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Wakefield and District Safeguarding Adults Board Business ......Annual conference and Network...

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Wakefield and District Safeguarding Adults Board Business Plan 2013 to 2015
Page 1: Wakefield and District Safeguarding Adults Board Business ......Annual conference and Network Events. From April 2013 Leaflets and posters distributed to all partner enquiry foyers

Wakefield and District

Safeguarding Adults Board

Business Plan 2013 to 2015

Page 2: Wakefield and District Safeguarding Adults Board Business ......Annual conference and Network Events. From April 2013 Leaflets and posters distributed to all partner enquiry foyers


Introduction This Business Plan for 2013/15 is designed to support the Wakefield and District Safeguarding Adults Board in achieving its aims during this time period. The Business Plan has four parts:

The Vision of the Safeguarding Adults Board

The Statement of Intent

Three strategic objectives

The detailed Work Plan for the next two years. The Vision Our vision is that agencies who support people at risk of harm are able to prevent abuse happening, act swiftly when it does and are competent in achieving good outcomes for people. There must also be sufficient support, specialist, advocacy and justice provision within each area and the commitment from all agencies and organisations to work together.


People are able to live a life free from harm, where communities:

have a culture that does not tolerate abuse

work together to prevent abuse

know what to do when abuse happens Statement of Intent The Wakefield and District Safeguarding Adults Board will provide strong and effective leadership in order to co-ordinate and ensure effectiveness of the work done by agencies for the purpose of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of adults who may be eligible for community care services. We aim to ensure that adults in Wakefield (or who are from Wakefield but placed elsewhere): Are safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence, exploitation and sexual abuse in whatever

setting they are living Are safe from accidental injury and death Are safe from discrimination and bullying Are safe from crime and anti-social behaviour Live in environments where they have security, stability and care. From the outset Wakefield and District Safeguarding Adults Board has been clear that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of adults is ‘Everyone’s Business’. We will achieve our vision through:

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Working collaboratively between agencies to improve safeguarding practice

Monitoring and where necessary challenging the performance of agencies in relation to safeguarding

Developing and implementing effective policies, guidance and procedures.

Carrying out audits of practice and effective Serious Case Reviews

Seeking to provide high quality multi-agency training and development to the workforce,

where financial constraints allow.

Promoting awareness of safeguarding within agencies and in the wider community Engaging with service users and ensuring that their experience is at the heart of our work. Three Strategic Objectives The following are our key objectives for the next two years and are designed to enable us to achieve our vision. The objectives are:

1. The Board members will champion adult safeguarding within their own organisations, ensure that commissioning processes have strong safeguarding themes and seek to build capacity in preparation for becoming a Statutory Board.

2. There is an outcomes based approach from all Board partners to adult safeguarding.

3. There is a performance management overview, a skilled and knowledgeable workforce

with a learning culture to ensure practice delivery is effective. These objectives are aligned with the Standards for Adult Safeguarding which have been developed as part of a sector led response and were produced in partnership by: The Local Government Group. ADASS, the NHS Confederation and the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). The Business Plan has been produced under these broad safeguarding standards headings, with a number of sub-objectives, and the actions required to achieve it. The Business plan lends itself to being broken down into Sub Group work plans in order to achieve the overall objectives and vision of the Wakefield and District Safeguarding Adult Board. The Role of the WDSAB Sub Groups and Task and Finish Groups The Wakefield and District Safeguarding Adults Board has four standing Sub Groups that co-ordinate and/or implement the work that the Board has chosen to undertake. The Sub Groups are as follows:

Quality and Performance Sub Group

Training Sub Group

Reportable Concerns Sub Group.

MCA – LIN Sub Group

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Each is chaired by a WDSAB member and formally reports to the Safeguarding Adults Board at every meeting. In addition there are Task and Finish Groups set up to carry out short term pieces of work as required by the WDSAB or its Sub Groups. Each action within the Business Plan is ‘owned’ by the relevant Sub Group or Task and Finish Group, which will be responsible, through its Chair, for driving progress, monitoring implementation and reporting to the WDSAB either directly or through the ‘parent’ Sub Group.. Relevant actions will be incorporated into the work plan for each Sub Group. Following ratification of the Business Plan by the WDSAB, each Sub Group will be required to produce its own Work Plan for the forthcoming year, detailing its objectives and actions based on those contained within the Business Plan. Governance The WDSAB will develop its governance framework in line with Sub Groups, holding them to account for the development of work plans aligned to this business plan; provision of assurance and ongoing risk assessment. Financial Arrangements The Safeguarding Adults Board is resourced mainly through the commitment of staff and management time of member agencies. The Local Authority provides dedicated resource in the form of the Safeguarding Adults Business Manager and 0.5 fte administrator support. Historically the Board has relied upon voluntary contributions from member agencies as the only pooled resources available to the Board. Moving forward it is intended that regular financial statements will be supplied to Board members and funding bids will be made to Commissioners of services where the Board identifies a pressing need.

