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Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-12-09 [p...

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THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY DECEMBER 9 1810 2 I F A Sale of Womens Suits Coats and DressesT- HAT IS THE TALK OF THE TOWN Come today bright and early and select one Womens Coat Suits Worth Up to 3500 at Or One of Those Worth Up to 5000 at JJ The colors include black navy brown Copenhagen taupo smoke wistaria and all the newest mixtures 100 Silk Cloth or Serge 200 Womens Presses in silk cloth serge crepe de chine or Dresses Worth up to 2500 crepe meteor Worth up to 5000 ww 1965 None sent C O D No phone orders No alterations LANSIURGH BIO 420426 7t ST 417425 8t ST J j 975 I 875 L > LAY BIKE THEFTS TO BOYS Police Believe Band Broken Up with Arrest of Three Youngsters May Be Arraigned In Juvenile Court Today to Answer Charges Thefts of bicycle which have baffled the police for weeks are balloved to have been solved yesterday afternoon by De- tective Sprlngman and OBrien whan they three boys thought to be of a band of thieves The lads taken into custody are Albert Senior fourteen years old of 614 Eighth street northeast Roy Booth fourteen years old of 820 Eighth street northeast and Joseph Sullivan sixteen years old of GaG Piokford placo northeast Each cf the boys was released on 25 collateral furnished by his parents It Is probable they will be arraiged In Juvenile Court today According to the police lads have been stealing bicycle from office build- ings and newspaper offices taking the machines apart and selling the parts The police say the boys admitted stealing bicycles belonging to Roy Plant of Ifill I street northwest and James Young of 8 Fenton street northeast Air rifles and other toys were purchased with the money derived from the sale of the stolen bicycles the police say and It it believed the boys are responsible for the destruction of windows in a number of residence in the northeast recently The panes were broken with shot from an air rifle MAY ACT AS COMMANDANT Secretary of the Navy Eligible In Opinion of Attorney General Attorney General has ren- dered an opinion that the Secretary of the Navy has legal authority to act as commandant of the Marine Corps for an indefinite period pending the appointment of a permanent commandant Secretary of the Navy Meyer intends to delay tho appointment until Congress acted upon proposed legislation lim- iting the tenure of office of commandant to four years and providing for the de line officers of the Marino Corps to the Adjutant and corps These were made in Secretary Meyers annual report CLOSES TOMORROW Odd Fellows Fair Tromiaca to Net Neat Sum Tonight and tomorrow night will see tho close of tho Carnival of Nations which has been In progress at Odd Fel- lows Hall in Seventh street for the past two weeks Notwithstanding the bed weather conditions tho carnival has been won patronized this week and a considerable sum will be realized for the purpose for which the bazaar was given Tonight promises to be one of the big nights the Maccaboos having accepted an Invitation to be presentt As a further Attraction the ladles of Eslher Rebekah Lodge I O O F will give a burlesque drill The carnival Saturday night with an auction sale Everything will be disposed of to toft highest bidder We want any person who Goffer with bfliooaneas- iconstjration indiffEfit on or any or blood ailment to try our PawPaw LIver Pills We cmutee they vrfll putty the blood and pot the liver and stomach iota a healthful condition and will pouthaly cure biliousness and constipation or we will refund your money 3ITNYOJPS HOMEOPATHIO nOME arro ted members Wickersham ha tailor recommend n8 lifer REMEDY CO PIIILA PA the Inspectors CARNIVAL noses ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DEPLORE LOSS OF MOODY Supreme Court Justices Order Let ters Plac l on the Journal In the Supreme Court of the United States yesterday an order was made spreading upon tho minutes and journal- of the court correspondence that passed recently between tho members of the court and their former associate William H Moody whose resignation on account of continued ill health was tendered a few months ago Two letters deploring his loss from the Supreme bench were sent November 23 and signed by Justices Harlan White McKonna Day Lurton and Hughes In reply Mr Mcody sent the following note My Dear Brethren I cannot let your letter go unanswered but at this time I am unable fittingly to say more than that your words reach deep In my heart and mind and awaken there an Intense gratitude to you all With the of this and of my respect and af fection for each individual momber of the court I must be content Most sin- cerely yours WILLIAM MOODY Reports concerning the condition of former Associate Justice Moody are far from encouraging Among his former colleagues and friends around the Su- preme Court room there Is manifested a grave concern about his case WEATHER CONDITIONS u S Dei of Acricnltore TeathertBtnraa Washington Deoanbtr 8fl p m Pressure is generally hizh eiwpt owr the British Northwest and as a fair weather prctilld during the list twoatyfcor boon ex- cept from the Lake region eastward where there were li ht snows and in the north Pacific States whore rains continued With the exception of snoir flurries Friday on the windward shorts of the Great Lakes generally fair weather is indicated orer the country during the next two this It will cold MeT the eastern districts wbita in the West temperatures will moderate on Friday in the Plains States and the Northwest and during Saturday in the central taller and the upper Late repon It will be warmer Sunday in the East The winds alone the New England coast will be moderate westerly on the middle Atlantic coast light to moderate westerly becoming tariable by Saturday on the south Atlantic coast light to moderate westerly becoming Tariable on the eaC Gulf meat light and Tariable on the west Unit emit light U moderate southeast to sooth on Lake Michigan moderate and unable becoming southeasterly- StGOBtra dapartins Friday for Eororwan ports will hate moderate westerly winds with fair weather to the Grand Banks Local Temperature Midnight 25 2 a m 13 4 a m 15 6 a m K 8 a m IS M a m 21 12 noon 30 2 p m 26 4 PL m 36 fi u m 32 8 p m 31 M p m S Highest X lowest 13 llobtite humidity a m 67 2 p m 55 8 p m 7L Rainfall 8 p m to 8 p m 0 Boars of ann shine Per cent of rnaaible sooshlne 10- 0Tcrnperatoro nine date last year highest 42 30 Temperatures In Other Cities Tempcraterefl in other cities together with the amount of rainfall for the twentyfour hours ended x 6 p ra yesterday are aa follows Rain Mis Svru AaherUle N a 42 20 35 Atlanta Ga 50 35 Atlantic City N J 33 26 32 Bismarck N Dik 22 2 52 Boston Jlass 35 13 59 I Buffalo N Y M J 20 a Chicago Ill 31 14 B- Cindnati Ohio 3J a 28 Cheyenne Wyo 46 r Davenport IS Denver Colo 82 Des Moines Iowa 25 OklreAton Tex Helena Mont a 2 Indianapolis Ind 32 14 Jacksomille Fla 53 3t Kaocs City Mo 21 16 Little Roek Ark 52 JJ Los Anseles CaL 83 MarqueUe Midi U Memphis Tenn 44 New Orleans La 63 New N Y 31 North Plottc Nebr 55 Omaha Nefcr 2- SPittsbnrs Pa 28 22 2 OOi Portland Me 33 Mt 26 Portland Ores 52 46 to 033 Salt Lake City Utah 50 