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We love - AEA - Österreichische Energieagentur · Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) Verband...

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4 0 th a n n i v e r s a r y 2 0 1 7 40 years We love energy. www.energyagency.at
Page 1: We love - AEA - Österreichische Energieagentur · Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) Verband österreichischer Umweltberater Verbund AG Vereinigung Österreichischer Kessellieferanten Vlaamee

40th anniversary 2017 40years

We love energy.


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PrefaceWorking for the energy of the future40 years of Austrian Energy AgencyOur membersOur partnersOur servicesWe as programme managersExamples of our programmesConnected workAnswers for the future of energyENERGY 2027Good morning, energyBrilliant mindsImprint

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2017 is the 40th anniversary of the Austrian Energy Agency. Today, we know that the central topics of our scientific work that were enshrined in our articles of association in 1977 are as current as ever: renewable energy, energy efficiency, and new technologies.

Today more than ever there is a need for an independent centre of excellence for energy, because the entire energy landscape is changing radically. With the adoption of the Paris Agreement, our goal is now global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions neutrality in the second half of this century. Phasing out fossil fuels is the order of the day.

At the same time, digitisation is changing everything. New tech-nologies will drive the increase in the share of renewable energy and energy efficiency, but they will also completely transform the energy system as we know it: boundaries between different industries will dissolve and new business models will emerge. That means enormous opportunities and challenges alike. We must be prepared for them.

Energy supply is the foundation of our society. Only if it is sustainable and stable can it help us maintain prosperity and further the positive development of our national economies.

Our mission as the Austrian Energy Agency is to highlight possible ways of achieving a fossil-free future and the impact of the energy transformation on business and society. The next years will be crucial in setting the course for an efficient, clean, affordable and low-risk energy future. We will be there to accompany our clients, our members, and international organisations on this path, to provide advice, support the implementation of projects, and bring them together.

Peter Traupmann Managing Director

Direction for tomorrow.40 years ofexperience.

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Working for theenergy of the future.

The Austrian Energy Agency offers answers for the future of energy. We provide scientifically founded advice for decision-makers in politics, business and administration. Our strategic focus is on achieving a fossil-free future, shifting the energy system towards smart energy, and supporting the resulting transformation of energy-related industries. Our focus lies on promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy sources between the poles of competitiveness, climate and environmental protection, and supply security.

The Austrian Energy Agency is active at the national and international levels. It develops strategies for sustainable and secure energy supply, provides advice and training, and is the networking platform for the energy industry.

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1986First oil crisis

Energie-verwertungsagentur (E.V.A) is founded

Chernobyl disaster

Referendum resulting in the Zwentendorf nuclear plant never going into operation

Second oil crisis

Austria, the federal provinces, the large energy supply companies and interest groups – represent the decision-makers and business-es relevant in the energy field. The initial idea of securing energy supply after the energy crises of the 1970s later evolved into the

Founded as a non-profit association in 1977, the “Energiever-wertungsagentur”, as the Austrian Energy Agency was initially called, sought to highlight the interdependencies and challenges of the energy system. The founding members – the Republic of

An eventfulhistory.

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1991 1995

1989 1992 1997Fall of the Iron Curtain

Earth Summit in Rio Kyoto Protocol

European Energy Network is founded

Austria joinsthe EU

main research fields of energy efficiency, establishing renewable energy on the market, and rational, prudent energy consumption by using new technologies. From the very beginning, the articles of association of the Austrian Energy Agency have included the

following mission statement: “to prepare, implement and support measures that contribute to a supply and use of energy that is optimal for the national economy.”

40th anniversary 2017 40years

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2004 2012

2006 2011

2007E.V.A. is renamed Österreichische Energieagentur – Austrian Energy Agency

Earth Summit Rio + 20

EU climate and energy package

Austrian EU presidency

Earthquake and nuclear disaster at Fukushima

Today, the Austrian Energy Agency is a modern expert orga-n isation that can fund itself to a substantial extent thanks to various energy-related scientific research projects. As we see our work as being in the tradition of the international energy partner-

ships, we cooperate on a regular basis with expert organisations in Austria and abroad and represent Austria in international bodies. As a centre of excellence for energy, the Austrian Energy Agency provides scientifically founded advice for decision-

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2013 2016 2017

2015UN Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21)

UN Sustainable Energy for All

Paris Agreement enters into force

40th anniversary of the Austrian Energy Agency

makers from the domains of politics, business and adminis-tration. The focus is on solutions and answers for the future of energy. In addition to its traditional competences, the impacts of digitisation on the energy industry and the energy system

are becoming an increasing factor in the ongoing projects of the Austrian Energy Agency. www.energyagency.at/geschichte

40th anniversary 2017 40years

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The nearly 50 members of the Austrian Energy Agency include the Republic of Austria (represented by the federal ministries), the federal provinces, important energy supply and energy technology companies, interest groups, and scientific organisations.

