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Wealth power success

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1 http://bit.ly/wealthpowersuccess A Review of Stewart Goldsmith’s Power, Wealth And Success Mentoring Program Ground Breaking Philosophy On Creating Freedom, Wealth And Success In Today’s Oppressive Big Brother Society NOTE: This report represents the views and opinions of the author. Some of the subject matter may be considered offensive or controversial. It is therefore advised that you should not read this publication if you are easily offended or are uncomfortable with questioning your beliefs.
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A Review of

Stewart Goldsmith’s

Power, Wealth And Success

Mentoring Program

Ground Breaking Philosophy

On Creating Freedom, Wealth

And Success In Today’s

Oppressive Big Brother Society


This report represents the views and opinions of the author. Some of the subject matter may be considered offensive or controversial. It is therefore advised that you should not read this publication if you are easily offended or are uncomfortable with questioning your beliefs.

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The very fact that you have downloaded this report indicates to me that you ‘stand out from the crowd’ enough to be given access to this powerful


Unlike the vast majority of people, it seems you are interested in improving your life, and that perhaps you desire to break free from the normal grind. More importantly still, you are prepared to take action towards this goal,

instead of just complaining. This is proven by the fact that you have been looking for answers, and are now reading this report.

So, you have at least the potential to attain the life you desire.

Inner Circle is a group dedicated to bringing WEALTH, PERSONAL POWER and FREEDOM to the lives of its members. This is achieved by providing the instruction and support of someone who has ‘been there, done that’.

For over a decade, I have been quietly committed to helping my Inner Circle

members bring their dreams to reality. I am a wealthy individualist who is prepared to share my vast experience of making money with my Inner Circle members.

My name is Stuart Goldsmith, and one thing you should know straight away is that I am a self-made multimillionaire. That’s important. Why would

anyone want to learn about money and freedom from a broke person? Beats me!

To be a member of Inner Circle is something very special. Together, we will build a bridge of trust between us. You will come to trust me, and to see that

the information I will be giving you is true. I will come to trust you not to reveal our secrets to just anyone.

Starting on the Road to Wealth & Freedom

Now that I have introduced myself, we can get straight down to some crucial Inner Circle facts about Wealth, Personal Power and Freedom. Let me start by explaining one of the basic tenets of my philosophy:-

People are NOT equal. They never have been, and they never will be. Any

attempts to make them equal are doomed to failure. Some people are superior to others - they always have been. Most people are like sheep - they always will be. We are not sitting in judgment here - This is just a plain, simple fact of life.

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There, you see! I’ve shocked you a little already! But remember, in the Inner Circle grades, I intend to shock you a great deal more! This is essential if I am

to help you part the veils of illusion which have prevented you from achieving your full potential up until now.

So, you see, Inner Circle is only for the ‘chosen few’. People like YOU who have set foot upon the path of power, freedom and wealth.

You have chosen that path, haven’t you? Perhaps you have some doubts at this stage? Doubts about ‘saving the world’ or ‘helping the starving millions’, that

kind of thing? Don’t worry. Perhaps I can reassure you with the following statement:-

A strong, wealthy, powerful and free person is far, far better equipped to REALLY help someone, or to improve a bad situation, than a weak,

pathetic, poor and trapped sheep!

Inner Circle members of higher grades move into every situation with power and true integrity. They bring about real and lasting changes in their own lives, and in the lives of those around them. Just to be near to one of these people

is enough for you to see and feel their very real power. The sheep, in contrast, only whine and bleat about how awful everything is,


Now, because one of the basics of Inner Circle philosophy is that people are NOT equal, it therefore follows that not everyone can become rich, powerful and free! Let me say that again, in case you missed it:-

Not everyone can become rich, powerful and free.

In fact, I would go further and say that very, very few people will ever achieve this state.

For example, you, at the moment, are not rich, you are not powerful, and you are not free.

Agreed? In fact, let’s cut to the core here and state that you’re probably pretty

broke, trapped and powerless. Remember, it’s only you and me here, so we don’t have to pretend.

