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Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-11-29 [p 11]. · 2017. 12. 25. · Ckaaiiiite ad QMo i 4s...

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TEE WASHINGTON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 20 1910 iIi iii HERALD jJ Declines Ennas ugh as JFonr Points in Some Stocks DUE TO PESSIMISTIC REVIEW James J II11I Speaking of Railway Conditions Doe Not See Any Vls- oroan Buying of Material for Im- provement or Betterment Recav cry Falls lo Follow the Election Now York Nov S Decline In the se- curity market today running to noarly four points in the active and prominent stocks particularly that nar late- ly been in favor a Subject at specula tlon were commonly said to have induced by the publication in tbo jnorn- injr newspaper of a highly i Mfnl Uc review of business conditions awf pro pecta by James J Hill It may be doubted however wlwther- thli thttory of the movement coMprised any moro than a half truth Sir Hill Is a positive anti loquacious talker who Is not always right and the OCcaSIOnS perhaps are even more numwotw when prices in the stock market haro moved contrary to his views immediately follow ing the published expression thereof than whoa they have pursued the lla bat cated by him as those which he favored No New Order The real point of Mr outgiving was that in speaking a ha lid he gave utterance in a pretty emphatic way to opinion that have for many week past been hold by a largo number of con- servative people in the country and on the specific anti muchdlacussort luaetlon of the extent to which the railroad com- panies of the land are about to com into the Iron and steel market with order for new materials Mr Hill spoke with indisputable authority at iMUtt u re- gards the largo roalway int r 8U with which he is personally connected Thin is an that has been sharply debated in recent weeks one party in Wall street asserting that the railroads were to corns In to the iron and vtsal market in a vigorous way at a time not remote others maintaining that the physical condition of the railroads te now so good that there is no need of large immediate expenditures for further im- provements and that In addition the state of the money market imposes air lloulty upon the raising of funds for such a purpose It wsjg not necessary today for any one to confess entir agreement with what Mr Hill saidaad the greater number of sensible peoplo thought his lugubrkmsness too greatly intensified in order else to perceive that such a tumbling down of stock market prices a happened was altogether in the regu- lar and natural oourss of events Not Henefited l y Klectloii The substantial fact about tits stock market is that through a period dating lock from tbs present time to about a month previous to the recent election it has boon in strained and fictitious htatc at least as regards the market for a few leading stocks A bull pool was formed in these stock and prices were jacked up from si level that rep- resented a full recovery from the mkl- aummer depression the reason assigned for the latter movement being that tha election wee going to be the death Mow to now nationalism sad that bmnedlatoly upon the delivery of this Mow fcaainosg would boom Kxperieuce demonstrates however that something more than sentiment over elec- tion results Is ne ssary to evoke inter- est in the stock market by the general public end that economic conditions are the true and only sources of Improving business Doubtless the pool in United State Steel common and in other stocks has Mill a large amount of unsold shares on hands and will not abandon its ef- forts to market these at as favorable a price as can be which might ont M a further manipulated rise feHowtag to days violent fall TREASURY STATEMENT RMcnra fond Gold coin MUM MMJDOQJDQJ Tnirt fun Md fer UK t 3- lintkUndtoE net t 4 SKttSSalM- f M torn bilvtr ddlaik of MB MMO D- fieoml fund old coin and boIHM certificate stand ilnr dollar Silver owtiftaate- nInitrd Htatrs notes Tmtswy notea of IMS National bank soles Total Dtdnct nirreni liabilitiM- Wotting balaac in TWMHT 1018 19 S4HMfl M- 3fcST S nadwul bert fepulUri Hr4aS In tttmoy of the PMfMitae lakcds IWJBH- TWal IMnct current liabHttJe MB 90 IM3MH5S- IlilUK ia banks aad in tmsory- ef PbilipfilM lalaMia JBB1K W- In Tranun Sitter bullion ewt aJCJBS7 SiiMdlwry wlvrr oota njRjmm Kraeional currwey no Muor coin ICUCM Tot J J Total tefcmce to KBwal laM VUC2BT4 Ordinary wceipU Internal revenue MiaMBaatoua- DiabunemeBU Cifil and mkcrtlai u War mm4- UJI1M Interest w public ToW Lees repayment ef wMzpcnded hal ancei mamEX- CCM f ordInary neslitts PUBLIC DEBT n oeipt Lawful MBMT tepoM4rt te r UM n tUNUl bMk ROtM JHlr M UDOi Lawful HMUfjr wkl for iwtiwtlbidc- ol i retired act July M 1S- WEicea of puWk debt diabunemenU- Eiaess ef aU ntt te orer sit dltbueo- tnmta J2ssj i re WASHIXGTOS CATTLE MARKET- S 5rtel a00a3EO do ommm ISOalT spriuff fl htai fafl medium Lot w- OALVBSPrime per Ib 9 K nwdiam lb COWS Primc frah each 4 OOBRLOO de com 300W5W do old sod 7 00a20a j WALL STREET ES been Sees Hills I Issue a its sad 0 S- IiIiev dnflin 0 Total I I Ilu I a- I old C0 C I 551s S S- In I 1 t a5eie tat Awaitieg roecbwiset n h RECEIPTS AND isuuitegaijj uate hfteat1 C I ncpovsUou tax Totl 55151 S 14l II Nary lmdae 1511 Iesoei 51 debt Ia 1- 5Totil e last 3co 0 DIMsiratssmte Visited pltaks tmes asO eemt1oat ef tUdtbCe Mired 0 514o 0 Tout 13 0 z cATrLEitrm per cwt lQa7 o butcbei r LitaLil inezinon 4iOall- UOGSPer crt iron OWaIrc oan 5to choice 7 f Eec ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > > NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Quotations furnished by W B Btt b Co- mtrabers of the New Ycrk Stock Exchantc Hlbta- BuSJdinc Call mow Open 2 2 low 2 2- 8ALB SHAUiJa DX HOURS SlAm to II t m 21- SIw te 1 p m- SMaron to I IL blow lo S p W 5UWO- EAILUOAD3 Own Illrt- At iu tt S 1 om l tt Mi- Ai TVP 8 FO pfa iom win llaltlmow Ohio cam 107 W- fBrwkljtt Transit Wi W4- Cai dlan IaSk W- C a C St I wm W CT- CIIHUOT u W i Oil MII St P wm K1K 121H Chi Mil St I irfd 1IH CUaigu N W eow I MS- DCHTW llio cam D im the G 73 Kris awn ZH5 This M 1 M 43V- iKdc ad jrfd Great Northern Tfd 123i- imooie 0 tral WU MHr com 3 S- lBt r Metro pfd KU- KaHMi City SeuUiem com 3Ka Ntutirille hilt MezkKH Central ctft S8H- Mo KaM Tex com SKI ite Kana Tex pfd 0 M S P S S M com USU- HteMHrf Padic 51 N Y Cent Hud R 113 N Y Chi St L coin 65 N Y Ont Westom 4 i- NotfoUc Western SOl- iXortherw Padflo 116 H I5H- WH 1MH 67 C- TlEM 12- 2W 8 144 14J5i SOT 30 71 71 5SK SS 13 19 Mi Hock Wand com R Idawl ytA- 8U I San F 2d pfd st UMte s w old Swtbera Pacific ra- SniUwm Railway earn Soutbetn Railway pfd TMrd AT mue 1 d St I W pfd Union rae eora pales Padflc pW Wabash com 36 CIVS teK- 4m 4l- Ua es- 1HH lil 4 2 27- 0Sft CMi 1 4 114 56 83- IffH WfH- 9M Oift- NH HU- W Urn MarybBd 4 i 4fl i INDUSTRIALS ARMlfaowten Copper Wi 84- AM Sugar ctra SK W4- Am Qn com 1GH 1M- Aw Cra pfd m m- Am fir Kdjr core H K- Am CoUoH OK cow 84 Bl- AM lie BecnriUea UK Btt- Am Lecnmettv com W V Am SMMttac Itaf win SOK SW- 4Am Bwelttog pfd Ml 1MK- AM Sugar Ilef oan H7 117 Am Smqur Itef pW IKK 110 AW Tj ISM AM Toteopo pW- AM Woolm p 91 91 AueoHda C ir 41 41 Central Leadvr am J H Jtti- Otatnl batter M Ml MttK- CokMdo F I com 34- CoMuUdatMt Gem N Y W 1M Cow Product Uaf com W4 Com iwbirt8 irfH 7 4 T- 5IMattUrn 3 3- OokMaU Cbcaoltd td 4 SH Xtetrio MM4 Oat Nwtfem Or W4 MK- Intomtfcaal i per UH UK- iBtrrwUJowl 9tMm Pfep 4JV4 i- NAUeml lUacult cam Ill 1U National lAid com S7 KV- Nwwk CMmllihitMl 04 29- IHtdie Mutt gtwwhlp 38 ML- Peep1 taa e OWiesa 109 1W- PMSMd Bud Oar eec a 9- Paltaaan OcMUMuqr iflft IMS- My Sted a tawa ma 3SH SH- Hy Steel Svmn itfd m H- Hetnbtte I S eec M M 8 pfd K- SloaidpbefltaU S L con H Ckwr 3m- U a XnUw own 3f U S Hubbec pfd m 1 U S Stall eew Wi fMi- i a st i DM unt IK Utah CopiNr 41 4IS- VaCw rjMBteal ccra OK 8M- We tcM Urfon Trl n- AVeattaihcMM BtH 3Jfg n 71 BONDS AM Tobacco 4s SPi r- B a IN 4 93 U- B RT ett 41 S9R- LX It Q TiK 4s 9 SK 0 U L P 4l 7 UR- In4b 9ijMnaMM4K MiM mt MH 114 114M 35 26- SHI 61 Wi 10 i 6 M- 1HS 174ft- 3H6 8- UK tf- 3W4 3M4- 4IK 45X- JS4 JSV- 4ajft ire TTO 77 we in1- MH IBS- H6 US- SSH 9M- JMl i- SS M- MHi m 32 32 ISM 13K- il U- W 7- im 9M- UK 1 K- a H 43- MHi Sfl- 4Wi JW- SM WK- SnrtlMra llirfhwy 5 MS 1 M8 M6- Uakw Pactfle rt 4s MM MH MA lm- U Staei 9d k MBK MR DDK UK CURB MARKET Qsatatftiai faMtaheil fty W B Hlttw Qp mem ben of tke New Yet Sfcegk BsAaass Ube BoO tej 11M Adud Day BU CM n- Ifatt CMHtlim 1t- Cbtea Sobway- CofcaJt Crntra- lOr QsatMl Okowc Oowxir Ttt- CeWCcU Flnnssi M- Orewe dssdai 7 7- K r Lain 75J6 TMi- UkiOi MR- Uiasi Ompasr sf A ertoa S- IXra tatfts 31 S Oapent n 1W- CKlMt 1K- OMo Oeppw iM JW6- Sfcmx 23- UalNd Oafne S- UnttM Cavwr pM 1- 0vu 041 jjiS- ft SK Nevada thUs S5J6 BOSTON COPPER STOCKS UahMMt aad Arfcuw- UitaBMt emS Heafa- Ccpper Ussce- KMtltRU w PnurilMs- Indteus La Ball Lrte Qoetadoui fiiniMMd V W B Illbbi OB- Bwwbent f tl e New Y fc St ek Hxcba g Hftba- BvifclfcK Bid Aiktd- AdtearoM S SK- as m ITS 80 71 7 5 13 HK 4 4 4SU 4Stl- MK MR 41 41- 1S8K 1O- U 73 ii lift 13tt- U HH 1 K d04- T r 0- MS 1S- fi WO North Oweda Pam t- ttaperior sad PHMfen Swift fcmtli labs Taauiack- THrty Utah CteaoUstttd- Vktarta MISCELLANEOUS BONDS New Ysrt Jto mOUring nueUtlota on bonds MissIle Caw LtoeL N 4s- n PacHte ant 4s- OSBttsI PaaJs v- Ckaaiiiite ad QMo i 4s 0 MMwik0 aad OM wrt 4K- Brte mMral lies art 4 iti oil te- iHtertem RavM jreld 5 New York TrieVboa 4JJS- XtriMfc B4 WtfUnt cWt 4i- NertbMn PM 4- Swbmmi Air tAre adt 64- SwUMfH Paetto mrt 4s SexUiom FaeM rfff- SduUiera Railway fe- Tblrrt Aw ran to Unit oo ctfs ctamixd Ulster and Delawara 5s- Ihrion PaeMtt 4s- Uaitad States Steel S F 5s Tout wkfl 52M5oqa GOVERNMENT BONDS New York NUT S Bfd and aiked prices M gor- emaMt MciridsB Bid Asked 2 registered 13 100 mi- ai CiipOB JBO lOWi 3i wslHrrsa UNIS 10m 1024 fc MMfxjn iwait um ios 4 regiitered lotS 115U 113 4 coupon 1925 M HiK Panama Canal W year 2s rcgd 1336 10H4 Panama Canal 1035year 2s rcsd 1933 lOOii 1 5 I l P hIgh cItC her te 12 m t s J4nT orfie Tap UO lot III lO I Iim 4 mecapeako 01110 84 23h 14 2 k l4 etawurs lindsun l Q l l5 IG 4 L 52 32 pfd T3t lt I2l 1t 13I ixn 2 ate Il4 Lt 1 I- 4dYftIe l44t 141 IlPi 6li Z6 3fi 35i k 64 4 61 irit 13 13G3 St 43l 49 11W llI U1 Ci 53 6 4i14 42 45 914 8I 89 110 U1 114 ecmirlTank Wi IPP 15S11 13S- tecdlec rn W l lti3i 119 39 63 41914 4094 bt 5G91 hash d 3P 16l f4 Beet 94 35 5 5 IT 11 I1 51 51 51 51 its Tel IlL 14504 151 01 35 51 51 31 15 lie SecurIties 1 1 General 151 UT 11111 44 lU 111 51 5 30 1014 t 51 355 14 5 15 51 51 51 16 01 4 45- 1tTeneeee 1 51 51 51 31 31 3 5 5135 151 11141 11V4 4 4511 e I i 71 71 10 190 01 51 01 51 1 I l 0194 951 t 73 7314 Nsts heah t 514m WI 8 95 5 b1 Oo14p5r 614 5 35 4 4 I 35 5 Ill 1 5 115hia Thialt 114 1l it 1 Con 35 1tewii 51101455 5 444 hay asmfl5Mi a 5 51 Itimer tIlt 31us lit 7 344 Bsh i It fj best Coiftliae j U in S 34 4 re MueeUecls- r3ik4 a- obewk 1Ieob Va11 NorthMufle 4 LaS I TI S O4 Ds1u9s S Oseo P1 IIr- n hstmomt 6 9 11 rn 114 3 14 Wgfris r fhbsco 4 1- 4C1zIse Tea med Oeeta Fe gee Is 199114 14 liNeSlyl hisrId Pt514t Ii ItIi I 1 31 DautknsIv 5iee151 Ojrt1en 14 4a 14 lIds 741 14 Oent Thtrf 1- 41atecbsie4fMtLsn 414 10 Pst Itfi 4 51 ii 76 44 Ii ti 96 11 44 out 14 14 1 > < > < LOCAL FINANCIAL GOSSIP A small lot of Gas sold at yesterdays exchange at 7G small amounts of Railway at S6 Lanston at SS Morgen thaler at 223 In the bank stocks Metropolitan sold at 00 Firemens Insurance sold at 5- 0Wftslilngton Gee 5a were sold when is- sued carrying interest to date of Jsaue- In exchanging rights for scrip hblders of the former were compelled to pay in- terest for