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Washington times (Washington, D.C. : 1902). (Washington,...

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i y' THE WASHINGTON TTMES. FRIDAY; JANUARY K ,1915. fl Knockout Brown a Slight Favorite to Win From Lowe I UP TO DATE SPORTS ""TPVWoWs Dope Knockout Brown FOR ALL THE FANS THE SLATE IS CLEAN, THUS STARTS THE YEAR 1915 ' y - icr to Defeat TommyLowe DOrrr K.o. r In Holiday Attraction mpM I VAilUL . I I IKy- - - o CflS eVdlkj S TODAY However, Odds Are Slight, as Washington Veteran Is Conceded ifllft "" R3STPOW4- -0 VQCOyHT To Be Able to Hold Own Well New Clubhouse at Ard- - .OPCHILBIANCV GROUNDS , more To Be Dedicated Today With Show. "T PGfMeOLAlSr ARDMORE'S BIG CARD - r aat Main bout Knockout Brown, New York xs. Tommj Lowe, Wash- ington, lightweights, fifteen rounds for Southern championship. Should enter ring at 3:30 o'clock. Semi-fin- al Buddy Ray, Washington vs. Battling Terry, U. S. Navy, lightweights, eight rounds. Preliminary Bert Green, Washington vs. opponent to be chosen from three or four welters, six rounds. Preliminary Battling Bernard, Washington vs. "Cyclone" Thompson, U. S. Navy, middleweights, four rounds. Will start at 2:15 o'clock. Referee Patrick F. O'Connor. Preliminary referee Nick Altrock, Washington baseball club. By LOUIS A Today Knockout Brown, New York's crack little southpaw light- weight, and Tommy Lowe, Washing- ton's aged and crafty veteran of the squared circle, clash in a fifteen-roun- d battle at the new Ardmore club to determine the lightweight championship of the South. Today, after some of the fans had taken a slant at the stocky little lefthander from the big town, the odds shifted slightly to Brown's favor, though there has been little wagering. The opening of the new club house at Ardmore will be celebrated ihjs afternoon with the best attractions ever offered Washington fight fans. All choice tickets wee reported sold out this morning, though there might be still a few available to turn up at the last minute. The outlook is for a capacity house to see these two ster- ling lightweights get together. "lx)wc Ib a good boy, I guess, though I never faced him," said Kayo Brown today. "However, I've hern roIiik along pretty good lately, and I'm not worry- ing in the 'cast. I have my sieed and my old left hand punch. If Lowe can stand up under that well, I'll take my hat off to him. It ought to be a good bout, anyway." "Brown may be all light, but he's In for a real aigument today." said Tommy Lowe. ".Mike Martin seems satUflcd with my physical condition. 1 am satisfied with everything else. have all my oldt'.mc speed, and .should be able to keep Brown traveling, good MINCE PIE A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING. By "BUGS" BAER. Chick Gandil's injury to his arm is serious, as we understand it is the one he signs contracts vith. ' Tf it Is all the same to Oriff, wish he'd sign that new .300 outfielder before the telephone book goes to press on January 4th. I Kiiuella is the new .squash tennis champion, but to date, theatrical Im- presarios have been singularly back- ward In offering him vaudeville con-tract- The Braves are after Jloniis l.oiicrl. of the Phils, which may giv lloiius the opportunity to break his !er-- i at si hicher salary than ever. Whoever wins the Tommy Loicc-Knortco- ut Brown fight will huse I he 1rivllegc of challenging anybody in ihr uorld to a fight. RABID RUDOLPH SAYS i Kid Gleason Ilia followed his kail out of flie I IS American League." IrtTP In They say boxing is on the boom In Australia, which may be accounted lor hy the fact that Jack1 Johnson isn't in Australia. There was a whole lot of loot- ing on horns last evening, and tkr-r- c were a whole lot of toots that weren't on horns. . T i Tliey may cut out the sun field at the TJraves' new park, but happily for the plajeis' averages, they can't cut out the imaginary pebbles. Clark Griffith provided the lioving gloves at the annual meeting of writers of Washington. The meeting took place in Griff's offices, and Griff had the place all sawdustcd down, with a liberal supply of lint and band ages on the side. DOUGHER. as lie Is. 1 hope to get the decision." e Though Brown was reported heavy or this battle with Lowe, ho failed to shape up big when he arrived In Wash- ington last night. Ixjwc has height and possibly reach on Brown, but their weights should be very close, Bonicwhere aiound 135 or 136 pounds. The- - are a well-match- pair of performers. Fans seeing this battle today will be shown spectacular rushing, swinging, crowding, and constant hammering on the pail of Kayo Brown. The little southpaw will try to put over the sleep wallop Just as early as possible, be- cause he wants to get back home. Op- posed to this method of attack will bo Tommy Lowe's quipk Jabbing tactics, with now and then a short rlghi cross, that may upset the ambitions of Kuyo Brown. Brown is the tighter. Lowe is the boxer. lommy Lowe's ring lecord, while, it nanif-- s tew champions, Is wot thy f re- spect, for the veteran lightweight has met some fast opponents since he first (limbed through the ropes to battlo Danny Lewis at Highland, Md., on Match 13, 1904. Befoie the next ear showed up this sreen lad had mot tough boys. Including Tommy Kelt!!, whom he defeated In fifteen rounds at Hoclc Spring. Md. On January 2. 1905, Harry Lewis, Inter welterweight champion, defeated Lowe in this city, but Kid Carter was put to tlcep in one round a couple of weeks later. Lowe was a busy boxer In 1900, meet-iii- tf such good men as Clarence I'erns, Torn- - Moran, Bllv Willis, Harrv Scroggs, Bert Keycs,' Kid Swln, Arthur t ote. Kid Pants, Sammy Smith, Jim Bonner, and Johnny Marto. In the next two yeais he boxed Willie .Moody, ;""" r, Young otto, Johnny Uohan. Lddle Carter. Kid Sullivan. Mickev tiannon. Tommv Carev. Spike Koblnson, "Fighting" Dick Nelson, llughey Madoln, Jimmy Dougherty. Battling Terry, Danny Lewis, and unz Jack O'Brien. Valentine Braun is the real monacker of Kayo Brown, who Is of I'.rrnnn r.v. j traction and a native of Now York ",; niiKgru sil'CllKin, COUpldl With II i pally marvelous ability to hit with his icrt hand fiom an angle, sent Brown nto Uie ring:, his first bout being in i'-- . In his arst year Blown knocked out thirty opponents and fought Ave boutf, losing not a buttle. This record Immediately set him on the way to the top. In 1909, facing better buys, he failed to keep up his record of putting his opponents to sleep, but ho IjeUl his own with such good boxvrs as l'nl Mocfie, Willie Jones, mid Charlie Goldman. In 1910 Brown began putting them away again, stopping such tough foe-me- n as Tommy -- Morrissey, Nate Erli-llc- k, and the veteran Kid Goodman. Billy Allen alone of all his opponents sot a decision over him, while he had ihe better of Pal Moore, Willie Beech-e- r, Boyo Driscoll, Tommy Langdon, Joe Bedell. Fighting Joe Hyland. Charlie Griffin, and Tommy Murphv. Brotvn was being pointed for the championship In 1911 anil met all comers, including Bert Keyes, Ad Wol- - kmpi, une i.ounn tiogan, Tommy Mur- phy, Leach Cross, Bent Dorsey, artd .Ma,tt Wells, the Englishman. The lollowlng year he started off In a ten-roun- d bout with Abe At-te- ll. holding him to a draw. He beat Matty Baldwin. Young Jack O'Brien, Johnny Lore, .Matt Brock, and Jimmy Duffy. Indeed, at that time he