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We are the ELF Generation.

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! " # $ % & Email About ClimateViewer News Tracking Climate Changers This article is part of the series: HAARP and the Sky Heaters Also check out WeatherModiCcationHistory.com We are the ELF Generation. Since birth, we have been inundated by external electrical sources. Most sources of electromagnetic radiation are benign, having little effect on the human body, however great concern should be given to lower spectrum as research has shown ULF, ELF, and VLF radio signals can negatively inKuence your health. Couple that with possible military intentions to control the minds of an unwary populace using low-frequency technology and you get our present conundrum. Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves : ELF waves up to 100 Hz are once more naturally occurring, but they can also be produced artiCcially (such as for the Navy’s Project Sanguine for submarine communication). ELF-waves are not normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally inDuence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in conjunction with media broadcasts as well. [1][2] The Russian parliament acknowledges the "conspiracy theorist" story that HAARP can affect your minds! Title: Russian parliament concerned about US plans to develop new weapon Document Number: FBIS-SOV-2002-0808 Document Date: 08 Aug 2002 Division: Russia, North America Subdivision: Russia, United States Sourceline: CEP20020808000087 Moscow Interfax in English 1009 GMT 8 Aug 02 Citysource: Moscow Interfax Language: English [FBIS Transcribed Text] MOSCOW. Aug 8 (Interfax) - The Russian State Duma has expressed concern about the United States' program to develop a qualitatively new type of weapon. "Under the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) , the U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may inKuence the near-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves," the State Duma said in an appeal circulated on Thursday. "The signiCcance of this qualitative leap could be compared to the transition from cold steel to Cre arms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This new type of weapons differs from previous types in that the near-Earth medium becomes at once an object of direct inKuence and its component. These conclusions were made by the commission of the State Duma's international affairs and defense committees, the statement reads. The committees reported that the U.S. is planning to test three facilities of this kind. One of them is located on the military testing ground in Alaska and its full-scale tests are to begin in early 2003. The second one is in Greenland and the third one in Norway. "When these facilities are launched into space from Norway, Alsaka and Greenland, a closed contour will be created with a truly fantastic integral potential for inKuencing the near-Earth medium," the State Duma said. The U.S. plans to carry out large-scale scientiCc experiments, under the HAARP program, and not controlled by the global community, will create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipment installed on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electricity networks and in oil and gas pipelines and have a negative impact on the mental health of people populating entire regions, the deputies said. They demanded that an international ban be put on such large-scale geophysical experiments. The appeal, signed by 90 deputies, has been sent to President Vladimir Putin, to the United Nations and other international organizations, to the parliaments and leaders of the UN member countries, to the scientiCc public and to mass media outlets. Among those who signed the appeal are Tatyana Astrakhankina, Nikolai Kharitonov, Yegor Ligachev, Sergei Reshulsky, Vitaly Sevastyanov, Viktor Cherepkov, Valentin Zorkaltsev and Alexei Mitrofanov. [Description of Source: Moscow Interfax in English -- non-government information agency known for its aggressive reporting, extensive economic coverage, and good coverage of Russia's regions. ][16] "But perhaps the most exotic form of geophysical warfare concerns tampering with the electrical behavior of the ionosphere. Techniques for disturbing radio communication by “punching holes” in the ionosphere with nuclear explosions have been long discussed. So, too, have proposals for opening up lethal windows in the ionosphere to let in the short wavelength ultraviolet radiation which is known to damage biological systems, causing skin cancers in man and damage to crops. What is new, is the suggestion that the natural wave-guide between the ionosphere and the Earth could be used to propagate very low frequency (VLF) radiation through it in such a way as to affect the electrical behavior of individuals’ own brain activity." - New Scientist Magazine 1976 Grab your tinfoil hat and let us take a tour of brain-altering facilities worldwide. I have spent the last three years mapping high-powered EMF sources and created a map to display my research. This database contains over 1000 broadcast antennas and radars. Here are a few of the most powerful VLF, ELF, and ULF facilities on the planet. Very Low Frequency (VLF) Transmitters Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Transmitters US Navy Project ELF (Project Sanguine, Project Seafarer) The U.S. Navy operated two extremely low frequency radio transmitters to communicate with its deep diving submarines. The sites at Clam Lake, Wisconsin and Republic, Michigan are operated by the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station – Atlantic. The Clam Lake site, located in the Chequamegon National Forest in Northern Wisconsin, is the site where testing began for ELF communications more than 30 years ago. The site has more than 28 miles of over- head signal transmission line that form part of the “electrical” antenna to radiate