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Warhammer Core Rules

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Design andW riling: Chris Pramos Original WFRr Creators: Jim Hambra, GraemeDavis, PhilGaUagher,Richard Halliwell,andRick Prresrley Additional Material:Dan Abnerr,Jrrem.yCrawford, Graem.eDavis/Kate Flack, Ewan Lamont, Aaron Loeb, T.5.Luilum, TodJ.Miller,Rick Priestley, Roberr J. Schwalb, Gav Thorpe Editing: W.D. RobinsonProofreading:MarcGascoigneGraphic Design andAn Dira:tion: HalMangold Additional An Direction: JohnBlancheCover An: Geoff Ta,YlorWFlU'Logo:Davis Hinks Interior Art: Toren.IIMacbin" Atkinson, SreveBelledin, Caleb Cleveland, Dave Gallagher, David Griffith, JonHodgson, Carl Frank, Ted Galaday,JanineJOhMon, Karl Kopinski, Pat Loboyko, Britt Martin, ValMqyerik, TorsteinNordeSlrand, JustinNorman,Erik Polak, SeOrlPurdy, W qyneReynolds, Rick Sardinha,Adrian Smith, Greg Staples Canognphy: ShawnBrown, NualaKmnti{v, Fluid"EntertainmenrCharacra Shec=r Design: Rick Acllberger WFRl' Development Manager: Kate FLackEwan LamonrHead of Black Industries:SimonBurler - Special Thanks-5fevrUndroos,HuChm PUITI:I$,Ev:an .II"""M ...; RoJ:",rr J. Schwalb,Kate [wan Umont. Marc Gasccignt.AlanMemm.and JohnBlanche. for mpcthum.n dfons JOOvCandhcyondthe callof dUlY. To JimCrncmc Davis.PhilG311aghet.RichardHJ.lliwdl. andRickPt;c.dr:y.who,;,:faultItToChrilLucu md the[Qt of tlieGame> WorbhupDepartment. ToHuidEnteruinmem forthemapsin Chapler 6 (createdwith theirDumljillllim3ppillg ",,/twaIc. www.dundjinni.com). ChrIs Pr.mas wouldUke(0 thank ChrisFlaherty.BrianE.Kirby. Roben/...;!wwn.kuon Locb.'Iodd Millu.KimProm. Sandeep WilliamSimuui. amiRubcn J. Tuth-199 BergeuSr.lives '". A Black Industries Publication tin! published in 2005byBlack Indwuies, an imprint ofBL Publishing BLpubll!;hlng (.;amo::;Workshop.Ltd Will..,wRoad Nottingham NC72WS UK Nopm of th .. publicauon may belepHxlucro. mm:d iua ,wi.yo..! sysrtm. or tr:trumittedin;my formbyany muns. dectronic,m:ercr recordonp:tge:i:249. 252-255. for personaluse only. @c,pyrigbrG;mqWOrithopumItM2005.AlIRigJm/w ..vtd.w",a Workshop. tIN Gm,a Wo,*,"""p. wm'/lIlmmrr;F.. ,,1ilSJ RoUp"''' liN w,.,lmWIIH F""1mJ Rukpluy lop.oL PulAishing.tm oL PubUshing logo.&uk Industritr. rht &uk Indurtritr forp. mtd aU asrodatai mm and nul in!ip,,4.m.zrI:J. M11Its.charadm.illmtnJrionr. aNi j"WfPfi'omtI", r,w.";"'mm,.,. .In.I,,,,,,,,,,.. ",tkrr I 1"[email protected]/orGarMSWorkshopW2O()().2004.l14riab1yrtgirrtrwiintkUK lind n/kr """nm/'! """,nd tht ,-" AU riF" rt1MItd. Cff", ROIl'" ,,,ui If" C,"" /Wn",Ingo "'" T",Jmlilfh&mill ruMifhi,,/{ lind 11'"Wl!d with Dundjinn; IInd.1NDundj;",,; logo 'Iff Tm&mam ofF/roM EnUrra""'1(I1f and II'" um! with fi"""Wi"n. Product Code: 6004028J002 ISBN,I-8441()..221-4 Black IndLUuiQ Wurld Wide Web sile: www.blacki .. duuri.wfII RODin World Wide Website:www.grccuronin.com Playt0:3!Group Lead..andPlayt ....u t: R..lf Achcnhach(CI .,di. AehcnMch. S,efanMulier,Ft:lnk Vcrm); Chril'ophM,l..):Js"ib"".K.:vin xi""rtl: D.,..."Bohon(11.13,1:F,e;n): xb:tsti.n Boisvm BU.l');S. 1:);Jl50nMeKn(Mike And...o", TuddC.ulkilLl, Chri. Colwell,O::aJeGrillill, Bt:ldHelron); M.,k MdU,ch (r"''l,d. IIrellNo.1,:Sa>.(1!.I(ndencefrumtheHighElf PhoenixKing and since thenhave runtheir ownaffairs.Others eonrinuedto ply these;!.Sand eventually Luil!uptrade with the emergingof man. TheEmpirehasmany hiddenElf endavC5initsfureSlS,the of whichisintheLaurelornForestnorthwestof the great eity of Middenheim.Althoughtheirlandsfallwithin thebuundaries of rhe Empire,the cionorrecognizetheEmperorastheirruler and donot Imperial citizens. ' Ihemenof the Empire haveenoughTfOuhlewiththe darker denizensof theforCliIS,such asl3eastlilen,lhatthey largely ignoretheElves.' I hisiseasy enough, Humans couldn't lindanElf villageevenif they were looking for it.Elvesvaluetheirprivacy andusefeyenchantments tohidetheir woodlandhomes, butthey have not forgottenabout thl:"ICStof theworld.Elvesmayberarelyseen,hurthey much beyondtheirborders. Elves He mOStcommonly seeninthe bigtt"aong citieslike A1tdorf, Nuln, and M:uienLurg.Hl:"repowerful housesrepresent the iorerests of distantUhhuan. The scionsof thesemeruntile hmiliCliareexpectedtotrdvclwidelyintheir YOllTh,forgaining worldliness willhelp {hcmintheyears ahead. While theytendto lookdownontheiruncouth sylvankin,they knowthey arefarfrom ,he gl""mingrowersof Ultlman andthus of bscr status tomany of their HighElf cousins. 16 RoleplaYingHints Elvesof alltypesrend(Qusemoderated,eventones when!":lIking. ruReikspieliscommonly their secondtongue,they sl'l".tkitwitha formality andprecisionlackinginmOSTfolk.FJvc'rend to gesticulate quite a lot, a factthat oflencausesmerrinltlllinthe other races. HALFLINGS HalAings are a smallbut dextcrousf1ICCwholook likeHumanchildren totheuntrainedeyl:".TItefactthatlhey cannot grow only reinforcesthisimpression.Althonghtheyrendto Ix pot.lxllied, since tilt:)' eattwice asuftenasa.nyother raCl',Iheycapahle of stealth. When combined withtheir wellknownskill withthe sling, Halflings canprovetobe 511lhhornopponents. ' Ihey are, however,largely a peacefulpeople.content tofarm. ea.t,atId smoke pipe TIley proudof Iheir andHalAings canrecitc thcirfamilylineage backtengenerations or more. Background The- origins of the I laillingsaleHuman tribes senled thelandsthst larcroccamctheEmpire,HalAings wereapparmrly alre:.ldy amongsllhdr numhns, bowever,were smalland they playedlitTlcroleinthe warsthar!cdto the emblishment of dIeEmpire.Indeed,Halflingsarebarelymentionedinhistory hooksunriiTheycar1010. AtthattimeEmperor grantedthe Halflings a landof their own, aslegendhasit inrecognilionof their contributions toImperi al cuisine.Whatever thereason,theI falflinf,s were givenlaudneartheupperreaches of theRiver Aver. arca hasbeenknownastheMoot ever si nce.TheI Ialllillf,ssoverntlte Mootthemselves,butiris stilla parr nf rheEmpire.In fucr,the Elder of theMootisone of only fifteeliImperialElectorsandthus somepoliricalpowcr. MostHallliltgs are humehodies.The enjoy peace anclCjuietand want nothing morethan10 belef;alonetoenjoy goodfoodand a good smuke.lllt:re are,however, anumber of HaiAings whofindthe Moot intolerably boring. Whenthe most exciting eventof the dayis finding OUIwhafkindof pic isfordesert,somefolksneeda change. TheseHalRingsdevelopa t;!.Slefor andIt:avethe Moor hehinrl,often forroguishpursuits. SincetheseHalflings arethe ones mostoften en,;;ounlel'edini,isperhapsno coincidence IharHalAing:o; as a wholehave gOttena reputationaslight.C!ngered sneaks. Roleplaying Hints Halflingsareenthusiastic ineverything, from to caringto running away. 'Ihey speakusinglotsof slang.Theyfrequently dur words together,invent newtermsand !;enerally debasetheImperial IOnguc. Halflings havc a habit of obsessivelyusing calchphrasCli or new worUsthey've discovered- a! least,llnrilTheneXfonc comcs along.HaiRingsuse hand gesturesmuchasElves do,bUlthtse are invariably [00ruderorliscuss. HUMANS Humans arerhem05r(ommonraceintheOld Worldand Ihc foundersof theEmpire.Whiletheyaceneither astoughasDwarfs nor aswi.o;(as arc a vibrantand encrgeticracethat has muchina ,horttime. 111eyareadaptable, whichishorha grearand a serious weakness. Whilst many Chapter ll: Character Creation beroicHumans havefoughtagainstthe'ddc of darkness, iti; an uncomfonabtl' tTuthth3{theyalsoprovide:lhc liun's :.hare uf lhl' hordes of Chaos. Background toElvesandUwarfs,Humans are a youngrace.They are, however,yigOruUi :lIldhave spreadalloverthe world whileolder raasconrinucdrodedinc.rhollsandyearsago,a group of Human migratedtotheOld Wurl d flOIlltht SQUlh. These tribesbecamethefoundersof theEmpire, well OTherO1lio05 li ktBremnnia, ' Iilea,Kislev,andUralia.Other:> (ominued nonh,to (rigidNorsa. llld beyond. Nowthaiyouh:tlle chosen your mce, you e:tn generate your Char.tcterisria. YourPCis deli.nedby CharacrerUlia, 'whkh repre.'lentyour chamcter's n!Win3II:lriety of physic:al 3.1d mtlll:'u1l1tsC arcbrokenIntOtWOgroups, the MainProli.le and the SecondaryProfile. lhe n;;cilerm:ruebc:wherc. favour ing Til1:3 and Rreionn;a. The h",,,= ."'''''