the garb of Philanthropy.

03" 1 1 was reported by telegraph on Sat-

urday that Mi.Sumnfr had and had not been

e'ected U. S. Senator from Massachusetts.Wo inclined to the opinion that the "hadnot" R'pori is ilio true one.

03" Ptmrs. We have noticed for sometimei at the Court house in this placoi a now

style of pump, which is called "Newman'sDouble Acting Force aid Lift Pump,"which wa think surpasses' anything of thekind now In use combining the properties ofthe Lift and Force pumps, with the greatestsimplicity and durability of construction.vTJhe pump exhibition j)as a cylinder 2)inches in diameter, and 6 inches stroke ofpiston, can bo worked by a child of five yearsold, and discharges 11 gallons of water in30 strokes about half a minute. By attach-

ing a hose two feet long you can convert itinto a fire engine capable of extinguishinga fire on the roof of any building or bylengthening it to suit lho purpose, it can be

made ihe most valuable auxiliary in gardencultivation, enabling the owner to water hisgarden at all times without the least troublein draining or carrying water for the'pur-pos- e

It being a complete irrigator. In factit is the ne plus ultra in pumps.

Accident. On Wednesday evening last,as the steamer Messenger was passing Pomeroy, with Jenny Lind on board, and whilesome of our people were engaged in firing

i salute in honor of lho Nightingale, a

juantity of powder ignited, while passing it

to the mouth of the cannon, severely inju

ring three young men engaged in firin-g-burning their arms, breasts and faces in ashocking manner. The persons burnedwere Josiah Pratt, Wm. M'Cain. andValentine Inoleiiabdt. We learn howev

er, that they are now considered out of dan'

ger.- -;

i I.

03" Pomeroy and Portsmouth Pack'ets. We believe that there aro two steamers running between this place and Portsmouth, bo it is said in the papers below.

Persons however, who read the ' Telegraph"usually travel on the Ohio and Lady Byron,because they know from tho advrtisementsthat they are engaged regulurly in the busN

ness. Not being advised by the owners ol

the other boats, we are unable to give theirdays of leaving port.

ICTJENNy biNO would only sins onenig it in Pittsburgh, owing to the unmannerly conduct of the people of that city. Theyprotest thai it was ull meant kindly, but likeihu fisherman wiih bear's hut. Jenny thothat their way of showing ihir affection was

raiher rough. Served them right if shehad only stopped in Porteroy, she would

have been greeted, in suh a manner as a

refined people know howio extend such fa

vors. But Piusburh-4sha- w, who couldexpect any thing else tnan rowdyism in a

city that elected Joo Barker Mayor.

It is said that myriids of grasshoppershave made their appearance in the southerntowns of Ashtabula county, The Telegraphhopes that the lie fold weather they I avehad there has effect Jally disposedW the cropof them now on hand

03"The Washington RepubHc, of the1 7th inst, contain a list of the awards ofthe Commissiones of the Mexican claims.The whole numjfer of memorials presented,was 272. Thenumber rejected as insuffi

cient was 40. The sum appropriated was

$3,250,000. The aggregate of all the awards was $3203 523; leaving the sum of$46,477 to bopaid back to the Mexican Gov


03"Greier,the Whig Poet andSiate Librnrian, ha accepted the appointment of In

dian Ageni in New Mexico, and has left for

that lerriwry.

The etitor of the Ironton Register thinksthat Iroiion will have a population of 1500by the u st of January next. At present it

contains 933, and is not twenty-tw- o monthsold.

The 'Democratic' Senators of ihe NewYorj Legislature, with two exceptions, ab

squatulated, in order to prevent the passageof the Erie Canal enlargement bill. Thisdisgraceful method of thwarting the will ofihu majority is becoming loo common.

The Steubenville Herald says that theWhigs in that Senatorial and Congressional

LDistrict will vast iheir ballots aguinsithe new


03"Persons calling at this office on bustness with ihe firm of Davis 4 Morion, car

ponters, are informed that ihey have removedto the foundry building below bugar run,where they will be happy to wait on iheiifriends. This building is no longer theplace of hand saws ond jack-plane- s, but of"wise saws" and and plain facts.

