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WCO Trends and Patterns Report – a Capacity Building estimate ISSUE 3 – JUNE 2008 “From Words to Action to Implementation”
Page 1: WCO Trends and Patterns Report

WCO Trends and Patterns Report – a Capacity Building estimate

ISSUE 3 – jUnE 2008

“From Words to Action to Implementation”

Page 2: WCO Trends and Patterns Report

Cover photos courtesy of:

© French Customs

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Table of ConTenTs

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Columbus Programme Activities and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65

Copyright © 2008 World Customs Organization .

All rights reserved . Requests and inquiries concerning translation, reproduction and

adaptation rights should be addressed to copyright@wcoomd .org .


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Dear Reader:

Customs capacity building is about Customs modernization and the objective of real capacity building is to build sustainable institutional capacity to manage change . Capacity building is not technical assistance and training; this is an important component but capacity building is much more than that . Implementation is in fact not as complicated as many people think, it is about taking decisions on strategic activities based on a proper needs assessment using clear target goals and a structured approach .

When we launched the Columbus Programme in January 2005, we knew that completing phase one (needs assessment) within 18 months would be a challenge; we also knew that an even greater challenge would be to achieve significant results in the early stages of phase two (implementation) . By June 2006, we had met the first challenge by successfully completing phase one . And now, in this the third issue of the WCO Trends and Patterns Report: A Capacity Building Estimate, we present the first significant Columbus Programme implementation results . At the outset, we set a clear and constructive phase two strategy . Begin by identifying current capacity and needs within Columbus Customs administrations (this information is contained in the national diagnostic reports and the global trends were presented in the first two issues of the trends and patterns report) . Continue by delivering action planning workshops and implementation programming for any administration that sought consultations on techniques for implementing the diagnostic report recommendations (this has been done for every requesting administration and in every WCO region) . Enhance the WCO’s donor coordination (this was done by constant high-level interaction with international donors, organising the Global Dialogue on Capacity Building conference in South Africa, and the seconding of a Customs Officer in the Capacity Building Directorate to focus on donor liaison . Provide strategic and technical support when requested (the WCO continues to consult on strategic and technical needs in country around the world) . To strengthen matching of needs and experts, the WCO is developing a phase two pool of experts on specific skill sets .

Our implementation strategy was clear and is now showing results . The WCO capacity building agenda and model is working and it is working very well . We now have the results to prove it . In this report, we provide specific information on WCO Columbus Programme activity and the concrete achievements so far .

A lot has been done in one year of implementation . It is our sustained view that the strategy that we set out in January 2005 was correct and the early results are confirmation of this . Capacity building and modernization is an ongoing process that never ends . Much more work is still to be done, but we will continue to deliver results .

The progress and situation presented in this report reflects activities and developments that have been reported to the WCO Secretariat by 1 April 2008 . Many activities have been completed since then . Other activities or progress results might not yet have been reported to the Secretariat and are therefore not presented in this report . New developments will be constantly updated when reported in following versions of the Trend and Patterns reports .

Some said that it was impossible to do more than 100 diagnostic missions in only eighteen months . We did it . Others said that it was going to be very difficult to make the transition from needs assessment to implementation . Now it is already done . When we started the Columbus Programme, we talked about what we wanted to do . During the first phase of the programme we talked about what was needed to do . A year ago we talked about how to do implementation . This is the report about what has already been done . This is the first report about our results .

Michel Danet Lars KarlssonSecretary General Director, Capacity Building DirectorateWorld Customs Organization World Customs Organization

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This report was prepared by the WCO’s Capacity Building Directorate .

Production was done by Lorène Malméjean . The report was translated into French from English by Denis Sartor .

The WCO is grateful to the organizations that have provided funding and experts for WCO capacity building missions .

We dedicate this report to all the Customs Directors General, Commissioners, Comptrollers and Customs managers that are not only talking about what to do, but in fact are doing what was needed .


The WCO launched the Columbus Programme in January 2005 with the objective of SAFE Framework of Standards implementation, supporting the WTO trade facilitation agenda, and comprehensive Customs modernisation based on the seven clusters of the WCO Diagnostic Framework . The Columbus Programme consist of three phases, needs assessment, implementation, and monitoring .

Thus far, over 100 WCO Members have received a needs assessment mission and a diagnostic report summarizing the findings of the mission and providing a series of recommendations . As of 1 May 2008, over 60 administrations have entered the implementation phase .

In essence, the diagnostic missions have confirmed the principle presented at the Fourth Meeting of the WCO’s High Level Strategic Group held in Miami in October 2005 that, in terms of implementation, there would be four types of development needs for WCO Members . First, there are countries with minimal requirements and no external capacity building assistance is required . Second, there are countries with basic infrastructure in place and specific capacity building needs are restricted to training and technical assistance . Third, there are countries with basic infrastructure in place, with some policy, role development and change management required in advance of training and technical assistance . Fourth, there are countries where in-depth capacity building is required . The diagnostic missions identified the individual development needs of WCO Members which requested assistance . The WCO’s strategies for phase two, implementation, draws from these conclusions .

This third issue of the trends and patterns report presents information on Columbus Programme capacity building activities and concrete results thus far in each of the six WCO regions1 . The emphasis in phase one was of course a comprehensive diagnostic analysis to confirm current national Customs capacity and recommend a way forward on modernisation .

Phase two has involved a much more diverse set of activities than phase one, although for many countries it began with an action planning workshop in order to provide guidance on a systematic approach to implementation . Subsequent activities include integrity workshops, training on technical matters, consultations on the acquisitions and use of NII, strategic advice, and pilot development .

1 . As mentioned in the Foreword, the progress and situation presented in this report reflects activities and developments that have been reported to the WCO Secretariat by 1 April 2008 . Many activities have been completed since then . Other activities or progress results might not yet have been reported to the Secretariat and are therefore not presented in this report .

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The extensive activities would not have been possible without an increase in financial and human resources . Accordingly, the WCO increased its donor coordination . This has involved high-level meetings with donors around the world; the organization of the Global Dialogue on Capacity Building in South Africa in April 2007, and the secondment by German Customs of an expert on donor liaison for Customs modernization .

While the WCO capacity building strategy was correct and has proven to be successful, it needs to be constantly updated and improved . Accordingly, the many lessons of the Columbus Programme have now been incorporated into a proposal on an updated WCO capacity building strategy . This document, dubbed the Petrus Strategy, is presented in a separate document and is available on request .


Since 1 January 2006 the WCO has initiated a number of Capacity Building programmes and activities . The most significant is the Columbus Programme, Aid for SAFE trade . The Columbus Programme is the largest and most comprehensive Customs Capacity Building initiative on record . The aim of the Programme is full implementation of the Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade, but it is also preparation for the possible outcome of the WTO negotiations on trade facilitation in Geneva as well as support implementation of other WCO Standards, such as the Revised Kyoto Convention .

To date, out of 172 WCO Members, 150 have signed the letter of intent to implement the Framework of Standards . 110 Customs Administrations have requested capacity building assistance to WCO and thus become beneficiaries of Columbus Programme2 .

The Programme is also been extended to non Members to WCO through the cooperation agreements with regional organizations such as the Oceania Customs Organization (OCO) and Caribbean Customs Law Enforcement Council (CCLEC) .

The Columbus Programme consists of three phases .

• The 1st phase, needs assessment, is a comprehensive diagnostic needs assessment of the current situation both in terms of its overall development capacity and as well as its compliance with the Frameworks of Standards . Use of WCO Diagnostic Framework tool has been acknowledged by organizations like the UN, OECD, the World Bank, IMF and others .

• The 2nd phase, Implementation, comprises all steps taken by the Members to advance on the developmental cycle (from preparation and approval of a comprehensive modernization programme, gathering adequate political and financial support, till full implementation) .

• The 3rd phase, Monitoring, involves monitoring and evaluation of progress .

2 . Though they have not signed yet a letter of intent, Algeria and Peru received capacity building assistance under the Programme due to specific opportunities provided by donor Administrations .

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Phase I Columbus Programme – Needs AssessmentOut of the 110 beneficiary Members of Columbus Programme, 105 have already received a diagnostic mission or have a confirmed plan to deliver their diagnostics3 .

The needs assessment diagnosis is carried out by two WCO accredited Capacity Building experts . During the diagnostic mission, the experts interview Customs policy makers, Customs senior managers, and all concerned parties including the members of the trade community and other border agencies .

The mission results in a diagnostic report including the current situation, gap analysis to full implementation and the suggested way forward through a number of recommendations .

To be able to deliver these diagnostics, the Secretariat had organised 25 training workshops around the world to develop the pool of Capacity Building diagnostic facilitators .

Thus far, the WCO has trained more than 300 people, mainly from Customs administrations, but also from the private sector and partner institutions . The Secretariat now has more than 120 accredited Capacity Building experts in the pool and over 20 of them have been accredited as WCO team leaders . The expert pool is able to work in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Chinese as working languages .

From the diagnostic reports, the Secretariat produced a global WCO Capacity Building Trends and Patterns Report, which provides research and analysis of key findings and emerging issues identified during Columbus Programme missions . Regional Trends and Patterns reports are currently under preparation that will break down the analysis for each one of WCO Regions and presents their specific political and economic environment that support or impact the Programme .

There remains the crucial need to emphasise the continuing need for the Customs community to engage with politicians and to help Directors General engage with politicians to help them understand the full economic role of Customs . In particular, this is relevant for trade management, market access, revenue collection, social protection, and statistical collection .

Phase II Columbus Programme – ImplementationThe second phase of the Programme comprises all activities taken by the beneficiary Members to advance on the development cycle: from preparation and approval of a comprehensive modernization programme (taking on board the diagnostic recommendations), gathering adequate political and financial support, piloting activities and new functions, till full implementation .

It must be noted that progress in the second phase of the Programme requests much more ownership and initiatives led by the Member Administrations than the delivery of missions from external experts (as it was in the first phase) . The implementation processes also have different paces among Members and Regions and the support from the Programme is being tailored to each case .

3 . The WCO Secretariat is waiting improvement of security conditions to plan and deliver the diagnostic missions to four pending countries and

Syria has just joined the Programme in March 2008 .

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To move forward in the implementation phase, the Columbus Programme will make all efforts to proper reply to any specific request from Members . But so far, the Programme is currently providing these types of support:

• Assistance to establish a strategy and management structure for customs development through:

i . Workshops to develop strategic action plans based on diagnostic recommendations

ii . Advice and consultancy service to set up project management structure aiming at best planning and effective implementation of strategic plans

iii . Support to the scoping of specific projects that are part of overall development programme (e .g . introduction of risk management, post clearance audit, border enforcement, enhancing national training function, a holistic integrity project, etc .)

iv . Assistance for improving the quality of base-line data and for appropriate measurement and evaluation of progress (e .g . organizing Time Release Studies)

v . Management consultancies to assist in proper sequencing of project milestones

• Assistance to seek political support for the Customs development programme through:

i . Preparation of Business Cases;

ii . Supporting negotiations and awareness building with Ministers, heads of Revenue Agencies (when Customs is part of the institution), other governmental institutions as well as donor organizations and political stakeholders (for instance, organizing visits of WCO Secretary General or Director Capacity Building)

iii . Attending relevant national or regional forums to discuss Customs reform

iv . Attending High Level Seminars with private sector and other stakeholders

v . Advise in setting up of steering committees with external stakeholders

• Assistance to the members in their efforts to obtain sustainable funding for the development programmes through:

i . Attesting quality and consistency of Strategic Plans and development programme

ii . Supporting the project management in developing relevant contacts and project documentation to seek sustainable funding for the programmes

iii . Facilitating contacts with major donors/financial institutions involved with Customs institutions and/or corresponding capacity building projects

iv . Supporting Customs managers in the coordination of Donors, to avoid duplication of efforts in specific areas and lack of coverage of other strategically important areas, and to promote sustainable relationships

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• Assistance to Members in the day-to-day management of the development programme in key areas through:

i . High Level Workshops and Seminars to promote better understanding of modern customs concepts, such as established in the Revised Kyoto Convention, and the capacity building implications (e .g . Risk Management, Authorized Economic Operators, Single Window, etc .)

ii . Consultancy service on Human Resources Management (setting up structure, policies development, HR development – training, etc .)

iii . Provision of Recruitment service of external expertise

iv . Consultancy Service for Information and Communication Technology and modern equipment (e .g . Scanners) – specification, user’s requirement, overall policies, etc .

v . Support in procurement and tendering process (drafting and quality assuring proposals, independent evaluation, monitoring of product delivery, etc .)

