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Watchers Lamp Nov 14

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    "There's this small group of priests who say they get requests from all over

    the continental U.S.," Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, was

    quoted as saying.


    S U N D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 4 , 2 0 1 0

    RICK WARREN, CINDY TRIMM, PAULA WHITE &THE LAW OF ATTRACTIONThings Are Just Not Adding Up Right When It Comes To Rick Warren And

    His Activities

    From Apprising Ministries:

    This ongoing series concerning Purpose Driven PopeRick Warrenhere at

    Apprising Ministriesreally begins Dr. John Piper made the dubious

    decision to feature the semi-pelagian (at best) Warren as the keynote

    speaker at the DG 2010 conferenceThink: The Life of the Mind & the Love

    of God.

    Afterward, this would lead to posts likeDr. Laverne Adams And Rick

    Warren Driven By Destiny?andRick Warren Teaching The Law Of

    Attraction?where I introduced you to a spiritually whacked Word Faith

    flake who goes by the name:

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    ...Why Would Rick Warren Want To Promote This Unknown Word Faith


    Heres the heart of the matter: Rick Warren, arguably one of the most

    respected Christian pastors in the visible church, has recommended thedoctrine of Dr. LaVerne Adams in her book DBD; while she, in turn, praises

    Dr. Cindy Trimm for being a catalyst to move [her] into a realm of power

    and faith that delivered me into a deeper dimension of my divine destiny.

    Trimmwho obviously shaped Adams doctrinethen says, Dr. Adams

    takes us on a scholarly journey and offers us a destiny altering practical

    guide to discovering and mastering the secrets for success, happiness,

    and prosperity.

    ...Why would Rick Warren want to reach out to this Word Faith pastrix and

    use his influence to bring her right into the mainstream of the visible

    church? Could it really be that Warren himself does agree with this kind of

    lunacy in the Lords Name as well? Stay tuned.

    See also: Rick Warren's Law of Attraction: Vision or Vanity


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    S A T U R D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 0

    Solar Flare Alert - Impact November 14

    Universe Today

    An activesunspot(1123) eruptedearly this morning (Nov. 12th), producing

    a C4-classsolar flareand apparently hurling afilamentof material in the

    general direction ofEarth. Coronagraph images from theSolarand

    Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and NASAs twin STEREOspacecraft

    show a faintcoronalmass ejection emerging from the blast site and

    heading off in a direction just south of thesun-Earth line. The cloud could

    deliver a glancing blow toEarths magnetic fieldsometime on Nov. 14th or

    15th. High latitude sky watchers could seeaurorason those dates.

    Learn how a solar flare impacts the earth's magnetic field, weather and

    tectonic plates here.


    Druckerites Exposed

    Christian Research Network:

    In his pieceWhos Responsible for the Defects of the Knowledge Based

    Products of the Druckerite Companies?Chris Rosebrough does a stellar

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    job of exposing the Church Growth-Purpose Driven movement and its

    highly revered leaders:

    "Many Christians have an incorrect view about what the Purpose-Driven

    Network, the Willowcreek Association and Leadership Network are. Many

    mistakenly believe these organizations are churches, or some form of a

    quasi-denomination. Theyre not. These organizations are businesses and

    these businesses offer knowledge based products to the church leader /

    pastor market."

    See the rest at Extreme Theology.


    F R I D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 0

    Rick Warren's Glass House of Heresy

    Pastor Ken Silva at Apprising Ministries flagged Rick Warren's tweet on the

    definition of heresy...

    Pastor Silva plainly illustrates Warren's embrace of Roman Catholicism.

    Such a position conflicts with the biblical basis of the Protestant

    Reformation. Pastor Silva replies to Warren's tweet with the following:

    "Heresy is claiming u follow Christ while embracing as fellow believers

    those who faithfully follow Roman Catholicisms false gospel, thereby

    disrespecting Gods family."

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    Another aspect of Rick Warren's tweet is that it seems to be one

    way...Rick's Way. Warren sets up the straw man, a believer attacking

    another believer. Warren then labels the attack as an act of heresy.

