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Water Bending 1

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Water Bending 1
Waterbending exercise #1 This one is a training for Hydrokinesis(moving water with your brain-psi energy) but it still can help you feel and understand the water(i actually started with hydrokinesis ) : Hydrokinesis The ability to influence the motion of groups of atoms in their liquid state. Unlike pyrokinesis, nothing is created. The talent merely allows the psionic to influence the motion of liquids (but cannot control the motion of the atoms/molecules to heat up or cool down the liquid unlike Waterbending). Requires line of sight to manipulate an object. The exercise to learn this technique is very similar to that of regular PK abilities. I am speaking of the old cork in water exercise, only this time we are not trying to move the cork, we are trying to move the water in which it sits. The only purpose of the cork is to indicate movement in the water. OK, so you may say "isn't this just PK with water?". Well it can be. But if you want it to be true hydrokinesis, you must establish a real connection with water, and not just the physical substance, but the Element itself. If your natural Element is water then you will probably find this easier than most because you already have an advantage. Spend time in meditation and contemplation, thinking of nothing but the properties, associations, and real feel of water. Totally surround and submerge yourself in it if need be. Take it into your being. Become a master of water. Become water. Once you fell you are ready to try true hydrokinesis, do the following: Take a medium - large bowl and fill it with water. If the bowl is glass this may be easer because you can see all of the water within. Now place a cork or something
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Waterbending exercise #1This one is a training for Hydrokinesis(moving water with your brain-psi energy) but it still can help you feel and understand the water(i actually started with hydrokinesis ) :


The ability to influence the motion of groups of atoms in their liquid state. Unlike pyrokinesis, nothing is created. The talent merely allows the psionic to influence the motion of liquids (but cannot control the motion of the atoms/molecules to heat up or cool down the liquid unlike Waterbending). Requires line of sight to manipulate an object.

The exercise to learn this technique is very similar to that of regular PK abilities. I am speaking of the old cork in water exercise, only this time we are not trying to move the cork, we are trying to move the water in which it sits. The only purpose of the cork is to indicate movement in the water.

OK, so you may say "isn't this just PK with water?". Well it can be. But if you want it to be true hydrokinesis, you must establish a real connection with water, and not just the physical substance, but the Element itself. If your natural Element is water then you will probably find this easier than most because you already have an advantage. Spend time in meditation and contemplation, thinking of nothing but the properties, associations, and real feel of water. Totally surround and submerge yourself in it if need be. Take it into your being. Become a master of water.

Become water.

Once you fell you are ready to try true hydrokinesis, do the following: Take a medium - large bowl and fill it with water. If the bowl is glass this may be easer because you can see all of the water within. Now place a cork or something similar which floats in the bowl and wait for it to settle. Once it has settled, close your eyes. Sense the water in front of you, feel its energy and merge it with yours. See in your mind's eye the link between you and the liquid. Feel its smoothness, its cool healing properties.

Now try to mimic those feelings within your own energies. You and water are one and the same.

Just as you have control over your own energies, so too do you have control over water.

Open your eyes. Look at the substence within the bowl. You are a part of it, and it is a part of you. Keeping in mind your connection with it, will the water to move, just as you would with your own energy.

Make it start to swirl in the bowl, always getting stronger, always gaining speed. It is you.

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Continue to do this until you feel you have succeded or are in need of rest. Don't over do it on the first few tries.

Have a mental rest, you need it!

Waterbending exercise #2This i took from one of my favorite sites-Earthflame.The article contains a little information before the exercise:

