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WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

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WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings
Radio Net 86/1553-H MO Class Name Parameter Name Node AgpsPositioning AgpsPositioningId RNC AgpsPositioning altitude RNC AgpsPositioning altitudeDirection RNC AgpsPositioning confidence RNC
Page 1: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Radio Network Parameters86/1553-HSD 101 02/10 Uen

MO Class Name Parameter Name Node

AgpsPositioning AgpsPositioningId RNC

AgpsPositioning altitude RNC

AgpsPositioning altitudeDirection RNC

AgpsPositioning confidence RNC

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AgpsPositioning elevationThreshold RNC

AgpsPositioning polygonRadiusFactor RNC

AgpsPositioning posQualities RNC

AgpsPositioning posQualities.accuracyCodeTypical RNC

AgpsPositioning posQualities.confidenceEstimate RNC

AgpsPositioning posQualities.responseTimeTypical RNC

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AgpsPositioning posQualities.verticalAccuracyCodeTypical RNC

AgpsPositioning uncertaintyAltitude RNC

AgpsPositioning utranRnsConfidence RNC

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AgpsPositioning utranRnsPosition RNC

AgpsPositioning utranRnsPosition.latitude RNC

AgpsPositioning utranRnsPosition.latitudeSign RNC

AgpsPositioning utranRnsPosition.longitude RNC

AgpsPositioning utranRnsUncertaintyRadius RNC

Aich AichId RBS

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Aich availabilityStatus RBS

Aich dbchDeviceSetRef RBSAich operationalState RBS

AntennaBranch AntennaBranchId RBSAntennaBranch antennaSupervisionThreshold RBS

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AntennaBranch branchName RBS

AntennaBranch fqBandHighEdge RBS

AntennaBranch fqBandLowEdge RBS

AntennaBranch mechanicalAntennaTilt RBS

AntennaBranch reservedBy RBSAntennaBranch verticalAntennaTilt RBS

AntFeederCable antennaBranchRef RBS

AntFeederCable AntFeederCableId RBSAntFeederCable connectedToObjectARef RBS

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AntFeederCable dlAttenuation RBS

AntFeederCable electricalDlDelay RBS

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AntFeederCable electricalUlDelay RBS

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AntFeederCable objectAConnector RBS

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AntFeederCable ulAttenuation RBS

ArpMap ArpMapId RNC

ArpMap defaultArpQos RNC

ArpMap defaultArpQos.intPrio RNC

ArpMap defaultArpQos.pci RNC

ArpMap defaultArpQos.pvi RNC

ArpMap externalArpMapping RNC

ArpMap systemDefaultArpQos RNC

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ArpMap systemDefaultArpQos.intPrio RNC

ArpMap systemDefaultArpQos.pci RNC

ArpMap systemDefaultArpQos.pvi RNC

ArpMap userLabel RNC

ArpQosClassProfile ArpQosClassProfileId RNC

ArpQosClassProfile userLabel RNC

ArpSpiMap ArpSpiMapId RNC

ArpSpiMap externalArpMapping RNC

ArpSpiMap reservedBy RNC

ArpSpiMap userLabel RNC

Bch availabilityStatus RBS

Bch BchId RBS

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Bch operationalState RBS

Carrier aiDeviceRef RBS

Carrier airRateTypeSelector RBS

Carrier availabilityStatus RBS

Carrier CarrierId RBSCarrier cqiAdjustmentOn RBSCarrier cqiErrors RBS

Carrier cqiErrorsAbsent RBS

Carrier dbccDeviceRef RBS

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Carrier dlBandwidth RBS

Carrier dlFilterProfile RBS

Carrier dpclDevicesRef RBS

Carrier extraHsScchPowerForSrbOnHsdpa RBS

Carrier extraPowerForSrbOnHsdpa RBS

Carrier frequencyPlane RBS

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Carrier hsdpaMcActivityBufferThreshold RBS

Carrier hsdpaMcInactivityTimer RBS

Carrier hsPowerMargin RBS

Carrier hsScchMaxCodePower RBS

Carrier hsScchMinCodePower RBS

Carrier numberOfTxBranches RBS

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Carrier operationalState RBS

Carrier qualityCheckPower RBS

Carrier queueSelectAlgorithm RBS

Carrier reservedBy RBSCarrier schCongPeriodGbr RBS

Carrier schCongThreshGbr RBS

Carrier schCongThreshNonGbr RBS

Carrier schMaxDelay RBS

Carrier schMinPowerNonGbrHsUsers RBS

Carrier schNoCongPeriodGbr RBS

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Carrier schNoCongThreshGbr RBS

Carrier schPowerDeltaCongGbr RBS

Carrier schPrioForAbsResSharing RBS

Carrier schWeight RBS

Carrier tpaDeviceRef RBS

Carrier trDeviceRef RBS

Carrier ulBandwidth RBS

Carrier ulFilterProfile RBS

CchFrameSynch CchFrameSynchId RNC

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CchFrameSynch doStep RNC

CchFrameSynch dto RNC

CchFrameSynch toAE RNC

CchFrameSynch toAWE RNC

CchFrameSynch toAWS RNC

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ChannelSwitching bandwidthMargin RNC

ChannelSwitching bandwidthMarginUl RNC

ChannelSwitching ChannelSwitchingId RNC

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ChannelSwitching coverageTimer RNC

ChannelSwitching dlDownswitchBandwidthMargin RNC

ChannelSwitching dlRlcBufUpswitch RNC

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ChannelSwitching dlRlcBufUpswitchMrab RNC

ChannelSwitching dlThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold RNC

ChannelSwitching dlThroughputDownswitchTimer RNC

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ChannelSwitching downswitchPwrMargin RNC

ChannelSwitching downswitchThreshold RNC

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ChannelSwitching downswitchTimer RNC

ChannelSwitching downswitchTimerSp RNC

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ChannelSwitching downswitchTimerThreshold RNC

ChannelSwitching downswitchTimerUp RNC

ChannelSwitching fachToHsDisabled RNC

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ChannelSwitching hsdschInactivityTimer RNC

ChannelSwitching inactivityTimeMultiPsInteractive RNC

ChannelSwitching inactivityTimer RNC

ChannelSwitching inactivityTimerPch RNC

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ChannelSwitching ulDownswitchBandwidthMargin RNC

ChannelSwitching ulRlcBufUpswitch RNC

ChannelSwitching ulRlcBufUpswitchMrab RNC

ChannelSwitching ulThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold RNC

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ChannelSwitching ulThroughputDownswitchTimer RNC

ChannelSwitching upswitchPwrMargin RNC

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ChannelSwitching upswitchTimer RNC

ChannelSwitching upswitchTimerUl RNC

CnOperator CnOperatorId RNCCnOperator equivalentPlmnIdentityGroupRef RNC

CnOperator iphoNetworkRefsGsm RNC

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CnOperator iphoNetworkRefsUtran RNC

CnOperator plmnIdentity RNC

CnOperator plmnIdentity.mcc RNCCnOperator plmnIdentity.mnc RNCCnOperator plmnIdentity.mncLength RNC

CnOperator reservedBy RNC

CnOperator userLabel RNC

CommContexts noOfCommContexts RBSCoverageRelation coverageIndicator RNC

CoverageRelation CoverageRelationId RNC

CoverageRelation hsPathlossThreshold RNC

CoverageRelation utranCellRef RNC

DchFrameSynch DchFrameSynchId RNC

DchFrameSynch doStep RNC

DchFrameSynch dto RNC

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DchFrameSynch reservedBy RNC

DchFrameSynch toAE RNC

DchFrameSynch toAEUl RNC

DchFrameSynch toAWE RNC

DchFrameSynch toAWEUl RNC

DchFrameSynch toAWS RNC

DchFrameSynch toAWSUl RNC

DchFrameSynch uoStep RNC

DchFrameSynch userLabel RNC

DchFrameSynch uto RNC

DchMap dchDirection RNC

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DchMap DchMapId RNC

DchMap gbrDlRangeEnd RNC

DchMap gbrDlRangeStart RNC

DchMap internalArp RNC

DchMap qosRef RNC

DchMap userLabel RNC

DownlinkBaseBandPool maxNumADchReservation RBS

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EDchResources availabilityStatus RBS

EDchResources eDbchDeviceSetRef RBS

EDchResources EDchResourcesId RBS

EDchResources eScDeviceSetRef RBS

EDchResources operationalState RBS

Eul administrativeState RNC

Eul availabilityStatus RNC

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Eul edchTti2Support RNC

Eul EulId RNC

Eul eulMaxTargetRtwp RNC

Eul numEagchCodes RNC

Eul numEhichErgchCodes RNC

Eul operationalState RNC

Eul userLabel RNC

ExternalAntenna antennaType RBS

ExternalAntenna ExternalAntennaId RBS

ExternalAntenna sectorRef RBS

ExternalAntenna userLabel RBS

ExternalGsmCell bandIndicator RNC

ExternalGsmCell bcc RNC

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ExternalGsmCell bcchFrequency RNC

ExternalGsmCell cellIdentity RNC

ExternalGsmCell ExternalGsmCellId RNC

ExternalGsmCell individualOffset RNC

ExternalGsmCell lac RNC

ExternalGsmCell maxTxPowerUl RNC

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ExternalGsmCell ncc RNC

ExternalGsmCell qRxLevMin RNC

ExternalGsmCell reservedBy RNC

ExternalGsmCell userLabel RNC

ExternalGsmNetwork aliasPlmnIdentities RNC

ExternalGsmNetwork aliasPlmnIdentities.mcc RNCExternalGsmNetwork aliasPlmnIdentities.mnc RNCExternalGsmNetwork aliasPlmnIdentities.mncLength RNC

ExternalGsmNetwork ExternalGsmNetworkId RNC

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ExternalGsmNetwork mcc RNC

ExternalGsmNetwork mnc RNC

ExternalGsmNetwork mncLength RNC

ExternalGsmNetwork reservedBy RNC

ExternalGsmNetwork userLabel RNC

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ExternalTma currentHighLimA RBS

ExternalTma currentHighLimB RBS

ExternalTma currentLowLimA RBS

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ExternalTma currentLowLimB RBS

ExternalTma dlAttenuation RBS

ExternalTma dlTrafficDelayA RBS

ExternalTma dlTrafficDelayB RBS

ExternalTma ExternalTmaId RBSExternalTma internalPower RBS

ExternalTma tmaDegradedSupported RBS

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ExternalTma ulGain RBS

ExternalTma ulTrafficDelayA RBS

ExternalTma ulTrafficDelayB RBS

ExternalUtranCell agpsEnabled RNC

ExternalUtranCell cellCapability RNC

ExternalUtranCell cellCapability.edchSupport RNC

ExternalUtranCell cellCapability.edchTti2Support RNC

ExternalUtranCell cellCapability.enhancedL2Support RNC

ExternalUtranCell cellCapability.fdpchSupport RNC

ExternalUtranCell cellCapability.hsdschSupport RNC

ExternalUtranCell cId RNC

ExternalUtranCell ExternalUtranCellId RNC

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ExternalUtranCell individualOffset RNC

ExternalUtranCell lac RNC

ExternalUtranCell maxTxPowerUl RNC

ExternalUtranCell primaryCpichPower RNC

ExternalUtranCell primaryScramblingCode RNC

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ExternalUtranCell qQualMin RNC

ExternalUtranCell qRxLevMin RNC

ExternalUtranCell rac RNC

ExternalUtranCell reservedBy RNC

ExternalUtranCell transmissionScheme RNC

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ExternalUtranCell uarfcnDl RNC

ExternalUtranCell uarfcnUl RNC

ExternalUtranCell userLabel RNC

Fach administrativeState RNC

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Fach availabilityStatus RNC

Fach availabilityStatus RBS

Fach FachId RNC

Fach FachId RBSFach maxFach1Power RNC

Fach maxFach2Power RNC

Fach operationalState RNC

Fach operationalState RBS

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Fach pOffset1Fach RNC

Fach pOffset3Fach RNC

Fach sccpchOffset RNC

Fach userLabel RNC

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GanC bandIndicator RNC

GanC bcc RNC

GanC bcchFrequency RNC

GanC GanCId RNCGanC ganCIdentity RNC

GanC lac RNC

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GanC ncc RNC

GanC plmnIdentity RNC

GanC plmnIdentity.mcc RNCGanC plmnIdentity.mnc RNCGanC plmnIdentity.mncLength RNC

GanC userLabel RNC

GsmRelation externalGsmCellRef RNC

GsmRelation GsmRelationId RNC

GsmRelation mobilityRelationType RNC

GsmRelation qOffset1sn RNC

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GsmRelation selectionPriority RNC

Handover cnhhoSupp RNC

Handover fddGsmHOSupp RNC

Handover fddIfhoSupp RNC

Handover gsmAmountPropRepeat RNC

Handover gsmPropRepeatInterval RNC

Handover HandoverId RNC

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Handover ifhoAmountPropRepeat RNC

Handover ifhoPropRepeatInterval RNC

Handover ifLbhoMode RNC

Handover interFreqCnhhoPenaltyEcno RNC

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Handover interFreqCnhhoPenaltyRscp RNC

Handover intraFreqCnhhoPenalty RNC

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Handover intraFreqCnhhoWeight RNC

Handover lbhoMaxTriggeredUsers RNC

Handover lbhoMinSpeechUsers RNC

Handover lbhoMinTriggerTime RNC

Handover maxActiveSet RNC

Handover maxGsmMonSubset RNC

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Handover maxIefMonSubset RNC

Handover releaseConnOffset RNC

Handover selHoSup RNC

Handover timeReleaseIuPs RNC

Handover tmStopGsmMeas RNC

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Hsdsch administrativeState RNC

Hsdsch availabilityStatus RNC

Hsdsch codeThresholdPdu656 RNC

Hsdsch cqiFeedbackCycle RNC

Hsdsch deltaAck1 RNC

Hsdsch deltaAck2 RNC

Hsdsch deltaCqi1 RNC

Hsdsch deltaCqi2 RNC

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Hsdsch deltaNack1 RNC

Hsdsch deltaNack2 RNC

Hsdsch enhancedL2Support RNC

Hsdsch HsdschId RNCHsdsch hsMeasurementPowerOffset RNC

Hsdsch initialAckNackRepetitionFactor RNC

Hsdsch initialCqiRepetitionFactor RNC

Hsdsch numHsPdschCodes RNC

Hsdsch numHsScchCodes RNC

Hsdsch operationalState RNC

Hsdsch qam64Support RNC

Hsdsch userLabel RNC

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HsDschResources availabilityStatus RBS

HsDschResources HsDschResourcesId RBSHsDschResources operationalState RBS

Iub IubId RBSIub rbsId RBS

Iub userLabel RBSIuBcLink administrativeState RNC

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IuBcLink availabilityStatus RNC

IuBcLink IuBcLinkId RNCIuBcLink operationalState RNC

IuBcLink userLabel RNC

IubDataStreams hsDataFrameDelayThreshold RBS

IubDataStreams maxHsRate RBS

IubDataStreams schHsFlowControlOnOff RBS

IubEdch edchDataFrameDelayThreshold RNC

IubEdch IubEdchId RNC

IubEdch userLabel RNC

IubLink administrativeState RNC

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IubLink availabilityStatus RNC

IubLink dlHwAdm RNC

IubLink IubLinkId RNCIubLink operationalState RNC

IubLink rbsId RNC

IubLink reservedBy RNC

IubLink rncModuleRef RNCIubLink ulHwAdm RNC

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IubLink userLabel RNC

IurLink cellCapabilityControl RNC

IurLink cellCapabilityControl.edchSupport RNC

IurLink cellCapabilityControl.edchTti2Support RNC

IurLink cellCapabilityControl.enhancedL2Support RNC

IurLink cellCapabilityControl.fdpchSupport RNC

IurLink cellCapabilityControl.hsdschSupport RNC

IurLink edchDataFrameDelayThreshold RNC

IurLink ganHoEnabled RNC

IurLink hspaPathlossThreshold RNC

IurLink iurArpGuaranteed RNC

IurLink iurArpNonguaranteed RNC

IurLink IurLinkId RNC

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IurLink maxMacdPduSizeExtended RNC

IurLink mnc RNC

IurLink rncId RNC

IurLink srncPmReporting RNC

IurLink userLabel RNC

IurLink utranNetworkRef RNCLocationArea att RNC

LocationArea lac RNC

LocationArea LocationAreaId RNC

LocationArea reservedBy RNC

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LocationArea t3212 RNC

LocationArea userLabel RNC

Mbms inactivityTimer RNC

Mbms MbmsId RNC

MbmsCch administrativeState RNC

MbmsCch availabilityStatus RNC

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MbmsCch hcsPrioOffset RNC

MbmsCch MbmsCchId RNC

MbmsCch mcchPowerOffset RNC

MbmsCch mcchPowerOffsetTfci RNC

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MbmsCch michPowerOffset RNC

MbmsCch mtch128PowerOffset RNC

MbmsCch mtch128PowerOffsetTfci RNC

MbmsCch mtch256PowerOffset RNC

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MbmsCch mtch256PowerOffsetTfci RNC

MbmsCch mtch64PowerOffset RNC

MbmsCch mtch64PowerOffsetTfci RNC

MbmsCch nonPlMbmsSaRef RNC

MbmsCch numNotificationInd RNC

MbmsCch operationalState RNC

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MbmsCch plMbmsSaRef RNC

MbmsCch plServiceRestriction RNC

MbmsCch qualityOffset RNC

MbmsServiceArea MbmsServiceAreaId RNC

MbmsServiceArea reservedBy RNC

MbmsServiceArea sac RNC

MbmsServiceArea userLabel RNC

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Mich availabilityStatus RBS

Mich dbchDeviceSetRef RBS

Mich MichId RBS

Mich operationalState RBS

MocnCellProfile commonPlmnRef RNC

MocnCellProfile MocnCellProfileId RNC

MocnCellProfile reservedBy RNC

MocnCellProfile userLabel RNC

MtchFrameSynch iubTransportDelayMax RNC

MtchFrameSynch iubTransportDelayOffset RNC

MtchFrameSynch MtchFrameSynchId RNC

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MtchFrameSynch phaseDriftThreshold RNC

MtchFrameSynch toaWindowEndpoint RNC

MtchFrameSynch toaWindowSize RNC

MultiCarrier cellRefsDl RNC

MultiCarrier MultiCarrierId RNCMultiCarrier multiCarrierSupport RNC

NodeBFunction analogUlAlignIsActive RBS

NodeBFunction availableRbsChannelElementsDownlink RBS

NodeBFunction availableRbsChannelElementsUplink RBS

NodeBFunction branchDiffAbsTime RBS

NodeBFunction branchDiffMeasTime RBS

NodeBFunction collectTraceStatus RBS

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NodeBFunction dlGraceTimeLeft RBS

NodeBFunction dlLicFractBbPool2 RBS

NodeBFunction dlLimitedByLicenseLevel RBS

NodeBFunction eulLowRate RBS

NodeBFunction eulMaxAllowedSchRate RBS

NodeBFunction eulMaxShoRate RBS

NodeBFunction eulNonServHwRate RBS

NodeBFunction eulNoReschUsers RBS

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NodeBFunction eulSchedulingWeight RBS

NodeBFunction eulTargetRate RBS

NodeBFunction featureState16Qam RBS

NodeBFunction featureState64Qam RBS

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NodeBFunction featureStateDlPowerControlEul RBS

NodeBFunction featureStateEul2msTti RBS

NodeBFunction featureStateGrake RBS

NodeBFunction featureStateHsdpaFlexibleScheduler RBS

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NodeBFunction featureStateHsdpaImprovedLinkAdaptation RBS

NodeBFunction featureStateMbmsIubEfficiency RBS

NodeBFunction featureStateRetCascading RBS

NodeBFunction featureStateStandardizedRet RBS

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NodeBFunction featureStateStandardizedTma RBS

NodeBFunction licenseCapacityNum40WPowerAmplifiers RBS

NodeBFunction licenseCapacityNum60WPowerAmplifiers RBS

NodeBFunction licenseCapacityNumCarriers RBS

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NodeBFunction licenseCapacityNumEulUsers RBS

NodeBFunction licenseCapacityNumHsdpaUsers RBS

NodeBFunction licenseCapacityNumHsPdschCodes RBS

NodeBFunction RBSlicenseCapacityRbsChannelElementsDownlink

Page 71: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

NodeBFunction licenseCapacityRbsChannelElementsUplink RBS

NodeBFunction licenseState16Qam RBS

NodeBFunction licenseState64Qam RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateConfigurableCarrierBandwidth RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateDlPowerControlEul RBS

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NodeBFunction licenseStateEnhancedLayer2 RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateEnhancedUplinkIntroduction RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateEul2msTti RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateFDpchSrbOnHsdpa RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateGrake RBS

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NodeBFunction licenseStateHsdpaDynamicCodeAllocation RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateHsdpaFlexibleScheduler RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateHsdpaImprovedLinkAdaptation RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateHsdpaIncrementalRedundancy RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateHsdpaMc RBS

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NodeBFunction licenseStateHsdpaMcInactCtrl RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateMbmsIubEfficiency RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateMimo RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateNum40WPowerAmplifiers RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateNum60WPowerAmplifiers RBS

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NodeBFunction licenseStateNumCarriers RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateNumEulUsers RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateNumHsdpaUsers RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateNumHsPdschCodes RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateRbsChannelElementsDownlink RBS

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NodeBFunction licenseStateRbsChannelElementsUplink RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateRetCascading RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateRttPositioning RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateStandardizedRet RBS

NodeBFunction licenseStateStandardizedTma RBS

NodeBFunction NodeBFunctionId RBS

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NodeBFunction steeredHsAllocation RBS

NodeBFunction toaeCch RBS

NodeBFunction toaeDch RBS

NodeBFunction ulGraceTimeLeft RBS

NodeBFunction ulLicFractBbPool2 RBS

NodeBFunction ulLimitedByLicenseLevel RBS

NodeBFunction userLabel RBS

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NodeSynch availabilityStatus RNC

NodeSynch fixedWindowSizeInit RNC

NodeSynch fixedWindowSizeSup RNC

NodeSynch maxAllowedIubRtt RNC

NodeSynch maxTransportDelay RNC

NodeSynch NodeSynchId RNCNodeSynch operationalState RNC

NodeSynch phaseDiffThreshold RNC

NodeSynch phaseMeasurement RNC

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NodeSynch sampleIntervalInit RNC

NodeSynch sampleIntervalSup RNC

NodeSynch slidingWindowSize RNC

NodeSynch staticDelay RNC

NodeSynch timeStamp RNC

NodeSynch userLabel RNC

Paging cnDrxCycleLengthCs RNC

Paging cnDrxCycleLengthPs RNC

Paging noOfPagingRecordTransm RNC

Paging PagingId RNC

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Paging utranDrxCycleLength RNC

Pccpch availabilityStatus RBS

Pccpch dbchDeviceSetRef RBSPccpch operationalState RBS

Pccpch PccpchId RBSPch administrativeState RNC

Pch availabilityStatus RNC

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Pch availabilityStatus RBS

Pch operationalState RNC

Pch operationalState RBS

Pch PchId RNC

Pch PchId RBSPch pchPower RNC

Pch pichPower RNC

Pch sccpchOffset RNC

Pch userLabel RNC

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Pcpich availabilityStatus RBS

Pcpich operationalState RBS

Pcpich PcpichId RBSPich availabilityStatus RBS

Pich dbchDeviceSetRef RBSPich operationalState RBS

Pich PichId RBSPlmnIdentityGroup plmn RNC

PlmnIdentityGroup plmn.mcc RNCPlmnIdentityGroup plmn.mnc RNCPlmnIdentityGroup plmn.mncLength RNC

PlmnIdentityGroup PlmnIdentityGroupId RNC

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PlmnIdentityGroup reservedBy RNC

PlmnIdentityGroup userLabel RNC

PositioningServiceClass agpsMeasTimeMax RNC

PositioningServiceClass delayTolerantRespTimeMax RNC

PositioningServiceClass firstAttemptCandidate RNC

PositioningServiceClass firstAttemptResultQosCheck RNC

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PositioningServiceClass fixedRespTimeMax RNC

PositioningServiceClass lowDelayRespTimeMax RNC

PositioningServiceClass PositioningServiceClassId RNC

PositioningServiceClass reportedConfidenceLevel RNC

PositioningServiceClass secondAttemptMethod RNC

PositioningServiceClass secondAttemptResultQosCheck RNC

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PositioningServiceClass shapeConversionEa RNC

PositioningServiceClass shapeConversionEp RNC

PositioningServiceClass shapeConversionEpa RNC

PositioningServiceClass shapeConversionEpaue RNC

PositioningServiceClass shapeConversionEpuc RNC

PositioningServiceClass shapeConversionEpue RNC

PositioningServiceClass shapeConversionP RNC

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PositioningServiceClass thirdAttemptMethod RNC

PositioningServiceClass userLabel RNC

PowerControl cBackOff RNC

PowerControl cNbifho RNC

PowerControl cPO RNC

PowerControl dlInitSirTarget RNC

PowerControl dlPcMethod RNC

PowerControl ecNoPcpichDefault RNC

PowerControl fdpchErrorRateTarget RNC

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PowerControl fixedPowerDl RNC

PowerControl fixedRefPower RNC

PowerControl initShoPowerParam RNC

PowerControl pcpichPowerDefault RNC

PowerControl pO1 RNC

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PowerControl pO2 RNC

PowerControl pO3 RNC

PowerControl PowerControlId RNC

PowerControl sirMax RNC

PowerControl sirMaxTti2 RNC

PowerControl sirMin RNC

PowerControl transmissionTargetError RNC

PowerControl transmissionTargetErrorTti2 RNC

PowerControl ulInitSirTargetEdch RNC

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PowerControl ulInitSirTargetEdchSrb RNC

PowerControl ulInitSirTargetEdchTti2 RNC

PowerControl ulInitSirTargetExtraHigh RNC

PowerControl ulInitSirTargetHigh RNC

PowerControl ulInitSirTargetLow RNC

PowerControl ulInitSirTargetSrb RNC

PowerControl ulOuterLoopRegulator RNC

PowerControl ulSirStep RNC

PowerControl ulSirStepTti2 RNC

Page 90: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Prach availabilityStatus RBS

Prach operationalState RBS

Prach PrachId RBSPrach ubchDeviceSetRef RBSPredefRbsScannerGpeh fileLocation RBS

PredefRbsScannerGpeh maxFileSize RBS

PredefRbsScannerGpeh maxStorageSize RBS

PredefRbsScannerGpeh PredefRbsScannerGpehId RBS

Page 91: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

PredefRbsScannerGpeh scanState RBS

Psch availabilityStatus RBS

Psch operationalState RBS

Psch PschId RBSRabHandling activeQueueMgmt RNC

RabHandling amrNbMmUeRelease RNC

RabHandling psStreamingInactivityTimer RNC

RabHandling RabHandlingId RNCRach administrativeState RNC

Rach aichPower RNC

Page 92: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Rach aichTransmissionTiming RNC

Rach availabilityStatus RNC

Rach availabilityStatus RBS

Rach constantValueCprach RNC

Page 93: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Rach increasedRachCoverageEnabled RNC

Rach maxPreambleCycle RNCRach operationalState RNC

Rach operationalState RBS

Rach powerOffsetP0 RNC

Rach powerOffsetPpm RNC

Rach preambleRetransMax RNCRach preambleSignatures RNC

Rach RachId RNC

Rach RachId RBS

Page 94: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Rach scramblingCodeWordNo RNC

Rach spreadingFactor RNC

Rach subChannelNo RNC

Rach userLabel RNC

RbsConfiguration configFaultReason RBS

Page 95: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RbsConfiguration rbsConfigLevel RBS

RbsConfiguration RbsConfigurationId RBSRbsConfiguration rbsLogicalName RBSRbsLocalCell availabilityStatus RBS

RbsLocalCell carrierRef RBSRbsLocalCell cellRange RBS

Page 96: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RbsLocalCell eDch2msTtiCapability RBS

RbsLocalCell eDchCapability RBS

RbsLocalCell eHichMinCodePower RBS

RbsLocalCell eulLockedOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate RBS

RbsLocalCell eulMaxNoSchEDch RBS

RbsLocalCell eulMaxOwnUuLoad RBS

Page 97: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RbsLocalCell eulMaxRotCoverage RBS

RbsLocalCell eulMinMarginCoverage RBS

RbsLocalCell eulNoERgchGroups RBS

RbsLocalCell eulOptimalNoiseFloorLock RBS

RbsLocalCell eulOptimalNoiseFloorLock.eulNoiseFloorLock RBS

RbsLocalCell RBS

RbsLocalCell eulSlidingWindowTime RBS

RbsLocalCell eulThermalLevelPrior RBS


Page 98: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RbsLocalCell fDpchCapability RBS

RbsLocalCell featureStateEnhancedLayer2 RBS

RbsLocalCell featureStateFDpchSrbOnHsdpa RBS

RbsLocalCell featureStateHsdpaDynamicCodeAllocation RBS

Page 99: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RbsLocalCell featureStateHsdpaIncrementalRedundancy RBS

RbsLocalCell featureStateHsdpaMc RBS

RbsLocalCell featureStateHsdpaMcInactCtrl RBS

Page 100: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RbsLocalCell featureStateMimo RBS

RbsLocalCell hsCodeResourceId RBS

RbsLocalCell hsdpaCapability RBS

RbsLocalCell hsdpaMcCapability RBS

RbsLocalCell localCellId RBS

Page 101: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RbsLocalCell maxDlPowerCapability RBS

RbsLocalCell maxEAgchPowerDl RBS

RbsLocalCell maxEAgchPowerDlTti2 RBS

RbsLocalCell maxNumEulUsers RBS

RbsLocalCell maxNumHsdpaUsers RBS

Page 102: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RbsLocalCell maxNumHsPdschCodes RBS

RbsLocalCell maxUserEHichERgchPowerDl RBS

RbsLocalCell maxUserEHichPowerDlTti2 RBS

RbsLocalCell minDlPowerCapability RBS

RbsLocalCell minSpreadingFactor RBS

RbsLocalCell operationalState RBS

Page 103: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RbsLocalCell qualityCheckPowerEHich RBS

RbsLocalCell RbsLocalCellId RBSRbsLocalCell rbsSynchronizationRef RBSRbsLocalCell userLabel RBSRbsSynchronization masterTu RBS

RbsSynchronization nodeIsStable RBS

RbsSynchronization nodeIsSynchronized RBS

RbsSynchronization plugInUnitRef1 RBS

RbsSynchronization plugInUnitRef2 RBS

RbsSynchronization RbsSynchronizationId RBSRbsSynchronization timDeviceRef1 RBS

RbsSynchronization timDeviceRef2 RBS

Rcs cchWaitCuT RNC

Page 104: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Rcs dchRcLostT RNC

Rcs hsDschRcLostT RNC

Rcs RcsId RNC

ResMeasControl ResMeasControlId RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasPeriodInteractive RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasPeriodSpeech RNC

Page 105: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

ResMeasControl resMeasPeriodStreaming RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasPeriodVideo RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure1 RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure1.rmq RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure1.service RNC

Page 106: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

ResMeasControl resMeasure10 RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure10.rmq RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure10.service RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure11 RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure11.rmq RNC

Page 107: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

ResMeasControl resMeasure11.service RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure12 RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure12.rmq RNC

Page 108: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

ResMeasControl resMeasure12.service RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure2 RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure2.rmq RNC

Page 109: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

ResMeasControl resMeasure2.service RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure3 RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure3.rmq RNC

Page 110: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

ResMeasControl resMeasure3.service RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure4 RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure4.rmq RNC

Page 111: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

ResMeasControl resMeasure4.service RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure5 RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure5.rmq RNC

Page 112: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

ResMeasControl resMeasure5.service RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure6 RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure6.rmq RNC

Page 113: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

ResMeasControl resMeasure6.service RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure7 RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure7.rmq RNC

Page 114: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

ResMeasControl resMeasure7.service RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure8 RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure8.rmq RNC

Page 115: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

ResMeasControl resMeasure8.service RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure9 RNC

ResMeasControl resMeasure9.rmq RNC

Page 116: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

ResMeasControl resMeasure9.service RNC

ResMeasControl resUeFraction RNC

RetDevice aretDeviceData RBS

RetDevice aretDeviceData.antennaBearing RBS

RetDevice aretDeviceData.antennaModelNumber RBS

RetDevice aretDeviceData.antennaOperatingBand RBS

RetDevice aretDeviceData.antennaSerialNumber RBS

RetDevice aretDeviceData.baseStationId RBS

RetDevice aretDeviceData.beamwidthForBands RBS

Page 117: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RetDevice aretDeviceData.gainForBands RBS

RetDevice aretDeviceData.installationDate RBS

RetDevice aretDeviceData.installedMechTilt RBS

RetDevice aretDeviceData.installersId RBS

RetDevice aretDeviceData.maxSupportedElectricalTilt RBS

RetDevice aretDeviceData.minSupportedElectricalTilt RBS

RetDevice aretDeviceData.sectorId RBS

RetDevice availabilityStatus RBS

RetDevice electricalAntennaTilt RBS

RetDevice operationalState RBS

RetDevice reservedBy RBSRetDevice RetDeviceId RBS

Page 118: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RetDevice usageState RBS

RetDeviceSet availabilityStatus RBS

RetDeviceSet operationalState RBS

RetDeviceSet productNumber RBSRetDeviceSet RetDeviceSetId RBSRetDeviceSet retType RBS

RetDeviceSet revState RBS

Page 119: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RetuDeviceGroup availabilityStatus RBS

RetuDeviceGroup hwTestResult RBS

RetuDeviceGroup operationalState RBS

RetuDeviceGroup RetuDeviceGroupId RBSRetuDeviceGroup usageState RBS

RncCapacity capacityUnit RNC

RncCapacity currentCapacityLimit RNC

RncCapacity currentCapacityLimit.noLimit RNC

RncCapacity currentCapacityLimit.value RNC

Page 120: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RncCapacity isLicensedControlled RNC

RncCapacity keyId RNC

RncCapacity licensedCapacityLimit RNC

RncCapacity licensedCapacityLimit.noLimit RNC

RncCapacity licensedCapacityLimit.value RNC

RncCapacity operatorCapacityLimit RNC

RncCapacity operatorCapacityLimit.noLimit RNC

RncCapacity operatorCapacityLimit.value RNC

RncCapacity RncCapacityId RNC

RncConfigLimits ccDevicesLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits cellRelationsLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits dcDevicesLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits externalGsmCellsLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits externalUtranCellsLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits iubLinksLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits locationAreasLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits mbmsServiceAreasLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits packetDataRoutersLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits pdrDevicesLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits RncConfigLimitsId RNC

RncConfigLimits rncModulesLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits routingAreasLimit RNC

Page 121: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RncConfigLimits serviceAreasLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits urasLimit RNC

RncConfigLimits utranCellsLimit RNC

RncFeature featureState RNC

RncFeature isLicenseControlled RNC

RncFeature keyId RNCRncFeature licenseState RNC

RncFeature RncFeatureId RNCRncFeature serviceState RNC

RncFunction aliasPlmnIdentities RNC

RncFunction aliasPlmnIdentities.mcc RNCRncFunction aliasPlmnIdentities.mnc RNCRncFunction aliasPlmnIdentities.mncLength RNC

RncFunction ctrFileSize RNC

Page 122: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RncFunction cyclicAcb RNC

RncFunction cyclicAcb.acbEnabled RNC

RncFunction cyclicAcb.rotationGroupSize RNC

RncFunction cyclicAcbCs RNC

Page 123: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RncFunction cyclicAcbCs.acbEnabled RNC

RncFunction cyclicAcbCs.rotationGroupSize RNC

RncFunction cyclicAcbPs RNC

RncFunction cyclicAcbPs.acbEnabled RNC

RncFunction cyclicAcbPs.rotationGroupSize RNC

Page 124: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RncFunction cyclicAcbRotationTime RNC

RncFunction ecCnPriorityLevel RNC

RncFunction ecCnSbhoRequestIgnore RNC

RncFunction ecLocationAttemptUmts RNC

RncFunction ecSbhoTimer RNC

Page 125: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RncFunction emergencyCallRedirect RNC

RncFunction evolvedHsUePrioEnabled RNC

RncFunction evolvedHsUePrioLevel RNC

Page 126: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RncFunction evolvedHsUePrioLoadThresh RNC

RncFunction gpehDataLevel RNC

RncFunction gpehFileSize RNC

RncFunction highPrioScanReserve RNC

RncFunction hsCellChangeAllowed RNC

RncFunction hsOnlyBestCell RNC

RncFunction hsToDchTrigger RNC

Page 127: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RncFunction hsToDchTrigger.changeOfBestCellInterRnc RNC

RncFunction hsToDchTrigger.changeOfBestCellIntraRnc RNC

RncFunction hsToDchTrigger.poorQualityDetected RNC

RncFunction hsToDchTrigger.servHsChangeInterRnc RNC

RncFunction hsToDchTrigger.servHsChangeIntraRnc RNC

RncFunction initialIuAccessRateMax RNC

RncFunction iuSccpConRateMeasPeriod RNC

Page 128: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RncFunction iuSccpConRateThresh RNC

RncFunction loadSharingDirRetryEnabled RNC

RncFunction loadSharingRrcEnabled RNC

RncFunction maxAllowedGbrDlPsStream RNC

RncFunction maxPowerOverloadHystTime RNC

RncFunction mcc RNC

Page 129: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RncFunction mnc RNC

RncFunction mncLength RNC

RncFunction mocnExternalNriMatching RNC

RncFunction networkResourceIdentifierLengthCs RNC

Page 130: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RncFunction networkResourceIdentifierLengthPs RNC

RncFunction primaryCnOperatorRef RNC

RncFunction RncFunctionId RNC

RncFunction rncId RNC

RncFunction uetrFileSize RNC

RncFunction userLabel RNC

RncRealtimeIndicators fachDchHsUsers RNC

RncRealtimeIndicators iuThroughputCs RNC

Page 131: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RncRealtimeIndicators iuThroughputPs RNC

RncRealtimeIndicators RncRealtimeIndicatorsId RNC

RnlQosClassProfile RnlQosClassProfileId RNC

RnlQosClassProfile tcPsBgArpSpiMapRef RNC

RnlQosClassProfile tcPsBgQosRef RNC

RnlQosClassProfile userLabel RNC

RoutingArea nmo RNC

RoutingArea rac RNC

RoutingArea reservedBy RNC

RoutingArea RoutingAreaId RNC

RoutingArea userLabel RNC

Rrc cfnOffsetMarginFirstRabEst RNC

Page 132: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Rrc cfnOffsetMarginSrbDchDl RNC

Rrc cfnOffsetMarginSrbHs RNC

Rrc RrcId RNC

Rrc t305 RNC

RttPositioning measTimeMaxRbs RNC

Page 133: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RttPositioning measTimeMaxUe RNC

RttPositioning outlierFactor RNC

RttPositioning posQualities RNC

RttPositioning posQualities.accuracyCodeTypical RNC

RttPositioning posQualities.confidenceEstimate RNC

RttPositioning posQualities.responseTimeTypical RNC

RttPositioning posQualities.verticalAccuracyCodeTypical RNC

Page 134: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RttPositioning propagationTimeUncertainty RNC

RttPositioning RttPositioningId RNC

Sccpch availabilityStatus RBS

Sccpch dbchDeviceSetRef RBS

Sccpch operationalState RBS

Sccpch SccpchId RBSSector availabilityStatus RBS

Page 135: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector band RBS

Sector beamDirection RBS

Sector geoDatum RBS

Sector height RBS

Sector latHemisphere RBS

Sector latitude RBS

Sector lineRate RBS

Page 136: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector longitude RBS