    Certainly, the statement seems valid, in and of itself. However, Rick

    Warren's history of ad hominen attacks upon those critical of his

    pragmatism and theology quickly tarnishes any validity his tweet may have


    Here's a just a few examples of Rick Warren, et. al, attacking other


    Warren: Protect The Unity, Throw Out The Resisters

    Rick Warren: "People are going to have to die or leave"

    Purpose Driven Resisters - Must Leave or Die

    Rick Warrens Inquisition

    Resisters Called "Leaders from Hell"

    Rick Warren Says Christians Hate Non-Christians

    Purpose Driven Dismemberment

    Rick Warren: Fundamentalists Dont Listen

    Purpose Driven Stone Throwing

    Christians: Fear the Lord, Not Rick Warren!

    More Purpose Driven Stone Throwing at Christians

    Growing Hostility Toward Biblical Christianity...from Evangelicals

    Throwing Cyber-Sand In The Face of A Purpose-Driven Resister

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    Christian Leader Pays For Speaking Out Against Rick Warren

    Purpose Driven Persecution

    Warren: Blogosphere Uncivilized, Faith is Simply a Worldview

    Casting Stones In The Name Of Unity

    Warren Casts The First Stone

    Rick Warren Casts More Stones

    Rick Warren Condemns Christians ... Again

    Warren Blames Church Splits on Indulgent Christians

    Warren: Protect The Unity, Throw Out The Resisters

    Rick Warren: "People are going to have to die or leave"

    Purpose Driven Resisters - Must Leave or Die

    Rick Warrens Inquisition

    Resisters Called "Leaders from Hell"

    More Purpose Driven Division

    Dealing With Purpose Driven Resisters

    Collateral Damage of the Purpose Driven Pastor

    More Collateral Damage From A Purpose Driven Pastor

    Dismembered By A Purpose Driven Pastor

    Web Hosting Service Caves To Purpose Driven Pressure

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    Rick Warren's definition of heresy apparently doesn't apply to him.

    Here's another tweet to consider:

    People in glass houses can throw stones if they hide in a crystal cathedral.

    "Do as I say, not as I do." That's the definition of hypocrisy.


    Five Anglican Bishops Defect to Rome

    THE TELEGRAPH: Church of England in crisis as five bishops defect to


    Five bishops are to resign from the Church of England to lead the

    defection of hundreds of Anglicans to Rome, The Daily Telegraph has


    By Tim Ross, Religious Affairs Editor

    The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is expected toannounce the resignations as parishes across the country meet to discuss

    the Popes offer to accommodate disaffected Anglicans within the Roman

    Catholic Church.

    Senior Catholics are finalising plans for a new group for Anglican converts

    who cannot accept women bishops and a detailed timetable for its

    formation could be announced as early as next week.

    The defections have been triggered by a vote at the General Synod of the

    Church of England in July to support divisive plans for women to be

    ordained as bishops in England for the first time.

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    See more on the English Ordinariate created by the Vatican here.


    W E D N E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 1 0

    Netanyahu to Obama: Jerusalem is not a settlement

    The Jerusalem Post

    The peace process threatened to spiral out of control Tuesday over Israeli

    plans to advance 1,345 housing units in Jewish neighborhoods of east


    Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had flown to the US Saturday night

    hoping to break the impasse in the stalled peace talks. Instead, US

    President Barack Obama publicly reprimanded him as the Palestinians

    reissued their threats to seek unilateral statehood.

    The international community must respond to Israels unilateral measures

    by instantly recognizing a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders, said

    chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat.

    Speaking about the Jerusalem homes at a press conference in Indonesia,

    Obama said, This kind of activity is never helpful when it comes to peace

    negotiations. He added that such incremental steps can end up breaking

    down trust between the parties.

    Netanyahu, in turn, sharply defended Israels right to build in Jerusalem,

    which it claims as its eternal united capital, even as the Palestinians claim

    the eastern party of the city as the capital of their future state.

