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Walking on Water Seminar

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  • 7/25/2019 Walking on Water Seminar


    Walking on Water (WOW) SeminarDeveloped and conducted by

    Kairos Center for Empowerment and Transformation

    Reference: Matthew 14:22-33

    Peter is the only known person who was able to walk on water. He decided to go outof his comfort zone, jumped out of the boat, thus he was able to walk on water.

    Pastoral leaders an enjoined to go out of their boats so that they will be able to walk on water .

    Goals of the Seminar:1) To let pastoral leaders discover, reflect on, acknowledge, and value the most

    significant events in their life and to empower them to use such events asspringboard for their continuing growth and maturity.

    2) To experience a common spiritual experience and value such experience as itrelates to their persons3) To get to know their fellow leaders more deeply than before, and to develop

    their sense of unity and cooperation in achieving their missions.4) To develop communication skills of listening and empathy.5) To instill among the pastoral leaders on a sense of having a vision and

    mission, on deciding to be like Peter who jumped out of his comfort zoneenabling him to walk on water.

    P R O G R A M




    Ice Breaker:HUMAN BINGO

    To allowparticipants todiscover thingsthey do notknow yetabout each


    Human BingoCards Pens

    Give 1 HumanBingo Card toeach Pax.See who gets tofillup his cardfirst.

    Play fast music.Prepare prizesfor first 3winners



    To let eachparticipant tocreate apersonalsymbol and aname tag.

    1/8 pieces oflight coloredboard paperPentel penCrayonsPencils


    Make ID-size cutouts of boardpaper.Give one to eachPax.Pax to create

    their own ID in

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    the board paperby drawing anobject thatrepresents theirperson.Incorporate theirname in thedrawing to makea name tag.Make thedrawing colorful.


    Introductionand Levelling ofExpectations

    To allow Pax toexpress theirexpectationsfor coming tothe Seminar.

    Pen andNotebook

    On theirnotebook, askeach participantto write down 3things they wantto achieve from

    this seminar.Divide the Paxinto groups of 3.Ask Pax to sharein their Triad theexpectations.Give them 5minutes.After sharing,ask each groupto stand up,introducethemselves andstate theirexpectations.



    To allow everyPax to discovertheir dominantpersonalitystyle

    PSAquestionnairePen or pencil

    Distribute 1questionnaireper Pax.Give enoughtime for them tofill out

    questionnaireand total theirscores.Process theactivity byasking howmanyparticipantshave a particularpersonalitystyle.

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    1-2:30 Bomb ShelterExercise

    To allow Pax toreflect on thevalue ofhuman life.

    Bomb ShelterHandouts

    Give onehandout perparticipant andask them toanswer thequestion bythemselves.Divide them into3 groups andask each groupto come up witha unifiedanswer.Ask theparticipants if

    they havedecided who tosend outside theshelter.Ask those whoanswered yes toleave theseminar.Process theactivity.


    Visit to MyChildhood Home

    To allowparticipants torecall momentsof deepfeelings intheirchildhood.

    Music player. Play soft music.Ask participantsto close theireyes and relax.Slowly read theVisit narration.Mention the:Silid ngKaligayahanSilid ngKalungkutan

    Silid ngKapayapaanProcess after theactivity.


    Coffee Break


    Sharing To develop asense ofcommunity.

    Ask Paxvolunteers toshare theirexperience.

    4:00- Writing My To allow Pax to Pen and Explain the need

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    5:00 Eulogy (SelfAffirmation)

    reflect on theirlovablequalities thatareappreciated byother people,which may bementioned ontheir eulogy.

    Notebook to loveourselves.Ask eachparticipant towrite his/ hereulogy.




    Garbage I Wantto Leave Behindand NightPrayers

    To allow Pax toreflect on theirpersonalbeliefs,attitudes andbehavior thatneed to be


    1/4pieces ofpaperCloy potBurningcandle

    Lead Pax inpersonalreflection ontheir fears,perceivedweaknesses,and blocks to

    their desire tobe the bestperson that theycan be.Ask Pax to writedown on piecesof paper thesethings.Each one goesto the burningcandle to prayand surrender toGod theirbaggages. Theyburn the paperand place it onthe clay pot.