[ nOffhetenbrought down byof slingstones from det erlllinooFielclwardells. Skills: Academic Knowlroge (Necromancy)or Common KnoWledge(the Empire), Concca1mr::m,Follow Trail, Outdoor Survival,Search,SilentMove Taltnts; Flett Footedor Savvy,Mighty Shot or Rapid Reload, Rover or Quick Draw Trappings: Sling with Ammunition,Lantem,Lamp Oil, Spade,Pony with SaddleandHarness Career Emrit s:Hwlttr, Militiaman, ToU Keeper Care" Exirs: Bounty Hunter, Merctnary,Scout,Vagabond, Vampire Hunter Only Ithis career. - FISHERMAN-DESCRIPTION Fishennen seek Ihe boumy of Ihe sea. ' [ hemany villages on Nordland's coasdine arehome to coundes:sFishermen. These henry souls br.we me Set "fCb_ in cr:lf, . (bpire rhe ("(Instant thmlt of pirates andfrom No[1;C3..Then: are aho some fIShing communities inland, by lakes and riVt[S,thoughtht:S!:villages alw purnlC Fishermen art: an imlqx:nr.ltnLlot:lS a matter ofOOIIJl(". They work in sm.aUcmvs, and whenonme Woller decisionistMir own. "This nature is one reasonwhy dockside (;[.vellIs ale aiwdj'Swm.aly. Nok: During CJ1'ation,ifyou take CommonKnowledge (tht Wasteland), yuur em hefinm the greal port of Marienburg aJyour option. 19 Skills: Common Knowledge (till: Empire or the Wasteland), Consume Alcohol or Haggle,Navigation or Trade (Merchant), Outdoor Survival, Perttption, Row, SUI, SpeakLanguage (Reoopie1 or Norse), Swim Talents:Hardy or Savvy, Orientation or Strut fighting Trappings;FishHook andLine, Spear Career Enrries:Boarman, Peasant CareerExits: .Marine,Merchant,Militiaman, Navigator,Sraman

- GRAVEROBBER-DEscluYrION GraveRobbersmakethei r Jiving the Hothmedical and magical creal'" consnulldemandforfresh Wrp5e5,somefoJ'5I u..-Iy,tor more sinister purposcs. Obtaining suchcurpsl:Sis qui te difficult,soPhysicWts amI Wizards bothcome to rdyon GI1I.veRobbers. It is aloathsome bura profitable one.The freshestcorpses canwmmam] exurbitantprict!!; . The risks of thisHneof work are sulmalllial. Watclull eu,P[it:Sts ofMon (the God o[ Death), and WitchHunters allkeep careful waTch of grllvqards andpunish interlopersSkilb: Drive, Gossipor Haggle, Scale Sheer Surface, Search,Semt Signs ('Thief),Silent Move Talents: Flee!, Roistance to Disease, Srreerwise orminded Trappings: Lantern, Lamp Oil, rick, Sack,Spade CareerEntries:Bone Picker,Rat Catcher GareerExits: Cat Burglar.Fen,Rat Catcher. Student, Thief - HEDGEWIZARD -DEscluYrION HedgeWizards arc magically talentedpeople withnoformal maskalll'aini llg.Usinginstinct, Iud, and superst itiousrrnppinw;, they canperformminor,spedalited spells.Thoughthey maynor alwaysbeaware of it,Hedge Jally Wilh danger every rimerhey usctheir charms and c;umips.Fur Ihis reasonthe Witch Humers t:'Jgedy track and execute theseunfortunate folkwho all100 onen invite daemonsanddisaster into the world. Some Hedge Wiurrls take the roure Rnc!jnin theOrders of MagiC. othershidetheir shamefulsecret. Skil": Animal Careor Haggle, Charm or Intimidate, a",,,,dling. Clwm AnUm! '" Trule (Apoth=y). Heal or Hypnotism, Magical Sense, ferception,Search TolmlS' HedgeMagie.Petty Magie (Hedge) Trappings:Healing Draught, Hood Carm Entriu; None CareerExit!: ApprenticeWizard, Charlatan, Initiate, Outlaw,Vagaborxl Note:If youto be to CUtspells fish! awayyou should ;",;.e;l.lOl;:yuu. withyour freeduring creation. Halflings andDwarfs maynot enter {his career. Hedge Wlardry IsdangeTOlu and highlyillegalinrheF.mpire. If caughr, you could wellbeexecuted. Think c.arefullybefore entering this c.areer. DEscRIYrION While theEmpire. come far from thetribes !.hatfounded it2500 years ago, some fhingshaven't changoo at aiLAlthoughPeasantstill parts of the land,huge expan.o;e;of theEmpiresti llcovered withforestor are hosti leTOagriollmre. Th= arethe lands whereHunters md trappers thrive.They ust:lilt: same ledllliques a.s their ancestors to take down game, be it a lrap or a well-placed shO!oIt takes skillto stalkwildanimals while avuidingthe dark creatures of the woods.Hunters in their animal skinduthes am.Ifu r hatsmay appear uncouth to city folks,bur mey UUII'lmuch carewhat othersthink of ,hem, DFSCRIl'TION Religion hastaken scculIll placeto moneyinthe affectionsof m, ny OldWorlders.but,here arc s,ill many young menwomen willing'u devotetheir livestothe GmkIt takes greaIdedication and ,rai ningtokcome a Priesr.Iniriares aref'riesl5-in-tr,uning. Theyundergo harshinstructionunder srrict trachels.and umil they are they ale notallowed to preach or conduct services. Their'(".liningindudes li teracy andcalligraphy,the study of scriptufl:s.audthe ;U(of ,he sermon. They also lcarn Theha.dcs of weapunuse thetemple!;;Ink in of need. Chapter ill: Careers -HUNTER-Skills: Conccalmcnt, Follow Trail, Outdoor Swvival, Perception, Search or Swim]Secret Signs (Ranger), Silent or Set Trap Talents: Hardy or Specialist Weapon Group (Longbow) , Lightning Reflexes or Very Resilient, Marksman or Rover, Rapid Reload Trappings: Longbow with 10 Arrows, 2Animal Traps, Antitoxin Kit Career Enrries:Klthband Warrior, Woodrn.an CareerExit s: Bounty Hunter, Fiddwarden, IGthband Warrior,Miner, ScoUt, Soldier ITargcteer - INITIATE-Skills: Academic Knowledge (Astronomy or History), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Charm, Heal, Peteqltion, RcadlWritc, Speak Languagt (qass.jcal), Speak Language (Rompi, n Taltnrs:Lighming ReflexesorVery Suong,Public Speaking, Suave or Warrior Born Trappings: Reliwous Symbol(stt Chapter 8:R.eligion andBelief for Robes Coreer Entries: Hedge Wizard, Knight, Scribe, Student, Vampire Hunter, Wildl Hunter, Zealot Caretr Exiu: BarberSurgeon.Demagogue, Friar,PriI'SI, Scribe, Zollo! AsIniti,re youm,lff decide who your parron God is and what church you You aul learn Inure aUvu,,he raims of the Old Wolld in 8: Religion andBelid'. Ymn choio: gives YOllanomer skHIor talCnt,as detailed in Church Sk..illi;and Talcnu .;:n'IY ur yuur .bcription. 41 DFscRIl'TION The Empireisaof laws, whichit's al.'ill3oarion of jails. DespitcmebesteffortS of [he clergy of Verena, the ofJustice,lhl: innocent arc JUStaslikely as till: guiltyto cmlupinjail. Ikttcr roo harshthantOO laxisthe opiniun of lhe law. Imperialjails foul dungeonsLhalslllellI:qua!Jy of fear and excrement.Jailers plC:siuc llvn Ult::;\:instiTUtions, using a combination of urulalilY andhumiliationto keeporder. Jailers gcncnHy hal'!:IJU1iCllliCuf justice orpiry, and arcseldom swayedbypIcas or 5peechl!!;(Ihoughbribes are gladly accepted) . The worst arc outright delighting inrhl' power they bold over their elm!!,cs. Ill: Careers - JAILER-Skills: Command, Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Heal or Sleight ofHand,lntimidate, Pwx-ption, Search Ttlltnts: ResistancetoDisease, ResistancetoPoison, Specialist Weapon Group (Entangling),Wrestling Trappings;Bottle: of Common Wine: , Tankard, Anyone of: Bola,Lasso,Net CareerEntries:Bodyguard, Rat Catcher Career Exits;Bailiff,Bodyguard,Ime:rrogator, Rat Catchrr, Wa.tchman - KISLEVITEKOSSAR-DFscRwrION Origi nally,rhewere anUngol tribe that lived nonho;:a.The:IIKISlimponamNoble families ;are tho5e of lmp of others andrcsolvcto havc somc uf their UWl!.Withl.hdrknowledge of ot her languages, they make excellenttnmslamrsforforeign expeditions. 