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Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing (Wavelet...

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University of Ioannina - Department of Computer Science Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing (Wavelet Transforms) Christophoros Nikou [email protected] Digital Image Processing
  • University of Ioannina - Department of Computer Science

    Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing(Wavelet Transforms)

    Christophoros [email protected]

    Digital Image Processing

    mailto:[email protected]

  • 2

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)


    – Image pyramids– Subband coding– The Haar transform– Multiresolution analysis

    • Series expansion• Scaling functions• Wavelet functions

    – Wavelet series– Discrete wavelet transform (DWT)– Fast wavelet transform (FWT)– Wavelet packets

  • 3

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Wavelet Series

    A continuous signal may be represented by a scaling function in a subspace and some number of wavelet functions in subspaces

    0 0


    , ,( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )j j k j j kk j j k

    f x c k x d k xφ ψ∞


    = +∑ ∑∑

    Scaling coefficients


    0 0 01 2,, , ...j j jW W W+ +

    0 0 0, ,( ) ( ), ( ) ( ) ( )j j k j kc k f x x f x x dxφ φ= = ∫

    Detail (wavelet) coefficients

    , ,( ) ( ), ( ) ( ) ( )j j k j kd k f x x f x x dxψ ψ= = ∫

  • 4

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Wavelet Series (cont…)

    Example: using Haar wavelets and starting from j0=0, compute the wavelet series of

    Scaling coefficients1 1

    2 20 0,0

    0 0

    1(0) ( )3

    c x x dx x dxφ= = =∫ ∫

    There is only one scaling coefficient for k=0. Integer translations of the scaling function do not overlap with the signal.

    2 , 0 1( )

    0, otherwisex x

    f x⎧ ≤ ≤

    = ⎨⎩

  • 5

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Wavelet Series (cont…)

    Example (continued): Detail (wavelet) coefficients

    1 0.5 12 2 2

    0 0,00 0 0.5

    1(0) ( )4

    d x x dx x dx x dxψ= = − = −∫ ∫ ∫

    1 0.25 0.52 2 2

    1 1,00 0 0.25

    2(0) ( ) 2 232

    d x x dx x dx x dxψ= = − = −∫ ∫ ∫

    1 0.75 12 2 2

    1 1,10 0.5 0.75

    3 2(1) ( ) 2 232

    d x x dx x dx x dxψ= = − = −∫ ∫ ∫

  • 6

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Wavelet Series (cont…)

    Example (continued): Substituting these values:

    0 0 1

    1 0 0

    2 1 1 0 0 1

    0,0 0,0 1,0 1,11 1 2 2( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ...3 4 32 32

    V W W

    V V W

    V V W V W W

    f x x x x xφ ψ ψ ψ

    = ⊕

    = ⊕ = ⊕ ⊕

    ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤= + − + − − +⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦

  • 7

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Wavelet Series (cont…)

    Example (continued): The scaling function approximates the signal by its average value.

    Each wavelet subspace adds a level of detail in the wavelet series representation of the signal.

  • 8

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Discrete Wavelet Transform

    If the signal is discrete, of length M, we compute its DWT.



    0 , ,1 1( ) ( , ) ( ) ( , ) ( )j k j k

    k j j kf n W j k n W j k n

    M Mφ ψφ ψ


    = +∑ ∑∑

    Scaling coefficients

    Detail coefficients



    0 ,0

    1( , ) ( ) ( )M

    j kn

    W j k f n nMφ



    = ∑



    , 00

    1( , ) ( ) ( ), forM

    j kn

    W j k f n n j jMψ



    = ≥∑

  • 9

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    We take M equally spaced samples over the support of the scaling and wavelet functions.Normally, we let j0=0 and M=2J.

    Therefore, the summations are performed over



    0 , ,1 1( ) ( , ) ( ) ( , ) ( )j k j k

    k j j k

    f n W j k n W j k nM Mφ ψ

    φ ψ∞


    = +∑ ∑∑

    0, 1, 2,..., 1, 0, 1, 2,..., 1, 0, 1, 2,..., 2 1jn M j J k= − = − = −

    For Haar wavelets, the discretized scaling and wavelet functions correspond to the rows of the MxM Haarmatrix.

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    Example: f(n)={1, 4, -3, 0}.

    We will compute the DWT of the signal using the Haar scaling function and the corresponding wavelet functions.