    Hand Exercise To makeparticipantsaware of their

    deeply-heldpersonalvalues, andhow they wereinfluenced bytheir families.

    Bond paper Ask Pax to drawtheir hand onbond paper.

    Answer thequestions byputting a symbolon each of thefingers of thehand:

    Questions forHand Exercise:Thumb- How do

    I feel about my

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    relationship withGod? Why?Forefinger-Hopes & DreamsTall Finger StrengthsRing Finger-What am Ipassionateabout?Small Finger-What am Iafraid of, andwhat help do Ineed toovercome them?



    Group Sharing To develop a

    deeper senseof community.To developconfidence insharingpersonalconvictionsandexperiences.

    Candles Participants

    grouped into 5.Each groupbrings a candleand find acomfortableplace to stay.Pax share intheir group theiranswers one byone.Ask groupmembers topray for thesharerafterwards.



    10:00 Home SweetHome

    Day 2 7:30-8a.m.

    Morning PrayerAttendance

    Joyful andAdorationMusicCandlesBible

    Play music andread from theBible. Go aroundthe room andask Pax tomention a wordfrom the readingthat is mostmeaningful tothem.Pax offer a shortprayer of


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    Dance of NoPersons LeftBehind

    To allow Pax tobe aware oftheir attitudestowardshelping others.To have a funtime.

    Fast Music Pax standaround in acircle with onePax in themiddle.Middle personstarts to dance.He will only stopdancing whensomeone elsecomes forwardto dance withhim. Continueuntil everyonehas the chanceto be in themiddle, dancing.Process.


    Genesis ofFeelings

    To allowparticipants topracticerecognizingfeelings andunderstandinghow feelingsaffect theiractions. Topracticepositive selftalk totransform theway one feels.

    Handout onfeelingwords.

    Give talk onFeelings.Exerciseparticipants onnaming theirfeelings.Practice self talkand see whathappens.


    Coffee Break



    To allowparticipants tounderstandNon-verbalcommunication

    and howimportant it is.

    Pax divided into2 groups andform2 lines.Each person inthe line face the

    one beside himand do theexercise.Designatepersons A andB. First, A willlead themovement andB follows. After2 minutes, B

    leads and A

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    Paper Exercise:Empathy

    To allow pax tounderstandEmpathy

    One cleanbond paper.

    Pax quiet downand do thePaper Empathyexercise.

    11-12 5As EmotionalSuppliesAffirmationExercise

    The PotNobodyWatches

    To allow Pax tohave a chanceto give andreceiveaffirmationsfrom thegroup.

    Smallestbrown papeerbags.1/16 cut outpieces ofpaper. 25 perparticipant.

    Distribute brownpaper bag toeach participantEach Pax gets asmany pieces ofpaper as hewants. Writedown affirmationmessages topeople you wantto give them to

    in the room.Pax go aroundto give themessage to theperson andreads it to himaloud.Pax go aroundthe room onceagain and giveeach other ahug.

    12-1 LUNCH1-2 Blocks and

    Helps to aLovingRelationship

    To understandwhat behaviortriggersnegativeresponses andthat one canchoose to bepositive andmotivateothers to act ina loving way.

    Give Blocks andHelps talk.Pax write downreflections.Give time forpersonal prayer.


    Meditation onMatthew 14 :22-33

    To wrapup alltheimpressions ofparticipants.

    BibleNotebookand Pen

    Read theScripturePassage slowlyandmeditatively.Do the guidedreflection.

    Write a Letter to

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    God on thereflection HowWould My Lifebe Different if Idecided to WALKON THEWATER ?


    Evaluation To giveparticipants achance to givefeedback onthe seminarand givesuggestions forimprovement.