the ELF signal from the two-acre transmitting facility. The Clam Lake ELF radio station broadcasts messages to the Keet as required by the Navy Submarine Broadcast Control Authority in Norfolk, Virginia or Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. For the U.S. submarine Keet to perform its mission, it must remain silent and be undetectable. The Navy’s ELF communications system is (was) the only operational communications system that can penetrate seawater to great depths and is virtually jam proof from both natural and man-made interference. [3] September 30, 2004, the site administrator wrote a "rest in peace" letter upon the facilities closure. During the Crst Gulf War, messages sent from ELF transmitters alerted submarine Keets in the Persian Gulf and elsewhere to military orders. While the Trident submarines could not respond and communication was limited to quick pulses of coded information, the ELF antenna could direct commanders to surface at appropriate coordinates to receive more detailed instructions via other communication technologies. ... A 1971 Navy study determined that electromagnetic Velds associated with ELF caused stunted growth in rats. The military sat on the details of these Vndings until 1976, even as concerned citizens worked to unearth information on potential health impacts of the ELF waves. The Navy convened the Ad Hoc Committee for the Review of Biomedical and Ecological Effects of ELF Radiation to analyze their research in 1973. The committee’s members raised concerns over potentially serious health problems related to the technology, though their worries carried little weight with militarists desiring a different message. The ad hoc committee’s Cndings only reached the public once Senator Gaylord Nelson, an environmentalist and progressive Democrat, raised a stink and released the report himself. [4] "Improvements in communications technology and the changing requirements of today's Navy made the ELF communication system no longer necessary," Davis said. All communications with submarines will now be done with 12 "very low frequency" transmitters located worldwide, Davis said. For years, people have been routinely arrested for trespassing in acts of civil disobedience at the 13-acre Clam Lake site. Critics have contended the system is for use during a Crst-strike nuclear attack, became obsolete with the Cold War's end and may cause health and environmental problems. The Navy said the system was a vital communications link. Each system uses dozens of miles of above-ground antenna strung on 600 40-foot poles. The Navy began using the $400 million system in 1989. The annual operating costs for both ELF transmitters is $13 million, Davis said. Each site has one Navy worker and 27 civilian contractors, Davis said. [5] The only other ELF transmitter is Zevs: Ultra-low Frequency (ULF) Transmitter Radio science is advancing so rapidly that we are unable to understand the ecological implications of a technology before a new technology replaces it. All of the facilities listed above are Cold-War era technology, where brute force, tall antennas, and long cables were the norm. The current state-of-the-art in signalling the apocalypse is straight out of a science-Cction Clm, with energy beams and plasma Creballs creating previously unreachable low frequencies. Such is the case in the world of Space-Weather ModiCcation. The United States of America's military went from upper atmospheric nuclear explosions to radar-heated chemical releases in the ionosphere in under Cfty years. These experiments span the gamut from gathering current space-weather conditions to understanding the response of our ionosphere and magnetosphere to artiCcial (human) inKuence. The military hates our unpredictable ionosphere so much they tried to replace it with an artiCcial ionosphere in the 1960's during Project West Ford. 480,000,000 copper dipole antennas (1.78 cm long needles) were launched into orbit and as of 2013 forty six clumps of needles are still in orbit, and occasionally re-enter. [6][7] The next attempt to solve over-the- horizon radio propagation issues would come in the form of "artiCcial mirrors" made of ionospheric plasma volumes heated by ground-based microwave stations, like HAARP. These artiVcial ionospheric mirrors, also referred to as Field Aligned Scattering (FAS) Mirrors, reKect high-frequency radio transmissions just like a mirror reKects light. By boiling a portion of the sky with a microwave heater, military experts can better predict where their radio transmissions will propagate (end up), and in some cases, where they can be extended. In order to create even deeper frequencies than VLF and ELF, Sky Heaters use high-power microwaves to heat our ionosphere and create "Virtual Antennas" [10] that resonate the deepest signals ever created by man, yet nobody seems to know: 2.5 Hz SIGNAL ACTIVE Presumed, but not yet veriCed as a man-made signal. Detected at various locations worldwide. With amateur equipment, it is not easy to determine eventual frequency shifts, so signal is listed as a 2.5 Hz carrier. So far the signal is not connected with any known geophysical events. Most likely not originating from HAARP - Gakona in Alaska USA. They have little success, with the generation of ELF signals of reasonable strength, over anything then relative short distances. [11] This 2.5 Hz signal IS created by HAARP, here is the proof: Using two different heating modes, HAARP can produce ULF-VLF from 0.001 Hz to 20 kHz. Also mentioned in the image above are references (b) 11 Hz, 29 Hz, 47 Hz, 73 Hz and (c) 0.2 Hz, 0.8 Hz, 1.4 Hz, 3.8 Hz, 6.4 Hz. Techniques to transform HF to ULF/ELF/VLF frequencies: [10] 1. Polar Electrojet Antenna (PEJ) a. Requires an electrojet current in the D/E region (70-90 km)-Restricted to high latitudes b. Can inject frequencies up to 20 kHz [Whistlers and Shear Alfven Waves (SAW)] 2. Ionospheric Current Drive (ICD) a. Does not