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Want to know the most hidden strategies of winning online poker champions?

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Why are you wasting YOUR time using poker strategies that don't work? Discover The Secret Strategies That Are Proven To Make More Final Tables, Win More SitNGos, and Extract More Cash From Ring Games! - Finally... Even "Average" Poker Players Can Boost Their Bankroll, Make More Cash, And Establish A Pro Status.
Strategies of winning online poker champions 1 Want to know the most hidden strategies of winning online poker champions? Alan T. Jeffers
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Strategies of winning online poker champions


Want to know the most hidden strategies of winning online poker champions?

Alan T. Jeffers

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Strategies of winning online poker champions


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Strategies of winning online poker champions


tips and strategies to help you be a better player in online poker roomsIt’s hard enough to keep it in mind when you’re playing with chips in a casino, but in an online poker room it’s even easier to forget that you’re wagering actual money. When all you’ve got to do to stay in the game is click a button, you can get yourself into loads of trouble, if you’re not careful. To keep your head (and your trigger finger) “in the game” and under control in the online poker room, follow these simple but vital guidelines: Stay Focused In a land-based casino, distractions come in the form of cocktail waitresses, bright colors, loud music, flashing lights. In an online poker room, they come in the form of the TV, the phone, the kids (or the parents), the refrigerator, the dog, other websites... Before entering the online poker room, minimize all distractions as best you can, because in the end distractions will do worse by you than even your oppo-nents. Don’t start playing when you’re in the middle of cooking or homework or doing laundry. Don’t sit down to play right before you have to leave the house for an appointment. Don’t play when you’re so exhausted, you can barely keep

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your eyes open. Staying focused also involves playing only when you’re in the right headspace. If you’re thinking about a fight you just had with a parent or a lover; if you’re wor-ried about money, bills, your job, school, or your health; if your head is not in the game, get out of the game until you are ready. Stay Smart There’s a big difference between being bold and being careless. Playing bold is calmly and rationally considering all the facts of the hand at that moment in time before making any aggressive moves, whereas playing carelessly is bas-ing your moves on emotions. Boredom, hopelessness and frustration, insecu-rity and self-doubt, arrogance, superstition, impulsiveness, laissez faire -- all of these lead to careless play. Observation, careful analysis, patience, discipline -- all these lead to intelligent play, which is sometimes bold, sometimes reserved. Stay Calm People don’t like to lose -- you don’t, we don’t -- it’s a fact of human psycholo-gy. The very act of losing then, especially when one expects to win, can easily put even the most hardened player on tilt. To be on tilt is to be off your game, to be distracted by your emotions (frustra-tion, remorse/regret, fear, anger) from making sound decisions. In an online poker room, coming from an emotional place rather than a rational one is the equivalent of playing with impaired judgment. To subvert your opponents’ abilities to put you on tilt, simply turn off the chat

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feature. Any online poker room with a chat feature will give you the option to turn it off -- usually right from the table itself. You can still view the real-time betting sequence of each hand but without all the distracting and potentially off-putting chatter. Of course if you do this, you also forfeit your ability to put other players on tilt. Here, it’s a choice. If you feel steely-nerved and aggressive, go for it. Just don’t cross the line from the controlled and deliberate method of putting another player on tilt to bullying and spouting hostility. There is a difference, and we bet you already know it. Stay Healthy It’s a sickness -- becoming so obsessed with the game that you forget to eat, drink water, or sleep. Don’t laugh -- it’s easy to do. You’re in a tournament and one hour turns into seven and suddenly it’s nighttime and you haven’t had breakfast yet, or it’s morning already and you’ve been sitting in that one position all night. Yikes! Fun is fun, but please don’t make yourself ill having it. Which brings up one final point... Stay Sober Really -- if you’re going to get wasted before you enter the online poker room, will give you give us a heads up so we can join you at the table? Seriously, if you’re going to throw your money away like that, you might as well throw it in our direction.

Winning Poker Player reveal it all!

Why are you wasting YOUR time using

poker strategies that don’t work?

“Discover The Secret Strategies That Are Proven To Make More Final Tables,

Win More SitNGos, and Extract More Cash From Ring

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Cash, And Establish A Pro Status Using Our Insider Secrets That’s Taken Us A

Combined 19 Years To Master!

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Strategies of winning online poker champions


Poker tips... to WIN!Poker is a very popular card game, where players with either fully or partially hidden cards bet into a central “pot.” To the player having the best card combi-nation, the accumulated bet in the pot is then handed over.

Before the dealing of the cards, one or more players, depending on the rule, is required to place an initial bet unto the pot. After which, the cards are dealt, face down. Thus the beginning of the game.