    Each Pax towrite down theirpositive andnegativeOBSERVATIONS,FEELINGS,INSIGHTS, andSUGGESTIONSFORIMPROVEMENT.





    To close the



    4:00 5:00


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    Find someone that fits the description on the box. Let him/ her sign it. First to blackout wins.

    Born inJanuary

    Fits a size11 shoes


    Man wholikes to cook

    Woman whois intomartial arts

    Hasmemorizeda line fromone of JoseRizalspoems

    Knows howto do acartwheel

    Can dancelike MichaelJackson

    Sings likeMadonna

    Is a deadringer for acelebrity

    Has joined amarathon

    Is wearingred today

    Knows thereal name of

    the Pope

    Can quotethe Dalai


    Works his/her way to

    schoolHas won ina beautycontest

    Has a joketo share

    Plays theguitar

    Has won adancingcontest

    Most likelyto succeed

    Will bevoted MostFriendly

    Can sing anIlonggosong

    Man with apicture of agirl in hiswallet

    Can sing theNationalAnthem inEnglish

    Can recitethePanatangMakabayan

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    Settle down and relax. At the count of three gently close your eyes. One-Two-Three.Imagine you are your best friend looking at you right now. What does he/she see?Keep that image in your mind and think of a symbol to describe that image. If youwere a flower, what flower would you be If you were a tree, a jewel, a color, a bird,an animal, a painting or anything, what would you be? Do you honestly like whatyou see? Slowly, at the count of three come back to yourself and gently open youreyes. One-Two-Three.You will be given ID-sized board papers, draw your symbol on the cards and putyour name on it. Use the crayons and colored pens. DO it fast, you only have 2minutes. This will be your name tag.


    Count off to form groups of three. In each group discuss your EXPECTATIONS &OBJECTIVES for coming to the seminar. Write down three from your group. Choose

    a leader. The leader will introduce the members of the group and mention theirexpectations. After each group presents give a WOW YOUR AWESOME clap.


    Get one sheet each of the PSA Handout. Answer the personality type test. Lets dothe exercise.


    Each of us has a dominant personality style that reflects our individual values and principlesand affects our relationship with others. There are four basic personality styles that wecan use to describe who we are. All of us have some aspect of each style, however, onestyle isusually dominant. Knowing which is our primary style is helpful in developingempathy, understanding, acceptance and trust in any relationship.

    In this exercise, you will weight the response to each question by placing a 4,3,2, or 1 in

    each of the boxes: 4 is most like you, 1 is least like you. Each question should have adifferent number in each box. By adding the columns down, you can estimate yourdominant personality style in comparison with the other styles.

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    Question RESPONSE 1




    #1. The personalqualities I ammore aware of in

    myself are...