A diverse and balanced membership structure ensures the independence of the Austrian Energy Agency.

Fachverband des Energiehandels

1045 Vienna | www.energiehandel.net

FGW – Fachverband der Gas- und Wärmeversorgungsunternehmen

1010 Vienna | www.gaswaerme.at

Fachverband der Mineralölindustrie

1045 Vienna | www.oil-gas.at

Fachverband der Österreichischen Holzindustrie

1030 Vienna | www.holzindustrie.at

KELAG | 9020 Klagenfurt | www.kelag.at

Kleinwasserkraft Österreich

1070 Vienna | www.kleinwasserkraft.at

Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH (KPC)

1090 Vienna | www.kommunalkredit.at

Linz AG | 4021 Linz | www.linzag.at

ÖAMTC | 1010 Vienna | www.oeamtc.at

OMV Gas Marketing & Trading GmbH

1020 Vienna | www.omv-gas.com

Österreichische Bundesbahnen ÖBB

1100 Vienna | www.oebb.at

Österreichische Bundesforste AG

3002 Purkersdorf | www.bundesforste.at

Österreichischer Biomasse-Verband

1010 Vienna | www.biomasseverband.at

Österreichischer Kachelofenverband

1220 Vienna | www.kachelofenverband.at

Österreichischer Städtebund

1082 Vienna | www.staedtebund.gv.at

Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik (ÖVE)

1010 Vienna | www.ove.at

Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO)

1030 Vienna | www.wifo.ac.at

Salzburg AG für Energie, Verkehr und Telekommunikation

5020 Salzburg | www.salzburg-ag.at

Tiroler Wasserkraft AG (TIWAG)

6020 Innsbruck | www.tiwag.at

Verband der öffentlichen Wirtschaft und Gemeinwirtschaft

Österreichs | 1010 Vienna | www.voewg.at

Verein für Konsumenteninformation (VKI)

1060 Vienna | www.vki.or.at

Vereinigung der Österreichischen Industrie – Industriellenvereinigung (IV)

1031 Vienna | www.industriellenvereinigung.at

Vereinigung Österreichischer Kessellieferanten (VÖK)

1045 Vienna | www.heizungs.org

Vorarlberger Illwerke AG

6900 Bregenz | www.illwerke.at

Wärmepumpe Austria

4020 Linz | www.waermepumpe-austria.at

Wien Energie GmbH

1010 Vienna | www.wienenergie.at

Wirtschaftskammer Österreich

1045 Vienna | www.wko.at

Federal level

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment andWater Management 1010 Vienna | www.bmlfuw.gv.at

Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy 1011 Vienna | www.bmwfw.gv.at Provinces

Burgenland | 7000 Eisenstadt | www. bgld. gv.at

Carinthia | 9021 Klagenfurt | www.ktn.gv.at

Lower Austria | 3109 St. Pölten | www.noel.gv.at

Upper Austria | 4010 Linz | www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at

Salzburg | 5020 Salzburg | www.land-sbg.gv.at

Styria | 8011 Graz | www.stmk.gv.at

Tyrol | 6020 Innsbruck | www.tirol.gv.at

Vorarlberg | 6900 Bregenz | www.vlr.gv.at

Vienna | 1082 Vienna | www.magwien.gv.at

Companies and institutions

AEE – Institut für nachhaltige Technologien

8200 Gleisdorf | www.aee-intec.at

Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H. (BIG)

1030 Vienna | www.big.at

Energie Burgenland AG

7000 Eisenstadt | www.energieburgenland.at

Energie AG Oberösterreich

4020 Linz | www.energieag.at

Energie Agentur Steiermark gemeinnützige GmbH

8020 Graz | www.ea-stmk.at


1010 Vienna | www.e-control.at

Energie Graz GmbH & Co KG

8010 Graz | www.energie-graz.at

Energieinstitut Vorarlberg (EIV)