Sector maxInternalUlGainOn RBS

Sector numberOfTxBranches RBS

Sector operationalState RBS

Sector proceduralStatus RBS

Sector radioBuildingBlock RBS

Sector reservedBy RBSSector retDevicesRef RBS

Sector sectorAntennasRef RBS

Sector SectorId RBS

Page 137: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector tmaDeviceRef RBS

Sector userLabel RBSSectorAntenna antennaType RBS

SectorAntenna reservedBy RBSSectorAntenna SectorAntennaId RBSSecurityHandling ciphering RNC

SecurityHandling SecurityHandlingId RNC

ServiceArea reservedBy RNC

ServiceArea sac RNC

ServiceArea ServiceAreaId RNC

ServiceArea userLabel RNC

Page 138: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sid noOfMaxDrxCycles RNC

Sid noOfMibValueTagRetrans RNC

Sid sb1 RNC

Sid sb1.sb1RepPeriod RNC

Sid sb1.sb1StartPos RNC

Sid schedulingBlockEnabled RNC

Sid sib1 RNC

Page 139: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sid sib1.sib1RepPeriod RNC

Sid sib1.sib1StartPos RNC

Sid sib11 RNC

Sid sib11.sib11RepPeriod RNC

Sid sib11.sib11StartPos RNC

Sid sib12 RNC

Page 140: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sid sib12.sib12RepPeriod RNC

Sid sib12.sib12StartPos RNC

Sid sib18 RNC

Sid sib18.sib18RepPeriod RNC

Sid sib18.sib18StartPos RNC

Sid sib2 RNC

Page 141: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sid sib2.sib2RepPeriod RNC

Sid sib2.sib2StartPos RNC

Sid sib3 RNC

Sid sib3.sib3RepPeriod RNC

Sid sib3.sib3StartPos RNC

Sid sib5 RNC

Page 142: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sid sib5.sib5RepPeriod RNC

Sid sib5.sib5StartPos RNC

Sid sib7 RNC

Sid sib7.sib7RepPeriod RNC

Sid sib7.sib7StartPos RNC

Page 143: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sid sib7ExpirationTimeFactor RNC

Sid SidId RNC

Sid updateCellReattsNo RNC

SpiQosClass flowControl RNC

SpiQosClass reservedBy RNC

SpiQosClass SpiQosClassId RNC

SpiQosClass userLabel RNC

Ssch availabilityStatus RBS

Page 144: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Ssch operationalState RBS

Ssch SschId RBSTcMap arpSpiMapRef RNC

TcMap gbrRangeEnd RNC

TcMap gbrRangeStart RNC

TcMap qosRef RNC

TcMap TcMapId RNC

TcMap tdRangeEnd RNC

Page 145: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

TcMap tdRangeStart RNC

TcMap userLabel RNC

TmaDevice availabilityStatus RBS

TmaDevice operationalState RBS

TmaDevice reservedBy RBSTmaDevice TmaDeviceId RBSTmaDevice usageState RBS

Page 146: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

TmaDeviceSet availabilityStatus RBS

TmaDeviceSet dlAttenuation RBS

TmaDeviceSet dlTrafficDelay RBS

TmaDeviceSet operationalState RBS

TmaDeviceSet TmaDeviceSetId RBSTmaDeviceSet ulTrafficDelay RBS

TmaDeviceSet userLabel RBSTnlCchQosClassProfile TnlCchQosClassProfileId RNC

TnlCchQosClassProfile userLabel RNC

TnlDchQosClassProfile TnlDchQosClassProfileId RNC

TnlDchQosClassProfile userLabel RNC

TnlHspaQosClassProfile TnlHspaQosClassProfileId RNC

Page 147: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

TnlHspaQosClassProfile userLabel RNC

TnlIuQosClassProfile TnlIuQosClassProfileId RNC

TnlIuQosClassProfile userLabel RNC

TnlQosClass aal2QosClass RNC

TnlQosClass dscpEgress RNC

TnlQosClass dscpIngress RNC

TnlQosClass reservedBy RNC

TnlQosClass spi RNC

TnlQosClass TnlQosClassId RNC

TnlQosClass userLabel RNC

TpaDevice maxTotalOutputPower RBS

Page 148: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

TrafficClass arpSpiMapRef RNC

TrafficClass cnInd RNC

TrafficClass defaultQosRef RNC

TrafficClass serviceInd RNC

TrafficClass ssd RNC

TrafficClass tcInd RNC

TrafficClass TrafficClassId RNC

TrafficClass userLabel RNC

Page 149: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

TrafficClassPsInt arpSpiMapRef RNC

TrafficClassPsInt qosRef RNC

TrafficClassPsInt si RNC

TrafficClassPsInt thp RNC

TrafficClassPsInt TrafficClassPsIntId RNC

TrafficClassPsInt userLabel RNC

TxDeviceGroup numEulResources RBS

Page 150: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

TxDeviceGroup numHsCodeResources RBS

UeMeasControl event1dRncOffset RNC

UeMeasControl event1dRncThreshold RNC

UeMeasControl filterCoeff4_2b RNC

Page 151: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl filterCoeff6 RNC

UeMeasControl filterCoefficient1 RNC

UeMeasControl filterCoefficient2 RNC

UeMeasControl gsmFilterCoefficient3 RNC

UeMeasControl gsmThresh3a RNC

UeMeasControl hsHysteresis1d RNC

UeMeasControl hsQualityEstimate RNC

UeMeasControl hsTimeToTrigger1d RNC

UeMeasControl hyst4_2b RNC

Page 152: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl hysteresis1a RNC

UeMeasControl hysteresis1b RNC

UeMeasControl hysteresis1c RNC

Page 153: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl hysteresis1d RNC

UeMeasControl hysteresis2d RNC

UeMeasControl hysteresis2f RNC

UeMeasControl hysteresis3a RNC

Page 154: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl measQuantity1 RNC

UeMeasControl nonUsedFreqThresh4_2bEcno RNC

UeMeasControl nonUsedFreqThresh4_2bRscp RNC

UeMeasControl nonUsedFreqW4_2b RNC

UeMeasControl reportingInterval1a RNC

Page 155: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl reportingInterval1c RNC

UeMeasControl reportingRange1a RNC

UeMeasControl reportingRange1b RNC

Page 156: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl timeToTrigger1a RNC

UeMeasControl timeToTrigger1b RNC

Page 157: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl timeToTrigger1c RNC

UeMeasControl timeToTrigger1d RNC

Page 158: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl timeToTrigger2dEcno RNC

UeMeasControl timeToTrigger2dRscp RNC

UeMeasControl timeToTrigger2fEcno RNC

UeMeasControl timeToTrigger2fRscp RNC

Page 159: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl timeToTrigger3a RNC

UeMeasControl timeToTrigger6d RNC

UeMeasControl timeTrigg4_2b RNC

UeMeasControl timeTrigg6b RNC

UeMeasControl txPowerConnQualMonEnabled RNC

UeMeasControl UeMeasControlId RNC

Page 160: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl ueTxPowerThresh6b RNC

UeMeasControl usedFreqGanThreshEcNo RNC

UeMeasControl usedFreqRelThresh2fEcno RNC

UeMeasControl usedFreqRelThresh2fRscp RNC

Page 161: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl usedFreqRelThresh4_2bEcno RNC

UeMeasControl usedFreqRelThresh4_2bRscp RNC

UeMeasControl usedFreqThresh2dEcnoDrnc RNC

UeMeasControl usedFreqThresh2dRscpDrnc RNC

Page 162: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl usedFreqW2d RNC

UeMeasControl usedFreqW2f RNC

UeMeasControl usedFreqW4_2b RNC

UeMeasControl userLabel RNC

UeMeasControl utranFilterCoefficient3 RNC

UeMeasControl utranRelThresh3aEcno RNC

UeMeasControl utranRelThresh3aRscp RNC

Page 163: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeMeasControl utranRelThreshRscp RNC

UeMeasControl utranW3a RNC

UeMeasControl w1a RNC

UeMeasControl w1b RNC

UePositioning cellIdPosQualities RNC

Page 164: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UePositioning cellIdPosQualities.accuracyCodeTypical RNC

UePositioning cellIdPosQualities.confidenceEstimate RNC

UePositioning cellIdPosQualities.responseTimeTypical RNC

UePositioning RNC

UePositioning clientTypeMapping RNC

UePositioning clientTypeMapping.lawfulInterceptServices RNC

UePositioning RNC

UePositioning RNC

UePositioning clientTypeMapping.plmnOperOm RNC

UePositioning clientTypeMapping.plmnOperServices RNC

UePositioning RNC

UePositioning clientTypeMapping.valueAddedServices RNC





Page 165: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UePositioning enabledPositioningFeatures RNC

UePositioning UePositioningId RNC

UeRabType UeRabTypeId RNCUeRc serviceOffset2dEcno RNC

UeRc serviceOffset2dRscp RNC

UeRc UeRcId RNCUeRc userLabel RNC

UeRcEdchFlow harqTransmUlMax RNC

UeRcEdchFlow tti RNC

UeRcEdchFlow UeRcEdchFlowId RNC

Page 166: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UeRcPhyChEdch eulHarqRv RNC

UeRcPhyChEdch UeRcPhyChEdchId RNCUeRcRab fcState RNC

UeRcRab UeRcRabId RNCUeRcTrCh blerQualityTargetDl RNC

UeRcTrCh blerQualityTargetUl RNC

UeRcTrCh UeRcTrChId RNCUra reservedBy RNC

Ura UraId RNC

Ura uraIdentity RNC

Ura userLabel RNC

Page 167: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell accessClassesBarredCs RNC

UtranCell accessClassesBarredPs RNC

Page 168: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell accessClassNBarred RNC

UtranCell administrativeState RNC

UtranCell agpsEnabled RNC

UtranCell amrNbSelector RNC

UtranCell amrWbRateDlMax RNC

UtranCell amrWbRateUlMax RNC

Page 169: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell antennaPosition RNC

UtranCell antennaPosition.latitude RNC

UtranCell antennaPosition.latitudeSign RNC

UtranCell antennaPosition.longitude RNC

UtranCell aseDlAdm RNC

UtranCell aseLoadThresholdUlSpeech RNC

UtranCell aseLoadThresholdUlSpeech.amr12200 RNC

UtranCell aseLoadThresholdUlSpeech.amr5900 RNC

UtranCell aseLoadThresholdUlSpeech.amr7950 RNC

UtranCell aseUlAdm RNC

Page 170: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell availabilityStatus RNC

UtranCell bchPower RNC

UtranCell cbsSchedulePeriodLength RNC

UtranCell cellBroadcastSac RNC

UtranCell cellReserved RNC

UtranCell cId RNC

Page 171: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell codeLoadThresholdDlSf128 RNC

UtranCell compModeAdm RNC

UtranCell ctchOccasionPeriod RNC

UtranCell directedRetryTarget RNC

UtranCell dlCodeAdm RNC

UtranCell eulNonServingCellUsersAdm RNC

UtranCell eulServingCellUsersAdm RNC

Page 172: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell eulServingCellUsersAdmTti2 RNC

UtranCell fachMeasOccaCycLenCoeff RNC

UtranCell fdpchSupport RNC

UtranCell ganHoEnabled RNC

UtranCell hardIfhoCorr RNC

UtranCell hcsSib3Config RNC

UtranCell hcsSib3Config.hcsPrio RNC

UtranCell hcsSib3Config.qHcs RNC

UtranCell hcsSib3Config.sSearchHcs RNC

UtranCell hcsUsage RNC

Page 173: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell hcsUsage.connectedMode RNC

UtranCell hcsUsage.idleMode RNC

UtranCell hoType RNC

UtranCell hsdpaUsersAdm RNC

UtranCell iFCong RNC

Page 174: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell iFHyst RNC

UtranCell individualOffset RNC

UtranCell interFreqFddMeasIndicator RNC

UtranCell interPwrMax RNC

Page 175: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell interRate RNC

UtranCell iubLinkRef RNCUtranCell loadBasedHoSupport RNC

UtranCell loadBasedHoType RNC

UtranCell loadSharingGsmFraction RNC

UtranCell loadSharingGsmThreshold RNC

Page 176: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell loadSharingMargin RNC

UtranCell localCellId RNC

UtranCell locationAreaRef RNCUtranCell maximumTransmissionPower RNC

UtranCell maxPwrMax RNC

UtranCell maxRate RNC

Page 177: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell maxTxPowerUl RNC

UtranCell minimumRate RNC

UtranCell minPwrMax RNC

UtranCell minPwrRl RNC

Page 178: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell mocnCellProfileRef RNC

UtranCell nInSyncInd RNC

UtranCell nOutSyncInd RNC

UtranCell operationalState RNC

UtranCell primaryCpichPower RNC

UtranCell primarySchPower RNC

UtranCell primaryScramblingCode RNC

UtranCell pwrAdm RNC

Page 179: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell pwrHyst RNC

UtranCell pwrLoadThresholdDlSpeech RNC

UtranCell pwrLoadThresholdDlSpeech.amr12200 RNC

UtranCell pwrLoadThresholdDlSpeech.amr5900 RNC

UtranCell pwrLoadThresholdDlSpeech.amr7950 RNC

Page 180: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell pwrOffset RNC

UtranCell qHyst1 RNC

UtranCell qHyst2 RNC

UtranCell qQualMin RNC

UtranCell qRxLevMin RNC

UtranCell qualMeasQuantity RNC

UtranCell rateSelectionPsInteractive RNC

Page 181: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell rateSelectionPsInteractive.channelType RNC

UtranCell rateSelectionPsInteractive.dlPrefRate RNC

UtranCell rateSelectionPsInteractive.ulPrefRate RNC

UtranCell releaseAseDl RNC

Page 182: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell releaseAseDlNg RNC

UtranCell reservedBy RNC

UtranCell rlFailureT RNC

UtranCell routingAreaRef RNC

UtranCell secondarySchPower RNC

UtranCell serviceAreaRef RNC

UtranCell serviceRestrictions RNC

UtranCell serviceRestrictions.csVideoCalls RNC

Page 183: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell sf16Adm RNC

UtranCell sf16AdmUl RNC

UtranCell sf16gAdm RNC

Page 184: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell sf32Adm RNC

UtranCell sf4AdmUl RNC

UtranCell sf8Adm RNC

Page 185: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell sf8AdmUl RNC

UtranCell sf8gAdmUl RNC

UtranCell sHcsRat RNC

UtranCell sib1PlmnScopeValueTag RNC

UtranCell sInterSearch RNC

Page 186: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell sIntraSearch RNC

UtranCell sRatSearch RNC

UtranCell standAloneSrbSelector RNC

UtranCell tCell RNC

Page 187: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell tmCongAction RNC

UtranCell tmCongActionNg RNC

UtranCell tmInitialG RNC

UtranCell transmissionScheme RNC

UtranCell treSelection RNC

Page 188: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell uarfcnDl RNC

UtranCell uarfcnUl RNC

UtranCell uraRef RNC

Page 189: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranCell usedFreqThresh2dEcno RNC

UtranCell usedFreqThresh2dRscp RNC

UtranCell userLabel RNC

UtranCell UtranCellId RNCUtranCell utranCellPosition RNC

UtranNetwork aliasPlmnIdentities RNC

Page 190: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

UtranNetwork aliasPlmnIdentities.mcc RNCUtranNetwork aliasPlmnIdentities.mnc RNCUtranNetwork aliasPlmnIdentities.mncLength RNC

UtranNetwork plmnIdentity RNCUtranNetwork plmnIdentity.mcc RNCUtranNetwork plmnIdentity.mnc RNCUtranNetwork plmnIdentity.mncLength RNC

UtranNetwork reservedBy RNC

UtranNetwork userLabel RNC

UtranNetwork UtranNetworkId RNCUtranRelation frequencyRelationType RNC

UtranRelation hcsSib11Config RNC

UtranRelation hcsSib11Config.hcsPrio RNC

UtranRelation hcsSib11Config.penaltyTime RNC

UtranRelation hcsSib11Config.qHcs RNC

UtranRelation hcsSib11Config.temporaryOffset1 RNC

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UtranRelation hcsSib11Config.temporaryOffset2 RNC

UtranRelation loadSharingCandidate RNC

UtranRelation nodeRelationType RNC

UtranRelation qOffset1sn RNC

UtranRelation qOffset2sn RNC

UtranRelation selectionPriority RNC

UtranRelation utranCellRef RNC

UtranRelation UtranRelationId RNC

Page 192: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

WcdmaCarrier defaultHoType RNC

WcdmaCarrier freqBand RNC

WcdmaCarrier sib5bisEnabled RNC

WcdmaCarrier uarfcnDl RNC

WcdmaCarrier userLabel RNC

WcdmaCarrier WcdmaCarrierId RNC

Page 193: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Radio Network Parameters86/1553-HSD 101 02/10 Uen

Parameter Description Default Value

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

Altitude of the UE reference position, independent of whether the pre-estimate is successful or the RNC instead uses a fall-back position. Altitudes larger than 32767 meters are represented as 32767 meters.Before starting the GPS measurements in the UE, the RNC makes a pre-estimate of the UE position. If the pre-estimate is successful, it is used as the UE reference position. If the pre-estimate fails, a fall-back position is used as the UE reference position instead. This reference position is sent from the RNC to the UE when starting the GPS measurements.

Unit: mChange takes effect: Ongoing connections

Altitude direction of the UE reference position, independent of whether the pre-estimate is successful or the RNC instead uses a fall-back position. The direction refers to height above or depth below the WGS84 ellipsoid surface. Before starting the GPS measurements in the UE, the RNC makes a pre-estimate of the UE position. If the pre-estimate is successful, it is used as the UE reference position. If the pre-estimate fails, a fall-back position is used as the UE reference position instead. This reference position is sent from the RNC to the UE when starting the GPS measurements.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Confidence of the UE reference position. This value is only used when the pre-estimate is successful, that is, is used as the UE reference position.Before starting the GPS measurements in the UE, the RNC makes a pre-estimate of the UE position. If the pre-estimate is successful, it is used as the UE reference position. If the pre-estimate fails, a fall-back position is used as the UE reference position instead. This reference position is sent from the RNC to the UE when starting the GPS measurements.

Special values:0 indicates that no information is available.

Unit: %Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

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Threshold for satellite elevation. The satellites that are below the elevation threshold will not be used.

Unit: degreesChange takes effect: Ongoing connections

Scale factor that is multiplied with the uncertainty estimate This value is only used when the pre-estimate is successful, that is, used as the UE reference position.Before starting the GPS measurements in the UE, the RNC makes a pre-estimate of the UE position. If the pre-estimate is successful, it is used as the UE reference position. If the pre-estimate fails, a fall-back position is used as the UE reference position instead. This reference position is sent from the RNC to the UE when starting the GPS measurements.

Value mapping:1: 0.12: 0.2...n: n / 10...999: 99.91000: 100.0

Unit: 0.1Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Typical QoS parameters for the A-GPS positioning method.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Expected accuracy code of the positioning method, to be used in the selection of the positioning method for the first positioning attempt. The uncertainty radius of a circular uncertainty measure (in meters) is related to the accuracy code by:Radius = 10 x (1.1^accuracyCodeTypical - 1)

Specification: 3GPP TS 23.032

Expected confidence of the positioning method to be used for shape Conversion.

Unit: %

Expected response time of the positioning method to be used in the selection of the positioning method for the first positioning attempt.

Unit: ms Resolution: 100

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Expected vertical accuracy code of the positioning method, to be used in the selection of the positioning method for the first positioning attempt. The uncertainty (in meters) is related to the vertical accuracy code by:Uncertainty = 45 x (1.025^verticalAccuracyCodeTypical - 1)

Specification: 3GPP TS 23.032

Uncertainty in altitude for the UE reference position, independent of whether the pre-estimate is successful or the RNC instead uses a fall-back position.Before starting the GPS measurements in the UE, the RNC makes a pre-estimate of the UE position. If the pre-estimate is successful, it is used as the UE reference position. If the pre-estimate fails, a fall-back position is used as the UE reference position instead. This reference position is sent from the RNC to the UE when starting the GPS measurements.

Value mapping:0 : 0 m1 : 1.13 m2 : 2.28 m3 : 3.46 m...n : 45*((1.025)^n - 1) m...126 : 965.2 m127 : 990.5 m

Unit: 45 * ((1.025)^n - 1) m

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Confidence of the fall-back position, used when the pre-estimate fails.Before starting the GPS measurements in the UE, the RNC makes a pre-estimate of the UE position. If the pre-estimate is successful, it is used as the UE reference position. If the pre-estimate fails, a fall-back position is used as the UE reference position instead. This reference position is sent from the RNC to the UE when starting the GPS measurements.

Special values:0 means that no information is available.

Unit: %Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

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The direction (north or south) of the latitude value. NORTH


Fall-back position used when the pre-estimate fails.Before starting the GPS measurements in the UE, the RNC makes a pre-estimate of the UE position. If the pre-estimate is successful, it is used as the UE reference position. If the pre-estimate fails, a fall-back position is used as the UE reference position instead. This reference position is sent from the RNC to the UE when starting the GPS measurements.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Latitude value (N), derived by the formula:N <= (2^23) * (X / 90) < (N + 1)where X is the latitude in degrees (0░..90░).

Unit: latitude unit

Longitude value (N), derived by the formula:N <= (2^24) * (X / 360) < (N + 1)where X is the longitude in degrees (-180░..+180░).

Unit: longitude unitResolution: 1

Uncertainty semi-major and semi-minor axes for the fall-back position, used when the pre-estimate fails. Both axes are assigned the same value.Before starting the GPS measurements in the UE, the RNC makes a pre-estimate of the UE position. If the pre-estimate is successful, it is used as the UE reference position. If the pre-estimate fails, a fall-back position is used as the UE reference position instead. This reference position is sent from the RNC to the UE when starting the GPS measurements.

Value mapping:0 : 0 meters (m)1 : 1.0 m2 : 2.1 m...n : 10 * ((1.1^n) - 1) m...126 : 1640000 m127 : 1810000 m

Unit: 10 * ((1.1^n) - 1) metersChange takes effect: Ongoing connections

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Reference to MO DbchDeviceSet.


The availability status of the common channel.


Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Threshold for supervision of antenna branch. Supervision is done by ASC if part of the configuration, otherwise by AIU or FU.There are two types of supervision, DC resistance supervision, and VSWR supervision.

Selection of supervision type is controlled by the capabilities of the installed hardware (ASC, AIU and FU). The interpretation of the threshold is dependent on the type of supervision.

When DC resistance supervision is used the threshold maps to a resistance (R),R = (101-antennaSupervisionThreshold)*0.15 ohm

When VSWR supervision is used the threshold is mapped to a return loss (RL),when performed by ASC:RL = 4 + 0.1*antennaSupervisionThreshold dBwhen performed by FU:RL = 3.3 + 0.22*antennaSupervisionThreshold dB

VSWR = (1+10^(-RL/20))/(1-10^(-RL/20))

The threshold value 0 means that the supervision is turned off.

When RET without ASC, antenna DC resistance supervision is possible only on Antenna Branch B or Antenna Branch D. (Antenna VSWR supervision is possible on the TX branch.)

Unit: 1%

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Contains a list of MO instances that reserve this MO instance. 0

A, B, C and D indicates the name of an antenna branch within sector.

Dependencies: The name of an antenna branch must be unique within a sector, that is, two antenna branches must not have the same name.

Denotes the downlink frequency band high edge.

Unit: 0.1 MHzDependencies: fqBandHighEdge > fqBandLowEdge. Must belong to band defined in action initSector (see MO Sector).

Denotes the downlink frequency band low edge.

Unit: 0.1 MHzDependencies: fqBandLowEdge < fqBandHighEdge. Must belong to band defined in action initSector (see MO Sector).

The antenna tilt relative the vertical plane for this antenna. Positive values signify tilting of the antenna forwards from the vertical plane (lowering the antenna beam below the horizontal plane for this antenna). Negative values signify tilting of the antenna backwards from the vertical plane (raising the antenna beam above the horizontal plane for this antenna).

Example: 3 = 0.3 degrees

Unit: 0.1░Dependencies: In case the antenna is equipped with a RETU the total antenna tilt is mechanicalAntennaTilt + RetDevice::electricalAntennaTilt.

The total antenna tilt relative to the vertical plane for this antenna. Vertical antenna tilt = Electrical antenna tilt + Mechanical antenna tilt.

Negative values signify tilting the antenna backwards from the vertical plane, that is, raising the antenna beam.

Positive values signify tilting the antenna forwards from the vertical plane, that is, lowering the antenna beam.

Example: 1 = 0.1 degrees

Unit: 0.1░

Reference to the antenna branch to which this cable must be connected.

Precondition: The referred to MO must exist.

Reference to the hardware unit (for example, RRU) to which this cable must be connected.

Precondition: The referred to MO must exist, and if a plug-in unit MO also the corresponding device group MO.

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Cable attenuation, downlink.

The sequence contains 15 entries and each entry represents one 5 MHz interval.The first entry represents the attenuation value of the lowest frequency interval in the frequency band, and so on.The number of intervals depends on the frequency band.

The value range for each entry is -500..-2, -1, 0..500 (-50..50 dB). Unused entries are set to -1.

For information on the different frequency bands please refer to the 3GPP specification TS 25.104.

An example of the entries required for frequency band 1 is given below.Twelve entries, one entry for each 5 MHz in the interval 2110 MHz to 2170 MHz. Unused entries are set to -1. The table below shows how each attenuation value Ai in entry i, in the sequence attribute, is mapped to a 5-MHz-wide frequency interval. The actual values of Ai are cable-specific and have to be measured.

Entry(i) Range Attenuation Ai0 2110 <= f <= 2115 A0 1 2115 < f <= 2120 A12 2120 < f <= 2125 A2 3 2125 < f <= 2130 A3 4 2130 < f <= 2135 A4 5 2135 < f <= 2140 A5 6 2140 < f <= 2145 A6 Cable delay, downlink.

The sequence contains 15 entries and each entry represents one 5 MHz interval.The first entry represents the delay value of the lowest frequency interval in the frequency band, and so on.The number of intervals depends on the frequency band.

The value range for each entry is 0..800000 (0..800000 ns). Unused entries are set to -1.

For information on the different frequency bands please refer to the 3GPP specification TS 25.104.

An example of the entries required for frequency band 1 is given below.Twelve entries, one entry for each 5 MHz in the interval 2110 MHz to 2170 MHz. Unused entries are set to -1. The table below shows how each delay value Di in entry i, in the sequence attribute, is mapped to a 5-MHz-wide frequency interval. The actual values of Di are cable-specific and have to be measured.

Entry(i) Range Delay Di0 2110 <= f <= 2115 D0 1 2115 < f <= 2120 D12 2120 < f <= 2125 D2 3 2125 < f <= 2130 D3 4 2130 < f <= 2135 D4 5 2135 < f <= 2140 D5 6 2140 < f <= 2145 D6 7 2145 < f <= 2150 D7

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Cable delay, uplink.

The sequence contains 15 entries and each entry represents one 5 MHz interval.The first entry represents the delay value of the lowest frequency interval in the frequency band, and so on.The number of intervals depends on the frequency band.

The value range for each entry is 0..800000 (0..800000 ns). Unused entries are set to -1.

For information on the different frequency bands please refer to the 3GPP specification TS 25.104.

An example of the entries required for frequency band 1 is given below.Twelve entries, one for each 5 MHz in the interval 1920 MHz to 1980 MHz. Unused entries are set to -1. The table below shows how each delay value Di in entry i, in the sequence attribute, is mapped to a 5-MHz-wide frequency interval. The actual values of Di are cable-specific and have to be measured.

Entry(i) Range Delay Di0 1920 <= f <= 1925 D0 1 1925 < f <= 1930 D12 1930 < f <= 1935 D2 3 1935 < f <= 1940 D3 4 1940 < f <= 1945 D4 5 1945 < f <= 1950 D5 6 1950 < f <= 1955 D6 7 1955 < f <= 1960 D7

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Value representing the connector on the hardware unit, to which this cable is connected.

Note that the value NOT_CONNECTED shall only be used temporarily during certain reconfiguration activities. Leaving the cable in this state will result in an alarm at the next node restart or sector initiation.

Possible values:ò NOT_CONNECTED = Used when cables for branch B are moved when adding a carrier.ò ANT_Aò ANT_Bò J1ò H1ò J2ò H2ò J3ò H3ò A1ò A2ò A3ò A4ò A5ò A6ò J1_AND_K1ò J3_AND_K2ò J4ò J5_AND_K3ò J6

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

ARP priority level to be used.

Pre-emption capability.

Pre-emption vulnerability.

Cable attenuation, uplink.

The sequence contains 15 entries and each entry represents one 5 MHz interval.The first entry represents the attenuation value of the lowest frequency interval in the frequency band, and so on.The number of intervals depends on the frequency band.

The value range for each entry is -500..-2, -1, 0..500 (-50..50 dB). Unused entries are set to -1.

For information on the different frequency bands please refer to the 3GPP specification TS 25.104.

An example of the entries required for frequency band 1 is given below.Twelve entries, one for each 5 MHz in the interval 1920 MHz to 1980 MHz. Unused entries are set to -1. The table below shows how each attenuation value Ai in entry i, in the sequence attribute, is mapped to a 5-MHz-wide frequency interval. The actual values of Ai are cable-specific and have to be measured.

Entry(i) Range Attenuation Ai0 1920 <= f <= 1925 A0 1 1925 < f <= 1930 A12 1930 < f <= 1935 A2 3 1935 < f <= 1940 A3 4 1940 < f <= 1945 A4 5 1945 < f <= 1950 A5 6 1950 < f <= 1955 A6 7 1955 < f <= 1960 A7

Default ARP values to be used when no External ARP value is received over RANAP, or when 'no priority' (= 15) is received.

List of internal priority values to which External ARP values are mapped.The index of the sequence element (its position) corresponds to the external ARP value, and the value at that index specifies the internal priority to be used.

System default ARP values used when the ARP mapping feature is not activated through its RncFeature MO instance.

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ARP priority level to be used.

Pre-emption capability.

Pre-emption vulnerability.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

List of SPI values to which External ARP priority values are mapped. The index of the sequence element (its position) corresponds to the external ARP value, and the value at that index points to the SpiQosClass instance to be used. A value of -1 indicates that the default value in the MO referring this instance is used instead.

-1, -1, -1 ,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

The availability status of the common channel.


Page 204: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


Turns the CQI adjustment of the UE reported CQI on or off per cell. 010


Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Reference to the AI device(s) of the carrier. The attribute value is updated at commit of initSector, or at commit of create Carrier (for initiated sector).

Scheduling index to weight the factor (air rate) in the queue selection procedure.


The availability status of the carrier.


Denotes the repetition factor for triggering consecutive erroneous CQI reports.

Value 0 -> the RBS triggered updates are turned off.

Resolution: 1 in range 0..15 and 5 in range 15..100Dependencies: Tuning of cqiErrors is made together with cqiErrorsAbsent.

Denotes the repetition factor for triggering consecutive correct CQI reports.

Value 0 -> the RBS triggered updates are turned off.

Resolution: 1 in range 0..15 and 5 in range 15..100Dependencies: Tuning of cqiErrorsAbsent is made together with cqiErrors.

Reference to the DBCC device(s) of the carrier. The attribute value is updated at commit of initSector, or at commit of create Carrier (for initiated sector).

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Denotes the carrier bandwidth in downlink.

Example: 50 = 5.0 MHz

Unit: 0.1 MHzPrecondition: Cell must not be setup by the RNC. If corresponding sector is initialized the TR devices used by the carrier must be capable of setting DL bandwidth.Dependencies: Can only be set to another value than default in case a valid license key for the feature is installed, that is if NodeBFunction::licenseStateConfigurableCarrierBandwidth = ENABLED. If the value is other than default when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED, a corresponding Carrier_ConfigurableCarrierBandwidthLicenseNotValid alarm is generated.Takes effect: At next cell setup.

Denotes the filter profile that will be used for the carrier bandwidth in downlink.

Possible values:ò STANDARDò ACA800_1

Precondition: Cell must not be setup by the RNC. If corresponding sector is initialized the TR devices used by the carrier must be capable of setting DL filter profile.Takes effect: At next cell setup.

Reference to the DPCL device(s) of the carrier. The attribute value is updated at commit of initSector, or at commit of create Carrier (for initiated sector).

Extra power used for HS-SCCH for a user with SRB on HS. Relative to the output from the HS-SCCH power control.

Unit: 0.1 dB

Extra power used for sending the data during a HSDPA TTI which includes SRB data. Relative to the output from the HS scheduler.

Unit: 0.1 dB

Denotes the frequency plane of the carrier. Carriers with the same frequency plane are allocated to cells with the same frequency. If frequencyPlane is not given at create of the Carrier MO, the RBS system generates a value; the first free frequency plane from the bottom is allocated.

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Parameter determining the required amount of data in the multi carrier (MC) priority queue (PQ) data buffer in order to re-activate the secondary serving HS-DSCH cell for a UE in MC mode for which the secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is currently deactivated. In case of multiple MC-PQs belonging to the same UE any data buffer may contain the required amount of data to in order to perform the re-activation.

The attribute is ignored when licensed feature Multi Carrier Inactivity Control is not activated.

Unit: 250 bytes

Parameter determining the required time of empty multi carrier (MC) priority queue (PQ) data buffer in order to deactivating the secondary serving HS-DSCH cell for a UE in MC mode. In the case of multiple MC-PQs belonging to the same UE all data buffers should be empty during the required time to perform the deactivation.

The attribute is ignored when licensed feature Multi Carrier Inactivity Control is not activated.

Unit: 0.1 s

Power margin the HSDPA scheduler is using when allocating remaining power of cell carrier. It is relative the maximum available power of the cell.

Example: 2 = 0.2 dB

Unit: 0.1 dB

HS-SCCH maximum code power relative PCPICH power. This parameter also determines the fixed power level for HS-SCCH.

Example: 15 = 1.5 dB

Unit: 0.1 dBResolution: 5

HS-SCCH minimum transmit code power relative P-CPICH reference power.

Example: 15 = 1.5 dB

Unit: 0.1 dBResolution: 5

Parameter for configuration of number of TX (transmit) branches.

Precondition: Sector to which the carrier belongs is not initialized (Sector::proceduralStatus = INITIALIZATION_REQUIRED).Dependencies: At initSector, all carriers of a sector must have the same number of TX branches.

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Contains a list of MO instances that reserve this MO instance.50





Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Feedback from the HS-SCCH received quality.

Unit: 1 dB

Specifies the scheduling algorithm used in the cell.


Minimum time period to define the congestion situation of the guaranteed service.Example: 5 = 10ms

Unit: 2 ms

Threshold to detect the congestion situation of the guaranteed service.Example: 5 = 10ms

Unit: 2 ms

Threshold to detect the congestion situation of the non-guaranteed service.

Parameter to define the maximum scheduling delay for scheduling priority class 0 to 15 (the first value in the sequence is for scheduling priority class 0).

Example: 10 = 100 ms

Unit: 10 msUndefined value: -1


Parameter to define the minimum reserved power for the non-guaranteed service in congestion situation. The value is defined as a percentage of maximum transmission power.

Unit: 1%

Minimum time period to define the time that congestion situation of the guaranteed service ends. Example: 5 = 10ms

Unit: 2 ms

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Threshold to detect the time that congestion situation of the guaranteed service ends.Example: 15 = 30 ms

Unit: 2 ms

Parameter to define the minimum necessary power for the guaranteed service in congestion situation. The value is defined as a percentage of maximum transmission power.

Unit: 1%

Parameter to decide the priority class(es) where absolute resource sharing will be applied.

Parameter to define the scheduling weight for scheduling priority class 0 to 15 (the first value in the sequence is for scheduling priority class 0).


Reference to the TPA device(s) of the carrier. The attribute value is updated at commit of initSector, or at commit of create Carrier (for initiated sector).

Reference to the TR device(s) of the carrier. The attribute value is updated at commit of initSector, or at commit of create Carrier (for initiated sector).

Denotes the carrier bandwidth in uplink.

Example: 50 = 5.0 MHz

Unit: 0.1 MHzPrecondition: Cell must not be setup by the RNC. If corresponding sector is initialized the TR devices used by the carrier must be capable of setting UL bandwidth.Dependencies: Can only be set to another value than default in case a valid license key for the feature is installed, that is if NodeBFunction::licenseStateConfigurableCarrierBandwidth = ENABLED. If the value is other than default when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED, a corresponding Carrier_ConfigurableCarrierBandwidthLicenseNotValid alarm is generated.Takes effect: At next cell setup.

Denotes the filter profile that will be used for the carrier bandwidth in uplink.

Possible values:ò STANDARDò ACA800_1

Precondition: Cell must not be setup by the RNC. If corresponding sector is initialized the TR devices used by the carrier must be capable of setting UL filter profile.Takes effect: At next cell setup.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

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Downlink offset step size.

Unit: ms

Downlink Transport delay Offset. Part of the Downlink Offset (DO).Represents the maximum transport delay between the RNC and the RBS, including transport network associated delays in each node. Used as a compensation to secure that a traffic frame will have a guaranteed time margin at reception in the RBS (before the ToAWE point).The DTO shall take delay variations into account, assuming a very low probability that the real transport delay exceed the DTO. Note that the same value shall consider the possible intra-RNS as well as inter-RNS transport connections.If this value is set too low, frames may be lost or discarded (due to too-late arrival). As a secondary result, the RBS may issue Timing Adjustment control frames toward the RNC (due to out-of-window detection).

Unit: ms

Time of arrival early point.

Unit: ms

Time of arrival window end point.

Unit: ms

Time of arrival window starting point.

Unit: ms

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Throughput threshold for triggering an upswitch of a downlink radio bearer on DCH to a higher DCH rate. Expressed relative to the maximum allowed rate for the currently allocated radio bearer.When the downlink throughput has been above this threshold for the length of time defined by upswitchTimer, an upswitch from DCH to a higher DCH rate is normally requested. However, the upswitch is not requested after a throughput-based downswitch unless the downlink throughput has fallen below the value of dlThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold at least once since the downswitch. The upswitch is also not requested if it would cause the transmitted power to become too high, as defined using upswitchPwrMargin.

Special values:0 is used to turn off the use of this threshold, meaning that an upswitch will never take place, regardless of user throughput.

Dependencies:If dlThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold = 0, no extra restriction applies to upswitches in the downlink after a throughput-based downswitch.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

Throughput threshold for triggering an upswitch of an uplink radio bearer on DCH to a higher DCH rate. Expressed relative to the maximum allowed rate for the currently allocated radio bearer.When the uplink throughput has been above this threshold for the length of time defined by upswitchTimerUl, an upswitch from DCH to a higher DCH rate is normally requested. However, the upswitch is not requested after a throughput-based downswitch unless the uplink throughput has fallen below the value of ulThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold at least once since the downswitch. The upswitch is also not requested if it would cause the transmitted power to become too high, as defined using upswitchPwrMargin.

Special values:0 is used to turn off the use of this threshold, meaning that an upswitch will never take place, regardless of user throughput.

Dependencies:If ulThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold = 0, no extra restriction applies to upswitches in the uplink after a throughput-based downswitch.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

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Time after which a downlink radio bearer on DCH is downswitched to a lower DCH rate due to high transmitted code power.When the difference between the downlink transmitted code power and the maximum allowed code power has been less than the value of downswitchPwrMargin for this length of time, a downswitch from DCH to a lower DCH rate is requested.

Special values:0 is used to turn off the use of this timer, meaning that a downswitch is requested as soon as the difference between the downlink transmitted code power and the maximum allowed code power becomes less than the value of downswitchPwrMargin.

