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- -The Nues Bugle. WeänesdaT. December 18. 1957 V'sWat's Workshcp. Returns to NiksWdSe, J. -4 Edison Specials- FOR THOSE BASEMENT RUMPUS ROOMS ix2 FURRING 2c We Are Limiting This Class To , 150 Registrants We woold oppedoI a - telephone call. Or meli or drop off th, coupon so wtI be sore o hold - C)loirs for you. -See for yourself how 008y t is to pnn for Hew space within your prr$ent home. ee a room 1,Ianned and built . . . with a minimum 'of effort and irma nhjoimum of time. See how carefssl preplanninfoflayont and materials can save you a large part of tite cost. ' Why ore wehohflng this .ciir,k? Tolmeip you. get lime absolute most Out of the space you .- are converIin, (lielp you get lite absolute most Out of the building and decorating materials you use. - Whether you mio your on work, orcall in s professional we'rd certain ,,slr Weidwood lIon.c_Iznprovemciit CIiqc 'iil save you titile, tenl1,er ad money. You wili get more for your money because you trill smntlr- srand the problems to be faced, and be. catite you viIl appreciate tile economy of suing lime ploiser materials. COLOR fILM TECHNQUES . - NSTALL° - G ÀssSTAsCE I PLANNp 4/ FR Stepy Telephone Edison LUIflJer Will Present An All-Demonstration Show By TV's. . . Walt Durbahu p WALT WILL DEMONSTRATE: o Hanging and trimming a door . .l Pane11g a wall . o Boxing heating ducts - o Preparing a ceiling - o Applying tile - You ASKED TO SEE ONCE MORE THE MOVIE ' WORK WONDERS WITH WELDWOOD. ' ' WALT WILL STOP TgE 4x7 "V" GROOVE PHILLIPINE MOVIE EACH TIME VOtI DESIRE TO HAVE A QUESTI ANSWERED. -. . - . MAHOGANY l91/2c sq. ft. FREE: YOU WILL RECEIVE FREE THE 24 PAOE BOOKLET' "HOW TO WokK WONDERS WITH WELDWOOD' ' WHICH IS AN EASYTO: FOLLOW GUIDE FOR TRANSFORMING UNUSED SPACE IN TOlTE ROME INTO ATTRACTIVE, USEFUL LIVING AREAS. WedSa Jan8 HOMEiMPROEMENT C[IC -Edisv -Li9rnber Store . T; - ,,- , '"., ,.-o"' fl,r t' S.- '-"s C' "-" ,..fric,'d!, fc ' o ¿,,,' fc i. , ,,,,o y i -t GenlI,n,en, : peo,e hsld_sh&rs for ey porly a? yosr Hos,..tepsavecen t CItel I - 12x12 TILE PLAIN 12x12 TILE .- THATCHED WHITE l2xVl TILE -. ARMSTRONG i. RANDOM HOLE 17% Free Loan of Stapling Gun With Purchase Of Tile = Prenilmii Grade Plywoo ili anefiu 4x8 "V" GROOVE PHILLIPINE MAHOGANY . l91/zc sq. ft. 4x8 "V" GROOVE WHITE ASH 26'/2c sq. ft. SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL: 4x7. "V" GROOVE PRE-FINISHED Phillipine Mahogany sq. - ft., 25 SPEÒIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPEIA1Í Aluminum Combination Door (cornplet with hardware) Reg. $49.95 Value Now Only $29.95 FREE DELIVERY TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED DUE TO POPTJLAR DEMAND Wsi'LL BE OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. OPEN SUNDAYS 9 AM. . i P.M. OPEN SATURDAYS 8 AM. - 4:30 P.M. 131/2c . PAID Cbio; Illinois Permit. No. 1991 BULK RATE U. R POSTAGE. THÉ Nn.th BUGLE O2OFNorth Ozanam Nues- 31, lIlinolo t c 1O PEE cO1T By David Better Editor & Publisher Police chief Rsmey coopera. ively started us oft on the right oot for the new year by open. ing up his complaint book. The book, which. is a public record, is a great Source -of newa, tho often a sere point Which causes unecessary hard feelings between pulire officiais and newspapers. Cesssrship of the public record and isdiscretions by . irrespossi. bic newsmen have caused . the Continuous cdnflicts. May 1955 casse no-- abuses from either tjtarter here. 'in Nibs. Park Board President Leo Cress pstléd a boner last O r t o b e r, -probably quite tinwittingly when ice ORsI ihe:use of the fiëbdhsoune jar the Greenleaf Homeowners ,Çhcitmss Party for thé .,oane "tIsse slot ailotle4 'to Arts SiId ClatIs program. After much grat. ¡sg sr nerves find ruffled eeL. isgs the Greenbeáfers had their party moved over toBunker Hill. The Pant Board has an excel. lent Winter program that has takes holt fa beyond experta. tinos. The Satürday Arts and Ccafts program had to turn away refistrasts as Over 200 chlidres showed sp for the initial day's pcogram. The athletic program rtUrisg the Week at Niles school tiss had a .good turn.ouj . . . it shows what can be accomplished when a Weil.orgdnsized program i initiated . . . However. From The Left.itantt, It hooks like this Well-initiated program is iarely a two-man apnratjon The two newest earn. missioner5 Schreiner and Cio- vasetti have been thw movers tfnhtifld thin pnogram The older tsnrnbers of eh. Pccc.5 be laskisgnis program wi mixed emotions . : . perhaps Sstlsfintt with the present - ac comptishments b u t somewhat les than enthusiao$ic that the sewer memberu cleterve full credit for this success. What sueros to OUbstatjut this 5115- Ilirias is that the older members cas Often be.seen -at tise field. ContifluCd on Page 2) , Mrs. Mack Escapes In Auto Mishap - ltrt. Lorraine Macin, wife of store nwner Max Mark of Rain. !f5V Produce, narrowly escaped 'Sinnes Saturday, December 28,' When the ear Che suas driving Scent Ints a ravine off Oakton Shreet al Caldwefl Ave. Thjeve Steal $300 From Ideal Barbi,g The Ideal Barber S'hohiCnd the ltie Reaqty Salan, Oalçton and .Waukevafl NOCd, iCere -broken .trftCs Pridus, tute. December 27. JIte Siwo, bucal Store Owner, stat- Ort the roithert slaIn over $500 li1 rash "filch Ito Itad been say. )llg for a {'aratibn. one NOies Only Home Edited News Paper VOL. 1, NO. It NILRS BUGLE, WENt.y, JANUARY 58 uízzed At .Sp.òcia 'And Then Ther Were Ten' Mro. Raymond Van Ness. 7245 Wasmkegan proudly intro. , duces Baby Brendo to Nileo. Her equally Proud children Include L. to R.. Sheryl 9. ltitq Il, Roberto 7. Margaret 5, Linda 8, Sandra 6, Raymond Jr., 3. Ronald ta mou. and Randall, I. Mom Ddivers 10th Baby Mro. ltaymonrt Van Ness, 29, CeneraI Pbowers. 7242. Waukegun ROadtgqve birth , -Tise Van .Nests 'rn6yed'lfes'n to her tenth child Friday, Jano. last October from Sitakie where ary 3 as she dellverêd the baby they -lived for tite -past two years. While her husband Raymond was Mrs. Van Nets was horn in Mor. telephoniC1 for the doctor. . ton Grove. - The new baby weighed over Good nstscerlty Mrs. Van Ness nine pounds. Mr. Vas Neos wonderer] why we would Want phoned the police station bot lo take tise family picture sod the baby's arrival Was immectl. she smiled when we answered 51e. tisai THE BUGLE alwaya tabes Baby Brenda Lee has six sIsters a pictssre of the tenth nesvborn and three brothers ages 13 in a Niles family. When we de. months, 2 years, 3, 5, 6, '7, t 9 parIert we mentioned. -thsat we and Il years. would he buchs after nine more: Mr. Van Ness Works is Morton her smile -was somesvhsnt less Grove os s machine operator for effusive. Nues Hires City Planners by David Bettor . Editor and Publisher Carl L. Goediner and Associ. ates. Village Planners, have been hired bM the Village of Riles to give a preliminary nbanning «n. «lysis in our oreo. The Board of Trustees, at tise - December