4- 8U Louis Mo 36 24 36 St Paul Minn 11 6 X f San 1rancisco Cal 62 EK 53 OS3 Springfield I1L 31 J8 SO Toledo Ohio 2S J3 2 OO- FVicksbura M3aa M Tide TabIe- Tt day High tide 1255 a m 130 p m tow 733 a m 8 p m TcfnoTTOw illch tide a m 2 p m tow tide 8 a m 3iX5 p m Condition of the Water Bprdal to The Washincton Herald Harpers Ferry W Va Dec 8BoUi titers dear Holmes expres- sion IL con 95 lowest Max fall U O 40 S4 s 46 10 It CS I 1 48 M 30 12 3t j 45 III O 11 3t I 31 43 tide 1 1 enc nu be- ginning Iowa 5 i3 8 < York Si a 4 21 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > THE WASHINGTON HERALD IHlmlffllHIOTl Masterpieces of Master Painters Present this Coupon with TEN CENTS at the Circulation Department of The Wuihlncton Herald and you will be siren a copy of one of great masterpieces Name V Address FRIDAY DECEMBER 9 1910- If you wish It sent by mall Inclose 15 cents I IAJ J i i these- S i I i I MNW- p I CARDINAL BLESSES Dedication Services Held at Holy Cross AcadejnyN- OEED CEffaCEMEN PRESENT Prelate In Him Address to Pupils Declares hUgh Standard of Wom- anhood Is Due to Training Given Dr Edward A Pace Speaks Along Same Lines Musical n iBe Cardinal Gibbons dedicated the new building x f Holy Cross Academy Dum barton and Upton streets yesterday afternoon The corner stone was laid May 3 1309 and the building has been occupied by the pupils since the begin- ning of the scholastic year September In his address to tho pupils the car dinal said tho present high standard ot womanhood In this country was due to tho training received by tho young girls Ho also assailed woman suffrage when he told the young girls that the woman who ruled tho man who voted WaS a bigger factor In the election than the man who cast the vote The dedication services began at 23 oclock with a sermon by Rev Dr Ed ward A Pace of Catholic University who spoke on the education o young women and Its effect upon the country Like the cardinal he too said the high standard of morality in the NEW BUILDING Pro lit pres- ent 3 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CARDINAL GIBBONS country was directly due to the higher education of women of which the Cath- olic Church has for years been the strongest advocate Blessed With Holy Water The sermon was followed by the dedi cation of the building by the cardinal assisted by Father Buckey of St Mat- thews Church The procession formed in tho temporary chapel In the west wing of the building and led by the cardinal marched in solemn file through the build ing blessing the halls with holy water After the procession had completed the rounds of the building the audience as- sembled In the main corridor and a pro pupils and the alumni Miss Gellne Mac Donald made the address of welcome to the cardinal and MJsa Lula Darr ex- tended greetings on behalf of the alumni Many of the most prominent Catholic churchmen in this section of the country were present at tho ceremonies as well as many men of Washington prominent- In and municipal circles Among those present were Dr Willis Moore of the Weather Bureau Dr Harvey W Wiley of the Agricultural Department Senator Thomas H Carter of Montana Father Charles Carrier of the Catholic Indian Mission Father Francis E Klau der head of the Redemptorist Order In this country Dr Thomas J Shahan of Catholic University and many diplomats- of South America JItuilcnl Given A musical programme which was given by the pupils included a vocal solo by Miss Agnes D Rice a harp solo by Miss Maria H Villogas and a piano solo by Miss Mamlo Palmer Tho senior class a vocal selection from Brahms and Thomas H OToole gave a harp solo The cardinal remained at the academy overnight and will leavo for Baltimore this morning GEN WOOD LAID TO REST Services were held yesterday morning In AU Souls Unitarian Church and streets northwest for Brig Gen Oliver E Wood who died In Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore last Sunday The body was escorted to Arlington by a detachment of cavalry and artillery and buried with military honors Tho honorary pallbearers were Gen Tully McCreo Gen Frank Thorp Gen B 1C Roberts Gen Medorem Crawford Col Charles Treat Maj George E Sage Maj George Le R Irwin and Capt Joseph P Tracy Governors nt Press Club A reception to the governorselect of various States now attending tho Na- tional Rivers and Harbors Congress will 10 held at the National Press Club at 4 oclock this afternoon BIRTHS REPORTED WHITE A Webster and Minnie E Richards girl Dell N and Anna J Padgett boy Robert Jr awl Julia M Mayo boy Join R and K Parker girl Sarnwd and Toba Krebs rfl Jobs J and lUaach Kendriex girl Edward and Nannie Van Dyke Maropnw Bernard sod Laura V Brown girl Wyatt and Thciwi O Lee boy George F and Margaret F Cans girl charles K and Amnxm Mayue James O aDd Mary I Jerkin girl Frank E and Mints Murray girl Kdvrard and Edna Hobwn girl M and Die R McVerry girl Robot K and Margaret A Clements girt I and ary W Christian boy Charks and Ida M IWljer boy Raymond A and Ems B Reed boy Nicholas and Anna Day hey COLORED Joseph and Irene Sillas boy Cbarkfi and IwboUe Green girl Horace and Nannie J Moore boy Fredtit F and Georgia Jackson girl DEATHS REPORTED WRiTE Catherine Griffin 79 years 037 E at Elizabeth G Durall 26 years lilT Vermont aTe William H Lloyd 50 years Emergency Hospital Ann Offutt 05 yuan 1JE2 Sd A nw John L King 63 years 3S7 Prospect aTenno mr- Babetln Eisraann 3J years Oil M rt nw Joan Ofenktain 15 jfeure Emergency llaspitah Elizabeth C Hayward 88 yean 208 A Be Robert Platt 77 years 411 B t ne Joseph R Whealley TS year Emergency Hospital Esther Whittle 70 years 2 F st nw Simon Hughes 31 years Proridenco Hospital Fred W Pounsbarry 16 months 111 Anaeostia arcane Benninc D C Cathlyn Wndsey S days 723 8th st sir Infant of William and Elba Stansbury 3 days 1ST 4th at COLORED Alex Brown SO yiwrs Fiwdnwns Hospital Anna K Bowie OS yeses 1611 4th M mr George Carter 60 years Wart Asylum Hospital Hattie 32 years 15 B st sw John T Mitchell 51 years 435 Wash nw Sidney Chase 5 months 913 Barry place CM grammo ot exercises was gIven by the national Pro tUJ1me Four- teenth L pie Rufus L tit roe Itt gui 0 Joni cv Toeng ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TAITS ATTITUDE GEATIFYIKG Dr Llewellyn Jordan Favors Com trlbutory Plan of Retirement Dr Llewellyn Jordan secretary of the regular or orthodox United States Civil Service Retirement Association yester day expressed gratification at the atti- tude assumed by President Taft In an equitable contributory plan of as outlined in the socalled Gillett bill A mass meeting has been arranged under the auspices of the Orthodox United States Civil Service Retirement Association and the Civil Service Coun- cil for next Monday evening December 12 at tho Public Library Herbert D has just been Indorsed by the President will discuss various features of that bill CABINET TO DECIDE Hours for Clerks May Be Ex- tended to Five oclock MEECHANTS OPPOSED TO IDEA Believe Later Hour Will Affect Business and Committee from the Chamber of Commerce Will Carry Matter Before President Germans Received at White House President Taft and his Cabinet this afternoon will thoroughly thrash out the question of government clerks working until 5 oclock each day instead of 430 oclock The Cabinet members held a short conference