Unit: 0.1 sChange takes effect: New connections

Throughput threshold for triggering a downswitch of a downlink radio bearer on DCH to a lower DCH rate. Expressed relative to the maximum allowed rate for the radio bearer to which the UE will been downswitched (the next lower rate).When the downlink throughput has been below this threshold for the length of time defined by dlThroughputDownswitchTimer, a downswitch from DCH to a lower DCH rate is requested.

Special values:0 is used to turn off the use of this threshold, meaning that a downswitch will never take place, regardless of user throughput.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

Downlink RLC buffer threshold for upswitching from FACH/RACH to dedicated channel.When the RLC buffer load in the downlink exceeds this threshold, an upswitch request is issued.

Unit: bytesResolution: 100 bytesChange takes effect: New connections

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Downlink RLC buffer threshold for upswitching from the multi-RAB SP0 (Speech + PS 0/0) to a multi-RAB at the preferred rate (Speech + ulPrefRate/dlPrefRate or Speech + ulPrefRate/HS).When the RLC buffer load in the downlink exceeds this threshold, an upswitch request is issued.If the flexible initial rate selection feature is not active for PS Interactive, 64 kbps is used as the preferred rate.This attribute is only used if the SP0 feature is active.

Special values:0 is used to indicate that this threshold is not in use, meaning that no upswitches from SP0 will occur, irrespective of the RLC buffer load.

Unit: 100 bytesChange takes effect: New connections

Throughput threshold for allowing an upswitch in the downlink after a throughput-based downswitch. Expressed relative to the maximum allowed rate for the currently allocated radio bearer (the rate to which the UE has been downswitched).After a throughput-based downswitch, upswitches are prohibited until the downlink throughput has fallen below this threshold at least once.

Special values:0 is used to turn off the use of this threshold, meaning that no extra restriction applies to upswitches in the downlink after a throughput-based downswitch.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

Time after which a downlink radio bearer on DCH with low throughput is downswitched to a lower DCH rate.When the downlink throughput has been below the percentage defined by dlDownswitchBandwidthMargin for this length of time, a downswitch from DCH to a lower DCH rate is requested.

Dependencies:It is recommended to set dlThroughputDownswitchTimer > downswitchTimer. Otherwise, if the bit rate is very low on both the uplink and the downlink, the user will be switched down to FACH rather than to DCH with a lower downlink rate.

Unit: 0.1 sChange takes effect: New connections

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Margin on transmitted code power in the downlink, for triggering a downswitch to a lower DCH rate when the transmitted power is too high. Expressed relative to the maximum allowed code power.When the difference between the downlink transmitted code power and the maximum allowed code power has been less than the value of this margin for the length of time set in coverageTimer, a downswitch from DCH to a lower DCH rate is requested.

Value mapping:0 : 0.0 dB1 : 0.5 dB2 : 1.0 dB...20 : 10.0 dB

Unit: 0.5 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Throughput threshold for downswitching from dedicated channel to FACH/RACH.Once the throughput on both the uplink and downlink has fallen below this threshold, a downswitch to FACH/RACH is normaly requested after the length of time set in downswitchTimer. However, the downswitch is not requested if the throughput has subsequently increased above the value of downswitchTimerThreshold.

Dependencies:downswitchThreshold <= downswitchTimerThreshold

Unit: kbps (1000 bits per second)Change takes effect: New connections

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Time after which a connection with low throughput is downswitched from dedicated channel to FACH/RACH. Once the throughput on both the uplink and downlink has fallen below the value of downswitchThreshold, a downswitch to FACH/RACH is normally requested after this length of time. However, the downswitch is not requested if the throughput has subsequently increased above the value of downswitchTimerThreshold.If CELL_FACH state is not available, the connection is switched down to IDLE state.

Special values:0 is used to disable traffic-volume-initiated channel switching from dedicated channel to FACH/RACH.

Value mapping:5: 0.5 s10: 1 s...1000: 100 s

Unit: 0.1 sResolution: 5Change takes effect: New connections

Time after which the packet part of the multi-RAB "Speech 12.2 kbps + Packet 64/64 kbps" will be switched down to multi-RAB SP0 ("Speech 12.2 kbps + Packet 0/0 kbps"), if no PS data has been transmitted.If the SP0 feature is not active, the packet part of the connection is released instead.The default setting is based on packet performance criteria. However, the actual setting may need to deviate from the default setting in order to limit the number of simultaneous multi-RAB connections in the RBS, typically to deal with limitations in the transport network.

Special values:0 is used to turn off the use of this timer, meaning that the packet part of the connection will not be downswitched or released due to PS inactivity.

Value mapping:1 : 0.5 s...60 : 30 s...180 : 90 s

Unit: 0.5 sChange takes effect: New connections

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Throughput threshold used to achieve hysteresis for downswitching from dedicated channel to FACH/RACH. Once the throughput on both the uplink and downlink has fallen below the value of downswitchThreshold, a downswitch to FACH/RACH is normally requested after the length of time set in downswitchTimer. However, the downswitch is not requested if the throughput has subsequently increased above this threshold value.

Dependencies:downswitchTimerThreshold >= downswitchThreshold

Unit: kbps (1000 bits per second)Change takes effect: New connections

Time after which the packet part of the multi-RAB "UDI + 8/8" (CS Data 64 kbps + Packet 8kbps) will be released, if no PS data has been transmitted.The default setting is based on packet performance criteria. However, the actual setting may need to deviate from the default setting in order to limit the number of simultaneous multi-RAB connections in the RBS, typically to deal with limitations in the transport network.

Special values:0 is used to turn off the use of this timer, meaning that the packet part of the connection will not be released due to PS inactivity.

Value mapping:1 : 0.5 s...60 : 30 s...180 : 90 s

Unit: 0.5 sChange takes effect: New connections

Controls whether direct transitions from FACH to HS-DSCH are allowed for HS category 12 UEs.When set to TRUE, cat 12 UEs are forced to upswitch to HS via DCH. Direct transitions to HS are disabled by removing all HS states from the DCCS when the cat 12 UE is in state CELL_FACH. This will allow the cat 12 UE sufficient time to perform neighbour cell measurements on CELL_DCH before the reconfiguration to HS is started.

Change takes effect: New connections

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Time after which a connection with low throughput is downswitched from HS-DSCH to CELL_FACH. Once the throughput on both the uplink and downlink has fallen below the value of downswitchThreshold, a downswitch to FACH/RACH is normally requested after this length of time. However, the downswitch is not requested if the throughput has subsequently increased above the value of downswitchTimerThreshold. If CELL_FACH state is not available, the connection is switched down to IDLE state.

Special values:The value 7200 is used only for testing purposes.

Unit: sChange takes effect: New connections

Time after which an inactive RB in a RAB combination containing PS Interactive is released.When both the downlink and uplink throughput for an RB in the combination have been 0 kbps (no data has been transmitted) for this length of time, a release of that RB is requested from the CN.The timer is used for all RAB combinations that contain more than one PS Interactive RAB.

Unit: 0.1 sChange takes effect: New connections

Time after which an inactive connection in CELL_FACH state is downswitched to URA_PCH state. When both the downlink and uplink throughput have been 0 kbps (no data has been transmitted) for this length of time, a downswitch from CELL_FACH to URA_PCH state is requested. If URA_PCH state is not available, the UE is switched down to IDLE state.

Unit: sChange takes effect: New connections

Time after which a connection in URA_PCH state is switched down to IDLE state, if no upswitches have been subsequently requested.

Unit: minChange takes effect: New connections

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Throughput threshold for triggering a downswitch of an uplink radio bearer on DCH to a lower DCH rate. Expressed relative to the maximum allowed rate for the radio bearer to which the UE will been downswitched (the next lower rate).When the uplink throughput has been below this threshold for the length of time defined by ulThroughputDownswitchTimer, a downswitch from DCH to a lower DCH rate is requested.

Special values:0 is used to turn off the use of this threshold, meaning that a downswitch will never take place, regardless of user throughput.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

Uplink RLC buffer threshold for upswitching from FACH/RACH to dedicated channel.When the RLC buffer load in the uplink exceeds this threshold, a measurement report is sent from the UE. An upswitch request is issued upon reception of the measurement report. Unit: bytesChange takes effect: New connections

Uplink RLC buffer threshold for upswitching from the multi-RAB SP0 (Speech + PS 0/0) to a multi-RAB at the preferred rate (Speech + ulPrefRate/dlPrefRate or Speech + ulPrefRate/HS).When the RLC buffer load in the uplink exceeds this threshold, a measurement report is sent from the UE. An upswitch request is issued upon reception of the measurement report.If the flexible initial rate selection feature is not active for PS Interactive, 64 kbps is used as the preferred rate.This attribute is only used if the SP0 feature is active.

Unit: bytesChange takes effect: New connections

Throughput threshold for allowing an upswitch in the uplink after a throughput-based downswitch. Expressed relative to the maximum allowed rate for the currently allocated radio bearer (the rate to which the UE has been downswitched).After a throughput-based downswitch, upswitches are prohibited until the uplink throughput has fallen below this threshold at least once.

Special values:0 is used to turn off the use of this threshold, meaning that no extra restriction applies to upswitches in the uplink after a throughput-based downswitch.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

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Time after which an uplink radio bearer on DCH with low throughput is downswitched to a lower DCH rate.When the uplink throughput has been below the percentage defined by ulDownswitchBandwidthMargin for this length of time, a downswitch from DCH to a lower DCH rate is requested.

Dependencies:It is recommended to set ulThroughputDownswitchTimer > downswitchTimer and ulThroughputDownswitchTimer > hsdschInactivityTimer. Otherwise, if the bit rate is very low on both the uplink and the downlink, the user will be switched down to FACH rather than to DCH with a lower uplink rate.

Unit: 0.1sChange takes effect: New connections

Margin on transmitted code power in the downlink, used to prohibit upswitches when the transmitted power is too high. Expressed relative to the maximum allowed code power.Before an upswitch from DCH to a higher DCH rate is requested, an estimate of the power increase due to the upswitch is made. The upswitch is prohibited if the difference between the the maximum allowed code power, and the sum of the current transmitted code power and the estimated increase in power, is less than the sum of this margin and the value of downswitchPwrMargin.

Value mapping:0 : 0.0 dB1 : 0.5 dB2 : 1.0 dB...20 : 10.0 dB

Unit: 0.5 dBChange takes effect: New connections

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Time after which a downlink radio bearer on DCH with high throughput is upswitched to a higher DCH rate.When the downlink throughput has been above the percentage defined by bandwidthMargin for this length of time, an upswitch from DCH to a higher DCH rate is normally requested. However, the upswitch is not requested after a throughput-based downswitch unless the downlink throughput has fallen below the value of dlThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold at least once since the downswitch. The upswitch is also not requested if it would cause the transmitted power to become too high, as defined using upswitchPwrMargin.

Dependencies:If bandwidthMargin = 0, an upswitch is never requested, regardless of throughput.If dlThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold = 0, no extra restriction applies to upswitches in the downlink after a throughput-based downswitch.

Unit: 0.1 sChange takes effect: New connections

Time after which an uplink radio bearer on DCH with high throughput is upswitched to a higher DCH rate.When the uplink throughput has been above the percentage defined by bandwidthMarginUl for this length of time, an upswitch from DCH to a higher DCH rate is normally requested. However, the upswitch is not requested after a throughput-based downswitch unless the uplink throughput has fallen below the value of ulThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold at least once since the downswitch. The upswitch is also not requested if it would cause the transmitted power to become too high, as defined using upswitchPwrMargin.

Dependencies:If bandwidthMarginUl = 0, an upswitch is never requested, regardless of throughput.If ulThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold = 0, no extra restriction applies to upswitches in the uplink after a throughput-based downswitch.

Unit: 0.1 sChange takes effect: New connections

List of groups of PLMN identities. Taken together, these groups identify the external CN operators that have roaming agreements with this sharing CN operator.

Defines the external GSM networks to which a UE registered in this core network is allowed to perform an inter-PLMN handover.Used by the NRI MOCN feature to filter the ExternalGsmCells allowed for handover. See the class description of GsmRelation for more details.

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The MCC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1The MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1


Total number of Communication Contexts allocated in the RBS.OVERLAP

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.


Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.



Defines the UTRAN networks to which a UE registered in this core network is allowed to perform an inter- or intra-PLMN handover.Used by the NRI MOCN feature to filter the ExternalUtranCells allowed for handover. See the class description of UtranRelation for more details.

The PLMN identity of this core network operator. When the NRI MOCN feature is active, this attribute, together with equivalentPlmnIdGroupRef, is used to identify to which CN Node a Ue should be connected, when the routing procedure is based on IMSI.When the Cell MOCN feature is active, this attribute is broadcast as the common PLMN-id in System Information for the cells owned by this CnOperator.The PLMN identity for this CnOperator (constructed from the values of the attributes mcc, mnc, and mncLength) must be unique within the RNC. No two CnOperators handled by the same RNC may have the same PLMN ID.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

The length of the MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network

Unit: digit

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO. See references in RncFunction and MocnCellProfile.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Defines whether the coverage area of the source cell and the target cell are indicated to overlap (has approximately the same coverage area), or whether the coverage area of the target cell is indicated to cover the source cell or it is contained in the source cell.

Maximum pathloss allowed for Serving HS-DSCH cell selection to validate the target cell for selection.

Unit: dB

Reference to the UtranCell MO that contains the specification of the cell indicated by this coverage relation (the target cell)

Downlink offset step size.

Unit: ms

Downlink transport delay offset.

Unit: ms

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Reference back to the UeRrcType and/or UeRabType MO(s) that uses this DchFrameSynch instance.The system will set this attribute when the dchFrameSynchRef attribute of the UeRrcType MO and/or UeRabType MO is set to this instance, and then in the same transaction as the creation/set/delete.

Downlink, time of arrival early point.

Unit: ms

Uplink, time of arrival early point.

Dependencies:It is recommended to set toAWEUl + toAEUl <= 639 [ms] It is recommended to set toAWSUl <= toAEUl

Unit: ms

Time of arrival window end point in the downlink.

Unit: ms

Uplink, time of arrival window endpoint.

Dependencies:It is recommended to set toAWEUl + toAEUl <= 639 [ms] It is recommended to set toAWSUl <= toAEUl

Unit: ms

Downlink, time of arrival window starting point.

Unit: ms

Uplink, time of arrival window startpoint.

Dependencies:It is recommended to set toAWEUl + toAEUl <= 639 [ms] It is recommended to set toAWSUl <= toAEUl

Unit: ms

Uplink offset step size.

Unit: ms

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Uplink transport delay offset.

Unit: ms

Unidirectional DCH Indicator.

Dependencies: gbrDlRangeStart < gbrDlRangeEnd when dchDirectrion = DL_DCH_UL_DCH.For further restrictions please see DchMap class description.

Change takes effect: New connections

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.


End point for the GBR range in the downlink.

Dependencies: gbrDlRangeEnd > gbrDlRangeStart when dchDirectrion = DL_DCH_UL_DCHThis parameter is ignored if dchDirection = DL_DCH_ONLY or UL_DCH_ONLY.For further restrictions please see DchMap class description.

Change takes effect: New connectionsUnit: TFI

Starting point for the GBR range in the downlink.

Dependencies: gbrDlRangeStart < gbrDlRangeEnd when dchDirectrion = DL_DCH_UL_DCHThis parameter is ignored if dchDirection = DL_DCH_ONLY or UL_DCH_ONLY.For further restrictions please see DchMap class description.

Change takes effect: New connectionsUnit: TFI

Subset of ARP values applicable for this instance of DchMap. If the sequence length is zero, the complete ARP range is used.

Dependencies: For further restrictions please see DchMap class description.

Change takes effect: New connections


Reference to a TnlQosClass instance containing the QoS settings.

Dependencies: This reference must point at an instance of TnlQosClass that is contained under the same profile as this instance.

Change takes effect: New connections

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

The maximum number of A-DCH resources that may be configured in a baseband pool.

Takes effect: Takes effect immediately if possible. Otherwise it will take effect gracefully (starving out resources).

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Reference to an E-DBCH device set.

Reference to an E-SC device set.


The availability status of the resources.


Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

The administrative state of the Eul resources in the cell.

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.When set to LOCKED, all E-DCH radio links are released in the cell and the Eul service is deactivated in the cell.When set to UNLOCKED, the cell is temporarily deactivated (disabled) and all traffic released in the cell, followed immediately by Cell/Hsdsch and Eul activation.

The availability status of the Eul resources in the cell.More than one of the following conditions can apply for the same object.Bit 0 = 1: INTESTBit 1 = 1: FAILEDBit 2 = 1: POWEROFFBit 3 = 1: OFFLINEBit 4 = 1: OFFDUTYBit 5 = 1: DEPENDENCY (set to 1 when bit 9, bit 10 or bit 11 is set to 1)Bit 6 = 1: DEGRADEDBit 7 = 1: NOTINSTALLEDBit 8 = 1: LOGFULL Bit 9 = 1: DEPENDENCYLOCKEDBit 10 = 1: DEPENDENCYFAILEDBit 11 = 1: DEPENDENCYSHUTTINGDOWN

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Indicates whether 2 ms TTI is supported in the RBS or not. OFF

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.




The operational state of the Eul resources in the cell.


Reference to the Sector MO in which this external antenna is used.

Label for free use.


This is part of the BSIC.

Maximum allowed Received Total Wideband Power (RTWP) for the RBS scheduler for EUL.

Unit: 0.1 dB

Number of codes used for the E-AGCH.

Dependencies:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.When the number of codes is increased, all traffic is released from the cell.When the number is decreased, only Eul traffic is released.

Number of codes used for the E-HICH/E-RGCH.

Dependencies:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.When the number of codes is increased, all traffic is released from the cell.When the number is decreased, only Eul traffic is released.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Type of antenna.

Possible values:ò 0..50 = Reserved for predefined antenna types supported by Ericsson.ò 51..100 = Available for customer specific antenna types.

Precondition: Corresponding sector not initiated.

Indicates the frequency band of the external GSM cell. The BCCH frequency is unique for all GSM bands except the two GSM bands DCS1800 and PCS1900, so the band indicator is needed to discriminate between the two. When the ExternalGsmCell has a BCCH frequency indicating some other frequency band, then the band indicator is not needed and may be set to "Not applicable".

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.



BCCH frequency code in the GSM cell. Contains the absolute radio frequency channel number of the BCCH channel for the GSM cell. It uniquely identifies the BCCH. NOTE: Setting a value outside of the ranges supported in the GSM network will cause IRAT handover to fail (possibly with an error indicating that the cell identity is -1). Examples of the ranges supported for different GSM frequency bands are:- 0..124, 955..1023 for GSM 900 - 128..251 for GSM 850- 512..885 for GSM 1800- 512..810 for GSM 1900

Specification: 3GPP TS 45.005

The external GSM cell identity. This is the identity of the GSM cell. It is unique within a location area. The CI along with the LAI (Location area identity) makes up the CGI (cell global identification).

This offset is added to the measured quantity before the UE evaluates if an event has occurred.Used in UE function event-reporting. The parameter is used both for signaling over RRC and RNSAP.

Unit: dB

The Location Area Code of the external GSM cell.

Special values:The values 0000 and FFFE are reserved for special cases where no valid LAI exists in the MS.

The maximum UE transmission power on the RACH when accessing the system. Used in UE functions for cell selection/reselection in idle mode and connected mode. Also used by UTRAN to control the maximum TX power level an UE may use.

If the current UE uplink transmit power is above the indicated power value, the UE shall decrease the power to a level below the power value. Value launched by System information (SIB11) for each intra-frequency measurement object corresponding to adjacent cells of serving cell.

Unit: 1 dBmResolution: 1 -50: -50 dBm...33: 33 dBm

100 : Default value. The parameter is not sent in SIB11 and the UE will use the maximum output power for this GSM cell, according to its radio access capability.

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This is part of the BSIC.


The MCC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1The MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1


Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Minimum required (acceptable) RX level in the cell. Used in UE functions for cell selection/reselection in idle mode and connected mode.Value launched by System information (SIB11) for each intra-frequency measurement object corresponding to adjacent cells of serving cell.

Special values:100: Indicates that the minimum Rx level has not been specified by the operator. The parameter is then notpresent in SIB11 for this neighbor. The UE will use the serving cell value (UtranCell MO value) instead.

Unit: dBmResolution: 2

Reference back to the GsmRelation and/or UtranCell MO(s) that refers to this ExternalGsmCell.When a new GsmRelation MO is created with its externalGsmCellRef attribute set to refer to this ExternalGsmCell, the system automatically adds to this sequence a reference back to the GsmRelation MO in the same transaction. Likewise, when the GsmRelation MO is deleted, the system deletes the backward reference to that GsmRelation MO in the same transaction.When a new attribute directedRetryTarget in UtranCell MO is set to this ExternalGsmCell, the system automatically adds to this sequence a reference back to the UtranCell MO in the same transaction. Likewise, when the UtranCell MO is deleted or its directedRetryTarget attribute is changed, the system deletes the backward reference to that UtranCell MO in the same transaction.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

List of alias PLMN identities for the Selective Handover feature.See the class description of GsmRelation for more details.

Dependencies: Only used if Handover::selHoSup = TRUE and MOCN is not used.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

The length of the MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network

Unit: digit

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The MCC part of the PLMN identity used in the GSM radio network. The PLMN identity consists of the Mobile Country Code, 3 digits, and the Mobile Network Code, 2 or 3 digits. (Example: If MCC=125 and MNC=46 then plmnId=12546.)

Dependencies:Changing this attribute is only allowed if the ExternalGsmNetwork instance has no children or associated MOs.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

The MNC part of the PLMN identity used in the GSM radio network. The PLMN identity consists of the Mobile Country Code, 3 digits, and the Mobile Network Code, 2 or 3 digits. (Example: If MCC=125 and MNC=46 then plmnId=12546.)

Dependencies:Changing this attribute is only allowed if the ExternalGsmNetwork instance has no children or associated MOs.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

The length of the MNC part of the PLMN identity used in the GSM radio network. The PLMN identity consists of the Mobile Country Code, 3 digits, and the Mobile Network Code, 2 or 3 digits. (Example: If MCC=125 and MNC=46 then plmnId=12546.)

Dependencies:Changing this attribute is only allowed if the ExternalGsmNetwork instance has no children or associated MOs.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO. See reference in CnOperator.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

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Indicates the higher current limit when LNA failure shall be reported for branch A. This attribute is only valid for configurations with FU/RUW/RRUW for all frequency bands but 2100.

When calculating the current limits to be used, the actual antenna configuration needs to be considered. The current limits depend on if both branches are used for TMA power supply, or if only branch B is used.

For example, a specific revision of KRY 112 75/1 normally requires about 100 mA per branch when both branches are connected, and signals fault by raising the current consumption to 180 mA on the affected branch. This means that the current limit must be set to less than this current (maybe 170 mA) to be able to detect the fault. If only one branch is used for power supply the normal current consumption will be 200 mA and a fault will be signaled by raising the the current consumption to 280 mA. In case a RIU with a RET or ARET alarms are suppressed for branch A. So then the current limits for that branch are redundant. For information on suitable threshold values, see the documentation for the used external TMA.

Unit: 1 mA

Indicates the higher current limit when LNA failure shall be reported for branch B. This attribute is only valid for configurations with FU/RUW/RRUW for all frequency bands but 2100.

When calculating the current limits to be used, the actual antenna configuration needs to be considered. The current limits depend on if both branches are used for TMA power supply, or if only branch B is used.

For example, a specific revision of KRY 112 75/1 normally requires about 100 mA per branch when both branches are connected, and signals fault by raising the current consumption to 180 mA on the affected branch. This means that the current limit must be set to less than this current (maybe 170 mA) to be able to detect the fault. If only one branch is used for power supply the normal current consumption will be 200 mA and a fault will be signaled by raising the the current consumption to 280 mA. In case a RIU with a RET or ARET alarms are suppressed for branch A. So then the current limits for that branch are redundant. For information on suitable threshold values, see the documentation for the used external TMA.

Unit: 1 mA

Indicates the lower current limit when LNA failure shall be reported for branch A. This attribute is only valid for configurations with FU/RUW/RRUW for all frequency bands but 2100.

When calculating the current limits to be used, the actual antenna configuration needs to be considered. The current limits depend on if both branches are used for TMA power supply, or if only branch B is used. For information on suitable threshold values, see the documentation for the used external TMA.

Unit: 1 mA

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Indicates the lower current limit when LNA failure shall be reported for branch B. This attribute is only valid for configurations with FU/RUW/RRUW for all frequency bands but 2100.

When calculating the current limits to be used, the actual antenna configuration needs to be considered. The current limits depend on if both branches are used for TMA power supply, or if only branch B is used. For information on suitable threshold values, see the documentation for the used external TMA.

Unit: 1 mA

Internal attenuation, downlink.

Example: 50 = 5.0 dB

Unit: 0.1 dBTakes effect: At next cell setup for the affected cells.

Internal downlink traffic delay for branch A.

Example: 312 = 31.2 ns

Unit: 0.1 nsRecommended value: 300Takes effect: At next cell setup for the affected cells.

Internal downlink traffic delay for branch B.

Example: 312 = 31.2 ns

Unit: 0.1 nsRecommended value: 300Takes effect: At next cell setup for the affected cells.

Indicates how power is supplied to the external TMA.

Possible values:ò NO = Not supplied through RBS.ò YES = RBS internal power is supplied through RF cable (AntFeederCable) to External TMA.

Takes effect: At next restart of the associated power feeding unit (AIU or FU or RRU or RUW or RRUW ).

Indicates whether the TMA support reporting of degraded functionality. This attribute is only valid for configurations with FU/RUW/RRUW for all frequency bands but 2100.

Possible values:ò NO = The TMA does not support reporting of degraded functionality in a similar way as for Ericsson TMA.ò YES = The TMA does support reporting of degraded functionality in a similar way as for Ericsson TMA.

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Capability information indicating if EUL is supported in the cell OFF

Capability information indicating if 2 ms TTI EUL is supported in the cell OFF

Indicates whether Enhanced Layer 2 is supported or not. OFF


Capability information indicating if HS is supported in the cell. OFF

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Internal uplink gain.

Example: 120 = 12.0 dB

Unit: 0.1 dBTakes effect: At next cell setup for the affected cells.

Internal uplink traffic delay for branch A.

Example: 312 = 31.2 ns

Unit: 0.1 nsRecommended value: 300Takes effect: At next cell setup for the affected cells.

Internal uplink traffic delay for branch B.

Example: 312 = 31.2 ns

Unit: 0.1 nsRecommended value: 300Takes effect: At next cell setup for the affected cells.

Indicates that this cell is considered to be A-GPS capable for emergency calls. For an emergency call, if any of the cells in the active set has agpsEnabled==TRUE, then a positioning attempt will be made within UTRAN rather than handling the call over to GSM. Dependencies:This parameter is not used unless RncFunction::emergencyCallRedirect==OFF, RncFunction::ecCnSbhoRequestIgnore==TRUE and RncFunction::ecLocationAttemptUmts==ON.

Indicates the capabilities of this inter-RNS cell.Note that if OSS-RC is used, any manually configured value will be subject to consistency check and may be overridden if inconsistent. However, if OSS-RC is not used, the cell capability of external border cells needs to be configured manually.

Capability information indicating if F-DPCH is supported in the external utran cell or the DRNC.

Cell identity. Unique in an external RNC. cId is the identifier of a cell in an external RNC and is used together with the attribute rncId on MO IurLink as cell id in system information broadcast.

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The primary downlink scrambling code to be used in the external cell.

Used in UE function event-reporting. This offset is added to the measured quantity before the UE evaluates if an event has occurred.

Dependencies:If CN Hard Handover is supported, individualOffset should be set to less than the attributes intraFreqCnhhoPenalty, interFreqCnhhoPenaltyEcno and interFreqCnhhoPnaltyRscp in MO Handover.This is a recommendation for the operator, the system will not enforce this recommendation.

Unit: 0.1 dBResolution: 5

The Location Area Code of the external RNC cell, used by UTRAN to page mobiles on request from the CS CN.

Maximum UE transmission power on the RACH when accessing the system. Used in UE functions for cell selection/reselection in idle mode and connected mode. Also used to control the maximum TX power level that a UE may use. If the current UE uplink transmit power is above the indicated power value, the UE shall decrease power to a level below that power value. Value launched by System information (SIB11) for each intra-frequency measurement object corresponding to an adjacent cell for the serving cell.

Special values:100: Indicates that the maximum uplink transmission power has not been specified by the operator. The parameter is then not present in SIB11 for this neighbor. The UE will use the serving cell (UtranCell MO) value instead.

Unit: dBm

Power to be used for transmitting the PCPICH.

Disturbances:Changing this parameter may affect existing traffic. It is recommended to increase/decrease the value in steps not greater than 3dBm (preferably in 1dBm steps).

Unit: 0.1 dBm

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Minimum required (acceptable) quality level in the cell (dB). Used to set cell border between two cells. Used in UE functions for cell selection/reselection in idle mode and connected mode.

Special values:100: Indicates that the minimum quality level has not been specified by the operator. The parameter is then notpresent in SIB11 for this neighbor. The UE will use the serving cell value (UtranCell MO value) instead.

Unit: dB

Minimum required (acceptable) RX level in the cell. (dBm). Used in UE functions for cell selection/reselection in idle mode and connected mode.Value launched by System information (SIB11) for each intra-frequency measurement object corresponding to adjacent cells of serving cell.Values below -115 dBm are only used by the system if a valid license key exists.

Special values:100: Indicates that the minimum Rx level has not been specified by the operator. The parameter is then not present in SIB11 for this neighbor. The UE will use the serving cell value (UtranCell MO value) instead.

Unit: dBmResolution: 2

Routing Area Code of a routing area. An RA is used by UTRAN to page mobiles on request from the PS CN.When the parameter is changed, UTRAN updatea system information and notifies the UEs.

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO. See reference in UtranRelation and ExternalUtranCell.

Transmission technique for an external UTRAN cell

Change takes effect: Object disabled/enabled

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The administrative state of the channel. UNLOCKED

Downlink UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number. Specifies the channel number for the central downlink frequency. The mapping from channel number to physical frequency is described in 3GPP specification TS 25.104.

Dependencies:An intra-frequency relation has the same channel number in the uplink for both cells, and the same number in the downlink for both cells. Otherwise it is considered an inter-frequency relation.The channel number may not be changed in such a way that the maximum number of intra-frequency relations (31) or inter-frequency relations (32) is violated for any UtranCell having this ExternalUtranCell as the target cell in a relation. If more than one channel number needs to be changed in order to fulfill the restrictions, all changes need to be made in the same transaction.

Specification: TS 25.104

Uplink UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number. Specifies the channel number for the central uplink frequency. The mapping from channel number to physical frequency is described in 3GPP specification TS 25.104.

Dependencies:An intra-frequency relation has the same channel number in the uplink for both cells, and the same number in the downlink for both cells. Otherwise it is considered an inter-frequency relation.The channel number may not be changed in such a way that the maximum number of intra-frequency relations (31) or inter-frequency relations (32) is violated for any UtranCell having this ExternalUtranCell as the target cell in a relation. If more than one channel number needs to be changed in order to fulfill the restrictions, all changes need to be made in the same transaction.

Specification: TS 25.104

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

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The operational state of the FACH channel.

The availability status of the FACH channel. More than one of the following conditions can apply for the same object:Bit 0 = 1: INTESTBit 1 = 1: FAILEDBit 2 = 1: POWEROFFBit 3 = 1: OFFLINEBit 4 = 1: OFFDUTYBit 5 = 1: DEPENDENCY (set to 1 when bit 9, bit 10 or bit 11 is set to 1)Bit 6 = 1: DEGRADEDBit 7 = 1: NOTINSTALLEDBit 8 = 1: LOGFULL Bit 9 = 1: DEPENDENCYLOCKEDBit 10 = 1: DEPENDENCYFAILEDBit 11 = 1: DEPENDENCYSHUTTINGDOWN

The availability status of the common channel.


Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system.

Maximum power, to be used for transmitting the first FACH channel, relative the primaryCpichPower value. The first FACH is used for logical channels BCCH, CCCH and DCCH, control signaling.

Unit: 0.1 dB

Maximum power, to be used for transmitting the second FACH channel, relative the primaryCpichPower value. The second FACH is used for logical channel DTCH, traffic signaling.

Unit: 0.1 dB

Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

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Power offset for the TFCI. This parameter is applied to both FACH and PCH.

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.Whenever its value is set, the FACH is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Value mapping:0 : 0.0dB1 : 0.25dB2 : 0.5dB.....24 : 6dB

Unit: 0.25 dB

Power offset for the pilot. This parameter is applied to both FACH and PCH.

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.Whenever its value is set, the FACH is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Value mapping:0 : 0.0dB1 : 0.25dB2 : 0.5dB.....24 : 6dB

Unit: 0.25 dB

Radio timing offset inside a radio frame. (SCCPCH parameter)

Disturbances: Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the FACH is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Value mapping:0: 0 chip1: 256 chip..149: 38144 chip

Unit: 256 chip

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Used to differentiate between the GSM bands DCS1800 and PCS1900 if bcchFrequency is set to a value inside the normal GSM bands. For GAN measurements it is recommended to set bcchFrequency to a value outside the normal GSM bands and set this parameter to OTHER_BANDS. Signaled in the Measurement Control message over RRC.

Dependencies: Not used if the license ganMobility is not active.Change takes effect: At next start of a GAN measurement. (Measurement Order with Setup)

Base Station Colour Code. This is part of the BSIC, which (in combination with bcchFrequency) is used in RRC messages towards the UE. It is configured by the operator in the UTRAN system and needs to correspond to that used by the GAN controller towards the UE at GAN registration.

Dependencies: Not used if the license ganMobility is not active.Change takes effect: At next start of a GAN measurement. (Measurement Order with Setup)

BCCH frequency code in the GAN cell, which is the absolute radio frequency channel number (ARFCN) of the BCCH channel for the GAN cell. It uniquely identifies the BCCH and is signaled in the RRC Measurement Control message in the UTRAN system. Corresponds to the frequency code used by the GAN controller towards the UE at registration in the GAN system. It is recommended to set this to a value outside the normal GSM bands to avoid misinterpretation.

Specification: 3GPP TS 45.005 Dependencies: Not used if the license ganMobility is not active.Change takes effect: At next start of a GAN measurement. (Measurement Order with Setup)

GAN cell identity. Used as the CI field towards the core network in RANAP messages. The CI along with the LAI (Location area identity) makes up the CGI (cell global identification).

Specification: 3GPP TS 45.005 Dependencies: Not used if the license ganMobility is not active.Change takes effect: At next start of a GAN measurement. (Measurement Order with Setup)

Location Area Code. Used together with plmnIdentity in RANAP messages towards the Core Network to form the LAI (Location Area Identity). The LAI along with the CI (Cell Identity) makes up the CGI (cell global identification).

Dependencies: Not used if the license ganMobility is not active.Change takes effect: At next transmission of RANAP message "Relocation required"

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The MCC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1The MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1


Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.



Network Colour Code. This is part of the BSIC, which (in combination with bcchFrequency) is used in RRC messages towards the UE. It is configured by the operator in the UTRAN system and needs to correspond to that used by the GAN controller towards the UE at GAN registration.

Dependencies: Not used if the license ganMobility is not active.Change takes effect: At next start of a GAN measurement. (Measurement Order with Setup)

PLMN identity. Used together with lac in RANAP messages towards the core network to form the LAI (Location Area Identity). The LAI along with the CI (Cell Identity) makes up the CGI (cell global identification).

Dependencies: Not used if the license ganMobility is not active.Change takes effect: At next transmission of RANAP message "Relocation required"

The length of the MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network

Unit: digit

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Reference to the ExternalGsmCell MO, containing the specification of this adjacent cell.

Type of the mobility relation.

Dependencies:Note that the total number of GsmRelations with mobilityRelationType = HO_AND_CELL_RESEL (Both Handover and Cell selection/Reselection) for a UtranCell may not exceed 32.

Signal strength offset between source and target cells.

Dependencies:Used when the IE "cell_selection_and_reselection_quality_measure" in SIB 11/12 is set to "CPICH RSCP". This is configured through UtranCell::qualMeasQuantity.

Unit: dB

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Selection priority among neighbour GSM relations for a UTRAN source cell. The neighbor cell priority is used when building the monitored set, so that neighbor cells with higher priority are included before low priority neighbors, for each cell in the active set. Note that neighbor priorities are not compared between different cells in the active set; priorities only apply between neighbors of the same cell. Furthermore, this priority is set separately for intra-frequency, inter-frequency and GSM neighbors. The highest priority is 1, which should be given to the most important neighbors.If the same priority is used for several neighbor cells with the same relation type (intra-frequency / inter-frequency / GSM), the order between them is not defined.If no value or 0 is entered when a neighbor is defined, the system will automatically set the value of this attribute to the current highest value among all neighbors with the same relation type + 1, that is, to the currently lowest priority definition for the source cell and for the relation type.

Defines if the feature CN Hard Handover is activated in the RNC.

Change takes effect: New connections

Indicates if the RNC supports inter-RAT HO (Inter Radio Access Technology Handover).

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Indicates if the RNC supports IFHO.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Max number of repeated proposals (not including the first proposal) of GSM cell(s) for handover based on the same measurement report.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Minimum time interval between proposals of the same GSM cell for handover based on the same measurement report.

Value mapping:0: 0.0 s1: 0.2 s2: 0.4 s3: 0.6 s4: 0.8 s5: 1.0 s...25: 5.0 s

Unit: 0.2 sChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

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Maximum number of repeated proposals of non-used frequency cell(s) for handover based on the same measurement report.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Minimum time interval between proposals of the same non-used frequency cell for handover based on the same measurement report.

Unit: 0.2 sChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Defines how the inter-frequency monitored set shall be filtered and what inter-frequency target cells are allowed. ifLbhoMode = 1 Include all defined inter-frequency neighbor cells, both non-Iur external cells used for CNHHO and normal inter-frequency neighbor cells. ifLbhoMode = 2 Include only non-Iur external cells used by CNHHO. ifLbhoMode = 3 Include only normal inter-frequency neighbor cells.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Defines how much penalty shall be given to a non-Iur external UTRAN cell compared to a normal inter-frequency cell during Ec/No evaluation.

Dependencies: It is recommended to set ExternalUtranCell.individualOffset to less than interFreqCnhhoPenaltyEcno. This is a recommendation for the operator, the system will not enforce this recommendation.

Value mapping:0: 0.0 dB5: 0.5 dB10: 1.0 dB15: 1.5 dB20: 2.0 dB25: 2.5 dB30: 3.0 dB...250: 25 dB

Unit: 0.1 dBResolution: 5Change takes effect: New connections

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Defines how much penalty shall be given to a non-Iur external UTRAN cell compared to a normal inter-frequency cell during RSCP evaluation.

Dependencies: It is recommended to set ExternalUtranCell.individualOffset to less than interFreqCnhhoPenaltyRscp. This is a recommendation for the operator, the system will not enforce this recommendation.

Value mapping:0: 0.0 dB5: 0.5 dB10: 1.0 dB15: 1.5 dB20: 2.0 dB25: 2.5 dB30: 3.0 dB...250: 25 dB

Unit: 0.1 dBResolution: 5Change takes effect: New connections

Defines how much penalty shall be given to a non-Iur external UTRAN cell compared to a normal intra-frequency cell.

Dependencies:The value to chose depends on the setting of the parameter measQuantity1 (which indicate if there are Ec/No or RSCP measurements which should be used). ExternalUtranCell.individualOffset should be set to less than intraFreqCnhhoPenalty.This is a recommendation for the operator, the system will not enforce this recommendation.