require electrojet b. Restricted to frequencies below 70 Hz [SAW, EMIC, Magneto-Sonic (MS)] Science advances, antennas get more powerful, and very little attention is paid to the butterKy-effect. [12] These artiCcial resonations are adverse to the health of humans and wildlife worldwide [13][14][15] and the side-effects of these experiments are unknown as these facilities operate in secrecy. HAARP, ELF Generation, and Mass Mind Control This article is part of the series: HAARP and the Sky Heaters ) Published · Saturday, Oct 11, 2014 * By James Franklin Lee Jr. + Comments , CATEGORY Geoengineering , TAGS Ionospheric Heater Directed Energy Mind Control Wireless Popular Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy. Sam Nunn Policy Forum. April 28, 1997 University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. View Map on ClimateViewer Mobile and ClimateViewer 3D. RED = Ionospheric Heater, DARK BLUE = Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR), GREEN = EISCAT (ISR), LIGHT BLUE = Historic facilities (now closed). There are Cve major Ionospheric Heaters and multiple smaller facilities in operation today, not counting the Sky Heaters on trailers, submarines, and boats AWESOME VLF: VTX1 South Vijayanarayanam, India Multiple broadcast frequencies: Callsign: VTX1 - 16300 Hz, VTX2 - 17000 Hz, VTX3 - 18200 Hz, VTX4 - 19200 Hz AWESOME VLF: SAQ Grimeton, Sweden Frequency: 17200 Hz Callsign: SAQ Locator: JO67ec The Grimeton VLF transmitter is a VLF transmission facility at Grimeton close to Varberg, Sweden. It has the only workable machine transmitter in the world and is classiCed as World Heritage Site. The transmitter was built in 1922 to 1924; to operate at 17.2 kHz, although it is designed for frequencies around 40 kHz. The radiating element is a wire aerial hung on six 127-metre high freestanding steel pylons, that are grounded. The Grimeton VLF transmitter location is also used for shortwave transmissions, FM and TV broadcasting. For this purpose, a 260 metre high guyed steel framework mast was built in 1966 next to the building containing the 40 kHz transmitter. AWESOME VLF: FTA, Sainte-Assise, France Frequency: 20900 Hz at 400 kW Callsign: JXN Locator: JN18gn AWESOME VLF: GQD Skelton, UK Frequency: 22100 Hz Callsign: GQD Locator: IO84nr BBC Skelton Broadcasting Station locateb bewteen Carlisle City and Penrith Town. A transmitter park used mainly for short-wave broadcasts. Many 350kW Transmitters installed in Skelton. It contains the second tallest structure in the UK, a 365m (1200ft) mast used to send coded messages to Royal Navy submarines. AWESOME VLF: NLK Oso Wash, Jim Creek, Washington, USA Frequency: 24800 Hz at 1200 kW Callsign: NLK Locator: CN98ae The primary mission of this radio site is to provide VLF radio transmitting capabilities for the PaciCc submarine Keet. Established in the 1950s, the 1.2 million watt transmitting system developed for the site remains 'state -of-the-art' in producing low frequency emissions world-wide. In fact it is one of the most powerful transmitters in the world. Located near Arlington, Washington, in the foothills of the Cascades, north of Seattle, the site has 5,000 largely forested acres. AWESOME VLF: NAA Cutler, Maine, USA Frequency: 24000 Hz at 1800 kW Locator: FN64ip Cutler Naval Station has a transmission power of 1800 kW, making it the most powerful VLF-transmitter in the world. The transmission consists of a continuous encrypted FSK (F1B) signal at 200 baud. The transmitter operates on 24.0 kHz. In the past it operated on 17.8 kHz. AWESOME VLF: NWC North West Cape, Exmouth, Australia Frequency: 19800 Hz at 2000 kW Locator: OG78be Harold E. Holt Naval Station: 2 MW transmission - 14-28 KHz The station features thirteen tall radio towers. The tallest tower is called Tower Zero and is 387 m (1,270 ft) tall, and was for many years the tallest man- made structure in the Southern Hemisphere. Six towers, each 304 metres tall, are evenly placed in a hexagon around Tower Zero. The other six towers, which are each 364 metres tall, are evenly placed in a larger hexagon around Tower Zero. Clam Lake, Wisconsin, USA 76 Hz at 3 MW (3,000 kW) Republic, Michigan, USA Second part of transmitter 3 Watch this Video on YouTube Zevs, 82 Hz ELF transmitter Arkhangel'skoye, Tula Oblast, Russia Calculations performed on data collected back in 1990, also show us that the 82 Hz Zevs ELF transmitter is 10 dB more powerful then the US Navy 76 Hz ELF transmissions from the dual WMT/MTF sites. 1991 US Patent 5041834 – ArtiCcial Ionospheric Mirror Composed Of A Plasma Layer Which Can Be Tilted [8] Using Active Experiments to Probe Geospace, Dennis Papadopoulos, University of Maryland [9] “Virtual ULF/ELF/VLF Ionospheric Antennae” Resolving Critcal Radiaton Belt & Geospace Issues, Dennis Papadopoulos, University of Maryland [10] “Virtual ULF/ELF/VLF Ionospheric Antennae” Resolving Critcal Radiaton Belt & Geospace Issues, Dennis Papadopoulos, University of Maryland [10] HAARP Induction Magnetometer, 2.5 Hertz tone, March 21, 2012 Using Active Experiments to Probe Geospace, Dennis Papadopoulos, University of Maryland [9] 3 Watch this Video on YouTube “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead “It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth - and listen to the song of that siren, till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.” - Patrick Henry - Speech in the Virginia Convention, March 23, 1775 Newsletter . Social ! / " # % $ 0 ClimateViewer 3D 0 The ENMOD Accountability Act #ENMODAA / Jim Lee on YouTube 1 Attack Ideas, Not People “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in Tnding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over, you almost never get it back.” — Carl Sagan Read Fake News, Propaganda, and Acvitism 2 Weather ModiTcation History Enter Your Email Address Subscribe Subscribe
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ClimateViewer NewsTracking Climate Changers

