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Waleed INTB

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  • 8/13/2019 Waleed INTB




    ContentsIntroduction of current business in Malaysia: .............................................................................................. 3

    Introduction of the chosen country: ............................................................................................................. 4

    PESTLE analysis ............................................................................................................................................. 5

    Political-legal factors ................................................................................................................................. 5

    Rules of law ........................................................................................................................................... 5

    Regulations efficiency ........................................................................................................................... 5

    Trade policy ........................................................................................................................................... 5

    Taxation system .................................................................................................................................... 5

    Economic factor ........................................................................................................................................ 6

    GDP ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

    Inflation rate ......................................................................................................................................... 6

    Unemployment ..................................................................................................................................... 7

    Labor cost .............................................................................................................................................. 7

    Balance of Payments Account in Hong Kong ........................................................................................ 7

    Social-Cultural environmental factors ................................................................................................... 7

    Language ............................................................................................................................................... 8

    Food ...................................................................................................................................................... 8

    Religion.................................................................................................................................................. 8

    Technological ............................................................................................................................................ 8

    Mode of Entry: ............................................................................................................................................ 10

    Recommendation:....................................................................................................................................... 11

    Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................................. 12

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    Executive summary:

    The following part will discuss and analyze the environment of the country that I have choose,

    which it Hong Kong, in which investors from another country can invest. A good external

    analysis will be carried out in order to observe the political, legal, economical, technological,

    social and legal situation of the country. And then I discussed about the mode of entry and

    mentioned the risks, costs and benefits. At last I give some recommendation in order to make the

    decision making for opening international business.

    As a marketing manager for Hadramawt restaurant I am going to make the PESTLE analysis in

    order to give some recommendation in terms of operating a business in Hong Kong.

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    Introduction of current business in Malaysia:

    Hadramawt restaurant is an Arabic and Malay food, considered to be one of the most successful

    restaurants in Malaysia due to the variety of food that the restaurant offers

    between the Arabic and Malay dishes. Hadramawt Restaurant is conveniently

    located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, in the area of Bukit Bintang and the

    Pavilion. Adequate vehicle parking space is available behind the Chulan Square

    building. The restaurant has worker from Arabic countries and Malay worker.

    Hadramawt (M) Sdn Bhd (Restaurant & Catering) provides customers from all races andbackground to enjoy casual dining in our exclusive restaurant. Appreciate the enjoyable kindness

    service we are known for, all in a relaxing environment. Indulge in our huge variety of Arabic

    and Malay dishes that you won't find elsewhere in Malaysia.

    Our menu offerings consist of many traditional of

    traditional Malay and Middle Eastern food, drinks

    and desserts. The choices consists Appetizers, BBQ,

    and Arabic Food, so there is a dish to suit everyone.

    Our prices are amazingly affordable considering the

    gourmet Middle Eastern cuisine that we serve, and

    the prime location that we are in.

    Our restaurant ambiance is very much influenced mixed by Arabic and Malay concept, with

    designed and carved wooden motifs, colorful lights, carpets and images that resembles the

    original Hadramawt town. The restaurant comfortably accommodates 100 customers and is ready

    for either private dining, functions, or simply hanging out. To accommodate diners, we have free

    Wi-Fi and a spacious open area for smoking shisha.

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    Introduction of the chosen country:

    Hong Kong was born of the "opium war" (1839-1842) fought between the United Kingdom and

    China. As an impact of this war, Hong Kong was ceded to the British. In

    1860 the British Obtained ownership of Kowloon on the Chinese

    mainland, and in 1898 they were granted a 99-year rental on an area of the

    mainland known as the New Territories. The rental expired on July 1,

    1997.On that time China again assumed political control of Hong Kong

    and developed it a unique administrative region (SAR). As an SAR, Hong

    Kong enjoys a fair level of autonomy. It has own legislature, economic freedom, free-port

    position, and an individual taxation system. Hong Kong will enjoy these rights until 2047.

    However, China has made it clear that it will encourage its own political will on Hong Kong.

    Capital city: Hong Kong

    Surface area: 1,092 sq km

    Population: 7.1 million

    Official language(s): Chinese, English

    Head of State: President HE Mr Hu Jintao

    Head of Government: Chief Executive The Hon

    Donald Tsang Yam-kuen

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    PESTLE analysis

    Political-legal factors

    Rules of law

    The effectiveness of the legal system promotes respect for the rules of law. The constitutional

    framework provided by the Basic Law, the protection of private property rights and freedom of

    exchange. The judiciary is independent of influence from the executive. Additional

    institutionalized by effective anti-corruption measures, promotes government integrity.

    Regulations efficiency

    The regulatory environment is highly supportive of business efficiency such as restaurants and

    other legal business intension. Business freedom and labor freedom is high. With no minimum

    capital required, launching a business takes only three days. The impact of installing a statutory

    minimum wage has been relatively subdued, also the labor productivity far exceeding the low

    minimum wage rate enforced in 2011. Monetary stability is well maintained, although

    inflationary pressures have increased. The government controls all land.