Value mapping:0: 0.0 dB5: 0.5 dB10: 1.0 dB15: 1.5 dB20: 2.0 dB25: 2.5 dB30: 3.0 dB...250: 25 dB

Unit: 0.1 dBResolution: 5Change takes effect: New connections

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Defines the weight of the radio links in the active set, when comparing them to an intra-frequency CN Hard Handover candidate. intraFreqCnhhoWeight=0 means that only the best cell in AS is considered, intraFreqCnhhoWeight>0 means that all radio links in the active set are considered, while intraFreqCnhhoWeight=10 means that all radio links in the active set are given equal importance.

Value mapping:0: 0.0 1: 0.1 ...10: 1.0

Unit: 0.1Change takes effect: New connections

Maximum number of speech users that can be triggered to perform LBHO.

Change takes effect: Next soft congestion trigger

Minimum number of speech users connected in this cell before LBHO may be triggered. When more than this number of speech users are connected in the cell, and the total load in the cell for all types of users is considered high, then LBHO for one or more speech users is triggered.If set to 0 then LBHO should be allowed regardless of the number of users.

Change takes effect: Next soft congestion trigger

Minimum allowed time between triggered LBHO attempts in this cell. As LBHO can potentially trigger for every admission request, there is a risk that it may be triggered too often for the same cell, for example due to many quick repeated upswitch attempts for packet RABs. Due to compressed mode limitations, too many UEs should not attempt to do handover at the same time. This timer can be used to limit the frequency of LBHO attempts in the same cell.

Change takes effect: Next soft congestion trigger Unit: s

Maximum number of cells in active set.The reporting deactivation threshold, used to control intra-frequency measurements (event 1a), is set to maxActiveSet - 1.The replacement activation threshold, used to control intra-frequency measurements (event 1c), is set to maxActiveSet.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Maximum number of GSM cells that the UE shall measure on.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

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Maximum number of inter-frequency cells that the UE shall measure on.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

The threshold (offset) for a cell to be included in the active set, when the connection is released at inclusion rejection.

Value mapping:-30 : -3.0 dB-25 : -2.5 dB...250: +25.0 dB

Unit: 0.1dBResolution: 5Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Selects whether the Selective Handover feature is activated. Specifies if cell filtering to support selective handover is performed in the system at creation of any of the intra-frequency, inter-frequency or inter-RAT monitored sets. Selective Handover is part of Shared Network support. This setting is ignored if MOCN is active.

Value mapping:FALSE: Cell filtering to support selective handover is not performed in the system at creation of any of the intra-frequency, inter-frequency or inter-RAT monitored sets.TRUE: Cell filtering to support selective handover is performed at creation of the Intra-frequency, Inter-frequency and Inter-RAT monitored sets.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next handover or switch to CELL_DCH)

Guard timer, in case the PS CN does not release the Iu connection after an IRATHO (inter radio access technology handover) to GSM.

Special values:0: infinity (this means that this timer should not be used)

Unit: s

Maximum time for Service/Load Based GSM Handover measurements.

Special values:60: Measurements are never stopped.

Unit: sChange takes effect: New connections

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The administrative state of the HSDPA resources in the cell.Data for the HSDPA physical channels HS-SCCH and HS-PDSCH will be configured in the RBS.

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.When set to LOCKED, Hsdsch support for the cell is deactivated, HS calls will be released.When set to UNLOCKED, Hsdsch support in the cell is activated in the RBS, all traffic is released from the cell.

The availability status of the HSDPA resources in the cell.More than one of the following conditions can apply for the same object:Bit 0 = 1: INTESTBit 1 = 1: FAILEDBit 2 = 1: POWEROFFBit 3 = 1: OFFLINEBit 4 = 1: OFFDUTYBit 5 = 1: DEPENDENCY (set to 1 when bit 9, bit 10 or bit 11 is set to 1)Bit 6 = 1: DEGRADEDBit 7 = 1: NOTINSTALLEDBit 8 = 1: LOGFULL Bit 9 = 1: DEPENDENCYLOCKEDBit 10 = 1: DEPENDENCYFAILEDBit 11 = 1: DEPENDENCYSHUTTINGDOWN

Threshold for determining when to use the RLC PDU size = 656 bits for UEs with HS-DSCH physical layer category 7 to 10, 13 or higher.

Special values:0: always used15: never usedany other value: - 656 bits are used if codeThresholdPdu656 < numHsPdschCodes, - 336 bits are used if codeThresholdPdu656 >= numHsPdschCodes

Unit: code

The duration of the CQI feedback cycle on HS-DPCCH.

Dependencies:Must be set equal to or greater than 2 ms * initialCqiRepetitionFactor.

Unit: ms

The power offset for acknowledgement messages on HS-DPCCH for UE Connections using one RLS.

The power offset for acknowledgement messages on HS-DPCCH for UE Connections using two or more RLSs.

The power offset for CQI report messages on HS-DPCCH for UE Connections using one RLS.

The power offset for CQI report messages on HS-DPCCH for UE Connections using two or more RLSs.

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.80





The operational state of the HSDPA resources in the cell.

The power offset for non-acknowledgement messages on HS-DPCCH for UE Connections using one RLS.

The power offset for non-acknowledgement messages on HS-DPCCH for UE Connections using two or more RLSs.

Indicates whether Enhanced Layer 2 is supported in the cell or not, as reported by the RBS in RSI or audit response.

The Measurement power offset, also called gamma, sent to the UE and RBS via RRC and NBAP. Used to offset the CQI in order to utilize the whole CQI range.

Unit: 0.1 dBResolution: 5

The initial number of repetitions for ACK/NACK feedback transmissions on HS-DPCCH.

The initial number of repetitions for CQI report messages on HS-DPCCH.

Dependencies:Must be set less than or equal to cqiFeedbackCycle / 2 ms.

Number of codes of SF=16 used for the HS-PDSCH.

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.When the number of codes is incremented, all traffic is released from the cell.When the number is decreased, traffic is not released in the cell, but the Hs-dsch throughput may be affected.

Number of codes of SF=128 used for the HS-SCCH.

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.When the number of codes is incremented or decreased, all traffic within the cell is released.

Indicates whether 64QAM is supported in the cell or not, as reported by the RBS in RSI or audit response.

Dependencies: The operator must have valid licenses for EL2, 16QAM and 64QAM in order for this parameter to take effect.

Change takes effect: New connections

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

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Label for free use.LOCKED

The availability status of the resources.


Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Used by OSS-RC to identify an RBS and the corresponding Iub in RNC. The attribute is not used by RBS itself, it only serves as storage for OSS-RC.

The administrative state of the resource modeling the Iu-BC interface between RNC and the CBC.

Disturbances: - When set to LOCKED: Ongoing or scheduled Cell Broadcast Service messages are stopped and cleared in all cells. All open TCP connections towards CBC are closed and no new TCP connections towards CBC are accepted. - When set to UNLOCKED: A SABP Restart message is sent to the Cell Broadcast Center if the feature is active.

Change takes effect: Immediately

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The administrative state of the Iub link. LOCKED

The availability status of the resource modeling the Iu-Bc interface between RNC and CBC. More than one of the following conditions can apply for the same object:Bit 0 = 1: INTEST Bit 1 = 1: FAILED Bit 2 = 1: POWEROFF Bit 3 = 1: OFFLINE Bit 4 = 1: OFFDUTY Bit 5 = 1: DEPENDENCY (set to 1 when bit 9, bit 10 or bit 11 is set to 1) Bit 6 = 1: DEGRADED Bit 7 = 1: NOTINSTALLED Bit 8 = 1: LOGFULL Bit 9 = 1: DEPENDENCYLOCKED Bit 10 = 1: DEPENDENCYFAILED Bit 11 = 1: DEPENDENCYSHUTTINGDOWN

The operational state of the resource modeling the Iu-BC interface between RNC and the CBC.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Defines the maximum transport network buffer build-up delay, the dynamic delay. A measured dynamic delay above this limit is interpreted as an Iub congestion detection occurance.

Unit: 1 ms

Maximum HSDPA bit rate over Iub.

Unit: 0.1 Mbps

Flow control status; activated (ON) or deactivated (OFF) for each scheduling priority class (first value in the sequence is for scheduling priority class 0).


Maximum dynamic delay (buffer build-ups over Iub, including the node's ET boards) that the E-DCH data frames can have without being detected as a dynamic delay Iub congestion.

Unit: ms

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.The operational state of the Iub.

Reference to the RncModule that it belongs to. 100

The availability status of the Iub.More than one of the following conditions can apply for the same object:Bit 0 = 1: INTESTBit 1 = 1: FAILEDBit 2 = 1: POWEROFFBit 3 = 1: OFFLINEBit 4 = 1: OFFDUTYBit 5 = 1: DEPENDENCY (set to 1 when bit 9, bit 10 or bit 11 is set to 1)Bit 6 = 1: DEGRADEDBit 7 = 1: NOTINSTALLEDBit 8 = 1: LOGFULL Bit 9 = 1: DEPENDENCYLOCKEDBit 10 = 1: DEPENDENCYFAILEDBit 11 = 1: DEPENDENCYSHUTTINGDOWN

Admission limit on RBS downlink hardware resource utilization, applicable to all admission requests.

Special values:Setting dlHwAdm to 100 % will disable the downlink hardware admission policy.

Unit: %Change takes effect: Immediately

Iub connection identity. The value of this attribute should be unique within the RNC.This value is not used by the RNC. It is used in OSS-RC for correlation between RNC and RBS.

Sequence of UtranCell MO references. Indicates all of the UTRAN cells that are associated with the RBS represented by this IubLink.When a new UtranCell MO is created with its iubLinkRef attribute set to refer to this IubLink, the system will automatically add to this sequence a reference back to that UtranCell MO in the same transaction. Likewise, when the UtranCell MO is deleted, the system will delete the backward reference to that UtranCell MO in the same transaction.

Admission limit on RBS uplink hardware resource utilization, applicable to all admission requests.

Special values:Setting ulHwAdm to 100 % will disable the uplink hardware admission policy.

Unit: %Change takes effect: Immediately

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Capability information indicating if EUL is supported in the cell OFF

Capability information indicating if 2 ms TTI EUL is supported in the cell OFF

Indicates whether Enhanced Layer 2 is supported or not. OFF


Capability information indicating if HS is supported in the cell. OFF






Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Controls the cell capabilities used when the external RNC represented by this IurLink acts as DRNC. These flags override the value of cellCapability for the ExternalUtranCells under this IurLink.

Capability information indicating if F-DPCH is supported in the external utran cell or the DRNC.

Maximum dynamic delay that E-DCH MAC-es flows sent from RBS (over Iub) to RNC via Iur can have, without being detected as an Iur hard congestion. Soft congestion detections use the same threshold, but with a hardcoded factor, which gives a threshold that is lower than for hard congestion detections. This ensures that soft congestions are detected earlier.

Unit: ms

Indicates if GAN Handover is enabled over this Iur link.

Dependencies: Not used if the license ganMobility is not active.Change takes effect: At next evaluation of conditions for allowing a GAN measurement

Maximum pathloss threshold allowed for inter-RNS EUL&HS Serving cell selection to validate coverage related, target cell, for selection.

Unit: dB

ARP priority level to be used for guaranteed rate services originating over Iur when 'no priority' is received in the RNSAP message.

Change takes effect: New connections

ARP priority level to be used for non-guaranteed rate services originating over Iur when 'no priority' is received in the RNSAP message.

Change takes effect: New connections

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Reference to the UTRAN network to which this Iur link belongs.1

Maximum size of flexible MAC-d PDUs used by the Enhanced Layer 2 feature.

Dependencies: The MAC-d PDU will have the maximum length defined by the minimum of the parameter and the system value for the RAB. Setting this parameter to a value smaller than the default value can be useful for multi vendor interoperability.

Unit: bytesChange takes effect: New connections

Note: This attribute is currently not used as MNC (Mobile Network Code) by the RNC. It is used to control whether the RNSAP IE Unidirectional DCH Indicator is supported or not. The attribute will be completely removed in a later MOM release.When this attribute is set to 999, the RNSAP IE Unidirectional DCH Indicator is not sent to the DRNC. Instead, the Transport Format Indicator is set to 0 for the DCH in the direction not carrying data. All other values mean that Unidirectional DCH Indicator is supported.Note that the Transport Network Layer Quality Of Service mapping feature must be turned off for the IurLinks for which the RNSAP IE Unidirectional DCH Indicator is not supported.

RNC identity used in the external RNC which the IurLink instance is connected to. The RNC identity is a part of the RNTI. The value of this attribute should be unique within the RNC.

Used to turn Iur Observability on/off on a per Iur link basis. Controls if pm information for drifting UEs is reported from SRNC to DRNC or not

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Indicates to the UE whether IMSI attach/detach is allowed. (Some IMSIs are not allowed in some LAs.) This helps to facilitate the avoidance of unnecessary paging attempts. The value is sent on the BCCH.

Value mapping:FALSE: IMSI attach not allowedTRUE: IMSI attach allowed

Location Area Code. This value must be unique in the RNC, meaning that each Location Area Code value can be assigned to only one instance of the MO Class LocationArea.Changing this parameter can cause a mismatch between CN configuration and UTRAN configuration until the new LAC has been configured in both places.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system.

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO. See reference in UtranCell.

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.


Periodic update timer for LA update.

Special values:0 means infinite time (not active).

Unit: 0.1 h (6 min)

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Time after which an MBMS session with downlink user data throughput equal to 0 kbps is considered inactive.

Special values:0 is used to turn MBMS inactivity supervision off.

Change takes effect: New MBMS sessionsUnit: min

The administrative state of the MCCH and MICH control channels in the cell.When set to LOCKED: The MCCH and MICH control channels are deactivated in the air interface. For MBMS sessions where this cell is Preferred Line (PL), all MTCH Radio Bearers (RBs) in the cell are released. The cell will no longer be a candidate for soft combining with neighbor cells. For MBMS sessions where this cell is a non-PL cell, the information about the PL cell is removed due to the deactivation of MCCH.When set to UNLOCKED: The MCCH and MICH control channels are activated in the air interface. For MBMS sessions where this is a Preferred Line (PL), the RNC will try to activate MTCH channels for all ongoing MBMS sessions with no RB established in the cell. For MBMS sessions where this is a non-PL cell, the information about the PL cell is updated in MCCH for ongoing MBMS sessions.

Change takes effect: Immediately

The Availability status of the MBMS resources in the cell. More than one of the following conditions can apply for the same object:Bit 0 = 1: INTEST Bit 1 = 1: FAILED Bit 2 = 1: POWEROFF Bit 3 = 1: OFFLINE Bit 4 = 1: OFFDUTY Bit 5 = 1: DEPENDENCY (set to 1 when bit 9, bit 10 or bit 11 is set to 1) Bit 6 = 1: DEGRADED Bit 7 = 1: NOTINSTALLED Bit 8 = 1: LOGFULL Bit 9 = 1: DEPENDENCYLOCKED Bit 10 = 1: DEPENDENCYFAILED Bit 11 = 1: DEPENDENCYSHUTTINGDOWN

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.



Priority offset added, if HCS is used, by UE to the normal HCS priority level of cells on the MBMS preferred frequency in order to keep/move the UE to that frequency. Used to set the value of the hcsOffMbms parameter scheduled on MCCH. Larger values indicate higher priority.

Change takes effect: Next MCCH update with preferred frequency information for MBMS services

The power of the S-CPCCH used for MCCH transmission. The power is set relative to primaryCpichPower in the cell. If CPICH power changes the absolute power of S-CPCCH used for MCCH will also change. The power needed depends on the number of repetitions on MCCH and acceptable BLER at cell border.

Disturbances:A consequence of changing the parameter is that all MBMS common channels in the cell are released. The system will automatically establish the channels again. operationalState for MbmsCch will be set to DISABLED by the system, and then ENABLED when MCCH and MICH are established with the changed configuration in RBS.When deactivation is initiated, in case of MBMS sessions where this cell is Preferred Line (PL), all MTCH Radio Bearers (RBs) in the cell are released. In case of MBMS sessions where this cell is a non-PL cell, the information about the PL cell is removed.When the control channels MCCH and MICH are activated. For MBMS sessions where this is a Preferred Line (PL), RNC will try to set up MTCH channels for all ongoing MBMS sessions with no RB established in the cell. In case of MBMS sessions where this is a non- PL cell, the information about the PL cell is updated in MCCH for ongoing MBMS sessions.The power of the TFCI field on the S-CPCCH used for MCCH transmission. The power is set relative to primaryCpichPower in the cell, thus, if CPICH power changes the absolute power of the TFCI field used for MCCH will also change.

Disturbances:A consequence of changing the parameter is that all MBMS common channels in the cell are released. The system will automatically establish the channels again. operationalState for MbmsCch will be set to DISABLED by the system, and then ENABLED when MCCH and MICH are established with the changed configuration in RBS.When deactivation is initiated, in case of MBMS sessions where this cell is Preferred Line (PL), all MTCH Radio Bearers (RBs) in the cell are released. In case of MBMS sessions where this cell is a non-PL cell, the information about the PL cell is removed.When the control channels MCCH and MICH are activated. For MBMS sessions where this is a Preferred Line (PL), RNC will try to set up MTCH channels for all ongoing MBMS sessions with no RB established in the cell. In case of MBMS sessions where this is a non- PL cell, the information about the PL cell is updated in MCCH for ongoing MBMS sessions.

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MICH power. The power is set relative to primaryCpichPower in the cell. If CPICH power changes the absolute power of MICH will also change.

Disturbances:A consequence of changing the parameter is that all MBMS common channels in the cell are released. The system will automatically establish the channels again. operationalState for MbmsCch will be set to DISABLED by the system, and then ENABLED when MCCH and MICH are established with the changed configuration in RBS.When deactivation is initiated, in case of MBMS sessions where this cell is Preferred Line (PL), all MTCH Radio Bearers (RBs) in the cell are released. In case of MBMS sessions where this cell is a non-PL cell, the information about the PL cell is removed.When the control channels MCCH and MICH are activated. For MBMS sessions where this is a Preferred Line (PL), RNC will try to set up MTCH channels for all ongoing MBMS sessions with no RB established in the cell. In case of MBMS sessions where this is a non- PL cell, the information about the PL cell is updated in MCCH for ongoing MBMS sessions.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyThe power of the S-CPCCH used for MTCH 129.6 kbps transmission. The power is set relative to primaryCpichPower in the cell, thus, if CPICH power changes the absolute power of S-CPCCH used for MTCH 129.6 kbps will also change. Change takes effect: New MBMS sessionsUnit: 0.1 dB

The power of the TFCI field on the S-CPCCH used for MTCH 129.6 kbps transmission. The power is set relative to the Secondary CCPCH data field, which in turn is set relative to primaryCpichPower in the cell, thus, if CPICH power changes the absolute power of the TFCI field used for MTCH 129.6 kbps will also change.

Change takes effect: New MBMS sessionsUnit: 0.01 dBResolution: 25

The power of the S-CPCCH used for MTCH 259.2 kbps transmission. The power is set relative to primaryCpichPower in the cell, thus, if CPICH power changes the absolute power of S-CPCCH used for MTCH 259.2 kbps will also change.

Change takes effect: New MBMS sessionsUnit: 0.1 dB

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The operational state of the MBMS resources in the cell.

The power of the TFCI field on the S-CPCCH used for MTCH 259.2 kbps transmission. The power is set relative to the Secondary CCPCH data field, which in turn is set relative to primaryCpichPower in the cell, thus, if CPICH power changes the absolute power of the TFCI field used for MTCH 259.2 kbps will also change.

Change takes effect: New MBMS sessionsUnit: 0.01 dBResolution: 25

The power of the S-CPCCH used for MTCH 64.8 kbps transmission. The power is set relative to primaryCpichPower in the cell, thus if CPICH power changes the absolute power of S-CPCCH used for MTCH 64.8 kbps will also change.

Change takes effect: New MBMS sessionsUnit: 0.1 dB

The power of the TFCI field on the S-CPCCH used for MTCH 64.8 kbps transmission. The power is set relative to the Secondary CCPCH data field, which in turn is set relative to primaryCpichPower in the cell, thus, if CPICH power changes the absolute power of the TFCI field used for MTCH 64.8 kbps will also change.

Change takes effect: New MBMS sessionsUnit: 0.01 dBResolution: 25

List of non-preferred layer references to the MbmsServiceArea Managed Object.

Dependencies:At least one of the attributes plMbmsSaRef or nonPlMbmsSaRef must be set when creating an MbmsCch MO, meaning that the cell must always be associated with at least one MbmsServiceArea.A cell is either configured to be a preferred layer (plMbmsSaRef) or non-preferred layer (nonPlMbmsSaRef) cell in an MBMS service area. plMbmsSaRef and nonPlMbmsSaRef cannot reference the same MBMS service area.

Change takes effect: New MBMS sessions

The number of notification indicators per MICH frame.Provided to the RBS at configuration of MCCH/MICH by inclusion of MICH Mode in NBAP signaling. To minimize MICH power, Nn is set to a low value.

Specification: 3GPP TS 25.433 and 3GPP TS 25.211. Change takes effect: Immediately

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

List of preferred layer references to the MbmsServiceArea Managed Object.

Dependencies:At least one of the attributes plMbmsSaRef or nonPlMbmsSaRef must be set when creating an MbmsCch MO, meaning that the cell must always be associated with at least one MbmsServiceArea.A cell is either configured to be a preferred layer (plMbmsSaRef) or non-preferred layer (nonPlMbmsSaRef) cell in an MBMS service area. plMbmsSaRef and nonPlMbmsSaRef cannot reference the same MBMS service area.

Change takes effect: New MBMS sessions

When set to TRUE that the UE shall consider that UTRAN will not provide any non-MBMS services on the MBMS preferred frequency and based on this the UE should perform service prioritizing, that is, select between MBMS services and non-MBMS services. Otherwise, UE shall consider that UTRAN will provide any non-MBMS services on the MBMS preferred frequency. If the parameter value is TRUE, the MBMS PL Service Restriction Information is scheduled on MCCH.

Change takes effect: Next MCCH update with preferred frequency information for MBMS services

Additional quality offset added, if HCS is not used, by UE to the measured quality of the cells on the MBMS preferred frequency in order to keep/move the UE to that frequency. Used to set the value of the qOffMbms parameter scheduled on MCCH.

Special values:-1 means infinity

Change takes effect: Next MCCH update with preferred frequency information for MBMS servicesUnit: dB

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO. See references in MbmsCch

MBMS Service Area Code.

Dependencies:The value of this parameter must be unique within the RNC.

Change takes effect: After MbmsCch lock/unlock

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

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Reference to the DBCH device set carrying this channel.



The availability status of the device.


Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Reference to the CN operator that owns the cells that reference this profile. The PLMN of that CN operator will be broadcasted in these cells.

Change takes effect: New connections

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Maximum Iub delay for which soft combining is supported.

Special values:0 means that no soft combining will be supported within the RNS.

Unit: ms

Iub downlink transport delay offset. The value may be increased to accommodate high transport delay variation, but this also increases overall delays for MTCH.

Unit: ms

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.




Threshold for maximum allowed phase drift of an MTCH FACH in % of the TTI length. When this value is exceeded, a re-synchronization is performed.

Unit: %

Latest time of arrival margin endpoint (3GPP parameter ToAWE).

Unit: msDependencies: toaWindowEndpoint < toaWindowSize

Time of arrival window size. (3GPP parameter ToAWS).

Unit: msDependencies: toaWindowSize > toaWindowEndpoint

References to UtranCells that may act as secondary serving HS-DSCH cells, as reported by the RBS.

Indicates if all conditions are met for this cell to act as a serving HS-DSCH cell for Multi Carrier connections.

Indicates whether or not the analog uplink delay alignment function is activated.0=NOT ACTIVATED1=ACTIVATED

Indicates the available RBS Channel Elements in downlink for R99 traffic. Available RBS Channel Elements Downlink is equal to enabled downlink hardware capacity minus downlink hardware resources needed for A-DCH channels.

Unit: 1 CE Undefined value: 0

Indicates the available RBS Channel Elements in uplink for R99 and uplink EUL traffic.

Unit: 1 CE Undefined value: 0

Branch Difference Absolute Time which defines at what time of the day each measurement must start.

Branch Difference Measurement Time, which defines the period of each measurement.

Status of trace collection, initiated with operation collectTraces.

Possible values: ò UNDETERMINED = Initial value.ò COLLECTING = Trace collection ongoing.ò FINISHED = Trace collection has finished OK.ò FAILED = Trace collection failed.

Undefined value: UNDETERMINED

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Defines the time left, the grace period, before the DL capacity is limited to licensed capacity.

Precondition: The feature 'Delayed Activation of Capacity Control' is installed by license.Undefined value: -1Unit: 1 d

Defines the DL capacity of the second baseband pool in percentage of licensed DL capacity.

Unit: 1%Takes effect: Not valid unless there are two baseband pools and an installed DL capacity license.

Indicates if the downlink capacity is limited to licensed level after ended grace period.

Precondition: The feature 'Delayed Activation of Capacity Control' is installed by license.

Defines an EUL scheduling grant below eulTargetRate. A user's grant will at most be reduced to this level in a single step during overload situations.

Unit: 1 kbpsResolution: 32

The maximum allowed scheduled data rate per user.

Unit: 1 kbps Resolution: 32

Defines the maximum rate that may be allocated in the serving cell for scheduled data to an E-DCH user during a soft handover.

Unit: 1 kbpsResolution: 32

The amount of hardware resources (in terms of a bit rate) that dynamically may be allocated to a non-serving E-DCH radio link for processing scheduled data.

Unit: 1 kbpsResolution: 32

The number of simultaneous users per cell that are allowed to perform rescheduling.

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This is a sequence of 16 weight factors associated with the 16 Scheduling Priority Indicators (SPIs). The weight factors represent the relative bandwidth between users assigned to the different scheduling priorities. The special value 0xFFFE (65534) is used to represent infinity. When eulSchedulingWeight is set to infinity, users with higher SPI values have absolute priority over those with lower SPI.

[0]: weight for SPI = 0 [1]: weight for SPI = 1 ...[15]: weight for SPI = 15


The target scheduled grant for a user.

Unit: 1 kbpsResolution: 32

Feature state for licensed feature '16 QAM Modulation', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseState16Qam = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.Takes effect: For new connections.

Feature state for licensed feature '64 QAM', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseState64Qam = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.Takes effect: For new connections.

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Feature state for licensed feature 'Down Link Power Control for Enhanced Uplink', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateDlPowerControlEul = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.

Feature state for licensed feature 'EUL 2 ms TTI', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateEul2msTti = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.

Feature state for licensed feature 'Advanced Receiver, GRAKE in RBS', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateGrake = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.Takes effect: For new connections.

Feature state for licensed feature 'HSDPA Flexible Scheduler', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateFlexibleScheduler = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.

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Feature state for licensed feature 'Improved HSDPA Link Adaptation', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateHsdpaImprovedLinkAdaptation = ENABLED or the RBS system is in emergency state. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.

Feature state for licensed feature 'MBMS Iub Efficiency Improvements', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateMbmsIubEfficiency = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.

Feature state for licensed feature 'Support for Cascading of AISG RET Antennas', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateRetCascading = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.

Feature state for licensed feature 'RET with AISG/3GPP interface', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateStandardizedRet = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.

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DEACTIVATEDFeature state for licensed feature 'TMA with AISG/3GPP interface', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateStandardizedTma = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.

Indicates the licensed capacity limit for 'Number of 40 W Power Amplifiers on RUW/RRUW based RBS'. The value reflects the capacity value in the license key. The value is not affected by Licensing Emergency Unlock. In case license key is disabled (see licenseStateNum40WPowerAmplifiers), the value is undefined (0). The value 2147483647 represents 'no limit'.

Unit: 1 Power AmplifierResolution: 1Undefined value: 0

Indicates the licensed capacity limit for 'Number of 60 W Power Amplifiers on RUW/RRUW based RBS'. The value reflects the capacity value in the license key. The value is not affected by Licensing Emergency Unlock. In case license key is disabled (see licenseStateNum60WPowerAmplifiers), the value is undefined (0). The value 2147483647 represents 'no limit'.

Unit: 1 Power AmplifierResolution: 1Undefined value: 0

Indicates the licensed capacity limit for 'Number of Carriers on RUW/RRUW based RBS'. The value reflects the capacity value in the license key. The value is not affected by Licensing Emergency Unlock. In case license key is disabled (see licenseStateNumCarriers), the value is undefined (0). The value 2147483647 represents 'no limit'.

Unit: 1 carrierResolution: 1Undefined value: 0

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Indicates the licensed capacity limit for 'Number of EUL Users per Cell'. The value reflects the capacity value in the license key. The value is not affected by Licensing Emergency Unlock. In case license key is disabled (see licenseStateNumEulUsers), the value is undefined (0). The value 2147483647 represents 'no limit'.

Unit: 1 EUL userUndefined value: 0Dependencies: Actual allowed number of EUL users also depends on the value of the attribute RbsLocalCell::maxNumEulUsers.

Indicates the licensed capacity limit for 'Number of HSDPA Users per Cell'. The value reflects the capacity value in the license key. The value is not affected by Licensing Emergency Unlock. In case license key is disabled (see licenseStateNumHsdpaUsers), the value is undefined (0). The value 2147483647 represents 'no limit'.

Unit: 1 HSDPA userUndefined value: 0Dependencies: Actual allowed number of HSDPA users also depends on the value of the attribute RbsLocalCell::maxNumHsdpaUsers.

Indicates the licensed capacity limit for 'Number of HS-PDSCH Codes per Cell'. The value reflects the capacity value in the license key. The value is not affected by Licensing Emergency Unlock. In case license key is disabled (see licenseStateNumHsPdschCodes), the value is undefined (0). The value 2147483647 represents 'no limit'.

Unit: 1 HS-PDSCH codeUndefined value: 0Dependencies: Actual allowed number of HS-PDSCH codes also depends on the value of the attribute RbsLocalCell::maxNumHsPdschCodes.

Indicates the licensed capacity limit for 'RBS Channel Elements Downlink'. The value reflects the downlink capacity value in the license key. The value is not affected by Licensing Emergency Unlock. In case license key is disabled (see licenseStateRbsChannelElementsDownlink), the value is undefined (0). The value 2147483647 represents 'no limit'.

Unit: 1 CE Undefined value: 0Dependencies: Actual allowed number of downlink channel elements also depends on the value of the attribute availableRbsChannelElementsDownlink.

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Indicates the licensed capacity limit for 'RBS Channel Elements Uplink'. The value reflects the uplink capacity value in the license key. The value is not affected by Licensing Emergency Unlock. In case license key is disabled (see licenseStateRbsChannelElementsUplink), the value is undefined (0). The value 2147483647 represents 'no limit'.

Unit: 1 CE Undefined value: 0Dependencies: Actual allowed number of downlink channel elements also depends on the value of the attribute availableRbsChannelElementsUplink.

License state for licensed feature '16 QAM Modulation', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature '64 QAM', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'Configurable Carrier Bandwidth', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed. Note that for this feature there is no feature state attribute. The feature is seen as activated if any of the attributes Carrier::dlBandwidth or Carrier::ulBandwidth differ from their default values.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'Down Link Power Control for Enhanced Uplink', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

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License state for licensed feature 'Enhanced Layer 2', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'Enhanced Uplink Introduction', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'EUL 2 ms TTI', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'F-DPCH/SRB on HSDPA', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'Advanced Receiver, GRAKE in RBS', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

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License state for capacity license 'HSDPA Dynamic Code Allocation', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the capacity, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'HSDPA Flexible Scheduler', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'Improved HSDPA Link Adaptation', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'HSDPA Incremental Redundancy', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'HSDPA Multi Carrier', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

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License state for licensed feature 'HSDPA Multi Carrier Inactivity Control', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'MBMS Iub Efficiency Improvements', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'MIMO', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for the capacity license 'Number of 40 W Power Amplifiers on RUW/RRUW based RBS', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED, that is, whether or not a valid license key for the capacity is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for the capacity license 'Number of 60 W Power Amplifiers on RUW/RRUW based RBS', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED, that is, whether or not a valid license key for the capacity is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

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License state for the capacity license 'Number of Carriers on RUW/RRUW based RBS', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED, that is, whether or not a valid license key for the capacity is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for capacity license 'Number of EUL Users per Cell', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the capacity, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for capacity license 'Number of HSDPA Users per Cell', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the capacity, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for capacity license 'Number of HS-PDSCH Codes per Cell', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the capacity, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for capacity license 'RBS Channel Elements Downlink', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the capacity, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

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License state for capacity license 'RBS Channel Elements Uplink', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the capacity, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'Support for Cascading of AISG RET Antennas', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'RTT Positioning', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed. Note that for this feature there is no feature state attribute since the feature implicitly is seen as always activated.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'RET with AISG/3GPP interface', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

License state for licensed feature 'TMA with AISG/3GPP interface', indicating if the license is ENABLED or DISABLED. That is, whether or not a valid license key for the feature, is installed.

Possible values:ò ENABLEDò DISABLED

In case of Licensing Emergency Unlock, license state is ENABLED.

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Label for free use.

Governs if the use of hsCodeResourceId setting (in MO RbsLocalCell) must be used or not. If set to True, the hsCodeResourceId values must be followed and the HS-DSCH Resources of the cells must be mapped to the specified code resources (HS module on TX board). If set to False, the hsCodeResourceId-settings must be ignored and code resource for the HS-DSCH Resources of the cells must be allocated by the RBS such that load sharing of code resources are maximized.

Precondition: No HsDschResources MO must exist.

Time of arrival early point for common channels.

Unit: 1 msScope: All common channels being set up or reconfigured after value of this attribute has been updateDependencies: ToAWS=<toaeCch=<200 ms-ToAWETakes effect: At next Common Transport Channel Setup Request or Next Common Channel Reconfiguration Request.

Time of arrival early point for dedicated channels.

Unit: 1 msScope: All dedicated channels being set up or reconfigured after value of this attribute has been updatedDependencies: ToAWS=<toaeDch=<200 ms-ToAWETakes effect: At next Common Transport Channel Setup Request or Next Common Channel Reconfiguration Request.

Defines the time left, the grace period, before the UL capacity is limited to licensed capacity.

Precondition: The feature 'Delayed Activation of Capacity Control' is installed by license.Undefined value: -1Unit: 1 d

Defines the UL capacity of the second baseband pool in percentage of licensed UL capacity.

Unit: 1%Takes effect: Not valid unless there are two baseband pools and an installed UL capacity license.

Indicates if the uplink capacity is limited to licensed level after ended grace period.

Precondition: The feature 'Delayed Activation of Capacity Control' is installed by license.

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.The operational state of the Node Synchronization signaling.


The availability status of the Node Synchronization signaling.More than one of the following conditions can apply for the same object:Bit 0 = 1: INTESTBit 1 = 1: FAILEDBit 2 = 1: POWEROFFBit 3 = 1: OFFLINEBit 4 = 1: OFFDUTYBit 5 = 1: DEPENDENCY (set to 1 when bit 9, bit 10 or bit 11 is set to 1)Bit 6 = 1: DEGRADEDBit 7 = 1: NOTINSTALLEDBit 8 = 1: LOGFULL Bit 9 = 1: DEPENDENCYLOCKEDBit 10 = 1: DEPENDENCYFAILEDBit 11 = 1: DEPENDENCYSHUTTINGDOWN

Number of samples to be taken for the fixed window of the Node synchronization algorithm operating in the initialization state

Number of samples to be taken for the fixed window of the Node synchronization algorithm operating in the supervision state.

Maximum allowed Round Trip Time for node synch with the parent Iub Link.

Resolution: 50 Unit: msChange Takes Effect: Immediately

Latest calculated Maximum dynamic transport delay including the measurement inaccuracy.

Special values:40960000 indicates no value available

Unit: microsecondsResolution: 125

Threshold for detection of too large phase drift between RNC and RBS.

Unit: 10 parts per billion (ppb)Resolution: 10

Latest calculated RFN to BFN phase difference value.

Special values:40960000 indicates no value available

Unit: microsecondResolution: 125

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Time interval between samples for the Node synchronization algorithm operating in the initialization state. The value should be higher than the measured round trip time for the parent Iub link.

Unit: msResolution: 50

Time interval between samples for the Node synchronization algorithm operating in the supervision state.

Unit: s

Number of fixed windows to be kept within the sliding window of the Node synchronization algorithm.

Latest calculated one way static delay.

Special values:40960000 indicates no value available

Unit: microsecondResolution: 125

Time stamp for the last reported value of the phase measurement and associated accuracy.Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

Special values:Empty string: no measurement done.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Core Network DRX cycle length coefficient (k) for UEs in idle mode, circuit switched. The cycle length is calculated as the k'th potential of 2, where k = 6..9. For example, 6 corresponds to cycle length 640 ms, 7 corresponds to cycle length 1280 ms, etc.

Change takes effect: New connections

Core Network DRX cycle length coefficient (k) for UEs in idle mode, packet switched. The cycle length is calculated as the k'th potential of 2, where k = 6..9. For example, 6 corresponds to cycle length 640 ms, 7 corresponds to cycle length 1280 ms, etc.

Change takes effect: New connections

Number of preconfigured subsequent transmissions of the same Paging Record.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

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Reference to the DBCH device set carrying this channel.

The administrative state of the channel. UNLOCKED

The DRX cycle length coefficient (k) for UEs in URA_PCH.The DRX cycle length is the frequency with which the UE listens on the paging channel. The parameter is applicable for both UTRAN and CN initiated paging in URA_PCH.

Value mapping:The cycle length is calculated as the k'th power of 2, where k = 3..9. For example, 6 corresponds to cycle length 640 ms, 7 corresponds to cycle length 1280 ms, etc.

The availability status of the common channel.


Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

The availability status of the channel.More than one of the following conditions can apply for the same object:Bit 0 = 1: INTESTBit 1 = 1: FAILEDBit 2 = 1: POWEROFFBit 3 = 1: OFFLINEBit 4 = 1: OFFDUTYBit 5 = 1: DEPENDENCY (set to 1 when bit 9, bit 10 or bit 11 is set to 1)Bit 6 = 1: DEGRADEDBit 7 = 1: NOTINSTALLEDBit 8 = 1: LOGFULL Bit 9 = 1: DEPENDENCYLOCKEDBit 10 = 1: DEPENDENCYFAILEDBit 11 = 1: DEPENDENCYSHUTTINGDOWN

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The operational state of the channel.




The availability status of the common channel.


Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system.

Maximum power to be used for transmitting the PCH, relative to the primaryCpichPower value.

Unit: 0.1 dB

PICH power is the power to be used for transmitting on the physical channel carrying the paging indicators, relative to the primaryCpichPower value.

Unit: dB

Radio timing offset inside a radio frame. (SCCPCH parameter)

Value mapping:0: 0 chips1: 256 chips...149: 38144 chips

Disturbances: Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the PCH is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Unit: 256 chips

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

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Reference to the DBCH device set carrying this channel.

The MCC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1The MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1


Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

The availability status of the common channel.


Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

The availability status of the common channel.


Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

List of PLMN identities used to identify the external CN operators that have roaming agreements with a sharing CN operator.

The length of the MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network

Unit: digit

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Reference, updated automatically by the system, that points back toward the MO that has a reference to this MO. See reference in CnOperator.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Maximum measurement time, signaled to the UE in the A-GPS MEASUREMENT CONTROL message.

Unit: 1 msChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Maximum response time for a positioning request using the RANAP message LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL, when the RANAP IE "Response Time" is set to 'Delay Tolerant' and fixedRespTimeMax is set to -1.

Dependencies:Only used when fixedRespTimeMax = -1

Unit: msResolution: 100Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Ordered list containing three Positioning methods that the RNC selects between, when determining the positioning method for the first positioning attempt.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Controls whether the QoS of the result of the first positioning attempt shall be performed.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

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Fixed maximum response time for a positioning request using the RANAP message LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL.