In addition to working at a national level, the Columbus programme has now matured to take a co-operative approach to development which can exploit the synergies between members in Economic and/or Customs Unions . Moreover, it is anticipated that regional capacity building will contribute to the facilitation of regional co-operation and ensure enhanced coherence and synergy of capacity building activities pursued by different donors in each region, which would bring about a significant increase in the quantum of funding and technical support currently available .

Currently the Programme is working at regional level with East African Community (EAC), the Southern African Custom Union (SACU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) .

The Columbus Programme has already 604 countries in the implementation phase . Supporting activities for Phase 2 are planned and delivered upon request from Members . So far, the Programme has been able to reply to all requests presented .

The Columbus Programme has already completed 30 regional missions and plus than 1305 national missions to assist members with their development process .

For the second phase of the Programme, a wide range of different expertise will be needed to provide adequate advice and support to the Members . Therefore WCO has launched a second accreditation process for the identification of experienced officers from Customs Administrations capable to deliver the missions on behalf of WCO . Only in 2008, it is already planned 8 Advisors Workshops for Phase 2 of Columbus Programme .

4 . The criteria adopted by the Secretariat to consider a Member in the second are the provision of additional support after the diagnostic mission or the report, from the Member, of progress made by their own initiative .

5 . Including missions delivered by Donor Administrations on bilateral Capacity Building Programmes (especially US CBP and CBSA) .

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The Secretariat has also developed and published the “WCO Capacity Building Development Compendium” with the aim to guiding the project managers from the Customs Administrations on how to prepare and move forward with their development process .

Ultimately, it is also crucial to emphasise the development of partnerships in order to deliver phase 2 . By this, we are talking about partnerships with donors, donor members, the private sector, and universities . This is critical not just because it is happening but because the Customs community need to build further stronger links if phase 2 is to be successful .

Finally, the Secretariat will pilot the first Customs management development programme (training for customs managers responsible for the development programme) in the upcoming months .

Phase III Columbus Programme – Monitoring and EvaluationThe Capacity Building Directorate has developed a progress monitoring system that was presented to and endorsed by the WCO High-Level Strategic Group in Shanghai . Progress reporting is made on three different levels, on a country level, on a regional level and from donors .

The Secretariat may also deliver, under request from Members, monitoring and evaluation missions, to attest progress and provide advice on further steps of the Programme . A first mission was concluded in January 2008 .

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1. Statistics on the Columbus Programme and its deliverables

General 32 WCO Members 26 signed the letter of intention 21 requested assistance under Columbus Programme

Phase I: 17 diagnostic missions delivered 2 diagnostic missions planned 2 diagnostic missions waiting better security conditions (Afghanistan and Myanmar) Agreement reached with Oceania Customs Organisation to extend Columbus programme to Oceania Region for Jan


Phase II: 13 Members in Phase II (reported progress or received further support)

Actions Outputs

4 Regional Workshops on Safe Framework of Standards + 1 for Oceania Customs Organisation

75 managers/officers with knowledge improved on the Standards13 Oceania DGs committed to Standards

1 Regional Strategic Management Workshop 17 senior managers trained on how to prepare a project plan to implement diagnostic recommendations, obtain political support and manage reform

3 Regional Train the Trainer Workshop on Integrity Pool of 24 experts from 21 Members, capable to independently lead integrity training activities in the region, establishedFor OCO workshop 16 participants are trained

1 Regional Action Plan Workshop 10 managers/officers trained on how to move from the diagnostic report into an effective Action Plan to implement SAFE

1 Integrity Workshop for OCO Region An Integrity Action Plan for OCO Region produced

9 National Action Plan workshops Strategic/Action Plans developed for 9 Members to implement diagnostic recommendations .100+ officers/managers with knowledge improved on the preparation and revision of Strategic/Action Plans

1 National training on Time Release Study, Single Window and Change Management

40 officers/managers trained on how to prepare and deliver a time release study based on WCO StandardsStrategic advice provided on development of Single Window solution and change management

1 National workshop on Post Clearance Audit 25 officers with knowledge improved on how to implement and develop a post clearance audit function

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Actions Outputs

1 national consulting service mission on NII Equipment and Border Enforcement Programme

Consulting service on acquisition of NII Equipment provided to 1 Member

E-learning assistance / installation national platform Many people are trained in e-learning process

Regional train the trainer workshop on Green Customs

20 managers are trained by UNEP and ROCB

National workshop on integrity and good Governance

25 officers (management and staff) are trained in integrity issues

Donor partnership meeting About 10 donors attended and exchange information between Customs’ action plans and donors’ agendas

Phase III: 1 Vice-Chair Report Matrix received 19 Member Report Matrix received 1 survey on Non Intrusive equipment developed by 1 one Member with a first preliminary evaluation report

2. Other Regional Developments

The AP-region has produced:• A regional Strategic Plan 2008-2010; with four focus areas:

o Capacity Buildingo Trade Security and facilitationo Compliance and enforcemento Research and Analysis

• Asia Pacific Environment scan 2007; this scan shows current issues and emerging trends that may affect Customs core business in the AP region in the future

• Based on the WCO T&P report the New Zealand Customs sent a message to the regional Members asking for an update about the AEO-programme . Summary of this survey:

o AEO programmes in place/underway in 9 out of 32 AP Members; WCO guidelines used and benefits for business explained

o Mutual recognition; many bilateral negotiations underway- within and without the region• Several summaries like

o Capacity Building Needs 2007/2008 o Trade facilitation Measureso International Standards

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3. Summary report on the Members development, current situation and next steps under Columbus Programme

3.1 Members in Phase 2 (reported progress or received additional support) – (Blue)

BhutanThe Country received the diagnostic mission, accepted recommendations and a Strategic Action Plan is scheduled to happen in May 2008 (to be delivered by A/P ROCB) .

Date Action/Event Outputs

Feb . 2007 FoS Workshop in Hong Kong 1 Officer with improved knowledge on SAFE Framework of standards

May 2007 Diagnostic Mission delivered Diagnostic report delivered

May 2008 Action Plan Workshop (planned) Action Plan for Customs reform produced and agreed with Government

CambodiaThe Members has produced an Action Plan based on diagnostic mission recommendations . About 10 donors attended a meeting to exchange views on Customs new five years plan and donors’ agendas . A coordination of Donors is in process for further advancement . The Donors expressed their support of the modernization of Cambodia Customs .

Date Action/Event Outputs

Feb . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Oct . 2006 Action planning Training Workshop – Case study Mongolia in Shanghai

1 Officer trained on Action Plan development to implement SAFE Framework of Standards

Feb . 2007 Regional Seminar on SAFE Framework of Standards in Hong Kong

1 Officer with improved knowledge on SAFE Framework of standards

March 2007 Regional Senior Management Workshop in Bangkok

1 Senior Manager with improved knowledge on how to prepare a project plan to implement diagnostic recommendations, obtain political and finance support and manage reform

May 2007 Action Plan workshop Draft Action Plan developed

Sept . 2007 Follow up action plan workshop Final action plan developed

Feb . 2008 Donor meeting About 10 donors attended the meeting and exchange views on Customs new five years plan and donors’ agendas .

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ChinaIt is expected the Administration is implementing the developed action plan . The country reported further initiatives such as the China/EU Mutual Recognition Programme for AEO standards . China is a Columbus Programme country with possible best practices in different areas to show case: Smart and Security Trade lanes project (SSTL), information and intelligence exchange, mutual recognition, AEO programme, smart box, control standards, etc . The Administration has not requested further WCO assistance and there is no mission planned in the moment .

Date Action/Event Outputs

Mar . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Jul . 2006 Regional Workshop on SAFE Standards and Strategic Planning

Officers with improved knowledge on SAFE Framework of standards and Strategic Plan for their implementation

Oct . 2006 Action planning Training Workshop – Case study Mongolia

3 Officers trained on Action Plan development to implement SAFE Framework of Standards

Feb . 2007 Regional Seminar on SAFE Framework of Standards

1 Officer with improved knowledge on SAFE Framework of standards

March 2007 Regional Senior Management Workshop

1 Senior Manager with improved knowledge on how to prepare a project plan to implement diagnostic recommendations, obtain political and finance support and manage reform

June 2007 Administration submitted an Action Plan to WCO and requested a revision

Action Plan agreed with by WCO and additional mission agreed

June 2007 Strategic Action Plan revision mission

Action Plan reviewed and quality assured by WCO

March 2008 Visit of Director Capacity Building

Discussions on WCO support for second phase and capacity building presentation

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Hong Kong, ChinaThe Country has received a diagnostic mission and sent representatives for regional events related to Columbus Programme . A progress report was produced and presented to the WCO Secretariat . Contemporary Customs issues and best practices are incorporated into the training curricula . Legislative amendments are made to facilitate the introduction of mandatory advanced electronic cargo information . MOU’s are signed with business partners to streamline Customs clearance procedures .

Date Action/Event Results

Dec . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered .

Feb . 2007 Regional Seminar on SAFE Framework of Standards in Hong Kong

13 Officers with improved knowledge on SAFE Framework of standards

March 2007 Regional Senior Management Workshop in Bangkok

1 Senior Manager with improved knowledge on how to prepare a project plan to implement diagnostic recommendations, obtain political and finance support and manage reform

July 2008 Seminar Corporate Risk management

Planned for AP region

IndiaThe Country has received a diagnostic mission and sent representatives for regional events related to Columbus Programme . The Members has not requested further assistance from Secretariat but has informed that is advancing by their own in the implementation process .

Date Action/Event Results

Nov . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

March 2007 Regional Senior Management Workshop in Bangkok

1 Senior Manager with improved knowledge on how to prepare a project plan to implement diagnostic recommendations, obtain political and finance support and manage reform

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MalaysiaIt is expected the Member is implementing the Action Plan developed . The WCO Secretariat has not received further request of support from the Administration .

Date Action/Event Results

Dec . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Feb . 2007 Regional Seminar on SAFE Framework of Standards in Hong Kong

2 Officers with improved knowledge on SAFE Framework of standards

March 2007 Regional Senior Management Workshop in Bangkok

1 Senior Manager with improved knowledge on how to prepare a project plan to implement diagnostic recommendations, obtain political and finance support and manage reform

April 2007 National Action Plan Workshop in Malaysia

Action Plan to implement diagnostic recommendations developed and agreed by top management

May 2007 Train the Trainer workshop on Integrity in Malaysia

Officers trained to independently prepare and deliver integrity training based on WCO instruments and tools

MaldivesIt is expected the Administration is implementing the developed action plan . The Member has not requested further assistance from WCO Secretariat (to ensure political, financial or technical support) . The Director General has reported initiative and progress on a Business Customs Partnership Programme, taking into consideration the Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) standards . Maldives is making progress on this subject .

Date Action/Event Results

Sep . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Dec . 2006 National Action Plan Workshop Senior managers discussed and agreed on a Action Plan

Feb . 2007 Regional Seminar on SAFE Framework of Standards

1 Officer with improved knowledge on SAFE Framework of standards

March 2007 Regional Senior Management Workshop

1 Senior Manager trained on how to prepare a project plan to implement diagnostic recommendations, obtain political and finance support and manage reform

March 2008 Risk Management workshop Support by ROCB

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MongoliaMongolia is implementing the Action Plan 2007-2010, approved by the Minister of Finance, in close mentoring and coordination from WCO and Netherlands Customs . The Secretariat has received Progress report in November 2007 .The Member may provide best practices and lessons learned on the Risk Management project, AEO pilot project (for Oil Companies) and Integrity development project . The Administration has requested further assistance on training for Harmonized System and Data Model . These requests are still under consideration by WCO Secretariat .

Date Action/Event Results

May 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Oct . 2006 Action planning Training Workshop – Case study Mongolia

1 Officers trained on Action Plan development to implement SAFE Framework of Standards .

Oct . 2006 Case Study discussion with top management and Donor Meeting

Implementation plan for Mongolian Customs Modernization developed

Feb . 2007 Regional Seminar on SAFE Framework of Standards

1 Officer with improved knowledge on SAFE Framework of standards

Mar . 2007 Regional Senior Management Workshop

1 Senior Manager trained on how to prepare a project plan to implement diagnostic recommendations, obtain political and finance support and manage reform

Mar . 2007 Technical Assistance visit to Netherlands Customs with WCO

Agreement on technical support from Netherlands to Mongolian Customs

Jun . 2007 Workshop on Risk Management and Trade Facilitation

40 officers with improved knowledge on risk management and trade facilitation

Aug . 2007 Workshop on Post Clearance Audit

25 officers with improved knowledge on post clearance audit

Aug . 2007 Visit of Mr . Danet Political support to Customs reform and agreement on further WCO Support

Aug . 2007 Workshop on Data Model, Time Release Study, Integrity, Change Management and Single Window

30-40 officers with improved knowledge in these topics

Sep . 2007 Evaluation of X-Ray tender and Programme

Preliminary evaluation report with recommendations provided .