look- ed like the certain coming champion in the lightweight division. Then came the cracking under his terrlllc campaigning of the past two . ''" After defeating Frankie Bus-se- ll in ten louiuls at New Orleans, he was outpointed by Jake Abel at Atlanta, both of these bouts coming in January. At that time he was matched with Joe Hirer, the Mexi- can wild i at for Washington's Birth- day, 1913, at Vernon, Cal. Brown ap- peared sluggish In that battle and was knocked out in the tenth round for the first time in hiu long career. How- ever. IiIb gameness had made friends for him and so he was matched with Bud Andeison, then rushing to the front. Brown gained a decision in twenty rounds. Not satisrietl with that, Anderson tame back again at Blown a month later to a da and knocked out the slugging soithpaw. Leach Cross, the Last Side dentist, also registered a ' ...vel Brwn on October 7, but these three ait the only ones in his lecord. He rested a long while after that and onl leturncd to active ring work again this last fall. Buddy Haj and Battling Terry are senil-tln- . exhibition. There Is said to ui u uiuuu ueiween tnese two oung lightweights and Terry has promised to stop Ray in three rounds, ir he (an Hud It possible. Ray has worked his way up from a preliminary boy to the honor of a semi-fin- in a he does not intend losing all his honors iu HiiiT iimiia, Terry wants further opportunities in Washington and has promised his friends to win jnat as quickly as he can. .MCh Altrock. the Giiffmena .... ... ia ... in . , r.-.-. .1.. ... .r coinedl-:n-coacl- i. . ... ki c lururninarv ",'' "n, "a "? na.3 a,4r1 n a similar ' '"' ' nn nas .;..,;.. ; , a : ",, iu itticii rans In' uooil hiinini. .1- .- V:" preparing for their bouts. and hourteentli s reel every half hour rmm '!QI nlimxltt.r I.. ,,, r. . "":: -- . ,.,. ,,t, nuni 01 tnr clubhouse. 'Ihesn cars will also be icau.v in uring me rans hack to the cit. at the conclusion of the show. Difficult Orders. Iiat Sergeant (to unhapp letiuit who wont "cut It hoit") silence wid iiu'- - whin )ou ie spakin to a h'offieer' Loudon Orlnion. i T tT(ee-BCTmST- rs Wl L HV BUT TO A INI Billy Gibson Succeeds in Com- pleting Negotiations for Championship Battles. HAVANA. Jan. 1 -- Billy Gibson com- pleted arrangements today whereby ho obtained permission from the gor-ernme- nt to conduct boxing hete. Only championship bouts will bo staged, and they will lie to a finish. Gibson has yecuteil Alemandtirs Fark. which is bigger than the Polo Grounds, In New York. The seating capacity will be Increased to 1!5.000. The lirst fight takes place on. Sun- day. February 21. probably between Jack Johnson and Joe Wlllard. Other bouts illscuseed are Claby-Olbso- n, Wel&h-McFarlan- d. and Welsh-Shu-gru- r. WASHINGTON TAKES HONORS IN MATCH Martinsburg. W. Va., Rollers Drop Behind in Intercity Race, Palace Going Ahead. Washington's crack Palace bowlers left the Martinsburg, W. Va.. pin splll-er- s just about enough to get back to their home town, after the scores had been counted up In thp first of the five games In the Intercity match tolled oft at the Palace alleys last night. The Palace Uami of the two cities mot in the first of the ten-gam- e series and the local rollers left notlilnit to be ileslied In their performance against the maple topplers of West Virginia. To begin with, on the five games the Wash- ington men gathered 82 more pins than uieir nvais. High sot was gotten by Lewis, who ! lolled thlid for Washington. Harry I Krauss took second high set. The local ' I'fll.irn fnll.r inl tliput nf Hi. n.. games, although total pin-fa- ll Is the only thing counting in the match. In addition to all this, the Washington splllers got high game for the evening, while Lewis took high game. The only thing the Martinsburg rollers took was the train home. The scores; WASHINGTON TEAM. Halloj 101 101 102 KM 117 Lcmnioii .... 104 S7 1- 1- lfS !'l Carroll 102 93 31 Wo 97 Lewis !rt 1(11 llifi 13ft 97 Krauss Sti jo."i W, ljt. . 93 Totals 49S 45.7 511 Kl 001 Grand total. 2.57?. MARTINSBURG TEAM. Dunn S3 110 111 M 9.5 Slier si i: 117 91 :u Thurston 101 10J iY! ,97 S8 Andeison 9 97 W 321 97 Caskey 105 Ti9 9; 97 S9 Totals 477 3i:: .oij &07 5iH Grand total. 2.i96. The return games will be rolled later In Martinsburg, W. Va., regulation pins being used. REDS TALK OF MANY TRADES WITH CUBS CINCINNATI, Jan. Nlc-hof- f, and possibly Twombly for Leach, Pierce or lavender is a largo possibility now looming up as the final deal be- tween the Reds and the Cubs. As things were lining up tonight it looked very much as if St. Louis would get adtcher and an extra Infielder of the Reds. There is more thr ri an even chance for a triangular shift by which the Cubs will give up two men that the Reds will pass on to St. l.ouls, Ashley Lloyd also -- .vas in confcreiuc with Garry Hermann iind Manager Her-zp- g today. It was Bald that ho had au- thority to dispose ot some surplus New York 'Giants. Jack Murray was men- tioned as a possible Red next year. Cardinals Planning to Hold Annual Banquet The Cjulinul A. C", of Alcx.mdiia, Va., aie planning to hold their annual b.inmtrl, which has been a fcutuie of the off season foi scveial years. The inemheis of the organization have been asked to tcpori to Pictddcnt P'lvesiei A. Breen at the lalted's home, .Sunday nlnht at o'clock to considei was and BC4U. ! ROYAL TOURNEY HAS NW L EADERS NOW Holiday Event Finds Pratt and Ferguson Fourteen Pins Ahead in Race for Prizes. BrcMiahan and Wells are today ousted by Pratt and Ferguson from their lead In the two-ma- n tournament now In progress at the Royal Alleys. Th tourney will continue today and to- night. The finals are announced for tomorrow night and competition is ex- pected to bt keen for the caih prizes hung up. l'ratt and Ferguson jumped rrom third to first place hy some exceptional bowl- ing and landed ahead by 140 points. The lead obtained seems good enough to hold, although the marks pre liable to be blown at any lime. The scores: 11. (J. I. (J lotal. Pratt and Ferguson... .. 146 121 l.M Bresnahan and Wells .. H.'i 11- 9- 1.2JO Tayloi and Lawrence. 140 US 1,245 Uwyer and Meany. ... 1.".0 US 1,241 Ornie and Mangham.. IIS Ho-- - l.'.-i- ', Bittlneer tt Wolstenholme 12tt 117 1,2a; VVeckerlu-ii- d Llt.. ...... 141 107 1,1 Bhade and Young J 31 1,117 Goodman and Wright 130 114 LIS Snead and Hughes 124 109 14.19 Clark and Vogelsberger.. 