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wb brute 'I'llk

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A r V,i- - FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. DECEMBER 26, 1S5 9 " "V;V' rrtT p t-- i tt t- - r .. . . . , . . , NO. 3 3. 1 f 1 Tj U n I I jI I Jl I l IV1 I I X VV H A I Til -- - .1111 X , At l 30 for Die Session The Tri Weekly will be published at the end of the Session for FOUR DOLLARS PER , payable in advance. The Weekly Commonwealth, large mam- moth sheet is published every Tuesday morn- ing at TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in ad- vance. Our terms for advertising, either in the Daily or WpjU. r.m, i.u ,i - . vuutiuvuncuilll, will oe as liberal as in any of the newspapers published in the wear Er" All letters upon business should be post- - iusuic U.lteilUOU. LAW BOOKS AND BLANKS, FOK 8 A LB AT COMMONWEALTH OFFICE. BOOKS. MONROE fc HARLAN'S DIGEST OF THE DECIS IONS OP THK COURT OF APPEALS, - "' "ice 12 00 REVISED STATUTES OF KENTUCKY 1 vol. Price, - V Obi BATES OF THE CONVENTION, '; 1 vol. Frico, ..... GUIDE TO JUSTICES, CLERKS. SHERIFFS ate., by Jolt C. HuitNDon, 1 vol. Frice, ...... I HE GENERAL ACTS of Session 1855 aud io.io in riiainphletrorm. Price . loo K. MONROE'S REPOHTS-T- he 15th, 11) th & 17th toU. oi Ben. Monroe's Reports. J5 per volume. LOUGHBOROUGH'S DIGEST OF THE STAT- - vol. Price, - - - - 3 00 HON. GEO. ROBKirrsoN'S SPKKCH- -7 Jlm.rU, Party, its Principles, its Objects, and its Hopes . Pamphlet. Price II) ols. HON. Pries GARRETT el.s. DAVIS' SPEECHES. Pamphlet, BLANKS. BLANKS POUCOUNTY COUKH JUUGESol allkinds Fnoe Wets per quire. J HONS' CLANKS-WAKR- A','r AN U EXECU- - Frice GOetsper quire XNSTA BLE'S SALE NO TICK'S, REPLEVIN BONDK Price On els per quire. SHERIFF'S REPLEVIN BONDS. Prico-- oO CU per CIRCUIT CLERK'S EXECUTIONS. Prlce-- UO cts per BLANK CHECKS u..u . .7 .....- - uaiiK Ol IVeillUCSV, a Frankfort, and Farmers' of Kentucky. BLANK DEEDS. Price- -! Dornlr Quire. Brink; ,JO Orders Irom a distance for any of the above Booksor Blanks will be promptly attended to when accompanied by the Cash; and if desired to be VT.i .u' l"r posiarc. tout lit d upon the condition that it be refunded by the person ordering the LYSANDER H0RD. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Frankfurt. Kv. WILL practice Law in the Court of Appeals, Federal Franklin Circuit Court. Any business .v.. u imiii 3uuii ue launiully and promptly attend BO lO. R Is f)ltli0 i ni M. .. . . ., .. a i. 7 7 .a,i sireei, near me nruncn S f Ktfnluc J. where he may generally be found. T. N. & D. W. LINDSEY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Frankfort, Kentucky, all I li 1 A thead rio,.fl. '' uiiukv. (Jan. j, lttosj tt UUB'T J . BRECKINRIDGE, Attorney and Counselor at Law, LEXINGTON. , JOOFFICK on Shortstroetbetween Limestoneand UDDerstrenti. rru..t. .e-,- ... .uu) .j,iojy u, JOHN RODMAN, AT T OUNEY AT LAW Office on Hi. Clair Street, next Door to Morse' ylLL practice in Courts held in Frankfort, and . . iiouij, i rimuie anu ywen counties, (int. S. D. MORRIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, FRANKFOKT. KV . II7LLL practice all the hold in Frankfort, and .. . -- "j'""'p; tuauuo. no win attend particu. llllT tO IhS Anl Afilr.n .1 H.hi. . r . l ... . r, "uj puri, me state. All business oontlded to him will meet with promDl attention. JCTOlBoe on St. Clair street in the new id, la"7 w&twby. J. H. KINKEAD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, UAVJUAIIIS, MISSOURI. II71LL Dractice in t.ha Clpcnit .nH aik.. rn.. . -- ' " WUIIS ui i vless, and the Circuit Courlsof the adjolningcouu- - j'Offlce ur slalr-l- n tho Gallatin Sun Office May 6, le57 tt. BENJAMIN MONROE. MONROE. & MONROE, 'TO R A J2 V S AT 1, A FRANKFORT. KY. JAME9 B. J. TfJAitK MoxnoE will attend to the collection of claims in central Kentucky: also, to the Investigation of titlestolaud in Kentucky, on behall of "J"s. April o, IHOO tf. DENTAL SURGERY, BY E. HAMBLETON, M. D. 'l I loperalionaonihe Teethwill bedirecled by asc II A lltiH If M..U Im.Wh. )t..lll rtf V!a,lli.. ihisbeiiiK the only sate uuleto uniform succj . From un 'd unu'vu '" "isiiito niilMUl ,HB IJI U MJ I II U pa tient .void nl danger. All work warranted; the work- - moiiBijiii "111 o'j" i"i iiwn. uim wiii o ei 11a ii KI (illy JT OlBce, at bis remdence Aluin street. Fraiikt'orl.AIay IKr.y O. CRiDIOC K. I UARLS T. CA A DIOCK CUADD0CK & CRADD0CK., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, FRANKFORT. KY. 1F ICK011 Saint Clair street, next door south of the y nrancn o:iiik ui auiuuuhv. U'.H rirrl ion lutv tn onnnrinPi-nhi- in (no f'.,-t- . nnl.iiMi in the ritv o Frankfort, and in the l l Cnnrii of Uie adjoin iiip counties. jJan.5, 8511. M01IT0N & GRTSiVnTJ). Booktiellert . Stationers. Biuders, and Book and Job I'rlntertt. .Main street, Louisville , Ky., ITAVK eonsianlly on hand a complete assortment of I I .aw l..li....1 Tliaitl.irii.il J.r.,y,.l ?.(iscellaneoii Hooks, al low prices. Paper of every escri pnou. q nuii (Miv-r- jyColleescbOoU.and Private Libranessupplied jl a mall advance on oot. fVhol&saleor Retail. April 1, 1845 V&1-- y. 111 GEO. C. BAIN W. II. KEENE&CO'S COLUMN. 00 3 (JO 3 00 5 COMMISSION AND FORWARDING A N D P R ODUCE 1) R O K K 11 , Lfci.(;ro.. KK.vnt'Ky, ET Denier in A irricull wr.,1 Jmr.lenm.tv 11...:. . i' .... ... u. . ... .l. , , UlUtlt, Produce, Grass Seeds, Sec. Sec. Prompt Attention to Receiving and forwarding. ALSO Agent for the Valentine Fast Freight Ex. press Line. 1 line Receipts given to New York, Boston, Philadel- phia, Baltimore. Pittsburg, Chicago. St. Louis, Mem- phis, New Orleans. Lexington, Oci. v .. weVwly. JOHN A. MONROE, ATTORYEY& COUNSELLOR AT LAW, FRAXKVOHT, KENTUCKY. 117 ILL practice Law in tbo Court of Appeals i" tlt t KnniLIti, l'ir,...it f1,.,,-- ! l .u V1. - .'..v-u- vun, niiu an viiioroifiio i oun? held in Frank I'm t Ami u.ill i t. -- n...t uetns for in any part of the Slate. di u uiii-- , pverj ciiiimunicaiion will have bis attention on the jamo d;- received, and will be prompt- ly and thus faUcliunU keptahvavsadvised of tUliir !.lT:tir AnA hnvi.. .1... 4 . "i .. 7 " ""'"is ururiiuiucu KI Il.'lVt Mil L11S oriels ami h tiuhi j i .i 1. r',, -- i i and copies lurmshed to his clients and counsel in the ower courts all concerned will be fully informed how uisduty has been performed. He wilLiirftmmiflinopnf lia,,.. .i i . - - ...... ..l. uir.ui, taiiciitratMHjwi. edlllMtilH nf IWwU .....I Ah..n..!i; u . " r ' "ii'-- i wuuiiu iu ub ust?a or record d in oiher Male-- ; and. us CnmniUsioner under the act ol Congress attend to the taking t depositions atlidaviis, A c. li fOlflce'OU Hank," opposite the Mansion House. lraiiklori, 2iov. 10, lHT9-b- -. BOOK RINDING. ' A. C. Keeuon inform his "" friends and former customers, ' L).-- ttiivino kiak...,li. T'V- -- ''" De n:t! purchased back from A. s Hodffws the Bindery sold to r j;2?!j him in November last, aud will eive jjs whole attention to its maiiae-emeut- . He respectfully solicits a continuance of t- ""'ct.yi.iic oawiiucii tu me esiaoiir-nment- . Il P I'l.r'.k'KS orill 1,1.',,... ...... ,.)ICU , jmu.eru,ana oune verv bestnuali v ol natter. TT.. liLA XK BOOKS of every description, niunitfac- - . ....... i wi uor, uij reunouauie term s . H r Bindery at the old stand, over Harlan's La 0(Iic Frank fort,July 31, lH47-77:- -tf Fine Chewing Tnhnnnn r"EK.OX V CRUTCH KR keep "Holland's Emprtts IV Brand" nf tnl.ftpv. w7hi.hiJ i. . ... , - " i ia u JUIU u llUtt IIJfl''HS 11 be tho best in the city. Call and get a plug. Notice to the Holders of Kentucky State .Bonus. "Hf UK Mi AS, by an act approved 1st of Jiarch, 1844, It ft ,4 IIIUI nf ,1, I, Iu ..f j . , .1J4, uv,,luo wlw oiaia were is.,ueu 10 me holders ot the Lexington and Ohio railroad bonds bearing date 1st January, 1845, and payable upon the presentation and deliverv of said bonds the city of ieW York. lltirlV inr. , ,(,.. .1..... .1 t. - 71 J "i luricui, uiu lue Mate, on the of said lace bonds, reserved the power to the principal sum at her pleasure, at anv tune :iliMr lim iivMiti.... . . .L . - v, u,lrcl, jrurs i ruin uie date thereol. which period will expire the 1st dav of Jan-uar- IHiln- - ii - i,...i tt.,. .1. . .. - . - j,t-- luai liiu inonev will bo deposited in the Bank of America, in the citv 'of N. I Ork. tO n:iV S:li,l hnmkniitli.l .l.v -- ...IT " .1 .. r. .. .' ' : ' u.Mann Hutu mm aiwr that day no interest will be paid on said bonds. Anil, whereas, $70,11(1(1 ol bonds were issued under acts of February 23d, Iti4l, and .March 1st, 1847, bearing d.itM I". nn Hi .".. t t,..tl id..- - .... . .T' lu ,., uLiuucr, losri, i i.iiq June, lt48, with a similar privilege resr-rve- on the face of said bonds t( l.MV lit tlir. rn.l nf fl(,.,n "'.iu jtois, ,ucc is also hereby Riven that said bonds will be paid at the of America. New Vnrlr l ih. ,.e i.f the dale ot each bond, and alter that day no imereM By the Oovemor: C. S. MO KK HEAD, film. Pd nf rn,L. C.f. r , r r.. 3IaSOn Brown, Secretary of State. npril miLL H and practice Law in the CourUheld In Frankfort U jfcj jN T 0 I MV 1) RY oin nff oountma. nm nn Rt KV all the In 01 buildlni! Feb. ua- - G. Wuptrrv on W. nil in on Bank TENTH ST. BETWEEN MAIN AND CANAL. OPPOSITE THE ARTESAW WKT.r. WM. H.GRAI.