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Water and Sanitation - Progress of TSC in Patna Sadar Block

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1 Project Report on Water and Sanitation programme in Panta Sadar Block of Patna District Project Report Prepared for Department of Rural Studies, Patna University As a Course requirements Supervised by: Dr. Sunita Roy Lcturer Department of Rural Studies Patna University, Patna Prepared by: Ranvijay Kumar Roll: 1169 Registration No: 1302/2007 Session: 2007-09 Department of Rural Studies, Patna University, Patna
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Project Report on Water and Sanitation programme in Panta Sadar Block of Patna District

Project Report Prepared for Department of Rural Studies, Patna

University As a Course requirements

Supervised by: Dr. Sunita Roy Lcturer Department of Rural Studies Patna University, Patna

Prepared by: Ranvijay Kumar Roll: 1169 Registration No: 1302/2007 Session: 2007-09 Department of Rural Studies, Patna University, Patna

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The credit of success of this report goes to Dr. Sunita Roy, Lecturer, Department of Rural Studies, Patna University, who guided me not only in writing this report but also in collecting primary and secondary data. I wish to thank Dr. Geeta Sinha, Professor in-charge, Department of Rural Studies, Patna University, Patna for her guidance and allocation of such interesting and important issue for project work. I wish to thank all the teacher of Rural studies department, Patna University for their guidance and support. I wish to thank M. Rahman, Junior Engineer, Public Health Division, Patna West Patna for his support at field level. I wish to thank Nidan’s people for extending their support in collecting field level information. I also wish to thank beneficiaries who shared contributed time and shared their experience with me.

I wish to thank again to Dr. Sunita Roy and Dr. Geeta Sinha for their support and guidance at every step of preparing this report.

Ranvijay Kumar

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Table of Contents Project Title Certificate Acknowledgements Table of Contents Acronyms Title Page Chapter: 1 1 Sanitation Water Chapter: 2 9 Programmes to address Water and Sanitation in India Water and Sanitation in Bihar Chapter: 3 21 Profile of Project District and Block Situation of Water and Sanitation in target area Panorama Chapter: 4 34 Ray of Hope Good Initiative by NGO Findings Suggestions Chapter: 5 40 Annexure 1: Case studies Annexure 2: Reference Annexure 3: Glossary

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Chapter: 1

Sanitation (often referred to as ‘environmental sanitation’) includes interventions for the

safe management and disposal/re-use of waste. The delivery of safe sanitation services

includes infrastructure (e.g. latrines, sewers), associated behaviors (e.g. toilet usage,

hand-washing) and a requisite enabling environment (e.g. public health regulations, fiscal

incentive schemes for achieving sanitation outcomes). Safe sanitation prevents waste

from coming into contact with humans. This is linked to reduced burden of disease and

illness-related expenditure, improved water quality and a cleaner environment, ultimately

resulting in a better quality of life.

Sanitation is the hygienic means of preventing human contact from the hazards of wastes

to promote health. Hazards can be physical, microbiological, biological or chemical

agents of disease. Wastes that can cause health problems are human and animal feces,

solid wastes, domestic wastewater (sewage, sullage, and grey water), industrial wastes,

and agricultural wastes. Hygienic means of prevention can be by using engineering

solutions (e.g. sewerage and wastewater treatment), simple technologies (e.g. latrines,

septic tanks), or even by personal hygiene practices (e.g. simple handwashing with soap).

The term "sanitation" can be applied to a specific aspect, concept, location, or strategy,

such as:

Basic sanitation - refers to the management of human feces at the household

level. This terminology is the indicator used to describe the target of the

Millennium Development Goal on sanitation.

On-site sanitation - the collection and treatment of waste is done where it is

deposited. Examples are the use of pit latrines, septic tanks, and imhoff tanks.

Food sanitation - refers to the hygienic measures for ensuring food safety.

Environmental sanitation - the control of environmental factors that form links

in disease transmission. Subsets of this category are solid waste management,

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water and wastewater treatment, industrial waste treatment and noise and

pollution control.

Ecological sanitation - a concept and an approach of recycling to nature the

nutrients from human and animal wastes.

Why is sanitation Important? Sanitation and hygiene are essential to public health and

development in India. Every year millions of people in this country die from diseases

associated with poor sanitation and hygiene. People miss work and this impacts their

income and livelihood, children miss school and loose education opportunities.

Children’s health and ability to learn are particularly affected. There is a need for

dedicated promotion of sanitation and hygiene practices especially among children.

Today, more than a half century after independence, India is still struggling with the

question of how to provide sanitation and clean drinking water to its people. According to

a Planning Commission (2003) report, between 400,000 and 500,000 children under the

age of five die due to water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea, hepatitis and typhoid in

India, and there are fears that these numbers are grossly underrepresented. According to

the World Health Organisation (WHO), 80 per cent of diseases in this country are caused

by water-borne diseases, a result of poor sanitation and far from adequate sewage

disposal methods. Less than 40 per cent of India's population has access to a proper toilet,

and those who don't have no choice but to relieve themselves in the open, be it on railway

tracks, river banks, agricultural land or public parks, posing grave health risks by

contamination. On top of that, many Hindus believe that constructing a toilet in or near a

dwelling is a matter of grave impurity, and so even the residents in those villages that do

have toilets built by the government rarely use them, preferring to go nature's way

instead. These toilets are instead utilised for storing tools and utensils. Clearly, if timely

and adequate action is not taken, then chances are that India might sink under its own



Founder, Sulabh Sanitation Movement

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What are the implications?

Open defecation and our improper hygiene practices impact health, economic and social

conditions, particularly those of our children.