it meeting, nl the suggestion at Trtsiee Stanley, osasimsssly approved to relais the ss'rtiees of this nationally tomons City Planning orgassiZatisn. Gscctiner is 505v emptsyed as a consultant for P.srhs Ridge, Mor. ton Greve, Des Plaises. Skolsie and serves is as advisory copa. city for the Chicago City Plsss. sing Coromississ. The coot for this initial sCrvey will be $2509. The survey should be completed within ninety days. The analysis will ischsde a stosly of present and future latid ase, community facilities for schools, parks and ptaygrousdo, as nr- lechal Iralfie review, a capilol itsiprovepsest program, a zonisg stsdy futsre annesahion. titans and similar related studies. A complete analysio of1aach n orogram cools approximately $12,000 but 9h10 is Just a reltm. mary study. Trustee Nielsen sfated that a testeraI grant tsr .snch a program ran he sbtaised whicti will pay fifty per reist of the csst. }toss'es',"r, this prehira- (Côntinueil .00 Page 4) - Riles police will be driving Ford squad.cczrs rather than Pon. tiar raro during 1959. At the Decemtier 18 Trustees' nieritsig trashees Shanley and C'ossgtiliis lest a lively discussion NUes '1do'it.yonrselfgru". w t I t COns'ersinsf the merits of ttte Monday, si 3:15 PSt. one of attend the second session of Edt. aforementioned e u r s pushing ttie Workers from Muryhill cern. .59« Lumber's wnrl:stson tonite, ttirotntt a motisu wtiii'ti ivan re- elery brought two hays into the Wednesday, at t P.st. at the lion- turtantly approved by ttse re .-station. Donald Gibson, Sit7 Oak ber . store. ..6 t 5 9 Milwaukee maiuing Board members fur ttse St.., 14, and At Bendsun, 15, 0210 Avn'..- Walt D'tvbatin, Creator nilcelinse of three fsur.rtnsr Fsrds Paris were tuSsling with therr - of tOleVi.'tslt's "W«lt's Wsrkshop," fron Marts Gnnt Motors In Parlo hut '5' . Stenbey 0000uneed thrit the n'nchqne 5f the Fnrdu would save Nibs tlfltO ovrr the ,s'mreh'ese st the P'ntt«es. Trustee Travisi otnt. ecl a future trode.tn hoch to the Ponttaco may prove more costly. .Mssyor Stantsosvicz rnestioned hhat Yeats ago Fords "swayed" a 'rest deal, But Cots'thlin-con. tended the otek.ssn of the Focds seas a Creator ('Osslderishion At. ter Staiitçssvtrz Inferred the Fordo svere a lichter car Ilias the Pon. T "RB" Or Not - brai Continued on Page 2) Boy3 Swallows 50. - Aspirins, Rushed - To Hospital 1.11..,.___ L. -. . , _o %.acdfmflVe . Sale In JanUary - hits. Reluis Cltapmn, seas .tstsh. Local Riles hitsinesumes sviti pit to flilcesyaher ibosoltal Tues. sponsor s Vllhaoe-wlde clearance . day. Jstnitarv 2 alter having tale during the last sveek of Mrs. Mietsacl tOinser, 6500 swallowed fifty aspirins ln his Jantiary. Pricet svili he slashed Oafrmsv ("suri, ePncte(i p1 tie. home,. Dr. Jiten, -staff nhysithan throughout tise area, as baronin. - camber 20 ttiat a "BTt" hole teas stIlt0 hto5pll.il Otirnperl lite tioy'n httnterswhll save naiy toltars tosissd is her trout picture who. stst5jacit und itpn released him by doing thii' clearance shop. ttoss , , , , foin lIte hospltsl. plug in tise Village, - ' Walt'g Workshop At Edison Lumber' Tonite will cnnduct the second- class. -tIe svilt demonstrate hiosv- to tsuslut a walt, prepare a cruise, appls' tile nod usen answer' alt qne'-Uo'ss from tuse audience re. garrttsg their personal home Proim'l.sroblems. A cslor film sn tsstattation techniques sviti he sisaS/u. Refreshments will hr .snr,'e. u sind reqistration is free. Ftu,'ce5 in «till accepting calls at Riles 7.7393, To "RB" Is No Longer The Question un,. VeIS. 7191) Keesey reportetl et 3:it P.M. Salurdav, December 25 ,-a" RB" Isole was fatirist Is one of the svindows of hIs home., pece, lÇene. 7301 Mulford ru. sorte,t "Bit" tistes Were thün's in 'er frost ihes'musene windOw, December 29 at 11:13 AM. - BRIEFS Public hearing will soon be announced for new sidewalk construction on Oaktan Street between Harlem and Woukegan ... Waukegais merchants Wilt fout part of tise bill . , . All regularly employed rily officials altier ihtin tise Iwo classified services ipolice and fire) musi taise part it Ilhissols Municipal Retiremeul Fund . . . striaI se. runty tahsen out is lump nom when 0usd desiuchioss is macle asct ticen redistribuhed to sac. ser. fund .- . . Trustee Coughlin wisely suggested all bills sub- mitted la Board should be stud. fed by finance committee before voted for approval . . . csoastm ass_sly voted by Trustees ...bills had breis ap for approval the sante cslght. they Were received . . . Greendale Avenue by Jefter. non School tentaiivcly approved for dedication . , -. Commander Hansen reconsidering resigoation Prom Civil Service Board . . Boas'd member t<amp's resigns- Itou evidently sinaI , . . Vending m5cbpp.4ecats mous b dJopifiy ed otmhiect to a fine not to exceed sao - if - not publicly ohown . . Fteatth Buoni member - Gores re. ports inspections will begin afier receiving. forms for same . . health Briard svill meet wills Trastees befare beginning In. 5perhion. Ford For -'5 For Pólice B Pages ThIs Wool, eeting. Police Chief Grilled By Trustees - (THE BUGLE hod gone lo press before the fulhosving meet. isgtook plaire). Police Chief Itamey was the central ligury in a special meet. ng that was held last nighl at Ilse Village Hall. The nseehing Was held at the request of the Fire and Police Commission and the Civil Service Commission. hiss presest, in addition to Police Chief ltomdy svere Fire Chief Pasek assI members of the Board nf Trsßtees. - Romey, who hsss created a 'neat deal of ill.svill botti is unit sutsite the Police Department, seas cuider cross.examlnation by all siclos attlse groups tried to Improve the relationshIp helsvees tise Chief of Police ash tise many creas Ihat have suffered from his auincruhlc methods, Tsvlsse within the past.year Ilse Tt.pstps )taye recnmmnded tise Cislef rd'operate svihii the tircos Is ihn siren, Bath lImes hr has 1g- nored these s'equesio. Ste 'has not Opokrn Io tise Fire Chief for the past eight months sind the morale of many oh isis Osen policemen lias been ex. Irernely poor due io isis sucIa. tuilaI methods in controlling tice police force. His pablic relssliossa lIb industry In Hiles Is pine. ticalty nil and local businessmen have acorn for Isis arragaul mclii. . (Continued on Page 4) Cemeteìy ,. Hunters Relieved Of Their Weapons slug In the new cmelery nc;i:l:s iioY's "SSs" were being held al the station, pending an appear. unce- before the jsvenile Offices' us Saturday, Janssary 4. Youth Council To. - Elect Offiçers Sat., January 11 The Nibs Vacilli Cossneil will hold their mosithly meeting Sat- unlay Januar5' li at-ci P.M. at tise ViIjave Stall. Permanent of- ficers ovilI be elecled at this meeting. The Council, nose its Ito second year, requests ali rosi. denis interested In Ihe welfare of Niles youths attend the meet. ing.
  • - -The Nues Bugle. WeänesdaT. December 18. 1957V'sWat's Workshcp. Returns to NiksWdSe, J. -4


