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Waste Management Research - City University of Pasay (BPG)

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Solid Waste Management of Barangay. 159, Pasay City A Research Presented to Research Topics in Public Governance City University of Pasay In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree in Bachelor in Public Governance Submitted by: Nopal, Danilo Jr. Ola, Reynan Saugon, Conrado Jr. Egana, Jayson Panlican, Warren
Page 1: Waste Management Research - City University of Pasay (BPG)

Solid Waste Management of Barangay. 159, Pasay City

A Research Presented to

Research Topics in Public Governance

City University of Pasay

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree in

Bachelor in Public Governance

Submitted by:

Nopal, Danilo Jr.

Ola, Reynan

Saugon, Conrado Jr.

Egana, Jayson

Panlican, Warren

Page 2: Waste Management Research - City University of Pasay (BPG)

i. Acknowledgement

The researchers would like to thank the following persons that helped them in

fulfilling with their compliance in Research/ Thesis Paper.

The Almighty God, for giving strength, knowledge and wisdom he provided us

to deal with our research paper for keeping us safe in conducting interviews and survey

with different people.

Our families, for supporting us morally, and most importantly financially, and

giving us ideas with our research paper.

To Dr. Amor B. Penalosa, who conducted a seminar regarding our research

paper. To Prof. Martha L. Dela Paz that gave us this opportunity to make our research

paper, for motivating us and believed that we can pursue this paper works.

To Ms. Ceverina P. Losabia, who is an operational manager of Solid Waste Management

Office (SWMO) that allowed us to conduct an interview with her and provided us some

information that we need.

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To our friends and classmates that helped us by sharing us some ideas and stuff

essential to our thesis/research paper.

And to all the persons that aren’t mentioned, thank you for helping us in completing

and finishing our paper works, thank you for all the time and effort that you gave us.

It really helped us a lot.

You are all appreciated

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ii. Introduction

Waste management has serious environmental effects making the

passage of the Republic Act (RA) 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000 a Landmark Environmental Legislation in the

Philippines. The law was crafted in response to the looming garbage

problem in the country. RA 9003 declares the policy of the state in adopting

a systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management

program that ensures the protection of public health and the environment and

the proper segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal

of solid waste through the formulation and adoption of best environmental

practices. Moreover, it illustrates the potentials and benefits of recycling not

only in addressing waste management problems but also in alleviating


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The researchers want to determine how barangays comply with the goals

of the solid waste management office of the City of Pasay. We focused on

one barangay, so we choose Barangay 159, Zone 17 of Pasay City,

because according to the SWMO of Pasay City they said barangay 159 is

the cleanest and the most compliant barangay of the city.

We want to know what practices and activities they conduct to

maintain the cleanest of their barangay. How do they coordinate with the

Local Solid Waste Management Office? Are the constituents of Barangay

159 satisfied with the actions their barangay official are making, and

does in benefit them?

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Table of Contents

i. Acknowledgement

ii. Introduction

I. Problems and Its Background

a. Statement of the Problem

II. Theoretical Framework

a. Hypothesis

b. Significance of the Study

c. Definition of Terms

d. Review of Related literature

III. Methodology

a. Research Design

b. Instrument

c. Data Gathering Procedures

IV. Results, Analysis and Interpretation

V. Conclusion/Recommendation

VI. Bibliography

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I. Problem and Its Background

This study provides an analysis of the waste management program

of Barangay 159. The barangay shall be responsible for the collection,

segregation, recycling of biodegradable, recyclable, compostable and

reusable wastes.

Waste disposal and management is both an urban and rural

problem. Every person is a potential generator of waste and thus a

contributor to this problem. To generate waste is one thing, the type of waste

generated is another and yet also the way the generated waste is managed or

disposed of is quite a different issue. Waste is generated by, and from

different sectors; domestic, commercial, industry and others and in many

instances; the waste management responsibility has been left to the

government or administrative authorities.

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This study was carried out in Barangay 159 which is located in Malibay,

Pasay City.

There is growing consensus that the immediate stakeholders in

the issue of solid waste, in this case the residents need to join hands with

the authorities in dealing with this problem that has far-reaching

environmental and human health effects.