(iEll,Agent,Manufaeturerof.Steam fl Kni'inesMiKl Mlichi m.rv I'ir v;u,. r.ii m:i.. r...i r. ,j ivi vi uiisi ,illU3,Vlllll cic, A:c., Cranks, Gudgeons, Hag Irons, Saw Slides, Carriage Segments, Cotton trin Segments, and Pinions, Car Whoels, Grate P.ars, .Mill Spindles, AIM Dogsand Stirrups, always on hand. Kotcnkiss' Reaction Water "Wheels or Grist or Saw Mills. A large assortment of Pattern sf or Mill GeariDg Ac. Castings made at the shortest notice. w ,YI . H. G K A I K G E R ,.tf a ( . January 17, LSSD-t- f. Louisville," Kv. OQiN M. HARLAN. ATTOIiNEY AT LAW. FRANKFORT, KY. OnJceon Sl.Clair Street, with J. v V. I.. Harlan. REFKR TO HOD. J.J. CRlTTKMn. M. , Gov. L. W. Powill, S Frankfort. Kv. Hon, Jamks Harlan, ) T.TT.np. Tcdm.-- A, I'r, Llo.hu,. G. II. .MohSARRAT & Co., Danker., Louisville. Ky W.T.iti.. I.n,ilvill kc July 23. 1S53 bv. NEW ST 0 C K OF Fall and Winter Millinery (ioods! WOULD reapectfully inform her liumerouscustoiners Vr that she h.as receive.! ,.. lf..ll r ,,;m (ioods. Perartriain want nf ,,1 V,.,. ; u - . . ... v. g.'vu udiEaiu.. wuum UU WC11 10 give her a call before purchasing elsewhere, as she is satisfied she can suit the taste of the most faslidioas. .v ., .... , .uie,-!- , m me ouiiaing occupied as the Telegraph Office, near Drs. .Snoed iV Kndmnii'u 1111.. a -- u. in,,i.ii.iliu,niMM uie latest styles tordress-es- , and solicits a share of l he patronage of the ciliren'. ol FrlMikfort and vicinity. iScpt. 2C lW-l- f AT COST 1 1I,'E are now closing oul a lot nf COAL OIL L I lV VI AM) BLKAKKS, together Willi a small lot ol POA .i) I. si rnsiT ,1... ..... - " ,v season is rapioiv lights of somo kind must be used, we can recommend lhe K.NAI3B PATENT Superior in strength and brilliancy, and much cheaper than anv Oilier IWIll If V,I1I DI.nl .n..l . . ' u ,ttl. w.iiiuu caai unmeuiately asthe slock niusttc closed outfor Cask. IIO.XOA v GKAHA.M,.)c7i. Aug. :t(i 18 tt. L . WE I T ZEL, Wholesale and Retail Confectioner II AS purchased the Confectionery Establishment on . riaiihiun, numucny, wfter ne - .. .....l..uv,c aiiufcorijijiiij.iiiuuii varunios Ol r me takes. Preserved Fruits, Pies, Candies, Candy Toys ... ni unlit; '"a-- propunv oeiongs to a drst class Conlectiouery Establishment. He pledges himself that everv il,i,,ifu,.i.a,i i..- i.:.., ..i...n .... best quality. Families can be furnished, either for weddings or ...in iimae suuaoie ior diicii occasions, upon the shortest notice and upon Uie most reasonable terms. TWO 1CK CUKAM SALOONS have been neatlv fitted up one for Ladies and tho other for Gentlemen ut which Ice Cream, Sherbet, and oilier refreshments can Iih iiM.'iirnH n! ,ill Vifni- -j in !.,., ;.. .i. . 1' - ' y. i r I VIA- - AU v LlWIt III 111C 111 U T LI - lug until 10 olock in the evening. ic in uiKu iud vci) uesi oi an kiuus oi ine, which he will sell by the bottle or by the dozen bottles. He will also supply those who may wish to purchase at whole-ale- , every article manufactured by him, on as n.iwuauii; iciuiam utc same uriiLlC OI 11 he quality Call be purchased at Louisville or Cincinnati. He asks a fair trial, and he feels assured that he can and will render universal satisfaction. rrariKiort, .vi:ry lit, iczi'J. KEEVO.V L CRUTCH ER. BookseUrrs and Stationers, Main St., Frankfort, Kfc.fcP an asaortmer.t of MIsCELLAlNiiOUS AND UiiflUJ Of i VK UdAUt; ,j jt itiim ' EKY of all kiads. Sept. f. NEW FIRM VV. H. KEENE. EDWARD HENSI.EV W. ii. KEENE & CO , WHuLfc.I.lC AND RfcTAlL DtALkR IS HOICK GKOCEKIES, I.IQiroitS. I t), li ACCO. riAltS, AMI ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, St. Clair and Wapping Streets, FRANKFORT, KV . Allin coiiiiisdiie 1st of January, May, and September, i ... viioisru aner niamrnv. JANUARY 3, IHr.i). GK C 11 1 ES , &v . Old Government Java And Prime Rio Cotfcor linlf.Mn Svrin. Kmilik M..a ui..,..fi., i. " J ""t."! .'vii.51- - aim t inuiUllUU .MUinMC". uerniau Custile and Rosin Soap; TnlLow.Si.ar and Sperm Candles Mackerel, in aborted packages: Hams, plum and eun Side-t- , and ribbed; Should.-r-"- Jr;od and l oiiues; t'rinie Conuiry Lard; riuui, .'iiriti iinu rsjtll, aits, (all sizes,) Shov?U and Spades, best brands; Green and Black Tea: enneni's rale Ale; Tobacco and Cigars. e ery variety of brand; Old Bramlies Vhi ky & Whip, in bottles or on dralt; Agricultural Implements of all Kinds; Paints, OiU. Turpentine and Tr; ljlasiini and Kilie Powder, Sauces. Kt"aels, Pick les and Table Oil Paints, Oil and Varnish. fWI KhGS Lindenberffer cv Co.'s Whitd Lead: 1 U if: boxes ('rome Green; J. boxes Crome Yellow; j0 kejs Zinc V hito; till) lbs. Red Lead; bbt. Knglish Lamp Black: 3 cases American Verm. 11 on; l. gallons Jajiau Varnish; .r (fallons Deuiar Varnish; u gauous uopai arni-ii- ; bbl. Best Linseed Oil; I liM Tiirnunlinu f.,11 r Brushes of all kiud at April 2.", W. H. RKEXE 6, CO 'S. c BASKETS Champaign; 3 boxes Claret; .(WO bottles .Madeira and Sherry; l.tHsi bottles Brand v and Whisk v, in store and loi aleby W. H. KKEXK A CO. April 2.1, IHjy. - BBLS. Utica Lime Z-- ) "J.1 bbls.Ceinent.tiisll-eceivi.i- l ner 11,.. .. lor sale W. H. KKKXK Si CO. 3 0 E by April l.sjll sale I, too ASKS Sardines; cases Kresh Peaches; J cases Pine Apples; r cases Pickled Ovsters; April 2". cases Spiced () sters, jtiM, and lor -- ii HO.F.S Pearl Starch; ')) .0 boxes Star Candles: '4 boxes Tallow Candles; :i0 boxes Kosin Soap: ;to boxes German Soap, and lor sale by April '.'a, lri.30. VV. H. KEENK ew CO. KXTHA Canvass Hams; lull txlra Small Sides; IIS) Extra Small Sh julders; 50 kegs Counlrv Lard; Inn r,jei.a Vvi... n,,..a u.,ur. y ed uv ana lor sale by SB, W. H. K.KF..NE & CO. - KUAKI EP. Eleeant Mackrel: ) 25 kits assorted .N... Mackrel, and in pnia,ltun " . M . KEEME : 10,000 at''" 1P30. dozen Larire heel' Tongues, just reced iimuiwwab -- isae," Aliril 1H59. bbls. slore with CO. April mose Fine Cigars, Just received . n. lyr.c.yc oc to.'S. 5D .BB.r;S-.- 'ear Old Whisky, at $'1 per gallon, made April 2j, 59. W. H. KKKNK & CO J. II. WATERMAN'S English and Classical High School, FRANKFORT, KY. "II AVl.NG purchased the residence and school propor- - .j v. nui.ii. n. wm.i , i am giau 10 announce to my numerous patrons and to the public, that I am now niiShleil In ...t..ti.ii,a C.l ...:.u i. . . , ...... ... vV,.....uo , , .i.iiiivi iiU uicrcasea auvan- - tages. The School-buildin- is a large aud commodious one: bnill nrntn lhe ii,,o, .. ..,...,.1 ,.i. ii . . . jiuui, wen eniilau ed, and luruished with desks of the latest style. The ... ..... ,uv IUI.ISI quiet alio reureo part of South Frankfort. With these increased facili- ties. I hnn. In h. nl.l. i. ...I, .1.11.-- w .i. ..i , , ... ,u ,,iauii3ii a OCUOOI WliasUCQa system of discipline and instruction as will commend . .... ,JU lw, cl3 VJ a luoruugu classic ed- ucation. Have ample accommodations for tweiitv-flv- e boarders w hich number will be received into the Prin- cipal's family. School Vear begin, Wednesday In r. TKK.MS Forlbe Academic year, one hall in advance remainder 1st of Eebruary. For boarders, lncluding'luitlou in the Fwiglish branch- es, board, fuel, lights and washing, - . . s ion For day pupils, 4U Tuition In Latin, Greek and Modem Lan- guages, each, Ml roriunner particulars or Circu'ar, address J. H. WATEK.VIA.N, A. b., ' Frankfort, Kj t HKFliliE.VCES: IfKv. J. .N . Morton, Hon. Jmns Harlan, Frankfort, Ky. Hon. J. J. Crittknokn, ) JcnoE Bodlky, MoRtilED, Louisville, K ) C. S. Uodi.iv, Es., Lexington, Kv. Ki:v. J. W. Venabi.e. Versailles. Ay. H.I. Kodi.ev, E.. St. Louis, .Mo. Hon. V. a. Laie, t'leksburg, .Miss. dyoROK Smhdi!s. Esq., ttew Orleans, La. H. H. Esq., .lelfersonville, ind. Selltftmhei' HI lw.iitr JTrLouisville Journal Kn! please publish once In Dally and as often n, rhev will m y ....i-i.- . .....i i"U ch.,rr,,t,loma NEW MERCHANT TAILORING H?tt"fclllSlHXlei3L-- t 111! E undersigned would inform tho citizens of Frank- fort and vicinity, that he has commenced the busi- ness of MERCHANT TAIL 0R1NG, OI1 M.'lill Htri'M. Ill lli rirtn. Intal.. : Price as an office, directly opposite lb Gray & I odd, on oi.i. iiu nuouiuuj;iiM)M a. STOCK OF G .0 O DS , and is prepared to furnish any article in his line of bus. mess. He respect fully reqnesls a share of the public patronage, and will warrant all work done lo give and his prices as moderate as those of anv oth- er Tailor in the city Ho has formerly been in business in Versailles, and refers lo his customers there. Aug. 8;i, lyj-i- f. JOHN IV. VORH1KS. NEW OIL HOUSE! Kanawha Cannel Coal Mining AND OIL MANUFACTURING COMPANY Office, No. 97, Walnut Street, CINCINNATI, O. .Manufactory, Charleston, Virginia. EXCELSIOR PA fTOK OILS. For Burning and Lubricating, free from all offensive odor. AImo, Elephant, Sperm, Whale, Neatfoot and Lard Oils, Address, C. R. HASK.IN, Agent, Oct. 13, ltf. JYo. 97 ffalnul Street, Cincinnati. J. II. GARDNER'S ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL FEMALE INSTITUTE. BRTD GEP ORT, KENTUCKY. THE s,7nit,y,t'ar! """Ions of this Institute commences fI.?J'r,hx?..FJK.r,i l:i".AV LV FKBKUARV aud the each year. The Course ot study embraces the Primary, Academical and Collegia a Departments, with the .Modern Lanaruai-es- . lhe mode ol instruction is thorough and scicntiilc. To raise the standard of Female education i, tho great aim of the teachers, and to aid them in this, a "Victim- - and " xamininK committee" of three will visit ,e 7hool quarter y, and by their riVirf examination, will prove.it if- hoped, vu liable suvil ;ri,.a , , i. ,. - , ,.., ,ie,iirinieins. anil diplomas will oe granted those who complete successfully n,l ,,n. o ujfhlj a lull course of study, 'lhe location is in the pleasant village of l'.ndSeporl-li- vn miles from Frank-lorl- , and lorty-eifr- from l.ouisvillo-wh- ich is unsur- passed tor its salubrity and the morality ami rellnemcnt ... ,., ,.,,i; ,,, ues.ranie puce fori he ed- ucation ol trols. I, conveniem access bv the b?n. '"' Lexintrlon railroad, and bv ;,'.?'' Pn"'kforl. Shelbyville and Uuisvitle". young ladies board in the family of the Principal, and are reatcd with paternal care and kindness-- en at the same lime, the advantages of a rcllned so- - i he sessions will continue twenty weeks; but pupils are admitted al any time.and charged to end of term. No dcductl.,'i msde for absence save in rases of protract, ed illness. All bills to be paid In advance. Interest etiarsredon all unpad bills. All we ask, is: give us lhe pupils, and we will ,!..... ,r . ' ",al e give 'nil vain iv.l TERMS, JKR For Hoarders, inclii.ni, t.,in... .1... " "e branches, Hoard, Fuel, Lighis. and $ 75 00 Fordiiv uuoils sm,.ll chil.i.