This article is part of the series: HAARP and the Sky Heaters

Also check out WeatherModiCcationHistory.com

We are the ELF Generation.

Since birth, we have been inundated by external electrical sources. Most sources of electromagnetic radiation are benign,having little effect on the human body, however great concern should be given to lower spectrum as research has shown ULF,ELF, and VLF radio signals can negatively inKuence your health. Couple that with possible military intentions to control theminds of an unwary populace using low-frequency technology and you get our present conundrum.

Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves :ELF waves up to 100 Hz are once more naturally occurring, but they can also be producedartiCcially (such as for the Navy’s Project Sanguine for submarine communication). ELF-waves arenot normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human body hasbeen connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound vibration (upto 20 Hz) can subliminally inDuence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wavepatterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could beused tactically, as ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in conjunction withmedia broadcasts as well. [1][2]

The Russian parliament acknowledges the "conspiracy theorist" story that HAARP can affect your minds!

Title: Russian parliament concerned about US plans to develop new weapon Document Number:FBIS-SOV-2002-0808 Document Date: 08 Aug 2002 Division: Russia, North America Subdivision:Russia, United States Sourceline: CEP20020808000087 Moscow Interfax in English 1009 GMT 8Aug 02 Citysource: Moscow Interfax Language: English [FBIS Transcribed Text] MOSCOW. Aug 8(Interfax) - The Russian State Duma has expressed concern about the United States' program todevelop a qualitatively new type of weapon. "Under the High Frequency Active Auroral ResearchProgram (HAARP), the U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may inKuence thenear-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves," the State Duma said in an appeal circulatedon Thursday. "The signiCcance of this qualitative leap could be compared to the transition fromcold steel to Cre arms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This new type ofweapons differs from previous types in that the near-Earth medium becomes at once an object ofdirect inKuence and its component. These conclusions were made by the commission of the StateDuma's international affairs and defense committees, the statement reads. The committeesreported that the U.S. is planning to test three facilities of this kind. One of them is located on themilitary testing ground in Alaska and its full-scale tests are to begin in early 2003. The second oneis in Greenland and the third one in Norway. "When these facilities are launched into space fromNorway, Alsaka and Greenland, a closed contour will be created with a truly fantastic integralpotential for inKuencing the near-Earth medium," the State Duma said. The U.S. plans to carry outlarge-scale scientiCc experiments, under the HAARP program, and not controlled by the globalcommunity, will create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipmentinstalled on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electricity networks and in oiland gas pipelines and have a negative impact on the mental health of people populating entireregions, the deputies said.

