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Warning! This newsletter is written by students. If you don't like …€¦ · is insane. The...

Date post: 29-Sep-2020
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1 Warning! This newsletter is written by students. If you don't like the views expressed, that probably means you went to school and are “civilised”. Turn off your screen and go outside.
Page 1: Warning! This newsletter is written by students. If you don't like …€¦ · is insane. The government claims that it's perfectly healthy, so just keep quiet and resume being a


Warning! This newsletter is written by students. If you don't like the views expressed, that probably means you went to school and are “civilised”. Turn off your screen and go outside.

Page 2: Warning! This newsletter is written by students. If you don't like …€¦ · is insane. The government claims that it's perfectly healthy, so just keep quiet and resume being a


Table of ContentsThe Wonderful World of 5G 35G and Your Future of Cancer and Insanity 4They're Watching You! 6The Process Of Being Dumbed-Down And Being

Distracted By Propaganda With The Help Of People Who Find You Expendable 8

What if Climate Change Isn't Real? 12Stop Denying Overpopulation 14

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Page 4: Warning! This newsletter is written by students. If you don't like …€¦ · is insane. The government claims that it's perfectly healthy, so just keep quiet and resume being a


5G and Your Future of Cancer and Insanity

Vodafone announced that they will be launching 5G this December in various cities in New Zealand. This

is insane. The government claims that it's perfectly healthy, so just keep quiet and resume being a sheep.

Just like everything else the government says, this is bullshit. Just like they say dropping 1080 in the

Auckland water reservoirs, Wi-Fi, cellphone towers and putting glyphosate on our food is safe. There are

thousands of studies indicating that these things are not safe. But where money can be made, these

scumbags will find any way to exploit us. The same goes for 5G. There have been thousands of studies

demonstrating that wireless radiation from Wi-Fi, cell towers, Smartphones and Smartmeters have a large

negative effect on living things. And 5G is much, much worse. Small cell towers will have to be placed

every 100-300 meters everywhere and they plan to put satellites in space! You will not be able to escape

being blasted with radiation. There have been NO long term studies on the effects of 5G exposure. Many

recent studies have shown that EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) affects living things at levels far below

most worldwide guidelines.The world's largest study shows a significant increase in the rates of brain and

heart cancer in animals exposed to EMF below the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing

Radiation and Protection) guidelines followed by most countries. In Europe and the U.S. people living near

5G towers and antennas are already experiencing insomnia, miscarriage, memory problems and other brain

issues. Firefighters that worked in firestations with 2G cell towers have suffered from slowed reaction

time, severe headaches, lack of focus, lack of impulse control, sleep deprivation, depression and tremors.

Researchers concluded that the only possible answer was radiation exposure from the towers.

In March 2018 the FCC (Federal Communication Commission) in the U.S gave the thumbs-up to the

launch of over 4,400 low-earth orbit 5G satellites, and thousands more over the next two years, ending up

with eleven times more satellites than currently. What's the point of all this radioactive crap? Do we need

it? No we don't need it, but corporations say we do and give us no choice. For those of you who say we do

need it, turn off whatever screen you're addicted to, open your door go outside and look around! Why do

we think we need it? Partly because kids grow up in a Wi-Fi and screen-addicted environment. They grow

up and live using screens as a distraction from the real world. The real world that they should be paying

attention to is the natural world: animals, forest, soil, mountains, the ocean and everything in it. If you

don't know what the real world is, how are you supposed to fight to protect it? I encourage young people to

quit school and start learning practical skills, because that's what will keep you alive.


“The 5G Appeal”. Retrieved from http://www.5gappeal.eu/

“Small Cells, Mini Cell Towers, Wireless Facilities and Health: Letters From Scientists on the Health Risk of 5G”. Environmental Health Trust. Retrieved from https://ehtrust.org/small-cells-mini-cell-towers-health-letters-scientists-health-risk-5g/

(2019, Feb 13). “The Dangers of 5G to Children’s Health”. Children's Health Defense. Retrieved from https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/the-dangers-of-5g-to-childrens-health/

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For more information about 5G and wireless radiation, read these:

“5G and The Internet of Things: A Real Need for Speed or a Predictable Dilemma?” Physicians for Safe Technology. Retrieved from https://mdsafetech.org/problems/5g/

Blank, Martin. (2014). Overpowered: The Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation. Seven Stories Press.