Jan 2008 Integrity workshop Officers trained on the WCO integrity strategy and tools

Feb . 2008 Evaluation of X-Ray tender and Programme Northern Border

Evaluation report provided

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Papua new GuineaPNG is in the process of developing an action plan using two core issues . First draft was expected to be ready by February 2008 . Further activities for implementation of the FOS in PNG are expected . Also PNG will share their experiences and progress with the OCO members . PNG will focus on 7 core issues for change:1 . Compliance strategy2 . Better utilization of ICT3 . Risk management4 . External relationship5 . Strategic management6 . HRD/HRM7 . Equipment

Date Action/Event Results

May 2007 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Febr . 2007 FoS Workshop in Hong Kong

Three officers (Mr . Frank BABAGA, Mr . Peter NASH, Mr . John Nakiria) with improved knowledge on SAFESupport by Samy and Bob

15-16 Dec 2007 National Action plan workshop

nine executive officers including two assistant commissioners and three representatives from regional offices are trained in developing an action planSupport by ROCB/ Matsumoto

April – June 2008 Follow up action plan Planned

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PhilippinesAdministration attended the Seminar BIMP-EAGA in DAVAO and has started ADB project on trade facilitation . In January 2008, with the assistance of the EU, the Phillipines had a strategic planning workshop and a Strategic Plan for the year 2008 – 2012 which will be presented in time for the BOC Founding Anniversary . They will also inaugurate the National Capacity Building Center and the WCO E-Learning Center on the BOC Founding Anniversary . They will launch very soon their version of the AEO Program in the Philippines also this February .They will launch in April 2008 their version of the AEO Program in the Philippines .

Date Action/Event Results

Aug . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Feb . 2007 Regional Seminar on SAFE Framework of Standards in Hong Kong

1 Officer with improved knowledge on SAFE Framework of standards

March 2007 Regional Senior Management Workshop in Bangkok

1 Senior Manager with improved knowledge on how to prepare a project plan to implement diagnostic recommendations, obtain political and finance support and manage reform

Jan . 2008 Implementing WCO e-learning 15 officers are trained in e-learning and platform installed

Feb . 2008 Completion of Action Plan Final Action Plan approved

Sri LankaAfter diagnostic mission, the Administration has approved recommendations, maintained communication with facilitators about further developments and scheduled a Strategic Plan workshop for April 2008 .

Date Action/Event Results

Mar . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Feb . 2007 Regional Seminar on SAFE Framework of Standards in Hong Kong

1 Officer with improved knowledge on SAFE Framework of standards

Jan . 2008 Action plan workshop Planned

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ThailandThe Member received a diagnostic mission, has developed a Strategic Plan and is currently implementing the action . A detailed progression report was received in December 2007 .

Date Action/Event Results

Jan . 2007 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Oct . 2006 Action planning Training Workshop – Case study Mongolia in Shanghai

1 Officers trained on Action Plan development to implement SAFE Framework of Standards .

Feb . 2007 Regional Seminar on SAFE Framework of Standards in Hong Kong

2 Officers with improved knowledge on SAFE Framework of standards

Mar . 2007 Regional Senior Management Workshop in Bangkok

9 Senior Managers with improved knowledge on how to prepare a project plan to implement diagnostic recommendations, obtain political and finance support and manage reform

May 2007 National Action Plan Workshop in Malaysia

Action Plan to implement diagnostic recommendations developed

Sep . 2007 Train the Trainer workshop on Green Customs

Officers trained on environmental issues and how to manage this in the Customs

Mar . 2008 Visit by Director Capacity Building

Meeting DG Thai Customs about progress second phase (ECustoms)

May 2008 Regional AEO workshop Planned

VietnamThe Member has a Customs modernisation project financed by the World Bank and intended to use this opportunity to implement recommendations from diagnostic report . The action plan under development will serve also to coordinate Donor efforts supporting the Customs Administration . The Member has not requested further assistance from WCO Secretariat (to ensure political, financial or technical support) . WCO Secretariat will contact the Vietnam to follow up recent developments and evaluate areas or themes to support .

The Global Express Association expressed the intention for joint cooperation initiative to support Vietnam Customs modernisation . The initial discussion raised the area of integrity programme to be the main topic for support but the subject is still to be defined .

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Date Action/Event Results

Jun . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Oct . 2006 Action planning Training Workshop – Case study Mongolia

1 Officers trained on Action Plan development to implement SAFE Framework of Standards .

Feb . 2007 Regional Seminar on SAFE Framework of Standards

1 Officer with improved knowledge on SAFE Framework of standards

Mar . 2007 Regional Senior Management Workshop

1 Senior Manager trained on how to prepare a project plan to implement diagnostic recommendations, obtain political and finance support and manage reform

Aug . 2007 National Action Plan Workshop

Strategic advice and discussion with senior manager on development of action plan . Administration is still finalising the plan .

3.2 Members that already received diagnostic Mission (Green)

The following Members already received a diagnostic mission but WCO Secretariat has not received any report on further progress and neither request for additional assistance . Many of these Members have sent officials that attended regional events mentioned in this report at the regional section .

The WCO Secretariat understands that the Members have accepted the recommendations provided by the diagnostic reports and are developing or have developed a modernisation plan, or introducing them into an already existing reform initiative . The Capacity Building Directorate is available to support any of these Members in the next steps of implementation of Columbus Programme and, as soon as a Country reports progress, it will be classified as in Phase II .

Country Date Result

Iran Aug 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Nepal Jun 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Fiji Feb 2008 Diagnostic report delivered

Macau, China Mar 2008 Diagnostic report delivered

3.3 Members still expecting a diagnostic Mission (Yellow)

Country Date

Indonesia May 2008

Afghanistan Tbd according to security conditions .

Myanmar Tbd according to security conditions

Pakistan May 2008

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II – easT and soUTheRn afRICa

1. Statistics on the Columbus Programme and its deliverables

General 22 WCO Members 19 signed the letter of intention 19 requested assistance under Columbus Programme

Phase I: 19 WCO diagnostic missions delivered 2 US Site Assessment mission delivered

Phase II: 13 Members in Phase II (reported progress or received further support) 2 Regional Economic Community joint Customs development projects established (EAC and SACU)

Actions Deliverables

1 Regional Workshops on Safe Framework of Standards

Managers/officers from different Members with knowledge improved on the Standards

1 Regional Train the Trainer Workshop on Integrity

Pool of 20+ experts from different Members established, capable to independently lead integrity training activities in the region

1 High Level Regional Workshop on Integrity

High Level political commitment and common agenda to enhance integrity in the region

1 Regional Workshop on Integrity Pool of WCO accredited Trainers on Integrity updated with WCO Integrity tools and activities

1 SACU Regional Meeting6 to plan regional approach for Columbus Phase II

Activity Plan agreed to develop a common strategy by SACU Members for Customs Reform and Modernisation in the areas of security and trade management, supported and quality assured by WCO, to be endorsed by Ministerial Meeting in December 2007

1 East African Community7 Columbus Phase II Workshop

A regional approach established to the development of Customs Administrations, for security and trade management, supported by WCO and other stakeholders (UNDP, IMF, SITPRO and BAFICCA)

6 National Action Plan workshops Strategic/Action Plans developed for 6 Members to implement diagnostic recommendations .100+ officers/managers with knowledge improved on the preparation and regular revision of Strategic/Action Plans .

6 . SACU Members are Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland7 . EAC Members are Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda

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Actions Deliverables

10 National Missions to follow up development under Columbus Programme

Monitoring, political support and donor coordination provided to 2 Members to ensure proper development

2 national consulting service missions on NII Equipment and Border Enforcement Programmes

Consulting service on acquisition of NII Equipment provided to 2 Members

High Level Regional Workshop to develop a regional strategy

Develop a regional strategy for the ESA region to be presented at the Regional DG meeting in Lesotho May 2008

Regional TRS Workshop Develop a regional pool of experts to be at the disposal of the ESA ROCB to conduct Time Release Studies

2 Time Release Study Programmes Time Release Studies developed for 2 Members

*The SACU Strategy for Customs Modernisation should cover, at least, the following issues:⇒ support introduction of a common tariff by 2010 and full integration with SADC region by 2012⇒ share analysis of common issues identified by WCO Columbus Programme diagnostic reports⇒ address the coordination of donors currently working in the region⇒ review the progress and importance of five key elements of the SACU Customs development strategy (One Stop

Service, Joint Border Controls, Single Administrative Document, Electronic Data Exchange and Capacity Building⇒ address issues around the number of different Regional Economic Communities (but should primarily be a model

for Customs Union development approach)

The East African Community has agreed to develop a regional plan for implementation of common recommendations from diagnostic missions . A Strategic Plan was agreed and a modernization programme set up, comprising 5 major different projects and three support projects . A five year assistance plan includining a TOR, sponsored by SIDA, was agreed involving, among other initiatives:

• 5 Workshops in Step One, from January to June 2008, in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania (repeating Uganda experience) – 7 Working days/Workshop

• 5 Consultancy service in Step 2 (Scoping and Preparations), from January to March 2008, in all countries – 5 Working days/mission

• 5 Missions in Step 3 to pilot implementation, from March to December 2008, in all countries – 14 working days/mission

• 5 Evaluation Missions in Step 4, from September 2008 to March 2009, in all countries – 10 working days/mission• 5 Revision and Planning Mission in Step 5, from June 2009 to January 2010 – 14 working days/mission• 5 Evaluation Missions in Step 6, from March 2010 to June 2011 – 14 working days/mission

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Phase III: 1 Vice-Chair Report Matrix received 11 Member Report Matrix received

2. Other Regional Developments

The ESA Region has opened a Regional Office for Capacity Building and in the 6th ESA DG Meeting the Members endorsed a new capacity building strategic plan, agreed to provide financial contribution to budget the Office and to second 3 attachés . The ROCB is expected to play an active role in the implementation of Columbus Programme at regional level .In May 2007, African Union heads of Customs agreed to adopt the WCO Capacity Building Strategy and Columbus programme as the basis for development in African Customs .

3. Summary report on the Members development, current situation and next steps under Columbus Programme

3.1 Members in Phase 2 (reported progress or received additional support) – (Blue)

BurundiThe Member received the diagnostic mission and was included in the EAC Regional Project . A risk management development workshop will be delivered for the management and a Regional TRS will be completed in 2008 .

Date Action/Event Results

Mar . 2007 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Sep . 2007 East African Community Columbus Phase II Workshop

A regional approach established to the development of Customs Administrations, supported by WCO and other stakeholders (UNDP, IMF, SITPRO and BAFICCA)

Jan . 2008 East African Community Columbus Phase II Workshop

EAC Programme and related Projects Logframes, TOR developed and agreed by Members

EthiopiaThe Member received a diagnostic mission, has developed a strategic plan and received further support during implementation process .

WCO will deliver further missions to plan a set of actions they have prioritized (implementation of a training center, a customs laboratory and a software for valuation support, some RM and enforcement work) .

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Date Action/Event Results

May . 2005 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Sep . 2005 National Action Plan workshops Strategic/Action Plan developed

Sep . 2005 Engagement with DFID to support Customs Reform

Customs reform programme developed based on diagnostic recommendations and sponsored by DFID

October 2006

UK HMRC Mission Development project established following recommendation of WCO Diagnostic . UK following up with implementation support .

Feb . 2008 Review by Director Capacity Building and Deputy Director Capacity Building . Meeting with General manager and Minister .

Ethiopia have implemented or have plans for implementation of all diagnostic recommendations,The legal review has been completedThe IT development has been progressedThe Intelligence function has been establishedThe entry process has been reviewed .Refocus of development onto Customs rather than Revenue authority issues .Follow up on developments and further assistance requested to WCO in prioritized areas (RM, Enforcement, Customs Laboratory, etc .)Agreement to develop business case and seek donors for required development activityMinister has agreed to strengthen capacity in customs before merger with revenue takes place .

KenyaIt is expected Kenya has accepted the diagnostic recommendations and is implementing them in their modernisation programme . Kenya is also part of the Regional EAC Programme and has received additional support provided by US on the legal requirements, the integrity agenda and other areas . The WCO Secretariat will follow up recent developments . Kenya . A risk management development workshop will be delivered for the management and a Regional TRS will be completed in 2008 .