twentysix daye to 3Cfl on 1000 The 6s when Issued opened at 10S sold to 109 generally at 03V ialOS94 A small 4 per cent Gas bond sold at 117 WASHINGTON STOCK MARKET Sales call 12 oclock soon Waihtngton Gaa 4i JS at 10- 7Potonta Electrio 5s 1000 at 107U Wasljlngton Railway and Hectiio pit 10 at E6 Washington Gas 6 at 7 i Msisenthaler 10 at 25 10 at 23 S at 25- Lanston 3 at 83 District National Bask 10 at IS- 1lremena Imoranco 10 at 3 23 at 3 After callWashington Ota 5a 1000 at 163H- J1W at 106K 1000 at 1033 at 10314 S at 109 Union Trust 3 at 138- HNaUoasl Mstrepoiitan Bank 10 at 200- Ittollowinc an the bid isked prists posted at jcBterdaya meeting ef the Wathtogton Stock Ex dianz GAS BONDS Bid Asked Georgetown aa 5s 105 Gag 4i 107 110 WasWogton Gem otrt 6 100 RAILROAD BONDS Capital Twctjon 6a Ill H- AnaeottU Potomac Sa 1MU City M 101V4 104 Columbia 5a itt v Columbia 6s 1M Metropolitan fis 107 Wahtnstm Railway and Electric 4i ES4 S3i Wain Aler 5It Vernon 5 51V4 9- 7MI80ELLANBOOS BQND3 Potomac Electric cons Ba SW 1001- 1Potomao Blectrie Light 5a 107U 10- 8i P Telephone 5 1 VS 105 American Tel TeL 4s lit Hnsenwn Steam 1atap 0 93 100 PUBLIC UTILITY BTOCK8 Capital TYaotion 126 123 Washington Railway Klectrlo corn 3SH 38K Washington Rallw y Blectrie pfd 86 87H Norfolk and Washington Steamboat 215 25- WasfcUften Gal 74H 76 Jat SO V- Am Ic Tel lit TlPB MACHINE STOCKU- Mersentbalcr Lbwtypo 224H 2S- Lanaion Jloeot rpa 8SJ4 S- OMININQ STOCK Orecnc Canasea 7 S NATIONAL BANK STOCKS American 168 172 Capital MM 131 City 170 175 CetemWa M 260 2SO Oonraereial 305 211 DWrict IX 13- 3Farmra and M hasl s S6 3S Ltooola 135 HO- MMMiXillun 300 203- Rfega KO 62- SSeod 183 TRUST COMPANY 8TOCKH- AmcricaH 8wwttr Treat 20- NaUwai Eaftoss and 3- 0Uuten TrieS 13- 1WaeMsctoo Lois Trust OH States Trust 114 SAVINGS BANK STOCKS llamas 30- 0Mewkanta Meobaata 151 Unte 2 Die 14H But Warfttagton 1214 P Tide t 9 FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS OeaaereUl 5H- T7 13- Natfcmal UnIon 7H- Poteraae 23- T1TLB INSUBAKOBSTOCKa- Catonbta 45i Bitete 85- WiMMnttw 3 SllKCBrLANBOUS 8TOCK8B- rawfiOB StM Ili p 15 UfarhoplHW o 5 tiectirity Stwast 20 NEW YORK MONEY New Y k Nor 5SMe cy on call at the stock ejH3je today opeaed at SH per cent hljhcst 2tt- kwfl i ctedBC 4 Mest of the loans Wa Bitde at 9H per eeet Tint messy was possibly a shade Saner althousn den d M hj no meana aetire Business done was ofH lenite elae Hates per cent for all period tuna sixty days to MX months Jlcrcantilo paper came late the market in fair WM In nlry WM only lair Rates 5oHi per cent for sixty to days indoracd bills receivable and theo four to six months dsglo names 5H6 par cwt for ottte- nBALTIMQEE PRODUCE JIAHKET Baltimore Nov 2S B OTTER Creamery fancy per lo 3tKa3I do efaotee 30a30H do good 23a3- da Imitation 22J21 da Sa34 da blocks 39aSJ taSk Slai Maryland and Pennijlranli Mail Ohio rolls tail West tells 2Ja24- jstorepoeiitd 21 Maryiaad Virginia and Pcnnsyl rents dairy prints 21H jiroeeaa butter 22a27tf EGOS Maryland Pennmylraafe and nearby firsts per doe 3 Eaatern Maryland and Virginia X Wa4 m IteMs 36 Southern Brits 23 West Virctata flrsta 34 guinea eggs I7alB LISP POULTRYChkkens youoir choice per lb M 14 do ronak and poor 18 old hens lb heavy 13 do snail to medium 12 old roo tert 9 d dj old lb Ial3 do yeans white Peklns fat listS da young lliwcury and mongrel 14 do pud- dle old 13aH pigeon old S do young 5 a23- gulaea fowl yoo s l i 1U and each 60 do young noah each SaSO da old each 25 geese near by per Ib 13 da Western and Southern It do Kwt County 15 turkeys young I IDS and OTer 28 do old lb ITalS do rough and poor ISaB dor heaty aaeb LSOaLTS LOCAL MARKETS Grain and Vegetables GRAIN Whet sew per bus S5 91 corn shelled pM per bw SSaCO Wall new car per bbl 17iaXW old 260ai75 oats Western white No 2 per bw 38 do nixed 3633 bran per too SCO raiddHBg per ton 2700 SBBDSRad clever per bus 01Sa940 dover per but S751 5Q white clorer per bus U0981SOO tiaotby per bus 400a70 blue grass par imo tSOalS orebard grass per bus 20hiS- redtop sms per lb 16a20 alfalfa per bus 1181450 HAY AND STRAWHay Western No 1 1950a 2000 No 2 1860aW00 mixed 1400B17JO straw bundle lOJOall00 straw rye machine thrash 600a7W straw wisest per ton 550afiOO straw oat per too 60a70- 0VKOBTABLESPotatftes No 1 per bus 60a63 per bbl LSfcUS No 2 bid TSaLOO sweets per bIt LStoiCO yams per bbL 12Sal50 cucumbers hothouse SOalOO peT doe onions per box 60aS- OBreHeis sprouts per at 15al8 cabbage per IC- QtSGaLS plant 3003350 per Horida- cyraHne isr basket ICOnlBO squash per bbL 100alJ5 string beans per basket 350aSOO lima beam jer qt 35a40 lettuce per basket L75a275- wnUttmver per bW 2TSa50 tomatoes v homo grows box 175a2CO celair per crate 225350 doe SiaGO turnlpa per box SUM rutabagas per hU 15il75 beets IBS bunchw L50a300 spinach per bM LOOnlS popcorn per lb 5- GRBBN FRUlTSAppla per bbl 250a550 or- anges Callforaia por box 350a525 Florida 150a- 34ft l ncros per 460a500 tangerines per bus 350US grape fruit per crate 275a350 plntapples crate 100al75 ftraps Malaga keg tOOaS50 per 6Wo80- av Produce HOG8Nea by fresh Virginia 3fa35 West Vir- ginia and Southwest Virgins 32a33 Tennessee BUTTER Creamery fancy 3Sa33 Western tlrsU 331453 do 50a31 do process fancy 27a 27CHBBaBNtw State factory new Urge 16Hal- FPOUWRYCbltkena gprihg per lb 14al5 hens 13ial3 nxwten 9 turkeys 2to21 ducks hail gee eKsJ3- DRBSSED PODLTRYHens choice per lb 14a 16 roosters per lb ball springere 15alT ducks per lb 16al8 gee per lb 14al6 turkeys per lb CHICAGO LIVE STOCK Chicago Nor 23 trera slronf at left orer lS esthnated tomorrow 23000 Bulk of prices 695a710 light 670 mixed and butchers a75aT15 heavy 6T5a720 yorkers 7 0 pigs 6JOa mOATTLBSteady to a shade lower eatlmated re- celpta 32000 Becveo 450a740 cows and nclfers 22kGJO Texas steers 42Sa540 stockers and feed- ers 350560 423a6- SSHBBPSteady estimated receipts 40000 Na 53 lambs 3afiOO Wccteni Iambi iSafiM p 5 1 referred Slit Washington and iSuturhan Tel S Waihiegloc 9 aed 303 Treat 239 13314 5 210 Cable Iso 213 1rIIeglee 33 Cemesrea FIresaa 32 iaekItn 45 5 lied 35 Oraj0ues pd tieo isis lath rot Ieety prInt rolls Virginia Share pair ore I p new ali a rye egg crate per tea 1 peers 1ar bOy I13 eranberries per box L7a b0 second York slS hogs Sal urda3ii acerage pdcoa The reuslpta were eatimate- at 16On odidal Saturday 0SOj alifpenenta Western ties aL Wtatern 275a43S earUnga 4 a ¬ ¬ < = ¬ > > ¬ GEAIN MT PROVISIONS guotatlops furnished by W B Jllbbs Ca of the Chicago Board of Trade Ulbbs- Bijlldlns Chicago NOT 28 The local wheat market opened 9 shade easier and rallied on corerins by local shorts who are very timid and nm to corer on the least of it mth The nmrket lost all of the adrance after the short InteresU beeu aatlfled- JUnneaiwlIs wired that milling demand vas exceed- ingly poor and stocks at print lncreaa l 100000 busheli for two days Southwestern markets re- ported cash wheat steady hot dull with prices weak No demand locally for wheat for shipment Tho market was almost entirely of a professional character Local receipts today 17 car with 18 estimated for tonvwow The corn raarkt1 was easier at the opening ral- lied a little with wheat but sagged ff toward the close December com being decidedly tIle weaker future Cash prices In the sample were 1 to 2 cents lower with a demand even at the decline MT pool prices were week receipts 310 cars with 513 cars estimated for tomorrow were wtok early but rallied on buying of Deedinbwr and felling tt Msy by loogj elerator in Mresis eltanglng hedges Cash prices were fie higher but demand for the East very slow Iwal receipts 149 cars with HI estimated for tomorrow Provision had a further rally end closed firm chiefly due to the 10 to lie adrocce in the hog market Some bull support was given this market at times ut the principal buying was thought to bi for short account Cash trade was allshUy im pnjTfd- WHBVT Oft Low Close December H Wi fcTi SXi May Mt QH 9S Kia CORN Decembrr 44 4tH 4Bfi R May 4to 48 4 H 46 OATS beccmber 304 3KS 50H 5W4 May 3fft r PORK January 1678 IfiJS 16K 1686 May 16 1630 QO 1130 LARD January 9J5T 9TO 9M 8W May J 9JK 947 3J- UIBS January k SJT 9iOO 193 900 May 8JI 890 St 90 New York N r 23WHEATJrwgular quiet trade No 1 Northern apring to arrive f o b 115 No 2 red f o b 95S No 2 hard f o b 1C2U Na 1 macaroni f a b 9Gi No 1 Mani- toba f e b L04V4 nratHtly 15 loads for export chiefly Manitoba to arriTe CORN Weaker inactire business Steamer mixed nominal extant basil export new No 2 f o b 51U old No 2 eleraUr doracetlo COH Exporters took 12 loads mainly to arrire Jaquary Feb- ruary and Mart WHKAT Opee Low Ctee December W 986 95ft W May 1ISK lOBi 101 102W July 991115 99 IMS SOH SES CORN T SimbeT 5 Meg Hi COTTON JTAEKET Quotations f nilifee4 V W B Hibbs Ca members of time New Ytrk Stodi Bicbawu HIWH- CoimiBc New York Nov 32 The mtikot was quiet and steady during late twdhj with islets taetmUiis with a narrow range o stout 10 fiwn Satur- days prices The H settk it of time Mock market was a factor causing a more OMnm laeHiij- amomr the huEs especially hi clew f Uw great w- sartalnty rezatdia the lOfcrwnents asp etimaU due on December 9 roBntlvs recMt low pet rate crop estimate Open high Low Ck December 1448 lUI 147S IfJB- Jairaary 14K 1L97 11JS ItW March U3t JC US3 M May H4f W O liS NEW YOEK PEODUCE Nor irtfl Unkf 4 fl psckaoM Tho Market fa week Creawery HB- i MMe daisy tuba ftneat 36 CJU B8RK tita today 14 6 boxes Tb NUT ket is steady 8UI wboie ilk s wctel 17 do whole Hdlk tooey eokml S iH ber UK ekivas AosH tSpt wUr qwUty 17 olo awnjw faaey 11HUGGSRecelpU Unby IW CAMC The marlat is wschangrd State IVnmyhaaia asS mar ky bee nay white fancy Stile PeMNftrairta and nearbjr be Mry bmroa fancy 41 fnAhgathertd solved atraa per 39 doKHid iMCtiTe Hiffiec bran 2199 K4ad rd mwWttngs J s Western 2 2900 to sense winter wisest bran IB M- pauod saeto to since Sl J City bran ia bulk 210OATSN 8 wMto X No 3 Wte 3fU stand ards 37U ekrator bus wUt an triok 3840 PLOURStoady quiet tenant Kaasas Anights4- 60aC85 in CMfca soft stnfeku 4 2at35 iu bar jreU fqp ne vateato SJfti3 IB btrrdsj jprtoe- BOCKVUET PLOURScarcB inaeUre CUoi- wowtedS3 lIVE FLOURModwat ImoiMas Okoiee brands quoted at 4Sai4S- CORNMEALStoidy ia qoM Kflndried for export 199al96 ooaiae mal bag LlSala HAVUeotlpw 195 tow Uarfctt bMcdre and UO No 2 100105 NOL 3 Slai- STRAWRMMipta 4 less small J lry rye quoted at 5M- MBEEFLowrr fair 4ealhi0 moderate Packet 1400att08 fa 0y ttJOalfeW PORKSiMdy cnaU JoUmg Mass UUWaMJO fatally 24Ctt9iSi 0- LARDln 6ul r Prime Wes4cnu H4f oity1- UT5 reIned RraailiaH in kegs 1175 oleouoariae 1 lard stearins dell New Y 14 LIVE STOCK New lilAEKET- New IS CATTLBRaoaif U 3 SZ head Steers rated dull at lost about steady prices bulls were firm and higher for bolosaa belts me- dium cmw atrons and others steady eoanon to- pood sold at 4 Wat 41 per MO pwads bulls 3 a400 OOWA M 44 dressed beef stow at SiSal per pound for lutite Texas beef THaSH Latoet London cable quoted lire cattle at- 12SalH5 pound dressed weight rrfrigerator beef selling at 9H per pound Exports toraerrow- Bl beeves CALVKSRcceipU 18i6 boad Veah were stekdf- to a shade lower and fed caUta easier good Westerns Sine Comma to prime reals told at Sfeh3 per 100 pounds rails sad throwauts- 500a00 grawen and fed mhos 4 JO goad to prime Western calves 640 drtceed mires slew at- 13al6 fur city dressed teals 7al3 for country dressed 7a9 for dressed grasseis and bamjtird extras SI1BBP AND LAMBSReceipU iSjDSO Sheep were Uady and pnrao sheep nna lambs were adranced 25a49 with some sales nearly 50 hifiher sheet all the offrriogB were taken Com moss to prime sheep sold at 2J8415 per 100 pounds culls 225 camaon to ebotoa Iambs 600a71 K culls and yrarMags 500 