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Waltz and War Maggie Gfeller Designed to be Worthy
  • Waltz and War

    Maggie Gfeller Designed to be Worthy

  • Waltz and War

    By Maggie Gfeller Designed to be Worthy


  • Copyright © 2016 by Maggie Gfeller together with Designed to be Worthy All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by means—electronic, mechanic, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America

  • Dedication: To Charli Blake, Adam Decarie, and Bridget Decarie

    for the encouragement you gave me while I wrote.

  • Acknowledgements: Thank you Mother for proofreading my many


    Thank you Mrs. Husman for grading, printing, and

    offering this class.

    Thank you Pleasant Grove Baptist Church for

    allowing Vanguard Homeschool Academy to use

    your facilities.

  • Table of contents:

    Chapter 1………..Daddy’s Girl

    Chapter 2………..A Devastating Blow

    Chapter 3………..Trust and Respect

    Chapter 4………..An Irresistible Offer

    Chapter 5………..All Grown Up

    Chapter 6…….A Beautiful Interruption

    Chapter 7………..The Accident

    Chapter 8………..Waltz and War

    Chapter 9………..A Way Out?

    Chapter 10……….Battle First Hand

    Chapter 11………..Victory

    Chapter 12……….Rewards Given

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    Chapter 1

    Daddy’s Girl

    Mr. DuPont, at the young age of twenty eight, had dark features and skin tanned from the sun. He worked as the head gardener in the king’s private garden. He worked hard and enjoyed it. At the end of each day his eight year old daughter Belle would meet him at the door of the garden wall. They always walked home slowly and talked about their day; the good and the bad. “What do you say we head to the stables for a little training in horseback riding?” queried Mr. DuPont, putting an excited emphasis on horseback riding. “I guess but I’m nervous,” Belle answered in a high pitched and hesitant voice. Once the two had prepared the horse for riding, Mr. DuPont’s large muscles flexed as he lifted

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    his small-framed child onto the young calm bay horse. Belle’s curly brown hair swayed in the wind as her icy blue eyes showed fear of the big mammal. “Don’t be afraid, Lovey. I’m here. Just hold on,” Mr. DuPont assured his daughter as he took hold of the reins to lead the horse around in circles. Calling Belle by her nickname always seemed to calm her. Maybe because she knew that as long as she was still being called Lovey her father was still around. Even at a young age, Belle had seen the horrors of other servant families being ripped apart because of the slave market in the small village which bought and sold only one or two members of the family at a time. Belle certainly loved her family and the peace and security they brought with their presence. Belle held so tightly to the horse’s hair that her knuckles began to turn white. She closed her eyes and held her breath as the horse took its first step. She swayed back and forth as the horse took one step after the other. “What shall we name the beast, Lovey?” Mr. DuPont asked casually in an attempt to distract Belle from her fear. Maintaining her scared position and through gritted teeth; Belle answered her father by another question, “Is it a boy horse or a girl horse?” “I do believe it’s a boy.” “I think Beast suites him just fine,” Belle responded. “Why do you say that, Lovey?” Mr. DuPont inquired. “Because he’s big and scary.” “You just think he’s scary because you don’t know him. Once you become friends, you won’t be scared,” her father advised.

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    “How can anyone make friends with such an ugly thing?” “Oh, my dear, you mustn’t look at the outside of a creature; look at the inside, at the heart, before you determine whether you’ll be their friend. It will always be better to have friends then enemies.” Belle’s mother appeared, leaning against the fence which enclosed her husband and Belle. Wiping her hands on her apron, her long brown hair was pulled into a low bun, as usual. And just as predictable, she revealed a breath taking smile when Belle spotted her. Her eyes glinted with joy as she walked briskly across the small pasture to where her husband and daughter sat waiting. “What do you think you are doing out here?” Mr. DuPont asked with a boyish grin. “I came to offer my encouragement and praise. Do you have a problem with that?” Mrs. DuPont asked as she kissed her husband’s clean shaven cheek. “I see you’re getting better and better on that horse, Belle,” Belle’s mother, Aimee DuPont, cheered. “Yes Mother, Daddy told me to be his friend, and we named it, and now I kind of like him.” “Well, what’s his name?” Mrs. Aimee asked. “Beast! But not because he’s ugly; it’s because it was the first thing that came to my mind.” “I suppose that’s a good enough reason. Dinner is waiting. Would you rather help Daddy put the horse away or set the table with me?” “I’ll help Daddy this time,” Belle said as she looked at her father and smiled a smile that would melt the enemy’s heart. Mr. DuPont helped Belle off the horse, and handed her the reins. Husband and wife, hand in hand, walked slowly and watched as their only child

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    brought her new friend into the horse stable. Belle was in need of a bath due to an exciting day playing outside in the dirt. The hem of her dress was muddied, and her shoes needed polished. It wouldn’t be long until Belle would have to begin full time work like her mother. Each morning Mrs. Aimee and Belle sat at the table and prayed before the day began. After eating lunch with her father Belle would find Daniel, her best friend. Daniel was not only Belle’s best friend but also the crown prince. The two were the same age and the only reason they were acquainted was through her mother’s relationship with the queen. Mrs. Aimee DuPont worked for the queen as her personal maid. Mrs. Aimee collected laundry, prepared each meal, and straightened and cleaned her quarters. Despite the difference in class, the two women became friends after a short time. On occasion, they shared a few moments together with tea and desserts.