    We Are LimitingThis Class To

    , 150 RegistrantsWe woold oppedoI a

    - telephone call. Or meli ordrop off th, coupon sowtI be sore o hold -C)loirs for you.

    -See for yourself how 008y t is to pnn forHew space within your prr$ent home. ee aroom 1,Ianned and built . . . with a minimum'of effort and irma nhjoimum of time. See howcarefssl preplanninfoflayont and materialscan save you a large part of tite cost.

    'Why ore wehohflng this .ciir,k? Tolmeip you.get lime absolute most Out of the space you

    .- are converIin, (lielp you get lite absolutemost Out of the building and decoratingmaterials you use. -

    Whether you mio your on work, orcall in sprofessional we'rd certain ,,slr WeidwoodlIon.c_Iznprovemciit CIiqc 'iil save youtitile, tenl1,er ad money. You wili get morefor your money because you trill smntlr-srand the problems to be faced, and be.catite you viIl appreciate tile economy ofsuing lime ploiser materials.


    I PLANNp4/ FR Stepy


    Edison LUIflJer Will Present An

    All-Demonstration Show By TV's.

    . . Walt Durbahup


    o Hanging and trimming a door ..l Pane11g a wall .




    -Edisv -Li9rnber Store

    . T; - ,,- , '"., ,.-o"' fl,r t' S.-'-"s C' "-" ,..fric,'d!, fc

    ' o ¿,,,' fc i. , ,,,,o y i


    GenlI,n,en, :

    peo,e hsld_sh&rs for ey porly a? yosr Hos,..tepsavecen t CItel I -

    12x12 TILE PLAIN



    Free Loan of Stapling Gun With Purchase Of Tile

    = Prenilmii Grade Plywoo ili anefiu

    4x8 "V" GROOVE PHILLIPINEMAHOGANY . l91/zc sq. ft.

    4x8 "V" GROOVE WHITE ASH 26'/2c sq. ft.



    Phillipine Mahogany sq. - ft., 25SPEÒIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPEIA1Í

    Aluminum Combination Door

    (cornplet with hardware)Reg. $49.95 Value Now Only $29.95






    . PAIDCbio; IllinoisPermit. No. 1991


    THÉ Nn.th BUGLEO2OFNorth Ozanam

    Nues- 31, lIlinolo

    t c

    1O PEE cO1T

    By David BetterEditor & Publisher

    Police chief Rsmey coopera.ively started us oft on the rightoot for the new year by open.

    ing up his complaint book. Thebook, which. is a public record,is a great Source -of newa, thooften a sere point Which causesunecessary hard feelings betweenpulire officiais and newspapers.Cesssrship of the public recordand isdiscretions by . irrespossi.bic newsmen have caused . theContinuous cdnflicts. May 1955casse no-- abuses from eithertjtarter here. 'in Nibs.

    Park Board President Leo Cresspstléd a boner last O r t o b e r,

    -probably quite tinwittingly whenice ORsI ihe:use of the fiëbdhsounejar the Greenleaf Homeowners

    ,Çhcitmss Party for thé .,oane"tIsse slot ailotle4 'to Arts SiIdClatIs program. After much grat.¡sg sr nerves find ruffled eeL.isgs the Greenbeáfers had theirparty moved over toBunker Hill.

    The Pant Board has an excel.lent Winter program that hastakes holt fa beyond experta.tinos. The Satürday Arts andCcafts program had to turn awayrefistrasts as Over 200 chlidresshowed sp for the initial day'spcogram. The athletic programrtUrisg the Week at Niles schooltiss had a .good turn.ouj . . . itshows what can be accomplishedwhen a Weil.orgdnsized programi initiated .. . However. From The Left.itantt,It hooks like this Well-initiatedprogram is iarely a two-manapnratjon The two newest earn.missioner5 Schreiner and Cio-vasetti have been thw moverstfnhtifld thin pnogram The oldertsnrnbers of eh. Pccc.5be laskisgnis program wimixed emotions . : . perhapsSstlsfintt with the present - accomptishments b u t somewhatles than enthusiao$ic that thesewer memberu cleterve fullcredit for this success. Whatsueros to OUbstatjut this 5115-Ilirias is that the older memberscas Often be.seen -at tise field.

    ContifluCd on Page 2)

    , Mrs. Mack EscapesIn Auto Mishap -ltrt. Lorraine Macin, wife ofstore nwner Max Mark of Rain.

    !f5V Produce, narrowly escaped'Sinnes Saturday, December 28,'When the ear Che suas drivingScent Ints a ravine off OaktonShreet al Caldwefl Ave.

    Thjeve Steal $300From Ideal Barbi,gThe Ideal Barber S'hohiCnd theltie Reaqty Salan, Oalçton and.Waukevafl NOCd, iCere -broken.trftCs Pridus, tute. December 27.JIte Siwo, bucal Store Owner, stat-Ort the roithert slaIn over $500li1 rash "filch Ito Itad been say.)llg for a {'aratibn.


    NOies Only Home Edited News PaperVOL. 1, NO. It NILRS BUGLE, WENt.y, JANUARY 58

    uízzed At .Sp.òcia'And Then Ther Were Ten'

    Mro. Raymond Van Ness. 7245 Wasmkegan proudly intro., duces Baby Brendo to Nileo. Her equally Proud childrenInclude L. to R.. Sheryl 9. ltitq Il, Roberto 7. Margaret 5, Linda8, Sandra 6, Raymond Jr., 3. Ronald ta mou. and Randall, I.

    Mom Ddivers 10th BabyMro. ltaymonrt Van Ness, 29, CeneraI Pbowers.

    7242. Waukegun ROadtgqve birth , -Tise Van .Nests 'rn6yed'lfes'nto her tenth child Friday, Jano. last October from Sitakie whereary 3 as she dellverêd the baby they -lived for tite -past two years.While her husband Raymond was Mrs. Van Nets was horn in Mor.telephoniC1 for the doctor. . ton Grove.- The new baby weighed over Good nstscerlty Mrs. Van Nessnine pounds. Mr. Vas Neos wonderer] why we would Wantphoned the police station bot lo take tise family picture sodthe baby's arrival Was immectl. she smiled when we answered51e. tisai THE BUGLE alwaya tabes

    Baby Brenda Lee has six sIsters a pictssre of the tenth nesvbornand three brothers ages 13 in a Niles family. When we de.months, 2 years, 3, 5, 6, '7, t 9 parIert we mentioned. -thsat weand Il years. would he buchs after nine more:

    Mr. Van Ness Works is Morton her smile -was somesvhsnt lessGrove os s machine operator for effusive.

    Nues HiresCity Planners

    by David Bettor. Editor and Publisher

    Carl L. Goediner and Associ.ates. Village Planners, have beenhired bM the Village of Riles togive a preliminary nbanning «n.«lysis in our oreo. The Board ofTrustees, at tise - December itmeeting, nl the suggestion atTrtsiee Stanley, osasimssslyapproved to relais the ss'rtieesof this nationally tomons CityPlanning orgassiZatisn.

    Gscctiner is 505v emptsyed asa consultant for P.srhs Ridge, Mor.ton Greve, Des Plaises. Skolsieand serves is as advisory copa.city for the Chicago City Plsss.sing Coromississ.

    The coot for this initial sCrveywill be $2509. The survey shouldbe completed within ninety days.The analysis will ischsde a stoslyof present and future latid ase,community facilities for schools,parks and ptaygrousdo, as nr-lechal Iralfie review, a capilolitsiprovepsest program, a zonisgstsdy futsre annesahion. titansand similar related studies.

    A complete analysio of1aach norogram cools approximately$12,000 but 9h10 is Just a reltm.mary study. Trustee Nielsensfated that a testeraI grant tsr.snch a program ran he sbtaisedwhicti will pay fifty per reist ofthe csst. }toss'es',"r, this prehira-

    (Côntinueil .00 Page 4) -

    Riles police will be drivingFord squad.cczrs rather than Pon.tiar raro during 1959.

    At the Decemtier 18 Trustees'nieritsig trashees Shanley andC'ossgtiliis lest a lively discussion

    NUes '1do'it.yonrselfgru". w t I t COns'ersinsf the merits of ttte Monday, si 3:15 PSt. one ofattend the second session of Edt. aforementioned e u r s pushing ttie Workers from Muryhill cern..59« Lumber's wnrl:stson tonite, ttirotntt a motisu wtiii'ti ivan re- elery brought two hays into theWednesday, at t P.st. at the lion- turtantly approved by ttse re .-station. Donald Gibson, Sit7 Oakber . store. ..6 t 5 9 Milwaukee maiuing Board members fur ttse St.., 14, and At Bendsun, 15, 0210Avn'..- Walt D'tvbatin, Creator nilcelinse of three fsur.rtnsr Fsrds Paris were tuSsling with therr -of tOleVi.'tslt's "W«lt's Wsrkshop," fron Marts Gnnt Motors In Parlo

    hut '5'.Stenbey 0000uneed thrit the

    n'nchqne 5f the Fnrdu would saveNibs tlfltO ovrr the ,s'mreh'ese stthe P'ntt«es. Trustee Travisi otnt.ecl a future trode.tn hoch to thePonttaco may prove more costly.