6850 Dornbirn | www.energieinstitut.at

Energie Steiermark AG

8010 Graz | www.e-steiermark.com

EVN AG | 2344 Maria Enzersdorf | www.evn.at


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d Our partners ADA - Austrian Development Agency adelphi research gemeinnützige GmbH ADEME AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Austropapier BMLFUW BMVIT BMWFW BMWi (Deutschland) Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) Donau Universität Krems E-4 Experts Energia Exergia Economia Ecologia S.L. Energie AG Oberösterreich Energie Burgenland Energie-Control Austria Energy Agency of the Repulic of Macedonia European Commission / EASME EVN AG Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. Fachverband Maschinen & Metallwaren Industrie (FMMI) Forschungs-förderungsfonds Gas- u. Wärmeversorgungsunternehmen Holzforschung Austria Holzindustrie Österreichs Industriellenvereinigung Institut für höhere Studien (IHS) Istituto di Studi per l`Integrazione dei Sistemi IZES Gmbh Jyväskylä Innovation Ltd. (JI) Kärntner Landesregierung Klima- und Energiefonds Kommunalkredit Austria AG = Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH (KPC) Kommunförbundet Skane SEA Land Niederösterreich Latin American Energy Organization – OLADE NL Agency (ANL) Oberösterreichische Landesregierung Ochsner Wärmepumpen GmbH OeNB Oesterreichische Nationalbank ÖGUT Österreichischer Städtebund Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik - OIB Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut Österreichs Energie Raiffeisen Klimaschutz-Initiative Rewe International AG Salzburg AG Salzburger Landesregierung SEVEn o.p.s SINTEF Byggforsk Stadt Wien Steiermärkische Landes-regierung Technische Universität Wien The Energy Saving Trust Ltd (EST) Tiroler Landesregierung Umweltbundesamt GmbH UNDP UNEP UNIDO Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) Verband österreichischer Umweltberater Verbund AG Vereinigung Österreichischer Kessellieferanten Vlaamee Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek NV Vorarlberger Landesregierung WAV Wärme Austria VertriebsgmbH Wien Energie GmbH WIFO WIIW – Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche Wirtschaftskammer NÖ Wirtschaftskammer Österreich Linz AG MOBIEL 21 and others.c14 | 15

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d Our partners ADA - Austrian Development Agency adelphi research gemeinnützige GmbH ADEME AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Austropapier BMLFUW BMVIT BMWFW BMWi (Deutschland) Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) Donau Universität Krems E-4 Experts Energia Exergia Economia Ecologia S.L. Energie AG Oberösterreich Energie Burgenland Energie-Control Austria Energy Agency of the Repulic of Macedonia European Commission / EASME EVN AG Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. Fachverband Maschinen & Metallwaren Industrie (FMMI) Forschungs-förderungsfonds Gas- u. Wärmeversorgungsunternehmen Holzforschung Austria Holzindustrie Österreichs Industriellenvereinigung Institut für höhere Studien (IHS) Istituto di Studi per l`Integrazione dei Sistemi IZES Gmbh Jyväskylä Innovation Ltd. (JI) Kärntner Landesregierung Klima- und Energiefonds Kommunalkredit Austria AG = Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH (KPC) Kommunförbundet Skane SEA Land Niederösterreich Latin American Energy Organization – OLADE NL Agency (ANL) Oberösterreichische Landesregierung Ochsner Wärmepumpen GmbH OeNB Oesterreichische Nationalbank ÖGUT Österreichischer Städtebund Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik - OIB Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut Österreichs Energie Raiffeisen Klimaschutz-Initiative Rewe International AG Salzburg AG Salzburger Landesregierung SEVEn o.p.s SINTEF Byggforsk Stadt Wien Steiermärkische Landes-regierung Technische Universität Wien The Energy Saving Trust Ltd (EST) Tiroler Landesregierung Umweltbundesamt GmbH UNDP UNEP UNIDO Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) Verband österreichischer Umweltberater Verbund AG Vereinigung Österreichischer Kessellieferanten Vlaamee Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek NV Vorarlberger Landesregierung WAV Wärme Austria VertriebsgmbH Wien Energie GmbH WIFO WIIW – Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche Wirtschaftskammer NÖ Wirtschaftskammer Österreich Linz AG MOBIEL 21 and others.c

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We implement national and international projects and pro-grammes, carry out targeted information campaigns and PR work, and develop strategies for sustainable concepts in the following areas:

• Energy policy and energy law• Energy efficiency, evaluation and monitoring• Renewable energy, biomass and renewable resources• Models for sustainable energy systems• Supply security• Climate protection and flexible mechanisms• Energy-efficient buildings• Energy-efficient appliances• Energy-efficient businesses• Climate-friendly mobility, traffic and transport• Research & development• Consumer behaviour and technology marketing

At the international level, the Austrian Energy Agency is an active partner for Austrian and international organisa-tions, such as the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the United Nations (UNIDO, UNDP). The cooperation with UNIDO was raised to the next level in 2016 with the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation.

We also cooperate with the European Energy Network, the International Energy Agency, the Global Forum on Sustainable Energy, and other energy partners in the EU and worldwide.