    Gentleness andwarmth

    Strength &capability

    Consistency and clarity Spontaneity &creativity

    2. The strongestvalue (principle)for me is

    Relationship responsibility Being correct Freedom

    3. I am attractedto people who

    Are cooperativeand easy to getalong with

    Are responsibleand get thingsdone

    Are thorough and thinkthings through

    Are fun andunique

    4. I tend to makedecisions by

    Trusting myintuition

    Following therules

    Careful analysis andconsideration

    My gut reaction

    5. I get people tocooperate by

    Creatingfriendship andharmony withthem

    Persuasion anddirection

    Influence, discussion,and a logical approach

    Motivation andan out-goingcreative style

    6. I feel bestabout myselfwhen I am

    Helping peoplefeel good aboutthemselves

    Getting thingsdone

    Advising people andhelping them workthings through

    Causing thingsto happen

    7. I want othersto see me as.

    Warm andpersonable

    Reliable andeffective

    Confident and logical Skillful andunique

    8. Whensomeonecriticizes me, it slikely that I will

    Withdraw andnot deal with it

    Deal with it anddefend myself

    Analyze the situationand others motives

    Ignore it andmove on

    9 When I amreally down onmyself, then I seemyself as...

    Having verylittle to offer

    Incapable ofdoing what isneeded

    Confused and out ofcontrol

    A loser

    10. When I amunder stress Itend to..

    Withdraw &compromise

    Redouble myefforts

    Discuss and analyze Challenge andconfront



    Helper: The helper s prime value is to be in relationship with others. Helpers are people whoneed people and love to be involved with others. Generally they try to get in touch with othersfeelings and are empathetic and intuitive. In relationships they are peacemakers and work toobtain cooperation, belonging, and harmony. It is very important to the Helper to be seen asgenuine and caring. The helper generally tends to see the positive in situations. They are veryloyal, trusting, supportive, and more concerned with what could be than with what is.

    O rganizer: The organizer gets things done. They tend to be very responsible, are almostalways prepared and follow the rules. The organizer tends to make a list so they can knowwhen the job is done. If things are disorganized and lack structure, they need to get themstructured and organized. They tend to be perfectionistic, reliable, stable, and sensible. In

    general they do not enjoy lots of change, preferring things to be predictable and orderly. They

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    tend to look to the past for the basis of decisions, at how something has been done before(tradition). Among their major gifts are their sense of order and follow-through. They willalmost always do the work first and, if there is time consider pleasure or play.

    Thinker: The Thinker enjoys ideas and wants to understand. They enjoy analyzingsituations, tending to be the quiet observers. In general, Thinkers are independent and aremore involved with thoughts and ideas than with emotions. They will follow the rules if the

    rules make sense and are logical. The Thinker has a need to be competent and to accumulateknowledge. They enjoy debate and discussion of ideas. Usually Thinkers tend to beperfectionists and have difficulty dealing with their own mistakes. They have a desire to beright. They are great planners because they will work to consider all the options.

    C atalyst: The Catalyst enjoys being free, spontaneous and playful. Catalysts are generallybold in their actions, enjoy being the center of attention and are risk-takers. They are action-oriented and like to be involved with the here and now. They like making things happen. Theyenjoy competition and like variety. They get bored rather easily and will seek change just tomake things interesting and exciting. They enjoy a challenge and tend to do things their way,often being seen as impulsive. They find rules and structure confining and are looked up to fortheir spontaneity and out-going nature.

    IMPORTANT: These are general descriptions and may not describe you fully; you may haveother characteristics that are styles other than your dominant personality style.

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    My personality style is the essence of who I am and how I appear to other people. Itreflects my identity, becoming more apparent from childhood through adulthood. It isreflected in the things I say, my reactions to the way I perceive and respond to persons,

    places, and events around me. It embodies my personal values, beliefs, goals, hopes andfears. A behavior is a learned and adaptable manner of presenting myself to win approval, gainrespect or accomplish another end. My behaviors may be different depending on whetherthe setting is work, home, or play. My behaviors have been learned over a lifetime, but asopposed to my personality style, they are much more subject to adaptation and change.Behaviors can be learned as well as unlearned.

    It is important to realize that we normally gravitate toward behaviors that are compatible withour dominant personality style; however we should never excuse bad behavior bysaying , That is who I am. We cannot change who we are (our personality style) but weCAN change what we do (our behaviors). Personality Styles, like feelings, are neither rightor wrong, but our behaviors can be.

    Reflection Style and Behavior

    1. What is my dominant Personality Style?

    2. What are my typical behaviors?

    3. What are the positive and negative effects of my behaviors on my relationships?

    4. Who is the me that I dont want others to see?

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    Count off to form groups of 10. Get one sheet of the questionnaire each. Eachgroup select a leader. Group discusses to decide. Group leader announces their


    Your group is in charge of experimental stations in the far outposts of civilization. Suddenlythe Third World War breaks out and bombs begin dropping. Places all across the globe are beingdestroyed. People are heading for whatever fallout shelters are available. You receive a desperate callfrom one of your experimental stations, asking for help.