51 Skills:Academic Knowledge (anyone),Conunon KnoWledge (dlr Empire)or Gossip. Perception, ReadlWrite, Secret Languagt (Guild T ongu, ), Sl"'k Languagt (B"ton), SJ"'k Languagt (aassical) , SJ"'k Language (Reikspie1or Tilean1, Trade (CalligrapJ-v) Taltn!5: Linguistics Trappings: Knife, A Pair of Candles,Wax, jmatches, lUuminated Book,Writing Kit CareerEnt ries:Apprentice Wizard,Initiate CareerExits: Agitator,Apprentice Wizard,Initiate, Navigator IScholar III: Careers -SEAMAN-DF5cruYrION Mostlmperi.li $tlIll1'1lcomefrom the province of Nordland, whichhas a Irmg srretch of coast on rhe Sea of Claws. l he Greauhips, Wolfships. and Wargalleys of the ImperialPIC('(pmol these Wouers,pr01CC1ingthe Etllpire from NOf5CIOIl!;ships.Brc(onniall buccaneers, andthe dreadedA[$ of Chaos. HarumeJ SI: a great many banles, bur carl'S nOtinthr slightw forri$inguptheranks, eventuall? fi nds himself a VetCl'lI.n, firs!andforemost, survivors, They don'tvolunteer for suicidc missions andthey doo't unncct:liSaryrisk,.;,but thc limecomesto geTstuek in, They' resome of Thetroops onlhe fidd,OfT-JUlY Veterans arc a!waysgoodfor old war' fheycaTOll,'ie with a will,knowingthat their time maybeshort andrhere'sno senseindying with gold stillin your pockets, SkilL. Academic Knowlcdgt (Jfuory '" Ncaomancy), Common Knowlcdgt (d< fmp"') , eo_t, Dodg< Blow. Follow Trail, Pertqltion ISale Sheer Surface. Shadov.ing, Sc:atch,Silent Move, Speak Language (=u.i) Talents: Miglty Shot or Rapid Rdoad, SpecialistWtapon Group (Crossbow), Stoutk:arto:l, Strikt Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Tunnel R.a.t Trap;ings: Repeata Crossbow with to BollS, Medium Armour (Full Mail Armour), Bkssed Wau:r, 4Stakes Career Entries: Bounty Huntu IFicldWarOOl, Glast Strider, Knight, Scout, Tomb Robba Career Exits:Initiate, Knight, Targetm tWitch Hunter - VETERAN-86 Skills: Common KnoWledge (the Empire), Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Gunble, Gossip, Intimidate,Perception, Seem L.ngwge (Banle Tongue) Talents: Mighty Shot or StrikeMight}' Blow, Rapid Reload or Snikc to Injure, Specialist Weapon Group (any two),VeryResilient or Very Strong Trappings: Anytwo weapons,Medium Armour (Full Mail Armour), Bonle of Good Cnftsmemhip Spirits CarmEntries: flagellant,Kislevite Kossar, Kithband Warrior, Mercenary, Norse Bef5Crker,Outlaw, Pistolier,Pit Fightu, Runtbeuer, Shiddbreaker, Soldier,Squire Carm Erirs:Champion,Judicial Ownpion, Outla,w Chief, Sergeant,Chapter Ill: Careen - WITCH HUNTER-DFSCRIITION WiTch Huntcrsgrimindividualswho have dedicatedthei r lives to eradicating the force;inthe service of the state orthe Church ofSigmar. They prefer TO.o;eekom Chaos cultists,Mutants,and hcrcIks that have insidiously hidden amidsr rhe ciries of the Empire.Ilowever,they will rravelfitrindeedif Theyrhink they callstrike a llle'Jllingful blow agailUttheforcesof WirchHunrer:srendTOhe a surly aJlJ suspiciuus lotwith no qualms abour Idlling 50 rhey ahuIIIguilty, which mcans their appearance isnfienregarded wilh dread hy otherfolk. SkilLs: hcadcm..ic Knowllgc (Magicl, hcadcm..ic Knowkdgt (NccrollwlCYl, Ac:atlcnlicKnowledge (TIcQlogyl , Oiunl, Commud, Common Kmwledge Empire), G:ouip. Intimidate,Pcrttption, Ride, &arch, Slknt Move, Srak Langwge (any TII/mlS: Lighming Parry, Lighming Rdloes or Marksman,Menacing, Public Sixth Sefll:,SpecialistWeapon Group (Cwbow), SpecWist Weapon Group {ThrowingJ, Stout-he.utcd, Strike Mighty Blow T Nlppings: CtCMbow Pistol with 10 bolts, Best Qafumenship Hand Weapon, 4 Throwing KniVCSIStan,HeavyIumour (Full I'btc Iumourl,lo Yuds of Ropt Camr Entrits: Anointed Prieit, Assmin, Champion,High Priest, Judici.&l Qampion, Knight of theInner Circle,VampireHlUItcr Camr Exits: c'puin, Ownpion, D:magoguc,Iniwte, Knight Q( the ""'" """ - WIZARD LORD-DFSCRIITION Wirhinrhe E.mpire,The of rheOrders all:puwtrfuliurlivirluais 11l1:yno the worldasothers do,having dedicaTed Their 50uls to magic. Theynow embody Their chosellLorein word,deedandphysicalform. Should anElf main this levelof magical sldll, heisconsidered IClhave compleTedhisminormagic apprcmiceship, andisreadyto\lave!tothetowersuf Hoeth10become a HighMage. SIci1ls: Acdonic Knowlalge (Magic),Acdonic Knowledge (any thl"re), Qmmeiling, Owm or Intim.idate, Common Knowledge (any thl"re), Sense, ReadlWrite, '""'" l.mgwgo (M,giclltdgt(Nfgie) II fourth timt. forwhat you're:trying to do. You(hellrollpercclLIilc Jiee and i( yuur rollisequalto or lessthanthe:characteristic, you sucCttd.Table:4-1: TestDifficulty also applies to CharacteristicYoucan OpposedCharacterislil; Tiron,torrure: , disease:, or magic. ThesetestSarc: expbineil whr.reGAINING SKII.IS Youautomatically gainthe skills of your Starting Caro:.1 (I/(b).&jolT Ix mil finisbthe CoadJ]lJaIl Chapter IV: Skills at Talents 14ITr.flxrr/orr, must ""in FvIloIlJ Tr4;1 fir 5.onrt Sjgru (Sto/ft), Ss,rviwJ, I1nd SurrA Si"a 'N's II llllllllln fromtk Empi". I1nd thwMnd lIIilh umnIAtiKrlhWkdg" (rk EmptTr) /JIW GoSSIP,he dot; rwlMtd w bl/)'skills. SKllL FORMAT are presenTedinthe tnllnwing lormal: Skill Name SkillBasic orCha.nc:tcristi c.:Thisentry spcdfies which Characteristic this UtiliU50 forTt$IS. Descri ptionl This !ZCriondescrihe. what thedoes andisused for. Related Ta.l cllu: Manyyour dla.m:n with skills. The bonus either applies allthetime or under C(:rt1.in cir.:umstances jnthetalentdescription. Any tharam affecta skillue listed here. SKILL DF.rVeryEasyAutumaticAutomatic Chapter V: Equipment SLANG IN THE OLD WORLD Coinageinthe Old Worldisknownhy aof dlfferenlnamt$,A I'tu[U!;iuuof dilTerclIlly minted coinsin c.ircubtion, combined withregional dialc:ctamI Old Wo,ldcr'stendency to wilful obscurity makes the situation even worse. Below are some 0:me IXlmmonCl'ilhclli {hal adventurers lIlay encoumer Gold Crowns Kuls: Reikland slang ba.scdupontbeilllage I)f theEmpemr sTampedon AllAl rdorf roin. Cel t:Nonhlamler termfuralllaq;e denomination coin. Mark: GenericEmpirt crown,probably bued onthe common mark", Guilder: A gold coin mimed with a guild m:l.lk--common in Marienburg. Jink, City rlweUers'Termforcrownsof a dubiuus urigin. Shiner: Alu.lorf meet slangfora GoldCrown. Shillings Bob: Infonnal Te rm amongst the gentry. Shimmy: lhieves canr of unknown origi n, lmu common $pch. ",,, Good Common P"m CRAFTSMANSHIl' Cw-I Muh.ipUcr ,JU " " xl/2 -Availw.ili ty OWl' 2 SICPS DropI step IncrcaseI step In marketplace$allaeTOSStheOld World,there are;nnumer.:.hle iremsforrrade or sal",.IIIcvunt!t:SScharnclers canlind 00111111011items like weapons.rope,containers, food,or rare and exotic goods lik(' poiwns, dr:lIIghts, (IT evenrhe exTremelyraremagic ilems. ' Ihefollowing irems are urg;llIizedinto twolHoad categories:Goods, which include suchthings;u Weaponry. Armour,Clothing.Food& Drink, Miscellanea, T SpecialEquipmtilt, amiServiCt:S, such:umedicalst rvice:;,hirding.s,and 50 OU. WEAPONRY lllc variousmelee andmissilc weapons arc grouped imo twO broad categories.Ordinary weapons OInhe usedhy while Specialist ....require Tminingm empluySOcall only be wed by those withtheappropriatc SpecialistWeapontalent(Sec Chapler 4: Skills and Talenu).If youfry10use SpecialistWeapon wilhout UII' appropriate ralem.your WS (furIIIdecor DS(for missile wC'oIpons)ishalved(roundedup). Specialist Weapon Groups Specialist Weapons ue filrrherimosmaller groups, each of which Gorraponds toa went (Sec Chapler 4:Skill,and Ta1enu), The Specialist Wl';lponGroups and Ihe weapons coveredare:Cavalry ([kmilana, Lana), Crossbaw (CrossbowPistul.Repealer CroS5bow). Engi neer (Hochland long ruRc,Repeater Firearm, Pislol), Enlangling (Bolo,I..;ISS(),Nfl,Whip), Fencing (Fuil,Rapier),Hilil SUver: Common term amongsT IraUtn. anu.saiJul"l>furMuck:Ruml!lame fUl'shillings,whilllelilincludesIypt:l>uf gt:"..lrt:very advt:111Uter needsto surviveinthe dangerouslands of the Old World.For easy otgllnillifion, grOllp subdivide.If youu)e aGoodor bCller disguiu kityougaina +5% toDisguise Tests. Fish Book and Une:Thissharp ,-hook istiedtotcn feetof thin 0000. Grappling Hook.: A grappling hook isa hcavymrct"or fourpronged device thailooks someThing likeananchor.Intendedfll! dim!,i,,!