Strategy should be developed so that one will learn who plays fair or who the sharper player is. By defining them, one can easily deal with them. Carefully study each players move so you will prevent loss in your cards.

Poker is a game of strategy. Even with bad set of cards, a good poker player still has a high chance of winning. Here are some tips:

*Hand strength. Any hand that is less than a pair should be folded at the earli-est opportunity that comes. Don’t wait that other cards will remedy the situa-tion, because they will not.

*Display a poker face. This makes the other players wary of your cards. Your expression will let your opponents know how good or how bad are your cards.

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A point to remember, never project any clue to them, if you will, then make cer-tain that if you do have bad cards, pretend you have otherwise.

Do bear in mind that bluffing will not work if you are a poor player. Meaning players who over estimate the force of their hand. Also, if a player bluffs re-peatedly or regularly, expert players will eventually sense their style and would now know if they are bluffing or not.

*Never be afraid to fold. One threatening aspect in poker is placing your bet. As to how much or how little one should bet, feel the game. As you go along, you will then be knowledgeable and know when to bet and when to fold. A rule to keep in mind is, don’t expect later cards will improve your situation if you have nothing in your hand. Be free to fold as frequently as needed.

*Control. Bet wisely. This means betting with your head. Bet only within your means. You can not gain fortunes in poker, so stay within your limits.

*No alcohol. As alcohol makes one bolder and daring, it is wise to avoid it at poker time. You might find yourself betting more in not so good cards. Avoid alcohol especially when the stakes are high.

It is important for one to devote a lot of time for the development of your own strategy. The more you play the game, the longer that you are exposed to it, you could then have your own secrets to winning the game.

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Beat your Online Poker OpponentPlaying and winning online poker is a science. It is both a skill and an art of mastering things that most players take for granted.

If you are signing up for an online poker game, keep in mind never to choose the “any game at this limit” option. By choosing this, you are also hindering your capacity to take control of your position on every sign up list. There are options that give you the privilege of having the top position by winning and giving up the place by quitting and at the same time you could still rejoin and have you name at the bottom of the list.

Always look for a card room that fits your style. This way you always get the upper hand. If luck strikes in and you get on a bad round, look around the page for another table.

Playing two games at the same time seems a nice idea. It seems that by doing this, you could double your money in one playing hour. This could be true for some players, but remember, it happens for a few and not for everybody. Besides, playing two games at a time would definitely lay down your small blind more and you sure are most likely to tilt. Keep yourself focused on one game.

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This way you could have the upper hand especially if you’re playing a major, drawn-out pot. Playing one game at a time also helps you play straightforwardly with only one opponent to concentrate on.

There is online software that has proved to be marvelous. However, there are minor glitches that you need to stay away from. This is the “in-turn” button. This button allows the player to act on hand before your actual turn and allows him to go back trying on other moves. But there may be instances that the internet connection may not be at their best. There may be a time that while clicking the “check in-turn button,” the action may already be on you. What will happen is that the “call” button might be popping out on your screen in the place where you are supposed to click the “check” button.

In poker, the only sure way of winning is by showing down the best hand. This is true not only for casinos but for online as well. However, there a number of reasonable ways a smart player could increase his chances of winning. The sure way of acquiring winning poker skills is by checking out how players deal with their games and keeping in mind the right moves.

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HOW TO WIN POKER... Is there a sure way?As poker is very popular today and a favorite game to play among Americans, one may ask, if there really is a sure way to win at poker.

The answer is simple. Study and check out these guidelines, try them at poker time and see for yourself.

Before starting to play the game, keep in mind these simple suggestions:

*Inspect the site. Make sure that it is authentic.

*Read the terms and conditions of the site. Check the maximum payouts and the minimum bets.

*Allocate a budget for the day. That budget will determine how much you are willing to lose or to win in the game. Stick to the limit.

*Do not gamble if you can not afford to lose.

*Practice playing the game. Familiarize yourself with the game first before you play for real money.

Winning Poker Player reveal it all!

Why are you wasting YOUR time using

poker strategies that don’t work?

“Discover The Secret Strategies That Are Proven To Make More Final Tables,

Win More SitNGos, and Extract More Cash From Ring

Games!”Finally... Even “Average” Poker Players Can Boost Their Bankroll, Make More

Cash, And Establish A Pro Status Using Our Insider Secrets That’s Taken Us A

Combined 19 Years To Master!

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At the table, here are some warnings that you should always remember:

*If you do make a big win, do not be greedy, stop. Making a big win and gambling it all over again is a big sign of greediness.