with the President at the White House yesterday afternoon- It was said yesterday that this matter probably would be definitely settled at todays meeting of the Cabinet Washuoiun merchants are opposed to such action as they believe it would affect their business The matter was discussed Wednesday afternoon by tho board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce It was do clded that a committee should be ap- pointed to carry the matter before the President Germans Pay Respect President Taft received a delegation of the Plattdeutsche at the White House yesterday The delegation several hun- dred strong brought a band and a few dozen standards and battle flags They camped In front of the executive offices until Representative William Sulzer of New York could got the Presidents ear and bring him out With the President and Mr Sulzer in the center of the group the society had Its picture taken Then tbreo cheers were given for the President three for Mr Sulzer and three for everybody W K Cavanaugh president of the LakeetothaGulf Deep Waterway Asso- ciation called at the White House with Representative Bartholdt of Missouri and other members ot the association for the purpose of presenting resolutions adopted at the organizations recent meeting At that mooting an attempt was made to pass resolutions criticising- Mr Taft and charging him with lack of Interest in the proposed 14foot water way from the to the Gulf Tells President So Through heroic efforts on tho part of Representative Bartholdt and one or two others of the Presidents friends the criticism was averted Yesterday when Mr Kavanaugh reached the Presidents sanctum his feelings flared up again He thought Mr Taft had been too Indiffer- ent toward the 14foot channel and said so Mr Kavanaugh the President re- plied I was on the bench long enough to learn that it is the duty of judge to listen to the testimony of any man no platter how much he may have been abusing the court at the corner grocery Governor Harmon will spend today in Philadelphia where he has busi- ness of a personal character that his attention He will return to Washington tomorrow to keep several engagement In the afternoon he will be the guest of Representative Burton Harrison of New York at lunqheon at the Metropolitan Club and in the even- ing ho will dine with the President at tho White House LADIES NIGHT AT Y JL C A Two Hundred Guest Enjoy Pro KTinnnie ok Bachelors Club Ladles night w os celebrated by the Bachelors Club of the Y M C A last night in the Assembly ball of the build- Ing about 200 guests being present The programme of tho evening was in charge of tho entertainment committee of Dr Ward T Bower chairman Fred B Hoagland William L Votter C F Carpenter and Ernest M Corny Among the especially Invited guests wore Mr and Mrs William Knowles Cooper George Otis Smith of the and members of the associa- tion staff and board of trustees An excellent mandolin solo by James A White opened the programme which included humorous monologues and songs by Edson B Brown the comedy Box and Cox by William Bradford John T Kennedy and G Edward Hall Refresh- ments wore served NECKLACE Police Seek Pearl Dropped by Mrs H Percival Dodge A diamond and pearl necklace valued at SOO was lost yesterday afternoon by Mrs H Percival Dodge wlfo of the resi- dent diplomatic officer of tho State De- partment and chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs Report was made to tho police last night and detectives were detailed to sfnrch for the necklace Capital and Surplus 7310000 New Residents Washington should make this their banking headquar ters Interest paid on all ac counts deposits subject to check Excellent facilities U S Treasury supervision ETSnfe Deposit Boxes for Tal unble piipcrn HtnckH lioiulx jew- els c rented 5 year up Union Trust Co EDWARD J STELLWAGEN President ICth and H Sta N W advo- cating retirement Brown author ot tho Gill tt bill which Lakes A de- mands consist- Ing as- sociation LOSES 800 r I of ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Largest Womens Outcrgarmcnt Store South of New York 1106 Street We Court Comparison Next to Cor llth Hundreds await this opportunity- Our big reduction sale suits coats and dresses Largest variety shown in this city and all late styles Over 1500 womens and misses suits 1995 2500 3500 For Suits which sold For Suits which sold For Suits which sold up to 36 up to 40 Extra special Friday only 60 Tailored Suite in womens and misses sizes of all fabrics which sold up to J3250 1175 up to 55 Womens and misses coats S1500 1995 For Coats which sold For Coats which sold For Coats whfch sold up to 20 up to 2750 up to 40 Fur coats Cut You can buy Fur Coats here with We handle only the highgrade reliable which we guarantee In and for ALL TIME Genuine Russian Ponyakln Coats which were 575 now Handsorpe Pony which 5V 51 sold for now Hudson Seal Coats selected skins Sold for fill 4000 silk seal plush coats are now 2500 I Gowns and dresses that were 25 to 50 are now 15 to 25 Sale of sensible and practical holiday floor S5 and 6 Waists 298 6 To go at 2ve 5 Japanese Silk Kimonos 298 5 Girls Slipon Rain Coats 349 5 Silk Underskirts all colors 100 Dainty Waists of taffeta 398 messalineft am s Persian Silk Petticoats 5 9 and 10 Waists 5 Handsome Waists of marqui- settes and voiles made over silks retas c G il I 5 90 J 95 150 now giftsfirst t Plo gar sell at 0 U LIngerIe Waists new and also Persians plaids W- and t1S z 1c p J I I 45 00 109 r W I j I 1 I I I I I I to models I I ¬ SIARHIAGE LICENSES John H Earl a B Raaser S both rf Cristerrilk V Ref B Ha Sweat lama N hOme K O J UBS VertxTtie- Lcoraid T I U soa M of ChiiiBttenraH and Nettle M Twier 2 SUnaton V ReT Edward it Matt ArUm a Wcjbnra Btobeth H Dun 38 both of Richmond X Her 0 J 8 Ear ricatt Roy Hicks SX S laa A Baldwin M R Noel Foster 26 and Mints Bias 2U N O Gibson J i G Units S of Itooniry N O iurri H Bunch 3 Br L VMt V both cf Forge Va Her lames M Little COLORED Joseph Bell r Saphiooi Bsh R Robert T WWtq S ad Oaa B DtrU 22 Err a P W Drew Frederick Brooks EtU Boroia 3 A loose DIED GRIPFINOn Tuesday at S3I a rn thence to St Dominics Church Wednesday December A northeast ELIZABETH C HAYWARD December 9 at 2 p m Interment New York GULlS OF THE UMTHD STATUS CbcmBandary rf use District ot Ootobi- aWcWt at National Cemetery Artoctoo Virginia AdSraf GEORGE C REMEY U S Nary i ocnznuxicf W P nCXFORD Recorder HUGHESSIMON L beloved husband- of Emily nee Burgess aged years Tenth street northeast Friday De N J papers please copy on WodneBday Dc LLOYD beloved husband of Kate Lloyd Notice of funeral hereafter this on Wed nesday i m Mrs ELIZABETH WILKINSON MARSILVLL tho sister of John F N Wilkinson sr Funeral notice hereafter OFFUTT On Tuesday December fi 1910 ANN widow of Edward T Offutt Trinity Church on Friday December 0 at 9 a m Interment at Holy Rood Cemetery PLATTOn Wednesday December 7 1910 at 4 m at residence 411 B street northeast Commander PLATT U S N retired Funeral at St Marks Episcopal Church Third and A streets south east Friday December 9 at 11 a m MILITARY ORDBR OK THE LOYAL LEGION OP THE UNITED STATES Commandery ef the District of Columbia CUr of Wataston December 9 1910 Th death of Companion ROBERT PLATT Com- mander U ti Nats1 esraember of Council in this City on tIn 