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We dig tech startups - Gravytrain '15

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About Us

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We dig web startups…

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Case Study: Unruly

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Unruly Media was founded by Sarah Wood and Scott Button in 2007 in the UK. During the last 8 years they have grown from a handful of people to the largest video seeing platform in the world with offices in all major cities worldwide boasting staff numbers on excess of 5,000.

Our Head of Digital was there in the early days with Unruly, building their digital strategy and processes from the ground up. The growth of the company was incredibly impressive utilising a very strong marketing back bone.


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Case Study: Badoo

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Badoo is an online dating portal that has experienced massive growth over the past few years. The number of active users today reaches 246 million. Companies can learn a huge amount about what not to do from Badoo’s online marketing strategy as well as some hidden gems to develop upon.

Badoo used an aggressive ‘member-get-member’ strategy using social media and email to turn 1 registered member into 100 overnight. Bad PR around their ‘questionable’ email strategy was produced but failed to de-value the proposition leading to a huge following online.

Our Head of Digital consulted for Badoo to help them align their SEO, affiliate and member-get-member strategy to double the number of registered members from 100m to 246m.

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Case Study: Twoo

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Twoo was built in response to a decline of the owner’s social network Netlog. Their re-invention of the platform online led to an almost Badoo-like clone. The founders, ToonCoppens & Lorenz Bogaert, employed a strong marketing team to increase their registered members from circa 1m to 162m in just 3 years.

Our Head of Digital was marketing manager for this company using the best-in-class mobile buying networks, member-get-member acquisition, SEO & content strategy as well as community managing their social profiles to massively increase reach and registered members.

Being involved in Badoo’s strategy and working with an impressive startup such as Unruly has led to a ‘start-up’ marketing strategy that works.

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Case Study: fivesquid

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Fivesquid (Formerly Fivesquids.co.uk) is a British startup looking to rival Fiverr.com. With a good level of investment and a team that is hungry, Fivesquiddoesn’t boast to have the same level of members as Badoo or Twoo but can claim increases in market share against Fiverr over the last 18 months.

Our Head of Digital was the chief marketing officer (freelance) for this company leading them to a brand re-launch and aggressive marketing strategy that focussed on ROI and increased ARPU (average revenue per user).

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Startup Opportunities/Hurdles

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Here at Gravytrain we believe in changing marketing-norms in innovative and exciting ways. When it comes to startups, this means changing the traditional web business opportunity curves from one that peaks and troughs relatively quickly to a thriving, long-term opportunity.

Over the next couple of slides we demonstrate the stages of the traditional web business opportunity curve followed by how this can be improved by implementing digital marketing techniques.

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After years of experience, the online digital marketing mix looks very much like the opposite image for digital startups. Using extensive experience allows us to get the most value for money and often exceed expectations in terms of growth and revenue.

Having been involved in marketing for different platforms and varying KPIs, we have worked with all the big mobile buying networks for app installs, reach or other types of conversions.

Member-get-member plays a critical role in amplifying the reach of a brand online due to the viral nature of this tactic.

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Bringing to the table expertise in data intelligence and visualisation allows us to interpret the world’s data.

The visual to the right shows different communities (dictated by colour) of similar searches. The line between each show the search path.

i.e. We can visualise the entire search space to see what competitors are bidding on and building content around within their web pages online. This makes us more effective in planning and getting the most bang for our buck in terms of ROI.

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App Store

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The team here at Gravytrain have extensive experience with app store optimisation and delivering against KPIs for app-based marketing strategies. Whether the key performance indicator for the app is downloads, reach, visits or purchases, we’ve got it covered. For years we’ve been building the right contacts at all the major mobile buying networks to barter the best rates for buying on these platforms.

Having delivered success for a number of startups before, mobile app optimisation and mobile ad buying play a critical role. The demand does not equal cost just yet and downloads can be bought for cheaper than the market rate whatever the device or platform.

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Community Management

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Programmatic – A little extra

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Yes, we’re still talking about PPC..

With our awesome tools, we can run our scripts to cross reference the mentions of keywords we’re bidding for via PPC on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. This way, we can automagically react to conversations around these keywords by increasing and decreasing bids where necessary.

Cool huh?

Social Media Listening

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Getting in Touch