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Strategic Objective 1:

Review and strengthen multi-agency commitment and action to improve adult safeguarding (Standards 3,4 and 5 Leadership; strategy and Commissioning Standards for Adult Safeguarding) Outcomes: Achievement of Board Vision; capacity building; greater collaboration; improved safeguarding practice Lead responsibility: WDSAB Chair and WDSAB members


Actions Required Responsible Person

Monitoring Mechanism

Target Date Completion Date


1.1 Seek and monitor commitment of partner agencies

Review if Board membership is fully representative

Member representation is at right level to ensure executive commitment

Deputies are not routinely sent and admitted to quarterly meetings.

Monitoring of attendance at meetings and delivery of agreed actions

Monitoring reports on attendance reported back at Executive level to constituent

WDSAB Chair WDSAB Chair WDSAB and Sub Group Chairs WDSAB members WDSAB Chair

Reports on attendance and delivery by SABM to WDSAB and Sub Groups

July 2013 July 2013 January 2014 Each year at the January business meeting. Annually following the January business

This has been considered by the board and Healthwatch have been invited to join the board to represent the service user viewpoint. Attendance monitoring on going throughout the year.

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agencies meeting.

1.2 Capacity Building.

Financial report presented at all Board meetings.

Development areas for multi-agency work identified and plans presented for bids to Commissioners.

WDSAB Chair and members WDSAB Members

Financial report presented at all Board meetings by SABM. Report to WDSAB

From April 2013 From April 2013

A financial report is presented at all SAB meetings Joint investigation Achieving successful prosecutions through MCA and MHA legislation ABE training all successful bids

1.3 Provide challenge and support on the outcomes; experiences and effectiveness of service delivery to people needing services.

Identification of the Commissioners of services from whom reports to be requested.

Reports on contractual arrangements

Reports on monitoring arrangements

WDSAB Chair and Members WDSAB Chair and members WDSAB Chair and members

Relevant Commissioners identified. Annual report to the SAB by all identified Commissioners.

July 2013 From October 2013

Jayne Gilmour on response to Winterbourne

View commissioning processes Oct


Jim Leyland on the

Personalisation work

undertaken and on-going

Jan 2014.

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Reports on effectiveness and outcomes for service users.

WDSAB Chair and Members

1.4 Build on strong links across the region to improve collaboration, improve consistency, and share good practice.(Link to 3.1)

Implementation of the West Yorkshire policy and procedures for Adult Safeguarding

Share opportunities for learning and development through meetings with colleagues in region

WDSAB Chair and Members SABM and WDSAB members

Reports to WDSAB Discussion item at WDSAB

From April 2013 From April 2013

Policies and Procedures implemented. Launched at Annual conference Review process delayed due to late joining by Bradford, but no major issues identified. SAB Independent chair and SAB Business Manager attend series of regional events. ADASS regional event for 6/7 board members arranged January 2014 in Doncaster.

Review process to begin in June 2014

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1.5 Maintain and develop linkages with the Local strategic Partnership; Health and Wellbeing and community Safety Boards. Also the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board.

Members who attend other Boards to bring relevant issues to SAB with supporting papers

Seek to establish more formal reporting systems

WDSAB Chair, all members WSSAB Chair / SABBM

Items on agenda, linkages made, actions to follow up Proposals to SAB

From April 2013 January 2014

SABBM attends LDPB meetings SAB Chair attending both CCG board meeting and Overview and Scrutiny Committee to present the Annual report. LA board members presenting annual report to the Health and Well Being Board.


1.6 Strengthen Service User and wider public involvement

Consultation with public groups on Board business plan and other Board activities

All Board members

Reports to WDSAB

From April 2013.

Healthwatch who represent all service users have been invited to join the Board. Consideration has been given to inviting other third sector representation but only Healthwatch represent everyone.

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Promote Board activities and continue to raise awareness and how to raise concerns.

All board members

Reports to WDSAB evidencing Leaflets, Annual conference and Network Events.