7th instant is announced to the Commandery Funeral Hirriew at which the attendance of Companion in r iu ted will be heM at St Marks P E Churn Third and A Street E at 11 oclock A M this day Interment at Coazresaonal Cemetery By command of Rear Admiral GEORGE C REMEY U R Nary Qommandef W P HOXFORD- Kecorder SMALL On Tuesdns December 6 1910 at 5 P TO ARCHIBALD SMALL husband of Rosalie Small and son of the late John H Small aged forty seven years Services to bo held for the family at his late home Silver Spring Funeral from Epiphany De comber 9 at 2 p m Relatives and friends Invited to attend Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery SMITH Suddenly on Tuesday Decem ber 6 1910 at his 1SS9 Mint wood place Rev JOSEPH EDUND SMITH D LL Dr In his eijhty first year Funeral services at Foundry M K Church Friday 9 at 2 p m Interment private Baltimore Phila- delphia and Trenton N J papers please copy t and E a and A A- RM 1 Va SO and sod E T and Cecil P Pcld West Point Va Usc Jz2es and J c non and W and RaY W December 6 mO- ot 63fl Grl1i1n Funeral from her late residence gn B street soutitwest FridaY December 9 HA YWARDOn 7 1918 at 12 m at street Funeral services at residence Friday In IILlTARY ORmffi OP THE LOYAL Qty Itf WaMluwn Joccabcr 9 9 The death of HENRY IILLIS commodore U S Navy it YelbcMNa Beach Florida on the 6th itotsat iI tile CoauBaDde1 Funeral aerciese at which the attendance or- CompaniOD8 i1l will hi JieM at the Church 6f the COTUIiant Eighteenth and N W at 130 P I this the Uy of Rear Funeral from his late residence 807 ember 9 at 10iO a to Interment In Congressional Cemetery and LLOYD uddenl comber 7 l1O at 10 P m WILLIAM- H I MARSHALlDeparted lIfo at Uro Funel will take from Holy ro 1 nis lUng MobXaY Eec 21 ef = of- eorge ulcios Coutimnian JAt1I aaeocnccd- to rupiested day Essex ROB- ERT the < = ¬ ¬ ¬ STEINWAYAN- D OTHER PIANOS RENTED SOLD E F DROOP SONS CO 1300 G STREET II II ± = IN MEMORIAM sad and loving tribute to DOUGLASS MOORE son of James A K and Ida B Moore who one year ago this day in the twentyfourth year of his life departed to that borne no traveler returns this memorial is inscribed He was a dutiful son a loyal friend a stanch adherent the course he was right And in that ultimate haven of the tortured spirit of mortal may his astral being find surcease from the pangs of despised love and the meed a just providence should bestow upon the patient merit of one who hM taken much from the unworthy this b the benediction of those who loved him for his worth alone JAMES A K MOORE IDA B MOORE Tb interest in Vine callnre has decreased so modi in Fnnce in the last few years that that imported 16tCOO000 caQoca last year SPECIAL NOTICES Roof troubles of any nature promptly and cap ably looked after Experienced roofers to lenD yon Roofs repaired painted sad guaranteed Estimates free M0nw 1 I Pedro Domecqs AL1DO One SHERRYOn- e of the 19 rarieUes in stock t- An unacelled Bpaniah wino at its price 0c full quart Only at H Christian Xanders tt FAMILY QUALITY HOUSE S I 909 7th Street 2SS e 1- t ttf FUNERAL DIRECTORS JOSEPH GAWLERS SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Established 1350 J730J5 Pennsylrania avenue northwesL Chapel Telephone Main 1SSL W R PUMPHEEY SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS 1523 Fourteenth St nw ChapeL Phone North 2030 822 JOHN R WRIGHT CO Funeral and Embalmers Livery to con- nection Use of chapel on premises 1337 Tenth Telephone SctVi Open day and night THOS A COSTELLO FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALM R- U H STREET NORTHEAST Phone East 1325 Lirery in Connection J WILLIAM FunerAl Director Chapel and Modern Cnnuterlum Modest prices S3t Penn jlrania ate ow Telephone Main 13SS GEORGE P ZTJRHORST 301 East Capitol Street FUNERAL DESIGNS FUNERAL FLOWERS Of Eury DesalptioaModeraUly Priced Funeral Designs Funeral Designs GEO C SHAFFER Beautiful floral reasonable In price Phone 16 Main Hth Eye nw MOOREIn Lot nttlan ROOFS IRONCLAD IC12 G ST COM PUT non H- Umuu 11 tr P HI g u i f uuun- i Director st- ew 41 LEEr and Embalmer counccUCD CommodlOlU G U DE des Its liii if fl Yen > > = SPECIAL NOTICES THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE STOCK holders of Richardson Burgess lee will ba held at the offices of the corporation 1113 H nw on MONDAY January 16 mi at 1 oclock p m for the traneocdoa of business c may SOX Secretary THE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART WILL reopen ta the public en TUESDAY MORNING AMERICAN OIL PAINTINGS Gallery wiU be open as follows during the worse of the hibiuon On weekdays front a a until 430 pm On Sundays from la tati 430 p m t will also be open on Toeaday and Friday evenings between the hours of 8 and K p m AdaiMJon free The gallery will be both on 5 and on Monday December 2S The exhibition will continue until the evenIng of January 2 1911 d 6 t F B McGCIRE Director THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the United States Trust Company will be held at the companys offices IKS G st nw In City of Washington District ef Colombia no TUESDAY the MA day of January 1911 at 10 of Directors fur the ensuing year and for tie trans- action of such other borinoc a before the meeting lAS TRIMBLE Secretary deMt C G SLOAN CO Inc Auctioneers HOflfstl NOTICE IS HEREBY THAT ON SAT URDAY December 10 1910 at M a m within the rooms of C G Sloan Co 1107 G St will be sold at public auction to enforce Item for storage charges doe and unpaid all furniture and stored in the nines of Edward McGee Carrie and John T Basks FURNITURE SHOP 2W Mth st dW t VIAVI SCIENCE OF HEALTH NAT ural nonsurgical book free by malt 916 Colorado Free lecture for women Wednesdays at 2 0 p m LEATHER GOODS COPELANDS W3 ESetentk Are SELF o RAISING BUCKWUKAT be SelfraiSin cause erperi iee baa prowl its Wperiarity Look and tastes like bnckwheat trktly pure CJrAt rbur grocers No coasnmen B B Earnshavv Bro WHOLESALE GROCERS 11th and M rts Hundreds of Good Cooks Doors Sash Blinds that sTill buy Newels first quality millwork For n housekeeper one of our Kitchen Dressers would prove n welcome gift GEO M BARKER BUILDING MATERIAL 649 N Y Ave 1517 7th St Phone 1348 7C totalled in curable diseases such as Deformities After Change of Life Child birth Typhoid Rbeomatism Injariu cf the Spine Ankyloais of any Joint and Chronic Sprains CAN BE CURED Consult Dr John E Rnebaam 817 14th St N W WINDOWSHADES WM W MATCHEn I NEVER DISAPPOINT A Word to LawyersI- f you nIne accuracy and promptness you will consult your best Interacts by hating your Briefs and Motions printed at this printing office Satisfactory terries always assured BYRON S ADAMS ffgSS f lit atoll properly come bet re it JOSEPH H RICHARD Demrnber 13 ISle TlwN will then be on public Tifw the THIRD EXmB1Tio OF The K Sunday December odock a tn for purpose of thotlag Board may cane Inc there e W5hJ BAUMS fILLER MILLERS 11 Buckwheat supplied Ie u r prices are the lowest i F I Trim t I PER CENT 038 Y St N N111o I J CONTEMPoa4u I dosed the the a GIVEN effect S 246tf at me cndkat cesing feet our stuck using 0 W < ¬ > <
Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-12-09 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1910-12-09/… ·  · 2009-02-272 I THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY DECEMBER 9 1810 F



