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Want Prohibition I€¦ · >»S-M "i"Tif, ASPIRIN FOR COLDS.

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>»S-M "i"Tif, ASPIRIN FOR COLDS .<Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin.say Bayer Insist on "Raver Tablets of Aspirin" i in a "Bayer package," containing proper directions for Cokls, Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark »cf Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetieacidester of Salieylicacid. i I ^ i I will be in my office in Conway Monday, December 1st. If yonr eyes need attention don't fail to see me. Yours for Optometry, L, A. WOODRUFF, G. OPT. Eyesight Specialist, CONWAY, S. C. J. M.JOHNSON, CIVIL ENGINEER MABION, S. C. My Engineering and Surveying office will be open during my absence, and prepared to take cr.rc of any work as usual. Address* Oil communications as bereto^ fore. . i LIFT OFF CORNS! (Apply few drops then lift sore, L touchy corns off with y fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little FJeezone on an aching corn, instantly "that corn stops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but «. few cents at any drug store, but is craflficient to remove every hard com, eoft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful. I have in this week car Horses, fat and good brok loads Buggies and nice lot G. B. J] CONW / M i i Habitual Constipation Cured In 14 to 21 Days "LAX-70S WITH PEPSIN" is a specially, prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly bui should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. KEEP DRY MASH BEFORE FOWLS AT ALL TIMES In addition to grain and green feeds, dry mash should be kept before growing chicks at all times after they are 8 or 4 weeks old. It 's best to feed it in a hopper inside the building or where it will not be exposed to rain or wet. If a large num ber of chirks are raised, the mash may be fed in an outdoor hopper. The following mixture makes a good dry mash: Two pounds commeal, 2 pounds middlings, 1 pound oatmeal, 2 pounds wheat bran, 1 pound beef scrap, and one-fourth pound charcial. When a larger quantity is desired it should be mixed in the same proper, tion. Also grit and oyster shell shoul 1 be provided, so that the chicks may help themselves whenever they wish. o HOW TO CANDLE EGGS. It is necessary to rotate an egg before the candle if one is to obtain ar accurate knowledge of its condition. By tilting at various angles, the location and sizes of the air space can seen, and very often the position of the yolk. But the quality of the egg is very largely determined by the ease with which the yolk moves and the direction of its motion. The operator, therefore. 1. Grasps the pointed end of the egg with the tips of the fingers. 2. Holding the blunt end uppci1 most, places the egg closely against the opening, or spout, of the candle. It. Gives the egg a quick tui*n to the right or left, watching the movement of the^-olk. If the egg is perfectly fresh it may be difficult to find the yolk at first glance?, but as the egg is turned a glimpse of it will be obtained..United States Department of Agriculture. .o Colds Cause Grip and Influenza "AXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablet# remove the >«un. There Is only one "Bromo Quinine." R. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 90c. u Reasons! k > | Why you should use |k^ Cardui, the woman's tonic, for your troubles, L x k | have been shown in Om thousands of letters from p@ actual users of this mcdi- I x fev l cine, who speak from Hk «J personal experience. If r\< ^ the results obtained by L ^ kl other women for so many Bhk years have been so uniformly good, why not k | give Cardui a trial? By Take L. The Woman's Tonic Mrs. Mary J. Irvin, cf ®yi Cuilen, Va., writes: jj «ft "About 11 years ago, I v r&vl suffered untold misery 1®% ^8S with female trouble, bear- I x jvl ing-down pains, head- Eg. ache, numbness ... I Pv ; K^l would go for three weeks Kk almost bent double . .. mo^3 My husband went to Dr. bk! Tor Cardui . . . ESk After taking about two K-| bottles 1 began going Qk around and when I fnnlr load extra nice Mules and e, 2 carloads Wagons, 3 carharness. ENKINS \y s. c. THE HOKRY HERALD, OONWi NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the Decree ' and Judgment of the Court made by his Honor, S. W. G. Shipp, Presiding Judge, in the case of W. H. Stone, Administrator of the Personal Estate of Nelson Thomas, Deceased, Plaintiff vs. Annie Lyde, Bearon Chavis, Redic Chavis, Mary Dewitt, Sarah Chavis, Rebecca Morrison, Annie Albert, Alice Albert, Amanda Sweeney, Retha Newman, Willie Newman, Quiney Newman, Mellen C. Newman, Alverna Sams, Sallie Jane King, and Doretha Lyde, Heirs at Law and Distributees of Nelson Thomas, Deceased, together with any other person or persons who claim to be such heirs, but whose names are unknown to the plaintiff; Burroughs & Collins Company, a Corporation, Robert W. Moore, and Stone Brothers Company, a Corporation, defendants, and dated Die Kith day of July A. D., 1919, I, the undersigned, W. L. Bryan, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas as Special Master, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder before the Court House door at Conway, in Horry County, and State, of South Carolina, during legal hours of sale,, on salesday, the - first Monday in December next, it< being the 1st day of said month, all and singular those certain lands situate in Horry County, and described as follows, to wit: All and singular those certain tracts of land, situate in Little River Township, in the County of Horry and State of South Carolina, described as follows, to wit: Tract No. 1..Containing seventyfive (75) acres, more or less, lying on the seashore, being a part of a tract of land granted by Seth Bellamy to Wm. Montgomery and from Wm. Montgomery to Mathias Vaught; bounded on the east by lands formerly owned by Lewis Clause (tract No. 3 of the estate of Nelson Thomas) and lands of Hilliard Herring, on the South by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by lands of Bettic Randall or Smart Lewis, and on the north by the Jane DuBose land; being the same land conveyed to Nelson Thomas by Mathias Vaught by his deed dated the 21st day of February A. D. 1880, duly recorded in deed book "T" at page 091-92, for Horry County. m i \r. A A i. i race rso. z..containing two Hundred (200) acres,, more or less, and bounded on the north by lands of the estate of W. D. Gore, now claimed by the widow of said W. D. Gore, on the east by lands of T. P. Edge, on the south by lands of Willie Edge ami lands of Alva Edge, and on the west by lands of Thomas Bell and R. V. Ward, being lands which were conveyed to the said Nelson Thomas by William J. Sessions, Sheriff of Horry. County, and by other grantors within the said boundaries. Tract No. 3.Containing forty (40) acres, more or less, and known as Little Swamp, and bounded on the north by lands of Jim Vereen and! Milliard Herring, on the east by lands, now or formerly of James Vaught, on the south by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the west by tract No. 1 of the estate lands of Nelson Thorn-1 i-.> (the Mathias Vaught tract of 75 acres); being the same tract of land! which was conveyed to Nelson Thomas by Robert Livingstone by his deed dated the 24th day of February A. D. 1902. Tract No. 4..Containing nine (9) acres, as shown by a plat made by C. C. Gore, Surveyor, dated March 7th. A. D. 1883, and bounded in the year A. I). 1883 on the north by Jane DuBois, on the east by what was known as Lot No. 2, on the south by lands of Nelson Thomas and on the west by lands of Nelson Thomas; being the same land which was conveyed to Nelson Thomas by F. M. Dunn by his deed dated the 20th day of April A. D. 1883. | Tract No. 5..One undivided one- (half interest in and to that certain tract of land conaining two hundred and fifty-one and thirty-six hundk redths (251.36) acres, described as delineated on a plat of the same made WORDS FROM HOME * Statements That May Be Investigated. Testimony of Conway Citizens. When a Conway citizen comes to the front, telling his friends and neighbors of his experience, you can rely on his sincerity. The statements of people residing in far away places do not command your confidence. Home endorsement, is the kind that backs Doan's Kidney Pills. Such testimony is convincing. Investigation proves it true. Below is a statement of a Conway resident No stronger proof of merit can be had. Harmon Houscnd, painter, says: "I. think inhaliny thn fnmno «n»-- n «r. V . MlilVtl X/ ' 1 U ' pontine is what weakened my kidneys.. I had to pet up often at night to pass the kidney secretions, and they were unnatural. Finally 1 pot Doan's Kidney Pills at the Conway Drug Co., and in a short time my back got stronger and the kidney secretions became natural. Price f>Oc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy.get Doan's Kidney Pills.the same that Mr. Housend had. Foster-Milbu; n Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y..adv LY, S C , NOV. 13, 1919. i i t i I J "h"'H and beautiful cake are s H housewives know from lo B best when this self-rising by Eli M. Merrelt, Surveyor, dated January 26th, 1907, bounded on the noi*th and east by lands said to belong- to Hammer Lumber Company and on the west by lands of Alice Vaught; being the same land which .1 a. v T i* <>«*;> viuuveyuu 10 meison 1 nomas anil Robert W. Moore, jointly, by Burroughs & Collins Company by their deed dated the 25th day of January A. I). 1912, recorded in deed book P . Tract No. 0..All and singular all other lands, or interest, right or claims, in and to any real estate, which were owned or claimed by the said Nelson Thomas at the time of his death, not covered by tracts Nos. II,*2, 3, 4, and 5, hereinbefore described; of whatever description or where soever situate. | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all of the foregoing described lands were advertised for sale at public auction under the said decree, at Conway, in the county and State aforesaid, and were knocked down to Annie Lyde at her highest bid of $1,819.00, on the first Monday in Sep ( ri.