dressed matton steady to firm at 6a3 per pound dressed lambs higher at DJi UH with dressed UH g at 11- HOGSReodpu M S6 h d Prim steady to strong at 740 7 0 per MO pounds for to ligtt weights Country dretsed hogs sold at SKall pr pound BALTIMORE HAY MARKET Baltimore NOT 2iHAYNew Ne 1 timothy large bales 2050 do No 2 19CO 19 0 No 3- u to location 1600al800 choco cloTer mixed 1359 a900 No 1 deter mixed If50al350 No 2 mixed HCOal50 No 1 ItOOalS O Na 2 clorer- 1250al400 meadow pease and packing hay IdOOa 1200 STRAWStraicht rye stnw fair ta choice 10t a 1050 straight rye No 2 900a9JO tangled rye blocked 700a8CO wheat blocked fair to good 6008650 dn good to prime 79sa84Q MILL KKEDHprine bran in ICOlb sacks per ton 2103 Western middling in 100lb sacks ton 2COa2700 flour and white mlddliats in 100- Ib sacks per too 2700o3009 City Mills middlings In 100lb tacks per ton 2GMa2700 City Mills bran in 100lb sacks per ton aL50a2350 LOCAL WOOL AND HIDES WOOL Washed free of bum per In 28 un- washed per Ib 23 HIDBSGrecn per lb 5 dry per lb 12il4j- colsJdM green each lBaLS- OTlremen to Slave Gymnasium The committee In charge of the house- warming which was given the members of No 2 Engine Company last Friday met yesterday at the Chamber of Com- merce and after settling all bills found that 100 remained over and above ex- penses It was that this money be turned over to the members of the en- gine company to be used by them in pur- chasing a gymnasium outfit No 29T9 Kctcham Carmody TS Catherine McCarron enforce mechanics lien Attorneys Mc- Nrill McNeill No 2973S Fniriek Q CaUert T Jessie P Brooks et nl establish title for Injunction Attor- ney R p ETana No 237S6 James D Hobbs TS Robert G Heniy- specinc performance Attorneys Cole Donaldson No 53306 Richard E Miles TS John B Bait man account fl07417 Attorney B T Doyle No B3037 The Crane Iron Works TS The Inter- state Commerce Commission mandamus Attorney District Petition No C3 United States TS Tots 1 and 2 equaw 1030 and taproremeuts the dlstflllng apparatus spirits VC and one horse wagon sod hanieaj libel Attorney C B VUwn m embers bow bad poor Local Oat ova hIgh 1 39 sew high the puInim the WIT New Teek this or lb 39 do eatras 4 do 8mNs 5- 1rowI4k 96 doe red- o deass 33IL10 tied 1 steady Quotatlosa are liise thetbt 115 So I Lon 1010 reSeed eeethsent 35 South American Nor steen sides week user head L early hog heavy darer voted Equity Suits 5 s Lascaults CPDiggs <> > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DAEY COURT RECORD JHondiiy November 28 100 5 H xi rcme C rt or Onttcd State Present Mr Juftlce llarlan Mr Jwtioe Justice McKwma Mr Justice Holmes Mr Jafr- tlco Day Mr Justice Lartoji and Mr Justice Hujlie- J T Stepson of Glen Carlln Wallace Dtmjxey of Lcckport N Y J EJJnwJ ef San Francisco Cal Paul W Chase of Mich- J M Thompson of Caldwell Idaho J Blocker Thornton of Mobile Alt seMi Lon O Uocker Louis Mo were admitted to practice No 51 Eagle Mining and Improvement Company appellant m Mary Jl Hamilton et L appeal from the Supremo Court of the Territory of New Mexico decree affirmed with coOs Opinion by Mr Juitlco Hushes Nos 510 5Ir ar4 511 The United States plaintiff in error TJ Frank H Maaon to smr to the Cit cult Court of the United States for the Dirtriet of Massachusetts judgments amused Opinion by Mr Juatlce Hughes No 2 Ludno Almeida Clisntangco and Bariqaa plaintiff in error Eduardo Abarea to lIce Supreme Court of the Philippine judgment affirmed with oMtc Opinion by Mr Justice LotIon No 25 The United States of America to the use of Mattie McC lIme et al pltot e IB error T Alexander Porter Mrj 5 et al extcatora c In error to the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia judgment revered with ned ffue remanded for further prooeedlnpi M cunfeonlty with tbo opinion of this mutt Opinleu br Mr Justice Lurton- Na 23 Charles Richardson plaintiff in error TS- IL V McCbesney tecr ary of state of the Com- monwealth of Kentucky rt al In error te the Court of Appeals of the State of Kentucky dto- mis d with cost Opinion by Mr Justice Lurton No 578 W 8 llarlan et al appellants TS T F MoUourin United States marshal and No S3 Robert Gallagher appellant n T F McGourin United States warsbaL appeals from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern district of Florida final orders afflrmed with costs Opinion bj Mr Justice Day Na 453 The United plaintiff to error TS the Ansania Braa and Copper et al in error to the Supreme Court of Appeals of the State of Virginia Judgment afflrmed ia pert end ravened In part and remanded for further proceedings not inconsistent with the opinion of this rout Opinion by Mr Justice Day Na 38 Arkansas Southern Railway Company t- ftl plaintiffs In rrror TS the Louisiana and Ar- kansas Railway Ctmpany in error to Suprme Court of the State of Louisiana fedgraent dimmed with costs Opinion by Mr Justice blames No 43 Join B Fisher tt al plaintiffs in error TS the Mayer and Council of the Olty of New Orleans to error to the Supreme Court ef the State of Louisiana dbmtesed for the went of jwfe diction Opinion by Mr Ja tke Hotae No IS Western Union Tekgraph Company plain- tiff ia errs TS Oomratruial Milling Company in error te the Supreme Court of the State of Michi- gan judgment affirmed with ooeU Opinion by Mr Jtutice McKciiBa Dissenting Mr Justice Hohaee No a Tbe Moore Printing Typewriter Company rt aL appellants T National Stilus and Treat Company et aL appeal rum the Court of Appeals et the District of Columbia decree afin 4 wIth ooeti Opinion by Mr Juetm McKenuo No L Montezama Canal Ccnpany appellant T- SSmlthrilla Canal Company e aL appeal from the Supreme Court of the Imitwy of Arizona rev ttl with nets and cause remanded for further liGCftdtogs Slot inoomfeUnt with tbe opinion of this own Opinion by Mr Jostles White No 55 Marts Itevra sad Joan Resins plaintiffs in rrror T The neTenuaept of PbOlppiae lakods In error to the Sapreme Coast ef Uw- Fkilippme Idouds jodgrafst dinned vitk costs Opinion by Mr Justice No V DoUa Mama et al ptelnUSs in eater TS- M J Kelley treasurer in nr te the 8- pwae Court of Ute State ef OaUfaroto j ds e t- aMm d with eesU Opinion by Mr Justice 485 J Hamr Ladcvr et al te4ivU alty and as miaSma At et aL appellants w TWMS- aee ft er Company aK al from time Obwtt of the UatUd States for the BeMoan district TeiUKSsw decree aflirmed with costs Ojitatou fcr Mr JoMioe Uartan Na 00 Oeorg Peabody Wetoare appellant w- TeaneMee Cepjw Oompaey appeal from UM Oreuit Court ef tbe United Ut foe time Eastern dtetUet of Tonnes decor affinaej with rests QfUb by Mr Jimiee Hark N6 11 Robot A Hooo and Arthur Herbert ap- pellants TS The United States appeal free the Court ef Clateu WemeBt afdrmed Opinion by Mr JesSie Harian- Ka 3L National Bush f Cecusom of Seat- tle appellant T R B Dowale trasUe Sx et- al and No 32 The Seattle Natlmal Bank appeikuit TS- R B Dowate trustee et et aL app Ja Liens the United States CtoraH Court of Appeal toe the Ninth ctraait deorew aiBnaed with aeU and amuses remanded to the District Court of the UnIteS States fer the Weetern dietriet of WxAfnctoB- OpInJoa by Mr Justice Harlas- Na 19 Cincinnati Indianapolis and hallway Company plaintiff i error w CHy of OocnenrilU U error to the Snpraae Qoort of the Stair of Indiana Jadczaent armed siUi amaSs OpiRtea by Mr Justice Harkn- Mr Jastko HarUn also awMtaced the foHowtw orders of the court No M MlasoHti Kansas and Thus Railway Oem pJaisUff IB error TS J B BleadOey to the Court cf Civil Appeals for the Fifth mimaej- ttdtdal district of the State of Texas Per asthma It is ordered that the writ of error be ttteabwil tee want ef jurisdIctIon on autkerity of Mtesoort KM tea and Texas Railway Company TS bliss 96 U a 05 No further opinion wIll be delivered ia this cue No 666 Western Union Telegraph Company plain tiff in error TS The State cf Minnesota motion to advance to the Itth day October 1511 denied without prejudice Ne 37L Cedar Rapids Gas Light Company plain US In error TS Time CIty of Cedar Rapids et aL motion to dismiss or tifflnn postponed to the hear- ing of the eanse OB its motion to advance deeded Ne H6 Supreme Rnltas ef the Fraternal Mystic Circle plaintiff in error TS Annie Snyder madam to dismiss or affirm pMtpowd to the bearing of the cease on its merits No S3 Indian Protective AModaUen anpannt- T3 Hudi H Gordon and Benjamin Miller Admin- istrator appeal train the Court of Appeals et the District of Columbia Decree affirmed with oesU as to Benjamin Miller adminhtrater No George Mensri plaintiff is error TS Blanche Mensel et aL motion for leave to docket this ease en the last writ ef error granted No 747 P A Willcox Receiver petitioner vs LeOa A Jones Administratrix e peUUon for a xrlt of csrtteart to tbe United States Circuit Court cf Appeals for the Fourth circuit denied No 725 a F Swift et aL petitioners vs Letter M DavId petition for a writs ef certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth circuit denied Na 7 E M Herr et aL Receivers a peti- tioners vs The Tweedle Trading Company petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second circuit denied No 771 Zoo Agnes Sample et aL executors petitioners TS Lewis Constnietion Company peti- tion for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for tie Ninth circuit de- nied Nos 773 and 77i The J M Guffey Petroleum Company petitioner TS The Geatwise Transporta- tion Company petitions for writs of certterari te the United States Circuit Court ef Appeals for Second circuit denied No 778 O P Kallfgsn warden a petitioner TS Frank Wayne petition for a writ of certierari to the United States Circuit Ceurt of Appeals for the Ninth circuit denied No 748 Henry Friend et aL petitioners TS James Talcott petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Seventh circuit granted Jta 353 WillIam Dreier plaintiff in error TS The United States and No 369 William Drckr appellint ta WlllLun- Henkel United States nursbal c restored to docket for rratpnnent before a Lou bench Nos 2M 2J5 206 23T and 2991 The United States plaintiff ia error TS The Pacile Mail 6teanuMp Company in error to the District Court of tbe United States for the Northern district of Cali- fornia dIsmissed on motion of Mr Attorney Gen- eral WIAeHham Los the plaintiff in error No 759 Christopher C Wilson plaintiff In error TS The United Stale anti No 760 and 783 Christopher G WIlson appel- lant TS The United States motion to advanee submitted by Mr Attorney General Wkkeniiam for the United SUtes No 73 Marlene F Sins plaintiff In error Tt American Turquoise Company passed to bu re- stored to the call under the proristens of section 9 rule 36 on motion of Mr Gcorw W Wlekersbam- to behalf of counsel No 17 Original Ex patio I the mattsr of Walter J Gregory petitioner leave granted to Mr A 8 Worthington to withdraw him appearance here In for the petitioner en motion of Mr A B WorthIngton in that behalf Na 798 Frederick A Hyde et aL petitioners T The United States petition for a writ of certierari to tie Court of Appeals of the District of CelumWa submitted by Mr A S Worthington for the peti lIoness and by Mr Attorney General for the respondents No OriginaL Et parte Ia the matter of The Mallory Steamship Company petitioner mo- tion for leave to file a petition for writ of pro- hibition submitted by Mr Everett P Wheeler for the petitioner and by Mr Frederick M Brown for the respondent No 737 AminUa 0 Foster petitioner TS Lu elena F Boulo executrix c petition for a writ of certlorari to the United States Circuit Court uf Appeals for the Fifth circuit submitted by Mr J Blocker Thornton and Mr Frederick G BroQbws fur the petitioner and by Mr Harry Pillars for tie respondent No Original Er parte In the matter ot H A Bradford petitioner motion for leave to