-n,- . .. )Z Tuition in Primary Department', - - . JO 00 l unii.n in junior Department, - - - - 15 00 l uinoii in Department, . - - "0 no union 111 Music, (Piano or Ouiur,) - - m 00 Auiuiiii in 1..UH1, trreok, and Modern I.au guaes,cacil, 5 qq Tuition in Oil Painting, Water Colors, Drawing, Oiecian and Oriental Painting.etc; Fmbroiderv,: Needle Board, Fuel, Ligliis, and Washing, per session, mi 00 Kiel I'll f rn m XI f.il , C .1 .1 - .. 1." l imn, evening, . 40 I'O Incidental expenses each. ..... 5U cur lunuer particulars, or Circular, address J- - H. GAHD.NF.H, Bridgeport, Kv KKFKRKNCKs. ric Patrons of the School. Dec. 10, 18.",. li C. STEELE, Proprietor, FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY. December 0, ly.V.i. Proclamation by the Governor. 250 REWARD. COMMONWKALTH OF KtSTlTKY, F.iecut ire Department, j W iiEKI-.Ai.l- t has been made known to me that WW. .NASH. who stands eliartpc. l.v i ho Wi : ( ourt with the murder of his wife, and who was sent tor to the jail of Simpson countv, has es- caped from said jail, and is now goino-a- l largo- Now, therefor.., 1, BKK1AH M AGOFFiX, Governor ol the Commonwealth of Kentucky, do hereby otter a reward ol lo Hundred and Fifty Dollars' for the apprehension of said Win. ,a,i, and his delivery to I he Jailer ol Simpson county, wilhin one year from'the dale hereol. Ijf TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have i i hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ol j I.. S. tho Commonwealth to be allixed. Done at t I Fi'aiikforl, this llib day of November, A. D ... ...... ... ,v ii, j5m ui iuc wealth. Ky the Governor: B. MAGOFFIN o- - .loNHOK, jr., Secretary ol state. By J.s. W. Tate, Assistant Secretaiy. DESCRIPTION. , V'm.Nash Is about 45 .ears old; about 0 feet s near ioo pounds; stoutly built, and bears marks of very dissipated habits. Nov. Proclamation by the Governor. $250 REWARD. t'OMMONW E ALT II OP KfiNTrCKY, i Executive Department, j "UT'Hb.KEAS, it has been made known to me that JAS IV X I? I "T k I I ,..i,ii.l . i.;.i ... " " " ' " iM,i ,,lu , , ' lt,Li auu muruor "uiiiiy'iu .liuriui.in i f rriiitiii- iia a...x from justice: iNow, thorefore, I, P.EKI AH .MAGOFFIX, Governor of tlio Commonwealth of Kentucky, do hereby offer a rewnrd nf 'I wn II onJ in".., nn r . ........ t uU i uuuum, jor ine -- iT.y..vuo.un V. ,ua slim Jiuuca .7. r uiriu, ana uis de- livery to the Jailer of Tri county, withiu one vear from the date hereof: L.S. V TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 have i hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of s iifc v w(ii.u'nive;iuu 10 ue amxed. Uoue at j rrankion, wiu day ot November, 159 and in the GSth year of the Commonwealth By the Governor: li, MAGOFFIN. 'I no. B. .Monrok, Jr., Secretary of State. iiy Jas. W. JiTt, Asjisiant Secretary. . , a. .wui.e Hum, zo or xi earsoratre; small round lace; blaek hair; rather well 'built; heavy set: come j feet S to 4 inches high; weighs about lyo lbs; one of his legs is crooked al the knee joint from white - w iny.i.0oil.rin,- - ui a ii in S lb Proclamation by the Governor. COMMO.NW KALTn OF KENTUCKY, I -- ,... n . . . To the Sherifs of the Lnl ! .. P .. ,7 , V ."'""", Kiriiicnaen, ' ' Kingston, Lyon, Mar. Shall. MrCrnr.B,, TT.,I.. . - - v..,,u unuu-uy- comprising the il, Hti.h.tS, L. S Irimblc, Equity and Criminal H Judge for tho Firsl Judicial District, has resigned his said olhce, to lake etTi ct from and after the 3 si next: , Now, therefore, 1, BEKI A U .MAGOFFIN, Governor of the Commonwealth ol Kentucky, do hereby direct thatan election be held in said counties, at the "several places ol voting therein authorized bv law, on the First luesday in January next, for the election ' of an Eoui-t- and Criminal Judge forsaid District, to till the vacan- cy occasioned by lhe oi the said L. S. Trim- ble. and that ou cause nnll.lnh. n.,....aJ al counties and precincts accordingly, and proceed to conduct iiu. ,1.,., .... .... ., '" "" i' .uiu oi sum election, in ine mode and manner prescribed bylaw. v.v II'IIF.RF.OF. I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Commonwealth to be affixed. Done at rraiiKiuri,iinsflh day of November, lrC,9, and in the nth v..... .' ..,.i. oi no- , oiu moil weanii. V u'ov,er"or: B. .MAGOFFIN. Ino. B. jMonrok, Jr., Sec. of Stale. By Jas. W.Tate, Assistant Secretary. N ovem her 30. I Jl-r- t lu id. Proclamation by Hie Govcnior. 500 REWARD. Cu.MMoNWKALTH OK KESTtTKY, I Ezecittire Department. WHrS,K.-!,S,- i haJt been n,ildc known to me thai KOB- - K N M li ... . ... ... , , niuiiu cuuvicwu ui uie crime of rape, ami under sentence of litieen vnr iin- - iirisoniiiHiit in iliu ti.,i u ... . ofthe sinh of October, l.v.., ecine from the lail"of raveiie (Oil nlV. nm c ...... . i . . , oiiik ai lar.'r . NOW. llerelorH t'l.'Liltii . f - , , "iii:iii ,iuu rr .1 . ifovemor ..........niB.mm OI rwentucliy, do nerebv onera rnwRfi r CI., ii !. .. . . uuiiureu uoiiars, lor ine apprenen sion and delivery of said Robert II. Champ, lo the Jail er ol Fayette county, withiu year Irom dale here of. IJY TESTIMONY H'UFRF.OF. I have ) hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of 1 I.. S. thf. rn. .. , .. . . .. .... luonneaiiii io oe uiea. Aiono ai ( ) Frankfort, this ui n, a! VftmniW A li . , ,ear oi uiu loiiiiiioii- - nealth. BV t he I illT,riin,. li f C CI V I no. U. .MoNitou. Secretary of Slat". By J.ys. v. Tite. Assistant Secretary . DESCRIPTION. Kobort il. Champ is about 5 leet 10 inches lush; is about III years of as;,-- : weighs about ISO or 1IKJ pounds; black hair and whiskers, and of heavy form. T I OE. Et.UF.ll I'dfe KI(;HT, Mouse, Siii and Ornaiuclit. in all lale and fashionable styles of GraiiiillK, Varnislnns and Polishiuit. Gildinir', Zinc, oriental and Grecian Painting. GlaZinir and Paper Hanging. All work done in lhe best workman-lik- e ......u.,, uio iuii reaoiiauie terms. on Main f Ireel. Fn. ,.!.- f.. . k All .i.. m..,iT- ' attendedto. EGBERT 61 WRIGHT. .uarcn 'if, I09-t- l. Mij ttns m.iL-r- t one NEW GOODS!! S. O. BULL, i THE OLD STAND OK W. M. TOUU, HAS KE- - ii. ... . ai'u wen u..iiai(r seiecieu stocK ol FALL AND WINTER GOO Da, uf evr variety of BOOTS AND S1IOKS, for both Ladies and Gentlemen, Boy sand Girls. All article, '.r.. !' II... ' Mu:uii. auo warranted to give entire satisfaction. He would call particularatteu-tio- n to lhe following: (Jents Splnulnl ui, d liottoiu Uoots: Geuls lionljlc and Single iSole Gaiters. The above are the finest Goods ever brought to Frank-on- - JLr1 all and see them.cCU A SPLENDID ASSOIIT.MEM'OK Negro Eoots and Brogans; Fine Sewed Shoes for Boys; HATS AND CAPS, Every style. His Caps were made lo order, by the cele- brated makers, licbee v Co., of New York. ' -- SI'KDIIIES- Rodyer's Cutlery, New Styles of Wall Paper, E00KS AND FINE STATIONERY, Irvini, Cooper, Waver ly, and Bulwer's Norels. Spleudid edition of above. Miscellaneous, Law, and Medical boo K 8 . JtTpiVew styles of French and Knglish ,oie and l.etler 1'apcr nud l.nvelopes. Call and see for yourself at S. C. BULL'S Book aud Shoe Store, Jo., Swigert's Row, St. Clair Street. I. S. Superior Trunks and Vnllces. September 12, 1852-t- f. American Standard School Series Kentucky School Text-Book- s: Child's First Book, an Illustrated Primer i. n...i.;,. Goodrich's New First Reader, edited hv XrtMr. u.,,ln- - Goodrich's New Second Reader, edited by Noble Butler. uoouncn s .ew Ihird Reader, edited by N'oble Butler. Goodrich'sNew Fourth Reader.edlio.l hv nt.i. h.,,i,.. Goodrich's New Fifth Reader, edited by Noble Butler. Goodrich s New Sixth Reader, edited by Noble Roller. miner 3 Practical Grammar. The PuMUhera vttk '"sl,uli. lueuce recom menu me above list of Books to the attention ol Teachers, School t.oninilssionors, and Parents, as being of the highest character m point of lilerary merit, and calculated to improve the taste ol the pupils. Tills scries has been Drenared with .r,i ... ... ....... .. . ' ,: f,'". ,., i;,-t- , senienee cioseiv and critically revised, and it has been pronounced by the 'T,: lHU couniry lo be T HE ftf"'- - now published. The Pub.ishers feel Justified in saying that these books will become the STAN DAK IJ SCHOOL. HOOKS throughout the country. They have already been adopt- ed as s by lhe Board of Education of the Mates of Kb. 1 XI KV A.N U I.DI A. A. and are re. commended by the Superintendent of Education in the State ot Alnhama, and by the best teachers in Mis- souri, Louisiana, Tennessee, and oilier Southern States. MORTOX dt UKISWOLU, Publisher.., July It, lljl-t- t. Louisville, Kentucky. NEW ALBANY AND SALEM It A I L ROAD. Short Lino Uoute to the North & West. Through lo Chicago In 15 hours. Through to St. Louis In 14 hours. Through lo Cairo in 20 hour. Connections made with all Western Roads for any part of ILLINOIS, MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, IOWA, MIS SOUK1, KANSAS, &c, &c. Fare as Low as by any other Railroad or fclcam Freightdostined for places in any ofthe above States forwarded with despatch and at low rates. jark care K. O. NORTON, Louisville. JO Por llirousrh tickets and rates of freight apply at "SHORT LINE" Railroad office 5M, Main street, Lou- - AUJ.