In contrast, I am very rich, quite powerful and almost totally free! But that’s OK because I’m the master, and you’re the pupil, right? You wouldn’t bother listening to me if the situation was different, would you? There are few things

worse than receiving a manual on ‘How To Become A Millionaire’ which has

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been written by some poor, broke moron who never made more than a few thousand in his entire miserable life, right?

It is my aim to help you to become, like me, rich, powerful and free. This

should be YOUR aim too. You must have a burning desire to achieve these aims. A wishy-washy half-hearted approach simply will not do. You must be committed. Committed to WEALTH. Committed to POWER and committed to


The Circle of Wealth, Personal Power & Freedom

Perhaps I should make a statement here concerning why I have chosen to link POWER + WEALTH + FREEDOM. Why, for instance, do I not concern myself

purely with making you wealthy? The answer is that over many years I have come to realise the inextricable link

between these three aspects of human development. You cannot become wealthy if you are trapped by various stultifying belief systems. If you are completely and utterly un-free, you will never become rich. I can promise you


You must become free before you can become wealthy. Similarly, if you are totally powerless (and this is obviously linked with lack of

freedom), you cannot become rich and free.

If other people are in control of your life, then you cannot make serious money or gain personal freedom. If you let others pull your strings and make you dance like a puppet, then it is absolutely impossible to become wealthy.

There is a circle of power involved here. Almost a “Catch 22” situation, unless you tackle it properly, my way.

The negative circle of power goes something like this:-

You are poor, so you are trapped (e.g. in a badly paid job which you hate). This means that you are not free. This makes you ‘flat’ at best or depressed at worse

and this stifles your creative energies. You become listless and cannot find the energy to go out and challenge, to dare and to win.

Your lack of money makes you powerless (for money truly does equal power). Your powerlessness can be spotted at fifty paces and so no-one treats you with respect, let alone awe. This prevents you mixing with other powerful and rich

people - moving in higher circles if you will - which in turn helps prevent you from achieving power.

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It looks a bit like this:-


You cannot break out of this vicious cycle by yourself, simply by changing one element of it.

Notice I say “by yourself”. Obviously if someone were to hand you ten million

pounds, then the cycle would be broken immediately; but the chances of you achieving great wealth whilst still being trapped and powerless are almost zero. You have to tackle all three at once. This is absolutely essential if you are going

to improve your lot in life. This is what I will teach you to do. By tackling all three elements at the same time, you will spiral slowly upwards

and gradually become free, powerful and rich. Perhaps you are spiralling DOWNWARDS at the moment! The first thing to do is to reverse this trend.

Now, on a more positive note, when you move up through the Inner Circle power-grades, tackling all three of these elements at the same time, you find

yourself on this upward spiral! It goes something like this:-

You start to realise that others have been controlling your life. You begin to break free of these controls. This releases your personal power and creative energy. You start to tackle the wealth creating projects. You start to make a

bit of money. The money you make brings increased confidence. This is noticed by others. You become more powerful. You make more money, you

become more free, you become more powerful, etc. etc. You slowly spiral UPWARDS through the various levels of WEALTH, PERSONAL POWER and

FREEDOM. It looks a bit like this:-



To attach yourself to this spiral, and reverse your current (possible) downward

spiral, you will need to WAKE UP and STOP DREAMING! This is why my material is so shocking – some would even say offensive. I cannot help you to

achieve your dreams and desires by tiptoeing around you and making my every statement bland, inoffensive and acceptable to all.

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If you stay the course with Inner Circle, you will be forced to shatter many of your previously held convictions and beliefs. This can be a little unnerving,

even shocking and painful.

You will need very great strength of character to complete this task, but you will have the terrific feeling that huge weights are dropping from your shoulders every time you unmask one of these illusions.

So, I would be amazed if there were not quite a few things which you found shocking, disturbing or offensive in this material. This is quite intentional!

It is precisely for this reason that I chose the format of Inner Circle.