A Sale of Womens SuitsCoats and DressesT-

HAT IS THE TALK OF THE TOWNCome today bright and early and select one

Womens Coat SuitsWorth Up to 3500 atOr One of Those Worth

Up to 5000 at JJ

The colors include black navy brown Copenhagen tauposmoke wistaria and all the newest mixtures

100 Silk Cloth or Serge 200 Womens Presses in silkcloth serge crepe de chine or

Dresses Worth up to 2500 crepe meteor Worth up to5000ww 1965

None sent C O D No phone orders No alterations

LANSIURGH BIO420426 7t ST 417425 8t ST






Police Believe Band Broken Up

with Arrest of Three

Youngsters May Be Arraigned InJuvenile Court Today to

Answer Charges

Thefts of bicycle which have baffledthe police for weeks are balloved to havebeen solved yesterday afternoon by De-

tective Sprlngman and OBrien whanthey three boys thought to be

of a band of thievesThe lads taken into custody are Albert

Senior fourteen years old of 614 Eighthstreet northeast Roy Booth fourteenyears old of 820 Eighth street northeastand Joseph Sullivan sixteen years oldof GaG Piokford placo northeast Each cfthe boys was released on 25 collateralfurnished by his parents It Is probablethey will be arraiged In Juvenile Courttoday

According to the police lads havebeen stealing bicycle from office build-

ings and newspaper offices taking themachines apart and selling the partsThe police say the boys admitted stealingbicycles belonging to Roy Plant of IfillI street northwest and James Young of8 Fenton street northeast

Air rifles and other toys were purchasedwith the money derived from the sale ofthe stolen bicycles the police say and Itit believed the boys are responsible forthe destruction of windows in a numberof residence in the northeast recentlyThe panes were broken with shot from anair rifle


Secretary of the Navy Eligible InOpinion of Attorney General

Attorney General has ren-

dered an opinion that the Secretary ofthe Navy has legal authority to act ascommandant of the Marine Corps for anindefinite period pending the appointmentof a permanent commandant

Secretary of the Navy Meyer intendsto delay tho appointment until Congress

acted upon proposed legislation lim-

iting the tenure of office of commandantto four years and providing for the de

line officers of the Marino Corpsto the Adjutant and corpsThese were made inSecretary Meyers annual report


Odd Fellows Fair Tromiaca to NetNeat Sum

Tonight and tomorrow night will seetho close of tho Carnival of Nationswhich has been In progress at Odd Fel-lows Hall in Seventh street for the pasttwo weeks Notwithstanding the bedweather conditions tho carnival hasbeen won patronized this week and aconsiderable sum will be realized for thepurpose for which the bazaar wasgiven

Tonight promises to be one of the bignights the Maccaboos having acceptedan Invitation to be presentt

As a further Attraction the ladles ofEslher Rebekah Lodge I O O F willgive a burlesque drill The carnival

Saturday night with an auctionsale Everything will be disposed of totoft highest bidder

We want any person who Goffer with bfliooaneas-iconstjration indiffEfit on or any or bloodailment to try our PawPaw LIver Pills Wecmutee they vrfll putty the blood and pot theliver and stomach iota a healthful condition andwill pouthaly cure biliousness and constipation orwe will refund your money


arro tedmembers



tailorrecommend n8













Supreme Court Justices Order Letters Plac l on the Journal

In the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates yesterday an order was madespreading upon tho minutes and journal-of the court correspondence that passedrecently between tho members of thecourt and their former associate WilliamH Moody whose resignation on accountof continued ill health was tendered afew months ago

Two letters deploring his loss fromthe Supreme bench were sent November23 and signed by Justices Harlan WhiteMcKonna Day Lurton andHughes In reply Mr Mcody sent thefollowing note

My Dear Brethren I cannot let yourletter go unanswered but at this time Iam unable fittingly to say more thanthat your words reach deep In my heartand mind and awaken there an Intensegratitude to you all With the

of this and of my respect and affection for each individual momber ofthe court I must be content Most sin-cerely yours

WILLIAM MOODYReports concerning the condition of

former Associate Justice Moody are farfrom encouraging Among his formercolleagues and friends around the Su-preme Court room there Is manifested agrave concern about his case


u S Dei of Acricnltore TeathertBtnraaWashington Deoanbtr 8fl p m

Pressure is generally hizh eiwpt owr the BritishNorthwest and as a fair weatherprctilld during the list twoatyfcor boon ex-

cept from the Lake region eastward where therewere li ht snows and in the north Pacific Stateswhore rains continued

With the exception of snoir flurries Friday onthe windward shorts of the Great Lakes generallyfair weather is indicated orer the country duringthe next two this

It will cold MeT the eastern districtswbita in the West temperatures will moderate

on Friday in the Plains States and theNorthwest and during Saturday in the centraltaller and the upper Late repon It will bewarmer Sunday in the East

The winds alone the New England coast willbe moderate westerly on the middle Atlantic coastlight to moderate westerly becoming tariable bySaturday on the south Atlantic coast light tomoderate westerly becoming Tariable on the eaCGulf meat light and Tariable on the west Unitemit light U moderate southeast to sooth onLake Michigan moderate and unable becomingsoutheasterly-

StGOBtra dapartins Friday for Eororwan portswill hate moderate westerly winds with fair weatherto the Grand Banks

Local TemperatureMidnight 25 2 a m 13 4 a m 15 6 a m K

8 a m IS M a m 21 12 noon 30 2 p m 264 PL m 36 fi u m 32 8 p m 31 M p m SHighest X lowest 13

llobtite humidity a m 67 2 p m 55 8p m 7L

Rainfall 8 p m to 8 p m 0 Boars of annshine Per cent of rnaaible sooshlne 10-

0Tcrnperatoro nine date last year highest 4230

Temperatures In Other CitiesTempcraterefl in other cities together with the

amount of rainfall for the twentyfour hours endedx 6 p ra yesterday are aa follows

RainMis Svru

AaherUle N a 42 20 35Atlanta Ga 50 35Atlantic City N J 33 26 32Bismarck N Dik 22 2 52Boston Jlass 35 13 59 I