file petition for writs of prohibition and mandamus sub- mitted by Mr George P Hoover and Mr William B Marsh for the petitioner No Original Ex garter In the matter of- Bobrinos do Ezqniaga petitioner motion far leave to die a petition for a writ of prohibition or nutudt inns submitted by Mr Frederio D MoKenney in behalf of Mr Frauds II Dexter for the petitioner No 230 Stuart Lindstey appellant vs Nature carbonic Qu Gaaytaf et aL motion of New York 31 S L cr Is ice WhIte- r VIi of- t ate ra In- epT lands costs c c States the decor time White s White- N Cost mf The Western pass eons eel o c theI tIp Wickcmslu I a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FINANCIAL THE OLDEST NATIONALBANK- IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OXGAMZJZD JT64 FINANCIAL CAPITAL 80OOOOOO SURPLUS PROFITS 58OOOOOO RESOURCES OVER 5OOOOOOOO 18141910W- e have a record of over ninetysix years of safe and conservative banking methods our policy moreover being to treat our smallest depositor with the same courtesy and attention as the largest patron of tile bank SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS OPEN TO 5PM 2 PM ON SATURDAYS I 1 NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK oroarra J UTRgsureu- S ii pL or Carbonic Acid Gas Ctafrujy et al for leave to file brief and to participate in tsp oral argument of this submitted by Mr Frederio D McKenney in behalf of 3Ir Edgar T Brackett in of the motion No IX Original The State of Oklahoma com- plainant Tg The AtchSfion Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company request to assign cue for sign meat Mibmitted by Mr A B Brown in behalf of counsel for the defendant No 391 The PlUsbnrg Cincinnati CalcapJ and BL Louis Railway Company plaintiff in error T- Stbe 8UU of Indiana order admncing case set aside and cause to the docket on motion cf Mr Blflgham for time difendant in error No 20T Ricardo Ajuado appellant TS the City ef Manila motion to advance robtnitted by MX- H W Van Dyke in behalf of counsel No 61 The San Juan Light and Transit Com- pany plaintiff in error TS Maria PIe in error to the District Court of the United States for Porto dismissed per stipulation Na S2S Katebador M Tcrpenlan appellant T- SWHlatn Wlllkras United States Commissioner of Imimitrratlen Ac appeal from the Circuit Court of the United SUtes for the Southern district of dismissed with costs on motion cf appllant Non M and 515 Doris Griffith alias Doris Grif- fin plaintiff in error TS the State of Connecticut motion to dismiss or aHim submItted by Mr Hugh M Alooro for the defendant In error In at the motion and by Mr I Kerry llaMa for the plaintifl in error in opposition thereto No 8 OriginaL Ex parta In the matter of Athanaii Niooia petitioner and Ka 11 OriginaL Ex paste In the tastier of tbe Oudahy Packing Company petitioner argument eoaBienced by Mr Lon 0 Booker for time peG Uooer M No t original continued by Mr Tyson 6 Dines tar the respondent in No 8 orizhul by- Mr lUlpfe W Brtckenrldge for the petitioner In Ko 11 orijhui and Concluded l y Mr Lou 0 Keeker for the poUdener In No 8 original and Mtxattted br Mr Coostantlne J Smyth and Mr- Bdwaid P Ealth far the respondent in No 11 ertgtol No 311 William Hradriz plaintiff In error TS the United States argument commenced by Mr J G Dudley for the plaintiff in error Adjeurasd until today at 13 odock The day raM for Tuesday November S will be as follovrs Nea 313 46 49 45 66 5S S3 60 and 231 336 cud 5L DISTRICT COURTS Court of Appeals Adjevrned until December 6 Equity Court No 1 JUSTICE STAFFORD No 37SH Cerrizllo TS Byrne et aL hearing on rule cantoned Attorneys Tucker is KcnyoaM J- GMkert No lISt Pinncll et aL TS Browning et al dismissed sad temporary restraining order die seind Attorneys A W Scott and M T Clinic eealM In tanaqr Madeline Ipucnardi committee re- ports referred to auditor Equity Court No 2 JUSTICE GOULD Se 3D7HL National Metropolitan Bank TS Hints hare to intervene granted Attorneys Ralston Sid loss RichardMoL L Haaby and B B Hatchesea- Na SSO Taylor TS Rappert et aL rule re- turnable December 2 Attorneys a W GkgettJ A Toonw- yNa H Ke f r TS Reefer same Attorneys L C WilltanwooL FHgitt- No 13B65 Crake TS Cooke referred to auditor Attonwys Garden Gordon Na SS KeagU TS Kenala et aL A a Wells J H Gordon and J U Gardiner appointed trus- tees bond 50000 Attorneys A C WellsJ U Gardteer- Na 23199 Bsizle n Bazde et aL J U Gardi- ner and O M PolLen appointed trustees bond JfOH Attorneys J U GardiuerLeckle PolIce OBI Na 203 Phillips TS Cracker et aL sale con finwd Attorneys Barnard JohnsonW W Dovclas Aieiler Smith In re tansy Hens Siminsen acouot apprOTe- dNa 2W3S IreUn TS KaU et aL rule dla- obarged Attornefs JJ DartlnctonNatb Wilson Circuit Court No 1 JUSTICE ANDERSON No Wife Joining TS Mlshtw on fciaL Attor- ney W W Bride If W WheatleyG C Gertnoa and Jin Itideut Na SOWS Wesieott Story TS Lawrence moUnt to oocdemn credits in hands of garnishee granted Attorney W Stone Abed Alignments for tomorroV- Na 9T Jennings TS Mbhan Attomeyi Bride Gertman- Na 66 zones TS United States Continental Jewel KHtratlen Coapanr Attorneys DoyleKay den Na 67 Tewntr et sL TS Saunders Trundle et- al Attoraeya Happier Merillat and Hayden JohneonBerry Miner NA a Meriarity administrator TS Washington Gaslight CeajfaHj Attorneys Montague Mo riartty Peny Son Na 111 Wright TS Washington Railway and Electric Company Attorneys Bradley Douglas Keener Circuit Court No JUSTICE BARNARD Na 5Q94 Kemp TS Lttbmaa et aL leave to re- ply double to msth plea granted Attorneys Charles PotJohn Ridout No 4133 Baltimore Building and Loan Associa- tion TS Jennings ct aL judgment oa Terdict At- torneys IX H tamer and Mlllan SmithJohn- Ridout Carlisle Johnson No 51S51 TS Chesapeake Beach Railway Ooapany et aL on trial Attorneys L Tobriner and A I Newmjcr McKinney Flanncry- Asdgnmonta for tomorrow Na lei Wincn administrator TS Baltimore aad Onto Railroad Company Attorneys Hamilton Leekle Fulton Cox No 16 ClemenU TS Model Laundry Company Attorneys Curincton Johnson Peny Son Na 38 Kohen TS Washington Railway and Else trio Company Attorneys Kill Rogers MatUntfy and WT G GardmerJ J Darlinzton- Na 146 Gardiner TS Chesapeake Beach Railway Company Attorneys Mather t Hopcwell McKen ames Flannery No 23 Lerltos TS Terminal Taxicab Company Attorneys Lambert YeaUnan Douglis Baker Na ISt Rankin TS Ashury Attorneys Alward Montague Moriarity- Na US Annan m Washington Gaslight Com- pany Attorneys Neuboc Perry Son Na 183 Kensley administrator T Metropolitan Coach Company Attorneys Itelson ColTln Ham- ilton Colbert Yerkes Hamilton No I Payne TS Capital Traction Comiany Attorneys Shrove RichardsonPerry Semi and Dunlop Na Ki Blackburn TS Same Attorneys SuIII Tan Perry Dunlop Na 544 Jolly administratrix n Adams Attor- ney Lambert Darlington Criminal Court No 1 JUSTICE WRIGHT No 2GS05 United States TS Banrcy M Lewis et- al violating section 5HO R S U8 on triaL Attorneys H B Davis C JL Syme J O GU tinge M W Sulllran and G P Hoover No 2KM United States TS John H Redman warrant of removal from New Hampshire defendant committed Criminal Court No X CHIEF JUSTICE CLABAUGH No 2T2S United SUtes TS John Cant assault to rare Ttrdlct not guilty drat count guilty second count No S2 United States TE William Johnson erabezriement plea cullty- Na SCOO United States TS James E lse- peten M motion Tor new trial jtad In arrest ot- fcdgfflrat United States TS JohnvHdmond nonsupport ball fixed at SO- OAsalgnraentii for November 29 United States TS Andrew Lee United SUtes TS Row Wise Probate Co art JUSTICE GOULD Estate of Ernest Hammergrcn will dated January 12 1906 flied Estate of Mary J Adams report ot tile Estate if Mary F Keller sala of penanalit oe ca J I T use nippon restored ames ice New- est counsel- or support muss is 6 and i to 0 Bra 1 dm do Sc lion Sand I ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ capital and Surplus 3800000 Resources Oier fU000000 Drafts on the principal cities of the world Exchange bought and sold Letters of Credit issued Money transmitted by cable Stocks and Bonds bought and sold Collections and Investments made THE R1GGS National Bank Pa Opposite U S Treasury Under Government Supervision J EQUITABLET- he systematic staving plan of Association has proven Inca j X uable to many It will help you 4 to buy a home I 60th Issue of Stock I NOW OPEN FOR SUBSCRIPTION J Shares 250 per month f- t 4 INTEREST 4 upon application A EtjuIUble Building 1033 F et nir 4 The Safest Investments Are those that do not fiactsate during die tnrbed conditions of money or stock bets First deed of Jraat notes first mortg- ages well secured on real estate in the Dis- trict of Columbia constitute gUedg They do not depend upon the financial responsibility of IndivIduals or COT petitions for their stabilIty and art exempt freni taxation as personal property We on supply such investments in amount frnn 500 upward Send for booklet Concerning Loans and Investments Swartzell Rheem Hensey Co 727 15th Street Northwest We Offer for Immediate Delivery ISO American Telegraph Type writer 9700 SO American Druggists Syndi- cate 1150 If you have many unlisted or In active stocks communicate with u we may have a purchaser E H CLARKE CO Tel Main 400007 Evens Bldff American Druggists Syndicate Stock Carries privileges when bought through JAS E GESSFORD District Manager 900 YOU STREET N W Cash or easy terms Write for booklet REAL ESTATE LOANS Made at Lowest Rates of Interest W JL WALKER 729 15th st nw MONEY LOANED ON DISTRICT OP Columbia property at lowest rates Quick service Moderate charges HEISICELL 294t 1403 H street nw dared Attorney Burton Macafee- EsUto of Mary E Weeks letters testamentary granted to Fanny H Weeks bond 5 Attorney J W D ridp Estate of William T Powell letters testamentary granted to Catherine H Powell Genevieve P LAWS and Richard Powell bond 1003 In ra Laura if Harrison tt aL sale of real estate ordered Attorney C F Benjamin of Augustus B Merritt letters testamentary granted to William E H and Harry B Mwritt bond 500 Attorney Eugene Carnal Estate of Julius Micbaells letters testamentary granted to John Hanaro bond 1000 Attorney J- A MaedeL- DsUta of Electra A Pratt letters testamentary Tinted to Sarah A Pratt bond JIM Attorney 8 a Podia Estate of John H Lord letters testamenUry- cranted to George tt Lord bond J5M Attorney G P Mcfllne Estate of Georce Cook Utters of admlnbtratlon to Maria J Crum bond 2000 Attorneys Fencing Parker Estate Of James Bockwell jr letters of adminis- tration granted to Charles H Rockwell bond JLOW Attorney M K ilanran Estate of James C Addison order to eettlo claim Attorneys Thompson Laskey Estate of Timothy Wlnnj exceptions orerrulcd Estate of Lena D Smith letters tetanwnUr granted to Mary B Friedman and Lena D bond JICOO Attorney A 0 Clark Estate of George W Sheerer cereal Estate of A Baumbach will dated September 16 1S5S Estate of Emma Jeffries petition letters al administration Attorney K P Ermine lisnlcrnptcy Courts J08TIC3 Kc 03 In TO Abraham Marks reference to referee to report on composition District Court JDCTICE STAFFORD No sit In ra extension of New York avenue memorandum in support of exception of Edward D Eastern CHIEF JUSTICE CLABADGU No 21T United States T Twentythreo Horses arid Mules order authorities Assistant Treasarer of the United States to corer into Treasnry balance of deposit Deeds ot Trust and Real Estate 1 7 Issued Direct Ave 7 the Equitable Cooperative Build- Ing Further information will be furnithed a 4 the mar In- vestments a Estate White- head let STAFFOlU C Transfers em Page Tea- S ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬
  • TEE WASHINGTON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 20 1910iIi iii HERALD jJDeclines Ennas ugh as JFonr

