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Wan ifra-mt

Date post: 13-Aug-2015
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The World Young Reader Prize Name of the programme: Category of the entry: Brand, Public Service, Digital First or a Great Help Sponsoring news publisher: Mindener Tageblatt Complete address of the news publisher: J.C.C. Bruns Betriebs GmbH, Obermarktstraße 26-30, D-32423 Minden, Germany* Project director: Sabine Morche, Tel. (0049) – 571 – 88 22 35, [email protected] Circulation and frequency of the newspaper: mo-sat 34.712 copies; covering the region of Minden with the surrounding towns Petershagen, Porta Westfalica and Hille; 800 E-Paper-subscribers. www.mt.de with an average of 13.078 online accesses per day A one-sentence description of the project: With “Azubify” the Mindener Tageblatt developed a project that enables the region‘s school graduates as well as companies to find each other for apprenticeships – using all possibilities available through modern media. Target of project: age 14 years and over *J.C.C. Bruns publishing house: Mindener Tageblatt since 1856 with Bruns Medien-Service developing Supplements + Special Pages

The World Young Reader Prize

• Name of the programme:

• Category of the entry: Brand, Public Service, Digital First or a Great Help

• Sponsoring news publisher: Mindener Tageblatt

• Complete address of the news publisher: J.C.C. Bruns Betriebs GmbH, Obermarktstraße 26-30, D-32423 Minden, Germany*

• Project director: Sabine Morche, Tel. (0049) – 571 – 88 22 35, [email protected]

• Circulation and frequency of the newspaper: mo-sat 34.712 copies; covering the region of Minden with the surrounding towns Petershagen, Porta Westfalica and Hille; 800 E-Paper-subscribers. www.mt.de with an average of 13.078 online accesses per day

• A one-sentence description of the project: With “Azubify” the Mindener Tageblatt developed a project that enables the region‘s school graduates as well as companies to find each other for apprenticeships – using all possibilities available through modern media.

• Target of project: age 14 years and over

*J.C.C. Bruns publishing house: Mindener Tageblatt since 1856 with Bruns Medien-Service developing Supplements + Special Pages

I. Description of the Programme:

Why we did it – defining the situation

To start out we thoroughly researched the situation and found out, that

Economists warn•Against impending shortage of skilled professionals – followed by•Impending collapse of sales and export – followed by•The risk to the operational development of companies

I. Description of the Programme:

Why we did it – defining the situation

a) School Graduates*

-the topic “career choice“ is an integral part of the school curriculum

-School Graduates only have a vague idea of what they want to do for a living

-in general graduates are looking for a local apprenticeship

-School Graduates seeking apprenticeship do not take advantage of classical job advertisements

-School Graduates are being given basic advise on all the approximately 400 different apprenticeship jobs available throughout Germany

-out of 400 there are about 150 different apprenticeship jobs in the region Minden-Lübbecke

-School Graduates must investigate by individual initiative about a specific occupation (such as future use/ chance for future employment, duration of apprenticeship, the necessary prerequisites and which local company offers this apprenticeship)

*In Germany, there are three types of schools to further education after Elementary School: Lower Secondary, graduation at age 15 followed by apprenticeship or Middle School; Secondary/Middle School: graduation at age 16 followed by apprenticeship or High School; High School: graduation at age 18, followed by apprenticeship or University -- We refer to them as “School Graduates”


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I. Description of the Programme:

Why we did it – defining the situation

b) Region Minden-Lübbecke

- stable economy

- in the sectors health care, care-giving, as well as the electrical industry, metal processing, the demand for skilled workers is already no longer covered

- number of available apprenticeships is decreasing

- large companies complain: it is hard to find apprentices via classical job advertisements

- small companies say they don’t find apprentices. They increasingly refrain from offering apprenticeships.

- 2013: year of double graduation (caused by German reform of Gymnasium high school system from 9 to now 8 years): with twice the number of well-educated graduates on the labor market

- future decrease of the number of High School Graduates because of the demographic change

- in about 10 - 15 years, more than half of the blue-collar workers in the distribution area of the Mindener Tageblatt will be retired

I. Description of the Programme:

Why we did it – defining the situation


- Companies offering apprenticeships and School Graduates do not find one another

- Information about apprenticeship offers are not available where School Graduates search for them

- Information is not oriented based on the information- and media preferences of School Graduates


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I. Description of the Programme:

What we did

“Azubify” should be focused on the exact needs of School Graduates and of the Companies.

In the developmental phase we had individual conversations with the target groups .(School graduates, companies, parents/ families, schools)

We found out that School Graduates have to be enabled to discover the most important basics for choosing the ideal future career: strengthen self-awareness of personal focus, interests and skills.