    Jerusalem is not a settlement. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, the

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    Prime Ministers Office said in a statement on Tuesday, adding that the

    government had never agreed to place any restrictions on construction in

    Jerusalem, which has 800,000 residents.


    Mystery Missile Is No Illusion!Huge, cruise type missile- this was no aircraft contrail or illusion,

    optical or otherwise, and it was not ours

    The Pentagon knows exactly where it came from. Information

    blackout called deliberate, unprecedented. U.S. Intelligence official


    What has been described as a large cruise type missile was apparently

    launched from an undetermined location of undetermined origin

    somewhere in the Pacific Ocean approximately 35 miles north of Catalina

    Island and west of Los Angeles at sunset last night. The U.S. military

    denies any such launch, although adds that there is no threat to the

    United States.

    Inquiries made by the Northeast Intelligence Network has so far verified

    the following:

    - There were no warning or advisories to aircraft or air traffic controllers.

    According to one supervisory ATC from LAX interviewed today, this was

    totally unexpected.

    - No U.S. missile tests were scheduled or conducted at that time and

    location, according to a Pentagon contact; Pentagon source 9 November

    2010 1510 hours ET

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    - This was not an accidental launch. The methods required to launch a

    missile of this size and presumed type is too complex and involves more

    than one person, thats all I can say. Pentagon source; 9 November

    2010; 1510 hours ET

    Oh yes, they know exactly where it came from and what type of missile it

    was, but are not saying. There are a lot of meetings taking place right now

    inside the ring [a reference to the Pentagon]. Pentagon source; 9

    November 2010; 1510 hours ET

    China, Russia, Iran, France are four countries that have the capabilities

    for this type type of launch. And of course, we do too. But it was not us.

    Theres scuttlebut about a cargo ship and China, but thats all it is,

    scuttlebut. Pentagon source; 9 November 2010; 1510 hours ET


    Editor's note: Are You Good Enough To Go To Heaven?

    Plan, prepare and perform with response resources here.


    Visit Survivor Mall.com for your preparedness needs.

    Psalm 91 My Refuge and My Fortress

    1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

    will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

    2 I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress,

    my God, in whom I trust."


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    Virgin Mary Statue Smiles, Weeps Healing Oil

    'Weeping' Virgin Mary statue draws hundreds of worshippers to Windsor


    WINDSOR, Ont. -- A statue of the Virgin Mary said to weep tears of

    healing oil is attracting the worship of hundreds of Catholics, raising the ire

    of neighbours and drawing the attention of city bureaucrats.

    Located in the front yard of a Garvey Crescent home, the statue is said to

    smile during the day and weep tears of oil at night. Homeowner Fadia

    Ibrahim calls the supposed happenings a "miracle," and believes the statue

    is delivering a message. "I think it's a work of God and she wants thepeople to go back to church," said Ibrahim, 48.

    See updated report: Visitors welcome at new home of 'weeping' madonna

    See also: Apparitions of Mary: Divine or Dangerous?

    Learn more about the Mary of Rome here.


    Barack Obama: We Must Embrace Globalism AndThe Emerging One World Economy


    Although it received very little coverage in the mainstream media, Barack

    Obama made some comments about globalism during his speech in

    Mumbai, India that were very eye-opening. As he was discussing the new

    realities of world trade in 2010, Obama warned against "those who see

    globalization as a threat" and he spoke of the "integrated world" in which

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    we all now live. But is merging the entire globe into a one world economy,

    a one world financial system and a one world labor market really the best

    thing for the American people?

    ..."This will keep America on its toes. America is going to have to compete.

    There is going to be a tug-of-war within the US between those who see

    globalization as a threat and those who accept we live in a open integrated

    world, which has challenges and opportunities."

    See also:

    World Bank Proposes Gold Standard For New Global Economy , The Age

    of the Dollar Is Drawing To a Close

    See more on the rise of the Fourth Kingdom.


    M O N D A Y , N O V E M B E R 8 , 2 0 1 0

    World Bank Proposes Gold Standard For New Global

    Economy"The dollar is losing its relevance especially with the emergence of Asia

    economies, so a more neutral benchmark may be required. Gold, amid all

    the recent uncertainty, is proving its worth," said ANZ's senior commodity

    analyst Mark Pervan.