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    Chapter 2

    A Devastating Blow

    “Mother, I have completed each chore assigned to me for the day. May I go see Daniel?” The round faced, ten year-old Belle stood in the arched kitchen doorway watching her mother clean up after the messy preparations of the queen’s fine dinner. She loved how her mother swept around the spacious kitchen just as gracefully as she would if the king were standing right before her. She worked hard and never went to bed until each task was completed for the day. Mrs. Aimee DuPont would often not go to bed until late at night, but was always up, dressed, and finished with breakfast even before Belle awoke. It

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    amazed the brown curly haired girl what her ambitious mother could do. Belle wanted to grow up to be just like her beloved mother. “If you’re sure you’ve finished your chores, I suppose there would be no reason for me to say no.” Mrs. DuPont spoke with the voice of an angel and had a pretty face to match. “Don’t be late for dinner and remember to be a lady. The queen has made it quite clear that you are not to fool around in any garden on the castle grounds.” “I won’t mother. Thank you.” “Have fun, dear, and tell Daniel I said hello.” Belle made her way down the stone, sunlit hallway and out the door of the servants’ wing. Outside she stopped and inhaled a sweet fragrance of the nearby rose garden. Because of a large hedge, Belle was unable to see the beauty of the flowers, but able to hear voices on the other side. She ran to the outside of the wall of greenery and leaned into it in attempt to hear what was being said. As she stood there here mind drifted to her father. She wondered what he was doing at that moment. She couldn’t wait to talk to him tonight when he got home. She wanted to tell him all about her day and hear about his. She loved sitting on his lap as he read his bible aloud and whenever he hugged her hello or goodbye she felt safe as his large brawny arms wrapped her in a tight bear hug. “And what do you think you are doing? Eavesdropping I assume?” startling Belle out of her day dream Daniel spoke in the deepest voice he could to try to scare her in thinking he was someone else. His deceitful trick worked,

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    and Belle jumped back and faced him with a look of terror in her icy blue eyes. “Daniel, how dare you? You scared me half to death! I thought you were your father.” Belle’s frightened appearance lightened slightly, but her heart was still beating heavily. Daniel laughed a slight chuckle before answering, “How dare me? I am the crown prince; I can do anything I want.” “Well, not anything,” a strong yet gentle voice came from behind them. The children turned to see the queen listening in on their conversation. “You still have rules, son.” “Yes, mother. May we go to the horse stable and ride for a while? “I suppose, but be careful, listen to the stable masters, and do not be late for dinner.” “Yes m’am.” Once in the stable Daniel and Belle picked out a horse and began to saddle up. “How was your day, Belle?” Daniel asked. “Oh, just another day in the life of the frizzy haired Belle Anna DuPont.” “What do you mean frizzy haired? I love your hair.” Blushing slightly Belle simply whispered an answer to her compliment, “Thanks.” To change the subject she challenged Daniel to see who could finish saddling their horse first, knowing he’d win. Daniel couldn’t stand for Belle to beat him at anything so he quit talking and hurried to finish before her. He finished first as he always did and helped her pull the belt tighter around the bay horse’s abdomen.

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    “You kids a goin’ out again today?” Clark, one of the stable boys, rounded the corner with his hands and face covered in dirt and his dark hair in a mess. “Yes, we won’t be out long though. We’re just going to get a breath of fresh air. Won’t even leave the pastures probably,” Daniel answered for them both with an air of authority. “Well if you promise not to leave the open pastures, you won’t have to wait for someone to ride with you.” Daniel knew from past experience the stable boys hated going out with him just to follow him around in case anything bad happened. So they made an agreement that as long as he remained in sight of the barn, no one would have to go with him. “We’ll stay in the front pasture, we promise.” “I’ll be watching,” Clark stated thankfully. Daniel and Belle both knew that Clark would go out if they wanted him to, but they rarely wanted to make him go through the hassle of mounting up. The two kids were out until dusk and didn’t remember dinner until they heard the whippoorwill’s song. “Whip-per-will! Whip-per-will!” Belle shouted in sync with the unseen bird, making Daniel laugh. As they rode toward the barn Daniel saw Clark saddling up and called to him. “What are you doing? We’re done for the day.” “A message came for me to escort Belle to the servant’s wing,” Clark yelled out, “somethin’ bad happened.” “What is it?” the children asked in unison.

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    “I can’t say. No one would tell me. I guess we’ll have to figure it out ourselves. Let’s hurry!” “The three raced along the path towards the castle’s servant’s quarters. As they got closer and closer they were able to see a large group of people outside the door. Belles stopped her horse, jumped off and handed the reins to Daniel. She turned and ran through the door and down the hallway. When she reached her family’s one room home she stood there staring at the door imagining every possibility that could be on the other side. ‘Did something happen to my mother? Where is my father, he should be here. Did I do something wrong? Did one of us get in trouble?’ Scared of the possibilities Belle didn’t want to knock but she did. A strange man opened the door and let her inside. Belle saw a body lying underneath the blankets on the small bed in the far right corner of the room. Next to the bed sat a small bedside table with just enough room for a glass of water, a Bible, and a small container of medicine. Mrs. DuPont had pulled a chair to the side of the bed and was holding the man’s hand while praying. Belle slowly walked over to her mother recognizing the man in the bed as her father. She slipped her small hand over her mother’s shoulder and slid down to the floor with confused tears running down her face. Mrs. DuPont lifted her small framed daughter onto her lap and hugged her tightly. They sat there for a while in silence until Belle looked at her father one more time. His eyes were shut with no evidence of him breathing.

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    Belle took his hand in hers and began to tell him all about her day as if nothing was the matter. It was late in the day yet there was a knock on their door. Mrs. DuPont built the assumption that it was the men who were going to take her husband away, but then she answered it.

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    Chapter 3

    Trust and Respect

    “Your Majesties,” Mrs. DuPont gasped when she opened her door. She dropped to her knees in respect for her royal visitors. “Stand please,” the queen said. Her lavender skirt swooped around her legs as she stepped forward into the small room. Pure white lace covered the hem and bodice, and the queen’s hair was still perfectly in place even though it was late in the day. Her smile was delicate and her tone of voice was sorrowful yet encouraging. “We came to offer our condolences. Daniel told us what had happened over dinner.” “Thank you!” Mrs. Aimee graciously answered. “We wanted to offer you a small amount of time to mourn. You and your husband have been servants of loyalty and we, as the royal couple, have

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    always trusted you both. Time away would be a small thing for us to do for you.” “Oh no, I couldn’t. I need something to distract me, Your Highness. Let me continue to work please,” Mrs. DuPont begged. “I don’t want you working for me while you are grieving. It will put a damper on your attitude. Find someone you trust to take your place temporarily. Your still have the job, Aimee, just take a break.” The king, in his heavy royal attire, stepped forward observing the small room. “Is this where you live?” saying his first words since their meeting. “Yes, Sir,” Mrs. DuPont answered. “Does every servant of mine live in such conditions?” he asked. He brushed his black hair back as he thought. “Yes sir, each room is structured alike,” Mrs. Aimee answered not knowing where he was taking the conversation. The king looked to his wife. “I know what we could do for them that would be efficient enough to bring them comfort!” he marveled. “Well tell us before you burst with excitement, Dear?” the queen insisted sarcastically. Making direct eye contact with Mrs. DuPont, the king reached for the queen’s delicate hand and offered, “Would you and your daughter be interested in moving into the castle?” “Oh! Your majesty! I couldn’t. What would the other servants think?” “I suppose we can put you close to the queen to make it look like you were moved for the convenience of your job,” the king announced. “What do you think, Dear?” the question was directed to his wife.