Diarrhea and other diseases reduce the productivity of the work force and the growth of

our country. Sanitation related health implications result in annual loss of 180 crore man-

days and economic loss of Rs. 1200 crore. Tourism and other economic activities are

negatively affected by the poor sanitary conditions. According to a recent WHO study,

every rupee spent on improving sanitation generates an average economic benefit of Rs. 9


It is estimated that 80% of all our diseases are related to lack of safe water and sanitation

(WHO). More that 1000 children die every day in India from diarrhoea: imagine this is

equal to one serious rail accident every day! 5 of the 10 top killer diseases of children

aged under five years are related to water and sanitation: diseases like diarrhoea, typhoid,

jaundice, malaria, schistosomiasis, hookworm, and ascariasis affect the lives of millions

people every day. Children weakened by frequent diarrhea episodes are also more

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vulnerable to malnutrition and opportunistic infections such as pneumonia. About 46% of

children in India are suffering from malnutrition. Diarrhea and worm infection are two

major health conditions that affect school age children impacting their learning abilities


Almost one out of 2 persons around the globe without a toilet lives in India! Overall, only

45% people have access to sanitation facilities in India. 35% of our schools do not have

toilets. The absence of sanitary facilities in schools is also linked to female drop-out,

especially at puberty. Finally, recruitment and retention of female teachers is also

affected by lack of proper sanitary facilities in schools.

Lack of awareness and socio-cultural attitudes have meant that sanitation has not received

the recognition it deserves. This forces a large number of households to the continued

indignity of open defecation. This has adverse impacts on health, well-being and dignity,

and is an acute problem especially for women and young girls. This is because women

and young girls often have to wait until after dark to defecate which increases the risk of

urinary tract infections, chronic constipation and psychological stress (WASH 2006).

Women are also vulnerable to physical and sexual violence if they are forced to wait until

early morning or late evenings to look for a secluded space in which to defecate. Lack of

toilets also makes it difficult to manage discreetly symptoms related to pregnancy,

menstruation and child birth.

Rural Sanitation: The responsibility for provision of sanitation facilities in the country

primarily rests with local government bodies - Gram Panchayats in rural areas. The State

and Central Governments act as facilitators, through enabling policies, budgetary support

and capacity development. In the Central government, the Planning Commission, through

the Five Year Plans, guides investment in the sector by allocating funds for strategic

priorities. While the first five plan periods were characterized by relatively negligible

investments in sanitation, it received a major fillip from the Sixth Plan (1980-85)

onwards and the launch of the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation

Women and girls are the prisoners of day light in the absence of toilets.

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Decade in 1980. Responsibility for rural sanitation was also shifted from the Central

Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization to the Rural Development


In 1986, the Rural Development Department initiated India’s first nation-wide program,

the Central Rural Sanitation Program (CRSP). The CRSP focused on provision of

household pour-flush toilets and relied on hardware subsidies to generate demand. This

approach failed to motivate and sustain high levels of sanitation coverage as it was based

on the erroneous assumption that provision of sanitary facilities would lead to increased

coverage and usage. It also did not include adequate attention to ‘total’ sanitation which

includes improved hygiene behavior, school and institutional sanitation, solid/liquid

waste management and environmental sanitation. Despite an investment of more Rs. 6

billion and construction of over 9 million latrines in rural areas, rural sanitation grew at

just 1 per cent annually throughout the 1990s and the Census of 2001 found that only 22

per cent of rural households had access to a toilet.

In the light of the relatively poor performance of the CRSP, Government of India

restructured the program with the launch of the Total Sanitation Campaign in 1999. TSC

advocates a participatory and demand driven approach, taking a district as a unit with

significant involvement of Gram Panchayats and local communities. It moves away from

the infrastructure focussed approach of the earlier programs and concentrates on

promoting behaviour change. Rural sanitation coverage has received a fillip under the

TSC, increasing from just 22 per cent in 2001 to nearly 57 per cent in 2008.

Improved sanitation facilities Connection to a public sewer Connection to a septic system Pour-flush latrine Simple pit latrine* Ventilated improved pit latrine

Unimproved sanitation facilities Public or shared latrine Open pit latrine Bucket latrine

*Only a portion of poorly defined categories of latrines are included in sanitation coverage estimates.

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Water is a basic requirement of human being. Due to increasing demand of water by

industry, agriculture, urbanization and population growth, the water resource is depleting

continuously. It resulted in decline in per capita availability of water. At independence,

India’s population was less than 400 million and per capita availability over 5000 cubic

meters per year. Fifty years later, population has grown to over a billion and per capita

availability has fallen to hardly more than 2000 cubic meters per year (Planning

Commission 2002).The Millennium Development Goal has set the target to reduce the

proportion of people with sustainable access to safe drinking water by fifty percent by

2015(UNDP2008). Therefore government of India made an agenda to provide the

drinking water all habitations on a sustainable basis by 2010. The provision of drinking

water to habitations is not new in India. It has started from the first five year plan and

continued till the present plan. Under each budget, the funds are allotted to provide safe

drinking water to habitations in the country. Government of India made a national

drinking water mission which is named as Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water

Mission in 1986. A huge investment in drinking water is made under this program to

provide the sustainable drinking water to habitation in urban and rural area. In addition to

this, Bharat Nirman has been launched by the government of India in 2005. During four

year (2005-06 to 2008-09) period, 55067 uncovered and about 3.31 lakh slipped back

habitations are to be covered with provision of drinking water facilities and 2.17 lakh

quality affected habitations are to be addressed for water quality problem (Planning

Commission 2008).

Safe drinking water has prominent benefits because it directly improves the health and

economic productivity of the population. The mortality, morbidity, malnutrition, other

water borne and water washed can be reduced through the safe sources of drinking water.

It reduces fifty percent diarrhea among children (UNICEF 1999).The time saved from

carrying water can be utilized for leisure, schooling, income earning etc. It further leads

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to the human and economic development. But lack of improved sources of safe drinking

water forces women and children to carry the drinking water from the longer distance and

from non improved sources. The direct and indirect cost due to unsafe drinking water is

very high for the poor households. The direct cost such as expenditure on travel,

medicines and loss of income is very low. The indirect cost such as time spent in hospital,

travel time, queue at each specialist doctor and loss of school days among school children

are difficult to count. Most of the diseases are repeated and patients get treatment in the

private hospitals or depend on the self, traditional medication etc.