Waterbending is, no doubt one of the most awesome and amazing powers to have. Like most of the skills, you are dealing with a substance that can't be controlled. You aren't actually bending the water persay, but the water field around it. Like fire and air, it can't be physically lifted, but rather the field can be lifted to control the water's physical mass. There is a way to dismiss the water's field, but it is extremely complex, and is frowned upon by many water tribes because it is regarded as taking away the water's spirit. If you do decide to dismiss the field, (which I don't suggest only because I have done it, and it is extremely painful) then when the field is gone, you cannot physically touch the water, it's mass is only an image. Anyway, we're going to start with a very basic skill. You are going to lift the water about two inches, and then drop it. First, lifting the water. Put a small bowl of water in front of you. If you can, sit in the lotus position and visualize yourself sitting on a rock in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by water. It's better if you visualize yourself in the lotus position, but you don't need to. Visualize the water around you lifting up in tall pillars, and then disconnecting from the water's surface until it's suspended in the air. Then, visualize the water dropping back into the ocean. If you hear a drop in the water, congratulaions, you are officially a waterbender! There are a few different weapons that you can use with waterbending: a sword, hand fan, and best of all, your hands. Your hands alone are more powerful than any weapon in the world. Anyway, on to the moves. Here are two, both a little advanced. You may want to try the ice shield after about a month of practicing with the bowl of water. Unless your natural element is water, then you can try them whenever you feel you are ready. Also, if you can, it is extremely useful to have a gourd with a cork or a water bottle with an easy open cap that is easy to carry with you that's filled with water. Otherwise, you would have to find a spring or draw water from the earth if you're stuck in the wilderness without it.Ice Shield (this one is here because you need to be able to lift water in order to do it) : This skill actually allows you to create a shield of ice in front of you to capture any attacks thrown at you. So when you are first learning this, take it very slow, and make sure you're not using too much chi. Open your gourd, and bend your water in to a puddle on the ground. Bend the water straight up, about as tall and wide as you are, then visualize the water getting colder an colder until it eventually freezes in front of you. Then visualize it getting hotter and hotter until it melts back into a puddle and bend it back into your gourd. Keep practicing until you get fast enough to do it instantaneously.

Water Walking: This has got to be one of the greatest and most miraculous skills in existence. With this skill, you can actually walk on the surface of water. This is one of the most difficult skills in all of Waterbending, but it is so worth the effort. I have been taking waterbending for over three years, and I myself have only taken a few steps on water. What you do is, remember, only for advanced waterbenders, you bend the water in a circle on the surface of the water. You have to bend the water down and

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under into the center of the circle until it has pushed up in the circle and made the water more dense in that area. When you are ready, step on to that circle and feel the water under your feet as you witness a miracle. Practice this until you are comfortable with this skill. Eventually, you should be able to make the whole surface of a pool or a lake stable enough to stand on.

Waterbending exercise #3This one i know from one of my teachers:

Water bending Lift (method 2) (Just to tell you, you don’t need to learn lifting first some people are good at different types of bending in the same gender).Get into a relaxed state preferably a deep trance. Now have a bowl of water in front of you,warm water (energy flows through it better).Then when you are in this trance you must begin to visualize you eyes open staring at the water(don’t really open your eyes just pretend you can see through your eye lids) now stare at the water through your eye lids and see and feel it coming out of the bowl Imagine it coming close to your face and your nose smelling. The objective is to make the water come close to your face DO NOT IMAGINE IT TOO FAST this is the leading cause of me failing when i was learning. Take it slow imagine slowly and thoroughly. Ok if you practice every day it will probably take you about 1-2 weeks if you practice once every week it will take you a little longer. You don't need to see the water to feel it...All those above where just exercises for learning the basic skills(moving,lifting and most important feeling water).We've come to a more advanced skill-moving water that you don't see.Just to say-don't give up if you can't do it the first times.Practice is the key of all bending styles(and everything else for that matter).So,anyway,start training very calm and with an open mind.Put a bowl of water in a room close to the one you are.Say to yourself " I know the location of the water,I just need to move it".Feel the water energy going out of its room and into yours.Then visualize the water from the bowl lifting,about 20-50 inches and then drop it.You can add Tai Chi moves here(they will help you visualize and will let Chi flow more freely).When you can do this move very good you can then ask a friend to hide the bowl with water.This way you won't know where the water is and will have to find it trough feeling it (this will help you if you're somewhere without water ;) .

Pressuring the waterThis is maybe one of the most important things in waterbending after the basics.With this skill you can make the water hard as steel without loosing its elegance or appearance.Although when doing this it will reduce the amount of the water (it's actually logical,isn't it?).In the water-walking skill (which is a little above) we use water pressuring so we can walk on the water.This time i'll explain it more closely.

What does pressuring the water means? It means that you manipulate the water molecules so they can get closer to each other,to become harder without turning it to ice.Here are two pics of how does normal water and ice molecules look like:

These are normal water molecules.