Special values:When this attribute has value -1, the RANAP IE "Response Time", received in the LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message, is used to set the timer instead, as follows: - When the RANAP IE "Response Time" is 'Low Delay', lowDelayRespTimeMax will be used to set the timer. - When the RANAP IE "Response Time" is 'Delay Tolerant', delayToleranceRespTimeMax will be used to set the timer.

Dependencies:lowDelayRespTimeMax and delayToleranceRespTimeMax are only used when fixedRespTimeMax = -1

Unit: msResolution: 100Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Maximum response time for a positioning request using the RANAP message LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL, when the RANAP IE "Response Time" is set to 'Low Delay' and fixedRespTimeMax = -1.

Dependencies:Only used when fixedRespTimeMax = -1

Unit: msResolution: 100Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Confidence value for the reported position sent by the LOCATION REPORT message.

Unit: %Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Positioning method for the second positioning attempt.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Controls whether the QoS of the result of the second positioning attempt shall be performed.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

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Report format when the measured format is 'Ellipsoid Arc'.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Report format when the measured format is 'Ellipsoid Point'.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Report format when the measured format is 'Ellipsoid Point With Altitude'.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Report format when the measured format is 'Ellipsoid Point With Altitude and Uncertainty Ellipsoid'.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Report format when the measured format is 'Ellipsoid Point With Uncertainty Circle'.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Report format when the measured format is 'Ellipsoid Point With Uncertainty Ellipse'.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Report format when the measured format is 'Polygon'.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

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The default value to be used in power calculations for Ec divided by No. -16


Positioning method for the third positioning attempt.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Used to back off the open loop power control estimate to a conservative starting point.

Value mapping:-60: -15,00 dB-59: -14,75 dB... 60: 15,00 dB

Unit: 0.25 dB

Factor used to take into account the non-blind inter-frequency handover margin.

Unit: 0.1 dBResolution: 5

Used to set the uplink DPCCH power offset to a conservative level.

Value mapping:-30: -15.0 dB-29: -14.5 dB... 0: 0.0 dB... 30: 15.0 dB

Unit: 0.5 dB

Initial SIR target for the downlink DPDCH part of all RABs.

Unit: 0.1 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Selects the downlink power control method to be used at establishment of the radio connection.

Change takes effect: New connections

Error Rate Target signaled to the UE to be used to control the power of TPC (Transmit Power Control) commands sent on F-DPCH.

Unit: %Change takes effect: Next reconfiguration

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Fixed downlink power used in the fixed-balancing downlink power control method, expressed relative to the PCPICH power.

Value mapping:1: -35.0 dB2: -34.5 dB3: -34.0 dB...70: -0.5 dB71: 0.0 dB72: 0.5 dB...101: 15.0 dB

Unit: 0.5 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Fixed downlink reference power used in the fixed-balancing downlink power control method, expressed relative to the PCPICH power.

Value mapping:1: -35.0 dB2: -34.5 dB3: -34.0 dB...70: -0.5 dB71: 0.0 dB72: 0.5 dB...101: 15.0 dB

Unit: 0.5 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Correction of initial downlink power at soft handover RL setup.

Unit: dBChange takes effect: New connections

Default primary CPICH power. If the primary CPICH power is not provided from DRNC, DPCCH_Power_Offset is calculated using this parameter.

Unit: dBm

Power offset for the TFCI.

Value mapping: 0: 0.00 dB 1: 0.25 dB...24: 6.00 dB

Unit: 0.25 dB

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Power offset for the TPC bits.

Value mapping: 0: 0.00 dB 1: 0.25 dB...24: 6.00 dB

Unit: 0.25 dB

Power offset for the pilot bits.

Value mapping: 0: 0.00 dB 1: 0.25 dB...24: 6.00 dB

Unit: 0.25 dB

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

Maximum allowed SIR target for 10 ms TTI users.

Unit: 0.1 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Maximum allowed SIR target for 2 ms TTI users.

Unit: 0.1 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Minimum allowed SIR target.

Unit: 0.1 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Wanted percentage of E-DCH frames for which the number of harq transmissions is greater than the target, for 10 ms TTI users.

Unit: 0.1 %Change takes effect: New connections

Wanted percentage of E-DCH frames for which the number of harq transmissions is greater than the target, for 2 ms TTI users.

Unit: 0.1 %Change takes effect: New connections

Initial SIR target in the uplink for RABs in state EUL/HS (that is, using the E-DCH) and using 10 ms TTI.

Unit: 0.1 dBChange takes effect: New connections

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Initial uplink SIR Target signalled to the RBS to be used to control the power of standalone SRB on E-DCH.

Unit: 0.1 dB Change takes effect: Next reconfiguration

Initial SIR target in the uplink for RABs in state EUL/HS (that is, using the E-DCH) and using 2 ms TTI.

Unit: 0.1 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Initial SIR target in the uplink for RABs that have a minimum spreading factor <= 4.

Unit: 0.1 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Initial SIR target in the uplink for RABs that have a minimum spreading factor <= 16 (but > 4).

Dependencies:RABs that have a minimum spreading factor <= 4 use ulInitSirTargetExtraHigh as the initial SIR target instead.

Unit: 0.1 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Initial SIR target in the uplink for RABs that have a minimum spreading factor >= 32.

Unit: 0.1 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Initial SIR target in the uplink for stand alone SRB.

Unit: 0.1 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Regulation type for uplink outer loop power control algorithm.

Change takes effect: New connections

Size of upstep of SIR target for 10 ms TTI users.

Unit: 0.1 dBChange takes effect: New connections

Size of upstep of SIR target for 2 ms TTI users.

Unit: 0.1 dBChange takes effect: New connections

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Reference to MO UbchDeviceSet.



The availability status of the common channel.


Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Indicates the location (absolute path) on the hard disk for the GPEH ROP files.Hard coded in system to ô/c/pm_data/ö.

The maximum size allowed for the current GPEH ROP file, not yet compressed with the gzip algorithm.When maxFileSize is reached, writing to the current ROP file is stopped.Writing is resumed again at the beginning of the next ROP (in the next ROP file).

Unit: 1 kBDependencies: maxFileSize is set to maxStorageSize by the system.Takes effect: At next activation of the scanner.

Maximum disk usage allowed for GPEH files compressed with the gzip algorithm in the node.The size of an compressed GPEH ROP file is approximately 1/5 of the uncompressed GPEH ROP file size.When maxStorageSize is reached, the oldest compressed GPEH ROP file is removed by the system.

Unit: 1 kBDependencies: maxFileSize is set to maxStorageSize by the system.Takes effect: At next activation of the scanner.

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The administrative state of the channel. UNLOCKED


The state of the GPEH scanner. The value is set by the system, according to the suspend/resume operation from the Mub user, over the PMCI interface.

Possible values:ò ACTIVEò SUSPENDED

The availability status of the common channel.


Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Determines if active queue management (early congestion detection and selective dropping of packets) is turned on or off for all PS Interactive RABs.

Change takes effect: New connections

UE 3GPP-release control for AMR-NB MM. Defines from which 3GPP release of a UE, AMR-NB multimode is allowed. UEs older than this release are limited to AMR-NB Single-mode 12.2 configurations.

Change takes effect: New connections

Time after which an inactive PS Streaming RAB is released.When both the downlink and uplink throughput for a PS Streaming RAB have been 0 kbps (no data has been transmitted) for this length of time, a release of the PS Streaming RAB is requested from the CN.

Unit: s

AICH power, to be used for transmitting on AICH, relative to the primaryCpichPower value.The value range is set to cover both the RRC and NBAP spec.

Unit: dB

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AICH timing delay parameter.

Disturbances: Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the RACH is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Unit: chips

The availability status of the channel.More than one of the following conditions can apply for the same object:Bit 0 = 1: INTESTBit 1 = 1: FAILEDBit 2 = 1: POWEROFFBit 3 = 1: OFFLINEBit 4 = 1: OFFDUTYBit 5 = 1: DEPENDENCY (set to 1 when bit 9, bit 10 or bit 11 is set to 1)Bit 6 = 1: DEGRADEDBit 7 = 1: NOTINSTALLEDBit 8 = 1: LOGFULL Bit 9 = 1: DEPENDENCYLOCKEDBit 10 = 1: DEPENDENCYFAILEDBit 11 = 1: DEPENDENCYSHUTTINGDOWN

The availability status of the common channel.


Constant value used by the UE to calculate the initial power on PRACH according to the Open loop power control procedure.

Unit: dB

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Maximum number of preamble ramping cycle. 4The operational state of the channel.



Maximum number of preambles in one preamble ramping cycle. 865535

Enables or disables the feature Increased RACH Coverage in this cell. When the feature Increased RACH Coverage is active, the available preamble signatures and the preamble scrambling code number are calculated internally by the RNC. When the feature Increased RACH Coverage is not active, the RNC uses the configured values of Rach::preambleSignatures and Rach::scramblingCodeWordNo.

Disturbances: Whenever the value of this attribute is set, the RACH is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Dependencies: preambleSignatures and scramblingCodeWordNo are not used when this attribute is TRUE and the feature Increased RACH Coverage is active.

Change takes effect: Object disabled/enabled

Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Power step when no acquisition indicator is received.

Unit: dB

Power step between preamble and the message part.

Unit: dB

Preamble signatures for PRACH.Bit 0: P0Bit 1: P1...Bit 15: P15One or more preamble signatures can be active.

The rightmost bit (bit 0) in the Corba data type long corresponds to P0, bit 1 corresponds to P1 and so on. However not that bit 0 is the leftmost bit in the ASN.1 type bitstring.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system.

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Scrambling Code for preamble and message part. PRACH parameter.The value range covers both the RRC and NBAP spec.

Disturbances: Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the RACH is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Unit: codes

Minimum spreading factor to use for PRACH.

Value mapping:32: TTI = 10 ms.64: TTI = 20 ms.

Disturbances: Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the RACH is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Sub channel numbers.Bit 0: sub channel no 0Bit 1: sub channel no 1...Bit 11: sub channel no 11One or more sub channel numbers can be active.

The rightmost bit (bit 0) in the Corba data type long corresponds to sub channel no 0, bit 1 corresponds to sub channel no 1 and so on, however not that bit 0 is the leftmost bit in the ASN.1 type bitstring.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

The reason why the OSS-RC configuration failed. The attribute is set by OSS-RC.

Undefined value: ""

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The logical name of the RBS. The attribute is set by the site installer.

Reference to the Carrier MO used by the cell.35000

The configuration level of the RBS. Only used for synchronization/interaction with OSS-RC during auto-integration of an IP based RBS (that is, the attribute is not applicable to any other configuration method, and the value of the attribute is irrelevent to any other user than OSS-RC). Since the value is non-persistent it will go back to the undefined value after a node restart. When the attribute is set to OSS_CONFIGURATION_FAILED the reason for failure is stored in the configFaultReason attribute.


Undefined value: UNDEFINED

The availability status of the cell.


Defines the maximum range (in meters) for random access detection (random access distance). For soft handover the RBS adds a soft handover margin internally.

Note that the actual cell range resolution is 3 chips, that is, around 234 m.

Unit: 1 mPrecondition: Cell not setup by the RNC (availabilityStatus=OFF_LINE). Dependencies: If a license key for the features 'Extended Range up to 80 km' or 'Extended Range up to 200 km' exists, this range must not be exceeded, otherwise the default value must not be exceeded.

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The maximum number of simultaneous scheduled E-DCH users. 100


Shows whether the cell is E-DCH 2 ms TTI capable or not.


Specification: 3GPP TS 25.433, NBAP, UTRAN Iub interface NBAP signalling

The E-DCH capability of the cell.


Specification: 3GPP TS 25.433, NBAP, UTRAN Iub interface NBAP signalling

Minimum downlink power in a cell to be used for an individual E-HICH channel on 10 ms TTI. Note that the minimum power for 2 ms users is 6 dB higher than the value given by this parameter.

Dependencies: Only used when NodeBFunction::licenseStateDlPowerControlEul is ENABLED and NodeBFunction::featureStateDlPowerControlEul is ACTIVATED. (eHichMinCodePower =< (maxUserEHichPowerDlTti2 û 6 dB)) and (eHichMinCodePower =< maxUserEHichERgchPowerDl).Unit: 0.1 dB

The purpose with this parameter is to provide the operator with the noise floor level used when the noise floor is locked. This parameter is used in conjunction with the parameters eulOptimalNoiseFloorLock and eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate according to table below. It has undefined value until cell has been set up for EUL.

eulOptimalNoiseFloorLock + eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate => eulLockedOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate

false + ônot usedö => ônot usedöfalse + <value> => ônot usedötrue + ônot usedö => <current level>true + ôvalueö => <value>

Unit: 0.1 dBmUndefined value: -1Precondition: E-DCH Resources setup in the cell.

The maximum allowed contribution to uplink interference rise from traffic generated in the own cell. The scheduler limits the E-DCH power based on this parameter. Unit is rise of interference (noise rise) in dB.

Unit: 0.1 dB

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Maximum RoT (Rise over Thermal) level allowed to preserve coverage.

Unit: 0.1 dB

The uplink interference contribution from other cells is estimated in the load estimator, but is never allowed to go below the value of this parameter. The unit is load factor, that is, interference power from other cells divided by total interference power.

Unit: 0.01Resolution: 2

Number of E-RGCH groups per channelization code and cell.

Recommended value: 16Takes effect: At next setup of E-DCH Resources for this cell.

The struct attributes eulNoiseFloorLock and eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate are set and get together.

eulNoiseFloorLock is used together with eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate to be able to lock the noise floor level (eulNoiseFloorLock set to true) to either the current level, when eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate is set to -1 (= undefined) or to a value defined in eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate. When eulNoiseFloorLock is set to false, the noise floor level is according to algorithm and eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate is negligible.

When set to true, locks the noise floor level. Used in conjunction with eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate to be able to lock the noise floor level to either the current level, when eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate is set to -1 (= undefined) or to a value defined in eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate.

Used in conjunction with eullNoiseFloorLock to be able to lock the noise floor level to either the current level, when eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate is set to -1 (=undefined value), or to a value defined in eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate.

Unit: 0.1 dBmUndefined value: -1

The length of the sliding window during which a thermal noise level is found.

Unit: 1 sResolution: 10Takes effect: If the noise floor is locked, at commit. If the noise floor is not locked, at next noise floor lock or at next setup of E-DCH resources.

The anticipated uplink noise floor of the unloaded RBS, including feeder and TMA contributions.

Unit: 0.1 dBmTakes effect: If the noise floor is locked, at commit. If the noise floor is not locked, at next noise floor lock or at next setup of E-DCH Resources.

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Shows whether the cell is F-DPCH capable or not.


Feature state for licensed feature 'Enhanced Layer 2', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateEnhancedLayer2 = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.Takes effect: For new connections.

Feature state for licensed feature 'F-DPCH/SRB on HSDPA', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateFDpchSrbOnHsdpa = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.Takes effect: For new connections.

Feature state for licensed feature 'HSDPA Dynamic Code Allocation', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateHsdpaDynamicCodeAllocation = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.Takes effect: At next cell setup.

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Feature state for licensed feature 'HSDPA Incremental Redundancy', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateHsdpaIncrementalRedundancy = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.Takes effect: At next cell setup.

Feature state for licensed feature 'HSDPA Multi Carrier', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateHsdpaMc = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.Takes effect: For new connections.

Feature state for licensed feature 'HSDPA Multi Carrier Inactivity Control', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateHsdpaMcInactCtrl = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.Takes effect: For new connections.

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Feature state for licensed feature 'MIMO', indicating if the feature is ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED.


Dependencies: Can only be set to ACTIVATED in case a valid license key is installed for the feature, that is, if NodeBFunction::licenseStateMimo = ENABLED. If the value is ACTIVATED when the license state changes from ENABLED to DISABLED a corresponding License Not Valid alarm is generated.Takes effect: At next cell setup.

Specifies the mapping of HS-DSCH Resources of the cell to an HSDPA processing resource on the TX board. Effect of this parameter is only considered if the steeredHsAllocation is set to true. Using the value 0 means that the cell will not support HS-DSCH.

Precondition: No HsDschResources MO exists for this cell.Dependencies: The value must not exceed the sum of numHsCodeResources in all MO TxDeviceGroup of the baseband pool.

The HSDPA capability of the cell.


Specification: 3GPP TS 25.433, NBAP, UTRAN Iub interface NBAP signalling

The HSDPA multi carrier capability of the cell.


The identity of the RBS local cell.

Precondition: Cell not setup by the RNC (availabilityStatus=OFF_LINE).Dependencies: Value must be the same as in the corresponding RNC MO UtranCell.Specification: 3GPP TS 25.433, NBAP, UTRAN Iub interface NBAP signalling

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The maximum downlink power capability for the cell. The attribute is calculated and reported to the RNC.

Example: 200 = 20.0 dBm

Unit: 0.1 dBUndefined value: -1Specification: 3GPP TS 25.433, NBAP, UTRAN Iub interface NBAP signalling

Maximum downlink power for an individual E-AGCH channel in the cell.

Example: 100 = 10 dB

Unit: 0.1 dB

Maximum downlink power for an individual E-AGCH channel in the cell. Applicable for 2 ms TTI.

Unit 0.1 dBResolution: 1

The maximum number of Serving EUL users allowed per cell.

Dependencies: If license key 'Number of EUL Users per Cell' is enabled (see NodeBFunction::licenseStateNumEulUsers), and Licensing Emergency Unlock is not activated, maxNumEulUsers can not be set to a higher value than the license key allows. If the license key is disabled, a maximum of 4 EUL users are allowed per cell. If Licensing Emergency Unlock is activated, a maximum of 96 EUL users are allowed per cell.Takes effect: Increase takes effect immediately. Decrease takes effect gracefully (existing users are allowed to terminate normally while new users are rejected until the new limit is reached).

The maximum number of HSDPA users allowed per cell.

Dependencies: If license key 'Number of HSDPA Users per Cell' is enabled (see NodeBFunction::licenseStateNumHsdpaUsers), and Licensing Emergency Unlock is not activated, a higher value of maxNumHsdpaUsers than the license key will result in generation of the alarm RbsLocalCell_MaxNumHsdpaUsersExceedsLicensedLimit. If the license key is disabled, a maximum of 16 HSDPA users are allowed per cell. If Licensing Emergency Unlock is activated, a maximum of 96 HSDPA users are allowed per cell.Takes effect: Increase takes effect immediately. Decrease takes effect gracefully (existing users are allowed to terminate normally while new users are rejected until the new limit is reached).

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The maximum number of HS-PDSCH codes allowed per cell.

Dependencies: If license key 'Number of HS-PDSCH Codes per Cell' is enabled (see NodeBFunction::licenseStateNumHsPdschCodes) and Licensing Emergency Unlock is not activated, maxNumHsPdschCodes can not be set to a higher value than the license key allows. If the license key is disabled, a maximum of 5 HS-PDSCH codes are allowed per cell. If Licensing Emergency Unlock is activated, a maximum of 15 HS-PDSCH codes are allowed per cell.Takes effect: Increase takes effect immediately. Decrease takes effect gracefully (if more codes than the new limit are used, the new limit will not apply until the RNC has reconfigured the physical shared channel so that less codes than the new limit are used).

E-HICH for serving and non serving/E-RGCH have fixed power relative CPICH power. But if feature 'DL Power Control EUL' is active, then the parameter defines the maximum power for E-HICH relative to CPICH for serving E-DCH RL. The parameter value is still fixed for all other cases.

Dependencies: maxUserEHichERgchPowerDl >= eHichMinCodePowerUnit: 0.1 dB

E-HICH (for serving and non serving) have fixed power relative CPICH power. But if feature 'DL Power Control EUL' is active, then the parameter defines the maximum power for E-HICH relative to CPICH for serving E-DCH RL. The parameter value is still fixed for non-Serving RL. Applicable to 2 ms TTI.

Dependencies: maxUserEHichPowerDlTti2 >= (eHichMinCodePower + 6 dB)Unit: 0.1 dB

The minimum downlink power capability for the cell. The attribute is calculated and reported to the RNC.

Unit: 0.1 dBmUndefined value: -301Specification: 3GPP TS 25.433, NBAP, UTRAN Iub interface NBAP signalling

Indicates the minimum spreading factor supported by the cell.

Specification: 3GPP TS 25.433, NBAP, UTRAN Iub interface NBAP signalling

Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

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Reference to the RbsSynchronization MO.Label for free use.


Offset to be used in E-HICH power.

Dependencies: Only used when NodeBFunction::licenseStateDlPowerControlEul is ENABLED and NodeBFunction::featureStateDlPowerControlEul is ACTIVATED.Unit: 0.1 dB

Indicates which TIM device owning plug-in unit is master.


Dependencies: timDeviceRef1&2

Stability status of the node. TRUE if at least one TIM device is stable.

Dependencies: timDeviceRef1&2

Synchronization status of the node. TRUE if at least one TIM device is synchronized.

Dependencies: timDeviceRef1&2

Reference to first timing unit owning plug-in unit MO.

Precondition: PlugInUnit MO must exist.

Reference to second timing unit owning plug-in unit MO.

Precondition: PlugInUnit MO must exist.

Reference to the TimDevice MO on the plug-in unit pointed out by plugInUnitRef1.

Reference to the TimDevice MO on the plug-in unit pointed out by the plugInUnitRef2.

Waiting timer for cell update.

Special values:0 is used to indicate infinity (timer not used).

Unit: 5 minutes

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Timer that is started when all radio links for a connection are lost. At time-out, the radio connection is considered lost.

Special values:The value 18000 deci seconds = 1800 s = 30 minutes is used for testing purposes to "disable" the Radio Connection Supervision functionality for a UE on dedicated channels.

Unit: 0.1 sResolution: 5Change takes effect: The value CANNOT be changed for an ongoing connection; that is, whenever the attribute is reconfigured in the RNC, the new value shall only apply to new connections.

Controls the RCS timer for supervision of uplink synch of RLS containing the serving HS-DSCH radio link.

Special values:18000 indicates that the RCS function is switched off. Used for test purposes.

Unit: 0.1 sResolution: 5

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

RES Measurement period for the RES services containing Interactive:- PSINTDCHDCH- PSINTDCHHS- PSINTEULHS

Unit: sChange takes effect: RES scanner activated. The change will not take effect if the scanner is already active.

RES measurement period for the RES services containing Speech:- SPEECH12200- SPEECH12200_ALL- AMR7950- AMR5900- AMR4750- AMRWB- AMRWB_ALL- AMRNBMM- PSCONVSPEECHEULHS- PSCONVSPEECHEULHS_ALL

Unit: sChange takes effect: RES scanner activated. The change will not take effect if the scanner is already active.

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RES measurement period for the RES services containing Streaming:- PSSTRDCHHS- PSSTRDCHHS_ALL- PSSTRDCHDCH- CSSTREAMING

Unit: sChange takes effect: When the RES scanner is activated The value will not take effect if the scanner is already active.

RES measurement period for the RES services containing Video:- VIDEO- PSCONVUNKNOWNEULHS

Change takes effect: RES scanner activated. The change will not take effect if the scanner is already active.Unit: s

RES measurement 1. Defines the RES service and RES rmq for this measurement.

RES measurement quantity to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

RES service to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

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RES measurement 10. Defines the RES service and RES rmq for this measurement.

RES measurement quantity to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

RES service to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

RES measurement 11. Defines the RES service and RES rmq for this measurement.

RES measurement quantity to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

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RES service to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

RES measurement 12. Defines the RES service and RES rmq for this measurement.

RES measurement quantity to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

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RES service to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

RES measurement 2. Defines the RES service and RES rmq for this measurement.

RES measurement quantity to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

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RES service to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

RES measurement 3. Defines the RES service and RES rmq for this measurement.

RES measurement quantity to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

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RES service to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

RES measurement 4. Defines the RES service and RES rmq for this measurement.

RES measurement quantity to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

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RES service to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

RES measurement 5. Defines the RES service and RES rmq for this measurement.

RES measurement quantity to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

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RES service to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

RES measurement 6. Defines the RES service and RES rmq for this measurement.

RES measurement quantity to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

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RES service to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

RES measurement 7. Defines the RES service and RES rmq for this measurement.

RES measurement quantity to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

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RES service to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

RES measurement 8. Defines the RES service and RES rmq for this measurement.

RES measurement quantity to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

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RES service to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

RES measurement 9. Defines the RES service and RES rmq for this measurement.

RES measurement quantity to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

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See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x25).

See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x01).

See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x03).

See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x02).

See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x23).

See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x04).

RES service to be measured.Change of this parameter will not take affect if the RES scanner is already active.

Defines a subset of UEs during a RES recording. Measurements shall be started for 1/resUeFraction of the UE's that shall have performed the measurements. If this parameter is set to 1, then the measurement should be done for all UEs.

Change takes effect: When the RES scanner is activated The value will not take effect if the scanner is already active.

ARET device data. Valid only for ARET. The device data is read from the ARET unit and can not be changed.

Precondition: The ARET must be installed and operational.

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See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x05).

See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x21).

See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x26).

See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x22).

See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x06).

See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x07).

See 3GPP TS25.466 Annex B (Field No. 0x24).


Contains a list of MO instances that reserve this MO instance.

The availability status of the device.


Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

The antenna tilt induced by the RETU.

Unit: 0.1░Dependencies: The total antenna tilt relative the vertical plane is electricalAntennaTilt + AntennaBranch::mechanicalAntennaTilt for this antenna. A positive value for the total tilt gives that the antenna beam is pointing below the horizontal plane for this antenna (towards the ground), while a negative value gives that it is pointing above the horizontal plane for this antenna.

Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

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Vendor specific software product number of the RETU.

Revision state of the software running on the RETU.

Indicates the usage of the device.

Possible values:ò BUSY ò IDLE

Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

The availability status of the device set.


Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

Type of RETU. Defines (together with antennaType on the corresponding SectorAntenna MO) which configuration data (MO RetProfile) that is used.

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The availability status of the device group.


Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

State of progress of the hardware test.


Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

Indicates the usage of corresponding device(s).

Possible values:ò ACTIVE ò BUSY ò IDLE

Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

Defines the unit (bps/ number of users, number of connected IP RBS etc.) for the licensed capacity.

Indicates the current capacity limit applied in the node. This value is the lower of licensedCapacityLimit and operatorCapacityLimit and is used as the 100% limit for the counter pmCapacityUtilization. If the value of the attribute is changed during the ROP, that value is reported in the counter pmCapacityLimit.

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Indicates if the capacity feature is under license control.





The product identity of the key for the capacity feature under license control.

Defines the node licensed capacity as defined in the License Key File. noLimit is used to define if the value is valid or not.

Wanted node capacity limit. Normally set to the same limit as licensedCapacitylimit. The operator can set this to a lower value than licensedCapacityLimit for test reasons, known problems in the node etc. noLimit is used to define if the value is valid or not.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Maximum number of CcDevice MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Maximum number of cell relation MO instances that can be configured in the RNC (the sum of UtranRelation, GsmRelation and CoverageRelation instances).

Maximum number of DcDevice MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Maximum number of ExternalGsmCell MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Maximum number of ExternalUtranCell MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Maximum number of IubLink MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Maximum number of LocationArea MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Maximum number of MbmsServiceArea MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Maximum number of PacketDataRouter MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Maximum number of PdrDevice MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system.

Maximum number of RncModule MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Maximum number of RoutingArea MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

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Defines whether the feature is under license control or not.

Product identity of the key for the feature under license control.

The MCC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1The MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1



Maximum number of ServiceArea MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Maximum number of Ura MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Maximum number of UtranCell MO instances that can be configured in the RNC.

Used to activate or deactivate a feature.A prerequisite for activating a feature under license control is that a valid license key has been installed in the CPP License Manager (licenseState = ENABLED).

Change takes effect: Feature-dependent

Indicates whether a valid key is installed or not in the License Manager.

Value mapping:ENABLED: Set when there is a valid key, or if the feature is not under license control (isLicenseControlled = FALSE).DISABLED: Indicates that a valid key is not installed.

Indicates whether the feature is operable or inoperable (whether the feature is providing service or not).

List of alias PLMN identities for this RNC. Defines PLMNs with roaming restrictions for the Selective Handover feature.See the class description of UtranRelation for more details.

The length of the MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network

Unit: digit

Size of each CTR recording file. The file size is valid for the uncompressed file.The default value will give a storage time of 1 hour for each file, for 2 simultaneous CTR recordings and 16 simultaneous UETR recordings, and given that uetrFileSize is also set to its default value.If the size of the file reaches the value of ctrFileSize within a specific ROP, CTR recording will stop until the next ROP begins.

Unit: kB (1000 bytes)Change takes effect: Next ROP

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Settings for the feature Manually-triggered Cyclic Access Class Barring for non-domain specific barring. Only access classes 0-9 are affected. The feature Manually-triggered Cyclic Access Class Barring is active when the feature is on and any of the flags for cyclicAcb, cyclicAcbCs or cyclicAcbPs is set.

Dependencies: For Rel-6 UEs or later, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Domain Specific Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcbCs/Ps)- Domain Specific (Cell Level) Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassesBarredCs/Ps)- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)For pre Rel-6 UEs, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)

When a manually triggered access class barring feature is active, the configuration replaces classes 0-9 from the cell level access class barring settings.When the Load Triggered Access Class Barring feature is active (RncFunction:: iuSccpConRateThresh, RncFunction:: iuSccpConRateMeasPeriod), the classes barred by the system in the range 0-9 are ORed with the cell level access class barring settings. Enables or disables this part of the feature Manual-triggered Cyclic Access Class Barring.

Number of access classes that are barred. When it is time to rotate the barred classes, the currently barred classes are enabled, and the next rotationGroupSize classes are barred (in the range 0 - 9).

Settings for the feature Manually-triggered Cyclic Access Class Barring for the CS domain. Only access classes 0-9 for UEs of release 6 or later are affected. The feature Manually-triggered Cyclic Access Class Barring is active when the feature is on, and any of the flags for cyclicAcb, cyclicAcbCs or cyclicAcbPs is set.

Dependencies: For Rel-6 UEs or later, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Domain Specific Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcbCs/Ps)- Domain Specific (Cell Level) Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassesBarredCs/Ps)- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)For pre Rel-6 UEs, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)

When a manually triggered access class barring feature is active, the configuration replaces classes 0-9 from the cell level access class barring settings.When the Load Triggered Access Class Barring feature is active

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Enables or disables this part of the feature Manual-triggered Cyclic Access Class Barring.

Number of access classes that are barred. When it is time to rotate the barred classes, the currently barred classes are enabled, and the next rotationGroupSize classes are barred (in the range 0 - 9).

Settings for the feature Manually-triggered Cyclic Access Class Barring for the PS domain. Only access classes 0-9 for UEs of release 6 or later are affected. The feature Manually-triggered Cyclic Access Class Barring is active when the feature is on, and any of the flags for cyclicAcb, cyclicAcbCs or cyclicAcbPs is set.

Dependencies: For Rel-6 UEs or later, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Domain Specific Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcbCs/Ps)- Domain Specific (Cell Level) Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassesBarredCs/Ps)- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)For pre Rel-6 UEs, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)

When a manually triggered access class barring feature is active, the configuration replaces classes 0-9 from the cell level access class barring settings.When the Load Triggered Access Class Barring feature is active Enables or disables this part of the feature Manual-triggered Cyclic Access Class Barring.

Number of access classes that are barred. When it is time to rotate the barred classes, the currently barred classes are enabled, and the next rotationGroupSize classes are barred (in the range 0 - 9).

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Time between two consecutive rotations of barred access classes for the feature Manually-triggered Cyclic Access Class Barring. After this time, the currently barred classes are enabled, and the next rotationGroupSize classes are barred (in the range 0 - 9).The feature Manually-triggered Cyclic Access Class Barring is active when the feature is on and any of the flags for cyclicAcb, cyclicAcbCs or cyclicAcbPs is set.

Dependencies: For Rel-6 UEs or later, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Domain Specific Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcbCs/Ps)- Domain Specific (Cell Level) Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassesBarredCs/Ps)- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)For pre Rel-6 UEs, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)

When a manually triggered access class barring feature is active, the configuration replaces classes 0-9 from the cell level access class barring Priority level received from the Core Network that RNC interprets as the identifier for CS Speech Emergency Calls.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Determines if a request from the Core Network for Service based handover should be ignored for an Emergency Call, if positioning using A-GPS is possible.

Determines whether an attempt to determine the location of the UE should be made in the UMTS system for emergency calls.

Dependencies:Not used if ecCnSbhoRequestIgnore = FALSE.

Time within which a service-based handover must be completed for an emergency call. A service-based handover for emergency call can be initiated when ecCnSbhoRequestIgnore = FALSE, or when ecCnSbhoRequestIgnore = TRUE but it is not possible to perform UMTS-based A-GPS positioning.

Unit: s

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Turns on/off the redirection of all emergency calls to GSM, in order to provide more accurate positioning information. If this parameter is ON and a UE requests to establish an RRC connection and indicates 'Emergency call' as establishment code, the WCDMA RAN will reject the request by sending the message RRC Connection Reject with the 'Redirection info' equal to 'Inter-RAT info GSM'. The UE will then perform a cell selection to GSM and attempt to establish a connection to GSM. This procedure is applied when there is no RRC connection already setup in WCDMA RAN. If there is an existing RRC connection used for packet-switched traffic, this RRC connection has to be ended by the user by ending its packet session before dialling an emergency call.

Dependencies:When this parameter is ON, ecCnSbhoRequestIgnore has no effect.

Change takes effect: New connections

Controls if prioritization of Evolved HS UEs is taken into account when allocating UEs to DC-SPs in the RNC node.

When the parameter is set to TRUE, the priority of UEs with different HS capabilities is set with the parameter evolvedHsUePrioLevel. When the parameter is set to FALSE, all HS capable UEs are allocated to the SP with most available resources in the module, and Non-HS capable UEs are allocated to the SP with second most resources.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Controls the priority of different HS capable UEs at DC-SP allocation in the RNC node.

Each element in the sequence represents a priority level used for allocating UEs to DC-SPs. The value of each element specifies the minimum UE capability that is included in that priority. Priority level 1 UEs are allocated to the SP with the most available resources, priority level 2 UEs are allocated to the SP with the second most available resources, and so on. The capability used for priority level 1 must be a higher capability than the capability for priority level 2, and so on.

The ordering of UE capabilities is defined by the enumeration SupportedHsUeCategories. Higher values in this enumeration indicate a higher capability. UEs below priority level 2 are allocated to the SP that is least loaded among the remaining ones.

Dependencies: This parameter is not used when evolvedHsUePrioEnabled is set to FALSE. Change takes effect: New connections

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Overall On/Off switch for serving HS-DSCH cell change 0

RNC wide switch for selecting only the best cell for HS. 1

DC-SP load at which the normal DC-SP allocation priorities may be overridden when allocating SP for lower priority UEs.

If the SP that has been chosen for UE allocation has a load above this threshold, the SP allocation will be re-evaluated as though the UE belonged to the next highest priority level. This allows the system to use the SP resources in the node in a more balanced way when there is a low number of prioritized HS UEs in the network.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

Determines whether the entire protocol message of the selected GPEH external events should be recorded, or only the header data of the selected external events. When recording external events, the GPEH user may select to record header data only or the entire protocol message of the selected GPEH external events. The default setting is HEADER_DATA_ONLY, and this setting causes less information to be recorded in GPEH - information that can be used by the GPEH user for high level trouble-shooting, such as verifying that all the expected messages occurred in the correct times, or checking for failure messages for procedures. The user may change from the default setting if more data is required for more detailed trouble-shooting. The resetting of the parameter to ALL_DATA should only be done if the system is not already highly loaded, since there will be a large increase in data recorded by GPEH on resetting this parameter to ALL_DATA.

Change takes effect: Next ROP

Specifies the size of each GPEH file. The file size is valid for the uncompressed file.If the gpehFileSize is reached within a specific ROP, the GPEH will stop the recording until the next ROP begins.

Unit: kB (1000 bytes)

Specifies the percentage of the GPEH file size that is reserved for high-priority scanners. This means that no events from low-priority scanners shall be written into the file when the following limit is reached: gpehFileSize - (highPrioScanReserve / 100) * gpehFileSize.

Unit: %Change takes effect: Next ROP

Indicates whether triggers leading to a transition from HS-DSCH to a DCH connection are acted upon or not.For information about the cases, see struct definitions for HsToDchTrigger

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Indicates whether a trigger for a HS-DSCH to DCH transition is accepted or not, when Serving HS-DSCH Cell Change can not be completed, when it has been triggered by a change of best cell (event 1d) indication and the cell is an inter-RNC UTRAN Cell.

Indicates whether a trigger for a HS-DSCH to DCH transition is accepted or not, when Serving HS-DSCH Cell Change can not be completed, when it has been triggered by a Change of Best Cell (event 1d) indication and the best cell is an intra-RNC UTRAN Cell.

Indicates whether a trigger for a HS-DSCH to DCH transition is accepted or not, when poor radio quality has been detected.

Indicates whether a trigger for a HS-DSCH to DCH transition is accepted or not, when the serving HS-DSCH cell is removed from the Active Set, a Serving HS-DSCH Cell Change can not be completed and the best cell is an inter-RNC UTRAN Cell.

Indicates whether a trigger for a HS-DSCH to DCH transition is accepted or not, when the serving HS-DSCH cell is removed from the Active Set, a Serving HS-DSCH Cell Change can not be completed and the best cell is an intra-RNC UTRAN Cell.

Maximum number of initial Iu accesses per second, for registration towards the core network. Initial Iu accesses exceeding the maximum number are rejected. 0 disables the feature.

Change takes effect: New connections

Averaging period for Iu signaling connection setup rate measurement used for the feature Load Triggered Access Class barring and PDF-counter pmIuSccpConRate.

Unit: sResolution: 10 Change takes effect: Immediately after each measurement period

Dependencies: For Rel-6 UEs or later, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Domain Specific Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcbCs/Ps)- Domain Specific (Cell Level) Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassesBarredCs/Ps)- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)For pre Rel-6 UEs, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (RncFunction::accessClassNBarred)

When a manually triggered access class barring feature is active, the configuration replaces classes 0-9 from the cell level access class barring settings.When the Load Triggered Access Class Barring feature is active (RncFunction:: iuSccpConRateThresh, RncFunction:: iuSccpConRateMeasPeriod), the classes barred by the system in the range 0-9 are ORed with the cell level access class barring settings.

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Connection setup rate threshold for the feature Load Triggered Access Class Barring. The Iu-signaling connection setup rate is averaged over a period configured in the attribute iuSccpConRateMeasPeriod. If the measured average exceeds this threshold, the Load-triggered Access Class Barring feature is triggered. Once the Load-triggered Access Class Barring feature is triggered, 80 % of the Access Classes in range 0..9 are randomly barred in the entire RNS. The access class restrictions are removed in the following measurement periods, in steps of 2 access classes at a time, if the connection setup rate in that period has been reduced below this threshold (adjusted by an internal hysteresis margin).

Unit: connections/sResolution: 10 Change takes effect: Immediately after each new measurement period

Dependencies: For Rel-6 UEs or later, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Domain Specific Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcbCs/Ps)- Domain Specific (Cell Level) Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassesBarredCs/Ps)- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)For pre Rel-6 UEs, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:Indicates whether the Load Sharing via Directed Retry to GSM function has been enabled in the RNC.

Indicates whether the Inter-Frequency Load Sharing function has been enabled in the RNC.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Maximum allowed GBR in the downlink for PS Streaming RABs.

Unit: kbps (1000 bits per second)Change takes effect: New connections

Hysteresis time for detection and resolution of HS-DSCH overload.

