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Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm...

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Warm-Up • When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: • What is the difference between Nationalism and Sectionalism? • What is one example of Nationalism that we have talked about? • What about sectionalism?
Page 1: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.


• When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up:

• What is the difference between Nationalism and Sectionalism?

• What is one example of Nationalism that we have talked about?

• What about sectionalism?

Page 2: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Construct a timeline with the following events: As you put eachon your timeline, write all the events that you think are

examples of nationalism (unifies a country), write them in blue. Write all the events that you think are examples of sectionalism

(divides a country), write in red.

•American System (1816)•Rush Bagot Agreement (1817) •Nullification Crisis (1832) •National Road Completed (1828)•Missouri Compromise (1820)•Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)•Erie Canal Completed (1825)

•Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)•Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1848)•Compromise of 1850 (1850)•Webster-Hayne Debate (1830)•Fort Sumter (1861)•Wilmot Proviso (1846)•Dred Scott decision (1857)

Page 3: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

1815 186018401820 1825 1835 1845 1850 18551830

Page 4: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Missouri Compromise• Year: 1820• What happened

– Missouri wanted to be a slave state-but they were denied at first.

– The compromise: • Missouri would be admitted as a

slave state• Maine would be admitted as a

free state• The rest of the land would be

divided at the 36030’ line of latitude

– Only dealt with: the LOUISIANA PURCHASE territory!

Page 5: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Publishing of The Liberator• Year: 1831• What was it:

– An abolitionist newspaper that: spread the word about the atrocities surrounding slavery. As time went on, it gained more and more popularity and argued for the immediate emancipation of slaves.

• Published by: William Lloyd Garrison

Page 6: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Nat Turner’s Rebellion

• Year: 1831• What happened– Nat Turner = “man of

destiny”– Rebellion: he led over

40 slaves that killed about 60 whites. Turner was later arrested and executed.

– It led to a fear of free African Americans

Page 7: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Compromise of 1850• Year: 1850• What land did this cover: the

Mexican Cession• What are the 4 parts:

– California a free state– The rest of the territory (Utah and

NM) would have popular sovereignty (people rule)

– The slave trade was banned in Washington D.C.

– MOST CONTROVERSIAL PART- a stronger fugitive slave law- said that if a northern suspected an African American was a runaway slave and they did not turn them in, they also could be jailed!

Page 8: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin• Year: 1852• Harriet Beecher Stowe-

nicknamed by Lincoln “Little lady who started the great, big war”

• A book that detailed the atrocities of slavery based on a family led by “Uncle Tom.” Written after the Fugitive Slave Law was passed- tried to make slavery into a moral issue.

Page 9: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

• Year: 1854• Land was perfect for

farming, Stephen Douglas proposed (popular sovereignty). – Made the Missouri

Compromise: void (would be free)

– Led to the creation of the Republican Party- committed to ending the spread of slavery in the new territories.

Page 10: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Bleeding Kansas• Year: 1856• Bloodshed/fighting over

the issue of slavery. Over 200 people died and millions of damage to property was done. – Pottawatomie Massacre

started “Bleeding Kansas”- here pro-slavery settlers are murdered by abolitionists.

• Who started it: John Brown

Page 11: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Dred Scott v. Sandford• Year: 1857• Dred Scott was a slave,

thought he should be free b/c he had been taken by his master to free territory. – Ruling: Slaves were property.

Property is guaranteed by the Constitution and CANNOT be taken away. Therefore, Scott cannot be freed b/c his master moved.

– Ruling allows slavery to spread everywhere (owners can move with property)


Page 12: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Attack on Harper’s Ferry• Year: 1859• Abolitionist attack on the federal

armory at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia (now WV). The plan was to steal the weapons and give them to slaves in the south so they could lead their own rebellions and gain their freedom. It fails.

• John Brown (same from Bleeding Kansas)- he is captured and executed. Divides country more: North sees him as a hero/martyr and the South sees him as a terrorist.

Page 13: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Lincoln-Douglas Debates• Year: 1858• Debates for the Illinois senator

race. They talk about many issues- the most important is slavery.

• Freeport Doctrine: Douglas says he supports popular sovereignty.

• This is VERY important because when he runs for president in 1860, splits the Democratic Party 3 ways (1 part pop sov supports abolition, and 1 part supports slavery)

Page 14: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Election of Lincoln• Year: 1860• What happened: With the democratic party

split 3 ways due to their different ideas about slavery, Lincoln wins the Election of 1860 with all of the Republican support. – Remember: Republicans ONLY support an end

to slavery in the territories, not complete abolition

– BUT- many states fear that slavery will soon be outlawed.

– As soon as Lincoln is announced having won the election, South Carolina secedes.

– 5 other states follow: Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Texas.

– The form the Confederate States of America and name Jefferson Davis their president.

Page 15: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Fort Sumter• Year: 1861• Lincoln needs to deal with the

secession of the now “confederate” states. Instead of declaring war, he announces that he is sending more troops and supplies.– SC will fire upon the U.S. ships which

would lead to war that THEY started or they will back down and the issue will be over.

– SC fires upon U.S. ships- the U.S. navy is forced to retreat and both sides declare war on each other.

– The final four states secede: VA, NC, TN, and AR

– Four states stay with the US- called “border states” b/c they still had loyalties to the Confederate states.

Page 16: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

U.S. Map Activity

• Create a key containing the following:– Label all the “Northern States” in one color– Label all the “Confederate States” in another– Find and label all “Border states” in another

Page 17: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Warm Up

• Do you think the Civil War was inevitable? Could Lincoln have done something to prevent it? Why or why not?

Page 18: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.


• Make a Post-It note that a person from these readings might have left themselves. Write their name off to the side or on the back.

It’s cold out here.


Page 19: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Think Pair Share QuestionsRound One

1. What were the economies of the south and north based off of? Why is this important for sectionalism?

2. What was the Wilmot Proviso? Did this pass through Congress? What did this mean for sectionalism?

3. After California is annexed, what happens? (Specifically what do they make?) What does this say?

4. What is this concept of secession? Where have we gone over it in the past goals?

5. Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Daniel Webster will again come to a debate. What do we know of them from previous goals?

Page 20: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

Think Pair Share QuestionsRound Two

6. What was the compromise of 1850? Who proposed it? What is the concept of popular sovereignty?

7. A debate is sparked!!!! Between who? What happens and what does the South want?

8. Debate is Raging onward! Clay leaves…who takes over?9. What happens to President Zachary Taylor? Who was

Millard Fillmore?10. What was the difference between Taylor and Fillmore

(politically/support)?11. What does Fillmore do?

Page 21: Warm-Up When you finish the Goal Two self-assessment please answer the following questions as a warm up: What is the difference between Nationalism and.

12.What was the Fugitive Slave Act?13.What was the Underground Railroad? Who is

associated?14.What was Uncle Tom’s Cabin? Who wrote it? How

influential was it?15. What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act? What did it say?

What did this mean for the Missouri Compromise?16.What was “Bleeding Kansas”? Did Kansas become a

free or slave state?17.Who was John Brown?

Think Pair Share QuestionsRound Two
