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Warehouse Receipts Act

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  • 7/29/2019 Warehouse Receipts Act



    ACT NO.2137

    SCOPE OF THE LAWThe WRL is a full and complete treatise on the subject. It covers all warehouses whether public

    or private, bonded or not.

    NATURE AND FUNCTIONS OF WAREHOUSE RECEIPTA warehouse receipt, being a document of title to goods, is a proof of the (1) possession or

    control of the goods, or (2) authorizing or purporting to authorize the possessor of the documents

    to transfer or receive, either by indorsement or by delivery, good represented by such document.1

    Warehouse receipts constituted as Equitable Mortgage2:

    GENERAL RULE: The proper negotiation or assignment of a warehouse receipts carrieswith it the transfer of title over the commodities covered by the receipt.

    EXCEPTION: Where a negotiable warehouse receipt is indorsed and delivered to a creditoras a collateral for loan, which would then be a species of security, referred to as equitable


    [Read: BPI vs. Herridge, 47 PHIL 57 and Martinez vs. PNB 93 PHIL 765]

    PURPOSE: The Warehouse Receipt Act [WRA] seeks:

    (1) to encourage transactions on negotiable warehouse receipts, which may only be

    issued by a warehouseman who is engaged in the business of receiving commodities ondeposit for storage.

    (2) to regulate the status, rights, and liabilities of the parties in a warehousing contract;(3) to protect those who in good faith and for value, acquire negotiable warehouse

    receipts by negotiation;

    (4) to render title to, and right of possession of, property stored in warehouses moreeasily convertible;

    (5) to place greater responsibility on the warehouseman.3

    SSEECCTTIIOONN 11..WWaarreehhoouussee rreecceeiippttss mmaayy bbee iissssuueeddbbyy aannyy wwaarreehhoouusseemmaann..

    WAREHOUSEMAN: a person lawfully engaged in the business of storing goods for profit.4

    For oneto be considered engaged in the warehousing business, therefore, it is sufficient that he receives

    1Article 1636(1), New Civil Code

    2An equitable mortgage is one which, although it lacks the proper formalities of a mortgage, shows the intention of

    the parties to make the property a security for a debt. Cachola vs CA, 208 SCRA 4963

    93 CJS 4004

    Section 58, WRA

  • 7/29/2019 Warehouse Receipts Act


  • 7/29/2019 Warehouse Receipts Act


  • 7/29/2019 Warehouse Receipts Act


    TThhiiss sseeccttiioonn ddooeess nnoott aappppllyy,, hhoowweevveerr,, ttoo lleetttteerrss,, mmeemmoorraannddaa,, oorr wwrriitttteenn

    aacckknnoowwlleeddggmmeennttss ooffaann iinnffoorrmmaallcchhaarraacctteerr..

    As instruments of credit, warehouse receipts play an important role in modern commerce and the

    present day tendency is towards liberal construction of the law in favor of the bona fide holders

    of such receipt.


    This rule, however, has no application to actions against any party to the transaction other than

    the warehouseman. The purchaser of a non-negotiable receipt not marked accordingly from onewho has stolen or found it cannot interpose the defense against the owner of the goods that the

    receipt is negotiable and has given him the title to the goods, the warehouseman not being party

    to the transaction.

    SSEECCTTIIOONN 88..AA wwaarreehhoouusseemmaann,, iinn tthhee aabbsseennccee ooffssoommee llaawwffuulleexxccuussee pprroovviiddeeddbbyy tthhiiss AAcctt,, iissbboouunnddttoo ddeelliivveerr tthhee ggooooddss uuppoonn ddeemmaannddmmaaddee eeiitthheerr bbyy tthhee hhoollddeerr oofftthhee rreecceeiipptt ffoorr tthhee ggooooddss

    oorr tthhee ddeeppoossiittoorr,, iiffssuucchh ddeemmaannddiiss aaccccoommppaanniieeddwwiitthh::

    (a)AAnn ooffffeerr ttoo ssaattiissffyy tthhee wwaarreehhoouusseemmaannss lliieenn;;(b)AAnn ooffffeerr ttoo ssuurrrreennddeerr tthhee rreecceeiipptt,, iiffnneeggoottiiaabbllee,, wwiitthh ssuucchh iinnddoorrsseemmeennttss aass wwoouullddbbee

    nneecceessssaarryy ffoorr tthhee nneeggoottiiaattiioonn oofftthhee rreecceeiipptt;; aanndd(c)AA rreeaaddiinneessss aanndd wwiilllliinnggnneessss ttoo ssiiggnn,, wwhheenn tthhee ggooooddss aarree ddeelliivveerreedd,, aann

    aacckknnoowwlleeddggmmeenntt tthhaatt tthheeyy hhaavvee bbeeeenn ddeelliivveerreedd,, iiss ssuucchh ssiiggnnaattuurree iiss rreeqquueesstteeddbbyy tthhee


    IInn ccaassee tthhee wwaarreehhoouusseemmaann rreeffuusseess oorr ffaaiillss ttoo ddeelliivveerr tthhee ggooooddss iinn ccoommpplliiaannccee wwiitthh aa

    ddeemmaannddbbyy tthhee hhoollddeerr oorr ddeeppoossiittoorr ssoo aaccccoommppaanniieedd,, tthhee bbuurrddeenn sshhaallllbbee uuppoonn tthhee wwaarreehhoouussee ttoo

    eessttaabblliisshh tthhee eexxiisstteennccee ooffaa llaawwffuulleexxccuussee ffoorr ssuucchh rreeffuussaall..

    Principal Obligations of the Warehouseman

    (1)To take care of the goods entrusted to his safekeeping;(2)To deliver them to the holder of the receipt to the depositor, provided that the conditions

    under Section 8 are fulfilled.

    Offer to Satisfy Warehousemans LienA warehouseman having a lien valid against the person demanding the goods may refuse

    to deliver the goods to him until his lien is satisfied.10

    Furthermore, the warehouseman will becriminally liable of her delivers the goods without obtaining possession of such receipt.11

    Lawful Excuses for Refusal to Deliver Goods

    Even if the demand is accompanied by the three conditions under Section, the warehousemanmay still validly refuse delivery of goods covered by the warehouse receipt on some lawful

    excuses provided in this act, to wit:

    9Bank of PI vs. Herridge, 47 PHIL 57 [1924]

    10Section 31, WRA

    11The warehouseman may be punished for each offense by imprisonment of not exceeding one year or by a fine of

    not exceeding two thousand pesos, or by both. Section 54, WRA

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  • 7/29/2019 Warehouse Receipts Act