Date Action/Event Results

Feb . 2006 US CBP Assistant Commissioner/Division Director Trip to Promote Capacity Building Program

Bilateral Capacity Building programme agreed with Kenya

May 2006 US Capacity Building Needs Assessment

Capacity Building needs identified for US CBP Programme

Oct . 2006 - Train-the-trainers workshop on integrity and preparatory workshop for future integrity seminars

Pool of experts capable to independently lead integrity training activities delivered

Jan . 2007 WCO Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

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Date Action/Event Results

Feb . 2007 High Level Regional Workshop on Integrity

High Level political commitment and common agenda to enhance integrity in the region

Apr . 2007 US Essential Legal Authorities Training

Managers/officers trained on the legal requirements to implement SAFE Framework of Standards

Jun . 2007 Regional Workshop on Integrity Pool of WCO accredited Trainers on Integrity updated with WCO Integrity tools and activities

Sep . 2007 East African Community Columbus Phase II Workshop

A regional approach established to the development of Customs Administrations, supported by WCO and other stakeholders (UNDP, IMF, SITPRO and BAFICCA)

Jun . 2007US Land Border Enforcement Training

30 Officers trained on Land Border Enforcement

Aug . 2007US Targeting and Risk Management Training (TRM) with EXBS

26 Officers trained on Targeting and Risk Management

Aug . 2007US Post Audit Overview and Assessment of Kenya Revenue Authority Headquarters

24 Officers attended the overview on PCA

Sep . 2007 US Industry Partnership Seminar 24 Officers trained on the development of Industry Partnership

Nov . 2007 US Canine Assessment Needs Assessment for a Canine Project delivered

Jan . 2008 East African Community Columbus Phase II Workshop

EAC Programme and related Projects Logframes, TOR developed and agreed by Members

LesothoThe Administration has reported progress in different recommendations from diagnostic report . WCO also delivered a plan workshop to review the Action Plan and identify further areas for support in October 2007 and March 2008 . An ICT review is planned to be delivered before June 2008 .

Date Action/Event Results

Jun . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Jun . 2007 SACU Regional Meeting to plan regional approach for Columbus Phase II

Activity Plan agreed to develop a common strategy by SACU Members for Customs Reform and Modernisation, supported and quality assured by WCO, to be endorsed by Ministerial Meeting in December 2007

Aug . 2006 to Oct . 2007

Messages exchanged with WCO Secretariat and consultations on specific topics

Lesotho Revenue Authority introduced many of the diagnostic recommendations in their Strategic Plan and reported progress in different areas

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Date Action/Event Results

Sep . 2007 SACU Regional Meeting to plan regional approach for Columbus Phase II

Activity Plan agreed to develop a common strategy by SACU Members for Customs Reform and Modernisation, supported and quality assured by WCO, to be endorsed by Ministerial Meeting in December 2007

Oct . 2008 Deputy Director Capacity Building visit

Developments reviewed and further assistance agreed with Director General Strategic reform plan prepared, for IT risk management, procedures Border refurbishment, supported by communications and HR Support Projects Reform Plan prepared

March 2008 Management development Workshop

All managers for Lesotho Customs for Team leaders to Commissioner, exposed to the detail of SAFE and RKC, finalized the content of the specific project plans, identified common priorities and common change management approach . Profiling of current staff and trade developed for completion by May 2008

MadagascarWCO pilot development project, technical assistance will continue to be provided (externally funded) until project completion (2008) .

Date Action/Event ResultsAug . 2004 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered~Mar . 2008 10 Follow up missions Strategic and Action Plan developed

Reform Project startedMonitoring and continuous assistance provided by WCOLegislative review completed Risk management under developmentStrategic Plan under revision

MalawiIt is expected the Member is concluding the Strategic Action Plan which production started with the WCO Workshop in November 2007 . Further assistance was also delivered on risk management and post clearance audit . WCO will deliver additional support in auditing on April/May 2008 .

Date Action/Event Results

Oct . 2006 Diagnostic mission Diagnostic report delivered

Nov . 2007 Strategic Plan Workshop and Risk Management/PCA Assistance

Agreed planning methodology and modernization plan started to be developed . Final plan will be submitted to facilitators for comments .Assistance provided on Risk Management and Auditing

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MauritiusAfter diagnostic mission the Director General reported progress on different initiatives, especially on a pilot project to implement Customs-Business Partnership Programme based on AEO standards . The Mauritius Revenue Authority also started a national integrity programme . The Customs Administration has requested further assistance from WCO on the revision of legal framework . Mauritius is the pilot country for implementation of WCO n-Cen .

Date Action/Event Results

Jun . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Dec . 2007 Integrity Workshop for MRA MRA managers aware about WCO Integrity tools, instruments and strategy to support national integrity programmes

RwandaAfter diagnostic mission, the DG has asked WCO assistance to establish a Time Release Study and identify bottlenecks in the customs logistic procedures promote better coordination with border agencies and enhance dialogue with private sector . A Programme was started in July 2007 .Rwanda is also a participant of the EAC regional development project informed in the regional section above .

Date Action/Event Results

Jun . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Jul . 2007 Time Release Study Mission A Time release programme, one of the diagnostic recommendations, established

Sep . 2007 East African Community Columbus Phase II Workshop

A regional approach established to the development of Customs Administrations, supported by WCO and other stakeholders (UNDP, IMF, SITPRO and BAFICCA)

Jan . 2008 East African Community Columbus Phase II Workshop

EAC Programme and related Projects Logframes, TOR developed and agreed by Members

Mar . 2008 East African CommunityColumbus Phase II Workshop

Step One workshop conducted

Mar . 2008 WTO Needs Assessment Needs Assessment for WTO TF Negotiations concluded

Mar . 2008 Rwanda participated in Trade/Customs Integrity Workshop

Rwanda supported by Norway have agreed to establish a joint custom trade integrity development project for completion in 2008

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South AfricaSouth Africa is progressing with its modernisation programme in close coordination and cooperation with WCO Secretariat, Canada, Sweden, UK and US CBP . The Member may share best practices and lessons learned on the new anti-smuggling function and compliance management . The first Progress review scheduled with Secretariat support December 2007 . A Time Release Study will also be conducted in 2008 .

Date Action/Event Results

Jan . 2006 US CBP Assistant Commissioner/Division Director Trip to Promote Capacity Building Program

Bilateral Capacity Building programme agreed with SARS

Apr . 2006 US Capacity Building Needs Assessment

Capacity Building needs identified for US CBP Programme

May 2006 WCO Diagnostic mission Diagnostic report delivered

Aug . 2006 Action Planning workshop for South African Customs Revenue Service Senior Management

Strategic advice provided to top management on the preparation of an Strategic/Action PlanDraft Action Plan discussed and agreed

Sep . 2006 US Essential Legal Authorities Training

Managers/officers trained on the legal requirements to implement SAFE Framework of Standards

Dec . 2006 Consulting Service on Scanner Acquisition

Consulting service provided to SARS on the tender process for Scanners acquisition

Jan . 2007 Strategic planning workshop Strategic Plan developed and quality assured by WCO New structure for anti-smuggling developedProcess and policy for compliance management mapped into other areas of SARS Business Management

Feb . 2007 US Short-Term Advisor Program to Review CBP Cargo Security Strategy, HR Policies and Training

Cargo Security Strategy, HR and training policies reviewed

Apr . 2007 US Short-Term Advisor Program to Develop Strategic Plan for Border Control

Strategic Plan for Border Control reviewed

Aug . 2007 WCO Capacity Building Director mission to South Africa

WCO support programme to South Africa reviewed and further assistance agreed

Sep . 2007 SACU Regional Meeting to plan regional approach for Columbus Phase II

Activity Plan agreed to develop a common strategy by SACU Members for Customs Reform and Modernisation, supported and quality assured by WCO, to be endorsed by Ministerial Meeting in December 2007

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Date Action/Event Results

Sep . 2007 Review of IT system Detailed planning for acquisition of new IT system for the security and management of trade .

Oct . 2007 HR Development strategy and recruitment and Training of Anti-smuggling staff underway

Policy and development support provided by CanadaTraining and development provided by Canada and US

Jan . 2008 Evaluation Mission First Evaluation report deliveredRecommendations reviewed and Adjusted All strategic recommendations have been implemented and the tactical recommendations are being addressed in the individual development projects .Development plan reviewed to reflect changing priorities and new recommendations added .

SwazilandIt is expected Swaziland is currently implementing the agreed Action in their modernisation programme . The Member has been included in the list of 2nd Phase Countries due to the action plan development and also the regional approach for Customs modernisation among SACU Members . Swaziland has not requested any additional national support from WCO Secretariat .

Date Action/Event Results

Nov . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Mar . 2007 Strategic Planning workshop Strategic advice provided to top management on the preparation of an Strategic/Action PlanDraft Action Plan discussed and agreed

Sep . 2007 SACU Regional Meeting to plan regional approach for Columbus Phase II

Activity Plan agreed to develop a common strategy by SACU Members for Customs Reform and Modernisation, supported and quality assured by WCO, to be endorsed by Ministerial Meeting in December 2007

TanzaniaTanzania is of the Countries included in the EAC Regional Development Programme . A risk management development workshop for the management and a Regional TRS will be completed in 2008 .Tanzania will also pilot PICARD management development standards .

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Date Action/Event Results

Jan . 2007 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Sep 2007 East African Community Columbus Phase II Workshop

A regional approach established to the development of Customs Administrations, supported by WCO and other stakeholders (UNDP, IMF, SITPRO and BAFICCA)

Jan . 2008 East African Community Columbus Phase II Workshop

EAC Programme and related Projects Logframes, TOR developed and agreed by Members

April 2008 East African CommunityColumbus Phase II Workshop

Step One workshop conducted

UgandaUganda is currently implementing the actions agreed during the Strategic Plan Workshop delivered in July 2007 . It is expected WCO will follow up the national and regional developments (EAC agenda) and additional support may be provided. A Regional TRS will be completed in 2008 .

Date Action/Event Results

Jan . 2007 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Jul . 2007 Strategic Plan development workshop

Strategic/Action Plan developed and approved by Uganda Customs top management to implement diagnostic recommendations

Jul . 2007 A risk management development workshop

Risk management system reviewed and detailed implementation plan completed

Sep . 2007 SACU Regional Meeting to plan regional approach for Columbus Phase II

Activity Plan agreed to develop a common strategy by SACU Members for Customs Reform and Modernisation, supported and quality assured by WCO, to be endorsed by Ministerial Meeting in December 2007

Sep . 2007 East African Community Columbus Phase II Workshop

A regional approach established to the development of Customs Administrations, supported by WCO and other stakeholders (UNDP, IMF, SITPRO and BAFICCA)

Jan . 2008 East African Community Columbus Phase II Workshop

EAC Programme and related Projects Logframes, TOR developed and agreed by Members

Jan . 2008 Time Release Study A time release study initiated by Uganda

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ZambiaZambia has quickly moved from the diagnostic stage into implementation phase . WCO has supported administration in developing a proper Strategic Plan and in the starting of its Scanner Project .

Date Action/Event Results

May 2007 Diagnostic Mission Draft diagnostic report delivered

May 2007 Consulting service to review ZRA border control and scanner programme

Scanner programme reviewed and needs identifiedSet of recommendations presentedFollow up mission to develop an implementation plan agreed

Jun 2007 WCO Capacity Building Deputy Director visit to Zambia

Strategic Management Workshop planned with ZRA Senior Management and endorsed by Deputy Minister of FinanceCooperation with USAID for development programme agreedSupport to Scanner Project reassured

Jul 2007 Follow up mission on the Scanner Project

Southern border situation reviewed and solutions for entry/exit controls proposedTender document reviewed (launch expected prior to 19th October)

Jul 2007 Strategic Management Workshop

Action Plan in line with SAFE implementation recommendations completed and adopted by Zambia Revenue Authority

3.2 Members that already received diagnostic Mission (Green)

The following Members already received a diagnostic mission but WCO Secretariat has not received any report on further progress and neither request for additional assistance . Many of these Members have sent officials that attended regional events already mentioned in this report at the regional section .

The WCO Secretariat understands that the Members have accepted the recommendations provided by the diagnostic reports and have developed or are developing a modernisation plan or introducing them into an already existing reform initiative . The Capacity Building Directorate is available to support any of these Members in the next steps of implementation of Columbus Programme and, as soon as a Country reports any progress, it will be classified as in Phase II .

Country Date Result

Angola Dec . 2006 Diagnostic report delivered

Botswana Jan . 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Comoros Jul . 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Mozambique Dec . 2006 Diagnostic report delivered

Namibia Jul . 2006 Diagnostic report delivered

Zimbabwe Dec . 2006 Diagnostic report delivered

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III – eURoPe

1. Statistics on the Columbus Programme and its deliverables

General 50 WCO Members 47 signed the letter of intention 14 requested assistance under Columbus Programme

Phase I: 13 diagnostic missions delivered 1 diagnostic mission planned (Georgia)

Phase II: 8 Members in Phase II (reported progress or received further support)

Actions Deliverables

2 Regional Workshops on Safe Framework of Standards

80+ Managers/officers with knowledge improved on the Standards

1 Sub Regional Integrity Conference Sub regional common approach and political support of improving integrity established

1 Donor Coordination mission Agreement with World Bank for full scale funding on the implementation of Columbus recommendation for 1 MemberDiagnostic recommendation revised and Action Plan workshop scheduled

2 National Action Plan Workshops Strategic/Action Plans developed for 2 Members to implement diagnostic recommendations .