-.3-1 IfST u. H. O. .ORTO., Axeut. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. Jl Henecotent Institution established by special Endow- - mrmjor mi arm; oj tucsicli and Di stress ed , af- flicted irith Ftrulent and F.oidemie v.o.. rilHE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful I desl ruction nf loi in.,., l.c ..n,......i i.. , i: . ...rvouvu oj oe.yuai uiseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the uufortuuate vic- tims of such diseases by yua. ks, several years ago di rected their Consulting Surgeon, us a CHARITABLE AI'T wnrlliv nf Ihir ..i.,D .. .. n;.. ... - " - " " ".,". iu u,eu a I'ispeiisarv lor the lieatinentol this class of diseases, in ull their forms, aud lo give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to all who apply by letter, with a description or their conditiou, (age, occupation, habiis of lite, a.e.1 and in..,,.,.,,i treme poverty, lo FURNISH .MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical Skill of the age, aud will furnish the most approved modern treatment. Tl.a l)lru..t.,., .r ,).. .,. ...: ., . . .. tv n..w.., ...v .iaoLiiiooii, in Lueirinnual upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, express lhe ., ni...,,, uicu uasaiiended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Spermator-rho'.-- i, Seminal Weakness, Gonorrhcea, Gleet, Syphilis ill A vice Of I In or '. A K, ... lil , oi me ilU- - neys and Bladder, (Ve.,and order a continuance of the same plan lor the ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feci assured lli.t Illnirl'ilin,. inlhi...l.....ru i . . ...... .... .. .uuu. ....un.nir,,! ociievuicui enormave been ol great benefit to the atllicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed to llii. a ...... , ...j ...ipvoaiiLim uiucillie- - spiscd cause. An admirable Report on Sperinatorrho-a- , or Seminal W eakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or and other diseases of lhe Sexual organs, bv the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail "(in a sealed envelope) FREE OF CHARGE, ou receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. O her Reports and TracLs on Die nature and treatment ol Sexual diseases, diet A, are constantly beinir nublished f,,r or,.,,,ii.,o lion, and will be sentio the atllicted. Some of the new remedies mid melho.U nf i..o . . ... ....oiient uiscovereu uunng tlie :isl vf-t- urn nl err...,, ....I Address, for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLIS HOUGH t ON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. o.SouthNinth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order ol the Directors. kz'''A D. HARWELL, President. GkO. Fair, iiii.d. Secretary. J une 6, lc9-wl- y. The Sabbath School Bell. A Jcoll"cVon of cnoice hymns and tunes, origi- - Ilal ...... ...... V I and Staill IrH. e.ir..f,.ll ' ..... ...... unu suiipiy arrangea as . solos, duets, rtos, and choruses, and for organ, melodeon, or piano. This book contains nearly 2iiu hyinns and tunes, and is one of the best collections ... "-- ei issueu. rrtce l cents, 86 per hundred, postage 1 cent. Elegantly bound, "0 cts., ,' " "'. o cents, ytmong uie large number ot new and popular tunes may be found "Klid Words can Never hi- - ,. i i,. ... .. .. , . uico irum rieaven," and t,r- - i 'i 'S1 !r i The'", were sung to some five thou- - , T V, " ""'" 's anno school Ce e- - :. ""aau.j,,,,,!, Uy Lur onuses iau ra and Nettie Irematne.of Brooklyn, N. Y.,and were highly "'ousand copies have been i ne nave Deen introduced in-- o , some of tho largest schools in New York and Brook- lyn. Amontr the nn.nl,er .,- - T - i, ...... . D, Gillette's, and Dr. MoUneV Jusf pibllihed b, '' N It l i ' ll . t i. i ... . ix , nm, agent, Al.iy 3, ISlt-t- f. mBroadicoy, jY. Y. SETTLE TTP! SRTTtf ttpii a aju u i S indebted to the estate of Mrs. Muriraret will please call at my office aud set- tle their ae'cnn nl. Ami i lmao v... ,.i. . "a nig iiiub utrttiusiuer estateare requested to presentthein. 1 i- - ik t "71 - r DR.rilOTT'Se,- - wb brute 'I'llk An aperient and stomachic preparation of pON purified of Oxygen und Carbon bv com- bustion in Hydrogen, oi' big ! medical author, tty and extraordinai? efficacy in each of the following complaints, viz. : DS3ILITY. NERVOUS AFFECTIONS. EM A CiATION, DYSPEPSIA. DIARRHEA, C0NST1 PTI0N. SCHOFTOA. SALT KHFUil. SCUBVY JAUNDICE. LIVES COMPLAINTS EHEUMA' TtSM. MESCURIAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER MIT'TENT FEVEP.S, NEURALGIA CHRUNIC HEADACHES, FEMALE WEAKNESS ' WHITES, CHLOROSIS etc PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS Of THE SKIN. etc. The being absorbed by the blood, and tbus circulating through the whole system, no part of the body can escape their truly wonder- ful influence. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can for a moment be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, de- pression of vital energy, pale and. otherwise s.ekly complexions indicate its necessity in al- most everv rn.iceivn hip rncn Tn oil female debility (fluor albus, chlorosis, etc.), its effects are delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever been discovered, in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, aud fully restorative effects. Good appetite, com- plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercirc, immediately follovtTits us? As a grand stomachic and general restorativ t has no superior and no substitute. Put up lii ucnt flat melnl boxes contnttiln '. pills, price r.O cenls mt box; Mix boxes, V ."Ml; one otazen hoxca. 4- 00. For Hale by 1 (reiiei nlly. Will be srnt free lo any mldi-es- on receipt of the price. All let-te- c, orders, e(e., ahouldl be addressed to R. B.LOCKE & CO.. General Asrcntr. :i:mi ittti. t'. . - i B. Tie above In a of tile Inbel on encli box. November 7, ie59-l-y. NOW READY. REVISED STATUTES OF KENTUCKY, NEW EDITION. BY HON. R. H. STANTON. 1'his valuable work. Drenared with trroi .n...,... and labor, by ihe Hon. R. H. STANTOV nf v..' ville, Ky contains the Revised Statutes of Ken'ncky. as originally adopted in 1651-18- 5, with all the ameud. meiits thereto, and general laws of the State. ancn..l since and up to the present time; thus embodying tho ""' now in rorce in the State, li. addition to the very great coi veulence of having all the Statutory Law condensed Into a single work weil arranged, the text of these volumes Is Illustrated and enriched by full and copious notes of the Decisions ol the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, settling the con. struotion of such provisions as may heretofore have been of doubtful or uncertain meaning. Those en gaged in the administration of the law in Kentr.oky. will be saved much labor of research by thus having, in a small compass aud condensed form, the whole practical working of thi statutory System of the Stale. In truth, the work will be found of rreal value in ah classes of persons. The work is comprised in TWO ROYAL OCTAVO VOLUMES, printed w.th new, clear tvne. unon the very best paper, and bound in superior law binding PRICE TEN DOLLARS. HUBERT CLARKE & CO., Nov. Id, Irt59-Ci- n. Publishers, Cincinnati, o. STOVES & TIN WAiiE. i7" . o . o r.s: 1 17 it . r Shop on St. Clair Street, in Room formerly occupU.I uy mums ar nampion, KRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. HAVING just laid in a lare stock of article in icy business, I would call the attentioD of my friends and cusiompr tn mv otAeir r viii .nminna i furnish IRON Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Work, Spout ing ana uuitering of all descriptions. Continually on hand a large assortment of COOKING, PARLOR COAL STOVES; Cistern. Well and Force Pumps; Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, JO'All orders promptly attended to. October 3, 1M59. F.C.SMITH. COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. HENRY MOSS, Administrator of Herman Bowmar, .! Inl.. 1J l u r. uuurfu . udi,L, iiu iienuau DOWUiar, Jr., Attorneys in fact for Herman Bowmar, dee'd Take notice that I will attend in my office In the town of Versailles, Kentucky, on the Kith day of January, IHfjO, to audit and setllo your accounts as Administrator auu Attorneys in lact, agreeable to a Judgment ol me . oouiaru c ircuit court at ihe October Term IBou or aid Court. Tile settlement to be continued from day to day until completed. GEORGE COTTON, M. C. W. C. C. N'ovember 15, lKriU-w- A Small Farm for Sale. I WISH to sell my Farm one mile from Frankfort, ou the Lawreneeburg Turnpike, containing between 40 anu ou acres oi rvenluckv river bottom lauu oi me Deal quality. There is on the place a NEW FRAME DWEL- LING HOUSE. I'nniHinin. fmir rooms andahnll: also. three or four hundred Young Trees of choice fruit. It is a good situatiou for a market garden. For terms, Am oruiltrtrt Wn.1.., l. k ....IrlX-- t X v Axr. bu iatntr JOHN F. HArRKLS.