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a. Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this study is to determine what are the

plans, procedures of Barangay 159 Zone 17 in terms of proper solid

waste management. Specifically, it attempts to answer the following

research question:

• Proper waste disposal

• Garbage collection

• Cleaning maintenance consistency

• People’s participation in terms of waste disposal

• Garbage recycling

• People’s satisfaction about the solid waste management

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II. Theoretical Framework


1. Proper Waste


2. Garbage Collection

3. Cleaning



4. People’s

Participation in terms

of waste disposal

5. Garbage Recycling

6. People’s


1. Waste Segregation




2. Ensure that waste is collected

and transported in a safe and

timely manner.

3. *Has Street sweepers

*Trash bins in every 50 meters

within the barangay territory.

* Each household should have

black trash bags or trash cans.

4. Conducts seminars concerning

with the awareness of proper

waste disposal.



6. Conduct seminars and activities

related to solid waste


1. It makes the barangay

surroundings CLEAN &


2. It would make the

garbage disposal more

manageable and efficient.

3. It would help in making

the constituents well-

disciplined and more

responsible in disposing

their trashes

4. People of the barangay

would be more concern and

aware about waste

management planning.

5. Maximize the level of


6. The people would be

contented with the system

of the barangay in Solid

Waste Management.

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a. Hypothesis

Barangay 159 has some problems in terms of solid wastes,

specifically in Garbage Recycling. Therefore, if the people of Barangay

159 would be encouraged in exercising proper waste recycling then it

would be a big help to the community in preventing floods, numerous

counts of garbage that is needed to be disposed and it could also help in

preventing global warming.

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b. Significance of the Study

This section will provide brief description on the various

significances of the study given the problems of Barangay 159,

regarding Solid Waste.

To the office of Barangay 159.The proposed study serves the

Barangay officials, personnels as their reference or guide in creating

their program concerned with Solid Waste Management.

To the constituents. The proposed study will help the

constituents of the barangay to have a deeper understanding to the

programs that their barangay officials are making. By this study they

will come up with easier and powerful programs that could enhance the

programs that the local barangay would conduct.

To future researchers. The proposed study will benefits and

help the future researcher as their guide. The study can also open in

development of this study.

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c. Definition of Terms

Alleviating – to reduce the pain or trouble of something: to make

something less painful, difficult or severe

LGU - (Local government Unit) is a form of public

administration which in a majority of contexts, exists as the

lowest tier of administration within a given state.

Provision - the act or process of supplying or providing

something: something that is done in advance to prepare for

something else

Stakeholders - A person, group or organization that

has interest or concern in an organization.

Segregation - the separation or isolation of a race, class, or ethnic

group by enforced or voluntary residence in a restricted area, by

barriers to social intercourse, by separate educational facilities, or

by other discriminatory means

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d. Review of Related Literature

• Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

RA 9003 describes solid waste management as a discipline

associated with the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and

transport, processing, and disposal of solid wastes. The manner by which

these activities are conducted shall be in accord with the best principles of

public health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics, other

environmental considerations, and public attitudes. The Act provides for a

comprehensive ecological solid waste management program by creating the

necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, appropriating funds,

declaring certain acts prohibited, and providing penalties.

Comprehensive Solid Waste Management

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• Waste Characterization and Segregation.

The solid waste generated within the area of jurisdiction

shall be characterized for initial source reduction and recycling

element of the local waste management plan. A separate container is

required for each type of waste for on-site collection properly marked

as “compostable”, “non-recyclable”, “recyclable” or “special waste”.

Waste segregation shall primarily be conducted at the source including

household, commercial, industrial and agricultural sources.

Source Reduction. This refers to the methods by which the LGUs can

reduce a sufficient amount of solid waste disposed within five (5)

years. LGUs are expected to divert at least 25% of all solid waste from

waste disposal facilities through re-use, recycling and composting

activities. The rate of waste diversion is set to increase every three (3)


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Collection and Transport of Solid Waste. The geographic subdivisions

are taken into account in the coverage of the solid waste collection area in

every barangay ensuring 100% collection efficiency within 24 hours from

all sources. The plan shall define and identify specific strategies and

activities taking into account the availability and provision of properly

designed containers in selected collection points while awaiting collection

and transfer, segregation of different types of waste, hauling and transfer

of solid waste from collection points to final disposal sites, issuance and

enforcement of ordinances for effective implementation, and provision of

properly trained officers and workers. All personnel directly dealing with

collection of solid waste must be equipped with personal protective gears

for their protection.