We defined 5 skills:

> Dealing with people> Creativity & Design> Practical and manually skilled work> Organisation & planning> Numbers, Facts, Research


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I. Description of the Programme:

What we did

Based on the above we created a matching system with the following content:

a)fun Online-Quiz www.azubify/das-quiz/

b)Job Description on trained jobs in the region Minden-Lübbecke with Key Data

- for quick comparison each job description has the same graphical structure

- including Key Data: - Required High School Diploma - Start of apprenticeship - Duration and Pay - required skills - required application forms

- thoroughly description of the content of the profession

- necessary skills (recommended by the German Agentur für Arbeit)

- Print magazine: QR-Codes hyperlinked to Azubify Online-channel

I. Description of the Programme:

What we did

c) Company profiles

- for quick comparison listed in alphabetical order - each company profile has the same graphical structure for quick comparison - choice of 3 profile sizes (1/4 page, ½ page or full page display) (to be extended to show interviews, fotos, “Tutorials” = short films on the job in the internet) - short company description with photo - number of employees and apprentices - what the company is looking for and what it offers - application requirements - Internship required / and or possible? - Chance for future employment? - information on vocational school - apprentice contact person / Human Resource Contact (with foto) in the company - company’s address, email, phone numbers - to connect the result of the online-quiz with the companies needs companies choose two requested skills

I. Description of the Programme:

What we did

Result automatically connects to the matching job descriptions

Matching-System including the Quiz

Connecting to 5 skills

Job Description in detail

I. Description of the Programme:

What we did

c) followed by Company Profiles Examples for the 3 different sizes of company profiles

max size1/1 page

extended ½ page

basic ¼ page

I. Description of the Programme:

Platforms we used -Internet Appearance-

1st platform “www.azubify.de” Activity 1: -online-quiz- 14 questions for those who don’t know what they want to do for a living- you can “like” the results on facebook and “share” them with your FB friends Activity 2 – more than 100 jobs- select any available job from alphabetical listing- look for jobs based on skills Activity 3 – company profiles- View can be enhanced by tutorials /films (“Let me show you my job”)- Respond to Graduate's viewing and media habits- to be hyperlinked with company’s homepage (www.xxx.de) activity 4: E-Mag- Goal: Sustainability


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I. Description of the Programme:

Platforms we used -Printed Magazine-

2nd platform The “Azubify” magazine Respond to School Graduate's viewing and media habits (using common speech, modern imagery) a) Explanation- containing the chapters: “I am capable of...”, “I want to...”, “I’m going to become...” They describe the steps on the way to find the ideal future career.- alternatives for students without any or a low level graduation b) The trained Job- each job description has the same structure for quick and easy comparison- Listed and linked are the companies that offer apprentices for this specific job/ apprenticeship- needed and wanted skills are labelled c) Company profiles- all company profiles are to be found subsequent to the specific job description- QR-Codes hyperlink to companies homepages- profiles in 3 different sizes (1/4, 1/2, 1/1 pages; Interviews e.g. with apprentices, human resources managers or fotos)

I. Description of the Programme:

Platforms we used -Mindener Tageblatt-

3rd platform The Mindener Tageblatt and www.mt.de - weekly reports and articles during the campaign „Azubify“ – making of…

Interview with young people who currently use „Azubify“ for job orientation

Success after just 3 weeks: the first graduate has interview thanks to „Azubify“

I. Description of the Programme:

Platforms we used -Advertisement-

3rd Platform The Mindener Tageblatt and www.mt.de - Print (34.712 copies daily) and Online advertisements on website www.mt.de

1/1 page ad

Online: Roll ups

Ad with 3 columns

I. Description of the Programme:

Programme audience + platforms

a) youth: - Online-package (responsive web design for smartphones) including online-Quiz and job profiles - magazine - promotion in youngsters suroundings: McDonald's distributed 20.000 flyers in Minden’s two McDonald's franchise locations b) parents/families : - magazine - advertisements in Mindener Tageblatt c) schools: - magazine d) companies: - sales records plus sales records online version - personal presentation - magazine - articles in the Mindener Tageblatt

I. Description of the Programme:

Time line

Spring 2013: First considerations, phrasing and description manifesting the problem

Summer 2013: Concept completion

Sept 2013: Cooperation with ad agency for development of project title and graphic design

Nov 2013: Start contacting companies

Dec 2013: Editing of magazine

April 2014: Development + implementation of online-quiz, completing the projects, editing online

and magazine

May, 9th, 2014: Date of release

July, 4th, 2014: end of project. The day Students received their graduation certificates needed for job-applications in 2015


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I. Description of the Programme:

Goals + how we planned to measure success

Goals are to be measured in quality (value: matches achieved benefits) and quantity (based on data or statistics)

