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We are adding a giant movie screen to the block party...

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Lakelands Leader March 2018 Volume 40 Issue 2 Annual Block Party Trailer Training Saturday, March 17th 9am-12pm Lakelands Baptist Association We are adding a giant movie screen to the block party trailer this year! This is a REQUIRED annual training for all churches that wish to use the Block Party Trailer at any time in 2018. Someone needs to be present that will be present when the trailer is in use at your event. Breakfast biscuits, coffee and juice will be provided. Please RSVP the number coming from your church by Wednesday, March 14th at 227-6261 or [email protected]. MEN’S RALLY The first Lakelands Men’s Rally of 2018 was a great success, with approximately 250 in attendance. Thank you to Rice Memorial Baptist Church for hosting this event and for the delicious low country boil. March 20th at 11am Abbeville First Baptist 307 North Main Street, Abbeville We will have mission testimonies from multiple churches and ministries in our association.



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r March 2018 Volume 40

Issue 2

Annual Block Party Trailer Training

Saturday, March 17th 9am-12pm

Lakelands Baptist Association

We are adding a giant movie screen

to the block party trailer this year!

This is a REQUIRED annual training for all churches that wish to use the Block Party Trailer at any time in 2018. Someone

needs to be present that will be present when the trailer is in use at your event. Breakfast biscuits, coffee and juice will be


Please RSVP the number coming from your church by Wednesday, March 14th at 227-6261 or [email protected].


The first Lakelands Men’s

Rally of 2018 was a great

success, with

approximately 250 in


Thank you to

Rice Memorial Baptist

Church for hosting this

event and for the delicious

low country boil.

March 20th at 11am Abbeville First Baptist

307 North Main Street, Abbeville

We will have mission testimonies from multiple churches and ministries in our association.

Hyde Park Baptist Church

is seeking a

Part-Time Music Director

Please email resumes to

[email protected]


Nominating Committee Meeting

March 15th



W.V. Mission Trip Deposit Due to LBA

$50 Deposit Due by April 5th

Limit of 50 people

All forms and balances due by May 10th.

Season of Prayer

for North American

Missions and Annie Armstrong


Sunday, March 4th - Sunday, March 11th “Through the Torn Curtain”

An Easter musical presented by the choir and soloists of

the McCormick First Baptist Church.

Friday, March 23rd at 7pm

followed by an ice cream social


Sunday, March 25th at 11am

Tickets are not required.

108 S. Oak Street, McCormick, SC (864-852-2640)

Join us for a beautiful presentation this Easter season.

WMU Associational Spring Meeting

April 10th at 7pm

Laurel Baptist Church

330 Sample Road, Greenwood, SC

Guest Speakers

Tim and Jody Cross - MSC NAMB missionaries

They mobilize local churches and believers to become the Hands

and Feet of Jesus to refugees who are being resettled to the

Upstate of SC. They partner with World Relief Greenville to train up

churches and volunteers to be “Good Neighbor Teams” to newly

arriving families from Burma and the Conga. They are members of

First Baptist Church of Simpsonville and are excited to see God

move in a mighty way through the local Body of Believers to share

Christ with our neighbors who God is bringing right to our own


Lakelands Women’s Ministry Event

April 26th from 6-8pm

Guest Speaker

Lindsay Blair, Program Director with Switch.

She will be speaking on the commercial sex industry and human


South Side Baptist Church

505 W. Greenwood Street in Abbeville, SC

Fried Catfish will be served by the men of South Side Baptist.


“The Curse Removed”

Okay, I confess, I love to eat! Of course, most folks do. You may not

know this but eating is actually good for you. Not eating is actually

bad for you. Eating healthy food in balanced proportions is where our

target food intake should be. Wow…am I waxing elegant or what?

I’m trying to up my game a little bit linguistically since I spent the

evening with Mrs. Judy Davies at the Executive Board meeting last

night. She always, with such grace and composure, makes me feel a

bit uneducated and uncouth whenever I am in her presence, though

she never does so on purpose. Whenever she and I are in the same

room together, it feels like a Beauty and the Beast remake…with Mrs.