    It seems there are 10 people but there is only enough space, air, food, and water in theirfallout shelter for 6 people for a period of 3 months which is how long they estimate they can safelystay down there. They realize that if they have to decide among themselves, which 6 should go into

    the shelter, they are likely to become irrational and begin fighting. So they have decided to call yourdepartment and leave the decision to you. They will abide by your decision.

    But each of you has to quickly get ready to head down to your own fallout shelter. So all youhave time for is to get superficial descriptions of the 10 people. You have half-an-hour to make yourdecision. Then you will have to go to your own shelter.

    So, as a group you now have a half-hour to decide which four of the ten will have to beeliminated from the shelter. Before you begin, I want to impress upon you two importantconsiderations. It is entirely possible that the 6 people you choose to stay in the shelter might be theonly 6 people left to start the human race over again. This choice is therefore, very important. Try tomake the best choices possible. If you do not make a choice in a half-hour, then you are, in fact,choosing to let the 10 people fight it out among themselves, with the possibility that more than 4might perish. You have exactly on half-hour. Here is all you know about the 10 people.

    1 Bookkeeper 31 years old2 His wife, six months pregnant3 Second year medical student (Male)4 Famous historian-author, 42 years old5 Hollywood starlet, singer, dancer (Female)6 Biochemist7 Rabbi, 54 years old8 Olympic athlete, all sports9 College Student (Female)10 Policeman with gun (they can not be separated)

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    Count off to form groups of 6.Meditation. At the count of three, slowly close your eyes and imagine you are infront of your childhood home. You enter the house and look around. Remember

    what used to happen in this house. Focus on each part of the house. What do yousee? At the entrance, who do you see? What are they doing? How do you feellooking at them? You go to the kitchen. What do you see? You walk to thebedrooms. You look at each of them. What do you see? You look out the window,what do you see?How do you feel? What do you feel in every room of the house? Stay with yourfeelings. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breatheout. Slowly come back to the seminar room and open your eyes.

    Get one copy of the instruction and a clean sheet of paper. On the paper, drawthe floor plan of your Ancestral Home. Your Childhood Home is the house whereyou stayed from the day you were born up to age 10. If you stayed in differenthouses, draw a floor plan for each of them. Indicate the parts of the house likethe kitchen, sleeping areas, dining areas, living room, balcony, bathroom, etc. Ifyou had play areas outside the house, include it. Using the crayons provided,color the parts of the house according to how you feel about these parts. Blue forsadness, disappointment or failure, green for hope, yellow for happiness, blackfor fear, etc. After the time is up, members of the group should share your floorplans to one another.

    Voluntary sharing. How do you feel about the exercise? What insights, feelingsand observations did you have about yourself? In your opinion, how do thesefeelings from your childhood influence your present values, beliefs and principles?

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    We will have a reflection. If your life ended today, what are the POSITIVE thingspeople will remember about you? Recall how you showed your parents and family

    your love. Recall how your friendship touched the lives of other people. Recallyour achievements, what you are good at. What do people appreciate and admireabout you? How would you describe yourself before God?

    How long do you think you still have to live? If you lived to that age which youdesire, what would be your eulogy? What do you want to achieve from now tothat moment? What would you want to live for? What would you haveaccomplished?

    Write a eulogy for yourself in not les than one page of paper.Form groups of 3. Share your eulogy to your group.

    Voluntary sharing: What new observations, feelings, insights, and realizationshave you discovered?


    If there is anything that we want to be, it is to become a better person. There arethings in my life that has hindered me from being the best person I can be.These are the NEGATIVE beliefs and thoughts I have about myself, that I dontwant other people to know. These beliefs and thoughts make me afraid, confusedand ashamed of myself. These NEGATIVE thoughts, beliefs and attitudes makeme behave in ways that prevent others from loving me. Right now, I want you toidentify these beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes. It may be the pain of not beinggood enough for my parents or relatives. It may be a painful memory ofinfairness, rejection, abandonment, regrets, neglect, or shame that occurred inmy childhood and remains in my heart to this day. It may be a belief that I amnot capable of something, or that a dream is not for me.Discover the feelings you have about yourself and see what are these feelings

    that stop you from moving towards your dreams.Write them down. Give them 15 minutes to finish.