124 111 1,16: The roll-of- f will start pormptly to- morrow night at S o'clock. Weckerly and List were the added starters In the e.'ent last night and gained seventh place. PROUD OF 1914 BUSINESS ALKXANDRIA. Va.. Jan. 1. -A- ccording to the repot ts of the commercial organizations, city officials, the clerk of couits, and men connected with the public service corporations, business in Alexandria during the past year, while of a smaller volume than n 1913. was of a satisfactory nature, there being no failure of any importance, while several new enterprises were located in the cits . Statistics furnished by Nevnll S. Greenanay, clerk of courts, shows that there were 59:1 deeds recorded In the corporation court as compared with lis In 1913, showing an Increase In the num- ber of real estate transfers of nearly 3.'5 per cent. There wus a large in the number of suits (lied. In 1914 there were only seventeen, as com- pared with thirty-seve- n in the previous year. Chancery suits showed an in- crease from fifty-tw- o In 191J to sixty-tw- o in 1914. Theie were also two ad- ministrations and two wills (lied in the last year. In the circuit couit thers were nine-tee- n common luw suits, ninteen chan- cery suits, twenty administrations ad- mit ted and twenty-tw- o wills probated, each figure being a slight increase over the picvious year. The marriaga licenses numbered 6hS. of which 499 were issued to white per-ho- and 1KI to colored peisons The J," ,9" wete m nnu thp deaths The number ot dogs licensed showed .1 decrease Horn 710 to b3 1'ollcs Justice Caton collected $3,214.10 in tines, as compared with J3.7G9 In jk a tailing ofT of $065. Theie was an average of 2.20O pupils attending the public schools, the total .n"mbrr r school permits issued being Funeral services for Andicw Allelic-so- n were held this arurnon from his late residence, 200 Duke street, and weic conducted by the Rev. p. p pnii. lips, rector of St. Paul's Kp'sconal Church. John Underwood, the Southern rail- way employe who wus 11m down hv a switch engine, died ot the Alexandria Hospital yesterday. The annual meeting of the Caidlnal Athletic Club will be held at the home of Piesident Sylvester Breen. 1322 Kfnsj sticet. Sunday at S p. m.. at which time the election of officers will take place. The club will also appoint com- mittees to make arrangements for the annual banquet to be held this month at which time it Is expected that Clark Griffith, manager of the Na- tionals, will be the guest of honor of the club. The police last night confiscated a half dozen lcvolvers which were being used by youngsters In filing blank cartridges. A ilunant was given this afternoon in the Klks' Auditorium (or the benefit of the visiting nurse of the Society. N'ew Ye.u services weie held thH nmrniii? In Giacn and SL Paul's L'plsto. Dl Churches nnd In Pi Marv's intlmli Church. mr&MMImr WBSr r rVt? Wn M 7 cteH ijAt& TODAY- - Anacostia, Hyattsville, Rockville ( ' ANACOSTIA. The choir of St. Teicsa's Cliuiih g.ni: a dance last night in the nsseinbU hall of the parochMI hi hool, w lilch a large, r.umbei attended The tmni was spi -- ciall dri'orated, and promptly jt mid- night the New Year whs iishcied In with cciemon. The coiuinitti-- in chui gc consisted of Miss Addle Watlicn, MIhb Mabel Brdumnn, Miss .Mary L.nv-lenc- e, Miss Gettrud.- - K.urell, Miss Mvr-tl- e Peacock, and .Miss Alice Quaid. Mrs. James Burch Iiils benn advised that n waich which was stolen from her on August 9, 1W7, was iccovered by the po- lice in Balttinuie. A man gUing the name ot Hairy Luke was nriosted on the 'iiatge of lunlng stolon the watch fiom 11 .Miss Florence V. Polzen, of Bal- timore. The police in searching tluj records dlscovoied that the watch had been reported stolon seven oars ago in this city Miss Polzen .staled that the watch was given to her nt I'lnistmas, 1!n, 'y .1 filciid. Mrs Bunh will likclv lecovcr the w.itch. W.itch-uig- ht services wen- neli List night at the Annco.stla Baptist Chimb with the Rev. Henry T. Coiibins in chin gc. The chulr contiibuted a spe- cial musical ping! am. .Mr, and .Mrs. J. W. Thompson, of 1919 Thirteenth street, aie spending 11 lew days with Mr. and Mit--. Walter B. Waddy nt their home at Riveidalc. Mrs. James A. Watson. ice pi ev- ident of the Ladies' Benevolent y of St. Teresa's Church, entertained the members of that organization at her home on Nichols avenue on Wednesday evening. Salem Lodge, No. 22. 1. (. O. v., met last night, and heaid reports of the work done during the past year. Mr. and Mis. Albeit Lindstrum cntn-talne- d a company of fi lends at ihoir home on Shannon place last night. W. C Thomas, of Ihe battleship Now Hainp-hlr- e has returned to his duties following a visit to his patents mi Thir- teenth street. HYATTSVILLE. State's Attoine) Roberts Is out in a statement in which he says that while he is not iu sympathy "'ith the cufoi ce- ment of the "blue laws" hi this counts, lie will, as state's attornoj. piosccuto violations hi ought hofoie him. .Mr. Roberts said: The enforcement of the 'blue' laws, and tlui ostonl to which they arc enfoicod Is a matter reeling largely with the sheriff of Prince George county, and he, having boon elected by the peojilo to enforce the THE WONDERFUL rDOLLARSAVER ut on BTfesH0E iwo DrocKton Stores ismsihutum U37PA.AVLNI.W.4367'T.iV.W w a r Vi - RrVc .1 lav - is iialuially vested with dlscrc-lionni- y powers, and, therefore, in my opinion, i have no right not have I ans' doslie to criticise him or his deputies in fli" ontoiconiont of this or nnv other law. "SpeakliiB for myself indlvldualh, I have no hesitation in Kiying that I Wave no tympathy whatever with the strict ciilorceinoiu of the 'blue laws' as en- acted nearly two centui le.s ago. "Speaking as state's attorney, I like- wise hac no hesitation in saslug that if the oiifoi cement of the.se laws is piopoily hi ought before mo 1 shall, of course, he compelled, under my oath of office, to f.iiily prosecute such cases and leave tho determination of the. iiue--tic- m to tho Miurt and jury " Miss Abbie Katheiine Cases', oldest daughter of Ml. and M'l.s. William T. Cases, of Maryland avenue, cstorda became the bride of John F. Sailers, of Washington. Tho wedding ceromons was porfoimed at St. Jerome's Catholic 'bin oh. the Rev.-- . Father D. C. Koonen otliciatiiig Tho maid of honor was Miss Corn Casey, sister of the bride, and tho host 111.111 was W. Gait Koyworth, a student from Washington College, Chostertown. a locoption was hold hv Mr. and Mis. Sailors at their new homo, lliv.i North Capitol street, Wash- ington. Franklin. Ulway, and Louise Z.int-zlnge- r, children of Mr. and Mis. Otwav DANCING rrtOF. TVYNDHAM. S18 lltli nw . areKted by Mnip. Ittirsay & Miss Miller, teachlii; Now York's latent, alio walls & St Hit DANCING aWoWV'"- - HOLIDAY DANCES XniHs Mslit, Xiuhh Treo Dance: Nw Year i:e, Dancu car out; New Venr Nlcht Mistletoe Damp, dances eery ' MUX.. Jilt US., Jt SAT. HVE9. t::0.12 Two orchcslra; olj anj nw dan en. MISS CHAPPELEAR, 11IJ Cv St. Kiponeni o Mwlprn Uanclnir. ' 1'honu Nurth CS44 Mr. and Mrs. J. Win. Harringtoa TBACUttllS Of MOUHRN DANVES 61 Kyn it. N. W I'h Lino 2!H7. ' rilONG gXWrMXITfe! YOU N. 3503. MMWMMMil M. 0 At mh DAVISON'S. Prof. S: Mis., new 13S9 M dw Hlh & Thoin-- circle. I'll. N. Ull. PjJ. tale A select; beautiful ball room. latest dances correctly tauglit any hour with music. C!as and practice dance, Tuea., Krl. eves lVllllrS fu- - ":jy- - LuIuTb Pk. en. lUp. etc. TtlvaU onlr. 8let. WYNDHAM BROS. 'STUDIO M. (IOC'.'.. Mmlrrn llnnchiK. I'll: ( nvr. MISS LEON A C ALLAN U06 etli til' Vi. Ah modern dances Uujii. Latest crixe. Ihe Vox Trot. Fancy danciDl, Moderate prtr.ts. I'hune Noitli ;. GLOVKHf. 