Judy as Belle of course and me as the Beast…just making sure

everyone gets the analogy. So, bear with me as I am trying very

carefully to mind my “p’s” and “q’s” so as not to offend any by my

abuse of the English language.

Okay, I digress away from the topic of eating, but allow me to do so

just one more time. Mrs. Judy, for those who don’t know, is our

Associational Director for our English as Second Language ministry.

That’s right, she teaches English to those who do not speak it very

well. She always encourages me to come and sit in on a class. I’m

fairly certain it is not for the purpose of observing the ESL ministry in

action, but instead, I think Mrs. Judy is hopeful I will learn a bit of

English while I am there.

But, you see, I learned to speak English from Snuffy Smith. Yep, sad

but true! Back in the day before computers and cell phones and the

internet, we got the local paper and I’d always turn to the “funny

pages,” otherwise known as the comic section. My favorite comic was

Snuffy Smith, which is actually a classic and has won more awards

than any comic strip in the history of comics I think. It’s described

like this, “Snuffy Smith is a comic strip that stars Snuffy Smith, a

bodacious hillbilly, who lives in the town of Hootin’ Holler with his

tolerant, loving wife Loweezy, their son, Tater and their nephew

Jughaid.” Other characters are Paw, Parson and Merry Beth. And

from that comic, you get words like, “sho’nuf, mebbe, Cris’mas,” etc.

In one comic episode, Merry Beth, who is sweet on Jughaid, says,

“Hey Jughaid, you wanna play house?” To which Jughaid replies,

“Mabbe, does it involve eat’n?” Aw, now we’s back to eat’n again!

But before I gets there, I just wants to appeal to Mrs. Judy, who now

understands where I learnt to talk, and alls I gots to say is, if’n Snuffy

Smith’s English were good enuf to win him countless awards, then I

confess I look up to Snuffy as a bodacious country bumpk’n worthy

of learn’n from. Now, Mrs. Judy, calm down, I know I just left one of

them participles dangling, but it’s okay, Snuffy dun it a time or two

too, and he got paid royally and was rewarded handsomely. So now

that you better understand me, if’n that’s possible, let’s get back to

that eat’n thing, which is the only reason Jughaid would play house

with Merry Beth.

It seems that ya’ll, ya’ll as in all ya’ll who are Lakelands Baptists,

seem to like to eat a whole lot as well. It ain’t jest me. You see, it

seems ever time we do something in this association, food generally is

thrown into the mix somewhere somehow. Yep, jest look at the pic on

the front page. That was Rice Memorial’s men putt’n on the dawg at

one of our Men’s Rallies. Yep, low country boil for 300 hungry

men…I mean, how can any human being describe that…it was

heavenly… inexpressible! And then, at Women’s Ministry Team

events and WMU events where food is served …hundreds, a half a

thousand to be exact…uh, that’d be the preacherly way of making 500

sound like a whole lot more, showing up to eat and fellowship. In

April, the next Women’s Event will be at South Side Baptist where

the men in that church will pull out all the stops and pull off the most

amazing fish fry on the planet, and the Men’s Rally at First Mt.

Moriah will see the men shoveling down Brunswick Stew. Shoot, we

can’t even have a Block Party Trailer training day without sausage,

bacon, chicken, ham biscuits and coffee. Ever time I have a meeting

of the ALT or the whatever, those team members can’t seem to think

about the business at hand until they eat, so many of our meetings are

at restaurants in the area. And at HarvestFest, my goodness, our

churches feed the world it seems. And preachers, and others, fill my

lunch time schedule with conversations over food at local meat and

threes, much to my delight.

But lest you think we are all gluttons, which we may be, remember,

Jesus was often reclining at the table with someone. He was the one

who cooked fish for the disciples on the Sea of Galilee when he asked

Peter if he truly loved him. And Jesus fed the 5000 and then took up

leftovers so nothing would go to waste. Yep, if cook’n outdoors and

eat’n was good enuf for Jesus…it’s good enuf for me. And it was in

the Old Testament that many Jewish celebrations were feasts…

meaning food was involved. And it is spoken of in Revelation of one

day sitting at the table in glory enjoying what the Bible calls the

“wedding supper of the Lamb.” And in Eden, God said, “Eat

anything, except from the tree in the middle of the garden, for the day

you eat thereof, you will surely die.” Now think about it, before the

curse, man could eat anything and it was all good. But after the fall,

almost anything we now eat is somehow or other, not good for you.