The Austrian Energy Agency supports its clients from the domains of politics, business and administration on the road to the future of energy. We develop strategies for sustainable and secure energy supply, support their implementation, provide advice and training, and are the networking platform for the energy industry.

Analysing developments and understanding impact

• Providing market analyses, potential assessments and trend reports on technologies, trends and regulatory matters• Developing energy and economic models and scenarios• Providing feasibility studies, evaluations and expert opinions on energy-related projects

Making and implementing well-founded decisions

• Preparing fundamental information for decisions in energy policy and energy business• Providing strategic expert advice on energy issues• Supporting the implementation of energy-related projects and stakeholder processes

Sharing and communicating knowledge

• Planning and carrying out education and further training measures• Offering training courses at the AEA Academy and as in- house seminars• Organising and carrying out PR measures, conferences and workshops

Our certifications

The Austrian Energy Agency has introduced an energy management system and is ÖNORM ISO 50001:2011 certified. We are also an ÖNORM ISO 29990:2010-certified learning service provider.

High performance inenergy matters.

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The Austrian Energy Agency manages programmes and campaigns, provides advice on energy programmes, and is active both as a project coordinator and a partner in various projects. The following list includes some of our long-term and recent highlights.


klimaaktiv, the climate protection initiative launched by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Envi-ronment and Water Management (BMLFUW) in 2004, is managed by the Austrian Energy Agency. It is a com-prehensive programme for the rapid and widespread introduction of climate-friendly technologies and services in Austria. klimaaktiv offers qualifications and further training, quality assurance, development and implemen-tation of standards, information and advice, and market development with industry partners and the federal provinces. klimaaktiv has four core areas: mobility, energy saving, building & renovation, and renewable energy.

Austrian Energy Partnerships

The Austrian Energy Agency has coordinated and sup-ported Austrian Energy Partnerships with several Central and Eastern European Countries since the 1990s on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, En-vironment and Water Management. The objective of these energy partnerships is the development of sustainable, environmentally safe, and efficient energy supply systems. The focus is on the use of renewable energy sources and consumer-side energy efficiency measures. Cooperation with the partner countries takes the shape of information and networking activities, capacity building for national institutions, policy advice, and supporting demo projects.

Concerted Action on the Renewable Energy Sources Directive

The Renewable Energy Sources Directive 2009/28/EC is a part of the climate and energy package of the EU and creates a binding legal framework for the increased use of renewable energy sources in electricity production, heating and cooling, and traffic and transport by 2020.

With the Concerted Action on the Renewable Energy Sources Directive (CA-RES), the European Commission has created an instrument that supports the Member States in the implementation of the Directive through a structured exchange of experiences. The focus is on areas that require a joint approach and benefit from coordination between the Member States. The Austrian Energy Agency was commissioned by the European Commission in 2010 to coordinate and lead CA-RES, now in its third phase, which has given us a good strategic position as a coordi-nator in Europe.

Public Procurement Promoting Innovation (PPPI)

Public authorities can encourage research, technology and innovation with their procurement decisions. The Federal Procurement Agency (BBG) has established a service centre for public procurement promoting inno-vation (PPPI). The PPPI Service Centre receives expert support from several competence centres. The experts of the Austrian Energy Agency act as the sectoral compe-tence centre for the domain of energy, with a focus on energy efficiency, renewables, and new technologies.

Energy efficiency monitoring body

The energy efficiency monitoring body was implemented by the Austrian Energy Agency on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW).It provides information and services for companies, public authorities and energy service companies that are subject to the stipulations of the Energy Efficiency Act. It evaluates data reported by these, develops standardised methods for the evaluation of energy efficiency mea-sures, and reports continuously on the progress towards reaching the goals at the national level.

We as programme managers.

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Examples ofour projects.

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Energy markets and scenarios Scenarios for electricity and district heating generation with regard to the 2030 and 2050 climate goals: Development of two scenarios with the TIMES integrated energy system model of the Austrian Energy Agency and quantitative assessment of policies and other measures for these scenarios.

Integrated heating plan for the central Salzburg area – implementation strategy for a heating transformation in the energy model region Salzburg: Development for a transition roadmap for phasing out oil and gas from heating energy production as part of the Smart City 2025 master plan of the City of Salzburg and the climate and energy master plan “Klima + Energie 2020” of the Province of Salzburg.

Austrian energy flow chart for 2016: Based on the energy balance 2016 provided by Statistics Austria, the energy flow chart shows the generation, transformation and energy end use across sectors.

Monitoring National energy efficiency monitoring body: The Austrian Energy Agency has been tasked by the BMWFW to act as monitoring body under the Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Directive (2006/32/EC).