1 Regional WCO-USAID Integrity Seminar

35 Officers/managers from 3 different countries trained on the international instruments, strategies and best practices to develop integrity

1 evaluation mission on the risk management programme

Risk management programme of one Member completely revised and a set of recommendations provided

1 mission strengthening WCO engagement in the ADB CB programs in Europe (Central Asia)

The WCO CB tools (Columbus program, Time Release Study Guide) promoted .WCO role in implementing of the ADB/CAREC’s new strategy in Central Asia secured

Regional Seminar for WCO Data Model and UCR delivered in Moscow

Officers with improved awareness about modern Customs concepts (IBM, SW) and methods of advance exchange of information, Risk assessment/analyses, and correspondent WCO tools .

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Phase III: 1 Vice-Chair Report Matrix received 40 Member Report Matrix received

2. Other Regional Developments

Azerbaijan officially indicated to the Regional Vice Chair their will to host the Regional Office for Capacity Building in the European Region .

3. Summary report on the Members development, current situation and next steps under Columbus Programme

3.1 Members in Phase 2 (reported progress or received additional support) – (Blue)

Belarus Belarus has received the diagnostic mission and progressed by their own based on the DM recommendations . Action Plan on implementation DM recommendations is approved .

Date Action/Event Results

Jun . 2007 Diagnostic Mission DM Report presented

Feb . 2008 Report on further progress received

Action Plan on implementation DM recommendations approved

KazakhstanKazakhstan has the first full programme financed by WB to implement the SAFE diagnostic recommendations, as well as the level of donor coordination agreed . The Strategic Action Plan (Plan) has been designed and adopted by the Government . In August the Plan was tabled to the Parliament for approval and was pending newly elected Parliament’s considerations . In October the Plan was included into the Mid-term Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Finance as one of its part . In November the WB’s Board of Executive Directors approved a USD 18 .5 million loan for the Kazakhstan Customs Development Project .After the assignment of new DG, Kazakhstan has not requested further assistance from WCO Secretariat, who will follow up recent developments .

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Date Action/Event Results

Nov . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Mar . 2007 Capacity Building Director visit to Kazakhstan Customs

Revision of diagnostic recommendations .Tripartite agreement WCO-WB-Customs Control Committee to have a full reform programme financed by financed by Government (70%) and WB (30%) to implement DM recommendations .Donor coordination and support ensured (WB and USAID)Action Plan Workshop scheduled .

Apr . 2007 National Strategic Plan Workshop

Recommendations fully understood and inserted into the current draft modernization programme . Customs Modernization Programme for 2007 – 2009 and Customs Modernization Project for 2008 – 2012 based on all WCO DM Recommendations adopted . A new Modernization and Strategic Development Unit to coordinate work under Customs Modernization Programme for 2008-2012 was established .Support from lending/donor institutions endorsed (OSCE, Euro Asian Economic Community, WB and USAID) .

Dec . 2007 The Pilot Project on Joint Customs Control with Chinese Customs started

In progress

Dec . 2007 Kazakhstan hosted the 58th session of the WCO Policy Commission

Within the PC’s session the new Kazakh DG made a comprehensive presentation on the progress of the Columbus Programme Modernization Plan of Kazakhstan .During the PC WCO SG and CBD had meetings with the new Minister of Finance and DG . As a result Kazakh DG was offered to make a presentation as one of the best practice at the WCO Council Sessions 2008 .

Jan . 2008 The Pilot Project on IBM Single Window Border check-points are under construction . The Amendments in Customs Code regarding transferring all functions at the border from other agencies to customs service has been submitted to the Parliament .

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The WCO COLUMBUS ProgrammeA 21st Century Capacity Building Initiative

Programme COLUMBUS de l’OMDUne initiative du 21ème siècle pour le renforcement des capacités

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The WCO COLUMBUS ProgrammeA 21st Century Capacity Building Initiative

Programme COLUMBUS de l’OMDUne initiative du 21ème siècle pour le renforcement des capacités

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Kyrgyzstan The WCO Secretariat has received a letter on commitment to move into Phase 2 and drafting an Action Plan on DM Recommendations’ implementations .

Date Action/Event Results

Sep . 2006 Diagnostic Mission DM Report presented

Feb . 2008 Letter to confirm commitments for Phase 2

Draft Action Plan on DM Recommendations’ implementations is being drafted

Former Yugoslav Republic of MacedoniaThe WCO Secretariat has received a report reflecting further progress and a request for additional assistance . The Secretariat is planning the delivery of Action Plan Workshop .In January 2008 the Macedonian Customs Code was amended, thus introducing the concept of authorized economic operator in the legislation . However, to the end of ensuring proper implementation of the AEO concept, assistance for planning and realization of future activities to be undertaken is considered as necessary.

Date Action/Event Results

June 2007 Diagnostic Mission DM Report presented

Nov 2007 Letter to confirm commitments for Phase 2

DM Recommendations acceptedRequest for assistance in Action plan and donor matchmarking

MoldovaThe Member progressed independently from the diagnostic mission into the implementation phase of Columbus programme . The Customs Administration has developed an action plan that was adopted by the Government . The Member has requested WCO assistance for Donor coordination, finding financial support and agreement for further assistance in the next phases . For this purpose the WCO mission visited Chisinau in November 2007 .

The implementation of the Customs Action plan was assessed . The impressive progress in implementing the DM recommendations was found in key Customs areas . Following WCO recommendations RM division was established, electronic goods declaration procedure initiated, software procured for the database, ASICUDA World developed, amendments were introduced to the Customs Code concerning simplified Customs clearance procedures and Single Window, scanners were procured . New Customs Training Centre was opened in Chisinau . The opening ceremony was attended by the Prime-Minister of Moldova who appreciated the WCO assistance and expressed strong political will to support Customs CB programme .

Key Customs areas pending WCO/donors technical and donor assistance were defined: designing Customs Training national strategy for the new Customs Training Centre in Chisinau in cooperation with French ADETEF program, developing TOR for a new enforcement unit combating drug smuggling (EUBAM), developing strategy for the mobile teams, creating the Customs laboratory .

A program of WCO training seminars/workshops until June 2008 was agreed .

Donors were properly updated on the Customs CB projects; further steps to raise their technical/financial assistance were coordinated .

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Date Action/Event Results

Mar 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Nov . 2007 WCO mission to evaluate implementation of DM recommendations, identify pilot projects and coordinate donor assistance

• Action Plan revised and Strategic planning workshop scheduled• Pilot areas were agreed for joint implementation (Development

of the National Training Centre based on the WCO principles in cooperation with ADETEF, assisting in setting up of a new enforcement unit combating drug smuggling, etc .)

• Donors (WB, EU, EUBAM, ADETEF) were updated on the Customs CB programs and encouraged for raising assistance .

• All the mobile teams were provided with computers and the respective systems for on-line access to the IS ASYCUDA World database

• Collaboration Agreement between the Customs Service and the Ministry of Interior regarding the counteraction of smuggling and illicit traffic of goods, initializing the creation of common mobile groups and other activities to counteract customs frauds has been signed

• Consultative Committee within the Customs Service . • In view of the implementation of the integrated border

management system, the “single window” concept, regarding border crossing and goods clearance, was approved by the Customs Service

• An inter-ministerial commission was created by in order to simplify the procedure of customs documentation issuance at the (auto) state border crossing points, to reduce control bodies located in these points and to adjust the national legislation to the international standards .

• The customs laboratory of the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova, with the status of an autonomous section by the Customs Service was created .

Jan . 2008 Compliance and Facilitation Directorate engaged in implementing enforcement projects

To facilitate proper application of modern enforcement approach in setting up new enforcement units (combating drug smuggling and mobile teams)

Jan . 2008 WCO SG visit to Moldova CB pilot project focus areas approvedas well as further facilitation efforts

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SerbiaThe Serbia Customs is advancing with its modernisation plan based on the diagnostic recommendations and on the in-depth evaluation mission on the risk management system . The Administration has signed an agreement with WCO to introduce the WCO E-Learning programme in the Administration . In January 2008 the Strategic Action Plan based on the DM Recommendations is drafted to show the progress achieved . WCO is in currently in consultation with Customs Administration to decide next steps and pilot projects .

Date Action/Event Results

May 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Jan . 2007 WCO-OSCE Action Plan Workshop

Development of Strategic Plan in line with SAFE implementation recommendations started

Jun . 2007 Serbian Management Briefing Briefing on the Emerging Findings of Columbus Programme and its implications provided to Serbia Customs senior managementStrategic direction for the Serbian reform programme established

Aug . 2007 New DG of Customs Serbia Service appointed

CAS Organisation under revisionKey top/middle managers replaceCommitment to reform programme ensured

Aug . 2007 In-depth evaluation mission of the Risk Management, Risk Analysis and ICT work in the Customs Service of Serbia

Evaluation report and 16 main strategic recommendations provided to develop the Serbia RM system

Sep . 2007 Agreement signed with WCO to introduce e-learning program

Introduction of the WCO e-learning program to Customs administration

Feb . 2008 Director Capacity Building mission to Belgrade

Pilot projects and further cooperation activities discussed with DG

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UkraineThe Customs Administration has drafted an action plan and asked WCO to review it and present to World Bank and EU (major Donors that may be interested in establishing projects) . The World Bank proposed some amendments to the draft Action Plan pending the Ukrainian Customs consideration .

A joint WCO-WB mission took place in Kiev in December 2007 . The Country was on elections and there was political uncertainty on the outcome of the process . The same applied to the Customs service where the changes in top management level seemed inevitable . Ukraine has requested a Strategic planning workshop to facilitate developing their Action plan, but dates are still to be confirmed by Administration .

We keep monitoring developments in the Customs service .

Date Action/Event Results

Oct . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Sep . 2007 Mission to Ukraine to discuss PICARD pilot programme and review developments

Ukraine Customs Academy agreement to pilot the PICARD Professional StandardsProgress after diagnostic mission reviewedAction Plan agreed

Dec . 2007 Joint mission with World Bank to coordinate further assistance efforts

Current situation in the Customs service clarified Further coordination of efforts to assist Ukraine Customs achievedFurther WCO training assistance events adopted

UzbekistanUzbekistan has received the diagnostic mission and progressed by their own based on the recommendations . The Administration has provided a progress report and further assistance is being planned .

Date Action/Event Results

Mar . 2007 Diagnostic Mission DM Report presented

Nov . 2007 A Report on further progress received

Action Plan on implementation DM recommendations approvedThe Customs Service Development Concept and Strategy for 2007 – 2010 that includes provisions on cooperation with business sector to promote and implement the SAFE concept as well as provisions of the Arusha Declaration have been adopted

Jan . 2008 Needs assessment mission to Uzbekistan

The focus areas for WCO assistance were identified . Report submitted

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3.2 Members that already received diagnostic Mission (Green)

The following Members already received a diagnostic mission .

Country Date Result

Azerbaijan May 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Croatia Feb 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Tajikistan May 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Montenegro Nov 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Albania Jan 2008 Diagnostic report delivered

Other Members directed their officials that were attending regional events mentioned in this report at the regional section .

The WCO Secretariat understands that the Members have accepted the recommendations provided by the diagnostic reports and either are developing or have developed modernisation plans, or are introducing them into an already existing reform initiative . The Capacity Building Directorate is available to support any of these Members in the next steps of implementation of Columbus Programme and, as soon as a Country reports progress, it will be classified as in Phase II .

