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WE EXIST TO PROCLAIM CHRIST AND MAKE DISCIPLES OF THOSE WHO CLAIM CHRIST ALL FOR THE GLORY OF CHRIST August 2012 For the past 21 years, our church has shared a unique blessing in Dan Thompson. He has encouraged us with his steadfastness in the face of great difficulty and trial, while continually pointing us to find our hope in Jesus Christ alone. While we are excited for what God is doing in Dan’s life, we will miss him greatly. As we begin the process of searching for a new Worship Pastor, the Personnel Committee has selected a great group of people to form the Worship Pastor Search Committee. Jess Murphy, Brian Everett, Brent Wade, Scott Park, Debbie Fox, Stacey Giles, Tracie Bryant, and Kimmee Garcia have all graciously agreed to serve the church in this important capacity. Above everything else, this committee will be seeking a man of God. The most important quality that we will look for in our new Worship Pastor is that he loves Jesus more than anything or anyone else. We will seek a man with a pastor’s heart to shepherd, to disciple, and to proclaim Christ. We will seek a man whose life is centered on Jesus Christ and who loves the gospel. More than any musical skill set or vocal ability, we will first seek a man who is satisfied in Jesus, and who understands that all of life is an act of worship to God. Secondly, and as an extension of his spiritual character, we will seek someone who is primarily concerned with pleasing God, not man, in worship. Worship is much bigger than any particular style, song selection, or instrumentation. When our focus is genuinely on worshipping God, our personal preferences should not be the focus anyway, because we realize that it is not about us. In light of that, this committee will not be driven by the quest to keep up with secular culture so as to completely redefine ourselves or detach ourselves from church history. Nor will we be so tied to tradition that we place unnecessary obstacles in the path of people beholding Christ. We will be sensitive to all the generations, while being proactive in our consideration of the most un-churched generations in our day. Finally, while we do not know how long this process will take, the Worship Pastor Search Committee will give regular updates. We have already begun praying that God will give the committee clear direction by uniting our hearts around the man that He has uniquely prepared to serve on this ministry team and in this church body. We will trust Him. Please pray for us as we seek the Lord. Following Him, Nate Vol. 16 No. 8
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August 2012

For the past 21 years, our church has shared a unique blessing in Dan Thompson. He has encouraged us with his steadfastness in the face of great difficulty and trial, while continually pointing us to find our hope in Jesus Christ alone. While we are excited for what God is doing in Dan’s life, we will miss him greatly.

As we begin the process of searching for a new Worship Pastor, the Personnel Committee has selected a great group of people to form the Worship Pastor Search Committee. Jess Murphy, Brian Everett, Brent Wade, Scott Park, Debbie Fox, Stacey Giles, Tracie Bryant, and Kimmee Garcia have all graciously agreed to serve the church in this important capacity.

Above everything else, this committee will be seeking a man of God. The most important quality that we will look for in our new Worship Pastor is that he loves Jesus more than anything or anyone else. We will seek a man with a pastor’s heart to shepherd, to disciple, and to proclaim Christ. We will seek a man whose life is centered on Jesus Christ and who loves the gospel. More than any musical skill set or vocal ability, we will first seek a man who is satisfied in Jesus, and who understands that all of life is an act of worship to God.

Secondly, and as an extension of his spiritual character, we will seek someone who is primarily concerned with pleasing God, not man, in worship. Worship is much bigger than any particular style, song selection, or instrumentation. When our focus is genuinely on worshipping God, our personal preferences should not be the focus anyway, because we realize that it is not about us.

In light of that, this committee will not be driven by the quest to keep up with secular culture so as to completely redefine ourselves or detach ourselves from church history. Nor will we be so tied to tradition that we place unnecessary obstacles in the path of people beholding Christ. We will be sensitive to all the generations, while being proactive in our consideration of the most un-churched generations in our day.

Finally, while we do not know how long this process will take, the Worship Pastor Search Committee will give regular updates. We have already begun praying that God will give the committee clear direction by uniting our hearts around the man that He has uniquely prepared to serve on this ministry team and in this church body. We will trust Him. Please pray for us as we seek the Lord.

Following Him, Nate

Vol. 16 No. 8

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TBC Opportunities

TBC Membership Class There will not be a membership class for August due to VBS. On the first Wednesday of most months our TBC Membership Class is offered. The class for September will be on September 5, at 6:15 p.m. in Fellowship Hall-10. Please attend this class if you are interested in learning more about TBC, or are ready to join the church. Dinner and childcare will be provided free of charge. Call Dawn in the church office at 372-2421, if you are interested in attending.