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    “I think it’s a splendid idea. It would be helpful to have you closer, Aimee.” “Oh, I could never thank you enough,” Mrs. Aimee rejoiced. “Well, you don’t have to. It’s our treat,” the king insisted. “Also, before we leave, Belle, we would like to have you to tea as soon as you are up to it. We have a proposition for you.” “Yes, Sir, I’ll be there.” “Mrs. Aimee, you are invited as well, but the focus will be on your daughter,” the queen added.

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    Chapter 4

    An Irresistible Offer

    Belle walked along the dirt road towards home, disappointed. She had planned to walk with her father, but she couldn’t find him. She asked around and everyone she asked just stared at her blankly; almost as if they knew something she didn’t. Her stomach churned at the thought that something had happened to him. He was her rock. He held her steady and caught her before she fell. Belle loved her father dearly. The light summer breeze flew around belle face, brushing her hair a skew. While attempting to control her hair, belle noticed in the corner of her eye that there was an old wagon being pulled by only one horse coming in her direction. She could only see the driver and a woman sitting in

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    the cart. As the wagon came closer belle recognized the woman as her mother. She was hunched over a body, crying. Without an explanation belle knew the body was her father. He was dead. Belle sat up with a jerk in her small bed, disturbed by her nightmare. The darkness of the small room surrounded her. Sweat beaded across her forehead and tears streamed down her face. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness she saw her mother sleeping across the room with one of her father’s old shirt clutched between her fingers. After the king and queen left, a few men had come to bury her father. It took a while for Belle to fall asleep that night and when she did finally drift off it was a restless sleep. Her mother sat in her rocking chair staring at the lit fireplace for hours that night until she finally went off to bed. Belle knew her mother hadn’t chosen a temporary replacement yet like the queen had ordered. And it being nearly time for everyone to wake up, belle dressed and went to the kitchen to take over her mother’s job for the day. Once she lit the candle to lighten the dark room she filled pans with eggs and bacon. On the tray she placed a plate filled with bacon, eggs, bread, and orange slices. A cup filled with hot tea was placed in the top right corner with a napkin and cutlery to the side. Entering the queen’s room two minutes late was a risky thing to do. Fortunately the queen half expected it. What she didn’t expect was to see Belle. “Belle! Are

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    you assisting me today?” the queen sounded almost nerves. “Yes your majesty, I won’t be able to replace my mother but I will do my very best,” Belle said seriously hoping to assure the queen that she didn’t make a mistake by wanting a new maid for a while. “Well, I’m sure you will do just fine,” the queen smiled. “Did you make my breakfast?” “Yes m’am,” Belle smiled nervously as she placed the tray on the queen’s small table in her breakfast nook. “I hope you like it.” “Oh! I’m sure I will,” the queen tasted a bite of the fried egg and smile with delight. “It tastes absolutely wonderful!” belle could tell it was an honest statement and stood there proud of her work. “Thank you, your very kind.” From helping her mother in the past she knew what the job entailed. “Would you like me to pick your outfit for today just as my mother usually does?” “I suppose you could do that if you’d like.” Belle curtsied before she turned away toward the closet. Although she knew her mother picked the dresses that the queen wore each day, she’d never been in the huge walk in closet which held the many dresses. Purples, blues, yellows, and reds were hanging all around. Shoes were climbing along the back wall from the ceiling to the floor. In awe, Belle studied each dress like a piece of art. Finding a yellow floral day dress

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    she struggled to hold it without it dragging the floor. Belle helped the queen into it and picked yellow shoes to match. The queen made small talk while belle was pinning her hair up in a curly mess on top of her head. She was surprised at the experienced hand belle seemed to have at such a young age; first cooking an amazing breakfast and pinning up her hair expertly. “What else could this young DuPont do?” The queen wondered. After the early morning passed belle had an hour to kill before she had to cook lunch. She decided to go and check on her mother to see if she would be okay. When Belle entered the small dingy room she saw her mother sitting near the fireplace in her rocking chair, knitting. “Hello, mother,” Belle said tiredly. “Hi, dear, where have you been?” Without thinking belle told her mother that shed taken her place with the queen. With a pained expression Mrs. DuPont said, “I'm so sorry dear. You didn’t have to do that. I should have talked to someone else about the opportunity.” Although Belle knew the conditions and why her mother couldn’t work, she also knew how irresponsible her mother’s actions were. She didn’t want to show her mother disrespect but she couldn’t think of anything to say that would be respectful. Looking everywhere but at her mother she smiled. “It will be okay. I have to start lunch now,” she said absently as she walked out of the room

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    into the hallway. Belle silently chided herself for the coldness she showed toward her mother as she walked. She promised, in her heart, that she’d never do that again.