Carlo, Dr. George. (2002) Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age. Basic Books.

Davis, Devra. (2011). Disconnect: The Truth About Cell-Phone Radiation. Plume Books.

Johansen, Olle and Einar Flydal. (2019). “Health risk from wireless? The debate is over.” Electromagnetic Health. Retrieved from http://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/article-by-professor-olle-johansson-health-risk-from-wireless-the-debate-is-over/

Mercola, Dr. Joseph. (2019, June 5). “The 5G War — Technology Versus Humanity”. Retrieved from https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/06/05/technology-versus-humanity.aspx

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They're Watching You!

Some people think that government surveillance is a good thing because it keeps us "safe" and

other stupid things like that. Mass surveillance is just another way to control, scare and spy on us.

It used to be that the only way to keep an eye on someone was to have someone follow them,

check their mail and ask around the neighbourhood. But now with one click of a button you can be

tracked, seen almost anywhere, listened to. Especially if you have a Smart Phone. Smart Phones

are designed to be hacked into, and to listen in on you. And people make it even easier by using

social media like blogging, tweeting, posting and puting their personal information online. People

write everything they do all day and it becomes their life. If you are active on social media, those

in power know your weak points and the way you think. The reason it's bad to have them know

everything about you, is because once they know, they can control and manipulate you far easier

and stop you paying attention to what you really should be thinking about. People think the social

media is good because it's socialising. But it just makes the problem even worse and makes people

feel more alone and depressed. Talking to someone face to face is completely different. I strongly

advise anyone who is active online to put down their screen and go outside as soon as you finish

this newsletter.

Sources and Further Reading:

Greenwald, Glenn. (2015). No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State. Picador.

Huxley, Aldous. (2006). Brave New World. Harper Perennial.

Mitchell, Anna and Larry Diamond. (2018, Feb 2). “China's Surveillance State Should Scare Everyone”. The Atlantic. Retrieved from https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/02/china-surveillance/552203/

Jensen, Derrick and George Draffan. (2004). Welcome to the Machine: Science, Surveillance, and the Culture of Control. Chelsea Green Publishing.

Orwell, George. (1961). 1984. Signet Classic.

Whitehead, John D. (2019, June 19). “The Omnipresent Surveillance State”. Counterpunch. Retrieved from https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/06/19/the-omnipresent-surveillance-state/

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The Process Of Being Dumbed-Down And Being Distracted ByPropaganda With The Help Of People

Who Find You ExpendableThe most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out…without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.

– H.L. Mencken

The world is full of selfish, greedy people who don't care about anyone but themselves. Only whenpeople see passed their lies and propaganda, do the politicians and elite suddenly spring into action. The only thing those capitalist pigs care about is making you stupid enough to believe everything they want you to believe.

Capitalism is not the only problem. All forms of government are designed by the elite who controlit and all systems are designed to enslave, murder, separate, exploit, corrupt, dumb down and control everyone for their own benefit. Not even socialism can save us.

As long as there is a system that is being controlled there will always be people who will regard you as a number and they will kill you without any thought because they are in control and therefore they can do whatever the hell they want as long as the common people are too dumb or distracted to understand what has happened.

For example: Wars. Everyone is sent to die, and for what? War is always a way for people in control to direct the population's attention elsewhere. In wars, the elite make millions of dollars from selling weapons and ammunition to brutally kill people. We die in wars that we are forced into joining or propagandised into joining and all the rich care about is gaining more profits, even though wars cause millions of people to die. And it's all because people with large numbers want to get more large numbers.

These days the main reasons for war are land, oil and minerals. People seem to act like they don't know this. Millions die, land, animals and the ecosystems suffer, just so that we can continue this destructive way of life to get materials that we can easily live without.

Are wars really worth all the death and destruction?Will you die for the greed of other people?Why do we accept this way of life?

Let's start at birth. Before all of us are born we are already screwed because we are usually not getting enough nutrients (because of the modern diet) and also taking in toxic chemicals through our pregnant mother. There is also so much radiation (from anything electronic, cell phones, Wi-Fiand now 5G) and pollution that causes sicknesses, cancers, deformaties and diseases and all that is forced upon children before they are even born. If babies are born screwed-up, how can adult bodies cope with the unhealthy enviroment they live in?

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Humans were never designed to be this way, to live this way, and especially live together in such large numbers. So why is no one thinking about how bad civilised life is? Why are we accepting the crap life we are given and why do we listen to the people who have caused us this pain?