Safe drinking water: An overview

Safe drinking water is important from the social, economic and cultural point of view.

The safe drinking water is defined as safe for health at different locations, seasons, time


The Department of Drinking water and Sanitation (DDWS 2005) has defined that

“Drinking water is water intended for human consumption for drinking and cooking

purposes from any source. It includes water supplied by pipes or any other means for

human consumption by any supplier”. Drinking water is also defined as water free from

different insects. In short, the potable water should not have bacteria or insects and it

should not create any harmful effect on human body. In general, those households have

access to drinking water from tap, tub well or hand pump situated within or outside the

premises, it is considered as having access to safe drinking water.

The Right to Water and Sanitation: A separate dimension of advocacy centres on the concept of water as a human right, this being omitted from the original Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In 2002, the UN Committee on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights approved a “General Comment” which recognises water and sanitation as a human right, but this articulates a goal for signatory countries rather than a universal legal obligation.

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Government of India has accepted the idea of welfare state and took the responsibility to

provide the safe drinking water to all households. Water is considered as pure public

good. It can not be sold and purchased on a commercial basis. Therefore government is

playing dominant role in order to supply and management of drinking water supply to

habitations. It has adopted norms of 40lpcd for human needs. The norms for drinking (3

lpcd), cooking (5 lpcd), bathing (15 lpcd), washing utensils and house (7 lpcd) and for

ablution (10 lpcd) are different. In addition to this, the provision of 30 lpcd for animals is

also allotted in extreme weather ecosystem or desert areas. Government has assured that

it will supply the minimum requirement of drinking water supply to all habitations.

At present, 95 percent of the households in the urban area and 85 percent of the

households in rural area have access to safe drinking water supply. Most of the water

supply systems in rural area slip back and households remained without safe sources of

drinking water. Drought is a major contributor to the slip back villages and habitations.

Improved drinking water sources Household connection Public standpipe Borehole Protected dug well Protected spring Rainwater collection

Unimproved drinking water sources Unprotected well Unprotected spring Rivers or ponds Vendor-provided water Bottled water* Tanker truck water

*Bottled water is not considered improved due to limitations in the potential quantity, not quality, of the water.

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Chapter: 2



Total Sanitation Campaign is a comprehensive programme to ensure sanitation facilities

in rural areas with broader goal to eradicate the practice of open defecation. TSC as a part

of reform principles was initiated in 1999 when Central Rural Sanitation Programme was

restructured making it demand driven and people centered. It follows a principle of “low

to no subsidy” where a nominal subsidy in the form of incentive is given to rural poor

households for construction of toilets. TSC gives strong emphasis on Information,

Education and Communication (IEC), Capacity Building and Hygiene Education for

effective behaviour change with involvement of PRIs, CBOs, and NGOs etc. The key

intervention areas are Individual household latrines (IHHL), School Sanitation and

Hygiene Education (SSHE), Community Sanitary Complex, Anganwadi toilets supported

by Rural Sanitary Marts (RSMs) and Production Centers (PCs). The main goal of the

GOI is to eradicate the practice of open defecation by 2010. To give fillip to this

endeavor, GOI has launched Nirmal Gram Puraskar to recognize the efforts in terms of

cash awards for fully covered PRIs and those individuals and institutions who have

contributed significantly in ensuring full sanitation coverage in their area of operation.

The project is being implemented in rural areas taking district as a unit of


School Sanitation & Hygiene Education

School Sanitation and Hygiene Education, widely known as SSHE, is a comprehensive

programme to ensure child friendly water supply, toilet and hand washing facilities in the

schools and promote behavioral change by hygiene education. SSHE not only ensures

child’s right to have healthy and clean environment but also leads to an effective learning

and enrolment of girls in particular, and reduce diseases and worm infestation. SSHE was

introduced in the RCRSP programme in 1999 both in TSC as well as in allocation based

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component. At present, SSHE is implemented under Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)

and given special thrust by following the proven route of teacher-children-family-

community where child is a change-agent playing an effective role on sustained basis to

spread the message of improved sanitary and healthy practices. TSC has made provision

for toilet facility and hygiene education in all types of Government Rural Schools i.e.

Primary, Upper Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary schools with emphasis on

toilets for girls. Central Government, State Government and Parent Teachers/GP share

the cost in the ratio of 60:30:10. Govt. is committed to cover all uncovered rural schools

with water and sanitation facility and also imparting hygiene education by 2005-2006.

Anganwadi Sanitation

In order to change the behaviour of the children from very early stage in life, it is

essential that Anganwadis are used as a platform of behaviour change of the children as

well as the mothers attending the Anganwadis. For this purpose each anganwadi should

be provided with a baby friendly toilet. One toilet of unit cost upto Rs 5,000 can be

constructed for each Anganwadi or Balwadi in the rural areas where incentive to be given

by Government of India will be restricted to Rs 3,000. Additional expenses can be met by

the State Government or the Panchayats.

TSC - Community Sanitation

Community Sanitary Complex is an important component of the TSC. Primarily these

complexes is constructed only when there is lack of space in the village for construction

of household toilets and the community owns up the responsibility of their operation and

maintenance. The ultimate aim is to ensure construction of maximum Individual

Household latrines and construction of community complexes will be restricted to only

when Individual household latrines cannot be constructed. These complexes can be set up

in a place in the village acceptable to women / men / landless families and accessible to

them. There is a maximum unit cost of Rs. 2.5 lakh prescribed for a community complex.

Its’ design has to be approved by the National Scheme Sanctioning Committee. Sharing

pattern amongst GOI, State Government and the beneficiaries is in the ratio of 60:20:20.

Total expenditure proposed on Community Sanitary Complex and IHHL should be

within the ceiling of 60 percent of the total project cost. The Panchayat can give the

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beneficiary contribution and also has to take a leading role in its in terms of land, money

and maintenance.

