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Wars of Independence 1

Date post: 26-Feb-2018
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  • 7/25/2019 Wars of Independence 1


    Alexander III and the Maidof Norway

    Why was there a problem in Scotland in thelate C13th?

  • 7/25/2019 Wars of Independence 1


    Learnin !b"ecti#e

    $o in#estiate what happened to AlexanderIII and the Maid of Norway

    $o e#al%ate the problems left by these twoand state which was the biest problem

  • 7/25/2019 Wars of Independence 1


    &ood ' be ableto list (ey factsabo%tAlexander IIIand the Maid ofNorway

    &reat ' be ableto describe theproblems that

    Alexander andthe Maid leftbehind

    Awesome ' beable to saywhich was thebiestproblem ca%sed

    by the deathsof Alexander IIIand the Maid ofNorway



    What areWhat are

    yo% aiminyo% aimin

    to achie#eto achie#e

    this lesson?this lesson?

  • 7/25/2019 Wars of Independence 1


    *ey $erm

    +#al%ate ' $his is a ,iher !rder $hin(inS(ill -,!$S. and can be #ery di/c%lt

    It means to be able to "%de and decidewhich was the most important or the best

  • 7/25/2019 Wars of Independence 1


    Information atherin

    0o% will ha#e #e min%tes to read thro%hthe sheet yo% ha#e been i#en

    0o% may ta(e notes if yo% wish

    2%ic($ime and a decompressor

    are needed to see this pict%re4

  • 7/25/2019 Wars of Independence 1


    Alexander III married a second time andAlexander III married a second time and

    wanted to ha#e childrenwanted to ha#e children

    !ne niht5 on the way to his wife he ot lost!ne niht5 on the way to his wife he ot lost

    and died fallin o6 a cli6and died fallin o6 a cli6

    ,e had no children so his randda%hter,e had no children so his randda%hter

    Mararet of Norway who was 3 becameMararet of Norway who was 3 became


    $here was an ar%ment abo%t who wo%ld$here was an ar%ment abo%t who wo%ld

    r%le for her and who she wo%ld marryr%le for her and who she wo%ld marry

    It was decided that she wo%ld marryIt was decided that she wo%ld marry+dward I8s son b%t some Scots disli(ed this+dward I8s son b%t some Scots disli(ed this


    Mararet died on her way to Scotland4Mararet died on her way to Scotland4

    Nobody was s%re who wo%ld r%le so thereNobody was s%re who wo%ld r%le so there

    was a crisiswas a crisis

    Scottish leaders as(ed +dward of +nlandScottish leaders as(ed +dward of +nland

    for help and he areedfor help and he areed

    !pposite isa list of thee#ents ofthis period4

    0o%r tas( isto placethem in thecorrect




  • 7/25/2019 Wars of Independence 1


    Alexander III married a second time andAlexander III married a second time and

    wanted to ha#e childrenwanted to ha#e children

    !ne niht5 on the way to his wife he ot lost!ne niht5 on the way to his wife he ot lost

    and died fallin o6 a cli6and died fallin o6 a cli6

    ,e had no children so his randda%hter,e had no children so his randda%hter

    Mararet of Norway who was 3 becameMararet of Norway who was 3 became


    $here was an ar%ment abo%t who wo%ld$here was an ar%ment abo%t who wo%ldr%le for her and who she wo%ld marryr%le for her and who she wo%ld marry

    It was decided that she wo%ld marryIt was decided that she wo%ld marry

    +dward I8s son b%t some Scots disli(ed this+dward I8s son b%t some Scots disli(ed this

    ideaideaMararet died on her way to Scotland4Mararet died on her way to Scotland4Nobody was s%re who wo%ld r%le so thereNobody was s%re who wo%ld r%le so there

    was a crisiswas a crisis

    Scottish leaders as(ed +dward of +nlandScottish leaders as(ed +dward of +nland

    for help and he areedfor help and he areed

  • 7/25/2019 Wars of Independence 1


  • 7/25/2019 Wars of Independence 1


    Indi#id%al W!r( ;

  • 7/25/2019 Wars of Independence 1


    &ood ' be able&ood ' be ableto list (ey factsto list (ey facts


    Alexander IIIAlexander III

    and the Maid ofand the Maid of


    &reat ' be able&reat ' be able

    to describe theto describe the

    problems thatproblems that

    Alexander andAlexander andthe Maid leftthe Maid left


    Awesome ' beAwesome ' be

    able to sayable to say

    which was thewhich was the


    problem ca%sedproblem ca%sed

    by the deathsby the deathsof Alexander IIIof Alexander III

    and the Maid ofand the Maid of




    What ha#eWhat ha#e


    achie#edachie#edthis lesson?this lesson?

  • 7/25/2019 Wars of Independence 1