rrtT p t-- i tt t- - r . . . . ., .

. , NO. 3 3.1 f 1 Tj U n I I j I I Jl I l IV1 I I X VV H A I Til -- -

.1111 X ,At l 30 for Die Session

The Tri Weekly will be published at the endof the Session for FOUR DOLLARS PER ,

payable in advance.The Weekly Commonwealth, large mam-

moth sheet is published every Tuesday morn-ing at TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in ad-vance.

Our terms for advertising, either in the Dailyor WpjU. r.m, i.u ,i -

. vuutiuvuncuilll, will oeas liberal as in any of the newspapers publishedin the wear

Er" All letters upon business should be post- -

iusuic U.lteilUOU.





1 vol. Price, -

V Obi BATES OF THE CONVENTION,'; 1 vol. Frico, .....

GUIDE TO JUSTICES, CLERKS. SHERIFFSate., by Jolt C. HuitNDon,1 vol. Frice, ......

I HE GENERAL ACTS of Session 1855 audio.io in riiainphletrorm. Price . loo

K. MONROE'S REPOHTS-T- he 15th, 11) th & 17th toU.oi Ben. Monroe's Reports. J5 per volume.LOUGHBOROUGH'S DIGEST OF THE STAT- -

vol. Price, - - - - 3 00HON. GEO. ROBKirrsoN'S SPKKCH- -7 Jlm.rU,Party, its Principles, its Objects, and its Hopes .

Pamphlet. Price II) ols.HON.


el.s.DAVIS' SPEECHES. Pamphlet,




Price On els per quire.SHERIFF'S REPLEVIN BONDS. Prico-- oO CU per


BLANK CHECKS u..u ..7 .....- - uaiiK Ol IVeillUCSV, a

Frankfort, and Farmers' of Kentucky.

BLANK DEEDS. Price- -! Dornlr



,JO Orders Irom a distance for any of the aboveBooksor Blanks will be promptly attended towhen accompanied by the Cash; and if desired to beVT.i .u' l"r posiarc. tout lit d upon thecondition that it be refunded by the person ordering the


Frankfurt. Kv.WILL practice Law in the Court of Appeals, Federal

Franklin Circuit Court. Any business.v.. u imiii 3uuii ue launiully and promptly attendBO lO. R Is f)ltli0 i ni M. .. . . ., ..a i. 7 7 .a,i sireei, near me nruncn

S f Ktfnluc J. where he may generally be found.


Frankfort, Kentucky,all I li 1 Athead rio,.fl.

'' uiiukv. (Jan. j, lttosj tt

UUB'T J . BRECKINRIDGE,Attorney and Counselor at Law,

LEXINGTON., JOOFFICK on Shortstroetbetween LimestoneandUDDerstrenti. rru..t. .e-,- ....uu) .j,iojy u,


Office on Hi. Clair Street, next Door to Morse'

ylLL practice in Courts held in Frankfort, and. . iiouij, i rimuie anu ywen counties,(int.

S. D. MORRIS,Attorney and Counselor at Law,


II7LLL practice all the hold in Frankfort, and.. . --"j'""'p; tuauuo. no win attend particu.llllT tO IhS Anl Afilr.n .1 H.hi. . r . l ... .r, "uj puri, me state.All business oontlded to him will meet with promDlattention.JCTOlBoe on St. Clair street in the new

id, la"7 w&twby.

J. H. KINKEAD,Attorney and Counsellor at Law,

UAVJUAIIIS, MISSOURI.II71LL Dractice in t.ha Clpcnit .nH aik.. rn... - - ' " WUIIS uii vless, and the Circuit Courlsof the adjolningcouu- -

j'Offlce ur slalr-l- n tho Gallatin Sun OfficeMay 6, le57 tt.





B. J.

TfJAitK MoxnoE will attend to the collection ofclaims in central Kentucky: also, to the Investigation oftitlestolaud in Kentucky, on behall of

"J"s. April o, IHOO tf.


'l I loperalionaonihe Teethwill bedirecled by ascII A lltiH If M..U Im.Wh. )t..lll rtf V!a,lli..ihisbeiiiK the only sate uuleto uniform succj . Fromun 'd unu'vu '" "isiiito niilMUl ,HB IJI U MJ I II U pa

tient .void nl danger. All work warranted; the work- -

moiiBijiii "111 o'j" i"i iiwn. uim wiii o ei 11a ii K I (illy

JT OlBce, at bis remdence Aluin street.Fraiikt'orl.AIay IKr.y



FRANKFORT. KY.1F ICK011 Saint Clair street, next door south of they nrancn o:iiik ui auiuuuhv.U'.H rirrl ion lutv tn onnnrinPi-nhi- in (no f'.,-t- .

nnl.iiMi in the ritv o Frankfort, and in the l l Cnnriiof Uie adjoin iiip counties. jJan.5, 8511.

M01IT0N & GRTSiVnTJ).Booktiellert . Stationers. Biuders, and Book and

Job I'rlntertt. .Main street, Louisville , Ky.,ITAVK eonsianlly on hand a complete assortment of

I I .aw l..li....1 Tliaitl.irii.il J.r.,y,.l?.(iscellaneoii Hooks, al low prices. Paper of every

escri pnou. q nuii (Miv-r-

jyColleescbOoU.and Private Libranessuppliedjl a mall advance on oot. fVhol&saleor Retail.

April 1, 1845 V&1-- y.



3 (JO

3 00




P R ODUCE 1) R O K K 11 ,

Lfci.(;ro.. KK.vnt'Ky,ET Denier in A irricull wr.,1 Jmr.lenm.tv 11...:.. i' .... ... u. . ... .l. , , UlUtlt,

Produce, Grass Seeds, Sec. Sec.Prompt Attention to Receiving and forwarding.

ALSOAgent for the Valentine Fast Freight Ex.

press Line.1 line Receipts given to New York, Boston, Philadel-

phia, Baltimore. Pittsburg, Chicago. St. Louis, Mem-phis, New Orleans.

Lexington, Oci. v .. weVwly.


FRAXKVOHT, KENTUCKY.117 ILL practice Law in tbo Court of Appeals i" tltt KnniLIti, l'ir,...it f1,.,,-- ! l .u V1.- .'..v-u- vun, niiu an viiioroifiio i oun?held in Frank I'm t Ami u.ill i t. -- n...tuetns for in any part of the Slate.

di u uiii-- , pverj ciiiimunicaiion will have bisattention on the jamo d;- received, and will be prompt-ly and thus faUcliunU keptahvavsadvised oftUliir !.lT:tir AnA hnvi.. .1... 4 . "i ..

7 " ""'"is ururiiuiucu KI Il.'lVt Mil L11S

oriels ami h tiuhi j i .i 1. r',, -- i i

and copies lurmshed to his clients and counsel in theower courts all concerned will be fully informed howuisduty has been performed.

He wilLiirftmmiflinopnf lia,,.. .i i. - - ...... ..l. uir.ui, taiiciitratMHjwi.edlllMtilH nf IWwU .....I Ah..n..!i; u ." r ' "ii'-- i wuuiiu iu ub ust?a orrecord d in oiher Male-- ; and. us CnmniUsioner underthe act ol Congress attend to the taking t depositionsatlidaviis, A c.

li fOlflce'OU Hank," opposite the Mansion House.lraiiklori, 2iov. 10, lHT9-b- -.

BOOK RINDING.' A. C. Keeuon inform his

"" friends and former customers,' L).-- ttiivino kiak...,li.

T'V- -- ''" De n:t! purchased back from A.s Hodffws the Bindery sold tor j;2?!j him in November last, aud will

eive jjs whole attention to itsmaiiae-emeut-

. He respectfully solicits a continuance oft- ""'ct.yi.iic oawiiucii tu me esiaoiir-nment- .

Il P I'l.r'.k'KS orill 1,1.',,......... ,.)ICU , jmu.eru,ana oune verv bestnualiv ol natter.TT.. liLA XK BOOKS of every description, niunitfac- -. ....... i wi uor, uij reunouauie term s .

H r Bindery at the old stand, over Harlan's La0(Iic Frank fort,July 31, lH47-77:- -tf

Fine Chewing Tnhnnnnr"EK.OX V CRUTCH KR keep "Holland's EmprttsIV Brand" nf tnl.ftpv. w7hi.hiJ i. . ... ,- " i ia u JUIU u llUtt IIJfl''HS 11be tho best in the city. Call and get a plug.

Notice to the Holders of Kentucky State.Bonus.

"Hf UK Mi AS, by an act approved 1st of Jiarch, 1844,It ft ,4 IIIUI nf ,1, I, Iu ..f j ., .1J4, uv,,luo wlw oiaia were is.,ueu 10me holders ot the Lexington and Ohio railroad bondsbearing date 1st January, 1845, and payable upon thepresentation and deliverv of said bonds the city ofieW York. lltirlV inr. , ,(,.. .1..... .1 t. -

71 J "i luricui, uiu lueMate, on the of saidlace bonds, reserved the power tothe principal sum at her pleasure, at anvtune :iliMr lim iivMiti.... . . .L . -

v, u,lrcl, jrurs i ruin uie datethereol. which period will expire the 1st dav of Jan-uar-IHiln- - ii - i,...i tt.,. .1. . ..- . - j,t-- luai liiu inonev willbo deposited in the Bank of America, in the citv 'of N.

I Ork. tO n:iV S:li,l hnmkniitli.l .l.v -- ...IT ".1 .. r. ..

.' ' : ' u.Mann Hutu mm aiwrthat day no interest will be paid on said bonds.Anil, whereas, $70,11(1(1 ol bonds were issued underacts of February 23d, Iti4l, and .March 1st, 1847, bearing

d.itM I". nn Hi .".. t t,..tl id..-- .... . .T'lu ,., uLiuucr, losri, i i.iiq June, lt48,with a similar privilege resr-rve- on the face of saidbonds t( l.MV lit tlir. rn.l nf fl(,.,n"'.iu jtois, ,ucc is alsohereby Riven that said bonds will be paid at theof America. New Vnrlr l ih. ,.e i.fthe dale ot each bond, and alter that day no imereM

By the Oovemor: C. S. MO KK HEAD,film. Pd nf rn,L. C.f. r , r r..