ODYSSEE-MURE – Monitoring of energy efficiency in the EU: The Austrian Energy Agency has been regularly supplying the Austrian data to the energy efficiency databases ODYSSEE and MURE since the 1990s.

Fuel price monitoring: Weekly updates of fuel prices for the BMWFW.

Energy efficiencyConcerted Action supporting implementation of Directive 2006/32/ EC and Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council: Exchange of experiences between EU Member States on the implementation of the Energy End-use Efficiency Directive (2006/32/EC) and the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU). The Austri-an Energy Agency is in charge of the “energy efficiency obligation schemes” section.

Ecodesign: Supporting the BMWFW in the EU consultation process on the development of ecodesign and labelling regulations based on EU Directives 2009/125/EC and 2010/30/EU.

National management of the e5 QM implementation in the climate and energy model regions: The internationally tried and tested quality management system e5/EEA® (European Energy Award) has been used successfully in Austria since 1998 as part of the e5 programme for energy and climate model municipalities.

Empowering stakeholders to deliver highly energy efficient pro-fessional cold products: Implementation of national and international policy measures for the technology segment of professional cold products.

Energy Efficiency Compliant Products – Horizon 2020 Market Surveillance Project: Implementation of effective measures for market monitoring of selected groups of products in 10 EU countries and development of supporting instruments for international market surveillance.

Top Runner Initiative: The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) aims to bring energy-efficient and high-quality appliances (“top runners”) to the market faster. The Austrian Energy Agency provides expert advice.

Public procurement promoting innovation (PPPI) in the area of energy efficiency: Support for the BMWFW, Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) and BBG.

Facilitating multi-level governance for energy efficiency: The EU project aims to improve the consistency and quality of planning of energy policy measures between the public authorities of the partici-pating countries.

Renewable energy &renewable resourcesklimaaktiv energieholz: A programme designed to utilise the untapped wood resources in Austria’s forests and bring more wood fuel to the market.

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klimaaktiv Programm für die stoffliche Nutzung von NAWARO (programme for the industrial use of renewable resources): Market activities promoting the increased industrial use of renewable resources in technical processes.

Renewable Energy Working Party (REWP) of the International Energy Agency: Representing Austria on behalf of the BMVIT.

Uptake of solid bioenergy in European commercial sectors (industry, trade, agricultural and service sectors) – Bioenergy for business: Generation of low-temperature and process heat for industry, trade, agriculture and the service sector; increasing regional value added and energy supply security.

Bioenergy Villages – Resource Efficient Bioenergy Value Chains for Rural Development: Creating optimised value chains for the energetic and cascading use of biomass in South-East European countries.

Implementing primary energy and GHG emission factors in Salzburg’s biomass heating plant database: Preparing a methodology report that includes underlying data as a basis for calculations.

Research, development & innova-tion Energy research – gathering data on public spending for RTD in Austria: The Austrian Energy Agency gathers data on public spending for energy research annually for the IEA and publishes a report with the results.

Energy-related EU programmes: The AEA supports the BMWFW and BMVIT in programme committees and steering groups in the “energy” area of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020), the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS), and the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET plan).

Electric Motor Systems Annex: Participation in the IEA Implementing Agreement “Efficient Electrical End-Use Equipment”. The AEA is in charge of the Motor Policy task with the “Policy Guidelines for Electric Motor Systems”.

Austrian participation in the Implementing Agreement on Advanced Fuel Cells (AFC) of the International Energy Agency: Austria joined the Implementing Agreement in 2004; the AEA participates in Annex 25, “Fuel Cells for Stationary Applications”.

Using waste heat from SOFC for buildings and industry: Developing an innovative, highly efficient transformation technology using renew-able energy sources in an urban context.

Identifying and SIMPLIFying legal-administrative procedures and prerequisites linked to the installation and operation of fuel cells and hydrogen technologies: Reducing legal obstacles to the installation and operation of fuel cells and hydrogen technologies.

Energy prices &the national economyEnergy price index (EPI): The AEA analyses the monthly energy price index for private households based on the consumer price index data of Statistics Austria.

EU-MERCI – EU-coordinated Methods and procedures based on Real Cases for the effective implementation of policies and measures sup-porting energy efficiency in the Industry: This programme supports industries in effectively implementing energy efficiency methods in processes and in producing the technical and economic reports of savings required as part of obligation schemes.

Contribution of AEA to the UNIDO REA Work Plan: Supporting the Russian Energy Agency (REA) in developing an energy efficiency benchmarking system for the Russian industry.

Reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions through Improved Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector in Georgia: Implementation of energy-efficient technologies and energy management systems and reducing GHG emissions in the industrial sector in Georgia using best practice cases.