3.3 Members still expecting a diagnostic Mission (Yellow)

Country Date

Georgia May 2008

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IV - noRTh afRICa, neaR and mIddle easT

1. Statistics on the Columbus Programme and its deliverables

General 17 WCO Members 14 signed the letter of intention 13 requested assistance under Columbus Programme

Phase I: 11 diagnostic missions delivered 1 pending diagnostic mission (Lebanon)

Phase II: 4 Members in Phase II (reported progress or received further support)

Actions Deliverables

2 Regional Integrity Workshops 30+ managers/officers from 6 different Members with knowledge improved on the WCO Integrity Programme, tools and instruments

2 Regional Workshops on Safe Framework of Standards

60 managers/officers with knowledge improved on the Standards

1 Regional Workshop on targeting and risk management

20 managers/officers trained on the mechanisms of targeting and risk management

1 Regional workshop on e-learning 17 Customs officers with knowledge improved Build the capacity of Customs officers on e-learning

1 Regional Training activity on IPR 16 Customs Officers from 8 Countries received training on IPR issues

1 Regional Training on Money Laundry, April, 2007 .

18 Customs Officers from 8 Countries received training on Money Laundry issues

1 Steering steering group meeting of the MENA ROCB

WCO support and guidance provided to set up the ROCB

1 Capacity Building Director visit to ROCB

Opening and support of the MENA ROCB provided

2 national training on Border Enforcement

Officers/managers of 2 Members with improved knowledge and skills on border enforcement

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Actions Deliverables

1 Short-Term Advisor mission focused on Border Enforcement

Advisory service on border enforcement provided to 1 Member

1national training on Integrity Awareness

Officers/managers of 1 Member trained on Integrity strategies and tools

1 National training on Time Release Study

25 officers/managers trained on how to prepare and deliver a time release study based on WCO Standards

1 National workshop on Post Clearance Audit

25 officers with knowledge improved on how to implement and develop a post clearance audit function

1 National training on investigations through internet

Build the capacity of Customs officers on how to share information of Customs work

1 National facilitators workshop 19 Customs officers with knowledge improved Build the capacity of Customs officers on e-learning

The MENA ROCB Steering Committee 1st meeting, Dubai - June 2007

Five members of high level met WCO for support and guidance provided to set up the ROCB

1 Capacity Building Director visit to ROCB

Opening and support of the MENA ROCB provided

Phase III: 1 Vice-Chair Report Matrix received 11 Member Report Matrix received

2. Other Regional Developments

The ROCB is established and operational .In May 2007, African Union heads of Customs agreed to adopt the WCO Capacity Building Strategy and Columbus programme as the basis for development in African Customs

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3. Summary report on the Members development, current situation and next steps under Columbus Programme

3.1 Members in Phase 2 (reported progress or received additional support) – (Blue)

EgyptEgypt has been included in the list of countries in the 2nd Phase of the Programme observing the policy that after the needs assessment the Member has received further support on border enforcement . WCO Secretariat has not received any request for assistance from the Customs Administration nor report on the development process .

Date Action/Event Results

Dec 2006 US Capacity Building Needs Assessment Capacity Building needs identified for US CBP Programme

Apr 2007 Airport Border Enforcement Training Officers/managers with improved knowledge and skills on Airport border enforcement

Aug 2007 Targeting and Risk Management Training (TRM)

27 Officers trained on targeting and risk management

jordanJordan has been included in the list of countries in the 2nd Phase of the Programme following the policy that after the needs assessment the Member received further support on border enforcement and Integrity . The Country has reported independent modernisation process and progress in the subjects of Business/Customs Compliance Programme and Integrity .

Date Action/Event Results

Dec 2005 US Capacity Building Needs Assessment Capacity Building needs identified for US CBP Programme

Jun 2006 Border Enforcement Training Officers/managers with improved knowledge and skills on Airport border enforcement

Sep 2006 Short-Term Advisor Program focused on Border Enforcement

Advisory service on border enforcement provided

Feb 2007 Integrity Awareness Training Officers/managers trained on Integrity strategies and tools

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MoroccoMorocco has received the diagnostic mission and progresses with implementation by their own . The Administration has reported advancement in many different areas and in 2008 WCO delivered second phase missions for strategic planning and coordination . Additional support is already envisaged .

Date Action/Event Results

Oct . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Feb . 2008 Strategic Plan workshop Strategic Plan under development

United Arab EmiratesUAE has received the diagnostic mission and reported progress based on the WCO recommendations . The Secretariat and Administration are in close coordination for further support . The diagnostic has received Ministerial support .

Date Action/Event ResultsOct . 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report deliveredDec . 2006 Support mission to restructure Federal

Customs Authority (FCA)Discussion with FCA senior on possible roles and structures for FCA as Manger of the Common Emirates Customs policy . Supported by document outlining structure for discussion with Emirates Customs Services

Jan . 2008 Visit of WCO Director Capacity Building during DG´s Regional meeting

Further support activities agreedSupport with implementation planningSupport with Customs trade conference Regional donors conference 2008

March 2008 Planning for consultation with Emirates customs action plan mission June 2008

Consultation process agreed, and planning mission planned for June 2008

3.2 Members that already received diagnostic Mission (Green)

The following Members already received a diagnostic mission but WCO Secretariat has not received any report on further progress and neither request for additional assistance . Many of these Members have sent officials that attended regional events mentioned in this report at the regional section .

The WCO Secretariat understands that the Members have accepted the recommendations provided by the diagnostic reports and are developing or have developed a modernisation plan, or introducing them into an already existing reform initiative . The Capacity Building Directorate is available to support any of these Members in the next steps of implementation of Columbus Programme and, as soon as a Country reports progress, it will be classified as in Phase II .

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Country Date Result

Algeria Mar 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Bahrain Jun 2006 Diagnostic report delivered

Kuwait Nov 2006 Diagnostic report delivered

Qatar May 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Sudan Apr 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Tunisia Apr 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Libya Nov 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

*Algeria is not yet committed to SAFE

3.3 Members still expecting a diagnostic Mission (Yellow)

Country Date

Lebanon Tbd

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V – soUTh ameRICa, noRTh ameRICa, CenTRal ameRICa and The CaRIbbean

1. Statistics on the Columbus Programme and its deliverables

General 30 WCO Members 25 signed the letter of intention 22 requested assistance under Columbus Programme

Phase I: 23 diagnostic missions delivered

Phase II: 15 Members in Phase II (reported progress or received further support)

Actions Outputs

1 Regional Workshops on Safe Framework of Standards

25 Managers/officers with knowledge improved on the Standards

2 WCO Regional Integrity Workshop 40+ officers trained on WCO Integrity strategy, policies, instruments and tools

1 Regional meeting WCO/ROCB/RTC Coordination and planning of activities to open ROCB and RTC

3 Canadian regional training for Caribbean on border enforcement, trace detection technology and Integrity

Officers from Caribbean countries trained on this subject

1 WCO national action planning Action plan to implement SAFE standards developed for one Member

4 WTO Needs Assessment Needs Assessment for WTO TF Negotiations delivered for 4 Members

23 US national training for 4 Members on various subjects (Integrity, border enforcement, Customs business partnership, targeting)

Officers of 4 Members trained in the listed subjects

29 Follow up missions delivered by Canada on their Capacity Building Programme

6 Members received additional support in the implementation phase of Columbus Programme

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Phase III: 1 Vice-Chair Report Matrix received 23 Member Report Matrix received

2. Other Regional Developments

A WCO Regional Office for Capacity Building was established in Argentina . A Strategic Plan for ROCB prepared .

3. Summary report on the Members development, current situation and next steps under Columbus Programme

3.1 Members in Phase 2 (reported progress or received additional support) – (Blue)

ArgentinaThe WCO diagnostic mission concluded that Argentina has done great progress in implementing SAFE Framework of Standards . SAFE has been the basis for its Customs modernisation programme . Taking into consideration these findings and the reports from the Administration, the Country has been listed in the 2nd phase of the Programme . WCO Secretariat may negotiate with Argentina to share their experience and lessons learned in the development process .

Argentina has requested assistance from WCO for the project to replace its IT system Maria and a mission is planned for this purpose .

The WCO ROCB for Americas and Caribbean was established in Buenos Aires and a work plan developed .

Date Action/Event Results

Jan . 2007 Diagnostic Mission Draft diagnostic report delivered

Nov . 2007 Private sector-public sector seminar on Pillar II of SAFE, organized by WCO and Canada

Participants more familiarised with SAFE Pillar II Standards and concrete experiences on their implementation by US, Canada and world-wide

Nov . 2007 Regional Seminar on Columbus Phase II and bilateral discussions with Argentina

Follow up and coordination of activities for Customs development

Feb . 2008 Visit of WCO Capacity Building Director

Follow up on developments and agreement on further support

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BermudaBermuda was the first to receive a WCO follow up mission after diagnostic report . WCO has not received request for further assistance . WCO Secretariat will follow up recent developments .

Date Action/Event Results

May 2006 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Jan . 2007 IBM Data Mining and follow up mission

WCO support in the discussions of an IT solution for risk management provided (IBM to develop the module)Diagnostic recommendations reviewed and draft strategic plan developed . Bermuda Customs to insert into its Governmental Strategic Plan .

BoliviaThe Columbus Programme in Bolivia has been managed by Canada Border Service Agency, under its Customs Capacity Building Programme for Americas . In July 2007, a new DG was appointed and key senior managers and middle managers replaced . In the moment, the Programme is awaiting further dialogue between Bolivian and Canadian authorities . WCO has not received requests for any additional support .

Date Action/Event Results

Nov . 2005 Diagnostic Mission by Canada Diagnostic report delivered

Jul . 2006 Canadian Strategic Planning Session to identify reform and change objectives

New Mission and Vision statements, Approved revised strategic objectives, identified areas of future cooperation

Dec . 2006 1st Canadian mission to assist with the development and implementation of a Service Improvement Strategy

Identification of three sub-ojectives:1 . Promotion of a service culture2 . Creation of service standards3 . Redesign and improvement of a service platform

Mar . 2007 1st Canadian Mission – Customs clearance processes reengineering

Identification of redundant steps in clearance process, reengineering of clearance process to include better control, facilitation and risk management elements

Jun . 2007 Canadian Follow-up Mission – Customs clearance process reengineering

Continuation of previous mission . 2 processes redesigned and presented for approval

Jun . 2007 Canadian Follow-up Mission – Development and implementation of a Service Improvement Strategy

Analysis of all current services to determine if it corresponds to needs and whether it contributes to voluntary compliance among operators

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BrazilIn addition to all the support US CBP is providing to Brazil in the implementation of the SAFE Framework of Standards, Brazil has engaged with Price Waterhouse Coopers, in project financed by the World Bank, to develop an in-depth analysis of the Administration, benchmark against other Countries and prepare a 5 five year Strategic Plan . The first part of this exercise is almost concluded and Brazilian Customs has requested WCO to quality assure the product .The Member has also reported huge progress in many different areas, as Customs Business Partnership Programmes, Border Controls and Enforcement and Integrity .The WCO Secretariat is maintaining close coordination and support to the Member .

Date Action/Event Results

Mar . 2006 US Capacity Building Needs Assessment

Capacity Building needs identified for US CBP Programme

May 2006 WCO Diagnostic mission Diagnostic report delivered

Sep . 2006 Integrity Awareness Training Officers/managers trained on Integrity strategies and tools

Sep . 2006 Assistant Commissioner/Division Director Trip to Promote Capacity Building Program

US Capacity Building Programme agreed with Brazilian Customs

Dec . 2006 Integrity Awareness Training Officers/managers trained on Integrity strategies and tools

Dec . 2006 Air and Marine Enforcement Capacity Assessment

Enforcement capacity assessed

Dec . 2006 Border Enforcement Training Officers/managers with improved knowledge and skills on Airport border enforcement

May 2007 Basic Marine Crew Member Training

Officers/managers with improved knowledge and skills on enforcement of Marine Crew

Jun . 2007 Senior Management Overview of Industry Partnerships Seminar

Officers with knowledge improved on Customs/Business Partnerships Programmes

Sep . 2007US Air Tactical Interdiction Training

3 Officers trained on Air Interdiction

Dec . 2007 US C-TPAT / FAST Trade Seminar 70 trade representatives with awareness about C-TPAT and FAST Programmes

Dec . 2007 Columbus Phase 2 Strategic Plan Workshop

Review the progress for Customs Modernization Plan

Feb . 2008 Visit of WCO Capacity Building Director

Follow up on developments and agreement on further support

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Costa RicaThe Member has reported progress based on the diagnostic recommendations, such as the review of administrative structure (creating an international relations administrative unit), advancement of the IT Project, integrated border management) . The Secretariat may provide further assistance in areas of management of IT Projects, Strategic Management, auditing and combating commercial fraud .The University of Costa Rica has agreed to pilot the PICARD management development standards .

Date Action/Event Results

Mar . 2007 Diagnostic mission Diagnostic report delivered

Mar . 2008 Columbus Phase 2 Mission Follow up developments and planning of further assistance

CubaThe diagnostic mission to Cuba has concluded the Administration has already progressed in a number of areas to secure and facilitated international trade . The administration can share experience in some important areas such as risk management and human resources management . Cuba Customs is working to implement the diagnostic recommendations and the Deputy Director General has visited WCO Capacity Building Directorate to discuss further support activities . Cuba has installed the WCO E-learning platform in their national school .WCO Secretariat will maintain close coordination and support to the Customs development in Cuba .