    “Mother I’m leaving to meet the queen and king for tea now. Are you coming?” Belle asked poking her head in their door. She was dressed nicely and her hair pulled to the top of her head. In her left hand she held a tray of small finger foods and enough tea for the small group. “Yes dear wait one moment, please.” Belle saw her mother sitting on the side of her bed dressed in her nicest clothes. She was reading the bible and praying; something belle hadn’t done that day. She promised herself she’d do that before she went to bed. Mrs. DuPont set the old, worn, leather-bound bible on the nightstand and began walking to the door. Although she was dressed to see the king and her smile was still breathe taking, her eyes still showed signs of tears and a restless night. Mother and daughter walked in silence to the queen’s private tea room. With a light knock on the door Belle stepped inside and set the tray down on the table. The queen walked in then and sat down. ‘I’m sorry to keep you waiting but my husband will be a few moments late because of an unexpected meeting with parliament,” the queen announced. “Please, sit.” The queen kept the conversation light and far away from the subject of Mr. DuPont. She didn’t want to see her friend in tears. Perhaps Mrs. Aimee knew that and pushed her depressed thoughts and feelings away. After a few minutes the king arrived

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    just as the queen had promised, and they began to talk about Belle’s future more and more. Belle’s nerves escalated higher and higher in fear that they would sell her away to another home; away from her mother and away from Daniel. “We have a new position we’d like you to take, Belle. One we’ve never had before and will likely never have again.” Belle wanted to close her eyes and cry for she knew what was coming next. She would be separated from her mother and Daniel so that she can go and work elsewhere. “We are going to have a baby,” the queen’s face simply beamed with excitement as she spoke, “and we’d like for you to be its care taker if it’s a girl.” Belle was in shock. She never expected that she’d have the chance to do something so amazing and at such a young age. She looked over at her mother with wide eyes and back to the queen. It took a minute to find her voice, but when she did she said the only words she could think of that would summon up her thoughts. “I would be honored.” “Do remember it may not be a girl,” the king smiled. “It’s a fifty/fifty chance,” He joked. The ladies broke into laughter over the king’s mild humor. Tea and fairy foods for eaten over a long friendly conversation. Belle was disappointed when it was all over, but thrilled by the outcome. By the time belle got to her small home her mother was asleep and the room was dark. Belle never realized the extent her mother worked each day. Pushing all thoughts of her father to the side, Belle lit a fire in the fireplace. She wrapped the blanket from her bed around her and sat in the rocking chair facing the light of the fire with her mother’s bible in her lap. Reading the bible and talking to God were always something she did with her father.

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    “I suppose there is a time when everyone has to grow up and quit traditions,” Belle thought, “I guess now would be as good a time as any.”

    Chapter 5

    All Grown Up

    Ten years passed since her father’s death and Belle still thought of him constantly. His accident left Mrs. DuPont in a state of depression and two short years later she got sick and died. Mrs. Aimee never worked for the queen again and Belle continued to take her place until the new baby was born. In those nine months spending time with the queen, Belle built a mother-daughter relationship with her. When her own mother died, belle looked to the queen for support. She worked hard and did as she was told. Her friendship with Daniel never waned in all the drama of Belle’s life. He stuck with her and tried to encourage her every chance he got. Helping to raise the new princess distracted Belle from her problems and she drowned herself in preparing lessons, cooking food, and even cleaning up after Lizzy. Belle never aloud any free time to enter her path for fear of memories flooding her thoughts.

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    To spend time with Belle, Daniel came and visited every chance he got. If he was ever questioned as to why he was spending so much time with her he always said it was to grow his relationship with his sister. Which wasn’t a complete lie; he loved his little sister like any brother should. Of course, the feeling was mutual. Lizzy constantly asked to see Daniel, and Belle never objected. “I thought the library was supposed to be a silent area,” Daniel noted as he popped his head through the door. Obviously eavesdropping Belle called him out on it. “Well, last time I checked eavesdropping was not a rule of etiquette. In fact, it’s quite improper.” As Daniel stepped inside the big library he inhaled the smell of old, dusty books. He looked directly at Belle with his big brown eyes, “I’m sorry,” he said. Belle could tell his apology was insincere, but it didn’t matter when he smiled his infectious smile. Lizzy did what Belle wanted to do every time he smiled at her; she jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. “I haven’t seen you since yesterday!” she squealed. “Seems like a life time,” Daniel said with the same enthusiasm. “Aren’t you a little young to be jumping into a man’s arms like you love him?” he asked calling her out on her improper actions. Belle was always amazed how he could correct her without being too harsh or hurting her feelings, but still being able to get the point across. Looking a bit ashamed Lizzy sat back down in her seat. Her back was straight and her hands were folded. “What a pleasant surprise. How are you dear brother?” she spoke with a mocking voice and a suppressed smile across her face.

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    Playing along with her game, Belle spoke up, “Yes, what a surprise. Is there a reason for your unannounced visit?” Daniel meandered across the room and picked a book off the shelf before answering either of them. His riding boots tapped along the stone floor as he walked. “I was hoping the take the two of you out to the stables for a little joyride.” Although it was said as a statement he shot Belle a questioning look. “I suppose that would be a good distraction from our work.” Belle looked at Lizzy, “would you like to?” Lizzy looked at her Latin lesson and quickly agreed to go riding. Twenty minutes later the trio began to walk down the old dirt path leading to the stables. Lizzy walked ahead while Daniel offered his arm to Belle. “The annual spring ball is in two months,” Daniel noted. “Are you going?” “The idea of me attending a ball is outrageous. Hundreds of extremely wealthy people will be there. Besides I don’t know how to dance.” “Well I would happily teach you how to dance. I will need a dance partner.” “Isn’t princess Lina coming to visit? I’ve heard she makes an absolutely stunning partner.” I’m sure she is beautiful, but I’m also not so keen on why she is here. I’d much rather have you in my arms.” Daniel’s flirtatious remarks were nothing new to Belle. She knew he adored her, but she also knew their chances of ever becoming more then friends. She often ignored his comments and changed the subject before he could ever talk about anything seriously.

