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Warmup 3/7/2012 What political party do you think you affiliate with? A.Republican B.Democrat...

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Warmup 3/7/2012 What political party do you think you affiliate with? A. Republican B. Democrat C. Independent/Unaffiliated Why?

Warmup 3/7/2012• What political party do you think you

affiliate with?A. RepublicanB. DemocratC. Independent/Unaffiliated

• Why?

Unit V Part IPolitical Parties

What is a political party?• Organization of individuals who come

together to win elections and influence government policy

One Party System• Definition - The party and the

government are one and the same

One Party System• Advantages – the government

gets its agenda accomplished

One Party System• Disadvantages – the people have

no choice and are at mercy of the party

Two Party System• Definition – When two parties

dominate the political process

Two Party System• Advantages – one party

guaranteed a majority

Two Party System• Disadvantages – groups with

minority feelings are generally left out

Multi-Party System• Definition – three or more parties

compete for control of government

Multi-Party System• Advantages – minority views are


Multi-Party System• Disadvantages:

– Plurality (the most votes) determines the leader, not a majority

– Coalitions: several parties must work together in order to function which can easily break down

What is a political parties platform?

• Statement of a parties beliefs and positions on election issues

What is a plank?• Each individual part of a


George Washington’s Farewell Address

• to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; ….. the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

History of Political Parties

• Considering the excerpt above from George Washington’s farewell address how did he feel about political parties in the US?

What were the first two parties in the US?

• Federalists

• Democratic-Republican

Where did each party want most political power to be?

• Federalists wanted a strong national government

• Democratic-Republicans wanted more power with states

What issue prompted the establishment of the

Republican Party?• Formed to oppose slavery

What is a third party in American politics?

• Smaller, minor parties that rarely win seats in office

• Have never won Presidency

How are third parties formed?

• Single-Issue Parties – form to promote a particular issue (ie – The Prohibitionist Party)

• Ideological Parties – support a particular philosophy (i.e. – The Communist Party USA)

• Independent Candidate Parties – formed around a strong leader (i.e. the Reform Party)

What obstacles make it difficult for third parties to win major

elections?• Must get petitions signed by

voters to get on ballot• Difficult to raise large amounts

of money

How have third parties influenced American politics?

• Influencing Policy:• The Populist Party of the 1890’s

promoted an 8 hour workday and direct election of Senators

How have third parties influenced American politics?

Spoiler Role:• Ralph Nader ran in the 2000 election

against George Bush and Al Gore under the Green Party which was close in philosophy to the Democrats meaning those who voted for Nader would probably have voted for Gore if he had not run. This may have spoiled the election for Gore

Conclusion• What was your survey score?• Based on your score, are you

A. ConservativeB. ModerateC. Liberal

• Are you surprised by your results?

Warmup 3/8• What political party did you think you

belong to? Which one do you belong to based on the quiz from Friday?

What are the two dominate parties in American politics

today?• Democrats

• Republicans

Identify the major differences between the Republicans and

Democrats:• Democrats:• National Gov. should regulate

economy• Provide housing, income, education,

and jobs for poor• Protect the environment through


Republicans• Less government regulation of

economy so businesses can grow• Growing economy means poor can

get jobs and improve lives• Less environmental regulation

because it hurts economy• Strong military

Identify each of the following

• Precinct – a geographic area that contains a number of voters

• Ward – geographically connected precincts

What is a political machine?• A local party organization so

powerful it can guarantee candidates election

How does one join a political party?

• Identify your party choice when you register to vote

What are the roles of a political party?

1. NOMINATE CANDIDATES• Primary elections: most

popular method of choosing candidates

DIRECT PRIMARY• Allowing the voters to choose

candidates• Close Primary – only registered

party members can vote• Open Primary – voters do not need

to be party members to vote• Caucus – meeting of party

delegates to choose


• Raise money for candidate• Inform voters about candidates


INFORMING CITIZENS• Informs voters about public

issues and how government works


• Listen to the concerns of the people• Grassroots Movement – a political

movement that begins with the people.


• Party issues are supported by elected officials

• Leaders choose loyal party members for important positions


• National, state and local party members cooperate together to run the country


WATCHDOG ROLE• Each party watches the actions

of the other and informs the public about corruption

Political Philosophies• "A definition I once heard involved a

tree with a rotten limb. The conservative wants to wait and see if the tree will heal itself. The liberal wants to saw off the limb. The radical wants to chop down the tree and plant a new one."

ConservativesGenerally are people who • Oppose government interference

in economy• Oppose change• Believe in individual


Liberal• Generally are people who: believe

government• can bring about positive change• Government should protect

freedoms• should help those who cannot

help themselves

Moderates• Generally are people who • Generally oppose radical views

and opinions