>. yuu.... 11 ;1;u .IUYbeJweaJKI". Lot:kPidu: il;a smallwalltmake an Agili,y Testforeach3 yards(roundedup)of dcscent.If a testis failed,hefallsthcremaining distance (;l.lldno:cdn'lmakcany morer=5). me1m rhar if the chanerer thc firsttest.hcf.tl4the emin: dislallcc.If till: chal'JCler hasthePerformer (Acrohar),kill,he may uStthat insu:ad of Agility at the pla}'er's 0PUOI: . EI:.amplc S,m, a Dwaif7hi4 ir 011a I'OI1ftnpwkn an aIm waubmlln Ipm him,SVt'ntrin to jllmp offlllr roof ttl tiN grollnd Ik GM dm-l'minN ,hilt iii rollghly 0 9-yll1J drop.SI'f1I mwt II/ilkt tint IllrmsflllAgi/ity Testl to jump tkwn withollr injurillg himsdj(ollt forfoch 3 yardt jumptd).Ht IfIIllrtllllC jim ,,,,1: I:MiIy bUIbbmdm tlx Ifflmd.Hil ro1/rrollM dt"K"ml IIIrlU 111/0a dtSprtlft pill/nlntl.Sillct he IlIui jumjm/3 yards IU((fflfolly//lithhir jim tm,IN only toirts tMlIIllgt fromliN mnaining diMnu (i1/tM tatt,6 yardJj,Arcording /0firM#!6-10: Fallillg Dall/agt,a 6-Jdrd foil il/Jbm 0 DO/Mgt 51,il. LEAPING A leapis a hori7.omaljumr, Ukea long jump.It isusedto leapfrom roof toroof or 10 ClOSSchasms andthelike. A l(;lpis a fulla(tiun. Combat,& Movemem lllcrc are twOtypes ofleaps, running and standing. Inarunning leap,the characro- sprints lip10Movement CharacteriStic I2iny:mh (or Movement ill squardi). The character mm!move at1.....Ili14 y,m1s (2 .ll.Juues)ina STraightline leading up tonice off.Themaximumdismoceleapeclequaltn Muvement plus StrengThKnnllsinyards. thediSlaIlCCof theleap if a succes5fulSucugth Teli\ismade.For cOI.chdegree of failureof thetCSt, the GUiana:leapedisreduced by1 yllTf!(mi nimumIyard).If the ,haraclcr hMthePerformer(Acrobat)skill,hemay usc:thaIinSle3d of Sm:nglh at theplayer's option, ExamplelOur /n(lld SWllISbll(k (JIItiN roofioPJ.'fq gtt OlltOfhr buiWmg hr /MIIIS torob,Ix l/Iust 11'111/1(' II kap tlf6yardJ.Slim hal J mwi Srrrllgrb&111114,sohis 1II11>:;1/IIimlup i.J7 "mil (J-t-4 .. 7).IVith Strrngth42%, Sum maktI hiJ Test and rolls II 63%.SI'tnfoi/s by 2196.!lUi II two ikgnN tJjfoilurr, so Svrn rrJuctS hI.>Jut41netb] 2 Jtlrl!t.Ht bm IJnl]Itapd 5 l'mis Stlis just sh] tJjllx nw";. SIK1I fJnct again klll7lJ about foUing. A standing leapissimilar,but nnrun-up. 111isadjudicuedsame WlIy,hmIhefinalhhalved(roundedup). 'I he \'enicaldisrancc of a leap(iC important) is cqu.altoM-2 in yards. JUStasWiLlihori:rontaldistance,the veninl disW\ceis reducedby1 yardforeach dcgrClkeepforwardmomentum going or they'llfulltothe ground. TheyIhus nn't Crienceddders. EUllIple: Hum, a WiZllrd with a Magic Chnmmrisrir o/}, iJtird ojltud]illg ill tIll sputttfmg light oja fand'" 10'" tkritln tocalf rlu magifflam'IPfl/.Ht malus "Outing with hiJIdJO alld 1.([1 a"S(Jr," SptU foils.Hr dunmaKtl II Will PoUtt,Tist,jails ii, "".l so glllllS J /IIJtlIlJI] Point. Hom barns "mluabk /(JIM abDlitIIsing m"git for lrivial purp,StI. TZEENTCH's CURSE Arcane Magicbe unpredictable. The more:power youuseto ca51a themore likely itisIhalsomething unexpected willhappen.This is TIetJllch's CU/W.NULall Wizardshonour T7.eemch,rhe God of Magic and Change,bUIallfearhim. If youare anarcane spellcastcr. TzecnH;h's Curse lakes effectwhenyou rolldoubles,triples,or quadruples on your Casting Roll.The more d IOsyuuwi I,Ihemnrei1.eemch'sCursebecome$. If yuurollduubles,rullperct! mile dice and consulTTable 7-2: Minor Chaol ManifC6latioli. If yuurolltriplt:S,milperct!mile dice ane!Table 7-3: Major Chao, Manifestation. If youroll \{uadlUpb,rullp!.'rccmilc dice and consulr 1able 7-4: OIta"rophlc Chaos Manifatation. If yourollmultiple malches 011UlleCastillg Roll,fherean hf more rhanonemanifesttruphiceffecl. 141 Chapter VII: Di e RollRC$ult , 0115Unearthly Visiom Your Godthooseo; thisrime10 grant roo a symbolkbutconfusing visi oll.lllis stuns youtor1 tounc\. 1630 YQU!Devutiom A few prayers are requiredtofinishcasting the sf.'t=ILThisresult3dds 1 half aoinnfOthe Casting Time of the spell.You mU!;1take:this t:X1r:lrime evenif youfailedthe Usting Roll. YouTry My Patience:Youcannol Q$t another spell fur1JIOrounds.' [his spellSTiliwooo aslong as you made your Casling Rull. 466UYour Cause is Unwonh)" Your spellfails,evenif you m,u,l",tilt Ca:.lingRull. 6175Stinging Rebuke: Nor only does your spellhil. but youabu sulfer10% pen:tlry to your WillPower for1 minutt. 7690What Will YOIlMcrlnce for this Boon?: YouIoscIdlO Wounds regardless oflollghnas Boom or armour. ')19')You Have Sinned "saillS! Me: Youhave somehow your God. YouffiU$!kneel andrcpemfor ldl U rounds.lhis renders youhelpless. 00Da.cwonic Lltc;:rfcn:nCtlYourprayer is answeredom 0(1{by your God.Rollon Table 73: MajorManifestationinSfClld. means thattheir spells aren't;li powerful:J.'>those ofWi7.ards.Sfill, isne'1eI' withom it! risks.SincePriest! gettheir spells from their Gutb, mcy run the risk of displeasing some rather po'o\'erfulbeings. If you an: a wvim.' whenYOllrolldoubles or triples on your Casting Roll, youmustrollon Tllbl c75: The Wrath of the God, 10 findOUtif you'V( angered your deity wi th tOOmany foraid. Ihe table otherwise, your spellis STilleaSTsuccessfully if you made your CastingRoll. SPELLCASTINGLIMrrs Youmusrhi' able TO roem spells. It isthroughinvOOl,lions inmc various atI,An A',er.!l;t Tt$tyidols 3.11item1;,[ Wffimon crafummship, whilea fa.lt:dChanndling Test of any Difficulry mrans it's anitemof pM!'" a TOuchspell. ENCHANTITEM Casting Number: 21 Casting Time:!minute Ingredienr: A grilfon'sfeather (t3) Description: Youcanenehant;l.n item 10 givea +5% bonustoanyone ofthe Function followfOIlIl.Yuu cuulJ e/lCha/Lla togive a WeaponSkillbonw, forexample, or a circlet fora fellowship ' Ihe enchAntment fornne huut and an Cln only bear one a time.Thcitemcounts.u Thisisa touchspell. TRANSMUTATION OF THEUNSTABLEMIND Casting Numbe.r.23 Casting 'lime:HImiml1e.Owntrodden mmers, Jadc Wi/,auls,P=1t5 ThePoor,theDiuased, Women Empiref"olk,Nobillry,,he Army Nature andrhe WildsAmbttWouJsmen Warriors,Mjddcnhdmcrs Scribes,Cekstial Wiurrls, Magistr:nes Bank, Wolves andWinter Inrning andattended by only ont s"l'UfIcnraifigurewhomighTnm even be:a Pricn. Temples and shrines generally comainnhjecrs of value----olfering:; that havebeentn deily,icons,rcliQ;,and so on. Iheo;evaluaub arc:consideredthe property of the ddty,and characters who atumpt to steal or damageThemareinviting the dUpleasurcnot only of theTemple'sPrit'St.s,but alw uCthe deity. Shrines are a commonCeature inLheOld World.Most are indeJH!ndelll,structures, erectro bytheinhabitants of a village or a city ward,or by members of a paniculA.r guild or mher group.Essentially,sh rinesare tentplestJ1miniature;they areplaces whereofferi ngsarcmade and llrayersareofferedtoplacate or gain titefavour oC a deity.Mon ar(nomorethan a smallalrar,with an image of theGod and a suitable inedirnTedwOr.lhippelll of Ulric usually gounshavenand donmIfim thdr hair .wthattller IIllghtbe hip Ulricism.KlliWllly urder), :.oldiers,liIercenaries and moslanyone whofightsfora living willhave a shrine dedic.uedto Ulricnear themIt alltimes. InMiddenheimparticularly,thecultofUldc isthe dominant fo rce,bolh politically andsplrhllally.Only rhereisthe CUlThighly urgani4(J,with11l;bSiv\!telllpb and complexeshousingthousands uponthou5anrls of clergy andother (ultmembers.Only there inthe Empire docsUlric easily eclipsetheimportanceofSigmar;Ulricisthe (UIIlIUOn forbuy)inMiddellilcim, andmustmellthefe IOU unshavenas a lignof devotion. Whileprofessional w;arriof$throughomthe Old Worldpray 10Ulric, often on a dailybasis,these som of folkrarely rdy on temples or clergy10comrr.unic;ue withthdr God.itis true, ,hal the highly org;mizedcuI!of UlricislimitedtoMiddenheim, lctthere be nomistake:Ulric a pnwerful importanr Gnd,prayed 10hy everymanor"oman who hastodo