    World Bank chief surprises with gold proposal

    LONDON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The world's largest economies

    should consider gold as an indicator to help set foreign exchange rates,

    the head of the World Bank said on Monday in a proposal that threw open

    the acrimonious currency debate just before a summit of G20 nations.

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    Writing in the Financial Times, World Bank President Robert Zoellick called

    for a new monetary system to replace the floating rates adopted in 1971

    known as Bretton Woods II.

    ...The price of gold powered to a record $1,410 an ounce on Monday

    during safe-haven buying after the U.S. Federal Reserve last week

    resumed buying Treasury bonds to inflate its money supply. Spot gold was

    last trading at around $1,406 an ounce.

    Gold has risen nearly 6 percent since just before the Fed detailed plans

    last Wednesday to buy $600 billion in Treasuries to revive the economy,

    also stoking inflation fears.

    Editor's note: Before rushing out to buy gold, invest in this buyer's guide

    that details how to buy gold without getting robbed. A portion of the

    proceeds will also support this website.

    See more on the rise of the Fourth Kingdom.


    F R I D A Y , N O V E M B E R 5 , 2 0 1 0

    The Age of the Dollar Is Drawing To a Close

    The Telegraph-UK

    Right from the start of the financial crisis, it was apparent that one of its

    biggest long-term casualties would be the mighty dollar, and with it, very

    possibly, American economic hegemony. The process would take time

    possibly a decade or more but the starting gun had been fired.

    At next week's meeting in Seoul of the G20's leaders, there will be no last

    rites this hopelessly unwieldy exercise in global government wouldn't

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    recognise a corpse if stood before it in a coffin but it seems clear that this

    tragedy is already approaching its denouement.

    ...The rest of the world is now openly questioning the merits of a global

    currency whose value is governed by America's perceived domestic

    needs, while the growth that once underpinned confidence in its ability to

    repay its debts has never looked more fragile.

    See more on the rise of The Fourth Kingdom.


    T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 4 , 2 0 1 0

    Israel Suspends its Cooperation with UNESCO

    Israel International News.com by Elad Benari

    Israel announced on Wednesday that it will be suspending its cooperation

    with The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

    (UNESCO), due to its decision to declare Rachels Tomb a mosque. The

    suspension will be in place until the organization reverses its decision

    Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, who made the announcement

    regarding the suspension, said of the resolution by UNESCO: This

    resolution was adopted by the Arab automatic majority, lead by the

    Palestinian Authority, in another attempt to de-legitimize Israel. UNESCO

    has become a rubber stamp for the PA.

    UNESCOs recent vote called for Rachel's Tomb and the Tomb of the

    Patriarchs the burial site of the other Biblical Patriarchs and Matriarchs

    to be removed from Israel's National Heritage list.

    The Palestinian Authority has claimed that Rachel's Tomb is holy to

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    Muslims as the site of a mosque called the Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque. It

    demands control over both the tomb and the Tomb of the Patriarchs in

    Hevron, as well as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.


    High Intensity Eruption Strongest Yet For Merapi

    More evacuated as Indonesian volcano erupts again By Gandang Sajarwo


    WUKIRSARI, Indonesia Indonesia ordered thousands more people to

    evacuate Thursday as the country's most active volcano erupted again,

    shooting gas and ash into the sky and triggering a new aircraft exclusion


    Volcanologists said the "high intensity" eruption was the strongest yet from

    the 2,914-metre (9,616-foot) Mount Merapi, but there were no reports of

    new casualties after 36 people were killed last week.

    "Today's eruption is bigger than yesterday's. Heat clouds and volcanic

    material were shot 10 kilometres (six miles) into the sky," said Kurniadi

    Rinekso, a government scientist in Yogyakarta, which lies south of the


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    W E D N E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 3 , 2 0 1 0

    Global food crisis forecast as prices reach recordhighs

    Prophecy News Watch

    Rising food prices and shortages could cause instability in many countries

    as the cost of staple foods and vegetables reached their highest levels in

    two years, with scientists predicting further widespread droughts and


    Although food stocks are generally good despite much of this year's

    harvests being wiped out in Pakistan and Russia, sugar and rice remain at

    a record price.