INTAS – Industrial and tertiary product Testing and Application of Standards: How can the requirements of the Ecodesign Directive be met in the case of very large industrial products, particularly trans-formers and industrial fans?

Next-level energy efficient lighting systems in the service sector – PremiumLight_Pro: Innovative LED technology for interior and exterior lighting in the public and private service sectors.

Buildings & constructionEPBD Concerted Action: Exchange of experiences and coordination between the EU Member States in the Energy Performance of Build-ings Directive.

Removing barriers to low carbon retrofit by improving access to data and insight of the benefits to key market actors: The information and recommendations for refurbishment (in existing buildings) included in the energy performance certificate are to be used more effectively as a basis for decisions on refurbishment measures, thereby contributing to increasing the rate of refurbishment.

Neighbourhood-based approaches for smart modernisation in Vienna: The focus is on providing technological requirements for housing in old age.

Potentials and restrictions in network-based heat supply in neigh-bourhoods: A comprehensive view of network-based heat and cooling supply in municipal energy concepts that involve aspects of energy spatial planning.

New competence for building professionals and blue collar work-ers – certified qualification schemes to ensure the high quality of nZEB buildings: Developing specific further training modules for the optimum implementation of energy efficiency and renewables in the construction industry that are recognised across Europe.

Mobility, traffic & transportE-MOTO – action and motivation plan for establishing e-mobility among young riders of two-wheel motor vehicles: This programme aims to re-place two-wheel motor vehicles, especially those with two-stroke engines with high air pollutant and noise emissions, with more environmentally safe electric vehicles.

Incentives for Cleaner Vehicles in Urban Europe: Implementing a fleet tool that calculates the savings generated by electric vehicles over their lifecycle in order to promote the use of hybrid and electric vehicles in large fleets.

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The klimaaktiv mobil EcoDriving Initative: Fuel-saving training for passenger cars, lorries, buses and tractors; fuel-saving competitions, cooperation with the WHO/UNECE platform “Transport, Health, Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP)”.

Train the Trainers – e-mobility for driving instructors: One-day training course to enable driving instructors to integrate the topic of electromobility into their curriculum.

Regions, cities & municipalitiesPublication “Klima und Energie: Wissen kompakt” (“Climate and energy: Compact information”): Well-organised and clear introduction to the wide area of climate and energy topics, especially for managers of climate and energy model regions.

klimaaktiv municipalities and e5: Municipalities are used as multipliers for climate protection and energy transition or energy autonomy to activate their citizens, businesses and municipal institutions for climate protection and energy matters.

Competition for energy efficiency and climate protection in hostelry business – Alpine Convention 2017-2018: 10 companies are awarded and will act as models for strengthening sustainable, climate-friendly tourism in the Alpine countries.

EU & international cooperationCA-RES: The Austrian Energy Agency coordinates the Concerted Action supporting the transposition and implementation of Directive 2009/28/EC on behalf of the European Commission (3rd phase until 2019).

Global Forum on Sustainable Energy: Technical cooperation, organ i-sation of an annual conference.

Support to the Energy Efficiency Programme of the Caribbean Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE): Working pro-gramme for the Caribbean Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) to be implemented in cooperation with regional and national stakeholders.

Support to the implementation of waste-to-energy solutions in the city of Ulaanbaatar: Conducting a pre-feasibility study for a waste incineration plant and analysis of the district heating market in the city of Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia.

cee.net: Energy in Central and Eastern Europe: English-language website with regularly updated data and information about the energy sector in the CEE countries.

Energy partnerships with Central and Eastern European Countries: Promotion of environmentally friendly, efficient, socially responsible, and economically sound solutions for energy supply in the Central and Eastern European partner countries; alternatives to the use of nuclear energy.

Austrian electricity price index (ÖSPI): Since October 2008, the AEA has been publishing the Austrian electricity price index as informa-tion for electricity suppliers and customers (based on a standardised method of calculation) and providing a forecast for the electricity price changes to be expected in the coming month.

Austrian gas price index (ÖGPI): The Austrian gas price index, first published in March 2010, provides a monthly overview of the whole-sale natural gas price.

Transition to low-carbon households: Creating a roadmap for energy efficiency options in households; analysis of relevant energy policy instruments.

Guiding European Policy toward a low-carbon economy: For the transition to a low-carbon economy, policy makers and other key stakeholders require tools that need to focus beyond the energy sector to include other domains of economy, society, and the environment.

Consumer behaviour Topprodukte: topprodukte.at is a web-based information service by klimaaktiv that helps consumers and professional purchasers find high-quality, energy-saving products.