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So you need to closer each one with its neighbor .Something like this:

You see?! this is your aim.And now (just for information) - ice molecules:

Ok,so,just look at the 1st two ones.The 3rd is so you don't freeze the water instead of pressuring it.Now,take a bow of water and concentrate.See the millions of molecules.You see them?Ok,now make them move closer and closer to each other.DON'T combine them! This is not your aim.When you think you're ready rise the water and try to cut with it just a little an apple (this means you have to prepare an apple first :D).Don't expect this to be easy.Just keep practicing!You'll get it.

The siteThis site is dedicated to help beginner benders improve their waterbending(that includes me).I'm not into writing so i won't write much here(in the home page). I want to help in any way possible so i just want to ask you to have fun,ok?I'm posting articles and exercises that i have learned from masters or found by surfing the Internet(because i'm far from a master and i would love if some people share their knowledge about this great skill in the guestbook).So this site is not only for teaching you but also teaching myself.And it is possible to find Tai Chi Chuan knowledge here but i'm still thinking about it.We'll see...You could search the Interned for videos and information because you can't waterbend if you don't know at least a little Tai Chi.A little theoryWaterbending is based on the style of Tai Chi, which is a martial art that features slow movements and elegant forms that evoke the feel of flowing water.[2] Waterbending's strength is its defensive capabilities. Unlike some other bending disciplines, Waterbending's defensive maneuvers focus on control through turning an opponent's own strength against him, rather than directly harming the opponent.

Waterbending provides a versatility of moves at disposal. The extent of the Waterbenders' power ranges from creating small, lashing whips and waves to massive tsunamis and walls of water. Waterbenders also possess thermokinetic abilities like freeze, melt, evaporate or condense the water they manipulate at will.Phase of water allows for multiple maneuvers in the course of a battle, from encasing an opponent in ice to hiding behind a veil of mist. Waterbenders are also able to manipulate water pressure, allowing for techniques such as grabbing and cutting through objects.[ One high-level move suitable for a powerful Waterbender involves engendering and riding within a whirlpool-like pillar of water, nicknamed the "Water Snake", in accordance to the waterspout's constantly shifting and coiling movements. Changing the phase of water allows for multiple maneuvers in the course of a battle, from encasing an opponent in ice to hiding behind a veil of mist. Waterbenders are also able to manipulate water pressure, allowing for techniques such as grabbing and cutting through objects.[5] One high-level move suitable for a powerful Waterbender involves engendering and riding within a whirlpool-like pillar of water, nicknamed

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the "Water Snake", in accordance to the waterspout's constantly shifting and coiling movements.

Icebending exercise #1This one is from one of my teachers:

Ok wat you are going to do is get in a deep trance/meditation. You are going to have a bowl of water in front of you it needs to have warm water in it. Not hot but hot enough for you to notice slightly. Now you are going to place your fingers or a finger depending on how it feels to you in the bowl. Now you can go about the next part in multiple ways. I will tell you my way you must feel the water at its current temperature. And then slow feel it changing imaging the water getting colder imagine it frosting it turning icy blue slowly imaging the water feeling colder and imagine the water’s atoms and molecules slowing down BUT NOT STOPED JUST SLOWED when you feel it f frozen or freezing or really cold you have done it. But be are full you don’t want to stop the atoms because remember your fingers are in the water. Do don’t want to freeze the water around your fingers. Or freeze your fingers.Icebending exercise #2This one is again from Earthflame:

Icebending is the ability to control ice and the temperature of water. As you probably have guessed, this is a really cool skill to have. What makes it even better is that it is based off of Waterbending, which is one of the easiest of the skills to learn. I myself used to be mainly a Waterbender, but even after I changed to an Earthbender, I still use Icebending on a regular basis. Actually, there is a move on the Waterbending page that is actually Icebending. It is called Ice Shield. The concepts of Icebending are pretty basic. All you have to do is visualize water filled with thousands of swirling grey dots, and then see all of the grey dots gradually starting to slow and change color to a dull, icy blue. At that point the water should get colder, and if you continue with this process, and keep slowing the dots until they are completely still, then it will eventually freeze the water. These are the basics that you need to remember for Icebending. Now on to the starter skill, Chill. This is called Chill because you are going to cool down water almost to the point of freezing temperature. All you will need for this skill is a small bowl and somewhere quiet where you can focus. It is fairly important to have a very small bowl, because then you don't have to deal with as much water. Ok, first fill the bowl with water at room temperature and set it on the floor in front of you. Now sit down and put part of your hand or maybe just a finger in the water and close your eyes. Now visualize those swirling dots we talked about before and do exactly as I told you about about the slowing dots. Keep doing this for as long as it takes for you to feel cold water on your finger/hand. If the water gets colder, then congratulations, you are officially an Icebender! But just be careful to not do this too long, or you may freeze your fingers in the ice! I did it once and it really hurt after a while. Keep doing this until you can do this without focusing and with your eyes open. Now on to the harder moves.

