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Wanderlust Snowmass/Aspen, The Vata Lifestyle

Date post: 26-May-2015
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Wanderlust Snowmass/Aspen, The Vata Lifestyle
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The Vata Lifestyle For Yogis Creative Intuitive Unpredictable Who are you?
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The Vata LifestyleFor Yogis


Who are you?

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Pamela Quinn…Who am I?

Founder, Elemental OMAuthor, The Elemental CleanseCreator, The Elemental LifestyleYoga TeacherKundalini TeacherAyurvedic SpecialistSocial EntrepreneurSingle mother of twoReally bad dog owner….

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The Art of LivingThe Science of Life

The Mother of Healing

A diagnostic tool using the language of

nature to make life simple.

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Air or VayuDry, brittle and fragile



Fresh Energetic

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Are you the Wind or Vata?Space + Air

cool, light, dry, rough, subtle, mobile and clear 

Start Easy with Digestion:

Weak DigestionSkipping meals

Hard time gaining weight



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Am I in Balance?


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If you score 5 – 9…Balanced!

10 – 15…out of Balance

15 and above…Take immediate action!!!

You need The Elemental Cleanse

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Vata (The Wind) imbalance• Anguished or anxious• Nervousness• Causeless fear• Fear of the unknown• Insomnia• Tingling• Numbness• Muscle twitching• Nervous twitching• Cold hands and feet• Unclear perception and dizziness• Rigidity in muscles OR flaccidity• Poor coordination• Schizophrenia• Hallucinations (auditory or olfactory)• Hyperactivity• Nightmares• Indecision• insecurity

Functions of VataMovementMaintains lifeCommunicationGoverns the mind, sensory perception, motor functionMovement of thoughts, feelings, and nerve impulsesBreathingHeart FunctionCirculation

IngestionAssimilation and absorptionElimination of waste including menstruationOrgasmCellular divisionHearingTouchClarityCreativityJoy



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Vata Leads

The way

The Basics

• Consistent routine & unscheduled space• 7 hours of sleep each night. Arise by 7

am.• Food…3 meals a day and snacks.• Time alone each day to meditate,

journal, and relax. YOU MAY NAP!!• Gentle exercise daily.• Creative work where you have freedom

to come and go.• LOVING TOUCH & Compassion

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The Big No No’s for Vata

• Staying up late• Skipping meals• Excessive talking• Excessive tasking• Multi-tasking• Vigorous activity• Laxatives

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Eating Routine for Vata• Eating three meals each day around the same time each day is a critical success factor.• Some Vatas do better eating four meals each day allowing at least two hours between each

meal.  Try it and see if it agrees with you.  Eat small amounts. • Eat within one hour of rising and not after 8 am.• Lunch is your biggest meal and includes meat if you are choosing to eat meat.• Foods are warm, moist, and cooked.  You thrive on casseroles, stews, and food that has been

mixed together and cooked.• No eating two to three hours before bedtime.• If you do snack, you should allow two hours between snacks and meals.• You benefit from a short walk after your meal.• You benefit greatly by placing a glass of water by your bedside each evening and drinking it

down first thing in the morning.• Favor foods in the following order:

– Whole grains– Cooked Vegetables– Beans that cook in less than 30 minutes without soaking– Cooked Fruits– Nuts, Seeds, Honey and Oils– Spice your food to taste.  Salt is okay for you.

• You may consume dairy in the form of milk, yogurt and soft cheeses like feta and goat.  Do notice if yogurt and milk agree with you.  Many Vatas are sensitive to these dairy products. 

• Drink warm beverages. Avoid iced beverages and food. 

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How to Eat


Nuts Seeds & OIls

Cooked Veggies

Fruit, consider cooking


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Embrace heavy & dense to ground Vata:apricotsavocadosbananasberriescherriescoconutdatesfigsgrapefruitgrapeslemonsmangoesmelonsnectarinesorangespapayapeachespearspineapplesplums

Avoid fruits that are very astringent or dry

cranberriespomegranatesraw applesdried fruitsdatesfigspearspersimmonswatermelon

Fruits…treat as dessert or snack

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May Cause Gas & Bloating

BroccoliBrussel SproutsCabbage

CauliflowerMushroomsRaw OnionsPeppersWhite potatoes

Eat Your Veggies COOKEDTheses are nightshades…do they agree with you? 

TobaccoTomatilloChili PepperBell PepperPotatoTomatoEggplant

Your BEST veggies are:

ALL VEGGIES….COOKEDEat Salads at room temperature. Ground the energy of the salad with oils, nuts, seeds, and light cheese.

You may be sensitive

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Grains are sweet YUM YUM YUM….

All Grain

Wheat is heavy & Moist and one of your best grains!!!

Congee Mini-Fast to rest and stoke digestion

Ingredients1 cup grain millet, buckwheat, rye, oat, quinoa5 cups water adjust this to make it thicker or soupier to your liking


bread may cause Gas & Bloating

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Meat, Dairy, & BeansGood Flesh:


Not the best choice:LambPorkRabbitVenison

Good Dairy for Vata in moderation:

Boil Milk & add honey,Cinnamon, & nutmeg

ButtermilkHard CheeseSoft CheeseGoat Cheese

Mung Beans

Eat moreChikin!

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Nuts, Seeds, & OilsNUTS & SeedsYour best choices:flaxsesamepumpkinsunflower

Moderation:almondswalnutscashewscoconuthazelnutspeanutspecanspine nutspistachios

basilbergamotcinnamonclary sageclovegeraniumgingerjasmine



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Fasting for Vata EAT FOOD

Fast 1 – 3 days each month with the full moon on:

simply eat lightly of beans, veggies, and rice (one pot meal)


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• Triphala for regularity• Oils for dry skin, hair, nails, and digestion• Ghee for digestion• Chyvanprash skin, nails, satisfaction• Cinnamon, Lavender, Rose for peace

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Yoga & Meditation

• Meditation with mantra, mudra, music

• Toning• Hatha Yoga with short

holds• Hot yoga OKAY once a

week…must be a slow flow or yin

• Ujjiya breathing• Right Nostril Breath• Alternate Nostril


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Subtypes of Vata Dosha…tmi for an introduction, but you may be wondering

prana•     found in head and brain•     moves down and in  (think of a breath coming in)•     inhalation, swallowing, sneezing, spitting, and burping.•     governs the senses, mind, heart, and consciousness.   udana•     found in diaphragm and throat•     moves up (think of an exhalation)•     exhalation and speech•     governs memory, strength, will, and effortsamana•     found in small intestine and navel•     moves in a linear direction (think about movement of food)•     digests food and establishes equilibrium in the body.apana•     found in colon and pelvic cavity•     moves down and out (think about eliminating)•     governs all elimination.vyana•     found in heart and whole body.  Distributes the other winds.•     moves in a circular direction (think about the pumping of the heart and blood flow)•     governs the circulatory system and movement of joints and muscles.

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Pamela Quinnpamela@elementalom.comwww.elementalom.comwww.elementalcleanse.comwww.facebook.com/pameladquinnhttp://www.slideshare.net/pameladquinn