    In a moment each of us will go out one by one and burn the list in a pot outsidethis room. As we wait for our turn, imagine that the items on the list aregarbage. I do not want to keep garbage in my life. I need to get rid of them.Garbage stinks and isolate me from others. Their weight slow me down andprevent me from going where I want to go. I therefore make a decision today to

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    dispose of the garbage I carry around. I will burn them and forget about them. Iwill set myself free from them.

    Before you burn your list, say a short prayer of thanksgiving to God that youhave the courage and strength to get rid of the garbage in your life.

    Voluntary sharing: What new observations, feelings, insights, and realizationshave you discovered?


    Get 1 piece of clean paper. If you are right handed, draw your LEFT HAND on thepaper. If you are left-handed, draw your RIGHT HAND.

    Thumb- How do I feel about my relationship with God? Why?Forefinger- My hopes & dreamsTall Finger Things I like about myselfRing Finger- What am I passionate about?Small Finger- What am I afraid of, and what help do I need to overcomethem?


    Our relationship with God is the most significant relationship we will ever have. Ifyou do not have a relationship with God until now, be honest about it and sharehow you feel. It is important that you be honest about it, at the very least.

    Your hopes and dreams. Each one of us have desires in our hearts. We cannotpossibly move towards the future without our dreams and hopes to fuel ourprogress. List them down- your dreams for yourself, for your family and lovedones, for this country.

    Things I like about myself. What did you write on your Eulogy? What are thethings that give you self confidence? What are the things that make you a personto be admired, trusted and depended on?

    What am I passionate about? What are the things on which you invest yourenergy, time and resources at the moment? Be it your studies, sports, talent of

    singing or dancing, getting a girl or boy to notice you or commit to you? What arethe things that you are committed to and for which you will be willing to leaveeverything behind?

    What am I afraid of, and what help do I need to overcome them? What scaresme? What really scares me? What am I struggling with? Why cant I face it on myown? Who can help me? How can others help me?

    Put a mark, a symbol or a code word on each of the fingers to indicate youranswer.

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    Form groups of six persons each.Share your answers in the group. Remember, you are sharing a very sensitivepart of yourself. Consider what you hear as private and confidential. Keep themto yourselves.


    Arrange your seats in a circle. A burning candle is placed at the center.Observe silence while a Bible passage is read. After the reading, everyonementions ONE WORD that seemed to have more significance to him/her.The passage is read agan and everyone quietly meditates on the word he/she has chosen.Everyone is invited to say a short prayer (one or two sentences) of thanks.


    When we have to accomplish something as a team, we all have to pitch in and doour share. In this exercise we will have to help a friend. A participant dances tothe tune we will play. He/ she should not stop dancing until at least one of youcomes to dance with him/ her.Choose a volunteer to start.Play a fast, danc-y tune.Keep the tune playing until everyone has finished dancing.

    Voluntary sharing:What feelings, insights, observations, and new realizations did you have?


    What are feelings?

    Show a picture. Everyone shares a feeling about the picture.Are feelings important? Do feelings influence the way we relate to anotherperson? Do feelings affect the way the world is today?

    Feelings should be considered in everything we do because they are importantfactors about the way we make decisions.

    Ways to understand feelings.

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    Recognise that we have feelings, name the feeling.Acknowledge. Admit what we feel.Understand. Know what triggered the feeling. What deeper feelings do we haveabout the event? How do we feel about our reaction?Accept. Be one with your feeling. Appreciate the feeling and how you understandit.

    Make a decision to act.

    Can we change the way we feel? What affects the way we feel?Tapes in our head.Self talk and turning negative to positive thoughts.Positive thoughts make us feel positive. Negative thoughts make us feelnegative.Controlling the way we think to change the way we feel.Understanding how others feel.