3IaSOn Brown, Secretary of State.npril

miLLH and

practice Law in the CourUheld In Frankfort U jfcj jN T 0 I MV 1) R Yoin nff oountma. nm nn Rt


all the





ua- -










OPPOSITE THE ARTESAW WKT.r.WM. H.GRAI.(iEll,Agent,Manufaeturerof.Steamfl Kni'inesMiKl Mlichi m.rv I'ir v;u,. r.ii m:i.. r...ir. ,j ivi vi uiisi ,illU3,Vlllllcic, A:c., Cranks, Gudgeons, Hag Irons, Saw

Slides, Carriage Segments, Cotton trin Segments, andPinions, Car Whoels, Grate P.ars, .Mill Spindles, AIMDogsand Stirrups, always on hand.

Kotcnkiss' Reaction Water "Wheelsor Grist or Saw Mills.

A large assortment of Pattern sf or Mill GeariDg Ac.Castings made at the shortest notice.w ,YI . H . G K A I K G E R , .tf a ( .

January 17, LSSD-t- f. Louisville," Kv.


FRANKFORT, KY.OnJceon Sl.Clair Street, with J. v V. I.. Harlan.


Gov. L. W. Powill, S Frankfort. Kv.Hon, Jamks Harlan, )T.TT.np. Tcdm.-- A, I'r, Llo.hu,.G. II. .MohSARRAT & Co., Danker., Louisville. KyW.T.iti.. I.n,ilvill kc

July 23. 1S53 bv.


Fall and Winter Millinery (ioods!

WOULD reapectfully inform her liumerouscustoinersVr that she h.as receive.! ,.. lf..ll r ,,;m(ioods.

Perartriain want nf ,,1 V,.,. ; u - ..

... v. g.'vu udiEaiu.. wuum UU WC11 10give her a call before purchasing elsewhere, as she issatisfied she can suit the taste of the most faslidioas.

.v ., .... , .uie,-!- , m me ouiiaingoccupied as the Telegraph Office, near Drs. .SnoediV Kndmnii'u 1111.. a

-- u. in,,i.ii.iliu,niMM uie latest styles tordress-es- ,and solicits a share of l he patronage of the ciliren'.

ol FrlMikfort and vicinity. iScpt. 2C lW-l- f


1I,'E are now closing oul a lot nf COAL OIL L I l V

VI AM) BLKAKKS, together Willi a small lot olPOA .i) I. si rnsiT ,1... .....- " ,v season is rapioivlights of somo kind must be used, wecan recommend lhe K.NAI3B PATENT Superior instrength and brilliancy, and much cheaper than anvOilier IWIll If V,I1I DI.nl .n..l . .' u ,ttl. w.iiiuu caai unmeuiatelyasthe slock niusttc closed outfor Cask.

IIO.XOA v GKAHA.M,.)c7i.Aug. :t(i 18 tt.

L . W E I T ZEL,Wholesale and Retail Confectioner

II AS purchased the Confectionery Establishment on. riaiihiun, numucny, wfter ne- .. .....l..uv,c aiiufcorijijiiij.iiiuuii varunios Ol r metakes. Preserved Fruits, Pies, Candies, Candy Toys

... ni unlit; '"a-- propunv oeiongs to a drst classConlectiouery Establishment. He pledges himself thateverv il,i,,ifu,.i.a,i i..- i.:.., ..i...n ....best quality.

Families can be furnished, either for weddings or...in iimae suuaoie ior diicii occasions,upon the shortest notice and upon Uie most reasonableterms.

TWO 1CK CUKAM SALOONS have been neatlv fittedup one for Ladies and tho other for Gentlemen utwhich Ice Cream, Sherbet, and oilier refreshments canIih iiM.'iirnH n! ,ill Vifni- -j in !.,., ;.. .i. .

1' - ' y. i r I VIA- - AU v LlWIt III 111C 111 U T LI -lug until 10 olock in the evening.

ic in uiKu iud vci) uesi oi an kiuus oi ine,which he will sell by the bottle or by the dozen bottles.He will also supply those who may wish to purchase

at whole-ale- , every article manufactured by him, on asn.iwuauii; iciuiam utc same uriiLlC OI 11 he quality Callbe purchased at Louisville or Cincinnati.

He asks a fair trial, and he feels assured that he canand will render universal satisfaction.

rrariKiort, .vi:ry lit, iczi'J.

KEEVO.V L CRUTCH ER.BookseUrrs and Stationers, Main St., Frankfort,Kfc.fcP an asaortmer.t of MIsCELLAlNiiOUS AND

UiiflUJ Of i VK UdAUt; ,j jt itiim'EKY of all kiads. Sept. f.


W. ii. KEENE & CO ,WHuLfc.I.lC AND RfcTAlL DtALkR IS

HOICK GKOCEKIES, I.IQiroitS. I t),li ACCO. riAltS,


St. Clair and Wapping Streets,FRANKFORT, K V .

Allin coiiiiisdiie 1st of January, May, and September,i ... viioisru aner niamrnv.

JANUARY 3, IHr.i).

G K C 11 1 E S , & v .

Old Government Java And Prime Rio Cotfcorlinlf.Mn Svrin. Kmilik M..a ui..,..fi., i." J ""t."! .'vii.51- - aim t inuiUllUU .MUinMC".

uerniau Custile and Rosin Soap;TnlLow.Si.ar and Sperm Candles

Mackerel, in aborted packages:Hams, plum and eun

Side-t- , and ribbed;Should.-r-"- Jr;od and l oiiues;

t'rinie Conuiry Lard;riuui, .'iiriti iinu rsjtll,

aits, (all sizes,) Shov?U and Spades, best brands;Green and Black Tea:

enneni's rale Ale;Tobacco and Cigars. e ery variety of brand;

Old Bramlies Vhi ky & Whip, in bottles or on dralt;

Agricultural Implements of all Kinds;Paints, OiU. Turpentine and Tr;

ljlasiini and Kilie Powder,Sauces. Kt"aels, Pick les and Table Oil

Paints, Oil and Varnish.fWI KhGS Lindenberffer cv Co.'s Whitd Lead:

1 U if: boxes ('rome Green;J. boxes Crome Yellow;j0 kejs Zinc V hito;

till) lbs. Red Lead;bbt. Knglish Lamp Black:

3 cases American Verm. 11 on;l. gallons Jajiau Varnish;

.r (fallons Deuiar Varnish;u gauous uopai arni-ii- ;

bbl. Best Linseed Oil;I liM Tiirnunlinu f.,11 r

Brushes of all kiud atApril 2.", W. H. RKEXE 6, CO 'S.

c BASKETS Champaign;3 boxes Claret;

.(WO bottles .Madeira and Sherry;l.tHsi bottles Brand v and Whisk v, in store and loi

aleby W. H. KKEXK A CO.April 2.1, IHjy.

- BBLS. Utica LimeZ-- ) "J.1 bbls.Ceinent.tiisll-eceivi.i- l ner 11,.. ..

lor sale W. H. KKKXK Si CO.


0 E

byApril l.sjll

sale I,


ASKS Sardines;cases Kresh Peaches;

J cases Pine Apples;r cases Pickled Ovsters;

April 2".

cases Spiced () sters, jtiM, and lor

-- ii HO.F.S Pearl Starch;')) .0 boxes Star Candles:'4 boxes Tallow Candles;:i0 boxes Kosin Soap:;to boxes German Soap, and lor sale by

April '.'a, lri.30. VV. H. KEENK ew CO.

KXTHA Canvass Hams;lull txlra Small Sides;IIS) Extra Small Sh julders;50 kegs Counlrv Lard;

Inn r,jei.a Vvi... n,,..a u.,ur.y ed

uv ana lor sale bySB, W. H. K.KF..NE & CO.

- KUAKI EP. Eleeant Mackrel:) 25 kits assorted .N... Mackrel, and in

pnia,ltun " . M . KEEME :

10,000 at''"1P30.

dozen Larire heel' Tongues, just recediimuiwwab -- isae,"

Aliril 1H59.

bbls.slore with



mose Fine Cigars, Just received. n. lyr.c.yc oc to.'S.

5D .BB.r;S-.- 'ear Old Whisky, at $'1 per gallon, made

April 2j, 59. W. H. KKKNK & CO

J. II. WATERMAN'SEnglish and Classical High School,

FRANKFORT, KY."II AVl.NG purchased the residence and school propor- -

.j v. nui.ii. n. wm.i , i am giau 10 announce tomy numerous patrons and to the public, that I am nowniiShleil In ...t..ti.ii,a C.l ...:.u i. . . ,...... ... vV,.....uo , , .i.iiiivi iiU uicrcasea auvan- -tages. The School-buildin- is a large aud commodiousone: bnill nrntn lhe ii,,o, .. ..,...,.1 ,.i. ii . . .

jiuui, wen eniilaued, and luruished with desks of the latest style. The... ..... ,uv IUI.ISI quiet alio reureopart of South Frankfort. With these increased facili-ties. I hnn. In h. nl.l. i. ...I, .1.11.-- w .i. ..i, , ... ,u ,,iauii3ii a OCUOOI WliasUCQa

system of discipline and instruction as will commend. .... ,JU lw, cl3 VJ a luoruugu classic ed-

ucation. Have ample accommodations for tweiitv-flv- e

boarders w hich number will be received into the Prin-cipal's family.School Vear begin, Wednesday In r.

TKK.MS Forlbe Academic year, one hall in advanceremainder 1st of Eebruary.

For boarders, lncluding'luitlou in the Fwiglish branch-es, board, fuel, lights and washing, - . . s ionFor day pupils, 4UTuition In Latin, Greek and Modem Lan-

guages, each, Mlroriunner particulars or Circu'ar, address

J. H. WATEK.VIA.N, A. b.,'

Frankfort, KjtHKFliliE.VCES:

IfKv. J. .N . Morton,Hon. Jmns Harlan, Frankfort, Ky.Hon. J. J. Crittknokn, )JcnoE Bodlky,

MoRtilED, Louisville, K )

C. S. Uodi.iv, Es., Lexington, Kv.Ki:v. J. W. Venabi.e. Versailles. Ay.H.I. Kodi.ev, E.. St. Louis, .Mo.Hon. V. a. Laie, t'leksburg, .Miss.dyoROK Smhdi!s. Esq., ttew Orleans, La.H. H. Esq., .lelfersonville, ind.

Selltftmhei' HI lw.iitrJTrLouisville Journal Kn! please publish once InDally and as often n, rhev will m y ....i-i.- . .....ii"Uch.,rr,,t,loma


111!E undersigned would inform tho citizens of Frank-

fort and vicinity, that he has commenced the busi-ness of

MERCHANT TAIL 0R1NG,OI1 M.'lill Htri'M. Ill lli rirtn. Intal.. :

Price as an office, directly opposite lb Gray & I odd, onoi.i. iiu nuouiuuj;iiM)M a.