Senior Adult Game Night Monday, August 27, at 6:00 p.m. in the Parlor. Trinity Quilters All ladies are invited to join us for a great time of fellowship and quilting. We meet every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in W-201.

Monday, August 6, teams 1 and 2 will meet Monday, August 20, teams 3 and 4 will meet

Please meet at 7:00 p.m. in ROC-6.

Financial Report June 2012 Revenue: $135, 655.73 Expense: $147,435.49 Revenue Compared to Expense: ($11,779.76)

YTD Through June 2012 Revenue: $930,363.68 Expense: $860, 330.33 Revenue Compared to Expense: $70,033.35

General Fund Balance as of May 30, 2012: $458,911.54

Sunday School Attendance 07/01/12 – 512 07/08/12– 568 07/15/12 – 579 07/22/12 – 570

Believe it or not, the kickoff for WAM and PreSchool Praize is just around the corner! Sunday, August 26,

begins our fall semester of WAM4Kidz. We will end with a Christmas musical titled Chris-Myth Busters.

We have also added many new and exciting electives for you to choose from. We need your help in donating your

old Lego’s (not the preschool kind) to us. We could also use new workers as we are growing in the

number of children attending WAM. Thank you for your help and we are looking forward to

August! If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help, please call Gayla at 223-7763.

TBC Food Pantry Please help out the TBC Food Pantry with

your donation of non-perishable food items. This ministry is a blessing to many in need.

We are running very low on everything. Thank you so much for your help.

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A Special Thank You and Summer Events at TBC

A special thank you to the many volunteers that have helped with the children’s programs this summer. The Kid’s Day Out and Mother’s Day Out workers did a phenomenal job of connecting with the children and their families. They worked tirelessly to put forth a wonderful program each week for our children. We could not have accomplished such a successful summer of fun and learning for our children, without each and everyone of you. Thank you again for being such a blessing to this church.

I also want to thank Tracie Bryant for heading up our Sunday Evening program, Kid’s of Courage. The children loved learning about the persecuted church and hearing from missionaries that took us to Egypt, Nigeria, India, China, and North Korea. John and Sharon Pace, Jess Murphy, Kitty Soo, Ryan and Stephanie Collins, and Darrell and Margaret Pearman were such a great help in teaching about each of these countries.

In lieu of children’s camp this year, on July 13 and 14 we had our first ever at TBC “Kid’s Campout at the ROC.” This was a great success and a great time for everyone who attended. This truly made the best camp alternative we could have dreamed of! Greg and Krista Martin, Bubba and Katye Bargsley, and KC and Jill Cochran even spent the night on the concrete ROC floor!! We also want to thank the parents who helped out with driving and Splash!

Finally, a HUGE thanks to all of the volunteers who helped with Vacation Bible School. I truly believe that God was honored and glorified by our obedience to serve Him through Vacation Bible School. We could not have accomplished the Lord’s task without your help and prayers. Thank you!

Miss Tara

Upcoming Events Welcome to Worship “Welcome to Worship,” will be Thursday, August 16, at 6:00 p.m. in the Parlor (dinner is included). This is a special teaching time to help parents and kindergarten children who will be attending “Big Church” make this transition a positive and meaningful time for the whole family. If you have a child that will be going into kindergarten, please make your reservations by calling Dawn in the church office at 372-2421. New Sunday School Year Sunday school promotion for nursery age to new 5th graders will be Sunday, August 26. The new 6th graders will promote to the youth on the same Sunday this year. Kindergarten children will begin to attend the worship service with their parents on August 26. Wednesday Night Children’s Bible Study Children's Bible Study on Wednesday nights begins on September 5. If you would like to teach in one of the preschool or children's classes during the 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. class time, please contact Tara Cruse at 372-2421. Mother’s Day Out Mother’s Day Out will begin on Tuesday, September 4, and Thursday, September 6. Times are from 8:30 a.m. until 2:45 p.m. We still have some openings if you would like to sign your children up. You may do so by calling the church office at 372-2421.

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Mission Peru August 18 through August 27

On Saturday, August 18, Sam Bass, Jess Murphy, Chuck Higley, Stephen Butler, Mark Marrs, Courtney Marrs, and Ken Hansen will be on their way to Peru! This is the largest group we have taken to Peru from our church and we are excited! Over the last 3 years, doors have been opened for our church to be involved in evangelism, crusades, and revivals in 3 cities in Peru – Bagua, Pisco, and Lambayeque. We are now embarking on a new journey with the churches in Peru. Following our churches mission statement:

We exist to proclaim Christ and make disciples of those who claim Christ, all for the glory of Christ.