batik Inthe- Old World,lOOner or l;.ttcr,that's ev' no Tcmplar ordcr andrelics on others foriu;protccTion. ThePriesTS are knownsimply asthe Order of theBleedingHeartand arcusually recruitedfromorphans leFeatthe Shallyanrem pies, childrenwhose mothers have diedin childbirth, or other young victims of tragedy. Itb a widelyheld opinion amongthe ShaUyanPriem thatonly a persoowhohas beenraisedby other ShallyanPriests couldposscssme declicnionnec=ry ro in[he cult. Church Skills and Talents uf Shallya start wit htheHeal skillinadditiontotheirnormal career skills. Siocethe Initiate career alreadyhas theHeal skill,this means Inirialcs ofShallya geTit rwi(;e,giving thema +IU%boousSkillMasteryinCllapter 4:Skilll'and Talents).PriestSof Shallya can, atthei r option, learnthe fo!io\\-iI1gskills andtlllent5parr of melr Clrl:l:T5: Resistlll1CC:tu DiSl::lSt:, Traut:(Aputht:eary) ami Trade (Herbalist). Prominent Figures 1he Highof theEmpire', Shallyancult, AnjaGustavson, has pruided overthccult in(heEmpireforfiftyyears.Now a woman so old andfrailrhat a strong windmignrrender her TOdUST,ilis widdy assumed(hat a new I !igh Priestess willlx namedsooo.The Empire'sHighPriestessnot only sits on thc eeotral Shallyancouocil in Couronm:but alsoisusually calledtopersonallyll:ndtothehealth of theEmperor. Because AnjaGustovsonis so old, shehasnotbeen VIII: abletoperformthis duty foryurs and severalsecular physicianstend to theEmpcfor When she die; and replacM, isliktly (0 ella.ngc.RUlIlourhasitIhatthcphysicians, jealous of the wealth thdr positions bring. havebeenmending to AnjaGustavson, doing evcryrhing they canroher alive. Holy Days ' Ilmc areno specifichuly days, althuugh iti5 uc.'tomary furOld Worldc:rsto nuke a sacrifice10 Shallya Geh year on the anniversary of their birth. THE CULT OFSIGMAR The cull Isorganized along strictly hierarchicallines,under the bJcflIhil' uf tht GrJuJ TheQgonisl;\l Ahdolf.I Ie pltside!i over thelargesttemple of SimgarinthcEmpire :andthc church at large.One rung downthe Jadder of power flomthe Crand:m lilt twu ArchLeCl.tuall,narruw winduws IoCt illule walls. dominatedby great Slone staruCli of Verena, whoiscommonly ponr.lycd seated ona rhrone,an open book on her lap, anowlperchedonher shoulder,amiaandinkwell lin Ihe armof Ihe thrllnt:. A numl)!:r uf smal lerIt:'JU(lIT fromthe hall, illduJillg Pliat quarters andthelibruiCli fOTwhich Verena's temples ue mostf.tmous.Eachtemple has alleasr onemeeting room, where merongs ane! take pllce under the 3uspi,e; IIf the Prie.t5 willgladly .mend at 5u,h negotiations, and everything rod and writtenin one of thesemeetingrooms iskeprinIhe STrioesr confidence. Shrines to Verena tendtohe versions nf rhetemples, consisting of aroof sup]>OrH:dundegJIIIruUUUlS, cuv.:ring a smallStatue of the Goddess.SolllelllllCli the oolumru arc oonnC(tedby walLr,theinsides of whicharc oftenwith stacked withbooks andscrolls_ Holy Orden PtibthooJ hastWOr.lOksin Verena'S cuk PriC$t andHigh Priesr. Eachremple has a single High!'riest, who overseesrites and serves as rhe chief administr.llor [or Ihet(mpl.:lilml.lY.A temple'sPriests choose their 1liShPriQ( by consensus ar.dmili their selectionbased on who hILSsL1perior andknowledge. ofserving:ll:l II'mrle, Pric:srs jointhe uf My:.,teries, whichisdedicatedrouncovering forgonenand suppressed lore. The order fTcquently allleUJnpliulL.lh hiklluwkJse isnOISUpples=! butis housed in one of the cult's libraries, where only rhe informed :lnd diligenr ClInfindil. * VIII: Church Skills and TalentS Initiate;start wiLhtill: Pt:n:eptiun skillill additiulllUthdr norlllaic;areer slulls.SincctheInitiate career already hasmePerception skill,this meansInitiates nfVercnaget ittwice,giving them+10% bonusSkillMaslny inChapter 4: Skills and Talenu). Priem o[VtlCn;l can,at their option, learn thefollowing skills andtalems aspartof their cuccrs: Academic Knowledge(any two),Hypnotism, SecrerLanguage (anyone). Prominent Figures One of the cult's luminariesisManfredArchihald,HighIIriestof the greattemple in Altdorf.I Ie is a towering.bespectacled man. 'l"'he folkof rheEmpi re areof anyrhatare nmrheir 1.uwn,UUl Jun't aClivelyj.>I:fSCCUlelhe ulher rdee:,:forLheir ,'(orship of their mange deities. Mosr prople arcignoranr andunelring of thesereligions,rn Iharinvolve urinkiug anJ wilibtIrrb.liug ;lilYIll",rit'" may Er. YESANDTHE GODS The Elvesworshiprhdr ownpantheon of Gods.asthey have done for timeimmemorial.Elveshave a richmythic cyclethat is so CCntrallO [hei r sudety thatitis embcJueuin their very language.Elvm culmre issuffusedwirhmysticism andmagictothe extent thatPriests are unknown amongst thedves.They honour their Gods,and hold Ihe (eremnnil'S,hurdonorfeelIheneedfora formalized to in1t:[aclwiLhLh",m-ach Elf holdshis owncummuniun withthe Gods.TheElves alsohave a much greater undemanding of magicthando fhe {lrher rheyre:llizerhat allcraft ulrimatdy como fromtilt: Aethyr.Elven tenJ to Ix: more mystk.Jlhm their human who onen look at OI.KIDe magic as a sc:icnrificprocess. It isnocoincidencethat the centre of Elven wizardry,the Tuwer ufonth",uistam isle of Ulrhuan,dedielled10,he Godof Wisdom. Many of the Oven Gods have strong similaritiesto those of the Old Worldp:ulthoon. Humm thoologians tendTOthink that the Gods arc the but simply wor.;hil'peU unuer JilTert:nLnarm:s. TIl'"Elvl:Scunsiu",r the Old World pantheon but 2disroncd reflection of the!lUI' Gods. Themajor Gods andGoddesses of IheElvesinclude; Asuty2n, Father of the Gods:lie isthe oldestand greatest of IheRnd >;aid10herhe anceo;rnr (If aillil'ing lll in}?". K11a.im:. Goa ofWar ana Muraer: The"bloody-handed God-hasbeenbotha blessing anathe curse.Heissaidto have imprisonedandtorturedIshaandKurnous,buthe rusofought againstlhe Chaos God Slaanesh. Thepower of Khaine always comes witha price.TheDarkElves ofNaggaroth have devated KllaineLU Ix:their patrullGuu.aridmakebloody sacrificesLU him each day. Isha,Goddess of the Fertility:Isha ishonoured a$themother of IheE),enrace andIheprmecrnr nf Ihe naHln:llworld. Kumous the Hunter, God of Nature: Although heis {he falher of theElvenracc.heis not honouredto the extent that isinIJlrh[[Ananymore.On rhe mher hand,he one of tht mostimporram Gods of the WoodElves andis knownas thele"""y?Basically,it's a single story that YUUtPC"!'U\'cr alilittlc asone gamenight,[0 asmany asLttakestofinishthetale.ThereMevarioustypesof ldventures, allof whichhall\'some dements incommon, whichthis chapter willtouchupon. Asthe GM, youdecidc what SOrtof adventure you wanttorun,and slnwlyrcvt'alittoyuurplayers.Of itIt)kuuwwhattiLerIikc asthetcLb nothing asbored as a roomfullof gamerswhosaldownexpecting gory combat,bnr insteadrc; usually n=:lto know are ofren[he mnn dangerous. While somc knowledge can MIdcertainly should come frombooks, remember thattomes arc relatively rarein the Old World and nearly always apensivt. SinG! a numher ofadvenrurt'S involve a mysrery or twO, investi811tions willthereforcplaya big part within them.Many PCS will gather cllenujoriry of cllcir infornuclon &omr.alkingto oilicrs,which means maTasthe CM, you should consider inadvance what each of your NPCs knOWs.to say nothing of whether or notthey'll be honest or fonhcoming about what they doknow when questioned.It'salso a goodideato think about whothe locallaw enforcement is andhow they willreac[to the MIdthe Old Worldisbcsc:rwith wars,bothgmr andFewindeedra"" wirhoutany swordplay. While ,here are a nUIHu.:1of /Ole-playing gounc:sUlat 5uITer foolsto live,WFRP isnot one of them. It is no accident !lUI Fate points arc aninhcrentpan: of tltt game; your pes are going {OneedThem. Ihis leads 10 aninreTeSl"i ng efrea though:)'01Imay find,hal yourPC.sstan actively avuiJing colllb:uif they canhelp itwhenthey realize JUSthow deadly it is.This isn'tbad at oUl; meOld Worldisa dmgcroll$ pbce. andthey're just growing wiseto,hat.Whcn considering how a fighl will go inyour advenlllre,rememher Ih.1lrhe majurlty ufNPCs (am.l wun enlJlq;h,Pes) arewdl3W.m: of how quickly a Slr.ughtfightCUIgo wrung.M.my warriors will look10get whatever advantagesthey em, e.g. ambwh, greater numbers, superior weapons, CIC. Some of the more sinister willU!ICpolsonor rllnnw,"y"'the!ir,;tn( rmnhle 91They 0 '" cnm!' hack alldsli, whcn tl lcil fue ate aslrtp. TIti nk about how YOllrwillIIIiujury or 1tJS!..Very,very fewbeings arewilling IIIfi!;111tothe death.If lhcy'le clearly losing a banle and givena chance to surre nder, they' ]]probably take it, if Ihey haven'lalready run away. Combatshould alwaysberun asUslasyouare capable of doing themwhile stillaccuflItclykeeping ffllckof whaT going on. Give fhebare;ram01tntof time!