    Points in Some Stocks


    James J II11I Speaking of RailwayConditions Doe Not See Any Vls-oroan Buying of Material for Im-provement or Betterment Recavcry Falls lo Follow the Election

    Now York Nov S Decline In the se-curity market today running to noarlyfour points in the active and prominentstocks particularly that nar late-ly been in favor a Subject at speculatlon were commonly said to haveinduced by the publication in tbo jnorn-injr newspaper of a highly i Mfnl Ucreview of business conditions awf propecta by James J Hill

    It may be doubted however wlwther-thli thttory of the movement coMprisedany moro than a half truth Sir HillIs a positive anti loquacious talker whoIs not always right and the OCcaSIOnSperhaps are even more numwotw whenprices in the stock market haro movedcontrary to his views immediately following the published expression thereof thanwhoa they have pursued the lla batcated by him as those which he favored

    No New OrderThe real point of Mr outgiving

    was that in speaking a ha lid he gaveutterance in a pretty emphatic way toopinion that have for many week pastbeen hold by a largo number of con-servative people in the country and onthe specific anti muchdlacussort luaetlonof the extent to which the railroad com-panies of the land are about to com intothe Iron and steel market with orderfor new materials Mr Hill spoke withindisputable authority at iMUtt u re-gards the largo roalway int r 8U withwhich he is personally connected

    Thin is an that has been sharplydebated in recent weeks one party inWall street asserting that the railroadswere to corns In to the iron and vtsalmarket in a vigorous way at a time notremote others maintaining that thephysical condition of the railroads te nowso good that there is no need of largeimmediate expenditures for further im-provements and that In addition thestate of the money market imposes airlloulty upon the raising of funds for sucha purpose It wsjg not necessary todayfor any one to confess entir agreementwith what Mr Hill saidaad the greaternumber of sensible peoplo thought hislugubrkmsness too greatly intensifiedin order else to perceive that such atumbling down of stock market pricesa happened was altogether in the regu-lar and natural oourss of events

    Not Henefited l y KlectloiiThe substantial fact about tits stock

    market is that through a period datinglock from tbs present time to about amonth previous to the recent election ithas boon in strained and fictitioushtatc at least as regards the market fora few leading stocks A bull pool wasformed in these stock and prices werejacked up from si level that rep-resented a full recovery from the mkl-aummer depression the reason assignedfor the latter movement being that thaelection wee going to be the death Mowto now nationalism sad that bmnedlatolyupon the delivery of this Mow fcaainosgwould boom

    Kxperieuce demonstrates however thatsomething more than sentiment over elec-tion results Is ne ssary to evoke inter-est in the stock market by the generalpublic end that economic conditions arethe true and only sources of Improvingbusiness

    Doubtless the pool in United StateSteel common and in other stocks hasMill a large amount of unsold shares on

    hands and will not abandon its ef-forts to market these at as favorable aprice as can be which might ont M afurther manipulated rise feHowtag todays violent fall


    RMcnra fondGold coin MUM MMJDOQJDQJ

    Tnirt fun Md fer UK t 3-lintkUndtoE net t 4 SKttSSalM-

    f M torn

    bilvtr ddlaik of MB MMO D-

    fieoml fundold coin and boIHM

    certificatestand ilnr dollarSilver owtiftaate-nInitrd Htatrs notesTmtswy notea of IMSNational bank soles

    TotalDtdnct nirreni liabilitiM-

    Wotting balaac in TWMHT

    1018 19S4HMfl M-

    3fcST S

    nadwul bert fepulUri Hr4aSIn tttmoy of the PMfMitae lakcds IWJBH-

    TWalIMnct current liabHttJe

    MB 90IM3MH5S-

    IlilUK ia banks aad in tmsory-ef PbilipfilM lalaMia JBB1K W-

    In TranunSitter bullion ewt aJCJBS7SiiMdlwry wlvrr oota njRjmmKraeional currwey noMuor coin ICUCM

    Tot J J

    Total tefcmce to KBwal laM VUC2BT4

    Ordinary wceipU

    Internal revenue


    DiabunemeBUCifil and mkcrtlai uWar


    Interest w public

    ToWLees repayment ef wMzpcnded hal



    CCM f ordInary neslittsPUBLIC DEBT

    n oeiptLawful MBMT tepoM4rt te r UM n

    tUNUl bMk ROtM JHlr M UDOi

    Lawful HMUfjr wkl for iwtiwtlbidc-ol i retired act July M 1S-

    WEicea of puWk debt diabunemenU-Eiaess ef aU ntt te orer sit dltbueo-

    tnmta J2ssj i re


    S 5rtel a00a3EO do ommm ISOalTspriuff fl htai fafl

    medium Lot w-

    OALVBSPrime per Ib 9 K nwdiam lbCOWS Primc frah each 4 OOBRLOO de com

    300W5W do old sod 7 00a20a








    sad 0


    IiIiev dnflin 0

    Total I

    I Ilu Ia-I old C0


    I551s S


    In I1

    t a5eietat

    Awaitieg roecbwiset n


    RECEIPTS AND isuuitegaijjuate

    hfteat1 CI ncpovsUou tax


    55151 S14l II

    Narylmdae 1511Iesoei 51

    debt Ia


    5Totil e

    last 3co 0DIMsiratssmte

    Visited pltaks tmes asO eemt1oat eftUdtbCe Mired 0

    514o 0




    cATrLEitrm per cwt lQa7 o butcbei rLitaLil inezinon 4iOall-UOGSPer crt iron OWaIrc oan5to

    choice 7























    Quotations furnished by W B Btt b Co-mtrabers of the New Ycrk Stock Exchantc Hlbta-BuSJdincCall mow Open 2 2 low 2 2-

    8ALB SHAUiJa DX HOURSSlAm to II t m 21-SIw te 1 p m-SMaron to I ILblow lo S p W


    EAILUOAD3Own Illrt-

    At iu tt S 1 om l tt Mi-Ai TVP 8 FO pfa iom winllaltlmow Ohio cam 107 W-fBrwkljtt Transit Wi W4-Cai dlan IaSk W-C a C St I wm W CT-CIIHUOT u W iOil MII St P wm K1K 121HChi Mil St I irfd 1IHCUaigu N W eow I MS-

    DCHTW llio camD im the G 73Kris awn ZH5This M 1 M 43V-iKdc ad jrfdGreat Northern Tfd 123i-imooie 0 tral WU

    MHr com 3 S-lBt r Metro pfd KU-KaHMi City SeuUiem com 3Ka

    Ntutirille hiltMezkKH Central ctft S8H-Mo KaM Tex com SKIite Kana Tex pfd 0M S P S S M com USU-HteMHrf Padic 51N Y Cent Hud R 113N Y Chi St L coin 65N Y Ont Westom 4 i-NotfoUc Western SOl-iXortherw Padflo 116

    H I5H-WH 1MH67 C-

    TlEM 12-2W 8144 14J5i

    SOT 30

    71 715SK SS

    13 19


    Hock Wand comR Idawl ytA-8U I San F 2d pfdst UMte s w oldSwtbera Pacific ra-SniUwm Railway earnSoutbetn Railway pfdTMrd AT mue1 d St I W pfdUnion rae eorapales Padflc pWWabash com

    36CIVS teK-4m 4l-Ua es-

    1HH lil 42 27-0Sft CMi1 4 11456 83-

    IffH WfH-9M Oift-NH HU-

    W Urn MarybBd 4 i 4fl iINDUSTRIALS

    ARMlfaowten Copper Wi 84-AM Sugar ctra SK W4-Am Q n com 1GH 1M-Aw Cra pfd m m-Am fir Kdjr core H K-Am CoUoH OK cow 84 Bl-AM lie BecnriUea UK Btt-Am Lecnmettv com W VAm SMMttac Itaf win SOK SW-4Am Bwelttog pfd Ml 1MK-AM Sugar Ilef oan H7 117Am Smqur Itef pW IKK 110AW Tj ISMAM Toteopo pW-AM Woolm p 91 91AueoHda C ir 41 41Central Leadvr am J H Jtti-Otatnl batter M Ml MttK-CokMdo F I com 34-CoMuUdatMt Gem N Y W 1MCow Product Uaf com W4Com iwbirt8 irfH 7 4 T-5IMattUrn 3 3-OokMaU Cbcaoltd t d 4 SH

    Xtetrio MM4Oat Nwtfem Or W4 MK-Intomtfcaal i per UH UK-iBtrrwUJowl 9tMm Pfep 4JV4 i-NAUeml lUacult cam Ill 1UNational lAid com S7 KV-Nwwk CMmllihitMl 04 29-IHtdie Mutt gtwwhlp 38 ML-Peep1 taa e OWiesa 109 1W-PMSMd Bud Oar eec a 9-Paltaaan OcMUMuqr iflft IMS-My Sted a tawa ma 3SH SH-Hy Steel Svmn itfd m H-Hetnbtte I S eec M M

    8 pfd K-SloaidpbefltaU S L con H

    Ckwr 3m-U a XnUw own 3fU S Hubbec pfd m 1U S Stall eew Wi fMi-i a st i DM unt IKUtah CopiNr 41 4IS-VaCw rjMBteal ccra OK 8M-We tcM Urfon Trl n-AVeattaihcMM BtH 3Jfg n 71

    BONDSAM Tobacco 4s SPi r-B a IN 4 93 U-B RT ett 41 S9R-LX It Q TiK 4s 9 SK0 U L P 4l 7 UR-In4b 9ijMnaMM4K MiM mt MH

    114 114M35 26-

    SHI 61Wi 10 i6 M-

    1HS 174ft-3H6 8-

    UK tf-3W4 3M4-

    4IK 45X-

    JS4 JSV-4ajft ireTTO 77

    we in1-MH IBS-H6 US-

    SSH 9M-

    JMl i-SS M-

    MHi m32 32

    ISM 13K-il U-W 7-im 9M-

    UK 1 K-a



    MHi Sfl-4Wi JW-SM WK-

    SnrtlMra llirfhwy 5 MS 1 M8 M6-Uakw Pactfle rt 4s MM MH MA lm-U Staei 9d k MBK MR DDK UK


    Qsatatftiai faMtaheil fty W B Hlttw Qp memben of tke New Yet Sfcegk BsAaass Ube BoOtej 11M AdudDay BU CM n-

    Ifatt CMHtlim 1t-Cbtea Sobway-CofcaJt Crntra-lOr QsatMlOkowc Oowxir Ttt-CeWCcU Flnnssi M-Orewe dssdai 7 7-K r Lain 75J6 TMi-

    UkiOi MR-Uiasi Ompasr sf A ertoa S-IXra tatfts 31 S Oapent n 1W-

    CKlMt 1K-OMo Oeppw iM JW6-

    Sfcmx 23-UalNd Oafne S-UnttM Cavwr pM 1-0vu 041 jjiS-

    ft SK

    Nevada thUs S5J6


    UahMMt aad Arfcuw-UitaBMt emS Heafa-Ccpper Ussce-KMtltRU wPnurilMs-IndteusLa BallLrte

    Qoetadoui fiiniMMd V W B Illbbi OB-Bwwbent f tl e New Y fc St ek Hxcba g Hftba-BvifclfcK Bid Aiktd-AdtearoM S SK-

    as mITS 8071 7 513 HK

    4 44SU 4Stl-MK MR

    41 41-1S8K 1O-

    U73 iilift 13tt-U HH

    1 K d04-T r0-

    MS 1S-fi WO



    Pam t-

    ttaperior sad PHMfenSwiftfcmtli labsTaauiack-THrtyUtah CteaoUstttd-Vktarta


    New Ysrt Jto mOUring nueUtlota on bonds

    MissIle Caw LtoeL N 4s-

    n PacHte ant 4s-OSBttsI PaaJs v-Ckaaiiiite ad QMo i 4s0 MMwik0 aad OM wrt 4K-

    Brte mMral liesart 4 iti

    oil te-

    iHtertem RavM jreld 5New York TrieVboa 4JJS-XtriMfc B4 WtfUnt cWt 4i-NertbMn PM 4-Swbmmi Air tAre adt 64-SwUMfH Paetto mrt 4sSexUiom FaeM rfff-SduUiera Railway fe-Tblrrt Aw ran to Unit oo ctfs ctamixdUlster and Delawara 5s-Ihrion PaeMtt 4s-Uaitad States Steel S F 5s