Date Action/Event Results

Oct . 2007 Diagnostic mission Diagnostic report delivered

Dec . 2007 Visit of Deputy Director General to WCO Capacity Building Directorate

Discussions and coordination of further assistance

Mar . 2008 Roll out WCO E-learning platform WCO E-learning platform installed in Cuba Customs School

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Dominican RepublicThe Columbus Programme in Dominican Republic has been managed by United States on a bilateral cooperation programme . Dominican Republic is hosting a WCO Regional Training Center officially opened in March 2008 .The Member has recently contacted WCO Secretariat to exploit areas for further assistance under Columbus Programme .

Date Action/Event Results

Sep . 2005 US Capacity Building Needs Assessment

Capacity Building needs identified for US CBP Programme

Jan . 2006 Seaport Border Enforcement Training

Officers trained on Seaport border enforcement

Jun . 2006 Airport Border Enforcement Training

Officers trained on Airport border enforcement

Aug . 2006 Integrity Awareness Training Officers/managers trained on Integrity strategies and tools

Dec . 2006 Targeting and Risk Management Training (TRM)

Officers trained on targeting and Risk Management

Mar . 2007 Border Enforcement Training with an emphasis on Illicit Contraband

Officers trained on Border Enforcement with emphasis on illicit contraband

Ap .r 2007 Border Enforcement Training with an emphasis in Narcotics Identification

Officers trained on border enforcement with emphasis in Narcotics Identification

Jun . 2007 Integrity Awareness Training Officers/managers trained on Integrity strategies and tools

El SalvadorThe support to El Salvador under Columbus Programme has been provided by Canada . Progress in the implementation of SAFE in El Salvador has been limited but the administration is gradually gaining experience and knowledge on the standards and their implementation . Canadian assistance will focus on several areas that will further contribute to the creation of conditions .

Date Action/Event Results

Oct . 2006 Preparatory mission in El Salvador by Canada

Agreement with senior authorities to conduct diagnostic mission

Feb . 2007 Diagnostic mission in El Salvador by Canada

Diagnostic report delivered

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Date Action/Event Results

March 2007 Pillar II SAFE Framework Seminar, Customs-to-Business Partnerships, for El Salvador Customs and private sector representatives by Canada, WCO, IFCBA, and Mexican Customs

30 private and public sector representatives more familiar with SAFE Pillar II standards, as well as with experiences in its implementation in Canada, US, Mexico, and worldwide

Sep . 2007 CBSA Customs Capacity Building Project for the Americas Working Session and Follow-up Mission in El Salvador

Progress reviewed and support activities planned

Jan . 2008 CBSA Customs Capacity Building Project for the Americas

Follow-up Mission on customs laboratory and strategic planning in El Salvador

GuatemalaGuatemala Customs administration has made progress in the implementation of the SAFE standards since the diagnostic was conducted . It has shown a great capacity to consult its key partners and develop strategic alliances that will contribute to the successful implementation of the SAFE . The administration is working with various donors in specific areas, according to their respective expertise . Canadian support will focus on the promotion of ethics, the implementation of an integrated risk management framework, airport operations and control, and the revision of the recruitment training curriculum . WCO Secretariat is also providing expertise in some of the requested areas .

Date Action/Event Results

Oct . 2005 Diagnostic mission Diagnostic report delivered

Apr 2006 1st Canadian mission to advise on implementation of new automated system and process reengineering

Advise on implementation of new automated system and process reengineering provided

Aug . 2006 Canadian Follow-up mission – Customs procedures re-engineering in Guatemala under Canada’s CCBPA

Advice in implementation of new system and corresponding procedures

Oct . 2006 Canadian mission – Support with stakeholder consultations completed in Guatemala

Participants more familiar with issues related to security of the trade supply chain

Apr . 2007 Canadian Follow-up Mission – Customs procedures re-engineering in Guatemala under Canada’s CCBPA

Advice provided on the planning of the implementation of a new IT processing system

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Date Action/Event Results

Mar . 2007 Canadian National Integrity Workshop – Promotion of Ethics Strategy in Guatemala under Canada’s CCBPA

Development of a draft institutional strategy to promote ethics and prevent corruption

Jul . 2007 WCO mission to review Scanner Programme

Scanner programme reviewed

Sep . 2007 Canadian follow-up on integrity – consultations with operational levels

Consultations of staff conducted and draft of Strategy and new Code of Conduct finalized

Oct . 2007 1st Canadian mission on Integrated Risk Management

Advice on the development and implementation of an Integrated Risk Management Framework provided

Nov . 2007 Study tour to Canada of Guatemalan official – Integrated Risk Management

Tour of Canadian operations and risk management expertise to contribute to development and implementation of IRM Framework

Jan . 2008 Director of WCO Capacity Building

To discuss further assistance and to provide political support on the modernization of Customs

Jan . 2008 WCO Capacity Building Providing advice and support in the development of the AEO Program

HondurasThe Columbus Programme in Dominican Republic has been managed by United States on a bilateral cooperation programme . WCO Secretariat has not been asked by the Member to deliver additional support .

Date Action/Event Results

Dec . 2006 US Capacity Building Needs Assessment

Capacity Building needs identified for US CBP Programme

Apr . 2007 Airport Border Enforcement Training

Officers trained on Airport border enforcement

May 2007 Division Director Trip Promoting Capacity Building Program

US Capacity Building Programme with Honduras reviewed and agreed with top management

Jun . 2007 Essential Legal Authorities Training

Officers trained on legal requirements to implement SAFE Framework of Standards

Sep . 2007 Integrity Awareness Seminar 43 officers trained on Integrity strategies, tools and instruments

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MexicoThe assistance to Mexico under Columbus Programme has been provided by United States and Canada on bilateral cooperation programmes . There is a high level tripartite political agreement to enhance security by USA, Mexico and Canada . WCO Secretariat will support a Time Release Study in 2008 .

Date Action/Event Results

Mar . 2006 US Capacity Building Needs Assessment

Capacity Building needs identified for US CBP Programme

Jul . 2006 Land Border Enforcement Training

Officers trained on land border enforcement

Nov . 2006 Delegation Visit to Port of Houston

Tour of US port operations to contribute to development and implementation of SAFE Framework

Oct . 2006 Canada / Mexico Marine Container Examination Training Course

Officers trained on container examination

Sep . 2007 WTO Needs Assessment Needs Assessment for WTO TF Negotiation concluded

PanamaPanama has already moved in the 2nd Phase of the Programme after engaging with Inter American Development Bank to implement the SAFE diagnostic recommendations . The Government has prepared a new Customs Law to be submitted to Parliament to create an autonomous Customs Authority . The initial stages of reform programme will focus on the setting up of this new Administration . A new Director General was appointed in September 2007 and WCO will follow up developments .

Date Action/Event Results

May 2006 Diagnostic mission Diagnostic report delivered

Jun . 2007 Mission to review Panama Customs Modernisation Plan funded by IADB

Customs Modernisation plan reviewed and approved by Government in line with WCO diagnostic recommendationsWCO to provide additional support on the Scanners Programme, E-learning and monitoring

Jul . 2007 WCO consulting service provided for the Scanners Programme

Scanner Programme, tender preparation and documents reviewedTender evaluation scheduled for December 2007

Jul .2007 1st Canadian mission on Trade supply chain security

Conducted review of current efforts to strengthen land border security and possible benefits of integrated border management, several public sector consulted on their role in border security

April 2008 WCO Capacity Building Delivering a workshop on How to develop an AEO Program, part of the pilot program being developed with BASC

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ParaguayAfter diagnostic mission the Administration has reported progress in many of the recommendations, such as revision of Administrative structure to improve Customs enforcement and risk management . Paraguay is also involved in a project to enhance integrity in partnership with private sector .WCO will deliver further assistance in establishing an AEO Programme in cooperation with IADB and Basc .

Date Action/Event Results

July 2006 Canadian Diagnostic mission Diagnostic report delivered

Nov . 2006 1st Canadian mission – to map out future cooperation

Agreement to focus assistance on marine operations and container examination – no further activities conducted

Apr . 2007 Workshop to develop long term foreign policy

Peruvian Trade Facilitation Master plan reviewed with WCO contributions

PeruPeru has not formally committed to implement the SAFE Framework . Under the Canadian co-operation project, a diagnostic mission was conducted and further co-operation was explored but no agreement was reached . Co-operation with Canada was suspended in May 2007 .

Date Action/Event Results

July 2006 Canadian Diagnostic mission Diagnostic report delivered

Nov . 2006 1st Canadian mission – to map out future cooperation

Agreement to focus assistance on marine operations and container examination – no further activities conducted

Apr . 2007 Workshop to develop long term foreign policy

Peruvian Trade Facilitation Master plan reviewed with WCO contributions

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Saint LuciaThe capacity building support to Saint Lucia has been provided by Canada . This cooperation will expand to include various areas such as the strengthening of management capacity, post-clearance audit and advice on the redesign of the administration’s organisational structure .

Date Action/Event Results

June 2006 Diagnostic mission Diagnostic report delivered

Oct 2006 Strategic planning mission New Vision and mission statements drafted . Strategic plan and communication plan drafted .

Dec 2007 WCO / CCLEC / CBSA Regional Integrity Workshop Officer trained on Integrity strategies, tools and instruments

Mar 2008 CBSA Organizational Planning Mission and Management Training Sessions for Middle Managers

Middle managers trained on management and planning

3.2 Members that already received diagnostic Mission (Green)

The following Members already received a diagnostic mission but WCO Secretariat has not received any report on further progress and neither request for additional assistance . Many of these Members have sent officials that attended regional events mentioned in this report at the regional section .

The WCO Secretariat understands that the Members have accepted the recommendations provided by the diagnostic reports and are developing or have developed a modernisation plan, or introducing them into an already existing reform initiative . The Capacity Building Directorate is available to support any of these Members in the next steps of implementation of Columbus Programme and, as soon as a Country reports progress, it will be classified as in Phase II .

Country Date Result

Bahamas Dec 2006 Diagnostic report delivered

Chile Jun 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Ecuador May 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Netherlands Antilles Jan 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Nicaragua May 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Trinidad and Tobago Jan 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Uruguay Apr 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Haiti Nov 2007 Diagnostic mission delivered

3.3 Members still expecting a diagnostic Mission (Yellow)


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VI – wesT and CenTRal afRICa

1. Statistics on the Columbus Programme and its deliverables

General 21 WCO Members 20 signed the letter of intention 20 requested assistance under Columbus Programme

Phase I: 18 diagnostic missions delivered 1 diagnostic mission planned (Cape Verde) 1 pending diagnostic mission (Chad)

Phase II: 9 Members in Phase II (reported progress or received further support)

Actions Outputs

1 WCO CB Director Mission to Abidijan to discuss regional approach for Columbus Programme

Ivory Coast IT System to be shared with other MembersALIX (Customs to Customs exchange of data IT Solution) presentedECOWAS regional approach to implement SAFE agreed

Phase III: 1 Vice-Chair Report Matrix received 8 Member Report Matrix received

2. Other Regional Developments

In May 2007, African Union heads of Customs agreed to adopt the WCO Capacity Building Strategy and Columbus programme as the basis for development in African Customs

Strategic plan agreed with Members to open a ROCB for WCA in Abidjan by June 2008

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3. Summary report on the Members development, current situation and next steps under Columbus Programme

3.1 Members in Phase 2 (reported progress or received additional support) – (Blue)

BeninAfter diagnostic mission, WCO is providing support to the scanners project for the ports . Benin is also a participant of the Regional Development Project for ECOWAS Members .

Date Action/Event Results

Jun . 2007 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Burkina FasoAfter diagnostic mission, Burkina Faso has engaged in the regional development programme for ECOWAS Members . WCO is following up progress and capacity building support is expected before June 2008 .

Date Action/Event Results

Jun . 2007 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

CameroonAfter diagnostic mission, the Administration has received a visit from WCO Secretary General and also run a workshop for Strategic plan . WCO is following up progress and capacity building support is expected before June 2008 .

Date Action/Event Results

Jun . 2007 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Feb . 2008 WCO Secretary General visit Meeting Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Director General in relation to Customs Modernization in the 21st Century

Feb . 2008 Columbus Phase II Mission Action Plan to implement recommendations produced

CongoAfter diagnostic mission, the Administration has produced a draft Action Plan to implement WCO diagnostic recommendations and requested assistance for a Strategic plan workshop . A Strategic Plan was drafted in March 2008 and WCO will follow up developments .

Date Action/Event Results

Jan . 2007 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Mar . 2008 Strategic Plan workshop Planned

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Democratic Republic of CongoAfter diagnostic mission, the Administration has produced a draft Action Plan to implement WCO diagnostic recommendations and requested assistance for a Strategic plan workshop . A mission is already confirmed for April 2008 .

