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Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1906-11-08 [p 5]. · TFE WASHINGTON HERALD THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8...

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WASHINGTON HERALD THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8 1906 TFE 5 Woodward LothropN- ew York WASHINGTON Paris Our Stag Last Shoe for Women attention is our new line of cxi this very popular last consisting of Demi Calfskin Lace Demi Calfskin Blucher short top Patent Calfskin Button Patent Calfskin Blucher One of the most stylish walking shoes of the season and shown in all sizes and widths Special Price 400 a Pair Third floor Tenth street The Finest of Everything Delicacies from Every Clime Aof Americas finest but the choicest from all other quarters of the globe are in cluded our of TA BLE LUXURIES new and delicious dainties are now arriving daily JCTXowest prices for thor- oughly desirable Roods G G Cornwall Son Wholesale and Retail Grocers 14121418 Pa Ave of having good sound teeth lies in caring for them wisely I isters Dentifricei- s a first essential to their proper care It preserves as well as cleanses the the gums healthy No injurious grit or OCo acid Price Thompson PharmacyFrfifi- kCK3aryPfBp78315ttiSt j A million Operators agree with us when we say The Stand ard Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine is the Best In the World it STANDARD SEWING MACHINE CO JOS H 1ISKE Mgr K 9th St fiRE PROOF STORAGE S J0 2t C ST NW FIREPROOF STORAGE The greatest economy Is oftentimes effected by best If you contemplate storing your household effects aspect our warehouse Separata- toctod compartments 2 month Merchants Transfer and Storage Z street Phone Main 62 Minutes To Baltimore By Telephone 30c Day 2Sc Night THE C P TELEPHONE 722 Twelfth St X W I 1407 R St X AV COOK WITH is MpecUIlr adapted for me in VL range Make right for v SMKtac The of coke is fael n s Well 9 Boabcls Large c r delivered H BMhete V he delirered L70- BiMbete Urge dclivpred 531- RiMbdi Crnuwd Coke drlivrmi 3N 46 BoJ J Crmhed Cte dciir ml 489- Iteshrts Cmshrd Coke deKrmd JtM WASHINGTON GASLIGHT GO 413 TETH STREET K W Advertisers in The Herald Are getting good re turns from their Inveat- roenta Aa ad this size at HM three months mi costs ojriy a dol ler a day I 1 SPECIAL U The teethkeeps BEST BY Investi- gate m11WmRsrmCD p Ute Co- m 1 I j t t I i I ii f f I z If I COKEI- t Ute s just reft It not bPIIt but the ebftpnt I I to 51 4t lArge e Coke 21 i w r qo I 1 I ii F I L i Secre- tE TEST At j 47 p I r1 3 CO- T T i a pre 1 s only th q 0 I 6 1 L I 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ Miss Gertrude Weyricli and E A Menefee Wed MISS AHEEN KERR A BRIDE Chnrlc McIIvaliic Harris at Antrim Minn Josephine Shnllen licrgcr and Rev Paul Spcrry Mar- ried A Number of Engagements Announced Personal Notes A large company of and friends assembled at the Church of the Epiphany hut evening1 to witness the marriage of Miss Gertrude Weyrlch and Mr Randolph A Menefee who were attended by one of the largest bridal parties of the season The ushers who led the bridal procession were R Y MIddleton A H Gordon H CasseJI Francis Maguire A G Sharp and T Lanham all of this city Following the ushers were five attend ant maids including two small flower girls Lily Gordon and Edna Marcey who wore white net frocks built on white silk with trimmings of pink ribbon and tiny pink rosebuds and carried baskets of pink roses Miss Bessie Menafee of Warrenton Va the bridegrooms sister and Miss Jessie Weyrich were gowned alike in white chiffon cloth madowlth short train and finished in pink girdles They wore wreaths of pink roses in their hair and carried large clusters of white chrysan- themums tied with pink tulle Mitts Marion Weyrich was her sisters maid of honor and wore a gown of pink crepe de chine and carried Golden Gate roses also with a wreath in her hair The bride who was escorted by her brother Mr John R Weyrich wore a beautiful gown of chiffon cloth made In princess effect with elaborate trimming of pearls and lace extending from the throat to the hips The interlining of the chiffon was rich white radium silk mak- ing a particularly effective costume which completed by a tulle veil fastened by orange blossoms and a beautiful bou- quet of lilies of the valley and Bride roses Mr Julian Menefee acted as his broth- ers best man Rev Edward M Mott officiated A reception at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs John F Weyrich followed ceremony Among the guests were the parents of the bridegroom Mr and Mrs Menefee of Warrenton Va Mrs Robert Menefee also of Warrenton Va Mrs M Laws and Miss Laws of Lywenburg Va After a short honeymoon trtp to Atlaa tic City Mr and Mrs Menefee will reside at 58 U street Antrim the beautiful country of Dr and Mrs James Kerr near War renton VR was the scene ef a pretty ceremony yesterday afternoon when their only daughter Miss Aiieen Kerr and Mr Charles Mcllvaino Harris formerly of Philadelphia but now residing permanent- ly on his Virginia estate were married In the presence of a small family party in- cluding only the immediate relatives of the two young people The bride had no attendants entering the drawing room with her father who gave her hand in marriage Mr Montgomery Harris was his brothers best man The ceremony was performed by Rev W H Laird of the Episcopal waurch of Warrenton An informal reception fol- lowed after which Mr and Mrs Harris left fo an extensive Northern trip taking up their residence m Virginia where the former has recently purchased a handsome estate near Antrim Mrs Harris made debut in this city a few years ago and is an extremely clever and accomplished young woman with hosts of friends here and In Virginia Calvary Baptist Church was the scene of one of the largest of the autumn weddings yesterday after- noon when Miss Josephine Shallen berger daughter of Mr and Mrs W S Shallenberger of this city became the bride of Rev Paul Sperry now of Bath Me but a former resident of Washington and son of Mr and Mrs A F Sperry of Q street Rev Samuel H Greene D D the brides pastor officiated assisted by Rev Frank H Sewell of the Church of the New Jerusalem to which ministry the bridegroom belongs The church was tastefully decorated with tall palms and large bunches of pink and white chrysanthemums The organ was presided over by Arthur D Mayo organist of the church who played a short recital while the guests were being seated and the wedding marches The bridal party was made up from among the college mates of the bride and bridegroom In the George Washington University from which both were gradu ated in the class of 1K The brides at- tendants were her sister Miss Mary P Shallenberger maid of honor and Miss Lola M Evans and Miss Elsie Turner of the class of 192 Miss Catharine V Mc Illhenny of 1901 and Miss Helen M Bate of 1906 Mr Victor Johnson of Philadelphia was best man and the ushers were Dr Mahkm Ashford Messrs WHtiajn K West Frederick Albert and Artley Par- sons all of this city The brkle entered the church with her father who gave her in marriage Her gown was of soft white satin trimmed gracefully with duchess Her veil of tulle was caught with orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of Bride roses and lilies of the valley The gown of the maid of honor was of white chiffon cloth over white silk trimmed with jacket effect French lace and a domltrain She wore a white lace hat with long white ostrich plumes and car- ried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums tied with long white satin ribbon The gowns of the bridesmaids were of pink crepe de chine with short trains pink felt lists trimmed with pink ropes and they carried bunches of pink chrysanthe mums Immediately following the cere- mony a reception and wedding breakfast held in the home of the brides par in Mintwood place when only the bridal party and relatives enter- tained Mr and Mrs Sperry left during the afternoon for several weeks travel to end at their new home in Maine where the former lies a charge at Bath The brides traveling dress was of dark brown cloth with a hat to match Mrs Shallenberger at the wedding and recep tion wore a toilet of black lace over tray silk Miss Emily EckfeMt of this city and Mr Edgar Adams Mealy of At lanta Ga were married last evening at the Luther Memorial Church on Thomas Circle the pastor officiating The ushers who seated the company which was lim- ited to the relatives and close friends were Messrs Lowry Dale of and Henry Weaver Arthur PleDce and Thomas Burnett Gardner of this city The bride entered the church with her mother Mrs Frederick Eckfeldt who gave her band in marriage and was unattended Mr Frank H Meely of Plttsburg Pa was his brothers best man A feature of the wooding was the particularly