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    “I understand your reasoning for not returning my attention, Belle, but please understand that Spain’s princess Lina will be arriving soon and I will be expected to entertain her while she’s here. If I may say this in confidence?” Daniel said with a questioning look begging to continue his story. Belle returned a reassuring look that gave Daniel permission to speak. “The only reason she is here if to please her father. The king of Spain has all but lain out his plan to us. He wants Lina and me to marry so that the countries will be untied. He is sending his daughter here to try to woo me. Unfortunately for them I have my sights set higher and won’t be swayed by their evil ploy.” Belle looked at the man walking beside her and wondered why such a thing would be so evil. “Why are you telling me this? And why would joining the two countries through marriage be such a bad thing?” “Joining enemies would never be a good thing. We fought so many times in the past that expecting the kingdoms to just be friends is like putting a lamb with a hungry lion and telling the lion not to eat its prey. Anyways, I’m telling you this because when she gets here I’m going to need your help to keep her away from me. Even my father said I could do anything necessary to discourage our engagement, short of tying her to a chair and locking her in the dungeon. I’d really love to make her crazy while she’s here. Hopefully manipulate her into going home by her own free will rather than me sending her home.” “So, you’re saying that you want me to make you look as bad as I can during her visit?” Belle asked.

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    “I want you to scare her into leaving; if you want to of course.” “Well for the record I think it’s an appalling idea, but I’ll help,” Belle said hesitantly. “I would think if you taught me how to dance I might be able to show her up at the ball.” “What a wonderful idea. Well start lessons tomorrow. By the way, Princess Lina will be arriving in a week.”

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    Chapter 6

    A Beautiful Interruption

    In the midst of all the chaos of planning the annual spring ball and preparing for the famous Spanish princess Belle and Daniel always seemed to find time for the promised dance lessons. After a week of them, though, Belle could hardly master a simple waltz. The only thing that hurt worse than her pride was Daniel’s toes. The queen had asked Lizzy to host a tea party to welcome princess Lina. Drafting Belle into helping with the planning Lizzy sat her down over breakfast with plans to go over. She had been so excited that she had planned nearly every detail over night. “I want it to be held around the old oak with tables and chairs surrounding it.

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    Blankets should be available for those who’d like them as well.” Lizzy sat spilling out her plans excitedly without taking a breath. She had barely touched her food and with the enthusiasm she held, it wasn’t likely that she’d eat a bite that Belle didn’t tell her to. “For refreshments, id like there to be small sandwiches, cake and cookies, lemonade, tea, of course, and chocolate.” “Okay, I think it sounds great. The princess should enjoy party quite a bit.” Belle held off on telling Lizzy that there was a plan to rid the country of France of Spanish royalty. If anything happened at this party, it would reflect back on Lizzy, and she didn’t deserve that. The princess arrived that night and the castle was a mad house in the preparations. After breakfast with Lizzy, Belle began their last lesson of the season. The day past quickly and soon the princess would arrive. The king and queen and Daniel and Lizzy stood at the top of the front outside steps in anticipation for their guest. Belle stood to the side out of most anybody’s sight. It seemed that the whole kingdom had heard of her arrival and had gathered to welcome her. When the carriage finally did pull to the front of the castle princess Lina wasted no time in getting to the top on the stairs. “Welcome,” the king bellowed obnoxiously as soon as she was within ear shot. Her complexion was flawless. Curly black hair was loosely pinned to the top of

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    her head and her smile charmed everyone who saw it. Her hazel eyes sparkled in the sunlight. Frankly, she was beautiful. She bowed and thanked her hosts for the invitation to their home. They led her inside and allowed a maid show her to her temporary room. Plans for the next day were made over dinner that night. Daniel snuck out early the next morning to the kitchen to help Belle prepare a picnic lunch. They were going to show princess Lina the French castle grounds via horseback. They expected to be out nearly the whole day and packed for longer just in case.

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    Chapter 7

    The Accident

    “What a lovely day this is,” Lina announced as she observed the trees surrounding her. Belle and Daniel exchanged a look that said they both knew that she was lying just to be polite. The day was hot; scorching hot. There was hardly a breeze at all throughout the day and people were getting hungry for lunch. Lizzy was intentionally lagging behind blaming the horses old age for its slow speed, even though the horse was hardly three years old. Robert, Daniel’s aide, stayed back humoring her theatrics to gain attention from him and held her in polite conversation as they rode.

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    “The day is pretty,” Daniel agreed politely. “Would you like to stop for lunch now?” “Oh! Would I ever!” Lina exclaimed. “If we can make it a little further down the trail there is a picnic table patiently waiting for us,” Belle spoke remembering the tour Daniel had given her when they turned sixteen. Reminiscing on such a fond memory she glanced at Daniel in hopes that he’d remember. Judging by his blushing face he remembered. The smile he flashed her when they reached the table was heart stopping. The kiss they shared on their sixteenth birthday was the first and so far the last. Belle dreamed whether they would ever relive that moment again. Over the many years of spending time together and sharing so many memories Belle grew to love Daniel. She would never tell him that because she was a governess and he was a prince, but she loved him nonetheless. The party of five spent a good long time relaxing after eating their lunch. Daniel and Lina took a stroll along the path headed in the direction of the castle while Lizzy and Robert sat underneath a towering pine talking. Belle put all the leftover food, plates, and utensils back into the basket and laid out across the blanket the brought to sit on in the most ladylike way possible. Belle listened closely to the peaceful chirping of the birds trying in vain to distinguish the sounds. As she lay there she heard a voice calling out; a frantic voice, a man’s voice, Daniel’s voice.

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    “Belle! Robert!” Daniel yelled anxiously. “What is it?” the two asked in unison.

    “It’s Lina. She’s been bitten by a snake,” Daniel stuttered. Without a second of hesitation Belle and Robert jumped to action as if they had rehearsed the scene before hand. Belle called to Lizzy to help with her brother because he looked rather pale. Robert raced down the path with his horse in search of the princess. By the time Daniel was okay and he and the girls reached Robert and the princess, everyone was ready to get out of the woods. Once Lina was stable the five saddled up and rode back to the castle.

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    Chapter 8

    Waltz and War

    Food was prepared, musicians hired, décor was hung. Everything was in place for the Annual Spring Ball; except one thing. Princess Lina was outraged by the accident on her picnic tour that she left for home refusing to go through with the deal. The only person more upset then the French queen was the Spanish king, and for entirely different reasons. Guests began to poor in and Daniel was getting nervous that Belle may not show up. The king insisted that she be there but Daniel saw her earlier that morning for her last dance lesson and she looked sickly nervous.