    Here, M=4=2J, J=2 and with j0=0 the summations are performed over n=0, 1, 2, 3, j=0, 1 and k=0 for j=0 or k=0, 1 for j=1. The values of the sampled scaling and wavelet functions are the elements of the rows of H4.

  • 11

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    Example (continued): f(n)={1, 4, -3, 0}.


    1 3

    0 , 0,00, 00 0

    1 1( , ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2


    j k j kn n

    W j k f n n f n nMφ

    φ φ−

    = == =

    = = ⇔∑ ∑

    1(0,0) [1 1 4 1 3 ( 1) 0 ( 1)] 42

    Wψ = ⋅ + ⋅ − ⋅ − + ⋅ − =

    1(0,0) [1 1 4 1 3 1 0 1] 12

    Wφ = ⋅ + ⋅ − ⋅ + ⋅ =

    1(1,0) [1 2 4 ( 2) 3 0 0 0] 1.5 22

    Wψ = ⋅ + ⋅ − − ⋅ + ⋅ = −

    1(1,1) [1 0 4 0 3 2 0 ( 2)] 1.5 22

    Wψ = ⋅ + ⋅ − ⋅ + ⋅ − = −

  • 12

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    Example (continued): f(n)={1, 4, -3, 0}. The DWT relative to the Haar scaling and wavelet functions is

    { }1, 4, 1.5 2, 1.5 2− −To reconstruct the signal, we compute



    0 , ,

    0,0 0,0 1,0 1,1

    1 1( ) ( , ) ( ) ( , ) ( )

    1 (0,0) ( ) (0,0) ( ) (1,0) ( ) (1,1) ( )2

    j k j kk j j k

    f n W j k n W j k nM M

    W n W n W n W n

    φ ψ

    φ ψ ψ ψ

    φ ψ

    φ ψ ψ ψ


    = +

    ⎡ ⎤= + + +⎣ ⎦

    ∑ ∑∑

    for n=0, 1, 2, 3. Notice that we could have started from a different approximation level j0∫0.

  • 13

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Fast Wavelet Transform

    A computationally efficient implementation of the DWT [Mallat 1989]. It resembles subband coding.Consider the multiresolution refinement equation

    Scaling x by 2j, translating it by k and letting m=2k+n:

    ( ) ( ) 2 (2 )n

    x h n x nφφ φ= −∑

    ( )(2 ) ( ) 2 2(2 )j jn

    x k h n x k nφφ φ− = − − =∑1( ) 2 (2 2 )j

    nh n x k nφ φ

    += − −∑1( 2 ) 2 (2 )j

    mh m k x mφ φ

    += − −∑

  • 14

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    The scaling vector hφ may be considered as weights used to expand φ(2jx-k) as a sum of scale j+1 scaling functions.

    A similar sequence of operations leads to

    1(2 ) ( 2 ) 2 (2 )j jm

    x k h m k x mφφ φ+− = − −∑

    1(2 ) ( 2 ) 2 (2 )j jm

    x k h m k x mψψ φ+− = − −∑

  • 15

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    Injecting these expressions into the DWT formulas1


    1( , ) ( ) ( )M

    j kn

    W j k f n nMφ



    = ∑



    , 00

    1( , ) ( ) ( ), forM

    j kn

    W j k f n n j jMψ



    = ≥∑yields the following important equations relating the DWT coefficients of adjacent scales.

    ( , ) ( 2 ) ( 1, )m

    W j k h m k W j mφ φ φ= − +∑( , ) ( 2 ) ( 1, )


    W j k h m k W j mψ ψ φ= − +∑

  • 16

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    Both the scaling and the wavelet coefficients of a certain scale jmay be obtained by

    • convolution of the scaling coefficients of the next scale j+1(the finer detail scale), with the order-reversed scaling and wavelet vectors hφ(-n) and hψ(-n).• subsampling the result.

    ( , ) ( 2 ) ( 1, )m

    W j k h m k W j mφ φ φ= − +∑( , ) ( 2 ) ( 1, )


    W j k h m k W j mψ ψ φ= − +∑

    The complexity is O(M).

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    The convolutions are evaluated at non-negative even indices. This is equivalent to filtering and downsampling by 2.

    2 , 0( , ) ( ) ( 1, )

    n k kW j k h n W j nφ φ φ = ≥= − ∗ +

    2 , 0( , ) ( ) ( 1, )

    n k kW j k h n W j nψ ψ φ = ≥= − ∗ +

  • 18

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    The procedure may be iterated to create multistage structures of more scales.The highest scale coefficients are assumed to be the values of the signal itself ( , ) ( )W J n f nφ =

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    The corresponding frequency splitting characteristics for the two-stage procedure.