    Tout wkfl 52M5oqa


    New York NUT S Bfd and aiked prices M gor-emaMt MciridsB

    Bid Asked2 registered 13 100 mi-ai CiipOB JBO lOWi3i wslHrrsa UNIS 10m 1024fc MMfxjn iwait um ios4 regiitered lotS 115U 1134 coupon 1925 M HiKPanama Canal W year 2s rcgd 1336 10H4Panama Canal 1035year 2s rcsd 1933 lOOii






    hIgh cItC

    her te 12 m

    t s

    J4nT orfieTap UO

    lot IIIlO I


    mecapeako 01110 8423h 14 2


    etawurs lindsun l Q l l5 IG

    4 L 52 32pfd T3t

    lt I2l 1t13I ixn 2

    ate Il4Lt 1


    4dYftIe l44t 141 IlPi6li Z6 3fi

    35ik 64 4 61

    irit 13 13G3St 43l 49

    11W llI U1Ci 53 64i14 42 45

    914 8I 89110 U1 114

    ecmirlTank Wi IPP 15S11 13S-tecdlec rn W l lti3i 119


    41914 4094bt 5G91

    hash d 3P 16l

    f4Beet 94 35

    5 5IT 11

    I1 51 5151 51


    Tel IlL 14504 15101 35 51 51




    1 1General 151 UT 11111


    lU 11151 530 1014

    t 51355 145

    1551 51

    51 16 014 45-

    1tTeneeee 1 51 5151 31 31

    3 55135 151

    11141 11V4

    4 4511e I

    i 71 7110

    190 0151 01

    51 1 Il 0194 951

    t 73 7314

    Nsts heah t 514m WI 8 95


    b1 Oo14p5r 614 5354 4

    I35 5Ill

    1 5

    115hia Thialt 114 1lit


    Con 351tewii 51101455 5 444hay asmfl5Mi



    Itimer tIlt31us lit 7


    Bsh i Itfjbest Coiftliae j

    U inS34


    MueeUecls-r3ik4 a-

    obewk1Ieob Va11NorthMufle 4

    LaS I TISO4 Ds1u9s

    SOseo P1




    69 11

    rn 114 3 14Wgfrisr

    fhbsco 4 1-4C1zIse Tea med Oeeta Fe gee Is 199114


    liNeSlyl hisrId Pt514t Ii ItIiI1


    DautknsIv 5iee151 Ojrt1en 144a 14

    lIds 741 14Oent Thtrf 1-41atecbsie4fMtLsn 414 10

    Pst Itfi 451


    76 44

    Ii ti

    96 1144

    out 14








    A small lot of Gas sold at yesterdaysexchange at 7G small amounts of Railway

    at S6 Lanston at SS Morgenthaler at 223

    In the bank stocks Metropolitan soldat 00 Firemens Insurance sold at 5-0Wftslilngton Gee 5a were sold when is-sued carrying interest to date of Jsaue-In exchanging rights for scrip hbldersof the former were compelled to pay in-terest for twentysix daye to3Cfl on 1000 The 6s when Issued

    opened at 10S sold to 109 generally at03V ialOS94 A small 4 per cent Gas bond

    sold at 117


    Sales call 12 oclock soonWaihtngton Gaa 4i JS at 10-7Potonta Electrio 5s 1000 at 107UWasljlngton Railway and Hectiio pit 10 at E6Washington Gas 6 at 7 iMsisenthaler 10 at 25 10 at 23 S at 25-Lanston 3 at 83District National Bask 10 at IS-1lremena Imoranco 10 at 3 23 at 3After callWashington Ota 5a 1000 at 163H-

    J1W at 106K 1000 at 1033 at 10314 S at 109Union Trust 3 at 138-HNaUoasl Mstrepoiitan Bank 10 at 200-Ittollowinc an the bid isked prists posted at

    jcBterdaya meeting ef the Wathtogton Stock Exdianz

    GAS BONDSBid Asked

    Georgetown aa 5s 105Gag 4i 107 110

    WasWogton Gem otrt 6 100RAILROAD BONDS

    Capital Twctjon 6a Ill H-AnaeottU Potomac Sa 1MUCity M 101V4 104Columbia 5a itt vColumbia 6s 1MMetropolitan fis 107Wahtnstm Railway and Electric 4i ES4 S3iWain Aler 5It Vernon 5 51V4 9-

    7MI80ELLANBOOS BQND3Potomac Electric cons Ba SW 1001-1Potomao Blectrie Light 5a 107U 10-8i P Telephone 5 1 VS 105American Tel TeL 4s litHnsenwn Steam 1atap 0 93 100

    PUBLIC UTILITY BTOCK8Capital TYaotion 126 123Washington Railway Klectrlo corn 3SH 38KWashington Rallw y Blectrie pfd 86 87HNorfolk and Washington Steamboat 215 25-WasfcUften Gal 74H 76

    Jat SO V-Am Ic Tel lit

    TlPB MACHINE STOCKU-Mersentbalcr Lbwtypo 224H 2S-Lanaion Jloeot rpa 8SJ4 S-

    OMININQ STOCKOrecnc Canasea 7 S

    NATIONAL BANK STOCKSAmerican 168 172Capital MM 131City 170 175CetemWa M 260 2SOOonraereial 305 211DWrict IX 13-3Farmra and M hasl s S6 3SLtooola 135 HO-MMMiXillun 300 203-Rfega KO 62-SSeod 183

    TRUST COMPANY 8TOCKH-AmcricaH 8wwttr Treat 20-NaUwai Eaftoss and 3-0Uuten TrieS 13-1WaeMsctoo Lois Trust OH

    States Trust 114SAVINGS BANK STOCKS

    llamas 30-0Mewkanta Meobaata 151Unte 2Die 14HBut Warfttagton 1214P Tide t 9


    OeaaereUl 5H-T7


    Natfcmal UnIon 7H-Poteraae 23-

    T1TLB INSUBAKOBSTOCKa-Catonbta 45i

    Bitete 85-WiMMnttw 3

    SllKCBrLANBOUS 8TOCK8B-rawfiOB StM Ili p 15UfarhoplHW o 5

    tiectirity Stwast 20


    New Y k Nor 5SMe cy on call at the stockejH3je today opeaed at SH per cent hljhcst 2tt-

    kwfl i ctedBC 4 Mest of the loansWa Bitde at 9H per eeet

    Tint messy was possibly a shade Saner althousnden d M hj no meana aetire Business done wasofH lenite elae Hates per cent for allperiod tuna sixty days to MX months

    Jlcrcantilo paper came late the market in fairWM In nlry WM only lair Rates 5oHi per centfor sixty to days indoracd bills receivableand theo four to six months dsglo names 5H6par cwt for ottte-


    Baltimore Nov 2S BOTTER Creamery fancyper lo 3tKa3I do efaotee 30a30H do good 23a3-da Imitation 22J21 da Sa34 da blocks39aSJ taSk Slai Maryland and PennijlranliMail Ohio rolls tail West tells 2Ja24-jstorepoeiitd 21 Maryiaad Virginia and Pcnnsylrents dairy prints 21H jiroeeaa butter 22a27tf

    EGOS Maryland Pennmylraafe and nearby firstsper doe 3 Eaatern Maryland and VirginiaX Wa4 m IteMs 36 Southern Brits 23 WestVirctata flrsta 34 guinea eggs I7alB

    LISP POULTRYChkkens youoir choice perlb M 14 do ronak and poor 18 old hens lbheavy 13 do snail to medium 12 old roo tert 9d dj old lb Ial3 do yeans white Peklns fatlistS da young lliwcury and mongrel 14 do pud-dle old 13aH pigeon old S do young 5 a23-gulaea fowl yoo s l i 1U and each 60 doyoung noah each SaSO da old each 25 geesenear by per Ib 13 da Western and SouthernIt do Kwt County 15 turkeys young I IDS andOTer 28 do old lb ITalS do rough and poorISaB dor heaty aaeb LSOaLTS


    Grain and VegetablesGRAIN Whet sew per bus S5 91 corn shelled

    pM per bw SSaCO Wall new car per bbl17iaXW old 260ai75 oats Western white No 2per bw 38 do nixed 3633 bran per tooSCO raiddHBg per ton 2700

    SBBDSRad clever per bus 01Sa940dover per but S751 5Q white clorer per busU0981SOO tiaotby per bus 400a70 blue grasspar imo tSOalS orebard grass per bus 20hiS-redtop sms per lb 16a20 alfalfa per bus1181450

    HAY AND STRAWHay Western No 1 1950a2000 No 2 1860aW00 mixed 1400B17JO straw

    bundle lOJOall00 straw rye machine thrash600a7W straw wisest per ton 550afiOO strawoat per too 60a70-

    0VKOBTABLESPotatftes No 1 per bus 60a63per bbl LSfcUS No 2 bid TSaLOO sweets perbIt LStoiCO yams per bbL 12Sal50 cucumbershothouse SOalOO peT doe onions per box 60aS-OBreHeis sprouts per at 15al8 cabbage per IC-QtSGaLS plant 3003350 per Horida-cyraHne isr basket ICOnlBO squash per bbL100alJ5 string beans per basket 350aSOO limabeam jer qt 35a40 lettuce per basket L75a275-wnUttmver per bW 2TSa50 tomatoes v homogrows box 175a2CO celair per crate 225350doe SiaGO turnlpa per box SUM rutabagas perhU 15il75 beets IBS bunchw L50a300 spinachper bM LOOnlS popcorn per lb 5-

    GRBBN FRUlTSAppla per bbl 250a550 or-anges Callforaia por box 350a525 Florida 150a-34ft l ncros per 460a500 tangerines per bus350US grape fruit per crate 275a350 plntapples

    crate 100al75 ftraps Malaga keg tOOaS50

    per 6Wo80-

    av ProduceHOG8Nea by fresh Virginia 3fa35 West Vir-

    ginia and Southwest Virgins 32a33 TennesseeBUTTER Creamery fancy 3Sa33 Western tlrsU

    331453 do 50a31 do process fancy 27a

    27CHBBaBNtw State factory new Urge16Hal-

    FPOUWRYCbltkena gprihg per lb 14al5 hens13ial3 nxwten 9 turkeys 2to21 ducks hailgee eKsJ3-

    DRBSSED PODLTRYHens choice per lb 14a16 roosters per lb ball springere 15alT ducksper lb 16al8 gee per lb 14al6 turkeys per lb


    Chicago Nor 23 trera slronf at

    left orer l S esthnated tomorrow 23000 Bulkof prices 695a710 light 670 mixed and butchersa75aT15 heavy 6T5a720 yorkers 7 0 pigs 6JOamOATTLBSteady to a shade lower eatlmated re-celpta 32000 Becveo 450a740 cows and nclfers22kGJO Texas steers 42Sa540 stockers and feed-ers 350560 423a6-

    SSHBBPSteady estimated receipts 40000 Na

    53 lambs 3afiOO Wccteni Iambi iSafiM







    and iSuturhan



    Waihiegloc 9

    aed 303Treat 239


    5 210Cable


    1rIIeglee 33

    CemesreaFIresaa 32iaekItn 45


    lied 35

    Oraj0ues pdtieo















    egg crate




    peers 1ar bOy I13 eranberries per box L7ab0




    hogs Salurda3ii acerage pdcoa The reuslpta were eatimate-at 16On odidal Saturday 0SOj alifpenenta


    ties aL Wtatern 275a43S earUnga 4 a









    GEAIN MT PROVISIONSguotatlops furnished by W B Jllbbs Ca

    of the Chicago Board of Trade Ulbbs-Bijlldlns

    Chicago NOT 28 The local wheat market opened9 shade easier and rallied on corerins by localshorts who are very timid and nm to corer on theleast of it mth The nmrket lost all of theadrance after the short InteresU beeu aatlfled-JUnneaiwlIs wired that milling demand vas exceed-ingly poor and stocks at print lncreaa l 100000busheli for two days Southwestern markets re-ported cash wheat steady hot dull with pricesweak No demand locally for wheat for shipmentTho market was almost entirely of a professionalcharacter Local receipts today 17 car with 18estimated for tonvwow

    The corn raarkt1 was easier at the opening ral-lied a little with wheat but sagged ff toward theclose December com being decidedly tIle weakerfuture Cash prices In the sample were 1 to 2 centslower with a demand even at the declineMT pool prices were week receipts 310 carswith 513 cars estimated for tomorrow

    were wtok early but rallied on buying ofDeedinbwr and felling tt Msy by loogj elerator inMresis eltanglng hedges Cash prices were fiehigher but demand for the East very slow Iwalreceipts 149 cars with HI estimated for tomorrow

    Provision had a further rally end closed firmchiefly due to the 10 to lie adrocce in the hogmarket Some bull support was given this marketat times ut the principal buying was thought tobi for short account Cash trade was allshUy impnjTfd-WHBVT Oft Low Close

    December H Wi fcTi SXiMay Mt QH 9S Kia

    CORNDecembrr 44 4tH 4Bfi RMay 4to 48 4 H 46

    OATSbeccmber 304 3KS 50H 5W4May 3fft r

    PORKJanuary 1678 IfiJS 16K 1686May 16 1630 QO 1130

    LARDJanuary 9J5T 9TO 9M 8WMay J 9JK 947 3J-

    UIBSJanuary k SJT 9iOO 193 900May 8JI 890 St 90New York N r 23WHEATJrwgular quiet

    trade No 1 Northern apring to arrive f o b115 No 2 red f o b 95S No 2 hard f o b1C2U Na 1 macaroni f a b 9Gi No 1 Mani-toba f e b L04V4 nratHtly 15 loads for exportchiefly Manitoba to arriTe

    CORN Weaker inactire business Steamer mixednominal extant basil export new No 2 f o b51U old No 2 eleraUr doracetlo COH Exporterstook 12 loads mainly to arrire Jaquary Feb-ruary and MartWHKAT Opee Low Ctee

    December W 986 95ft WMay 1ISK lOBi 101 102WJuly 991115 99 IMS SOH SES

    CORNT SimbeT 5Meg Hi


    Quotations f nilifee4 V W B Hibbs Camembers of time New Ytrk Stodi Bicbawu HIWH-CoimiBc