School Is For Making People Dumb

Well let me tell you why you and almost all people are stupid. Don't get me wrong, it's not your fault. The only reason why is because the clever elite don't want you to be smart. In your lifetime you will go to school to learn nothing apart from how to be a consumer who does what you're told to.

Actually, the thing I hate most about schools isn't even the part about being dumbed down. It's thatyou don't learn any practical skills. When I went to school they didn't even teach me how to cook, build, hunt, read, organise, be independent, and grow plants, which are all important skills that I learnt at the Deep Green Bush-School. Schools were designed specifically to set you up for faliure- as long as you are a consumer who buys stuff.

My advice is to quit school or 'wag' classes. Make sure you spend your time learning, reading, writing, educating and enjoying life while you're young. just as long as you challenge the system. Most people who drop out are seen as failures and most often the people who drop out do nothing but play video games, bum around, drink, use drugs and hang out with friends. If you spend your time learning important things that you are interested in, you are using your time a million times better than someone who has left school to play video games and other ways of wasting your life.

And so what if you can't get a “good job”? You can learn to live completely off the grid, just as long as you respect the life and the land. Keep in mind that D.O.C (New Zealand's Department of Conservation) drops 1080 poison all through New Zealand's bush in order to destroy it so that people can't eat wild animals and plants. No government wants the people to provide for themselves because then they can't tax you. So if D.O.C isn't stopped soon there will be no chancefor life here in New Zealand.

Modern Technology And Subliminal Messages

The elite would not be able to dumb down and control us as well if it were not for modern technology. Since civilisation started roughly 6,000 years ago, we have become dumber and our brains have shrunk from lack of nutrition and lack of enjoyable lives. Then, for the last 150 years we have been dumbed down by schools. Now, modern technology is making us even dumber.

I suggest limiting screens and technology as much as possible. Once I went three weeks without any screens and without nearly anything electric. In just that short amount of time, my short and long term memory improved. I had longer, more vivid dreams every night, as well as having better sleep. Also, I was never bored because most people rely on technology to keep themselves entertained.

Technology is like a drug, it's addicting. I was a screen addict for years before I came to the DGBSand it was a bad problem. When you use technology, you don't need to think for hours on end and that is partly why it dumbs us down.

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All the propaganda around us, including ads, false advertising, false studies and the internet lying for profit has all been done to make sure we don't face the real state of the world. They want us tokeep staring at our screens because then we'll be confused and easy to control.

The people who gain the most from modern technology's existence are those in power. It is easier said than done to ignore all the subliminial messages (whether they are on the internet, billboards, advertisments or through certain words or names repeated). Repetive ads that you see or hear and certain words affect the way we think because we subconsciously remember them. All this propaganda and subliminal messages keep us from seeing that to create anything modern requires rare earth metals, which in order to get requires that you destroy the earth and use machines that pump out toxic smoke and that are made in factories, which also release toxic chemicals as well.

We've been distracted from seeing that all our screens, Wi-Fi modems, electric pylons, smartmetersand other things in or near most people's homes emit high amounts of radiation - more than one billion times the background radiation we evolved to cope with. The result is higher risk of cancer,infertility, sleep problems, neurological problems, and various other negative health effects.

Pop Music Makes us Stupid, Also

Another form of being manipulated and controlled is through music. I'm targeting pop because it has most people's attention and no one ever questions it. It's more than just stupid lyrics. For example, most song lyrics are about life having no meaning because your girlfreind left you or songs about being a tough guy and killing people (usually for “love” or money). There are other silly topics also.

Music and it's stupid lyrics have a subliminial effect. It changes the way we think. The main topic of pop is usually extremely superficial, mainly money and love. It's hardly ever political and it never really challenges anything or anyone. Instead, it has a mind-numbing effect. That's why theysell it to us! That's why pop music is the most preferred music that the elite want us to listen to.

Conclusion There are many ways in which we are controlled and dumbed down. But it is your choice whetheryou want to be smart, or dumb as those in power want you to be. Everyone has enough will powerto disconect. Do you? This is your last chance to change. The world needs us now, not later. Andit needs smart people who have the knowledge and skills to start a new way of living without money, power and destruction.