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Recycling Program. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), in

coordination with other concerned agencies, is directed to publish an inventory

of existing markets for recyclable materials, product standards for recyclable

and recycled materials, and a proposal to stimulate demand for the production

of recycled materials and products. Moreover, a coding system for eco-labeling

is expected from DTI. Non-environmentally acceptable products shall be

allowed within one (1) year after public notice as alternatives available to

consumers but at cost not exceeding ten (10) percent of the disposable product.

The use of non-environmentally acceptable packaging is strictly prohibited by

the Act.

LGUs are mandated to establish Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in each

barangay or cluster of barangays designed to receive, sort, process and store

compostable and recyclable materials efficiently. The residual wastes shall then

be transferred to a long-term storage or disposal facility or sanitary landfill. All

solid waste disposal facilities or sites in the country shall be published by the

Department of Natural Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). No open

dumps nor any practice or disposal of solid waste that constitutes open dumps

for solid waste shall be allowed. The Act further provides for conversion of

existing open dumps to controlled dumps within three (3) years.

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Composting. The Department of Agriculture (DA) shall publish an

inventory of existing markets and demands for composts that is updated

annually. These composts intended for commercial distribution should

conform to the standards set by the DA for organic fertilizers.

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• Penal Provisions

Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive list of prohibited acts including: (1) littering,

throwing, dumping of waste matters in public places; (2) undertaking activities in

violation of sanitation operation; (3) open burning of solid waste; (4) causing non-

segregated waste; (5) squatting in open dumps and landfills; (6) open dumping,

burying of biodegradable materials in flood-prone areas; (7) unauthorized removal

of recyclable material; (8) mixing of source-separated recyclable material with

other solid waste; (9) establishment or operation of open-dumps; (10)

manufacturing, distributing, using, and importing consumer products that are non-

environmentally-friendly materials; (11) importing toxic wastes misrepresented as

“recyclable” or “with recyclable content”; (12) transporting and dumping in bulk in

areas other than facility centers; (13) site preparation, construction, expansion or

operation of waste management facilities without an Environmental Compliance

Certificate and not conforming with the land use plan of LGUs; (14) construction

of establishment within 200 meters from dump sites or sanitary landfills; and (15)

operation of waste disposal facility on any aquifer, groundwater reservoir or

watershed area.

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• Financing Solid Waste Management

The Act provided a special account in the National Treasury called the Solid

Waste Management Fund. This will be sourced from fines and penalties

imposed, proceeds of permits and licenses, donations, endowments, grants

and contributions and amount allocated under the annual General

Appropriations Act. The Fund will be utilized to finance products, facilities,

technologies, and processes that would enhance proper solid waste

management; awards and incentives; research programs; information,

education, communication and monitoring activities; technical assistance;

and capability building activities.

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III. Methodology

a. Research Design

This study used descriptive survey design it may use to determine

how does the barangay 159 of Pasay City complies with the rules and

regulations and the objectives of the local office of the Solid Waste

Management Office of Pasay City.

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b. Instrument

The study used a questionnaire as one of the important

instrument in gathering data. According to the Encarta dictionary,

questionnaire is a set of question use to gather information in a survey

form in a printed paper or form that contains questionnaire.

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Poor Good Excellent

1. Proper Waste Disposal

2. Garbage Collection

3. Cleaning Maintenance Consistency

4. People’s Participation in terms of waste disposal

5. Garbage Recycling

6. People’s Satisfaction about the Waste Management

Name: ___________________________________________

Address: ___________________ Age: ____ Sex: _______

Direction: Put check (/) on the table which you think is the accurate rating

for the corresponding question/statement. READ THE QUESTIONS


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c. Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers float questionnaires/survey to the people of

Barangay 159 zone 17 of Pasay City.

This questionnaire and survey includes different questions

regarding proper waste management within the barangay jurisdiction.

The collected data were tabulated and interpreted by the

researchers promptly.

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IV. Results, Analysis and Interpretation

What is the profile of the respondents as to:

4.1 Proper Waste Disposal

4.2 Garbage Collection

4.3 Cleaning Maintenance Consistency

4.4 People’s Participation in terms of waste disposal

4.5 Garbage Recycling

4.6 People’s Satisfaction about the Waste Management

4.7 Total Number of Garbage

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Figure 4.1

As the diagram shows,

4% of the respondents

said its POOR in terms

of Proper Waste

Disposal, 64% of the

respondents answered

GOOD, 32% said its


compliance with proper




Proper Waste Disposal




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Garbage Collection




Figure 4.2

As the graph shows,

2% of the respondents

said its POOR in terms

of Garbage Collection,

60% of the

respondents answered

GOOD, 38% said its


compliance with

garbage collection.