Rural Water Supply

The Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP) was introduced in 1972-73

by the Government of India to assist the States and Union Territories (UTs) to accelerate

the pace of coverage of drinking water supply. The entire programme was given a

Mission approach with the launch of the Technology Mission on Drinking Water and

Related Water Management in 1986. Later in 1999 Department of Drinking Water

Supply was formed to give more emphasis on Rural Water Supply programme.

The Bharat Nirman Programme is a step taken towards building up a strong Rural India

by strengthening the infrastructure in six areas viz. Housing, Roads, Electrification,

Communication(Telephone), Drinking Water and Irrigation, with the help of a plan to be

implemented in four years, from 2005-06 to 2008-09. The primary responsibility of

providing drinking water facilities in the country rests with State Governments. The

efforts of State Governments are supplemented by Government of India by providing

financial assistance under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Accelerated Rural Water

Supply Programme (ARWSP). ARWSP has been under implementation since 1972-73.

In 1986, the National Drinking Water Mission, renamed as Rajiv Gandhi National

Drinking Water Mission in 1991, was launched and further in 1999, the Department of

Drinking Water Supply was created, to provide a renewed focus with mission approach to

implement programmes for rural drinking water supply.

Water Quality Overview

Water Quality in the Rural Drinking Water Supply has emerged as a major issue. There

was no proper emphasis on water quality till the end of the 6th Five Year Plan and even

in the Seventh Plan before launching the National Drinking Water Mission in 1986.

The primary objectives of the National Drinking Water Mission set up in 1986 was to

improve the performance and cost effectiveness of the on-going programmes in the field

of rural drinking water supply and to ensure the availability of an adequate quantity of

drinking water of acceptable quality on a long term basis.

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The primary objectives of the Mission included monitoring the quality of water after

identification of problems, tackling the same by the application of science and technology

to ensure that the water available is of acceptable quality and ensure that the quantity and

quality of water is sustainable on a long term basis by proper water management

technique and implementations of management information system.


Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)

6.31 Provision of sanitation facilities in rural areas has been highly inadequate. Many

programmes were initiated in the past to expand coverage but with little success. In 1999

the DoDWS was lunched “Total Sanitation Campaign” (TSC) which is a demand-

responsive, community oriented low subsidy programme in a project mode. The

performance of project mode TSC was very satisfactory and therefore from 2002-03, the

entire CRSP has been converted into TSC. The objective of TSC was attaining 100%

sanitation coverage in terms of household toilets, schools and Anganwadi toilets and also

providing hygiene education to the people.

6.32 The target of Millennium Development Goal is to cover 100% Rural Sanitation by

2015. Under TSC the target is to achieve 100% coverage by the end of Eleventh Plan

(2012). This programme also includes funds for Nirmal Gram Puraskar which has helped

in accelerating the pace of implementation of TSC since its inception in 2005. The

approach of Nirmal Gram Puraskar also helps in sustainability and maintenance of the

sanitation programme. The outlay proposed for Eleventh Plan is Rs.7816 crore (Rs.6910

crore at 2006-07 prices). The allocation for AP 2007-08 is Rs.1060 crore. The physical

target for Eleventh Plan is to cover 69 million households, 25769 sanitary complexes,

133,114 aganwadis, all the remaining schools (new schools will be covered under Sarva

Shiksha Abhiiyan) and RSM/PCs (figures will be finalized after the receipt of revised

proposals from the districts).

Drinking Water

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6.14 Bharat Nirman envisages covering the 55,067 Not Covered habitations, covering the

slipped back habitations from Not Covered to Partially Covered Status and providing safe

drinking water to water quality affected habitations. During the first two and half years

there is an impressive achievement (63%) in covering the slipped back habitations as they

are relatively easier (involves restoring the defunct bore pumps, carrying out repairs to

water supply pipelines and augmentation wherever required etc) to execute. The coverage

of Not Covered habitations has also progressed well with 48% of the targeted habitations

being covered. However, there is a huge shortfall in covering the quality affected

habitations in which only 5% coverage is achieved.

6.15 Sustainability of water supply has become the focal point to avoid slipped back

habitations. Convergence of various rural development programmes of Government( like

NREGP, BRGF, Watershed development, restoration of water bodies etc.) need to be

vigorously pursued supported by village level planning. The issue of water quality has

assumed serious proportions. While providing water supply from surface water sources

and the conjunctive use of groundwater, surface water and rooftop rainwater

harvesting would be ideal, in-situ methods like dilution of chemical contaminants

through augmented ground water recharge (aided through convergence of programmes),

adopting cost effective scientific water quality treatments on an individual village basis

would go a long way to improve coverage of water of water quality affected areas.

At any given time, half of the world’s hospital beds are occupied by patient suffering from water related disease.

Bindeshwar Pathak, Founder, Sulabh Sanitation Movement

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Water and Sanitation in Bihar

BIHAR is a culturally rich old civilization with its capital known as Patliputra in ancient

times. It’s the land of great religious leaders like Buddha, Mahavir and Guru Govind

Singh. `Ahimsa’ was propagated from here and Gandhiji launched his civil-disobedience

movement against the mighty British from the state of Bihar. During ancient times the

women enjoyed equal status with that of men but the patriarchal joint-family system has

resulted in the downfall in the status of women that is persisting even today. Bihar is

home to multi caste and multi dialect group of people where females are under purdah

(head and face covered with tip of the saree and look down) and do not avail similar level

of freedom as enjoyed by men in the society. Bihar, one of India’s most populous States

with a population of 83 million, is now confronted with challenges in providing proper

rural water supply, hygiene and sanitation facilities. The condition in terms of sanitation

is dismal. Poor sanitation has become a serious threat to public health.

The women and children in particular have been the worst affected victims. This may be

substantiated by a few facts- 3.7% of infants below one year of age die of diarrhoea, in

sharp contrast to all-India average of 2.4%. Also, about 4 in every 10 married women

report at least one reproductive health problem arising from poor hygiene behaviour.