fine musical programme by Prof Fowler Richardson of Atlanta who ws at the organ The bride and bridegroom left Imme- diately after the ceremony for a South IN THE Weds u relatives t the place be- fore her lace o ents Le ring personal At- lanta oth- erwise SOCIAL WORLD van were ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ erntrlp to end at their future home In where they will be nt home after November SO at 43 Columbia avenue Mr and Mrs J T Williams of Balti- more announce the marriage of their daughter MISS Eva Williams to Mr Con- rad Meyer of this city on Monday No- vember I at the home of the bride After a short honeymoon journey Mr and Mrs Meyer will live In Washington- Mr H M FltzHugh of Fairfax Va announces the engagement of his daugh- ter Miss Alice Mcade FltzHugh to Mr William Deming of Washington D C The wedding will take place early winter Miss Bertha Mcintyre and Mr Law- rence Brewer Battley were married yes taoay afternoon at St Stephens Catho- lic Church on Pennsylvania avenue In the presence of an Invited company which was later entertained at a reception at the home of the brides parents on K street Miss Mclntyre was escorted by her father Mr P J McIntyre and had her sister Miss Lily McIntyre as her only bridesmaid The latter wore a pret- ty gown of light blue chiffon with large blue hat And carried a bouquet of pink roses The brides gown was a white lace princess robe built on white silk with which she wore tulle veil and carried white roses apd lilies of the valley7 Mr M R Damrell was best man The service was performed by Rev T Gibbons Smyth the assistant rector The ushers were Mr C N Caldwell Mr R E McIntyre and Mr WIlliam Byerley all df this city After a honeymoon trip to New York Mr and Mrs Battley will live at IBS T street A pretty hume wedding of lust evening was that of MIa Eva Gladman and Mr Charles E Sebastian which took place in the presence of a small company of relatives and intimate friends The bride wore a beautiful gown of white lace but no veil and carried white chrysanthe- mums Her attendants were Miss Fan- nie Paxton who wore a gown of light biue chiffon and little Miss LucRe Cham in white chiffon Both carried chrysanthemums the former pink and the latter white ones Mrs Alfonso Par- ker was best man The ceremony at which Rev Mr ICrauss officiated was fol- lowed by a reception from S to 19 oclock Mr and Mrs Sabastian will live at 139 Thirtyfourth street which new home was the scene of their marriage Mrs Katharine Cote widow of Capt George Cole Seventh United States Cavalry was married yesterday to Lieut A F H Yates U S N the ceremony taking place at St Matthews rectory Rev Thomas S Lee officiating The wit- nesses to the ceremony were Mrs Ellis a friends of the brides and Lieut Com- mander C L Huasey U S N The bride wore a smart tailored costume of gray broadcloth with small gray bat the ceremony the bridal party drove to tile Raleigh for breakfast LJevt and Mrs Yates leaving later in af- ternoon for New York On their return they win occupy an apartment at Stone fcigh Court Mrs Titian Coffer lies Issued cards for a tea Tuesday November 2 at her 171 K street when she will prevent her granddaughter Miss Evelyn Chew to society Miss Chew was yesterday the guest of honor at a debutante luncheon at the home of her aunt Mrs Robert S Chew on Woodley lane The other guests present were Miss Isabelle Magruder Miss Mol lie Dodge Miss Denny Miss Johanna Schroeder MIss Franeee GoldBborough Miss Symons Miss Olga Converse and Miss Stockton Mrs William Ryan who has been with Mn Thomas F Ryan since the death of her htMbaad at 0k Kfdge Ta is now established with her children ia their new home 1713 I street The engagement is just announced in New York of Miss Adelaide Havemeyer and Mr Peter H B FreNnghttysea both young people well known in society The bridetobe is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry O Havemeyer and the brine groomtobe as the only son of Mr and Mrs George G FreHnghuysen of Morris town and New York cud grandson of the former Secretary of The marriage of Miss Sarah Elizabeth HogTJilr daughter of Mr and Mrs O M Hugoily of this city to Mr Howard S Austen of Chicago will take place at the Httgafly home 1515 Fifth street north- west November 14 Only the immediate relatives of tbe contracting parties will Be present There will be it reception afterward The couple will go South for a short honeymoon jaunt and will return here to be the guests of the brides par- ents for a week before proceeding to Chicago where they will be at home aLter December I Mr and Mrs F W Graham sail Miss Graham have taken quarters for the wis- ter at Alien House Thirteenth sttaet and Massachusetts avenue Cards announcing the wedding of Sarah Elizabeth Husjuety cf Washington to Mr Howard S Austin of Chicago are out Miss Huguely fe the daughter of Mr and Mrs Oscar M Huguely and the wedding will occur on the evening of November 14 at 1S15 Fifth street Only the members of the immediate family will be present at the ceremony but a recep- tion will be held immediately after The bride and groom will leave for the South for a short honeymoon after which they will return to Washington and be the guests of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Austin will live in Chicago where they will be at home to their friends after December 1 PAULINE MORTON ENGAGED Fiance Id J Hopkins Smith Jr of New Yorlc City Mr and Mrs Paul Morton of 753 Park avenue New York have announced the engagement of their second daughter Pauline to J Hopkins Smith jr second son of J Hopkins Smith of New York Miss Morton is about twenty years of age and made her debut in Washington two years ago when her father was of the Navy Since Sir Morton has been president of the Equitable Life Assurance Society he and his family have occupied the New York residence of Sec- retary of State Root Miss Mortons nance was graduated from Harvard in 1802 Wedding Silver SILVER sin gle serving pieces and sil verhandled ry the best productions in correct weights When quality is consider- ed our prices are The Low Established Over a Century Jewellers Silversmiths StAtioners 1107 Penrta Ave Atlanta I berlin tIM home Sec- retary STERLING cut le estGALT BRO lathe ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Workers front Many Lauds Guests of Mis Henderson VISIT WASHINGTON ON TOUR Since Leaving National Convention at Boston Distinguished Foreign Ladles Have Been on Pleasure Trip Received by President Roosevelt Madame YnJIma In the Party Vomans Christian Temperance Union workers Trout many lands gathered last night In the parlors of the home of Mrs John B Henderson Sixteenth street and Florida avenue at a reception given in their honor Sixty women from various foreign countries with a number of the local W C T U members were in the throng which greeted the hostess and viewed the pictures and works of which adorn her beautiful home The visitors wet delegates to the worlds convention of the W C T U which recently met In Boston and to the convention in Hartford Conn After leaving the Boston convention the party spent a fortnight traveling through Canada and several of the Western Amer- ican cities arriving In Washington yester terday They will remain hero a day or two when a number of the party will for Philadelphia where they will san for England on Saturday Yesterday at noon the delegates were tendered a reception by Mrs Wllber F Crafts at her home SIC Pennsylvania southeast At 231 oclock they were received at the White Howe by President Roosevelt- in the Bast room The President made no formal speech shook with each of the delegates saying a wosfl to each as she passed After the hand stalking Mr Roosevelt spent several minutes Chat- ting with some of the foreign delegates speaking especially with Mme Kajf Ya jima of Tokyo Japan Madam YaJIina There Mme Yajima was also a guest at Mrs Hendersons reception last evening and In her rich Japanese costume was one of the most interesting of the many ladles present Mme Tajima does not speak English and is attended by a young and pretty Japanese girt who acts as her In- terpreter Mme Yama to seventy years of age and the president of the W C T U of the Island EmpIre After signing the memorandum of The Herald reporter Japanese she bowed her acknowledg- ments of his courtesy and that of his honorable paper Among the other foreign guests at the reception were Mrs Harrison Lee of Australia Mrs and Miss StroudSmith Tile of Man Miss Anna W Eltett Ber- muda Mrs Gordon Wright president of the W C T U of Canada Miss SerasU N CaJlesperl Greece Miss Ida Rogberg Sweden Miss Agnes E Slack secretary of the Worlds W C T I Mrs B N Sheppard London Mrs Martin Mrs L Lowing Miss A L Boulton Mrs J B Harrop Mrs F B Brayne Miss Thomas Miss CrisswHl Mrs Lydia Wear Mrs Wright Mrs William Reid and Miss ReM Miss Stenhouse