    Trade policy

    Hong Kong is a free port which thrives on free trade. Its open door policy has enabled it tobecome one of the world's biggest trading economies and an international financial and

    commercial center serving the Asia-Pacific region and the Mainland of China. Furthermore, the

    free trade policy means Hong Kong sustains no barriers on trade. Hence, Hong Kong does not

    charge tariff on exportation or importation of goods. Export and import licensing is also kept to a


    Taxation system

    One of the most preferred destinations for foreign owned companies, entrepreneurs and investors

    for several decades now, Hong Kongs taxation policies only adds to the attractiveness of the city

    for foreigners. While the corporate tax rate in the city has a maximum limit of only 16.5 per cent

    one of the lowest in Asiacompanies do not have to pay tax on foreign-source income, even if

    remitted to Hong Kong. Apart from corporate and individual income taxes, there are no other

    taxes in Hong Kong.

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    Economic factorIn 2012 Hong Kong was report to be the worlds most developed financial market by the World

    Economic Forum, an independent international

    organization and being named worlds freest economy in

    the 2012 Index and got 89.9 score. However, in its annual

    Doing Business report, the World Bank declared Hong

    Kong the easiest country to start a company and the first

    easiest do to business.

    GDP (2010) $ 224.1 billion (at the current market prices)

    GDP real growth rate (2010) 6.8%

    Per Capita GDP (2010) $ 31.709 billion (at the current market prices)

    Natural resources: Deep water harbor

    Industry, Textiles, clothing, electronics, plastics, watches, clocks.

    Trade (2010) Exports- $ 388.6 billion: clothing, electronics, plastics, watches, clocks and other



    The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Hong Kong expanded 0.3 percent in the fourth quarter of

    2011 over the earlier quarter. Traditionally, from 1990 until 2011, Hong Kong's standard

    quarterly GDP Growth was 1.02 percent reaching a chronological high of 6.30 percent in

    September of 2003 and a record low of -3.60 percent in March of 2009.

    Inflation rate

    Hong Kong's inflation rate increased to its highest level in almost three years, fuelled by soaring

    housing costs and food prices. The city's consumer price index grew up 5.6% in June from a year

    ago, the highest rate since July 2008, and beyond 5.2% in May. Besides that, inflation visibly up,

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    Hong Kong is a place that is well known for the combination culture of West and East. The

    authorized languages in Hong Kong are Chinese and English. Though, the mother tongue for the

    majority of its people is Chinese but because of the long tradition of English education method

    and its cultural introduction, lots of locals can speak very well in English as well.


    Hong Kong Culinary Capital of Asia, which can offer a variety of specialties - local or from

    abroad. Since Hong Kong is influenced by two cultures, the local cuisine is also characterized by

    a combination of Eastern and Western flavors and tastes. In addition, the local population

    diversity of the ethnic composition is different, so you can savor not only from different parts of

    China, but also from around the world.


    Hong Kong has a multicultural population with Chinese, Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Hindus,

    each with their own set of beliefs and philosophy.


    Hong Kong's industries in certainty do extremely well at certain technological areas like

    innovation, application commercialization and industrial engineering, which are backed by a

    technology cluster, composed of local as well as foreign enterprises in the territory. According to

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    the case studies on Hong Kong's electronic components, information, electronics manufacturing

    service and communications technologies (ICT) and environmental protection sectors, Hong

    Kong Trade Development Council (TDC) organizes this Forum to assess Hong Kong's position

    as a platform for technology cooperation, while classifying elements that are encouraging to

    technology cooperation between foreign/Chinese mainland enterprises and Hong Kong

    organizations. One of the quick growing and important markets for Hong Kong companies on

    environmental technologies and related services is Mainland China. It is predictable that as much

    as RMB1375 billion will be invested for environment protection in the Mainlands Eleventh

    Five-year Plan (2006-2010). Nowadays, Hong Kong's citizens use octopus card, its not a credit

    card, and it more like a bus pass. Behold Hong Kongs octopus card! In Hong Kong, 90% of all

    traveling is done by mass transit: 7 million daily riders have access to an octopus card, used by

    95% of Hong Kongs population, which is accepted as currency not only for the various forms of

    mass transit but also at parking meters, convenience stores, and fast-food restaurants. Hong Kong

    is widely regarded as having the best blueprint of a successful mass transit system.

    Possible Risks:

    In fact, the strength of China has strengthened Hong Kong's economy in multiple ways. However

    in Hong Kong domestic economic risks remain.

    IBTimes journal said the growth of income and wealth inequality may cause to social tensions.