STOCK OF G .0 O D S ,and is prepared to furnish any article in his line of bus.mess. He respect fully reqnesls a share of the publicpatronage, and will warrant all work done lo give

and his prices as moderate as those of anv oth-er Tailor in the city Ho has formerly been in businessin Versailles, and refers lo his customers there.Aug. 8;i, lyj-i- f. JOHN IV. VORH1KS.


Kanawha Cannel Coal MiningAND


.Manufactory, Charleston, Virginia.

EXCELSIOR PA fTOK OILS.For Burning and Lubricating, free from all offensive

odor.AImo, Elephant, Sperm, Whale, Neatfoot

and Lard Oils,Address, C. R. HASK.IN, Agent,

Oct. 13, ltf. JYo. 97 ffalnul Street, Cincinnati.



THE s,7nit,y,t'ar! """Ions of this Institute commencesfI.?J'r,hx?..FJK.r,i l:i".AV LV FKBKUARV aud the

each year. TheCourse ot study embraces the Primary, Academical andCollegia a Departments, with the .Modern Lanaruai-es- .lhe mode ol instruction is thorough and scicntiilc. Toraise the standard of Female education i, tho great aimof the teachers, and to aid them in this, a "Victim- - and" xamininK committee" of three will visit ,e 7hoolquarter y, and by their riVirf examination, will prove.itif- hoped, vu liable suvil ;ri,.a , , i. ,.

- , ,.., ,ie,iirinieins. anil diplomas willoe granted those who complete successfully n,l ,,n.o ujfhlj a lull course of study, 'lhe location is in thepleasant village of l'.ndSeporl-li- vn miles from Frank-lorl- ,and lorty-eifr- from l.ouisvillo-wh- ich is unsur-passed tor its salubrity and the morality ami rellnemcnt... ,., ,.,,i; ,,, ues.ranie puce fori he ed-ucation ol trols. I, conveniem access bv the

b?n. '"' Lexintrlon railroad, and bv;,'.?'' Pn"'kforl. Shelbyville and Uuisvitle".young ladies board in the family of the Principal,and are reatcd with paternal care and kindness-- enat the same lime, the advantages of a rcllned so- -

i he sessions will continue twenty weeks; but pupilsare admitted al any time.and charged to end of term.No dcductl.,'i msde for absence save in rases of protract,ed illness. All bills to be paid In advance. Interestetiarsredon all unpad bills. All we ask, is: give us lhepupils, and we will ,!..... ,r .' ",al e give'nil vain iv.l

TERMS, JKRFor Hoarders, inclii.ni, t.,in... .1..." "ebranches, Hoard, Fuel, Lighis. and $ 75 00Fordiiv uuoils sm,.ll chil.i.-n,- . .. )ZTuition in Primary Department', - - . JO 00l unii.n in junior Department, - - - - 15 00l uinoii in Department, .- - "0 nounion 111 Music, (Piano or Ouiur,) - - m 00

Auiuiiii in 1..UH1, trreok, and Modern I.auguaes,cacil, 5 qqTuition in Oil Painting, Water Colors, Drawing,Oiecian and Oriental Painting.etc; Fmbroiderv,: Needle

Board, Fuel, Ligliis, and Washing, per session, mi 00Kiel I'll f rn m XI f.il , C .1 .1 - ..1." l imn, evening, . 40 I'OIncidental expenses each. ..... 5U

cur lunuer particulars, or Circular, addressJ- - H. GAHD.NF.H, Bridgeport, Kv

KKFKRKNCKs. ric Patrons of the School.Dec. 10, 18.",.


December 0, ly.V.i.

Proclamation by the Governor.250 REWARD.

COMMONWKALTH OF KtSTlTKY,F.iecut ire Department, j

W iiEKI-.Ai.l- t has been made known to me that WW..NASH. who stands eliartpc. l.v i ho Wi :

( ourt with the murder of his wife, and who was senttor to the jail of Simpson countv, has es-caped from said jail, and is now goino-a- l largo-

Now, therefor.., 1, BKK1AH M AGOFFiX, Governorol the Commonwealth of Kentucky, do hereby otter areward ol lo Hundred and Fifty Dollars' for theapprehension of said Win. ,a,i, and his delivery toI he Jailer ol Simpson county, wilhin one year from'thedale hereol.

Ijf TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I havei i hereunto set my hand and caused the seal olj I.. S. tho Commonwealth to be allixed. Done att I Fi'aiikforl, this llib day of November, A. D

... ...... ... ,v ii, j5m ui iucwealth.Ky the Governor: B. MAGOFFIN

o- - .loNHOK, jr., Secretary ol state.By J.s. W. Tate, Assistant Secretaiy.

DESCRIPTION. ,V'm.Nash Is about 45 .ears old; about 0 feet s

near ioo pounds; stoutly built, and bears marksof very dissipated habits. Nov.

Proclamation by the Governor.$250 REWARD.


Executive Department, j"UT'Hb.KEAS, it has been made known to me that JASIV X I? I "T k I I ,..i,ii.l . i.;.i ..." " " ' " iM,i ,,lu, , ' lt,Li auu muruor"uiiiiy'iu .liuriui.in i f rriiitiii- iia a...xfrom justice:

iNow, thorefore, I, P.EKI AH .MAGOFFIX, Governorof tlio Commonwealth of Kentucky, do hereby offer arewnrd nf 'I wn II onJ in".., nn r ......... t uU i uuuum, jor ine-- iT.y..vuo.un V. ,ua slim Jiuuca .7. r uiriu, ana uis de-livery to the Jailer of Tri county, withiu one vear fromthe date hereof:


V TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 havei hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofs iifc v w(ii.u'nive;iuu 10 ue amxed. Uoue atj rrankion, wiu day ot November, 159

and in the GSth year of the CommonwealthBy the Governor: li, MAGOFFIN.

'I no. B. .Monrok, Jr., Secretary of State.iiy Jas. W. JiTt, Asjisiant Secretary.

. , a. .wui.e Hum, zo or xi earsoratre;small round lace; blaek hair; rather well 'built; heavyset: come j feet S to 4 inches high; weighs about lyo lbs;one of his legs is crooked al the knee joint from white

- w iny.i.0oil.rin,- - ui a ii in Slb

Proclamation by the Governor.COMMO.NW KALTn OF KENTUCKY, I

-- ,... n . . .To the Sherifs of the Lnl ! ..

P .. ,7 , V ."'""", Kiriiicnaen,' ' Kingston, Lyon, Mar.Shall. MrCrnr.B,, TT.,I.. .- - v..,,u unuu-uy- comprising the

il, Hti.h.tS, L. S Irimblc, Equity and CriminalH Judge for tho Firsl Judicial District, has resignedhis said olhce, to lake etTi ct from and after the 3 si

next: ,Now, therefore, 1, BEKI A U .MAGOFFIN, Governorof the Commonwealth ol Kentucky, do hereby directthatan election be held in said counties, at the "several

places ol voting therein authorized bv law, on the Firstluesday in January next, for the election ' of an Eoui-t-and Criminal Judge forsaid District, to till the vacan-cy occasioned by lhe oi the said L. S. Trim-ble. and that ou cause nnll.lnh. n.,....aJ

al counties and precincts accordingly, and proceed toconduct iiu. ,1.,., .... .... .,'" "" i' .uiu oi sum election, in inemode and manner prescribed bylaw.v.v II'IIF.RF.OF. I have

hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe Commonwealth to be affixed. Done atrraiiKiuri,iinsflh day of November, lrC,9,and in the nth v..... .' ..,.i.oi no- , oiu moil weanii.

V u'ov,er"or: B. .MAGOFFIN.Ino. B. jMonrok, Jr., Sec. of Stale.

By Jas. W.Tate, Assistant Secretary.N ovem her 30. I Jl-r- t lu id.

Proclamation by Hie Govcnior.500 REWARD.


Ezecittire Department.WHrS,K.-!,S,- i haJt been n,ildc known to me thai KOB- -

K N M li ... . ...... , , niuiiu cuuvicwu ui uiecrime of rape, ami under sentence of litieen vnr iin- -iirisoniiiHiit in iliu ti.,i u ... .

ofthe sinh of October, l.v.., ecine from the lail"ofraveiie (Oil nlV. nm c ...... . i. . , oiiik a i lar.'r .

NOW. llerelorH t'l.'Liltii . f- , , "iii:iii ,iuu r r .1 . ifovemor..........niB.mm OI rwentucliy, do nerebv onera

rnwRfi r CI., ii !. .. .. uuiiureu uoiiars, lor ine apprenension and delivery of said Robert II. Champ, lo the Jailer ol Fayette county, withiu year Irom dale hereof.

IJY TESTIMONY H'UFRF.OF. I have) hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of1 I.. S. thf. rn. .. , ... . .. .... luonneaiiii io oe uiea. Aiono ai( ) Frankfort, this ui n, a! VftmniW A li

. , ,ear oi uiu loiiiiiioii- -nealth.

BV t he I illT,riin,. li f C CI VI no. U. .MoNitou. Secretary of Slat".

By J.ys. v. Tite. Assistant Secretary .

DESCRIPTION.Kobort il. Champ is about 5 leet 10 inches lush; is

about III years of as;,-- : weighs about ISO or 1IKJ pounds;black hair and whiskers, and of heavy form.

T I OE.Et.UF.ll I'dfe KI(;HT, Mouse, Siii and Ornaiuclit.

in all lale and fashionable styles ofGraiiiillK, Varnislnns and Polishiuit. Gildinir', Zinc,oriental and Grecian Painting. GlaZinir and PaperHanging. All work done in lhe best workman-lik- e

......u.,, uio iuii reaoiiauie terms.on Main f Ireel. Fn. ,.!.- f.. . k All .i.. m..,iT-

'attendedto. EGBERT 61 WRIGHT..uarcn 'if, I09-t- l.



m.iL-r- t




ii. ... . ai'u wenu..iiai(r seiecieu stocK ol

FALL AND WINTER GOO Da,uf evr variety of

BOOTS AND S1IOKS,for both Ladies and Gentlemen, Boy sand Girls.

All article, '.r.. !' II...' Mu:uii. auo warranted togive entire satisfaction. He would call particularatteu-tio- nto lhe following:

(Jents Splnulnl ui, d liottoiu Uoots:Geuls lionljlc and Single iSole Gaiters.

The above are the finest Goods ever brought to Frank-on- -

JLr1 all and see them.cCUA SPLENDID ASSOIIT.MEM'OK

Negro Eoots and Brogans;Fine Sewed Shoes for Boys;

HATS AND CAPS,Every style. His Caps were made lo order, by the cele-brated makers, licbee v Co., of New York. '

-- SI'KDIIIES-Rodyer's Cutlery, New Styles of Wall Paper,

E00KS AND FINE STATIONERY,Irvini, Cooper, Waver ly, and Bulwer's Norels.

Spleudid edition of above.

Miscellaneous, Law, and Medical

boo K 8 .