MriTfcauthy Mrs Tomer Miss Kenyon Miss Wilson MM- Shacideton Miss Hawkins Miss Patter- son Mrs Clay Mias Ion Smith MIss RoWnson Miss Montrleff and Mrs Males of England Gray Mrs Mary Bobcrtsen and Mrs Macdonald of Seot land UCH H Get Mementos As a memento of the occasion Mrs lien derson each of the foreign gveota af her reception a copy of her bek The Aristocracy of Health in many of them she appended her autograph Mrs Henderson exalatoed to her guests that she was something more than a foe of alcohol saying that she fought against the use of all narcotics tobacco tea coffee drugs and opium She said she presented the book for them to read in their journey across the seas and hoped that they would carry pleasant memories of their short sojourn in the Inited States MRS STOCKTONS Bride and Groom at Bedside of the Novelists Widow Stricken With Paralysis and Fear ing Turn for Worse Aunt fin Speedy Strong elements ef both rowtaMce and tragedy have attended the marriage of Miss Mary Booker to Harold Goodwin which took place in Georgetown yesterday Both young people are well known in Washington the bride being a niece Of Mrs Frank Stockton widow of the famous novelist and with whom she has spent most of the years of her life Although no announcement had been made of their engagement it was widely known among their friends that a wed ding was pending Mrs Stocktons Ill being the only obstacle in the way of Its consummation When tile aunts condition took a severe turn for the worse- a few days ago she insisted upon the speedy marriage of her niece The wed- ding took place in the Prince George on Thirtieth where Mrs Stockton has bet apartments Mrs Stockton returned to Washington the early part of last month after spend- ing several months at the seashore where she had gone for the benefit of her health Soon after her return it was decided to sell the Stockton home on P street and it is thought that the effort of moving to her present apartments had much to do in causing the paralysis from which the patient now suffers When consulted at a late hour last night her physician Dr Louis Mackall said that no change bad occurred In Mrs Stock tons condition in the last two days The young bride and groom are in attendance- at the bedside of the ill woman and everything that love and devotion Can de vise are being done to relieve the suf- ferer MISS HAVEHEYEE TO WED Her Engagement to Peter il B Fre liiJKhuysen Announced New York Nov 7 Mr and Mrs Henry Havemeyer today formally announced the approaching marriage of their daugh- ter Mlse Adeline to Peter H B Fre llnghugsen son of Mr and Mrs George Frellnshuysen of New York and Morris town The young man is a member of the Union Club and is a grandson of Fred- erick PreHnfchuyaett who was a member of President Grants Cabinet The bride tobe made her debut two years ago and is a great favorite in so eioty She was an attendant at tho wed ding of her cousin Miss Louiatno Peters who will marry Harold H Weekes In Grace Church Wednesday SAW YOUR AD IN THE HERALD ALL FOR TEMPERANCE art national de- PArt ave- nue bet hands In c- Eo Mrs ted Including JECE VEDS Marriage L heal street l I f Insisted 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ARMY ORDERS Transfers The following assignments to regiments of officers recently promoted are an- nounced George S Young promoted from major Eighteenth Infantry to lieutenant colonel TwentyUral Infantry October 30 IDOl Robert L Bultard promoted from major Twentyeighth Infantry to lieutenant col- onel Eighth Infantry October 31 186- 6Lieut Col Bullard will proceed to join the regiment to which he Ir assigned Capt Oscar J Charles Seventeenth In- fantry will proceed to West Now York and report In person to the super- intendent United States Military Acad- emy for duty at the academy First Lleut Lawrence D Cobol Four- teenth Infantry acting quartermaster Ic relieved from duty at Havana Cuba to take effect upon the completion of his ex- amination for promotion and will proceed- to San Francisco Gal and report in per- son to the depot Quartermaster at that place fdt as his assistant First Lieut James D Heyslnger assist- ant surgeon upon the expiration of his present leave of absence will proceed to Key West Barracks Florida and report In person to the commanding officer of that post for duty and by letter to the commanding general Department of the Gulf Master Signal Electrician Oliver O Mc Cammon Fort Omaha Nebr will be sent to Seattle Wash reporting upon arrival- to the commanding general Department- of the Columbia for assignment to duty Lieut Cot Charles H Watts Ninth Cavalry is detailed for general recruiting service and expiration of his present leave of absence will proceed to Brooklyn N Y and enter upon recruit duty at that place Lieut Col Watts is appointed an acting quartermaster for such time as be may remain on recruiting duty A board of officers 10 appointed to meet at San Juan Porto Rico Tuesday De- cember 11 UC8 or as soon thereafter as practicable for the examination of such officers of the Porto Rico Provisional Regiment of Infantry as may be ordered before it to determine their fitness for promotion Detail for the board Lieut CoL Hobart K BaIley Twenty flfth Infantry commanding Porto Rico Provisional Regiment of Infantry Maj George R Cecil Thirtieth Infan try Maj Ogden Rafferty surgeon Edwin J Grlfflta Porto Rico Provisional Regiment of Infantry Contract Surgeon Lute G de Quevedo United States army The junior member other than a medi- cal olPcer will act as recorder The followingnamed officers of the Porto Rico Provisional Regiment of In- fantry will report hi person to the presi- dent of examhteg board at San Juan Porto Rico at such time as he may desig- nate for examination p determine their itaess for promotion and upon coosplo thereof will return to their proper stations First Lieut William S Woodruff First Lieut La ranee Angel Second Lieut TeoAlo Marxoach Second Lieut Eugenic C de Hostos Capt Theodore B Hacker commissary will proceed from Omaha Nebr to Ne- ll and Valentine Nebr and Sturgis S Dak for the purpose of inspecting subsistence supplies purchased at those places and upon the completion of this duty will return to his proper station Paragraph 5 Special Onlerg 0 War Department October 2 till relat- ing to Post Quartermaster Sergeant Frank W Arnold is amended to reM With permission to delay ten days en route Maj Lawson M Fuller Ordnance De- partment win proceed to the Bethlehem Steel Works South Bethlehem Pa on oflktel nslness pertaining to the tapper- UB of ordnance material la process of construction Maj WBtiain S Perce Ordnance De- partment will make not to exceed three visits per month during the months of November and December B3t and Janu- ary 1M7 to the works of the Colts Patent Firearms Manufacturing Com- pany Hartford Conn on official business pertaining to the inspection of ordnance material In process of construction Opt Evan H Huraphreyquartermaster in addition to the duties assignee him in paragraph 11 Special Orders No 3W No- vember 2 EM War Department win re- lieve Capt James V Heidi Tenth of his duties as purchasing and depot commissary at Honolulu Hawaii Terri toryMaj Charles P Stivers commissary wiB proceed to Junction City Kane purpose of inspecting subsistence sup plies purchased by him at that place Leave of absence for seven days is greeted Second IJevt DeWitt C Jones Corps of Engineers to take effect upon the completion of his examination for promotion Leave of absence for four months to take effect on or about December 1 IfOi with permission to go beyond the see and apply for an extension of two months to granted Capt Tndweli W Moore Twentyfirst Infantry Leave of absence for one month to take effect on or about November 1 UOS granted Capt John B McDonald quar- termaster NAVY ORDERS Gapt W H Emory detached duty in command U S R S Hancock navy yard New York N Y to home anti welt orders Cant T S Phelps detached duty In charge of navy recruiting station San Francisco Cat c to navy yard Mare Island Cal Lieut Commander A S Htotead de- tacbed Chicago to duty as inspector of ordnance Union Iron Works San Frpn cisco CaL I4etit Commander F H Clark Jr com- missioned a lieutenant commander In the navy from November 2 38 t Lieut L C Palmer to Brooklyn Lieut H N Jenson detached Wiscon sin when placed out of commission to Chicago as navigating officer As t Sura P TS Garrison detached Naval Medical School Washington D C c to duty as medical zoologist for the Bureau of Science Manila J I sail ing from Seattle Wash November 28 1903 Pay Inspector J S Carpenter detach- ed duty as general storekeeper navy yard duty the the Do Infan- try for- t Ienves 18 Point upJn tie of Alisencu ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ Mare Island Cal C to home settlo accounts and wait orders Paymaster D Potter duty as general