    New York Nov 32 The mtikot was quiet andsteady during late twdhj with islets taetmUiiswith a narrow range o stout 10 fiwn Satur-days prices The H settk it of time Mock marketwas a factor causing a more OMnm laeHiij-amomr the huEs especially hi clew f Uw great w-sartalnty rezatdia the lOfcrwnents asp etimaUdue on December 9 roBntlvs recMt low petrate crop estimate

    Open high Low CkDecember 1448 lUI 147S IfJB-Jairaary 14K 1L97 11JS ItWMarch U3t JC US3 MMay H4f W O liS


    Nor irtfl Unkf4 fl psckaoM Tho Market fa week Creawery HB-

    i MMe daisy tuba ftneat 36CJU B8RK tita today 14 6 boxes Tb NUT

    ket is steady 8UI wboie ilk s wctel 17 dowhole Hdlk tooey eokml S iH ber UK ekivasAosH tSpt wUr qwUty 17 olo awnjw faaey11HUGGSRecelpU

    Unby IW CAMC The marlat iswschangrd State IVnmyhaaia asS mar ky beenay white fancy Stile PeMNftrairta andnearbjr be Mry bmroa fancy 41 fnAhgathertdsolved atraa per 39

    doKHid iMCtiTe Hiffiecbran 2199 K4ad rd mwWttngs J s Western

    2 2900 to sense winter wisest bran IB M-pauod saeto to since Sl J City bran ia bulk210OATSN

    8 wMto X No 3 Wte 3fU standards 37U ekrator bus wUt an triok 3840

    PLOURStoady quiet tenant Kaasas Anights4-60aC85 in CMfca soft stnfeku 4 2at35 iu barjreU fqp ne vateato SJfti3 IB btrrdsj jprtoe-

    BOCKVUET PLOURScarcB inaeUre CUoi-wowtedS3

    lIVE FLOURModwat ImoiMas Okoiee brandsquoted at 4Sai4S-

    CORNMEALStoidy ia qoM Kflndriedfor export 199al96 ooaiae mal bag LlSala

    HAVUeotlpw 195 tow Uarfctt bMcdre and

    UO No 2 100105 NOL 3 Slai-STRAWRMMipta 4 less small J lry

    rye quoted at 5M-MBEEFLowrr fair 4ealhi0 moderate

    Packet 1400att08 fa 0y ttJOalfeWPORKSiMdy cnaU JoUmg Mass UUWaMJO

    fatally 24Ctt9iSi 0-LARDln 6ul r Prime Wes4cnu H4f oity1-

    UT5 reIned RraailiaH in kegs 1175 oleouoariae1 lard stearins dell New Y 14




    New IS CATTLBRaoaif U 3 SZhead Steers rated dull at lost about steady pricesbulls were firm and higher for bolosaa belts me-dium cmw atrons and others steady eoanon to-pood sold at 4 Wat 41 per MO pwads bulls3 a400 OOWA M 44 dressed beef stow at SiSalper pound for lutite Texas beef THaSHLatoet London cable quoted lire cattle at-12SalH5 pound dressed weight rrfrigeratorbeef selling at 9H per pound Exports toraerrow-Bl beeves

    CALVKSRcceipU 18i6 boad Veah were stekdf-to a shade lower and fed caUta easiergood Westerns Sine Comma to prime reals toldat Sfeh3 per 100 pounds rails sad throwauts-500a00 grawen and fed mhos 4JO goad toprime Western calves 640 drtceed mires slew at-13al6 fur city dressed teals 7al3 for country dressed7a9 for dressed grasseis and bamjtird extras

    SI1BBP AND LAMBSReceipU iSjDSOSheep were Uady and pnrao sheep nna lambswere adranced 25a49 with some sales nearly50 hifiher sheet all the offrriogB were taken Commoss to prime sheep sold at 2J8415 per 100 poundsculls 225 camaon to ebotoa Iambs 600a71 Kculls and yrarMags 500 dressed matton steady tofirm at 6a3 per pound dressed lambs higher atDJi UH with dressed UH g at 11-

    HOGSReodpu M S6 h d Prim steady tostrong at 740 7 0 per MO pounds for to ligttweights Country dretsed hogs sold at SKall prpound


    Baltimore NOT 2iHAYNew Ne 1 timothylarge bales 2050 do No 2 19CO 19 0 No 3-u to location 1600al800 choco cloTer mixed 1359a900 No 1 deter mixed If50al350 No 2 mixedHCOal50 No 1 ItOOalS O Na 2 clorer-1250al400 meadow pease and packing hay IdOOa1200

    STRAWStraicht rye stnw fair ta choice 10t a1050 straight rye No 2 900a9JO tangled ryeblocked 700a8CO wheat blocked fair to good6008650 dn good to prime 79sa84Q

    MILL KKEDHprine bran in ICOlb sacks perton 2103 Western middling in 100lb sackston 2COa2700 flour and white mlddliats in 100-Ib sacks per too 2700o3009 City Mills middlingsIn 100lb tacks per ton 2GMa2700 City Millsbran in 100lb sacks per ton aL50a2350


    WOOL Washed free of bum per In 28 un-washed per Ib 23

    HIDBSGrecn per lb 5 dry per lb 12il4j-colsJdM green each lBaLS-

    OTlremen to Slave GymnasiumThe committee In charge of the house-

    warming which was given the membersof No 2 Engine Company last Fridaymet yesterday at the Chamber of Com-merce and after settling all bills foundthat 100 remained over and above ex-penses It was that this moneybe turned over to the members of the en-gine company to be used by them in pur-chasing a gymnasium outfit

    No 29T9 Kctcham Carmody TS CatherineMcCarron enforce mechanics lien Attorneys Mc-Nrill McNeill

    No 2973S Fniriek Q CaUert T Jessie PBrooks et nl establish title for Injunction Attor-ney R p ETana

    No 237S6 James D Hobbs TS Robert G Heniy-specinc performance Attorneys Cole Donaldson

    No 53306 Richard E Miles TS John B Baitman account fl07417 Attorney B T Doyle

    No B3037 The Crane Iron Works TS The Inter-state Commerce Commission mandamus Attorney

    District PetitionNo C3 United States TS Tots 1 and 2 equaw

    1030 and taproremeuts the dlstflllng apparatusspirits VC and one horse wagon sod hanieajlibel Attorney C B VUwn

    m embers






    1 39






    New Teek

    this or lb 39 do eatras 4 do 8mNs 5-1rowI4k




    deass 33IL10


    steady Quotatlosa are liise thetbt 115 So ILon

    1010 reSeed eeethsent 35 South American





    head L






    Equity Suits5










    DAEY COURT RECORDJHondiiy November 28 100

    5 H xi rcme C rt or Onttcd StatePresent Mr Juftlce llarlan Mr Jwtioe

    Justice McKwma Mr Justice Holmes Mr Jafr-tlco Day Mr Justice Lartoji and Mr JusticeHujlie-

    J T Stepson of Glen Carlln WallaceDtmjxey of Lcckport N Y J EJJnwJ ef SanFrancisco Cal Paul W Chase of Mich-J M Thompson of Caldwell Idaho J BlockerThornton of Mobile Alt seMi Lon O Uocker

    Louis Mo were admitted to practiceNo 51 Eagle Mining and Improvement Company

    appellant m Mary Jl Hamilton et L appealfrom the Supremo Court of the Territory of NewMexico decree affirmed with coOs Opinion by MrJuitlco Hushes

    Nos 510 5Ir ar4 511 The United States plaintiffin error TJ Frank H Maaon to smr to the Citcult Court of the United States for the Dirtriet ofMassachusetts judgments amused Opinion by MrJuatlce Hughes

    No 2 Ludno Almeida Clisntangco and Bariqaaplaintiff in error Eduardo Abareato lIce Supreme Court of the Philippine

    judgment affirmed with oMtc Opinion byMr Justice LotIon

    No 25 The United States of America to the useof Mattie McC lIme et al pltot e IB error TAlexander Porter Mrj 5 et al extcatora c Inerror to the Court of Appeals of the District ofColumbia judgment revered with ned ffueremanded for further prooeedlnpi M cunfeonlty withtbo opinion of this mutt Opinleu br Mr JusticeLurton-

    Na 23 Charles Richardson plaintiff in error TS-IL V McCbesney tecr ary of state of the Com-monwealth of Kentucky rt al In error te theCourt of Appeals of the State of Kentucky dto-mis d with cost Opinion by Mr Justice Lurton

    No 578 W 8 llarlan et al appellants TS TF MoUourin United States marshal and

    No S3 Robert Gallagher appellant n T FMcGourin United States warsbaL appealsfrom the Circuit Court of the United States for theNorthern district of Florida final orders afflrmedwith costs Opinion bj Mr Justice Day

    Na 453 The United plaintiff to error TSthe Ansania Braa and Copper et al inerror to the Supreme Court of Appeals of the Stateof Virginia Judgment afflrmed ia pert end ravenedIn part and remanded for further proceedings notinconsistent with the opinion of this rout Opinionby Mr Justice Day

    Na 38 Arkansas Southern Railway Company t-ftl plaintiffs In rrror TS the Louisiana and Ar-kansas Railway Ctmpany in error to SuprmeCourt of the State of Louisiana fedgraent dimmedwith costs Opinion by Mr Justice blames

    No 43 Join B Fisher tt al plaintiffs in errorTS the Mayer and Council of the Olty of NewOrleans to error to the Supreme Court ef theState of Louisiana dbmtesed for the went of jwfediction Opinion by Mr Ja tke Hotae

    No IS Western Union Tekgraph Company plain-tiff ia errs TS Oomratruial Milling Company inerror te the Supreme Court of the State of Michi-gan judgment affirmed with ooeU Opinion by MrJtutice McKciiBa Dissenting Mr Justice Hohaee

    No a Tbe Moore Printing Typewriter Companyrt aL appellants T National Stilus and TreatCompany et aL appeal rum the Court of Appealset the District of Columbia decree afin 4 wIthooeti Opinion by Mr Juetm McKenuo

    No L Montezama Canal Ccnpany appellant T-SSmlthrilla Canal Company e aL appeal from theSupreme Court of the Imitwy of Arizonarev ttl with nets and cause remanded for furtherliGCftdtogs Slot inoomfeUnt with tbe opinion ofthis own Opinion by Mr Jostles White

    No 55 Marts Itevra sad Joan Resins plaintiffsin rrror T The neTenuaept of PbOlppiaelakods In error to the Sapreme Coast ef Uw-Fkilippme Idouds jodgrafst dinned vitk costsOpinion by Mr Justice

    No V DoUa Mama et al ptelnUSs in eater TS-M J Kelley treasurer in nr te the 8-pwae Court of Ute State ef OaUfaroto j ds e t-aMm d with eesU Opinion by Mr Justice

    485 J Hamr Ladcvr et al te4ivU altyand as miaSma At et aL appellants w TWMS-aee ft er Company aK al from time Obwttof the UatUd States for the BeMoan districtTeiUKSsw decree aflirmed with costs Ojitatou fcrMr JoMioe Uartan

    Na 00 Oeorg Peabody Wetoare appellant w-TeaneMee Cepjw Oompaey appeal from UM OreuitCourt ef tbe United Ut foe time Eastern dtetUetof Tonnes decor affinaej with rests QfUbby Mr Jimiee Hark

    N6 11 Robot A Hooo and Arthur Herbert ap-pellants TS The United States appeal free theCourt ef Clateu WemeBt afdrmed Opinion byMr JesSie Harian-

    Ka 3L National Bush f Cecusom of Seat-tle appellant T R B Dowale trasUe Sx et-al and

    No 32 The Seattle Natlmal Bank appeikuit TS-R B Dowate trustee et et aL app Ja Liensthe United States CtoraH Court of Appeal toe theNinth ctraait deorew aiBnaed with aeU andamuses remanded to the District Court of the UnIteSStates fer the Weetern dietriet of WxAfnctoB-OpInJoa by Mr Justice Harlas-

    Na 19 Cincinnati Indianapolis andhallway Company plaintiff i error w CHy ofOocnenrilU U error to the Snpraae Qoort of theStair of Indiana Jadczaent armed siUi amaSsOpiRtea by Mr Justice Harkn-

    M r Jastko HarUn also awMtaced the foHowtworders of the court

    No M MlasoHti Kansas and Thus Railway OempJaisUff IB error TS J B BleadOey

    to the Court cf Civil Appeals for the Fifth mimaej-ttdtdal district of the State of Texas Per asthmaIt is ordered that the writ of error be ttteabwil teewant ef jurisdIctIon on autkerity of Mtesoort KMtea and Texas Railway Company TS bliss 96U a 05 No further opinion wIll be delivered iathis cue

    No 666 Western Union Telegraph Company plaintiff in error TS The State cf Minnesota motion toadvance to the Itth day October 1511 deniedwithout prejudice

    Ne 37L Cedar Rapids Gas Light Company plainUS In error TS Time CIty of Cedar Rapids et aLmotion to dismiss or tifflnn postponed to the hear-ing of the eanse OB its motion to advancedeeded

    Ne H6 Supreme Rnltas ef the Fraternal MysticCircle plaintiff in error TS Annie Snyder madamto dismiss or affirm pMtpowd to the bearing of thecease on its merits

    No S3 Indian Protective AModaUen anpannt-T3 Hudi H Gordon and Benjamin Miller Admin-istrator appeal train the Court of Appeals et theDistrict of Columbia Decree affirmed with oesUas to Benjamin Miller adminhtrater

    No George Mensri plaintiff is error TSBlanche Mensel et aL motion for leave to docketthis ease en the last writ ef error granted

    No 747 P A Willcox Receiver petitionervs LeOa A Jones Administratrix e peUUonfor a xrlt of csrtteart to tbe United States CircuitCourt cf Appeals for the Fourth circuit denied

    No 725 a F Swift et aL petitioners vs LetterM DavId petition for a writs ef certiorari to theUnited States Circuit Court of Appeals for theNinth circuit denied