To put it bluntly, I only choose to spend my life-energy and time on people who are prepared to listen and prepared to act. By narrowing the field down to

people who apply to Inner Circle, I am able to reach those people like you who are poised on the threshold of personal power, and eliminate most of the

dreamers and sceptics. I long ago came to the conclusion that the vast majority of people, who I

affectionately call ‘sheep’ throughout these materials, are deeply, soundly asleep and have no intention whatsoever of waking up. I further realised that it was arrogance on my part to even think that I could wake them

up, or that it would even be valuable to wake them up!

It is therefore not my intention to embark upon a ‘one man crusade’ to wake people up. I am not attempting to change the world, and I am certainly not

arrogant enough to believe that I could do so, even if I wanted to. I cannot even judge whether waking the world up would be desirable. I

certainly know that it is impossible, and so there is little point in trying. The release of Inner Circle material to interested people such as yourself, does not constitute an attempt to wake up the masses.

I hope that you are feeling a little bit shocked. Believe me, that is nothing compared to the shock you will experience when you receive higher grade materials. Inner Circle material is shocking because it blasts away all of your previously held convictions, morals, beliefs and limitations, replacing them

with personal freedom and unlimited personal power.

Personal Power & Freedom It is a complete waste of human effort to attempt to ‘improve’ yourself, or your

circumstances, whilst you are shackled and manacled by the chains of control with which others seek to enslave you.

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An Inner Circle initiate accepts that the world is brimming-over with people who are desperate to control others, just as it is brimming-over with people

who are desperate to have others control them. He or she is content to let both sets of people act out their games, and while-away their lives.

Inner Circle Initiates play no part in such games. They learn to recognise all controlling tactics - even subtle ones - for what they are, and quite simply

ignore them. They are in control of themselves, and allow no other agency to assume this awesome responsibility. In this way, you have absolutely no-one to blame, and you move through life with Power, Purpose and Certainty.

In order to live a life of wealth, personal power and freedom it is imperative that

you first start to break free of controls, and then move towards your life-goals. So, Inner Circle shows you not only how to attain great wealth, but also how to break free of these controls.

To achieve this particular end, I will need to devote space to exposing, or

explaining the various artificial controls that are placed on your life. I will also be telling you exactly how people try and get you to sacrifice your talents to their advantage. It is through removal of these controls - by becoming free -

that you gain great personal power. In short, the power to be whatever it is you want to be.

It’s hugely exciting to be free and powerful, in a world where the ‘sheep’ are fast asleep!

There is nothing quite like the daily ‘buzz’ you get when you know that you are one of the few people who are ‘awake’. Call it smug, call it elitist, call it what

you will, once you have experienced it, I guarantee that you will never fall asleep again!

Quite simply, the extent to which you believe and apply the teachings of Inner Circle, is the extent to which you are free. Put another way, the less you

believe and apply Inner Circle material, the less free you are. The choice is yours - and it is a choice. You can choose to remain locked away

in the darkest dungeon, never seeing the light of day; or you can transfer yourself to another cell, which has a small window; or you can move yourself to

an ‘open’ prison, or....you can walk out of jail into the full light of the day.

The latter person has spiralled upwards through all of the grades of Inner Circle; the other people are ‘neophytes’ or learners who are some way along the path. I am their guide and teacher along this exciting path.

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The Inner Circle Approach

If you join my Inner Circle, I aim to give you the most detailed, step-by-step guide to personal power, freedom and wealth ever published.

Quite simply, by joining this circle you are aiming to make a very great deal of money, you are aiming to achieve real power over your own life, and you are

attempting to become free from the restrictions that others seek to place over you.

How is this achieved?

Every month (or more quickly if you prefer), you would receive teaching materials appropriate to your grade. The carefully structured format of Inner Circle is designed to bring powerful and lasting changes to your life.