storekeeperS navy yard Marc Island Cal Professor of Mathematics D M Garri- son appointed a professor of mathematics- in tile navy from October 27 lf08 Chief Boatswain Prltman detached duty at navy yard Washington D C c to Newport Newt Va for duty In connection with the fitting out Minne- sota and for duty on board that vessel when commissioned Warrant Machinist J V de tacJied Brooklyn when placed in reserve to Georgia Warrant Machinist F C Lutz detach- ed Brooklyn to Boston Mass for duty In connection with the inspection of en gineering material for the Massachusetts district The following officers registered at the War Department yesterday Brig Gen C H Carlten First Lieut C E N Howard At the Navy Department As- sistant Surgeon H A May Paymaster W W Ramsey nd Lieut W R Gher ardi registered Arrived Washington at Hampton Roads from Newport News Sailed Blakely from Annapolis ou cruise Leonidas West fcr Colon Marcellus from Baltimore for Hampton Roads WILL NOT BE DRUMMED OUT DlMmlHinl of Colored Soldier to Be Without Dramatic Features There will be nothing of the spectacu- lar in the carrying out of the drastic order of the President for the dismissal from the service of the members of the entire battalion composed of Companies B C and D of the colored Twentyftfth because of their refusal to assist the authorities in disclosing the names of the men responsible for the killing of one and the wounding of another citizen of Brownsville Tex There will be no drumming of the men out of the regiment no dramatic feat- ures such as might attend the dismissal of an officer in disgrace The recalcitrant negroes wilt be called up one by one required to sign the payrolls be paid tile money due them receive theIr no- tice of dismissal and then be required- to depart Steps are being taken to put the Pres- idents orders law effect The rolls of the companies have been sent for and In the official order to be promulgated by the War Department the names of the men will appear together with the that they have been dismissed from the service without honor which means that they rennet again enter the service of the United States in either a military- or civil capacity BRING BACK SOLDIER DEAD Iranpnri Mcndc and Inpcnll charged Caskets ttsteiBl to The Washington UtnkL Newport News Va Nov 7 The trans- ports Meade and IngaUs discharged their dead today the boxed caskets being shipped to Arlington and other places for interment The passengers left today for their homes Both the Meade and lasalls will be taened to the new qtmnermajters service between Newport News an Cuba The transport Sumner arrived today from Cuba and will take tack a large shipment of horses which will take the places of the animate washed overboard teem transports in the recent storm Col Wailer Returns from Cuba pedal to Ta Wasfcawtoa HmU Newport News Va Nov T CoL Little ton T W Walter wno was seat to Cuba to command the marines pending the oc cupatton of the island by the army arrived here today on the transport Sumner and left for his home In Nor- folk DEPEWS HEALTH IMPROVES Senate December 3 ArdsleyonHudson X Y Nov T- It was learned today that Senator Cbaun coy M Depew who has been spending the summer and fall at the James Cun- ningham Bishop villa at Ardsley where he went to recuperate his fest health intends to move t j his new house in Manhattan on November IS It became known that Senator Depew intends to leave for Washington on December S and says he will be in his seat when United States Senate meets lie now spends most of Ms time play- ing golf on the Ardsley Casino Units tak- ing automobile crosecountry trip and attending dinner parties He has great ly Improved in health and his appetite- is splendid Several nights ago he was a guest at a dinner party of society folk at the mansion of Gen Howard Carroll end just as the Senator was leaving his guests gathered around him and when some one shouted Whats the matter with Senator Depew answer from the crowd w13 Hes all right DR J C FERNALD LECTURES Talks Y 31 C A on Origin of the English Before an audience of IS men hi the As- sembly Hall of the Youn Mens Chris- tian Association last evening Dr James- C Feraald gave the opening lecture of the series on English prose style the topic being The Origin of the English Lan- guage Starting with the origin and growth of language in general Dr Fernald showed how the history of the EnglIsh language Is bound up with the history of the Eng- lish people and is the expression of their very life This lecture is the first of twenty on the general subject of English prose Class discussion and personal conference with Dr Fernald will supplement the lecture work The second meeting of the Law Club this season was held at S oclock in the clubroom The case argued was that of a shipper vs railroad company to recover damages for goods delivered to a pur chaser who was Insolvent F F Barker and H C Cook were attorneys for the de fendant In error and George Adams and R F Able for the plaintiff The club practically a moot court additional M Jacob on Reg- iment state- ment C Din a XCU York De in Scat in the I the to Is rem Key S Senator Will Language ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I Watch This Sign Daily A MAGNiFICENT RESIDENCE 4500 for Quick Sale Brand new occupltd Located on fashionable avenue central to maruions at OOroo to Hardwood throughout finished in golden quartered t oak cherry and HA BY NEW YORK Plateglass windows COPPER used for gutters e Instead of Iron or Un Fenced balcony splendid appointments and rich finIsh or mf- ttmals there is nboIUlel30 In at 3Qaeo tint it SEND FOR HIET GIViNG DETAILED REAL TY GO 561 728 13 STjlvi- jS d I mk- lJ t Reduced never northwest adjacent valued ll1 Foreon- r 4encnce costly Washington DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION Price Only 18OOO- I uit for a homenot for speculation WESlikRR P4jN THER ISREALLTY OUR REALTY 1 > < = j i j DULIN MARTIN CO the ASH CANS Galvanized Ash Cans overlapping cover 140 Steel Band R enforced Ash Cans 4HT6 The Witt Corrugated Steel Ah Cans with tightfitting cover the strongest can made 2w ASH SIFTERS Hustler Rotary Sifter HJ9 Idea Sifter 340 Covered Ash Sitters for use on barrel c- CTCoal HodM Shovels Pokers Radiator Brushes fcc Dulin Martin Co Pottery Pcreetaia Clan SlIm C 1215 F St 121418 G St 933 Pennsylvania Avenue- An Exclusive Ladies Cloak Suit and Furnishing House WINTER FASHION BULLETINS Fashionable Gloveware the finest Imported French Kid Gloves in 12 1 6 and 20 button lengths in black white and proper col wrings to match the new winter costumes Chiffou Liberty Lace anI MO- line Ruffs for evening or street wear at 225 to Si Plain Black Silk Le littery at joe pair Roman Striped Belts at soc fcj 150 Pendant Xecklaces at 150 to 61 THE GOTHAM SHOP Perfect dainty kind the society lady ap elate We engrave Wedding Annocact meats ViMting AtHome ad Reccptio Cards in the newest Tiffany designs Glad to have you inspect our shop MODERATE PRICES The Gotham Shop Trouland KandanL 141 1 F Street Settling YOUR Home Winter To Keep Fires Going EVERYTHING fr to these helps now you may have them handy when needed R and I I Engravingth- e t I h I attendIng flint J china 1sjs C 1 > > Faints Stains Enamels Floor Wax Polishing Brushes Glass c I I j I If youre in doubt as to the best method of refinishing your or executing other reno- vating incident to set thug your home for the season consult us We furnish ad vice suggestions Ac on these subjects GRATIS and can supply all the most satisfactory mediums at LOWEST PRICES ETPIate and Win- dow Glare An Glass Mirrors c painUn ¬ ¬ HUGH REILLYPai- nters Supplies GlaM tad Mirror 1334 New York Ave Phone 3182 The Best Plant for Hedges i California Privet Wore wholesale growers and can fur- nish it in any Wfcdo expert landscape gardening Glad to furnish THE WASHINGTON HEDGE AND NURSERY CO- M STABLER Mgr 2434 Pa Ave N W PLeBe 12S5 Reductions in oneway fares from Washington new in effect BALTIMORE WILMINGTON CHESTER PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK 100 273 306 340 565 Full information in regard to fares to uth r points furnished at B 0 TICKET OFFICES 619 Pennsylvania Avenue Station Hew Jersey Ave and C St SPA WATER fttilUU tarns smut CATER bade see 6 fcttttes 1 1 by AmcfaU ia M Aac Wttofi scaled Tel Slain J Mgr Great Home CirculationBri- ngs results to every advertiser Your ad in this size space in the HeraJck at the three months costs only two dollars a day Herald Want Ads 1 Cent a Word i I I I West BALTIMORE OHIO RH- 1417 Near 15th MAGNOLIA I at the aDd t The Heralds I I I I rate II- I I C CSL SLNW all ¬ =
Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1906-11-08 [p 5]. · TFE WASHINGTON HERALD THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8 1906 5 Woodward LothropN- ew York WASHINGTON Paris Our Stag Last Shoe for Women