DAnwux " eat. Sims,- - tho ftigittvc

slave about whom so much fuss was madein Boston two weeks ago, has been purchusedfrom his owners by a patent medicine vender in that city, who Intends to employ him

as a peddler of his preparations. This

ihe last phase of speculation as well as of


On the last trip of the steamer Messenger,

the passengers on board were robbed to theamount of $1500. On arriving at Cincin

nail before landing, the yawl was sent ushore

for a police officer, who on boarding the

boat, immediately recognized two old well

known thieves, Bill Burke and Theophllus

George, together with a third person named

Jas. C. Morgan, who were all taken to thelock up. Much praise is due Capt. Fisherfor his efforts io arrest the villuins.

03" From some cause unknown to ourrenders, but very clear to us, we do not feci

like giving much editorial matter this week.We hope our selections, however, will morethan atono for this omission, and that ourreaders will thank us for substituting thescissors for iho pen.

Laws of Ohio-Publi- shed by Authority.

No. 48.AN ACT to tx hanks and back sud other stocks' the same as other property is now taxable by the

laws of Oris State. . pSoO. 1.-- : IU it mm ifA Km Clmrrn At.

sembly of the State of Ohio, Thai it shall be. . .L J ..r .L I. i ium uuiy ut me i rcsiueni ana casnicr oieach and tvery banking institution incorpo-rated by the laws of this State, and havingthe right to issue bills or notes for circula-tion, at ihe lime for listing personal proper-ty under the laws of this State, to list thocapiial stock of such banking institution, un-

der oath, aMis iruo value in money, and re-

turn the same, with the amount of surplusand contingent fund belonging to such banking insiiiuiion, to ine assessor ol the town-ship or ward in which such banking insiitu.linn is located; and the amount so returnedl hall be .

placed on the trrnnil (Innllnninof ih- o 1

proper county, and upon the city duplicatefor n!m . i- - ...I Lvi. iu.ci, in iuaca micro sucn cny iui-doe- s

es not BO unnn ihn nrnnH Hunlienio hmis collected by the city officers, and taxedfor the same nurnoses. and in ihn mkm pv.tent thai personal property is or may be re- -

quireu 10 oe laxou, in tne place where suchbank is located : and aueh i nlmll ha mi.leciod and paid over i n the same manner thai

. .a I Inixes on oiner personal property are requiredvy iuw iu uu coneciea ana paia over; pro-vided, however, that the capital stock of anybsnk shall not be returned or inxerl for a Iocsamount than its capital stock n&id in.

r. . .1Obc. z. li,ach assessor, nl nnv inurnehinword, within the limits of which any bankDanKing company may bo located, shall,case any resident or Cushinr nf nrh

ink or banking comoanv. shall rnAieA ri i . r . .. - r

neuieei to mane out ana on ivnr in tho n.sessor tne statement herein required, enter

,s ine amount oi capital, bo per cent, inddilion 10 the amount of ihn rnniinl ciwk

of said bank or banking company, and shalliciuru iiiu ouuio iu wecoumv anniinr. nr insuch other officer as tho law regulating hisduties may require j provided, that in caseswhere city taxes are assessor) nnd nllrtoriby the city authorities, the taxes upon banksas provided for in this act, shall be assessedand collected the same as city taxes uponoiner propeny, lor tne lime Doing, are assessel and collected in such ciiv.

Sec. 3. The Ohio Life Insurance andIrusi company shall bo taxes upon its capHal StOCk. loaned in the ennmia.which shall be roiurncd by iho president orcasmeroi me company, under oaih, to theseveral county auditors, in the month oi Mayannually, me average rate per cent, ol Ihetaxes for all purposes levied upon thoicnland personal property of such couniies; ondif iho paid company shull fuil to return to.!, ... .!:.. r .u- - i .uu uuuuui ui iim eoverai counties, theamount of its capital stock loaned in eachcounty, before the first dnv nf Jnnn onn,,,.l.ly, the county auditor shall ascertain fromthe record of mortgages or oiher evidence,the amount of the louns made by suid c.

in his countv. and ha shll nlnm. iUI m J ' fritAWamount so returned, or ase.TtninpH. unnn 1K0

duplicate, and levy thereon the avurairoraiour peroeni. oi me taxes lovica lor all pur-poses, upon the real and personal properlyui me uuuiuy, which lax snail oe collectedby the countv treasure!, and distriliiiiml Im