Problems faced by Women due to improper Hygiene and Sanitation facilities in


The baseline surveys shows more than 90% of women in Bihar have no options but to go

out in open for defecation. Lack of basic sanitation facilities and safe water is an acute

problem for the girls and women in rural area. Hence sanitation and hygiene are critical

to the interests of women. The various difficulties faced by women due to improper

sanitation and lack of hygiene practices are mainly due to the compulsion of going out in

the fields before sunrise or after sunset. For this they have to curb their urges and suffer

from many health problems. This problem is not only related to hygiene but also to the

dignity of women. Privacy is a right, which is being snatched away. This practice has

also become a threat to their security and safety as it provides immense opportunity to

many evildoers to molest the honour of the women. Many a times, grown up girls refuse

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to go to schools or parents do not allow them to go to school due to lack of sanitation

facilities, particularly the girls.

Water and Sanitation Delivery in Bihar:

Bihar State Water & Sanitation Mission (BSWSM) is nodal agency for implementation of

total Sanitation Campaign & Swajaldhara in the state of Bihar. It’s Mission is to Ensure

safe, sustainable, accessible and adequate Drinking water Supply to all habitations &

proper sanitation facilities and clean environment for healthy and better quality of life.

BSWSM guided by its vision with a view to achieving better quality of life through

improved public health outcomes, the Department is committed to ensuring adequate,

safe and sustainable availability of water and adequate sanitation facilities to all

habitations including safe means of excreta disposal to all households and public

premises and improved sanitation practices at the household and community level, with

community participation by empowering all sections of the society including women and

disadvantaged groups.

Sanitation and MDG 7

Sanitation is one of the most pressing global development issues and is appropriately included in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Out of eight MDGs, three are directly linked to sanitation: reduce child mortality, combat disease and ensure environmental sustainability. Even the first goal, eradicate extreme poverty, is linked to sanitation as high health and coping costs associated with illnesses caused by inadequate sanitation drain productivity and incomes, contributing to poverty. One of the targets under the MDG Goal 7: ensure environmental sustainability, is to halve, by 2015, the number of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and safe sanitation

IF Bihar Miss MDGs, India Will Miss MDGs

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Delivery mechanism:

Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)

It is a government initiated programme which is aimed at creating demand and providing

Sanitation facilities to all household, schools and Anganwadis (Child care centres). It

aims at making a village clean and 100% sanitized and adopt better hygiene practices

among all family members. For benefiting the women from marginalized and poor

communities, there is a provision of giving Rs.1700/- as incentive to a BPL (Below

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Poverty Line) family who constructs a toilet (Under Lohia Swakshta Yojna Bihar govt.

has been providing additional subsidy in the nature of promotional amount to both APL

and BPL.). The programme aims to bring a behavioural change in the sanitation habit of

community. Also there is a provision for school toilet separate for girls and boys in each

school. Swajaldhara is also government initiated programme to provide safe drinking

water to all families in rural areas on demand basis and managed by communities

themselves. This also focuses on women from marginalized communities thus reducing

their burdens.

Rural Drinking Water:

The govt. of Bihar has been implementing programme sponsored by Central government.

Programmes being implemented by Bihar Government are:

Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP): This programme is focused

on providing adequate water for all. rural habitation not having any safe water source

with a permanently settled population of 20 households or 100 persons, whichever is

more, may be taken as the unit for coverage with funds under the ARWSP. However, the

State Government could cover any habitation regardless of its size/population/number of

households with funds under the MNP. DDP areas and SC/ST habitations with less than

100 persons can, however, be covered under the ARWSP.

Swajaldhara: The programme is a paradigm shift from supply driven to demand driven,

centralized to decentralized implementation and Government's role from service provider

to facilitator. The fundamental reform principles in Swajaldhara are adhered to by the

State Governments and the Implementing Agencies in terms of adoption of a demand-

responsive approach with community participation. It is based on empowerment of

villagers to ensure their full participation in the project through a decision making role in

the choice of the drinking water scheme, planning, design, implementation, control of

finances, management arrangements including full ownership of drinking water assets.

The community has to share partial capital cost either in cash or kind or both, 100%

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responsibility of operation and maintenance (O&M). An integrated service delivery

mechanism is also promoted which includes taking up conservation measures through

rainwater harvesting and ground water recharge systems for sustained drinking water


Water Quality Programme: Bihar govt. has been making efforts towards making the

general mass aware on quality of water. Testing of Water quality of existing water

sources is done through the field kit. This has been decentralized up to Panchayat level

and Mukhia of Panchayat is responsible for regular water quality monitoring. At ditstict

level it is being coordinated by PHED of respective district.

UNICEF is committed to facilitate the implementation of TSC and Swajaldhara

programmes in Bihar ensuring gender equity, social inclusion, sustainable use and

community participation and decision making process particularly the women folks.

Key steps were taken for empowering women by moving gender strategy into


Apart from UNICEF issue focused International Agency like WaterAid has been

making efforts to ensure water and sanitation to most excluded section of society in

5 districts. WaterAid has been also working in flood prone districts of Bihar.

Achievements (Water and Sanitation in Bihar):

7500 tola/hamlets are covered by installing hand pump

484638 house hold toilets constructed in BPL families

150734 house hold toilets constructed in APL families

151 Panchayats nominated for Nirmal Gram Purashkar

Water quality tasted of 226000 hand pump

1431.50 crore allocated for rapid construction of sustainable toilets in rural areas

under Lohia Swakshata Abhiyan.

741 Roof Top Rain Water harvesting scheme in 23 districts approved.

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Establishment of solar based pump for treatment of drinking water based on

membrane method in 100 fluoride/Arsenic affected area. Source: BIHAR REPORT CARD 2008

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Chapter : 3

Introduction of Target Area

District: PATNA

Patna is the state capital. TSC coverage percentage of Patna district is 47.68 lower than Vaishali 56.95 %.1 In Patna district there are 430,384 house hold in which 112,470 have toilets and 317,914 toilets are to be constructed2. To achieve the target by 2012 Patna will have to construct more than one lakh toilets per year and near about three hundred toilets per day.