Date Action/Event Results

Apr . 2007 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

Apr . 2008 Strategic Plan workshop Planned

Ivory CoastAfter diagnostic mission, Ivory Coast has engaged in the regional development programme for ECOWAS Members . Ivory Coast is hosting the Regional Office for Capacity Building for the region . WCO is following up progress and capacity building support is expected before June 2008 .

Date Action/Event Results

Jun . 2007 Diagnostic Mission Diagnostic report delivered

GhanaThe Columbus Programme support in Ghana has been provided by United States on a bilateral cooperation programme . WCO Secretariat has not been asked by the Member to deliver additional support .

Date Action/Event Results

Sep . 2005 US Capacity Building Needs Assessment Capacity Building needs identified for US CBP Programme

Feb . 2006 Land Border Enforcement Training Officers/managers trained on land border enforcement

Apr . 2006 Airport Border Enforcement Training Officers/managers with improved knowledge and skills on Airport border enforcement

May 2006 Industry Partnership Seminar Officers/managers trained on Industry/Customs Partnership Program

Jun . 2006 Short-Term Advisor Program focused on Border Enforcement

2nd Advisory service on border enforcement provided to Ghana Customs

Aug . 2006 Integrity Awareness Training 25 Officers trained on integrity strategies, instruments and tools

Nov . 2006 Seaport Border Enforcement Training 85 Officers trained on Border Enforcement

Feb . 2007 Land Border Enforcement Training 46 Officers trained on Land Border Enforcement

May 2007 Industry Partnership Seminar 29 Participants attended the Seminar for Industry partnership

Jun . 2007 Short-Term Advisor Program Advisory service provided

Aug . 2007International Seaport Enforcement Principles (partnered with US DEA)

30 Officers trained on Seaport Enforcement

Sep . 2007 Internal Affairs Computer Training 10 Officers trained on Internal Affairs Computer

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nigeriaNigeria is progressing in the implementation of SAFE Framework of Standards in close cooperation with WCO . In addition to the support of Strategic Plan, WCO Secretariat delivered assistance to training needs analysis and may offer recruitment service for experts to assist NCS development . WCO will follow up progress and provide monitoring and guidance .

Date Action/Event Results

Jul . 2006 Diagnostic mission Diagnostic report delivered

Oct . 2006 Assistance to NCS Action Plan Diagnostic recommendations reviewed and discussedTop management workshop to review Customs mission and develop Strategic plan scheduled for February 2007

Nov . 2006 Contracts for Servuice provides reviewed Contract review has released funding for development of the NCS and focused the delivery of the external providers services ( destination inspection, and ASYCUDA role) to better meet the needs of the NCS

Feb . 2007 Strategic Plan Development New Strategic Plan developed and agreedCosted reform proposal developed and provided to NCS

Jan . 2008 Deputy Director Capacity Building visit Review Progress and planning of Training needs analysis agreed .

Mar . 2008 Training Needs Analysis Project mission Training Needs Analysis has been set up for conduct by NCS staff due for completion in may 2008 and review mission will take place at that time

SenegalThe Columbus Programme in Senegal has been managed by United States on a bilateral cooperation programme . During last Permanent Technical Committee, the representative of Senegal asked support for the Administration to develop Customs Performance contracts with Minister of Finance . WCO Secretariat will follow up and deliver the assistance requested .

Date Action/Event Results

Dec . 2005 US Capacity Building Needs Assessment Capacity Building needs identified for US CBP Programme

Jun . 2006 WCO Diagnostic mission Diagnostic report delivered

Jun . 2006 Border Enforcement Training Officers/managers with improved knowledge and skills on Airport border enforcement

Sep . 2006 Short-Term Advisor Program focused on Border Enforcement

Advisory service on border enforcement provided

Feb . 2007 Integrity Awareness Training Officers/managers trained on Integrity strategies and tools

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Date Action/Event Results

Sep . 2006 US Airport Border Enforcement Training 30 Officers trained on Airport Border Enforcement

Jan . 2007 US Seaport Border Enforcement Training 25 Officers trained on Seaport Border Enforcement

Mar . 2007US Senegalese Trip to U .S . Port of Entry (NY/NJ)

6 Officers tour trip to US Port operations

Jun . 2007US Targeting and Risk Management Training (TRM)

20 Officers trained on Targeting and Risk Management

Jan . 2008 US Train the Trainer Workshop 12 Officers trained

3.2 Members that already received diagnostic Mission (Green)

The following Members already received a diagnostic mission but WCO Secretariat has not received any report on further progress and neither requests for additional assistance . Many of these Members have sent officials that attended regional events mentioned in this report at the regional section .

The WCO Secretariat understands that the Members have accepted the recommendations provided by the diagnostic reports and are developing or have developed a modernisation plan, or introducing them into an already existing reform initiative . The Capacity Building Directorate is available to support any of these Members in the next steps of implementation of Columbus Programme and, as soon as a Country reports progress, it will be classified as in Phase II .

Country Date Result

Central African Republic Mar 2006 Diagnostic report delivered

Gabon Nov 2006 Diagnostic report delivered

Gambia Nov 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Guinea May 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Mali Sep 2006 Diagnostic report delivered

Mauritania May 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Niger Jan 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Sierra Leone Jun 2007 Diagnostic report delivered

Togo Dec 2006 Diagnostic report delivered

3.3 Members still expecting a diagnostic Mission (Yellow)

Country Date

Cape Verde May 2008

Chad Tbd

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It has been an exciting time for the WCO Customs community on capacity building . The progress nationally, sub-regionally, and regionally is enormous . The WCO has been very active on capacity building in each of the six WCO regions . The WCO is moving forward with speed and is acknowledging and meeting the needs of all of WCO members . There is a great interest from both a government and business perspective and many Member administrations are under strong pressure to modernize the Customs processes . Together with the Vice Chairs, the WCO very early developed plans for each region and there is no other way of describing the progress so far than as a great success . There are so many countries and Customs administration moving forward on Customs modernization right now and the results are amazing . At the same time, there are still some countries that need to start their implementation process, so it is very important to keep the momentum going and the focus on support for modernization . We are convinced that we have never in the history of the WCO seen a similar development like this one .

The support that is needed will change . The WCO will have to put more resources into planning, recruitment of experts, donor matchmaking, the development of management skills and skills to handle modernization (like e .g . project management, reform management, tendering/contracts, monitoring, ICT and technical specifications, etc) .

And as said, there are still so many things to do . But we are on the way . And we will keep going with speed and determination . We have also had record breaking numbers of Directors General, officers and specialists at meeting in Brussels over the last two years . The WCO is confident that this has to do with the fact that we are now making a lot of progress on capacity building and that we are doing the right things delivering what the Members want . We will continue to listen to the needs and wishes of the Members, and we will continue to deliver the support . Based on that we will also continue to get results .

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Pre-diagnostic phase 7

Phase One 40

Phase Two 62

Columbus ProgrammePhase Totals




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Pre-diagnostic phase Phase 1 Beneficiaries Phase 2 Beneficiaries

Indonesia Iran Bhutan BoliviaAfghanistan nepal Cambodia BrazilMyanmar Fiji China Costa RicaPakistan Macau, China Hong Kong China CubaLebanon Angola India Dominican RepublicSyria Botswana Malaysia El SalvadorCape Verde Comoros Maldives Guatemala

Mozambique Mongolia Hondurasnamibia Papua new Guinea MexicoZimbabwe Philippines PanamaAlbania Sri Lanka ParaguayAzerbaijan Thailand PeruCroatia Vietnam Saint LuciaGeorgia Burundi BeninMontenegro Ethiopia Burkina FasoTajikistan Kenya CameroonAlgeria Lesotho CongoBahrain Madagascar D.R. CongoKuwait Malawi Cote D’IvoireQatar Mauritius GhanaSudan Rwanda nigeriaTunisia South Africa SenegalLibya SwazilandBahamas TanzaniaChile UgandaEcuador Zambianetherlands Antilles Belarus nicaragua KazakhstanTrinidad and Tobago Kyrgyzstan

UruguayFormer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Haiti MoldovaC.A.R. SerbiaGabon UkraineGambia UzbekistanGuinea Egypt Mali jordanMauritania Morocconiger UAESierra Leone ArgentinaTogo Bermuda


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Columbus ProgrammeDiagnostic Missions by year


YEAR Diagnostic Missions

2004 1

2005 6

2006 48

2007 43

2008 4

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Member Type Rationale Capacity Building required% of all 173

Members% AP region

(32)% AMS region


% EURregion(50)

% ESA region (22)

%WCA region (21)

% MEnAregion (17)

Members who require little or no capacity building support or who have not requested assistance from WCO

Good political access and influenceFundamental Customs capacities in placeAdequate funding availableUnderstand and can manage changeHave fundamental support structures e .g . HR and training

Horizon scanning/ Research Opportunities to share experience and expertise

Occasional political support

16% 16% 7% 70% 0% 0% 0%

Members who require technical assistance and training

Good political access and influenceFundamental Customs capacities in placeSome funding availableUnderstand and can manage changeHave fundamental support structures e .g . HR and trainingLack of specific expertise or equipment

As above +Training expertiseEquipment procurement or supplyExchange of expertiseStudy tours etc

11% 18% 17% 8% 4% 0% 18%

Members who need to introduce new policy and support structure

Some political access and influenceNot all Customs capacities in placeLimited funding availableUnderstand and can manage changeHave some support structures e .g . HR and trainingLack of specific expertise or equipment

As above +Specific political influence and Policy support .

Support to develop specific Customs capability

Possible financial or mutual assistance

22% 10% 40% 8% 23% 19% 35%

Members who need fundamental reform and modernization

Little political understanding of the requirementLack of fundamental customs capacityLimited or no capacity to manage developmentLack of funding

Development of Capacity to influence governmentStructured development programme to build fundamental customs capacitiesAssistance in managing developmentFunding/donor support

51% 56% 36% 14% 73% 81% 47%

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69WORLD CUSTOMS ORGANIZATION / Columbus ProgrammeTrends and Patterns Report – a Capacity Building estimate

Member Type Rationale Capacity Building required% of all 173

Members% AP region

(32)% AMS region


% EURregion(50)

% ESA region (22)

%WCA region (21)

% MEnAregion (17)

Members who require little or no capacity building support or who have not requested assistance from WCO

Good political access and influenceFundamental Customs capacities in placeAdequate funding availableUnderstand and can manage changeHave fundamental support structures e .g . HR and training

Horizon scanning/ Research Opportunities to share experience and expertise

Occasional political support

16% 16% 7% 70% 0% 0% 0%

Members who require technical assistance and training

Good political access and influenceFundamental Customs capacities in placeSome funding availableUnderstand and can manage changeHave fundamental support structures e .g . HR and trainingLack of specific expertise or equipment

As above +Training expertiseEquipment procurement or supplyExchange of expertiseStudy tours etc

11% 18% 17% 8% 4% 0% 18%

Members who need to introduce new policy and support structure

Some political access and influenceNot all Customs capacities in placeLimited funding availableUnderstand and can manage changeHave some support structures e .g . HR and trainingLack of specific expertise or equipment

As above +Specific political influence and Policy support .

Support to develop specific Customs capability

Possible financial or mutual assistance

22% 10% 40% 8% 23% 19% 35%

Members who need fundamental reform and modernization

Little political understanding of the requirementLack of fundamental customs capacityLimited or no capacity to manage developmentLack of funding

Development of Capacity to influence governmentStructured development programme to build fundamental customs capacitiesAssistance in managing developmentFunding/donor support

51% 56% 36% 14% 73% 81% 47%

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Capacity Building Directorate Contacts

Lars KarlssonDirectorWCO Capacity Building Directoratelars .Karlsson@wcoomd .org

Joe KellyDeputy DirectorWCO Capacity Building Directoratejoe .kelly@wcoomd .org

Ernani CheccucciColumbus Programme Managerernani .checcucci@wcoomd .org

WCO Regional Development ManagersAmericas Eleanor Thornton eleanor .thornton@wcoomd .org Asia Pacific Henk Van Zandwijk henk .vanzandwijk@wcoomd .orgEast and Southern Africa Christopher Kristensson christopher .kristensson@wcoomd .orgEurope Vitali Mikeladze vitali .mikeladze@wcoomd .orgMiddle East/N . Africa Mohammad Obeidat mohammad .obeidat@wcoomd .orgWest and Central Africa Marc Declunder marc .declunder@wcoomd .org




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Publisher World Customs Organization . Rue du marché, 30 B-1210 Brussels Belgium Tel.:+32(0)22099211•Fax:+32(0)22099292 E-mail: information@wcoomd .org Web site: http://www .wcoomd .org Date of publication June 2008 . Rights and permissions Copyright © 2008 World Customs Organization . All rights reserved . Requests and inquiries concerning translation, reproduction and adaptation rights should be addressed to copyright@wcoomd .org . D/2008/0448/10