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    Ladies in their pretty ball gowns were entering the ball room one right after the other. Although the pressure to marry wasn’t until Daniel turned twenty three, his parents sat him down before hand and made him promise to look for a potential wife at the ball. He still had nearly three years before his deadline, yet he knew who he wanted to marry already. He’d known who he wanted to marry since they were kids. Belle was the girl he loved. The girl he loved more than anyone, and she stood in the doorway looking more like a princess in his eyes than any other girl there. The king made sure Belle had a suitable dress for the occasion. Even without a pretty dress Daniel’s knees would buckle when she smiled at him. With the lavender and yellow skirt swooping around her legs as she walked toward him, it was all he could do not to fall to the ground. Without hesitation or thought, Daniel grabbed his secret love for the first dance. Whispers of this beautiful girl filled the room, curious of who the stranger was. As the couple swept around the ball room they ignored everything around them. Daniel was so enamored and carried away in the moment that he asked for the next dance as well. Interrupting the second dance of the night a pager ran in and warned everyone of Spanish warriors. Panic filled the room in an instant and Belle broke away from Daniels grasp. Realizing that a blissful night with Belle was over Daniel leaned in and kissed her cheek, then left to find his father. Belle

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    rushed to find Lizzy, who was already with the queen. The two were already being taken into a room designated for their protection. Belle didn’t know what to do or where to go and it seemed that none of the other woman knew what to do either. All the men had rushed out to defend the kingdom from the outside leaving the women to wander around the castle. “I need to do something” Belle thought. “Attention! Ladies!” Belle had to yell to be heard over the panicked conversations. Finally the room was silent and Belle had their full attention.

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    Chapter 9

    A Way Out?

    “Ladies, I know a way out of the ball room and into a safe place,” Belle yelled so that the women across the room could hear. “How do we know that we can trust you? We’ve never seen you before now,” One lady asked. “You can trust me because I work for Princess Elizabeth,” it felt weird for Belle to say Lizzy’s full name only because she rarely did it. “I am her governess.” A sharp gasp let out at the thought of the prince dancing with the hired work. “So you know this castle well?” another older woman spoke out. “Yes m’am and I have a feeling that if we don’t move now, we won’t be able to make it to the safe place.”

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    The same women spoke again, “Lead us to safety and perhaps you’ll get a reward. Lead us to absolutely anything else and you will die,” the woman spoke with a tremble in her voice but had power in her words. “I’m not offering to protect you for a reward and id do nothing to hurt you. Now, if everyone will follow me,” she spoke as she opened the door to the hallway. Through the windows they could see some men fighting and Belle knew that if she could see them they could see her. She grabbed five ladies and told the rest to stay put until she came back. She and the other five women slipped between the views of the windows all the way down the hall. Observing how and why Belle did what she did, another five came across. Eventually every woman was across and safe. Deciding that guiding nearly three hundred women to safety would take time, Belle took them through the servants’ quarter, which they were not pleased about, and finally arrived in a small ballroom for the servants. Only one hundred ladies could fit in there so Belle locked them in after some other servants brought food and water to them. Desperate to find a safe room for the other women to hide out in temporarily, Belle scurried around and told some to stay in little closets or any other small room as long as there were no windows. Other servants ran behind and delivered food and water to the scattered woman. Every woman and child there were absolutely terrified and it didn’t help that they could hear the fighting going on outside. Once each of the women was hidden away Belle hurried to find the queen and princess. She was sure they were taken care of but she had to know herself. Once she reached the room designated for the queen and the princess as a safe room, she scouted

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    out her surroundings to be sure that there was nobody to see her enter. When she looked around the corner she heard two Spanish soldiers coming in her direction. In an abrupt and rapid movement Belle turned the door handle and went in as quickly and quietly as possible. Relieved to see that the intruder was only Belle, the queen and Belle rushed to hug her. Still in almost a panic Belle hurried the two royals through a secret door. Lizzy had never known the door had been there and marveled at the genius idea. “Belle,” the queen asked quietly, “why are you taking us away from our safe room?” “It’s not very safe. There wasn’t even a lock on the door.” “Where are you taking us?” the queen wondered. Belle hesitated to answer when she saw that her dress snagged on the rough stone wall in the dark narrow hallway. “The place in taking you is the safest place I know,” Belle stopped walking and turned to face the queen and her daughter. “The danger appears when we leave the castle. We will have to change our clothing so if we are seen we don’t stand out. I can help you get there but I fear if we stay in the castle much longer we will be caught.” “Of course, we will do whatever you say,” the queen agreed albeit uneasily. Belle looked more nervous than the queen once they got outside. They had changed into men’s clothes faster than they’d ever moved before and snuck out the servant’s door towards the horse stable. Belle expected there to be soldiers there to steal the horses but there were none. She saddled up three horses quickly and efficiently and helped the two

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    royals, who were standing off to the side watching, into their saddle in no more time than ten minutes. Lizzy started to complain that she wasn’t on her own horse but her mother stopped her and reminded her of the situation. Belle led the women out of the stable on horseback and raced for the road. Had Belle not known of the queen’s history with horses, her plan may have been spoiled. Fortunately, the queen was well practiced and had no trouble keeping up with Belle. Although Lizzy lagged behind a little the two older women didn’t slow their pace. Only metres behind them Lizzy called out. “Where are we going?” Either Belle didn’t hear or she ignored her because she didn’t turn around. As they raced along the dirt path they noticed a large cluster of men. The men along the outside of the circle stood guard aware of the enemy’s presence surrounding them. French soldiers stood looking stunned and confused. Riding by Belle thought nothing other of the bunch than odd. Belle led her queen and princess to the middle of a field in which a small shack sat. After Belle tied the horses to a tree along the edge the woods, she and her royals dashed through the field and into the old shabby cabin. The only furniture in the one room house was an old dirty cot and a stool sitting near the cold fireplace. Dust floated all around so thick that they could hardly Breath. The windows were broken and glass sprinkled the floor. “What an appalling mess!” Lizzy spoke out. “Yes, how do you know of this place, Belle?” the queen asked. Belle couldn’t decipher the look spoiling the queen’s face. It was a mixture of pride, disgust, and fear. “My father used to take me here. He always said