(l figureumwhatthey're guingto du ami if theyhesitate,tellthemthey JUStIOSla hoUf aClionbecause of their dithering. Colllinually fightingin darkened streets and clearfieldsgets a linlerepetitive, $0try10 choose intcresting and diffi:rentlocations 10 SCISIlme of yuurfightsin.Keepyuur I..it:scriptiullb of dlt::dJ"IXIS of v:.trious atUeKs relatively brief Kl asnotto bog downthe combaT, uving your bestimagery forthc morespectacular criticalhits.If yonr playefl; 1111 feeltheneedTOtake a dct:pbrc:llh allhe end of one uf yuur t.henyou're defilluely uumg il nglu. A WORTHY FOE YourPCs shouldalways be rhe pro:-agonists, or lead chal"t",!fonintuIhePU' main opl-'Ollem. Yuu s.hould know how he culle 10 be who heis and what henow wants. By considering the antagonist'smotivatiolU,you willknow how 10 properly roleplay hisreactions10mepcs Ihwatting of his schemes. Some of yourP("...s'willhaY!'lackey.; andhenchm",nthat you'UlleeQto uetailaswell. The enemy,though.neednOInecessarily be one individuoU.If thePes havewen ona Chaos cult,they may nOImeet a single, spedfic foefora long time,if ever. Instead,they will have TOconlend with aur suhtlc auacks, all uf whicl l havo: some sun uf tdltalc siguto inuiclle Ihal Lirehaled cult w.1.Sinvolved. Occasionally tailoring the enemyfor direct opposition10the PCScan befun. For example,if your PCs arcthieves,thenthei r foccould be a vinuous MId solidly ethicalCaptain of the Guard &mous fo r always hri ngi ng I!l ur JcreepyWild1Hunter whulJdicvc:s lhem guilty of unspeakableIt 'soflen a good idea{Ooccasionally have an opponent Ihalyour Pes cannotre ... dily slay withoul serious repercussions,such as a corruptpolirician or Chaos-I"kcallhave consequences. &jUiPlUellt; DoClithe ciaracter have Iherighl1001for the job? If nOI,does hea rt;aronabJc $ubsticule? Some tasksmayDr Au_oUlwi!llOlJlthe rightDbTractions: anything dislr:tCliog the char:tcterl Sights. sounds. andeven smells canbreak conCentration. Complementary Skilli: A eharaclers skillin one areamay Dr helpfulwithcerraintadu. A eharaclerthatknows the Classical lanl;uOJgC:,furi.nSt:l.llce,u:iglulindtranslating a document written in lile.. n easier,h.. n normal. Aid: Does thaccharacter have :tnyone helpingthem?Helpfrom ftieons 010make a hig d !fereocc. En ... ht.hech:l!aCltiIJla haarJous environmem? Weather, darknen, andI:rralncanall aff"en[C$C.!. PurrING IT AIL TOGETHER Once you've consideredallthe varioll5 mctolS,YOllhave \0 disrilthat downroa finallt:S1diiTitullYll1ut.lilitf, lltelf folrhe finalday." In order 10 prepare forIhe apcx:alypsc. a character who is Desperate and DoomedmUM1101unlyforhis sins. bUTaho cleanse his body amlminu. To himthe best aCls of peoitence and purific.uioninvnlvt self.mutilation, themost popular formheing to the skinfromhh body with cluins, whips,ropes andlrather Stf"JPS.And itishis solemn duty tomake .sure juiu iu ULe .. tuLLemem.s. Thereouegenerals,WitchHUnTer.; and warriur who often Irick theDcsper:ne andDoomedilllu figluing fortheir army ina coming Imttle.lhq convincethese pour souls thatthe finruconAicta[hand, md feedIhem promises of a glorious dCluh.Inrmlh, dIeDesper-nc Doomed arc oftenused annun fudder,placed 00 the fromlines roharass[he .. nemy before dyin!; gruesomely. They fintheranks of Ihe FJagdlams inparticular. ThFear 1hcre are many things to for inrhe Old World. some will! goud r=n. Kea'iTmen,mUrllms and uthtr foHowersof Chaos em do great harmto you. A character sufferingfromThe Fear is somcone who, ahart! lili:of violence and exposuretothe grotesqueries ofChaus. to a moreirml[onalfear,like beL.eving he canbe hAnned by Ihe dark, thunder,snakes,QtS.heightS, small spacn, crossing over a bridge. and so on. The Fearis;ltlexcessive,c1cbilitadngoverwhclrninK urt:"Jdof some objea or Thert memany,many things10 be afraidof, including spc:cifie kinds of aninuls (i.e.l"lm,spidcni,toods,horr.es), open or closed spaces, sunlight or darknlS, hlood,childrenor people uf othcr races, of y,:ller,being alone or in a crowd, furand dothing, plants,anupointy objects, WllVds, clerics,I'hysicians,and so nn. A character sufferingfromTheFear rakes 10 avuiduuj"l:tuf his discomfort. Should he wishIII fora:hi.lllsdf illlo Ihe presence of wharhefears,htmake a WillPower Test.Ifhe WIs,he muet Reefromthe objectof hisfCllrimmediately.If he's ullaule10flee,his WillPowero;cnreishalvcduntil he's able(0 get away.Furthermore,the 203 IX: The Game Master GMmay deddtthatpJOlougcu towhatthe charnerer fears requiresa WillPower Testto avoid gaining anin53nity Poiut. Should the character succeed,he stillsuffers a -10% penalty 10 WillPower andFellowshipCharacteristics untilhe'ssafely away from whathe fears. IUlilurc severe =es, a sulfering from"lhC'rc:trbecomes convinced[he objeling around IlIIdtr rl)( jIoorbodrdsrig/IInow;t"lhis disorder becomesPmfanePersecutions. M,md,.,.,krRotJI,YO"lIIakr ail tlu pl1in go 4WI1J ... Jisutdu becomes Ihe Mandrake "Slgml4' slIwd IIIJlifo and inmum W4nlS mt to Iud ail thr $/4'II;nl orphl4lu intI,t Elllpm.I haw a p"m,it'srimpk rt4il,. but Wt'U 1';d six tMulllnd pOllntis ofrhmt.Wboiwith 1IIt!" 11lis di.\-QlJetbecomes IheDelirious-nIl lurkJ to bt u/iw.7hlltGoblinnt4T" killtd 1IIt. HE NEARLY KILLEDME.Flllll}Gob/m.la/moIl died.7hm Goblin lhlrltd It lpt4T inmJ rhut.lill lucfry10bt... l4ggM. IIi"J'"pptmnJ:.IlXllin.' - This disorder becomes thr Kni\'rs of Memory. 7;,,11urrihlt udllt/llurtr.7},al fi,}t wiThIhtGoblin prolltl it. I fIln; doIhis./ shollld jim gilltup.WhalstI,t pOl1llaIfJIt'lJ}? W't'rt t(Jkill 1111thrGob/ins."This disorder becomes Ihe Heat{ of Despair. "flar I "III. sllltklllg,",oundtd.and nil ont Iho=any kindnlSl.wtll,I.adyGtrbmon dON ... lm rlftin lht spolu tolilt klilll/glil m NI] drt!am,how I don'tkllow,but sht /OllfJm, and thati 11/1fha/lflllittn. "This disorder theL05tHcart. And soon. A character who sees alovedone gettOrturedmight gain IheRagl' disorder.A charactet who'strappedforthree daysina clarkpllof filtltand humanIl'mainsmighr g::rinIhe Body of Rotdisorder. Theidea isto use a litde logic,although if youwant torolll'l1ndomly onthechari andthen figure out howto justify tire cliarJI;,cr gaining Ihar disorder. Anuther helpfultipis 10familiar withIhc p.ut before he gainedthe disordcr. Sur,gestions forwhich disorder he'lldevdop may havealreadybeenlaid out inpr... vluu:. rolepbying sessions. For example, awho drinks a 101could gainthe Terrible disorder.A chamcrer who dahhll'$inglImhling, or isa profcnional gambler,could gainthe 11ualldisordl'r.AhOT helldl'tlcouldgainIheBu.1I1Within disorder.TheiJea10 havethedisorderfrumandrhenthe character's alrc:ady exislingpeuonality. There arcseverliinsamtiesthatreouhinactual pO.'i.. "I hese should nOIbehanded OUIlightly,asthey are a JX'leutial If yOllclecideInusethesein your game, curing Ihe afflicted chaucter shouldbecome a majur plol line of your campaign. ROLEPLAYINGDISORDERS Roleplaying the disorder usu.ulyhils onthe player.Buttlrele3fe many way)UICGM CUIinregrale Ihl' character's disorder into the g.1me.The basisof many di50ruersis delusion; rhe view of realityhastwiSted.The character whathe believcs is trut',whellubviuuslyil 'snor . Sinct' theGMiSlhc onr who supplies Iheplayers wilh allof Ihe informalion abou: whalthey'reseemg, duing, and so on,rhe CMhAS annppwhenforcedtu deal witha sp. 