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We Are Of The Day -- 1 Thess. 5:1-8 Thessalonica.

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THESSALONICA: EXCEL STILL MORE We Are Of The Day -- 1 Thess. 5:1-8 Thessalonica


We Are Of The Day -- 1 Thess. 5:1-8


When Will Christ Return?

• According to one blogger He will return in 2014!

• Figured out by dates in the book of Daniel and simple math.

• Time, times and half a time = 3.5 years, but is really 42 months or 1,260 days.

• 1,290 days from another place in Daniel, or 43 months.

• Added together is 2,550 days – but really means years rather than days.

When Will Christ Return?

• Countdown began from Dan. 9:25 and the decree by Cyrus to rebuild Jerusalem. That was 536 B.C.

• Subtract 536 from 2,550 and you get 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!

• His quote: “…God has seen fit to reveal the truth to me, His chosen prophet….It is privilege to be the first person who knows when Jesus will return.”

Want To Know The Very Day?

• Switch from Gregorian calendar to Hebrew calendar (why for the day but not for the year?)

• Add entire months ever so often to make up for leap years.

• Do some more math, and you come out with March 5, 2014.

• Jesus returned on March 5, 2014!!!!!• And you missed it?????????• And this prophet didn’t even bother to be

embarrassed enough to remove this false prophesy.

Understanding Times And Epochs

1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 --Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.

What is meant by times and epochs?

• Times = CHRONOS – a period of time

• Epochs = KAIROS – a season of time

• So Paul says we are not to know the timing of the second coming of Christ.

What Is Meant By The Day Of The Lord?

It is a day of visitation by the Lord.

2 Peter 3:10 -- But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.

What Do We Need To Know? The Parousia/Second

Coming They knew full well They had no need of

further teaching Nor do we. What can be

known has already been revealed. No new prophesy coming.

So – how do we live while we wait?

Dwellers In Darkness

Some choose to live in ignorance

5:3, 6-7 – “While they are saying, ‘Peace and safety!’ then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child and they will not escape….

What Are THEY Saying?

Peace and Safety Matt. 24:38 – “For as

in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark….”

But what did they KNOW?

Vs. 6-7…

“…and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be….”

What Are THEY Doing?

Sleeping and drinking. Life most ordinary. No plans for the future. Going for the gusto. YOLO

They have NO escape!

Children Of The Day

1 Thes. 5:4-6, 8 – “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober.”

Day Will Not Overtake Us…

Thieves come unexpectedly and surprise us.

We cannot be surprised by the day if we are walking in the day.

Only the unprepared need fear the second coming of Jesus.

We Are Not Of The Darkness

1 Peter 2:9 -- But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

Vs. 8

But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation.

Living Expectantly

Psychology paper on boredom in the military…

Hours of Boredom, Moments of Terror How to stay ready? “Military personnel compensate for intervals

of boredom by participating in training, maintenance, additional activities and duties, and using modern electronic access to make contact with home and family.”

Are we ready for THE DAY?