Sanitation coverage was 26.13 % in year 2001-02 and 26.23 % in year 2005-06. The pace of coverage was very slow till 2005-06. The pace of coverage has been accelerated during the year 2007-08 and 2008-09. The increase percentage coverage was 4 % in 2007-08 higher than of previous year 2% and rapidly increased in 2008-09 by 14.66%.

School sanitation coverage is also not good. 2642 toilet at school and 74 Balwadi toilets were constructed during March 1999 to March 2009. This shows that institutional coverage of sanitation is very poor.

1 Percentage (%) is showing on the basis of Census 2001 figures (Household not having toilets) 2 Source: Ministry of Rural Development, Dept. of Drinking Water Supply up to date 29/04/09

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Target Block: Patna Sadar (Rural) Demographic profile: Patna Sadar Block


Sl. Panchayats

Hosuehold as per Baseline Survey BPL Family APL Family School Toilet

Total SC ST with Tlt.

without Tlt.

with Tlt.

without Tlt.

with Tlt.

without Tlt.

1 DIGHA EAST 1369 229 0 23 588 153 605 0 1

2 DIGHA WEST 1492 296 0 27 698 151 616 0 4

3 EAST MAINPURA 1546 294 0 31 613 162 730 0 4

4 FATEHPUR 1526 294 0 29 705 154 638 0 6 5 MAHULI 1308 143 0 24 611 142 531 0 4 6 MARCHI 1283 331 0 21 604 147 511 0 3 7 NAKTA 933 32 0 17 401 136 379 0 2

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8 NORTH MAINPURA 1385 65 0 24 671 143 547 0 3

9 PUNADIH 1186 126 0 19 546 144 477 0 8 10 SABALPUR 2252 284 0 43 1044 287 878 0 7

11 SONAWA PUR 1652 194 0 33 765 161 693 0 8

12 WEST MANPURA 1372 212 0 25 594 247 506 0 2

Grand Total 17304 2500 0 316 7840 2027 7111 0 52 Source: Ministry of Rural Development, NIC-Dept. of Drinking Water Supply

Patna Sadar block is constituted by 12 block and some of them are near by the district

headquarter and PHED district office as well as state office. Despite its strategic location

not a single panchayat has received Nirmal Gram Purashkar. Data also shows that

institutional coverage is also low.

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Demographic Profile Mainpura East Panchayat

Panchayat Status of Baseline survey Sl No Components Status

1 Total Household 1546 2 Total SC HH 294 3 Total ST HH 0 4 Total General HH 1252

5 Total BPL HH (with & without toilet) 644

6 Total APL HH (with & without toilet) 892 7 Total Schools (with & without toilet) 4 8 Total Balwadi (with & without toilet) 0

9 Total Sanitary Complex (with & without toilet) 0

Panchayat status (not having toilets) progress received upto 11/2008

Sl No Components Target (As per BLS) Achievement

1 IHHL BPL (without toilet) 613 101

2 IHHL APL (without toilet) 730 1

3 IHHL TOTAL (without toilet) 1343 102 4 School Toilets 4 0 5 Balwadi Toilets 0 1 6 Sanitary Complex 0 0

In Mainpura panchayat 1343 household out of 1546 is without toilet. Schools have not been

covered. It is one of the neglected panchayat. Now initiative have been taken by an NGO

namely Nidan. They have started construction of toilets in Mainpura village (Nehru Nagar) and

aimed at making this Panchayat OD free. They have constructed total 160 toilets in this

Panchayat. They have also constructed two toilets in Aganwadi. Nidan’s initiative is appreciable

but there is a long run to go. Water tank has also been installed and people will get pipe water

supply very soon. So there is also an opportunity for community member to get pure potable

water. Since the people are still getting drinking water from hand pump so there is need of water

quality awareness and monitoring.

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Targeted Panchayat:

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Targeted Village: Mainpura (Nehru Nagar)

Demographic Profile:

Name of




Sex Caste

Male Female Total SC/ST OBC Upper



Mainpura 137 452 437 889 85 31 7 14

Source: BLS

Background of the village:

In 1970, a village of 150 Musahar families used to be located about half a kilometer

away from the present habitation. According to people, vast stretches of area in Digha,

Raja Pul, Boring road, Rajeev Nagar and Kurji used to be agricultural land owned by

farmers belonging to Kurmi and Aheer castes and the labourers used to receive 1 sack of

rice on reaping 8 sacks. The flood of 1975 washed away the entire village and the

affected families moved to the Mainpura slum after water receded. At present, around

889 people belonging to 137 families live in this slum, of which 53 families are of

Musahars. The commonest livelihoods pursued by people of Mainpura include

ragpicking (base of as many as 51 families), rickshaw pulling, household work, pulling

handcarts etc. Limited number of public water points, absence of proper drainage, bad

roads and absence of employment opportunities were mentioned as some of the main

issues of Mainpura.

"Sanitation is more important than independence," Mahatma Gandhi”

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Sanitation coverage in targeted village:

Village: Mainpura Mushari












% Coverage 80 75 50 50 40 30 25 95

% Usage 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 97

2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

In this village toilet were constructed during construction of Houses by the government

they were not in use. People used to keep cow dung cake in their toilets. The coverage

was 80 % but usage was 10% later no. of family increased and % of coverage went down.

An NGO took initiative under TSC programme and coverage as well as usage both went

up and now especially mushar’s habitations are fully covered and toilets are in use.

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Situation of Water Source in Mainpura Mushari



Identification of

Water Source

Type of




on of













1 Near kali mandir Mark III Good Yes Yes Yes Good

2. Near Subhash Ray


Mark III Bad Yes Yes Yes Bad

3. Near Munakiya

Devi House

Desi HP Bad Yes Yes Yes Bad

4. Near Hemanti

Devi house

Desi HP Good Yes Yes Yes Good

5. Near Bachcha

Babu house

Well Bad Yes Yes Yes Bad

6. Chamartoli Mark III Good Yes Yes Yes Bad

Source: On the spot visit

People are totally dependent on three water sources for drinking purposes. Three hand

pumps serve to 137 families. The pressure on each water source increase the time taken

in collection of drinking water. Though these are physical observation but as far as water

quality is concern it is not being done regularly and there is a chance of bacteriological

contamination in the absence of good platform. Water logging and dumping of garbage

nearby the water source also increases the chances of bacteriological contamination.