On this trip, we will be working with the pastors in Bagua and Lambayeque to better prepare them for discipling the new believers they have and to better equip them to go into their own neighborhoods and share the gospel. Our goal is that they don’t have to wait for outsiders to come in and spread the word, but that they will have the knowledge and passion to share God’s message with their own communities and engaging their church members to do the same. We will also have the opportunity to preach in various churches throughout the week and share the good news that we have come to hold dear to our own hearts. Thank you for your support and prayers. It is always joyful to share with others how God has blessed our church with people that have a heart for missions, a desire to spread the gospel, and disciple those who are seeking God. Please pray for us while we are away:

For safe travel – we will be going by plane and bus, traveling over mountains and into the Amazon region. For the pastors – that they will be energized by God’s word. For the churches – that they will follow the mission calling and go into their neighborhoods and to their friends and not only share, but disciple. For Samuel Reátegui Sanchez – for Samuel and his family as they assist us in our travels and preparation. Pray for his church in Lima (they have been and continue to be willing participants in the crusades). For our team and families – that God will use us to spread the gospel. Pray for our families as we are away, that they will be provided for and comforted while we are away.

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Dear friends, How Jesus describes the church in Smyrna is a great description of the Christians I met in Central Asia. “I know your afflictions and your poverty--yet you are rich!” (Revelation 2:9) God is at work in this beautiful country, and because of your prayers and support I was able to see the work. There is no greater joy than knowing and serving our Savior, so thank you. We had the blessing of encouraging, praying, and serving alongside our brothers and sisters in the country. Wherever the Christians saw need in their country, we went to meet those needs. Everyday our schedules consisted of something new. We visited an elementary school and an University, met with educators, passed out humanitarian aide to a village, played with orphans, shared our testimony with women in prison, had a celebration for the disabled in the community, encouraged believers in a house church, and showed love to a Muslim family. Through this trip, God taught me much about himself. Seeing all the hurting individuals in the country broke my heart and I started to question why. God then spoke to me through His word teaching me that His thoughts and ways are higher than mine. He also taught me that the hurt I felt towards the people is small in comparison to the love and hurt He feels towards His children. That is why he sent Jesus, because of His love! God also showed me the importance of prayer. A believer over there told me three times to pray for their country. And another believer said, "We must pray, we live by prayer.” God hears the prayers of his people! I hope that you will continue to pray for this country. There is still so much to be done. Here are some ways you can be praying:

The Christians in the country. Persecution is a reality there. Some have personally been persecuted, and others have known believers who have been persecuted. The believers to have faith over fear, and that their work would bring Jesus glory. A believer there said, “My goal is to reach everyone with the gospel.” As he is already doing this, pray this continues. For God to protect the believers there from the evil one. For unreached groups in the country to know the Lord. Praise God because he opened up hearts of some of the women in the prison. Those women to grow and share with the other women! For the projects the believers are doing. That funds would be provided, and ultimately they would proclaim clearly the good news. For house churches. There are a few in the country. The suicide rate for women is high. Pray for the Christian women in the country to reach these hurting women with the gospel! Few people have a Bible in their language. Pray for more Bibles to be printed, and then read. For those who have never heard and have no access to His word.

Thank you for praying!

Carlee Hufstedler

Continued on next page

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A meal provided to our group, from a believer

in this country. “Out of her poverty,

she gave everything.”

A small group of the orphan children. Pray as the believers share

the love and truth about Jesus to these children, and that the next generation would become

followers of Jesus.

Giving out supplies to a village.

Our team in this beautiful country.

Central Asia Mission Trip June 2012 Carlee Hufstedler

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Trinity Quilters The ladies from the Trinity Quilters group

made beautiful quilts, pillows, curtains, and brought in furniture, lamps, and a wall

scripture to furnish this room at the Hope Center in Amarillo. Thank you ladies

for being Jesus to this ministry.

Church-Wide Fellowship

On Sunday evening, August 12, at 6:00 p.m.,

TBC will gather together for fun, fellowship, and a cookout, at Austin Park.

The deacons will provide the meat (hamburgers and hotdogs),

buns, chips, plates, cups, and drinks.

The cost will be $1.00 per person to help cover the expense of

the meat. Please bring your own chairs or blanket, and a dessert for


“God calls us to live a life worthy of the Gospel. We affirm a gospel that says that God stood by while His perfect Son was

crucified for OUR sin. That’s love! If you believe that, then live a life worthy of and

matching up with that.”