-wv<y . X \ rt T ysroveiv | apjietiiey f R a surer guarantee of E e than by offering the = mow I FLOUR, j ppreciated throughout E rs. Delicious biscuits, = h and wholesome bread H omc of the things that ng experience are made F£j flour is used. H PI i * And the saving that re- Fl suits is a big economical Ej j1 factor. Neither baking EEl powder, soda nor salt is E3 needed, all the ingredients pj required to give the finest E3 bakings being so exactly H mixed that there is no B possible chance of failure H j J, W.BROOKS I Distributor E WILMINGTON, N. C. | MMnMsnnnnnMS^ tember A. D. 1919; but whereas tlm said Annie Lydc lues failed to comply with her said bid, and still neglects to do so. and accept the title to said lands: The same are hereby being resold and advertised for sale to the highest bidder as hereinbefore stated, and at the risk of the said defaulting bidder, Annie Lydc. Notice is further given that tract number five hereinbefore describe! being an undivided one-half interest in a tract of 251.36 acres, the said one-half interest will be sold, subject to a mortgage covering said tract in favor of Buroughs & Col- | lins Company and upon which there ir> due the sum of $456.43 with interest, and for one-half of this amount the purchaser of said interest of Nelson Thomas will have to answer. Terms of Sale Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. Conway, S. C., Nov. 10, 1019. W. L. BRYAN. Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas as Special Master. H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. PVAMELS supply cigarette contemn L j you ever experienced! You ne bodied mellow-mildness: such avor and coolness. The more Car reater becomes your delight.Came ette revelation ! Everything about Camels you find so leir quality.to the expert blend of hoice Domestic tobaccos, ou'll say Camels are in a class by the iade to meet your own personal tas 'reedom from any unpleasant cigare leasant cigaretty odor makes Camels \ > the most fastidious smokers. And, y berallv as meets your own wishes, for taste! You an cigarette sati; Camels so attrs . i'/P t h}»t anc^ c*°not exp< Compare Car rette in the w CflfMr/s are so let e ^ sealed package* o :'*|h tB "rfes (200 cifiaret covere-f/ carton. ^Pl R.J.REYNOLDS tiflii » PAGE SEVEN EFFORT TO RETAIN STATE (IF DRYNESS Members of Congress Do Not Want Wartime Prohibition Lifted. Washington..An effort to prevent the lifting of war-time prohibition before the constitutional amendment becomes effective is to be made by some "dry" leaders in Congress, but doubt is expressed whether the necessary legislation can be enacted before the end of the special session late this month. Representative Randall. prohibi- uuiuM, v uniornia. said that when the House took up the bill to extend the food control act for six months Lifter the proclamation of peace he tvould offer an amendment continuing the war-time liquor act until lamia / 10. 1920, when the country noes "dry" by constitutional amendment. Opponents of such a move and seme of the "dry" admitted that such a prop sal would he subjec t to defeat on parlia-menary grounds as the food rent ol a.t prohibits only the manu.aetu; and importation of intoxicant . An amendment prohibiting llm : aU of liquor would be new legMi tin,i. it was said, and as such won.*. \j"'k ... ioct to a p.'int of order unless the House overrode the chair's decision or the rules ommittce reported a special rule make * order. O " ** i\ ) FORECLOSURE SALE. Under and by virtue, of a Decree of Foreclosure and Sale made by his Honor, T. J. Mauldin, Presiding Judge in the case of Burroughs & Collins Co., a Corporation, Plaintiff vs. Laney Stephens, Defendant, and dated October 24, 1919, notice is herebv civon t.hnt 1 T A t .r.. .:-. o- »» " JK «A- " » "*> Sheriff, will offer for sale before the court house door at Conway, S. C., on Monday Dec. 1, 1919, that being the legal sales day in said month, the following described property, to-wit: ALL AND SINGULAR those two certain pieces, parcels or lots of land designated as Lots Nos. ELEVEN (11) and TWELVE (12) on Block B on Baggetts Heights in Conway Township, in the County and State aforesaid near the Town of Conway. For more complete description see map of Baggetts Heights made by H. C. Cannon, Surveyor, March 25, 1910. Terms of sale cash, purchaser to pay tor papers and stamps. J. A. LEWIS, Sheriff. E. .1. SHERWOOD, Plaintiff's Attorney. Conwav, S. C., Oct. .*10, 1919. j**"***** : tf V nent beyond anything >'.£-Vrr v: J***-# ver tasted such fullV V > refreshing, appetizing **:Cv,£,r nels you smoke the «.A /s are such a citfa- v-'rV^* &J?* > fascinating is due to m J Wii choice Turkish and mselves.they seem r't't?*. V.*? -* ife in so many ways! '.W^' «Vh»,T> tty after-taste or unparticularly desirable Jfyrrv? ou smoke Camels as " if,** they never tire vour r e always keen for the fc/iVH* jfaction that makes ictive. Smokers realue *n r%icr« ?ct premiums or cou- ;*"Ur Jr f nels with any cigaor/cf At1 ^iny price ! sSf-'K&y* verywhere in scientifically cigarette s or ton pack- -Cg. fna) in n glnssine-papor' We strongly recommend "*V»«X y% »^AI 10 home or office supply !*.*' S? TOBACCO COMPANY n-Salem, N. C. *Vj'- -7t
Page 1: Want Prohibition I€¦ · >»S-M "i"Tif, ASPIRIN FOR COLDS.

