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War against terror ( presentation )

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Zuwwar Khan Jadoon

Dec 18, 2012

Page 3: War against terror ( presentation )


I. British India

II. Creation of Pakistan

III. Background

IV. Geographical Location

V. Soviet-Afghan War

VI. Role of USA

VII. Rise of Al-Qaida

VIII. Musharraf Era

IX. US Invasion

X. PPP third term

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BRITISH INDIA landed as an East India

Company Started political interference Gained power day by day Fall of Mughal Dynasty India became British India War of mutiny 1857 Formation of Congress and

All India Muslim League Allahabad Address 1930

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CREATION OF PAKISTAN 1947, Muslims obtained

independence and created Pakistan

Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the first Governor General

Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Priminister

War of 1948 (Kashmir) Era of Field Marshal Ayub and

General Yahya War of 1965 and 1971 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto became the

first nominated Prime Minister of Pakistan

General Zia-ul-Haq an important figure

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Sub-Continent was divided on the basis of Muslim and Hindu majorities

Geographically our location is quite important

Center of the third world countries

Warm waters and trade routes

Sharing borders with Iran, Afghanistan, China and India

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BACKGROUND The geographical location of

Pakistan has strategic significance Since 1947 we were inclined towards

USA and West Pakistan became victim of terrorism

during 60’s and intensified during 1971

USSR, one of the super powers prior to 1980

Remained greedy to reach the warm waters

The next thing was spreading Communism

A system in which all the property belongs to the class less society rather than the individual citizens

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December 1979, Red Army invaded Afghanistan

1980, Babrak Karmal installed as ruler, backed by Soviet troops

1980, anti-regime resistance intensified along with assistance of Mujahidin groups as backed by Pakistan, USA, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia

1985, Mujahedeen joined hands and formed alliance against Soviet forces under support from Pakistan

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Half of the Afghans were displaced due to war and many fled to Pakistan and Iran

1986, US assisted Afghan Mujahidin through Pakistan

1986, Babrak Karmal replaced by Najibullah as head of Soviet-backed regime

1988, Afghanistan, USSR, the US und Pakistan sign peace accords at UNO

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1989, Red Army quit but civil war increased

1992 Najibullah govt. toppled but civil war intensified

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USA realized the increasing strength of USSR

USA never wanted communism to spread in whole world

USA assisted Afghanistan financially and strategically

Pakistan as a bridge Role of Zia-ul-Haq Role of ISI

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After 1992, when Red Army quit, civil war started in Afghanistan

Mullah Omer rose and ruled Afghanistan and imposed Islamic law

In 1993, name of Al-Qaida appeared with purpose of assisting aggrieved Muslims

Headed by Osama Bin Laden USA openly opposed Al-

Qaida and threatened Afghanistan

Mullah Omer rejected the American demands, being unjustified

Al-Qaida responded tit for tat to USA

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General Musharraf toppled a democratic government and became head of the state in 1999

Voiced for Enlightened Modernization

Announced full support to USA after 9/11

Apparently made 180 turn from previous policies about Taliban

The Gorilla war was taken inside Pakistan by so called Taliban and caused terrorism due to Musharraf policies

The deteriorating law and order situation became worsened due to interference by CIA/KGB and RAW etc

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2001, Coalition forces led by USA invaded Afghanistan

Turkey was the only Islamic country among the coalition nations

Many religious groups stood against the invasion

Mujahidin groups migrated to Afghanistan from all over the world

Mullah Omer and Osama fled to far mountainous region and fueled Gorilla war

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2008 saw departure of Musharraf and third term of PPP in the Government

Desire for command and poor economic situation forced PPP Govt to continue Musharraf policies

Above situation coupled with interference by our enemies intensified and spread terrorism and the whole Pakistan became the victim

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War on Terror has probably benefited very few but Pakistan lost thousand of lives (military/civil)

Our economy suffered by billions The so called “Taliban” inflicted

bad name to our beloved religion, Islam

Law and order situation became worst and despite appreciation about geostrategic location, Pakistan went in isolation