- helping school graduates with a self-explanatory, simple to use and easy to understand guide to apprenticeships valuating student‘s and teacher's feedback

- to enable students with any level of graduation find jobs or use alternative ways of finding their way number of listed possibilities

- Help students discover their individual skills, strengths and abilities and have this awareness be their basis for their career choice user-data for online-quiz and online

- use the variety of modern media to inform graduates the way they are used to read, look at things and get information quality of offered: short texts? Modern pictorial language, easy to use, available on the go - to encourage school graduates and companies for apprentices and consequently strengthen the region‘s economy/ helping companies and graduates finding each other quantity and feedback of participating companies


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I. Description of the Programme:

Goals and how we planned to measure success

- represent the region's diversity of occupations that require formal apprenticeship training number of financing partners and job profiles

- editing a magazine with 100 pages/ 100.000 copies achieved quantity?

- to keep the project fresh and up-to-date from date of appearance, being published until graduation day (May, 9th – July, 4th) number of published reports and articles in the Mindener Tageblatt

- advertisement online and print throughout the project ads when and where? Number of online-use?

- to position “Azubify” as a brand, to have a strong internet presence number of printed copies and online-access

- reach the target groups: graduates, parents/families, schools, companies number of participating companies, number of schools interested, number of distributed magazines


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II. Development:


- Financing partners: the region's training employers and companies offering apprenticeships

- concept of action and editing: Bruns Medien-Service

- graphic design, development of the project's name: apprentices of the Minden „com.on“ ad agency

- Mindener Tageblatt: editorial department

- job descriptions: German „Agentur für Arbeit“

- Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung: information on apprentice's / training pay

- McDonald's: promoting the project


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II. Development


- compensatory measures: ad-agency, McDonald`s

- placement of ads in “Azubify” Online + Print: the region's training employers

- Inhouse-development of ads for Mindener Tageblatt, acquisition papers: editing department Mindener Tageblatt, company-own graphic design department

- cost-neutral for placing ads in the Mindener Tageblatt


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III. Marketing

a) acquisition- shipment of sales documents that look like the final print-magazine- information on the project on the internet that look like the final online portal- preparation of companies profiles was accompanied by one personal editor of Bruns Medien Service b) accompanying advertising - especially to arouse and increase awareness for online portal- advertisement campaign in the Mindener Tageblatt- regular reporting during the project's timeline on different topics - www.mt.de, the Mindener Tageblatt online portal rollups- McDonald's project: distribution of flyers c) distribution- distribution of the printed magazine to every household in Minden and surrounding areas- distribution of the printed magazine to graduation classes of schools- distribution of the printed magazine to participating companies

Ad campaign

IV. Evaluation

How it went

- complex developmental phase

- “Azubify” is a complex project that needs to be explained

- the project presentation and acquisition were held in personal discussions with the employers recruiters and companies' human resource representatives

- major challenge: global companies like Melitta or BASF had to refrain from part of their Corporate Identity in favor of the project's main targets

- a lot more companies than expected pariticipated in the project and presented a larger number of jobs than expected

-“Azubify” turned out to be the most extensive project the publishing house of

J.C.C. Bruns ever edited as a „supplement“ to the Mindener Tageblatt

-“Azubify” aroused a great deal of attention among other publishing houses and organisations concerning concept of the project and realisation


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IV. Evaluation

Goal: To edit 100 pages / edition of 100.000 copies /establish „Azubify“ as a brand (print) we edited 164 pages (DIN A 4), cost related reduction to 80.000 copies distribution: 40.000 Mindener Tageblatt + 32.000 every household, 3.530 copies to 43 schools; 1.046 copies to 136 participating companies

Goal: To establish „Azubify“ online as a brand altogether 13.163 pageviews from 9.5. until 6.7.2014 After publishing the reports in the Mindener Tageblatt on saturdays an increasing access to www.azubify.de (up to 50 %), access to the online quiz: altogether 934 from 9.5. until 6.7.2014

Goal: Increase number of apprenticeships, strenghten the region‘s economy /show diversity “Azubify” represents (all in all) 136 companies that train on 94 (of 150) different jobs after project started 4 more companies offered 12 more apprenticeship jobs online

IV. Evaluation

Goal: Encourage and give a chance to youth without any graduation or with a low level graduation „Azubify“ offers 47 apprenticeship jobs requiring only low level graduation

Goal: To keep the project alive vom May 9th to July 4th a weekly lead article on saturdays in the Mindener Tageblatt on one of the major project‘s topics e.g.: interview with youth psychologist/teacher + pupils, on how to find the dreamjob, explaining the quiz 8 lead articles; each 40.000 copies/weekend); 2 weeks McDonald‘s flyer distribution (20.000)