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    Reconstruction may be obtained by the IFWT• upsampling by 2 (inserting zeros).• convolution of the scaling coefficients by hφ(n) and the wavelet coefficients by hψ(n) and summation.

    2 2

    0( 1, ) ( ) ( , ) ( ) ( , )

    kW j k h k W j k h k W j kφ φ φ ψ ψ

    ↑ ↑

    ≥+ = ∗ + ∗

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    It can also be extended to multiple stages.

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsThe Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsRelation to the Fourier Transform

    • The Fourier basis functions guarantee the existence of the transform for energy signals.• The wavelet transform depends upon the availability of scaling functions for a given wavelet function.• The wavelet transform depends on the orthonormality (biorthogonality) of the scaling and wavelet functions.• The F.T. informs us about the frequency content of a signal. It does not inform us on the specific time instant that a certain frequency occurs.•The W.T. provides information on “when the frequency occurs”.

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsRelation to the Fourier Transform (cont…)

    Heisenberg cells.• The width of each rectangle in (a) represents one time instant.• The height of each rectangle in (b) represents a single frequency.

    Signal DFT DWT

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsRelation to the Fourier Transform (cont…)

    Time domain pinpoints the instance an event occurs but has no frequency information.DFT domain pinpoints the frequencies that are present in the events but provides no time resolution (when a certain frequency appears).

    Signal DFT DWT

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    1-D Wavelet TransformsRelation to the Fourier Transform (cont…)

    In DWT the time-frequency resolution varies but the area of each tile is the same. There is a compromise between time and frequency resolutions.At low frequencies the tiles are shorter (better frequency resolution, less ambiguity regarding frequency) but wider (more ambiguity regarding time).At high frequencies the opposite happens (time resolution is improved).

    Signal DFT DWT

  • 28

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform

    Extension from 1-D wavelet transforms.A 2-D scaling function and three 2-D wavelet functions are required.They are separable. They are the product of two 1-D functions.

    ( , ) ( ) ( )( , ) ( ) ( )( , ) ( ) ( )( , ) ( ) ( )




    x y x yx y x yx y x yx y x y

    φ φ φ

    ψ ψ φ

    ψ φ ψ

    ψ ψ ψ





    Variations along columns

    Variations along rows

    Variations along diagonals

  • 29

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    Given separable scaling and wavelet functions the scaled and translated basis

    , ,

    / 2, ,

    / 2

    ( , ) 2 (2 ,2 )

    ( , ) 2 (2 ,2 ), { , , }j m n

    j j jj m n

    i j i j j

    x y x m y n

    x y x m y n i H V D

    φ φ

    ψ ψ

    = − −

    = − − =

    where i is an index and there are two translations m and n.

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    The DWT is given by

    And the inverse transformation is


    1 1

    0 , ,0 0

    1( , , ) ( , ) ( , )M N

    j m nm n

    W j m n f m n m nMNφ

    φ− −

    = =

    = ∑∑

    , .0

    1 1

    0 0

    1( , , ) ( , ) ( , ), { , , }j m n

    M Ni i

    m n

    W j m n f m n m n i H V DMNψ

    ψ− −

    = =

    = =∑∑



    0 , ,

    , ,, ,

    1( , ) ( , , ) ( , )

    1 ( , , , ) ( , )

    j m nm n

    i ij m n

    i H V D j j m n

    f m n W j m n m nMN

    W j m n k m nMN





    = =




    ∑ ∑∑∑

  • 31

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    We take M equally spaced samples over the support of the scaling and wavelet functions.We normally, we let j0=0 and select N=M=2Jso that

    0, 1, 2,..., 1, 0, 1, 2,..., 1, 0, 1, 2,..., 2 1jm n M j J k= = − = − = −

    Like the 1-D transform it can be implemented using filtering and downsampling.We take the 1-D FWT of the rows followed by the 1-D FWT of the resulting columns.

  • 32

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)

  • 33

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    Reconstruction (inverse 2-D FWT)

  • 34

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)

  • 35

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)

  • 36

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)

    a) Noisy CT image. We wish to remove the noise by manipulating the DWT.

    b) Thresholding all of the detail coefficients of the two scale DWT. Significant edge information is eliminated.

    c) Zeroing the highest resolution detail coefficients (not thresholding the lowest resolution details).

    d) Information loss in c) with respect to the original image. The edges are slightly disturbed.

    e) Zeroing all of the detail coefficients of the two scale DWT.

    d) Information loss in e) with respect to the original image. Significant edge information is removed.