They demanded that an international ban be put on such large-scale

geophysical experiments.

The appeal, signed by 90 deputies, has been sent to President Vladimir Putin, to the United Nationsand other international organizations, to the parliaments and leaders of the UN member countries,to the scientiCc public and to mass media outlets. Among those who signed the appeal areTatyana Astrakhankina, Nikolai Kharitonov, Yegor Ligachev, Sergei Reshulsky, Vitaly Sevastyanov,Viktor Cherepkov, Valentin Zorkaltsev and Alexei Mitrofanov. [Description of Source: MoscowInterfax in English -- non-government information agency known for its aggressive reporting,extensive economic coverage, and good coverage of Russia's regions. ][16]

"But perhaps the most exotic form of geophysical warfare concerns tampering with the electricalbehavior of the ionosphere. Techniques for disturbing radio communication by “punching holes” inthe ionosphere with nuclear explosions have been long discussed. So, too, have proposals foropening up lethal windows in the ionosphere to let in the short wavelength ultraviolet radiationwhich is known to damage biological systems, causing skin cancers in man and damage to crops.What is new, is the suggestion that the natural wave-guide between the ionosphere and the Earthcould be used to propagate very low frequency (VLF) radiation through it in such a way as toaffect the electrical behavior of individuals’ own brain activity." - New Scientist Magazine 1976

Grab your tinfoil hat and let us take a tour of brain-altering facilities worldwide.

I have spent the last three years mapping high-powered EMF sources and created a map to display my research. Thisdatabase contains over 1000 broadcast antennas and radars. Here are a few of the most powerful VLF, ELF, and ULF facilitieson the planet.

Very Low Frequency (VLF) Transmitters

Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Transmitters

US Navy Project ELF (Project Sanguine, Project Seafarer)

The U.S. Navy operated two extremely low frequency radio transmitters to communicate with itsdeep diving submarines. The sites at Clam Lake, Wisconsin and Republic, Michigan are operatedby the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station – Atlantic. The Clam Lakesite, located in the Chequamegon National Forest in Northern Wisconsin, is the site where testingbegan for ELF communications more than 30 years ago. The site has more than 28 miles of over-head signal transmission line that form part of the “electrical” antenna to radiate the ELF signalfrom the two-acre transmitting facility. The Clam Lake ELF radio station broadcasts messages tothe Keet as required by the Navy Submarine Broadcast Control Authority in Norfolk, Virginia orPearl Harbor, Hawaii. For the U.S. submarine Keet to perform its mission, it must remain silent andbe undetectable. The Navy’s ELF communications system is (was) the only operationalcommunications system that can penetrate seawater to great depths and is virtually jam prooffrom both natural and man-made interference. [3]

September 30, 2004, the site administrator wrote a "rest in peace" letter upon the facilities closure.

During the Crst Gulf War, messages sent from ELF transmitters alerted submarine Keets in thePersian Gulf and elsewhere to military orders. While the Trident submarines could not respond andcommunication was limited to quick pulses of coded information, the ELF antenna could directcommanders to surface at appropriate coordinates to receive more detailed instructions via othercommunication technologies. ... A 1971 Navy study determined that electromagnetic Veldsassociated with ELF caused stunted growth in rats. The military sat on the details of theseVndings until 1976, even as concerned citizens worked to unearth information on potential healthimpacts of the ELF waves. The Navy convened the Ad Hoc Committee for the Review ofBiomedical and Ecological Effects of ELF Radiation to analyze their research in 1973. Thecommittee’s members raised concerns over potentially serious health problems related to thetechnology, though their worries carried little weight with militarists desiring a different message.The ad hoc committee’s Cndings only reached the public once Senator Gaylord Nelson, anenvironmentalist and progressive Democrat, raised a stink and released the report himself. [4]