The first Grade of Inner Circle, consists of one release, which gives a full

overview of the philosophy on power and freedom. You also receive The Midas Method ebook. Each of the remaining nine Grades are made up of two releases:-

Release One contains teaching materials on FREEDOM and POWER. Release two contains teaching materials on how to achieve (and keep)


This comprehensive approach empowers you to access the cycle of wealth, personal power and freedom.

So, having discussed the power and freedom element of Inner Circle earlier,

let’s now take a look at the wealth building section. Wealth Creation

The wealth creation materials contain practical, hard-hitting information on

how to make, and keep great wealth. I will be telling you everything you need to know in order for you to make a lot of money - if that’s what you want.

I’ll also be telling you how to get out of debt, how to become wealthy over the next five years, and how to live a sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle.

Firstly, let me make something clear. At no time will you be working for me either directly or indirectly. Everything you make, you keep. I am simply going

to tell you the best, least-risky and easiest way of making money that I know

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about. Furthermore, I will tell you in exact detail how to make this money, step-by-step.

My qualifications for doing this are simple. I have personally made a fortune -

many millions - using exactly the methods I will be sharing with you. Those are all the qualifications you could ever ask for, or need. Unlike those other ‘manual writers’ I have been there, done it, made the money and

retired with a personal fortune of over £10,000,000. Secondly I will be telling you ‘inside’ information which took me years to

accumulate – the hard way. This information alone is worth thousands of pounds, in fact you probably couldn’t buy it at any price.

This insider knowledge is reserved only for members of my elite Inner Circle.

Over the last few years I have accumulated enough inside information on making and keeping money to blow your boxer shorts off! And if you don’t wear

boxer shorts, I suggest you step right out and buy a pair, just for the thrill of having them blown off by the information contained in these Wealth Creation releases!

Now, over the years of developing this business idea, I have received hundreds

of letters from people asking me what my ‘secret’ of making money was. These letters came from totally unconnected people around the country, and yet these people all had exactly the same desires!

Uncanny, isn’t it? And yet I’ll be prepared to wager that YOU have these same desires too.

Let me tell you what they all (and I mean ALL) wanted:

1. Loads and loads of money.

2. A legal, practical and ethical way of making this money.

3. A business which they could run part-time at first (evenings and

weekends) until they proved the concept, and then move into it full time. In other words, they didn’t want

to risk giving up a good job (if they had one) to move into a risky venture which could leave them stranded.

4. A business that required no staff, and no premises.

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5. A business which required almost no start-up capital (because they didn’t have any!).

6. A business they could run regardless of their age, sex, race or

educational qualifications. 7. And last but not least, a business which was FUN, as well as being

highly lucrative. Sounds pretty good, eh? What’s that? You wouldn’t mind a slice of this action

yourself? Well, the business I will teach you about offers exactly this - and then some!

In my opinion, all other businesses are feeble when compared with this business - and I’ve tried quite a few in my time. No other business will offer you

the chance of making serious money, and certainly no other business can be operated so effortlessly from the very first day.

What’s more, it can be run from your own home. There is no need to rent expensive premises, or employ staff. You can run this business evenings or

weekends, and you can easily make more money in ONE EVENING, than you do in ONE MONTH of your normal life. This is not an exaggeration. It is a huge

growth area, and if you get it right, you can make millions and millions and millions of pounds - just like me.

Let me qualify this by saying that if you are already running a business, and it is doing reasonably well for you, then hang onto it whilst you are learning

about this venture. However, I realise that most of you reading this will not be running a business

at present. In fact most of you will never have run any kind of business before and won’t know where to begin.

That’s where these releases will again prove so valuable, because I’ll be telling you step-by-step how to start and run your own successful business.

First of all, let me tell you what it’s like running a ‘normal’ business:

It’s absolutely, totally bloody awful, that’s what it’s like!!

I’ve run lots and lots of businesses, from multi-million pound electronics companies to ‘half a bedroom’ companies - so I know what I’m talking about. Running any kind of ‘normal’ business is a constant heartache. I’m not saying

it’s out of the question for you to do this. Many people make a modest success of it, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t either. It’s just that there is a

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much, much easier way of making money than running a conventional business. By ‘conventional’, I mean a business which:

1. Has premises, no matter how small.

2. Employs people, no matter how few. I state here and now, that when you start out you should…


Sounds a bit crazy? Surely all businesses have premises and employ people as a bare minimum? These are the key features of a business, aren’t they?