JtTpiVew styles of French and Knglish ,oie andl.etler 1'apcr nud l.nvelopes.Call and see for yourself at

S. C. BULL'S Book aud Shoe Store,Jo., Swigert's Row, St. Clair Street.I. S. Superior Trunks and Vnllces.September 12, 1852-t- f.

American Standard School Series

Kentucky School Text-Book- s:

Child's First Book, an Illustrated Primer i. n...i.;,.Goodrich's New First Reader, edited hv XrtMr. u.,,ln- -Goodrich's New Second Reader, edited by Noble Butler.uoouncn s .ew Ihird Reader, edited by N'oble Butler.Goodrich'sNew Fourth Reader.edlio.l hv nt.i. h.,,i,..Goodrich's New Fifth Reader, edited by Noble Butler.Goodrich s New Sixth Reader, edited by Noble Roller.miner 3 Practical Grammar.

The PuMUhera vttk'"sl,uli. lueuce recom menu meabove list of Books to the attention ol Teachers, Schoolt.oninilssionors, and Parents, as being of the highestcharacter m point of lilerary merit, and calculated toimprove the taste ol the pupils. Tills scries has beenDrenared with .r,i ... ... ....... .. .' ,: f,'". ,., i;,-t- , senienee cioseiv andcritically revised, and it has been pronounced by the'T,: lHU couniry lo be T HE

ftf"'- - now published. The Pub.ishers feelJustified in saying that these books will become theSTAN DAK IJ SCHOOL. HOOKS

throughout the country. They have already been adopt-ed as s by lhe Board of Education of theMates of Kb. 1 XI KV A.N U I.DI A. A. and are re.commended by the Superintendent of Education in theState ot Alnhama, and by the best teachers in Mis-souri, Louisiana, Tennessee, and oilier SouthernStates.MORTOX dt UKISWOLU, Publisher..,July It, lljl-t- t. Louisville, Kentucky.


Short Lino Uoute to the North & West.

Through lo Chicago In 15 hours.Through to St. Louis In 14 hours.Through lo Cairo in 20 hour.

Connections made with all Western Roads forany part of


Fare as Low as by any other Railroad or fclcam

Freightdostined for places in any ofthe above Statesforwarded with despatch and at low rates. jark careK. O. NORTON, Louisville.JO Por llirousrh tickets and rates of freight apply at"SHORT LINE" Railroad office 5M, Main street, Lou- -

AUJ.-.3-1 IfST u. H. O. .ORTO., Axeut.


Jl Henecotent Institution established by special Endow- -mrmjor mi arm; oj tucsicli and Di stress ed , af-

flicted irith Ftrulent and F.oidemie v.o..rilHE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awfulI desl ruction nf loi in.,., l.c ..n,......i i.. , i:. ...rvouvu oj oe.yuai uiseases,and the deceptions practiced upon the uufortuuate vic-tims of such diseases by yua. ks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, us a CHARITABLEAI'T wnrlliv nf Ihir ..i.,D .. .. n;.. ...- " - " " ".,". iu u,eu a I'ispeiisarv lorthe lieatinentol this class of diseases, in ull their forms,aud lo give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to all whoapply by letter, with a description or their conditiou,(age, occupation, habiis of lite, a.e.1 and in..,,.,.,,itreme poverty, lo FURNISH .MEDICINES FREE OFCHARGE. It is needless to add that the Associationcommands the highest Medical Skill of the age, audwill furnish the most approved modern treatment.

Tl.a l)lru..t.,., .r ,).. .,. ...: ., . . ..tv n..w.., ...v .iaoLiiiooii, in Lueirinnualupon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, express lhe., ni...,,, uicu uasaiiendedthe labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Spermator-rho'.-- i,

Seminal Weakness, Gonorrhcea, Gleet, Syphilisill A vice Of I In or '. A K, ... lil, oi me ilU- -neys and Bladder, (Ve.,and order a continuance of thesame plan lor the ensuing year.

The Directors, on a review of the past, feci assuredlli.t Illnirl'ilin,. inlhi...l.....ru i . ....... .... .. .uuu. ....un.nir,,! ociievuicui enormavebeen ol great benefit to the atllicted, especially to theyoung, and they have resolved to devote themselves,with renewed to llii. a...... , ...j ...ipvoaiiLim uiucillie- -spiscd cause.

An admirable Report on Sperinatorrho-a- , or SeminalW eakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or

and other diseases of lhe Sexual organs, bv theConsulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail "(in a sealedenvelope) FREE OF CHARGE, ou receipt of TWOSTAMPS for postage. O her Reports and TracLs onDie nature and treatment ol Sexual diseases, diet A,are constantly beinir nublished f,,r or,.,,,ii.,olion, and will be sentio the atllicted. Some of the newremedies mid melho.U nf i..o .. ... ....oiient uiscovereu uunngtlie :isl vf-t- urn nl err...,, ....I

Address, for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLISHOUGH t ON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association,No. o.SouthNinth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.By order ol the Directors.

kz'''A D. HARWELL, President.GkO. Fair, iiii.d. Secretary. J une 6, lc9-wl- y.

The Sabbath School Bell.A Jcoll"cVon of cnoice hymns and tunes, origi- -Ilal ...... ...... VI and Staill IrH. e.ir..f,.ll' ..... ...... unu suiipiy arrangea as.solos, duets, rtos, and choruses, and fororgan, melodeon, or piano. This book contains nearly

2iiu hyinns and tunes, and is one of the best collections... "--ei issueu. rrtce l cents, 86per hundred, postage 1 cent. Elegantly bound, "0 cts.,,' " "'. o cents, ytmong uie largenumber ot new and popular tunes may be found "KlidWords can Never hi- - ,. i i,. ... .. .., . uico irum rieaven," andt,r- - i 'i

'S1 !ri

The'", were sung to some five thou- -, T V, " ""'" 's anno school Ce e- -

:. ""aau.j,,,,,!, Uy Lur onuses iau ra andNettie Irematne.of Brooklyn, N. Y.,and were highly"'ousand copies have been

i ne nave Deen introduced in-- o, some of tho largest schools in New York and Brook-lyn. Amontr the nn.nl,er .,- - T - i, ...... .

D, Gillette's, and Dr. MoUneV Jusf pibllihed b, ''N It l i ' ll . t i. i ... .

ix , nm, agent,Al.iy 3, ISlt-t- f. mBroadicoy, jY. Y.

SETTLE TTP! SRTTtf ttpiia aju u iS indebted to the estate of Mrs. Muriraretwill please call at my office aud set-tle their ae'cnn nl. Ami i lmao v... ,.i. ."a nig iiiub utrttiusiuerestateare requested to presentthein.

1 i--

ik t


- r

DR.rilOTT'Se,- -

wb brute 'I'llkAn aperient and stomachic preparation of

pON purified of Oxygen und Carbon bv com-bustion in Hydrogen, oi' big ! medical author,tty and extraordinai? efficacy in each of thefollowing complaints, viz. :



The being absorbed by the blood, andtbus circulating through the whole system, nopart of the body can escape their truly wonder-ful influence.

The experience of thousands daily proves thatno preparation of Iron can for a moment becompared with it. Impurities of the blood, de-pression of vital energy, pale and. otherwises.ekly complexions indicate its necessity in al-most everv rn.iceivn hip rncn Tn oilfemale debility (fluor albus, chlorosis, etc.), itseffects are delightfully renovating. No remedyhas ever been discovered, in the whole historyof medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy,aud fully restorative effects. Good appetite, com-plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength,with an unusual disposition for active andcheerful exercirc, immediately follovtTits us?As a grand stomachic and general restorativt has no superior and no substitute.Put up lii ucnt flat melnl boxes contnttiln'. pills, price r.O cenls mt box; Mix boxes,

V ."Ml; one otazen hoxca. 4- 00. For Hale by1 (reiiei nlly. Will be srnt free loany mldi-es- on receipt of the price. All let-te- c,

orders, e(e., ahouldl be addressed to

R. B.LOCKE & CO..General Asrcntr.

:i:mi ittti. t'. . - iB. Tie above In a of tile

Inbel on encli box.November 7, ie59-l-y.




1'his valuable work. Drenared with trroi .n...,...and labor, by ihe Hon. R. H. STANTOV nf v..'ville, Ky contains the Revised Statutes of Ken'ncky.as originally adopted in 1651-18- 5, with all the ameud.meiits thereto, and general laws of the State. ancn..lsince and up to the present time; thus embodying tho

""' now in rorce in the State, li.addition to the very great coi veulence of having allthe Statutory Law condensed Into a single work weilarranged, the text of these volumes Is Illustrated andenriched by full and copious notes of the Decisions olthe Court of Appeals of Kentucky, settling the con.struotion of such provisions as may heretofore havebeen of doubtful or uncertain meaning. Those engaged in the administration of the law in Kentr.oky.will be saved much labor of research by thus having,in a small compass aud condensed form, the wholepractical working of thi statutory System of the Stale.In truth, the work will be found of rreal value in ahclasses of persons.

The work is comprised in TWO ROYAL OCTAVOVOLUMES, printed w.th new, clear tvne. unon thevery best paper, and bound in superior law binding


Nov. Id, Irt59-Ci- n. Publishers, Cincinnati, o.


i7" . o . o r.s: 1 17 it .rShop on St. Clair Street, in Room formerly occupU.I

uy mums ar nampion,KRANKFORT, KENTUCKY.

HAVING just laid in a lare stock of article in icybusiness, I would call the attentioD of my

friends and cusiompr tn mv otAeir r viii .nminna ifurnish


Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Work, Spouting ana uuitering

of all descriptions.Continually on hand a large assortment of

COOKING, PARLOR COAL STOVES;Cistern. Well and Force Pumps; Sheet Lead, LeadPipe,

JO'All orders promptly attended to.October 3, 1M59. F.C.SMITH.

COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE.HENRY MOSS, Administrator of Herman Bowmar,.! Inl.. 1J l u r.uuurfu . udi,L, iiu iienuau DOWUiar,Jr., Attorneys in fact for Herman Bowmar, dee'd

Take notice that I will attend in my office In the townof Versailles, Kentucky, on the Kith day of January,IHfjO, to audit and setllo your accounts as Administratorauu Attorneys in lact, agreeable to a Judgment olme . oouiaru c ircuit court at ihe October Term IBou oraid Court. Tile settlement to be continued from day

to day until completed.GEORGE COTTON, M. C. W. C. C.

N'ovember 15, lKriU-w-

A Small Farm for Sale.I WISH to sell my Farm one mile from Frankfort, ou

the Lawreneeburg Turnpike, containing between 40anu ou acres oi rvenluckv river bottom lauu oi me Dealquality. There is on the place a NEW FRAME DWEL-LING HOUSE. I'nniHinin. fmir rooms andahnll: also.three or four hundred Young Trees of choice fruit.It is a good situatiou for a market garden. For terms,Am oruiltrtrt Wn.1.., l. k ....IrlX-- t X v

Axr. bu iatntr JOHN F. HArRKLS.