    Global wheat and maize prices recently jumped nearly 30% in a few weeks

    while meat prices are at 20-year highs, according to the key Reuters-

    Jefferies commodity price indicator. Last week, the US predicted thatglobal wheat harvests would be 30m tonnes lower than last year, a 5.5%

    fall. Meanwhile, the price of tomatoes in Egypt, garlic in China and bread in

    Pakistan are at near-record levels.

    "The situation has deteriorated since September," said Abdolreza

    Abbassian of the UN food and agriculture organisation. "In the last few

    weeks there have been signs we are heading the same way as in 2008.

    "We may not get to the prices of 2008 but this time they could stay high

    much longer."

    However, opinions are sharply divided over whether these prices signal a

    world food crisis like the one in 2008 that helped cause riots in 25

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    countries, or simply reflect volatility in global commodity markets as

    countries claw their way through recession.


    Gulf Oil Disaster 2.0 - The Human Fallout Emerging

    Gulf patients teated for high levels of volatile solvents...

    From Florida Oil SPill Law:

    Florida physician refers patient to toxicologist, who concluded symptoms

    are due to the elevated, abnormal levels of chemicals present in mysystem from the Gulf oil spill

    ...physicians suggested treatment includes diet and his temporary

    relocation. Its very hard to accept the fact that I have to leave the Gulf of

    Mexico, Yerkes said.

    ALERT: Florida medical doctor begins treating patients in relation to highlevels of volatile solvents

    Rodney D. Soto, medical doctor for the Younger You Institute in Santa

    Rosa Beach, recently started testing and treating patients in relation to

    high levels of volatile solvents in the blood stream that he says may be

    linked to BPs oil spill in the Gulf.

    See also: University scientists seafood sample results were hundreds oftimes higher than the levels the government tests found

    Top attorney calls for immediate funding of coastal health clinics

    Disturbing findings cry out for a more sustained public-health response

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    See all posts on the Gulf Oil Disaster here.


    Hundred's of Explosions From Anak Krakatau

    Mount Anak Krakatau erupts in Indonesia

    Mount Anak Krakatau in Sunda Strait of Indonesia has erupted with over

    200 explosions a day, unleashing hot ash by up to 1,700 meters high and

    poisonous gas, officials said on Wednesday.

    At night time, a gigantic flaring magma exited from the crater and came

    down to the slope, said Anton Tripambudi, observer at the Anak Krakatau

    monitoring post in Banten province told Xinhua by phone.

    Head of Observation of Volcanology at Volcanology Agency Muhammad

    Hendratno said that the frequency of the explosion had risen since two

    days ago by up to 200 times a day from the range of 80 to 100 times a day

    to since two days ago.

    See also: Indonesian warns Merapi volcano 'could erupt for months'


    T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 0

  • 8/8/2019 Watchers Lamp Nov 14



    21 More Volcanoes Rumble In Indonesia

    Indonesia volcano shoots new blast; 21 more rumble

    Evacuees cowered and fled for cover Monday, Nov. 1, as an erupting

    volcano -- one of 22 showing increased activity in Indonesia -- let loose

    booming explosions of hot gas and debris in its most powerful blast in a

    deadly week. No new casualties were reported.

    See also:Besides Merapi, Plenty of Other Indonesia Volcanoes to Worry About

    Iceland. Volcano showing troubling signs of life

    Mt. Anak Krakataus activity escalating: Official

    Indonesia's Merapi volcano eruption continues

    Three Volcanoes Show Signs of Increased Activity

    Two Volcanoes Blow In Russia

    Tsunami, Volcanic Eruptions May Be Linked

    Second Indonesian volcano erupts


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    M O N D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 , 2 0 1 0

    Virginia & Tennessee Quakes

    (click on image for details)