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    that this was the safest place in a storm. Of course it was much cleaner then than it is now. I haven’t been here for ages.” “I can see that. I would hope that you wouldn’t come here on a regular basis with it so filthy.” The queen did not approve of belles chose of safe venues and she knew it. Lizzy could see it too. Perhaps that’s why she jumped in to save Belle from her mother’s fury. “With a little bit of touching up this might make a lovely place to spend a lazy afternoon. I can understand why any father would want to share such a special place with his only daughter. You must have many memories of him. Could you tell me one?” Time pass as the three woman sat and talked all about their past. The queen lightened up and reminisced about her youthful adventures, and Belle shared treasured memories of her childhood. Lizzy contributed to the conversation as much as she could but her past was not so long ago, thus making her stories shorter. For the first time since the chaos started, Belle had time to think about Daniel. He went out to fight as soon as he heard. Belle wondered how he was and wished he could have been with her. The queen was obviously worried about her husband because her fidgety little hands were still wringing each other out. “He’ll be fine,” Belle reassured. Failing to find words to say the queen just smiled a pained smile. Darkness began to fall over the field and Belle wasn’t sure how long this would last. They were all hungry and had managed to forget food in their hurry to escape. Belle promised to find food the next morning whether the battle was over or not. They hadn’t seen any one since their ride to safety and

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    weren’t sure when to leave. Nobody knew where they were; not even the queen and Lizzy knew where they were. The royal woman slept that night while Belle stood watch till a little before dawn. Although completely and utterly exhausted Belle woke the queen quietly. “I’m going to get some food and perhaps some news on the fighting. If someone comes near this place, do exactly as you’re told. Don’t try to fight back. You’ll never be able to win against a man.” Belle helped the queen to her feet and walked to the door. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Belle said completely drained. Still sleepy from waking up the queen answered groggily, “be careful, dear.”

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    Chapter 10

    Battle First Hand

    When the men were called away from their wives and daughters to fight against a long time enemy they were infuriated; especially the king. He stormed out of the castle with his protective armor and personal guards surrounding him. Instantly he began to take his anger out on Spanish soldiers, gruesomely killing them with no mercy. Not one soldier got so close to put as small as a paper cut on him. That is why when Daniel got news that his father had been wounded, he rushed to his side. French soldiers surrounded their king and defended where he lay while Daniel listened to his father’s last words.

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    Take over and win this war. Conquer Spain so they never dare attack us again,” he whispered. “Don’t… don’t let my death be in vain,” the king sputtered. That was it. The king was dead and Daniel was in charge. Making a decision that could possibly change his life, Daniel ordered a few of his men to take his father inside the castle and lay him to sleep in peace while he continued the fight. Daniel decided it would be best to stay as far away from death as he could considering he was France’s only heir. Daniel escaped to a small stone building used for nothing more than housing chickens. With French soldiers surrounding the building inside and out, Daniel sat in a corner and prayed. “Dear Lord, men are shedding their own blood for their families, friends, and country. What I’d ask from you is that it not be in vain…” Daniel continued to pray until he thought of his mother and the women with in the castle. He thought of Belle. Rising from his crouched position, he approached an officer and ordered him to send a man in search of the queen and princess Elizabeth. Without hesitating the man yelled out to another through the open window with the order Daniel just gave. With that Daniel went back to his corner and began to lift prayers up to God.

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    Chapter 11


    “We can’t find the queen!” a soldier shouted. Daniel stood and walked to the other side of the stone building. “Keep on them,” he shouted back to the head officer. “We can’t lose.” When Daniel stepped out of the door six Frenchman circled him to escort him where ever. From a distance he saw a horse running at an exceptional pace toward the king’s rose garden and decided to follow it. Just before the rider slipped out of view their hat flew off their head and long curly brown hair let loose flying in the wind. Daniel knew who it was immediately and raced to catch up with her. “What are you doing,” whispered Daniel.

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    “I’m finding food for your mother and sister,” Belle answered startled. “My men can handle that. Go inside and stay out of danger.” “No they can’t because they don’t know where I took them.” “Is that a threat?” “Of course not! I brought them to my safe place. There were Spanish soldiers in the castle. I couldn’t leave them there.” Their fast pace conversation wasn’t fast enough. Spaniards turned the corner and spotted them instantly. “Get them!” one of them screamed. Daniel grabbed belles arm and dragged her into the castle’s kitchen. “Grab some food and get out of here. Make sure nobody is following you. Come back tomorrow and bring my mother. I have news but I won’t distress anyone now.” With out questioning Daniel’s strange behavior and wording, Belle raided the cupboards and filled a pouch and ran out to her horse. She was gone before Daniel could say goodbye.

    “Im back,” Belle announced before entering the dilapidated shack. “Oh, Belle it’s so good to see you. There was two Spaniards walking along the edge of the forest. I’m surprised they didn’t see the horses.” Lizzy sat against the grimy wall in her day-old borrowed clothes. She looked sad and lonely whereas the queen looked anxious and restless. Belle walked straight to Lizzy with the bag of food she had

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    managed to swipe, and pulled out a loaf of bread before answering the queen. Breaking the bread into three parts Belle answered, “Daniel told me to bring you back tomorrow,” she told the queen. “We’ll leave near dusk.” Too tired to elaborate Belle laid down on the floor next to Lizzy and fell asleep. Belle didn’t wake again until late afternoon the next day and wouldn’t have still if it wasn’t for Lizzy calling out to her from the broken window. The queen stood peeking out the doorway and motioned to Belle to come to her. “Spanish soldiers are marching back. The battle must be over,” the queen beamed. “That’s great but we are still not leaving until dusk. We can’t risk it.” “Understood.” “I’ll be coming with you, right?” Lizzy asked. Belle seemed to hesitate so the queen jumped in, “of course, dear, I wouldn’t leave you here alone.” Belle remembered the men lying dead around the castle grounds. It was a gruesome picture and she didn’t want Lizzy to see it. She didn’t want to see it, but knew she didn’t have much of a choice. Later that day Belle gathered their few belongings and fastened them to their horses. She brought the horses to the shack and the three women began to ride towards the castle. With Spanish soldiers still on the main path, Belle was forced to take the royals a different way. It was a bit longer, but Belle knew it almost just as well. As they traveled Belle decided to warn them about the results of the battle. “But Daniel and my father are okay right?” Lizzy asked.