613 I.'nd 1ST. TJ W Ph W. li:-- - rrl. lesfous anv Lour, U'c. Ftsliwulk. one. Ui TunK'j, llcsltallnn, etc c.'Iasj a iancr. Tte., Tliurs fiat ee . ec. ires. UK!. OHIl'K DANCI.NU 100 Bra it N. V. Dance etcry Ucnday t... 1, Phone M tf2 CHAMBERLAIN jr- j- ifW" Ulh r IU. Phtnt U. Mi TUt to ' cLL i- - M0UpMm ((((. ',Yi AUKeDV K. Jiantzinger, entertained a number of their young friends at a Christmas party at their home on Wine avenue extended. Those piesent Included Misses Hilda Fuller. Helen Aman, Jose- phine Fuller. Virginia Brewer. Addle Janics, Margaret Naylor, Kathcrlne Carr. Louise Zaiitzinger. Masters Rob- ert Porter. Stanley Robinson, Paxton flolilen. Richard Zantzlnger, Franklin antzingcr, Bradford Brewer. John ''"lion, Kdwaid A. roller. Jr.. William Hill, and James Hill. James Morrison, fifty-fiv- e years old. Is In the Fmergoncy Hospital. Wash- ington, suffering with a badly fractured leg. the result of being hit by a car of the city and Suburban electric inllroad. The ci cw of the car rushed him Into the Washington hospital The congregation of the First Bap- tist Church held its annual business meeting last night In the Sunday school loom. Tho meeting ws preceded by the annual church dinner. Tho follow- ing deacons were elected. Ora K. Haines, for five yoais; the Rev. J. M. Long, for thiee years to fill tho unex- pired term of Dr. Johnson, and Prof. S. c. Sturgiss. for two years to fill the ino.xphcd term of Dr. Ladson. The holdover deacons are Prof. J. 11. P. Nor- ton nnd Milton M. Clark. The Oriole Club, of Jlladensburc. danced in the New Year with a turkcv dinner nnd ball in the Bladensburg town hull. Stephen B. Priest, who has b;en a leslrtent of this town for the post ten years, is dead at his late home on Maryland avenue, death being due to an abcess. .Mr. Priest was born in Indiana sity-scve- n years ago, and was ii3er married. He was a practicing attorney In his younger days, and until a few-year- s ago was actively engaged In the leal estate business. Funeral services will be hold from his late home to- morrow at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Dr. W. D. Skellingcr officiating. The Sunday school classes or the First Presbyterian Church, tought by W. Vernon FisUe. and his sister. Mlsa Fiske, ushered in the New Year with a hoclnl ercning at thf home ot the teach- ers. Gecuge AY. Hutchinson ycstoida noti- fied Deputy Sheriff Garrison that his summer liomc in East Rlrcrdalo had boon tobbed ot about J40O worth of properts. ROCKVILLE. Two hundred guests from this county, Washington. Baltimore, and other places attended the annual Chilstmns holiday danco of tho Rockville Assem-bl- y in the opera house last evening. The committee in chaige was composed ar AMUSEMENTS tlAIIUnAL .Mallnrr Tomorrun. I'lllVlTIKST OPKRA OF THE AUK ADELE lleliopiilHnn fast nnd Production IMM( S PIUMA DONNA CHOHV IIPVT III PC If MatM, Wed. Sat. nCAl IfsiCIX seau Novr elling. C'HAULES FltOIIMAN PRESENTS JOHN DREW In thr X. Y. Emulre Theater Suceean THE PRODIQAL HUSBAND BEL ASCO IrWo 50c t $2 U1TC Fri.HlSat. 1 " BEST BEATS , Wm. A. Brady Presents the Beat American Comedy Ever Written TOO MANY COOKS Hv and With FRANK "TtAVKN AND ORIGINAL COMPANY. Sunday Night 8:30 ARTHUR K. PECV TALKS 1 Color Vlr, 3Intlnn Picture. Military, lliatiirlc, Srealv. I' I rat of rouru BERLIN on Mar zone aail neutral border countries. Ne&t THE RHINE nnd Sunday France. Pari Mnulr 1'irkrtn, srv Iu I.(H. EXCURSION MERCHANTS I MINERS TRANS. CO. FLORIDA TRIPS 'By Sea" BaJtlsnare t JaekaoBTllle aa retara, SSM avaaaah ana retara, 125.0a, luclucJloK meals and auteroom acvommeda liens. Through UckeU to all poliiis. Xlnt steamers. Ucst unlo auterooius de Lux, bains. Wireless Ulttraph. AutomoblUs tarried. Steamer Tuesday and Friday. Send for booklet. 11 & O. It. n offices and (17 Uth at. X W W. P. TORNBR. CJ. P A. Baltimore. Ml. MMIKOMv A USIIING'I'ON vriMMiio.vr losii'a.w. I'ntucp aieaiiierii ".NurthUnd ' and "S0.1 h. land" Ii.nl , at ' l. in. irtm fuv. oi .It i Tor flMl IMHM' t'inil-'OIIT- . 'U. I'Ol.li nml l.l. I'lllNI-- v Mil III, m.u )oitiv ,.mt litiyju.N n m:, Cu IK Let Ollice. ;;i Uili 1.1. . Wco. uajj buildlin. CfirvU Kr3 -- TT niwcty - of Horry K. Clark, Uobort L. WarfieM. TJoIand Wootton. Vlllim V. WIIfoii. Charles G. Myerp, and Thomas L. Da-Ko- n. The patronises wore Mm. Kci-wa- C. Peter. M'i. AYIllla L. Mocr. Mrj. William Uorpey, and Mts. r ICIIscmr. The Rev. I'ranl: i. UicliardBon. pn.t-t- or ut the .Southern Jlcthodlst Church, fflitlateil nt the Marriage hero yester- day afternoon of J'ls.i Ncllip Alinoi OairlKon. nf Iilvcrlon. Va and Geome . Lewln. of Front Uoyal, Va at the home of the inlnifctcr. Miss Nellie Gtace Waid, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ii'a. ri.-io- o. Ward, of Travllnh, and Charles A. Boyer, of Clarkshurs, 7eie married at noon Wedno.sday at the home of the biide's rnwnts. the ceremony beiric performed by the Itev. O. A. ijillinuham. iwstor of the Dnni'.stown 1'rc.sbytcrian Church. The Montsomcry County Vnst Mes-ter- a' Association, at its annual nicotine i.elil here, elected offlrviH as follow!" I'rtsiiliM l. Kred H. (Jrimm. vi-- prrsi-d'n- t, ljv r;corKe II. 'lilmiiv Janvs F. Alien. Ihe reccntlv eleeted in.iHUira of ths various Manoni'c lodgeo cf the county ha J the past mas- ter's desri-- conferred upon thtin -.? follows: George P. llemluiaon. Milton W. Ilrcwer. Randolpli Fell, and Dr Ernest Bales, of the Rockville. Galth- - erahllrfr KAnalnirlnn cm.i t..w i. .....ow.. mm iCLIIifllll,! lodges, respectively. PreceedlnK tho a supper was served uv the Hockvllle members of the assoc'intioii and their wives British Air Raider Is Rescued Off Helgoland AMSTERDAM. Jan. 1.- -A. telegram from Mulden, Holland, at the mouth nl the Vechtm. says a steam trawler has landed there Flight Commander Hew- lett, of the British navy, who was on-o- f tho British airmen in the recent raid on Cuxhaven, and who was supposed to have been lost, his machine having been picked up off Helgoland. Hewlett was rescued off Helgoland soon after he fell, but rough weather prevented the trawler fiom making pon before today. AMUSEMENTS TonlKht.8i15 Matinee SilR Today at Snl. NGLllV Mat. Today i- - Tomorrow, Sat. Kr. LADY WINDERMERE'S FAN uS'tiI green stockinqs Next Week Seata Now On Sal. Tlie New Musical Comedy. "The Girl of Girls" Music bv Oiest Veaaella Libretto bv lMward Paul ton WITH Alexander C4ark, Natalie Alt, Chartm Aitarelo. Leola I.ucey, Vin- cent Sullivan, Ben Hrndrivka, Wll-lar- d I.omIb, and Da lay Ileltaore. Oreheatra of 30 Beautiful Caorna Coatly Coatumea. No ralae ta prlcea. TUESDAY, 1 O MAGGIE TEHE JANUARY At 4:8 Soloist Seats Now Selling WALTER DAMR0SCH Condiictor N. Y. SYMPHONY (MYETY BURLESQDE DELUXE 1815 Kdltlon of the Great STIR INO GARTER SHOW With Jack Conway and Blllle Hill Nextt The American Beauties. Sunday Convert, Hltth-Cla- aa VaudeTllle aad Picture. D F. KEITH'S $un.-3:O- 0l:l5 UMm - Paenea Main 4434 aud 44S6. ' nsisn aav. n.vcaiaki - to fl "Rank With th Uet." Star. MriMrs.Carter De Itavei I Wilier C.Hdl? VALCRII KRQKRI C.-- c. Next Wet-- -- Howard - MrCfne; "?ep-tun- e Oanleu." Dniraiiiiv a Jloyal Comlv Co.: Hall & Weft. Klc Ound Will. Order seata now. Dailj at ;:15 ami S;13. Plione M J1J.1. 'J'lm New Toll I'laici.i n BIG JIM GARRITV The Jilt; e ork ?urie. I'll at Time In Wauunaioii. I'rlces 25c, 30c and Tot, M.iIf., c Tnl tfn. NEXT W1-1K.- I'AMUKmUBV Walters Art Galleries The "Potit Assoc laiion of BRltlmore ,t nilthcirlKf-c- l to s the llAt.l.URIE nf MR II. WAl.THtlS rilAIU.KS and c'llXTEi: STUKr;TS, will le o;in p' h puhllfi All WIlllMIMlS ami SRIA.a, OI- - jam'.vri iniu:ii:v. sunni an M'ltll hii.i .iU.i KArKlt MdXDAY anil .lid I Kuril RY between Ihe ho'iis of II JUil I u'i lm I. i- .- of ai i si ' 11 i terns r ' I. H llarni, . lu " I o. un r'aniito nl a t ijlfo a lie el Wei tiere and Ustsi CtaSerd. Eiltlmcrt
Page 1: Washington times (Washington, D.C. : 1902). (Washington, …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1915-01-01/… ·  · 2010-08-19ARDMORE'S BIG CARD-r aat Main bout Knockout