Ice Petal- This is a truly wonderful skill. With this skill, you are actually going to be making an ice sculpture. Well, we are not quite at sculptures yet, but you are going to

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make part of one. You are going to make a flower petal out of ice. All you need is a bowl of cold water and a quiet place to bend. It is easier to start with cold water because you are going to make ice. What you do is, remember all of the swirling dots? Well, picture the whole bowl filled with them, but cut out a portion of it and shape it like a flower petal. Now see the petal turn colder by slowing the dots down, but keep the rest of the bowl the same temperature. I know, this is VERY confusing, but just look at these words long and hard and hopefully you will understand it better. Truthfully, I am confusing myself just writing these words. But anyway, see the petal growing colder and colder until the dots have completely halted and turned an icy white. Almost like this color. Open your eyes and the petal should be frozen and floating in the water. If it is, then congratulations! This is a very confusing move and pretty hard to pull off correctly. You can also do other figures, too, just visualize it in the shape you want. Congratulations again!

Thaw- With this skill, you are going to thaw out ice. It seems sort of wierd, I know, because it is almost like firebending. But it is still Icebending because you are not using heat to thaw it, but you are actually just releasing the cold out of the ice to thaw it. So, you can either freeze a bowl of water with Icebending, or you can put it in the freezer for two hours. I would recommend you put it in the freezer, because then you don't have to waste any chi on freezing it. So get your ice, and put it on the floor in front of you. Now close your eyes, and see the swirling dots again. But this time, see the dots starting to move again, slowly changing color again back to the grey color of room temperature. Also, see grey colored steam coming out from the top of the ice, which represents the cold temperature. When you see them swirling at a steady rate, and all of the steam has stopped rising, and you think that it is pretty much thawed out, then open your eyes and look in the bowl. If it is water, then congratulations, you have just mastered a very confusing and useful technique. For example, if you put your drink in the freezer, instead of the fridge, you could thaw it out in seconds without thinking about it and also not needing to wait hours to thaw it out. WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!! Also, as an end note, it would be very beneficial for you to learn Waterbending as well, because then you can freeze things into shapes without needing a bowl of water.

Mistbending exercise #1A very useful waterbending stile.With it you can make or lift fogs and mists whenever you like!!!You can use them for confusing your enemies or just for having a little change in the weather. The way is the so called cloudbending. Clouds are evaporated water so don't be scared-it's just another of the water states.So,what we're going to do is make the clouds go down enough so we can make a mist(this one is hardest way but it's the most lasting).Go somewhere high,so you can feel the clouds,see them good.Now visualize they're just floating water,imagine it.They're water-nothing more,nothing less.NOW WATERBEND THEM DOWN!!!I It's possible that it won't work the 1st time(especially if you're not an experienced waterbender) but keep trying-you'll get it. ;)

Mistbending exercise #2This one is not very easy but it's easier than the 1st way (because in the first you have to make the clouds go down at least 1 km until they reach you).Ok,now you should be good at thawing ice.With the same technique(which is on the waterbending page btw)

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we're going to evaporate the water.Train with a little amount of water,like a bowl of water.Be calm.You can use a little emotion but if you get out of control things can get pretty bad...So,see the dots again(grey-the room temperature).Now start spinning them.From slow,then faster and faster and faster....see them turning from grey to yellow,to orange,to red...fell the warm energy (this is not firebending because you're just releasing the cold from the water and the vapor in the air around it)Do this with your eyes closed until you get used to the exercise.When you have mastered this technique in the bowl try increasing the amount of water until you can make a fog from evaporating the water in a lake or something big enough. When you're very good at mistbending try evaporating water that is found in the air (this is the most handy mistbending of all but again is not easy).You'll have to know how to pull water out of the air.