Unit: sChange takes effect: Immediately

The MCC part of the PLMN identity for this RNC. The PLMN identity consists of the Mobile Country Code, 3 digits, and the Mobile Network Code, 2 or 3 digits. (Example: If MCC=125 and MNC=46 then plmnId=12546.)The PLMN identity is broadcast in all UTRAN cells in this RNC if the Cell MOCN feature is not active. The initial value of this attribute has no relevance. This attribute must be configured by the operator.

Dependencies: This attribute may only be changed if no cells are defined.

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The MNC part of the PLMN identity for this RNC. The PLMN identity consists of the Mobile Country Code, 3 digits, and the Mobile Network Code, 2 or 3 digits. (Example: If MCC=125 and MNC=46 then plmnId=12546.)The PLMN identity is broadcast in all UTRAN cells in this RNC if the Cell MOCN feature is not active. The initial value of this attribute has no relevance. This attribute must be configured by the operator.

Dependencies: This attribute may only be changed if no cells are defined.

The length of the MNC part of the PLMN identity for this RNC. The PLMN identity consists of the Mobile Country Code, 3 digits, and the Mobile Network Code, 2 or 3 digits. (Example: If MCC=125 and MNC=46 then plmnId=12546.)The PLMN identity is broadcast in all UTRAN cells in this RNC if the Cell MOCN feature is not active. The initial value of this attribute has no relevance. This attribute must be configured by the operator.

Dependencies: This attribute may only be changed if no cells are defined.

Determines whether a (P)TMSI allocated in an external RAN is handled as if it is allocated in the shared RAN to which the RNC belongs, during selection of Core Network.

Value mapping:FALSE: external (P)TMSIs will be handled as external (P)TMSIsTRUE: external (P)TMSIs will be handled as internal (P)TMSIs

Change takes effect: Immediately

Bitmask length of the NRI for CS/MSC.

Value mapping;:networkResourceIdentifierLengthCs == 0 indicates that Iu Flex is not active for the CS domain. networkResourceIdentifierLengthCs > 0 activates Iu Flex for the CS domain.

Dependencies: Before activating or de-activating Iu Flex for CS, all Ranap instances for the CS domain must be deleted (all instances for which Ranap::cnDomainInd = CIRCUIT_SWITCHED). If Iu Flex for the CS domain is not active, there can only be one instance of Ranap with cnDomainInd = CIRCUIT_SWITCHED per CnOperator. See the class description of CnOperator for further restrictions.

Unit: bits

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Bitmask length of the NRI for PS/SGSN.

Value mapping;:networkResourceIdentifierLengthPs == 0 indicates that Iu Flex is not active for the PS domain. networkResourceIdentifierLengthPs > 0 activates IuFlex for the PS domain.

Dependencies: Before activating or de-activating Iu Flex for PS, all Ranap instances for the PS domain must be deleted (all instances for which Ranap::cnDomainInd = PACKET_SWITCHED). See the class description of CnOperator for further restrictions.

Unit: bits

Reference to the primary CnOperator in this RNC. Used to select which CN Operator to use when there is more than one CnOperator instance defined and neither NRI MOCN nor Cell MOCN is active.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

RNC identity used in the radio network. The RNC identity is a part of the RNTI. The initial value of this attribute has no relevance. This attribute must be configured by the operator.

Disturbances: Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. All cells in the RNC will be locked, and as a result all traffic in those cells will be lost. The cells will be automatically unlocked after reconfiguration.

Size of each UETR recording file. The file size is valid for the uncompressed file.The default value will give a storage time of 1 hour for each file, for 2 simultaneous CTR recordings and 16 simultaneous UETR recordings, and given that ctrFileSize is also set to its default value.If the size of the file reaches the value of uetrFileSize within a specific ROP, UETR recording will stop until the next ROP begins.

Unit: kB (1000 bytes)Change takes effect: Next ROP

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Current number of UEs in state FACH/DCH and HS in the RNC. The value is re-calculated once every second. If the feature "Real-time Traffic Flow Indicator" is not active, -1 is reported

Current Iu throughput for CS traffic. The value is re-calculated once every second. If the feature "Real-time Traffic Flow Indicator is not active, -1 is reported.

Unit: Mbit/s

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.



Current Iu throughput for PS traffic. The value is re-calculated once every second. If the feature "Real-time Traffic Flow Indicator" is not active, -1 is reported.

Unit: Mbit/s

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

Reference to an instance containing external ARP to SPI mappings for PS Background

Dependencies: This reference must point at an instance of ArpSpiMap that is contained under the same profile as this instance.

Change takes effect: New connections

Reference to the QoS specification for PS Background.

Dependencies: References a SpiQosClass under this RnlQosClassProfile instance.

Change takes effect: New connections

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Network operation mode that indicates whether the Gs interface between the SGSN and MSC/VLR is installed.

Routing Area Code of a routing area. An RA is used by UTRAN to page mobiles on request from the PS CN. When the parameter is changed, UTRAN updates system information and notifies the UEs.The rac is unique in the LA. An LA can span over several RNCs.

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO. See reference in UtranCell.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Additional margin in number of radio frames added to the system margin when the activation time (the CFN) is set at establishing any RAB to a stand alone RRC connection by use of synchronization procedure B.

Resolution:1 Change takes effect: At next synchronized reconfiguration of the connectionSpecification: 3GPP TS 25.214

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Additional operator margin in number of radio frames added to the activation time (i.e. the CFN) calculated by the RNC when using SRB on DCH-DL. This parameter is used together with dto and toAwe in calculation of CFN offset. When establishing the first RAB this parameter is used together with cfnOffsetMarginFirstRabEst to calculate the margin for the CFN offset.

Unit: 10 msChange takes effect: At next synchronized reconfiguration of the connection.

Additional operator margin in number of radio frames added to the activation time (i.e. the CFN) calculated by the RNC when using SRB on HS.

Unit: 10 msChange takes effect: At next synchronized reconfiguration of the connection.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

The maximum time between adjacent Cell Updates (UE in CELL_FACH state) or URA Update (UE in URA_PCH state). Infinity means no update.

0: No updating1: 5 min2: 103: 304: 605: 1206: 3607: 720 min

Specifies the maximum value of the RNC timer controlling the RTT measurement in RBSThe timer shall be set to this value whenever a DEDICATED MEASUREMENT INITIATION REQUEST message that requests an RTT Measurement is sent. In case the timer expires before the reception of a valid report, the RTT positioning shall be aborted.

Unit: 0.1 sChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

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Specifies the maximum value of the RNC timer controlling the Rx-Tx timing measurement in UE.The timer shall be set to this value whenever a MEASUREMENT CONTROL message that requests an UE RxTx type 1 measurement is sent. In case the timer expires before the reception of a valid report, the RTT positioning shall be aborted.

Unit: 0.1 sChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Factor that describes how much larger distance than the cell size an RTT measurement may represent, before it is counted as a measurement error.

Unit: 0.1Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Typical QoS parameters for the RTT positioning method.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Expected accuracy code of the positioning method, to be used in the selection of the positioning method for the first positioning attempt. The uncertainty radius of a circular uncertainty measure (in meters) is related to the accuracy code by:Radius = 10 x (1.1^accuracyCodeTypical - 1)

Specification: 3GPP TS 23.032

Expected confidence of the positioning method to be used for shape Conversion.

Unit: %

Expected response time of the positioning method to be used in the selection of the positioning method for the first positioning attempt.

Unit: ms Resolution: 100

Expected vertical accuracy code of the positioning method, to be used in the selection of the positioning method for the first positioning attempt. The uncertainty (in meters) is related to the vertical accuracy code by:Uncertainty = 45 x (1.025^verticalAccuracyCodeTypical - 1)

Specification: 3GPP TS 23.032

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Expected two-way propagation time uncertainty which should reflect: i) the RTT measurement error ii) the UE RxTx type 1 Measurement error iii) radio propagation effects. Note that the parameter does not reflect the effect of non-simultaneous measurement times of the RTT measurement and the UE RxTx type 1 Measurement - this is handled by a separate error contribution.

Unit: 0.1 chipChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

The availability status of the common channel.


Reference to MO DbchDeviceSet. Attribute value is assigned by the system.

Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

The availability status of the sector.


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Defines the frequency band used in the sector. Value defined at initSector.

Specification: 3GPP TS 25.104, Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception (FDD)Dependencies: Must match the FqBandLowEdge and FqBandHighEdge of AntennaBranch.Undefined value: 0

Beam direction of the corresponding sector antenna.

Examples:ò 000 = Northò 090 = Eastò 180 = Southò 270 = West

Unit: 1░

Denotes the geographic datum for this sector.

Example: WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984)

Height above ground.

Example: 1015 = 10.15 meters

Unit: 1 cm

Defines the latitudinal hemisphere.

Possible values:ò NORTHò SOUTH

Example: Bromma airfield has latHemisphere = NORTH

Defines the latitude of the corresponding sector antenna, according to a certain geographic datum (see attribute geoDatum).

Example: Bromma airfield has latitude 5532101 according to WGS84.

Specifies the capacity on an optical or electrical link.

Only valid for DUW.

Possible values:ò X_2 = 1.2 Gb/s link ò X_4 = 2.5 Gb/s linkò NA = Not applicable

Takes effect: At commit of initSector.Precondition: Sector must be un-initiated.

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Contains a list of MO instances that reserve this MO instance.

Defines the longitude of the corresponding sector antenna, according to a certain geographic datum (see attribute geoDatum).

Example: Bromma airfield has longitude 0060157 according to WGS84.

Turns maximum RBS internal uplink gain in the sector on or off.

Precondition: The cells using the sector must not be setup. TMA type for the sector must not be ATMA. Enabled AI devices used by the corresponding carriers must support setting of maximum UL gain.

Number of TX branches in this sector.

Dependencies: Value defined at initSector. If the sector is not initiated, the value is undefined.Undefined value: -1

Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

The procedural status of the sector.


Indicates the configured Radio Building Block in a DUW configuration.

Possible values:ò RBB12_1Aò RBB22_1Aò RBB22_1Cò RBB22_2Aò RBB24_1Aò NA = Not Applicable

Takes effect: At commit of initSector.Precondition: Sector must be un-initiated.

Reference to the RetDevice MO(s) of the sector. The attribute value is updated at commit of initSector.

Reference to the SectorAntenna MO(s) of the sector.

Dependencies: Number of valid sector antenna references depends on the value of the attribute numberOfSectorAntennas.

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Label for free use. 0

Contains a list of MO instances that reserve this MO instance.


Reference to TmaDevice MO(s). The attribute value is updated at commit of initSector.

Type of antenna.

Possible values:ò 0..50 = Reserved for predefined antenna types supported by Ericsson.ò 51..100 = Available for customer specific antenna types.

Precondition: Corresponding sector not initiated.

Indicates whether ciphering is used or not. Setting this attribute to 1 (ciphering "On") means that ciphering is preferred. If the core network does not allow ciphering or the UE does not support ciphering, ciphering will not be used.The value of this attribute should reflect the configuration of the connected core network node (MSC or SGSN).At Core Network Hard Handover, if ciphering has been started in the source RNC, it will continue in the target RNC regardless of the setting of this attribute in the target RNC.

Value mapping:0: off1: on

Change takes effect: New connections

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO. See reference in UtranCell.

Service Area Code of the service area that a cell belongs to. A ServiceArea is used by UTRAN to indicate the location of a UE to the CN. It is also used by the CN to indicate to UTRAN in which area to broadcast CN information. It is unique in the LA. An LA can span over several RNCs.Changing this parameter can cause a mismatch between CN configuration and UTRAN configuration until it has been configured in both places.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

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Contains the configuration for the Scheduling Block (SB1).




Structure contains the Sib1 parameters.

Paging notification duration.To notify UEs in IDLE mode about a system information update, the RNC sends a paging message on the PCH at every page occasion of a number of maximum DRX cycles.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Number of MIB value tag retransmissions on the FACH.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Repetition period (SIB_REP) for the Scheduling BlockAs it must be possible to schedule and broadcast all supported SIBs/SBs within their own Repetition Period, it may not be possible to use all the valid values within this range. For example, to increase the repetition rate for this SIB/SB may mean that the repetition rate for another SIB/SB must be decreased. This is particularly true when fast repetition periods such as 4 and 8 are used.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFN

Start position (SIB_POS) for the Scheduling Block.

Dependencies:Only even values in the range 0 to (sb1RepPeriod - 2) are valid, with the exception of the following values: 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, ..., 4088.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFNResolution: 2

Controls whether the Scheduling Block (SB1) is being broadcasted or not.

Value mapping:TRUE: the Scheduling Block is sent on the broadcast channel and SIB scheduling information is divided between the MIB and SB1. FALSE: the Scheduling Block is not sent on the broadcast channel and all SIB scheduling information is contained in the MIB.

Dependencies:If the Scheduling block is activated or deactivated (the value of parameter schedulingBlockEnabled is changed), RNC initiates update of system information.

Change takes effect: Immediately

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Structure contains the Sib11 parameters.



Structure contains the Sib12 parameters.

Repetition period (SIB_REP) for System Information Block (SIB) type 1. As it must be possible to schedule and broadcast all supported SIBs within their own Repetition Period, it may not be possible to use all the valid values within this range. For example, to increase the repetition rate for this SIB may mean that the repetition rate for another SIB must be decreased. This is particularly true when fast repetition periods such as 4 and 8 are used. Also, a Repetition Period must be chosen in which it is possible to broadcast the entire SIB.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFN

Start Position (SIB_POS) for System Information Block (SIB) type 1.

Dependencies:Only even values in the range 0 to (sib1RepPeriod - 2) are valid, with the exception of the following values : 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, ..., 4088.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFNResolution: 2

Repetition period (SIB_REP) for System Information Block (SIB) type 11. As it must be possible to schedule and broadcast all supported SIBs within their own Repetition Period, it may not be possible to use all the valid values within this range. For example, to increase the repetition rate for this SIB may mean that the repetition rate for another SIB must be decreased. This is particularly true when fast repetition periods such as 4 and 8 are used. Also, a Repetition Period must be chosen in which it is possible to broadcast the entire SIB.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFN

Start Position (SIB_POS) for System Information Block (SIB) type 11.

Dependencies:Only even values in the range 0 to (sib11RepPeriod - 2) are valid, with the exception of the following values: 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, ..., 4088.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFNResolution: 2

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Structure containing the Sib2 parameters.

Repetition period (SIB_REP) for System Information Block (SIB) type 12. As it must be possible to schedule and broadcast all supported SIBs within their own Repetition Period, it may not be possible to use all the valid values within this range. For example, to increase the repetition rate for this SIB may mean that the repetition rate for another SIB must be decreased. This is particularly true when fast repetition periods such as 4 and 8 are used. Also, a Repetition Period must be chosen in which it is possible to broadcast the entire SIB.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFN

Start Position (SIB_POS) for System Information Block (SIB) type 12.

Dependencies:Only even values in the range 0 to (sib12RepPeriod - 2) are valid, with the exception of the following values: 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, ..., 4088.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFNResolution: 2

Structure containing the Sib18 parameters.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Repetition period (SIB_REP) for System Information Block (SIB) type 18. As it must be possible to schedule and broadcast all supported SIBs within their own Repetition Period, it may not be possible to use all the valid values within this range. For example, to increase the repetition rate for this SIB may mean that the repetition rate for another SIB must be decreased. This is particularly true when fast repetition periods such as 4 and 8 are used.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFN

Start position (SIB_POS) for System Information Block (SIB) type 18.

Dependencies:Only even values in the range 0 to (sib18RepPeriod - 2) are valid, with the exception of the following values: 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, ..., 4088.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFNResolution: 2

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Structure contains the Sib3 parameters.



Structure contains the Sib5 parameters.

Repetition period (SIB_REP) for a System Information Block (SIB) type 2.As it must be possible to schedule and broadcast all supported SIBs within their own Repetition Period, it may not be possible to use all the valid values within this range. For example, to increase the repetition rate for this SIB may mean that the repetition rate for another SIB must be decreased. This is particularly true when fast repetition periods such as 4 and 8 are used. Also, a Repetition Period must be chosen in which it is possible to broadcast the entire SIB.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFN

Start Position (SIB_POS) for a System Information Block (SIB) type 2.

Dependencies:Only even values in the range 0 to (sib2RepPeriod - 2) are valid, with the exception of the following values: 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, ..., 4088.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFNResolution: 2

Repetition period (SIB_REP) for System Information Block (SIB) type 3. As it must be possible to schedule and broadcast all supported SIBs within their own Repetition Period, it may not be possible to use all the valid values within this range. For example, to increase the repetition rate for this SIB may mean that the repetition rate for another SIB must be decreased. This is particularly true when fast repetition periods such as 4 and 8 are used. Also, a Repetition Period must be chosen in which it is possible to broadcast the entire SIB.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFN

Start Position (SIB_POS) for System Information Block (SIB) type 3.

Dependencies:Only even values in the range 0 to (sib3RepPeriod - 2) are valid, with the exception of the following values: 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, ..., 4088.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFNResolution: 2

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Structure contains the Sib7 parameters.



Repetition period (SIB_REP) for System Information Block (SIB) type 5. As it must be possible to schedule and broadcast all supported SIBs within their own Repetition Period, it may not be possible to use all the valid values within this range. For example, to increase the repetition rate for this SIB may mean that the repetition rate for another SIB must be decreased. This is particularly true when fast repetition periods such as 4 and 8 are used. Also, a Repetition Period must be chosen in which it is possible to broadcast the entire SIB.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFN

Start Position (SIB_POS) for System Information Block (SIB) type 5.

Dependencies:Only even values in the range 0 to (sib5RepPeriod - 2) are valid, with the exception of the following values: 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, ..., 4088.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFNResolution: 2

Repetition period (SIB_REP) for System Information Block (SIB) type 7. As it must be possible to schedule and broadcast all supported SIBs within their own Repetition Period, it may not be possible to use all the valid values within this range. For example, to increase the repetition rate for this SIB may mean that the repetition rate for another SIB must be decreased. This is particularly true when fast repetition periods such as 4 and 8 are used. Also, a Repetition Period must be chosen in which it is possible to broadcast the entire SIB.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFN

Start Position (SIB_POS) for System Information Block (SIB) type 7.

Only even values in the range 0 to (sib7RepPeriod - 2) are valid, with the exception of the following values: 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, ..., 4088.

Change takes effect: ImmediatelyUnit: SFNResolution: 2

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

SIB7 use expiration time as re-read mechanism. The expiration time is sib7RepPeriod times sib7ExpirationTimeFactor.

Note that the following mapping applies between the configured value and the value sent in the RRC message System Information Block Type 7: Configured value <=> IE value sent in SIB7 1 <=> IE not sent 2 <=> 1 4 <=> 2 8 <=> 3 16 <=> 4 32 <=> 5 64 <=> 6 128 <=> 7 256 <=> 8

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

Number of update reattempts when an update of system information parameters in a cell failed.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Specifies if Flow Control is activated for this SPI value.

Change takes effect: New connections

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

The availability status of the common channel.


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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Reference to an instance containing external ARP to SPI mappings. This attribute is not applicable under some profiles.

Dependencies: This reference must point at an instance of ArpSpiMap that is contained under the same profile as this instance.

Change takes effect: New connections

End point for the GBR range.

Dependencies: gbrRangeEnd > gbrRangeStartFor further restrictions please see TcMap class description.

Unit: kbps (1000 bits per second)Change takes effect: New connections

Starting point for the GBR range.

Dependencies: gbrRangeStart < gbrRangeEndFor further restrictions please see TcMap class description.

Unit: kbps (1000 bits per second)Change takes effect: New connections

Reference to an instance containing the QoS settings.

Dependencies: This reference must point at an instance of SpiQosClass or TnlQosClass that is contained under the same profile as this instance.

Change takes effect: New connections

End point for the Transfer Delay range.

Dependencies: tdRangeEnd > tdRangeStartFor further restrictions please see TcMap class description.

Unit: msChange takes effect: New connections

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Contains a list of MO instances that reserve this MO instance.

Starting point for the Transfer Delay range.

Dependencies: tdRangeStart < tdRangeEndFor further restrictions please see TcMap class description.

Unit: msChange takes effect: New connections

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

The availability status of the device.


Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

Indicates the usage of the device.

Possible values:ò BUSY ò IDLE

Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

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Label for free use.Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

The availability status of the device set.


Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

Internal attenuation, downlink. Only applicable to AU type ATMAU.

Example: 50 = 5.0 dBUnit: 0.1 dBTakes effect: At next cell setup for the affected cells.

Internal downlink traffic delay. Only applicable to AU type ATMAU.

Example: 112 = 11.2 nsUnit: 0.1 nsTakes effect: At next cell setup for the affected cells.

Defines the operational state.

Possible values:ò DISABLEDò ENABLED

Specification: ITU-T rec. X.731

Internal uplink traffic delay. Only applicable to AU type ATMAU.

Example: 312 = 31.2 nsUnit: 0.1 nsTakes effect: At next cell setup for the affected cells.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.




Scheduling Priority Indicator.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.


Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

AAL2 QoS class for the user plane transport bearer.

Change takes effect: New connections

DiffServ Code Point value for the user plane transport bearer egress IP packets .

Change takes effect: New connections

DiffServ Code Point value for the user plane transport bearer ingress IP packets.

Change takes effect: New connections

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

The maximum total output power of the TPA device, allowed to configure for TPA devices on RUW and RRUW. When set to the undefined value, the output power is set by the RBS.

Precondition: There must not be any cell setup using the TPA device. The TPA device must be placed on an auxiliary unit of type RUW or RRUW. maxTotalOutputPower set to 40 W requires one capacity license from the license key æNumber of 40 W Power Amplifiers'. maxTotalOutputPower set to 60 W requires one capacity license from the license key æNumber of 40 W Power Amplifiers' and one capacity license from the license key æNumber of 60 W Power Amplifiers'.Unit: 1 W Undefined value: -1

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Core network type indicator.

Service type indicator.

Source statistics descriptor.

Traffic class indicator.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Reference to an instance containing external ARP to SPI mappings. This attribute is not applicable under some profiles.

Dependencies: This reference must point at an instance of ArpSpiMap that is contained under the same profile as this instance.

Change takes effect: New connections

Reference to the default QoS specification. Under some profiles, this reference is used when no match is found among the child instances.Once the defaultQosRef attribute has been set to a non-empty value, it cannot be set to empty again.This attribute is not applicable under some profiles.

Dependencies:Points to a TnlQosClass instance or a SpiQosClass instance contained under the same profile as this instance.

Change takes effect: New connections

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC

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Signaling Indicator used when calculating the QoS class.

Traffic Handling Priority used when calculating the QoS class.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.


Reference to an instance containing external ARP to SPI mappings. This attribute is not applicable under some profiles.

Dependencies: This reference must point at an instance of ArpSpiMap that is contained under the same profile as this instance.

Change takes effect: New connections

Reference to the QoS specification. Once the defaultQosRef attribute has been set to a non-empty value, it cannot be set to empty again.This attribute is not applicable under some profiles.

Dependencies:Points to a TnlQosClass instance or a SpiQosClass instance contained under the same profile as this instance.

Change takes effect: New connections

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Indicates how many processing resources on the TXB that shall be loaded with EUL software.

Dependencies: If > 0 then numHsCodeResources must be > 0 on at least one TxDeviceGroup MO within the same baseband pool. Disturbances: Changing this attribute can affect traffic. The TXB is restarted if the configuration requires new loading of the TXB. The TXB will be disabled if the TXB is restarted too many times within a certain time period (given by PlugInUnit::allowedSeqRestarts).

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Indicates how many processing resources on the TXB that shall be loaded with HSDPA software. An HSDPA processing resource supports a number of HS-DPSCH codes. The number of supported HS-DPSCH codes depends on how many cells that uses the HSDPA processing resource.

Dependencies: The sum of numHsCodeResources of all MO TxDeviceGroup within a baseband pool must be higher than or equal to hsCodeResourceId of every MO RbsLocalCell within the baseband pool. If numEulResources is greater than 0 on any of the TxDeviceGroup MOs within the baseband pool, numHsCodeResources must be greater than 0 on any of the TxDeviceGroup MOs within the baseband pool.Disturbances: Changing this attribute can affect traffic. The TXB is restarted if the configuration requires new loading of the TXB. The TXB will be disabled if the TXB is restarted too many times within a certain time period (given by PlugInUnit::allowedSeqRestarts).

Offset added to the cell measurements received in event 1a and/or event 1c measurement reports, when determining whether to trigger event 1d-RNC. Received 1a / 1c event reports proposing to add a cell to the active set, where the proposed cell does not have the capabilities required to provide the same level of service as the existing cells in the active set, are only considered if adding this offset to the received measurement results in a higher value than the measurements of the active set.

Unit: dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to HS-DSCH)

Number of consecutive times that event 1a and/or event 1c measurement reports must be received proposing to add a particular cell to the active set, where the proposed cell does not have the capabilities required to provide the same level of service as the existing cells in the active set. Once the threshold is reached, event 1d-RNC will be triggered. This will cause a reconfiguration based on the capabilities of the proposed cell, to facilitate the subsequent addition of that cell to the active set.

Special values:If the value of event1dRncThreshold is 0, event 1d-RNC will never be triggered.

Dependencies:Each of the event reports must also fulfill conditions defined by event1dRncOffset.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to HS-DSCH)

Coefficient for layer 3 filtering before inter-frequency reporting evaluation, for measurement 4 event 2b.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-frequency measurements are started)

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Coefficient for layer 3 filtering before UE internal measurement reporting evaluation, for event 6a and 6b.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Coefficient for layer 3 filtering before intra-frequency reporting evaluation.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Coefficient for layer 3 filtering before inter-frequency measurement reporting evaluation.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

Coefficient for layer 3 filtering of GSM quality before inter-RAT reporting evaluation.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-RAT measurements are started)

Threshold for event 3a for GSM. Range is valid for GSM carrier RSSI.

Unit: dBmChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-RAT measurements are started)

Hysteresis value for event 1D for HS connections.

Unit: 0.1 dBResolution: 5Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to HS-DSCH)

Indicates whether it is CPICH Ec/N0 or CPICH RSCP that should be used for indicating "best cell" for HS-DSCH cell selection and HS-DSCH cell change.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to HS-DSCH)

Sets the Event 1D Time to Trigger value specific for HS connections

Unit: msChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to HS-DSCH)

Hysteresis for measurement 4 event 2b.

Unit: 0.1 dBResolution: 5Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-frequency measurements are started)

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Hysteresis used in addition-window in evaluation criteria for event 1a to avoid ping pong effects. Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting in CELL_DCH.

Value mapping:0 : 0.0dB (no hysteresis)1 : 0.5dB...15 : 7.5dB

Unit: 0.5 dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Hysteresis used in the drop window in evaluation criteria for event type 1b. Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting in CELL_DCH.

Value mapping:0 : 0.0 dB (no hysteresis)1 : 0.5 dB...15 : 7.5 dB

Unit: 0.5 dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting (in CELL_DCH). Hysteresis used in replacement threshold in evaluation criteria for event 1c to avoid ping pong effects.

Value mapping:0: 0.0 dB (no hysteresis)1: 0.5 dB2: 1.0 dB..15: 7.5 dB

Unit: 0.5 dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

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Hysteresis used in drop window in evaluation criteria for event type 1d.Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting (in CELL_DCH).

Value mapping:0: 0.0 dB (no hysteresis)1: 0.5 dB2: 1.0 dB...15: 7.5 dB

Unit: 0.5 dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Hysteresis for event 2d.

Value mapping:0: 0.0 dB1: 0.5 dB...29: 14.5 dB

Unit: 0.5 dbChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

Hysteresis for event 2f.

Value mapping:0: 0.0 dB1: 0.5 dB...29: 14.5 dB

Unit: 0.5 dbChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

Hysteresis for event 3a.

Value mapping:0: 0.0 dB...15: 7.5 dB

Unit: 0.5 dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-RAT measurements are started)

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Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurements (in CELL_DCH). Quantity to measure for the chosen mode. The value of this attribute will set the message data CPICH_Ec/No or CPICH_RSCP accordingly.

Dependencies:If CN Hard Handover is supported and measQuantity1 is changed, (the measurement method is changed), the attribute intraFreqCnhhoPenalty in MO Handover must be correctly set for the new measurement method. The system will not enforce this.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Threshold for measurement 4 event 2b for the non-used frequencies when the measurement quantity is Ec/No.

Unit: dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-frequency measurements are started)

Threshold for measurement 4 event 2b for the non-used frequencies when the measurement quantity is RSCP.

Unit: dBmChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-frequency measurements are started)

Weighting factor for measurement 4 event 2b for the non-used frequencies.

Unit: 0.1Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-frequency measurements are started)

Interval of event-triggered periodical reporting in case of 'cell addition failure' or 'cell replacement failure'. Indicates the interval in seconds of periodical reporting triggered by event 1a. Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting in CELL_DCH.

Value mapping:0 : No event-triggered periodical reporting1 : 0.25 s2 : 0.5 s3 : 1 s4 : 2 s5 : 4 s6 : 8 s7 : 16 s

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

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Interval of event-triggered periodical reporting in case of 'cell addition failure' or 'cell replacement failure'. Indicates the interval in seconds of periodical reporting triggered by event 1c. Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting in CELL_DCH.

Value mapping:0: No event-triggered periodical reporting1: 0.25 s2: 0.5 s3: 1 s4: 2 s5: 4 s6: 8 s7: 16 s

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting (in CELL_DCH). Threshold used for addition-window in evaluation criteria for event type 1a.

Value mapping:0: 0.0 dB1: 0.5 dB...6: 3.0 db..29: 14.5 dB

Unit: 0.5 dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting (in CELL_DCH). Threshold used for drop window in evaluation criteria for event 1b.

Value mapping:0: 0.0 dB1: 0.5 dB...10: 5.0 db..29: 14.5 dB

Unit: 0.5 dbChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

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Time between detection of event 1a and sending of the measurement report.Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting in CELL_DCH.

Value mapping:0 : 0 ms1 : 10 ms2 : 20 ms3 : 40 ms4 : 60 ms5 : 80 ms6 : 100 ms7 : 120 ms8 : 160 ms9 : 200 ms10 : 240 ms11 : 320 ms12 : 640 ms13 : 1280 ms14 : 2560 ms15 : 5000 ms

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Time between detection of event 1b and sending of the measurement report.Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting in CELL_DCH.

Value mapping:0 : 0 ms1 : 10 ms2 : 20 ms3 : 40 ms4 : 60 ms5 : 80 ms6 : 100 ms7 : 120 ms8 : 160 ms9 : 200 ms10 : 240 ms11 : 320 ms12 : 640 ms13 : 1280 ms14 : 2560 ms15 : 5000 ms

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

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Time between detection of event 1c and sending of the measurement report.Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting in CELL_DCH.

Value mapping:0: 0 ms1: 10 ms2: 20 ms3: 40 ms4: 60 ms5: 80 ms6: 100 ms7: 120 ms8: 160 ms9: 200 ms10: 240 ms11: 320 ms12: 640 ms13: 1280 ms14: 2560 ms15: 5000 ms

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Time between detection of event 1d and sending of the measurement report.

Value mapping:0: 0 ms1: 10 ms2: 20 ms3: 40 ms4: 60 ms5: 80 ms6: 100 ms7: 120 ms8: 160 ms9: 200 ms10: 240 ms11: 320 ms12: 640 ms13: 1280 ms14: 2560 ms15: 5000 ms

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

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Time between detection of event 2d and sending of the measurement report, when the measurement quantity is CPICH EC/NO.

Special values:When the value 5000 is set, the Measurement Control message will not be sent at all.

Unit: msChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

Time between detection of event 2d and sending of the measurement report, when the measurement quantity is CPICH RSCP.

Special values:When the value 5000 is set, the Measurement Control message will not be sent at all.

Unit: msChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

Time between detection of event 2f and sending of the measurement report, when the measurement quantity is CPICH EC/NO.

Unit: msChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

Time between detection of event 2f and sending of the measurement report, when the measurement quantity is CPICH RSCP.

Unit: msChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

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Time between detection of event 3a and sending of the measurement report.

Value mapping:0: 0 ms1: 10 ms2: 20 ms3: 40 ms4: 60 ms5: 80 ms6: 100 ms7: 120 ms8: 160 ms9: 200 ms10: 240 ms11: 320 ms12: 640 ms13: 1280 ms14: 2560 ms15: 5000 ms

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-RAT measurements are started)

Time between detection of event 6d and sending of the measurement report

Unit: msChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Time between detection of event 2b and sending of the measurement report, for measurement 4.

Unit: msChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-frequency measurements are started)

Time between detection of event 6b and sending of the measurement report.

Unit: msChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Defines whether connection quality monitoring, using Tx Power Measurements is enabled or not.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

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Threshold for event 6b.

Unit: dBmChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Quality threshold for event 3a measurements for the used frequency when there are no GSM cells in the list. This threshold is used when only GAN measurements are active and the UE is not in GAN Preferred Mode. When both GSM and GAN measurements are active, the corresponding GSM threshold is used.

Dependencies: Not used if the license ganMobility is not active.Unit: dBChange takes effect: At next start of a GAN only measurement. (Measurement Order with Setup)

Relative threshold for event 2f versus event 2d for the used frequency when the measurement quantity is Ec/No.Note: This parameter is used for calculation of a threshold value for the used frequency for 2f events. The calculated value is sent to the UE in a RRC Measurement Control message. If the sum of the calculation (usedFreqRelThresh2fEcno + usedFreqThresh2dEcno), or (usedFreqRelThresh2fEcno + usedFreqThresh2dEcnoDrnc) for DRNC cells, exceeds the maximum 3GPP value 0dB, the value sent to the UE will be 0dB.

Dependencies:The threshold for event 2d is configured per cell in usedFreqThresh2dEcno. For DRNC cells, the global value usedFreqThresh2dEcnoDrnc is used instead.

Unit: dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

Relative threshold for event 2f versus event 2d for the used frequency when the measurement quantity is RSCP.Note: This parameter is used for calculation of a threshold value for the used frequency for 2f events. The calculated value is sent to the UE in a RRC Measurement Control message. If the sum of the calculation (usedFreqRelThresh2fRscp + usedFreqThresh2dRscp), or (usedFreqRelThresh2fRscp + usedFreqThresh2dRscpDrnc) for DRNC cells, exceeds the maximum 3GPP value -25 dBm, the value sent to the UE will be -25 dBm.

Dependencies:The threshold for event 2d is configured per cell in usedFreqThresh2dRscp. For DRNC cells, the global value usedFreqThresh2dRscpDrnc is used instead.

Unit: dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

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Relative threshold for event 2b versus event 2d, when the 2d measurement with measurement quantity CPICH EC/NO was started.This parameter is used to compute the absolute 2b Ec/No used frequency threshold, by adding it to the current 2d Ec/No threshold (absolute 2b Ec/No used frequency threshold = usedFreqThresh2dEcno + usedFreqRelThresh4_2bEcno). If the sum of the calculation exceeds the maximum 3GPP value, the absolute 2b Ec/No threshold value will be adjusted to the maximum value allowed by 3GPP before a Measurement Control message is encoded and sent to the UE.

Unit: dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-frequency measurements are started)

Relative threshold for event 2b versus event 2d when the 2d measurement with measurement quantity CPICH RSCP was started.This parameter is used to compute the absolute 2b Rscp threshold, by adding it to the current 2d Rscp threshold (absolute 2b Rscp used frequency threshold = usedFreqThresh2dRscp + usedFreqRelThresh4_2bRscp). If the sum of the calculation exceeds the maximum 3GPP value, the absolute 2b Rscp threshold value will be adjusted to the maximum value allowed by 3GPP before a Measurement Control message is encoded and sent to the UE.

Unit: dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-frequency measurements are started)

Threshold for event 2d for the used frequency for cells located in DRNC when the measurement quantity is Ec/No.Note: This parameter is also used for calculation of a threshold value for the used frequency for 2f events. The calculated value is sent to the UE in a RRC Measurement Control message. If the sum of the calculation (usedFreqRelThresh2fEcno + usedFreqThresh2dEcnoDrnc) exceeds the maximum 3GPP value 0 dB, the value sent to the UE will be 0 dB.

Unit: dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

Threshold for event 2d for the used frequency for cells located in the DRNC when the measurement quantity is RSCP.Note: This parameter is also used for calculation of a threshold value for the used frequency for 2f events. The calculated value is sent to the UE in a RRC Measurement Control message. If the sum of the calculation (usedFreqRelThresh2fRscp + usedFreqThresh2dRscpDrnc) exceeds the maximum 3GPP value -25dBm, the value sent to the UE will be -25dBm.

Unit: dBmChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

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Weighting factor for event 2d for the used frequency.

Unit: 0.1Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

Weighting factor for event 2f for the used frequency.

Unit: 0.1Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

Weighting factor for measurement 4 event 2b for the currently used frequency.

Unit: 0.1Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-frequency measurements are started)

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Coefficient for layer 3 filtering of UTRAN quality before inter-RAT reporting evaluation.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-RAT measurements are started)

Relative threshold for event 3a versus event 2d, when the 2d measurement with measurement quantity CPICH EC/NO was started.This parameter is used to compute the absolute 3a Ec/No threshold, by adding it to the current 2d Ec/No threshold (absolute 3a Ec/No threshold = usedFreqThresh2dEcno + utranRelThresh3aEcno). If the sum of the calculation exceeds the maximum 3GPP value, the absolute 3a Ec/No threshold value will be adjusted to the maximum value allowed by 3GPP before a Measurement Control message is encoded and sent to the UE.

Unit: dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-RAT measurements are started)

Relative threshold for event 3a versus event 2d when the 2d measurement with measurement quantity CPICH RSCP was started.This parameter is used to compute the absolute 3a RSCP threshold, by adding it to the current 2d RSCP threshold (absolute 3a RSCP threshold = usedFreqThresh2dRscp + utranRelThresh3aRscp). If the sum of the calculation exceeds the maximum 3GPP value, the absolute 3a RSCP threshold value will be adjusted to the maximum value allowed by 3GPP before a Measurement Control message is encoded and sent to the UE.

Unit: dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-RAT measurements are started)

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Relative threshold used during bad connection quality, when the measurement quantity is CPICH RSCP.This parameter is used to compute the absolute RSCP threshold for the used frequency for 3a or 2b measurements, when bad connection quality has been triggered in the uplink. The relative threshold is used together with (on top of) the relative thresholds utranRelThresh3aRscp (for 3a measurements) and usedFreqRelThresh4_2bRscp (for 2b measurements). The absolute 3a threshold will then be calculated as: absolute 3a RSCP threshold = usedFreqThresh2dRscp + utranRelThresh3aRscp + utranRelThreshRscp.The absolute 2b used frequency threshold will be calculated as: absolute 2b RSCP used frequency threshold = usedFreqThresh2dRscp + usedFreqRelThresh4_2bRscp + utranRelThreshRscp.In either case, if the sum of the calculation exceeds the maximum 3GPP value, the absolute 3a/2b RSCP threshold values will be adjusted to the maximum value allowed by 3GPP before a Measurement Control message is encoded and sent to the UE.

Unit: dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-RAT or IEF measurements are started)

Weighting factor for event 3a for UTRAN.

Unit: 0.1Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that inter-RAT measurements are started)

Weight factor to include active set cells other than the best in evaluation criteria for event 1a.Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting (in CELL_DCH).

Unit: 0.1Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Weight factor to include active set cells other than the best in evaluation criteria for event 1b.Used by UE functions for intra-frequency measurement reporting (in CELL_DCH).