i y'


Knockout Brown a Slight Favorite to Win From Lowe I UP TO DATE SPORTS""TPVWoWs

Dope Knockout Brown FOR ALL THE FANS THE SLATE IS CLEAN, THUS STARTS THE YEAR 1915' y - icrtoDefeatTommyLowe DOrrr

K.o. r

In Holiday Attraction mpM IVAilUL

.I IIKy- - - o CflS eVdlkj STODAYHowever, Odds Are Slight, as Washington Veteran Is Conceded

ifllft "" R3STPOW4--0 VQCOyHT

To Be Able to Hold Own Well New Clubhouse at Ard- - .OPCHILBIANCVGROUNDS ,

more To Be Dedicated Today With Show. "T PGfMeOLAlSr


Main bout Knockout Brown, New York xs. Tommj Lowe, Wash-ington, lightweights, fifteen rounds for Southern championship.Should enter ring at 3:30 o'clock.

Semi-fin- al Buddy Ray, Washington vs. Battling Terry, U. S. Navy,lightweights, eight rounds.

Preliminary Bert Green, Washington vs. opponent to be chosen fromthree or four welters, six rounds.

Preliminary Battling Bernard, Washington vs. "Cyclone" Thompson,U. S. Navy, middleweights, four rounds. Will start at 2:15 o'clock.

Referee Patrick F. O'Connor. Preliminary referee Nick Altrock,Washington baseball club.


Today Knockout Brown, NewYork's crack little southpaw light-weight, and Tommy Lowe, Washing-ton's aged and crafty veteran of thesquared circle, clash in a fifteen-roun- d

battle at the new Ardmoreclub to determine the lightweightchampionship of the South. Today,after some of the fans had taken aslant at the stocky little lefthanderfrom the big town, the odds shiftedslightly to Brown's favor, thoughthere has been little wagering.

The opening of the new club houseat Ardmore will be celebrated ihjsafternoon with the best attractionsever offered Washington fight fans.All choice tickets wee reported soldout this morning, though there mightbe still a few available to turn up atthe last minute. The outlook is for acapacity house to see these two ster-ling lightweights get together.

"lx)wc Ib a good boy, I guess, thoughI never faced him," said Kayo Browntoday. "However, I've hern roIiik alongpretty good lately, and I'm not worry-ing in the 'cast. I have my sieed andmy old left hand punch. If Lowe canstand up under that well, I'll take myhat off to him. It ought to be a goodbout, anyway."

"Brown may be all light, but he'sIn for a real aigument today." saidTommy Lowe. ".Mike Martin seemssatUflcd with my physical condition. 1

am satisfied with everything else.have all my oldt'.mc speed, and .shouldbe able to keep Brown traveling, good



Chick Gandil's injury to hisarm is serious, as we understandit is the one he signs contractsvith. '

Tf it Is all the same to Oriff,wish he'd sign that new .300outfielder before the telephonebook goes to press on January4th.


Kiiuella is the new .squash tennischampion, but to date, theatrical Im-presarios have been singularly back-ward In offering him vaudeville con-tract-

The Braves are after Jloniis l.oiicrl.of the Phils, which may giv lloiiusthe opportunity to break his !er-- i atsi hicher salary than ever.

Whoever wins the Tommy Loicc-Knortco- ut

Brown fight will huse I he1rivllegc of challenging anybody in ihruorld to a fight.


K i d Gleason

Ilia followed his

kail out of flie I ISAmerican League."

IrtTP In

They say boxing is on the boom InAustralia, which may be accounted lorhy the fact that Jack1 Johnson isn't inAustralia.

There was a whole lot of loot-ing on horns last evening, andtkr-r-c were a whole lot of tootsthat weren't on horns. .

T i

Tliey may cut out the sun field at theTJraves' new park, but happily for theplajeis' averages, they can't cut outthe imaginary pebbles.

Clark Griffith provided the liovinggloves at the annual meeting of

writers of Washington.

The meeting took place inGriff's offices, and Griff had theplace all sawdustcd down, with a

liberal supply of lint and bandages on the side.

DOUGHER.as lie Is. 1 hope to get the decision."

eThough Brown was reported heavy or

this battle with Lowe, ho failed toshape up big when he arrived In Wash-ington last night. Ixjwc has height andpossibly reach on Brown, but theirweights should be very close, Bonicwhereaiound 135 or 136 pounds. The-- are awell-match- pair of performers.

Fans seeing this battle today will beshown spectacular rushing, swinging,crowding, and constant hammering onthe pail of Kayo Brown. The littlesouthpaw will try to put over the sleepwallop Just as early as possible, be-cause he wants to get back home. Op-posed to this method of attack will boTommy Lowe's quipk Jabbing tactics,with now and then a short rlghi cross,that may upset the ambitions of KuyoBrown. Brown is the tighter. Loweis the boxer.

lommy Lowe's ring lecord, while, itnanif--s tew champions, Is wot thy f re-spect, for the veteran lightweight hasmet some fast opponents since he first(limbed through the ropes to battloDanny Lewis at Highland, Md., onMatch 13, 1904. Befoie the next earshowed up this sreen lad had mottough boys. Including Tommy Kelt!!,whom he defeated In fifteen rounds atHoclc Spring. Md.

On January 2. 1905, Harry Lewis, Interwelterweight champion, defeated Lowein this city, but Kid Carter was put totlcep in one round a couple of weekslater.

Lowe was a busy boxer In 1900, meet-iii- tf

such good men as Clarence I'erns,Torn- - Moran, Bllv Willis, HarrvScroggs, Bert Keycs,' Kid Swln, Arthurt ote. Kid Pants, Sammy Smith, JimBonner, and Johnny Marto. In thenext two yeais he boxed Willie .Moody,;""" r, Young otto, JohnnyUohan. Lddle Carter. Kid Sullivan.Mickev tiannon. Tommv Carev. SpikeKoblnson, "Fighting" Dick Nelson,llughey Madoln, Jimmy Dougherty.Battling Terry, Danny Lewis, and

unz Jack O'Brien.

Valentine Braun is the real monackerof Kayo Brown, who Is of I'.rrnnn r.v.

j traction and a native of Now York",; niiKgru sil'CllKin, COUpldl With IIi pally marvelous ability to hit with hisicrt hand fiom an angle, sent Brownnto Uie ring:, his first bout being ini'-- . In his arst year Blown knockedout thirty opponents and fought Ave

boutf, losing not a buttle. Thisrecord Immediately set him on the wayto the top.

In 1909, facing better buys, he failedto keep up his record of putting hisopponents to sleep, but ho IjeUl his ownwith such good boxvrs as l'nl Mocfie,Willie Jones, mid Charlie Goldman.In 1910 Brown began putting themaway again, stopping such tough foe-me- n

as Tommy --Morrissey, Nate Erli-llc- k,

and the veteran Kid Goodman.Billy Allen alone of all his opponentssot a decision over him, while he hadihe better of Pal Moore, Willie Beech-e- r,

Boyo Driscoll, Tommy Langdon,Joe Bedell. Fighting Joe Hyland.Charlie Griffin, and Tommy Murphv.

Brotvn was being pointed for thechampionship In 1911 anil met allcomers, including Bert Keyes, Ad Wol- -kmpi, une i.ounn tiogan, Tommy Mur-phy, Leach Cross, Bent Dorsey, artd.Ma,tt Wells, the Englishman. Thelollowlng year he started off In a

ten-roun- d bout with Abe At-te- ll.

holding him to a draw. He beatMatty Baldwin. Young Jack O'Brien,Johnny Lore, .Matt Brock, and JimmyDuffy. Indeed, at that time he look-ed like the certain coming championin the lightweight division.

Then came the cracking under histerrlllc campaigning of the past two. ''" After defeating Frankie Bus-se- ll

in ten louiuls at New Orleans,he was outpointed by Jake Abel atAtlanta, both of these bouts comingin January. At that time he wasmatched with Joe Hirer, the Mexi-can wild i at for Washington's Birth-day, 1913, at Vernon, Cal. Brown ap-peared sluggish In that battle and wasknocked out in the tenth round for thefirst time in hiu long career. How-ever. IiIb gameness had made friendsfor him and so he was matched withBud Andeison, then rushing to thefront. Brown gained a decision intwenty rounds.