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Street Theatre: Awareness Programme in Community

Awareness Programme in School

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HP platform: Before

HP platform: After

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Washing Platform

IEC material for awareness

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Honorable Chief Minister Flag off ceremony at Nalanda

Human Chain in front of Raj Bhawan during Gram Gaurav Yatra

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Honorable Minister to Media before launch of second Phase of Yatra

His Excellency, Honorable Minister, Honorable MLAs during yatra

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Chapter : 4

Ray of Hope: Good initiative taken so far by Bihar Govt.

TSC’s inclusion in five-point agenda of chief Minister. The fact that sanitation is

high on the state agenda is also borne by the fact that the state launched LSY.

Gram Gaurav Yatra for demand generation: Bihar Government along with

WaterAid and UNICEF organized a month long Gram Gaurav Yatra to make the

state fully covered with sanitation. The Yatra was unique as it is first o such

initiative in any state. The honorable minister of PHED Sri Ashwini Kumar

Chaubey and other member of legislative assembly lived in villages during yatra

and inspired people to take up toilet construction. The yatra was flagged off by

state chief minister Sri Nitish Kumar on January 28, 2009 from Rajgir in Nalanda

district. Second phase of yatra was inaugurated by his Excellency, Governor of

Bihar on 1st February. Committed NGOs like Nidan organized a human chain of

school going girls at Raj Bhawan to show the solidarity and commitment towards

achieving the MDGs of sanitation and his Excellency, Governer of Bihar Sri R. L.

Bhatia and honorable minister Sri Ashwini Chaube with other members of Bihar

legislative assembly Sri Nitin Naveen, Sri Anil joined their hands in human chain

to show their support. Later second phase of yatra was stated after flagging off by

his Excellency from Raj Bhwan chowk. Honorable Minister, Rural Development,

Govt. of India, Sri Raghuvansh Prasad Singh participated in the third phase of

yatra. During the Yatra toilets were also constructed by local NGOs for

demonstration of low cost toilet technology and govt. support. The programme

was grand success. It was a good initiative taken by the govt.

The Bihar govt. has been providing subsidy to both families APL and BPL. The

govt. has also shown its commitment through increasing subsidy.

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Good Initiative by NGO

Nidan is a non-governmental organization and has been working in Mainpura east panchayat

with the support of PHED. Nidan has also been working with WaterAid on water and sanitation

issue in Mainpura Mushari. Nidan has formed a village level committee in Mainpura to plan and

implement the water and sanitation programme in viallge. There are 20 member in the

executive committee who are elected by the general body in which all everyone of this village is

member. There is a bank A/C in the name of the committee. Committee name is “Jal and

Swakshata Committee, Mainpura”. The A/C is operated by elected President, Secretary and


In the A/C of committee near there is Rs. 29000.00 which was provided by Nidan as revolving

fund for the village. Committee gives loan to its member for construction of toilet and use in

repairing of Hand Pump. Later member return it to the committee and thus money revolve.

Earlier when hand pump broke then people collect money and then get it repaired. This process

was time taking because villagers are very poor and it is difficult for them to collect money at

the same time. Now this process has minimized the break down time of HP. 3000 have been

given to members for toilet construction which they will return in easy installment.

People use to wash and bath on the platform of Handpump which not only damage the HP

platform but also increase unnecessary crowd at water source. Later the people of committee

decided to construct a washing place to reduce the crowd at water source. Nidan too initiative

and constructed a washing platform in Mainpura. People use this washing platform for washing

and bathing. Now HP platform is durable.

Before taking any initiative Nidan organized continuous awareness events like street play,

community meeting, celebration of sanitation week, home visit, interaction with PRI

representatives and other stake holders like AWW. They also organized awareness programme

in schools to make the children aware on the issue and children are the agent of change for their


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Slow Progress of TSC programme targeted block not a single Gram Panchayat

has achieved the target of open defecation free pancyayat. In Patna district Only

4 gram panchayat has received Nirmal Gram Purashkar.

The progress of TSC is very slow in some Panchayats like Digha East, Digha

West, Fathpur, Nakta Diyara, North Mainpura, West Mainpura, Sonwapur.

Situation of Hand pumps are not good and break down time is very high.

In many cases hand pump never worked after its installation. There is low level of

community level monitoring.

People are unaware of water quality.

Water quality monitoring is not done properly.

Sanitation is still a taboo for media and general mass.

Subsidy is perceived to be the foremost driver for toilets construction.

Non-availability of committed NGOs has been a major gap in implementation of

programme and achieving the target every month.

The coverage rate for school sanitation has also suffered fro non-availability of

land for construction of toilets. (In Mainpura Mushari School an NGO namely

Nidan working on water and sanitation issue with PHED and an international

NGO WATERAID planned to construct a school sanitation block but due to non-

availability of land the plan was not executed. Even Mukhiya is unable to provide

land to execute the plan.)

Lack of independent monitoring system (PHED has internal monitoring system)

for water and Sanitation programme. At block level JE and BDO are responsible

while at district level EE, DDC and TSC District Coordinator are responsible for

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monitoring. This seems to be additional work without additional benefits and

staffs with regular department works.

Programme is focused on construction of toilets and usage is ignored. There is no

good system of regular follow up for usage.

Current rate of programme is not able to achieve MDGs.

Panchayat Raj elected representatives are not enough capacitate to play active role

in programme.

Lack of skills in line staffs to carry out and supervision, cost sharing and MIS etc.

Not good convergence of ASHA, AWC, Ward member etc. made with PHED


Impact of IEC is not very effective. Programme is unable to take care of usage

and behavior change aspects of sanitation.