'They arcrhenlrimarc awardinWFRI', since eachone essentially givesa character another Bfe,so YOllshouldhesparing whenhanding IhemOlll. SOCIAL STATUS poilus arlll!ChalLk:;.[,aM:JaW".Ini,butinwurld rt:W".Irds canbe JUSTasimp!:U)become one of themoS[powerful organiutions acroSlithe Empire. Rather than a being a single country,the Empireisa coalition of these many separaTe smres,houndrngerher hy !!'lulirion, culTUre and politics. SinceitsfOlluding,ithal.becnlmihupun a strengthborne of unity, thoughthroughOUTiLShistory thisunity hu been .rorelytaited ami offenbroken, and reIithasendured thesetimes of tribulation and emerged t:Vtr ThroughouTmuch afits history,the COUntS and OThernoblesof Ihe Empirehal"\:quarrdloo thCIlISdv!!li,and evenmarched 10 wu against one another.Thedescendants of the firsttriballeaders constantly vic forpowel,makeand break alliances or havebeen usuqx:uby thuseundertheir rule,andeven3gaillsl3 gre3tand common threatitrakes a firmand capableleadertoforgeuniry amongsttheinfighting.The currentEmperor,KarlFranz,thePrince of Alrdorf andEl ccrur of Reikland,is saidtobe such aman,though like allmen of power he stillhasmany enemies. - hOVJNaS AND Pouna -Theprople of theEmpire speak a commonrungue RndshRrerhe same heritage,yetthey arc alw diverseandindepcmlent.In particular,theriseof mercantile powerin{CCCIIlcClIlurieshas seenIhe Empire dividedherweenrheruralpeaSllnrs lindthenrbRnpeople of the\uwns ana cilies,and signilicandy bt:tweenthe richer starestothe west andthepoorer states tothe cast.ru wellasthiJ,the emergence of richandpnwetflllhllrgomeisrers,RSwf'1Iasthe growthof the cult of Si!;lllilf,has seellsignilicallltotheJ>Oliricalmapthetime of Sigmar;rnd the early Emperors. THE UNnS OF THE ELECI'OR CoUNTS OriginRlIy there wererwelve Counts,burthe province of Soli and v.-as allbUlde5lroyedby the invasionof the Ore W"M!urdGurbauIrondaw ;rnd isnow pan ofWissenland. whilcthe old srate of DrakwaJd was overrunby andother foulcrealUres.The ];lIIdsof theslain Coum W':I': uivided belWet!lNurulanu amIMiduenbnd,rhough predsdy wruch starc whichpans of DrakIVaid h stilloft-argued overto rhepoim of waging wu. Morerecentlythegreedy Emp.:(u(Oietn IV,inreturn fura large donarionTOpersonal coffers,gramedthe dty of Marienburg sesknick-k.llacks and memelilues in spr.twlLngundQIL chamkrs. Thereisno com;ept in the I laiBins mind for rubbish tip--cvenfood scraps, such asthey arc,arcfedtothedogs. The Mootisblml with beautiful scenery andfertileground. This means rhatnnfirsl iTis aland of rollinghills fields,and paslUralpe-.tceprevails.1111'MUULisnutimmulLeto the uutside world, howevel,and overthe yearsitsinhabitantshavehadtQdeal withthethreat of Sylvania and rampaging tribes of Orcs and fromrheWorld's EdgeMoumains. THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM Binding Logetln:r allof these disparJle placesisthe Imperial electoral symm. InIhe \\vaand ahalf thousand yearssince Sigmar departed andthebeganchosing one fromamongstIheir nllmber tolead,thehas dl'Jmalically amIyethaloremailleJ essentially the hhasbeiUIIuf Maricnbul'g.It is a pusiliun thc:yhave held strongly forlhc we century andthe reign of KarlFnl.luis saidby manytohave bn prolit1.blenotonlyfortheandentnobility bUIalsothe merchant das.vs.It is eJCptWthaIwhenthc curren!Emperor c:ventually dies his son will claimthetitle without opposition. By the tcrms of the ancient llws of theEmpire,rheEmperor can ru] upon Ihe other EJeclontosupply troops for his campaigns and mUl! scndhim a portion of thc rues they f:l.isc10 support theImperial irutilUtiuns ,hal hav ..upuvcrthe cclilurks.Inn:turu,the Emperor Isbeholdento JCndrdnfortcmcnts Intimesof war or providerelief and aid whenfamine or plaguestrikes.In addition, statn may signthe-ir own pac" formutual prote-ction.In faCt,many suchtreatiesexistand soml' art' cve-nadhl'red [0.Inthetroubling lime, aud emperors erectmonumenLS ro that generationsto come willrememberthem,whilemenoflcsser mAyrN"nr.-l,h .. ir injonrnal.. or creare worh of an and crahsmanship. 11lis waysUlIlI!Lhilllluf diemrem;!ins even.tfter their deaths.Butsomeindividualsresortto darker,more desperate measures.lhey II1rntothe An ofNecromancyisthemag!c of the wl'Hloof oeao.A Necromancer ahle 10 c:ommunicue withtheand His magic enable:. himto cxtendhislifeforcenturies andtoraise corpses to create legions ofZombics tofightforhim.E\'er the gaTescollapsedand T3WChaos spilled acro Ihe .... orM.lhe Jo:aJhavenot 1(sled t"".lSilyin their graves.For countlen genc:radoru,menof eviltemperamenthave SOUghTto ell5la\-'tthe ncad10their will.andSigmarhimse:lf facedrhe greatCStuf all dH;::J.dlord of theUndead,N;q;a.sh. 11luscwhupractice lhis molt dire of forbiddenam &.ct:many terrible dmgers. Sometry10extendtheir Jivesfor dmdcs or even cenruries heynndrheir namral span. Sometimcs they suc[;ttJ, ami individualst"elaintheir physiC..l1body md whatisleftof their unity.Butusw.llytheresultisfarmorehorrihle than darh irself. Conrinnalnsc of .-larkmagic drains the soul andwidlersl.belxxIy. & dielime passes Necromancers becomemore md more cad.lVcrous in appearance. Mystery shroudsthe study ofNecTomaney. [b I{':ITOtheDark An, an aspiranr musteither sceka Nr:cwmancet and ix:collle anapprentice or acquire one of theForbidden Tomes such astheLiber Mortis or one of theNinelionh of Another slichvolumeistheBook of theDe;l.d,wrinen by thenud Anbyan prince AbdulbenRaschid. Hetravelledtorheu.nd of theDeatiinfilr!WIllIh,antitirivenmatihy his aperienee;,he wrote Llal>l'hemullSlIe didlIOt liveto secthe widespreadpublicrevulsionofMs work.or the gr{':lt pyre wherethe Caliph of Ka-SabarbUTOedallrhe copieshe aluM nnd. Unfortunately.die Caliph didI.OtfilldthemaU. forbiddenbooh have their ownperils.The lore ofNl'Cromancy is in Ihese book5.wrille-lIwithink mstilJedfromhumanblood and bound withtheskinsof mortals.Only themOStstrong-willed canreadthest:' books andrel1linany sense ofI hC";,theirill-bredinhabitants lock andbartheir doors, andhang 219 Chapter X: The 220 Chapter X: The Empire 221 X: The bundlesof wilchb;rnc and dacmOnlrQOI.. crossthe windows,inthe heBer thaI such things willprmect [hemfromrhoS!'who haun! the night. Wizards claimthatthe Winci5 of Magic blow d;ukiy a,roo all of SyiVOlI\ia,and thit the keeps of the nobility an: all built p.utkulmy ilJ-omcnooand darkly hiStoric sircs. r;\'cn{henotoriously brutaland lax-ooJlIXIOrs of U1CE1O:ClOrCoUIIl ufSLiriauJ wear aInu!c!.:. blessed by thef':iesuorMore and SigmOll".and go aboutincompanies fitly strong whentheir lord compelsthemto seekdue there. ror cenruries, Sylvanb was the lair of Necromancers and orner vile mm.it W1l.linot untilthedarklimes of the Vampire Wars [hat thetrue evildwelling within the $hadowsrevealed. On Geheimnisn.1.chl inthe year 2010 aftermebirth of Sigma!.the TnuhahmlfV1advnnGmcin, mlcTofSylVllnia,WlIS revealeJ ashe untheuattlcmcnu; ufOr,u.;tIlhufKp amiilltuned a twible incantuion fromthe pages of the NineBooks of Nag ash. thelandme Undead stirred.. SkelelOns clawedrheir waydHOUgh the wn Sylvolilian soil, -zombies Minedinthdr 'rypl5. and ghouls raced to grCCttheir neNmas{('r.VonCarstcinhadthrown dO\l'nthe gaundet 10the Three Emperun;. The Wan; of the Vampire Counts hadbegun. The Syhr.mian armiesmarchednorthwest, shrouded by StOrmclouds during the day, ce;udcsslythroughthenights,driving fot Tabbedand. Peasantmilitiasmarchedalongsidetheunlil'ing skeletons and "ZOmbiesoontrolkJ by their \';IUlpilic 10r1.rdcannol hop('to Stand. againstthis newthrut;theinhabitantS muste....Jcuate, and IryfOreachMiclclenhcimanclthe protectionof Count Todbringer. On thisdesperate jnl1rney. rhePlayer CharacterS willraketherole of prOtt(:tOTS, allJ evcninvl$rig:nnrs,fnr allisnot asit seems amongn therefugees of Untergard.Fromblood feud10hnrrnrs of war.me ad\'enTlirer; willgain a laste of alilhal the WOIrhOlmmerWorld ha to oWer_ The GM should readthroughthe:adl't!nrure carelllily heforcrunning iI,and a novice GMshould alsoreview Chapter 9; n,l: Game Mu ter moroughly rhenr;t session. - UwroGAlLD -Unrergard\Va:;fuullde:druughly100yell.tSago.Villagersfrom theGrimminh;agen UCOI.fedup with the uppressive(;1)[1$or GrafSrernhauer, packedliptheir belongings andheaded soulh. 