Not satisrietl with that, Andersontame back again at Blown a monthlater to a da and knocked out theslugging soithpaw. Leach Cross, theLast Side dentist, also registered a' ...vel Brwn on October 7, butthese three ait the only ones in hislecord. He rested a long while afterthat and onl leturncd to active ringwork again this last fall.

Buddy Haj and Battling Terry aresenil-tln-

.exhibition. There Is said to

ui u uiuuu ueiween tnese twooung lightweights and Terry haspromised to stop Ray in three rounds,ir he (an Hud It possible. Ray hasworked his way up from a preliminaryboy to the honor of a semi-fin- in ahe does not intend losing all his honorsiu HiiiT iimiia, Terry wants furtheropportunities in Washington and haspromised his friends to win jnat asquickly as he can.

.MCh Altrock. the Giiffmena.... ... ia... in. , r.-.-. .1.. ... .rcoinedl-:n-coacl- i.. ...ki c lururninarv",'' "n, "a "? na.3 a,4r1 n a similar

' '"' ' nn nas.;..,;.. ; , a: ",, iu itticii ransIn' uooil hiinini. .1- .- V:"

preparing for their bouts.and hourteentli s reel every half hourrmm '!QI nlimxltt.r I..,,, r. ."":: -- . ,.,. ,,t, nuni 01 tnrclubhouse. 'Ihesn cars will also beicau.v in uring me rans hack to thecit. at the conclusion of the show.

Difficult Orders.Iiat Sergeant (to unhapp letiuitwho wont "cut It hoit") silence wid

iiu'- - whin )ou ie spakin to a h'offieer'Loudon Orlnion.

iT tT(ee-BCTmST- rs



Billy Gibson Succeeds in Com-

pleting Negotiations for

Championship Battles.

HAVANA. Jan. 1 -- Billy Gibson com-pleted arrangements today wherebyho obtained permission from the gor-ernme- nt

to conduct boxing hete. Onlychampionship bouts will bo staged,and they will lie to a finish. Gibsonhas yecuteil Alemandtirs Fark. whichis bigger than the Polo Grounds, InNew York. The seating capacity willbe Increased to 1!5.000.

The lirst fight takes place on. Sun-day. February 21. probably betweenJack Johnson and Joe Wlllard. Otherbouts illscuseed are Claby-Olbso- n,

Wel&h-McFarlan- d. and Welsh-Shu-gru- r.



Martinsburg. W. Va., Rollers

Drop Behind in IntercityRace, Palace Going Ahead.

Washington's crack Palace bowlersleft the Martinsburg, W. Va.. pin splll-er- s

just about enough to get back totheir home town, after the scores hadbeen counted up In thp first of the fivegames In the Intercity match tolled oftat the Palace alleys last night.

The Palace Uami of the two citiesmot in the first of the ten-gam- e seriesand the local rollers left notlilnit to beileslied In their performance againstthe maple topplers of West Virginia. Tobegin with, on the five games the Wash-ington men gathered 82 more pins thanuieir nvais.

High sot was gotten by Lewis, who! lolled thlid for Washington. HarryI Krauss took second high set. The local' I'fll.irn fnll.r inl tliput nf Hi. n..games, although total pin-fa- ll Is theonly thing counting in the match. Inaddition to all this, the Washingtonsplllers got high game for the evening,while Lewis took high game. The onlything the Martinsburg rollers took wasthe train home.


Halloj 101 101 102 KM 117Lcmnioii .... 104 S7 1- 1- lfS !'lCarroll 102 93 31 Wo 97Lewis !rt 1(11 llifi 13ft 97Krauss Sti jo."i W, ljt. . 93

Totals 49S 45.7 511 Kl 001Grand total. 2.57?.

MARTINSBURG TEAM.Dunn S3 110 111 M 9.5

Slier si i: 117 91 :uThurston 101 10J iY! ,97 S8Andeison 9 97 W 321 97Caskey 105 Ti9 9; 97 S9

Totals 477 3i:: .oij &07 5iHGrand total. 2.i96.The return games will be rolled later

In Martinsburg, W. Va., regulation pinsbeing used.



CINCINNATI, Jan. Nlc-hof- f,

and possibly Twombly for Leach,Pierce or lavender is a largo possibilitynow looming up as the final deal be-tween the Reds and the Cubs. Asthings were lining up tonight it lookedvery much as if St. Louis would getadtcher and an extra Infielder of theReds. There is more thr ri an evenchance for a triangular shift by whichthe Cubs will give up two men that theReds will pass on to St. l.ouls,

Ashley Lloyd also --.vas in confcreiucwith Garry Hermann iind Manager Her-zp- g

today. It was Bald that ho had au-thority to dispose ot some surplus NewYork 'Giants. Jack Murray was men-tioned as a possible Red next year.

Cardinals Planning toHold Annual Banquet

The Cjulinul A. C", of Alcx.mdiia,Va., aie planning to hold their annualb.inmtrl, which has been a fcutuie ofthe off season foi scveial years. Theinemheis of the organization have beenasked to tcpori to Pictddcnt P'lvesieiA. Breen at the lalted's home, .Sundaynlnht at o'clock to considei was andBC4U.



Holiday Event Finds Pratt andFerguson Fourteen Pins

Ahead in Race for Prizes.

BrcMiahan and Wells are today oustedby Pratt and Ferguson from their leadIn the two-ma- n tournament now Inprogress at the Royal Alleys. Thtourney will continue today and to-

night. The finals are announced fortomorrow night and competition is ex-

pected to bt keen for the caih prizeshung up.

l'ratt and Ferguson jumped rrom thirdto first place hy some exceptional bowl-ing and landed ahead by 140 points.The lead obtained seems good enoughto hold, although the marks pre liableto be blown at any lime.

The scores:11. (J. I. (J lotal.

Pratt and Ferguson... .. 146 121 l.MBresnahan and Wells .. H.'i 11- 9- 1.2JOTayloi and Lawrence. 140 US 1,245Uwyer and Meany. ... 1.".0 US 1,241

Ornie and Mangham.. IIS Ho--- l.'.-i- ',

Bittlneer tt Wolstenholme 12tt 117 1,2a;VVeckerlu-ii- d Llt.. ...... 141 107 1,1

Bhade and Young J 31 1,117Goodman and Wright 130 114 LISSnead and Hughes 124 109 14.19Clark and Vogelsberger.. 124 111 1,16:

The roll-of- f will start pormptly to-

morrow night at S o'clock. Weckerlyand List were the added starters In thee.'ent last night and gained seventhplace.



ALKXANDRIA. Va.. Jan. 1. -A- ccordingto the repot ts of the commercial

organizations, city officials, the clerkof couits, and men connected with thepublic service corporations, business inAlexandria during the past year, whileof a smaller volume than n 1913. was ofa satisfactory nature, there being nofailure of any importance, while severalnew enterprises were located in thecits .

Statistics furnished by Nevnll S.Greenanay, clerk of courts, shows thatthere were 59:1 deeds recorded In thecorporation court as compared with lisIn 1913, showing an Increase In the num-ber of real estate transfers of nearly3.'5 per cent. There wus a large

in the number of suits (lied. In1914 there were only seventeen, as com-pared with thirty-seve- n in the previousyear. Chancery suits showed an in-crease from fifty-tw- o In 191J to sixty-tw- o

in 1914. Theie were also two ad-ministrations and two wills (lied in thelast year.

In the circuit couit thers were nine-tee- ncommon luw suits, ninteen chan-cery suits, twenty administrations ad-mit ted and twenty-tw- o wills probated,each figure being a slight increase overthe picvious year.

The marriaga licenses numbered 6hS.of which 499 were issued to white per-ho-

and 1KI to colored peisons TheJ," ,9" wete m nnu thp deathsThe number ot dogs licensedshowed .1 decrease Horn 710 to b31'ollcs Justice Caton collected $3,214.10

in tines, as compared with J3.7G9 In jka tailing ofT of $065.Theie was an average of 2.20O pupilsattending the public schools, the total

.n"mbrr r school permits issued being

Funeral services for Andicw Allelic-so- nwere held this arurnon from hislate residence, 200 Duke street, andweic conducted by the Rev. p. p pnii.

lips, rector of St. Paul's Kp'sconalChurch.