*In poker, overall winnings are what count most. If you are losing, or have already lost your allotted money for the day, don’t try to win your losses back. You won’t. Stop. Tomorrow is another day.

*Drinking alcohol is a big no no at poker time. It can serious affect your judgment. So stay away from it while on the game.

*Never gamble your hard earned money unless you are very much ready to lose it.

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While in the game, here are some important ideas to think about:

*Gaze at your opponent’s eye. Survey all their moves. Observe them, to better know them. This way, you will fear them less. This way, you will know when they are bluffing or not.

*Play in silence. Have that conversation with your self as well as think deep to your opponents actions. Concentrate.

*Base your decisions on what the reality is. See all movements as they are. Do not fear, instead, be calm and assess their moves accordingly.

*Don’t take it personally. At the poker table, it is always unavoidable that your opponent can irritate you. Never give in to such responses. Stay within the good game. Be cool and objective. This is a bluffing game. But do keep in mind that just because your opponent has bluffed earlier, it does not mean that he does all the time. Think tight. Review each move.

*Think about what your opponents have. Create a situation. So when deciding, you’ll have a better chance to be right.

*Know when to stop. Is the hand that you are raising now the hand you folded a while ago? This is a sign that you should go home.

*Play to enjoy. Do not play if you are sad, bored or tired. If you can’t play having enjoyment as your goal, then don’t play at all!

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Tips on How to Win Texas Hold ‘em PokerWhen people speak of poker, there is one name that cuts above the rest of the poker classification—the Texas Hold ‘em poker. This type of poker is considered to be the most popular type being played in the casinos today, whether online or in real casinos.

Generally, Texas Hold ‘Em Poker starts with a batch of two players situated at the left of the “dealer button.” This dealer buttons refers to the round disc being passed on clockwise on each player. It signifies who will be dealer in the event that the deal was move forward from one player to another.

The betting starts on the first part of the game where the money is placed into the pot before dealing the cards. Normally, the first blind is the one that places half of the required minimum stake. The first blind refers to the player situated at the left of the dealer. The second blind, on the other hand, is the one responsible in placing the full minimum required bet.

Since the very object of the game is to win whatever is in the pot, it is best to know some rules or strategies so as to get an edge over the other players. Here’s how:

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1. The table.

When a player is playing Texas hold ‘em poker, the best thing that he or she should consider is selecting the table. This is because players, regardless of their skills in playing the game, will be constrained to give their best shots if the table is too assertive, too rigid or too loose, or if it consists of players that are more skillful.

The bottom line: Even if the essence of winning the game is directly affected by the skills of the player, it is still best to play on a table that has few raisers but many callers.

The logic behind this concept is based on the fact that the more raisers there are in a table, the lesser the chances of winning the game.

2. When a player is in the early position, it is best to raise with K-K, A-K, and A-As, then, with A-Qs, Q-Q, J-J, A-K, T-T, have a call and then fold everything else.

3. For players who already have a remarkable hand starters, especially when he or she has a high pair, say JJ or even higher, it is best not to hesitate raising it before the flop.

Indeed, playing Texas hold ‘em poker requires skills also. It is not all based on gambling. This just goes to show that games like this requires both luck and skill to win the pot.

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Secrets To Win Any GamblingGambling can be a lot of fun. But it isn’t when you are always on the losing end. If you can not afford to lose your money, never mind gambling. But you can make serious money in betting. Well, you can even be rich.

Contrary to the usual belief that you gamble solely on pure chance and luck, adding in a little mathematics and some proven game strategies will not hurt. In fact, it can guarantee you a good pay out.

Here are some secrets to win any kind of gambling.

*Know the right type of gambling for you.There are hundreds of gambling games that you can try for yourself. Casinos, sports betting, or even arbitrage betting. If you pick one, master it.

*Learn about the game.Read related materials of the game such as basic rules and tips. As the old cliché goes, knowledge is power. You can have the edge by investing on good books or download tips and secrets on the web.

*Set a minimum bet in every game.

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After a win, bet only half of the pot you put in the previous round. When you lose, go back to your least bet. This is often regarded as progressive betting. Use it rather than straight betting.

*Always check the odds.Choose a betting game that has 3 percent or less casino advantage. Among others, popular games are poker, black jack and craps. *Watch the trendBe attentive to your winning and losing trend. Get the probability and ratio of your winnings and losing. If you think that you are on the brink of losing, then don’t bet.

*Stick to a strategy. Pick a strategy that works best for you. There is no such thing as the greatest strategy but there are proven ones. Collate all known gaming strategies and select the one that is effective and works for you.