Woodward LothropN-

ew York WASHINGTON Paris

Our Stag LastShoe for Women

attention isour new line of

cxi this verypopular last consisting of

Demi Calfskin LaceDemi Calfskin Blucher

short topPatent Calfskin ButtonPatent Calfskin Blucher

One of the most stylishwalking shoes of the seasonand shown in all sizes andwidths

Special Price 400 a PairThird floor Tenth street

The Finest of Everything

Delicacies from

Every ClimeAof Americas finest butthe choicest from all otherquarters of the globe are included our of TABLE LUXURIESnew and delicious daintiesare now arriving daily

JCTXowest prices for thor-oughly desirable Roods

G G Cornwall SonWholesale and Retail Grocers

14121418 Pa Ave

of having good sound teethlies in caring for them wisely

I isters Dentifricei-s a first essential to

their proper care Itpreserves as well ascleanses thethe gums healthy Noinjurious grit or OCoacid Price

Thompson PharmacyFrfifi-


j A millionOperators agreewith us whenwe say

The Standard RotaryShuttle SewingMachine is theBest In theWorld


JOS H 1ISKE Mgr K 9th St


S J0 2t C ST NW

FIREPROOF STORAGEThe greatest economy Is oftentimes effected by

best If you contemplate storing yourhousehold effects aspect our warehouse Separata-toctod compartments 2 monthMerchants Transfer and Storage

Z street Phone Main 62

MinutesTo BaltimoreBy Telephone

30c Day 2Sc Night


722 Twelfth St X WI 1407 R St X AV


is MpecUIlr adapted for me inVL range Make right forv SMKtac The of coke is

fael n s Well9 Boabcls Large c r deliveredH BMhete V he delirered L70-

BiMbete Urge dclivpred 531-RiMbdi Crnuwd Coke drlivrmi 3N

46 BoJ J Crmhed Cte dciir ml 489-Iteshrts Cmshrd Coke deKrmd JtM



Advertisers inThe Herald

Are getting good returns from their Inveat-roenta Aa ad this sizeat HM three monthsmi costs ojriy a doller a day
















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Miss Gertrude Weyricli andE A Menefee Wed


Chnrlc McIIvaliic Harris atAntrim Minn Josephine Shnllen

licrgcr and Rev Paul Spcrry Mar-

ried A Number of EngagementsAnnounced Personal Notes

A large company of and friendsassembled at the Church of the Epiphanyhut evening1 to witness the marriage ofMiss Gertrude Weyrlch and Mr RandolphA Menefee who were attended by one ofthe largest bridal parties of the season

The ushers who led the bridal processionwere R Y MIddleton A H Gordon HCasseJI Francis Maguire A G Sharpand T Lanham all of this city

Following the ushers were five attendant maids including two small flowergirls Lily Gordon and Edna Marcey whowore white net frocks built on white silkwith trimmings of pink ribbon and tinypink rosebuds and carried baskets of pinkroses

Miss Bessie Menafee of WarrentonVa the bridegrooms sister and MissJessie Weyrich were gowned alike inwhite chiffon cloth madowlth short trainand finished in pink girdles They worewreaths of pink roses in their hair andcarried large clusters of white chrysan-themums tied with pink tulle MittsMarion Weyrich was her sisters maid ofhonor and wore a gown of pink crepe dechine and carried Golden Gate rosesalso with a wreath in her hair

The bride who was escorted by herbrother Mr John R Weyrich wore abeautiful gown of chiffon cloth made Inprincess effect with elaborate trimmingof pearls and lace extending from thethroat to the hips The interlining of thechiffon was rich white radium silk mak-ing a particularly effective costume which

completed by a tulle veil fastenedby orange blossoms and a beautiful bou-quet of lilies of the valley and Brideroses

Mr Julian Menefee acted as his broth-ers best man Rev Edward M Mottofficiated A reception at the home ofthe brides parents Mr and Mrs JohnF Weyrich followed ceremonyAmong the guests were the parents of thebridegroom Mr and Mrs Menefee ofWarrenton Va Mrs Robert Menefeealso of Warrenton Va Mrs M Lawsand Miss Laws of Lywenburg Va

After a short honeymoon trtp to Atlaatic City Mr and Mrs Menefee will resideat 58 U street

Antrim the beautiful countryof Dr and Mrs James Kerr near Warrenton VR was the scene ef a prettyceremony yesterday afternoon when theironly daughter Miss Aiieen Kerr and MrCharles Mcllvaino Harris formerly ofPhiladelphia but now residing permanent-ly on his Virginia estate were married Inthe presence of a small family party in-

cluding only the immediate relatives ofthe two young people The bride had noattendants entering the drawing roomwith her father who gave her hand inmarriage Mr Montgomery Harris washis brothers best man

The ceremony was performed by RevW H Laird of the Episcopal waurch ofWarrenton An informal reception fol-lowed after which Mr and Mrs Harrisleft fo an extensive Northern trip

taking up their residence m Virginiawhere the former has recently purchaseda handsome estate near Antrim MrsHarris made debut in this city a fewyears ago and is an extremely clever andaccomplished young woman with hosts offriends here and In Virginia

Calvary Baptist Church was the sceneof one of the largest of theautumn weddings yesterday after-noon when Miss Josephine Shallenberger daughter of Mr and MrsW S Shallenberger of this city becamethe bride of Rev Paul Sperry now ofBath Me but a former resident ofWashington and son of Mr and Mrs AF Sperry of Q street

Rev Samuel H Greene D D thebrides pastor officiated assisted by RevFrank H Sewell of the Church of theNew Jerusalem to which ministry thebridegroom belongs

The church was tastefully decoratedwith tall palms and large bunches ofpink and white chrysanthemums Theorgan was presided over by Arthur DMayo organist of the church who playeda short recital while the guests werebeing seated and the wedding marches