>»S-M "i"Tif,


.<Name "Bayer" is on GenuineAspirin.say Bayer

Insist on "Raver Tablets of Aspirin"i in a "Bayer package," containing properdirections for Cokls, Pain, Headache,Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism.Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirinprescribed by physicians for nineteenyears. Handy tin boxes of 12 tabletscost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark»cf Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetieacidesterof Salieylicacid.


I ^ iI will be in my office in ConwayMonday, December 1st.If yonr eyes need attentiondon't fail to see me.

Yours for Optometry,

L, A. WOODRUFF, G. OPT.Eyesight Specialist,CONWAY, S. C.


My Engineering and Surveyingoffice will be open during my absence,and prepared to take cr.rcof any work as usual. Address*Oil communications as bereto^fore.

. i LIFT OFF CORNS!(Apply few drops then lift sore,L touchy corns off with

y fingers

Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a littleFJeezone on an aching corn, instantly"that corn stops hurting, then you liftit right out. Yes, magic!A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but

«. few cents at any drug store, but iscraflficient to remove every hard com,eoft corn, or corn between the toes,and the calluses, without soreness orirritation.

Freezone is the sensational discoveryof a Cincinnati genius. It iswonderful.

I have in this week car

Horses, fat and good brok

loads Buggies and nice lot

G. B. J]CONW /



Habitual Constipation CuredIn 14 to 21 Days

"LAX-70S WITH PEPSIN" is a specially,prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for HabitualConstipation. It relieves promptly buishould be taken regularly for 14 to 21 daysto induce regular action. It Stimulates andRegulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60cper bottle.


In addition to grain and greenfeeds, dry mash should be kept beforegrowing chicks at all timesafter they are 8 or 4 weeks old. It 'sbest to feed it in a hopper inside thebuilding or where it will not be exposedto rain or wet. If a large num

ber of chirks are raised, the mashmay be fed in an outdoor hopper. Thefollowing mixture makes a good drymash: Two pounds commeal, 2pounds middlings, 1 pound oatmeal, 2pounds wheat bran, 1 pound beefscrap, and one-fourth pound charcial.When a larger quantity is desired itshould be mixed in the same proper,tion.Also grit and oyster shell shoul 1

be provided, so that the chicks mayhelp themselves whenever they wish.