You are a smart consumer: Using smart metering to create consumer interest in saving energy.

Enabling consumers’ action towards top energy-efficient products: Effective consumer information to drive the demand for energy-saving products.

Campaign Smart Energy – Generation Y, Z: Raising awareness for energy topics and an efficient use of energy among young people. A key element of the campaign is the online tool SMERGYmeter.

Pilot project for training apprentices as energy efficiency multi-pliers: Workshop tour with information on energy, energy-efficient appliances and lighting, tips for sales advisory service and for saving electricity at home.

Industry & tradeEnergy efficiency programme for industry and trade: “klimaaktiv energieeffiziente Betriebe” (energy-efficient enterprises) aims to achieve significant energy savings (min. 50 million kWh/year) and a reduction in emissions (min. 20,000 t CO2/year) in the production sector.

Energy Management Plans and Sector Level Scenarios for Ukrain-ian Food and Drink Industry: Based on previous energy efficiency benchmarking studies for the Ukrainian food and drink industry, this UNIDO project develops concrete energy management plans for individual sectors.

Promotion of Energy Audits (EN 16247) and Energy Management in SMEs: In the ideal case, energy audits result in a high implementation rate of the measures suggested and their integration into the energy management system in question. In a test phase, ten energy audits in steam systems are being conducted in Austria.

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International Energy Agency (IEA)

As a member of the IEA, Austria has a number of rights and opportunities, and the obligation to participate invarious bodies and working groups. We try to make the best possible use of these opportunities. The Austrian Energy Agency supports Austria’s membership with exper-tise in several areas, including renewable energies, fossil fuels, greenhouse gases, wind, SolarPACES, fuel cells, and motor systems.

Cooperation between UNIDO and AEA

The Austrian Energy Agency and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) have had a partnership for the cooperation and exchange of expert knowledge (in the fields of renewables and industrial energy efficiency) since June 2013. In November 2016, the two bodies signed a Memorandum of Cooperation exten-ding their collaboration. The cooperation between the two institutions enables considerable synergies. The Austrian Energy Agency contributes its expertise in areas such as industrial energy efficiency, developing international energy projects, utilising international climate policy instruments, and creating energy policies that provide the necessary framework for energy efficiency.

Kooperation der Länder und Energieagenturen (KLEA) – Cooperation of Austrian provinces and energy agencies

KLEA, a body dedicated to facilitating cooperation be-tween Austria’s provinces and energy agencies, is an im-portant communication link to the provinces. As the pro-vinces have considerable competences in energy matters, we consider this an important strategic area. The Austrian Energy Agency supports the provinces with information, studies, advisory opinions, presentations, and by partici-pating in working groups and commissions. The Austrian Energy Agency also participates regularly in the cooperation meeting of the provinces and energy agencies, which is held three times a year. The objective of this meeting is to optimise cooperation and information flow.

European Energy Network (EnR)

The Austrian Energy Agency is a member of the European Energy Network EnR, founded in 1991, where the national energy agencies of currently over 20 European countries cooperate. The network bundles the competence and expertise of all member agencies, enabling it to provide important impetus and act as a multiplier for the Euro-pean Commission and the European Parliament. The main task of the EnR is to promote and steer the exchange of information, experiences and know-how, e.g. in the imple-mentation of energy-related EU Directives. The EnR mem-bers meet twice a year, at the regular and the full meeting. Eight working groups on different topics develop joint project proposals, such as in the Horizon 2020 programme.

Connected work.Connected thought.

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73 percent of the gross domestic energy consumption of the 28 EU Member States is based on fossil fuels.

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We provide answersfor the future of energy.

The world of energy is faced with complex questions: What actions are necessary for global climate protection? How does our energy system work in the digital age? What will energy and mobility services and related industries be like in future? The next years will be crucial for finding answers to these questions and setting the course for an efficient, clean, affordable and low-risk energy future. Decisions and investments made today will have an impact on life in 2030, 2050, and beyond. The transformation of the energy system and, consequently, our society must be analysed early on and shaped in a gradual, consistent manner

This is the goal of the Austrian Energy Agency’s strategy “Answers for the future of energy”.

We focus on three core topics:

shifting the energy system towards smart energy, the resulting transformation of energy-related industries, and the vision of a fossil-free future – our “visionzero”.

In these areas, we provide advice and training, develop materials to serve as a basis for decisions as well as implementation suggestions for business, politics, adminis-tration, and national and international organisations and institutions.

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Implementing visionzero, the vision of a fossil-free future, is in keeping with the Paris Agreement and one of the most crucial tasks of this century. Energy sources and materials are becoming re-newable and sustainable.