giving to the State its proportion, according. .1 l ..i i r .. ci . oio uiu rate levieo lor state purposes, and tothe county, townships, towns, corporations,and rural districts, their share of the balance,respectively, in proportion to the severalamounts on which lho averogo rates shallhave been determined: and in ensn rirniishall bo mdo in the payment of such tax.wiimn tne nine limited by law, it hull bo iheduly of ihe county treasurer to proct eJ tocollect "tho same ; and for that purpose homay file a bill in chancery in ihe couri ofcommon pieus ot tne propel county, sottinglortn ine amount ol taxes assessed ogainsisaid company, and the names nf ihudubioisof said company, as u.hous by therecords of such county, and it shall be iheuuiy oi 6uca.coun to luKejunsdiciion theroof, and to grant an injunction, appoint a roceiver, and make such other and further order. as mav be necessnrv to mihippi ilio interesl accruing on the loans of said companyto the satisfaction of the tax aforesaid, withthe penalties and interest thereon as provided bv law : and all ihe ranlial stnek nfcomnnnv. not loaned in ihn spvoml fnnn.. r .i. c.. .i i .. j .lies ui iiiu uiuie, unu UI1U laxeu 8Saloresaid, snail be listed lor taxation, ancreturned by the president and cashier of sailinstitution, under oath, at its true value iimoney, and entered, together with the surplus and contingent fund of suid companyupon ihe grand levy for Hamilton countyand taxed for the same purposes and to thsoma extant that other nersnnnl nr.nurin! - trtaxed in the in hich the office of saidcompany is kept.

Sec. 4. It shall be ihe dutv nf nvnrv n

sessor in whose jurisdiction there shall belocated any bank or banking company, toleave with some nroDer officer of said hm

or banking cornnsnv. a notion tn mnlni nmand duliver tho statement renuired in ihn firisection oi tins act.

Sec. 5. The taxes levied and collected inpursuance of the provisious of this act, shallbe in lieu of any taxes which such bankor banking company would, by exist-ing laws, bo required to pay on its dividendsor prohts,

Sec 6. Stocks or shares held in bankbanking companies or banking association ,or in other incorporated companies or associationsin other States, and State stocks ofother Statuii held by corporations or citizensof this State, rither for ihomtolvoa or asagents or guardians, shall be subiuct to laxalion, the same as bonds, mortgages, notes orother evide ices of debts, held by ciiizens ofthis State, aro now taxable by the laws ofthis siato.

Sec 7. All laws or parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this uct arehereby repealed.

JOHN F. MORSE.Speaker of the House of Rep's.

CHAS. C. CONVERS,Speaker of the Senate.

March 21, 1851.

Loss of Life on the MississippiSenitor Rusk in tho course of a speechagainst the River and Harbor Bll, at thoclose of the session, made the following remark :

The short litno thru I have been herethere has been upwarps of one thousandlivos lost on the Mississippi river. Thenmouui of propeny destroyed is incalcula-ble."

The Lakes odd several hundreds to thisappalling list of lives lost. And yet MessrsRusk; Cass Ar Co. utterly refuse all assistance to these great interests. MilwankieSen.

The owners of the sicomers BuckeyeSiate and Messenger havo como lo a mutual 'understanding and ogr?emeni, wh'.-rcb- thoopposition and the racing will Ikj dispensedwith in foturo . ' t .

03" Tho Posi Offico has been removed mFront street, below Cmiri.

t III r

Go it. Boots.-M- rs. Bams, of Pciinsvl- -

vania, has left her husband, Mr. Boots, andsirayed to pans unknown. Wo presumethat a pair of bonis aro rights and lefts.

e cannot say. however, ihnt Mrs. Boots isright; but there is no mistake thai Boois islejt.

Monster Ox for the World's Fairlie magnificently groat Ox raised by Col.. C. Baldwin, of ibis city, will soon bo senti a pilifrimnL'e to ihn WnrM'a Vnr ii,.

has been fed and fattened fnreiirhinow weighs the enormous figures of 4,000.i,r,J. IH... ir...i "... '. .pu.iuc. ine r ona may sorely bj chal-lenged 10 produce his rniml A m,Uday Is his longest land journey. Ho will beuaiwpuncu linsi oy waior, and from Bostonw. iiceu a preiiy goou sea croft for his

comfort. How John Bull's mouthwill water in tho sight of the Buckeyo Ox'Cleveland Herald.

A rather novel case was brought beforoone of ihe Philadelphia Aldermen on Satur-day. A married woman was bound over loanswer ihe charge of misdemeanor in sedu-cin- g

a young num. Sho had rented a roomduring ihe pasi winter, where she kepr him.The innocent victim is about eighteen yearsof age, nnd the suit was hrnnnh. i, i,:father, . --- .. .