John Underwood, the Southern rail-way employe who wus 11m down hva switch engine, died ot the AlexandriaHospital yesterday.

The annual meeting of the CaidlnalAthletic Club will be held at the homeof Piesident Sylvester Breen. 1322 Kfnsjsticet. Sunday at S p. m.. at whichtime the election of officers will takeplace. The club will also appoint com-mittees to make arrangements for theannual banquet to be held this monthat which time it Is expected thatClark Griffith, manager of the Na-tionals, will be the guest of honor ofthe club.

The police last night confiscated ahalf dozen lcvolvers which were beingused by youngsters In filing blankcartridges.

A ilunant was given this afternoonin the Klks' Auditorium (or the benefitof the visiting nurse of the


N'ew Ye.u services weie held thHnmrniii? In Giacn and SL Paul's L'plsto.Dl Churches nnd In Pi Marv's intlmliChurch.



rVt?Wn M 7 cteH ijAt&


Anacostia, Hyattsville,Rockville (

' ANACOSTIA.The choir of St. Teicsa's Cliuiih g.ni:

a dance last night in the nsseinbU hallof the parochMI hi hool, w lilch a large,r.umbei attended The tmni was spi --

ciall dri'orated, and promptly jt mid-night the New Year whs iishcied Inwith cciemon. The coiuinitti-- inchui gc consisted of Miss Addle Watlicn,MIhb Mabel Brdumnn, Miss .Mary L.nv-lenc- e,

Miss Gettrud.- - K.urell, Miss Mvr-tl- ePeacock, and .Miss Alice Quaid.

Mrs. James Burch Iiils benn advised thatn waich which was stolen from her onAugust 9, 1W7, was iccovered by the po-lice in Balttinuie. A man gUing thename ot Hairy Luke was nriosted onthe 'iiatge of lunlng stolon the watchfiom 11 .Miss Florence V. Polzen, of Bal-timore. The police in searching tlujrecords dlscovoied that the watch hadbeen reported stolon seven oars ago inthis city Miss Polzen .staled that thewatch was given to her nt I'lnistmas,1!n, 'y .1 filciid. Mrs Bunh will likclvlecovcr the w.itch.

W.itch-uig- ht services wen- neli Listnight at the Annco.stla Baptist Chimbwith the Rev. Henry T. Coiibins inchin gc. The chulr contiibuted a spe-cial musical ping! am.

.Mr, and .Mrs. J. W. Thompson, of 1919Thirteenth street, aie spending 11 lewdays with Mr. and Mit--. Walter B.Waddy nt their home at Riveidalc.

Mrs. James A. Watson. ice pi ev-ident of the Ladies' Benevolent y

of St. Teresa's Church, entertained themembers of that organization at herhome on Nichols avenue on Wednesdayevening.

Salem Lodge, No. 22. 1. (. O. v., metlast night, and heaid reports of thework done during the past year.

Mr. and Mis. Albeit Lindstrum cntn-talne- da company of fi lends at ihoir

home on Shannon place last night.

W. C Thomas, of Ihe battleship NowHainp-hlr- e has returned to his dutiesfollowing a visit to his patents mi Thir-teenth street.

HYATTSVILLE.State's Attoine) Roberts Is out in a

statement in which he says that whilehe is not iu sympathy "'ith the cufoi ce-

ment of the "blue laws" hi this counts,lie will, as state's attornoj. piosccutoviolations hi ought hofoie him. .Mr.Roberts said: The enforcement of the

'blue' laws, and tlui ostonl towhich they arc enfoicod Is a matterreeling largely with the sheriff of PrinceGeorge county, and he, having boonelected by the peojilo to enforce the


iwo DrocKton Stores ismsihutumU37PA.AVLNI.W.4367'T.iV.W

w a r



lav - is iialuially vested with dlscrc-lionni- y

powers, and, therefore, in myopinion, i have no right not have I ans'doslie to criticise him or his deputiesin fli" ontoiconiont of this or nnv otherlaw.

"SpeakliiB for myself indlvldualh, Ihave no hesitation in Kiying that I Waveno tympathy whatever with the strictciilorceinoiu of the 'blue laws' as en-acted nearly two centui le.s ago.

"Speaking as state's attorney, I like-wise hac no hesitation in saslug thatif the oiifoi cement of the.se laws ispiopoily hi ought before mo 1 shall, ofcourse, he compelled, under my oath ofoffice, to f.iiily prosecute such casesand leave tho determination of the. iiue--tic- m

to tho Miurt and jury "Miss Abbie Katheiine Cases', oldestdaughter of Ml. and M'l.s. William T.

Cases, of Maryland avenue, cstordabecame the bride of John F. Sailers, ofWashington. Tho wedding ceromonswas porfoimed at St. Jerome's Catholic'bin oh. the Rev.-- . Father D. C. Koonen

otliciatiiig Tho maid of honor was MissCorn Casey, sister of the bride, and thohost 111.111 was W. Gait Koyworth, astudent from Washington College,Chostertown. a locoption was hold hvMr. and Mis. Sailors at their newhomo, lliv.i North Capitol street, Wash-ington.

Franklin. Ulway, and Louise Z.int-zlnge- r,

children of Mr. and Mis. Otwav


rrtOF. TVYNDHAM. S18 lltli nw . areKted byMnip. Ittirsay & Miss Miller, teachlii; Now

York's latent, alio walls & St Hit


XniHs Mslit, Xiuhh Treo Dance: Nw Yeari:e, Dancu car out; New Venr NlchtMistletoe Damp, dances eery 'MUX.. Jilt US., Jt SAT. HVE9.

t::0.12 Two orchcslra; olj anj nw dan en.


Kiponeni o Mwlprn Uanclnir.' 1'honu Nurth CS44

Mr. and Mrs. J. Win. HarringtoaTBACUttllS Of MOUHRN DANVES

61 Kyn it. N. W I'h Lino 2!H7.'

rilONG gXWrMXITfe! YOUN. 3503. MMWMMMil M. 0 At mh

DAVISON'S. Prof. S: Mis., new 13S9 Mdw Hlh & Thoin-- circle. I'll. N. Ull. PjJ.tale A select; beautiful ball room. latestdances correctly tauglit any hour with music.C!as and practice dance, Tuea., Krl. eves

lVllllrS fu- - ":jy- - LuIuTb Pk.

en.lUp. etc. TtlvaU onlr. 8let.WYNDHAM BROS. 'STUDIOM. (IOC'.'.. Mmlrrn llnnchiK. I'll: ( nvr.

MISS LEONA CALLANU06 etli til' Vi. Ah modern dances Uujii.Latest crixe. Ihe Vox Trot. Fancy danciDl,Moderate prtr.ts. I'hune Noitli ;.GLOVKHf. 613 I.'nd 1ST. TJ W Ph W. li:-- -

rrl. lesfous anv Lour, U'c. Ftsliwulk. one.Ui TunK'j, llcsltallnn, etc c.'Iasj a

iancr. Tte., Tliurs fiat ee . ec. ires.UK!. OHIl'K DANCI.NU 100 Bra

it N. V. Dance etcry Ucnday t... 1,Phone M tf2CHAMBERLAIN jr- j- ifW"

Ulh r IU. Phtnt U. Mi

TUt to' cLL

i- -

M0UpMm ((((.


K. Jiantzinger, entertained a number oftheir young friends at a Christmasparty at their home on Wine avenueextended. Those piesent IncludedMisses Hilda Fuller. Helen Aman, Jose-phine Fuller. Virginia Brewer. AddleJanics, Margaret Naylor, KathcrlneCarr. Louise Zaiitzinger. Masters Rob-ert Porter. Stanley Robinson, Paxtonflolilen. Richard Zantzlnger, Franklinantzingcr, Bradford Brewer. John''"lion, Kdwaid A. roller. Jr.. WilliamHill, and James Hill.

James Morrison, fifty-fiv- e years old.Is In the Fmergoncy Hospital. Wash-ington, suffering with a badly fracturedleg. the result of being hit by a car ofthe city and Suburban electric inllroad.The ci cw of the car rushed him Intothe Washington hospital

The congregation of the First Bap-tist Church held its annual businessmeeting last night In the Sunday schoolloom. Tho meeting ws preceded bythe annual church dinner. Tho follow-ing deacons were elected. Ora K.Haines, for five yoais; the Rev. J. M.Long, for thiee years to fill tho unex-pired term of Dr. Johnson, and Prof.S. c. Sturgiss. for two years to fill theino.xphcd term of Dr. Ladson. The

holdover deacons are Prof. J. 11. P. Nor-ton nnd Milton M. Clark.