    .Mssyor Stantsosvicz rnestionedhhat Yeats ago Fords "swayed"a 'rest deal, But Cots'thlin-con.tended the otek.ssn of the Focdsseas a Creator ('Osslderishion At.ter Staiitçssvtrz Inferred the Fordosvere a lichter car Ilias the Pon.

    T "RB" Or Not - braiContinued on Page 2)

    Boy3 Swallows 50. -Aspirins, Rushed -To Hospital 1.11..,.___ L. -.. , _o %.acdfmflVe

    . Sale In JanUary -hits. Reluis Cltapmn, seas .tstsh. Local Riles hitsinesumes svitipit to flilcesyaher ibosoltal Tues. sponsor s Vllhaoe-wlde clearance

    . day. Jstnitarv 2 alter having tale during the last sveek ofMrs. Mietsacl tOinser, 6500 swallowed fifty aspirins ln his Jantiary. Pricet svili he slashedOafrmsv ("suri, ePncte(i p1 tie. home,. Dr. Jiten, -staff nhysithan throughout tise area, as baronin. -camber 20 ttiat a "BTt" hole teas stIlt0 hto5pll.il Otirnperl lite tioy'n httnterswhll save naiy toltarstosissd is her trout picture who. stst5jacit und itpn released him by doing thii' clearance shop.ttoss , , , , foin lIte hospltsl. plug in tise Village, - '

    Walt'g WorkshopAt EdisonLumber' Tonite

    will cnnduct the second- class.-tIe svilt demonstrate hiosv- to

    tsuslut a walt, prepare a cruise,appls' tile nod usen answer' altqne'-Uo'ss from tuse audience re.garrttsg their personal homeProim'l.sroblems. A cslor film sntsstattation techniques sviti hesisaS/u. Refreshments will hr.snr,'e. u sind reqistration is free.

    Ftu,'ce5 in «till acceptingcalls at Riles 7.7393,

    To "RB" Is NoLonger The Questionun,. VeIS. 7191) Keesey reportetl

    et 3:it P.M. Salurdav, December25 ,-a" RB" Isole was fatirist Is oneof the svindows of hIs home.,

    pece, lÇene. 7301 Mulford ru.sorte,t "Bit" tistes Were thün's in'er frost ihes'musene windOw,December 29 at 11:13 AM.


    BRIEFSPublic hearing will soon be

    announced for new sidewalkconstruction on Oaktan Streetbetween Harlem and Woukegan... Waukegais merchants Wiltfout part of tise bill . , . Allregularly employed rily officialsaltier ihtin tise Iwo classifiedservices ipolice and fire) musitaise part it Ilhissols MunicipalRetiremeul Fund . . . striaI se.runty tahsen out is lump nomwhen 0usd desiuchioss is macleasct ticen redistribuhed to sac.ser. fund .- . . Trustee Coughlinwisely suggested all bills sub-mitted la Board should be stud.fed by finance committee beforevoted for approval . . . csoastmass_sly voted by Trustees ...billshad breis ap for approval thesante cslght. they Were received. . . Greendale Avenue by Jefter.non School tentaiivcly approvedfor dedication . , -. CommanderHansen reconsidering resigoationProm Civil Service Board . .Boas'd member t




    Alt jnterMere händise


    Oak .P.T0A.,. School Board Discuss ProblemsOn October 21, the 2nd meet-

    Ing of the newly formed OakSchool P.T.A. was held. The pro-gram consisted of members ofthe School Board of District No.63 WhO answered questions sub-mOled by the parents of tise

    . pupils of Oak School.Mr. Verne Johnsun, President

    of the School Board opened theprogram by giving°a short re-sume . of the functions of theSchoo' Board. ;

    Mr. JOhnson: The funétion ofthesehool board is (1) to providendeçjuate and sufficient class-room facilities . to carry out theeducational program for gradesi through S within the limita-lions set forth by 'thé staté; 2)To hire superintendents, pried-pals and teachers and other per.sonnel necessary for the opera.lion of the schools; (S) To pro.', pare a budget foc each schoolyear and approve expenditure oftill funds. Regular meetings ofthe board are held on the 4thMonday of each month withspecial meeting4 held as nedes-nary.-

    Members of the board are elec-ted by the legal residents of thedtotrtct for a term of about 3years. There sre 7- members unthe school board who serve with-Out compensation, and all termsare staggered so that not lessthan two terms expire each year.In the event of s vacancy theboard is empowered is appointsom000e to the Vacancy untilthe next elettsn is held.

    Following are the questions osthey.svere.submitted to tile boardfor consideration and answer,some of which come under theresponsibility of the administra-live staff and will be answeredby Mr. Lsmbert, some of whirlsare submitted for tise purpose ofobtaining information, sod someWhich seem to indicate existingfarts. . .

    Questione Why io school start.ing at 8;30 this year?


    Mr. Stanley Osri: Last yesrthe school started at 9:00. InJuly of this year the state pass.ed a law making it mandsiorythat the thinimum actual timespent in the classroom slsnnldbe I hours. That meant sve sadto add i hour tO, the day. Wecould rsn from b to 30f, betthe bus company would not havebeen able to pick up our risilctrenbecause of previous committ.monts With the high school.Therefore, the only alternativeovos an earlier starting time.

    Question: What is the purposeof having yearly ternis ratherthan semesters?

    Mr. Arthur F Lembert: I be-lieve you will find that the mid.year promotion plan is not pro.valent among the schools in tisisarea. Many schools in the rssntyhave gone frsm the mid termback to the full year of school.Those who come from Chicagoare used is the semester pian,whirls was instituted to get morechildren into the classrooms: Wehave as many as we ran handlenow without lowering the agelimit. Therd is no ose in ConkCounty, other than the city ofChicago, which has a sperialsection nf the rode written foril, that has the miri year pro.motion syntem.

    Question: What is being doncta improve the kindergarten silo.ation ta enable the children tuno full tithe to Oak School forthose living north of Creeoleat?

    Mr. Fronts Hasses: The chit.fron living oocthof Creenteaf goto Kindergarten at East MatrreSchool IrS riisirihule the lumi. The00k Srilool Icinderga r leo wouldhave been overrrosvded rari weinclurdeut ait the children io tidearea. This sitoation will. he corn.edierl as quickly os possible.

    Question: What is the proue.dore to be followed ta redoretite size of oar district luy rollio-teibotion to adlacerut disitifla?

    Mr. Wm. Graham: Tite moth.odo by Which yoo can chausge

    I - ; GOLDENROIFOne Wèèk Speciais . i Ice Creamat HARCZAK'S Newer and Bigger Mea Market and Sausage Shop .

    . . . . Wednesday Jafluary 8th to WedNesday January, 15th D Pints I. . .

    Davies Chevronbrisli Picnic Ham .

    SLICED BACON- .55Ç lb. . 39c 1b



    VEAL STEAK: 75 S

    tise boundaries nf the district areby detachment, annexation, di-vuolon, di050iotion or ronsolida-tino. Thts roo be accomplishedby the Board of School Trusteesliurosgis petitisu. We ovosid haveto get together with the boardof each district affected sviih apetiiiOn to rover ahy of tire fivetypes of changes, to be. signedby a majority of the legal votersrsideni in each district affected.lt is not easy ta accomplish this.It taises at least 2/3 of tite votersin each district. Also, the petitionwoald not be considered, for in.stance, if it ovosuld create a nonhigtt schoot district, sr if thenew district rund old districtsvouuld so longer be rempart androurtigrusurs asti ttte popurlationof the district inrust not be lessthan 2,550 and uisotgsrd. valsa.tian not less tirait six milliondollars. Wtuetu tite pettitso ispreluared, written notice is seuilto each boarul surrt puuhlistsednotice wrist be iurtnteul in earlunewspaper of circulation. Morehuard 200 people wurst sign tirepetition and a committee et tenmembers msust be designated tosci os- represeniatives. Noticenurusi be tralrliohed runt rurôre than-io durys before Itue rearing dateann any recoso raus appear orudgive testimony. As O5 sb, thereis durcit involved irr rhauugisg Ohosize uf lire districts, ann thereis duo financial urlvauuloge drucreating o new rllrlrir'l. If huerosvouuid be a ctetarhmeuut tu-9mleidest Disirirl 63, your wouulut ruairol tese yauuroeis'es of thud- lanuleruuf ulehl as YOdi svauutd assuuoieyatbi pochard of lire uleht, as svrltes a tunuhtsuh of bile sluuude si tireutelul of hue 005v dbhrict.