Mistbending exercise #3This is invented by one of my teachers.It's kind of molecule bending but it's really hard(at least for me): OK well first you are going to have to know some water bending,enough to fist and control.Once you got that down you are basically bending the water particles in vary small(you're actually bending the water molecules).Now,you have to bend lots of water (like the water in a lake or something) but you are breaking it down in very small parts. ( I wouldn’t try this if you are not very good.Get a feel for regular bending before you try fog-it might tire you out too fast.). OK anyway what you are going to do is lifting the water up and divide it. That’s why this method is so hard. It takes a lot of brain power but less if you do it right. You are going to divide the water into 2 then 4 then 8 and so on till you can see it just if you put a lot of small particles together. Then you got clouds(fog, mist).

Plantbending exercise #1This stile is quite easy especially if you're an experienced waterbender.This is really like bloodbending but instead doing it on animals do it on plants(and it's not needed a full moon).So to begin,get yourself a plant-like a little flower.Feel and see the water in it.Do the same thing like you did in the waterbending exercises.Connect your energy with the it's energy.So,what are you waiting for-MOVE IT! If you don't know how to waterbend-see the waterbending page(if you can't bend water you won't be able to move the plant).If you have difficulties with moving the whole plant you can try just moving its leaf(fill it with more water and it will be more easy-but don't blow the little thing,ok?)Plantbending exercise #2This is the 2nd and last plantbending exercise.It's the so called extracting water from plants.This is nothing more than moving the water out of the plants by pressuring it inside the plants and cutting trough theirs membrane.Warning-just to say this will kill the plant(unless you leave some water in it and extract it trough their pores-so you don't cut its "skin" but it needs perfect skills and when you're in danger you don't think 'bout the plants so...).To do this you must know how to pressure the water(will be found soon in the waterbending page).


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This waterbending style is VERY DANGEROUS! With it you can control or even kill someone!!!!!!!!!!I'm still considering if i want to put it but it's one of the best ways for defending so....This can be preformed only by a master and only when there is a full moon(when the waterbenders power is at its peak).The technique you'll read is created by me,but remember that when you kill or even hurt someone you get your consequences-by the law or by magic!!!

Bloodbending exercise #1So again,before i start-BE VERY CAREFUL!!!

Now to start.You should have a small animal for a genie pig(i recommend a lizard or a mouse).After the full moon rises you will be ready to start training.Visualize,see the blood running trough its body,feel the water in it.You must be very concentrated to perform this correctly.Be relaxed.You need to know how to move water which you don't see(so you need to know how to feel the water)!!!Now very carefully move the water in the muscle of the animals left foot to the left(be very careful so you don't harm the poor thing!).Try doing this until you have success or feel dizzy(this is not for people with weak hearts).Then try one of the other foots (so to say-this is not a toy so don't treat it like one-i promise you'll be severely punished!!!)When you have success try make it walk by moving all other foots.From now i tell ya it may not work the first time but you'll have results the 2nd or 3rd try.When you feel "comfortable" with doing it with a rat (if you can say that) try doing it with a bigger animal.When you learn to move freely a person use it ONLY FOR DEFENSE!!!!! I repeat that this technique can be done only in a full moon!

First lesson ;DThis is one of the most useful skills when you're a waterbender.It'll allow you to cure yourself or others from pain,wounds,illnesses and even poison.This exercise is without water just to get used to the basic healing methods.

Ok now-first healing wounds.Just put your hands on or near the wound if it hurts too much.Now imagine that energy (whatever color you like) is coming from your Hara (the place where your energy is stored,it's found just behind the belly button).See the energy going from your Hara through your hands,then your fingers.Then imagine it starting glowing very strong over the wound,going into it and then leaving with the pain (you can imagine the pain glowing in black or in a color that you dislike).Do this until the "patient" is feeling better.

Now healing illnesses.This again is not waterbending but will help you when healing with water.It'll teach you how to manipulate the energies in your body(and most particular-chi).Without chi-you can't bend the water.The only other way is Psi but this is another topic.Ok,now,to start-place your hands over the "patients" chest and see the same energy again.Imagine it gettin' hotter and with it-the persons body.Then see the illness(imagine it in a color like the pain) melting and slowly disappearing from his/her body.Continue this until the (black) color is gone.