"Improvements in communications technology and the changing requirements of today's Navymade the ELF communication system no longer necessary," Davis said. All communications withsubmarines will now be done with 12 "very low frequency" transmitters located worldwide, Davissaid. For years, people have been routinely arrested for trespassing in acts of civil disobedience atthe 13-acre Clam Lake site. Critics have contended the system is for use during a Crst-strikenuclear attack, became obsolete with the Cold War's end and may cause health and environmentalproblems. The Navy said the system was a vital communications link. Each system uses dozens ofmiles of above-ground antenna strung on 600 40-foot poles. The Navy began using the $400million system in 1989. The annual operating costs for both ELF transmitters is $13 million, Davissaid. Each site has one Navy worker and 27 civilian contractors, Davis said. [5]

The only other ELF transmitter is Zevs:

Ultra-low Frequency (ULF) Transmitter

Radio science is advancing so rapidly that we are unable to understand the ecological implications of a technology before anew technology replaces it. All of the facilities listed above are Cold-War era technology, where brute force, tall antennas, andlong cables were the norm. The current state-of-the-art in signalling the apocalypse is straight out of a science-Cction Clm,with energy beams and plasma Creballs creating previously unreachable low frequencies. Such is the case in the world ofSpace-Weather ModiCcation. The United States of America's military went from upper atmospheric nuclear explosions toradar-heated chemical releases in the ionosphere in under Cfty years. These experiments span the gamut from gatheringcurrent space-weather conditions to understanding the response of our ionosphere and magnetosphere to artiCcial (human)inKuence. The military hates our unpredictable ionosphere so much they tried to replace it with an artiCcial ionosphere in the1960's during Project West Ford. 480,000,000 copper dipole antennas (1.78 cm long needles) were launched into orbit and asof 2013 forty six clumps of needles are still in orbit, and occasionally re-enter. [6][7] The next attempt to solve over-the-horizon radio propagation issues would come in the form of "artiCcial mirrors" made of ionospheric plasma volumes heatedby ground-based microwave stations, like HAARP.

These artiVcial ionospheric mirrors, also referred to as Field Aligned Scattering (FAS) Mirrors, reKect high-frequency radiotransmissions just like a mirror reKects light. By boiling a portion of the sky with a microwave heater, military experts canbetter predict where their radio transmissions will propagate (end up), and in some cases, where they can be extended.

In order to create even deeper frequencies than VLF and ELF, Sky Heaters use high-power microwaves to heat our ionosphereand create "Virtual Antennas" [10] that resonate the deepest signals ever created by man, yet nobody seems to know:

2.5 Hz SIGNAL ACTIVE Presumed, but not yet veriCed as a man-made signal. Detected at variouslocations worldwide. With amateur equipment, it is not easy to determine eventual frequencyshifts, so signal is listed as a 2.5 Hz carrier. So far the signal is not connected with any knowngeophysical events. Most likely not originating from HAARP - Gakona in Alaska USA. They havelittle success, with the generation of ELF signals of reasonable strength, over anything then relativeshort distances. [11]

This 2.5 Hz signal IS created by HAARP, here is the proof:

Using two different heating modes, HAARP can produce ULF-VLF from 0.001 Hz to 20 kHz. Also mentioned in the imageabove are references (b) 11 Hz, 29 Hz, 47 Hz, 73 Hz and (c) 0.2 Hz, 0.8 Hz, 1.4 Hz, 3.8 Hz, 6.4 Hz.Techniques to transform HF to ULF/ELF/VLF frequencies: [10]1. Polar Electrojet Antenna (PEJ) a. Requires an electrojet current in the D/E region (70-‐90 km)-‐ Restricted to high latitudes

b. Can inject frequencies up to 20 kHz [Whistlers and Shear Alfven Waves (SAW)]2. Ionospheric Current Drive (ICD) a. Does not require electrojet b. Restricted to frequencies below 70 Hz [SAW, EMIC,

Magneto-‐Sonic (MS)]

Science advances, antennas get more powerful, and very little attention is paid to the butterKy-effect. [12] These artiCcialresonations are adverse to the health of humans and wildlife worldwide [13][14][15] and the side-effects of these experimentsare unknown as these facilities operate in secrecy.