    Question 5: WIry ranI sve huevouro insiruruneotal muusic iuroiramturc orur etutidren huegiruaing williblue 11h grade

    Mr. Lambert: 'ridere 15 rhO reas..00 svhy sve rouutul nub. We rourtutoat shari shuck a program tiriayerre because tise buudgei roundnoi indurlo it brui perluaps we

    ARCLAWS !°-UdA :o?8115- Milwaukee Avenue ( Open Sundays ) Niles 7-9788

    The Nì1øsugIe.WedaesdaTn JanuasyB. 1958-

    can start one next year. Upon-ever, there would be the prqillem5f. space where the band, rustidpractice, and another teacherwound be necessary. lt could bedone, and ve are looking for-ward to it. hlosvever it would bepreferable not lo have it,run byan Orutsider since this. ovouldmean turning' over the school to500seone oilier tttan farttlty of-ter school hours. it would prob.ably also be unsvise to expectthis program to be financed bythe "PorOnts Club."

    Qiseution: P50w about gettingour teachers shelving, . bulletinboards and--oltser supplementalmaterials?

    Mr. Johnson: That is a eues-tino svhirt: ' implies soouethl'ngthat does not exist. The teachershave never bren tnuroed down onany sstch requests for materials.If tise tearluer does not bave suf-finest material, it is iris or herfanuit.

    Question: Wluat can he noseto imniurove the visunal aid pro.grurm. surets an shrip films, en.ryciopetlias, átc.?

    Mr. LambeO: Wires yoni boilut25 riaosrooros inn 22 months, itsirruhuts lo reason tiret iluere isirrst a certain amoumnul of moneyasailuninie for visrual aid eqnnip.meurt. 'l'ire rider dooms q tirentistrirt ruse ediruipped ovum 'hlnese


    items bmnt soben new classroomsare added so rapidly, yoni justcan't keep nmp Ovuli ail tiiese ex-penctitnnreo. Inlnny of ihese visuralaid items were set nip in thebrmdget for thia year,and it isjntsi a matter of ordering anddecinting so'lsièlm of Ihexe Itemuilyou: need nosy and svhich youmnmbt postpone for lack of money.

    (Continued on Page 4)

    Income Tax ServiceFormer Government

    AccountantConfidential. £xpert Service

    . RAY ILLIAN8249 Ifew gngland

    Nl 7.9714


    24 Hr. Service'We sesee the tostieut.

    Juiciest. most succulentburger in Niles

    'Burgers Shakea ChiliCarry Out Servite

    Ralph's Snack Shop7201 Milwmslsee Ave. NI 7-9138

    We Have Changed To S&H StampsCOME IN AND LET TJ CHECK YOUR



    FLOREST SINCLAIR SERVICE7970 Milwaukee (At Oakton) NI 7-5916

    Center Cut Lean

    R011ed. Pork Loin

    85cm. ; .,

    . ThèMles Bügle. -Wednesday. January 0. 1958


    ACOmENTS ' 41i HOUR OF DAYKilled t 7 A.M. to 8 A.M.Fatal Accidents 5 7 A.M. to 8 A.M.Non.Fatal Accidents ...........86 8 AM. to 9A.M.Totol Injured 149 4 P.M. to 5 P.M.

    FATALITIES . 5 5 -- ' - - --Train.Car 4Motor Vehicle 2S'edestrian g

    ACCIDENTSPedestrion - ' ' 115401er Vehicle 372Tnain.cor' 3Bicycle . , , 3.Overturned z


    0.4 55.9 310.14 515.19 lt20.24 ' 1295.34 2235.44 , 2345.54 . 2255.84 1365.74 7 RESIDENCENet Stated S '


    . There are a ' lot of parents.those who have no children andeven 01505e whO don't live inRiles. that make these leaguespossibiP. In Nibs Little LeagueIs a tmustness, a big businessand time only return the stork.holders get on their Investmentsla to ser and share the smiles

    nd moments nf rrandeur withthe boys. A great sibo, n great 'epartment for several yearn, saidthrow. a well litt ball. it's won that detecting police cars houderfut. A lot of ostento have been the reason. , why the corssh'aCed this with their norms foc luavè never had this equipment.Pseochl said, 'We wgmt to cut

    down on accidents rather than'nahe money from the cars,' de.feisding his remisen for snunigest.miu' tt dome Iihts, Staoleysend. "it wotild be stupid to havea light on the radar car."

    those-of von who bavent, let me05v, it (aInes itut a ltttte'of yourtime to -come soil share , yntmcenso esnteavars. Time passes andyour sonos ei-bw sin html the mem-oro Of reine the otri man inqtnn. stsm'rts and flip Istmi nit Ilseftetd will lie a bullid of relatiomi-shin tirol will l'sI fnres'er. Let'sPee OU at tttd douce Thhrntary 7.

    Bill Thompson

    Chamber OfCommerce ToMet Today ''TIte Chamber - et Commerce

    will'meel today at onontimOse atthe Lone Tree. Inn. New Presi.dent Judge Anton Sniigiel svitIconduct his first meeting In thenew post.

    The Board 'of . Directors snotlast week and set-up oclaasification or members- and peten.fiel incombera into Co''rcIaI,Professional and Industrta.lgroups. Each . class will exploithis group area for new mein-bers pull also for l)resentingproblems and suggationn which

    4lt hie of generai bmmliefit to theentire. community. n

    , LefLiland(Continued irons page 1)

    2535 house at the Friday nile dances3045

    but they haven't dropped in to

    '.M. to b V.55. 42see the newest program.


    i attended the Firemen's an-Monday 67 nudI Christmas- ParI)' during theTuesday 59 holidays at the invitation OfWednesday 59Thursday 54

    Chief Pasek. It Was a real fine

    Friday 59affair. 'the Firemen deserve a

    Saturday 58 warm thanks furhosting- an

    AGE OF DRIVERS in attendance.Sunday ' 61 eventing which had over

    SOU men

    Under 16 116 at 19 60

    The Chamber of Commerce will

    20 to 24 67 have their first meeting this25 to 34 . 219 Wednesday as the "new order"35 to 44 209 lakes over Judge Smigiel and45 to 54 117 Ron Paskeu, new president and55to64 69 - -65 to 74 26

    vice-president begin their territ

    ACCIDENTS BY SEX n-'at this time. The Chamber of Corn-

    Malés ?9merce has a great opportunity to

    4 end its . proyindiatways and

    I miehtfullv assume its role au a


    Fordfor '58(Continued from Page I)

    brontght Up" and then quoted theweights 5f the cara under con-sideration . . . he quoted figureswhich showed the Ford weighedmore than lOI pounds heavierthon the Pontiac under consid-eration . . . Stanley added, 'Ifweight is important a bucket ofsand is the trunk of a car wouldhold it to abe road."

    Trustee Marszalek asked if theFords conform to the specifica-lions required and he was as.naced that they were. Stanleystated that most police oars areFords whteh includes Chicago,State of Illinois, Stole police carsand most others.

    Maruzalek said, 'Weve hadPontiacs . . . ww know what theyerih do and we don't know -aboutthe Fords."

    Stanley boomed firmly. "1mmisterested lis saving $1000 . .t -You wclnt police to ride instyle you should get ' Cadillacs."- iltsnkoWiiz asked What thepolice preferred and Trncki stat-ed they were prejudiced . . , pre-(erring the .Pontiaru.

    Poesohl then mode a motionwhich wao unanimously approv.ed that the low bld for threelour.door Ford police cars be ap.groyed5 The cars will be pur-chased front -Mach Gant Motoro:they will be eight cylinder caroand they will include one blockcar and two oolid color cars.

    Poescht suggested dome lightsshould be installed on the newcars. Ifowever, Stankowirz, whofiad been a member of the police

    It was finally decided to referthis problem to the police andfire committee and the commit.tee ovas authorized to "act" aftertalking to Chief Romey.