Unit: 0.1Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next switch to CELL_DCH)

Typical QoS parameters for the Cell Id positioning method.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

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The service class valid for the lawful intercept services client type. COMMERCIAL_CLASS_1



The service class valid for PLMN operator O&M Client type. COMMERCIAL_CLASS_1

The service class valid for the plmn operator services client type. COMMERCIAL_CLASS_1


The service class valid for the value added services client type. COMMERCIAL_CLASS_1

Expected accuracy code of the positioning method, to be used in the selection of the positioning method for the first positioning attempt. The uncertainty radius of a circular uncertainty measure (in meters) is related to the accuracy code by:Radius = 10 x (1.1^accuracyCodeTypical - 1)

Specification: 3GPP TS 23.032

Expected confidence of the positioning method to be used for shape Conversion.

Unit: %

Expected response time of the positioning method to be used in the selection of the positioning method for the first positioning attempt.

Unit: ms Resolution: 100

Expected vertical accuracy code of the positioning method, to be used in the selection of the positioning method for the first positioning attempt. The uncertainty (in meters) is related to the vertical accuracy code by:Uncertainty = 45 x (1.025^verticalAccuracyCodeTypical - 1)

Specification: 3GPP TS 23.032

Mapping between Client Type and Service Class.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections (next positioning transaction)

The service class valid for the plmn operator anonymous statistics client type.

The service class valid for the plmn operator Broadcast services client type.

The service class valid for the plmn operator target MS service support client type.

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.0


Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Maximum number of HARQ transmissions for E-DCH.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Enables and disables the different UE positioning features, which are optional.

Dependencies:It is not possible to enable A-GPS unless an instance of the MO Class GpsReceiver has been created. It is also not possible to delete that instance if A-GPS is enabled.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Set by the system to 1.

Service-specific offset for event 2d when the measurement quantity is Ec/No. For each cell in the Active Set, the cell parameter UtranCell::usedFreqThresh2dEcno or the RNC parameter Handover::usedFreqThresh2dEcnoDrnc is retrieved, depending on if the cell is in the SRNC or DRNC. The largest value among these retrieved parameters for all the Active Set cells is chosen and is added to the offset UeRc::serviceOffset2dEcno to obtain the UeRc-dependent 2d Ec/No thresholds for the concerned UE. The 2f threshold, the 2b threshold for used frequency, the 2b threshold for non-used frequency, the 3a threshold for UTRAN, are calculated relative to this 2d threshold.

Unit: dB

Service-specific offset for event 2d when the measurement quantity is RSCP. For each cell in the Active Set, the cell parameter UtranCell::usedFreqThresh2dRscp or the RNC parameter Handover::usedFreqThresh2dRscpDrnc is retrieved, depending on if the cell is in the SRNC or DRNC. The largest value among these retrieved parameters for all the Active Set cells is chosen and is added to the offset UeRc::serviceOffset2dRscp to obtain the UeRc-dependent 2d RSCP thresholds for the concerned UE. The 2f threshold, the 2b threshold for used frequency, the 2b threshold for non-used frequency, the 3a threshold for UTRAN, are calculated relative to this 2d threshold

Unit: dB

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.


Unit: ms

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.DISABLED

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.Sequence of UtranCell MO references which belong to this URA.

Controls if Chase Combining or Incremental Redundancy shall be used as the Redundancy Version. The parameter controls whether the Information Element "HARQ RV Configuration" in RRC is set to "rv0" or "rvtable".

Determines if the Iub Flow Control is going to be applied for PS Interactive RAB in the current Rc state.

BLER quality target in the downlink.This attribute is valid only if CRC is used.MOM value = 10 Log10(transport channel highest quality (BLER))

Value mapping:-63: 0.0000005 = 0.00005 %...-60: 0.000001 = 0.0001 %...-25: 0.003 = 0.3 %...-20: 0.01 = 1 %... 0: 1 = 100 %

BLER quality target in the uplink.This attribute is valid only if CRC is used.MOM value = 10 Log10(transport channel highest quality (BLER))

Value mapping:-63: 0.0000005 = 0.00005 %...-60: 0.000001 = 0.0001 %...-25: 0.003 = 0.3 %...-20: 0.01 = 1%... 0: 1 = 100 % 1: Not Applicable

Used to identify a certain URA.

Specification: 3GPP 25.331

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Page 359: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Specifies which access classes are barred for the CS domain for the feature Domain Specific Access Class Barring. Each boolean in the sequence represents one access class. The access class is restricted by setting the boolean to TRUE ('barred'), otherwise the boolean is set to FALSE ('not barred'). First element represents access class 0. The attribute must have all 16 elements set.

Dependencies: For Rel-6 UEs or later, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Domain Specific Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcbCs/Ps)- Domain Specific (Cell Level) Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassesBarredCs/Ps)- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)For pre Rel-6 UEs, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)

When a manually triggered access class barring feature is active, the configuration replaces classes 0-9 from the cell level access class barring settings.When the Load Triggered Access Class Barring feature is active (RncFunction:: iuSccpConRateThresh, RncFunction:: iuSccpConRateMeasPeriod), the classes barred by the system in the


Specifies which access classes are barred for the PS domain for the feature Domain Specific Access Class Barring. Each boolean in the sequence represents one access class. The access class is restricted by setting the boolean to TRUE ('barred'), otherwise the boolean is set to FALSE ('not barred'). First element represents access class 0. The attribute must have all 16 elements set.

Dependencies: For Rel-6 UEs or later, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Domain Specific Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcbCs/Ps)- Domain Specific (Cell Level) Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassesBarredCs/Ps)- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)For pre Rel-6 UEs, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)

When a manually triggered access class barring feature is active, the configuration replaces classes 0-9 from the cell level access class barring settings.When the Load Triggered Access Class Barring feature is active (RncFunction:: iuSccpConRateThresh, RncFunction:: iuSccpConRateMeasPeriod), the classes barred by the system in the


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The administrative state of the cell. LOCKED





Specifies which access classes are barred for the feature Cell Level Access Class Barring.Each boolean in the sequence represents one access class. The access class is restricted by setting the boolean to TRUE ('barred'), otherwise the boolean is set to FALSE ('not barred'). First element represents access class 0. The attribute must have all 16 elements set.

Dependencies: For Rel-6 UEs or later, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Domain Specific Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcbCs/Ps)- Domain Specific (Cell Level) Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassesBarredCs/Ps)- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)For pre Rel-6 UEs, the order of precedence for the access class barring features is:- Manually Triggered Access Class Barring (RncFunction::cyclicAcb)- Cell Level Access Class Barring (UtranCell::accessClassNBarred)

When a manually triggered access class barring feature is active, the configuration replaces classes 0-9 from the cell level access class barring settings.When the Load Triggered Access Class Barring feature is active (RncFunction:: iuSccpConRateThresh, RncFunction:: iuSccpConRateMeasPeriod), the classes barred by the system in the


Indicates that this cell is considered to be A-GPS capable for emergency calls. For an emergency call, if any of the cells in the active set has agpsEnabled==TRUE, then a positioning attempt will be made within UTRAN rather than handling the call over to GSM. Dependencies:This parameter is not used unless RncFunction::emergencyCallRedirect==OFF, RncFunction::ecCnSbhoRequestIgnore==TRUE and RncFunction::ecLocationAttemptUmts==ON.

Defines whether AMR-NB single-rate or AMR-NB multi-rate should be supported in the cell. If any of the cells in the active set is configured to SINGLE_RATE, AMR-NB single-rate will be selected.

Maximum AMR-WB rate to be used in the downlink for selecting the maximum rate at setup of an AMR-WB RAB. Only applicable for requests including AMR-WB.

Unit: bps

Maximum AMR-WB rate to be used in the uplink for selecting the maximum rate at setup of an AMR-WB RAB. Only applicable for requests including AMR-WB.

Unit: bps

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The direction (north or south) of the latitude value. NORTH



Contains uplink ASE threshold values used for AMR rate selection.





Contains the WGS84 location for the antenna position of each cell.

Change takes effect: New connections

Latitude value (N), derived by the formula:N <= (2^23) * (X / 90) < (N + 1)where X is the latitude in degrees (0░..90░).

Unit: latitude unit

Longitude value (N), derived by the formula:N <= (2^24) * (X / 360) < (N + 1)where X is the longitude in degrees (-180░..+180░).

Unit: longitude unitResolution: 1

Admission limit on ASE in the downlink.Used by Admission Control, in Admission Request Handler.

Unit: ASEChange takes effect: Immediately

Threshold to be used in the initial AMR rate selection algorithm for selecting AMR12.2 speech codec in setup of speech requests. Expressed relative to the total uplink ASE load. Only applicable when establishing an AMR-NB multi-rate RAB.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

Threshold to be used in the initial AMR rate selection algorithm for selecting AMR5.9 speech codec in setup of speech requests. Expressed relative to the total uplink ASE load. Only applicable when establishing an AMR-NB multi-rate RAB.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

Threshold to be used in the initial AMR rate selection algorithm for selecting AMR7.95 speech codec in setup of speech requests. Expressed relative to the total uplink ASE load. Only applicable when establishing an AMR-NB multi-rate RAB.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

Admission limit on ASE in the uplink.Used by Admission Control, in Admission Request Handler.

Unit: ASEChange takes effect: Immediately

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The availability status of the cell. More than one of the following conditions can apply for the same object:Bit 0 = 1: INTESTBit 1 = 1: FAILEDBit 2 = 1: POWEROFFBit 3 = 1: OFFLINEBit 4 = 1: OFFDUTYBit 5 = 1: DEPENDENCY (set to 1 when bit 9, bit 10 or bit 11 is set to 1)Bit 6 = 1: DEGRADEDBit 7 = 1: NOTINSTALLEDBit 8 = 1: LOGFULL Bit 9 = 1: DEPENDENCYLOCKEDBit 10 = 1: DEPENDENCYFAILEDBit 11 = 1: DEPENDENCYSHUTTINGDOWN

BCH power is the power to be used for transmitting on the BCH, relative to the primaryCpichPower value.

Unit: 0.1 dB

Number of consecutive CTCH occasions scheduled on S-CCPCH that, together with the CTCH occasion period (configured through UtranCell::ctchOccasionPeriod), define a CBS Schedule Period.

Note: Value 256 is not a valid setting according to 3GPP 25.324 and should not be used. If set to 256, 128 will be used instead.

Disturbances: When the value is set, the cell is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.Dependencies: License CbsBatteryImprovementsChange takes effect: Object enabled/disabledSpecification: 3GPP 25.324

Cell Broadcast Service Area Code within a location area.

Special values:Not defined is indicated by the value -1.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Indicates if this cell shall be reserved for operator use. If it is reserved, there will be no service to the UEs.

Cell identity. Unique in the RNC. cId is the identifier of a cell in one RNC, and is used together with the RncFunction attribute rncId as cell id at system information broadcast.

Dependencies:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.

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Code load threshold to be used in the initial AMR rate selection algorithm for selecting SF128 or SF256 based AMR codec modes in setup of speech requests. Expressed relative to the total code load. Only applicable when establishing an AMR-NB multi-rate RAB.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

Admission limit on the number of radio links in compressed mode in this cell.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Period of CTCH allocations on S-CCPCH. The CTCH occasions are identified by the first radio frame of the TTI that can contain CTCH data. The CTCH occasions are fixed on the system frame number cycle 0..4095 (no modulo calculation) and thus repeated cyclically. The CTCH occasions are calculated as follows: SFN = m * ctchOccasionPeriod; m= 1, ..., M M * ctchOccasionPeriod <= 4095

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the cell is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Unit: 10 ms Change takes effect: Object disabled/enabled

Reference to the ExternalGsmCell MO, containing the specification of this Load Sharing via Directed Retry target cell.

Special values:The default value "empty" indicates that no reference to any ExternalGsmCell is defined.

Admission limit based on downlink channelization code tree usage. Expressed as percentage of the code tree currently in use.Used by Admission Control, in Admission Request Handler.

Unit: %Change takes effect: Immediately

Admission threshold for the number of E-DCH users having this cell as non-serving cell.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Admission threshold for the number of E-DCH users having this cell as serving cell. Includes both 2 ms TTI and 10 ms TTI users.

Change takes effect: Immediately

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Admission threshold for the number of 2 ms TTI E-DCH users having this cell as serving cell. Applicable at serving cell change, at RAB establishment and at reconfiguration to EUL.

Unit: E-DCH userChange takes effect: ImmediatelyDependencies: If the value of this parameter is greater than the value of eulServingCellUsersAdm, then this parameter will have no effect.

Fach Measurement Occasion Cycle Length coefficient. A factor used when the UE performs inter-frequency and inter-system measurements. The UE uses this parameter to calculate the interval length in order to determine the repeating cycle of the measurement.

Value mapping:0 : not broadcasted in SIB 11.1 : not used.2 : not used.3 : used when inter frequency and GSM neighbors.4 : used when inter frequency or GSM neighbors.5 - 12 not used.

Capability information indicating if F-DPCH is supported in the cell as reported by RBS in RSI and Audit response.

Indicates if GAN Handover is enabled from this cell.

Dependencies: Not used if the license ganMobility is not active.Change takes effect: At next evaluation of conditions for allowing a GAN measurement

Correction factor to be used in the calculation of initial power for SRB in hard inter frequency handover situations.

Unit: dB

Specifies the Hierarchical Cell Structure Information Elements in System Information Block 3.

Specifies the value of the Information Element HCS_PRIO in System information Block 3.

Specification: 3GPP TS 25.331

Specifies the value of the Information Element Qhcs in System information Block 3.

Specification: 3GPP TS 25.331

Specifies the value of the Information Element SsearchHCS in System information Block 3. For the description of this Information Element, see 3GPP TS 25.331.

Unit: dBResolution: 2

Specifies the Information Elements "Use of HCS" in System Information Blocks 11 and 12.

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Specifies the value of the Information Element "Use of HCS" in System information Block 12.

Specification: 3GPP TS 25.331

Specifies the value of the Information Element "Use of HCS" in System information Block 11.

Specification: 3GPP TS 25.331

Indicates whether GSM HO, IFHO or no handover shall be attempted when a handover from the current WCDMA frequency is triggered by the connection quality monitoring, indicating that the WCDMA quality is low. Note that the decision is based not only on this parameter but also on the contents of the monitored sets for IEF and GSM. If the cells in the active sets have different preferred values, the policy is to attempt:- IFHO, when any cell has IFHO preferred.- IRATHO, when some cell has GSM preferred (but none has IFHO preferred).- No handover, if all cells have None.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Admission limit for the number of users assigned to the HS-PDSCH/HS-SCCH in the cell. This limit is applicable both to HSDPA RAB setup and to channel switching.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Threshold at which this cell is considered to be congested in the uplink. The default setting disables uplink congestion measurements, in order to prevent problems during upgrading.

Value mapping:0 : -112 dBm1 : -111.9 dBm...130 : -99 dBm...620 : -50 dBm621 : -49.9 dBm

Unit: 0.1 dBmChange takes effect: Re-initiation of UL RTWP measurements

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Hysteresis time for detection of congestion in the uplink RTWP in this cell. When the measured RTWP has been above the detection level (iFCong) for this length of time, this cell is considered to be congested in the uplink. Likewise, when the measured RTWP has been below the resolve level (ifCong - iFOffset) for this length of time, the uplink cell congestion is considered to be resolved (unless resolving of congestion is indicated earlier by one of the periodic measurement reports).The default setting disables uplink congestion measurements, in order to prevent problems during upgrading. However, the actual setting depends on the duration of peaks in the uplink RTWP, which are influenced by UE behavior and power control settings (and can cause 'false' uplink cell congestion detection).

Unit: 10 msChange takes effect: Re-initiation of UL RTWP measurements

Used in UE function event-reporting. This offset is added to the measured quantity before the UE evaluates if an event has occurred.

Unit: 0.1 dBResolution: 5Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Inter-frequency FDD measurement indicator.

Value mapping:FALSE = NoTRUE = Yes

Intermediate relative power for maximum power mapping.

Dependencies: minPwrMax <= interPwrMax <= maxPwrMax

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the cell is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Change takes effect: Object disabled/enabledUnit: 0.1 dB

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Reference to the IubLink Managed Object.0




Intermediate rate for maximum power mapping.

Dependencies: minimumRate <= interRate <= maxRate

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the cell is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Change takes effect: Object disabled/enabledUnit: 10 bps

Enables or disables the feature Load Based Handover for Speech in this cell.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Determines whether GSM LBHO or IF Inter-frequency LBHO shall be used.

Dependencies: Only used when loadBasedHoSupport is set to TRUE. This attribute is license-dependant.

Change takes effect: Next soft congestion trigger

Defines percentage of Speech calls that can be directed to GSM after the loadSharingGsmThreshold has been exceededExample:If the value of loadSharingGsmFraction is set to 0, this means no voice calls subject to Directed Retry should be directed to GSM (no voice calls aredirected to GSM).If the value of loadSharingGsmFraction is set to 100, this means that ALL of the voice calls proposed for Directed Retry should be directed to GSM (all voice calls that are proposed for directed retry are directed to GSM).

Unit: %

Defines percentage of the guaranteed non-handover admission limit (pwrAdm) above which Directed Retry should be invokedExample:If the value of loadSharingGsmThreshold is set to 100 then this means that the threshold at which voice calls are directed to GSM is 100 % of pwrAdm. Therefore no voice calls should be moved to GSM until the admission threshold pwrAdm is reached. If the value of loadSharingGsmThreshold is set to 0 then this means that the threshold at which voice calls are directed to GSM is 0 % of pwrAdm.

Unit: %

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Reference to the LocationArea Managed Object.400



Offset added to the downlink power of this cell at inter-frequency load sharing evaluation.

Unit: %Change takes effect: Immediately

Represents resources in the RBS that can be used for the configuration of a cell. The local cell ID shall have the same value as configured in the RBS, and shall be unique within the RBS; that is, no two UtranCells under the same IubLink should have the same value.

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.

Maximum transmission power. This is the maximum power for all downlink channels that are allowed to be used simultaneously in a cell, added together.

Unit: 0.1 dBm

Maximum relative power for maximum power mapping.

Dependencies: minPwrMax <= interPwrMax <= maxPwrMax

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the cell is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Change takes effect: Object disabled/enabledUnit: 0.1 dB

Maximum rate for maximum power mapping.

Dependencies: minimumRate <= interRate <= maxRate

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the cell is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Change takes effect: Object disabled/enabledUnit: 10 bps

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Maximum UE transmission power on the RACH when accessing the system. Used in UE functions for cell selection/reselection in idle mode and connected mode. Also used to control the maximum TX power level that a UE may use. If the current UE uplink transmit power is above the indicated power value, the UE shall decrease power to a level below that power value. Value launched by System information (SIB11) for each intra-frequency measurement object corresponding to an adjacent cell for the serving cell. Value launched by System information (SIB3) for the serving cell.

Unit: dBm

Minimum rate for maximum power mapping.

Dependencies: minimumRate <= interRate <= maxRate

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the cell is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Change takes effect: Object disabled/enabledUnit: 10 bps

Minimum relative power for maximum power mapping.

Dependencies: minPwrMax <= interPwrMax <= maxPwrMaxminPwrRl <= minPwrMax

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the cell is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Change takes effect: Object disabled/enabledUnit: 0.1 dB

Minimum power per radio link.

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic. Whenever its value is set, the cell is disabled automatically and then re-enabled.

Change takes effect: Object disabled/enabledUnit: 0.1 dBm Dependencies: minPwrRl <= minPwrMax

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Number of frames to be considered for out-of-sync detection. 10

The operational state of the cell.




Reference to a profile containing settings for the Cell MOCN feature for this cell.This attribute must contain a valid reference when the Cell MOCN feature is active.

Change takes effect: New connections

Number of frames to be considered for in-sync detection.

Dependencies:(nInSyncInd * 10 ms) < rlFailureT

Power to be used for transmitting the PCPICH.

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.It is recommended to increase/decrease the value in steps not greater than 3dBm (preferably in 1dBm steps).

Unit: 0.1 dBm

Primary SCH power, relative to the primaryCpichPower value.

Unit: 0.1 dB

The primary downlink scrambling code to be used in the cell.

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.

Admission limit for downlink cell carrier power. Expressed relative to the lower of maximumTransmissionPower (configured in this UtranCell instance) and maxDlPowerCapability (configured in the corresponding instance of RbsLocalCell in the RBS).

Dependencies: pwrAdm + pwrOffset <= 100 %

Disturbances:Changing this attribute will re-initiate Congestion Control measurements.

Unit: %Change takes effect: Re-initiation of DL TX carrier power measurements

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Contains downlink power threshold values used for AMR rate selection.




Hysteresis time for detection of congestion in the downlink transmitted carrier power. When the measured power has been above the detection level (pwrAdm + pwrOffset) for this length of time, this cell is considered to be congested in the downlink. Likewise, when the measured power has been below the resolve level (pwrAdm) for this length of time, the downlink cell congestion is considered to be resolved (unless resolving of congestion is indicated earlier by one of the periodic measurement reports).The default setting has been chosen to avoid false downlink cell congestion detection. However, the actual setting may need to deviate from the default, depending on the duration of peaks in the downlink transmitted carrier power, which are influenced by UE behavior and power control settings (and can cause 'false' downlink cell congestion detection).Used by Congestion Control.The configured value is divided by 10 by the RNC traffic application before being sent on Nbap to the RBS.

Unit: msResolution: 10Change takes effect: Re-initiation of DL TX carrier power measurements

Threshold to be used in the initial AMR rate selection algorithm for selecting AMR12.2 speech codec in setup of speech requests. Expressed relative to the total downlink power load. Only applicable when establishing an AMR-NB multi-rate RAB.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

Threshold to be used in the initial AMR rate selection algorithm for selecting AMR5.9 speech codec in setup of speech requests. Expressed relative to the total downlink power load. Only applicable when establishing an AMR-NB multi-rate RAB.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

Threshold to be used in the initial AMR rate selection algorithm for selecting AMR7.95 speech codec in setup of speech requests. Expressed relative to the total downlink power load. Only applicable when establishing an AMR-NB multi-rate RAB.

Unit: %Change takes effect: New connections

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Cell carrier power offset. Expressed relative to the lower of maximumTransmissionPower (configured in this UtranCell instance) and maxDlPowerCapability (configured in the corresponding instance of RbsLocalCell in the RBS).Used by Congestion Control.

Unit: %Dependencies: pwrAdm + pwrOffset <= 100 %Change takes effect: Re-initiation of DL TX carrier power measurements

Cell reselection hysteresis used in UE functions in idle and connected mode. Value launched by System information (SIB3).

Resolution: 2

The hysteresis value of the serving cell. Used to perform cell ranking for the serving cell.

Resolution: 2

Used in UE functions for cell selection/reselection in idle mode and connected mode. Minimum required (acceptable) quality level in the cell.

Unit: dB

Used in UE functions for cell selection/reselection in idle mode and connected mode. Minimum required (acceptable) RX level in the cell. Value launched by System information (SIB11) for each intra-frequency measurement object corresponding to adjacent cells of serving cell. Value launched by System information (SIB3) for serving cell and (SIB11) for adjacent cell.

Special values:Values below -115 dBm are only used by the system if a valid license key exists.

Unit: dBmResolution: 2

Used in UE functions for cell selection/reselection in idle and connected mode. Cell selection and reselection quality measure. Value launched by System information (SIB3, SIB11 and SIB12).

Configuration of preferred rate for PS Interactive RABs.This attribute is not used if either the dynamic RAB establishment feature or the flexible initial rate selection feature is not active for PS Interactive.Used by the Channel Switching and Connection Handling functions.

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Defines whether FACH or DCH is selected for PS Interactive RABs.If the dynamic RAB establishment feature is not active for PS Interactive, then DCH is used for all PS Interactive RABs.

Value mapping:FACH: PS Interactive RABs are established on common channels.DCH: PS Interactive RABs are established on dedicated channels, with a rate set in accordance with the preferred target rates defined in ulPrefRate and dlPrefRate.

Change takes effect: New connections

Preferred target rate in the downlink for upswitching. Applicable both when setting up a non-HSDPA PS Interactive RAB, and when increasing the downlink rate of a PS interactive RAB from a rate below the preferred rate.If the flexible initial rate selection feature is not active for PS Interactive, 64 kbps is used as the preferred rate.

Preferred target rate in the uplink for upswitching. Applicable both when setting up a non-EUL PS Interactive RAB, and when increasing the uplink rate of a PS interactive RAB from a rate below the preferred rate.If the flexible initial rate selection feature is not active for PS Interactive, 64 kbps is used as the preferred rate.

Amount of ASE in the downlink to be released with each periodic congestion-resolution action targeting the guaranteed traffic class connections in this cell. The default setting is a reference case setting. However, the actual setting may need to deviate from the default, depending on the required speed to resolve the downlink cell congestion situation and the characteristics of the guaranteed traffic class services in the network.Used by Congestion Control.

Special values:0 indicates that no ASE is released for guaranteed traffic class connections. This prevents congestion-resolution actions on the guaranteed traffic class connections in the cell.

Unit: ASEChange takes effect: Immediately

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Indicates which services are restricted in this cell.


Amount of ASE in the downlink to be released with each periodic congestion-resolution action targeting the non-guaranteed traffic class connections in this cell. The default setting is a reference case setting. However, the actual setting may need to deviate from the default, depending on the required speed to resolve the downlink cell congestion situation and the characteristics of the non-guaranteed traffic class services in the network.Used by Congestion Control.

Special values:0 indicates that no ASE is released for non-guaranteed traffic class connections. This prevents congestion-resolution actions on the non-guaranteed traffic class connections in the cell.

Unit: ASEChange takes effect: Immediately

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO. See references inUtranRelation and CoverageRelation.

Guard period before sending RL Failure.

Dependencies:rlFailureT > (nInSyncInd * 10 ms)

Unit: 0.1 s

Reference to the RoutingArea Managed Object.This routingAreaRef must be contained by the same instance of LocationArea MO as locationAreaRef.If there is no packet switched core network connected to the RNC, the routingAreaRef is set to value null.

Secondary SCH power, relative to the primaryCpichPower value.

Unit: 0.1 dB

Reference to the ServiceArea Managed Object.This serviceAreaRef must be contained by the same instance of LocationArea MO as locationAreaRef.

Indicates if CS Video Calls are restricted or not.

Change takes effect: Cell unlocked.

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Admission limit for non-guaranteed traffic class connections with DL SF = 16. Maximum number of radio links with Spreading Factor = 16 in the downlink (DL SF = 16) for which new admission requests for non-guaranteed traffic classes will continue to be allowed. Reaching or exceeding this number of DL SF = 16 radio links (regardless of their traffic class) will block setup and addition in this cell of more non-guaranteed traffic class radio links that would require DL SF = 16.The default setting disables the admission policy. However, the actual setting may need to deviate from the default, in order to limit the number of simultaneous high bit rate connections in a cell, typically to deal with limitations in transport network dimensioning (to prevent all TN resources from being claimed by non-guaranteed traffic class connections).Used by Admission Control, in Admission Request Handler.

Dependencies:The setting of sf16Adm and sf16gAdm needs be considered together. If sf16Adm < sf16gAdm, then only new guaranteed traffic class connections are allowed at and above the sf16Adm threshold. Similarly, if sf16Adm > sf16gAdm, then only new non-guaranteed traffic class connections are allowed at and above the sf16gAdm threshold. Below the lower of the two threshold settings (sf16gAdm or sf16Adm), guaranteed and non-Admission limit for non-guaranteed traffic class connections with UL SF = 16. Maximum number of radio links with Spreading Factor = 16 in the uplink (UL SF = 16) for which new admission requests for non-guaranteed traffic classes with admission class "handover" or "other" will continue to be allowed. Reaching or exceeding this number of UL SF = 16 radio links will block setup and addition in this cell of more non-guaranteed traffic class radio links that would require UL SF = 16.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Admission limit for guaranteed traffic class connections with DL SF = 16. Maximum number of radio links with Spreading Factor = 16 in the downlink (DL SF = 16) for which new admission requests for guaranteed traffic classes will continue to be allowed. Reaching or exceeding this number of DL SF = 16 radio links (regardless of their traffic class) will block setup and addition in this cell of more guaranteed traffic class radio links that would require DL SF = 16.The default setting disables the admission policy.

Special values:16 means that no blocking of DL SF = 16 requests will occur.

Dependencies:The setting of sf16Adm and sf16gAdm needs be considered together. If sf16Adm < sf16gAdm, then only new guaranteed traffic class connections are allowed at and above the sf16Adm threshold. Similarly, if sf16Adm > sf16gAdm, then only new non-guaranteed traffic class connections are allowed at and above the sf16gAdm threshold. Below the lower of the two threshold settings (sf16gAdm or sf16Adm), guaranteed and non-guaranteed services compete equally for DL SF = 16 cell resources on a first-come first-served basis.

Change takes effect: Immediately

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Admission limit for non-guaranteed traffic class connections with DL SF = 32. Maximum number of radio links with Spreading Factor = 32 in the downlink (DL SF = 32) for which new admission requests for non-guaranteed traffic classes will continue to be allowed. Reaching or exceeding this number of DL SF = 32 radio links will block setup and addition in this cell of more non-guaranteed traffic class radio links that would require DL SF = 32.The default setting disables the admission policy. However, the actual setting may need to deviate from the default, in order to limit the number of simultaneous high bit rate connections in a cell, typically to deal with limitations in transport network dimensioning (to prevent all TN resources from being claimed by non-guaranteed traffic class connections).Note also that the multi-RAB speech + packet combination is considered to be a non-guaranteed traffic class connection and is affected by this admission policy.Used by Admission Control, in Admission Request Handler.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Admission limit for non-guaranteed traffic class connections with UL SF = 4. Maximum number of radio links with Spreading Factor = 4 in the uplink (UL SF = 4) for which new admission requests for non-guaranteed traffic classes with admission class "handover" or "other" will continue to be allowed. Reaching or exceeding this number of UL SF = 4 radio links will block setup and addition of more non-guaranteed traffic class radio links in this cell that would require UL SF = 4.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Admission limit for non-guaranteed traffic class connections with DL SF = 8. Maximum number of radio links with Spreading Factor = 8 in the downlink (DL SF = 8) for which new admission requests for non-guaranteed traffic classes will continue to be allowed. Reaching or exceeding this number of DL SF = 8 radio links will block setup and addition in this cell of more non-guaranteed traffic class radio links that would require DL SF = 8.The default setting disables the admission policy. However, the actual setting may need to deviate from the default, in order to limit the number of simultaneous high bit rate connections in a cell, typically to deal with limitations in transport network dimensioning (to prevent all TN resources from being claimed by non-guaranteed traffic class connections).Used by Admission Control, in Admission Request Handler.

Change takes effect: Immediately

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Admission limit for non-guaranteed traffic class connections with UL SF = 8. Maximum number of radio links with Spreading Factor = 8 in the uplink (UL SF = 8) for which new admission requests for non-guaranteed traffic classes with admission class "handover" or "other" will continue to be allowed. Reaching or exceeding this number of UL SF = 8 radio links will block setup and addition in this cell of more non-guaranteed traffic class radio links that would require UL SF = 8.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Admission limit for guaranteed traffic class connections with UL SF = 8. Maximum number of radio links with Spreading Factor = 8 in the uplink (UL SF = 8) for which new admission requests for guaranteed traffic classes with admission class "handover" or "other" will continue to be allowed. Reaching or exceeding this number of UL SF = 8 radio links will block setup and addition in this cell of more guaranteed traffic class radio links that would require UL SF = 8.

Change takes effect: Immediately

RAT specific threshold in the serving cell used in the inter-RAT measurement rules. This parameter is used by the UE to decide when to start GSM measurements for cell reselection, if the serving cell is indicated to belong to a Hierarchical Cell Structure (HCS)GSM measurements in idle mode and state CELL_FACH are started by the UE when RSCP <= qRxLevMin + sHscRat. If sHcsRat is set to a negative value, this will be interpreted as 0 by the UE (according to 3GPP TS 25.331).

Unit: dBResolution: 2

The area identity part of PLMN scope value tags for SIB1.

Change takes effect: Immediately

The decision on when measurements on inter-frequencies shall be performed.

Value mapping:0 : not sent1 : -32 dB2 : -30 dB...27 : 20 dB

Unit: 2 dB

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The decision on when measurements on intra-frequencies shall be performed.

Value mapping:0 : not sent. 1 : -32 dB2 : -30 dB...27 : 20 dB

Unit: 2 dB

The decision on when measurements on GSM frequencies shall be performed is made using this parameter in relation with Squal. If S_qual > this parameter, UE need not perform measurements on GSM cells.If S_qual <= this parameter, UE shall perform measurements on GSM cells. If a negative value is configured the UE interprets the negative value as 0.

Unit: 1dBResolution: 2

Defines whether SRB DCH 3.4, SRB DCH 13.6 or SRB on HS should be used as Stand-alone SRB in the cell(s). When set to SRB34, SRB is setup on DCH(3.4)/DCH(3.4). When set to SRB136, SRB is setup on DCH(13.6)/DCH(13.6). When set to SRBHS, SRB is setup on HS if capabilities allow, otherwise fallback to SRB136. When the cells of the active set are configured differently, the cell with the lowest value determines the outcome, where the values from the lowest to the highest are SRB34, SRB136 and SRBHS. In DRNC, SRB is always setup on DCH 13.6.

Timing delay used for defining start of SCH, CPICH and the downlink scrambling codes.

Value mapping:0: 0 chip1: 256 chip..9: 2304 chip

Dependencies:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.

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Interval between periodic congestion-resolution actions targeting the guaranteed traffic class connections in this cell. The default setting is a reference case setting. However, the actual setting may need to deviate from the default, depending on the required speed to resolve the downlink cell congestion situation and the characteristics of the guaranteed traffic class services in the network.Used by Congestion Control.

Unit: msChange takes effect: Immediately

Interval between periodic congestion-resolution actions targeting the non-guaranteed traffic class connections in this cell. The default setting is a reference case setting. However, the actual setting may need to deviate from the default, depending on the required speed to resolve the downlink cell congestion situation and the characteristics of the non-guaranteed traffic class services in the network.Used by Congestion Control.

Unit: msChange takes effect: Immediately

Minimum time before congestion-resolution actions are initiated on guaranteed traffic class connections in this cell, after detection of downlink cell congestion.The default setting is a reference case setting. However, the actual setting may need to deviate from the default, depending on the required speed to resolve the downlink cell congestion situation and the characteristics of the guaranteed traffic class services in the network.Used by Congestion Control.

Unit: msChange takes effect: Immediately

Transmission technique for this cell.

Change takes effect: Object disabled/enabled

Control of cell selection/reselection. Time-to-trigger for cell reselection. Value launched by System information (SIB3).

Unit: s

Page 380: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Downlink UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number. Specifies the channel number for the central downlink frequency. The mapping from channel number to physical frequency is described in 3GPP specification TS 25.104.

Dependencies:An intra-frequency relation has the same channel number in the uplink for both cells, and the same number in the downlink for both cells. Otherwise it is considered an inter-frequency relation.The channel number may not be changed in such a way that the maximum number of intra-frequency relations (31) or inter-frequency relations (32) under this cell is violated. The same restriction applies for all UtranCells having this cell as the target cell in a relation. If more than one channel number needs to be changed in order to fulfill the restrictions, all changes need to be made in the same transaction.The channel number may also not be changed in such a way that any of the UtranRelations marked as load sharing candidates becomes an intra-frequency relation.

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.

Specification: TS 25.104

Uplink UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number. Specifies the channel number for the central uplink frequency. The mapping from channel number to physical frequency is described in 3GPP specification TS 25.104.

Dependencies:An intra-frequency relation has the same channel number in the uplink for both cells, and the same number in the downlink for both cells. Otherwise it is considered an inter-frequency relation.The channel number may not be changed in such a way that the maximum number of intra-frequency relations (31) or inter-frequency relations (32) under this cell is violated. The same restriction applies for all cells having this cell as the target cell in a relation. If more than one channel number needs to be changed in order to fulfill the restrictions, all changes need to be made in the same transaction.The channel number may also not be changed in such a way that any of the UtranRelations marked as load sharing candidates becomes an intra-frequency relation.

Disturbances:Changing this attribute may affect ongoing traffic.

Specification: TS 25.104

Reference to the URA MO. There can be 0 or a maximum of 4 URAs per cell.

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Threshold for event 2d for the used frequency when the measurement quantity is Ec/No.Note: This parameter is also used for calculation of a threshold value for the used frequency for 2f events. The calculated value is sent to the UE in a RRC Measurement Control message. If the sum of the calculation (usedFreqRelThresh2fEcno + usedFreqThresh2dEcno) exceeds the maximum 3GPP value 0dB, the value sent to the UE will be 0dB.

Unit: dBChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

Threshold for event 2d for the used frequency when the measurement quantity is RSCP.Note: This parameter is also used for calculation of a threshold value for the used frequency for 2f events. The calculated value is sent to the UE in a RRC Measurement Control message. If the sum of the calculation (usedFreqRelThresh2fRscp + usedFreqThresh2dRscp) exceeds the maximum 3GPP value -25dBm, the value sent to the UE will be -25dBm.

Unit: dBmChange takes effect: Ongoing connections (next time that 2d/2f measurements are started or modified)

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Models the manageable characteristics for the cell polygon corners used for UE positioning.Each polygon corner is described by a latitude and longitude pair together with a latitude sign (north or south). Each polygon corner is represented with three positions in the sequence. LatitudeSign, latitude and longitude for polygon corner 1 is represented with position 0,1 and 2. The other configured polygon corners follows in the sequence. All three positions in the sequence for a corner must be set in the same transaction.There must at least be three corners (that is 9 positions in the sequence) configured in a polygon when the function is active/used.The points shall be connected in the order that they are given. The last point is connected to the first point. The described area is situated to the right of the lines with the forward direction being from a point to the next. Note: this will not be checked by the RNC..Units and ranges:The correctness of the ranges are checked when a new position is configured by the RNC..Latitude sign:0 : North1 : SouthList of alias PLMN identities for the Selective Handover feature.See the class description of UtranRelation for more details.

Dependencies: Only used if Handover::selHoSup = TRUE and MOCN is not used.

Page 382: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

The MCC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1The MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1


The PLMN identity of this UTRAN Network.The MCC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1The MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network. 1


Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.





The length of the MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network

Unit: digit

The length of the MNC part of a PLMN identity used in the radio network

Unit: digit

Sequence of references, updated automatically by the system, that point back toward the MOs that have references to this MO. See references in IurLink and CnOperator.

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Type of frequency relation.An intra-frequency relation has the same channel number in the uplink for both cells in the relation (uarfcnUl), and the same number in the downlink for both cells in the relation (uarfcnDl). Otherwise it is considered an inter-frequency relation.

Specifies the Hierarchical Cell Structure Information Elements in System Information Block 11.

Specifies the value of the Information Element HCS_PRIO for a neighboring cell in System information Block 11.

Specification: 3GPP TS 25.331

Specifies the value of the Information Element Penalty_time for a neighboring cell in System information Block 11.

Unit: sResolution: 10Specification: 3GPP TS 25.331

Specifies the value of the Information Element Qhcs for a neighboring cell in System information Block 11.

Specification: 3GPP TS 25.331

Specifies the value of the Information Element Temporary_offset1 for a neighbouring cell in System information Block 11. For the description of this Information Element, see 3GPP TS 25.331.

The value 0 means infinity.

Unit: dBResolution: 3

Page 383: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings



Type of RNC node relation.




Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Specifies the value of the Information Element Temporary_offset2 for a neighbouring cell in System information Block 11. For the description of this Information Element, see 3GPP TS 25.331.

The value 0 means infinity.

Unit: dBResolution: N/A

Identifies whether the target cell is an inter-frequency load sharing candidate of the source cell.In order to set the value to TRUE (and thus define the target cell as a candidate for IFLS), the target cell and the source cell must belong to the same RBS (both must refer to the same IubLink MO) and must have different frequencies (frequencyRelationType for this UtranRelation = INTER_FREQ). This also implies that it is only possible to set the value to TRUE when the target is a UtranCell and not when it is an ExternalUtranCell.