111e: Graf wa5 fuliou!>,butlu:w:.s aJ.wcenainrhese makomenu would be SWollJowoolipmeDra1cw.1ldForm. The fullu",nlthe river wu[h untillhey :Ounrla suirabic SPOIfora settlement. They buill;' vill;c,geon the Wl:.:>lbidt uf tht rivtr andmanagedto scrabble OUI.. n exisren('.tAg>tinsrall odd,_Morethanth .. t,the village Oq,,1Utu gruw. TIlesmall sellle:me:1lIturnedimnAIOwn,e....entually exp .. ndingtothe of theriver.Wilh 5U]lIoinl5"; HeadO.Arms 0,Body O.Legs 0 Weapons: Staff TrapplnSJ:Grimuire.pjn;e with 30 gr,Writi ng Kit much older IhnnIhat.No III Unrergard!;'.J1lrcmember a time whm Granny wasnOIaround. Gr.r.nny Moescher provides a politicalcountcrpointtu Capt..in Schiller.la.ding efforts 10 TCStarl farming anderellre .'inmekindnf llurmallifc again.Despite her ritle, Granny is a vigorous womllnwirh IIno-nonscn.o;e mllnner and MI eye forpraCTicalities.Sheisonc of only I Hans Baumer , Woodsman Woodsman Race:Human XII: Skill,: ConceallLlI:lIl.Fullow Truil, Perception, &act Language (Ranger Tongue),x notthe auswer butitwouldrequire quite a performance. This isnOtsomelhing youWllntto det('rmine with tHerollhmwithroleplaying.Theneedsto bevery wllvillc.ingill..1..110 gettluuugh toGr.l.nnyinher current scale. If Granny is$Iain.she'll say.-fill sorry fotlitr,I foiltd JOlt, "before dying onth(' um(' ground lUhe. Should Granny survivethc encounter, she'llrerrealinto hcrsctf and gonearly olTlIIonic.Within a wetk, sht dies of gricf (or,if theritual wasfoiled.due 10the ronuquences of the seetheMagical TomeShnulrl lhefnil ll) therimal,aDaemonappears inthebonfireandtakestotheskies. 'thePCslaterhear about the sbnghrcr at SlcrnhaurKeep. In whichIheenliremmi!y anrlallrelainer$wtre wipedUUIbyO:ulle-wre:llhedDaemon.f inishing the ritualtues Grannybeyond her cndut1lnceand sh(' diesa round laler, n smile on herbee. ON TOMmDENHEIM! 11,r I'm ollht j{Jumry 111 Militln/lid",il rme-vmrfolAs yoll In dOl" tIJrhr City.pll trr mil" mi/irdry pntmlr snd Ihr 1/"1111o[lhl DfIllflllol/J lIellll 10(Cude.Aliasl you iU Iht Ufritfblrg,fht ('till nuk mUI;'ilkMidtlmhtimisbuill,hI lhr tlis1411cr.IIhranrnr)'o'k w sn Ihr oflhe t.mpaor Illld Cou/IITodlmnf,rr J"mr, proudly Of'U lilt bill/ftllltflli, Iml liS you gd rlotu]Ou rilllItr fhl dt""stllli{JnI/MI Arhnon 1111'(lIIgl"hrrr.Milll grmfJ .'n' Iht wails Ilrt pllttd IlruJ >l.oI",tI,llminly /ttlllJ11/IUllll.fom w Mitltl,nhtlll/.it IftillS,lif( it 01 Itrugg/(.YI1IIroJnonlyuJ/J,u 1IU'4ilf .)VIUintht Cay or theWhjll1X'ol( '[hisIhffllllhfhl Omkwald.The aJ veOlure illPalhs,[Ih, Dll1llntJ Vo/U1IIt1.AsJ1tlI1[ Middmhtilll. ThePCS have ohligatinn10 che people uf(Utwtudt Upt3in Schiller alllhc refugeesthank rh('m),hmIhey STilihavebTher rdic and Fale a tut JlloreiuforthellI. EXPERIENCEPOINTS ThePCSreceive125xpforsurvivingthe They gain another ,}UxI'ir they SlUpGrJIUlYfrum htl ri tual.Youcanalsogive out530 xp10 eachcharacter forgood

245 XII: Through the Drakwald THE STORM OFCHAOS Allof you grew up listening to stories of the Great War Against Chaos.The tak of Magnusthe Pious andhis victory over the armies of Chaos is wellknown.While there havebeenwarsand threatS in the 200 years since, there has beennothing on that scale. Until now.This year tocChaos Lord Archaon invadedtoc Empire with fivemighty annies. They swept down fromthe Chaos Waste51 ranks filledwith mutant warriors,nightmarish monste". andpower-mad soreere". Flagellants andotocr propocts of dcomdeclaredthesetoc EndTimes.And asthese armiespillaged and burnedtheir waythrough thenonhem provinces of the Empire,it waseasyto believe. You've heardendless stories over thepastfewmonths.They saythat Sigmar once againwalkedthe eanh. They sayan army of wolvesattackedtheKislevian city of &engrad. They say the deadrosefrom their graves to defendthe Empire.They say a mighty victory waswon at Middenheim. They say a plague has choked the Streets of Talabheim with bloated corpses. You canonly believe what is in front of your eyes.You arein thetown of Untergard in theDrakwald Forest . A nine-daybanie took placehere, asBcasrmcn tried to forcetheir way acrossthetown's greatbridge. They wererebuffed but thepricewas high. The town is in ruins and its remaining citizens suuggleto survive. The Imperial armyhas long sincemovedon from Untergard,leaving behind only irs dead. You've heardtell of morebanks up north but thewarhere sc:emsover. Or so you hope. You have been in Untergard for several days,asrainstorms of utmOSt savagery lashedtheDrakwald. You find tWothingswhen you awaken:theraimtorm hasbroken andthere is a commotion in thenearby Ackerplatz. !fr C'f'amYchtller $om:&TI1'!!Y.Nvescher C:tfOifl, JtljlogEfr Iemff'{S the chlklrm Infhi,.In!a dm.enpoop]e roleplaying_I watchedthemfora bit andwhenmere was a break inme game,I imroduced myself;bythe nnt week I had joined me Sodety forStwegic Gaming. We playedvarious RPGand boardgames that falland at semester'scodmost everyone went homeforthe holidays.A fewof uswereleftinthenearly vaeam dorm and we were looking for something to do.Dave hadgonena copy of Warhammer Fanta.ryRoup14y andthe /inttinmllment of theEnmly \Vi/hillCamjHligll, so we decidedtotry itout.Pat, Gene, wd two ch-224 D=...133--137 Uiing 19' Mow121Urutc217 lJ6 Pather Dietrich238 Rt""J 121BLUJhcr " FlulJ6 ...198 ""'d 127 136-m r..,arlcn?8 Smn,uMun,127C Spdl '" r..,arTau197- 198 Sm,""'''' Ana.'" 127 SIIffix:alion136 r..,,,u " SwifrAnll'rk127 Calmdar. l mpcrW216Dark Hounds.the211 r..,rrymatl38 UI(" $J"U117 CampFoJlOlm' " In""..,.'f7 fuU...w, Rdig.ious173 Ollie.128 Coo ptal n63DarlI.Lores159- 162 or174 lu;UIClkuillll96 c.- 27-87Loreof Ch.Jos]60--161 fim DlY ofSummcr173 Adnmun EltwcIlU ,,' Mvancecl61---87Lore of Necromancy161-162 Fi'$"Q.aif173 AIiLUIeUlClll " andHomcbnd.I20SideF.ffeca159160 174 At;il ", Mighty Missile " .. C'.ll":lgC105 Glorious Comlplion204MightyShol " GoJ.,74 I lean of DO$pur205Militiam.:o.u " Rackeleer82 Sleight of Hand " HOIIof Ficnd! "5 Mimic " JWd and 1'lc......IIi"219-220/tm",wr l'imi"t; "5 En(halHItem157Sil,'cr Arrllw, IIf Arha157&bmaJ105 ErClofTruw1S6Skillofeombar164'I'106 FaceofDealh161Skywalk149/ixpffimrnUl'106 Face "I' nu.,111154SI""I'146 TuJ &Rhya F.,106 Fa\of We!..:tnd154511' of Dc,h164 Cult D=riptlon185 Impaa106 FicryBllISl '" !:Ioulnll:166 179 I,"c#r106 FinalW"rdslSISuumI.146 Talabedand '" Pu",mr/li"X I" of U'Zhul I" Spe:"" f Mynuidia164 TaI.bhelmm 106 Ball1S25.,.,11"f Awakcning162 Talcnt!96-102 $"W106 Firs!I'orten!ofAmul 15' SprinllBloom '" D=ripffnn.--102 S=" 106 SWllrd"f Rhuin IS' 166 Fotmat% Spre;,,' I'" Format14,5larshillcJ53 Gaining% TiringJACTION IUIfAllOutAtUCk VUttsl:kftrnM SAllltt "''' !)d" "''' Fam IUIfGmrdcdMuck 1MJumplLclp VariesMallOl:uvrc ",Iffurying Sw'/: 1IoI[R,,, "'''Vuies BOO< D LEIT MM D ..., WT t.F.G D !I'-OO TyPi "''' "''' IUIf Bllr "''' "'''"'If ",If "''' SKILLSTALE NTS a...w.; s..:.LU (CMu.locTu...nc)TAl; ..'.. ."... ",.iU....TI"T"ulidlrt-1S)aaa Oatdoto- Sur'+'i'nl OndQaa -""" aaa ... "" aaa ""'.) 0u0 .... (S}aaa s..rthOm)aaa TRAP PINGS ""'" """ "" aaa "'" [)ua,JU 1OM Swim(5)uu0 AtJIIANClfl St