And finally-healing poison.You must be a good waterbender to do this one.First with your energy (or like it's described in the waterbending page) find where exactly is the poison.It'll be better if you do this before it reaches all of the veins.Otherwise it will

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be more hard to collect it.Your point is to bend the poison so it goes back where it came-through the wound.

Healing with waterbendingThere are two methods to heal with waterbendin-beginner and advanced.It's actually based on your waterbending knowledge and skills.

The first way is if you can't lift water.In this case you must put a wet towel on the ill place.Se the energy mentioned above again.Concentrate it on the place.This kind of healing is more difficult 'cause you'll have to do 2 things at a time.Now when you've energized the place start moving the water in the towel in massaging circular moves.This way the patient won't feel so much the pain (It is better that the water is cold but it depends on the illness or wound).Now see the energy connecting with the water.Imagine the water glowing really bight (I imagine it blue but it's your choice...Never use black,brown or grey !!!These energy colors can harm him/her so...ya.).See that color going inside the body and destroying the dead cells,possible dirt and the negative energy that causes pain.

That's it.If it doesn't heal do so few times but change the water in the towel every time.

The advanced metod requires skill in levitating water (the info of this exercise can be found on the waterbending page).this time you don't need a towel,just lift the needed amount of water,merge it with your energy and do as it is said in the beginner healing (the same,but without a towel ;).

This is a healing Technique Invented by My friend Moonlight :D

Now, to start Waterbending Healing, you need a bowl/pail of water in front of you. It would help you to focus better if you're in a quiet environment, try locking yourself up in your bedroom undisturbed by other family members. This instruction is to cure physical wounds like a cuts, bumps or muscular sores.

First, you can sit cross-legged/ in the lotus position(whichever you like) and get comfortable. Next, dip the wounded place into the water, I know some wounds would prickle when touched by water but u have to relax and feel the coolness of the water compressing your pain. After a minute or so, close your eyes. clear your mind of all distractions. Just keep your mind on the wound and focus on your breathing patterns, make sure you breathe in through your nose deeply and out through your mouth with a "hoo...". This cools down your mind and body.

Before the next step, i have to ask, do you know how to move your chi? Or do you know where the source of chi is? The source of chi in our body is called the Hara, it is just 2 inches behind your belly button, from there, you can extract some chi and direct it to the wound. Let's say your left hand has a cut and it is dipped the bowl of water, by using your other hand (your eyes are still closed, you have to feel) , place your palm in front of your Hara, imagine that there's a light-bluish glow as your source of chi. With each breath, imagine it glowing brighter and some blue vapour surrounds it.

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When you think that's enough chi for that particular wound, use only two of your front fingers, place it about an inch above the skin of your belly button. With each breath in, direct the blue mist up through the centre of your body to your chest by moving your fingers up (you have to move it as if it is really water vapour and make sure it doesn't escape from your grip plus your hand gestures must be gentle) and let the vapour settle in your chest when you breathe out. Then, continue this step again by pulling the vapour from your chest to your arms, lower part of your arm and finally to your palm.

Now is an important step, imagine the vapour is now surrounding your palm, place your palm a little above the wound. Imagine the blue vapour is now covering over the wound and with each breath you take the vapour glows in a beautiful white light once. You have to get a clear picture and memory of how your cut looks like before the beginning of healing. With your eyes closed, imagine the edge of your wound is glowing as the vapour covers it and glows. Imagine the edge of the cut is getting smaller or the bleed is beginning to clot or the red part of the bump's red disappearing. Focus on your breath as well. One reminder, as i said earlier, you had imagined the vapour to be what a real vapour is supposed to be, so cup the mists back to the wound if the vapour cloud thins.

Finally, when you feel that the job has been done, open your eyes and take a look at the wound. You'll notice that if it was bleeding earlier it would have clotted or when wound is less red and smaller. You can't really make that wound disappear at one go, you should probably repeat it a few times and then let the cut heal by itself the next day. To heal the cut quickly, do this healing steps everyday and the cut will disappear in 2 or 3 days. If your skin itches due to rash, this tech can also relieve it but not entirely cure it as having rash is due to sensitive skin.

(sry for the last paragraph but it doesn't seem to change size nor color)

Thanks to Moonlight for providing me with this info :D