HAARP, ELF Generation, and Mass Mind ControlThis article is part of the series: HAARP and the Sky Heaters

) Published · Saturday, Oct 11, 2014 * By James Franklin Lee Jr. + Comments

, CATEGORY Geoengineering , TAGS Ionospheric Heater • Directed Energy • Mind Control • Wireless • Popular

Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy. Sam Nunn Policy Forum. April 28, 1997 University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

View Map on ClimateViewer Mobile and ClimateViewer 3D. RED = Ionospheric Heater, DARK BLUE = Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR), GREEN = EISCAT(ISR), LIGHT BLUE = Historic facilities (now closed). There are Cve major Ionospheric Heaters and multiple smaller facilities in operation today, notcounting the Sky Heaters on trailers, submarines, and boats

AWESOME VLF: VTX1South Vijayanarayanam, IndiaMultiple broadcast frequencies:Callsign: VTX1 - 16300 Hz, VTX2 - 17000 Hz, VTX3 - 18200 Hz, VTX4 - 19200 Hz

AWESOME VLF: SAQGrimeton, SwedenFrequency: 17200 HzCallsign: SAQLocator: JO67ecThe Grimeton VLF transmitter is a VLF transmission facility at Grimeton close to Varberg, Sweden. It has the only workable machine transmitter in theworld and is classiCed as World Heritage Site. The transmitter was built in 1922 to 1924; to operate at 17.2 kHz, although it is designed for frequenciesaround 40 kHz. The radiating element is a wire aerial hung on six 127-metre high freestanding steel pylons, that are grounded. The Grimeton VLFtransmitter location is also used for shortwave transmissions, FM and TV broadcasting. For this purpose, a 260 metre high guyed steel framework mastwas built in 1966 next to the building containing the 40 kHz transmitter.

AWESOME VLF: FTA,Sainte-Assise, FranceFrequency: 20900 Hz at 400 kWCallsign: JXNLocator: JN18gn

AWESOME VLF: GQDSkelton, UKFrequency: 22100 HzCallsign: GQDLocator: IO84nrBBC Skelton Broadcasting Station locateb bewteen Carlisle City and Penrith Town. A transmitter park used mainly for short-wave broadcasts. Many 350kWTransmitters installed in Skelton. It contains the second tallest structure in the UK, a 365m (1200ft) mast used to send coded messages to Royal Navysubmarines.

AWESOME VLF: NLKOso Wash, Jim Creek, Washington, USAFrequency: 24800 Hz at 1200 kWCallsign: NLKLocator: CN98aeThe primary mission of this radio site is to provide VLF radio transmitting capabilities for the PaciCc submarine Keet. Established in the 1950s, the 1.2million watt transmitting system developed for the site remains 'state -of-the-art' in producing low frequency emissions world-wide. In fact it is one of themost powerful transmitters in the world. Located near Arlington, Washington, in the foothills of the Cascades, north of Seattle, the site has 5,000 largelyforested acres.

AWESOME VLF: NAACutler, Maine, USAFrequency: 24000 Hz at 1800 kWLocator: FN64ipCutler Naval Station has a transmission power of 1800 kW, making it the most powerful VLF-transmitter in the world. The transmission consists of acontinuous encrypted FSK (F1B) signal at 200 baud. The transmitter operates on 24.0 kHz. In the past it operated on 17.8 kHz.

AWESOME VLF: NWCNorth West Cape, Exmouth, AustraliaFrequency: 19800 Hz at 2000 kWLocator: OG78beHarold E. Holt Naval Station: 2 MW transmission - 14-28 KHzThe station features thirteen tall radio towers. The tallest tower is called Tower Zero and is 387 m (1,270 ft) tall, and was for many years the tallest man-made structure in the Southern Hemisphere. Six towers, each 304 metres tall, are evenly placed in a hexagon around Tower Zero. The other six towers,which are each 364 metres tall, are evenly placed in a larger hexagon around Tower Zero.

Clam Lake, Wisconsin, USA76 Hz at 3 MW (3,000 kW)

Republic, Michigan, USASecond part of transmitter


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Zevs, 82 Hz ELF transmitterArkhangel'skoye, Tula Oblast, RussiaCalculations performed on data collected back in 1990, also show us that the 82 Hz Zevs ELF transmitter is 10 dB more powerful then the US Navy 76 HzELF transmissions from the dual WMT/MTF sites.