The bridal party was made up fromamong the college mates of the bride andbridegroom In the George WashingtonUniversity from which both were graduated in the class of 1K The brides at-tendants were her sister Miss Mary PShallenberger maid of honor and MissLola M Evans and Miss Elsie Turner ofthe class of 192 Miss Catharine V McIllhenny of 1901 and Miss Helen MBate of 1906

Mr Victor Johnson of Philadelphiawas best man and the ushers were DrMahkm Ashford Messrs WHtiajn KWest Frederick Albert and Artley Par-sons all of this city

The brkle entered the church with herfather who gave her in marriage Hergown was of soft white satin trimmedgracefully with duchess Her veil oftulle was caught with orange blossomsand she carried a shower bouquet ofBride roses and lilies of the valley Thegown of the maid of honor was of whitechiffon cloth over white silk trimmedwith jacket effect French lace and adomltrain She wore a white lace hatwith long white ostrich plumes and car-ried a bouquet of white chrysanthemumstied with long white satin ribbon Thegowns of the bridesmaids were of pinkcrepe de chine with short trains pinkfelt lists trimmed with pink ropes andthey carried bunches of pink chrysanthemums Immediately following the cere-mony a reception and wedding breakfast

held in the home of the brides parin Mintwood place when only the

bridal party and relatives enter-tained

Mr and Mrs Sperry left during theafternoon for several weeks travel toend at their new home in Maine wherethe former lies a charge at Bath

The brides traveling dress was of darkbrown cloth with a hat to match MrsShallenberger at the wedding and reception wore a toilet of black lace over traysilk

Miss Emily EckfeMt of thiscity and Mr Edgar Adams Mealy of Atlanta Ga were married last evening atthe Luther Memorial Church on ThomasCircle the pastor officiating The usherswho seated the company which was lim-ited to the relatives and closefriends were Messrs Lowry Dale of

and Henry Weaver Arthur PleDceand Thomas Burnett Gardner of this city

The bride entered the church with hermother Mrs Frederick Eckfeldt whogave her band in marriage and was

unattended Mr Frank H Meelyof Plttsburg Pa was his brothers bestman A feature of the wooding was theparticularly fine musical programme byProf Fowler Richardson of Atlanta whows at the organ

The bride and bridegroom left Imme-diately after the ceremony for a South












Le ring



























erntrlp to end at their future home Inwhere they will be nt home after

November SO at 43 Columbia avenue

Mr and Mrs J T Williams of Balti-more announce the marriage of theirdaughter MISS Eva Williams to Mr Con-

rad Meyer of this city on Monday No-

vember I at the home of the bride Aftera short honeymoon journey Mr and MrsMeyer will live In Washington-

Mr H M FltzHugh of Fairfax Vaannounces the engagement of his daugh-ter Miss Alice Mcade FltzHugh toMr William Deming of WashingtonD C The wedding will take place early


Miss Bertha Mcintyre and Mr Law-rence Brewer Battley were married yestaoay afternoon at St Stephens Catho-lic Church on Pennsylvania avenue Inthe presence of an Invited company whichwas later entertained at a reception atthe home of the brides parents on Kstreet Miss Mclntyre was escorted byher father Mr P J McIntyre and hadher sister Miss Lily McIntyre as heronly bridesmaid The latter wore a pret-ty gown of light blue chiffon with largeblue hat And carried a bouquet of pinkroses

The brides gown was a white laceprincess robe built on white silk withwhich she wore tulle veil and carriedwhite roses apd lilies of the valley7 MrM R Damrell was best man

The service was performed by Rev TGibbons Smyth the assistant rector Theushers were Mr C N Caldwell Mr R EMcIntyre and Mr WIlliam Byerley alldf this city After a honeymoon trip toNew York Mr and Mrs Battley will liveat IBS T street

A pretty hume wedding of lust eveningwas that of MIa Eva Gladman and MrCharles E Sebastian which took placein the presence of a small company ofrelatives and intimate friends The bridewore a beautiful gown of white lace butno veil and carried white chrysanthe-mums Her attendants were Miss Fan-nie Paxton who wore a gown of lightbiue chiffon and little Miss LucRe Cham

in white chiffon Both carriedchrysanthemums the former pink andthe latter white ones Mrs Alfonso Par-ker was best man The ceremony atwhich Rev Mr ICrauss officiated was fol-lowed by a reception from S to 19 oclockMr and Mrs Sabastian will live at 139Thirtyfourth street which new home wasthe scene of their marriage

Mrs Katharine Cote widow of CaptGeorge Cole Seventh United StatesCavalry was married yesterday to LieutA F H Yates U S N the ceremonytaking place at St Matthews rectoryRev Thomas S Lee officiating The wit-nesses to the ceremony were Mrs Ellisa friends of the brides and Lieut Com-mander C L Huasey U S N The bridewore a smart tailored costume of graybroadcloth with small gray bat

the ceremony the bridal partydrove to tile Raleigh for breakfast LJevtand Mrs Yates leaving later in af-ternoon for New York On their returnthey win occupy an apartment at Stonefcigh Court

Mrs Titian Coffer lies Issued cards fora tea Tuesday November 2 at her171 K street when she will prevent hergranddaughter Miss Evelyn Chew tosociety

Miss Chew was yesterday the guest ofhonor at a debutante luncheon at the homeof her aunt Mrs Robert S Chew onWoodley lane The other guests presentwere Miss Isabelle Magruder Miss Mollie Dodge Miss Denny Miss JohannaSchroeder MIss Franeee GoldBboroughMiss Symons Miss Olga Converse andMiss Stockton

Mrs William Ryan who has been withMn Thomas F Ryan since the deathof her htMbaad at 0k Kfdge Ta isnow established with her children ia theirnew home 1713 I street

The engagement is just announced inNew York of Miss Adelaide Havemeyerand Mr Peter H B FreNnghttysea bothyoung people well known in society Thebridetobe is the daughter of Mr andMrs Henry O Havemeyer and the brinegroomtobe as the only son of Mr andMrs George G FreHnghuysen of Morristown and New York cud grandson of theformer Secretary of

The marriage of Miss Sarah ElizabethHogTJilr daughter of Mr and Mrs O MHugoily of this city to Mr Howard SAusten of Chicago will take place at theHttgafly home 1515 Fifth street north-west November 14 Only the immediaterelatives of tbe contracting parties willBe present There will be it receptionafterward The couple will go South fora short honeymoon jaunt and will returnhere to be the guests of the brides par-ents for a week before proceeding toChicago where they will be at homeaLter December I

Mr and Mrs F W Graham sail MissGraham have taken quarters for the wis-ter at Alien House Thirteenth sttaet andMassachusetts avenue

Cards announcing the wedding of SarahElizabeth Husjuety cf Washington toMr Howard S Austin of Chicago areout Miss Huguely fe the daughter ofMr and Mrs Oscar M Huguely and thewedding will occur on the evening ofNovember 14 at 1S15 Fifth street Onlythe members of the immediate family willbe present at the ceremony but a recep-tion will be held immediately after Thebride and groom will leave for the Southfor a short honeymoon after which theywill return to Washington and be theguests of the brides parents Mr andMrs Austin will live in Chicago wherethey will be at home to their friendsafter December 1

PAULINE MORTON ENGAGEDFiance Id J Hopkins Smith Jr of

New Yorlc CityMr and Mrs Paul Morton of 753 Park

avenue New York have announced theengagement of their second daughterPauline to J Hopkins Smith jr secondson of J Hopkins Smith of New YorkMiss Morton is about twenty years ofage and made her debut in Washingtontwo years ago when her father was

of the Navy Since Sir Mortonhas been president of the Equitable LifeAssurance Society he and his family haveoccupied the New York residence of Sec-retary of State Root Miss Mortonsnance was graduated from Harvard in1802