Francis Chan-Passion 2012

TBC Women's Ministry is excited to

announce an upcoming event! We are planning a Proverbs 31 Fair on Saturday, October 13. If you are a female member

of TBC with a business and are interested in having a booth, please contact

Tanna Murphy at 676-0578, or the church office at 372-2421, for more


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Small Group Kick Off and Sign Up Information Small Groups will begin meeting on Sunday, September 9, around the city. If you would like to participate in a group, please join us for the kick-off event on Sunday, August 26, in the ROC Auditorium. We will introduce all the group leaders and their locations, then allow you to choose the group you would like to meet with this fall. Several groups will be planted to reach out to un-churched co-workers and neighbors. If you are interested in helping with one of these groups, please contact Todd at 372-2421.

Sunday School Promotion and Class Information Although we don’t regularly promote adults in our Sunday School ministry, the fall is a great time to consider changing classes, if you are interested in doing so. Here are the current teachers and age ranges they cover:

Class Director Teacher Age Range Location

Young Married A Nathan Murphy Daniel Coward 20-35 W-204

Young Married B Ricky Wright Danny Richardson 30-35 W-203

Young Adult A George Parr Alan Keister 35-40 E-201

Young Adult B Guy Scoggin Brian Everett 35-45 FH-60

Young Adult C Kevin Fortenberry Carey Skinner 40-50 FH-50

Median Adult A Rusty Raleigh /

Casey King Kirk Merker / Jim Everett

45-55 W-202

Median Adult B Alan Armstrong

Neil Horn Brad Jones 50-60 W-200

Median Adult C Johnnie Helms Larry White 60-70 Chapel

Senior Adult Men Duane Hopkins W-100

Hearts of Faith

Glen and Debbie Fox Carolyn Howard

Senior Adults


Ruth Class Norma Strickland W-100

Senior Adult B Men Elmer Hisel W-100

KWYB Heath Hodge Todd Blackhurst All Ages Parlor

Women of the Word Vernette Galey Debbie Skinner /

Judy Horn All Ages W-201

Sisters in Christ Terri Ford Cecilia Ruthart / Karen Keister

All Ages Bride’s Room

Single Mom’s Luann Everett Darcie Lackey All Ages W-205

Young Professionals Scott Park Chuck Higley Post College - 30 E-100

Adult A Scott and Stacey

Giles Jess Murphy All Ages E-203

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TBC Wednesday Schedule Our Wednesday evening schedule will begin on September 5, which includes something for all ages. Come join the TBC family as we gather for fellowship, food, and encouragement from God’s Word in the middle of the week. The schedule is as follows:

5:15 - 6:30 p.m. Fellowship Dinner (Fellowship Hall) 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. ROC is open for students 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Adult Bible study (Fellowship Hall) 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Children’s Bible study (Upstairs, Children’s Wing) 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. Youth “Planted” Worship Service for all youth, 6th through 12th grade

(ROC Auditorium) 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. TBC Worship Choir Rehearsal (Music Suite)

Dinner Reservations Don’t forget to make your meal reservations online, in your Sunday School department, or by calling the church office. Please remember that reservations need to be made one week in advance. The cost is $5.00 per person or $15.00 maximum per family. Children under 2 are free. You may also make your reservations for the entire month of September (menu coming soon).

Thank You Terri Burke!

When the pastoral staff initially met to discuss the different options for an Interim Children’s Director,

Terri Burke’s name was at the top of our list. We knew Terri to be a woman of God, who is led by the

Holy Spirit, and devoted to prayer. As we look back on these past seven months, we are

so grateful to God for Terri. As a parent of young children, I know that

my kids were ministered to and taken care of well.

As we have welcomed Tara Cruse into the role of Children’s Director, Terri has now stepped aside.

As you see Terri in the coming weeks and months, please be sure to thank her again for her

invaluable service to our church and our children.

Pastor Nate

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August 1 Jennifer Higley Gayna Stephenson Brandon Woodard

August 2 Maci Bostick Charla Frieze John Goen Abigale Rich Terri White

August 3 Chris Baloglou Luann Everitt Mary Frampton Isaac Hands Mattie Pugh

August 4 Christopher Barbaro Tiffany Bridges Neal DeBord Valerie Felton Jacee Pryer Alleta Riddlespurger

August 5 Nolan Barney Mark Gowdy

August 6 Angela Howk Steve Winters

August 7 Mike Connelly Joanna Foster Kyle Griese Thomas Hands

August 8 Merrell Bibby London Hoffman Jake Swann

August 9 Jim Everett Duane Hopkins Heath Witherspoon

August 10 Foster Black Ronnie Gilmore Danny Richardson Jr.