1991 US Patent 5041834 – ArtiCcial Ionospheric Mirror Composed Of A Plasma Layer Which Can Be Tilted [8]

Using Active Experiments to Probe Geospace, Dennis Papadopoulos, University of Maryland [9]

“Virtual ULF/ELF/VLF Ionospheric Antennae” Resolving Critcal Radiaton Belt & Geospace Issues, Dennis Papadopoulos, University of Maryland [10]

“Virtual ULF/ELF/VLF Ionospheric Antennae” Resolving Critcal Radiaton Belt & Geospace Issues, Dennis Papadopoulos, University of Maryland [10]

HAARP Induction Magnetometer, 2.5 Hertz tone, March 21, 2012

Using Active Experiments to Probe Geospace, Dennis Papadopoulos, University of Maryland [9]


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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,committed citizens can change the world; indeed,it's the only thing that ever has.”- Margaret Mead

“It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope.We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth - andlisten to the song of that siren, till she transforms usinto beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in agreat and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposedto be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not,and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearlyconcern their temporal salvation? For my part, whateveranguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know thewhole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”- Patrick Henry - Speech in the Virginia Convention,March 23, 1775


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“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: Ifwe've been bamboozled long enough, we tend toreject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're nolonger interested in Tnding out the truth. Thebamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painfulto acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've beentaken. Once you give a charlatan power over, youalmost never get it back.”— Carl SaganRead Fake News, Propaganda, and Acvitism

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Page 2: We are the ELF Generation.

Demand more transparency in the world of brain-altering electric signals, and learn how they are altering our space, our skies,and our Earth while blaming it all on climate change. Be sure to check out our maps of all these facilities with ourClimateViewer Mobile and ClimateViewer 3D.

Now that we have covered the history of ELF generation, stay tuned for my next article when we will dig deeper into thescience behind making ULF/ELF/VLF with HAARP and how it is all about to go MOBILE!


1. Playfair, Guy L. and Hill, Scott, The Cycles of Heaven. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978, pages 130-1402. https://www.scribd.com/doc/216638135/ MindWar Co Authored by Michael Aquino3. http://fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/c3i/fs_clam_lake_elf2003.pdf - Extremely Low Frequency Transmitter Site, Clam Lake,

Wisconsin4. https://web.archive.org/web/20130101013341/http://www.zcommunications.org/project-elf-rip-by-site-administrator -

Project ELF RIP By Site Administrator5. http://www.nukewatchinfo.org/nuclearweapons/projectelf/20040917closing.html - Navy to shut down radio transmitters

in Wisconsin, Michiganz. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_West_Ford - Project West Ford, Wikipedia7. http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/westford.htm - West Ford Needles{. http://www.freepatentsonline.com/5041834.html - 1991 US Patent 5041834 – ArtiCcial Ionospheric Mirror Composed Of

A Plasma Layer Which Can Be Tilted9. http://spp.astro.umd.edu/SpaceWebProj/Invited%20Talks/Active%20Experiments-2013.pdf - Using Active Experiments to

Probe Geospace, Dennis Papadopoulos, University of Maryland10. http://spp.astro.umd.edu/SpaceWebProj/Invited%20Talks/Virtual%20ULF%20Antennea-2013.pdf - “Virtual ULF/ELF/VLF

Ionospheric Antennae” Resolving Critcal Radiaton Belt & Geospace Issues, Dennis Papadopoulos, University of Maryland11. http://www.vlf.it/trond2/below10.html - Radio signals below 10 kHz12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ButterKy_effect - ButterKy Effect, Wikipedia13. http://www.dankalia.com/science/elf210.pdf - Biological Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields: A

Review, Physiological Chemistry & Physics 9 (1977)14. http://www.andrewamarino.com/PDFs/039-Hanford1978.pdf - Biological Effects of Extremely Low Frequency

Electromagnetic Fields, Power Frequency Electric Fields and Biological Stress - A Cause-and-Effect Relationship, October16-18, 1978

15. https://publications.lbl.gov/islandora/object/ir%3A106302/datastream/PDF/download/citation.pdf - Proceedings of theBiomagnetic Effects Workshop, April 6-7, 1978, Lawrence Berkley Laboratory

1z. http://fas.org/irp/program/collect/haarp-duma.htm Federation of American Scientists, Russian parliament concernedabout US plans to develop new weapon

This article is part of the series: HAARP and the Sky Heaters

Also check out WeatherModiCcationHistory.com

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HAARP, ELF Generation, and Mass Mind Control by Jim Lee is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.Based on a work at climateviewer.com/. Permissions beyond the scope of this licensemay be available at climateviewer.com/terms.You are free to:

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All content on ClimateViewer News by James F. Lee Jr., ClimateViewer News LLC copyright 2011-2018 and licensedunder a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond thescope of this license may be available at climateviewer.com/terms.


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