Wedding SilverSILVER

single serving pieces and silverhandled ry thebest productions in correctweights

When quality is consider-ed our prices are The Low

Established Over a CenturyJewellers Silversmiths StAtioners

1107 Penrta Ave








cut l e






















Workers front Many LaudsGuests of Mis Henderson


Since Leaving National Conventionat Boston Distinguished ForeignLadles Have Been on Pleasure TripReceived by President RooseveltMadame YnJIma In the Party

Vomans Christian Temperance Unionworkers Trout many lands gathered lastnight In the parlors of the home of MrsJohn B Henderson Sixteenth street andFlorida avenue at a reception given intheir honor Sixty women from variousforeign countries with a number of thelocal W C T U members were in thethrong which greeted the hostess andviewed the pictures and works ofwhich adorn her beautiful home

The visitors wet delegates to theworlds convention of the W C T Uwhich recently met In Boston and to the

convention in Hartford ConnAfter leaving the Boston convention theparty spent a fortnight traveling throughCanada and several of the Western Amer-ican cities arriving In Washington yesterterday They will remain hero a day ortwo when a number of the party will

for Philadelphia where they willsan for England on Saturday

Yesterday at noon the delegates weretendered a reception by Mrs Wllber FCrafts at her home SIC Pennsylvania

southeastAt 231 oclock they were received at

the White Howe by President Roosevelt-in the Bast room The President made noformal speech shook with eachof the delegates saying a wosfl to eachas she passed After the hand stalkingMr Roosevelt spent several minutes Chat-ting with some of the foreign delegatesspeaking especially with Mme Kajf Yajima of Tokyo Japan

Madam YaJIina ThereMme Yajima was also a guest at Mrs

Hendersons reception last evening andIn her rich Japanese costume was one ofthe most interesting of the many ladlespresent Mme Tajima does not speakEnglish and is attended by a young andpretty Japanese girt who acts as her In-

terpreter Mme Yama to seventy yearsof age and the president of the W C TU of the Island EmpIre After signingthe memorandum of The Herald reporter

Japanese she bowed her acknowledg-ments of his courtesy and that of hishonorable paperAmong the other foreign guests at the

reception were Mrs Harrison Lee ofAustralia Mrs and Miss StroudSmithTile of Man Miss Anna W Eltett Ber-muda Mrs Gordon Wright president ofthe W C T U of Canada Miss SerasUN CaJlesperl Greece Miss Ida RogbergSweden Miss Agnes E Slack secretaryof the Worlds W C T I Mrs B NSheppard London Mrs Martin Mrs LLowing Miss A L Boulton Mrs J BHarrop Mrs F B Brayne Miss ThomasMiss CrisswHl Mrs Lydia Wear MrsWright Mrs William Reid and MissReM Miss Stenhouse MriTfcauthy MrsTomer Miss Kenyon Miss Wilson MM-Shacideton Miss Hawkins Miss Patter-son Mrs Clay Mias Ion Smith MIss

RoWnson Miss Montrleff and MrsMales of England Gray Mrs MaryBobcrtsen and Mrs Macdonald of Seotland

UCH H Get MementosAs a memento of the occasion Mrs lien

derson each of the foreigngveota af her reception a copy of her bekThe Aristocracy of Health in many

of them she appended her autographMrs Henderson exalatoed to her guests

that she was something more than a foeof alcohol saying that she fought againstthe use of all narcotics tobaccotea coffee drugs and opium She saidshe presented the book for them toread in their journey across the seas andhoped that they would carry pleasantmemories of their short sojourn in theInited States


Bride and Groom at Bedside of theNovelists Widow

Stricken With Paralysis and Fearing Turn for Worse Aunt

fin Speedy

Strong elements ef both rowtaMce andtragedy have attended the marriage ofMiss Mary Booker to Harold Goodwinwhich took place in Georgetown yesterdayBoth young people are well known inWashington the bride being a niece OfMrs Frank Stockton widow of thefamous novelist and with whom she hasspent most of the years of her life

Although no announcement had beenmade of their engagement it was widelyknown among their friends that a wedding was pending Mrs Stocktons Ill

being the only obstacle in the wayof Its consummation When tile auntscondition took a severe turn for the worse-a few days ago she insisted upon thespeedy marriage of her niece The wed-ding took place in the Prince George onThirtieth where Mrs Stockton hasbet apartments

Mrs Stockton returned to Washingtonthe early part of last month after spend-ing several months at the seashorewhere she had gone for the benefit of herhealth Soon after her return it wasdecided to sell the Stockton home on Pstreet and it is thought that the effortof moving to her present apartments hadmuch to do in causing the paralysis fromwhich the patient now suffers Whenconsulted at a late hour last night herphysician Dr Louis Mackall said thatno change bad occurred In Mrs Stocktons condition in the last two days Theyoung bride and groom are in attendance-at the bedside of the ill woman andeverything that love and devotion Can devise are being done to relieve the suf-ferer


Her Engagement to Peter il B FreliiJKhuysen Announced

New York Nov 7 Mr and Mrs HenryHavemeyer today formally announcedthe approaching marriage of their daugh-ter Mlse Adeline to Peter H B Frellnghugsen son of Mr and Mrs GeorgeFrellnshuysen of New York and Morristown

The young man is a member of theUnion Club and is a grandson of Fred-erick PreHnfchuyaett who was a memberof President Grants Cabinet

The bride tobe made her debut twoyears ago and is a great favorite in soeioty She was an attendant at tho wedding of her cousin Miss Louiatno Peterswho will marry Harold H Weekes InGrace Church Wednesday







bet hands

































TransfersThe following assignments to regiments

of officers recently promoted are an-

nouncedGeorge S Young promoted from major

Eighteenth Infantry to lieutenant colonelTwentyUral Infantry October 30 IDOl

Robert L Bultard promoted from majorTwentyeighth Infantry to lieutenant col-

onel Eighth Infantry October 31 186-

6Lieut Col Bullard will proceed to jointhe regiment to which he Ir assigned

Capt Oscar J Charles Seventeenth In-

fantry will proceed to West NowYork and report In person to the super-intendent United States Military Acad-emy for duty at the academy

First Lleut Lawrence D Cobol Four-teenth Infantry acting quartermaster Ic

relieved from duty at Havana Cuba totake effect upon the completion of his ex-

amination for promotion and will proceed-to San Francisco Gal and report in per-son to the depot Quartermaster at thatplace fdt as his assistant

First Lieut James D Heyslnger assist-ant surgeon upon the expiration of hispresent leave of absence will proceed toKey West Barracks Florida and reportIn person to the commanding officer ofthat post for duty and by letter to thecommanding general Department of theGulf

Master Signal Electrician Oliver O McCammon Fort Omaha Nebr will be sentto Seattle Wash reporting upon arrival-to the commanding general Department-of the Columbia for assignment to duty

Lieut Cot Charles H Watts NinthCavalry is detailed for general recruitingservice and expiration of hispresent leave of absence will proceed toBrooklyn N Y and enter upon recruit

duty at that place Lieut Col Wattsis appointed an acting quartermaster forsuch time as be may remain on recruitingduty

A board of officers 10 appointed to meetat San Juan Porto Rico Tuesday De-cember 11 UC8 or as soon thereafter aspracticable for the examination of suchofficers of the Porto Rico ProvisionalRegiment of Infantry as may be orderedbefore it to determine their fitness forpromotion Detail for the board

Lieut CoL Hobart K BaIley Twentyflfth Infantry commanding Porto RicoProvisional Regiment of Infantry