Goal: Supporting ads - 6 ads: 3 columns in „Weserspucker“* (J.C.C.Bruns; 100.000 copies/weekend) - 3 x „Willem“ *(70.066 copies / weekend)

- 3 weeks of roll ups on the Mindener Tageblatt homepage (4.936 pageviews) - 5 ads on front page, 5 ads (whole pages) in the Mindener Tageblatt - total number mm: 15.194 - contacts achieved by the ads: 1.210.198

*weekly free ad-newspaper inhouse J.C.C.Bruns

IV. Evaluation:

How we reached target groups

a) School Graduates 21.853 in the last 3 forms before graduation (14 – 20 years) in the region of Minden-Lübbecke quantity: - access to online “Azubify”: 13.163 access to pages - increase of access up to 50% after published articles in the Mindener Tageblatt - access to online Quiz: 934 - 2 McDonald's in the region: distribution of 20.000 flyers in 4 varieties benefits: - “Azubify” is accessible always and everywhere (online + responsive version) - “Azubify” has a high practical usability (Feedback: “Without “Azubify” I would have never applied for the job at Steute electronics.“ Jan Bredemeyer, high school graduate, 17 years) - “Azubify” gives a lot of valuable information (Feedback: „The project gives a lot of information, suggestions and a good picture of all

apprentices and trained jobs in the region Minden-Luebbecke.“ Mara, 18 years, fashion retailer's apprentice in Minden) - “Azubify” speaks adolescents language (short and easy to understand texts, modern pictorial language, easy to understand, almost self-explaining structure, Tutorials)


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IV. Evaluation:

How we reached target groups

b) Parents / Families

quantity: distribution of the “Azubify” magazine to all households in the region Minden-Lübbecke (40.000 copies plus 32.000 copies to adjoining communities) benefits: - “Azubify” offers a basis for discussions between parents and adolescents concerning what kids want to do after school (Feedback: „”Azubify”gave us a good a reason to talk about apprenticeship with our son.“ Nelli Bredemeyer, Mother of 17-year-old Jan) - “Azubify” meets practical needs (Feedback: „Only those who know about all possibilities a graduation offers, have a fair chance for a reasonable decision.“ Inga Bruckschen, youth psychologist - Mindener Tageblatt accompanies “Azubify” with regular reports on the topic, giving tipps, information and advice

subcribers / age structure: 29.87143,5 % 14-49 years, 56,5 % 50 years and over


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IV. Evaluation:

How we reached target groups

c) Schools

quantity:- schools were addressed and equipped with a basic of 80 copies each. - 5 schools ordered 450 copies of the magazine to work with in their graduating forms. - One school ordered 40 more copies after “Azubify”had started. - One school which is not in the region Minden-Lübbecke but heard about “Azubify” ordered copies. benefits: - “Azubify” had been used in the lessons for informational cause (Example: Hauptschule Petershagen, a lower secondary modern school) (Feedback: „”Azubify”gives all important information - explained clearly, simply and understandable. It enables you to apply for a job initially. And it offers a large variety of apprenticeship jobs – apart from the typical ones like hairdresser or auto-mechatronic.“ Siegfried Tröbst, teacher of secondary modern school in Petershagen.)

43 schools altogether (Lower Secondary, Secondary / Middle School / High School)


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IV. Evaluation:

How we reached target groups

d) Employing companies

quantity - 136 companies participated - after project started 4 more companies offered 12 more apprenticeship jobs online - sales documents were available online

benefits: - with “Azubify” training companies are able to contact almost every graduate in the region Minden-Lübbecke directly - The Quiz enables to find a perfect match between the personal skills and competences of the graduate and the skills and competences a job or the company wants the applicant to have - training companies receive applications the way they want them to be: via Email, homepage or in a printed version – including all information on the applicant they need to know for making a sensible decision - training companies are content with the applications, they got from azubiy (Feedback: With “Azubify” we successfully got hold of the hard to get target group of graduated adolescents. In only one week time we received three applications for our apprenticeship job.“ Bernd Niemeier, managing director Holiday Inn, Minden)

In 2013 1.411 training companies in the region


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IV. Evaluation:

How we reached target groups

e) Mindener Tageblatt

Benefits “Azubify” opened doors. We got in touch and successfully interacted with the target group of young readers. “Azubify” strenghtened the reader loyality. “Azubify” demonstrated the publisher’s media competence.

“Azubify” strenghtened our position as a partner of the region's business and economy.


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V. Appendix

- Homepage: www.azubify.de

- Quiz: www.azubify.de/das-quiz/ - Tutorials: www.azubify.de/100-1-beruf/tutorials/

The most important links at one glance

- E-Mag: www.azubify.de/das-magazin/

- Job Profiles: www.azubify.de/100-1-beruf/