From April 2013

Leaflets and posters distributed to all partner public enquiry foyers and GP practices Newsletter Network Events Annual conference

1.7 Maintain an overview on Personalisation in relation to the safeguarding issues presented

Report from Personalisation Lead on activities with a safeguarding focus.

Reports from any other agency on Personalisation issues.

Chair of MCA – Lin group (Personalisation lead for WMDC) All board members

Annual report to SAB and other items of interest as they arise.

April 2014.

Report and presentation on personalisation by Jim Leyland planned for January 2014

Presentation delivered January 2014

1.8 Regular themed quality reports to ensure there are support processes to

Reports to SAB regarding:

Carer support



Programme of reports or speakers at SAB meetings

From July 2013 onwards

Advocacy and Victim Support presented their work at a Network Event

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Service Users

Victim Support

Jayne Gilmour manages Advocacy contract request made for overview report.

Strategic Objective 2:

There is an outcomes based approach from all Board partners to adult safeguarding (Standards 1 and 2 – Standards for Adult Safeguarding) Lead responsibility: Quality and Performance Sub Group Chair and all members of Group Outcomes: Consistent good practice and outcomes for service users

Sub-objective Actions Required Responsible Person

Monitoring Mechanism

Target Date Completion Date Progress

2.1 Partners to identify meaningful outcome data relating to safeguarding activity.

SAB Members to review their internal performance management processes and identify relevant material.

Quality sub group representative to provide on a quarterly basis.

All Board Members Quality and Performance Sub Group Chair

To be included as part of the updated Performance Framework presented to the Board at each meeting

OCT 2013

Performance dashboard information developed and on going

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2.2 Regular review process to ensure safeguarding procedures are person centred.

Themed multi –agency audit each quarter reviewing different parts of the safeguarding process.

Chair of Quality Sub Group.

Quarterly reports on the themed audits presented to the SAB.

From April 2013.

No audits conducted as yet due to capacity since January 2013, but continued work on the safeguarding survey to increase completion rates.

2.3 Continue to improve processes for undertaking and learning from Serious Case Reviews or reflective practice sessions where procedural issues have been identified.

Identification of any opportunities where lessons learned can be disseminated to partners

All Board members and SABBM

Reports to SAB

From April 2013 onwards

Multi agency training November 2013 onwards learning from a case featured in Coroner’s rule 43 letter Case Conference chairs reflective practice sessions commenced September 2013 RCA report on data base and management of S117 discharge procedures commenced July 2013.


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Initial SCR panel building on work of self neglect and refusal of services. Independent report to be commissioned January 2014.

2.4 Ensure that the well-being of adults who may be eligible for community care services and who are in residential or hospital settings is safeguarded

Intelligence which falls short of a safeguarding alert is shared between professionals so co-ordinated action can be taken to support providers to ensure a safe and effective service is provided.

Where such action does not result in improvements escalate to a safeguarding alert.

Where safeguarding action has been taken and improvements made

Chair of Reportable Concerns group and members. Chair of Reportable Concerns group. Chair of Reportable Concerns group and members.

Regular reports to Quality and Performance group and Annual report to SAB. Report to SAB on any areas of interest or concern.

From April 2013.

Notification of Concern (NOC) introduced April 2013 as a method to record intelligence on providers which does not meet the safeguarding alert threshold. NOC system still being developed to maximise effect. Escalation policy in place

System of reporting Provider quality issues linked to safeguarding updated in April 2013 with all alerts going

Potential use of NOC system to monitor de-escalation

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to oversee the de-escalation of the continued monitoring for a reasonable period.

Liaison with the established transitions group.

Chair of Quality Sub Group, Chair of Transitions Group and SABBM

through Social Care Direct. New templates for provider only issues developed and launched January 2014.


2.5 Maintain an overview of the transitional process from vulnerable young person to vulnerable adult.

Establishment of any necessary Task and Finish group to implement / review / improve any areas identified as a concern

Chair of Quality Sub Group and members.

Report to SAB on any concerns identified and current action.

SABBM attends transitions group. Transitions protocol agreed which includes Identified BIA working closely with Transitions team for those cases which may transfer from Child to adult as adult safeguarding concerns.