Not in THIS business they’re not!!


Because the Inner Circle releases are addressed to normal people.

People who haven’t got £40,000++ to invest in even a tiny business (the average chip shop would cost you £150,000!). People with no business experience whatsoever. People with only a few hundred pounds to start a business, and

even that is hard come by. It’s easy if you’ve got a spare quarter of a million and you’re casting around for

a good business to buy. It’s simple if you’ve just spent four years on a business study course and know everything there is to know. Right? But where does that

leave the NORMAL person, the person who simply wants to improve his or her life, to get a better standard of living for themselves and their family, and to

free themselves from the treadmill of working for someone else? Answer: they’re stuffed!

So most people give up, or don’t even consider running their own business. But

they don’t have access to these materials!! Because there really IS a way which a hardworking, ‘normal’ person of average intelligence and ability can start their own business and make a reasonable wedge.

It is, of course, the way I will be revealing to you in the Inner Circle releases.

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In addition to all the previously mentioned advantages, I can think of quite a few more benefits of this business:

1. It’s anonymous. Nobody knows who you are.

2. No-one knows how much money you are making. You could make a MILLION pounds on one project and no-one would be the wiser. This stops

competition dead in its tracks. 3. There is no face-to-face selling involved.

4. You never have to go ‘cap in hand’ to the bank for money, as your cash-flow

is always positive. 5. It’s clean. It’s not heavy work. You can do it in your own time - midnight ‘til

five in the morning if those are the hours you keep.

6. There is no travelling. You don’t even need a car! 7. You hardly ever see or speak to your customers (believe me, that’s an


8. There are no ‘hidden’ costs. You know, in advance, exactly what everything will cost you, down to the last penny. This allows you to plan.

The benefits just go on and on and on. So what do you need to succeed in this business?

You need a helping shove from an acknowledged expert in the field. And that

person is none other than shy, retiring, self-effacing, modest little-old me! Seriously, I’ve made so much dosh out of this business, it’s almost embarrassing! I’ve spent years learning the hard way, and I’m going to be

passing on every detail to you so that you can emulate my success..

I am prepared to teach you, if you are prepared to learn. I’ll tell you every little wrinkle, every little dodge, I’ll hold absolutely nothing back.

Most normal businesses are a first class pain in the bum. They require lots of money at the start. They require your life’s efforts for at least five years

before the rewards start flowing to you. Most normal businesses fail within two years of start-up, resulting in huge

personal losses for the owners.

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So, I say, “Forget all that”. I suggest starting a business which requires no premises, no staff, no overheads (to speak of), and most importantly - no large

start-up capital. And I’ll be telling you exactly how to start this business from scratch.

Every other business is a nightmare of rules, regulations, overheads and paperwork.

I mean, sure, if you feel inspired and compelled to start a steel-smelting plant, then go ahead.

But the prime aim of doing any of this stuff is to have fun and make money,

right? You want to work about half as hard, have fun, and make at least four times a normal salary, right? Don’t lose sight of that! You want to do this in an EASY way, okay? You don’t want to be on some sort of giant ego-trip



But remember what we discussed earlier, you must ALSO start to become

FREE and EMPOWERED before you will be able to make serious money. Joining Inner Circle will give you a chance. A chance of real power and wealth.

If you decide not to take that chance then that is entirely up to you. I won’t be hurt, I won’t be upset, I won’t try and change your mind. In fact the fewer

people who know about the secrets of Inner Circle, the better for those of us who DO know.

Inner Circle is aimed at a tiny fraction of one percent of the population - people who are prepared to ‘wake up’ and take firm and powerful control of their lives…

Are you ready to do this?

Click here to learn more about the Inner Circle mentoring program