    Moreover, they noted that the entire economy of Hong Kong "hinges largely on the asset

    management market and is dominated by easy monetary conditions. If capital ever flows out of

    Hong Kong to other regions, its economy could tank in the near-term.

    Hong Kong's economic view is generally positive, given its proximity to China and role as a

    regional financial powerhouse. However, its economic openness leaves it vulnerable to the risk

    of economic downturns and financial crises.

    For now, there is no risk to do business in Hong Kong, but according to the Li Hao from

    IBTimes journal (2011) could be economic risks which can effect to the business.

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    Mode of Entry:

    A mode of entry into a global market is the channel that organization employs to gain entry to a

    new global market.

    Hong Kong is the culinary capital of Asia, housing a large choice of restaurants which offer

    dishes from all over the world. Eating out is the country's

    activity. Hence, the Hong Kong Food and Drinks market is

    efficient, with a strong market for the restaurant business.

    There are numerous method of entry that can be used to get

    into the market, based on the nature and the objective of

    business. Many kinds of business require licenses to operate

    in Hong Kong, as well as functions offering food, drinks or

    cigarettes, suppliers, telecommunications, retailers, and some

    other types of companies. (PBTG, 2011) therefore, to open a

    restaurant business in Hong Kong need to obtain license.

    There are some licensing requirements which must be adhered to in order to set up a Hadramawt

    restaurant establishment in Hong Kong. To open a branch of Hadramawt restaurant where food

    and drinks are provided, need to obtain a 'General Restaurant License' from the Food and

    Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD). Moreover, to sell alcohol then an alcohol license is

    needed from the alcohol Licensing Board. (Guide Me HK, 2011).

  • 8/13/2019 Waleed INTB





    As a marketing manager of Hadramawt restaurant, I would like to recommend for investors to set

    up business in Hong Kong in the restaurant industry. There are a number of reasons why I

    choose Hong Kong and why it must be restaurant industry.

    Firstly, why Hong Kong is best place for doing business, because is one of the world's most open

    and highly effective economical techniques. In 2010 Truly Hong Kong's actual economical

    quantity of growth improved to 6.8%. The most interesting part for foreign organizations

    integrated in Hong Kong is the fact that foreign sourced income is definitely tax free. Hong

    Kong, a supporter of free-market policies and low corporate taxes as well as the entry to the

    world's most populous nation, is the best place to do business, according to data composed by

    Bloomberg. (Simon K., 2012).

    Restaurant is a more appropriate business for Hong Kong, as I mentioned previously, people like

    to eat delicious dishes and tourists can spend a significant amount of money to eat well in

    awesome restaurant. Hong Kong is identified as the 'Culinary Capital of Asia'. In 2005, Hong

    Kong's visitors spent US $ 1.25 billion in restaurants, worth 17% of Hong Kong's HRI business.

    Hong Kong has around 11,000 restaurants. Chinese restaurants dominate the Hong Kongrestaurant sector, accounting for 45% of the industry (USDA, 2005c).

    Finally, in Hadramawt restaurant must be two dishes such as Malay and Arab. Hog Kong

    population is considered as a mix population, a lot of Asian people are living there and most of

    them like Middle East and Malay food. So, easy to open two cuisines in one restaurant, it will be

    more profitable, and will attract more customers.

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    The references:

    Hong Kong introduction by (CIA, 2013) online form [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-

    world-factbook/geos/hk.html]accessed: 5/14/2013

    Religion in Hong Kong by (InterNations worldwide, 2013) online for:


    recreation/religion-in-hong-kong-15922]accessed: 5/13/2013

    Pest analysis by (study mode, 2013) online from: [http://www.studymode.com/subjects/pest-

    analysis-hong-kong-page1.html]accessed: 5/14/2013

    Pest Analysis Hong Kong Ocean Park Tourism Essay by (UK Essay, 2010) online from:


    essay.phpaccessed: 5/13/2013

    PEST Analysis by (The Hong Kong Times, 2011) online from:

    [http://sites.cdnis.edu.hk/students/100106/2011/03/31/pest-analysis/]accessed: 5/13/2013

    Entry Modes into Foreign Markets by (Sabine Amend, 2009) online from:


    accessed: 5/12/2013

    Market Entry Guide Hong Kong by (Luxembourg for Business, 2010) online from:

    [http://www.luxembourgforbusiness.lu/market-entry-guide-hong-kong]accessed: 5/15/2013

    International Business Review, (December 2011) Easy Zealand a business-Friendly place,

    International Business Review, page- 115.

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    Ricky Griffin and Michael Pustay, (2010), International Business, 6th edition, Pearson

    Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. Pages: 62-63

    Daniels D., Radebaugh Lee., etc. (2009) International Business Environments and Operations,

    12thEdition, Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. Page 800.

    United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (2006b) Hong

    Kong Market Development Reports Exporter Guide 2006, GAIN Report HK6025.