It is necessary to rotate an egg beforethe candle if one is to obtain ar

accurate knowledge of its condition.By tilting at various angles, the locationand sizes of the air space canb« seen, and very often the positionof the yolk. But the quality of theegg is very largely determined bythe ease with which the yolk moves

and the direction of its motion. Theoperator, therefore.

1. Grasps the pointed end of theegg with the tips of the fingers.

2. Holding the blunt end uppci1most, places the egg closely againstthe opening, or spout, of the candle.

It. Gives the egg a quick tui*n to theright or left, watching the movementof the^-olk.

If the egg is perfectly fresh it maybe difficult to find the yolk at firstglance?, but as the egg is turned a

glimpse of it will be obtained..UnitedStates Department of Agriculture..o

Colds Cause Grip and Influenza"AXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablet# remove the>«un. There Is only one "Bromo Quinine."R. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 90c.

u Reasons! k> | Why you should use |k^Cardui, the woman's

tonic, for your troubles, L xk | have been shown inOm thousands of letters from p@actual users of this mcdi- I xfev l cine, who speak from Hk«J personal experience. If r\<^ the results obtained by L ^kl other women for so many Bhk

years have been so uniformlygood, why notk | give Cardui a trial? By


L. The Woman's TonicMrs. Mary J. Irvin, cf

®yi Cuilen, Va., writes: jj «ft"About 11 years ago, I v

r&vl suffered untold misery 1®%^8S with female trouble, bear- I x

jvl ing-down pains, head- Eg.ache, numbness ... I Pv; K^l would go for three weeks Kk

almost bent double . .. mo^3My husband went to Dr.bk! Tor Cardui . . . ESk

After taking about twoK-| bottles 1 began going Qk

around and when I fnnlr

load extra nice Mules and

e, 2 carloads Wagons, 3 carharness.

ENKINS\y s. c.


NOTICE OF SALE.Under and by virtue of the Decree '

and Judgment of the Court made byhis Honor, S. W. G. Shipp, PresidingJudge, in the case of W. H. Stone,Administrator of the Personal Estateof Nelson Thomas, Deceased, Plaintiffvs. Annie Lyde, Bearon Chavis,Redic Chavis, Mary Dewitt, SarahChavis, Rebecca Morrison, AnnieAlbert, Alice Albert, Amanda Sweeney,Retha Newman, Willie Newman,Quiney Newman, Mellen C. Newman,Alverna Sams, Sallie Jane King, andDoretha Lyde, Heirs at Law andDistributees of Nelson Thomas, Deceased,together with any other personor persons who claim to be suchheirs, but whose names are unknownto the plaintiff; Burroughs & CollinsCompany, a Corporation, Robert W.Moore, and Stone Brothers Company,a Corporation, defendants, and datedDie Kith day of July A. D., 1919, I,the undersigned, W. L. Bryan, Clerkof Court of Common Pleas as SpecialMaster, will sell at public auction tothe highest bidder before the CourtHouse door at Conway, in HorryCounty, and State, of South Carolina,during legal hours of sale,, on salesday,the - first Monday in Decembernext, it< being the 1st day of saidmonth, all and singular those certainlands situate in Horry County, anddescribed as follows, to wit:

All and singular those certaintracts of land, situate in Little RiverTownship, in the County of Horryand State of South Carolina, describedas follows, to wit:

Tract No. 1..Containing seventyfive(75) acres, more or less, lying onthe seashore, being a part of a tractof land granted by Seth Bellamy toWm. Montgomery and from Wm.Montgomery to Mathias Vaught;bounded on the east by lands formerlyowned by Lewis Clause (tractNo. 3 of the estate of Nelson Thomas)and lands of Hilliard Herring, onthe South by the Atlantic Ocean, on

the west by lands of Bettic Randallor Smart Lewis, and on the north bythe Jane DuBose land; being thesame land conveyed to Nelson Thomasby Mathias Vaught by his deeddated the 21st day of February A. D.1880, duly recorded in deed book "T"at page 091-92, for Horry County.m i \r. A A i.i race rso. z..containing two Hundred(200) acres,, more or less, and

bounded on the north by lands of theestate of W. D. Gore, now claimed bythe widow of said W. D. Gore, on theeast by lands of T. P. Edge, on thesouth by lands of Willie Edge amilands of Alva Edge, and on the westby lands of Thomas Bell and R. V.Ward, being lands which were conveyedto the said Nelson Thomas byWilliam J. Sessions, Sheriff of Horry.County, and by other grantors withinthe said boundaries.