Change takes effect: Immediately

Signal strength offset between source and target cells. used when the IE "cell_selection_and_reselection_quality_measure" in SIB 11/22 is set to "CPICH RSCP". This is configured through UtranCell::qualMeasQuantity.

Unit: dB

Signal strength offset between source and target cells. used when the IE "cell_selection_and_reselection_quality_measure" in SIB 11/22 is set to "CPICH Ec/No".

Selection priority among neighbour UTRAN relations for a UTRAN source cell. The neighbor cell priority is used when building the monitored set, so that neighbor cells with higher priority are included before low priority neighbors, for each cell in the active set. Note that neighbor priorities are not compared between different cells in the active set; priorities only apply between neighbors of the same cell. Furthermore, this priority is set separately for intra-frequency, inter-frequency and GSM neighbors. The highest priority is 1, which should be given to the most important neighbors.If the same priority is used for several neighbor cells with the same relation type (intra-frequency / inter-frequency / GSM), the order between them is not defined.If no value or 0 is entered when a neighbor is defined, the system will automatically set the value of this attribute to the current highest value among all neighbors with the same relation type + 1, that is, to the currently lowest priority definition for the source cell and for the relation type.

Reference to the UtranCell or ExternalUtranCell MO that contains the specification of the adjacent cell.

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Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.

Indicates the "preferred HO type" for the Active Set cell in the DRNC connected parent IurLink.Applicable when the WcdmaCarrier instance is a child of an IurLink.

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Specifies the 3GPP frequency bands

Value mapping:0: "unspecified"1: Band I2: Band II3: Band III4: Band VI5: Band IV6: Band V7: Band VII8: Band VIII9..22: Band IX to Band XXII

Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Indicates if the "System Information Block type 5bis" will be broadcast instead of "System Information Block type 5".Applicable when the WcdmaCarrier instance is a child of RncFunction.

Downlink UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number. Specifies the channel number for the central downlink frequency. The mapping from channel number to physical frequency is described in 3GPP specification TS 25.104.

Dependencies:WcdmaCarrier instances connected to the same parent MO instance must have differing values of this attribute.

Specification: TS 25.104Change takes effect: Ongoing connections

Provides the possibility to put a user-friendly label on the MO instance. The value is not used by the RNC.

Page 385: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Recommended Value Network Entity BulkCM Parameter Name

RNC id

RNC altitude

HEIGHT(0) RNC altitudeDirection

RNC confidence

Page 386: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

5 RNC elevationThreshold

See CPI RNC polygonRadiusFactor

RNC posQualities

See CPI RNC posQualities.accuracyCodeTypical

38 RNC posQualities.confidenceEstimate

See CPI RNC posQualities.responseTimeTypical

Page 387: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


RNC uncertaintyAltitude

See CPI RNC utranRnsConfidence


Page 388: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC utranRnsPosition

RNC utranRnsPosition.latitude

RNC utranRnsPosition.latitudeSign

RNC utranRnsPosition.longitude

RNC utranRnsUncertaintyRadius

Utran Cell

Page 389: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

Utran CellUtran Cell

Branch idBranch antennaSupervisionThreshold



Page 390: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Branch branchName

Branch fqBandHighEdge

Branch fqBandLowEdge

Branch mechanicalAntennaTilt


Sector antennaBranchRef

Sector idSector connectedToObjectARef


Page 391: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector dlAttenuation

Sector electricalDlDelay

Page 392: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector electricalUlDelay

Page 393: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector objectAConnector

Page 394: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector ulAttenuation

RNC id

RNC defaultArpQos

See CPI RNC defaultArpQos.intPrio

See CPI RNC defaultArpQos.pci

See CPI RNC defaultArpQos.pvi

See CPI RNC externalArpMapping

RNC systemDefaultArpQos

Page 395: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC systemDefaultArpQos.intPrio

RNC systemDefaultArpQos.pci

RNC systemDefaultArpQos.pvi

RNC userLabel

RNC id

RNC userLabel





Utran Cell

Utran Cell






Page 396: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

Utran Cell aiDeviceRef

TRANSMITTED(1) Utran Cell airRateTypeSelector

Utran Cell

Utran Cell idFALSE(0) Utran Cell cqiAdjustmentOn

10 Utran Cell cqiErrors

10 Utran Cell cqiErrorsAbsent

Utran Cell dbccDeviceRef



Page 397: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell dlBandwidth

Utran Cell dlFilterProfile

Utran Cell dpclDevicesRef

20 Utran Cell extraHsScchPowerForSrbOnHsdpa

20 Utran Cell extraPowerForSrbOnHsdpa

Utran Cell frequencyPlane

Page 398: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

2 Utran Cell hsdpaMcActivityBufferThreshold

2 Utran Cell hsdpaMcInactivityTimer

2 Utran Cell hsPowerMargin

-20 Utran Cell hsScchMaxCodePower

-150 Utran Cell hsScchMinCodePower

Utran Cell numberOfTxBranches

Page 399: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

0 Utran Cell qualityCheckPower

Utran Cell queueSelectAlgorithm

Utran Cell50 Utran Cell schCongPeriodGbr

5 Utran Cell schCongThreshGbr

2 Utran Cell schCongThreshNonGbr

Utran Cell schMaxDelay

See CPI Utran Cell schMinPowerNonGbrHsUsers

25 Utran Cell schNoCongPeriodGbr


Page 400: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

15 Utran Cell schNoCongThreshGbr

15 Utran Cell schPowerDeltaCongGbr

15 Utran Cell schPrioForAbsResSharing

Utran Cell schWeight

Utran Cell tpaDeviceRef

Utran Cell trDeviceRef

Utran Cell ulBandwidth

Utran Cell ulFilterProfile

RNC id

Page 401: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

1 RNC doStep

10 RNC dto

195 RNC toAE


30 RNC toAWS

Page 402: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

90 RNC bandwidthMargin

90 RNC bandwidthMarginUl

RNC id

Page 403: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

10 RNC coverageTimer

80 RNC dlDownswitchBandwidthMargin

500 RNC dlRlcBufUpswitch

Page 404: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 RNC dlRlcBufUpswitchMrab


20 RNC dlThroughputDownswitchTimer


Page 405: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

2 RNC downswitchPwrMargin

0 RNC downswitchThreshold

Page 406: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

10 RNC downswitchTimer

2 RNC downswitchTimerSp

Page 407: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 RNC downswitchTimerThreshold

60 RNC downswitchTimerUp

FALSE(0) RNC fachToHsDisabled

Page 408: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

2 RNC hsdschInactivityTimer

50 RNC inactivityTimeMultiPsInteractive

30 RNC inactivityTimer

30 RNC inactivityTimerPch

Page 409: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

80 RNC ulDownswitchBandwidthMargin

256 RNC ulRlcBufUpswitch

8 RNC ulRlcBufUpswitchMrab

0 RNC ulThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold

Page 410: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

20 RNC ulThroughputDownswitchTimer

6 RNC upswitchPwrMargin

Page 411: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

5 RNC upswitchTimer

5 RNC upswitchTimerUl

RNC idRNC equivalentPlmnIdentityGroupRef

RNC iphoNetworkRefsGsm

Page 412: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC iphoNetworkRefsUtran

RNC plmnIdentity

RNC plmnIdentity.mccRNC plmnIdentity.mncRNC plmnIdentity.mncLength


RNC userLabel

RBSCoverage Relation coverageIndicator

Coverage Relation id

170 Coverage Relation hsPathlossThreshold

Coverage Relation utranCellRef

RNC id

See CPI RNC doStep

See CPI RNC dto


Page 413: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


195 RNC toAE






See CPI RNC uoStep

Iub Link userLabel

See CPI RNC uto

See CPI RNC dchDirection


Page 414: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC id

See CPI RNC gbrDlRangeEnd

See CPI RNC gbrDlRangeStart

See CPI RNC internalArp

See CPI RNC qosRef

RNC userLabel

RBS maxNumADchReservation

Page 415: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings






Utran Cell administrativeState

Utran Cell







Page 416: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell edchTti2Support

Utran Cell id

-499 Utran Cell eulMaxTargetRtwp

1 Utran Cell numEagchCodes

2 Utran Cell numEhichErgchCodes

Utran Cell

Utran Cell userLabel

Sector antennaType

Sector id

Sector sectorRef

Sector userLabel

External GSM Cell bandIndicator

External GSM Cell bcc


Page 417: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

External GSM Cell bcchFrequency

External GSM Cell cellIdentity

External GSM Cell id

0 External GSM Cell individualOffset

External GSM Cell lac

External GSM Cell maxTxPowerUl

Page 418: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

External GSM Cell ncc

-107 External GSM Cell qRxLevMin

External GSM Cell

External GSM Cell userLabel

External GSM Network

External GSM NetworkExternal GSM NetworkExternal GSM Network

External GSM Network





Page 419: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

External GSM Network mcc

External GSM Network mnc

External GSM Network mncLength

External GSM Network

External GSM Network



Page 420: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector currentHighLimA

Sector currentHighLimB

Sector currentLowLimA

Page 421: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector currentLowLimB

Sector dlAttenuation

300 Sector dlTrafficDelayA

300 Sector dlTrafficDelayB

Sector idSector internalPower

Sector tmaDegradedSupported

Page 422: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector ulGain

300 Sector ulTrafficDelayA

300 Sector ulTrafficDelayB

External Utran Cell agpsEnabled

External Utran Cell cellCapability

External Utran Cell cellCapability.edchSupport

External Utran Cell cellCapability.edchTti2Support

External Utran Cell cellCapability.enhancedL2Support

External Utran Cell

External Utran Cell cellCapability.hsdschSupport

External Utran Cell cId

External Utran Cell id


Page 423: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 External Utran Cell individualOffset

External Utran Cell lac

External Utran Cell maxTxPowerUl

External Utran Cell primaryCpichPower

External Utran Cell primaryScramblingCode

Page 424: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

100 External Utran Cell qQualMin

External Utran Cell qRxLevMin

External Utran Cell rac

External Utran Cell

External Utran Cell transmissionScheme


Page 425: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

External Utran Cell uarfcnDl

External Utran Cell uarfcnUl

External Utran Cell userLabel

Utran Cell administrativeState

Page 426: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

Utran Cell id

Utran Cell18 Utran Cell maxFach1Power

15 Utran Cell maxFach2Power

Utran Cell

Utran Cell





Page 427: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 Utran Cell pOffset1Fach

0 Utran Cell pOffset3Fach

0 Utran Cell sccpchOffset

Utran Cell userLabel

Page 428: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

GAN Cell

GAN Cell

GAN Cell

GAN CellGAN Cell

GAN Cell






Page 429: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

GAN Cell

GAN Cell

GAN CellGAN CellGAN Cell

GAN Cell

GSM Relation

GSM Relation id

GSM Relation mobilityRelationType

7 GSM Relation qOffset1sn






Page 430: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

GSM Relation selectionPriority

RNC cnhhoSupp

RNC fddGsmHOSupp

RNC fddIfhoSupp

4 RNC gsmAmountPropRepeat

5 RNC gsmPropRepeatInterval

RNC id

Page 431: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

4 RNC ifhoAmountPropRepeat

5 RNC ifhoPropRepeatInterval


30 RNC interFreqCnhhoPenaltyEcno


Page 432: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

30 RNC interFreqCnhhoPenaltyRscp

30 RNC intraFreqCnhhoPenalty

Page 433: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 RNC intraFreqCnhhoWeight

1 RNC lbhoMaxTriggeredUsers

0 RNC lbhoMinSpeechUsers

5 RNC lbhoMinTriggerTime

RNC maxActiveSet

32 RNC maxGsmMonSubset

Page 434: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

32 RNC maxIefMonSubset

120 RNC releaseConnOffset

RNC selHoSup

10 RNC timeReleaseIuPs

20 RNC tmStopGsmMeas

Page 435: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell administrativeState

Utran Cell

6 Utran Cell codeThresholdPdu656

8 Utran Cell cqiFeedbackCycle

5 Utran Cell deltaAck1

7 Utran Cell deltaAck2

4 Utran Cell deltaCqi1

6 Utran Cell deltaCqi2


Page 436: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

5 Utran Cell deltaNack1

7 Utran Cell deltaNack2

Utran Cell enhancedL2Support

Utran Cell id80 Utran Cell hsMeasurementPowerOffset

1 Utran Cell initialAckNackRepetitionFactor

1 Utran Cell initialCqiRepetitionFactor

5 Utran Cell numHsPdschCodes

1 Utran Cell numHsScchCodes

Utran Cell

Utran Cell qam64Support

Utran Cell userLabel


Page 437: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

Utran CellUtran Cell

Iub Link idIub Link rbsId

Iub Link userLabelRNC administrativeState



Page 438: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


RNC idRNC operationalState

RNC userLabel

60 Iub hsDataFrameDelayThreshold

15 Iub maxHsRate

Iub schHsFlowControlOnOff

60 Iub Link edchDataFrameDelayThreshold

Iub Link id

Iub Link userLabel

Iub Link administrativeState


Page 439: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Iub Link

100 Iub Link dlHwAdm

Iub Link idIub Link

Iub Link rbsId

Iub Link iubLinkUtranCell

Iub Link rncModuleRefSee CPI Iub Link ulHwAdm



Page 440: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Iub Link userLabel

Iur Link cellCapabilityControl

Iur Link cellCapabilityControl.edchSupport

Iur Link

Iur Link

Iur Link

Iur Link cellCapabilityControl.hsdschSupport

60 Iur Link edchDataFrameDelayThreshold

Iur Link

170 Iur Link hspaPathlossThreshold

3 Iur Link iurArpGuaranteed

8 Iur Link iurArpNonguaranteed

Iur Link id





Page 441: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

1504 Iur Link maxMacdPduSizeExtended

Iur Link

Iur Link rncId

OFF(0) Iur Link srncPmReporting

Iur Link userLabel

Iur Link utranNetworkRefTRUE(1) Location Area att

Location Area lac

Location Area id

Location Area



Page 442: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

10 Location Area t3212

Location Area userLabel

0 RNC inactivityTimer

Mbms Service Area id

Utran Cell administrativeState

Utran Cell N

Page 443: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

7 Utran Cell hcsPrioOffset

Utran Cell id

-20 Utran Cell mcchPowerOffset

0 Utran Cell mcchPowerOffsetTfci

Page 444: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

-7 Utran Cell michPowerOffset

-10 Utran Cell mtch128PowerOffset

200 Utran Cell mtch128PowerOffsetTfci

20 Utran Cell mtch256PowerOffset

Page 445: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

200 Utran Cell mtch256PowerOffsetTfci

-40 Utran Cell mtch64PowerOffset

200 Utran Cell mtch64PowerOffsetTfci

Utran Cell nonPlMbmsSaRef

18 Utran Cell numNotificationInd

Utran Cell N

Page 446: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell plMbmsSaRef

Utran Cell plServiceRestriction

-1 Utran Cell qualityOffset

Mbms Service Area id

Mbms Service Area reservedBy

Mbms Service Area sac

Mbms Service Area userLabel

Page 447: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

Utran Cell




30 RNC iubTransportDelayMax

2 RNC iubTransportDelayOffset

RNC id





Cells with same MOCN reference

Cells with same MOCN reference

Cells with same MOCN reference


Cells with same MOCN reference

Page 448: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

15 RNC phaseDriftThreshold

0 RNC toaWindowEndpoint

190 RNC toaWindowSize

Utran Cell

Utran CellUtran Cell

RBS analogUlAlignIsActive


RBS availableRbsChannelElementsUplink

RBS branchDiffAbsTime

RBS branchDiffMeasTime






Page 449: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


RBS dlLicFractBbPool2


32 RBS eulLowRate

RBS eulMaxAllowedSchRate

5760 RBS eulMaxShoRate

128 RBS eulNonServHwRate

5 RBS eulNoReschUsers



With GRAKE: 4480Without GRAKE: 3968

Page 450: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

See CPI RBS eulSchedulingWeight

128 RBS eulTargetRate

RBS featureState16Qam

RBS featureState64Qam

Page 451: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RBS featureStateDlPowerControlEul

RBS featureStateEul2msTti

RBS featureStateGrake

RBS featureStateHsdpaFlexibleScheduler

Page 452: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


RBS featureStateMbmsIubEfficiency

RBS featureStateRetCascading

RBS featureStateStandardizedRet


Page 453: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RBS featureStateStandardizedTma







Page 454: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings









Page 455: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings











Page 456: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings











Page 457: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings











Page 458: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings











Page 459: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings











Page 460: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings






RBS id






Page 461: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RBS steeredHsAllocation

195 RBS toaeCch

170 RBS toaeDch


RBS ulLicFractBbPool2


RBS userLabel



Page 462: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Iub Link DelayTolerantRespTimeMax

12 Iub Link fixedWindowSizeInt

10 Iub Link fixedWindowSizeSup

500 Iub Link

Iub Link

Iub Link idIub Link

50 Iub Link phaseDiffThreshold

Iub Link





Page 463: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

100 Iub Link sampleIntervalInt

10 Iub Link sampleIntervalSup

100 Iub Link slidingWindowSize

Iub Link

Iub Link

Iub Link userLabel

6 RNC cnDrxCycleLengthCs

7 RNC cnDrxCycleLengthPs

2 RNC noOfPagingRecordTransm

RNC id



Page 464: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

5 RNC utranDrxCycleLength

Utran Cell

Utran CellUtran Cell

Utran CellUtran Cell administrativeState

Utran Cell




Page 465: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

Utran Cell id

Utran Cell-4 Utran Cell pchPower

-7 Utran Cell pichPower

20 Utran Cell sccpchOffset

Utran Cell userLabel




Page 466: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

Utran CellUtran Cell

Utran CellUtran Cell

Utran CellRNC plmn

RNC plmn.mccRNC plmn.mncRNC plmn.mncLength

RNC id





Page 467: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


RNC userLabel

RNC agpsMeasTimeMax

RNC delayTolerantRespTimeMax

RNC firstAttemptCandidate

RNC firstAttemptResultQosCheck


Page 468: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC fixedRespTimeMax

RNC lowDelayRespTimeMax

RNC id

RNC reportedConfidenceLevel

RNC secondAttemptMethod

RNC secondAttemptResultQosCheck

Page 469: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC shapeConversionEa

RNC shapeConversionEp

RNC shapeConversionEpa

RNC shapeConversionEpaue

RNC shapeConversionEpuc

RNC shapeConversionEpue

RNC shapeConversionP

Page 470: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC thirdAttemptMethod

RNC userLabel

0 RNC cBackOff

10 RNC cNbifho


41 RNC dlInitSirTarget


-16 RNC ecNoPcpichDefault


Page 471: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

65 RNC fixedPowerDl

65 RNC fixedRefPower

-2 RNC initShoPowerParam

33 RNC pcpichPowerDefault

0 RNC pO1

Page 472: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

12 RNC pO2

12 RNC pO3

RNC id

RNC sirMax

173 RNC sirMaxTti2

-82 RNC sirMin

10 RNC transmissionTargetError

20 RNC transmissionTargetErrorTti2

30 RNC ulInitSirTargetEdch

EUL is activated: 120EUL is not activated: 100

Page 473: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

50 RNC

70 RNC ulInitSirTargetEdchTti2

92 RNC ulInitSirTargetExtraHigh

82 RNC ulInitSirTargetHigh

49 RNC ulInitSirTargetLow

57 RNC ulInitSirTargetSrb

JUMP(1) RNC ulOuterLoopRegulator

10 RNC ulSirStep

5 RNC ulSirStepTti2


Page 474: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

Utran CellUtran CellRBS fileLocation


270 RBS maxStorageSize

RBS id




Page 475: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


Utran Cell

Utran Cell

Utran CellRNC activeQueueMgmt

R99(0) RNC amrNbMmUeRelease

30 RNC psStreamingInactivityTimer

RNC idUtran Cell administrativeState

-6 Utran Cell aichPower




Page 476: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

4 Utran Cell aichTransmissionTiming

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

-19 Utran Cell constantValueCprach



Page 477: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell increasedRachCoverageEnabled

32 Utran Cell maxPreambleCycleUtran Cell

Utran Cell

1 Utran Cell powerOffsetP0

-4 Utran Cell powerOffsetPpm

32 Utran Cell preambleRetransMax65535 Utran Cell preambleSignatures

Utran Cell id

Utran Cell



Page 478: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 Utran Cell scramblingCodeWordNo

64 Utran Cell spreadingFactor

4095 Utran Cell subChannelNo

Utran Cell userLabel


Page 479: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


RBSRBSUtran Cell

Utran Cell carrierRefUtran Cell cellRange



Page 480: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell eDch2msTtiCapability

Utran Cell eDchCapability

-220 Utran Cell eHichMinCodePower

Utran Cell

100 Utran Cell eulMaxNoSchEDch

80 Utran Cell eulMaxOwnUuLoad


Page 481: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell eulMaxRotCoverage

10 Utran Cell eulMinMarginCoverage

16 Utran Cell eulNoERgchGroups

Utran Cell eulOptimalNoiseFloorLock

Utran Cell

-1040 Utran Cell

72000 Utran Cell eulSlidingWindowTime

-1040 Utran Cell eulThermalLevelPrior



Page 482: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell fDpchCapability

Utran Cell featureStateEnhancedLayer2

Utran Cell featureStateFDpchSrbOnHsdpa

Utran Cell featureStateHsdpaDynamicCodeAllocation

Page 483: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

Utran Cell featureStateHsdpaMc

Utran Cell featureStateHsdpaMcInactCtrl


Page 484: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell featureStateMimo

Utran Cell hsCodeResourceId

Utran Cell hsdpaCapability

Utran Cell hsdpaMcCapability

Utran Cell localCellId

Page 485: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell maxDlPowerCapability

-140 Utran Cell maxEAgchPowerDl

-80 Utran Cell maxEAgchPowerDlTti2

Utran Cell maxNumEulUsers

16 Utran Cell maxNumHsdpaUsers

Page 486: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

5 Utran Cell maxNumHsPdschCodes

-140 Utran Cell maxUserEHichERgchPowerDl

-80 Utran Cell maxUserEHichPowerDlTti2

Utran Cell minDlPowerCapability

Utran Cell minSpreadingFactor

Utran Cell N

Page 487: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 Utran Cell qualityCheckPowerEHich

Utran Cell idUtran Cell rbsSynchronizationRefUtran Cell userLabelRBS masterTu



RBS plugInUnitRef1

RBS plugInUnitRef2

RBS idRBS timDeviceRef1

RBS timDeviceRef2

9 RNC cchWaitCuT



Page 488: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

50 RNC dchRcLostT

50 RNC hsDschRcLostT

RNC id

RNC id

16 RNC resMeasPeriodInteractive

16 RNC resMeasPeriodSpeech

Page 489: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

16 RNC resMeasPeriodStreaming

16 RNC resMeasPeriodVideo

RNC resMeasure1

RNC resMeasure1.rmq

RNC resMeasure1.service

Page 490: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC resMeasure10

RNC resMeasure10.rmq

RNC resMeasure10.service

RNC resMeasure11

RNC resMeasure11.rmq

Page 491: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC resMeasure11.service

RNC resMeasure12

RNC resMeasure12.rmq

Page 492: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC resMeasure12.service

RNC resMeasure2

RNC resMeasure2.rmq

Page 493: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC resMeasure2.service

RNC resMeasure3

RNC resMeasure3.rmq

Page 494: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC resMeasure3.service

RNC resMeasure4

RNC resMeasure4.rmq

Page 495: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC resMeasure4.service

RNC resMeasure5

RNC resMeasure5.rmq

Page 496: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC resMeasure5.service

RNC resMeasure6

RNC resMeasure6.rmq

Page 497: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC resMeasure6.service

RNC resMeasure7

RNC resMeasure7.rmq

Page 498: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC resMeasure7.service

RNC resMeasure8

RNC resMeasure8.rmq

Page 499: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC resMeasure8.service

RNC resMeasure9

RNC resMeasure9.rmq

Page 500: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC resMeasure9.service

RNC resUeFraction

Sector aretDeviceData

Sector aretDeviceData.antennaBearing




Sector aretDeviceData.baseStationId

Sector aretDeviceData.beamwidthForBands




Page 501: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector aretDeviceData.gainForBands

Sector aretDeviceData.installationDate

Sector aretDeviceData.installedMechTilt

Sector aretDeviceData.installersId



Sector aretDeviceData.sectorId


Sector electricalAntennaTilt


SectorSector id





Page 502: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings




Sector productNumberSector idSector retType

Sector revState




Page 503: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


Sector hwTestResult


Sector idSector

RNC capacityUnit

RNC currentCapacityLimit

RNC currentCapacityLimit.noLimit

RNC currentCapacityLimit.value




Page 504: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC isLicensedControlled

RNC keyId

RNC licensedCapacityLimit

RNC licensedCapacityLimit.noLimit

RNC licensedCapacityLimit.value

RNC operatorCapacityLimit

TRUE(1) RNC operatorCapacityLimit.noLimit

RNC operatorCapacityLimit.value

RNC id



























Page 505: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings




RNC Feature featureState

RNC Feature isLicenseControlled

RNC Feature keyIdRNC Feature licenseState

RNC Feature idRNC Feature serviceState

RNC aliasPlmnIdentities

RNC aliasPlmnIdentities.mccRNC aliasPlmnIdentities.mncRNC aliasPlmnIdentities.mncLength

5000 RNC ctrFileSize




Page 506: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings









Page 507: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings











Page 508: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

10 RNC

7 RNC ecCnPriorityLevel

RNC ecCnSbhoRequestIgnore

RNC ecLocationAttemptUmts

6 RNC ecSbhoTimer


Page 509: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC emergencyCallRedirect



If not 64QAM or MIMO is activated: FALSE(0)If 64QAM or MIMO is activated: TRUE(1)



Page 510: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings



15000 RNC gpehFileSize

RNC highPrioScanReserve

RNC hsCellChangeAllowed

RNC hsOnlyBestCell

RNC hsToDchTrigger


Page 511: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings



RNC hsToDchTrigger.poorQualityDetected



RNC initialIuAccessRateMax

120 RNC iuSccpConRateMeasPeriod





Page 512: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

10000 RNC iuSccpConRateThresh

FALSE(0) RNC loadSharingDirRetryEnabled

RNC loadSharingRrcEnabled

256 RNC maxAllowedGbrDlPsStream

10 RNC maxPowerOverloadHystTime

RNC mcc

Page 513: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC mnc

RNC mncLength

RNC mocnExternalNriMatching

RNC networkResourceIdentifierLengthCs

Page 514: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC networkResourceIdentifierLengthPs

RNC primaryCnOperatorRef

RNC id

RNC rncId

275 RNC uetrFileSize

RNC userLabel





Page 515: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings



RNC id


See CPI RNC tcPsBgQosRef

RNC userLabel

Routing Area nmo

Routing Area rac

Routing Area

Routing Area id

Routing Area userLabel

0 RNC cfnOffsetMarginFirstRabEst





Page 516: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings



RNC id

3 RNC t305

15 RNC measTimeMaxRbs



Page 517: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

15 RNC measTimeMaxUe

30 RNC outlierFactor

RNC posQualities

See CPI RNC posQualities.accuracyCodeTypical

95 RNC posQualities.confidenceEstimate

1500 RNC posQualities.responseTimeTypical

See CPI RNC posQualities.verticalAccuracyCodeTypical

Page 518: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC propagationTimeUncertainty

RNC id

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

Utran CellSector





Page 519: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector band

Sector beamDirection

Sector geoDatum

Sector height

Sector latHemisphere

Sector latitude

Sector lineRate

Page 520: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector longitude

FALSE(0) Sector maxInternalUlGainOn

Sector numberOfTxBranches


Sector proceduralStatus

Sector radioBuildingBlock

SectorSector retDevicesRef

Sector sectorAntennasRef

Sector id


Page 521: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Sector tmaDeviceRef

Sector userLabelSector antennaType

SectorSector id

1 RNC ciphering

RNC id

Service Area

Service Area sac

Service Area id

Service Area userLabel


Page 522: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

1 RNC noOfMaxDrxCycles

0 RNC noOfMibValueTagRetrans

RNC sb1

128 RNC sb1.sb1RepPeriod

126 RNC sb1.sb1StartPos

See CPI RNC schedulingBlockEnabled

RNC sib1

Page 523: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

32 RNC sib1.sib1RepPeriod

4 RNC sib1.sib1StartPos

RNC sib11

128 RNC sib11.sib11RepPeriod

20 RNC sib11.sib11StartPos

RNC sib12

Page 524: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

32 RNC sib12.sib12RepPeriod

14 RNC sib12.sib12StartPos

RNC sib18

128 RNC sib18.sib18RepPeriod

122 RNC sib18.sib18StartPos

RNC sib2

Page 525: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

128 RNC sib2.sib2RepPeriod

118 RNC sib2.sib2StartPos

RNC sib3

16 RNC sib3.sib3RepPeriod

2 RNC sib3.sib3StartPos

RNC sib5

Page 526: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

32 RNC sib5.sib5RepPeriod

6 RNC sib5.sib5StartPos

RNC sib7

16 RNC sib7.sib7RepPeriod

2 RNC sib7.sib7StartPos

Page 527: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

1 RNC sib7ExpirationTimeFactor

RNC id

5 RNC updateCellReattsNo

See CPI RNC flowControl


RNC id

RNC userLabel

Utran Cell



Page 528: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

Utran CellRNC

See CPI RNC gbrRangeEnd

See CPI RNC gbrRangeStart

See CPI RNC qosRef

RNC id

See CPI RNC tdRangeEnd



Page 529: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

See CPI RNC tdRangeStart

RNC userLabel



BranchBranch idBranch




Page 530: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


Sector dlAttenuation

Sector dlTrafficDelay


Sector idSector ulTrafficDelay

Sector userLabelRNC id

RNC userLabel

RNC id

RNC userLabel

RNC id



Page 531: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC userLabel

RNC id

RNC userLabel

See CPI RNC aal2QosClass

See CPI RNC dscpEgress

See CPI RNC dscpIngress


RNC spi

RNC id

RNC userLabel

RBS maxTotalOutputPower


Page 532: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


RNC cnInd

See CPI RNC defaultQosRef

RNC serviceInd

RNC ssd

RNC tcInd

RNC id

RNC userLabel


Page 533: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


See CPI RNC qosRef

RNC si

RNC thp

RNC id

RNC userLabel

RBS numEulResources


Page 534: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RBS numHsCodeResources

2 RNC event1dRncOffset

2 RNC event1dRncThreshold

2 RNC filterCoeff4_2b

Page 535: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

3 RNC filterCoeff6

2 RNC filterCoefficient1

2 RNC filterCoefficient2

1 RNC gsmFilterCoefficient3

-95 RNC gsmThresh3a

10 RNC hsHysteresis1d

CPICH_RSCP(1) RNC hsQualityEstimate

640 RNC hsTimeToTrigger1d

10 RNC hyst4_2b

Page 536: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 RNC hysteresis1a

0 RNC hysteresis1b

2 RNC hysteresis1c

Page 537: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

15 RNC hysteresis1d

0 RNC hysteresis2d

0 RNC hysteresis2f

0 RNC hysteresis3a

Page 538: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

CPICH_EC_NO(2) RNC measQuantity1

-10 RNC nonUsedFreqThresh4_2bEcno

-100 RNC nonUsedFreqThresh4_2bRscp

0 RNC nonUsedFreqW4_2b

3 RNC reportingInterval1a

Page 539: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

3 RNC reportingInterval1c

6 RNC reportingRange1a

10 RNC reportingRange1b

Page 540: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

11 RNC timeToTrigger1a

12 RNC timeToTrigger1b

Page 541: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

11 RNC timeToTrigger1c

14 RNC timeToTrigger1d

Page 542: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

320 RNC timeToTrigger2dEcno

320 RNC timeToTrigger2dRscp

1280 RNC timeToTrigger2fEcno

1280 RNC timeToTrigger2fRscp

Page 543: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

6 RNC timeToTrigger3a

320 RNC timeToTrigger6d

100 RNC timeTrigg4_2b

1280 RNC timeTrigg6b

RNC txPowerConnQualMonEnabled

RNC id

Page 544: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

18 RNC ueTxPowerThresh6b

-13 RNC

2 RNC usedFreqRelThresh2fEcno

3 RNC usedFreqRelThresh2fRscp


Page 545: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 RNC usedFreqRelThresh4_2bEcno

0 RNC usedFreqRelThresh4_2bRscp

-13 RNC usedFreqThresh2dEcnoDrnc

-105 RNC usedFreqThresh2dRscpDrnc

Page 546: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 RNC usedFreqW2d

0 RNC usedFreqW2f

0 RNC usedFreqW4_2b

RNC userLabel

2 RNC utranFilterCoefficient3

0 RNC utranRelThresh3aEcno

0 RNC utranRelThresh3aRscp

Page 547: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

5 RNC utranRelThreshRscp

0 RNC utranW3a

0 RNC w1a

0 RNC w1b

RNC cellIdPosQualities

Page 548: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


95 RNC

700 RNC


RNC clientTypeMapping




RNC clientTypeMapping.plmnOperOm














Page 549: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

RNC enabledPositioningFeatures

RNC id

RNC idSee CPI RNC serviceOffset2dEcno

See CPI RNC serviceOffset2dRscp

RNC idRNC userLabel

RNC harqTransmUlMax

RNC tti

RNC id

For 10 ms TTI: 4For 2 ms TTI: 8

Page 550: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings


RNC idRNC fcState

RNC idSee CPI RNC blerQualityTargetDl

See CPI RNC blerQualityTargetUl

RNC idUtran Registration Area

Utran Registration Area id

Utran Registration Area uraIdentity

Utran Registration Area userLabel


Page 551: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell accessClassesBarredCs

Utran Cell accessClassesBarredPs



Page 552: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell accessClassNBarred

Utran Cell administrativeState

Utran Cell agpsEnabled

Utran Cell amrNbSelector

Utran Cell amrWbRateDlMax

Utran Cell amrWbRateUlMax


Page 553: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell antennaPosition

Utran Cell antennaPosition.latitude

Utran Cell antennaPosition.latitudeSign

Utran Cell antennaPosition.longitude

500 Utran Cell aseDlAdm

Utran Cell aseLoadThresholdUlSpeech

100 Utran Cell

100 Utran Cell

100 Utran Cell

500 Utran Cell aseUlAdm




Page 554: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

-31 Utran Cell bchPower

See CPI Utran Cell

Utran Cell cellBroadcastSac

NOT_RESERVED(1) Utran Cell cellReserved

Utran Cell cId



Page 555: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

100 Utran Cell codeLoadThresholdDlSf128

15 Utran Cell compModeAdm

255 Utran Cell ctchOccasionPeriod

Utran Cell

80 Utran Cell dlCodeAdm

100 Utran Cell eulNonServingCellUsersAdm

Utran Cell eulServingCellUsersAdm


Page 556: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

4 Utran Cell eulServingCellUsersAdmTti2

Utran Cell fachMeasOccaCycLenCoeff

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

3 Utran Cell hardIfhoCorr

UtranCell hcsSib3Config

0 UtranCell hcsSib3Config.hcsPrio

0 UtranCell hcsSib3Config.qHcs

-105 UtranCell hcsSib3Config.sSearchHcs

UtranCell hcsUsage



Page 557: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

FALSE(0) UtranCell hcsUsage.connectedMode

FALSE(0) UtranCell hcsUsage.idleMode

Utran Cell hoType

10 Utran Cell hsdpaUsersAdm

621 Utran Cell iFCong

Page 558: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

6000 Utran Cell iFHyst

0 Utran Cell individualOffset

Utran Cell interFreqFddMeasIndicator

38 Utran Cell interPwrMax

Page 559: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

7760 Utran Cell interRate

Utran Cell iubLinkRefUtran Cell loadBasedHoSupport

Utran Cell

100 Utran Cell loadSharingGsmFraction

75 Utran Cell loadSharingGsmThreshold


Page 560: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 Utran Cell loadSharingMargin

Utran Cell localCellId

Utran Cell lacUtran Cell maximumTransmissionPower

48 Utran Cell maxPwrMax

40690 Utran Cell maxRate

Page 561: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

24 Utran Cell maxTxPowerUl

1590 Utran Cell minimumRate

0 Utran Cell minPwrMax

-150 Utran Cell minPwrRl

Page 562: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell mocnCellProfileRef

3 Utran Cell nInSyncInd

10 Utran Cell nOutSyncInd

Utran Cell

Utran Cell primaryCpichPower

-18 Utran Cell primarySchPower

Utran Cell primaryScramblingCode

75 Utran Cell pwrAdm


Page 563: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

300 Utran Cell pwrHyst

Utran Cell pwrLoadThresholdDlSpeech

100 Utran Cell

100 Utran Cell

100 Utran Cell




Page 564: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

15 Utran Cell pwrOffset

4 Utran Cell qHyst1

4 Utran Cell qHyst2

-18 Utran Cell qQualMin

-115 Utran Cell qRxLevMin

Utran Cell qualMeasQuantity

Utran Cell rateSelectionPsInteractive

Page 565: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

Utran Cell

1 Utran Cell releaseAseDl




Page 566: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

3 Utran Cell releaseAseDlNg

Utran Cell reservedBy

10 Utran Cell rlFailureT

Utran Cell rac

-35 Utran Cell secondarySchPower

Utran Cell sac

Utran Cell

Utran Cell



Page 567: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

16 Utran Cell sf16Adm

50 Utran Cell sf16AdmUl

16 Utran Cell sf16gAdm

Page 568: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

32 Utran Cell sf32Adm

1000 Utran Cell sf4AdmUl

8 Utran Cell sf8Adm

Page 569: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

50 Utran Cell sf8AdmUl

8 Utran Cell sf8gAdmUl

3 Utran Cell sHcsRat

Utran Cell sib1PlmnScopeValueTag

0 Utran Cell sInterSearch

Page 570: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 Utran Cell sIntraSearch

4 Utran Cell sRatSearch

SRB136(1) Utran Cell standAloneSrbSelector

Utran Cell tCell

Page 571: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

2000 Utran Cell tmCongAction

800 Utran Cell tmCongActionNg

3000 Utran Cell tmInitialG

Utran Cell transmissionScheme

2 Utran Cell treSelection

Page 572: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Cell uarfcnDl

Utran Cell uarfcnUl

Utran Cell uraList

Page 573: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

-13 Utran Cell usedFreqThresh2dEcno

-105 Utran Cell usedFreqThresh2dRscp

Utran Cell userLabel

Utran Cell idUtran Cell utranCellPosition

Utran Network aliasPlmnIdentities

Page 574: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Utran Network aliasPlmnIdentities.mccUtran Network aliasPlmnIdentities.mncUtran Network aliasPlmnIdentities.mncLength

Utran Network plmnIdentityUtran Network plmnIdentity.mccUtran Network plmnIdentity.mncUtran Network plmnIdentity.mncLength

Utran Network

Utran Network userLabel

Utran Network idUtran Relation frequencyRelationType

Utran Relation hcsSib11Config

0 Utran Relation hcsSib11Config.hcsPrio

0 Utran Relation hcsSib11Config.penaltyTime

0 Utran Relation hcsSib11Config.qHcs

0 Utran Relation hcsSib11Config.temporaryOffset1


Page 575: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

0 Utran Relation hcsSib11Config.temporaryOffset2

Utran Relation loadSharingCandidate

Utran Relation nodeRelationType

0 Utran Relation qOffset1sn

0 Utran Relation qOffset2sn

Utran Relation selectionPriority

Utran Relation

Utran Relation id


Page 576: WCDMA RNC RBS Parameter Settings

Carrier defaultHoType

Carrier freqBand

Carrier sib5bisEnabled

Carrier uarfcnDl

Carrier userLabel

Carrier id