    161leading force in the communityn

    655f If it doesn't assume this role251 doring the Judge's term it will108 probably remain indefinitely in

    ita present state. of inertia. TheChamber chose two men whosequalifications have been provenfoc getting things accomitlished.Pankau was the first president'of the Lions' Clsb which afterfive years has a very healthy85 . man membership. .Smigiel,among many worthy efforts, wasthe motiv,4ing forre behind theprolert forthe lowerins of speedlimits, aneffort which he is stilipursuing. Most recently he washuddling with State Rep. Csrrotlsviso promised action. And thatword ACTION is the key to theChamber's sûccess.

    Lions "All You CanEat" Dinner Jan. IIThe Riles Lions are buoy mak-

    ing plans for their first affairof the New Year, a Dinner-Dance,to be- held at Bunker Hill Coun-try Club on Saturday, January11.

    .This willbethelc first annual

    "All You Can Eat" dimmer. Themenu will be corned beef annicabbage, prepared by the BunkerHill kjtrhen. FOsm will be ser.vedfrom six to nine.

    Dancing will begin at nine.Music will be furnishqd by theRhythm B's.,. an orchesba ,omuposed - of Riles youths who arebecoming increasingly popularwith local groups. .A pulchritu-dinoup quartet, The Teenettes,will render vocal ' arcompant-ments. -- Ticketo for this night o( fun

    are $3.50 per person. Anyone deniroun of having a gloripus even-Ing io invited to attend. Ticketsmay, be purchased, from..Joe DiMaria, Presideric of the RilesLions, Rob Franklin, Chairmanof the Dinner.Dance, Angie Mar-,rIueschi, Co-Chairman, . BookerStill Country Club or Lone TreeInn. All reservations must bemade by January 6, 1958.

    Fire, Police Depts.'Add Two MenThe Riles Fire Department and

    Police Department have addedtwo new members to their forces.Ralph Tencate and Charles Ko-zak Jr. are thé newest membersof the Fire Department. GeorgeBalek and Erniisson ales begantheir tenure of duty on January1; they both joined the PoliceDepartment.

    32 Laiies AutornatkPinSpottfrs. . Cocktail -Lounge - Restaurant


    BANQUET HALL - IPLE PAItRINGSpeeiola])oom For Supervised Nursery



    Fireinan.PhilliPS ToReceive Lions AwardRussell Phillips, 6200 Touhy,

    will receive the annual NuesLions award for outdtanding ser-vice to the .fire department, Sal-urday, January 11, 'at the l4onoCorq Beef and Cabbage dinner atBunker Hill. .

    The award, a $100 bond, ispresented to the direman who baoachieved distingnuished servire inthe department. Phillips, a "paid-on-rail" fireman was ' highlypraised by members of the firedepartment who helped selecthim. They praised hin consrien-tiousness and devotion to dutyas qualities which led to thisseleotion. Officers of the Depart-ment voluntarily eliminatedthemselves from eligibility forthis award.

    Nues Blood DonorWeek ProclaimedBy MayorWhereon, it has- herb declared

    byby the Hines Veterana Rospi-tal that there is a shortage ofblood in its Blood Bank, and

    Whereon, the tired for bloodis on the increase due to newmedical treatment and tech.hiques, and -

    Whereas, the bIsad is to beused for veterans who haveserved in the Armed Forces inthe defense of our nation, and

    Whereas, February 15th tOFebruary 16th, 1958 has beendesignated Nues Blood DonorWeek for Nues Memorial Pont7752 by the Fourth District ofIllinois, Veterafl9 of ForeignWars, 41

    I, Frank J. Stankowicz, Mayorof the Village of Riles, Illinois,proclaim the period of February10, lo February 16, 1958 to beRiles Blood Donor Week and callupon our able-bodied citizens toaid and assist this blood driveby donating a pint of blood toHines Veterans Hospital.

    Dated at Nilea, hunts this 16thday f December, 1957

    (Sgned) Frank 3. StankowirzMayor

    This Puti The BiteInto WinterNorman Schief, 6711 Oak

    St. reported he wdo bitten b1'dog owned by John Kamel1', 7Neve,' ,Friday, Dtrember 27.was treated . by Dr. W. T. Ciaof Park Ridge. , -


    EH's Drive-InGOOD FOOD


    NI- 7.7383 8161 Milwask



    Char.BrsuledSteoli -



    WE DELIVERMIles 7.8165

    Nues Hickory Hous7305 Waukegan B4,L.

    (At MiiwoukenlCarry.Out Servire

    We're hoping the star.ohtneof Christmas fills your

    home will, 4oy atid happineMISS HELEN MISS FA


    BEAÙTY BAZA7934 Oakton

    TA 3.9748


    KLAIBER -SHOESNILES° . . - Morton Grove

    7511 Milwaukee 6028 DempaterNI 7.8Bl OR 5.7260



    -.- . . .

    Exceed sole speedPollow too closeAlcohol st -




    ThE EDÍTCSPinat is a Little Leaguer?

    : - Asir a dozen different people'u nnd you will got a dnzemu differ-

    .2. :cnt answers. to Niles I think youcould sum it up with "coopere-

    - tien generosity, opportunity forn

    boys - yoang nr old, and thefeeling of belonging to a team,

    i of being needed." Win or losed this tluey have done together.

    Joy. sadness, momettts ofm5s-

    Î. '

    rular and emotional feats of: strength, mistakes, but ali the'i time they are becoming better

    juveniles. Asta Chief IlomeytBoys u-ho play ball with a teamaren't delinnuents. Ntles hasgrown fast, faster than the vit-

    f,lage ran keep up with: we dont

    4 havq o swimmine nool or trackslt with athletic facllitieu bntt the

    parents who make. the baseballleagues passible rio a wlsole tot

    i to off-set our village laxities.Last yeac ' the Nhleo baseballleague had; 6 Minor League

    uteams lageC 8.9), 12 Major Little

    t League teams (ages 10.12). 5.

    Pony League teams (ages 13.14),2 Pfep League teams (ages 15-171. 't Major League team (ages18.201.



    . Li

  • k

    Miad;.S}oppl. ' .:. C..,t.r .

    y.OU:ckN WEt.1



    The NUes Bugle. Wednesdays January L 1958

    Police C!(Continued from Pu

    ods of hand1inghis job.Romey, who became Chief of

    . 'o1ice 25 yars ago elevdn- months after he joined the forée,15 antagonistic to any of his menparticipating In thenlany schoolsthat are offering péograms . re.Sating So police work.

    The Chamber of Commercemeritorious award, a SitO bond,which io awarded annually to apoliceman, has been subvertedInto a gift for longevity ratherthan for good police work be.rouse MoRley decided that wasthe way it would be. He, himselfreceived the first award: Many

    . offiers did outstanding workthis past year, far beyond thecall of duty, but they who right-folly deserved recognition fortheir efforts are ignored.

    In addition to the 'homeyProblem" the Trustees were in

    . terested in finding out why CivilService Commissioners Hansenand Kemp both . tendered theirresignations.

    _Jn an interview with THEguatE Commander -1anses

    . stated he would welcome the op.portunity to speak before theTrustees. Though he had men-tioned that health reasons forcedhim to resign, the confusion overa Civil Service ruling which ap-proved a Trustee recommenda.thon that policpmen and firemenhad to waive workman's corn.pensation rights if they were in-jured on a secondary job, causeds rift between a couple of Trus

    . tees and the Commission. It was. expected that Hansen had much

    to say on this subject. Thoughhis resiÜCatisn was for the end. of December the Trustees neverapproved it. ,

    IliIes' Only HomeEdded Newspaper


    . . DEFER'(°Author'n name belòw)

    . 1f you are sick today, it isunwise to delay proper . treat.meilt until tomorrow. Yourbody needs immediate helpto fight off the virus Invadersthat take quick advantage oflowered resistance.

    N e y e r treat any illness. lightly. Symptoms oh pain ordiscomfprt are nature's way

    -of asking for help.Call on your physician Io

    prescribe the necessary medi.cation, for. he can prevent. aminor trouble from develop.Ing ' intO a . serious illness.S'éom the thousands of drugsin our prescription depot Imenthe will phescribe the one thatcan help you most.



    Pick up your prescription if..hopping near us, or let usdeliver promptly without ex.tra charge. A great manypeople entrust us with the re.spònniblllty of filling theirprescriptions. May we corn.pound yours?

    ..-A;p .Çe.

    !â 7-311. .-.

    Quotation by Edward Young.