Tract No. 3.Containing forty (40)acres, more or less, and known asLittle Swamp, and bounded on thenorth by lands of Jim Vereen and!Milliard Herring, on the east bylands, now or formerly of JamesVaught, on the south by the AtlanticOcean, and on the west by tract No.1 of the estate lands of Nelson Thorn-1i-.> (the Mathias Vaught tract of 75acres); being the same tract of land!which was conveyed to Nelson Thomasby Robert Livingstone by his deeddated the 24th day of February A. D.1902.Tract No. 4..Containing nine (9)

acres, as shown by a plat made by C.C. Gore, Surveyor, dated March 7th.A. D. 1883, and bounded in the yearA. I). 1883 on the north by Jane DuBois,on the east by what was knownas Lot No. 2, on the south by lands ofNelson Thomas and on the west bylands of Nelson Thomas; being thesame land which was conveyed toNelson Thomas by F. M. Dunn by hisdeed dated the 20th day of April A.D. 1883.

| Tract No. 5..One undivided one-

(half interest in and to that certaintract of land conaining two hundredand fifty-one and thirty-six hundkredths (251.36) acres, described asdelineated on a plat of the same made


Statements That May Be Investigated.Testimony of ConwayCitizens.

When a Conway citizen comes tothe front, telling his friends andneighbors of his experience, you canrely on his sincerity. The statementsof people residing in far away placesdo not command your confidence.Home endorsement, is the kind thatbacks Doan's Kidney Pills. Such testimonyis convincing. Investigationproves it true. Below is a statementof a Conway resident No strongerproof of merit can be had.Harmon Houscnd, painter, says:"I. think inhaliny thn fnmno «n»--

n «r. V . MlilVtl X/ ' 1 U '

pontine is what weakened my kidneys..I had to pet up often at nightto pass the kidney secretions, andthey were unnatural. Finally 1 potDoan's Kidney Pills at the ConwayDrug Co., and in a short time myback got stronger and the kidney secretionsbecame natural.

Price f>Oc, at all dealers. Don'tsimply ask for a kidney remedy.getDoan's Kidney Pills.the same thatMr. Housend had. Foster-Milbu; nCo., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y..adv

LY, S C , NOV. 13, 1919.




I J "h"'Hand beautiful cake are sH housewives know from loB best when this self-rising

by Eli M. Merrelt, Surveyor, datedJanuary 26th, 1907, bounded on thenoi*th and east by lands said to belong-to Hammer Lumber Companyand on the west by lands of AliceVaught; being the same land which

.1 a. v T i*<>«*;> viuuveyuu 10 meison 1 nomas anilRobert W. Moore, jointly, by Burroughs& Collins Company by theirdeed dated the 25th day of JanuaryA. I). 1912, recorded in deed bookP .

Tract No. 0..All and singular allother lands, or interest, right orclaims, in and to any real estate,which were owned or claimed by thesaid Nelson Thomas at the time of hisdeath, not covered by tracts Nos.II,*2, 3, 4, and 5, hereinbefore described;of whatever description or wheresoever situate.

| NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,that all of the foregoing describedlands were advertised for sale at publicauction under the said decree, atConway, in the county and Stateaforesaid, and were knocked down toAnnie Lyde at her highest bid of$1,819.00, on the first Monday in Sep

(ri.-wv<y. X \ rt

Tysroveiv |apjietiiey fR a surer guarantee of Ee than by offering the =

mow IFLOUR, j

ppreciated throughout Ers. Delicious biscuits, = hand wholesome bread Homc of the things thatng experience are made F£jflour is used. H

PI i *

And the saving that re- Flsuits is a big economical Ej j1factor. Neither baking EElpowder, soda nor salt is E3needed, all the ingredients pjrequired to give the finest E3bakings being so exactly Hmixed that there is no Bpossible chance of failure H j

J, W.BROOKS IDistributor E

WILMINGTON, N. C. |MMnMsnnnnnMS^tember A. D. 1919; but whereas tlmsaid Annie Lydc lues failed to complywith her said bid, and still neglectsto do so. and accept the title to saidlands: The same are hereby beingresold and advertised for sale to thehighest bidder as hereinbefore stated,and at the risk of the said defaultingbidder, Annie Lydc.