August 11 Adam Armstrong Arlin Frampton David Freeman

August 12 Nathan Armstrong Brian Hoffman

August 13 Kit Black Cinda Carter

August 14 Priscilla Charnesky Bo Dunn Bobbi Jameson

August 15 Bronson Davis Kathy Harper Jacob Hodge Judy Merker Malachi Polley Joshua Splawn

August 16 Lewis Henderson Michael May Winnie Moore Lajuana Sharber

August 17 Doug Doshier Denisa Lintner Sheila Pace Abram Reece Dale Sharber

August 18 Pam Benton Kaye Miller Danny Richardson Amanda Trammell Lacy Trammell

August 19

August 20 Mickey Jennings Austin Jones

August 21 Joyce Brown Larry Case Juanita Hoyt Brian Johnson

August 22 Tim Bryant Carsyn Norton Sandy Whitlow

August 23 Carolyn Howard David Tidwell

August 24 Rebekah Cain Sid Felton Langstyn Selman Chase Thompson Aaron Woodard

August 25 William Kearns

August 26 Katye Bargsley Memre Culwell Angela Messenger

August 27 Sherry Bohrer Bill Neilson Jack Walser

August 28 Vernette Galey Johnnie Helms Lorra London

August 29 Anthony Barbaro Lori Eaves

August 30 Larry Adams Mike Brock Kim Israel Travis Johnson Stacy Phillips Jeramy Pryer

August 31 Donna Bass Kay Cook Ashley Hendrick David London Kason Price

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

See Regular


Schedule Below


See Regular Wednesday

Schedule Below

2 3 Men’s Prayer

Breakfast (Worship Center)

6:15 AM


5 VBS Follow-Up Night

(ROC) 6:00 PM

Ultimate Cow Tongue Game TBC Students vs.

Paramount Baptist Students

(Southwest Park) 7:15 PM


GO Outreach (ROC-6) 7:00 - 8:15 PM

Teams 1 & 2

7 Trinity Quilters (W-201)

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Planted and Ultimate Frisbee

(Austin Park) 7:00 PM



Men’s Prayer Breakfast

(Worship Center) 6:15 AM



TBC Fellowship/Cookout (Austin Park) 6:00 PM



Trinity Quilters (W-201) 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

15 Planted and Ultimate Frisbee/

Sand Volleyball

(Southwest Park) 7:00 PM

16 Welcome to Worship

(Parlor) 6:00 PM

17 Men’s Prayer

Breakfast (Worship Center)

6:15 AM


19 Corporate Prayer

Time (ROC) 6:00 PM


GO Outreach (ROC-6) 7:00 - 8:15 PM

Teams 3 & 4

21 Trinity Quilters (W-201)

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Planted and On Site Scavenger Hunt 7:00 PM


24 Men’s Prayer

Breakfast (Worship Center)

6:15 AM


26 Students & Children Sunday School

Promotion 9:45 AM

WAM4Kidz 5:45 PM PreSchool Praize 6:00 PM

Small Group Celebration Night (ROC) 6:00 PM

Business Conference Following

27 Senior Adult Game Night (Parlor) 6:00 - 9:00 PM


Trinity Quilters (W-201) 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM


ROC Open for Students 6:00 PM

Planted Back to School Bash (ROC) 7:00 PM


31 Men’s Prayer

Breakfast (Worship Center)

6:15 AM

August 2012 For Prayer, call the Church Office at

372-2421,Terri Burke at 236-3542, Art Garner at 622-3480, Shirley Holland at

352-1623, or Betty Wilson at 358-9341

Sunday Schedule Morning Worship

8:20 and 10:50 AM Sunday School 9:40 AM

Sunday Evenings 6:00 PM (ROC)

Wednesday Schedule S.A.IN.T. Worship (W-100) 10:00 AM

Mission Team Leaves for


Mission Team in Peru

VBS - Babylon Daniels Courage in Captivity (ROC) 6:00 until 8:00 PM

Mission Team Peru Returns

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1601 I-40 West

Amarillo, TX 79109



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Tara Cruse

By Baptism

Ashlyn Blackhurst Blade Bridges

TBC Ministry Staff Nate Magloughlin, Senior Pastor

Todd Blackhurst, Associate Pastor Dr. Carey Skinner, Counseling and Pastoral Care Pastor

Ryan Miller, Student Pastor Tara Cruse, Children’s Director

Joshua York, Interim Worship Associate