Buffalo N Y M J 20 aChicago Ill 31 14 B-Cindnati Ohio 3J a 28Cheyenne Wyo 46 rDavenport ISDenver Colo 82Des Moines Iowa 25OklreAton TexHelena Mont a 2Indianapolis Ind 32 14Jacksomille Fla 53 3tKaocs City Mo 21 16Little Roek Ark 52 JJLos Anseles CaL 83MarqueUe Midi UMemphis Tenn 44New Orleans La 63New N Y 31

North Plottc Nebr 55Omaha Nefcr 2-SPittsbnrs Pa 28 22 2 OOiPortland Me 33 Mt 26Portland Ores 52 46 to 033Salt Lake City Utah 50 4-

8U Louis Mo 36 24 36St Paul Minn 11 6 X

fSan 1rancisco Cal 62 EK 53 OS3Springfield I1L 31 J8 SO

Toledo Ohio 2S J3 2 OO-FVicksbura M3aa M

Tide TabIe-Tt day High tide 1255 a m 130 p m tow

733 a m 8 p mTcfnoTTOw illch tide a m 2 p m

tow tide 8 a m 3iX5 p m

Condition of the WaterBprdal to The Washincton Herald

Harpers Ferry W Va Dec 8BoUi titers dear







Max fall




s 4610 It

CS I 1

48M30 123t j45 III

O11 3t


31 43

tide1 1

enc nube-






<York Si












Masterpieces of Master Painters

Present this Coupon with TEN CENTS at the Circulation Departmentof The Wuihlncton Herald and you will be siren a copy of one ofgreat masterpieces




FRIDAY DECEMBER 9 1910-If you wish It sent by mall Inclose 15 cents




S iI







Dedication Services Held atHoly Cross AcadejnyN-


Prelate In Him Address to PupilsDeclares hUgh Standard of Wom-

anhood Is Due to Training GivenDr Edward A Pace Speaks AlongSame Lines Musical n iBe

Cardinal Gibbons dedicated the newbuilding x f Holy Cross Academy Dumbarton and Upton streets yesterdayafternoon The corner stone was laidMay 3 1309 and the building has beenoccupied by the pupils since the begin-

ning of the scholastic year SeptemberIn his address to tho pupils the car

dinal said tho present high standard otwomanhood In this country was due totho training received by tho young girlsHo also assailed woman suffrage whenhe told the young girls that the womanwho ruled tho man who voted WaS abigger factor In the election than theman who cast the vote

The dedication services began at 23oclock with a sermon by Rev Dr Edward A Pace of Catholic Universitywho spoke on the education o youngwomen and Its effect upon the countryLike the cardinal he too said the

high standard of morality in the












country was directly due to the highereducation of women of which the Cath-olic Church has for years been thestrongest advocate

Blessed With Holy WaterThe sermon was followed by the dedi

cation of the building by the cardinalassisted by Father Buckey of St Mat-thews Church The procession formed intho temporary chapel In the west wingof the building and led by the cardinalmarched in solemn file through the building blessing the halls with holy water

After the procession had completed therounds of the building the audience as-sembled In the main corridor and a pro

pupils and the alumni Miss Gellne MacDonald made the address of welcome tothe cardinal and MJsa Lula Darr ex-tended greetings on behalf of the alumni

Many of the most prominent Catholicchurchmen in this section of the countrywere present at tho ceremonies as wellas many men of Washington prominent-In and municipal circles Amongthose present were Dr Willis Moore ofthe Weather Bureau Dr Harvey WWiley of the Agricultural DepartmentSenator Thomas H Carter of MontanaFather Charles Carrier of the CatholicIndian Mission Father Francis E Klauder head of the Redemptorist Order Inthis country Dr Thomas J Shahan ofCatholic University and many diplomats-of South America

JItuilcnl GivenA musical programme which was given

by the pupils included a vocal solo byMiss Agnes D Rice a harp solo by MissMaria H Villogas and a piano solo byMiss Mamlo Palmer Tho senior class

a vocal selection from Brahms andThomas H OToole gave a harp solo

The cardinal remained at the academyovernight and will leavo for Baltimorethis morning


Services were held yesterday morningIn AU Souls Unitarian Church

and streets northwest forBrig Gen Oliver E Wood who died In

Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore lastSunday The body was escorted toArlington by a detachment of cavalryand artillery and buried with militaryhonors

Tho honorary pallbearers were GenTully McCreo Gen Frank Thorp GenB 1C Roberts Gen Medorem CrawfordCol Charles Treat Maj George E SageMaj George Le R Irwin and CaptJoseph P Tracy

Governors nt Press ClubA reception to the governorselect of

various States now attending tho Na-

tional Rivers and Harbors Congress will10 held at the National Press Club at 4

oclock this afternoon


WHITEA Webster and Minnie E Richards girlDell N and Anna J Padgett boyRobert Jr awl Julia M Mayo boyJoin R and K Parker girlSarnwd and Toba Krebs rflJobs J and lUaach Kendriex girlEdward and Nannie Van Dyke MaropnwBernard sod Laura V Brown girlWyatt and Thciwi O Lee boyGeorge F and Margaret F Cans girlcharles K and Amnxm MayueJames O aDd Mary I Jerkin girlFrank E and Mints Murray girlKdvrard and Edna Hobwn girl

M and Die R McVerry girlRobot K and Margaret A Clements girt

I and ary W Christian boyCharks and Ida M IWljer boyRaymond A and Ems B Reed boyNicholas and Anna Day hey

COLOREDJoseph and Irene Sillas boyCbarkfi and IwboUe Green girlHorace and Nannie J Moore boyFredtit F and Georgia Jackson girl


WRiTECatherine Griffin 79 years 037 E atElizabeth G Durall 26 years lilT Vermont aTeWilliam H Lloyd 50 years Emergency HospitalAnn Offutt 05 yuan 1JE2 Sd A nwJohn L King 63 years 3S7 Prospect aTenno mr-Babetln Eisraann 3J years Oil M rt nwJoan Ofenktain 15 jfeure Emergency llaspitahElizabeth C Hayward 88 yean 208 A BeRobert Platt 77 years 411 B t neJoseph R Whealley TS year Emergency HospitalEsther Whittle 70 years 2 F st nwSimon Hughes 31 years Proridenco HospitalFred W Pounsbarry 16 months 111 Anaeostia

arcane Benninc D CCathlyn Wndsey S days 723 8th st sirInfant of William and Elba Stansbury 3 days


Alex Brown SO yiwrs Fiwdnwns HospitalAnna K Bowie OS yeses 1611 4th M mrGeorge Carter 60 years Wart Asylum HospitalHattie 32 years 15 B st swJohn T Mitchell 51 years 435 Wash nwSidney Chase 5 months 913 Barry place CM

grammo ot exercises was gIven by the


Pro tUJ1me

Four-teenth L




















Dr Llewellyn Jordan Favors Com

trlbutory Plan of RetirementDr Llewellyn Jordan secretary of the

regular or orthodox United States CivilService Retirement Association yesterday expressed gratification at the atti-tude assumed by President Taft In

an equitable contributory plan ofas outlined in the socalled

Gillett billA mass meeting has been arranged

under the auspices of the OrthodoxUnited States Civil Service RetirementAssociation and the Civil Service Coun-cil for next Monday evening December12 at tho Public Library Herbert D

has just been Indorsed by the Presidentwill discuss various features of that bill