    Na 7 E M Herr et aL Receivers a peti-tioners vs The Tweedle Trading Company petitionfor a writ of certiorari to the United States CircuitCourt of Appeals for the Second circuit denied

    No 771 Zoo Agnes Sample et aL executorspetitioners TS Lewis Constnietion Company peti-tion for a writ of certiorari to the United StatesCircuit Court of Appeals for tie Ninth circuit de-nied

    Nos 773 and 77i The J M Guffey PetroleumCompany petitioner TS The Geatwise Transporta-tion Company petitions for writs of certterari tethe United States Circuit Court ef Appeals forSecond circuit denied

    No 778 O P Kallfgsn warden a petitionerTS Frank Wayne petition for a writ of certierarito the United States Circuit Ceurt of Appeals forthe Ninth circuit denied

    No 748 Henry Friend et aL petitioners TSJames Talcott petition for a writ of certiorari tothe United States Circuit Court of Appeals for theSeventh circuit grantedJta 353 WillIam Dreier plaintiff in error TS

    The United States andNo 369 William Drckr appellint ta WlllLun-

    Henkel United States nursbal c restored todocket for rratpnnent before a Lou bench

    Nos 2M 2J5 206 23T and 2991 The United Statesplaintiff ia error TS The Pacile Mail 6teanuMpCompany in error to the District Court of tbeUnited States for the Northern district of Cali-fornia dIsmissed on motion of Mr Attorney Gen-eral WIAeHham Los the plaintiff in error

    No 759 Christopher C Wilson plaintiff In errorTS The United Stale anti

    No 760 and 783 Christopher G WIlson appel-lant TS The United States motion to advaneesubmitted by Mr Attorney General Wkkeniiamfor the United SUtes

    No 73 Marlene F Sins plaintiff In error TtAmerican Turquoise Company passed to bu re-stored to the call under the proristens of section 9rule 36 on motion of Mr Gcorw W Wlekersbam-to behalf of counsel

    No 17 Original Ex patio I the mattsr ofWalter J Gregory petitioner leave granted to MrA 8 Worthington to withdraw him appearance hereIn for the petitioner en motion of Mr A BWorthIngton in that behalf

    Na 798 Frederick A Hyde et aL petitioners TThe United States petition for a writ of certierarito tie Court of Appeals of the District of CelumWasubmitted by Mr A S Worthington for the petilIoness and by Mr Attorney Generalfor the respondents

    No OriginaL Et parte Ia the matter ofThe Mallory Steamship Company petitioner mo-tion for leave to file a petition for writ of pro-hibition submitted by Mr Everett P Wheeler forthe petitioner and by Mr Frederick M Brown forthe respondent

    No 737 AminUa 0 Foster petitioner TS Luelena F Boulo executrix c petition for a writof certlorari to the United States Circuit Court ufAppeals for the Fifth circuit submitted by Mr JBlocker Thornton and Mr Frederick G BroQbwsfur the petitioner and by Mr Harry Pillars for tierespondent

    No Original Er parte In the matter ot HA Bradford petitioner motion for leave to filepetition for writs of prohibition and mandamus sub-mitted by Mr George P Hoover and Mr WilliamB Marsh for the petitioner

    No Original Ex garter In the matter of-Bobrinos do Ezqniaga petitioner motion far leaveto die a petition for a writ of prohibition or nutudtinns submitted by Mr Frederio D MoKenney inbehalf of Mr Frauds II Dexter for the petitioner

    No 230 Stuart Lindstey appellant vs Naturecarbonic Qu Gaaytaf et aL motion of New York









    ate ra In-epTlands














    pass eons






    Wickcmslu I





















    18141910W-e have a record of over ninetysix years of safe and

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    UTRgsureu-S ii



    Carbonic Acid Gas Ctafrujy et al for leave to filebrief and to participate in tsp oral argument of this

    submitted by Mr Frederio D McKenney inbehalf of 3Ir Edgar T Brackett in of themotion

    No IX Original The State of Oklahoma com-plainant Tg The AtchSfion Topeka and Santa FeRailway Company request to assign cue for signmeat Mibmitted by Mr A B Brown in behalf ofcounsel for the defendant

    No 391 The PlUsbnrg Cincinnati CalcapJ andBL Louis Railway Company plaintiff in error T-Stbe 8UU of Indiana order admncing case set asideand cause to the docket on motion cf Mr

    Blflgham for time difendant in errorNo 20T Ricardo Ajuado appellant TS the City

    ef Manila motion to advance robtnitted by MX-H W Van Dyke in behalf of counsel

    No 61 The San Juan Light and Transit Com-pany plaintiff in error TS Maria PIe in error tothe District Court of the United States for Porto

    dismissed per stipulationNa S2S Katebador M Tcrpenlan appellant T-

    SWHlatn Wlllkras United States Commissioner ofImimitrratlen Ac appeal from the Circuit Court of

    the United SUtes for the Southern district ofdismissed with costs on motion cf

    appllantNon M and 515 Doris Griffith alias Doris Grif-

    fin plaintiff in error TS the State of Connecticutmotion to dismiss or aHim submItted by Mr HughM Alooro for the defendant In error In atthe motion and by Mr I Kerry llaMa for theplaintifl in error in opposition thereto

    No 8 OriginaL Ex parta In the matter ofAthanaii Niooia petitioner and

    Ka 11 OriginaL Ex paste In the tastier oftbe Oudahy Packing Company petitioner argumenteoaBienced by Mr Lon 0 Booker for time peGUooer M No t original continued by Mr Tyson6 Dines tar the respondent in No 8 orizhul by-Mr lUlpfe W Brtckenrldge for the petitioner InKo 11 orijhui and Concluded l y Mr Lou 0Keeker for the poUdener In No 8 original andMtxattted br Mr Coostantlne J Smyth and Mr-Bdwaid P Ealth far the respondent in No 11ertgtol

    No 311 William Hradriz plaintiff In error TSthe United States argument commenced by MrJ G Dudley for the plaintiff in error

    Adjeurasd until today at 13 odockThe day raM for Tuesday November S will be as

    follovrs Nea 313 46 49 45 66 5S S3 60 and 231336 cud 5L


    Court of AppealsAdjevrned until December 6

    Equity Court No 1JUSTICE STAFFORD

    No 37SH Cerrizllo TS Byrne et aL hearing onrule cantoned Attorneys Tucker is KcnyoaM J-GMkert

    No lISt Pinncll et aL TS Browning et aldismissed sad temporary restraining order die

    seind Attorneys A W Scott and M T CliniceealM

    In tanaqr Madeline Ipucnardi committee re-ports referred to auditor

    Equity Court No 2JUSTICE GOULD

    Se 3D7HL National Metropolitan Bank TS Hintshare to intervene granted Attorneys Ralston Sidloss RichardMoL L Haaby and B BHatchesea-

    Na SSO Taylor TS Rappert et aL rule re-turnable December 2 Attorneys a W GkgettJA Toonw-

    yNa H Ke f r TS Reefer same AttorneysL C WilltanwooL FHgitt-

    No 13B65 Crake TS Cooke referred to auditorAttonwys Garden Gordon

    Na SS KeagU TS Kenala et aL A a WellsJ H Gordon and J U Gardiner appointed trus-tees bond 50000 Attorneys A C WellsJ UGardteer-

    Na 23199 Bsizle n Bazde et aL J U Gardi-ner and O M PolLen appointed trustees bondJfOH Attorneys J U GardiuerLeckle PolIce

    OBINa 203 Phillips TS Cracker et aL sale con

    finwd Attorneys Barnard JohnsonW WDovclas Aieiler Smith

    In re tansy Hens Siminsen acouot apprOTe-dNa 2W3S IreUn TS KaU et aL rule dla-

    obarged Attornefs J J DartlnctonNatb Wilson

    Circuit Court No 1JUSTICE ANDERSON

    No Wife Joining TS Mlshtw on fciaL Attor-ney W W Bride If W WheatleyG CGertnoa and Jin Itideut

    Na SOWS Wesieott Story TS Lawrence moUntto oocdemn credits in hands of garnishee grantedAttorney W Stone Abed

    Alignments for tomorroV-Na 9T Jennings TS Mbhan Attomeyi Bride

    Gertman-Na 66 zones TS United States Continental

    Jewel KHtratlen Coapanr Attorneys DoyleKayden

    Na 67 Tewntr et sL TS Saunders Trundle et-al Attoraeya Happier Merillat and HaydenJohneonBerry Miner

    NA a Meriarity administrator TS WashingtonGaslight CeajfaHj Attorneys Montague Moriartty Peny Son

    Na 111 Wright TS Washington Railway andElectric Company Attorneys Bradley DouglasKeener

    Circuit Court NoJUSTICE BARNARD

    Na 5Q94 Kemp TS Lttbmaa et aL leave to re-ply double to msth plea granted Attorneys CharlesPotJohn Ridout

    No 4133 Baltimore Building and Loan Associa-tion TS Jennings ct aL judgment oa Terdict At-torneys IX H tamer and Mlllan SmithJohn-Ridout Carlisle Johnson

    No 51S51 TS Chesapeake Beach RailwayOoapany et aL on trial Attorneys L Tobrinerand A I Newmjcr McKinney Flanncry-

    Asdgnmonta for tomorrowNa lei Wincn administrator TS Baltimore aad

    Onto Railroad Company Attorneys HamiltonLeekle Fulton Cox

    No 16 ClemenU TS Model Laundry CompanyAttorneys Curincton Johnson Peny Son

    Na 38 Kohen TS Washington Railway and Elsetrio Company Attorneys Kill Rogers MatUntfyand WT G GardmerJ J Darlinzton-

    Na 146 Gardiner TS Chesapeake Beach RailwayCompany Attorneys Mather t Hopcwell McKenames Flannery

    No 23 Lerltos TS Terminal Taxicab CompanyAttorneys Lambert YeaUnan Douglis Baker

    Na ISt Rankin TS Ashury Attorneys AlwardMontague Moriarity-

    Na US Annan m Washington Gaslight Com-pany Attorneys Neuboc Perry Son

    Na 183 Kensley administrator T MetropolitanCoach Company Attorneys Itelson ColTln Ham-ilton Colbert Yerkes Hamilton

    No I Payne TS Capital Traction ComianyAttorneys Shrove RichardsonPerry Semi andDunlop

    Na Ki Blackburn TS Same Attorneys SuIIITan Perry Dunlop

    Na 544 Jolly administratrix n Adams Attor-ney Lambert Darlington

    Criminal Court No 1JUSTICE WRIGHT

    No 2GS05 United States TS Banrcy M Lewis et-al violating section 5HO R S U8 on triaLAttorneys H B Davis C JL Syme J O GUtinge M W Sulllran and G P Hoover

    No 2KM United States TS John H Redmanwarrant of removal from New Hampshire defendantcommitted


    No 2T2S United SUtes TS John Cant assaultto rare Ttrdlct not guilty drat count guilty secondcount

    No S2 United States TE William Johnsonerabezriement plea cullty-

    Na SCOO United States TS James E lse-peten M motion Tor new trial jtad In arrest ot-fcdgfflrat

    United States TS JohnvHdmond nonsupport ballfixed at SO-

    OAsalgnraentii for November 29United States TS Andrew LeeUnited SUtes TS Row Wise

    Probate CoartJUSTICE GOULD

    Estate of Ernest Hammergrcn will dated January12 1906 flied

    Estate of Mary J Adams report ot tileEstate if Mary F Keller sala of penanalit oe








    New-est counsel-














    lion Sand











    capital and Surplus 3800000Resources Oier fU000000

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    294t 1403 H street nw

    dared Attorney Burton Macafee-EsUto of Mary E Weeks letters testamentary

    granted to Fanny H Weeks bond 5 AttorneyJ W D ridp

    Estate of William T Powell letters testamentarygranted to Catherine H Powell Genevieve PLAWS and Richard Powell bond 1003

    In ra Laura if Harrison tt aL sale of realestate ordered Attorney C F Benjamin

    of Augustus B Merritt letters testamentarygranted to William E H and Harry B Mwrittbond 500 Attorney Eugene Carnal

    Estate of Julius Micbaells letters testamentarygranted to John Hanaro bond 1000 Attorney J-A MaedeL-

    DsUta of Electra A Pratt letters testamentaryTinted to Sarah A Pratt bond JIM Attorney8 a Podia

    Estate of John H Lord letters testamenUry-cranted to George tt Lord bond J5M AttorneyG P Mcfllne

    Estate of Georce Cook Utters of admlnbtratlonto Maria J Crum bond 2000 Attorneys

    Fencing ParkerEstate Of James Bockwell jr letters of adminis-

    tration granted to Charles H Rockwell bond JLOWAttorney M K ilanran

    Estate of James C Addison order to eettlo claimAttorneys Thompson Laskey

    Estate of Timothy Wlnnj exceptions orerrulcdEstate of Lena D Smith letters tetanwnUr

    granted to Mary B Friedman and Lena Dbond JICOO Attorney A 0 Clark

    Estate of George W Sheerer cerealEstate of A Baumbach will dated September 16


    Estate of Emma Jeffries petition letters aladministration Attorney K P Ermine

    lisnlcrnptcy CourtsJ08TIC3

    Kc 03 In TO Abraham Marks reference toreferee to report on composition

    District CourtJDCTICE STAFFORD

    No sit In ra extension of New York avenuememorandum in support of exception of EdwardD Eastern

    CHIEF JUSTICE CLABADGUNo 21T United States T Twentythreo Horses

    arid Mules order authorities Assistant Treasarer ofthe United States to corer into Treasnry balance ofdeposit

    Deeds ot Trust and Real Estate






    the Equitable Cooperative Build-Ing

    Further information will be furnithed

    a 4

    the mar








    Transfers em Page Tea-