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Strategic Objective 3:

Service Delivery and Effective Practice. Performance and Resource Management. (Ref: Standards 6 and 7 – Standards for Adult Safeguarding) Lead responsibility: Training Sub Group Chair and all members of the group. Outcomes: WDSAB confidence that practice is in line with procedures and that outcomes for service users are good; a ‘learning culture’ is in place

Sub-objective Actions required Responsible Person

Monitoring Mechanism

Target Date Completion Date


3.1 To promote the new West Yorkshire Policy and Procedures with all partner agency staff.

Launch event and consideration of other suitable promotion activities.

Chair of Training Sub Group and sub group members

Training Sub Group report on activities to SAB

From July 2013 onwards

April 2014


Launched April 2013 with no identified problems to date

3.2 Identify areas for shared learning which will support professionals to apply the skills and knowledge to achieve improved outcomes for service users.

Themed Network Events to promote Adult Safeguarding including the more hard to reach groups.

Chair of Training Sub Group and sub group members

Training Sub Group report to SAB on activities.

From April 2013 onwards

As 1.2 Joint investigation training for all SAB partner staff Chairing skill for Case Conferences. Police and Social Care staff Achieving prosecutions via MCA and

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MHA legislation. Social Care /Police ABE training. Network Events aimed at provider staff. Back to basics on safeguarding and Mental Capacity Act issues.

3.3 Ensure the Public information and advice on Adult Safeguarding is up to date and disseminated.

Review the current leaflets provided in public foyers and waiting areas.

Chair of Training Sub Group and sub group members

Training Sub Group report to SAB on activities.

October 2013

The public facing website for adult safeguarding has been reviewed and will change with the LA corporate change on its computer system.

The current stock of leaflets is being worked down whilst we await the final configuration of the changes to Social Care Direct and any change to the contact process. A new on line reporting template for professionals is being developed as part of the change processes.

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Ensure the dissemination process is robust and widely circulated.

Chair of Training Sub Group and sub group members

Training Sub Group report to SAB on activities.

October 2013

The designated nurse for adult safeguarding –CCG has been very active in ensuring that all Doctors surgeries have been supplied with the relevant leaflets for public display.

3.4 Local workforce and training plans provide the right skills and knowledge for effective adult safeguarding with reference to the different competency levels required for the role.

All partners identify their adult safeguarding training for the current year linked to the competency levels.

Partners identify any training open to other agencies

Chair of Training Sub Group and sub group members Chair of Training Sub Group and sub group members

Training Sub Group report to SAB on activities.

July 2013

The main board partners have all set out their adult safeguarding training and most of these are linked to the safeguarding competency levels. The LA Workforce development link officer has updated the training directory with all adult

None identified as yet.

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Partner training collated into a list of activity to demonstrate on going commitment to effective practice.

Chair of Training Sub Group and sub group members

safeguarding training being delivered and will maintain this if notified by partners of updates /changes to their training programmes

3.5 Identify areas where cross sector training would enhance the application of the safeguarding process and achieve improved outcomes for Service Users. Evidence of a learning culture. (Link to 2.4)

Consider any local issues or learning identified elsewhere.

Identify if mechanisms to disseminate already exist.

If not ascertain cost to provide cross sector training and submit report to SAB and funding bid to Commissioners.

Chair of Training Sub Group and sub group members

Training Sub Group report to SAB on activities.

July 2013

Joint investigation training for all SAB partner staff Chairing skill for Case Conferences. Police and Social Care staff Achieving prosecutions via MCA and MHA legislation. Social Care /Police ABE training.

A good range of specialist and wider audience multi agency training has been identified and will be delivered during the course of this plan. The joint investigation multi agency training is the largest programme ever undertaken in Wakefield.

3.6. Liaison with Chair of MCA-Lin group to consider

Monitor work streams of both groups


Report to respective Sub Group chairs

April 2014

MCA=Lin disbanded September

Chairs attended each others meetings September 2013

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how MCA and DoLs learning can continue to be disseminated across partner staff and Provider agencies.

Review by chairs of both groups after 12 months.

Chair of Training and MCA –Lin Sub groups.

2013. Work divided between training and Q&P sub groups.

and MCA Lin work will be divided between the training sub and Quality and Performance sub groups.

3.7 MCA –Lin group to promote wider knowledge and improve capability to conduct assessments with a particular focus on Children’s Services and transitions (link to 2.6)

Either through internal LA Safeguarding Group or as part of a joint Task and finish group to scope the issue, identify solutions and implement to ensure a robust and joined up approach between Children and Adult services.

Chair MCA – Lin Sub Group

Reports to SAB

October 2013

As a result of the Child SCR – Emma a series of actions have been undertaken to achieve this objective as set out in the ‘Emma’ action plan.