    . t1683-17&th. (CopyrIght 1957 (liWl)

    Officers of the Nues school bond who participoted insuccessful Cluistrnos program during Decgkìsber. L. to I. Sgt.Croig Curry. flute; Sgt. John Volp. saxophone; Captain JimSwinger. coronet: J. Ihickey Weibs. Baos Drum and Lt. ReginaFoss. flut.


    ScIzoolBd.DiscussesProblem(Continued from Page 3) to hire two year and non-degree

    teachers? Xsur salary scheduleand closeness to Chicago wouldqualify you to hire qualifiedteachers. Teachers are not thatscarce.

    Mr. Lambert: The U. S. Officeof Education reports that thenation lacks approximately 50,-000 claSsrooms and 135,OtO teach.ers. Apparenily there Is a short.age of teachers. Someone wasnot well informed. Secondly, Idefy any one of you to gothrough our buildings and de.ride by the work going on 'inhe classrooms as to which teach.er has a degree and which onedoes not. 'Dègreea are encoùrag-ed but those teachers withoutdegrees are just as certified asother teachers and are just asentitled to be teachers in theState of Illinois. We have ein-plsyed 7 of these teachers thisyear and "they are some of thebest teachers we have. A ijegreedoes not make a teacher. Youhave to be tolerant in these mat.ters. I have been in a, lot ofschools in thepast six years andI am happy with' my presentgroup of teachers.

    Question: What about pianosfor teachers in each room?

    Mr. 0ml: What Mr. Lamberthas just said about visual aidsmaterials, applies to pianos also.There are 39 classrooms in theschool district having a total of25 pianos. Oak School has 18rooms with 7 pianos. About 50%of our teachers play the piano,which is better than in most dia-trirts.

    Question: What Is being doneabout furnishing foreign lan.guage, jndustriat arts, home. eco.nomirs, interscholastic sports,etc., in thé-district?

    Mr. Graham: The rAsponsibil-ity of the school district is tofurnish children with a goodcommon school education, andthis does not usually includeforeign languages, industrialarts, or home economics. I reallythink thatthese matters are alittle more advanced than youwould epect from your grammarschool. If there it a need. formore additional services for yourchildren, let us' know about itand we will do what We can. Asfac at interscholastic sports areconcerned. If the parents wantut to develop auch a program,wo tansy however, the emphasismore recéntly hat been on ath.letic activIties as a whole andnot for just 10 or 12' individuals.Further,- these added activitieswòuld mean a need for morerooms at a cost of approximatelytwenty to thirty thousand dol-lars perroom. .,

    Question: Why it there not agym at each school?

    Me. Otri: The same thing ap-plies to our gym. Ydur schoolboard is doing everything it canto, furnish your -children withclassrooms. We are -uhing ourentire bonding power to furnishclassrooms and as long as weare forced lo maintain doubleshifts we cannot justify separategymnasiums..

    Question: Why is It necessary


    SÑV3D -. NOSi3.L3d

    Nues PTA MeetTues. January 14The regular P.T.A. meeting;of

    the hiles Public School will beheld on Tuesday, January 14th,at 8:00 P.M. sharp at the school.

    The program for, the eveningpromises to be one of interestfor everyone: Virgipia Schultz ofUniversal Oil Prgducts Co. willdemonstrate 'The Magic Sait-case', which will be clothes madefrom unusuat products. Thoseattending will be surprised.

    Fourth grade mothers will behsst0sses for the evening. Roommothers for this month are Mm:C. Willert, Mrs. S. Anderson, Mms:S. Bubley and Mrs. F. Smith.

    Xmas Tree BulbsTaken From TreeSunday, December 29, Mr. Hen.

    my Frelmuth, 8050 Osceola Ave.nue, reported Christmas . treebulbs had been stolen from his.tree oulside his héuso and wires,used in lighting the tree, were. tomn loose from the tree. -


    More Power EconomyDriving Pleaxure

    Complete Brake And AutomaticTransmission Service

    Mechanic Oj Duly At Ali Times

    IMilwaukeò-Waukegan ServiCi Statici

    3OOWAUKEGAN'BD.. . .. -- . . . . j

    CItY PWn.flas(Continued from Page 1)

    mary reprt will be paid fromVìllage funds with the possibility tlsat this grant may be ap-plied fur if the general surveyis later approved.

    The annexation of fand northof Dempster has been a majorstimulus for obtaining the sen.Ices of the Gondiner firm. TheTrustees recently approved therequest for the transmission ofwater to the Cuneot pmojecthrough the Niles water mains,The contract ituded a clausewhich stated that the shoppingplaza that will be developed atMilwaukee and Golf will 'ac-tively participate" in petttioniiigfor annexation -into .Niles if evera petition should be activatedThis shopping plaza, which willinclude a Sears and Roebuckstore, wilt be very valuable prop-erty and is coveted by neighbor-ing areas. Nues chances for oh.taming this area have been en-hanced by making use of theGardiner 11cm, -

    Clothes Stoleù In.House ,TheftSunday, December 29, Mr. Bric..

    nett, 7617 Nora, reported hishouse had been broken into,Glass in the front door had beenbroken which was used for gain.ng entrance into the house. Brie.

    nett reported only clothes meretaken from the house,

    Prompt Courteous ServiceIDEAL


    Oakton & Waukogan

    George A. JeffriesReal estate Broker

    8148 Milwoukea Ayo.Stiles 31, Ill.- TA-3.4468

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    ITALIAN, FRENCH, VIENNA BREADFreshIybaked Everyday

    WEDDING PARTY -CAKES- Our Specialty

    Giovannelli's Commuafty Bakery7954 WAUKEGAN RD. PII.: NI.7-t7ll


    STEAKS - RIBS - - --

    7530 Óokton Tuesday . flursdy 5.1 AM.(Oakton & Milwoukee) Friday . Saturday 5.2 A.M.

    - Sunday 5-12 Mldnite

    i Only 5 Minutes Away"From Evely Rome In Nues j

    FUEL - OIL :SERVICEWinter'a snows Won't delay servire to

    your home - anywhere in Eilen -tPALL UP FOR OUR



    Imported Accordions '-Specially Priced-BRAND NEW 1958 MODEL

    Discount Price$135.00.

    Lifetime Guarantee

    - 5- sWitches, 120 basses. 41- treble. keys, 15 inch key'

    - board, hand finished reeds. -straps and case. , -- Free Demonstration In

    - Your Home - No Obligallon

    - ' Attention. Boys! Girls7!.Be Popular Learn To Play The Accordion

    - We Charge Lesa Than Studio - PrjiesPor-Privaba Lessons Giyen In -Your Home -

    -- -8-Lesgons Fo $18.00 - -- - . - TIllAi OFFER --,




    Sy Kay SpikingsA Happy New Year to each and

    every O!5 of you! The NuesLass Club did it again! Theyspread cheer to seven needy fam-ilies here in Nues by providingthem with baskgts of groceriesand toys for Christmas. Thisachievement was made possibleby the - Hiles Libns Club underthe direction and woiderfulwork eV-Lien Bob Franktiut andhis wife. The Riles Lisps Club

    , donated three baskets; a Nilesansfacturing Concern donated

    two and a resident of Hiles theother two baskets. -

    Lion Podgems, a Hiles Phy-sirias, 15 donating his servicestu performing a tossilléclorny ona child here in Riles, and theLions Club df Riles is donating$100 towards the hospital bibI.This is really proof of the won-

    . -.rrful things Our Nil-en Lions doaurdhave been doing.

    Why not show them our. ap-predation, a n d attend theirCorned Beef and Cabbage din-ncr-dance (all you can cat) at

    - hanker Hill Country. Club, Janu-riry 11th? Dinner from 6-9 anddancing from 9 - ? - door prizesand all, for $3.50 oem person, Let'ssee n lot of yose'Niles folks therethat night. I heard Bsb Franklinwas ill, and certainly hope tiehas fully recovered by now.

    NICO INiles Improvement CivicOtganization) made a lot ofchildren haney too. at Christ-unas. Santa Claus tWalter Zalud)parked his 'reindeer at ihe hsrneof Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fois,Mr, Foss being President of Nico,and Chairman of Santa's visitthis year. In Foss' garage all

    - decorated up for the occasion,Santa Claus distributed 450 giftsst I o n g-to-be-rememberect toys.

    - candies, etc. I nsticed everychild walk away with that cer-lain gleam iii his and her eves,so they really enjoyed Santa'svisit again. M u s-1 r driftincthrough the air wan furnishedby a nolghbsr. the Himmler's -sounded tedI Christmasy. - San-(a's helpers inclsuted Messrs.