The Oriole Club, of Jlladensburc.danced in the New Year with a turkcvdinner nnd ball in the Bladensburgtown hull.

Stephen B. Priest, who has b;en aleslrtent of this town for the post tenyears, is dead at his late home onMaryland avenue, death being due to anabcess. .Mr. Priest was born in Indianasity-scve- n years ago, and was ii3ermarried. He was a practicing attorneyIn his younger days, and until a few-year- s

ago was actively engaged In theleal estate business. Funeral serviceswill be hold from his late home to-morrow at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Dr. W. D.Skellingcr officiating.

The Sunday school classes or the FirstPresbyterian Church, tought by W.Vernon FisUe. and his sister. MlsaFiske, ushered in the New Year with ahoclnl ercning at thf home ot the teach-ers.

Gecuge AY. Hutchinson ycstoida noti-fied Deputy Sheriff Garrison that hissummer liomc in East Rlrcrdalo hadboon tobbed ot about J40O worth ofproperts.

ROCKVILLE.Two hundred guests from this county,

Washington. Baltimore, and otherplaces attended the annual Chilstmnsholiday danco of tho Rockville Assem-bl- y

in the opera house last evening.The committee in chaige was composed


tlAIIUnAL .Mallnrr Tomorrun.I'lllVlTIKST OPKRA OF THE AUK

ADELElleliopiilHnn fast nnd Production

IMM( S PIUMA DONNA CHOHVIIPVT III PC If MatM, Wed. Sat.nCAl IfsiCIX seau Novr elling.


JOHN DREWIn thr X. Y. Emulre Theater Suceean


BELASCO IrWo 50c t $2

U1TC Fri.HlSat. 1" BEST BEATS,

Wm. A. Brady Presents the Beat AmericanComedy Ever Written



Sunday Night 8:30


Color Vlr, 3Intlnn Picture.Military, lliatiirlc, Srealv.

I' I rat of rouruBERLIN on Mar zone aail

neutral bordercountries. Ne&t

THE RHINE nndSunday


Mnulr 1'irkrtn, srv Iu I.(H.




BaJtlsnare tJaekaoBTllle aa retara, SSM

avaaaah ana retara, 125.0a,luclucJloK meals and auteroom acvommeda

liens. Through UckeU to all poliiis. Xlntsteamers. Ucst unlo auterooius de Lux,bains. Wireless Ulttraph. AutomoblUstarried. Steamer Tuesday and Friday. Sendfor booklet. 11 & O. It. n offices and (17Uth at. X W

W. P. TORNBR. CJ. P A. Baltimore. Ml.

MMIKOMv A USIIING'I'ONvriMMiio.vr losii'a.w.

I'ntucp aieaiiierii ".NurthUnd ' and "S0.1 h.land" Ii.nl , at ' l. in. irtm fuv.oi .It i

Tor flMl IMHM' t'inil-'OIIT- . 'U.I'Ol.li nml l.l. I'lllNI-- v Mil III,m.u )oitiv ,.mt litiyju.N n m:,Cu IK Let Ollice. ;;i Uili 1.1. . Wco.uajj buildlin.




of Horry K. Clark, Uobort L. WarfieM.TJoIand Wootton. Vlllim V. WIIfoii.Charles G. Myerp, and Thomas L. Da-Ko- n.

The patronises wore Mm. Kci-wa-

C. Peter. M'i. AYIllla L. Mocr.Mrj. William Uorpey, and Mts. r


The Rev. I'ranl: i. UicliardBon. pn.t-t- or

ut the .Southern Jlcthodlst Church,fflitlateil nt the Marriage hero yester-day afternoon of J'ls.i Ncllip AlinoiOairlKon. nf Iilvcrlon. Va and Geome

. Lewln. of Front Uoyal, Va at thehome of the inlnifctcr.

Miss Nellie Gtace Waid, daughter ofMr. nnd Mrs. Ii'a. ri.-io- o. Ward, ofTravllnh, and Charles A. Boyer, ofClarkshurs, 7eie married at noonWedno.sday at the home of the biide'srnwnts. the ceremony beiric performedby the Itev. O. A. ijillinuham. iwstorof the Dnni'.stown 1'rc.sbytcrian Church.

The Montsomcry County Vnst Mes-ter- a'

Association, at its annual nicotinei.elil here, elected offlrviH as follow!"I'rtsiiliM l. Kred H. (Jrimm. vi-- prrsi-d'n- t,

ljv r;corKe II. 'lilmiivJanvs F. Alien. Ihe reccntlv

eleeted in.iHUira of ths various Manoni'clodgeo cf the county ha J the past mas-ter's desri-- conferred upon thtin -.?

follows: George P. llemluiaon. MiltonW. Ilrcwer. Randolpli Fell, and DrErnest Bales, of the Rockville. Galth- -erahllrfr KAnalnirlnn cm.i t..w i......ow.. mm iCLIIifllll,!lodges, respectively. PreceedlnK tho

a supper was served uv theHockvllle members of the assoc'intioiiand their wives

British Air Raider IsRescued Off Helgoland

AMSTERDAM. Jan. 1.- -A. telegramfrom Mulden, Holland, at the mouth nlthe Vechtm. says a steam trawler haslanded there Flight Commander Hew-lett, of the British navy, who was on-o- f

tho British airmen in the recent raidon Cuxhaven, and who was supposed tohave been lost, his machine having beenpicked up off Helgoland.

Hewlett was rescued off Helgolandsoon after he fell, but rough weatherprevented the trawler fiom making ponbefore today.


TonlKht.8i15Matinee SilRToday at Snl.

NGLllVMat. Today i-- Tomorrow, Sat. Kr.LADY WINDERMERE'S FAN

uS'tiI green stockinqsNext Week Seata Now On Sal.

Tlie New Musical Comedy.

"The Girl of Girls"Music bv Oiest Veaaella

Libretto bv lMward Paul tonWITH

Alexander C4ark, Natalie Alt,Chartm Aitarelo. Leola I.ucey, Vin-cent Sullivan, Ben Hrndrivka, Wll-lar- dI.omIb, and Da lay Ileltaore.Oreheatra of 30 Beautiful CaornaCoatly Coatumea. No ralae taprlcea.


Seats Now Selling WALTER DAMR0SCHCondiictor




1815 Kdltlon of the GreatSTIR INO GARTER SHOW

With Jack Conway and Blllle HillNextt The American Beauties.

Sunday Convert, Hltth-Cla- aa

VaudeTllle aad Picture.

D F. KEITH'S$un.-3:O- 0l:l5

UMm - Paenea Main 4434 aud 44S6.' nsisn aav. n.vcaiaki - to fl"Rank With th Uet." Star.

MriMrs.Carter De Itavei I Wilier C.Hdl?VALCRII KRQKRI C.--c.

Next Wet-- -- Howard - MrCfne; "?ep-tun- eOanleu." Dniraiiiiv a Jloyal Comlv

Co.: Hall & Weft. Klc Ound Will. Orderseata now.

Dailj at ;:15 ami S;13. Plione M J1J.1.'J'lm New Toll I'laici.i n

BIG JIM GARRITVThe Jilt; e ork ?urie.I'll at Time In Wauunaioii.

I'rlces 25c, 30c and Tot, M.iIf., c Tnl tfn.NEXT W1-1K.- I'AMUKmUBV

Walters Art GalleriesThe "Potit Assoc laiion of BRltlmore ,t

nilthcirlKf-c- l to s the llAt.l.URIE nf MRII. WAl.THtlS rilAIU.KS and c'llXTEi:STUKr;TS, will le o;in p' h puhllfi

All WIlllMIMlS ami SRIA.a, OI- -

jam'.vri iniu:ii:v. sunni anM'ltll hii.i .iU.i KArKlt MdXDAY anil.lid I Kuril RY between Ihe ho'iis of

II JUil I u'i lm I.

i- .- of ai i si ' 11 i terns r 'I. H llarni, . lu " I o. un r'aniitonl a t ijlfo a lie el Wei tiere and Ustsi

CtaSerd. Eiltlmcrt