Hours for Clerks May Be Ex-

tended to Five oclock


Believe Later Hour Will AffectBusiness and Committee from theChamber of Commerce Will CarryMatter Before President GermansReceived at White House

President Taft and his Cabinet thisafternoon will thoroughly thrash out thequestion of government clerks workinguntil 5 oclock each day instead of 430oclock The Cabinet members held ashort conference with the President atthe White House yesterday afternoon-It was said yesterday that this matterprobably would be definitely settled attodays meeting of the Cabinet

Washuoiun merchants are opposed tosuch action as they believe it wouldaffect their business

The matter was discussed Wednesdayafternoon by tho board of directors ofthe Chamber of Commerce It was doclded that a committee should be ap-pointed to carry the matter before thePresident

Germans Pay RespectPresident Taft received a delegation of

the Plattdeutsche at the White Houseyesterday The delegation several hun-dred strong brought a band and a fewdozen standards and battle flags Theycamped In front of the executive officesuntil Representative William Sulzer ofNew York could got the Presidents earand bring him out With the Presidentand Mr Sulzer in the center of thegroup the society had Its picture takenThen tbreo cheers were given for thePresident three for Mr Sulzer andthree for everybody

W K Cavanaugh president of theLakeetothaGulf Deep Waterway Asso-ciation called at the White House withRepresentative Bartholdt of Missouriand other members ot the associationfor the purpose of presenting resolutionsadopted at the organizations recentmeeting At that mooting an attemptwas made to pass resolutions criticising-Mr Taft and charging him with lack ofInterest in the proposed 14foot waterway from the to the Gulf

Tells President SoThrough heroic efforts on tho part of

Representative Bartholdt and one or twoothers of the Presidents friends thecriticism was averted Yesterday whenMr Kavanaugh reached the Presidentssanctum his feelings flared up again Hethought Mr Taft had been too Indiffer-ent toward the 14foot channel and saidso

Mr Kavanaugh the President re-plied I was on the bench long enoughto learn that it is the duty of judge tolisten to the testimony of any man noplatter how much he may have beenabusing the court at the corner grocery

Governor Harmon will spend todayin Philadelphia where he has busi-ness of a personal character that

his attention He will return toWashington tomorrow to keep severalengagement In the afternoon he willbe the guest of Representative BurtonHarrison of New York at lunqheon atthe Metropolitan Club and in the even-ing ho will dine with the President attho White House


Two Hundred Guest Enjoy ProKTinnnie ok Bachelors Club

Ladles night w os celebrated by theBachelors Club of the Y M C A lastnight in the Assembly ball of the build-Ing about 200 guests being present Theprogramme of tho evening was in chargeof tho entertainment committee

of Dr Ward T Bower chairmanFred B Hoagland William L Votter CF Carpenter and Ernest M CornyAmong the especially Invited guests woreMr and Mrs William Knowles CooperGeorge Otis Smith of the

and members of the associa-tion staff and board of trustees

An excellent mandolin solo by JamesA White opened the programme whichincluded humorous monologues and songsby Edson B Brown the comedy Boxand Cox by William Bradford John TKennedy and G Edward Hall Refresh-ments wore served


Police Seek Pearl Dropped by MrsH Percival Dodge

A diamond and pearl necklace valuedat SOO was lost yesterday afternoon byMrs H Percival Dodge wlfo of the resi-dent diplomatic officer of tho State De-

partment and chief of the Division ofLatin American Affairs

Report was made to tho police lastnight and detectives were detailed tosfnrch for the necklace

Capital and Surplus 7310000

New ResidentsWashington should make

this their banking headquarters Interest paid on all accounts deposits subject tocheck Excellent facilities US Treasury supervision

ETSnfe Deposit Boxes for Talunble piipcrn HtnckH lioiulx jew-els c rented 5 year up

Union Trust CoEDWARD J STELLWAGEN President

ICth and H Sta N W


Brown author ot tho Gill tt bill which





























Largest Womens Outcrgarmcnt Store South of New York


StreetWe Court Comparison

Nextto Corllth

Hundreds await this opportunity-Our big reduction sale suits coats and dresses

Largest variety shown in this city and alllate styles

Over 1500 womens andmisses suits

1995 2500 3500For Suits which sold For Suits which sold For Suits which sold

up to 36 up to 40

Extra specialFriday only

60 Tailored Suite in womensand misses sizes of all fabricswhich sold up to J3250


up to 55

Womens and misses coats

S1500 1995For Coats which sold For Coats which sold For Coats whfch sold

up to 20 up to 2750 up to 40

Fur coats CutYou can buy Fur Coats herewith We handle only thehighgrade reliable whichwe guarantee In and

for ALL TIMEGenuine RussianPonyakln Coats

which were 575nowHandsorpe Pony

which 5V 51sold for nowHudson Seal

Coats selectedskins Sold for fill4000 silk seal plush coats are now 2500 I

Gowns and dresses that were 25 to 50 are now 15 to 25

Sale of sensible and practical holiday floor

S5 and 6 Waists 298

6 To go at 2ve

5 Japanese Silk Kimonos 2985 Girls Slipon Rain Coats 3495 Silk Underskirts all colors

100 Dainty Waists of taffeta 398messalineft am s Persian Silk Petticoats 5

9 and 10 Waists 5Handsome Waists of marqui-

settes and voiles made over silksretas c





95150 now


Plo gar sell at 0 U LIngerIe Waists new and also Persians plaids W-and t1S


1c p



45 00109rW

I j





I tomodels I




John H Earl a B Raaser Sboth rf Cristerrilk V Ref B Ha Sweat

lama N hOme K O

J UBS VertxTtie-

Lcoraid T I U soa M of ChiiiBttenraH

and Nettle M Twier 2 SUnaton V ReT

Edward it MattArUm a Wcjbnra Btobeth H Dun

38 both of Richmond X Her 0 J 8 Earricatt

Roy Hicks SX S laa A Baldwin M R

Noel Foster 26 and Mints Bias 2U N O

GibsonJ i G Units S of Itooniry N O

iurri H Bunch 3 Br L VMt V

both cf Forge Va Her lames M LittleCOLORED

Joseph Bell r Saphiooi Bsh R

Robert T WWtq S ad Oaa B DtrU 22

Err a P W Drew

Frederick Brooks EtU Boroia 3A loose


at S3I a rn thence to St DominicsChurch

Wednesday December

A northeast ELIZABETH C


December 9 at 2 p m IntermentNew York


OF THE UMTHD STATUSCbcmBandary rf use District ot Ootobi-

aWcWt at National Cemetery ArtoctooVirginia

AdSraf GEORGE C REMEY U S Naryi ocnznuxicf

W P nCXFORDRecorder

HUGHESSIMON L beloved husband-of Emily nee Burgessaged years

Tenth street northeast Friday De

N J papers pleasecopy

on WodneBday Dc

LLOYD beloved husband of KateLloyd

Notice of funeral hereafterthis on Wed

nesday i

m Mrs ELIZABETH WILKINSONMARSILVLL tho sister of John FN Wilkinson sr

Funeral notice hereafterOFFUTT On Tuesday December fi 1910

ANN widow of Edward T Offutt

Trinity Church on Friday December0 at 9 a m Interment at Holy RoodCemetery

PLATTOn Wednesday December 7

1910 at 4 m at residence 411

B street northeast CommanderPLATT U S N retired

Funeral at St Marks EpiscopalChurch Third and A streets southeast Friday December 9 at 11 a m