    - Giro; Earl Olson; W. Krae(ner;- A. Kostelnicek; O. Mikkolss'i: R

    ,ub Michatek, a n d G. Gauthier.Thanks again!! -

    Thtrsday evenIng, the Knights

    3rd Annual DanceTo Aid Firemen)AssociationThe date of one of the out-

    standing uncial events of theyear in Riles, the Third AnnualDance of the Nibs Firemen's

    - Benevolent Association will beheld January 25, 1958 at thehunker Hill Country Club.

    As you probably know, all ofthe proceeds from this Dancego to the treasury -of ihe Fire-men's Benevolent Association toprovide our Firemen and theirfamilies with relief in times ofdistress by reason of-illness, in-jury, or death ht the line of duty.

    The men of the Fire Depart,ment of Riles ire at your beckand -c4J twenty'four hours aday, aniS we -can' próudly- statfithat we have one -of the finesttlepartmenls in the country. This

    -8i4 iS your Opportunity to.show themyen' appreciate iheir efforts byattending this dance, arid enjoy.ing an evening of entertainment,and at the' same -time -contribut-

    - log to é most worthy cause,Event: Firemen1s Benevolent

    3rd Annual. Dance. -Dote: lanuary 25, 1958 8:30-

    Place: HOnker Hill Countryglob, 6635 Milwaukee Ave., Riles,Ill.

    - Yours truly,Fireme,n's Benevolent

    - Association of RilesP.S. 1f you nerd additional tickL., fi....mufl.

    of Columbus had a father andson night. Marshall , contactedisis friend, Mr. Dirk Freitag oftIse Museum of SciescO sod Iii.dustry, auf Mr. Freitag shurvedthe film "The Capture oh theU-505" - this proved to be avery enlightening evenisg tsrthe 'boys."

    Better Schools No. 63Meet Jan. 14Do you live is School District

    63? Residents of the iollowinghomeowners srgasizatians acein this schosi district.NILES -

    Grennan Heights Flome.Ouvr-er's Association, Park Leise blasseOwner's Assaciatisn, -O ak t s sManor Home Owner's Associa.lion (all homes N. of Monroeonly).

    l'fila is a call to all residentsof this district to attend a méet-ing o± the Citizen's Coinrnittéefor Better Syhoota io East -MairieDint, 63, Thts orghsizatios isstriving to keep oar school stas-dards high.

    The meelisg mvill be held Jas.14, 11158 at 8:15 at the Oak.School, The guest speaker willbe Mr. John Press who has es-tablished a fine recaed as a coo-scientioss school board member.His timely lofric will be "110%Do We Pay for our Schools?"

    The Citizen's Committee- willalso present sPopsiation Shinybased on the 11157 Census sodnew boilding is the district, Thisstody which gives a startt)sgpictore of Our classrsom needsfor- tise next five years, is ofnial importasce to yos.

    Educatioo molds soc fotore,Better schools boild a stroogerAmepica.

    Ni1s Lions SpreadHoliday Cheer

    - Thru NilesThe Riles Lions, playiné Santa

    Claus, made Christmas brighterfor several families in Riles,Christmas baskets were preparedby Lion Joe Conti, owner ofConti's Meats in cooperatias withRainbow Produce at Oalston andWaukegan. Extra baslseta wereprepared and donated by LisoHenry Raedeke and by Mr. andMrs. G. Castello, 8437 Oleander.Gifts for each member nf tinefamilies svere brightly wrapped.

    Lions President loe Di Maria.Lion Bob Franklin, chaIrman ofthe Christmas project and JudgeAnton Smigiel -spent the after.noon of Christmas Eve deliveringthe gifts.

    The Niles Lions sincerely hopethat these families and everyfamily in Riles had a mas) )syfol Christmas 'and that the NewYear will be . filled with manyblessings foc all:

    Baseball LeagueDance Febru'äry 7'The fourth annual dance. of

    the Riles Baseball League willbe held Friday, February 7 stthe Bunker Hill Country Club,sponsored by the Women's Aux.Ilary of the league -

    Joe Mory will férnish themusic for .lhe evening. Tickets.Can be obtained from anyone ofthe following members of Ihed a B C e committce chairmanLarry Paus. 8513 Ebinger, Nl?.9347: Bill Dressel, 6732 Ebinger.NI 7-8543; Kevin Barry, 8340Oconte, NI ?-6064 Roy Mihel.824? Odell, Nt'7.?654: Lynn Dsud,8341 Olcott, Nl ?-9834 Cy Frei-tag, 8141 Odell, - Nl ?-'t740: EdAigner, 765e OddS, Nl 7-9674.

    , Anyone who attended. in thepast will recommend -the dancefor having a good time while

    oman'sClub News

    Ttne short bosiness mhehiogivitt be president over by Mrs-Ru-herd N. Nocif and ut that timethe name' of tine candidatr forprogram chuicsiunn setectect bytie 000risohing committee mvitt

    be presrnted by ctnairmos, 10es,Entwarnt J. Aigner. Serving withMro. Aigoe ron the nosriaatisgcommittee are: Mrs. Wittism I.Slcnstcem, Mrs. William CBaum, Jr., Mrs. A. G, -Marcheschiarid Mrs. Steve J. Balastsovitz.

    trOcs. Joseptnioe Scheel, socialchairman, is planoiog to ros.etude the evening svittsau alter.ing of hardy mele refreshmentswith tine help of her hostesses:Mrs. Leslie Lind, Mrs. Rodstpin '1'.Lindquist, Mes: David MeCer-marts, 10es. Alex MacNab, Mrs.Thomas J, McGowan, Mio, A, G.Mercttesclni, Mrs. Herbert E Miti.Cr, Mes. Mitre ores, ,,,rind MrsEdward R. Munter.

    Woman's ClubSponsors "Möther'sMarch of Dimes"Tine Riles Woman's minh 'is

    sponsoring the "Mother's Marchuf Dimes" for the fourth stieres.stvo year.

    lOIrS. James Sn'hick, - 8322 New-lasnt Avenue Is Chairman nf ihisyeaè'a ninive. Mrs. Ao'Ornw Scott,7140 Keesey is Co-Chairman.

    The ntate of the "March" willhe asnoonnred is the January 22edition of THE BUGLE.

    Nues Woman's ClubTo Have Mén's NightOn January 15 the Riles Wem-

    an's Clsb will enlertalni lineirhnnshunds at Men's Nigint nvilh aprogram of panicular isteresi tamen. Detective Johnn F.- McDer.molt of the Narcolics Division ofthe Chicago police Departmentwill enlighten 61500e altennlingwith this phase o palice work.Te anlntiliss io a lively programspecial refreshmenis will beserved.

    Grennan Height' To.Elect OfficersThe Grennan Heights Rome-

    uwners Aspoclation will elect of-ficera at their meeting Wednes.nlay, January 15 at the Field-house. All residenis of the Gres.nao Heights area -are Invited toattend thin most important meet-ing. '

    £!SL'L IttØAV eeinpasl!M ¿ISL -


    ' .vf

    The Nilessugle. Wednesday January 8. 195g

    Judge Smigiel GivesRadio ReportOn Niles -Jodge Anton Snmigiel appeared

    on -ttie Sig Sakosvicz radio showTtneontày, December 31. T h eWHFC i'adto program originatedtram Leonard's Rpsiannrant

    Smigiel reponed os the -manyacttvitles In Hiles that lie isfamiliar svith. He reviewed the.accomplishments of the Cham-ber nf Commerce, The Linos undof ather grasps in the area andgave a general progress reportno Itse Village of Hiles - an acemmuOity.

    Files- ComplaintAgainst Phone Co.Tine lttflnois Commerce Corn-

    misuro m'itt einen mannEs onJ:nnnnnary 1-1 inni line complatni ofa I'ork Itidge rcsiclgsl who liasfitcnl a cnnrnptaiinl atteging liseMinidle Siales Trlctnlnonne Corn-parry is provinliing ''irnanletntaletetepltoon' sccVin'e . irr the PartsRidge, Riles anni Des Plainnes

    The renflhntainont, Silas Cart.tand, 923 S Prnlspect, was tamedin tine rninnplaini by otherstlnoogts hey mere niet nasnent.


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    ;;cerne into the Fire Station. supporting a worthy cause.