Maj George R Cecil Thirtieth Infantry

Maj Ogden Rafferty surgeonEdwin J Grlfflta Porto Rico

Provisional Regiment of InfantryContract Surgeon Lute G de Quevedo

United States armyThe junior member other than a medi-

cal olPcer will act as recorderThe followingnamed officers of the

Porto Rico Provisional Regiment of In-fantry will report hi person to the presi-dent of examhteg board at San JuanPorto Rico at such time as he may desig-nate for examination p determine theiritaess for promotion and upon coosplo

thereof will return to their properstations

First Lieut William S WoodruffFirst Lieut La ranee AngelSecond Lieut TeoAlo MarxoachSecond Lieut Eugenic C de HostosCapt Theodore B Hacker commissary

will proceed from Omaha Nebr to Ne-ll and Valentine Nebr and SturgisS Dak for the purpose of inspectingsubsistence supplies purchased at thoseplaces and upon the completion of thisduty will return to his proper station

Paragraph 5 Special Onlerg 0War Department October 2 till relat-ing to Post Quartermaster SergeantFrank W Arnold is amended to reM

With permission to delay ten days enroute

Maj Lawson M Fuller Ordnance De-partment win proceed to the BethlehemSteel Works South Bethlehem Pa onoflktel nslness pertaining to the tapper-UB of ordnance material la process ofconstruction

Maj WBtiain S Perce Ordnance De-partment will make not to exceed threevisits per month during the months ofNovember and December B3t and Janu-ary 1M7 to the works of the ColtsPatent Firearms Manufacturing Com-pany Hartford Conn on official businesspertaining to the inspection of ordnancematerial In process of construction

Opt Evan H Huraphreyquartermasterin addition to the duties assignee him inparagraph 11 Special Orders No 3W No-vember 2 EM War Department win re-lieve Capt James V Heidi Tenth

of his duties as purchasing and depotcommissary at Honolulu Hawaii TerritoryMaj

Charles P Stivers commissarywiB proceed to Junction City Kane

purpose of inspecting subsistence supplies purchased by him at that place

Leave of absence for seven days isgreeted Second IJevt DeWitt C JonesCorps of Engineers to take effect uponthe completion of his examination forpromotion

Leave of absence for four months totake effect on or about December 1 IfOiwith permission to go beyond the seeand apply for an extension of twomonths to granted Capt Tndweli WMoore Twentyfirst Infantry

Leave of absence for one month totake effect on or about November 1 UOS

granted Capt John B McDonald quar-termaster


Gapt W H Emory detached duty incommand U S R S Hancock navy yardNew York N Y to home anti weltorders

Cant T S Phelps detached duty Incharge of navy recruiting station SanFrancisco Cat c to navy yard MareIsland Cal

Lieut Commander A S Htotead de-

tacbed Chicago to duty as inspector ofordnance Union Iron Works San Frpncisco CaL

I4etit Commander F H Clark Jr com-missioned a lieutenant commander In thenavy from November 2 38 t

Lieut L C Palmer to BrooklynLieut H N Jenson detached Wiscon

sin when placed out of commission toChicago as navigating officer

As t Sura P TS Garrison detachedNaval Medical School Washington DC c to duty as medical zoologist forthe Bureau of Science Manila J I sailing from Seattle Wash November 281903

Pay Inspector J S Carpenter detach-ed duty as general storekeeper navy yard












of Alisencu





















> ¬


Mare Island Cal C to home settloaccounts and wait orders

Paymaster D Potter dutyas general storekeeperS navy yard MarcIsland Cal

Professor of Mathematics D M Garri-son appointed a professor of mathematics-in tile navy from October 27 lf08

Chief Boatswain Prltman detachedduty at navy yard Washington D C

c to Newport Newt Va for duty Inconnection with the fitting out Minne-sota and for duty on board that vesselwhen commissioned

Warrant Machinist J V detacJied Brooklyn when placed in reserveto Georgia

Warrant Machinist F C Lutz detach-ed Brooklyn to Boston Mass for dutyIn connection with the inspection of engineering material for the Massachusettsdistrict

The following officers registered at theWar Department yesterday Brig GenC H Carlten First Lieut C E NHoward At the Navy Department As-sistant Surgeon H A May PaymasterW W Ramsey nd Lieut W R Gherardi registered

Arrived Washington at HamptonRoads from Newport News

Sailed Blakely from Annapolis oucruise Leonidas West fcrColon Marcellus from Baltimore forHampton Roads


DlMmlHinl of Colored Soldier to BeWithout Dramatic Features

There will be nothing of the spectacu-lar in the carrying out of the drastic orderof the President for the dismissal fromthe service of the members of the entirebattalion composed of Companies B C

and D of the colored Twentyftfthbecause of their refusal to assist

the authorities in disclosing the names ofthe men responsible for the killing of oneand the wounding of another citizen ofBrownsville Tex

There will be no drumming of the menout of the regiment no dramatic feat-ures such as might attend the dismissalof an officer in disgrace The recalcitrantnegroes wilt be called up one by onerequired to sign the payrolls be paidtile money due them receive theIr no-

tice of dismissal and then be required-to depart

Steps are being taken to put the Pres-idents orders law effect The rolls ofthe companies have been sent for and Inthe official order to be promulgated bythe War Department the names of themen will appear together with the

that they have been dismissed fromthe service without honor which meansthat they rennet again enter the serviceof the United States in either a military-or civil capacity


Iranpnri Mcndc and Inpcnllcharged Caskets

ttsteiBl to The Washington UtnkLNewport News Va Nov 7 The trans-

ports Meade and IngaUs discharged theirdead today the boxed caskets beingshipped to Arlington and other places forinterment The passengers left today fortheir homes

Both the Meade and lasalls will betaened to the new qtmnermajters servicebetween Newport News an Cuba

The transport Sumner arrived todayfrom Cuba and will take tack a largeshipment of horses which will take theplaces of the animate washed overboardteem transports in the recent storm

Col Wailer Returns from Cubapedal to Ta Wasfcawtoa HmU

Newport News Va Nov T CoL Littleton T W Walter wno was seat to Cubato command the marines pending the occupatton of the island by the armyarrived here today on the transportSumner and left for his home In Nor-folk


Senate December 3ArdsleyonHudson X Y Nov T-

It was learned today that Senator Cbauncoy M Depew who has been spendingthe summer and fall at the James Cun-ningham Bishop villa at Ardsley wherehe went to recuperate his fest healthintends to move t j his new house inManhattan on November IS It becameknown that Senator Depew intends toleave for Washington on December S andsays he will be in his seat whenUnited States Senate meets

lie now spends most of Ms time play-ing golf on the Ardsley Casino Units tak-ing automobile crosecountry trip andattending dinner parties He has greatly Improved in health and his appetite-is splendid Several nights ago he wasa guest at a dinner party of society folkat the mansion of Gen Howard Carrollend just as the Senator was leaving hisguests gathered around him and whensome one shouted Whats the matterwith Senator Depew answer fromthe crowd w13 Hes all rightDR J C FERNALD LECTURES

Talks Y 31 C A on Origin ofthe English

Before an audience of IS men hi the As-

sembly Hall of the Youn Mens Chris-

tian Association last evening Dr James-C Feraald gave the opening lecture ofthe series on English prose style the topicbeing The Origin of the English Lan-guage

Starting with the origin and growth oflanguage in general Dr Fernald showedhow the history of the EnglIsh languageIs bound up with the history of the Eng-lish people and is the expression of theirvery life

This lecture is the first of twenty on thegeneral subject of English prose Classdiscussion and personal conference withDr Fernald will supplement the lecturework

The second meeting of the Law Clubthis season was held at S oclock in theclubroom The case argued was that ofa shipper vs railroad company to recoverdamages for goods delivered to a purchaser who was Insolvent F F Barkerand H C Cook were attorneys for the defendant In error and George Adams andR F Able for the plaintiff

The club practically a moot court






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Senator Will























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