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets

    The DWT, as it was defined, decomposes a signal into a sum of scaling and wavelet functions whose bandwidths are logarithmically related.• low frequencies use narrow bandwidths.• high frequencies use wider bandwidths.For greater flexibility of the partitioning of the time-frequency plane the DWT must be generalized.

    Signal DFT DWT

  • 38

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets (cont…)

    Coefficient tree and subspace analysis tree for the two-scale (three levels) FWT filter bank.The subspace analysis tree provides a more compact representation of the decomposition in terms of subspaces.

    11 JJ JV V W

    −−= ⊕

  • 39

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets (cont…)

    Subspace analysis tree and spectrum splitting for the three-scale (four levels) FWT filter bank.Here, we have three options for the expansion:





    2 1

    3 2 1




    J J

    J J J

    J J J J

    V V W

    V V W W

    V V W W W

    − −

    − − −

    = ⊕

    = ⊕ ⊕

    = ⊕ ⊕ ⊕

  • 40

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets (cont…)

    Wavelet packets are conventional wavelet transforms in which the details are filtered iteratively. For example, the three scale wavelet packet tree is

    Indices A (approximation) and D (detail) denote the path from the parent to the node.

  • 41

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets (cont…)Filter bank and spectrum (three scale wavelet packet).

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets (cont…)

    The cost of this generalization increases the computational complexity of the transform from O(M)to O(MlogM).Also, the three scale packet almost triples the number of decompositions available from the three low pass bands.

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets (cont…)

    The subspace of the signal may be expanded as

    33 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1,JJ J J A J D J AA J AD J DA J DDV V W W W W W W W

    −− − − − − − −= ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕

    with spectrum:

  • 44

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets (cont…)

    It can also be expanded as

    1 1, 1, 1,J J J A J DA J DDV V W W W− − − −= ⊕ ⊕ ⊕

    with spectrum:

  • 45

    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets (cont…)

    In general, a P-scale 1-D wavelet packet (associated with P+1 level analysis trees) supports

    [ ]2( 1) ( ) 1D P D P+ = +

    unique decompositions, where D(1)=1 is the initial signal.

    For instance, D(4)=26 and D(5)=677.

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets (cont…)

    The problem increases dramatically in 2-D.a P-scale 2-D wavelet packet (associated with P+1 level analysis trees) supports

    [ ]4( 1) ( ) 1D P D P+ = +unique decompositions, where D(1)=1 is the initial signal.

    For instance, D(4)=83.522 possible decompositions.How do we select among them? Impractical to examine each one of them for a given application.

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets (cont…)A common application of wavelets is image compression. Here we will examine a simplified example.We seek to compress the fingerprint image by selecting the “best” three-scale wavelet packet decomposition.

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets (cont…)

    A criterion for the decomposition is the image energy2( ) ( , )

    m n

    E f f m n=∑∑

    AlgorithmFor each node of the analysis tree, from the root to the leaves:Step 1: Compute the energy of the node (EP) and the energy of its offsprings (EA, EH, EV, ED).Step 2: If EA+EH+EV+ED

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    C. Nikou – Digital Image Processing (E12)

    Wavelet Packets (cont…)

    Many of the 64 initial subbands are eliminated.

    Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing�(Wavelet Transforms)Contents1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Wavelet Series1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Wavelet Series (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Wavelet Series (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Wavelet Series (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Wavelet Series (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Discrete Wavelet Transform1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Fast Wavelet Transform1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�The Fast Wavelet Transform (cont…)1-D Wavelet Transforms�Relation to the Fourier Transform 1-D Wavelet Transforms�Relation to the Fourier Transform (cont…) 1-D Wavelet Transforms�Relation to the Fourier Transform (cont…) 1-D Wavelet Transforms�Relation to the Fourier Transform (cont…) 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (cont…)Wavelet PacketsWavelet Packets (cont…)Wavelet Packets (cont…)Wavelet Packets (cont…)Wavelet Packets (cont…)Wavelet Packets (cont…)Wavelet Packets (cont…)Wavelet Packets (cont…)Wavelet Packets (cont…)Wavelet Packets (cont…)Wavelet Packets (cont…)Wavelet Packets (cont…)Wavelet Packets (cont…)