Commandery ef the District of ColumbiaCUr of Wataston December 9 1910

Th death of Companion ROBERT PLATT Com-

mander U ti Nats1 esraember of Council inthis City on tIn 7th instant is announced to theCommandery

Funeral Hirriew at which the attendance ofCompanion in r iu ted will be heM at St MarksP E Churn Third and A Street E at 11

oclock A M this dayInterment at Coazresaonal CemeteryBy command of

Rear Admiral GEORGE C REMEY U R NaryQommandef

W P HOXFORD-Kecorder

SMALL On Tuesdns December 6 1910at 5 P TO ARCHIBALD SMALLhusband of Rosalie Small and son ofthe late John H Small aged fortyseven years

Services to bo held for the family athis late home Silver Spring Funeralfrom Epiphany Decomber 9 at 2 p m Relatives andfriends Invited to attend Intermentat Oak Hill Cemetery

SMITH Suddenly on Tuesday December 6 1910 at his 1SS9 Mintwood place Rev JOSEPH EDUNDSMITH D LL Dr In his eijhtyfirst year

Funeral services at Foundry M KChurch Friday 9 at 2 p mInterment private Baltimore Phila-delphia and Trenton N J papersplease copy


and Ea

and A A-

RM 1


SO and




Cecil P Pcld West Point Va Usc Jz2es


c non


and RaY


December 6 mO-ot 63fl

Grl1i1nFuneral from her late residence gn B

street soutitwest FridaY December 9

HA YWARDOn7 1918 at 12 m at


Funeral services at residence FridayIn


Qty Itf WaMluwn Joccabcr 9 9The death of HENRY

IILLIS commodore U S Navy it YelbcMNa

Beach Florida on the 6th itotsat iItile CoauBaDde1

Funeral aerciese at which the attendance or-

CompaniOD8 i1l will hi JieM at theChurch 6f the COTUIiant Eighteenth and N

W at 130 P I thisthe

Uy ofRear

Funeral from his late residence 807

ember 9 at 10iO a to Interment InCongressional Cemetery and

LLOYD uddenlcomber 7 l1O at 10 P m WILLIAM-H


MARSHALlDeparted lIfoat Uro

Funel will take from Holy



nis lUng


21 ef





Coutimnian JAt1I



















IN MEMORIAMsad and loving tribute to

DOUGLASS MOORE son of James AK and Ida B Moore who one yearago this day in the twentyfourthyear of his life departed to that borne

no traveler returns thismemorial is inscribed He was adutiful son a loyal friend a stanchadherent the course he wasright And in that ultimate haven ofthe tortured spirit of mortal may hisastral being find surcease from thepangs of despised love and the meed

a just providence should bestowupon the patient merit of one whohM taken much from the unworthy

this b the benediction of thosewho loved him for his worth alone


Tb interest in Vine callnre has decreased so modiin Fnnce in the last few years that thatimported 16tCOO000 caQoca last year


Roof troubles of any nature promptly and capably looked after Experienced roofers to lenD yonRoofs repaired painted sad guaranteed Estimatesfree

M0nw 1 I

Pedro DomecqsAL1DO


SHERRYOn-e of the 19 rarieUes in stock t-

An unacelled Bpaniah wino atits price 0c full quart Only at

H Christian Xanderstt FAMILY QUALITY HOUSE SI 909 7th Street 2SS e




J730J5 Pennsylrania avenue northwesLChapel Telephone Main 1SSL


1523 Fourteenth St nwChapeL Phone North 2030


JOHN R WRIGHT COFuneral and Embalmers Livery to con-nection Use of chapel on premises 1337 Tenth

Telephone SctVi Open day and night


U H STREET NORTHEASTPhone East 1325 Lirery in Connection

J WILLIAM FunerAl DirectorChapel and Modern Cnnuterlum Modest pricesS3t Penn jlrania ate ow Telephone Main 13SS

GEORGE P ZTJRHORST301 East Capitol Street


FUNERAL FLOWERSOf Eury DesalptioaModeraUly Priced

Funeral Designs Funeral Designs

GEO C SHAFFERBeautiful floral reasonable In pricePhone 16 Main Hth Eye nw





COM PUT non H-

Umuu 11 tr






ew 41

LEErand Embalmer counccUCD CommodlOlU






> >



holders of Richardson Burgess lee will baheld at the offices of the corporation 1113 Hnw on MONDAY January 16 mi at 1 oclockp m for the traneocdoa of business c may

SOX Secretary


AMERICAN OIL PAINTINGS Gallery wiUbe open as follows during the worse of thehibiuon On weekdays front a a until 430 p mOn Sundays from la tati 430 p m t will alsobe open on Toeaday and Friday evenings betweenthe hours of 8 and K p m AdaiMJon free Thegallery will be both on 5and on Monday December 2S The exhibition willcontinue until the evenIng of January 2 1911


holders of the United States Trust Company willbe held at the companys offices IKS G st nw In

City of Washington District ef Colombia noTUESDAY the MA day of January 1911 at 10

of Directors fur the ensuing year and for tie trans-action of such other borinoc a beforethe meeting lAS TRIMBLE Secretary deMtC G SLOAN CO Inc Auctioneers HOflfstlNOTICE IS HEREBY THAT ON SAT

URDAY December 10 1910 at M a m within therooms of C G Sloan Co 1107 G Stwill be sold at public auction to enforce Item forstorage charges doe and unpaid all furnitureand stored in the nines of Edward McGeeCarrie and John T BasksFURNITURE SHOP 2W Mth st dW tVIAVI SCIENCE OF HEALTH NAT

ural nonsurgical book freeby malt 916 Colorado Free lecturefor women Wednesdays at 2 0 p m



Are SELFo RAISING BUCKWUKAT beSelfraiSin cause erperi iee baa prowl its

Wperiarity Look and tasteslike bnckwheat trktly pure

CJrAt rbur grocers No coasnmen

B B Earnshavv BroWHOLESALE GROCERS 11th and M rts

Hundreds of Good Cooks

Doors Sash

Blinds that sTill buy Newelsfirst qualitymillwork

For n housekeeper one of ourKitchen Dressers would prove nwelcome gift


649 N Y Ave 1517 7th StPhone 1348

7C totalled incurable diseases

such as Deformities After Change of Life Childbirth Typhoid Rbeomatism Injariu cf the SpineAnkyloais of any Joint and Chronic Sprains

CAN BE CUREDConsult Dr John E Rnebaam

817 14th St N W



A Word to LawyersI-f you nIne accuracy and promptness you

will consult your best Interacts by hating yourBriefs and Motions printed at this printingoffice Satisfactory terries always assured




atollproperly come betre it JOSEPH H RICHARD

Demrnber 13 ISle TlwN will then be on public Tifwthe THIRD EXmB1Tio OFThe


Sunday December

odock a tn for purpose of thotlag Board

may cane

Inc there





u r pricesare the lowest i

F I Trim t



038 Y St NN111o






the a





at mecndkat cesingfeet our stuck