Wow, and all because somebody disobeyed God.

So, I have a feeling, after the curse is removed permanently in glory

according to Revelation 22:3, we will get to eat all we want at the

wedding supper of the Lamb with no worries about cholesterol, blood

pressure, obesity…none of that. And I’m pretty sure, BBQ is gonna

be served at that meal…just say’n! Praise God for Jesus Christ, who

removed the curse of sin…and every other curse known to mankind.

So rejoice and be glad! For while we still live under the curse, we are

not subject to the curse, for one day, the curse given in the beginning

of time, will be forever and irrevocably removed. So if that’s the case,

we might as well rejoice in the grace that is ours today and enjoy the

curseless future that will one day be ours! Anybody want to meet me

for lunch…just ask’n!

Jesus Christ was with God the Father before the world was created. He

became human and lived among humanity as Jesus of Nazareth. He came to

show us what God the Father is like. He lived a sinless life, showing us how

to live, and He died on a cross to pay for our sins. God raised Him from the

dead. Jesus is the source of eternal life. Jesus wants to be the doorway of new

life for you. In the Bible, He was called “Lamb of God” (John 1:29). In the

Old Testament, sacrifices were made for the sins of the people. Jesus became

the sacrificial Lamb offered for our sin. Jesus said, “I am the way and the

truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John

14:6). He is waiting for you now.

Admit to God that you are a sinner. Repent, turning away from your sin.

By faith, receive Jesus Christ as God’s Son and accept Jesus’ gift of

forgiveness by dying on the cross.

Confess your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

You may pray a silent prayer similar to this as you call on God to save you.

“Dear God, I know that You love me. I confess my sin and need of salvation. I

turn away from my sin and place my faith in Jesus as my Savior and Lord. In

Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.” After you have received Jesus Christ into your

life, tell a pastor or another Christian about your decision. Show others your

faith in Christ by asking for a baptism by immersion in your local church as a

public expression of your faith.

The Holy Bible, Book of Romans 10:9-13

Lakelands Baptist Leader MARCH 2018


Lakelands Baptist Association Periodical Paid At

David W. Little, Associational Missionary

Greenwood, SC 29649-9998

[email protected] USPS 391-110

[email protected] (Financial Secretary)

[email protected] (Administrative Assistant)

Website: www.lakelandsbaptist.org

Telephone: (864) 227-6261

310 Panola Avenue

Greenwood, South Carolina 29646-4562







Lander BCM

2018 Summer Missionary Assignments

Shyanne Joye--Italy

Emily Mulholland--Italy

Maegan Hamm--Italy

Sara Owen--Peru

Jatrese Brownlee--Ottawa, Canada

Deanna Williams--Ottawa, Canada

Callie Powell--North Africa

Lia Keith--Tahoe City, California

John Michael Alexander---Toronto, Canada

Chelsea Beckett--North Africa & Middle East

Brooke Tipton--Leon, Mexico

Please join us in praying for these young

adults as they serve the Lord in this capacity

for 8-10 weeks this summer.


Learn to speak English

Aprender a hablar Ingles


Clases Empiezan

Clases gratis

Wednesdays 8:30am - 10am

Fridays Bible Study 8:30am - 10am

Sundays 9:45am - 10:45am

South Main Baptist Church

1000 South Main Street

Greenwood, SC

Enter at back of the church.

Ingrese en la parte de atras de la iglesia

Health Ministry Kits

Health kits provide basic

toiletries that can open the

hearts of individuals and

remove barriers to sharing the

gospel. These kits are used to

minister and witness to people

in our own communities and

regions. Scriptures and other

gospel materials in the

language of the person

receiving the kit are added.

The standard health kit


1 toothpaste (6 oz.)

1 toothbrush (factory sealed)

1 soap (3.8 oz. or larger bath


1 washcloth

1 bath towel

1 comb

Placed in a two (2) gallon or

larger zip lock bag

Due to LBA by April 24th