Smart energy means that the many different components of the future of energy and mobility work together as well as possible. Producers, networks, storage sys-tems and consumer technologies communicate with each other, be-coming more efficient and smart.

Digitisation, decentralisation and decarbonisation enable new business models and make the world of energy more diverse. Barriers to entering the market are diminishing, bound-aries between different industries are dissolving, and consumers are becoming “prosumers”. New actors are entering the market.

visionzero Smart energy Transformation

A focus on the vision of a fossil-free future.

A focus on intelligent and efficient energy systems of the future.

A focus on the cooperation of all actors for the future of energy.

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2017 is the 40th anniversary of the Austrian Energy Agency. The theme of the year is ENERGY 2027>>, and it is dedicated to examining the future of energy in depth from different angles. 2027 seems just around the corner, but in view of the disruptive and exponential developments, it is hard to tell today what the world of energy will really look like in 10 years

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and which challenges we will face. But one thing is clear: The next years will be crucial in setting the course for an efficient, clean, affordable and low-risk energy future. www.energyagency.at/energy2027

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Energy is an indispensable part of our existence. Energy supply is a topic of economic, social and political relevance that touches on the conflicts arising from scarcity of resources, rising prices, environmental damage, and the demands of modern societies.

The energy industry is facing enormous challenges: climate goals and exiting fossil fuels, digitisation and all the hard to anticipate developments it entails, and the increasing com-plexity and competitive pressure will change the industry massively. We are facing a profound transformation of the energy system, with a European and a global dimension.

The future of our energy cannot be secured by focusing on details alone. It is essential to examine and change the entire energy system in all its complexity. Politics, adminis-tration and business must work hand in hand and develop goals and strategies for a sustainable transformation of the energy system – also with a view to the opportunities this generates for the Austrian economy.

It seems like 2050 and the goals for it lie in the far future. But profound changes need time. If we want to achieve a fossil-free future in keeping with the Paris Agreement, we cannot afford to wait – we must act today. The Austrian Energy Agency will do its part.

Good morning,energy.

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The Austrian Energy Agency strives to communicate the enormous importance that the future of energy has for all of us to a wide audience. That future is especially important for today’s children. Therefore, the Austrian Energy Agency initiated a school competition in order to raise awareness among children and young people and involve them actively in the develop-ment of ideas for renewable energy sources, new technologies, and energy efficiency in a way that is fun for them. We asked

School competitionThe winning picture by Valentin, who is in the fourth grade of the Protestant elementary school in Vienna’s sixth district.

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elementary school children to express their creativity in an art competition, while secondary school students made their own newspapers. A selection of the many creative contributions as well as the winning projects can be viewed online: http://www.energyagency.at/schulwettbewerb

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40 Jahre Österreichische Energieagentur

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The EU Commission aims to increase energy efficiency by 30 percent by 2030. This increase as compared to a business-as-usual scenario is to be reached through additional measures.

These binding energy efficiency goals for 2030 are designed to support reducing Member States’ dependence on energy imports, strengthening local businesses and making them more competitive, and creating new green jobs.

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Our energy system is like a mosaic, consisting of many different aspects and elements. In order to develop it in a suitable way, we are looking at the challenges of the future of energy from all necessary perspectives. Our employees all contribute their different scientific back-grounds to our common vision: an efficient and sustain-able future of energy.

Our HR development strategy includes numerous further training programmes and support measures. This allows our employees to master a wide variety of challenging tasks successfully and efficiently and to approach new challenges with motivation and confidence. The Austrian Energy Agency bundles the expert know-ledge of all these brilliant minds and uses it to create comprehensive scenarios for the future.

Brilliant minds working towards a common goal.

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Imprint | Published by: Österreichische Energieagentur – Austrian Energy Agency | Mariahilfer Straße 136, A-1150 Wien

Ph. +43 (1) 586 15 24, fax +43 (1) 586 15 24 - 340 | e-mail: [email protected] | Internet: http://www.energyagency.at

Editor in Chief: DI Peter Traupmann | Editors: Mag. Klaus Kraigher MAS, Laura Fanschek BA, Mag. Heinrich Sigmund MSc and Dr. Margaretha

Bannert | Concept and graphic design: OPEN#121 | Cover, pp. 6, 7, 39, illustrations: OPEN#121 | Photos pp. 5, 13, 17, 19, 23, 33: Shutterstock, p. 34

Valentin, 4th grade Evangelische Volksschule Wien-Gumpendorf

Printed at: AV + Astoria | Paper: IQ print 250 g/m2 | Produced and published in Vienna | 1st edition, August 2017 | © Austrian Energy Agency

www.fsc.orgFSC® A000521

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