TABLE OP WEIGHTS,Established by Statute for buying and sel-

ling Produce,Wheat 60 lbs. for a bushel. :

Rye 66 lbs. for a bushel.Flaxseed 56 lbs. for a bushel.Corn 56 lbs. for a bushel.Barley 48 !hs. for a bushol.Clover Seed 60 Ibo. for a bushel.Oais 32 lbs. for a bushel.Stone Coal 2688 cubic inches to the

bushel.Coke 2688 cuoic inches to the bushel.Unslacked Lime 2688 cubic inches to

the bushel.

DIED,In Rutland, on the 25th April, 1851, at the age

of 3 years, 10 months and 26 days, Mary Catha-rine, daughter of T. A. and S. A. Plants, ofPomeroy, Muigs county, Ohio.

As the bird tn iis sheltering nest,Where the stonnson the hills is abroad,

So her spirit hath flown from this world of unrest,To repose' on the bosom of God I

Where the sorrows of earth never moreMay fling o'er its brightness a stain;

Where, in rapture and love, it shall ever adore,With a gladness uumingled with painj

And its thirst shall be slaked by the waters whichspring

Like a river of light, from the throne of the Kixu!

There is weeping on earth for the lost;There is bowing in grief to the ground;

But rejoicing and praise 'mid the sanctified host,For a spirit in Paradise found I

Though brightness hath passed from the earth,Yet a star is new-bor- n in the sky,


And a soul hath gone home tethe land of its birth,Where are pleasures aud fulness of joy !

And a new harp is strung, and a new song is givenTo the breezes that float o'er tho gardens of

Heaven I

03" We feel ourselves bound to speak ofMcAllister's All Healing Ointment, as n

simple, yet groat and good medicine. Fromthe high standing it has attained all over thecountry, and I'roui our own personal knowl-

edge; we must say that not onother articleof putent mcdicino would we bu willing ioexchange for this Oiniment. For all dis-

eases of ihe Skin, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints,Gout, Scrofula, and a great many other com-

plaints, we do not b dieve it can, or ever willbe surpassed.

See Pamphlets in hands of agents.

Who would jot rather enjov thepleasures of health, and the agreeable con-

sciousness of well-bein- to the griping painsof disease ihe bitter continuance of

nnd the chilling thoughts of neverrecovering!

But of all diseases who is not most anx-ious io cscope a disease of the Lungs I Thevery idea of falling a victim io Consuir.p-lion- ,

sends a tremor to the heart-string- s oflife. But oh how joyful the thoughts thatlifk and health aro still our own, whenjust before despair had spread her dark can-vass over us.

Such, kind reader are ihe pleasurable sen-

sations experienced by hundreds who by thouse of Dr. Wisiar's Balsam of Wild Cher-ry, have this dire disease slowly but surelydriven from their system, ond health rosyhealthagain restorod to thoir languishingbodies.

03" See advertisement. .: ;

HOLD ON THEREIANDY HAS BUSINESS WITH YOUI T is, we believe, not generally understood as1 Vet. t int tho. ftheanMt nlnwi In. n

Pomeroy. is at thn N sinr nf a t L.Front street, between Lind and Sycamore, in Mar-tin's old gtant . Thi. :. il r.

. """"i"" uieiciore em-braced to proclaim the intwstina f.M . ,.. i i.no wuimat large. Having opened business for himself, hflinvites those lie has so faithfully served for years.rA Pot t m .L fw .v., mi iii yon wic lavurs received:lie has i list recnivpii rhnibest quality or goods in the market, embracing altr'l" J, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Summer

bu:uc, rnnrs, i.awns, Laces, Ribbons,Handkerchiefs, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets,rnromines. Ao. Alan. Rrnn. cV v.:.,.Knacks, and Jim Cracks. In short, every thing

uuucai, inuuBinous ana economicalpeople may need. Give him a call, as Andy is theboy to give you good bargains.A. LOUBNER,

Pomeroy, May 1, 1851 n30tf

New Conforllnnarv.rpilE SUBSCRIBER has just opened a new

- .., mi. iviut pueci, ftOOTyLind, whore he offers for sale every article in his



DurillflT thft warm ufoaU.o .a iio "' w uv will Hr t l hrchoicest LEMONADE, and other who leswie iem- -

His stock is choice and of the very best quality.He invites theloven nf ,i i.;.. :. i k;.- 0vx UllllitO Wl' II1IU tlcall. HORKHT a Giiipiii-rn- M

I'omemy, Mar l, iM5,i;(i'f