Alban, Deane. (2014, July 30). “Human Brains are Shrinking – Are We Getting Dumber?” Natural News Blogs. Retrieved from https://www.naturalnewsblogs.com/human-brains-shrinking-getting-dumber/

Gatto, John Taylor. (2002). Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling. New Society Publishers.

Gatto, John Taylor. (2010). Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher’s Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling. New Society Publishers.

Jensen, Derrick. (2006). Endgame, Volume One: The Problem of Civilization. Seven Stories Press.

Llewellyn, Grace. (1998). Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education. Lowry House.

Mwanzia, Jessica. (2013). So, What's Wrong With School? 125 Reasons Not to Send Your Kids. Lulu Publishing.

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What if Climate Change Isn't Real?

If you're alive today chances are you have heard of climate change. Whether you believe in

it might be another story. If you do, then you might be a fan of renewable energy.

Renewable energy is a complete scam. All renewables require mining and destroying the

planet. Some people think that climate change is a scam. In some ways it is, because so

many people try to make money off of it. For example, electric car companies, solar panel

companies, wind turbine companies and mining companies all want you to believe that all

these things will make the world better - because it will make them billions of dollars! So

people are right about it being a scam in that way. But just because people try to make

money off of it does not mean it's not real. But even if climate change was not real no one

can deny that we are destroying the planet by mining, agriculture, building cities, using

pesticides, industrial farming, factory farming, clear-cutting forests, the entire car culture,

man-made chemicals, the plastic industry, landfills, pharmaceuticals, tourism, the airline

industry, anything nuclear, electromagnetic radiation from cellphones, Wi-Fi – and now 5G.

All these activities destroy the land and make us all sick. If we keep it up, in most young

people's lifetimes the planet will not be able to support any trees, plants, insects, and

animals. So the world's being destroyed whether climate change is real or not. Everything

that I just listed needs to stop if we want a future. But most people would rather spend their

last days before they get engulfed in flames clinging to their Smartphone or iPad. Because

that's what they're taught in school. They teach you to stay inside, stare at a screen, obey

the system, and if you really want to do something about the planet, just go vegan or get a

solar panel! Or, pick up a few pieces of rubbish off the beach to then throw in a landfill,

which will make you feel better. If you really want to do something about the planet, don't

go vegan or get a solar panel. Quit school and come here to the Deep Green Bush-School

and we will teach you the essentials.

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Stop Denying Overpopulation

So many people deny that overpopulation is real or a problem. Some people seem to think

that we will have to kill each other for the population to decrease but this is not the case.

You don't have to kill anyone to help the population. It's not about removing the people

that are already on the planet. Instead, it's about stopping more from being added. By

decreasing the rate of birth the population would naturally decrease. Studies show that

having one less kid is by far the biggest personal choice you can make that can affect the

planet. (Wynes 2017) Why? Well, if you have a kid, then that kid will grow up to be a

consumer, drive a car, buy food, clothes and a house. What's wrong with all that? Well,

eveything you buy has to be mined, manufactured and then transported in trucks, cars,

boats and planes. The fact is, it's pretty much impossible to live in this society without

supporting the burning of fossil fuels. Your kids won't have a choice. They can't just run

away and live in a nice patch of bush because the government won't let them, and soon with

5G tracking you everywhere it will be pretty much inpossible. Soon the only bush and

forests you will see will be managed parks or "nature" reserves, with park rangers

everywhere, watching you. You can't escape. You're forced to help destroy the planet. The

more people there are, the more mining, farms, agriculture and deforestation it takes, just so

everyone can have food, clothes, houses, cars, jewelry and screens, etc. So you don't have

to kill anyone. Just don't have a child, so that the children that are already on the planet

might have a better life.

Ehrlich, Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich. (2009). “The Population Bomb Revisited”. The Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development. Retrieved from https://www.populationmedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Population-Bomb-Revisited-Paul-Ehrlich-20096.pdf

Murtaugh, Paul A. (2015, June 8). “Paul Ehrlich’s Population Bomb Argument Was Right”. New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2015/06/08/is-overpopulation-a-legitimate-threat-to-humanity-and-the-planet/paul-ehrlichs-population-bomb-argument-was-right

Wynes, Seth and Nicholas, Kimberley. (2017). “Personal Choices to Reduce Your Contribution to Climate Change.” Environmental Research Letters. Retrieved from https://3c1703fe8d.site.internapcdn.net/newman/gfx/news/hires/2017/themosteffec.jpg

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Deep Green Bush-School