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    “I don’t know Lizzy. They were yesterday.” “Why did Daniel want me to come today?” the queen inquired. “He didn’t say. Just that he needed to tell you something.” They rode in slowly towards the castle but when a French soldier spotted them he yelled out to his men. “Three soldiers are approaching,” he warned thinking they were Spaniards. Daniel came rushing out as the team of Frenchmen began to charge the ladies. “Stop!” he screamed. Even from a distance Belle could see what was about to happen and she knew that they had to act fast before the men got to them. “Take your hats off!” Belle ordered urgently. “Get off your horse and step back.” The Queen and Lizzy did as they were told and watched as Belle spooked the horses into running toward the men. The men, merely thirty feet away, came to an abrupt stop. The head man jumped off him horse and irately walked to them. Seeing that they were not Spanish nor were they soldiers, he saw no danger. “What are you doing?” He bellowed. “We have come to see Prince Daniel,” Belle answered in a perfectly calm voice, which angered the man more. “He’s busy. Go home,” he turned and started walking back to his horse. The queen then stepped forward annoyed by his ignorance. “I’d like to see my son.” The man stopped in his tracks and slowly turned to look at the queen. Realizing who she was he dropped to the ground and apologized profusely.

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    The men behind him bowed as well until Daniel rode in behind them and ordered them away. Daniel jumped off his horse and ran and hugged Belle. “Don’t you think your mother and sister would want a hug?” Belle whispered in Daniel’s ear. “Oh, yes, of course,” he said as he broke the embrace. “Mother,” he said lovingly as her leaned in for a hug and double kiss on the cheeks. Lizzy stood and waited patiently as Daniel hugged his mother but as soon as they pulled apart Lizzy launched herself at her brother. He let out a puff of air from the invasion and twirled her around in the air. “Don’t tell me you were worried, dear Lizzy.” “Worried? Nah, I knew you’d be fine,” she lied. Daniel put her down and turned to his mother. His expression changed and he now looked as if he were about to cry. Neither Lizzy nor Belle had ever seen him cry and the queen want about to let them. “Daniel, walk with me.” Once they were out of earshot, Daniel told his mother the news of her husband. Even from a distance, Belle could see the queen’s perfect posture slump. “What’s going on?” Lizzy asked. “I don’t know,” Belle answered honestly.

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    Chapter 12

    Rewards Given

    It took weeks after being told the news of her husband’s death before the queen would show her face. Belle continued teaching Lizzy’s lessons and caring for her every need, and she and Daniel grew closer and closer. Belle was given many items of thanks from the women she helped to protect and Daniel thanked her every day for saving his family. Daniel’s coronation was in two days and he and Belle were going to have tea with his mother today about a request for marriage. If she objected he would simply remind her that Belle saved her life at least twice in two days. Belle was nervous about the tea for obvious reasons and Lizzy caught on to the nervousness. They planned not to tell anyone so when Lizzy

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    asked Belle had to think up a vague answer as quickly as she could. “I’m having tea with your mother today.” “You have tea with my mother all the time and you’re never this nervous,” Lizzy observed. “I’m not nervous,” Belle said. Lizzy held up Belle’s hand, “It’s shaking. That means you’re either nervous or you’re sick.” “I’m not sick.” “I know,” Lizzy stated. “You’re nervous.” Annoyed by her cockiness Belle pointed at Lizzy’s music sheet and ordered her to continue practicing.

    Tea with the queen was never a chore before the king died, but now it was all Belle and Daniel could do to keep the subject from rating a mention. “Mother, we’d like to ask you something,” Daniel said getting right to the point. “Yes dear, anything.” “As you know I have to produce an heir for the throne. I can’t do that without a bride and I believe I’ve found the perfect woman to marry.” He paused for a moment to gauge his mother’s mood, but got no results so pressed on. “I love her more than anything and she smart, beautiful, loving, and has proven to be a good leader.” “Who is she Daniel?” “Well mother, you know her well and I believe you’d agree with me that she’d make a good queen and mother.” “Daniel, I was not born yesterday. I know who you’re talking about. And if parliament has no problem I’d be delighted to pass my responsibilities off to Belle. I know she’ll be able to handle it and I

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    don’t doubt for one minute that she won’t lead this country in the right direction.” Belle jumped out of her seat and hugged the queen. She never expected the queen to be so supportive of her. After tea, Daniel went before parliament with his marriage proposal and although there were some objections they finally agreed that Belle would make a good queen. After the Daniel’s coronation, Belle was questioned by the queen and parliament. It seemed to Belle that the questions they asked were like a test, and if she got a certain amount of them wrong they would make sure she could never be queen. Thankfully she “passed” and the young couple set the date for their marriage six months in advance. With Spain defeated and his father buried, Daniel set about rebuilding his kingdom and getting to know his people. The queen and Belle planned the wedding and found a new tutor for Lizzy. All was well and France’s future was bright.

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    About the author: My name is Maggie Gfeller. I am sixteen years old and

    am homeschooled by my mother. I enjoy writing, music, and finding an adventure with my best friend. I live in Edgefield, South Carolina, and have six older siblings.

    Sitting by a fire with either a good book or good company while sipping a hot drink will forever be my


  • “You just think he’s scary because you don’t know him. Once you become friends, you won’t be scared,” her father advised. “How can anyone make friends with such an ugly thing?” “Oh, my dear, you mustn’t look at the outside of a creature; look at the inside, at the heart, before you determine whether you’ll be their friend. It will always be better to have friends then enemies.”

    “While Maggie has captured the beauty of true love and set it into a prince and princess story, it is anything but a classic story. She has done so much more than write a sweet story: she has touched the reader’s heart, daring the reader to look below the surface of a person to find the perfection God has put into each one of us.”

    M.B. Husman, instructor