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Cleaning Maintenance Consistency




Figure 4.3

As the graph shows, 6%

of the respondents said

its POOR in terms of

Cleaning Maintenance

Consistency, 56% of

the respondents

answered GOOD, 38%

said its EXCELLENT in

compliance with

cleaning maintenance


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People’s Participation in terms of waste disposal




Figure 4.4

As the graph shows,

4% of the respondents

said its POOR in

terms of People’s

Participation, 58% of

the respondents

answered GOOD,

38% said its


compliance with

people’s participation

in terms of proper

waste disposal.

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Garbage Recycling




Figure 4.5

As the graph shows,

54% of the

respondents said its

POOR in terms of

Garbage Recycling,

26% of the

respondents answered

GOOD, 20% said its


compliance with

garbage recycling.

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People’s Satisfaction about the Waste Management




Figure 4.6

As the graph shows,

12% of the

respondents said its

POOR in terms of

People’s Satisfaction

about the Waste

Management, 50% of

the respondents

answered GOOD, 38%

said its EXCELLENT

in compliance with

People’s Satisfaction

about the Waste


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70%Non- Biodegradable

Total Number of Garbage



Figure 4.7

As shown in the diagram

above, 70% of the solid

waste of brgy.

households are non-

biodegradable, while

30% of the solid waste

are biodegradable.

1854 kilos ( volume of

garbage collected a day)

30% (biodegradable =


70% (non-

biodegradable= 1297.80)

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V. Conclusion/Recommendation


As the conclusion to this research, the researchers realized that it is

indeed a great impact to the community and to the people who lives in that

particular barangay if they’ll have a clean place and proper waste disposal; it

will make a difference if you’re living in a clean place which has a good

sanitation. It will also benefit the people to avoid different types of diseases

if the place is clean, there is a saying that “health is wealth”. So if you have a

clean place, it could diminish the incident of dengue, or other diseases.

And also the proper waste disposals are not possible without the

help of the people who lives in a place, and we saw that there is cooperation

between the barangay leaders down to the community. That’s the reason why

they have a victorious project.

It is our hope that Barangay 159 leaders and their community will

serve as an example to other barangays on doing and improving the


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To the Barangay 159 leaders:

We recommend that you will just continue on doing such thing

and we firmly believe that some of the place also in that barangay

didn’t adopt that project, so you also look to that place and help them

improve there waste disposal.

To the People at barangay 159:

Just help the barangay officials to do the project for it will

help both parties.

To the other Barangay leaders and people:

You must do what this barangay 159 has done and look on the

positive effect on this projects so you can apply it to your particular

barangay. Take them as your best example regarding proper Solid Waste

Disposal Management.

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1. Robson, C. (1993). Real-world research: A resource for social scientists and

practitioner – researchers. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.

2.Jump up^ Adèr, H. J., Mellenbergh, G. J., & Hand, D. J. (2008). Advising on

research methods: a consultant's companion. Huizen: Johannes van Kessel

Publishing. ISBN 978-90-79418-01-5

3. http://www.swapp.org.ph/research-studies/171-uaesp-jica-project-on-master-


4. http://www.swapp.org.ph/research-studies/25-metro-manila-solid-waste-


5. http://ap.fftc.agnet.org/ap_db.php?id=153&print=1 ( Ecological Waste

Management Act )

6. http://www.emb.gov.ph/laws/solid%20waste%20management/ra9003.pdf

7. http://www.philstar.com/science-and-technology/2013/01/03/892576/proper-




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BARANAGY NO./ZONE NO. : Brgy. 159 Zone 17ADDRESS OF BRGY. HALL : Estanislao Street, Cor.EdsaCONTACT NO. : 851-04-03


Patinio St., East – C. Jose St., West – E. Rodriguez St.

LAND AREA : 2.95 sq.hectaresPOPULATION : 1290NO. OF HOUSEHOLD : 309

ECONOMIC PROFILE : BPI Family bank, 7/11 StorePREDOMINANT BUSINESS OR Cebuana Lhuiler, Relim Pharma Corp.PRODUCTS PRODUCED IN BRGY. Sunday Machine Works, WordviewMAJOR BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS Hardware & Electrical Supply

Computer Shops, Learning Center for Kids, Computer Depot

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