*Don’t be overly greedy Being greedy might give you a couple of dollars more but being overly greedy might cause you to lose them all.

*Be optimisticMuster some confidence that you will win those dollars. This attitude would keep you betting until you get some good pay. But never expect to win all the time, which barely happens. You lose some, you win some.

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Keep in mind that winning doesn’t mean you have to win a bet every time. What matters

most are your total net profit earnings.

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Lowering Online Poker Gambling RisksScams

Online gambling has many risks, aside from the risks on the game there are also the risks of scams and frauds. In the internet, these aren’t really uncommon. The internet reaches far and wide and it is no wonder that our dishonest brothers have finally found a way to again con our more honest brothers out of the money that they’ve worked hard for.

Online gambling risk comes in many shapes and sizes, aside from the addiction risk, there are of course the risk of scams.

Therefore you should know if the online casino you’re entering is legitimate or not. In today’s day and age, that is very hard to do. Scammer Casinos need only to copy the layouts of legitimate casinos and adopt them as their own, including memberships and certifications. Logos and banners are very easy to copy so be weary of these.

The only way to make sure that you don’t get scammed is to go to online casinos approved by trustworthy organizations like the Interactive Gaming commission. If however, you get invited, to a site, don’t make any deposits yet.

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Look up their certifications and make sure that these are indeed true by doing a quick search on the organization that gave the certification.

Most online gaming organizations have a quick search function that allows you to search for members. Usually, scammer casinos don’t take the time to become members because they usually “change names” in short periods, usually when their scam gets discovered.

Like any form of gambling, the risk doesn’t necessarily come in the game. The risk is part of the game, but risks that we are talking about here go beyond winning and losing money.

The highest risk is getting addicted.

Gambling should be a form of entertainment, and shouldn’t be viewed otherwise. It isn’t a living and it definitely isn’t a gold mine. This is what’s wrong about today’s gamblers; they view it as a fast way to get money.

You should know that a low risk gambler views playing in casinos, online or offline should be only a form of entertainment. Once you think that it’s a living, it’s already the onset of addiction.

To lower your gambling risk, make sure that you limit yourself. Never play for more than you thought you would, or for longer than you thought you will. Draft the length of time and the amount of money you would play, kind of like scheduling dinner or a trip to the movies.

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To Gamble Online or Not to Gamble Online - That is the QuestionCompared to a real casino experience, here are some of the considerable pros and cons of online gambling:

Pros of Online Gambling

1. Hot Offers

As a competitive business, online gambling can give so much to persuade gamblers. They could offer bonuses for new customers to sign up, i.e., additional 10-50% of their initial deposit to their bankroll, random deposit of money in customer accounts, and giving away vacations for particular levels of total money bet.

2. Better Rules

According to experienced online gamblers, online gambling has better rules compared to physical casinos.

3. Cozy Gambling

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Of course, the online world makes online gambling another convenient way to have fun in the comfort of home.

4. Less Annoyances.

Troubles with drunken people, smokers, thieves. With online gambling these real casino troubles are avoided.

5. No Tipping Obligation.

Unlike playing in a real casino, you don’t have to be obligated to tip the waiters and dealers.

Cons of Online Gambling

1. Patience is a Virtue

Cashing out can be a bit tedious with online gambling compared to real casino gambling. One may be prompted to wait for about 2-4 weeks for cashing out. With this in mind, the use of debit card is advised since with it, it is a lot faster to make your credit appear.

2. Customer Service Boo-Boos

Depending on where you play, you don’t have that face to face confrontation power with the online gambling site. Some sites may offer toll-free calls and e-mail correspondence. But these are prone to delays compared to just talking

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to the casino manager or something to that effect.

3. Online gambling casino calls the shots.

With online gambling, the player may have to deal with the casino’s word as the final word when any dispute surfaces.

4. Credit/Debit Card Overuse

Your ability to balance your credit or debit card statement might fail with online gambling because of the temptation to play at a lot of places.

5. Inaccurate transaction documentations.

Transactions don’t usually have the name of the casino you played at but instead only the merchant bank is identified.

With this information, weigh the differences as to whether you prefer to do online gambling or not. As long as you don’t get too hooked up on it and you’re enjoying yourself, go ahead get a feel of the online world of gambling.

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Tks for reading. I hope you have found interesting this introduction on how to play online poker “in the smart way”.

Recently, two great winning poker player - Bryan Micon & Brett ‘Gank’ Jungblut (click HERE to check out their huge winnings) - have recently released an interactive course that reveals how to dominate tournaments, sit-n-go, and cash games.

You can click on the button below to read more about their original system.