Awareness level is still low.

Strong Political Commitment - TSC is now one of the priority programmes of

Govt. of Bihar.

A unique Mass Awareness Campaign was launched by the Minister, Sri Ashwini

Chaube, PHED. Under this campaign vehicle with sanitation messages displayed

all over it’s body. Honorable minister himself visited to villages of several district

and blocks for demand creation. During the campaign many HH toilets were

constructed. International organization like WaterAid and Unicef Supported the


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Promotional cost for the NGOs should be increased to have good and

committed NGOs in the target area.

Additional staffs should be provided to line departments to share the

additional bureden than regular work. There should be also incentive for

line department’s staffs.

Beneficiaries should be given the power to give certificate of installation

of water sources to contractor (generally mechanics).

Line department staffs should be trained to develop skill to carry out plan

and implementation of the programme.

PRI representatives should be capacitated.

Community should be trained to monitor the installation / creation of new

water sources.

Community should be trained for operation and maintenance of water


Women’s SHG should be provided revolving fund and training to ensure

their active participation.

There is also need of departmental coordination like PHED, Education,

Health, Land etc.

Quality of construction should also be addressed. Hence, a strong

mechanism for monitoring construction quality needs to be devised and

put in place.

There is also a need to revisit the content and delivery of IEC activities to

ensure the inclusion of health issues in message design and positioning.

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Active involvement of PRIs and SHGs of Women need to be ensured in

awareness creation and community mobilization efforts so as to create as

sense of ownership of sanitation agenda at the local level.

Ensuring timely release of funds to NGOs implementing programme.

Govt. should promote journalist and media persons for writing on

sanitation issue so that it is no more a taboo in Bihar.

Total Sanitation Approach in programmes

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Chapter : 5

Annexure: 1

Case Studies

I am Urmila Devi resident of Manipura (Nehru Nagar). I am 48 year old and live

with my husband and one granddaughter. I have constructed toilet in my house. I

received subsidy for construction of toilet. In the absence of toilet women have to

go to relieve themselves after darkness early in the morning and late in the

evening. There many imprecations related with open defecation like gastric,

infection, teasing etc. Toilet is the issue of dignity for women. I practice hand

washing at critical time and keep drinking water and food covered.

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I am Kameshar Ray resident of Mainpura mushari (Nehru Nagar). I am 52 years old. I

live here with my family. There are four members in my family my wife, two sons and

me. I constructed the toilets and use it. Open defecation is not difficult for women only

but men. People used to go in open for latrine because that time toilet construction was

money intensive. Now it is not easy to construct toilets because there are many low cost

technologies of toilet construction. Government has also been providing subsidy for

construction of toilet. I have not only constructed toilet but also practice hand washing.

Sanitation is very important because it saves our life and money.

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Annexure: 2


Base Line Survey Report: NIDAN

Bihar Report Card 2008

Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation Website www.ddws.nic.in

Eleventh Five year Plan

Feeling the Pulse: A study of the total Sanitation Campaign in five states

India Country Paper: SACOSAN III

Millennium Development Goals: India Country Report

Poverty Pockets Assessment Study: Nidan

Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation: Nadarajah S. Moorthy

Times of India

TSC Guidelines, www.ddws.nic.in/publication.htm


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Annexure : 3


Above/Below Poverty Line: To measure poverty, it is standard to look at level of personal expenditure or income required to satisfy a minimum consumption level. The Planning Commission of the Government of India uses a food adequacy norm of 2400 to 2100 kilo calories per capita per day to define state-specific poverty lines separately for rural and urban areas. These poverty lines are then applied on India’s National Sample Survey Organization’s household consumer expenditure distributions to estimate the proportion and number of poor at State level. Anganwadi: pre-school, initiative under the Integrated Child Development Scheme of the Government of India Civil Society: Civil society comprises the totality of voluntary civic and social organizations and institutions that form the basis of a functioning society, in contrast with commercial organizations or state-backed structures. It can include organizations such as registered charities, development non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community groups, women's organizations, faith-based organizations professional associations, trade unions, self-help groups, social movement’s coalitions and advocacy groups Infant Mortality Rate: refers to number of deaths per thousand live births in the first year of a child’s life. Information, Education, Communication: software activities that support and promote the provision of program services and facilities, e.g. media campaigns, capacity building activities, community hygiene promotion sessions and so on. Life expectancy: number of years an individual (at any age) is expected to live given the prevailing age specific mortality rates of the population to which he/she belongs. Panchayati Raj Institutions: The term ‘Panchayat’ literally means ‘council of five [wise and respected leaders]’ and ‘Raj’ means governance. Traditionally, these councils settled disputes between individuals and villages. Modern Indian Government has adopted this traditional term as a name for its initiative to decentralize certain administrative functions to elected local bodies at village, block and district level. It is usually called Gram

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Panchayat at village level, Panchayat Samiti at block level and Zila Parishad at district level. Sex Ratio: number of female per thousand males Millennium Development Goals: The Millennium Development Goals are eight goals to be achieved by 2015 that respond to the world's main development challenges. These include:

Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women Goal 4: Reduce child mortality Goal 5: Improve maternal health Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development

NGP: To add vigor to the TSC, in June 2003, GoI initiated an incentive scheme for fully sanitized and open defecation free Gram Panchayats, Blocks, and Districts called the ' Nirmal Gram Puraskar'. (A) Gram Panchayats, Blocks and Districts, which achieve 100% sanitation coverage in terms of (a) 100% sanitation coverage of individual house holds, (b) 100% school sanitation coverage (c) free from open defecation and (d) clean environment maintenance. (B) Individuals and organizations, who have been the driving force for effecting full sanitation coverage in the respective geographical area are given Nirmal Gram Purashkar.

Total sanitation approach: a community-wide approach based on participatory principles which seeks to achieve not only 100 per cent open defecation free communities but also broader environmental sanitation objectives such as promotion of improved hygiene behaviours and solid/liquid waste management.