Notice is further given that tractnumber five hereinbefore describe!being an undivided one-half interestin a tract of 251.36 acres, the saidone-half interest will be sold, subjectto a mortgage covering saidtract in favor of Buroughs & Col- |lins Company and upon which thereir> due the sum of $456.43 with interest,and for one-half of this amountthe purchaser of said interest ofNelson Thomas will have to answer.Terms of Sale Cash. Purchaser to

pay for papers and stamps.Conway, S. C., Nov. 10, 1019.

W. L. BRYAN.Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas

as Special Master.H. H. WOODWARD,

Plaintiff's Attorney.

PVAMELS supply cigarette contemnL j you ever experienced! You ne

bodied mellow-mildness: suchavor and coolness. The more Carreater becomes your delight.Cameette revelation !Everything about Camels you find soleir quality.to the expert blend ofhoice Domestic tobaccos,ou'll say Camels are in a class by theiade to meet your own personal tas'reedom from any unpleasant cigareleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels \> the most fastidious smokers. And, yberallv as meets your own wishes, for

taste! You an

cigarette sati;Camels so attrs

. i'/P t h}»tanc^ c*°not exp<

Compare Carrette in the w

CflfMr/s are solet e^ sealed package* o:'*|h tB "rfes (200 cifiaretcovere-f/ carton.






Members of Congress Do NotWant Wartime ProhibitionLifted.

Washington..An effort to preventthe lifting of war-time prohibitionbefore the constitutional amendmentbecomes effective is to be made bysome "dry" leaders in Congress, butdoubt is expressed whether the necessarylegislation can be enacted beforethe end of the special session latethis month.

Representative Randall. prohibi-uuiuM, v uniornia. said that whenthe House took up the bill to extendthe food control act for six monthsLifter the proclamation of peace hetvould offer an amendment continuingthe war-time liquor act untillamia / 10. 1920, when the countrynoes "dry" by constitutional amendment.Opponents of such a move and

seme of the "dry" admitted that sucha prop sal would he subjec t to defeaton parlia-menary grounds as the foodrent ol a.t prohibits only the manu.aetu;and importation of intoxicant. An amendment prohibitingllm : aU of liquor would be new legMitin,i. it was said, and as suchwon.*. \j"'k ... ioct to a p.'int of orderunless the House overrode the chair'sdecision or the rules ommittce reporteda special rule make *


" ** i\ )

FORECLOSURE SALE.Under and by virtue, of a Decree

of Foreclosure and Sale made by hisHonor, T. J. Mauldin, PresidingJudge in the case of Burroughs &Collins Co., a Corporation, Plaintiffvs. Laney Stephens, Defendant, anddated October 24, 1919, notice isherebv civon t.hnt 1 T A t .r.. .:-.

o- »» " JK «A- " » "*>

Sheriff, will offer for sale before thecourt house door at Conway, S. C.,on Monday Dec. 1, 1919, that beingthe legal sales day in said month, thefollowing described property, to-wit:ALL AND SINGULAR those two

certain pieces, parcels or lots of landdesignated as Lots Nos. ELEVEN(11) and TWELVE (12) on BlockB on Baggetts Heights in ConwayTownship, in the County and Stateaforesaid near the Town of Conway.For more complete description see

map of Baggetts Heights made byH. C. Cannon, Surveyor, March 25,1910.Terms of sale cash, purchaser to

pay tor papers and stamps.J. A. LEWIS, Sheriff.

E. .1. SHERWOOD,Plaintiff's Attorney.

Conwav, S. C., Oct. .*10, 1919.

j**"***** : tf

Vnent beyond anything >'.£-Vrrv: J***-#ver tasted such fullV V >

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ou smoke Camels as" if,**they never tire vour r

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