    Choose your partner. Form two lines, partners across each other. Assign which isLine A and Line B. Line A will execute the original action. Line B will immitate theaction as in a mirror.

    Applying makeupEating a sandwichClimbing a treePainting a wall

    Exchange roles.

    Cooking fried eggMaking a firePumping waterEating green mango



    We need our personal narcissistic supplies. It does not mean we are selfish orconceited. We simply have a normal and natural need to be loved for ourselves.These needs are:


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    Our self- esteem are like Pots. Some are full, some are empty or anywhere in-

    between. Some are cracked and some are new. When it is full, it might bebubbly, sending out a happy sound. When it is cracked, it may be suffering andneeds to be patched up. We can help each other fill up our POTS. We can do thatby giving each other our much needed 5As .In this exercise, we will ask you to look at each person around the room andsense: What does this person need at this time?

    Instruction: On a small sheet of paper, write a note to anyone in this room toexpress your 5As to that person. Make as many as you need to. Do it now.

    Approach that person and read your note to him/ her. Give the note and hug theperson.


    BLOCKS:1. Criticism2. Hostility3. Disrespect4. Control5. Suspicion6. Fighting7. Indifference8. Selfishness9. ?

    HELPS1. Praise

    2. Acceptance & Understanding3. Forgiveness4. Giving5. Joy6. Trust7. Respect8. Listening9. Mystery (?)

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    WALKING ON WATER (Matthew 14:22-33)Then he made the disciples get into the boat and precede him to the other side, whilehe dismissed the crowds.After doing so, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When it was eveninghe was there alone.Meanwhile the boat, already a few miles offshore, was being tossed about by thewaves, for the wind was against it.During the fourth watch of the night, he came toward them, walking on the sea.When the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified. "It is a ghost," theysaid, and they cried out in fear.At once (Jesus) spoke to them, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid."Peter said to him in reply, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on thewater."He said, "Come." Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water towardJesus.But when he saw how (strong) the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning tosink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!"Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you oflittle faith, why did you doubt?"After they got into the boat, the wind died down.Those who were in the boat did him homage, saying, "Truly, you are the Son of God."


    1. The disciples were in the boat and it was around 3 in the morning. What isyour boat? In what are you comfortable and seem secure? What keepsyou content and unwilling to change?

    2. There was a wind and the waves were against the boat. What are thewaves that rock your boat? The challenges that appear to threaten yourstatus quo?

    3. At first the disciples were terrified of Jesus. What about your dreams andchallenges terrify you? What keeps you afraid of what you do not know?

    4. Jesus spoke It is I, do not be afraid. Who is your anchor? Where do youfind your strength?

    5. Peter spoke Lord if it is you, COMMAND ME to walk to you through thewater. If you pray and ASK, Lord COMMAND ME to walk towards YOU .

    6. Jesus answered Come and Peter started to GET OUT OF THE BOAT andwalk on the water TOWARD Jesus. When Jesus answers, you must GET

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    OUT OF THE BOAT and walk on the water towards Jesus. Focus on Jesus.Get out of the comfort zone and take that walk. Start doing thatincredible, amazing job.

    7. But then Peter saw the wind and he became frightened and began to sink.It is not guaranteed that once we are on the water, there will be nocomplications. Expect trouble.

    8. Peter cried out Lord, save me. Jesus stretched out His hand and caughthim. Be sure that whenever trouble comes, we can still call on the Lordagain and he will be there to catch us.

    9. Jesus said to him O, you of little faith. Why did you doubt? It is alwaysthe case that when we encounter complications we lose faith.

    10. After they got into the boat, the wind died down. But when Jesus puts youon the boat again, the troubles go away.

  • 7/25/2019 Walking on Water Seminar



    1. Name 3 significant learnings that you got from the seminar.

    2. Name a life-changing benefit that that you personally obtained fromundergoing this seminar.

    4. Name 3 things you want to improve in this seminar.

    5. What do you suggest to improve this seminar?
